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Recommendations for hidden gems?

2024.05.19 02:18 MyBtflDrkTwstdFntsy Recommendations for hidden gems?

Hi everyone,
TL;DR: As the title suggests, I am looking to visit a hidden gem or a more quiet area with plenty of history, culture, and activities around August. I am thinking about a beachy area and thought about Cantabria/Asturias/Basque Country (basically the north of Spain). Open to all suggestions, not just the north
For context, I visited Spain for the first time 3 weeks ago, staying for 10 days around the Madrid area and I loved it (So much so that I am thinking about continuing my studies there as I have Portuguese citizenship). For those 10 days, I spent seven in Madrid and took day trips to Segovia, Toledo, and El Escorial with a family member living in Madrid. It was my first time in Europe and I wanted to absorb everything as if I were a local, so I walked everywhere, got lost in certain streets/districts, talked to locals, went to a Real Madrid game by myself (lifelong Madridista and my grandfather was a huge Madridista), and tried to find my own restaurants (through locals' recommendations and recommendations from a family member living in Madrid). However, I think that one needs to stay for long periods for big metropolitan cities like Madrid and Barcelona to fully absorb everything. Again, I spent 7 days in Madrid and felt like I had not seen absolutely everything.
I currently do not know how long I can go to Spain for but I am thinking about returning with my mom (she came with me to Madrid and loved it too) and possibly inviting my childhood friend (not sure about his interests in terms of traveling so I do not want to disappoint) for around a week to 10 days. Because I'm not sure I can spend an entire week in a city to get immersed, I'd like to get recommendations for smaller, quiet beach towns/historical towns where there won't be *that* many tourists or maybe cities that can be visited for less than 5-6 days.
My mom received an invitation from an old friend who lives in Cantabria but I'm not sure if there's much to do (Santander is beautiful, tho). Other ideas would be town-hopping in the North, so Cantabria, Asturias, and the Basque Country? Another idea is to go to Valencia and maybe the beach towns around?
I'd like to save Andalucia for a future trip because I want to go there for at least 3 weeks. Apart from my lifelong obsession with Madrid, I've always wanted to visit the South and I feel that a week is way too little. Although if you think it can be done in the time frame I mentioned, recommend me some places to visit in Andalusia besides Sevilla, Malaga, Cordoba, etc
ALSO ** I'm from Miami, so the high temperatures aren't a problem - it's currently around 105F here. Don't worry about that
submitted by MyBtflDrkTwstdFntsy to GoingToSpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:27 abjinternational Model and influencer Jessica Goicoechea opens up about the 'sex deal' she has with her former Barcelona star boyfriend Marc Bartra, as she discusses coping with two weeks apart from him.

Model and influencer Jessica Goicoechea opens up about the 'sex deal' she has with her former Barcelona star boyfriend Marc Bartra, as she discusses coping with two weeks apart from him. submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:30 TZH85 Why Pen just doesn't shine and Colin has completely changed

Quick disclaimer: I read all the books years before S1 and Colin and Penelope's story has been my favorite. And still is. So I went into the season with high expectations. And I think I see some of them mirrored in some the feedback on the first four episodes. I wanted Pen to shine and show the ton how amazing she really is. And ideally make them - and Colin - see how wrong they were about her. Grovel a bit. I wanted to see Pen use her wit to defend herself in person instead of channeling all of it into LW. And I wanted Colin to grovel a bit, tbh.That perfect girlboss moment that shows them all.
And after having watched the first four episodes, I can say I'm glad I didn't get my wish. Because looking back on it, it seems petty and unrealistic to me now.
I’ve seen some recurring criticisms about Pen not shining enough in her own season and about Colin coming off as annoying and “not himself”. And those are the two points I’d like to address. In some kind of quick character analysis.
Pen just doesn’t shine
Pen changes her wardrobe and tries to be braver but she’s still the outcast. She’s still at the whim of the ton. Bullied by Cressida, overlooked by the men, made fun of when her deal with Colin is revealed. Her costumes don’t stand out from the crowd like Kate and Edwina did with their lilacs and pink last season. Those are some of the points I’ve seen raised.
But I think that is exactly the point. Pen’s story is that of an outcast trying to find her place in society. Someone who is simultaneously very interested in participating but gets rebuffed at every turn. It’s a statement about bullying. Bullying is arbitrary. Society picks on someone who stands out. Some people stand out and are applauded for it and others are punished for it. It is completely unfair and unjust. And the victim is not at fault. If Penelope could change her clothes and magically turn into a confident person who gets the attention and love they deserved all along, what kind of message would that send? “Change yourself and people will stop picking on you”. But that’s not how it works. When people have chosen a victim, it’s not in the victim’s power nor is it their responsibility to change themselves to fit in. Because their circumstances are not the result of their own actions but because they were singled out for unfair and arbitrary reasons. The fault is with everyone who picked on Penelope. Not on how she reacted after she was treated this cruelly or on how she looks.
Imo, this point plays beautifully into the Polin romance plot. The writers have avoided one of the biggest pitfalls of the friends to lovers trope. Colin never remarks on Pen’s changed looks - apart from once mentioning her “fetching” gown and how green suits her. That’s a completely valid and tasteful compliment to make. Exactly how people should compliment others’ appearance if they want to raise their spirits while avoiding any unintentional backhanded compliments. Not once does he say or think “Wow, I didn’t realize how beautiful Pen actually is.” There’s no “Pen takes her glasses off and suddenly she’s hot” moment. No one but Colin sees her in a new light. And he does so not because of her looks but because of how she makes him feel and how he feels about himself when she’s around (see part two of my analysis). To society, Pen is still a wallflower. Still an outcast. Her change is internal. While no one but Colin pays much attention to her, she is shifting her outlook and getting closer to finding closure and her own place within society. And the beautiful thing is: She has (almost completely) given up her hope of Colin reciprocating her feelings but he is still raising her confidence and giving her the courage to go after what she wants. One scene is symbolic for this: When Cressida beats Pen to the chase with Debling, Pen stands awkwardly in the middle of the ballroom while Colin is once again swarmed by admirers. They lock eyes and he gives his speech about courage that is clearly secretly aimed at Pen. He gives her the courage to try again with Debling. While he’s already in love with her and while she is very aware of how she would prefer Colin but seems to have to settle for a practical match. Both don’t want this to happen but they encourage each other anyway. This mirrors how Pen reacted when Colin told her of his hopes for Marina in season 1. Both put their friend before their own wants and bring out the best in each other. So in short: I don’t think the season is aiming to give us the maybe satisfying but unrealistic narrative of Pen showing everyone who’s boss and making them grovel. I’d say it’s about Pen and Colin learning to say “fuck it, I don’t care what they think of me. I’m not going to change who I am for people who don’t care about me and who do not deserve my attention.” Even Colin doesn’t have to see “the new Pen” because he already liked the old version of her. She doesn’t become irresistible to him because she changed. She became irresistible because he changed his mindset.
Which brings me to: The new Colin is so annoying!
Why is Colin suddenly a rake who visits brothels? Why is he charming all the women? He acts like the kid who went to study a semester abroad and returns with a new personality. I prefer the “old Colin”. The confession lacked romance and poetry. These are just some of the complaints.
And I agree. That isn’t Colin. Which - again - is exactly the point. Colin is putting on a show to fit in. But he’s kidding himself. And the show spells this out directly multiple times:
Why do we get pirate Colin? Partly because of what happened in season one and two. It took him a while to let go of what happened with Marina. Although I believe not because he really loved her genuinely. She was just a symbol for his search for purpose. I think the conversation with Penelope where she talks about her own purpose in life is part of why he went to find himself. And another big part in this “new Colin” is also indirectly caused by Pen:
Why did he return so changed this time and not when he returned from Greece last season? Why is this grand tour different? I’d say because Pen didn’t answer his letters. She is the only one who has taken him seriously. Even Colin’s family acts annoyed when he talks about his (sometimes lofty) thoughts and feelings. He gets rebuffed for it all the time. His siblings mock his philosophical nature, they mocked his stubble in season two. Treated him like a child. Only Pen genuinely listens. Her letters used to ground him and gave him an outlet for his true personality to shine. And it took just one summer without her grounding him for Colin to completely lose himself.
Isn’t it ironic, and deliberately so, that Colin returns completely changed (on first glance), tells Pen that charm can be learned and how to attract men by leaving her favorite topics behind. How she should just smile, laugh and flutter her lashes at the men. And after just a couple of interactions with her, just a couple of reminders who he is around her, he completely changes his tune and tells her to just be herself because she already is charming? He gives her this very true and valuable advice and yet up until episode four he doesn’t realize he should take his own advice?
It really just takes a couple of interactions with Pen for Colin to get completely over his new fake personality. And I think the carriage scene is when Colin realizes his purpose. It’s Pen. As Violet told him: he’s sensitive and he wants to be helpful to others. He tried being Marina’s savior even though she didn’t want to be saved. She wanted to use him to save herself. And in season two Colin actually fulfills his dream: He saves Pen and her family from Jack’s plot. And dances with her with a puffed up chest, brimming with pride and confidence. Season three makes him take on the role of Pen’s savior again. He likes standing up for her. He likes who he is when he can protect her. And he likes how she is the only one who appreciates that side of him. You can see it in his face when the carriage arrives in front of his house. He’s found his purpose. It was right under his nose all along.
I think maybe some people feel the romance plot is too subtle. And it doesn’t take center stage like the previous couples did. But I think that is deliberate and a great way to tackle the friends to lovers trope. Colin and Pen’s world shifts while no one is paying them much attention because everyone thinks they already know how these two characters stand toward each other. Only Violet, awesome mom that she is, susses Colin out.
submitted by TZH85 to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 01:05 Comfortable_Part_890 Theories on S3 showrunner decisions, lead switches, & S3 as a "filler season" (includes book spoilers)

I have a few theories about what's going on with the show and the choices that are being made around story lines, screen time, and season lead choices by the showrunners (apologies for the long read; I'd love to hear people's thoughts too! 😁).
I'm writing this bc I see a lot of ppl on socials are still upset that Benedict wasn't the lead for S3; and that some of the not great media reviews and presumed different "vibe" felt/seen this season are causing ppl to start pointing the finger at the showrunners' choice to not put Benedict as the lead as the crux of the problem. But, as a Polin and Benophie lover, I think the choice to put Polin first actually makes sense for a few reasons:
  1. There's only one couple present in the cast that has been inevitable from the start (Polin), and if we take the perspective of a casual fan (not us lol), leaving Polin apart for another season just seems too long to avoid the inevitable. It's easier to believe Ben is "finding himself" when he has no partner, than it is to stretch Pen's unrequited love for another season. I think to showrunners the decision was that it's easier to get Polin "out of the way" for lack of a better term, than to introduce a new lead for Benedict while having Pen chase around an oblivious Colin for a 3rd year.
  2. Polin is also one of the few couples fans will watch on bridgerton that didn't get hired together with a chemistry read. Though Nicola and Luke are great, I think that does function as a strike against Polin when compared to the chemistry ppl have seen with all the other Bridgerton/QC leads. The show likely wants to finish its guaranteed seasons with a couple they have more "control" over when it comes to choice/casting chemistry.
  3. Next, Benedict is noted by showrunners to be a fan favorite. (TIME magazine published a whole article on him for goodness sake) It's clear even casual audiences love him. And I mean this as no offense to Polin fans; but I believe switching Colin and Benedict was not only strategic (casual viewers may be more likely to return for Ben than Colin, you want high viewership for your last secured season so you can get renewed, & if viewership dips with Polin there could be a belief that proving showrunners can get viewership back up even after a dip shows they deserve more seasons, etc. [theories, theories] etc.), but also practical, which leads me to my next point:
  4. The ensemble cast is getting crowded: The Featheringtons are taking up A LOT of airtime. Once Polin are married there will be little need for the Featheringtons sisters and Portia; that clears the stage to introduce Eloise andLord Crane's "courtship" as well as the demise of Marina.This also clears space for Benedict to spend a large chunk of his time during S4 withSophie in the countryside.I think this could also be viewed by Shonda & Co. as a great opportunity for the show to get back to its roots, we could see Kanthony settling into Vicount-ing life and parenthood, we get room to explore Violet a bit more (gardening & grandma-ing), as well as some peeks intoJohn& Fran's life, and we learn a bit more about Gregory and Hyacinth's growing personalities. Polin's season can close the loop on a lot of the excess in side plots we currently see without overwhelming Benophie next season(imagine jumping back and forth between My Cottage, Bridgerton House, The Queen, Danbury House, Mondritch house, AND the Featheringtons!? My GOD).And depending on how Part II goes, they might even close off the Lady Whistledown chapter, which means another source of narration may have to come in for S4 (who knows!)
  5. Finally, Benedict's book is...not great. It's basicallyCinderella. Adapting it was going to be tough as writers likely had to create a balance that provides fan service to book fans AND doesn't come across as too ridiculous to casual fans. Love at first sight is one of the harder tropes to sell,failure to recognize one's love at first sight as they live with you for monthsis an even harder sell to audiences lol. I imagine there was a need to sit a bit longer with that adaptation than the other, more straight forward tropes we've seen in other seasons.
All of this is to say, though I ADORE Polin, I recognize that unfortunately some of this season (S3) is filler, re-setting the stage, and "cleaning up" as we enter into the second third of the Bridgerton children's love lives. It sucks this has to come during Polin's love story, but I guess it had to be done somewhere. Still, I can't wait to see what else there is to come with Part II!
Please let me know what y'all think too! 💛
submitted by Comfortable_Part_890 to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:37 AdPuzzleheaded7754 Summer 2024 Fully Furnished Single Available

Hi everyone, I'm going to Barcelona this summer and I'm looking for someone to sublease my room in a 2 bed 1 bath full kitchen fully furnished apartment while ill be gone from june 15th to the end of august. I'm asking for only $1,000 a month! I have a single bedroom with a smart TV, ceilling fan, HUGE closet, and a built in room heater. there is 1 other slider room in the apartment but as of now no one will be living in the slider. So its essentially a private apartment for only $1,000 a month! Let me know if you're interested!
submitted by AdPuzzleheaded7754 to UCSB4Sale [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:11 LaVipari Morning's Harbor: A City of Salt, Song, and Swords

West of the Ocean of Tears, and south of Sulphuria, at the Northwesternmost point of Far-Ashkander, there stands a free city born where sea, salt, and smoke mix. On a cluster of islands secluded in a volcanically warmed lagoon, rests the free city of Morning’s Harbor. Built by a half dozen bands of mercenaries, freebooters, sailors and fringe intellectuals during the realm wars, there are few cities that rival Morning’s Harbor in diversity, wealth, or excitement.
The city’s history began during the initial push for resettlement during the realm wars. After the establishment of Hammerhal Aqsha within the great parch, those mercenaries, quartermasters, overseers and more who did not remain to found the city split off in countless directions. Those who passed beyond Sulphuria in the sea of tears discovered Far-Ashkander, and many of those sheltered their ships in the lagoon where Morning’s Harbor would be established. When the many ships discovered each other, they quickly began to fight over who had discovered the habitable region first, coming to blows in the thermally heated shallows in the city’s northernmost point within the lagoon proper. When no obvious victor emerged, the crews signed a compact, agreeing to equal and equitable rights to settle and found a city. Each ship chose a representative, usually their captain or quartermaster, to represent their interests at the new city’s council. Thus did the first founding crews of the city come to be. Many famous names from the city’s history emerged during this period, including the Del Monde, Del Velenz, Del Duren, and Del Moreno.
Morning’s Harbor is one of the largest seaports in any realm, and the largest city on Far-Ashkander by a factor of ten. The city’s size and importance to trade and travel in the region have made it a melting pot of all kinds of people, from those traditionally aligned with the forces of order, to even tribes of gutbuster Ogors and friendly Orruks. The city itself, having been founded by so many disparate groups with disparate ideas, is an elective council state, where guilds, ships companies, sword halls, and citizen assemblies each nominate a spokesman to state their case before the city’s permanent elected council. These councilors will then issue a decree, which must be ratified by a city-wide majority. As a result of this remarkably egalitarian governmental structure, Morning’s Harbor has remained somewhat apart from other Free Cities. In fact, a common nickname for the city is “Freest of the Free.”
The warriors of Morning’s Harbor favor lightweight curved swords, and are often exceptionally well trained by one of the city’s five great sword halls.These halls include the Fire Hall, the Sun Hall, the Dawn Hall, the Sea Hall, and the Sky Hall. The fire hall is the most aggressive, and the most popular, emphasizing the speed of the first strike.The Sun Hall is the most patient and defensive, focusing on studying and countering the enemy to expose their weakness. The Dawn hall is the most psychological, focusing on subtle movements and mind games to achieve victory. The Sea Hall is the most acrobatic, with a heavy emphasis on footwork and mobility. The Sky Hall is the best suited for fighting multiple foes at once, with wide sweeping arcs and circular stances. There also exists a sixth unofficial school of swordsmanship, trained by a group known as the sulfur dervishes. These swordsmen exclusively train in the knee deep waters of the lagoon’s shallows, making them exceptionally nimble when fighting on dry land. The dervishes train in the waters until they can move unhindered in them, and thus break their bonds on land. A dervish might well say that after the waters, open air feels like less than nothing in restricting their movements. Hall trained swordsmen wear fine tassled leather vests marked with the stripes and colors of their hall, while dervishes wear loose fitting and baggy robes in the style of the nomads who inhabit the fire plains beyond the city.
The military doctrine of Morning’s Harbor is a doctrine of blade and shot. The core of any standing fireblade army is the shot, trained in both mass fire and individual marksmanship at the military academy of the Flame Ward. These gunners and crossbowmen work in blocks of ten to twenty soldiers, each one with a captain to help maintain cohesion of the lines. These ranged blocks are supported by both blocks of melee infantry and melee cavalry. The melee infantry enter battle with either long spears, or swords and shields. Cavalry is heavily armed and armored, and deliver devastating charges. Melee infantry armed with spears remain close to the ranged troops, providing a screen against enemy assault, while those with swords move in more similar circuits to the cavalry, pushing through gaps and circling around the enemy.
The people of Morning’s Harbor are of mixed Azyrite and Aqshyan stock, being thus predisposed both to thought and action. It is often said that Morning’s Harborites will compose sonnets to their favorite knives, and write long and well studied treatises on the intricacies of bar fights. Their fashion is equally bold and thoughtful as those who wear it. Bright colors, often with stripes colored to indicate one’s guild, sword hall, or family are common, usually worn on dramatically flowing coats and wide sleeved shirts with low necklines. Mustaches, beards, long hair, and flamboyant makeup are all common, usually well maintained and with specific messages intended in their appearance. Many a duel has been declared over the meaning one citizen has intuited from a fellow citizen’s style of sleeve cord arrangement.
Morning’s Harbor was once invaded by the Khorne sworn warband known as the Skullbinders, who wound up fighting a pitched battle through the city streets, as every single citizen armed himself and descended in a fury on the marauders, who quickly fled. The anniversary is celebrated with a day of costumed revelry each year, with one team dressing in mockery of the Khorne worshippers, and being ceremonially driven out to sea at the day’s end.
Every five years, the people of Morning’s Harbor host a grand tournament in the warm waters of the lagoon’s shallows. Hundreds of participants strip to the waist, doff their boots, and wade into the water, where they engage in an immense battle royale, where the victor is granted a seat of primacy on the city council, and rights to their own ships charter.
There exist several small fleets of ships in Morning’s Harbor which are outfitted with immense nets used to catch the fire breathing sea serpents that swim their waters. These serpents are then brought back to the city to fuel furnaces and other steam powered devices.
Morning’s Harbor’s strategic placement makes it a valuable target for both friendly and unfriendly neighbors, which has led to the development of the city’s famous schools of swordsmanship.
The dry and dusty red plains just beyond the city are home to the nomads known as the Sulfur Dervishes. These nomads move from place to place on the city’s outskirts, often entering to trade, take on contracts, or participate in competitions. Their strange methods of training produce swordsmen who are equal to the finest graduates of the sword halls. Those who have trained with the dervishes wrap a long cloth scarf around their head, a practice taken from the nomads in order to keep dust and the stink of sulfur from debilitating the wearer.
The leader of the city’s notorious standing army, the Fireblades, is Khaleen Al Cinna Del Monde.
The city is divided into three great wards, each one founded by a different kind of settler.
The Sea Ward is the largest, and was built by sailors. It features the city’s grand temple to Sigmar Oceanus, the aspect of Sigmar’s divinity which regulates storms and ocean tides. Some know him under the name Manann, but few say this openly. It also houses the Lighthouse of the Morn, the immense beacon fire that guides ships into the main entrance of the lagoon. The Sea Hall and Sulfur Shallows also lie within the Sea Ward.
The Flame Ward is the second largest, and was built by soldiers and mercenaries.The city’s military academy lies within the Flame Ward, and is known throughout the realm as one of the finest gunnery schools in Aqshy, even rivaling the training of Greywater Fastness. The Flame Ward also holds both the Fire Hall and the Sky Hall. The Gilt Ward is the smallest, and was built by merchants and financiers. The city’s council hall is located in this ward, as is the Lagoon Reserve Bank and College of the Arts. Both the Sun Hall and the Dawn Hall are located in this ward. There exists a fourth informal ward known to locals as Al Extraño, or “the strange place”. This ward is very small compared to the more formal ones, and contains both the Palace of Justice and the Collegiate Arcane branch in the city. The climate of Morning’s Harbor is warm and comfortable, with moderate levels of humidity and a common marine layer. Their winters and autumns are foggy and cool, while summers are warmer and slightly drier. 

Important Figures:

submitted by LaVipari to citiesofsigmar [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:50 chrpsh job contract for renting an apartment

hello with which job contract i can rent an apartment in barcelona?
besides official spanish contract, can it be official eu contract? or can it be spanish autonomo with non-eu contract? (spanish autonomo with eu contract? how it works?)
thank you!
submitted by chrpsh to AskBarcelona [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:46 kurious794 Countries I crossed

Countries I crossed
These are all the countries I crossed:
  • Italy
  • Slovenia
  • Croatia
  • Bosnia (one only city)
  • Montenegro
  • Albany
  • Greece
  • Turkey
  • Iran
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • France
  • Germany
  • Morocco
In Spain I was cycling Canary Islands, including Tenerife, La Gomera, Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria. I also cycled the Camino de Santiago.
submitted by kurious794 to roadtriptoindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:04 INDUSRE Emaar Unveils Palace Residences: The Pinnacle of Luxury Living in Dubai Hills Estate

Emaar Unveils Palace Residences: The Pinnacle of Luxury Living in Dubai Hills Estate
Emaar Properties has set a new standard for luxury living with the launch of Palace Residences in Dubai Hills Estate. This first-of-its-kind 5-star branded complex, developed in collaboration with the renowned Palace Hotels & Resorts, promises an exquisite living experience with its range of meticulously crafted apartments and townhouses.
Unmatched Elegance and Luxury
Starting at AED 1.76M, Palace Residences offers an array of 1-3 bedroom apartments, 3-bedroom townhouses, and exclusive half and full floors. These residences, inspired by the opulence of Palace Hotels & Resorts’ oriental modernism, feature interiors that seamlessly integrate with the breathtaking vistas of Dubai Hills Park. Each unit is equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, including a fully-equipped kitchen, laundry room, and one or more balconies, with 3-bedroom units boasting a maid’s room and ensuite bathroom.
Strategic Location and Unrivaled Connectivity
Located in the heart of Dubai Hills Estate, Palace Residences benefits from direct access to Al Khail Road, ensuring that residents can reach key areas like Business Bay, Dubai Marina, and Dubai International Airport within 25 minutes. This strategic location offers unparalleled convenience for both business and leisure activities.
Luxurious Amenities and Lifestyle
Residents of Palace Residences will have access to a plethora of world-class amenities spread across a massive 190,000+ sq. ft podium. The complex features over 20 leisure facilities, including a sensory garden, outdoor fitness stations, yoga area, multipurpose room, BBQ area, playgrounds, a 164-ft lap pool, table tennis, gym, landscaped lawns, padel court, half-court basketball, outdoor seating areas, gazebos, and lounges.
Moreover, the proximity to Dubai Hills Park, the longest community park in the emirate, and the Dubai Hills Golf Club, enhances the living experience with serene green spaces and premium recreational options. The nearby Dubai Hills Mall, home to the world’s fastest vertical roller coaster, provides an array of shopping and dining choices, adding to the vibrant lifestyle.
Investment Potential
With an easy 80/20 payment plan and a 10% booking fee, Palace Residences is not just a luxurious place to live but also a lucrative investment. The final 20% payment is due upon handover in Q2 2028, making it a flexible financial option. According to Emaar, the average capital appreciation for branded properties like Palace Residences could reach upwards of 50%, with a strong rental market promising an ROI of 7-9%. The average rental price for a branded 1-bedroom unit in Dubai Hills Estate is AED 168K (USD 46K), highlighting the potential for stable income.
Ideal for Families
Palace Residences is designed with families in mind, offering play areas and swimming pools for children. Additionally, the proximity to top schools such as GEMS International School, GEMS New Millennium School, and GEMS Wellington Academy, Al Khail ensures that educational needs are conveniently met.
In summary, Palace Residences by Emaar Properties is set to redefine luxury living in Dubai Hills Estate. With its prime location, exquisite design, comprehensive amenities, and strong investment potential, it stands as a beacon of contemporary opulence and smart investment in Dubai’s dynamic real estate market.
submitted by INDUSRE to u/INDUSRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:51 Dagomonteiro98 Bike parking at home and in train stations

Hello! I will move to Barcelona to study at ETSAV in Sant Cugat del Vallés. I do not plan on renting a place there but rather in the city. I plan on commuting daily with the train.
I am a bike enthusiast and I want to buy a bicycle to commute with and also do trips on the weekends.
From what I have researched, taking the bike with me on the train is not allowed or at least not practical. However there seems to be good and safe (gated) bike parking at Plaza Catalunya and Gràcia stations, both served by the line that goes to Sant Cugat. So regarding parking the bike there during class hours and taking it back when I return seems to be solved.
However what I'm still not sure how I'm going to figure out is where to park the bike during the night, as most apartments I have researched do not have garages and do not allow you to take the bike upstairs. As far as I understand leaving your bike locked in the street during the night, even with a Kryptonite Ulock, is not a good idea.
Bike parking at train stations is limited by time, so I believe it's not allowed to leave the bike overnight and for longer than a day or two. Are there any options of safe places to park your bike for multiple days? Since this is an important matter for me, I would even be willing to choose neighbourhoods weighing in this matter among others. Currently I'm looking at places around the neighborhood Gràcia.
Thank you!
submitted by Dagomonteiro98 to AskBarcelona [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 01:26 Sweet-Count2557 Il Brigante Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States

Il Brigante Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States
Il Brigante Restaurant in New York City,NY,United States
Il Brigante: Your Go-To Destination for Delicious Italian Cuisine in New York City, NY
Price Level: $$ - $$$
Il Brigante: Your Go-To Destination for Delicious Italian CuisineIf you're a food enthusiast looking for a delightful dining experience in New York, NY, look no further than Il Brigante. Located at 214 Front St #1, this restaurant is a haven for pizza, pasta, salad, wings, and more. With a diverse menu that caters to all taste buds, Il Brigante is the perfect place to satisfy your cravings for authentic Italian cuisine.At Il Brigante, we take pride in offering a wide range of mouthwatering dishes that are prepared with the finest ingredients. Whether you're in the mood for a classic Margherita pizza, a hearty plate of spaghetti Bolognese, or a refreshing Caesar salad, our skilled chefs will ensure that each bite is bursting with flavor.Not only does Il Brigante excel in delivering delectable food, but our cozy and inviting ambiance also adds to the overall dining experience. Whether you're planning a romantic dinner for two or a gathering with friends and family, our friendly staff will make sure you feel right at home.To make your dining experience even more convenient, Il Brigante offers online ordering services. Simply visit our website, browse through our menu, and place your order with just a few clicks. Whether you're craving a quick lunch or a leisurely dinner, our efficient delivery service will bring the flavors of Il Brigante straight to your doorstep.So, if you're in the mood for a memorable Italian feast, head over to Il Brigante at 214 Front St #1 in New York, NY. With our delectable menu, warm hospitality, and convenient online ordering, we guarantee a dining experience that will leave you craving for more.
Cuisines of Il Brigante in New York City,NY,United States
Il Brigante Restaurant is a culinary haven for Italian food enthusiasts. With a menu that focuses on authentic Italian cuisine, this restaurant offers a delightful array of dishes that will transport your taste buds straight to Italy. From classic pasta dishes like spaghetti carbonara and lasagna to mouthwatering pizzas topped with fresh ingredients, Il Brigante ensures that every bite is a burst of flavor. What sets this restaurant apart is its commitment to catering to various dietary preferences. With a range of vegetarian-friendly and vegan options, as well as gluten-free choices, Il Brigante ensures that everyone can indulge in their delectable offerings. Whether you're a die-hard pizza lover or a pasta aficionado, Il Brigante is the place to be for a truly satisfying Italian dining experience.
Features of Il Brigante in New York City,NY,United States
DeliveryTakeoutSeatingHighchairs AvailableWheelchair AccessibleServes AlcoholFree WifiAccepts Credit CardsTable ServiceReservations
Menu of Il Brigante in New York City,NY,United States
Location of Il Brigante in New York City,NY,United States
Contact of Il Brigante in New York City,NY,United States
+1 212-285-0222
214 Front St, New York City, NY 10038-2034
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:02 Necessary_Plan1185 Can I send my child to school living in dubai Marina?

Hi. I am about to move into an apartment within marina. I need to send my child (M age 7) to school, preferably an American Curriculum. Whilst looking I noticed that nearby there aren't many schools, the closest would be a 12 minute car drive, but 1 hour in the bus.
I wanted to find an American Islamic School nearby marina, within 20 minutes driving distance (excluding traffic). Does anybody know of any good schools? or even american schools if they teach islamic studies. thank you!
submitted by Necessary_Plan1185 to dubai [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:18 dandbproperties What are the popular residential areas in Dubai?

Dubai offers a diverse range of residential areas catering to different preferences. Popular ones include Downtown Dubai for its iconic landmarks like Burj Khalifa, Dubai Marina for waterfront living, Jumeirah Beach Residence (JBR) for beachfront apartments, and Emirates Hills for luxury villas.
submitted by dandbproperties to u/dandbproperties [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:50 1011RE New lanuch in Dubai Marina with luxury apartments. 35% Post handover and 7 years payment plan 🔥.

New lanuch in Dubai Marina with luxury apartments. 35% Post handover and 7 years payment plan 🔥. submitted by 1011RE to DUBAIHOMES [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:46 1011RE 1011 Real Estate L.L.C on LinkedIn: New lanuch in Dubai Marina with luxury apartments. 35% Post handover and 7…

1011 Real Estate L.L.C on LinkedIn: New lanuch in Dubai Marina with luxury apartments. 35% Post handover and 7… submitted by 1011RE to DUBAIHOMES [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:42 Single-Patience-7254 How Tarot Helped me Find a Job Despite 8 Months of Gap

Just to be clear, I am not endorsing tarot reading or any specific tarot reader. This is my personal experience with Tarot.


Last year (in 2023), I took a sabbatical for personal reasons. I had been working in that organization for more than five years and had a very good relationship with the CEO. Once my sabbatical ended and I tried to return to the same organization, I was told that I was not needed anymore.
Apart from the feeling of betrayal, I also realized I had a gap of five months. I started applying frantically, but for a couple of months, I did not receive a single call.
(Note: It was peak recession then, and layoffs were happening all across.)
The gap on my resume started to widen, and even my personal circles weren't offering much support.

Finding the Right Tarot Reader

A friend suggested some tarot readers they had worked with in the past. Among them, I chose the one who met the following criteria:
  1. Understands working professionals or has prior work experience working with professionals.
  2. Has a good number of neutral reviews on either Google, Quora, Reddit, or Tripadvisor.
The tarot reader I found met all the criteria I had, and I went ahead and booked a session with them.
PS: I am not sharing the tarot reader's name because I don't want to give the impression that I am promoting someone. I just want to share my story and experience with tarot.

Sessions 1 & 2 - Awareness

With the tarot reader, I had a couple of sessions where we just delved into why I was let go and why I wasn't able to find the right opportunities. They pointed out some insightful things that were actually repelling good opportunities away.

Session 3 - Attracting the Right Opportunities

In this session, the tarot reader pointed out the aspects I needed to work on to find the right opportunities. They also explained the timeline of when these opportunities would arrive and what I needed to do until then.
Within 30 to 40 days, I was approached by three recruiters, and all three gave me interview opportunities.

Session 4 - Interview Preparation

The fourth session happened once the interviews were scheduled. The primary area of discussion revolved around the pitfalls I was highly likely to face.
My resume gap, my reason for leaving, and what I had been doing for eight months were some key points that I worked on with the tarot reader. In almost all the interviews, these points became the turning point or the reasons for rejection.

Session 5 - Negotiating

So, of the three interviews, I got offers from two companies, and both companies knew I had a gap on my resume. As a result, both offered me around 20% less than my previous salary.
I was actually okay with this, but my tarot reader suggested that I shouldn't settle for less. She actually helped me negotiate a 10% salary increase with one company, while the other company rejected me for negotiating, stating that I was in no position to demand more salary.


It has been over a year, and today I have my appraisal meeting at the current company. It just hit me that I was able to dodge a bullet because of tarot. I have been following this great group for over a year and I just want to thank all the great tarot readers out there who have helped people like me and others find their way.
Thank you!
PS: I have explained my whole story on another subreddit that you can find on my profile.
submitted by Single-Patience-7254 to tarot [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:34 frombowsher 3BHK apartment for sale

3 BHK apartment for sale at Marina one, Queens way. The apartment is on the first floor, facing South Side. Anyone interested kindly DM.
submitted by frombowsher to Kochi [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:25 Interesting_Leg_3115 Type me based on song lyrics I connect to

Song Lyrics I connect to
I listen to a LOT of music, so I’ll just go with some I really connect to
All the lyrics from Fire Drill by Melanie Martinez but I’ll pick a few
“Crying inside cause nothing I say ever comes out right” -Fire Drill
“I’ve never fit into any category Always deemed an outcast” -Fire Drill
“I’m bad at public speaking But I’m speaking now so hear me out I personally believe that everyone is fully capable of more than what they’re doing All of the bullying All of the screwing around with people they don’t really know” -Fire Drill
“I am not apart of anything that is hateful Love is seeping out my pores, I don’t feel anger anymore, even for people who hurt and betray me” -Fire Drill
“I’m just another teenage tragedy And life keeps draining my batteries” -Teenage Tragedy- Rory Webley
“You don’t want to know me, I will just let you down” -Castles Crumbling- Taylor Swift
“Now they’re screaming that they hate me Never wanted you to hate me” -Castles Crumbling
“I’ve got a smile cut into my cheeks I hide things when I speak Looks like I mean it I guess I’m a joker My hairs burnt from the bleach I hope you like what you see Need you like me I guess I’m the joker Why so serious?” -Joker, Rory Webley
“The thoughts in my brain, I’m going insane I’m somebody Arkham Asylum could never contain” -Joker
“Seems kind of dumb to worry bout good grades when this generation’s dealing with its own black plague”—Everybody Dies, Rory Webley
“It’s kinda sad to watch your superheroes fall from grace”- Everybody Dies- Rory Webley
“Feels like I’m dead before I’m even in the casket” -Everybody Dies
“Telling me that the end’s getting closer While I’m sitting on my phone scrolling TikTok turning my brain into a toaster” -Everybody Dies
“Your heart’s too big for your body That’s why it won’t fit inside You pore it out where everyone can see” -Crybaby, Melanie Martinez
“So what if I’m crazy, all the best people are”—Mad Hatter, Melanie Martinez
“You and I’ll be safe and sound” -Taylor Swift, Safe and Sound
“Why do I always spill? Feel it coming out my throat Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap” -Soap, Melanie Martinez
“Why’d I put my heart on every cursive letter?” -Melanie Martinez, Pity Party
“Why not me?” -Washing Machine Heart, Mitski
“What was I made for?” -What was I made for- Billie Eilish
“Loving you was lethal, guess that makes me evil” -EVIL, Melanie Martinez
“If you bite my hand again I will never feed you” -Melanie Martinez, EVIL
“I like shiny things but I’d marry you with paper rings You’re the one I want And I hate accidents Except when we went from friends to this”-Paper Rings, Taylor Swift
“I see things that nobody else sees”- Dollhouse, Melanie Martinez
“I’ll try not to starve myself Just because you’re mad at me” -Tv- Billie Eilish
“It’s you that I lie with As the atom bomb locks in”—As The World Caves In- Matt Maltese
“I’m not cool and I’m not smart and I can’t even parallel park 🤪” -brutal- Olivia Rodrigo
“Who is in control?” -Control, Halsey
“Go on and step on me” -Step On Me- The Cardigans
“You’re perfectly imperfect, You’re hurting but you’re worth it You don’t know why I would waste my time But I’m falling and I mean it I want you like I need it There’s nothing you could try to change my mind Cause I’m In Love With You” -Perfectly Imperfect, Declan J Donavan
“Your body is imperfectly imperfect Everyone wants what the other one’s working” -Orange Juice, Melanie Martinez
“My heart just burst like the glass balloon I let it fly too high and it shattered to soon” -MARINA, Hermit The Frog
“I’ve been chosen last since the kindergarten” -Chosen Last, Sara Kays
“I’m so sick of myself” -jealousy jealousy- Olivia Rodrigo
“The world will feel the fire and finally know” -The World Will Know- Newsies
“Just an appendage live to attend him so that he never lifts a finger” -labour- Paris Paloma
“Im more than my body” -Body, Jordan Suaste
submitted by Interesting_Leg_3115 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:14 GameNerd93 Why is my website html/css code not working?

I'm currently doing a University coding course our finally assignment is to code an entire website and well the code just isn't working and my tutor is of zero help to me. The website needs to be viewable on desktop, mobile and tablet but for what ever reason even using the provided layout from my tutor I'm unable to get anything apart from the nav bar to respond on top of that anything after the about section on the website just doesn't work no matter what I change. I'm frustrated with it and just need someone to explain to me like a 5 year old what in my code is wrong.
@media only screen and (max-width: 1920px) { } @media only screen and (max-width: 1366px) { } @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) { } @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) { } @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) { } @media only screen and (max-width: 360px) { } .navbar-container { display: flex; align-items: center; position: fixed; top: 0; width: 100%; background-color: #5c4033; z-index: 10; } img { width: 80px; height: auto; margin-right: 10px; } #navItems { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; display: flex; width: calc(100% - 90px); justify-content: space-around; } li a { display: flex; align-items: center; padding: 14px 16px; color: #ffffff; text-align: center; } li a:hover { background-color: #c4a484; } a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active { text-decoration: none; } Body { background-color: #c4a484; } h1 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 100px; width: 500px; position: absolute; left: 75px; top: 45px; } #img1 { position: absolute; left: 1275px; top: 100px; width: 600px; } #img2 { position: absolute; left: 650px; top: 275px; width: 600px; } #goat { position: absolute; left: 25px; top: 475px; width: 600px; } .About { position: absolute; Left: 1275px; top: 920px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } h2 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 50px; } .thumbs { display:flex; justify-content:center; flex-wrap:wrap; width:500px; max-width:100%; > a { max-width:150px; height:150px; margin:10px; overflow:hidden; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:0 0 0 3px white, 0 5px 8px 3px rgba(black, 0.6); img { transform:scale(1); transition:transform 0.1s ease-in-out; filter:grayscale(50%); min-width:100%; min-height:100%; max-width:100%; max-height:100%; } &:hover { img { transform:scale(1.1); filter:grayscale(0%); } } } } .lightbox { position:fixed; background:rgba(black,0.5); backdrop-filter:blur(10px); -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px); height:100%; width:100%; left:0; top:0; transform:translateY(-100%); opacity:0; transition:opacity 0.5s ease-in-out; 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left: 1275px; top: 100px; width: 600px; } #img2 { position: absolute; left: 650px; top: 275px; width: 600px; } #goat { position: absolute; left: 25px; top: 475px; width: 600px; } .About { position: absolute; Left: 1275px; top: 920px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } h2 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 50px; } .thumbs { display:flex; justify-content:center; flex-wrap:wrap; width:500px; max-width:100%; > a { max-width:150px; height:150px; margin:10px; overflow:hidden; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:0 0 0 3px white, 0 5px 8px 3px rgba(black, 0.6); img { transform:scale(1); transition:transform 0.1s ease-in-out; filter:grayscale(50%); min-width:100%; min-height:100%; max-width:100%; max-height:100%; } &:hover { img { transform:scale(1.1); filter:grayscale(0%); } } } } .lightbox { position:fixed; background:rgba(black,0.5); backdrop-filter:blur(10px); -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px); height:100%; width:100%; left:0; top:0; transform:translateY(-100%); opacity:0; transition:opacity 0.5s ease-in-out; &:has(div:target) { transform:translateY(0%); opacity:1; } a.nav { text-decoration:none; color:white; font-size:40px; text-shadow:0 2px 2px rgba(black,0.8); opacity:0.5; font-weight:200; &:hover { opacity:1; } } .target { position:absolute; height:100%; width:100%; display:flex; transform:scale(0); align-items:center; justify-content:space-between; *:first-child,*:last-child { flex:0 0 100px; text-align:center; @media all and (max-width:600px){ flex:0 0 50px; } } .content { transform:scale(0.9); opacity:0; flex:1 1 auto; align-self: center; max-height:100%; min-height:0; max-width:calc(100% - 200px); min-width:0; border-radius:5px; overflow:hidden; box-shadow:0 0 0 3px white, 0 5px 8px 3px rgba(black, 0.6); transition:transform 0.25s ease-in-out,opacity 0.25s ease-in-out; img { min-width:100%; min-height:100%; max-width:100%; max-height:calc(100vh - 40px); display:block; margin:0; } } &:target { transform:scale(1); .content { transform:scale(1); opacity:1; } } } .close { position:absolute; right:10px; top:10px; } } 
     Lilac Valley Farm Stay     

Lilac Valley Farm Stay

Lilac Valley Goat Rosie Lilac Valley Barnhouse Lounge room of Barn House

About Lilac Valley

Escape to Rustic Luxury at Lilac Valley Farm Stay Imagine waking up to the gentle sounds of a farmyard, surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the Blue Mountains. Lilac Valley Farm Stay is your invitation to unwind and reconnect with nature in a beautifully restored luxury barn house. This hidden gem, lovingly renovated by local interior designer Marina YeMarina Ye, offers a unique blend of rustic charm and modern comfort. Spread over four acres, the property boasts:
  • A stunning open-plan barn house, perfect for families or groups.
  • An enchanting cottage garden bursting with colorful blooms.
  • A refreshing plunge pool to cool off after a day of exploring.
  • Friendly farmyard companions – sheep, chickens, ducks, and the ever-so-charming Rosie the goat.
Lilac Valley Farm Stay has been a favorite amongst AirBnB guests and has even garnered attention online. Get ready for an unforgettable escape.
Lilac Valley Farm Stay

Lilac Valley Farm Stay

Lilac Valley Goat Rosie Lilac Valley Barnhouse Lounge room of Barn House

About Lilac Valley

Escape to Rustic Luxury at Lilac Valley Farm Stay Imagine waking up to the gentle sounds of a farmyard, surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the Blue Mountains. Lilac Valley Farm Stay is your invitation to unwind and reconnect with nature in a beautifully restored luxury barn house. This hidden gem, lovingly renovated by local interior designer Marina YeMarina Ye, offers a unique blend of rustic charm and modern comfort. Spread over four acres, the property boasts:
  • A stunning open-plan barn house, perfect for families or groups.
  • An enchanting cottage garden bursting with colorful blooms.
  • A refreshing plunge pool to cool off after a day of exploring.
  • Friendly farmyard companions – sheep, chickens, ducks, and the ever-so-charming Rosie the goat.
Lilac Valley Farm Stay has been a favorite amongst AirBnB guests and has even garnered attention online. Get ready for an unforgettable escape.
submitted by GameNerd93 to CodingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 sillivanilli13 Impossible flat search, advice on rental websites or agencies

Hi everyone,
I know there are already many older posts about the difficult rent situation in Barcelona, but I was just hoping there is maybe something that I missed. I am desperately looking for a long-term two-room apartment with my partner because I start to work at an engineering company here in two weeks and I am staying in a room right now, that I only have for one more week.
Idealista and fotocasa are hopeless, the listings are gone after 3 minutes and I can barely get through to manage to talk to someone. And I already have the notifications on for new listings and contact them immediately. We have managed to get a few visits, but no success for the flats we liked. Have you had luck with any agencies or other websites maybe also some physical offices?
I appreciate any advice!
submitted by sillivanilli13 to AskBarcelona [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:05 PelotonMod [Predictions Thread] 2024 Giro d'Italia Stage 11: Foiano di val Fortore > Francavilla

Date Stage Route Length Type Time
Wed. May 15 11 Foiano di val Fortore>Francavilla 207 km Easy ca. 17:15 CET


Climb Cat Km Length Avg
Pietracasella 3 km 48.4 8.0 km 5.6 %


Location Km
Casacalenda km 74.5
San Salvo Marina (Intergiro) km 137.9
Fossacesia Marina km 172.5


Around 20°C. Crosswinds.

Stage breakdown

Having reached its southernmost point today, the Giro will turn around and head north towards the Alps… although the way to get there is quite long, and mostly flat. Tomorrow’s stage is the only one to span across four separate Italian regions- Campania, Apulia, Molise and Abruzzo- and the fact that we’re not even a paragraph into this preview and we’re already bringing up geography trivia is telling! Jokes aside, with the last 100 kms being along the coast (and thus nearly entirely flat), we’re expecting tomorrow to be a day for the sprinters.
The first part of the stage is actually pretty hilly: we’re picking up not far from where we left off today, so we still need to get from the mountains to the seaside. There will be plenty of short climbs and descents early on, but only one harbours KOM points- it’s cat 3 Pietracatella, right after the riders will enter Molise, about 40 kms from the start. The following 50 kms will be rolling, and along the way the riders will find the first intermediate sprint of the day in Casacalenda.
With around 100 kms to go, the riders will finally reach the sea to the south of Termoli, and from there on the course will follow the Adriatic coastline northwards. The remaining two intermediate sprints will bring back memories of last year’s Giro: the Intergiro sprint is located in San Salvo, where Milan sprinted to win stage 2, while the last sprint will be in Fossacesia Marina, which hosted the grande partenza. The finale should not be tricky: after a couple of 90° turns with 4 kms to go, the last part of the stage will take place on a completely straight promenade.
With all this in mind, here are our predictions for tomorrow's stage:
★★★ Milan
★★ Groves
★ Dainese, Ewan, Merlier, Mihkels, breakaway

Rider discussion

A sprint finish looks like the most likely scenario. The first part of the stage is hilly, but we believe that the fact that the stage ends with 100+ flat kms will discourage a strong break to go out. This prefaced, mauve jersey Jonathan Milan has definitely looked the strongest in the sprints so far and he's got the best sprint train, so he's our top pick.
As for his rivals... it's hard to estabilish a hyerarchy, as there's many of them and they haven't been very consistent. We're going out on a limb and naming Kaden Groves as our second-top favourite as he has a good team at his disposal and he was very good in Andora, the finale most similar to tomorrow's. Apart from him, normally Caleb Ewan and Tim Merlier would be the top picks on a "classic" finishing straight like tomorrow, but they haven't been convincing throughout this Giro. Alberto Dainese was 4th in the Naples sprint and he seems to always do better in the second half of a GT- he's had wins in both 2022 and 2023. Madis Mihkels has not had flashy performances but he's been getting steady top 10s ever since he became Intermarché's main man, so he's worth mentioning again.
We do believe that there are two potential elements of chaos tomorrow. The first one are crosswinds along the seashore- nothing too strong, but a savvy team could exploit them and cause splits; the second one is that having an outright favourite means that less teams will be encouraged to mount a strong chase tomorrow, and if they start to play mind games and unload the chasing duties to Lidl-Trek only, the breakaway might make it after all.
That's it from us, what are your thoughts/predictions?
submitted by PelotonMod to peloton [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:47 batmann822 Dubai leaks (2)

Prominent names included in the list:
-Air Vice Marshal (r) Saleem Tariq also appears to own property as does Air Vice Marshal (r) Khalid Masood Rajput.
submitted by batmann822 to pakistan [link] [comments]