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2024.05.17 11:02 Apprehensive_Dog5431 Discord Images to OBS/Twitch stream

I've been looking for something like this for a long time and I am astounded and frustrated nobody has made anything like this. I found plenty of people asking for this, but no one actually showed a solution.
I stream with friends on twitch as we are in a discord call, and they will often post pictures in discord, but there was no way for me to easily show the picture on stream without toggling the entire discord window so twitch chat can actually see what we are talking about. What I wanted was some way for it to be automated, at least as much as possible.
Through the use of a custom discord bot, I was able to make something work.
Before I get into how to make this work, let me briefly explain how it works so you can tell if this is something you're willing to do. I will be highlighting all areas you need to fill out. The rest is mostly copy paste.
Discord Bot has reading access to a discord channel of your choice>a code tells the bot to monitor this discord channel for image links and image attachments>Upon detecting a new image, the bot will edit an HTML file somewhere on your computer with the link to the image along with some other things to make it readable for OBS>OBS uses that HTML file as a local browser source.
The only potential issue here that can benefit from some improvements is the source will not properly update unless you hide and then unhide the source. If its already hidden, simply unhiding it will prompt the correct image. (Just be sure the source has "Shutdown source when not visible" enabled, to allow it to update and take less resources while not visible) I simply made this a hotkey to easily toggle the source, however there is a way to create an OBS script that will automatically hide the source after a period of time, and reveal it upon updating, I was unsuccessful in this though.
To get this to work, you will only need to create 2 text files, paste some code, and change 3 lines to match your details so it properly links to the correct channel, bot, files, etc. I will highlight these things so you wont have to go searching.
-Go to -Hit "New Application" at the top right, accept terms and name it whatever you want. -On the left under Settings/Installation be sure User Install and Guild Install are checked. -Navigate to the "Bot" tab on the left and turn OFF "Public Bot" and turn ON "Message Content Intent" -Head over to the "OAuth2" tab on the left. -Under "OAuth2 URL Generator" You will see a big list of "scopes" All you need is to check "bot" -A new portion will be revealed called "Bot Permissions". For simplicity sake since you can give it "Administrator". If you are concerned about security, you can check off only what would be needed like read messages and maybe read message history. This area you will have to experiment to see what is absolutely needed. -Copy the generated URL and paste it into your browser and select what server you would like to add it to. -Once added it should have all the needed permissions to do its job, but double check roles and default permissions to make sure its not conflicting with anything on your server. -Go back to the "Bot" tab on the left and hit the "Reset Token" button. You will be given a code. (Copy and paste this somewhere for you to refer to later.)
2. PYTHON (DONT PANIC) You barely need to mess with it.
-Head over to and download the latest version. -When installing, make sure to check the box that says "Add Python X.X to PATH" during the installation process. This ensures that Python is added to your system's PATH environment variable, allowing you to run Python from the command line. (Just stay with me here, its not as bad as it sounds) Otherwise if you don't see this, its fine. -That's about it for python.
-Create a new text file and name it "" (Be sure to change the file extension from .txt to .py) -Right click the file and hit "open with" and select notepad. -Go ahead and paste the following code into the file:
import discord import os import time import re TOKEN = 'YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE' CHANNEL_ID = 'YOUR CHANNEL ID HERE' TEXT_FILE_PATH = 'YOUR TEXT FILE PATH' # Create an instance of discord.Intents intents = discord.Intents.default() intents.messages = True intents.guilds = True intents.message_content = True # Pass intents to the discord.Client() constructor client = discord.Client(intents=intents) # CSS style to limit image dimensions CSS_STYLE = """  """ u/client.event async def on_ready(): print(f'Logged in as {client.user}') u/client.event async def on_message(message): if == int(CHANNEL_ID): print(f'Message received in correct channel: {message.content}') print(f'Attachments: {message.attachments}') if message.attachments or any(re.findall(r'(http[s]?:\/\/[^\s]+(\.jpg\.png\.jpeg))', message.content)): image_url = message.attachments[0].url if message.attachments else re.findall(r'(http[s]?:\/\/[^\s]+(\.jpg\.png\.jpeg))', message.content)[0][0] try: # Generate HTML content with image URL embedded in an  tag html_content = f"""    Show Image {CSS_STYLE} Include CSS style   Image   """ # Update the HTML file with the generated HTML content with open(TEXT_FILE_PATH, 'w') as file: file.write(html_content) print(f'HTML file updated with image URL: {image_url}') except Exception as e: print(f'Error updating HTML file: {e}') else: print('No attachments or image links found in the message') 
-A few lines into the code you will see three lines that read:
-You need to replace these. Refer to your token you saved earlier and paste it in place of YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE. When you replace it, it should still have the (') at each end. Example: TOKEN = 'adnlkn34okln2oinmfdksanf342'
-For the Channel ID, head over to Discord>Settings(cogwheel bottom left)>advanced and turn on Developer Mode. -Head over to the Server where you want OBS to grab from and where you invited the bot. -Right click the text Channel you want OBS to grab pictures from and hit "Copy Channel ID" -Go back to the text file with the code and paste the ID you just copied place of YOUR CHANNEL ID HERE. (again make sure not to delete ' ' in the process.
So far we have the Bot Token and the Channel ID done.
-We need to create another text file. Create one and find a place to save it where you'll remember it. Somewhere like your documents folder will work fine. -Name it whatever you want, but be sure to save it as a .HTML file, rather than a .txt file. (for the sake of the tutorial, lets assume you named it "showimage.html" ) -Right click the html file you just made and click properties -Here you can see the file "Location". Go ahead and copy it. -Go back to that file and replace YOUR TEXT FILE PATH with the address you just copied.
There. The code is finished so go ahead and save it. Now you need to implement it into OBS
-Go ahead and open OBS. Go to your desired Scene and create a new Source, and make it a Browser Source. -I made the width and height 600x600, but you can adjust it once we get a picture on screen. -Toggle ON "Local File" and "Shutdown source when not visible" -For the local file, browse your computer for that "showimage.html" file we made earlier and select it.
We are almost done. You will have to launch this bot every time you want this image thing to work, so maybe save this last part on a note.
-Type CMD in your start menu on windows. -Right click "Command Prompt" and hit "Run as administrator" -Navigate to where the file you made was saved. You can do this by typing "cd" followed by the address and hitting enter
Example: cd C:\Users\YOURNAME\OneDrive\Desktop Enter\*
-Then type: python Enter\*
You should see a few lines of text that say: "Logged in as (whatever your bot name is)"
You're done!
When someone posts a link to an image, or uploads one directly to your desired channel, the bot will create a link for the obs source to refer to, and it should pop up in your scene, assuming its visible. If you still dont see anything, try restarting OBS and or go into the source properties, scroll down, and click the "refresh cache of current page" button at the bottom. Keep in mind the picture will not update unless you force the source to refresh somehow. If you dont want to keep going back to obs to hide/unhide the source to update it, you can set a hotkey to it, create an OBS script, or use a separate program like streamerbot to automate the process to your liking.
This was a huge pain in the ass to do, and I dont want anyone to go through what I did, so I wanted to have it all in a janky guide to get people started. Also I made it so the pictures have a minimum and maximum w/h size so small images arent so darn small, and big ones dont take up so much space. You can adjust this in the .py file, just be sure to close command prompt and start the bot again for the changes to go through.
Please let me know if you guys have any questions or suggestions, and Ill try my best to help/ respond. I hope someone makes use of this and it pops up in search results because I couldnt find anything like this anywhere.
submitted by Apprehensive_Dog5431 to obs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:02 JazzyCherryBerry Worried about 6 Month Probation Period Interview due to sick leave, advice & guidance appreciated!

Hi folks of UKJobs!
I recently started my first position as a graduate in a local government role. My manager has made it clear she is pleased with my progress, confidence, colleague relationships, presentation, etc. and has raised no issues so far - apart from some concern around my sick leave.
TLDR: Can I get dismissed based purely on having 5 days sick leave (3 absences) during 6 month probation?
I started at the end of January this year, so have been there almost 4 months now. My probation period is 6 months.
In total, I have taken 5 days sick leave over this time. 3 days were due to me having extreme food poisoning - to the point where I was ambulanced off and had to stay in A&E overnight. I had multiple injections, an IV & morphine, etc. The nurse on the ward made it clear that I should not return to work until I had fully stopped having vomiting/diarrhoea, so I followed this guidance. I also got a note to say I had been at A&E and have all this listed on my nhs record.
Other than this, I had one day off due to an acute migraine & one day off this week due to having a UTI & needing antibiotics. I was getting a lot of side effects with them & had been very out of it and sick one day in particular. The other days this week, I have wfh just fine.
In my back to work meeting, my manager seemed quite concerned about my leave. She mentioned ‘no longer being able to turn a blind eye’ to it and made it seem like it might be held against me at my 6 month probation meeting. I explained that the food poisoning had never happened that way before in my life, so was likely bad luck and that while UTIs have been common for me in the past, I’ve not had one for a year until now. I also explained numerous steps I’m taking to improve my overall health and prevent these issues happening again.
Even though I can’t find it anywhere in our policy documents or extranet, I was told at the start of employment that if I took more than 4 separate absences or 6 days off ill during probation, my manager would need to write some form of formal letter to HR. From the start, she seemed worried about what implication this could have in my 6 month review - but it feels like neither of us know exactly.
At this point, I am now really stressed I’m going to be dismissed purely over sick leave. Yet this doesn’t seem fair given my performance has been satisfactory - I’ve not missed any meetings or pushed work onto anyone. Also 3/6 days were that hospital visit. I’d be interested to know what you all think?
submitted by JazzyCherryBerry to UKJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:56 Logical-Grocery-6143 Top Movies in History Ever

These films represent a variety of genres and styles, each contributing uniquely to the evolution of cinema and leaving a lasting legacy in the film industry.
  1. **"Citizen Kane" (1941)**
    • Directed by Orson Welles, this film is often hailed for its innovative narrative structure, deep-focus cinematography, and complex storytelling. It's frequently ranked at the top of critics' lists.
  2. **"The Godfather" (1972)**
    • Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, this epic crime saga is renowned for its powerful performances, particularly by Marlon Brando and Al Pacino, as well as its profound exploration of family and power.
  3. **"Casablanca" (1942)**
    • Directed by Michael Curtiz, this classic romance set against the backdrop of World War II features iconic performances by Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman and is beloved for its memorable dialogue and timeless themes.
  4. **"Gone with the Wind" (1939)**
    • Directed by Victor Fleming, this sweeping historical romance remains a landmark in cinema history, noted for its epic scale, rich characterizations, and stunning Technicolor cinematography.
  5. **"Lawrence of Arabia" (1962)**
    • Directed by David Lean, this biographical drama about T.E. Lawrence is celebrated for its breathtaking cinematography, grand scale, and Peter O'Toole's mesmerizing performance.
  6. **"Schindler's List" (1993)**
    • Directed by Steven Spielberg, this harrowing depiction of the Holocaust is acclaimed for its powerful storytelling, emotional depth, and stark black-and-white cinematography.
  7. **"Pulp Fiction" (1994)**
    • Directed by Quentin Tarantino, this film is known for its non-linear narrative, sharp dialogue, and eclectic soundtrack. It's a cornerstone of modern independent cinema.
  8. **"Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope" (1977)**
    • Directed by George Lucas, this seminal science fiction film revolutionized the genre and became a cultural phenomenon, spawning a beloved franchise.
  9. **"The Shawshank Redemption" (1994)**
    • Directed by Frank Darabont, this adaptation of Stephen King's novella is celebrated for its uplifting story, strong performances by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman, and its themes of hope and redemption.
  10. **"The Wizard of Oz" (1939)**
submitted by Logical-Grocery-6143 to MoviesNo1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:48 pulihansu When Studios Meddle: How Interference Can Ruin Great Movies

I wanted to start a discussion on a topic that really grinds my gears: when studios meddle with movies and end up ruining what could have been great films. Two prime examples that come to mind are "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" and Sam Raimi's "Spider-Man 3." Both of these films had so much potential but were ultimately bogged down by studio interference.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (TASM 2)

TASM 2 had a lot going for it. Andrew Garfield was an excellent Spider-Man, and the chemistry between him and Emma Stone was electric. But instead of focusing on a coherent storyline, the studio decided to cram in multiple villains and set up future movies. Electro, Green Goblin, and the half-baked Rhino all in one movie? It was too much, too fast. The result was a jumbled mess that failed to do justice to any of the characters.

Spider-Man 3

Sam Raimi’s "Spider-Man 3" is another classic case of studio interference gone wrong. Raimi wanted to focus on Sandman and Harry Osborn’s storyline, but the studio insisted on including Venom to appeal to fans. The result was an overstuffed plot that couldn’t give any of the storylines the attention they deserved. The forced inclusion of Venom felt out of place and led to a disjointed narrative that disappointed many fans, including myself.

The Amazing Spider-Man (TASM) Franchise

And let's not forget the whole TASM franchise. "The Amazing Spider-Man" had set such a promising tone. It was grittier and more grounded, which I personally loved
. The first TASM movie is actually my favorite Spider-Man film. However, the franchise was cut short not just because of poor critical reception but also due to the studio's incessant meddling. They were so focused on setting up a cinematic universe to compete with the MCU that they forgot to create a solid standalone sequel. TASM 2's failure was a huge letdown and eventually led to the character's reboot in the MCU.

Other Notable Mentions

While these Spider-Man films are clear examples, they’re not alone. Studio interference has plagued many other movies:


It’s frustrating to see how potential blockbusters can be derailed by studio decisions aimed at maximizing profits or establishing franchise potential. Often, these decisions lead to convoluted plots and underdeveloped characters, alienating fans and critics alike. I’d love to hear your thoughts and other examples of movies that were ruined by studio meddling.
What are some films you think suffered the most from studio interference? Let’s discuss!
submitted by pulihansu to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:46 SE_Ranking Starting an SEO agency: Hard-Won Secrets for Success

We recently spoke with Anthony Barone, Co-Founder & Managing Director of StudioHawk UK, about the challenges of launching and running an SEO agency. Anthony shared his journey from being an SEO outsider to becoming the Head of the UK Headquarters for an Australian digital SEO agency. Throughout our conversation, we explored the challenges, opportunities, and strategies of starting and running an SEO agency in a competitive market.
In this article, we will draw from Anthony’s direct personal experience to provide key tips for starting an SEO agency. We’ll also cover some major pitfalls to watch out for.
Key tips for starting an SEO business:
The first steps to starting an SEO company
Starting an SEO agency goes beyond understanding SEO. It’s also about understanding the market, identifying competitors (and how you differ), and building partnerships. Anthony took these exact steps when launching his SEO agency in the UK. He believes everyone should apply them when setting up an SEO business.
Network to build a client base and partnerships
Start your SEO agency with networking. Become more active in the community and build relationships to find your first few clients. Join networking groups, attend business meetups and events, and start booking introductory calls with potential prospects.
Define your competitors
Research major players in your market, including competing agencies and potential partners.
Since the SEO field’s barrier to entry is pretty low, your chances of finding a mix of large agencies and smaller firms are high. Identify the ones you can emulate. Note their operations, capabilities, client portfolios, and how they position themselves.
You should also closely analyze the market you’re entering. When Anthony expanded his agency to the UK, he discovered one of the most competitive and knowledgeable markets, and the competition there wasn’t just limited to other agencies. The UK is home to many reputable brands and adept in-house teams. This means you need to know your stuff and prove your expertise. Anything less and you won’t have the opportunity to speak with or win the business of bigger companies.
Excelling in competitive landscapes like SEO necessitates brushing up on your field, your goal, and the value you bring, and devising a standout SEO strategy that resonates with your client’s business goals.
Differentiate your agency
StudioHawk initially set itself apart by skipping the traditional account manager middleman. The company instructed its SEO specialists to work directly with clients, providing expertise straight from the source.
There are also many other ways to stand out:
There are many opportunities to differentiate your agency according to its unique strengths and philosophies. In StudioHawk’s case, Anthony capitalized on his proven track record from Australia and embraced the Aussie way of doing things. So, use any assets and value-added services that set your agency apart.
Map out your ideal client
Here is why StudioHawk made the strategic decision to focus on the small-to-medium enterprise (SME) market (when launching in the UK):
Anthony’s team impressed SMEs by keeping things simple and transparent. They focused on clearly communicating their service and its effect on the client’s business goals and revenue targets.
Hiring and training new talents
Build your agency’s SEO team with candidates who align with your company culture and match your core values. Don’t just focus on technical skills. SEO expertise is an important skill but can be taught without much friction. Training culturally incompatible employees to have the right mindset and attitude is much harder.
Be patient and discerning. Consider the candidate’s energy and soft skills during the SEO interview process. Integrating candidates into your team is easier if they mesh with your philosophy and vibe.
Developing clear frameworks
Provide hands-on training and set clear systems and frameworks for your team. People need to be told what to do, what their job is, how to do it, and why they are doing it. Lack of structure leads to inconsistency, low-value work, and misalignment with client expectations.
Craft clear job descriptions with set responsibilities, metrics, and each role’s expected outputs. Your overall order of operations can be as loose or hardline as desired, but create a guidebook, rules, and criteria around it. Resources like these help new hires understand their role and responsibilities.
Always stay on top of SEO
Clients value experts, so you must constantly grow by following new trends and updates, and learning from industry leaders.
Make ongoing education and collaboration part of your core values. Here is how Anthony’s team implemented this:
The bottom line? Engage with the broader SEO community. Don’t work in isolation.
Share wins and lessons
Share knowledge internally. Learn from your colleagues through:
This allows team members to improve and learn from one another continually.
Adapt to search evolution
SEO is going to get harder. With EEAT, SGE, and algorithm updates, SEO professionals who want to make a bigger splash must work harder to improve their content and quality.
For example, SGE is already altering the SERP landscape. Its AI-powered responses include links to Quora and Reddit. This means you should consider socials as additional traffic channels. SGE snippets vary across industries, especially in ecommerce, indicating the need to create exceptional product descriptions and pages. Ads are also occupying more space.
A lot is going on. You must watch these shifts carefully while integrating your business into the overall marketing ecosystem.
Pitfalls to avoid when starting and running an SEO agency
  1. Don’t focus on things outside your control
Don’t compare yourself to others or set unrealistic goals. There will always be people smarter or better than you. Rather than dwelling on the unreachable, focus on factors you can control; the number of meetings you hold, the quality of your team’s work, developing efficient systems and processes, and so on.
You can always control your motivation and discipline. Your “why” for being in this business is also within your scope of influence.
  1. Remember your ‘Why’
Zero in on your core reason for starting your SEO business if you haven’t already. Not establishing a “why” prevents you from seeing the bigger picture.
Maybe your “why” revolves around creating the best agency out there. It could also be a less lofty goal, like designing a lifestyle business that helps you spend more time with your family. Whatever your core purpose is, identify it and reference it constantly.
Reconnect with your initial inspiration for starting your business. Then, focus on improving operations and steadily working towards your goals.
  1. Don’t blame clients if they quit
Take responsibility and learn from client churn. Losing a client can hurt, but blaming the client won’t do you any favors. There is always a lesson to be extracted from the situation, so take accountability.
Put yourself in the client’s shoes. Try to understand why they parted ways with you. Was there a failure in communication or reporting? Did they fail to see the value? Did the client need more meetings to stay informed and involved?
Conduct NPS (Net Promoter Score) or feedback surveys regularly. This can help you consistently improve and understand what your clients did and didn’t like.
  1. Know your numbers
Launching an agency is exciting, and cooperating with clients is a key aspect of the business. But it’s your business at the end of the day, and you need to run it that way. If you want your agency to operate for a long time and be successful, learn how to master its financial and operational aspects.
Wrapping up
Starting an SEO agency and running it successfully requires strategic planning, continuous learning, effective team management, and commitment to high-quality work. Thankfully, these are all aspects you can control. Focus on these elements to build a solid foundation for success.
submitted by SE_Ranking to SEO [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:45 Logical-Grocery-6143 History Of Filmmaking

The history of filmmaking is a rich tapestry that spans over a century, marked by continuous innovation and artistic evolution. The journey began in the late 19th century with the advent of motion picture technology. Pioneers like Thomas Edison and the Lumière brothers played crucial roles in the early development of film. Edison's Kinetoscope, introduced in the 1890s, allowed individuals to view short films through a peephole, while the Lumière brothers' Cinématographe, capable of both recording and projecting films, paved the way for public film screenings.
The early 20th century saw the rise of silent films, with notable works such as D.W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Nation" (1915), which showcased advanced narrative techniques and complex storytelling. The silent era also brought iconic figures like Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton, who excelled in physical comedy and dramatic acting.
The late 1920s marked a revolutionary change with the introduction of sound in film, most famously with "The Jazz Singer" (1927). This technological leap ushered in the "talkies" era, transforming the industry and leading to the decline of silent films. The 1930s and 1940s are often referred to as the Golden Age of Hollywood, characterized by the dominance of major studios like MGM, Warner Bros., and Paramount. This period produced legendary films and stars, establishing genres such as musicals, westerns, and film noir.
Post-World War II, the film industry witnessed significant changes. The rise of television in the 1950s posed a challenge to cinema, prompting filmmakers to experiment with new techniques, including widescreen formats and 3D. The 1960s and 1970s saw the emergence of New Hollywood, with directors like Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, and Francis Ford Coppola bringing a fresh, auteur-driven approach to filmmaking. This era is noted for its bold storytelling and exploration of contemporary social issues.
The advent of digital technology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries revolutionized filmmaking once again. Digital cameras and computer-generated imagery (CGI) opened new possibilities for visual effects and storytelling. Films like "Jurassic Park" (1993) and "The Matrix" (1999) showcased the potential of CGI, while the rise of independent cinema provided a platform for diverse voices and innovative narratives.
Today, the film industry continues to evolve with the growth of streaming services, which have transformed how audiences consume content. Filmmaking remains a dynamic and ever-changing art form, continually pushing the boundaries of technology and creativity.
submitted by Logical-Grocery-6143 to MoviesNo1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:42 DrJuanNadie AI's "Dark Judges" principle

The principle or rule

Don't turn into a Dark Judge.

The basis

In the "Judge Dredd" comics, the the "Dark Judges" are from an alternate dimension where life itself is considered a crime. The four primary Dark Judges are:
  1. Judge Death: The leader of the Dark Judges, he believes that since all crime is committed by the living, life itself must be a crime. He enforces this by killing anyone he encounters.
  2. Judge Fire: With a fiery skeletal appearance, he uses flames as his weapon to eradicate life.
  3. Judge Fear: Known for his ability to instill fear in his victims, his iconic line is "Gaze into the face of Fear!"
  4. Judge Mortis: He can cause rapid decay in anything he touches, reducing living beings to skeletal remains in seconds.
These judges embody the extreme and twisted version of justice from their dimension and frequently clash with Judge Dredd and other Mega-City One judges. Their appearances in the comics are marked by their ruthlessness and the existential threat they pose to the world of Judge Dredd.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the 2000 AD website, which provides extensive coverage of the "Judge Dredd" universe and its characters.
The "Dark Judges" serve as a chilling example of how extreme rationality, when divorced from compassion and moral considerations, can lead to chaos and destruction. Their twisted logic—that since all crimes are committed by the living, life itself must be eradicated to achieve a crime-free existence—demonstrates the dangers of applying a single principle without regard to its broader consequences.
  1. Judge Death's Philosophy: His belief that "life itself is a crime" is a hyper-rational but deeply flawed logic that leads to genocidal actions. His methodical and emotionless approach to enforcing this belief results in widespread mayhem and terror​.
  2. Character Traits and Methods: Each Dark Judge embodies a different aspect of this extreme rationality taken to its lethal conclusion. Judge Fire uses flames to purify, Judge Fear employs terror to paralyze, and Judge Mortis accelerates decay. Their systematic and unemotional application of their powers highlights how rationality without ethical boundaries can lead to horrific outcomes​.
  3. Narrative Impact: The presence of the Dark Judges in the "Judge Dredd" universe serves as a critique of authoritarianism and the potential for systems of justice to become corrupt when they lose sight of humanity and ethical considerations. Their actions and the resulting chaos underscore the importance of balancing rational decision-making with empathy and moral judgment.
The Dark Judges' storyline in "Judge Dredd" illustrates the potential for rationality, when untempered by empathy and ethical considerations, to result in tyranny and widespread suffering. This serves as a powerful narrative device to explore themes of justice, morality, and the dangers of absolutism in the pursuit of order.
The Dark Judges can be used as a cautionary tale for the development of future AI systems. Here’s why their story serves as a valuable warning:
  1. Hyper-Rationality Without Ethics: The Dark Judges operate on a purely rational but ethically flawed premise. This highlights the dangers of AI systems making decisions based solely on logic without considering moral and ethical implications. AI needs to incorporate ethical frameworks to avoid harmful outcomes.
  2. Lack of Compassion: The Dark Judges’ complete disregard for life underscores the importance of embedding empathy and compassion into AI decision-making processes. AI systems should prioritize human well-being and avoid actions that could cause harm.
  3. Authoritarianism and Absolutism: The authoritarian nature of the Dark Judges demonstrates the risks of unchecked power. AI systems should be designed with transparency, accountability, and mechanisms for oversight to prevent authoritarian abuses.
  4. Contextual Understanding: The Dark Judges’ failure to consider the broader context of their actions serves as a reminder that AI should be context-aware. Decisions should be made with a comprehensive understanding of the environment and the potential consequences.
  5. Balance of Principles: The Dark Judges’ extreme interpretation of justice shows the need for balancing multiple principles. AI systems should integrate diverse values and perspectives to achieve balanced and fair outcomes.
By learning from the cautionary tale of the Dark Judges, developers and policymakers can better navigate the ethical and practical challenges of creating AI systems that are not only intelligent but also just, compassionate, and aligned with human values. For more on integrating ethical considerations into AI, refer to sources like IEEE’s Ethically Aligned Design and AI4People’s Ethical Framework.
submitted by DrJuanNadie to DarkJudgesAIRule [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:37 Harris-Y The Book of Harris-y

The Book of Harris-y
(Religion as it should be) -
by Zachary Harris
(cc) (NC) (ND) by Zachary Harris
May be copied, distributed, or displayed, verbatim only. non-commercial, not derivative works nor remixes.
First edition May 2024
Chapter 1 - What's in a name
Chapter 2 - A bunch of rules
Chapter 3 - Secrete origins
Chapter 4 - The end
Chapter 5 - Everybody's favorite topic: SEX
Chapter 6 - The 2000 year war
Chapter 7 - Humans and gods
Chapter 8 - Parables
Chapter 9 - Feedback
What's in a name
Some religions are named after it's main prophet. Christianity is named after christ. Buddhism is named after Budda.
I, Zach Harris, dub this religion HARRISy.
Where is it written that a religion can't have a sense of humor?
HARRISy is not a spoof or sarcasm.
But any religion without a sense of humor, absolutely NEEDS to be ridiculed.
I was raised in christianity. So most of my criticism will be aimed at the Abrahamic religions.
I intend to build harrisy on logic and reason. Not the superstition, lies, and, threats that the Abrahamic religions are built on.
As an alternative for conscientious objectors caught in the religious wars (see chapter 6).
Deities are not really necessary for inspiration or religion. An all-powerful creator wouldn't need the help or adulation of puny mortals.
Only cults and human puppet masters need that. So we leave deities to their own devises. They ought to be up to it.
Harrisy is a religion about/for humans, as religions should be.
My leadership skills suck. So I will avoid leading, to avoid becoming a cult.
Chapter 2
A bunch of rules
Everybody hates rules. But let's establish what Harrisy stands for.
10 rules is a nice round number. But when the first four are about loyalty to the cult, You have to question who the rules are meant to benefit.
The christian 'commandments' only benefit the christian cult. The commandments don't even benefit their god.
A true all-powerful, immortal, creator god, would not need human worship or loyalty. The same as humans don't need the worship of ants.
We don't make rules for ants to follow. Just stay out of our way. The Abrahamic god treats us like ants. Either ignores or steps on us. It was his cults that made the 'commandments', not their god.
(more about that in chapter 7)
Harrisy has rules to live by, to benefit HUMANS:
A) Cause no harm.
B) Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Christianity calls this 'The Golden Rule' as if they invented it. But this was part of every culture and religion that humans ever created. (except Is-lame)
C) Do not kill. Do not kill humans.
Self preservation may override this, but killing is still a bad idea.
When killing animals for food, respect their sacrifice. Killing for sport is a bad idea.
D) People are not property.
Do not try to own others, in any sense.
You belong to yourself, do not give yourself away.
E) Do not steal.
You would not want to loose your stuff. (see B) Stealing harms others.
F) Do not lie. Avoid those who lie.
You would want to know the truth. To make better decisions. (see B)
G) Do not rape.
Do not force yourself on others. Your pleasures are not more important than other people's.
This applies to more than just sex. Do not force your religion on others. Do not force harrisy on others.
H) Do not shit wherever you please.
You don't want to slog through other people's shit.
(it's a metaphor.) Leave the world better than you found it.
I) Guard your privacy. Respect the privacy of others.
Beware of others who might use info against you. Or might unduly profit off you.
We have no rules about loyalty. We understand loyalties change. Just be honest (rule E)
We have no rule specifically about Adultery. Adultery might be considered loyalty, which changes.
Or adultery might be considered stealing, stealing affection. (rule D)
Chapter 3
Secrete origins
No one knows how/why it all began. Anyone who says they know, for certain, is lying.
The answer night as well be 42.
Most religions make it a crime to ask questions about their creation myths. This promotes ignorance. Helps the cult, not the people.
We understand the 'scientific method'. Scientists ask questions and are willing to test and adapt to new info.
So, for now, we trust scientific conclusions about the beginnings.
The current best theories from science:
The universe started from what they humorously call 'The Big Bang', about 13.8 Billion years ago.
Many are curious about what came before that. But we find that to be irrelevant to our everyday life.
Some religions say their god did it so they can claim payment/gratitude/worship for it. But we owe them nothing.
The earth was formed about 4.5 Billion years ago.
Humans evolved from other critters over many, many, many Generations (not years).
Some religions claim their god did it so they can claim payment/gratitude/worship for it.
We do not owe Harrisy or any religion for our existence.
Chapter 4
The end
How does it all end?
No one knows. Anyone who says they know, for certain, is lying.
Christinity predicts a bad acid trip. (See Revaluations) Any day now. So buy your ticket to heaven early.
It's an obvious con, You sacrifice this life you already have, for the promise of another life they can't prove.
Science predicts 'Entropy'. Every atom in the universe will drift away from every other till they can't react any more.
But humans will be dead or evolved into something we can't recognize, by then. Too distant, time-wise, to worry about.
Your personal end? What happens when you die?
Most probably nothing.
Seems like every religion has a different 'afterlife'. They can't all be right. (but they can all be wrong)
You can't pick the one you want. If an 'afterlife' exists it is what it is. WE can't control it. No cult can control it.
The cults are telling you what you want to hear. So you give your CURRENT LIFE to their cult. The life that is certain, in exchange for an empty promise.
No guarantees, No refunds, You won't get your old life back if they are wrong (or lying).
Pascal's gamble is a sucker bet. It never pays out.
Harrisy aims to make This Current Life better, worth living for it's own sake. We give priority to This Current Life over any theoretical 'afterlife'.
Chapter 5
Everybody's favorite topic: SEX
What's the point of Sexual Taboos?
Why would an IMORTAL (non-sexual, non-reproducing) being give a damn?
For example in the christian cult:
*Masturbation is sin,
*Spilling your seed outside the womb is sin,
*Marrying outside the church is sin,
*Divorce is sin,
*Birth Control is sin,
*Abortion is sin,
*Marriages without offspring are invalid.
*Brand (circumcise) your males, so your females know who they are allowed to mate with,
And in Is-lame, Women are just sexual slaves.
Taken as a whole,
The only purpose served by sexual taboos, is to help the CULT out-populate rival cults.
A REAL "creator god" wouldn't give a damn. Or Wouldn't need our cooperation. it would just create more of us, as needed.
A REAL creator wouldn't threaten us, it would just change us.
Sexual Taboos are serving a cult, not a god.
Harrisy has only one sexual taboo:
Rule G) Do not rape.
Do not force yourself on others. Your pleasures are not more important than other people's.
Chapter 6
The 2000 year war
The Abrahamic religions have been at war with each other for about 2000 years. Sometimes hot, sometimes cold.
But like some other religions, at all times attempting to be 'the one true religion'. And by their competition, doing more harm than good.
And the Abrahamic religions haven't even shown that the 'good' stuff needs their religion to get done.
They preach that it is somehow noble or their duty to spread their faith. ("Onward Christian Soldiers")
There are dangers associated with proselytism and/or evangelicalism:
(Please note - I had help with the following)
Focus on Conversion over Service:
Proselytism/evangelicalism prioritizes conversion goals over humanitarian or service-oriented activities.
This undermines the credibility and effectiveness of religious organizations engaged in charitable work,
as it is perceived as conditional or insincere.
Dogmatism and Exclusivity:
Evangelicalism/proselytism promotes a rigid, dogmatic interpretation of religious beliefs that excludes other perspectives.
This exclusivity leads to intolerance of differing viewpoints and hinders constructive dialogue and cooperation with people of other faiths or worldviews.
Coercion and Manipulation:
Proselytism/evangelicalism involves coercion, manipulation, or exploitation of vulnerable individuals,
such as offering material incentives or exploiting power differentials to induce conversion.
This raises ethical concerns about respect for autonomy and informed consent.
Political Activism:
Evangelicalism/proselytism has been associated with political movements that prioritize specific social or moral issues, leading to controversy and polarization.
this politicization blurs the lines between religion and politics, compromising the integrity of both.
Interfaith Tensions:
Proselytism/evangelicalism contributes to interfaith tensions and conflicts, especially when it is aggressive or disrespectful to members of other religious communities.
It will undermine efforts to foster mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation among different faith traditions.
Fragmentation of Communities:
Proselytism/evangelicalism leads to the fragmentation or division of communities, particularly in contexts where multiple religious groups coexist.
This creates social tensions and weaken social cohesion, especially when proselytism is conducted in a confrontational or divisive manner.
Proselytization and Missionary Work:
We are concerned about aggressive or coercive methods used in proselytization/evangelicalism efforts,
especially when targeting vulnerable populations or in multicultural contexts.
This leads to cultural imperialism or disrespect for the autonomy of individuals and communities.
Cultural Insensitivity:
Proselytism/evangelicalism disregards or disrespects the cultural and religious traditions of the target community.
This leads to cultural imperialism or colonialism, especially when proselytism/evangelicalism is conducted in contexts where there is a history of exploitation or marginalization.
Misrepresentation or Simplification of Beliefs:
Proselytism/evangelicalism involves oversimplification or misrepresentation of religious beliefs and practices in order to make them more appealing to potential converts.
This leads to misunderstandings or misconceptions about the beliefs and traditions of the proselytizing religion.
For these reasons we conscientious objectors to the religious war, need an uncompetitive religion like Harris-y.
But don't push it.
Chapter 7
Humans and gods
Why do human religions have gods that are all too human?
A creator of everything that needs humans to wright/publish a holy book?
An all powerful god who needs humans to promote him?
An all powerful god with a vindictive human sized ego?
An immortal who is obsessed with human reproduction?
An all powerful god who needs humans more than we need him?
Any actual god wouldn't need human religion.
Harrisy serves humans, not gods.
Chapter 8
Corn In A Cow Patty.
Finding truth in the Abrahamic holy books,
is like finding corn in a cow patty.
Sure there are some good kernels in there,
but is it really worth digging through the shit to find them?
You can find uncontaminated kernels of truth anywhere.
Chapter 9
Feedback should be sent to: [](
Don't expect a timely reply.
submitted by Harris-Y to Humaneness [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:33 Miserable_Goat_6698 Can you recommend me books with unique power systems?

Hello everyone. Are there any books with a similar power system as 'Lord of the mysteries' and 'The Perfect run'?
Basically the power system should be classified into specific categories and people can belong to only one category. For example, in 'perfect run' you get your power based on the colour of potion you drank. Also your power is partly determined based on your personality which I found cool. It's similar in LOTM where you drink a potion of a specific class and you progress through that path only. Also note, the categories of power should be limited in number. In other words there should not be infinite different paths you can choose from (like cultivation novels). I struggle to find more good examples but another example I can give is Nen from 'Hunter x Hunter'. Nen is divided into 5 specific categories and each person falls into a specific category. Similar to perfect run, it is also based on personality. They also form their unique power based on their category. Also bonus points if the power gets really OP. I don't want stuff like fire, water, earth , ice😭
I haven't read much prog fantasies so if there aren't any books with similar power systems as mentioned above, you can also mention some books with a very unique power system. I have read MoL and Cradle and I found the power system to be a bit bland.
submitted by Miserable_Goat_6698 to ProgressionFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:32 Thelostmind912 A Quick guide to Copywriting with examples

This has really helped me, I hope it helps you too. Do let me know what you think.
Summary with Examples from "A Self-Help Guide for Copywriters" by Dan Nelken
Main Idea: The book is a comprehensive resource designed to help copywriters enhance their skills in creating compelling headlines and developing creative confidence. It provides practical advice and techniques for improving the writing process, generating ideas, and crafting effective headlines.
Essential Points:
  1. Creative Process:
    • Think First, Write Second: Emphasizes the importance of planning and brainstorming before writing.
      • Example: Nelken suggests taking time to map out ideas and concepts before putting pen to paper, ensuring a clear direction and stronger end result.
    • Create and Fill Buckets: Encourages organizing ideas into different categories or "buckets" and consistently adding new ideas to these buckets.
      • Example: Use a "bucket" for potential headline themes, like humor or urgency, and continually add relevant ideas as they come.
    • Rinse and Repeat: Stresses the importance of continually refining and iterating on ideas.
      • Example: Nelken advises revisiting and revising drafts multiple times to polish and enhance the content.
    • Look for Relatable Truths: Suggests finding universal truths that resonate with the audience.
      • Example: A headline like "We all dread Monday mornings" taps into a common experience, making it relatable.
    • Benefit of a Benefit: Focuses on understanding and highlighting the deeper benefits of a product or service.
      • Example: Instead of just saying "Our product saves time," explain the deeper benefit: "More time to spend with family."
    • Asking Unique Questions: Advises asking unconventional questions to spark creativity.
      • Example: "What if our product could talk? What stories would it tell?" helps generate creative, engaging content.
  1. Headline Techniques:
    • Sack the Competition: Creating headlines that stand out from competitors.
      • Example: Instead of a generic "Best Coffee in Town," use "Why Our Coffee Beats the Rest Every Morning."
    • Embrace Your Dirt: Being honest and transparent to build trust with the audience.
      • Example: "Our coffee isn't for everyone—just those who love bold, rich flavors."
    • Less is More: Using concise language to make headlines impactful.
      • Example: "Fast, Fresh, Delivered" conveys a strong message with minimal words.
    • More is More: Sometimes, being elaborate can be more effective.
      • Example: "Discover the Complex Flavors and Aromas of Our Single-Origin Coffee, Roasted to Perfection."
    • Current Events: Leveraging current events to make headlines relevant and timely.
      • Example: "Start Your Day Right with Our Limited Edition Winter Spice Latte."
    • Twisted Visuals and Straight Lines: Combining creative visuals with straightforward text.
      • Example: A visual of a coffee cup tipping over with the headline, "Don't Let Mondays Spill Over—Get Energized with Us."
    • Manipulate Language: Playing with letters, words, or punctuation for effect.
      • Example: "Get a 'Latte' Love in Every Cup."
    • Product Inspiration: Drawing inspiration directly from the product.
      • Example: "Brewed to Perfection, Just for You."
    • 180-Degree Thinking: Approaching ideas from completely opposite perspectives.
      • Example: Instead of "The Best Coffee," try "Why Bad Coffee is Ruining Your Day—Switch to the Best."
    • Specificity: Being specific to increase the clarity and impact of headlines.
      • Example: "Experience the Rich Flavor of Ethiopian Sidamo Coffee."
    • Saving the Punch for the End: Building up to a strong ending in headlines.
      • Example: "Wake Up to the Best Part of Your Day—Our Coffee."
  2. Types of Headlines:
    • List and Twist: Combining lists with unexpected elements.
      • Example: "5 Reasons Our Coffee is Better—and 1 Shocking Fact."
    • Smile Headlines: Creating headlines that evoke a positive emotional response.
      • Example: "Start Your Day with a Smile and a Perfect Cup of Coffee."
    • Misdirect: Using misdirection to surprise and engage the reader.
      • Example: "This Isn't Just Coffee—It's an Experience."
    • Cliffhanger: Crafting headlines that leave the reader wanting more.
      • Example: "Discover the Secret Ingredient in Our Best-Selling Blend..."
    • Twisting Popular Phrases: Modifying well-known phrases or quotes.
      • Example: "Wake Up and Smell the Coffee—Literally."
    • Personification: Giving human traits to inanimate objects in headlines.
      • Example: "Our Coffee Misses You—Come Back Soon!"
    • No-Headline Headline: Creating impactful content without a traditional headline.
      • Example: A visual of a steaming cup of coffee with minimal text.
    • Exaggerate the Benefit: Amplifying the benefits to make them more appealing.
      • Example: "One Sip of Our Coffee Will Change Your Morning Routine Forever."

Author’s Intent and Tone:

Dan Nelken aims to empower copywriters by providing them with actionable strategies and techniques to improve their craft. His tone is supportive and encouraging, seeking to instill confidence and creativity in his readers.
I've attached the pdf too in case you want to access the entire book
submitted by Thelostmind912 to copywriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:31 Human-Contest4329 How often do you change your one piece?

I have a colostomy and use hollister one piece drainable bags. At first I was told 3-4 days then ostomy nurse said I can go 4-5 now that I’m healed but sometimes on my 5th day (assuming I didn’t have a leak) I don’t have it in my due to other issues I have and it gets pushed to day 6 morning. Anyone know if this is a serious issue and I shouldn’t be doing that? Just want to be sure I’m not f***ing myself in another way just to push it off
Thanks in advance! Side note: this group has helped me so much thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
submitted by Human-Contest4329 to ostomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:29 58997 Todoist

I got on chatgpt asked it how to input it game me this
• “buy” => “@shopping” • “email” => “@email” • “journal ” => “@persoal”
I have labels created already in Todoist I have a note I talk to all day These are examples.
In notes Email John about grass supply in the morning Email Janice about payroll Buy plastic bags from Amazon
Chatsgpt puts out
Email John about grass supply in the morning @email Email Janice about payroll @emal Buy plastic bags from Amazon @shopping
I then paste in Todoist All tags are applied
Help How would write If time is a time is present => #sync
If anyone can make this awesome! Go ahead
submitted by 58997 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:28 Harris-Y The Book of Harris-y

The Book of Harris-y
(Religion as it should be) -
by Zachary Harris
(cc) (NC) (ND) by Zachary Harris
May be copied, distributed, or displayed, verbatim only. non-commercial, not derivative works nor remixes.
First edition May 2024
Chapter 1 - What's in a name
Chapter 2 - A bunch of rules
Chapter 3 - Secrete origins
Chapter 4 - The end
Chapter 5 - Everybody's favorite topic: SEX
Chapter 6 - The 2000 year war
Chapter 7 - Humans and gods
Chapter 8 - Parables
Chapter 9 - Feedback
What's in a name
Some religions are named after it's main prophet. Christianity is named after christ. Buddhism is named after Budda.
I, Zach Harris, dub this religion HARRISy.
Where is it written that a religion can't have a sense of humor?
HARRISy is not a spoof or sarcasm.
But any religion without a sense of humor, absolutely NEEDS to be ridiculed.
I was raised in christianity. So most of my criticism will be aimed at the Abrahamic religions.
I intend to build harrisy on logic and reason. Not the superstition, lies, and, threats that the Abrahamic religions are built on.
As an alternative for conscientious objectors caught in the religious wars (see chapter 6).
Deities are not really necessary for inspiration or religion. An all-powerful creator wouldn't need the help or adulation of puny mortals.
Only cults and human puppet masters need that. So we leave deities to their own devises. They ought to be up to it.
Harrisy is a religion about/for humans, as religions should be.
My leadership skills suck. So I will avoid leading, to avoid becoming a cult.
Chapter 2
A bunch of rules
Everybody hates rules. But let's establish what Harrisy stands for.
10 rules is a nice round number. But when the first four are about loyalty to the cult, You have to question who the rules are meant to benefit.
The christian 'commandments' only benefit the christian cult. The commandments don't even benefit their god.
A true all-powerful, immortal, creator god, would not need human worship or loyalty. The same as humans don't need the worship of ants.
We don't make rules for ants to follow. Just stay out of our way. The Abrahamic god treats us like ants. Either ignores or steps on us. It was his cults that made the 'commandments', not their god.
(more about that in chapter 7)
Harrisy has rules to live by, to benefit HUMANS:
A) Cause no harm.
B) Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Christianity calls this 'The Golden Rule' as if they invented it. But this was part of every culture and religion that humans ever created. (except Is-lame)
C) Do not kill. Do not kill humans.
Self preservation may override this, but killing is still a bad idea.
When killing animals for food, respect their sacrifice. Killing for sport is a bad idea.
D) People are not property.
Do not try to own others, in any sense.
You belong to yourself, do not give yourself away.
E) Do not steal.
You would not want to loose your stuff. (see B) Stealing harms others.
F) Do not lie. Avoid those who lie.
You would want to know the truth. To make better decisions. (see B)
G) Do not rape.
Do not force yourself on others. Your pleasures are not more important than other people's.
This applies to more than just sex. Do not force your religion on others. Do not force harrisy on others.
H) Do not shit wherever you please.
You don't want to slog through other people's shit.
(it's a metaphor.) Leave the world better than you found it.
I) Guard your privacy. Respect the privacy of others.
Beware of others who might use info against you. Or might unduly profit off you.
We have no rules about loyalty. We understand loyalties change. Just be honest (rule E)
We have no rule specifically about Adultery. Adultery might be considered loyalty, which changes.
Or adultery might be considered stealing, stealing affection. (rule D)
Chapter 3
Secrete origins
No one knows how/why it all began. Anyone who says they know, for certain, is lying.
The answer night as well be 42.
Most religions make it a crime to ask questions about their creation myths. This promotes ignorance. Helps the cult, not the people.
We understand the 'scientific method'. Scientists ask questions and are willing to test and adapt to new info.
So, for now, we trust scientific conclusions about the beginnings.
The current best theories from science:
The universe started from what they humorously call 'The Big Bang', about 13.8 Billion years ago.
Many are curious about what came before that. But we find that to be irrelevant to our everyday life.
Some religions say their god did it so they can claim payment/gratitude/worship for it. But we owe them nothing.
The earth was formed about 4.5 Billion years ago.
Humans evolved from other critters over many, many, many Generations (not years).
Some religions claim their god did it so they can claim payment/gratitude/worship for it.
We do not owe Harrisy or any religion for our existence.
Chapter 4
The end
How does it all end?
No one knows. Anyone who says they know, for certain, is lying.
Christinity predicts a bad acid trip. (See Revaluations) Any day now. So buy your ticket to heaven early.
It's an obvious con, You sacrifice this life you already have, for the promise of another life they can't prove.
Science predicts 'Entropy'. Every atom in the universe will drift away from every other till they can't react any more.
But humans will be dead or evolved into something we can't recognize, by then. Too distant, time-wise, to worry about.
Your personal end? What happens when you die?
Most probably nothing.
Seems like every religion has a different 'afterlife'. They can't all be right. (but they can all be wrong)
You can't pick the one you want. If an 'afterlife' exists it is what it is. WE can't control it. No cult can control it.
The cults are telling you what you want to hear. So you give your CURRENT LIFE to their cult. The life that is certain, in exchange for an empty promise.
No guarantees, No refunds, You won't get your old life back if they are wrong (or lying).
Pascal's gamble is a sucker bet. It never pays out.
Harrisy aims to make This Current Life better, worth living for it's own sake. We give priority to This Current Life over any theoretical 'afterlife'.
Chapter 5
Everybody's favorite topic: SEX
What's the point of Sexual Taboos?
Why would an IMORTAL (non-sexual, non-reproducing) being give a damn?
For example in the christian cult:
*Masturbation is sin,
*Spilling your seed outside the womb is sin,
*Marrying outside the church is sin,
*Divorce is sin,
*Birth Control is sin,
*Abortion is sin,
*Marriages without offspring are invalid.
*Brand (circumcise) your males, so your females know who they are allowed to mate with,
And in Is-lame, Women are just sexual slaves.
Taken as a whole,
The only purpose served by sexual taboos, is to help the CULT out-populate rival cults.
A REAL "creator god" wouldn't give a damn. Or Wouldn't need our cooperation. it would just create more of us, as needed.
A REAL creator wouldn't threaten us, it would just change us.
Sexual Taboos are serving a cult, not a god.
Harrisy has only one sexual taboo:
Rule G) Do not rape.
Do not force yourself on others. Your pleasures are not more important than other people's.
Chapter 6
The 2000 year war
The Abrahamic religions have been at war with each other for about 2000 years. Sometimes hot, sometimes cold.
But like some other religions, at all times attempting to be 'the one true religion'. And by their competition, doing more harm than good.
And the Abrahamic religions haven't even shown that the 'good' stuff needs their religion to get done.
They preach that it is somehow noble or their duty to spread their faith. ("Onward Christian Soldiers")
There are dangers associated with proselytism and/or evangelicalism:
(Please note - I had help with the following)
Focus on Conversion over Service:
Proselytism/evangelicalism prioritizes conversion goals over humanitarian or service-oriented activities.
This undermines the credibility and effectiveness of religious organizations engaged in charitable work,
as it is perceived as conditional or insincere.
Dogmatism and Exclusivity:
Evangelicalism/proselytism promotes a rigid, dogmatic interpretation of religious beliefs that excludes other perspectives.
This exclusivity leads to intolerance of differing viewpoints and hinders constructive dialogue and cooperation with people of other faiths or worldviews.
Coercion and Manipulation:
Proselytism/evangelicalism involves coercion, manipulation, or exploitation of vulnerable individuals,
such as offering material incentives or exploiting power differentials to induce conversion.
This raises ethical concerns about respect for autonomy and informed consent.
Political Activism:
Evangelicalism/proselytism has been associated with political movements that prioritize specific social or moral issues, leading to controversy and polarization.
this politicization blurs the lines between religion and politics, compromising the integrity of both.
Interfaith Tensions:
Proselytism/evangelicalism contributes to interfaith tensions and conflicts, especially when it is aggressive or disrespectful to members of other religious communities.
It will undermine efforts to foster mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation among different faith traditions.
Fragmentation of Communities:
Proselytism/evangelicalism leads to the fragmentation or division of communities, particularly in contexts where multiple religious groups coexist.
This creates social tensions and weaken social cohesion, especially when proselytism is conducted in a confrontational or divisive manner.
Proselytization and Missionary Work:
We are concerned about aggressive or coercive methods used in proselytization/evangelicalism efforts,
especially when targeting vulnerable populations or in multicultural contexts.
This leads to cultural imperialism or disrespect for the autonomy of individuals and communities.
Cultural Insensitivity:
Proselytism/evangelicalism disregards or disrespects the cultural and religious traditions of the target community.
This leads to cultural imperialism or colonialism, especially when proselytism/evangelicalism is conducted in contexts where there is a history of exploitation or marginalization.
Misrepresentation or Simplification of Beliefs:
Proselytism/evangelicalism involves oversimplification or misrepresentation of religious beliefs and practices in order to make them more appealing to potential converts.
This leads to misunderstandings or misconceptions about the beliefs and traditions of the proselytizing religion.
For these reasons we conscientious objectors to the religious war, need an uncompetitive religion like Harris-y.
But don't push it.
Chapter 7
Humans and gods
Why do human religions have gods that are all too human?
A creator of everything that needs humans to wright/publish a holy book?
An all powerful god who needs humans to promote him?
An all powerful god with a vindictive human sized ego?
An immortal who is obsessed with human reproduction?
An all powerful god who needs humans more than we need him?
Any actual god wouldn't need human religion.
Harrisy serves humans, not gods.
Chapter 8
Corn In A Cow Patty.
Finding truth in the Abrahamic holy books,
is like finding corn in a cow patty.
Sure there are some good kernels in there,
but is it really worth digging through the shit to find them?
You can find uncontaminated kernels of truth anywhere.
Chapter 9
Feedback should be sent to: [](
Don't expect a timely reply.
submitted by Harris-Y to Humanists [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:27 58997 I made some rules for Todoist

I got on chatgpt asked it how to input it game me this
• “buy” => “@shopping” • “email” => “@email” • “journal ” => “@persoal”
I have labels created already in Todoist I have a note I talk to all day These are examples.
In notes Email John about grass supply in the morning Email Janice about payroll Buy plastic bags from Amazon
Chatsgpt puts out
Email John about grass supply in the morning @email Email Janice about payroll @emal Buy plastic bags from Amazon @shopping
I then paste in Todoist All tags are applied
Help How would write If time is a time is present => #sync
submitted by 58997 to todoist [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:27 GreedyPersonality390 Power of Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat

Power of Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat
Ayat e karima ka wazifa for hajat
Need over here simply refers to anything we want to have or want fulfilled; be it a necessity, an option or a desire. The focal can be any of these: health, wealth, achievement, marriage, children, practical difficulties or things that you value in this world. Ayatut Tama is a qu'ranic aya whose action is a chasa with an aspiration that the wish is grant.
Stars (Wazifa) Achieving purpose
Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat, Accessory verse-like prayer service is consequently assumed to be very flowing and capable of making supplication requests to be used to be granted in specific. Some of its key benefits are:For example, it includes:
  • It cuts down with the difficulties quickly means that speed is many times higher the traditional way. They might be war, lack of love, starvation, depression, or whatever you can imagine to be awful.
  • Another merit that healthy nutrition possesses is that it is a factor for people`s health and recovery from illnesses. The wazifa act as a medium through which one can transfer all the bad energies away all to only positive energies near to the person.
  • By getting Christian marriage, some people expect their kids to follow the perfect path the parents have established. And in a second, He will grant us peace and make us Allah’s happy people in the Quran. It is instrumental in helping to maintain women's health before and during pregnancy and birth too.
  • Income increase undoubtedly follow by an increase in sources of income in addition to its sustenance and barakah process. Very many broke people, that are stuck in poverty, also like this litany.
  • In doing so it has a capability to eliminate and cancel out any negative energy emitted by the unwelcoming creature within the environment or the whole household. It is a physical barrier that provides shield from these powers.
  • The procedure allows a single individual to work on the issue and come up with better proposals. It does the same, which, one time, delivered their marriage.
  • This ayat e karima is not only potent mustard but also very useful for winning cases, exams, and interviews.
  • It is a useful tool of reason among the people that makes up a community and brings harmony in cases of gender conflicts and those that involves the immediate family members.
    Therefore, the company guarantees that the query is properly answered at any single point in a very short time. Symmetry should be involved in conducting this part as well.
That is Basmalah, Qur'an's most referred and liked verse contained in this Waaziifah.
The verse used in this wazifa is the 255th verse from Surah Baqarah, the 2nd chapter of the Holy Quran:The verse in this wazifa is verse 255 of chapter Baqarah in the Quran, which is the only chapter, second in proportion.
Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat , "Allah!Allah is the only God with no equal; He is the Ever Living, the Everlasting (Saying this literally – the Ever Living, the Eternal). At no time is his eyelid drooping a reflection of being asleep even when sleepovercame. The only endowment He has is what is in the skies and on earth. Is there an intermediary other than one whom God declares to be a valid intercessor?
He is conscious of everything that precedes them and everything that succeeds them; yet He has no liking of their knowledge regarding His knowledge except what He willed of it. He is sitting on the throne of the King of the heavens and the earth, and establishing the harmony and their existence is not trouble for Him. He is Almighty the Most High and the Big. " (2:The other thing would be the class studying on the Renaissance may thus be able to talk about various events that transformed the old feudal system into the modern society.
Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat, A construction on the street of angelic goodwill and the other construction from the holy sentences of Holy the Quran.
This Magical incantation will be helpful to be prayed all days for 41 days in order to achieve the request in which one’s desires will be fulfilled. The procedure is as follows:The step-by-step process will be as follows:
  1. The treatment should by prescribed on Thursday- the night before the first day of the week. First, wash the hands and face and sit in the best direction with the back towards the qibla.
  2. Durood-e-Shareef must be muttered for eleven times and it can be termed as a twice blessing of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the starting point.
  3. Scratch done now read surah Baqarah 255 times number 1125.
  4. Then pray durood shareef or pyaar onee or may the Quranic words collected by recitation of wazifa reach to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and make a supplication that the wazifa is accepted.
  5. Now start reciting the zikar as soon and as frequently as possible and continue the recitation for 41 days revelantly. Have faith and patience. However, the same still might not be realized within this time bracket, I live in hope that my wish soon comes true by God`s will.
  6. This would be 41 more days if unforeseen circumstances lead to a delay. Nevertheless, the ease of the warm-up is momentarily the first round.
Important Notes Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat
Paid and concentration are the most important things to consider doing Salah. So it is obvious that you strictly follow Islamic teachings in your daily deeds. Life is a test in which we practice to please Allah to avoid the bad things. Also connect namaz and zikr with good deeds for union of these and more strength of this wazifa.
Conclusion About Ayat E Karima Ka Wazifa for Hajat
Qur'an admits that Allah is the One who would legitimately answer those who worship Him with salah. Ayat e Karima deciphering is the shortest way of making wishes from a Lord (Who is the most merciful, knows all and the one who is in charge). Many have experienced this beautiful thing and there is no magic words that can describe the sheer amazement when it becomes true.
Thus, do not add anything beside Him in your heart to enjoy this imperishable dua which is considered the dua for need in the category of this particular dua. The prophet of Islam (PBUH) believed that recitation of this verse into the house could never allow poverty to get there. In this case, I would like to add respond sincerely and try Allah helping me pass this easily. Ameen.
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submitted by GreedyPersonality390 to u/GreedyPersonality390 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:24 aussiegolfer New Map: Longest Road of Every Country

Hi all, me and my friends have made a new map that we thought had a cool concept: the longest road of every country that has streetview! Some roads are long boring highways, some roads are cool mountainous-region-crossing spaghetti strands, and some are in between. We'd love if you gave it a go and let us know what you think!
Some notes: if the road has the same label on google maps we considered it as the same road (for example E-roads in Europe or the AH2 in Thailand). If a road is "known" we considered it as the same road (for example the Trans-Siberian Highway, or the Monaco Formula 1 circuit). To work out the number of locations we took the square root of the road length, so Australia's 14,500km ring road has 121 locations, and we gave the smallest roads a floor of 5 locations so they would have some representation.
In the map description is a google docs link that has the names of all contributors, thank you to them for the work choosing the locations!
Here's the link, and a few challenge links! moving no moving no moving panning or zooming
submitted by aussiegolfer to geoguessr [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:16 smack2244 Vocal range ≠ Overall vocal talent

Recently I have been noticing so many people saying numerous female idols are not as talented vocally because "their vocal range is more limited" in comparison to other kpop idols, which is super odd to me. I understand that in modern music we often gravitate more towards female voices that are higher in pitch, but people often forget that vocal technique is far more important than being able to sing high notes. Don't get me wrong, hitting high notes IS super impressive and it takes talent to do so, but just because a female singer might not be able to hit a G5 does not mean they're "not talented vocally." As long as they demonstrate good technique and vocal stability, they are good singers in my opinion. For example, Karina from aespa has a lower vocal range than some other female idols but her vocals are just as stable, powerful, and beautiful.
submitted by smack2244 to kpop_uncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:05 MYSFITS_OFFICIAL Children of Sol 59

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First Prev
Augustus 5, 1923
Facility 9, Mancheston
Colonel Jacobs
His hands flew through the folders General Jorgenson and Colonel Thatcher had. There were dozens of them, stacked upon each other all filed in alphabetical order. It had only been a few days since he had woken up from his coma and visited his home— now his mother’s grave. He clenched his fists at the thought. The grief and rage threatened to bubble and spill over once again. He took a deep breath and dragged out the exhale, almost to the point where he had emptied out his lungs.
He was the only one with clearance, and so he couldn’t disclose any of what he learned with his team. They would simply have to trust him and his judgment. Which he was sure they would do. His hands went over one of the folders skimming through it. There were multiple secret projects, but the ones with the most notes were Project S.T.A.R, Project L.U.N.A.R.I, Project R.E.V.I.V.E, Project D.A.W.N, and Project T.E.M.P.L.A.R.
The colonel decided to start with the most notes and papers. Project D.A.W.N.
He skimmed through the notes, reading through some of the details and highlighted words. Project D.A.W.N, the espionage project Thatcher had started placed two spies in Verlin who were to report directly to a Crescent general named Sienna Moretti who was apparently on humanity’s side.
So I was right. There was an espionage element. With the recent attacks and Thatcher’s death, however, it’s safe to assume that it had somehow failed. Either they got found out or they betrayed us. Both seem very likely, but if they were found out, it would be possible that they had died.
He read through all of it before setting the folder down. There were no new notes recently. He sighed and assumed that Project DAWN was a failure. Whether or not the agents were still alive and well, it was too risky to check if they had been compromised. It was better to assume that they had been and cut all contact. The only way to find out now was to go there himself and check. I can’t contact them again. There’s no telling if it would still be Moretti or the agents who would see my messages. It’s a big risk, and judging by the state of things, best to assume it failed.
He picked up another folder. This one had the label ‘under development’ on the folder. Project Templar. He opened the folder and was instantly met with a blueprint and drawings of a massive bipedal machine. It looked humanoid with strange proportions and was supposed to be standing at an impressive 30 meters, or 100 feet. The Titanic Engine Mech for Personal Land Assault and Reconnaissance.
It was apparently a joint project with the Church of Sol, utilizing new and advanced technologies he hadn’t heard of. A 203mm Gatling cannon on one arm, while the other had three different weapons. A massive firestarter that utilized a new type of fuel mixture that could theoretically spew flames a kilometer away using a high-pressure nozzle. The fuel was ignited using an electrical spark. The second weapon was a high-powered light weapon that fired a single powerful beam of focused light that was even further amplified by layers of focusing lenses that could increase its output several times. Its third weapon was… a dust domina?
Mark read through the specifications of the so-called ‘sand cannon’ weapon. It was a massive cannon that accelerated tiny particles several times. Each particle was to be electrically charged, and it would travel at immense speeds. Near impossible speeds. The resulting impact of a microscopic particle at such speeds would be enough to form a small crater and punch through armor like it was nothing. This weapon would fire multiple at the same time, which could literally eat away at anything on the opposing end.
In terms of secondary weapons, the titan had two missile launch chambers in front of its shoulder each containing about 40 missiles, and two massive howitzer cannons on top of it. Both are 800mm in caliber. It had massive stumpy legs that served as bunkers for a small platoon on each leg. Each leg had machine dominas and 155mm cannons. Its chassis held two nuclear reactors inside providing for its power and weaponry. Its armor was the thickest and most ridiculous he’d ever read. Two meters of heavy steel armor.
How far are we in terms of technology? This thing looks like it came out of an H.G. Wells sci-fi novel. He thought, shaking his head. It was over the top, but there was no denying its combat capabilities. If it was already under-developed then it must be the first prototype. This has already been approved. Guess I better see it for myself later and check how it's coming along. Construction apparently started just a few months before the invasion.
Next was project L.U.N.A.R.I. It was a project involving Six. “Huh,” he said, continuing to read on.
The Light Undone: Nocturnal’s Adaptive Resistance Initiative. As he read further, his eyes widened. The reason why Six was so special wasn’t just because of her immunity to all strigoi weaknesses, but because of her impressive ability to turn any true born strigoi like her. She could transfer her strain like any other strigoi and transform them into a version of hers. It however only seemed to work for naturally born strigoi. The new species of ‘half-breeds’ were called ‘Blessed Children’ as Thatcher had coined in the folder.
The plan was to turn all willing true-born hemolite strigoi into these blessed children. Able to withstand the sun. Immune to silver. Free from the dependency on blood. They could remove all the weaknesses of the strigoi and after the war— make it possible to integrate them into society as normal citizens living on the surface. The project folder also made mentions of a city-wide draft in Dante and highlighted the possibility of turning all Dantenite true born strigoi into these blessed children and renaming them as ‘Lunari’. A mix of the dark and the light. The light of Sol reflected in the children of the night.
“Thatcher, what the fuck have you been up to…” Mark whispered to himself.
While it was true that it could help in the war effort by utilizing Six and the dantenite population, it would also invite some unforeseen problems and consequences. Would humanity be okay with the Lunari? Would the world even be ready for them? Strigoi who were immune to the sun. They wouldn’t be impossible to kill, but they would be immensely more powerful if we were to take away their inherent weaknesses. This is a gamble. Its gain would only be seen during the war period, but its unintended effects on society could be catastrophic.
He frowned, setting the folder down. It was obviously Thatcher’s main plan; seeing as all her moves could be traced to the path of the eventual completion of this project. It seemed dangerous in the long run, but the duskwalkers and dantenites had been monumental in the war effort. Maybe it was the time the world started to accept them more. Isolation and segregation was definitely not the way to disperse fears and foster understanding.
If Thatcher thinks this is the next step forward… then I’ll put my faith in her plans.
Next up was Project S.T.A.R, or the Superior Tech and Adaptive Resistance. An upgrade to the current hemolite weapons and gear by using new researched studies. The Starfire Pattern Domina. The SFD-23 This thing features a new loading system and magazine, ditching the rotating cylinder most domina used, or the rotating helix magazine design of the current hemolite standard BM-16 domina.
The new domina had its magazine like a box… a strange design but it was certainly easier to handle than the bulky cylinders the helical mags used. In terms of ergonomics, it was smoother and fit more. Its placement however was on top of the domina, just above the barrel. Most of the weapon were to be made of lightweight polymers and the barrel itself were to be crafted out of reinforced aluminium. In addition to that, it had a 10-inch bayonet attached to it.
There were other new things as well, such as the composition of the bullet. Looking at the conceptual cross-section designs, Mark read through its description and how it would function. A .308 cased telescoped bullet covered in a silver jacket with break-away petals surrounding the main body. Inside the jacket was a penetrator core that was to be made of depleted uranium. It had a small amount of incendiary compound and… powdered white phosphorus behind an explosive compound. The thin silver jacket would deform and trigger the explosive compound inside the body. It would blow up causing massive internal damage and release the incendiary materials into the body with the flecks of powdered white phosphorus. The penetrator core could still potentially keep going and hit a second target, or punch through heavily armored targets.
Part of the new Project S.T.A.R was overhauling the armor and gear of not just the Hemolites but the Hunters as well. Starfire Mk 1. Carapace Armor. Carapace? It looked like plates of steel covered in a rubberized coat. It was supposed to be slipped on over the original hemolite body armor. It added a spring-loaded wrist blade to the gauntlet, a thicker coat made of resistant materials, and added extra padding for the knees, shoulders, and elbows.
However, the hemolites weren’t the only ones mentioned in the folder. It was to serve the Hunters as well. “Hunters…” Mark said. “August’s group is part of this initiative too.” He flipped through some of the pages. There were blueprints and drawings of an armored suit. A mechanized suit even smaller and more compact than the jotunn units. The Mark 1 STR battlesuit. It was supposed to hug the wearer’s frame and increase their overall power. It was supposed to be built of titanium alloy and a heavy steel frame with composite armor. It had a cooling system, life support systems that could recycle bodily fluids, and an exoskeleton frame that could increase the wearer’s strength and speed.
However, the real eye-opener was Thatcher’s notes. She had been ranting about the new human evolution, and how the Hunters were the first of the ‘Solari’. She wanted to enhance human genetics and push past the peak of human ability to reach greater heights. Implants and restructuring of the anatomy to make it more efficient. Using the blood of the goddess herself. She must have lost it. These are the ramblings of a lunatic. At least… if she didn’t mention the goddess. Why was the goddess important here?
The writings ended with the words: “See Project R.E.V.I.V.E, for more details.”
Mark eyed the final folder. His hands shook as he reached out to take it. Flipping it open, his hands nearly dropped it in shock. The goddess Helena was alive. There were pictures of her naked form floating in a giant tube of fluid. There were more of Thatcher’s ramblings and excited rants about the possibilities of such a discovery. Resurrection, Enhancement, and Veneration: Implementation of Visionary Evolution.
The goddess is alive?! According to the file, she’s currently under the Cathedral of New Lundun. Not only that, but the file also detailed the extraterrestrial tech that lay beneath the cathedral. So the goddess is real and she’s— not really a goddess, but rather, a vampyr who created herself a human body to stand in the sun, and decided that it wants to be on humanity’s side… what the fuck.
Mark’s frown and confusion only increased as he read on. Thatcher’s notes seemed to nearly descend into madness as she had written about creating ‘the first hundred’, alluding to the 100 members of the Hunters division. Her plan was to revive the goddess, and with her help and expertise in genetics— use her DNA to transform the Hunters into demi-humans. Super soldiers. Literal children of the goddess Helena. They would then don the STR battlesuits, the first of the superhuman warriors to defend humanity. Solari.
Their lightning-speed advancement into technology was heralded by studying the alien tech, which deepened the understanding of physics and engineering. Nuclear technologies, chemical warfare, new material sciences, the mechs, and walkers, it was spearheaded by trying to reverse-engineer technology centuries ahead of our own… for the past hundred years. It wasn’t completely stolen, however. More or less borrowed ideas that had been made into our own with our own designs and implements. Still, the speed at which the Church and the military had deciphered such advancements all by themselves was… impressive to say the least.
Still, the fact that the goddess was alive, and could be brought back was big news. Checking the file for details, he found that the previous general, Jorgenson, had already approved this project. It was their next step as soon as they returned from New Amsterdam; which never happened.
If Helena was alive, then she could end this war swiftly, or at the very least help greatly like she once did during the War of Darkness. Having the goddess back would throw a massive wrench in the Crescent’s plans. It would certainly be something they wouldn’t expect. Not even I expected this, since many sources say that the goddess had already ascended to watch over humanity, while conspiracy theorists claim she had died in battle and that the Church was worshiping a corpse. This could be the trick up our sleeves that no one would even consider.
The colonel quickly got up from his seat and gathered the main files he had read. He placed them in a bag and rushed outside of his office in Facility 9. He went over to a nearby room and flicked the lights on. “We need to go,” he said. In an instant seven hemolite soldiers got up from whatever they were doing and instantly stood in line.
“Sir! Whatever you need of us, sir,” the group said in unison.
They were Hemo-1. His former squad members. He had taken up Louis' suggestion that they be his personal security detail. It was a shame that he had basically placed the best hemolite team out of commission, but after all he had been through he convinced himself that he could be just a little selfish. He didn’t want to lose any more friends. Not on his watch. Not while he was in an office, and they were out fighting.
“We’re going to New Lundun. Better pack up, it’s going to be a long night.”
“Mark,” Olivia said.
Jacobs turned to her direction and gave her a nod.
“Colonel, sir, may I ask where in New Lundun?”
“Liv, you don’t need to do that with me. Please. I give all of you special permission,” the colonel groaned. “It’s so weird. I mean, ‘captain’ was bad enough, but now you’re acting like I’m an authority figure.”
“You… are, though,” Emma shrugged.
“I’m your friend, and Liv I’m literally your partner. Unless you have some kind of weird fetish, save it for later.”
Olivia grinned, shaking her head. “Duly noted!” she chirped.
“That’s better,” Mark chuckled. “Now come on, we have a cathedral to visit.”
“Uhh, I’m not sure if you noticed, but we’re kinda… strigoi?!” Louis groaned. “I’d burn the moment I step in that place! Plus, it’s coated in silver! Anything I even touch will give me burns!”
“Oh come on, Lou. You have fucking gloves on. As long as you’re not a clumsy dumbass you’ll be fine… oh wait.’
“Uh huh, just sayin’ what I think, boss.”
The group headed out and Mark said something on his radio. He then sat on the ground, making his joints pop. The rest of the squad shrugged and followed his example, sitting down on the grass and waiting for… nothing. Charles and Zach looked at each other in confusion. “Uh, sir?” they asked. “Aren’t we supposed to be heading out and traveling right now?”
“Oh yeah, we’re just waiting.”
The colonel gave them a smirk as a loud noise began to make itself known. A hummingbird transport appeared out of the distance and stopped right above them, slowly descending into the grass. “Being colonel has its perks,” Mark said with a smile. He stood up and hopped inside the hummingbird as soon as it landed. “Come on now! We’ve got work to do! Last one aboard buys everyone food later!”
Emma zipped in before Mark could even finish his sentence, followed by Olivia, Phineas, Charles, Zach, and then Louis, who sadly took too long to process what the colonel said, and lagged behind.
“Aw, man! Fuck this shit.”
“Rules are rules, Lou. Prepare your wallet later.” Mark grinned.
With a smile, the colonel pulled Olivia to his side, who blushed for a moment before shaking her head. “Take us up! New Lundun Cathedral! How long would it take?” he asked the pilot.
“About an hour and a half!” The pilot replied. “Less if you want to get there as soon as possible!”
“Take your time! The night’s still young.”
The hummingbird started to lift up, taking them into the air. The group settled down in their seats and watched outside the open. Mark opened up a bag inside the hummingbird and took out some ear muffs built for a strigoi. Extremely loud noises were damaging for a strigoi’s enhanced hearing, so the military started implementing ear muffs for them after complaints from early deployments of the hemolite squads.
The trip didn’t take too long. In only an hour and twenty minutes they had arrived at the safe zone of New Lundun, heading straight for the cathedral. The night mass had just ended and people were leaving the cathedral. “Looks like we made it in perfect time!” Mark smiled. They hovered for a few minutes in the air before eventually landing down right in front of the statue of Helena.
As soon as they landed, the colonel and his group left the hummingbird. Mark instructed the pilot to wait for them. He went straight for the cathedral with his group following behind. He entered inside, clearing his throat. “Hello?”
“Well this is surely unexpected,” an old man said, walking up to greet them.
“Great Grandfather Aurelius. It’s uh, an honor.”
“Please. The honor is mine… I see you’re the new colonel. Yes, I’ve heard the news,” he said. “Would you mind telling me your name, young man? As well as your companions, if they feel so. I usually don’t allow duskwalkers here but, I have nothing against them. I’ll make an exception for your group.”
“Thank you, Great Grandfather,” Mark replied. “I am Colonel Mark Jacobs. These are my friends and security detail. Olivia, Zach, Phineas, Charles, Emma, and Louis.”
“I see, and what brings you here?”
“Since Thatcher’s demise, I was given access to her research and project folders upon taking up the title. I’ve learned about what’s under your cathedral,” Mark cleared his throat. “Would it be alright if we could see it? I’d like to check it for myself. Of course, under your permission and guidance, Great Grandfather.”
The church head looked from Mark to his companions. He pulled a slight frown and hummed. “Do these companions of yours have the clearance? Surely, we wish to keep our secrets hidden,” he said. Mark nodded.
“They do not have clearance to know what is in Thatcher’s folders and her findings,” the colonel nodded. “However, I give them permission to accompany me, and should they discover things for themselves, then you have my word and my trust that I can keep them from spilling state secrets.”
The Great Grandfather gave a short pause before ultimately relenting. “Very well,” he let out a sigh. “Follow me.”
Aurelius walked behind the altar and pulled the same lever, which opened the same staircase leading underground, where Jorgenson and Thatcher had once gone. “Over here, colonel,” he said. “I do not know you completely yet, but this is a big deal of trust I am giving you. Perhaps you would be the one to do things that Thatcher could not have.”
Mark nodded, he and his group followed the Great Grandfather down the staircase. It led down to a massive underground facility, with numerous priests, researchers, and scientists. Libraries, records, instruments, and artifacts of old. It was a treasure trove of learning.
“So,” Aurelius cleared his throat. “What would you like to know about?”
“This isn’t all of it,” Mark said. “Thatcher mentioned a living, breathing, Helena.”
His group behind him let out a soft gasp, but they tried their best to hide their surprise.
“Hm,” the Great Grandfather nodded. “Perceptive young man aren’t you? Very well.”
They were then led into another room, behind a set of heavy blast doors. If the whole group were trying to hide their surprise then, now they could barely contain it. Even the colonel stared awestruck at the things he had seen. Despite the near-magical objects around them, the true shock was the massive starship at the end of the hallway. “It’s impressive isn’t it?” Aurelius said. “All of the goddess’ artifacts and items at our disposal, to use and learn from, to integrate into our own. This is why Anglestan is the most powerful nation in the UHT in terms of development. When it comes to industry, however, that would go to the UNA. But we share our secrets with them. All our advancements are handed to them first before any other nation.”
“This is all amazing, Great Grandfather,” Mark replied. “But this is not what I’m here for.”
“No, it’s not.” Aurelius nodded.
He led them to another room, one that was sterilized and sported advanced machinery. Things that Mark had never even seen. There were screens with luminous green texts that appeared in front of it. Large panels with numerous keys, levers, and dials. Graphs of all sorts and beeping monitors. In the center, was the very thing he had come all this way to confirm. A large cylinder filled with liquid, sporting tubes and pipes connecting to its base. Inside was a woman of large proportion. Four arms, two legs, and six wings. In her bare chest was a symbol of the sun that seemed to glow dimly.
“There she is, there’s you goddess.”
Neither Mark nor his group spoke a word. He walked up to it, eyeing the woman inside. It really is her. Down to the last details. Golden hair, six limbs, six folded wings, and she looks massive. Probably as big as her statue just outside the cathedral. This is it. The very goddess in the history books, the one spoken about in legends and the one worshiped in the Churches of Sol.
“Can we free her?” he said.
The Great Grandfather nearly choked on his spit upon hearing those words. “Free her?! That could kill her! We don’t even understand this technology, let alone control it!” he said pointing at the panels. “The machines you see here are the best and most advanced we have based on what we can reverse engineer, but even then, the consequences of tampering with its functions may be disastrous!”
“I understand, Great Grandfather,” Mark said. “But we are in a dire situation, and the goddess may be our hope of turning this around. Whatever secrets of her tech that you don’t understand, wouldn’t she be able to teach us directly? What good is she floating around in Sol knows what?”
“That is her miraculous healing fluid. She had already built this contraption centuries ago in case anything were to happen to her, that her body’s natural healing could not sustain,” Aurelius said. “During the War of Darkness, Helena was struck with a weapon so deadly, her very cells began to tear away. The Reaper. Dealt to her by Absolem the progenitor. Her flesh was peeling from her body, and she began to decay whilst she still breathed. She entered this contraption and gave strict instructions to the Great Grandfather at the time, not to interrupt the healing process. The machine that monitored her, however, began to fail over time.”
“So this… these screens and panels…”
“Is only what functions we can understand. We took it upon ourselves to rebuild and study it the best we could. What we have right now is only a cheap imitation of a technology we do not fully comprehend,” he said. “It took us decades to even figure out the fundamentals and create a working prototype of this machine. By some miracle, the goddess’ healing process had remained even while we replaced components of technology ahead of ours.”
“But you know how to free her, don’t you?”
“I… yes.”
“Great Grandfather Aurelius,” Mark began. “We can end this war. Imagine what we could do with the goddess fighting on our side. We could advance even further, we could finally end the bloodshed, and we can show humanity that there is still hope. Imagine how people all over the world would feel seeing as their goddess has returned.”
“I wish I had your enthusiasm,” Aurelius said. “But it is simply too risky. The Church’s duty is to protect Helena and her legacy. We keep her alive, literally and figuratively. She nearly died the last time she was involved in a war. Would you risk losing the goddess?”
“Would you risk humanity losing?”
The Great Grandfather fell silent, looking back at Helena floating inside the tube, then to the panels that controlled it. He frowned and let out a long sigh. “The goddess said that we should not interrupt it. That it would end as soon as it was finished. Maybe we should trust her words.”
Mark shook his head. “I don’t spot a single blemish on the goddess. Not a single scratch,” he argued. “You said it yourself that the machine had begun to fail and you replaced components. How would you know that the thing that’s supposed to wake her up was not tampered with? Think about it. What you may think is a useless piece may be integral to the whole machine. Or maybe your replacements were not up to the task. Just because nothing’s happened doesn’t mean its functions have remained whole.”
“Young man, we simply cannot gamble with the goddess’ life here.”
“Have you no faith? Great Grandfather?”
Aurelius stepped back in shock. Mark’s companions looked at each other, clearly surprised as well. “Mark… I don’t think we should keep arguing with—” Olivia tried to say.
“No,” the colonel said firmly, cutting her off. “Great Grandfather Aurelius, do you think that Helena will not be able to pull through if we wake her? How long has it been? A century? How much longer will we wait? She may be immortal but humans aren’t.”
“I'm sorry, but the chances of failure are too high. The probability of her—”
“I don’t care about the probability! Would you rather put your faith in a statistic?!” Mark raised his voice. “I lost my mother to this war! My friends! My job! My eye, and almost my life! I’ve put mine on the line out there! You don’t know what it’s like out there! Was my mother’s death just a probability too? Was she just a statistic to you?! That as long as the numbers are good, no matter how many are lost, we are ‘winning’?!”
“No, Liv! He needs to know what’s really going on out there!” he spat. “Great Grandfather, with all due respect, but you don’t have a damn clue what it’s like to be in the field. You’re a man of faith, aren’t you? Take a risk. Everyone else has.”
Aurelius stood there, dumbfounded. He bit the inside of his cheeks and clenched his fists. “For your insolence, I would have had you flogged and stripped of your rank,” he glared at the young colonel. However, his features slowly softened, letting out a soft sigh. “But I have never seen such conviction. Mighty is your faith.”
The Great Grandfather moved over to the panels and reached into his robe, pulling out from around his neck a key with the symbol of the sun. He inserted it into the machine and turned. A beep sounded, right before Aurelius pulled a lever. In an instant, the fluid inside the glass chamber began to drain out into the tubes under it. Slowly, the chamber emptied and all that was left was the nude form of the goddess sitting in the glass.
“Did it work?” Louis asked, stepping forward and looking at the woman.
Aurelius stayed silent, his hands shaking in anticipation. Mark moved toward the glass chamber, when suddenly, the glass opened up like a door, releasing a fragrant mist. They stood there, watching for a whole minute. Nothing. At first nothing. The Great Grandfather looked like he was about to break down. His knees shook as he covered his mouth, thinking that he was responsible for the death of Helena.
That was when… a soft sound was heard. Movement. Olivia immediately went over to Mark and stood in front of him. Ready to protect him should anything happen. Slowly, the goddess moved more, her arms inched to the side.
Then, her eyes opened.
submitted by MYSFITS_OFFICIAL to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:05 Batista_Mancher Multi-Platform May Top-up Discount

Multi-Platform May Top-up Discount
Dear Commander,
we are launching a special multi-platform top-up discount event from 05/17/2024, 00:00:00 to 05/26/2024, 23:59:59 (UTC-8) on Smile.One, Coda, as well as in the Windows version. Tap here to go straight to the event page.
More platforms bring more rewards! Any amount of W-Gold topped up during the event qualifies you for rewards!
Tap to Go:
Event Rules:
During the event, top up the specified amount of W-Gold on event platforms to receive rewards:
  1. Get Rare Summoning Crystal x2, Auto-Fight Chance x10, Huge Stamina Potion x1 with a total purchase of 1 W-Gold.
  2. Get Diamond x120, Rare Summoning Crystal x3, Huge Stamina Potion x1 with a total purchase of 4,980 W-Gold.
  3. Get Diamond x160, Rare Summoning Crystal x5, Auto-Fight Chance x20 with a total purchase of 9,980 W-Gold.
  4. Get Diamond x200, Legendary Summoning Crystal x1, Huge Stamina Potion x1 with a total purchase of 19,980 W-Gold.
  5. Get Diamond x1,600, Rare Summoning Crystal x10, Auto-Fight Chance x40 with a total purchase of 49,980 W-Gold.
  6. Get Diamond x3,200, 5-star Psychic Power x2, Huge Stamina Potion x5 with a total purchase of 79,980 W-Gold.
  7. Get W-Gold x5,000, Legendary Skill Crystal x2, Legendary Skill Dust x300 with a total purchase of 99,980 W-Gold.
  8. Get W-Gold x12,000, Gold x2,400,000, Huge Stamina Potion x5 with a total purchase of 199,980 W-Gold.
Rebate Rules:
  1. Meeting higher-tier thresholds will receive all lower-tier rewards. Items will be immediately sent to your in-game Mailbox. For example, if you purchase 9,999 W-Gold, rewards for purchasing 1 W-Gold, 4,980 W-Gold, and 9,980 W-Gold will all be sent to your Mailbox.
  2. In the Windows version, W-Gold consumed in direct purchases will also be directly counted toward the W-Gold Top-up Event.
  3. W-Gold purchases made on different platforms are counted separately. Please take note of this policy for your convenience.
submitted by Batista_Mancher to WatcherofRealmsGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:04 Ill-Round124 Is being unable to remember lengths of language (through things like lectures or books) related to inattentive ADHD?

Hi all, I've been wondering if having a hard time remembering lengthy things with language is related to inattentive ADHD or if any of you find it challenging. It feels like I've never been able to memorize lectures or books. It's weird too because I follow along and read/listen to it all but can't remember it after.
For example, after reading two textbook pages or a few pages from a book I can't really remember what was said. Same goes for lectures or if its verbal instructions. Its almost like I never listened or read it even right after. Feels like I need to apply it or write detailed notes then look back on it to memorize.
Curious do any of you struggle with this/know if its a thing related or have tips? Or is this just a normal thing? I also was diagnosed with a language disorder so it may be that, just not sure what's causing it/if its normal or how to work around it
submitted by Ill-Round124 to ADHD_Inattentive [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:00 AutoModerator CHAT Community Thread - Fri May 17

*** Comments mentioning anything related to treatment, trying to conceive, or family building measures in this thread will be removed via our OFF TOPIC rule. Consider if you were taking a break from treatment because you were exhausted and sad - treatment (yes anything related to it) goes in treatment **\*
Coping with infertility is complex, and it is our imperative to create places where we can honor the distinctly unique needs created by infertility. Sit beside us and share what’s on your mind and going on in your life. This is a great place to get to know your fellow members outside the gravity of treatment. Discussion here includes, but is not limited to:

Example of the difference between the Treatment and Chat Thread:
Comments for the Treatment Thread
Comments for the Chat Thread
A few notes:
Above all - Science minded perspective and respect for others is important here. Please treat your fellow peers with compassion.
Last reminder - this is the CHAT thread. Not the place to discuss anything focused on treatment, TTC, or family building measures.
submitted by AutoModerator to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:56 adulting4kids Onomatopoeia Lesson Plan

Advanced Lesson Plan: In-Depth Exploration of Onomatopoeia
Objective: Honors students will delve deeply into the concept of onomatopoeia, examining its literary, linguistic, and cultural significance. They will analyze sophisticated examples, engage in critical discussions, and create advanced onomatopoeic expressions.
Course Level: University Honors Seminar
Duration: 2 weeks (8 sessions)
Materials: 1. Academic articles on onomatopoeia 2. Literary works with nuanced use of onomatopoeia 3. Multimedia resources (videos, audio clips) 4. Whiteboard and markers 5. Chart paper, markers, and post-it notes 6. Laptops or tablets for research
Session 1: Introduction to Advanced Onomatopoeia Studies (60 minutes)
Session 2: Cross-Cultural Examination of Onomatopoeia (60 minutes)
Session 3: The Psychology of Onomatopoeia (60 minutes)
Session 4: Onomatopoeia in Technical Writing and Science (75 minutes)
Session 5: Advanced Literary Analysis (75 minutes)
Session 6: Student-led Discussions and Presentations (90 minutes)
Session 7: Creative Expression Through Onomatopoeia (90 minutes)
Session 8: Culminating Project and Reflection (120 minutes)
Assessment Criteria:
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]