Swollen lymph nodes no fever


2020.06.25 23:25 SensitiveBorder2 Swollenlymphnodes

THIS GROUP IS PRIMARILY FOR CHRONICALLY ENLARGED LYMPH NODES WITH NO CAUSE FOUND Most everyone here has had lymph nodes swell up and never fully return to their original size. A lot of us panicked and seen nothing but cancer stories until finding so many others who simply had nodes pop up and stay that way and this community is hopefully going to be a place to calm the anxieties of many and for us to discuss our experiences with swollen nodes that stayed there forever.

2022.03.02 17:47 Yasssinator lymphnodes

Community for people with enlarged lymph nodes, without lymphoma. All advisements are to be taken with a grain of salt, no one can diagnose you but a doctor.

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.17 09:37 ookarinag Constant pain, But nothing new for you guys, right? /:

Helloooooo. I’m been dealing with constant pain everywhere in my upper body. I have bad headaches, my jaw,neck, and shoulders hurt so much and my shoulders are so tense. My lymph nodes feel so swollen and my ears are constantly ringing, and I’ve had suicidal ideation because I can’t bear living life with constant pain. All I think about when I wake up is the constant pain. I’m always fatigued, My face especially my right side of my face feels like it’s dropping down. I just want to live pain free. I have an appointment with a chiropractor tomorrow and I really hope that helps me. I want to see a tmj specialist but I don’t think my dental insurance or my medical insurance covers it and I can’t afford to spend thousands of dollars I don’t have. I’ve become a depressed over this because I can’t live with constant pain. I’m pretty sure my posture and high levels of stress have to do with me having tmj and the way I sleep. I’ve been really down about this like I kind of cry everyday because I can’t enjoy my days with these headaches and pain
submitted by ookarinag to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:17 elle_0830 Swollen cervical lymph node that “puffs up” when upper back pain occurs.

31 F. No medical hx. No meds.
I’ve had upper left shoulder back pain for a few years now. It wakes me up out of my sleep sometimes and I literally just roll around in pain until ibuprofen kicks in so I can fall back asleep. Sometimes it keeps me up for hours. The pain is an crampy ache, like I desperately need my back cracked. When this pain occurs I notice the lymph node on the back of my neck to the left gets big and hard. It’s in between the size of a dime and Nickel. When the pain goes away, the lymph node goes down in size but is still palpable.
Initially, I brought up this lymph node to my PCP. Had an ultrasound and neck CT done with contrast that showed I had multiple other lymph nodes in my neck that were large but not of concerning enough size. I had that specific lymph node biopsied and they got more fat than actual lymph node but the small sample they got seemed normal. Labs seemed normal outside of a mildly elevated ESR. They recommended me getting another biopsy if the lymph node was still there in 3 months. Well, three months later it was still there obviously since it’s been there for years but didn’t grow in size so the doctor didn’t want to do another biopsy and said it would probably go away in time.
It’s never gone away. The pain still comes and goes and I have no idea what to do about it. Curious to see if anyone has had a similar issue? Ibuprofen 800 helps a little and so does icy hot. I was prescribed flexeril but all it does is make me sleepy and does absolutely nothing for the back pain. In fact , I feel like it makes it worse. I feel like my pain is dismissed and I’m miserable when the pain starts.
Any advice ?
submitted by elle_0830 to backpain [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:16 DakuraScarlet Am I overreacting?

Today I was finally prescribed Levo, but while I saw my doctor I wanted him to have a look at my throat/neck. After over a month of hypo symptoms I’m suddenly having hyper symptoms again for the past week, on top of that I’ve developed pain in my throat where my thyroid is as well as my lymph nodes feel very swollen and sore. I also have some sort of hard small lump on the back of my neck on the left side. My doctor didn’t examine me at all, just saying that one can fluctuate between hyper and hypo and that my neck is just having inflammation. I’m just worried about the pain since my throat just feels weird and sore when I move my head certain ways or when I cough or sneeze or yawn. I also have a clicking feeling when I swallow sometimes. Should I maybe get it checked out somewhere else or am I overreacting and this is super normal?
submitted by DakuraScarlet to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:13 Excellent-Can8531 can this be Lyme or coinfection symptom?

It first started with a small zit on the tip of the ear lobe, it had a black head that spread and inflamed the skin around the cartilage filling it with some kind of liquid and then lymph nodes got swollen around the ear and neck. The infection looked black, and within a weak made a crust that made it unrecognizable that was an insect bite. That is when I went to the doctors and they thought it was viral. That is why I was misdiagnosed so many years.
Since then I get this painful small blisters in the hands, some under the skin like the first picture, some on the surface. around joints. They are dark in appearance with black head and every time they appear they last around 1 - 2 weeks and when they leave the skin gets dry and flaky. But this does not end here, as soon as they disappear the nerve pain starts and I het really achy in the area for a long time.
I really believe that what I am looking at is the infection that havocs my body for such a long time (3yrs). I will not get into details but I do have neurological symptoms similar to MS, ALS.
I would like to know if you have these as well with Lyme.
submitted by Excellent-Can8531 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:46 Then_Meringue_4975 Severe Body Aches & Pains

To preface, I used to take Doxy every day for months during Covid for acne, but eventually stopped due to not feeling comfortable relying on an antibiotic so much- even when taken with probiotics. I’ve been able to keep my acne at bay with Spironolactone and a tailored skin routine.
But then last week for the first time ever I broke out into a rosacea flare up around my eyes and cheeks (ocular rosacea). I went to my dermatologist and she prescribed me Doxy 50mg for two weeks. After it seemed like the rosacea was getting worse they upped me to 200 mg a day. I took the two pills along with food, water, and a probiotic and had no stomach pain or discomfort. When I woke up the next day I felt relatively fine until two hours later when I touched my skin and it hurt.
I went to work and as the hours passed my entire body was riddled with aches and pains- I was shivering from feeling cold (to the point my nails were turning blue) and had to leave early to go to a doctor. The doctor did a Flu test and it came back negative, my throat looks fine and the lymph nodes weren’t swollen. He said that the main culprit is most likely the Doxy and to stop taking it to see if I improve.
And while the Doxy isn’t out of my system yet, I still feel terrible. Everything aches and pains as if I have a flu without the other flu symptoms (stomach pain, cough, etc.) My skin feels super sensitive to the touch, my neck and back are stiff and it’s gotten to the point where doing simple tasks such as eating and showering was a chore because I feel so rigid and weak.
My doctor explained that even though I’ve tolerated Doxy in the past, my immune system has changed over the two years and may have developed a sensitivity to it. Saying that my immune system is reacting to the Doxy and thinks there’s an infection so it’s reacting accordingly (hence the aches and pains). I only took the Doxy for 3 days before stopping use.
I just wanted to know if this is a common experience by others, and if so, how long after stopping Doxy did it take for the severe pains and chills to subside? Also, just as a heads up to people who may be starting the medication that it’s a possible side effect. It was helping the rosacea flare up, but the pain is not worth it. I’m going to stay off it and keep track of how I feel to decide whether the Doxy is the culprit or not.
submitted by Then_Meringue_4975 to DoxyPills [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:45 MrTumnus99 How to think about risk vs reward in deciding on aggressive surgical treatments?

About a month ago, I (38M) was diagnosed with a rare, slow growing neuroendocrine tumor (carcinoid) in my appendix which was discovered during an appendectomy. We have no data to suggest that 100% of the tumor was not removed during the appendectomy: the margins were clear and from a statistical perspective, the majority of people with a tumor the size of mine (~1cm) are cured by appendectomy alone.
However, there were some other findings that cloud the picture. The primary tumor was not growing quickly and had a Ki-67 index of 2%, which is compatible with grade 1 (good for me). Despite this, the tumor had almost broken through the appendix wall, showed signs of perineural invasion, mesoappendix invasion and lymphovascular invasion. (To be honest, only the last thing means much to me but I know it’s bad). Because of these attributes, the tumor was assigned a primary tumor stage of T3. Only one lymph node was dissected but no tumor cells were found there (N0) and there was no distant metastasis (M0). All three of these stages indicate an overall cancer stage group of IIA. My case was reviewed by the tumor board at the GI center at the local med school and they recommended further surgery to prevent possible metastasis of any cancer cells that remain. This surgery, known formally as a right hemicolectomy would remove the ascending portion of my colon. My rectum and anus would be unaffected and I would (in a sense) still use the toilet normally. From the literature, many people report more diarrhea, looser stools and sometimes fecal incontinence after the procedure, but it seems peoples experiences can vary greatly. I will add that the idea of having these challenges as a single person scares me quite a bit. Pooping my pants on a date seems very non-ideal and I’d really like to find someone to spend my life with.
The other compounding factor is that while the 5 year survival rate for neuroendocrine appendiceal tumors is luckily quite high (90% or so if there is only local spread) there is no approved radiation therapy or chemotherapy. My scientific understanding of this is that since the growth rate of these tumors is slow compared to other cancers, they grow at similar rates to normal healthy tissue. This makes cytotoxic chemotherapies that target rapidly dividing cells ineffective: the only treatment that would kill the tumor, would kill you just as fast. There are some therapies that can inhibit tumor growth (somatostatin I think?), but the tumors never shrink in size. Since there is no chance to completely kill the tumor, one appears to be left with the unavoidable outcome of living the rest of your life with cancer if surgery doesn’t work. And significantly, the survival rates for metastatic neuroendocrine tumors appear to be far less rosy than if they are caught early. I woke up the other night and sat straight up in bed to catch my breath thinking about that.
I am really wrestling with the idea that the surgeons are recommending a procedure, which will undoubtedly degrade my quality of life to some degree, and from a statistical point of view, is not expected to find any tumor cells. It seems that the oncologists view the surgery as insurance for me (and frankly for them). I get it, but…like…come on. Maybe I’m being crazy to even be thinking about this, given that if the tumor were to spread, I’m kind of screwed?
Some questions:
Thanks for reading. This community has been so helpful to me recently. I wish I could hug you all. You are the best.
submitted by MrTumnus99 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:45 Nice-Doubt6764 Recurring Eyelid Retraction After Total Thyroidectomy and No Detectable Antibodies?

Has anybody experienced a recurrence of eyelid retraction AFTER thyroidectomy?
Background: Dx 1/21. TED symptoms seemed to hit one eye at the time. Began with puffiness and watering, pain in the back of the eyes with upward gaze, very minor proptosis, eyelid retraction, then lid lag. Eye symptoms seemed to stabilize several months before my total thyroidectomy in 6/22. No antibodies detected by early 2023 and by mod mid 2023 I had no visible symptoms.
A few weeks ago, I noticed my lid retraction in my right eye returned. It seems to fluctuate. I have been under increased stress lately (I broke up with someone and while I was in the ER for a bad stomach flu, a CT was performed and I now need a follow-up CT to check on an enlarged pericardial lymph node.
Has anybody else had their TED symptoms return this long after thyroidectomy and lack of antibodies? (I’m going to ask for another round of antibody tests to confirm they haven’t returned)
I took a selfie and compared to a selfie pre-dx and the difference in my eyes is disturbing. I also feel like there’s some drooping so I want to get tested for Myasthenia Gravis, although I don’t think I have other symptoms.
I’m annoyed because my ophthalmologist was pretty dismissive the last time I talked about symptoms, but that was a year ago (during my last visit, 6 months ago, I wasn’t experiencing symptoms, but I was during the previous visit). He said my physical symptoms weren’t bad enough to operate on, but I’m so upset by how I look that I’m seriously thinking of going to a plastic surgeon who specializes in eyelid surgery.
Any advice or similar stories of TED symptoms coming back after surgery/remission would be helpful.
submitted by Nice-Doubt6764 to gravesdisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:16 CorrectAmbition4472 Question about PEM

I am severe/bedbound and have been for 1.5 years I had sudden severe onset.
However I have all of the symptoms of PEM constantly they’re all just worse when I’ve overdone it by I guess moving too much in bed or talking too much which is crazy to me but I feel like I’m in almost constant PEM unless those are just the symptoms of the condition and I’m guessing my baseline is just severe since I have had a few days without flu like symptoms since I’ve become ill but generally feels like I have a bad flu daily and I wish it could get better :((
Any tips for immune system boosting naturally or pharmacological would be appreciated I obviously had all autoimmune conditions ruled out but I struggle with canker sores, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, chronic sinusitis, chills, temperature dysregulation, burning skin, sweating, muscle aches and severe fatigue obviously
submitted by CorrectAmbition4472 to cfs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:44 MountainFrequent3128 I have medical anxiety... MRI results

I am going in for my breast biopsy this coming Monday and ny nerves are haywire! I have been attempting to educate myself as much as possible, however there is so much contradictory information that I don't know what to believe. Posting my breast MRI results to see if anyone can help make sense of it.
Right Breast There is a 4 mm focus of enhancement greater than background enhancement in the right breast at 9 o'clock, 11 cm from the nipple demonstrating mixed kinetics including washout kinetics (axial postcontrast 2, image 89). There is no correlating finding on the mammogram performed the same day. There is no other suspicious enhancement in the right breast. There are no suspiciously enlarged right axillary or internal mammary chain lymph nodes.
*side note; I have heterogeneously dense breast and they are a very large 38H. I was told the Mammogram may not show much dut to how dense the tissue is, which they saw nothing until the MRI.
submitted by MountainFrequent3128 to doihavebreastcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:38 cansarain Need help - 2 very different ultrasound results 2months apart

Has anyone had 2 very different ultrasound results 2 months apart? Background I had my first US outside of USA and second one 2 months later in NY. My Endo when she saw the first result was 100% on you need to get a biopsy but since my US was outside the country, said I needed to get another one before she could schedule me for FNA for insurance reasons. Now after new result, no need for biopsy just repeat US 1 yr later. I'm loosing my mind. Please help if you have any suggestions or have experienced a similar situation.
Size is different , shape is different, margin is different. Second one seems to have less info like missing vascularity info. The radiology department was wayyy overbooked today. Could this be a rush job.. has left me more confused and frustrated.
First ultrasound result (March '24): Both lobes of thyroid and isthmus are normal in size. The right lobe of the thyroid measures 4.7 x 1.8 x 1.3cms. An ill defined taller than wider (3) iso-echoic (1) spongiform (0) smoothly marginated (0) lesion measuring 9.3 x 8.3 x 5.9mm is seen in the subcapsular region of superior pole of right lobe of thyroid. It shows no echogenic foci on colour doppler, it shows peripheral as well as intra lesional vascularity. No evidence of extra thyroidal invasion seen.
The left lobe of the thyroid measures 4.8 x 1.6 x 1.5cms. A subtle ill defined lesion measuring 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.9cm is seen in mid pole of left lobe of thyroid in subcapsular location. It is abutting the medial margins of left CCA. It is taller than wider (3) smoothly marginated (0) solid (2) iso - hyperechoic (1) lesion with no echogenic foci. No evidence of extra thyroidal invasion seen. On colour doppler, it shows significant intralesional vascularity.
Multiple right sided cervical lymphnodes seen with 3mm MSAD and preserved cortex and oval shape. No evidence of necrosis / calcification seen. The isthmus measures 3mm. Both submandibular and parotid glands appear normal. Neck vessels on both sides appear normal. CONCLUSION : SOL right lobe (TR4). Suggest FU with clinical correlation. SOL left lobe (TR-4). Suggest HPE / clinical correlation.
Second result (May '24): INDICATION: Multiple thyroid nodules. TECHNIQUE: Ultrasound of the thyroid gland is performed. COMPARISON: None available. FINDINGS: ISTHMUS: 0.2 cm in thickness.
RIGHT THYROID LOBE: -Size: 5.1 x 1.3 x 2 cm -Echotexture: Homogeneous
Right Nodule 1: 0.9 x 0.6 x 1 cm in the upper pole. -Composition: Solid or almost completely solid (2 points) -Echogenicity: Hyperechoic or isoechoic (1 point) -Shape: Wider-than-tall (0 points) -Margin: Smooth (0 points) -Echogenic foci: None or large comet-tail artifacts (0 points) -TI-RADS for this nodule: TR3 (3 points) - Mildly suspicious. FNA if > or = 2.5 cm. Follow if > or = 1.5 cm.
Small anechoic cysts, not suspicious.
LEFT THYROID LOBE: -Size: 5.3 x 1.3 x 2 cm -Echotexture: Homogeneous
Left Nodule 1: 1.2 x 0.9 x 1.7 cm in the mid pole. -Composition: Solid or almost completely solid (2 points) -Echogenicity: Hyperechoic or isoechoic (1 point) -Shape: Wider-than-tall (0 points) -Margin: Smooth (0 points) -Echogenic foci: None or large comet-tail artifacts (0 points) -TI-RADS for this nodule: TR3 (3 points) - Mildly suspicious. FNA if > or = 2.5 cm. Follow if > or = 1.5 cm.
LYMPH NODES: No cervical lymphadenopathy.
IMPRESSION: Bilateral TR-3 thyroid nodules. Recommend ultrasound follow-up in 1 year to ensure stability.
submitted by cansarain to thyroidhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:27 Firm_Sea6950 I think my pediatrician is a predator. Was I right to report him?

When I was 2 years old, my daycare put in a CPS report because they saw my labia and genital area was very swollen and very red from what I understand. CPS opened an investigation and my pediatrician examined me (he was also according to my mom very angry at my daycare for filing the report.) he did an exam and said there was absolutely nothing there. He told my parents it was a rash due to scarlet fever but my mom says my rash didn't exist anywhere else on my body and I had no fever. Case was closed. The exam table was against the wall and mom's chair behind him so his body blocked her view during exams. Also my Mom would straight up leave the building during vaccines bc she couldn't handle hearing me cry :(.
He told my mom that he was required to inspect my genitals annually as a result of the (closed) investigation. Around age 12 my mom finally listened after years of me asking not to see him and so I started seeing the other provider at his office, a female NP. She'd sort of pretend to look under my shorts during annual exams. I guess to tell him she did it.
Some more info, my mom tells "funny" stories about me hating going to the doctor and bracing myself in my car seat so I couldnt be removed from the car for hours long stand offs on the days I'd go for checkups. I get kids don't like the doctor but that sounds extreme. I remember feeling sick to my stomach when I knew I'd have to go to his office. I also remember his smell like it was yesterday, the memory makes me feel sick and I remember feeling sick to my stomach and anxious for weeks before my exams when I knew they were coming up.
Additionally, he goes to a developing country annually on medical trips and has pictures on his website and in his office of little kids he treated there in his lap posing for very close with his face pressed against theirs. That seems so creepy to me as far as hippa and physical boundaries go. It's like he is hiding in plain sight.
I realized in therapy it was him today who was the reason the CPS report was filed. I called the sexual assault hotline and I gave them his and my info at their request because they are going to contact CPS.
I am wondering if any physicians here have any thoughts on any of this, particularly his scarlet fever explanation. I want to make sure I did the right thing by reporting because all these things feel so wrong to me and but because I was so little I don't remember exactly what happened in exams leading up to the report.
He has a good reputation and is still practicing.
submitted by Firm_Sea6950 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:08 Brunette7 Heart attack symptoms or just sick?

I (23 F, 195lbs) have been having some odd symptoms for about a week. It started out with heart palpitations, which I blamed on the stress I’ve been under in the last few weeks. I had to put a pet down and was going through finals and graduation. I apologize for my terrible storytelling skills below.
Starting around last Friday, I began experiencing coughing (with mucus in throat), dull aching in my left arm, left side of chest, and back, and some indigestion. Mostly the feeling of acid in my throat or tightness. Sometimes it’s just a mild discomfort, sometimes it’s straight up pain.
The worst was on Sunday, when I had 5/10 pain in the back of my neck that made it somewhat hard to drive. I’ve also had some weakness in my left arm and some light-headedness/mild headache. I have tried drinking more water, thinking it could be dehydration (which I do have a problem with) but it has not helped.
It should be noted that last Friday, I was out in the cold rain and wind for about 2 hours. It was bad enough that my feet (which were in sandals) hurt terribly by the end of it. I did notice that my aching, coughing, and mucus picked up after that.
I should also note that I have had bronchitis once, COVID twice, and have PCOS. I also hurt my left arm a couple months ago. Nothing serious. Just pulled a muscle in my shoulder. Additionally, I did receive a DEPO (birth control) shot in my left shoulder on Tuesday. It sent immediate pain through my arm and shoulder, and is still tender today.
Mucinex DM has been somewhat helpful in relieving my cough and getting rid of mucus, but it only works for a few hours. Cracking my back, shoulder, and chest also offers some minor relief. Occasionally, I find myself needing to take a deep breath, which causes some ache in my back, but also some relief.
Not sure if it’s related, but I’ve also found myself feeling fuller faster. I can usually put away a good amount of food. But lately I’ve been done after only a fraction of that (but not to the point that I’m not getting enough).
Interestingly, my heart palpitations have decreased today. I’ve only had a couple and they’ve been gentle flutters. And it just so happens to be the same day that I’ve stopped drinking some lavender lemonade that I bought.
I went to an urgent care center on Sunday. They performed an EKG and found that my heart is beating fine, if not beating a little fast due to my nervousness. They prescribed some hydroxyzine for stress, but I’ve been hesitant to take it only because I feel relaxed most of the time. I’ve also been referred to a cardiologist but have yet to get a call back from them to make an appointment.
For some minor notes, I have noticed swelling in my left armpit (I assume to be a lymph node) a couple times over the last few months. It is not swollen now, but I do have a pea-sized lump in the left crook of my neck.
I also got my hair braided recently and the weight of it is new for me. I understand it may be affecting my headaches.
I would just like any advice possible. Most of my family says I’m fine and I really would like to believe them. I also don’t want to waste a visit to urgent care (again) or to the ER. And in case anyone wonders, I do not smoke (though I live with smokers), drink, or do drugs. I also used to bike 5 miles a day until about last month, when I started slacking.
submitted by Brunette7 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:38 struggling_Chris CT scan

Hi Doctors,
Should I worry about the result of my Chest CT scan?
Result below:
CT SCAN OF THE CHEST Contrast-enhanced axial and coronal CT images of the chest were obtained. Lungs: There is a 1.4 x 1.7 x 1.5 cm (CC x T x AP) calcified nodule in the superior segment of the left lower lobe. A 0.5 cm calcified nodule in is seen in the superior segment of the right lower lobe. There are linear densities in the left lower lobe. There are no evident active inflammatory opacities. Pleura: No pleural thickening or effusion. Mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes: Unenlarged. Heart: Normal in size. Pericardium: No pericardial effusion or thickening. Vascular structures: Unremarkable. Osseous structures: There are minimal hypertrophic changes in the thoracie spine. Focal sclerosis is seen in LI vertebral body. IMPRESSION: CALCIFIED GRANULOMAS, BOTH LOWER LOBES FIBROSIS/SUBSEGMENTAL ATELECTASIS, LEFT LOWER LOBE NO EVIDENT ACTIVE INFLAMMATORY OPACITIES AT THE TIME OF EXAMINATION MINIMAL THORACIC SPONDYLOSIS BONE ISLAND, LI VERTEBRAL BODY
submitted by struggling_Chris to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:32 NoBowl6903 AITA for calling in sick for 3 days with strep throat, and for telling my boss that his wife has no respect for her coworkers or patients if she’s willing to come to work with strep throat?

On Tuesday I (26F) came down with 103 F fever, body aches and chills, congestion, swollen lymph nodes and tonsils, and sore throat/painful swallowing. I’m a speech pathologist and work in a skilled nursing facility. All of my patients are vulnerable elderly people, or people on ventilators/with tracheostomies, or adults with severe disabilities, who have just stepped down from hospital care.
Tuesday morning I sent my boss (52M) an email about my symptoms and stayed home that day; he replied with only a 👍. Wednesday I woke up and didn’t feel any better after a day of rest and a few doses of NyQuil so I went to urgent care which is where I was diagnosed with strep throat. I was told to stay home a couple more days and take 2 antibiotics. I emailed my boss the doctors note and a brief summary and he immediately called me and the convo went something like this:
Boss: Sadie, you have only worked here for 2 months. Having strep throat is not a reasonable ailment to miss work for 3 days. I will expect to see you in the facility tomorrow morning.
Me: I still have a 102 fever and can barely swallow water without excruciating pain. I am not putting my patients at risk and defying a doctors note.
Boss: It is very unprofessional to miss work in this setting for personal illness and really shows your age. You are completing 1 to 1 sessions with your patients and thus do not have to worry about getting people sick. And if someone were to get sick then wouldn’t it be better for them to get it here where they can receive all the care they need? My wife is an OT and she would never pull this.
Me: Respectfully your wife’s disregard for her patients and coworkers health and wellbeing is not my problem.
Boss: Are you saying my wife doesn’t respect her patients and coworkers because she has a good work ethic?
Me: If she would knowingly come to work with strep throat or such a high fever, then yes that’s what I’m saying.
Boss: Send me an email when you are ready to resume your responsibilities and we will discuss next steps.
Obviously that isn’t an exact transcript, but I’ve been replaying it in my head again and again like an anxious wreck since then.
AITA? Is he right, am I really just being an inexperienced baby about having strep throat and should have powered through work anyway? Regardless I’ve already used this time to respond to 2 recruiters desperate to fill nearby positions. My field is very high in demand so I see no reason to stick around a place like this. I’m trying really hard to understand my boss’s POV, which I perceive as extremely careless and grubby, not to mention unwise considering my position was vacant for 11 months before I was hired b/c there were no applicants…
submitted by NoBowl6903 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:31 phemfrog Thoughts on conflicting tests

So long story short. 76yo MIL diagnosed stage 2, neo and adjuvant chemo with Folfirinox 12 cycles. Successful Whipple with 14 positive lymph nodes and neurovascular invasion (inside pancreas) but clean margins. CA19 non producer. 15 months post chemo. Doing ok overall. She's had this diffuse tissue around the surgical bed that they tried to biopsy. Didn't get any cells at all. So this March they tested her CtDNA and it came back positive. Thursday she had a PET scan and MRI and they didn't see anything concerning. No fgd activity. A few pancreatic cysts.
Thoughts? Recurrence? Onc suggested possibly palliative radiation or repeat biopsy before the pet scan, but I don't think they'll do anything now. Seems like they should do something with the info that test provided...
Not sure what to think... Just looking for fellow brainstormers.
submitted by phemfrog to pancreaticcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:07 AmbassadorSerious What are your distinct post-TRE symptoms?

I often get very specific symptoms the day after doing TRE.
Mine are: - soreness in the front of both arms at the point where my biceps and deltoid meet (why this very specific area?? Are there lymph nodes here?? Don't think so. And no, i never tremor in my arms.) - pressure/soreness in the chest around the sternum area - soreness around the eye sockets - stinky farts
Even when I switch up how I do the tremoring, I will consistently get one or more of these symptoms. It's kinda nice actually because if I'm ever wondering if I'm doing TRE right, theses symptoms provide a kind of validation: "oh yup that was TRE I did last night, because my arms are sore today".
Anyone else experience something similar?
submitted by AmbassadorSerious to longtermTRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:56 Western-Evening-3590 Will I ever love another dog as much as my first?

Hello everyone, my precious boy who is a rescue and a German shepherd mix has been fighting the bravest fight with cancer but soon it’ll be time to let him go. Two months after his amputation of his back leg the mast cell cancer spread to his lymph nodes. He is the best dog I could have ever asked for and my first. He’s only 7 years old which makes this so hard because I really thought I had more time. When I got him I was 16 and in a really dark place. He became my little ray of sunshine and through rescuing him he rescued me. I love him more than I can describe and the grief is honestly similar to when I lost my older brother. I can’t imagine ever loving another dog as much as I love him and I know no other dog will ever be him. I’m a huge animal lover but I just can’t imagine my life without my Jack. Has anyone else gone through something like this before and if so what was it like when you eventually got another dog?
submitted by Western-Evening-3590 to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:52 Western-Evening-3590 Will I ever love another dog as much as my first?

Hello everyone, my precious boy who is a rescue and a German shepherd mix has been fighting the bravest fight with cancer but soon it’ll be time to let him go. Two months after his amputation of his back leg the mast cell cancer spread to his lymph nodes. He is the best dog I could have ever asked for and my first. He’s only 7 years old which makes this so hard because I really thought I had more time. When I got him I was 16 and in a really dark place dealing with self harm and suicidal ideation. He became my little ray of sunshine and through rescuing him he rescued me. I love him more than I can describe and the grief is honestly similar to when I lost my older brother. I can’t imagine ever loving another dog as much as I love him and I know no other dog will ever be him. I’m a huge animal lover but I just can’t imagine my life without my Jack. Has anyone else gone through something like this before and if so what was it like when you eventually got another dog?
submitted by Western-Evening-3590 to Pets [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:40 Capricious_Asparagus Pain & rash on my vaccine arm, permanent

Pain & rash on my vaccine arm, permanent
This rash is permanent, only on the arm that had the jabs in it. It feels bumpy. Sometimes there is a red circle where the injection sites were. A year after my jabs, it started hurting. Burning. Aching. Stinging. From my shoulder down my arm to my elbow, the muscle inflamed and painful, skin hot. It has been years now with this happening regularly (currently all the time) and no one can help me. I have also developed massive chronic health issues from the jabs like most people here, but has anyone had this permanent rash and arm pain? Why is this happening? My lymph node under that underarm sometimes swells too, though not recently.
submitted by Capricious_Asparagus to covidvaccineinjury2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:19 JoSGirL_eDmAn Itching all the time please help

For context, I have been really itchy for the past two weeks. I am 22/F and It's honestly all I've been thinking about. I do have sensitive skin but the last time this happened was around 6 years ago and it turned out I had developed an allergy to the soap I was using and now I only use soap-free wash.
Also to add to the context I have three swollen lymph nodes on the left side of my neck, largest being 2.5cm. These have been there for over a year now, I've had an ultrasound and biopsy on the lymph nodes and doctors and specialists have agreed there is no problem with them in regard to lymphoma. When I started itching I thought it might be lymphoma due to symptoms but doctors seem to think not.
I haven't changed what i'm eating, all my bloods are fine except I have low sodium. I've had an ultrasound on my liver, spleen and thyroid and all look good. So i'm absolutely stumped on what it could be.
Can anyone please help or provide advise?
Any comments are helpful!
submitted by JoSGirL_eDmAn to Allergies [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:17 JoSGirL_eDmAn Itching all the time please help

For context, I have been really itchy for the past two weeks. I am 22/F and It's honestly all I've been thinking about. I do have sensitive skin but the last time this happened was around 6 years ago and it turned out I had developed an allergy to the soap I was using and now I only use soap-free wash.
Also to add to the context I have three swollen lymph nodes on the left side of my neck, largest being 2.5cm. These have been there for over a year now, I've had an ultrasound and biopsy on the lymph nodes and doctors and specialists have agreed there is no problem with them in regard to lymphoma. When I started itching I thought it might be lymphoma due to symptoms but doctors seem to think not.
I haven't changed what i'm eating, all my bloods are fine except I have low sodium. I've had an ultrasound on my liver, spleen and thyroid and all look good. So i'm absolutely stumped on what it could be.
Can anyone please help or provide advise?
Any comments are helpful!
submitted by JoSGirL_eDmAn to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:06 DeathByFrost Randomly swelling lymph nodes

For a bit over a year my(19M) lymph nodes on my neck swell very randomly with no other sytoms than them swelling. It all started around a year and a half ago when they swelled and I was diagnozed with mono. But when the mono went away the lymph nodes didnt completely. Since then they are semi swollen and they enlarge and shrink randomly almost daily. Normally its about a centimeter but visible and it goes up to 2 or sm around there I am not sure. For about a week now it has been a bit discomforting and there are no symptoms of other sicknesses, i almost never lose weight and have a normal apetite, what might be the cause. Should I get a biopsy and fully checked out?
submitted by DeathByFrost to AskDocs [link] [comments]
