Robert hughes art critic

New Education Policy(NEP) and Students

2024.05.17 14:14 Harshitkumar93 New Education Policy(NEP) and Students

The "New Education Policy (NEP)", introduced in India, aims to revolutionize the education system. But how does it impact students? Let's break it down:
  1. Holistic Learning: NEP encourages a holistic approach, emphasizing not just academics but also life skills, creativity, and critical thinking.
  2. Multidisciplinary Approach: Students can now explore diverse subjects, bridging the gap between arts, sciences, and vocational courses.
  3. Flexible Curriculum: NEP allows students to choose their subjects, promoting personalized learning paths.
  4. Assessment Reforms: Bye-bye to rote memorization! NEP focuses on understanding, application, and practical skills.
  5. Digital Literacy: Students will become tech-savvy, preparing them for the digital age.
In summary, NEP empowers students to be well-rounded, adaptable, and future-ready.
*Note: This article is a concise summary and does not cover all aspects of the New Education Policy.
(College Assignment;Word Limit-50-100words)
submitted by Harshitkumar93 to GenZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:08 Rare_Ad_4659 Unleashing Creativity in Learning: A Pathway to Innovation

In the ever changing world of today, the capacity for learning and adaptation is essential. To stay ahead of the curve, people need to constantly learn new skills as industries change and new technology appear. But conventional methods of instruction frequently leave out one vital component: creativity. Beyond only producing art, creativity is a way of thinking that encourages invention, critical thinking, and problem-solving. By incorporating creativity into the educational process, we can reach new heights and make ground-breaking discoveries.
A mental adjustment is necessary in order to integrate creativity into education. Teachers should promote experimentation, imagination, and discovery rather than just rote memorization and standardized testing. Using projects as a learning tool is one way to encourage creativity. Teachers can foster creativity and original thinking in their students by allowing them to explore their interests and work on real-world issues.
Technology is essential for fostering creativity in the classroom. Students are given immersive learning experiences using virtual reality simulations, collaborative platforms, and interactive multimedia tools that spark their curiosity and creativity. Algorithms for machine learning and artificial intelligence can also tailor lessons to the individual interests and strengths of each student. Through customization of information and pace to meet individual needs, technology allows students to delve deeper into subjects and discover areas of interest.
Learning is not limited to a particular stage of life or the classroom in today's knowledge economy. Maintaining relevance in a job market that is changing quickly requires lifelong learning. Lifelong learning is propelled forward by creativity. People who foster an attitude of experimentation and curiosity are better able to take advantage of growth possibilities and continually adjust to new obstacles.
Since creativity is the basis of innovation, it is imperative that we give it top priority in the classroom. We enable people to think critically, solve challenging challenges, and effect positive change in the world by embracing creativity in the classroom.
#Creativity #Learning #Innovation #LifelongLearning #Education #FutureofWork
submitted by Rare_Ad_4659 to u/Rare_Ad_4659 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:04 byteztech The Ultimate Guide to MVP Development in Tampines

Tampines, a bustling region in the eastern part of Singapore, has rapidly evolved into a thriving hub for technology and innovation. With its strategic location, robust infrastructure, and vibrant community, Tampines offers an ideal environment for startups and entrepreneurs looking to develop their Minimum Viable Products (MVPs). This comprehensive guide explores the various facets of MVP development in Tampines, highlighting why this locale is perfect for startups and how the local ecosystem supports this critical phase of product development.

What is MVP Development?

Before diving into the specifics of MVP Development Tampines, it’s essential to understand what MVP development entails. An MVP, or Minimum Viable Product, is the most basic version of a product that can be released to test a new business idea. It includes only the core features necessary to address the problem it aims to solve, allowing startups to gather feedback from early adopters. This process helps in validating the product concept with minimal resources, reducing risks, and informing further development.

Strategic Advantages of Tampines for MVP Development

Thriving Business Environment

Tampines boasts a dynamic business environment conducive to MVP development. The area is home to numerous tech companies, coworking spaces, and innovation hubs that foster a culture of entrepreneurship. The presence of these entities creates a supportive ecosystem where startups can thrive. Networking events, workshops, and seminars are frequently held, providing ample opportunities for entrepreneurs to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.

Access to Skilled Talent

One of the significant advantages of MVP Development Tampines is the access to a highly skilled talent pool. Tampines is surrounded by educational institutions and training centers that produce a steady stream of graduates in technology, engineering, and business disciplines. This ensures that startups have access to qualified developers, designers, and business experts who can contribute to the efficient development of MVPs. Moreover, the collaborative nature of the local community means that startups can easily find partners and advisors to guide them through the MVP development process.

Government Support and Incentives

The Singaporean government provides extensive support to startups, including those engaged in MVP development. Various grants, subsidies, and incentive programs are available to help startups mitigate the financial challenges associated with product development. Agencies like Enterprise Singapore and the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) offer funding, mentorship, and resources specifically aimed at nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship. These support mechanisms are crucial for startups in Tampines, enabling them to focus on developing and refining their MVPs without the constant pressure of financial constraints.

State-of-the-Art Infrastructure

Tampines is renowned for its state-of-the-art infrastructure, which is vital for successful MVP development. The area is equipped with high-speed internet connectivity, advanced technological facilities, and modern office spaces that cater to the needs of tech startups. Access to cutting-edge infrastructure ensures that startups can operate efficiently and focus on their core activities, such as product development, testing, and iteration.

Collaborative Workspaces and Innovation Hubs

Collaborative workspaces and innovation hubs play a pivotal role in the ecosystem of MVP Development Tampines. Spaces like The Hive, LEVEL3, and JustCo provide more than just physical office space; they offer a community of like-minded individuals and access to a network of mentors, investors, and industry experts. These environments are designed to foster creativity, collaboration, and innovation, providing startups with the support they need to develop, test, and refine their MVPs. The shared resources and expertise available in these spaces can help startups overcome technical challenges, streamline their development processes, and bring their products to market faster.

Proximity to Major Markets

Another strategic advantage of Tampines is its proximity to major markets in Asia. Singapore’s strategic location as a global business hub means that startups in Tampines can easily access a broader market, including key regions like Southeast Asia, China, and India. This geographical advantage ensures that startups can test their MVPs with a diverse audience, gather valuable feedback, and make necessary adjustments to meet market demands. Additionally, being close to major markets facilitates easier scaling and expansion once the MVP has been validated.


In conclusion, Tampines offers an exceptional environment for MVP development, with its vibrant business community, access to skilled talent, government support, advanced infrastructure, collaborative workspaces, and strategic location. For startups looking to bring their ideas to life, MVP Development Tampines provides the perfect setting for success. With the right support and resources, startups in Tampines are well-equipped to develop, test, and launch successful MVPs, paving the way for long-term growth and innovation. By leveraging the unique advantages of Tampines, startups can significantly enhance their chances of developing a product that meets market needs and achieves commercial success.
submitted by byteztech to u/byteztech [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:47 Pavitrapavi Enhancing Patient Safety and Outcomes through DrCloudEHR's Innovative Technologies

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the integration of advanced technology is paramount. DrCloudEHR stands at the forefront of this transformation, offering a robust digital health platform that revolutionizes the way healthcare providers manage patient information and care. Central to its offerings are the electronic health record management, and healthcare information systems that streamline operations and improve patient outcomes.
Medication administration is a critical aspect of patient care, and DrCloudEHR's emr ehr implementation has become an indispensable tool for healthcare facilities. This innovative electronic health records platform ensures accurate and timely medication distribution, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing patient safety. The emar medication system seamlessly integrates with electronic health records (EHRs) and other healthcare information systems, providing real-time access to patient medication profiles and enabling informed decision-making by healthcare professionals.
The Importance of Electronic Medication Administration Record Systems
The electronic medical records electronic health records (eMAR) is a cornerstone of modern healthcare systems. This tool allows healthcare providers to accurately track and manage patient medications, reducing errors and enhancing patient safety. The eMAR medication system integrates seamlessly with other healthcare technologies, ensuring that every step of the medication administration process is logged and monitored in real-time.
Integrating eMAR into Healthcare
Implementing an electronic medication administration record system is critical for any healthcare facility aiming to improve its medication management processes. This emr ehr implementation provides detailed insights into medication schedules, dosages, and administration times, all of which are crucial for ensuring patient safety and compliance. By utilizing an emar medication system, healthcare providers can reduce the risk of medication errors, ensure timely administration, and maintain accurate records that can be easily accessed when needed. The emar medication system seamlessly integrates with electronic medical records and electronic health records within a digital health platform, enabling healthcare providers to access comprehensive patient data and make informed decisions.
By implementing an emar medication system as part of a EHR Platform with robust electronic health record management and integration with electronic medical records and electronic health records, healthcare facilities can significantly enhance their medication administration processes, improve patient outcomes, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
DrCloudEHR: A Leading Digital Health Platform
DrCloudEHR is not just about electronic medication records; it is a comprehensive healthcare platform designed to support all aspects of healthcare management. This healthcare platform includes robust electronic health record systems that cater to the diverse needs of healthcare providers. With DrCloudEHR, managing patient records becomes a streamlined process, enhancing both efficiency and accuracy. The electronic medical record implementation and emr ehr implementation processes are seamless, with experienced professionals providing guidance and support.
Enhancing Electronic Health Record Management
Efficient management of electronic health records (EHR) is crucial for any contemporary healthcare facility. DrCloudEHR offers sophisticated tools that streamline this process, enhancing both ease and efficiency. The platform's EHR systems ensure secure storage of all patient information, enabling swift and easy access for authorized personnel. This accessibility is critical for informed clinical decision-making and delivering high-quality patient care. DrCloudEHR's healthcare platform also features seamless and well-supported electronic medical record implementation, tailored to meet the specific needs of Illinois behavioral health clinics.
The Role of Healthcare Information Systems
Healthcare information systems are integral to the functioning of modern healthcare facilities. They provide the necessary infrastructure to support a wide range of healthcare activities, from patient record management to billing and reporting. DrCloudEHR offers a comprehensive healthcare platform that integrates these healthcare information systems, ensuring that all healthcare activities are interconnected and can be managed from a single, unified interface.
The electronic medical record implementation and emr ehr implementation processes within DrCloudEHR's healthcare platform are designed to be seamless and well-supported, ensuring a smooth transition to a fully digitized healthcare environment.
Benefits of Electronic Medical Records Electronic Health Records
The adoption of electronic medical records and electronic health records offers numerous benefits for healthcare providers and patients alike. These digital records improve the accuracy and completeness of patient information, reduce the risk of errors, and enhance the overall quality of care. With DrCloudEHR's digital health platform, healthcare providers can leverage the full potential of electronic health record systems, ensuring that patient data is always up-to-date and accessible.
The Future of Healthcare with DrCloudEHR
As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, the need for advanced digital solutions becomes increasingly apparent. DrCloudEHR is committed to leading this transformation by providing a state-of-the-art EHR Platform that supports the diverse needs of healthcare providers. This digital health platform not only enhances electronic health record management but also integrates seamlessly with other healthcare information systems, creating a cohesive and efficient healthcare environment.
DrCloudEHR's electronic health record management capabilities streamline the entire process of capturing, storing, and sharing patient data with authorized healthcare professionals. This not only enhances collaboration among care teams but also facilitates better coordination of care across multiple settings. The seamless integration of electronic medical records and electronic health records within DrCloudEHR's EHR Platform provides a holistic view of a patient's medical history, enabling healthcare providers to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data.
The electronic medical records electronic health records,electronic signatures for healthcare and electronic medication administration record system offered by DrCloudEHR provide detailed insights into medication schedules, administration times, which are crucial for ensuring patient safety and compliance.
DrCloudEHR represents the future of healthcare, offering a comprehensive EHR Platform that addresses the challenges of modern healthcare management. By integrating advanced tools like the electronic medical records electronic health records and electronic medication administration record system, and robust electronic health record systems, DrCloudEHR ensures that healthcare providers can deliver the highest quality of care to their patients.
The electronic medication administration record and emr ehr implementation provide detailed insights into medication schedules, dosages, and administration times, which are crucial for ensuring patient safety and compliance. By utilizing an emar medication system, healthcare providers can reduce the risk of medication errors and maintain accurate records that can be easily accessed when needed.
submitted by Pavitrapavi to u/Pavitrapavi [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:47 Ok_Radish4852 My Experience with Niajaxisinevitable and the Power of Creativity

My Experience with Niajaxisinevitable and the Power of Creativity
In the past week, I came across an interesting video on Instagram by Niajaxisinevitable. It was a compilation of internet troll videos targeting Nia Jax. I decided to use the same video, add my creative touch to it, and set it to a Michael Jackson song. I uploaded the final product to YouTube and shared it on Twitter. Here's the link to the YouTube video:
To my surprise, Niajaxisinevitable noticed the video and wondered who had used his content with different audio. Once he realized it was me, I apologized for any confusion. However, instead of accepting my apology or engaging in a conversation, he decided to block me. This reaction left me feeling puzzled and disappointed, so I responded with a famous line from Queen's 'Death on Two Legs' – 'But now you can kiss my ass goodbye.'
Despite this experience, I want to emphasize that I do not condone any form of harassment or abuse towards Niajaxisinevitable or anyone else in the Nia Jax community. I strongly believe in respectful dialogue and constructive criticism, and my intention was to share my creativity and admiration for Michael Jackson's music with others.
Unfortunately, the Michael Jackson community has expressed their concerns regarding Niajaxisinevitable's Twitter comments, which I cannot control. However, I hope that my story does not spark any negativity towards the Nia Jax community. We can all appreciate each other's creative endeavors and perspectives without resorting to harmful behaviors. After all, creativity is a powerful tool that brings people together and allows us to express ourselves in unique ways.
In conclusion, my experience with Niajaxisinevitable served as a reminder to respect everyone's creative works and remain courteous in all interactions. I believe that engaging in open and respectful conversations is the key to building meaningful relationships and fostering positivity among different communities. I hope that, going forward, our collective appreciation for creativity and art can unite us instead of dividing us.
Once again, I would like to emphasize that I do not condone any form of harassment or abuse towards Niajaxisinevitable or anyone else. My intention with this article is to share my own experience and perspective, hoping to promote a better understanding of the power of creativity and the importance of respectful communication.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Together, let's continue to appreciate and celebrate our creativity in a responsible and respectful way.
submitted by Ok_Radish4852 to NiaJax [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:46 Yurii_S_Kh Orthodox hierarchs of Slovakia praying for Prime Minister to recover from assassination attempt

Orthodox hierarchs of Slovakia praying for Prime Minister to recover from assassination attempt
Orthodox hierarchs of Slovaki, Abp. Juraj (left), Met. Rastislav (right).
The hierarchs of the Orthodox Church in Slovakia condemn the assassination attempt on the Slovakian Prime Minister and are praying for his full recovery.
Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot five times on Wednesday in the town of Handlova. He was airlifted to a nearby hospital and his condition stabilized overnight, though remaining critical.
His Eminence Metropolitan Rastislav of Prešov, the primate of the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, and His Eminence Archbishop Juraj and Michalovce and Košice released the following statement:
It is with concern and pain that we received the news today of the assassination attempt on the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic. This is a horrific, unacceptable, and incomprehensible act that we strongly condemn. As Christians, we pray at every service for our country, its leaders, and all the people who live in it. At this moment, in addition to our usual petitions, we add prayers for the saving of the life and the speedy recovery of one of the highest representatives of the Slovak Republic—Prime Minister Robert Fico. We ask all the clergy and faithful of the Orthodox Church in Slovakia for this prayer and invite all those who do not elevate the value of their own opinion above the worth of human life and who remember the words of our Savior: All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword (Mt. 26:52).
Source: OrthoChristian
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:37 Doonpublicschool000 How to Choose the Right Private School in Paschim Vihar

Choosing the right private school for children is one of the most important decisions parents make. This decision not only affects the child's education and social development, but also plays an important role in his future success. Choosing the right private school is very important as it affects many aspects of their life, including the learning environment, the children they study with and their overall development. These schools offer more rigorous curriculum, which helps children achieve better. Let's get ready for college etc. With fewer children in the class, teachers are able to pay attention to each child and teach according to their specific needs. This makes it easier for children to understand difficult things and they enjoy studying.Not only the study of books, but also things like sports, art and social service are given attention. With this, children are able to progress in every field. By participating in various activities, children develop important qualities like leadership, teamwork and proper use of time.

key factors for Choosing the Right Private School

  1. Expert Faculty: Most of the teachers teaching in private schools are very good and experienced. They are able to understand children completely and help them progress. The relationship between teachers and students is also good, which creates a good environment for studies.
  2. Values and Discipline: In most private schools, emphasis is laid on imparting good values and teaching discipline to children. This gives children a sense of responsibility and they learn to respect elders. Discipline inculcates good habits, self-control and the ability to differentiate between good and bad in children, which is necessary to be successful in life.
  3. Safe Environment: Children's safety is of utmost importance to parents and private schools are considered very good in this matter. In these schools, there are strict arrangements for the safety of children and at the same time children are also given an environment that supports each other. In a safe environment, children are able to study and develop without any worries.
  4. Good contacts: In private schools, both children and parents get a chance to meet good people. These relationships formed in the school environment benefit children later in life, be it in terms of studies or career. Especially, the network of students who have passed out of school (alumni network) helps children a lot in making a career.
  5. Freedom to learn new things: Private schools have the freedom to change their education according to the needs of the changing society with time.

Paschim Vihar – A Hub for Quality Education

Paschim Vihar, an area of West Delhi, has emerged as a major center of good education. This quiet area is known for its clean houses and environment, making it an excellent location for schools.Within a few years, many renowned private schools have opened in Paschim Vihar. Each of these schools focuses on providing rigorous education to the children as well as on their all-round development.
Safety is given utmost importance in the schools of Paschim Vihar. These schools follow strict safety rules and keep the school premises safe. Additionally, these schools focus on creating an environment where every child feels welcome and supported. By focusing on children's mental and emotional health, these schools ensure that children excel in studies and are successful in life.
Private schools of Paschim Vihar are known for adopting new thinking in the matter of education. These schools constantly update their teaching methods and teach children using modern technology, which increases their learning ability. With so much emphasis on learning new things, these schools ensure that children are fully prepared for the challenges of today's times.

Right Private School in Paschim Vihar: Doon public School

Doon Public School, located in the heart of Paschim Vihar, is a beacon of excellent education and all-round development. With its commitment to nurturing young minds and empowering students for the future, Doon Public School is more than just an educational institution; It is the door to a world of possibilities. Here's why choosing Doon Public School can be the best decision for your child's education journey:
  1. Door to the future:At Doon Public School, we believe in preparing students not just for today but also for the challenges and opportunities to come. Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills and mindset they need to succeed in a rapidly changing world. From STEM education to arts and humanities, we provide a well-rounded education that lays a strong foundation for future success.
  2. Where everyone can make a difference: At the heart of Doon Public School is a vibrant and inclusive community where every student is valued and empowered to make a difference. Our supportive environment fosters collaboration, creativity and critical thinking, allowing students to explore their passions and reach their full potential. Be it through academic achievements, extra curricular activities or social service, every student of Doon Public School has an opportunity to shine and contribute positively to the society.
  3. A world of choices and opportunities: One special thing about Doon Public School is that it provides a lot of choices and opportunities to the students. From specific academic programs to a variety of extra-curricular activities, students have the freedom to pursue their interests and explore new areas. Be it getting involved in robotics, honing musical talent, or participating in sports, Doon Public School provides a supportive platform to students to discover their passion and unleash their potential.
  4. We celebrate diversity: At Doon Public School, we celebrate diversity in every form. Our students include individuals from diverse cultural, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, creating a rich thread of experiences and perspectives. We believe that diversity enriches the learning environment and promotes greater understanding and appreciation of the world around us. Through inclusive practices and multiculturalism education, we strive to create a school community where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to succeed.
  5. Find your talent:Doon Public School is not just about academic excellence; It is also about helping students discover and develop their unique talents and abilities. Be it academics, sports, arts or leadership, we provide ample opportunities for students to explore their interests and develop their abilities. Our dedicated faculty and staff guide students on a journey of self-discovery.


In short, Doon Public School in Paschim Vihar offers a broad and enriching educational experience that prepares students for success in a rapidly changing world. With its emphasis on academic excellence, holistic development, diversity, choice and opportunity, Doon Public School is much more than just a school; This is a community where students succeed, grow and make a difference. If you are looking for a school that will empower your child to reach their full potential and live a meaningful life, look no further than Doon Public School.
submitted by Doonpublicschool000 to u/Doonpublicschool000 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:16 Liberty-Prime76 Letter of Marque 82 - A NoP Fanfic

As always, thank you to u/SpacePaladin15 for the wonderful universe that is NoP! Thank you to u/cruisingNW for proof reading and helping me make this chapter as good as it can be, you're the man! Honestly LoM wouldn't have gone very far without him! If you haven't you should absolutely go read Foundations of Humanity! It's very good AND it just updated!
A big thanks to u/Saint-Andros for helping with proofreading! He writes Out of Our Elements which is a very good one! If you like a good fic in the wilderness and a pair of cute 'friends' ;) you'll love OOE!
Also thank you to u/brotanics! For this wonderful fanart of Taisa. And this one! She's so cute I'm gonna die
And thank you to u/Jimdandy117! For this adorable fanart of Chris and Renkel! Dear god help he's adorable I love him so much
Thank you u/SlimyRage, or AsciiSquid on Discord, for makin' Vengineer Taisa Gamin'. She's absolutely adorable, I love her lil' workers apron. She looks so excited to get to work!
Thank you u/Braquen! For this astounding Pixel Art of Taisa after a few range day dates with Chris! Her little hat and gunbelt are absolutely astounding!
Thank you u/VeryUnluckyDice! For this Artwork of Taisa and Chris as characters from One Piece! I've never seen or read it before but it's incredibly cute!
Thank you to u/creditmission for their wonderful work of several LoM fanfics!
First Prev. Next
Memory Transcription Subject: Taisa, Venlil Starship Engineer, Crystal Star Shipping Co-Owner
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 16th, 2136
Stars… doom or not, that moon is beautiful.
Earth’s own spotlight still hung in the sky, creeping ever higher backlight more and more of the fleet waiting in anticipation. The moon’s pure white light scattered aimlessly across the mountains, shimmering like liquid silver on the surface of the river flowing through the valley far below us. Slinking dark forms of ships that slipped beyond her light made their presence known through the trailing wisps their ion thrusters jetted out behind them; painting the soil-black sky with twisting, swirling hues of blue amongst the shimmering stars.
A warm and weighty hand pulled me close as the cool night air of the mountains flowed through my wool, coaxing a contended purr to build and blossom in my chest as I pressed into Chris’ side, stretching up to nuzzle into his neck before leaning forward and snatching another ‘hummus’ covered carrot from the tray to pop it into my mouth. The delicious, savory smoothness of the hummus accompanied the sweet harshness of the carrot perfectly, sending a trill of pleasure through my chest before I continued my story.
Anyhow, Quilleth and I, despite her continuous protests, get assigned to the same design herd for one of our final projects. We had an old Triconn Drive Systems TC-547 Jump drive and one of their ‘standard’ fusion cores to go with it, one of the worst pairs of speh-stacks ever built if you ask me, that we needed to rebuild and get working again, and she wanted no part of having to ‘deal’ with me for any extended period of time. Tavareth, my jump-drive maintenance and design professor, was adamant that,” I stopped, pulling in a breath and puffing out my chest, doing my best to mimic the old, gray trunked Mazic. “Ahem, ‘In a work environment you’ll have to work past your differences to make the herd stronger.’ and all kinds of other speh that amounted to ‘I need to fill out this herd the rest of the way and you two are who’s left.’”
“They both sound so pleasant.” Chris rumbled, a chuckle in his voice as he grinned, handing me another of his ‘cracker sandwiches’ before turning his eyes back to the stars high above.
“That’s a word for it.” I agreed, giving a jovial whistle past the crumbling cracker and deliciously smooth nut-spread. “But she dropped that tune real fast the second we came up to a real problem in the project trying to source a new, or at least rebuildable, primary magnetic accelerator. I called Parnel and had a brand new one, that was well past any spec we were expected to meet, in our workshop and installed within the paw. After that I checked the drive’s Tritium levels, rerouted every coolant line, field flow point and magnetic induction coil so they actually worked right, stars forbid those wool brains at Triconn ever design something right the first time, to get everything I could out of the new accelerator assembly.”
“Now why does that sound familiar?” Chris mused, a sly smile on his face as scooped a fistful of crunchy chips into his mouth.
“You can shush Captain ‘try his damnedest to burn out every subsystem he can find’, half the re-routing I have to do now is your fault!” I replied with an amused whistle, paffing the back of his head with my tail-tuft before continuing. “Now, after I’d… dove into the ove-”
“As you often do.” Chris cut in, a smile on his face as he prodded my side with a burbling laugh in his voice.
Shush!” I bleated in return, the warmth of a spreading bloom driving the sneaking cold of the mountain air from my wool. “As I was saying, after I dove into the drive, Quilleth and our other partners, mostly Quilleth, had taken it on themselves to handle the core’s overhaul and refueling. Leave it to most herds to take the easy route and not learn something if they can get away with it, you can damn well bet they made sure to document that I was the one who worked on the drive and that the, far easier, core was all them. The work on the drive took a while by myself but I still managed to get everything done and put together before we had to spin it up for the test-paw.”
“How do you test a drive and a core if it's not on a ship? Feels like a fast way to make a problem for yourself.” Chris asked, his eyes focused on me, interest plain on his face as his hand wrapped around my side to pull me close.
“Well the drives physically can’t engage if they’re in a sufficient gravity well, and VP is well beyond that threshold, so we just spin them up, take readings to ‘prove’ that they’d work in a real application. I argued we should have had a few shuttles with remote diagnostics and control systems, like we used during your flight training, to do the tests to show they actually did work since correct readings in a gravity well and correct readings in applied use can be different and you wouldn’t know until you were in orbit and getting ready to jump. Tavareth said he’d have ‘loved to give us the chance but the university didn’t have the funds to allocate’ or some other excuse the faculty always used to avoid doing things the right way.” I replied, waving my paws in frustration at the amount of projects that were only given a curled tail of thought before being dumped on us to complete, real world applications or not.
“Sounds a lot like Trepassy’s parent company, unless it was a ‘mission critical component’ as they put it, then they didn’t much care to fix it if it didn’t keep her stuck in port. Always made the excuse that the repairs weren’t in the budget while posting ten plus percent margins. Didn’t matter how much me and the cap’ called and bitched them out for busted Air-con or the rec-room being entirely bare they always said the same damned thing. Bunch of assholes.”
My tail set to wagging at the idea of Chris and his captain shouting into a phone at some other Human half the world away about something that felt all too familiar. “Anyways, we get everything set up on the testing field outside of Dayside, get the systems mounted into their cooling and fuel channels before we start spooling the core up and putting power to the drive. Before too long Tavareth announces that everything looks stable and we can begin putting load onto the system, everything climbs their scales well. The warp field levels off with the expected fluctuations of a drive being operated way too far into a gravity well to maintain any real stability and the core temperature looks good. Everything’s holding steady, Tavareth looks pleased, the rest of my project-herd is congratulating each other on a project completed.”
“Then the core temp starts climbing, blooming well beyond any ‘acceptable’ overheating limiter Quilleth, Uderek or Ofent could have seen fit to set. I looked over and found all three of them watching the core start to melt down in disbelief as Tavereth slams down every single E-stop he can find on the command console. Suddenly everything stops, the room goes quiet as the distant, now glowing white core is dumped straight into an abort tank to expend its… energy somewhere a bit safer. ”
“Tavereth whipped around faster than I’d ever seen that big old Mazic move and oh stars was he furious!” I bleated, tossing my paws in the air at the memory of him studying each of us in turn before launching into an angry tirade. “That core was as bright as the stars themselves but it had nothing on the bloom positively glowing beneath Quilleth’s coat! He laid into all of us for a solid five minutes, calling out everything that could have gone wrong under Sollaglick’s light and I didn’t say a thing until she tried to blame me for forgetting to install the limiters!”
I saw the corner of Chris’ mouth curl in a tight smile, he knew what was coming but it still felt so good to be able to revel in it with my own herd, pack or whatever we should have been called. “Then I threw her own write up right back at her! Pointed out every note that explicitly called out that I only worked on the drive and that the core was all them, more specifically that SHE was supposed to have installed the limiters almost a herd before according to their schedule!”
“Uderek, Ofent and I all got a stern warning about why you should always check your herd-mates’ work and I got a gruff ‘good work’ for the drive before Tavereth positively berated Quilleth for the next quarter claw! Those two were good to me for the tail end of the semester, I’d hoped they’d try to keep in touch after we went our separate ways but… well they really didn’t.” I sighed with a shrug, the sun falling from my field at the memory of the last time I’d seen the chipper Gojid and our Tilfish friend.
“Well, hopefully things are going good for them, sometimes folks get busy… maybe they figure they don’t wanna bother you! ‘Specially now that you got your own ship and whatnot!” Chris comforted, his hands tracing wonderfully comforting circles through my wool.
Could always try to get in contact again if we make it through this.
>Agreed.< “Maybe I should, would be nice to have even more paws onto look at any of the problems Darno and I can’t… Stars above what is that?!
My breath hitched in my throat as I looked to the stars, watching as the fleets high above began to exchange zipping tails of blue and green. A horrid, deadly light show filled the void high above earth, ships on both sides taking and serving hits with the fervor only people fighting for their lives, and the lives of everyone they’d ever known, could truly muster. The blazing trails of plasma slammed into the distant motes, scattering their vibrant colors in globs across the tapestry of the stars before some of them were joined by the flash of critical reactors and munition blowouts.
But amongst it all that wasn’t even the most of it.
For a brief moment I had thought the U.N. had decided to throw their entire moon at the fleet, another break-tail juke to smash as much of the fleet as they could; but the vectors were all wrong. They weren’t propelling here, they were taking off from her. The light of the moon was ablaze, obscured with towering pillars of smoke and fire, cacophonous trails of burnt oxygen and hydrogen traced a stampede directly to the extermination fleet. No, what they had actually chosen to do was far worse.
They’d stowed what looked like a never ending salvo of gargantuan missiles waiting for the exact moment to drop everything they had on the extermination fleet. A thought crossed my mind, a display from some stars-forsaken exhibit in the capital’s museum called ‘true evil’, its content was positively laughable now, about how many atomics humanity had made before they’d ’annihilated’ themselves. I think the curator had harvested the numbers a shear or two short. The sky lit up like a battery of strobes, the constant cracking light of splitting atoms nearly turning night to day as they spread like a blight through the assaulting fleet.
I couldn’t help but pull my lips back in a smile as my tail thumped rapidly against the stone beneath me. That mote of hope in my chest grew, watching the burning hulks full of people who wanted nothing more than to destroy everything about this world I’d come to love break apart, venting atmosphere as they sat, hanging in the void. Some tried to turn tail and limp away, some slipped into Earth’s gravity, their battered hull sections turning to voracious fireballs as they plummeted toward the hard, unforgiving dirt below.
Should’ve stayed home.
The thunk and twang of Chris’ instrument slipping from its case harvested my attention, my eyes sliding from the battle high above to the glowing white instrument resting in his hands. His own eyes turned to the sky, hovering for a moment as he plucked a few discordant notes from the instrument before looking back down and over to me, meeting my gaze.
“‘Suppose now’s as good a time as any.” He shrugged, giving me a small smile as I nodded, wrapping my tail around his wrist before gently nuzzling into his neck and turning my eyes back to the battle.
The sharp, plucky, barking twang of the banjo called out across the mountain tops, echoing back to us like a distant friend as Chris’ voice filled the air, joining the banjo in its reprise. The slow, wavering song danced between us just as the violence for the stars above, weaving amongs the whispering chorus of the trees and the chattering, throaty backing of evening insects.
“But I want to be where all the stupid shit I say Sounds so romantic and true.
Cause I'd rot in hell with you,
If you'd just ask me to.
I love the shitty things we do together,
Live with me in this sin forever.”
Memories flooded my mind with the words and hanging notes that echoed across the valley before us. The panic of our first solo flight as Chris pushed Shamrock for everything she’d had to give us, trying desperately to keep her in one piece as he blew past every limiter to get Maeve to the hospital as fast as we could. Concern roiling in my chest as I helped him to the truck after he’d dove into the river after, soaked to the bone, shivering and frozen but still so proud. The frustration of the two of us hard at work on Polani the paw after we’d gotten her, tail, and elbow, deep in carbon, grease and oil as we cursed everything under the stars. The fear of the cradle as the thunder of shells slamming into Polani’s hull filled her halls, the horror as one stalked me within my home…
“Cause home is the last place that I'd stand to be with anyone but you.
I'd rot in hell with you, If you'd just ask me to.
I love the shitty things we do together, Live with me in this sin forever.
Hell and you, I know you want it too.
I hope you take the shot, see this chance.
Feel the fire, and let me have this dance with you.”
I pressed into his side with a contented sigh, listening to the last echoing twangs of the Banjo and his voice as they called back across the great expanse before us. A long, cool breath filled my lungs before I leaned up to give his cheek a small, loving lick as a purr rolled through my chest. “I love everything we do together too, Love. Almost as much as I love just having you in my life at all.”
His mouth split into that broad, goofy grin as his hand pulled me just a little closer, his heavy voice rolling through me, just as comforting as always. “I love you too, Darlin’.”
“So…” I whistled, my tail twitching back and forth with amusement as I spoke into his neck. “About that dan-”
The words faltered in my mouth as a building light caught my eye, harvesting my attention skyward.
There, seemingly hanging in the sky, a pair of ships were tangled, no speared together. Both of them were burning fuel as munitions explosions wracked their hulls and trailing plumes of wispy atmosphere vented from their hulls as they plummeted to earth together, locked in their own deadly dance. The fires of re-entry blazed across both of their hulls as parts, pods and melted trails of slag broke away from both of them. The rammer’s guns opened up, sending round after round out after the escape pods that had bailed from the other ship, turning scores of them into little more than puffs of smoke that never had a chance.
As the pair grew closer I could finally make out what they were, or at least who the aggressor was. A Federation light cruiser was speared dead in her midship by the unmistakable, sleek curves of a Venlil Destroyer ending in a hextet of thrusters that still belched plumes of burning hydrogen fuel into the sky as she drove her opponent towards the certain death of the mountains below them with everything they had. The screaming roar of the ship reached my ears, their cacophonous echos casting across the mountain range like the angered, belligerent wails of someone defending everything they held dear.
That ship doesn’t have U.N. markings… Stars above that ship… those are Venlil.
“Stars above…”
Chris and I watched what amounted to a grand, defiant headbutt as it traced its path down from the stars above. The pair of dancing ships continued their descent, pirouetting to the mountains below them like experienced partners just as their arms and thrusters screamed at each other like enemies with a centuries old grudge to settle.
“Shit… they’re comin’ down on Salt Pond.” Chris whispered, his eyes tracking the pair as they plummeted.
Mountains rose into sight beneath them, the distant mountain’s peak reaching into the sky like it was anticipating, just hoping for the chance to dash the interloper across its face.
“H-How far is that?”
“‘Bout twenty miles as the crow flies. ‘Least no one lives on that one I think, ‘sides maybe the rangers.”
The fleets far above them were still locked in a furious fight, the monstrous flanks of the federation ships pushed on, crashing through the defenders like a harvester through wool-grass. Ships of both sides fell from their formations, ablaze like the stars around them, only growing brighter before flaring into catastrophic explosions that cast them into incalculable pieces that fell to the ground below like a meteor shower.
“Think they’ll manage?” I whispered, a sprout of fear and doubt managing to push past the stone of hope I’d done my best to embed in my heart.
“I hope so, Darlin’. I ho-“
The cacophonous screech and cavernous boom of metal crashing into stone, trees and dirt filled the air, drowning his voice out and sending birds scattering from the trees around us as the ground beneath us shuddered from the impact.
Then everything went whi-
First Prev. Next
submitted by Liberty-Prime76 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:02 kirhyip Aviator Game Clone Script: Elevate Your Online Gaming Platform With KIRHYIP!

Aviator Game Clone Script: Elevate Your Online Gaming Platform With KIRHYIP!
In the dynamic world of online gaming, standing out is critical to success. Amid the plethora of options available to gamers, providing unique and engaging experiences is key to attracting and retaining players. One such thrilling game that has caught the attention of enthusiasts all over the world is the Aviator game. Known for its adrenaline-pumping gameplay and lucrative rewards, Aviator has become a favorite among online bettors.
If you are an entrepreneur looking to venture into the lucrative field of online gaming, then integrating Aviator Game into your platform can be a game-changer. However, creating such a sophisticated game from scratch can be time-consuming and expensive. This is where KIRHYIP steps in with its state-of-the-art Aviator Game Clone Script that gives you a shortcut to success in the competitive gaming industry.
Aviator Game Clone Script: Your Gateway to Success
With KIRHYIP's Aviator Game Clone Script, you can quickly and seamlessly launch your own version of the popular Aviator game. This detailed script has been meticulously crafted to replicate the exhilarating gameplay, stunning visuals, and immersive experience of the original Aviator game. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned gaming platform owner, our clone script empowers you to harness the immense potential of the Aviator event.
Aviator game clone script
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In conclusion, KIRHYIP's Aviator Game Clone Script is your ticket to victory in the competitive world of online gaming. By leveraging the popularity and excitement of the Aviator game, you can elevate your gaming platform to new heights and attract a loyal player base. Don't miss this opportunity to capitalize on the Aviator craze - contact KIRHYIP today and take the first step to build your own thriving online gaming empire.
submitted by kirhyip to u/kirhyip [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:51 MinatoUchiha212121 The Demon and The Puppeteer, my short story

I doubt many of yall will see this, but if you do, don't scroll down.
The Demon and the Puppeteer is about a boy, who after losing family in a brutal civil war, learns through embracing his family's art of puppetmaking, how to grieve for the ones he lost. However a Demon lurks in the shadows, and offers the young boy a chance to bring everyone he lost back to life, and in return the boy must make for him a puppet body that would allow him to attatch himself to the mortal plane. it's USD$2.99 on amazon
Furthermore I would like to add that if anyone wishes to review it, I would be happy to give yall a free copy. please chat me up for any questions, ideas, or really anything.
To any other writers, stop caring what other people think, and go with the flow, take all the criticism you can get, but don't let hate or doubt seep into your being.
submitted by MinatoUchiha212121 to ebooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:48 MinatoUchiha212121 The Demon and The Puppeteer, My Short Story

I doubt many of yall will see this, but if you do, don't scroll down. The Demon and the Puppeteer is about a boy, who after losing family in a brutal civil war, learns through embracing his family's art of puppetmaking, how to grieve for the ones he lost. However a Demon lurks in the shadows, and offers the young boy a chance to bring everyone he lost back to life, and in return the boy must make for him a puppet body that would allow him to attatch himself to the mortal plane. it's USD$2.99 on amazon
Furthermore I would like to add that if anyone wishes to review it, I would be happy to give yall a free copy. please chat me up for any questions, ideas, or really anything.
To any other writers, stop caring what other people think, and go with the flow, take all the criticism you can get, but don't let hate or doubt seep into your being.
submitted by MinatoUchiha212121 to BookPromotion [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:46 TyloWebb Spider-Man Rekindled, Artwork [OC]

Spider-Man Rekindled, Artwork [OC]
This is a passion project I’ve been working on and off for since Sophomore year of high-school. Art is mine, using Procreate Pocket (please ignore my novice art and anatomy lol).
I have my own story attached to the character, written for personal entertainment. I have two actual volumes written several others planned out with probably hundreds of hours of writing in the making. Just thought I’d share for any comments, questions, or criticisms. Thank you. 🙏
submitted by TyloWebb to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:45 268K Kingdom of the Planet of The Apes

Kingdom of the Planet of The Apes
Kingdom of the Planet of The Apes Full Movie
AMCTheatres, RegalCinemas, CinemarkTheatres, AlamoDrafthouse, ArcLightCinemas, HarkinsTheatres, MarcusTheatres, B&BTheatres, ShowcaseCinemas, LandmarkTheatres, Cinepolis, PacificTheatres, StudioMovieGrill, AngelikaFilmCenter, MovieTavern, MJRTheatres, MegaplexTheatres, SantikosEntertainment, FlixBrewhouse, MalcoTheatres, GoodrichQualityTheaters, CineplexOdeon, NCGCinemas, ReadingCinemas, WarrenTheatres, CarmikeCinemas, RaveCinemas, KrikorianPremiere, GalaxyTheatres, ShowBizCinemas, SantikosTheatres, WehrenbergTheatres, CobbTheatres, FridleyTheatres, PremiereCinemas, NationalAmusements, BowTieCinemas, UnitedArtists, CenturyTheatres, BowTiePartners, ConsolidatedTheatres, DickinsonTheatres, GQT, UltraStarCinemas, WestMallTheatres, MagicJohnsonTheatres, GalaxyLUXE, MetropolitanTheatres, PremierCinemas, MannTheatres, MoviehouseEatery, ParagonTheaters, UltraStarMissionValley, CobbDolphin, CelebrationCinema, ClassicCinemas, ConsolidatedAmusements, DipsonTheatres, DrafthouseFilms, FairchildCinemas, ForkAndScreen, FunAsia, GatewayFilmCenter, HarkinsCinebarre, HollywoodTheaters, HollywoodTheatre, IndependentFilm, Island16, LandmarkTheatres, Laemmle, MainStreetTheatres, MayaCinemas, Moviehouse, Movieworld, NorthwoodsCinema, ParagonCityCenter, PictureShow, PremierTheatres, RoxyCinemas, ShowCase, SilverSpotCinema, Smitty'sCinema, SpotlightTheatres, StarCinemaGrill, StudioCinemas, TheBroad, TheRitz, Warren21, Wildhorse, Woodbury10, ZooPalace, iPicTheaters, MayaDeerbrook, Cinemagic
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submitted by 268K to Movies4KNOW [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:38 softwaretraining1234 Azure Data Engineering Training in Hyderabad

Data Engineering Training in Hyderabad by RS Trainings
In the rapidly evolving landscape of data-driven decision-making, Data Engineering has emerged as a pivotal field, ensuring the smooth flow, transformation, and storage of data across various systems. As businesses increasingly rely on data to gain insights and make strategic decisions, the demand for skilled data engineers has skyrocketed. RS Trainings, a premier training institute in Hyderabad, offers comprehensive Data Engineering training designed to equip aspiring professionals with the skills and knowledge required to excel in this dynamic field.
Why Choose Data Engineering?
Data Engineering involves the design, construction, and management of scalable systems that collect, store, and analyze large volumes of data. Professionals in this field are responsible for creating and maintaining the architecture that supports big data analysis and ensures the accessibility and reliability of data. Key components of Data Engineering include:
Why RS Trainings?
RS Trainings stands out as a leader in Data Engineering training in Hyderabad for several reasons:
  1. Industry-Expert Trainers: The training program is conducted by seasoned IT professionals with extensive experience in Data Engineering. These experts bring real-world insights and practical knowledge to the classroom, bridging the gap between theoretical learning and practical application.
  2. Comprehensive Curriculum: The course content is meticulously designed to cover all critical aspects of Data Engineering. From foundational concepts to advanced techniques, the curriculum includes modules on data modeling, big data tools, cloud platforms, and real-time data processing.
  3. Hands-on Projects: RS Trainings emphasizes experiential learning, providing students with numerous hands-on projects and real-world scenarios. This approach ensures that learners can apply their skills in practical settings, enhancing their problem-solving abilities and readiness for industry challenges.
  4. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: Equipped with modern labs and the latest tools, RS Trainings offers an optimal learning environment. Students have access to cutting-edge software and hardware, facilitating an immersive and effective learning experience.
  5. Flexible Learning Options: Understanding the diverse needs of learners, RS Trainings provides both online and classroom training options. This flexibility allows working professionals and students to choose a mode of learning that best fits their schedule and preferences.
  6. Placement Assistance: RS Trainings boasts a strong network with leading tech companies and offers robust placement support. From resume building to interview preparation, the institute provides comprehensive assistance to help students secure lucrative job opportunities in the field of Data Engineering.
Course Highlights
Siddharth R., Data Engineer at a Leading Tech Firm: "RS Trainings provided me with the comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience needed to excel in my career. The trainers were exceptionally knowledgeable, and the course structure was perfectly aligned with industry requirements."
Priya M., Junior Data Engineer: "The practical projects and real-time case studies at RS Trainings were invaluable. They not only enhanced my technical skills but also boosted my confidence to tackle real-world challenges."
Enroll Today
For those looking to build a robust career in Data Engineering, RS Trainings offers the perfect launchpad. With its industry-aligned curriculum, expert trainers, and state-of-the-art facilities, RS Trainings ensures that you are well-prepared to meet the demands of the data-driven world. Join RS Trainings in Hyderabad and take the first step towards becoming a proficient Data Engineer.
For more information and to enroll, visit RS Trainings.

submitted by softwaretraining1234 to u/softwaretraining1234 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:37 ParsleyLow4721 DEA TACITA

Subject: Dea Tacita Organization
Director: Elias H. Blackwell
The following information is to be disseminated on a strictly need-to-know basis. Unauthorized access or disclosure of this document is subject to severe penalties under the Hominis Superium Act.
Organization: Dea Tacita Status: Active Threat Level: Critical
In Roman mythology, Dea Tacita ("the silent goddess") was a goddess of the dead. Ovid's Fasti includes a passage describing a rite propitiating Dea Tacita in order to "seal up hostile mouths / and unfriendly tongue". These silent goddesses are the personification of terror of obscurity.
Objective: The Dea Tacita is an all-female covert organization specializing in high-profile assassinations, corporate espionage, and political destabilization. Estimated operational lifespan exceeds two decades with a confirmed kill count surpassing 5,000.
Leadership: The entity known as "True Mother," real name Nasumel, is the current head of the organization. Believed to be the progeny of the original True Mother, Nasumel has demonstrated immortality and mastery over the dark arts.
Key Operatives:
-Beautiful: A shape-shifter restricted to female forms. Suffers from dissociative identity disorder, with each persona capable of independent operation. Conceals facial disfigurement behind a mask, removed only when assuming the identity of her victims.
This document is to remain classified. Further intelligence will be provided as it becomes available. Maintain vigilance.
Signed: Director Elias H. Blackwell
submitted by ParsleyLow4721 to Superhero_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:25 Saintly009 26 [M4F] Christian man seeking Christian woman #Washington #Online

I'm told women want a man who knows what he wants, so here's the whole nine yards. If there is anything here that you are not willing to accept, then don't. You will not change me now or years down the line. Obviously I intend to grow and mature (as one ought to), but I have decided who I am and what I want out of a relationship.
I am looking for a woman that I can make a permanent covenant bond with; I have no interest in flings or "long-term relationships."
I don't intend to come across as bitter or angry with any of this, just clear and up-front. It makes things easier for both of us.
A bit about me:
My faith in Christ is paramount in my life. I would not be where I am without him. In taking interests in various things, I've learned a lot about God's character and design. Each new thing I learn fills me with more worship of him and wonder at his works. It is very important to me that you share this admiration of God.
I have a full-time job that I am very satisfied with, but what I feel truly passionate about is art and storytelling. To be honest, I've hit a bit of a block lately as far as my output. But I've been trying to find my feet so I can make something valuable to share with the world. I think that art and stories are a fundamental part of being human, not just a luxury. So pretty much any kind of art will spark passion in me, be it music, cinema, video games, literature, video essay, sculpture, etc. I could go back and forth for hours on a lot of things. My hope is that you and I will be able to enjoy art together and create some of our own.
I frequently spend time with another gentleman from my Church and we enjoy conversations about personal projects and contemporary issues, along with walks along beaches and park trails. He is a very important friend in my life, and I am lucky to know such a kind soul. Things aren't well with my family, so I really need that kind of presence.
While I rely on my bicycle for transport (no car), it's not a problem for me. I've been riding bikes since I was in elementary school (maybe even before). It would be really nice to ride down some trails with you.
What I expect from you:
-You need to be a follower of Jesus Christ. God needs to be an active part of your life because I intend to raise our children under Biblical values.
-You need hobbies and interests apart from me. I'm fine with helping you find things you like.
-You need to have no mileage.
-You must be humble and respectful. "Boss babe" attitudes are not attractive to me.
-You cannot have any tattoos or piercings.
-No cosmetic products. It's not good for your body and I am attracted women, not makeup. This includes fake nails and fake eyelashes. I don't need you to look "pretty." You character is more important to me.
-Related to the previous, no use of image filters in photos. I do not like the type of people who are vain and vapid enough to feel the need to use filters on their photos.
-Again related to the previous, you need to have a limited social media presence. If you have a business or post something of value (like art, for example), then I have no problem. What I'm talking about is having an Instagram or Facebook account where you make random posts to nobody in particular to "update" the internet on your life or post tons of pictures of yourself online. Basing your self-worth on the comments and likes from strangers on the internet is unhealthy, and I find people's obsessive need to take pictures of themselves very unattractive and vain.
-If we marry, I expect you to be fully submissive to me. There can't be two leaders in a household because one will have to submit to the other.
-I expect you to view marriage as something that you put work into. Marriages are a team effort, so I expect you to be a help meet.
-You need to treat me like a partner, not an adversary. Getting into arguments and nagging me helps neither of us. You must have conflict-resolution skills and a solution mindset.
-You need excellent communication skills. This means understanding yourself, putting your thoughts into words other people can understand, and verbalizing things rather than expecting me to read your thoughts.
-You cannot play games with me. Telling me about other guys to make me jealous or planning dates for specific days to pressure me into committing to you are wicked and manipulative.
-While we are dating, you cannot have a "backup plan." I expect you to not be splitting your attention between me and other men. This includes spending time outside of work with other men (family excluded).
-You must be in shape. Don't be dishonest with yourself about your weight; check your BMI. This includes being underweight, anorexic, and bulimic.
-You cannot have taken any COVID-19 vaccinations from any provider.
-No smoking, drugs, or drunkenness.
-I expect you to completely renounce fast food if we date or marry. We will never feed our children McDonald's.
What you can expect from me:
-While we are dating, I will not be speaking to other women.
-I cannot meet your height, money, or attractiveness expectations. I am simply an average dude. I am critical, abstract, and imaginative in my thinking though.
-I will not ask you to do something that is unreasonable or demeaning. I will only ask of you what I expect from myself. No relationship is going to be 50/50 100% of the time, but I will put forth the effort I am able to. I expect the same out of you.
-I will not raise my hand against you. My hands will be a safe place for you.
-I will be available to listen to your troubles and help you bear through them.
-I will not demean you or humiliate you, whether or not you are in the room.
-I will show leadership in our house and exercise restraint with a mild temper.
-I will cherish you and treat you as my own body.
-I will devote myself to displaying my love for you in a language you understand, even if I am feeling distant from you because of troubles we face. I expect the same from you.
-I will not turn to another woman and betray you.
-I intend to keep every promise that I make with you.
-I will treat our children with patience and kindness, but diligently discipline them and instruct them appropriately.
Please tell me a bit about yourself and what you expect out of a relationship, but be practical and clear. A list of platitudes like "loyal, honest, etc" does not help me understand what you're looking for. Think about what your expectations look like in a tangible, everyday way.
submitted by Saintly009 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:20 VarietyDramatic9072 Adi Sankara arguments against buddhism

There are fundamental metaphysical and ontological superiority of the Advaita view over Buddhism. The debates undertaken by Acharya Shankara (Acharya) against Buddhists were on questions of logic, phenomology, ontology and metaphysics. Without superiority of logic and inference, it was not possible to defeat the nihilistic schools of thought like Buddhism. The arguments between Shankara and Buddhists were technical, complex and long-drawn. But I have attempted a simpler version for our understanding of the basic positions of Advaita versus Buddhism (All Schools) in a modern set-up.
[nb. Gautam Buddha (Gotama/Tathagata/Sakyamuni) is one of the greatest reformer of Vedic religion. Though he was a heretic who rejected and discarded the magnificent Vedas; yet his contribution to the Vedic Hindu system is immense. Like, Acharya Shankara, Tathagata Gotama is immensely revered.]
[The Acharya invites a learned Buddhist Monk to a cup of coffee and of course, debate over respective Schools of Thought!]
Acharya: How was your day?
Buddhist Monk: The question is immaterial and irrelevant.
Acharya: Oh! Will you kindly state why do you say so?
Buddhist Monk: The workaday life is just a passing illusion. The so-called “manifold world” of material and mental elements arises solely through the causal co-operation of the transitory factors of existence (Called Dharmas) those depend functionally upon each other. Since, the material and mental universe arises through the concurrence of forces that are not permanent, the so-called World is not permanent. Everything that we call “world” are illusory, momentary. [He lays down the Sarvastivada, or, Sautrantika view of Buddhism]
Acharya: Oh. Heavy fire! Let me rephrase you. So what you are basically saying is that the perceived World is momentary; just an illusion – ever changing, and that there is no permanent essence of anything anywhere of the empirical Universe, be it mental or material, cognitive or non-perceptive.
Buddhist Monk: Yes, that’s the statement. Everything in the empirical world is only a stream of passing Dharmas, which are mere processes - impersonal and evanescent processes. These Dharmas can be characterized as Anatta (Anatma - Bereft of Self), i.e., being without a persisting self, without independent existence. [The Dharma theory of Buddhism]
Acharya: Ok. I get your point of view about momentariness, impermanence and Anatta. May I ask you a very simple question? When you started the sentence “The Question is immaterial and irrelevant” – it was immaterial and irrelevant to whom? What or who is the Subject to whom those perceptions appeared?
Buddhist Monk: (Enraged) To no one in particular. There is nothing more to this alleged (sic) world’s existence than the co-ordinated flux of wide variety of elemental, co-dependent factors (Dharmas), which bring forth collective experience of world-consciousness in individual and universal aspects. So, the perception occurred to some non-existent entity.
Acharya: Ok! Hypothetically accepting your view, tell me Monk, who is the witness to these arising of dependent elements? Who/what is the witness to the flux? Against what the flux is not static? If you are moving in a train at the same speed with another train, you will see both trains as stationary. A perception of speed requires comparison with a stationary object. Likewise, perception of flux requires a changeless object for measure of standard. Who/What is that?
Buddhist Monk: I object! What is the necessity of a Witness? That too, eternal permanent witness?! No way such a thing exists. People die and their trace vanishes, things get broken, Worlds get destroyed – all without leaving trace. Where is permanence?
Acharya: Hold your breath, Holy Monk. A witness is necessary in order to have a cognition of any phenomenon – take the event of your momentariness or flux. A witness can only say something is transitory or momentary. If there is no Witness, who would perceive and who would make a statement?
(This is one of the greatest novel argument of Acharya, his own contribution to logic and metaphysics – “Who is it that who sees and says Everything is impermanent – That entity has to present, existent and permanent”)
Buddhist Monk: If you say there has to be a Witness, who will witness that witness? How would you establish that Witness exists? What you say is wrong because there will be infinite regress. You say a Witness is necessary to claim cognizance. Fine, then tell me, who will say that there is a Witness? Where will this infinite loop end? In your Theory, everything has to be present to make the Witness known. This is nothing but Dependent Origination.
Acharya: Dear Friend, there is no logical necessity (Akanksha) for something to grasp the grasper. The witness stands self-proved. (This is one of the greatest sources of Pramana – Arthapatti as used by the Acharya)
Buddhist Monk: Even if there is any Witness, that entity; material or intellectual will be momentary, ever-changing, always in flux. So, one can’t say there is any witness at all.
Acharya: You seem to insinuate that everything is momentary and transitional – the flux keeps on changing every nano-second, the reality changing every nanosecond just like waves of sea erase the previous impressions in sand made by the preceding wave. So, who is there who perceives and makes this claim that Nothing is permanent?
And, against what standard you measure permanence relative to impermanence? Everything is impermanent relative to what? If everything if temporary, then how would the concept of any sort of permanence even arise? What is the ground for you to stand on? What is the reference point? Against what measuring rod will you judge impermanence?
Monk, Even to say Nothing exists, there has to be a relative plane of Existence. Else against what would you say Nothing exists, if you don’t know what Existence is? And when you say non-being is there – so logically, non-being exists – impermanence is permanently there, you are putting yourself in serious logical snare. Don’t you think by negating everything you are caught in an absurd redux? The entire Theory of Impermanence is erroneous.
Agreed what one sees or perceived is fleeting, transitory. But then how do you create your own locus standi for the transitoriness to be perceived? Who is the witness, the spectator? There has to be One. The primordial ground, the eternal essence, which is at the basis of everything and from which the whole world has arisen (the Brahman of the Upanishads). There is no void, all that exists is Fullness, Brahman. The world is not non-existent (Asat), but it is illusory (Mithya) meaning, it exist, but appears to us other than what is really is because of Ajanan (Ignorance), Avidya (Nescience) and Maya (Illusions).
Buddhist Monk: (Causes digression because there is no reply to this argument) Come on, then where is the proof that there is something permanent, some ever-present continuum?
Acharya: Yes, I will. The answer is in anusmrteh cha [Brahm Sutra - II.ii.25:] meaning “In memory too”. All of us have memories of good experiences, bad ones, many-a-times shared memories. Now let me ask you something Monk. If you say everything is momentary, how do you explain memory? Memory falsifies your entire base. The [Buddhist] doctrine of momentariness must imply momentariness of the perceiver as well as of the perceived, an implication which the phenomenon of memory proves to be wrong and completely false. If both perceived object and the perceiver change, there would be no connect – and there would not be any case for memory! Because the entire scene changes – so every moment Man should rise and ask Who am I? Where am I? If the man who remembers is different from the man who apprehended we would never have such notions as "I saw it." – both ‘I’ (Subject) and ‘it’ (Object) would have changed over the moment. Phenomenon of memory shows that your basic tenets are wrong. The theoretical edifice has been created on a false foundation.(You notice how he brings in the Atman theory (first bolded sentence) indirectly. What does Shankara mean? He is attacking Buddhists who think of the ‘I’ sense in the following manner: I …. I…. I (where the ‘I’ sense does not exist during the dotted time period). What Sankara is arguing is that how do these Buddhists know that the series is not I1…I2…I3 etc where I1, I2, I3 are three different ego-consciousnesses? How can there be a stable personality which remembers a unique past or recognises old friends if the ego is unstable? In fact it is these Buddhists who need an unchanging principle (the Atman) that witnesses everything for all time (i.e. even during the gaps in ego-consciousness). Only if this Atman exists can Buddhists avoid problems regarding stability of personality. Otherwise a person who is Rama at one moment will consider himself Lakshmana in the next moment after the ego comes back. If these Buddhists now say that the ego-consciousness is stable and not momentary in order to save themselves from this conundrum then they have refuted themselves. Sankara then goes on to say that he can give a similar argument refuting Buddhist realists who regard the external world to exist momentarily. Even in this case of a momentary external world you will need an Atman (an unchanging witness for all time) to give stability to our perception. So in either case you need the Atman principle to make sense of our experience)
Buddhist Monk: Ok. Fair Point. I can’t argue against that. If I say there is perception, there has to be a perceiver. That’s exactly why I say there is neither an object of perception nor a perceiver. The World is unreal. Do you deny the unreality of the outer world?
Acharya: No. Here I am in full agreement with you. The so-called world is unreal to the extent of what we ordinarily see. The names and forms (Nama-Roopa) are fleeting.
[This is a unique and great similarity between Acharya’s Vedanta and the Buddhist ontological world view – Illusoriness of external World]
But it does not mean that there is no basis to this unreality. Not “Sarvam kshanikam kshanikam - Sarvam Shunyam Shunyam”!
[That is the fundamental difference between Acharya’s Advaita (Singularity of existence) Vedant and the Buddhist Nihilistic (Absence of existence) view]
You are wrong again Friend, because in Vijnanavada, you dwell on ‘only & mere’ perception to make the entire conscious Universe. If you have presumed perception, then whose perception? Perception of what? How can you presume and base your theory on the effect only, without looking at the causes? Such a theory is inadequate, inaccurate and false. The Great Gotama too fell into that trap of not inquiring deep enough. To formulate a simple theory, he ignored to delve into the true cause of suffering – the cause of suffering is not desire or attachment per se – but those are intermediate causes. Like a link in a chain. There is still another layer to the inquiry into desires, attachment, and bondage – that is Avidya and Ajnana. The nescience and ignorance cause desire and attachment. Gotama failed to see the true enemy.
Buddhist Monk: [Fuming) How can you question the Tathagata? He was omniscient (A Buddhist axiom).
Acharya: What proof is there that Tathagata Gotama was omniscient? I say No, he was not. And look at me, I am beyond suffering. So, how do you refute me? This Buddhist axiom is completely wrong.
Anyways, our coffee has arrived. Take this cup in your hand Shaman. What do you see?
Buddhist Monk: I see nothing actually. This apparent cup with apparent coffee in it, these, at the deepest layer are made up of discrete individual particles. The deepest level of both the material world and our consciousness is considered to be discrete, separate entities. Thus when we introspect into the deepest layer of our consciousness, we will find that it is composed not from a single homogenous whole but of discrete ‘particles’ – always in flux, always changing – never permanent.
Acharya: (Smiles) Oh, Dear Friend. I get your point. True there is no real cup – the cup is nothing but made up of clay – clay given another form and shape with heat. So, there is clay inside the cup. The cylindrical object (roopa) is the mere appearance which we have named a cup (Nama), there is no Cup as such, but clay in another form. I fully agree when you said You didn’t see a cup. But I disagree when you failed to see the clay in the cup. You can never assume clay out. No matter how deep will you go, there has to be a smaller and smaller entity which will exist. You can not extend the hair-splitting to non-existence. In the final split, something has to exist. And it does exist. Whatever it is, Quantum calls those particles, String people call those Strings, Relativists call those Energy – whatever name you may call, there has to be something that exists. It was there when the Universe started with Big Bang, it was there before it too (else how could the Big Bang singularity have started), it was always there, it is there in everything, it will always be there. We are all made up of Star dust. That star which existed in Big Bang, from which elements got created, from which Space came out. That is the Truth Dear Friend, you can’t assume that out only because you don’t see the subtlest level. You have stopped your quest before you reached the ultimate stage. Yes, particles may be there (Vaishesika friend tells me), particles may be in flux where you wont know what exactly is happening to them (Mister Schrödinger will tell you after 1300 years); but don’t get deluded – there is something that is still more subtle, and pervades everything. Everything can not come out of Nothing. The deepest Truth is Single, homogenous, a whole (Purnam).
Buddhist Monk: Oh. What is the proof, Acharya?
Acharya: Proof. I can offer you Shruti pramana (Scriptures as proof). But you and Tathagat are heretics, you don’t believe in the primacy of Shrutis.
To us, words of Shruti are unquestionable. Even the other day, Mandan Mishra (The great MImanshak) agreed to the same. The Vedas, the Shruti Shastra, the Puranas, Smriti, all teach an ens realissimum (an entity of highest reality) as the primordial cause of all existence, from which everything has arisen and with which it again merges, either temporarily or forever. And that sub-stratum always exists. Know my friend, that is the Only Truth, and Nothing but the Truth – the Sat-Chit-Ananda – the Brahman. “Sarvam khalvidam brahma' that is “All this is indeed Brahman” – and not Sarvam Shunyam Shunyam.
But for you My Friend, here is the argument. Everyone has the notion "I am"; no one can deny the self, because when you go to deny – there would be the self of the denier – who would scale up the denial.
[Both these arguments, that of the Witness and that of Identity, are at the very center of Acharya Shankara's system of Advaita Vedanta]
The Acharya Continued:
“Brahmaivedam amritam
Purastad brahma pascad brahma
Dakshinatas cottarena
Adhas cordhvam ca prasritam
Brahmaivedam visvam idam varishtham
“That Brahman is Eternal.
Brahman in front and Brahman in back,
In the South, on the North,
Also Overhead and Below - expanded,
This Brahman is the Universe, this is the Greatest.”
-Mundaka Upanishad, Mundaka II.Khanda 2.Shloka 12
In other words, that supreme Brahman effulgence spreads throughout both the material and spiritual
That Brahman is known by multifarious names My Friend! People see it as Atma, as Ishwara, as Aum - the Pranav, as Prjnanam, there are many names. But there is nothing in those names. [Om Tat Sat]
I will add here my Friend, your Mahayana Buddhist scripture preaches the existence of the "Tathagata Garbha" (Buddha-Matrix/Essence) within all sentient creatures. This Mahasanghikas (Sect of Buddhism) notion of Tathagata Garbha is so close to Advaitic concept of Atman – the manifestation of Brahman in jeeva. This does not differ from a permanent Atman, though you never accept it!! You accept the Advaitic view by altering the nomenclature!
Buddhist Monk: (Started to leave the debate in fury. Acharya requests him to finish coffee). By Gotama! It’s so hot. My lips are burnt.
Acharya: Stop here. What did you say? Your lips are burnt? You are suffering, are not you? But at the same time you say there is no Soul. So, who is suffering? Buddhaghosa (Classical Theravada) has said that “there is only suffering, but nobody who suffers”, Mahayanist Śhantideva has interpreted Buddha that “the person who experiences suffering does not exist”. Is not that a ridiculous proposition? So why all these teachings? For whom? Who were Tathagata’s subjects?

Buddhist Monk: Come on Acharya! You too teach the unreality as cause of suffering and grief and pain. The world is nothing but an idea – a dream-like construct where nothing is real (Idealism in Buddhism/Vijnanavada). And now why do you criticize our unreality while professing yours?
Acharya: No. You have not understood the true essence of Advaita then. The unreality of external world that I teach is not based on nothing (It is not Nihilist). My unreality does not base on absence of reality – but on flawed perception of reality. Unlike you, I don’t say there is NO reality at all! I say there is reality and only ONE reality, but the way we perceive or take cognizance is erroneous because of Avidya, Ajnaan and Maya. Once the perception of snake goes away from the rope on the floor, there remain to Snake, only a rope! And there was never a Snake at all, it was rope all throughout. So, the unreal (Snake) was real till the true real (Rope) was realized. After realization, there was never a snake. Likewise, after you realize Brahman, you will experience that there was never a World of otherness. There was always Brahman, here there, inside outside. You are Brahman. It is an absolute identity and this is ultimately proved simply by psychological experience. Shruti has maintained "Tat tvam asi" (That art Thou); "Brahmasmi" (I am Brahman). This is no ‘similarity’ as if we should say, "I am something like Brahman", but full and complete identity, “I am the Brahman” and “Brahman is Me”.
The Great Tathagata saw suffering, but never endevoured to go deep into its causes. He saw the unrealness of the work-a-day, realized it fully, but he did not realize the true cause (Avidya) and the entity beyond the cause (Brahman). He did not see that strand of argument.
Buddhist Monk: Nah! Sakyamuni did not believe in philosophization or polemics. In Shoola Malunkyovada Sutta, the Tathagata has clarified that he won’t venture into questions of philosophy of suffering, but only the method as to end suffering - "The important thing is to get rid of the poisoned arrow (Suffering) that has pierced your heart, not to inquire where it came from (Source of suffering)”.
Acharya: I know. But then, what did the ilks of Nagarjuna, Vasubabdhu, Asanga, Dharmakirti, Aswaghosa, etc. do? Then why all of them attempted complex philosophisation? No wonder that they failed to bring out a holistic Theory of Being due to inherent contradictions and flaws in the basic tenets. Were they not Vipra Bhikshus (Buddhist Bhikshus at exterior, Brahmin Vedists by intellectual disposition) rather than Buddhists?

I also know the Great Buddha avoided philosophical and metaphysical questions. He did not look deep enough. He just sensed the symptoms of the ailment of suffering and not the true cause. Desire, bondage and attachment etc. are symptoms, not causes. But the Vedas and the Shruti inquired deeper – into the Source of suffering, and the method of Vedant interprets Shruti correctly by pointing out the real causes being ‘Avidya’ (Nescience), and false imputation (Adhyasa) due to Maya.
Buddhist Monk: Acharya!
Acharya: No, don’t say Nothing ever again! The Great Buddhist teachers did ‘exist’ and so did Tathagata. If you firmly believe in Tathagata; then you believe in his existence too! Their mortal embodiments were temporal, but teachings eternal, their thought eternal. That Jnana is eternal. That’s where Brahman shines. It is the light by which everything is seen, the light of which the sun and moon are pale reflections. It is not only real but so egregiously real that the work-a-day world fades into mist beside it.
Buddhist Monk: Starts to leave muttering No, No, No…..
[This is a very simple exposition. Mostly consisting of the Advaitic critique of Buddhism gleaned from various sources. A detailed account would require a thesis.]
submitted by VarietyDramatic9072 to AdvaitaVedanta [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:02 Timely-Confection901 100K hit this morning, feedback appreciated on a rebalance!

I posted recently about my potential rebalance and was shred to pieces so I'm going to elaborate on a few more details, most of the criticism was fair and I'm trying to alter my approach but I felt a few were not fair however I didn't provide enough details so here goes. 33 years old martial arts fighter and coach hoping work reduced hours by the time I am 45+
I started in around 2017, Contributions were:
2018 ISA 20,000 2019 ISA 20,000 2020 ISA 9,100 2021 ISA 13,200 2022 ISA 5,500 2023 ISA 600 2024 ISA 2000 Total £68,400
Value Today £101,000
Portfolio is now 100k as of this morning, the reason for the small drop off between 2021 and 2023 without going in too to much details was just pure depression. I am self employed so I essentially just stopped earning as much during those years and this year I've decided to book my ideas up
I basically did no tinkering from 2017 to 2021
7IAM Adventurous Fund
Baillie Gifford American
Vanguard Life Strat 100%
I foolishly tinkered in 2022, trying to switch from funds to etfs and IT's as I am with Hargreaves Lansdown
I kept Fundsmith SMT and sold the rest, I sold Baillie Gifford at a massive profit but then bought the equivalent in the IT USA version (bad move in hindsight) but my thinking was I liked the fund (which I still do) but I wanted the IT for less fees. I used some of the profits from the fund sale to buy EWI. Same situations as BGUSA just terrible timing and they are my only two red on the portfolio but the fund would of gone massively anyway so it doesn't really matter tbh.
I put the rest in ETFs
Then I bought some thematic ETFs, which are doing okay but, I've made my portfolio so complicated right now with a lot of overlap and what not.
So I'm looking to really try and condense my portfolio and also rebalance because SMT and Fundsmith are so high now as I have literally not touched them for years.
I'm toying with going back to the original funds I had for simplicity but I really want to employ a core satellite approach, and have written a short reason why as one of the posters previously stated to look at my portfolio and ask justify to my self why
70% Core 40% S+P VUAG 10% S+P Quality Factor UBC99 - Quality Factor compares well in terms of low correlation with small cap (as can be seen on MSCI website on risk/return/key exposures) 10% S+P Small Cap ETF - As mentioned above 10% Wisdom Tree USA Quality Div Growth - Quality Factor DGRG
or essentially the same thinking as above but global
70% Core 40% SWDA 10% iShares Core World - Quality Factor 10% World Small Cap ETF 10% Wisdom Tree World Quality Div Growth -GGRG
Core would be something like (not thought about it too deeply yet but generally jist)
10% Tech
10% Healthcare
10% Consumer Staples
but I'm more interested in getting my Core down and being on the right track and to avoid disaster!
Any advice, am I at least on the right idea in terms of thinking or am I totally out of my depth here. Really open to criticism but also keen to hear if what I've said is just totally whacky and not at all in line with smart investing because the way I was shred to pieces has really made me think I have no clue what I'm doing yet I see the results and so the cognitive dissonance is running strong, perhaps was I lucky to get to this point?
Kind Regards!
submitted by Timely-Confection901 to FIREUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:57 Timely-Confection901 Feedback appreciated as I near 100k portfolio

I posted recently about my potential rebalance and was shred to pieces so I'm going to elaborate on a few more details, most of the criticism was fair and I'm trying to alter my approach but I felt a few were not fair however I didn't provide enough details so here goes. 33 years old martial arts fighter and coach hoping work reduced hours by the time I am 45+
I started in around 2017, Contributions were:
2018 ISA 20K 2019 ISA 20K 2020 ISA 9,100 2021 IA 13,200 2022 ISA 5,500 2023 ISA 600 2024 ISA 2000 Total £68,400
Value £101,000
Portfolio is now 100k as of this morning, the reason for the small drop off between 2021 and 2023 without going in too to much details was just pure depression. I am self employed so I essentially just stopped earning as much during those years and this year I've decided to book my ideas up
I basically did no tinkering from 2017 to 2021
7IAM Adventurous Fund
Baillie Gifford American
Vanguard Life Strat 100%
I foolishly tinkered in 2022, trying to switch from funds to etfs as I am with Hargreaves Lansdown
I kept Fundsmith SMT and sold the rest, I sold Baillie Gifford at a massive profit but then bought the equivalent in the IT USA version (bad move in hindsight) but my thinking was I liked the fund (which I still do) but I wanted the IT for less fees. I used some of the profits from the fund sale to buy EWI. Same situations as BGUSA just terrible timing and they are my only two red on the portfolio but the fund would of gone massively anyway so it doesn't really matter tbh.
I Put the rest in ETFs
Then I bought some thematic ETFs, which are doing okay but, I've made my portfolio so complicated right now with a lot of overlap and what not.
So I'm looking to really try and condense my portfolio and also rebalance because SMT and Fundsmith are so high now as I have literally not touched them for years.
I'm toying with going back to the original funds I had for simplicity but I really want to employ a core satellite approach, and have written a short reason why as one of the posters previously stated to look at my portfolio and ask justify to my self why
70% Core 40% S+P VUAG 10% S+P Quality Factor UBC99 - Quality Factor compares well in terms of low correlation with small cap (as can be seen on MSCI website on risk/return/key exposures) 10% S+P Small Cap ETF - As mentioned above 10% Wisdom Tree USA Quality Div Growth - Quality Factor DGRG
or essentially the same thinking as above but global
70% Core 40% SWDA 10% iShares Core World - Quality Factor 10% World Small Cap ETF 10% Wisdom Tree World Quality Div Growth -GGRG
Any advice, am I at least on the right idea in terms of thinking or am I totally out of my depth here. Core would be something like
10% Tech
10% Healthcare
10% Consumer Staples
but I'm more interested in getting my Core down and being on the right track and to avoid disaster!
Kind Regards!
submitted by Timely-Confection901 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:47 SCMC-Pune Setting the Stage for Media Excellence

In the ever-changing media landscape of today, there is an increasing need for specialized education in media management and advertising. Pune, a city renowned for its educational institutions, is home to one of the premier institutes that offers comprehensive BBA programs tailored for the media industry. These programs not only cater to the career aspirations of budding media professionals but also empower them with the skills required to excel in this dynamic field.
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submitted by SCMC-Pune to u/SCMC-Pune [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:32 Brilliant_Ad_601 Advice to Republic Polytechnic Students

I am currently in my third year as an undergraduate at NTU. Fair to say, that I did horribly at the O levels, scoring a mere 25 points. I only got into a Biotechnology course at Republic Polytechnic due to the EAE. Things changed when I saw that there were students from Republic Polytechnic who got into NUS Medicine. I realized that this was not the end and that I should see how far I could take myself.
At Republic Polytechnic, I became intrinsically motivated from Year 1 onwards because there were opportunities to become something of myself. The hardest thing of all is learning how to study. There is an art to it. In the initial years of poly, I was looking at slides trying to memorize, but as the years passed, I realized that understanding was the most fundamental. In tertiary education, critical thinking and application are key; memorizing can only get you mediocre grades. I achieved respectable grades and got myself into NTU, and I have always told my family and friends that my place is NTU was earned with minimal effort as I only started studying when it mattered (O-level year, Poly).
I saw my post about Republic Polytechnic and can't help but reminisce about those foundational years. I could advise three things to those who are disheartened or ashamed of being a student at Republic Polytechnic.
First, your polytechnic does not define you. I have had classmates in NTU who were from RP and are currently first class in NTU. At the end of the day, all polytechnics are treated equally.
Second, your life is what you make of it. I was personally tired of being average and lost in school. Excelling in school is my coping mechanism for all the instability. So if your parents compare you to others, or if your friends in JC look down on you, do your best and show them that you can make it your own.
Lastly, excellence is a virtue. You should try to excel in all areas of your life, from CCA, sports, relationships, and education. Always put your best foot forward.
Don't ever forget, whether you agree with it or not, there are social currencies and hierarchies in this world. If you become self-motivated, fulfil your goals, and set higher standards for yourself in all areas of your life, you will be happier with yourself.
All the best!
submitted by Brilliant_Ad_601 to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:22 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Arts] - 7 New Movies Our Critics Are Talking About This Week NY Times

[Arts] - 7 New Movies Our Critics Are Talking About This Week NY Times submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]