Examples of smart development goals

Where everyone is a quantum scientist...

2013.10.20 11:26 tilnewstuff Where everyone is a quantum scientist...

For only the very smartest braggarts.

2017.03.23 09:43 staircasejapes The home of Cardano

Cardano is a decentralised public blockchain and cryptocurrency project and is fully open source. Cardano is developing a smart contract platform which seeks to deliver more advanced features than any protocol previously developed. It is the first blockchain platform to evolve out of a scientific philosophy and a research-first driven approach. The development team consists of a large global collective of expert engineers and researchers.

2018.10.18 21:17 ilblackdragon NEAR

NEAR is the network for a world reimagined. Through simple, secure, and scalable technology, millions are empowered to invent and explore new experiences. Business, creativity, and community are being reimagined for a more sustainable and inclusive future.

2024.05.02 20:22 Leamsezadah Phrasal Richness of Azerbaijani Language

The richness of the Azerbaijani language, which is not found in other Turkic languages, lies in the abundance of phrasal verbs. Think of a verb, and you will inevitably find its corresponding phrasal verb in the language. Azerbaijani is a very rich language, and we should be aware of this and further develop our language. The abundance of phrasal verbs in the language demonstrates the depth of the people's historicall creativity. Instead of speaking by rote, we have constantly found new creative methods, much like English.
I will give two examples:
Başa düşmək
Başa girmək
Qulağına sırğa edib asmaq
Baş açmaq
Dərk etmək
Baş tapmaq
Baş çıxarmaq
Başa salmaq
submitted by Leamsezadah to azerbaijan [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:18 grayscalering a couple of notes

i have played a few hours of the game now and have come across some points of issue for me
1: development points should be easier to come by
with the way they currently are obtained villages either need to hyperdedicate from the start, or get VERY large before you can really do anything, for example the 4th point requires tier 3 houses, which means that already you need a large church, multiple forms of clothing, a tavern (which likely requires barely farming or it gets VERY expensive) and all of the construction requirements for the above
this means that even just 4 points requires the village to already be quite built up and "urban"
the development tree is currently quite small, from the looks of it its around 1/3rd completed (at most) and yet it ALREADY feels like you cant make any headway into it until your starting to hit a full sized town
they need to be more available, especially as the tree becomes largemore fleshed out
2: sheepbreeding, why this isnt on by default and is a tech i do not remotly understand
perhaps this is just me, but the fact that sheep....well...breed, was so intrisically part of my understanding of farming that when i baught a pasture and put a few sheep in it, and then a year later i had the same number of sheep, i tabbed out of the game to google if i had a bug
there are a dozen ways techs could make sheep farming better without needing to gate sheep breeding behind it, that should 100% be just default, make the techs give more wool, or meat, or breed more, or make pastures more space efficient
and with sheepbreading NOT a default, sheep are just a MASSIVE cost sink for no real gain, why do sheep when flax costs nothing and provides something directly equivalent
3: trading between regions, the issue here is the mule building can only trade 1 resource at a time between two regions, if you want to trade 2 resources into 1 region, you need to build 2 of the building, just let it function like the trade post and have a list of resources and state if you want to import/export them between the regions
4: external trade, this works very well atm, i just felt that the "global market" seemed to collapse very fast, and not recover. i understand its to prevent just monoculture production, but the fact one small village can literally tank the price of tools to nothing in under a year of trading, with ONE building making them, feels a bit excessive (which is what happened with me, i had1 person mining iron, 1 person smelting the iron, and 1 person making tools and selling those tools, within less then a year tool exports were down to a sell price of 1, literally ONE person making tools should not kill the economy like that)
5: the npc lord taking territories, he does it far too fast atm
its year 4 in my current game, i have 2 territories, while he has claimed ALL of the others, idk if i am just expanding slowly, but it feels like he expands far to fast
6: at the moment mercenaries are vastly cheaper and more efficient then recruiting your own soldiers, making weapons and armour takes a huge amount of tech points (which i covered above) and costs a vast amount per person, getting 10 spear+shields might cost in the region of 200+ (or double that if you dont have the better deals trade tech) while recruiting 3 whole units of mercenaries will be what 60, and you can just immediatly disband them afterwards
either mercenaries need to be more expensive, weapons/armour ened to be cheaper to buy, easier to make, or some combination of all 3, otherwise whats the point in having your own militia? theres no reason to have a "standing army" at the moment, just hire mercs when a fight is going to happen and disband them after
(a "peasent rabble" type unit might also be usefull, a militia unit that doesnt require any special equipment, but is just people who have grabbed the closest hammer or farming scythe to defend their home)
i have a number of other points of issue with the game at the moment, but most of them are VERY clearly just due to being early access and so not finished, diplomacy being empty, bandit camps not really doing anything except randomly stealing some supplies, some materials LITERALLY being useless (blocks do nothing at the moment and cant be made)
but these are things i think will be sorted just with time
the points i raised above are things i feel the game needs to alter the direction of, they arent just unfinished features, but existing ones that arent quite right
im sure there are some other things that im just not thinking of at the moment
i did very much enjoy what i played of the game, and think it will be an absolutly amazing one
it just needs time, and some tweaks, to get there
submitted by grayscalering to ManorLords [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:17 zaxwlyde 25 [M4A] #Everywhere - Let's bring worlds to life, a word at a time.

Writing is wonderful, isn't it?
I'm Zach. I'm in the information technology sector by trade, but a writer otherwise. I work with interactive fiction, currently delving into two of my latest projects (one based in my high-fantasy universe that's been in development for over ten years!)
Anyways. That's a small tidbit, but I've got something better formatted.
What's my Age?: Twenty-Five (25).
Where am I located?: Columbus, Ohio!
Why'd I make this post?: The truth is simple. I'm looking for friends, people that I can grow with, get to know, and if something further emerges - so be it. Above all, personality is a key cornerstone for me. I can work with differing hobbies, cultures, and lifestyles, as long as you can do the same.
What's my Fatal-Flaw?: I'm loyal to a fault. It's screwed me over a bit in the past, but I've since worked to correct it. Nonetheless, I stick my neck out for those I've grown to care for.
How about some hobbies?: Alright, let's line 'em up!
  • Writing. I've adored working with interactive fiction, and have multiple novels in development and in the publishing stages. With a little magic and a bit of luck, I'll be a published name pretty soon.
  • Gaming. I'm into a variety of genres. These range from strategy to RPG, to MMO, to shooters, and beyond. Co-op tends to be a specialty of mine, though I'm quite flexible.
  • Game-Development. This binds together with writing - especially interactive fiction. I love crafting interactive universes that others can delve into. Dynamic stories filled with choice and riveting corners down every turn. There are so many options to explore, so many characters to meet, befriend, antagonize, and more!
  • Walks. I love exploring, and taking random walks throughout areas is a favorite of mine. Especially if there's food around to grab a bite of!
  • Travel. Similar to above. Traveling is a favorite. I'd love to take a trip throughout Europe eventually, or one that winds through the entirety of the U.S. over a two-week extravaganza. What's your dream destination?
  • Cheese-Making. This one's pretty new, and I'm still in the studying stages. I'm planning on getting into the craft of making cheese. Working with the cultures, ensuring I can create different types, and taste-testing with others. My goal in the long term is to create an artisan business if I can!
What's your career?: Currently, I work in the information technology field as a Support Engineer. I'm still quite passionate about what I do, but my long-term goal is to create a self-sustainable income from my writing endeavors.
Lastly, what are some random fun facts about you?: Lining them up!
  • I'm credited in a critically acclaimed video game.
  • My friends find me weird for adoring cottage cheese.
  • I'm an avid dog lover who has a pitty-girl that's a rescue!
  • Lastly, I can spend an entire night talking about anything at random, especially if a friend needs a distraction.
Anyways. It's been fun. I'd love to get to know you, so feel free to send me a message! Take care, and have a wonderful afternoon!
submitted by zaxwlyde to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:17 zaxwlyde [25M] - Let's bring worlds to life, a word at a time.

Writing is wonderful, isn't it?
I'm Zach. I'm in the information technology sector by trade, but a writer otherwise. I work with interactive fiction, currently delving into two of my latest projects (one based in my high-fantasy universe that's been in development for over ten years!)
Anyways. That's a small tidbit, but I've got something better formatted.
What's my Age?: Twenty-Five (25).
Where am I located?: Columbus, Ohio!
Why'd I make this post?: The truth is simple. I'm looking for friends, people that I can grow with, get to know, and if something further emerges - so be it. Above all, personality is a key cornerstone for me. I can work with differing hobbies, cultures, and lifestyles, as long as you can do the same.
What's my Fatal-Flaw?: I'm loyal to a fault. It's screwed me over a bit in the past, but I've since worked to correct it. Nonetheless, I stick my neck out for those I've grown to care for.
How about some hobbies?: Alright, let's line 'em up!
  • Writing. I've adored working with interactive fiction, and have multiple novels in development and in the publishing stages. With a little magic and a bit of luck, I'll be a published name pretty soon.
  • Gaming. I'm into a variety of genres. These range from strategy to RPG, to MMO, to shooters, and beyond. Co-op tends to be a specialty of mine, though I'm quite flexible.
  • Game-Development. This binds together with writing - especially interactive fiction. I love crafting interactive universes that others can delve into. Dynamic stories filled with choice and riveting corners down every turn. There are so many options to explore, so many characters to meet, befriend, antagonize, and more!
  • Walks. I love exploring, and taking random walks throughout areas is a favorite of mine. Especially if there's food around to grab a bite of!
  • Travel. Similar to above. Traveling is a favorite. I'd love to take a trip throughout Europe eventually, or one that winds through the entirety of the U.S. over a two-week extravaganza. What's your dream destination?
  • Cheese-Making. This one's pretty new, and I'm still in the studying stages. I'm planning on getting into the craft of making cheese. Working with the cultures, ensuring I can create different types, and taste-testing with others. My goal in the long term is to create an artisan business if I can!
What's your career?: Currently, I work in the information technology field as a Support Engineer. I'm still quite passionate about what I do, but my long-term goal is to create a self-sustainable income from my writing endeavors.
Lastly, what are some random fun facts about you?: Lining them up!
  • I'm credited in a critically acclaimed video game.
  • My friends find me weird for adoring cottage cheese.
  • I'm an avid dog lover who has a pitty-girl that's a rescue!
  • Lastly, I can spend an entire night talking about anything at random, especially if a friend needs a distraction.
Anyways. It's been fun. I'd love to get to know you, so feel free to send me a message! Take care, and have a wonderful day!
submitted by zaxwlyde to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:16 zaxwlyde 25M - Let's bring worlds to life, a word at a time.

Writing is wonderful, isn't it?
I'm Zach. I'm in the information technology sector by trade, but a writer otherwise. I work with interactive fiction, currently delving into two of my latest projects (one based in my high-fantasy universe that's been in development for over ten years!)
Anyways. That's a small tidbit, but I've got something better formatted.
What's my Age?: Twenty-Five (25).
Where am I located?: Columbus, Ohio!
Why'd I make this post?: The truth is simple. I'm looking for friends, people that I can grow with, get to know, and if something further emerges - so be it. Above all, personality is a key cornerstone for me. I can work with differing hobbies, cultures, and lifestyles, as long as you can do the same.
What's my Fatal-Flaw?: I'm loyal to a fault. It's screwed me over a bit in the past, but I've since worked to correct it. Nonetheless, I stick my neck out for those I've grown to care for.
How about some hobbies?: Alright, let's line 'em up!
  • Writing. I've adored working with interactive fiction, and have multiple novels in development and in the publishing stages. With a little magic and a bit of luck, I'll be a published name pretty soon.
  • Gaming. I'm into a variety of genres. These range from strategy to RPG, to MMO, to shooters, and beyond. Co-op tends to be a specialty of mine, though I'm quite flexible.
  • Game-Development. This binds together with writing - especially interactive fiction. I love crafting interactive universes that others can delve into. Dynamic stories filled with choice and riveting corners down every turn. There are so many options to explore, so many characters to meet, befriend, antagonize, and more!
  • Walks. I love exploring, and taking random walks throughout areas is a favorite of mine. Especially if there's food around to grab a bite of!
  • Travel. Similar to above. Traveling is a favorite. I'd love to take a trip throughout Europe eventually, or one that winds through the entirety of the U.S. over a two-week extravaganza. What's your dream destination?
  • Cheese-Making. This one's pretty new, and I'm still in the studying stages. I'm planning on getting into the craft of making cheese. Working with the cultures, ensuring I can create different types, and taste-testing with others. My goal in the long term is to create an artisan business if I can!
What's your career?: Currently, I work in the information technology field as a Support Engineer. I'm still quite passionate about what I do, but my long-term goal is to create a self-sustainable income from my writing endeavors.
Lastly, what are some random fun facts about you?: Lining them up!
  • I'm credited in a critically acclaimed video game.
  • My friends find me weird for adoring cottage cheese.
  • I'm an avid dog lover who has a pitty-girl that's a rescue!
  • Lastly, I can spend an entire night talking about anything at random, especially if a friend needs a distraction.
Anyways. It's been fun. I'd love to get to know you, so feel free to send me a message! Take care, and have a wonderful day!
submitted by zaxwlyde to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:15 zaxwlyde [25/M] - Let's bring worlds to life, a word at a time.

Writing is wonderful, isn't it?
I'm Zach. I'm in the information technology sector by trade, but a writer otherwise. I work with interactive fiction, currently delving into two of my latest projects (one based in my high-fantasy universe that's been in development for over ten years!)
Anyways. That's a small tidbit, but I've got something better formatted.
What's my Age?: Twenty-Five (25).
Where am I located?: Columbus, Ohio!
Why'd I make this post?: The truth is simple. I'm looking for friends, people that I can grow with, get to know, and if something further emerges - so be it. Above all, personality is a key cornerstone for me. I can work with differing hobbies, cultures, and lifestyles, as long as you can do the same.
What's my Fatal-Flaw?: I'm loyal to a fault. It's screwed me over a bit in the past, but I've since worked to correct it. Nonetheless, I stick my neck out for those I've grown to care for.
How about some hobbies?: Alright, let's line 'em up!
  • Writing. I've adored working with interactive fiction, and have multiple novels in development and in the publishing stages. With a little magic and a bit of luck, I'll be a published name pretty soon.
  • Gaming. I'm into a variety of genres. These range from strategy to RPG, to MMO, to shooters, and beyond. Co-op tends to be a specialty of mine, though I'm quite flexible.
  • Game-Development. This binds together with writing - especially interactive fiction. I love crafting interactive universes that others can delve into. Dynamic stories filled with choice and riveting corners down every turn. There are so many options to explore, so many characters to meet, befriend, antagonize, and more!
  • Walks. I love exploring, and taking random walks throughout areas is a favorite of mine. Especially if there's food around to grab a bite of!
  • Travel. Similar to above. Traveling is a favorite. I'd love to take a trip throughout Europe eventually, or one that winds through the entirety of the U.S. over a two-week extravaganza. What's your dream destination?
  • Cheese-Making. This one's pretty new, and I'm still in the studying stages. I'm planning on getting into the craft of making cheese. Working with the cultures, ensuring I can create different types, and taste-testing with others. My goal in the long term is to create an artisan business if I can!
What's your career?: Currently, I work in the information technology field as a Support Engineer. I'm still quite passionate about what I do, but my long-term goal is to create a self-sustainable income from my writing endeavors.
Lastly, what are some random fun facts about you?: Lining them up!
  • I'm credited in a critically acclaimed video game.
  • My friends find me weird for adoring cottage cheese.
  • I'm an avid dog lover who has a pitty-girl that's a rescue!
  • Lastly, I can spend an entire night talking about anything at random, especially if a friend needs a distraction.
Anyways. It's been fun. I'd love to get to know you, so feel free to send me a message! Take care, and have a wonderful day!
submitted by zaxwlyde to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:15 zaxwlyde 25M - Let's bring worlds to life, a word at a time.

Writing is wonderful, isn't it?
I'm Zach. I'm in the information technology sector by trade, but a writer otherwise. I work with interactive fiction, currently delving into two of my latest projects (one based in my high-fantasy universe that's been in development for over ten years!)
Anyways. That's a small tidbit, but I've got something better formatted.
What's my Age?: Twenty-Five (25).
Where am I located?: Columbus, Ohio!
Why'd I make this post?: The truth is simple. I'm looking for friends, people that I can grow with, get to know, and if something further emerges - so be it. Above all, personality is a key cornerstone for me. I can work with differing hobbies, cultures, and lifestyles, as long as you can do the same.
What's my Fatal-Flaw?: I'm loyal to a fault. It's screwed me over a bit in the past, but I've since worked to correct it. Nonetheless, I stick my neck out for those I've grown to care for.
How about some hobbies?: Alright, let's line 'em up!
  • Writing. I've adored working with interactive fiction, and have multiple novels in development and in the publishing stages. With a little magic and a bit of luck, I'll be a published name pretty soon.
  • Gaming. I'm into a variety of genres. These range from strategy to RPG, to MMO, to shooters, and beyond. Co-op tends to be a specialty of mine, though I'm quite flexible.
  • Game-Development. This binds together with writing - especially interactive fiction. I love crafting interactive universes that others can delve into. Dynamic stories filled with choice and riveting corners down every turn. There are so many options to explore, so many characters to meet, befriend, antagonize, and more!
  • Walks. I love exploring, and taking random walks throughout areas is a favorite of mine. Especially if there's food around to grab a bite of!
  • Travel. Similar to above. Traveling is a favorite. I'd love to take a trip throughout Europe eventually, or one that winds through the entirety of the U.S. over a two-week extravaganza. What's your dream destination?
  • Cheese-Making. This one's pretty new, and I'm still in the studying stages. I'm planning on getting into the craft of making cheese. Working with the cultures, ensuring I can create different types, and taste-testing with others. My goal in the long term is to create an artisan business if I can!
What's your career?: Currently, I work in the information technology field as a Support Engineer. I'm still quite passionate about what I do, but my long-term goal is to create a self-sustainable income from my writing endeavors.
Lastly, what are some random fun facts about you?: Lining them up!
  • I'm credited in a critically acclaimed video game.
  • My friends find me weird for adoring cottage cheese.
  • I'm an avid dog lover who has a pitty-girl that's a rescue!
  • Lastly, I can spend an entire night talking about anything at random, especially if a friend needs a distraction.
Anyways. It's been fun. I'd love to get to know you, so feel free to send me a message! Take care, and have a wonderful evening!
submitted by zaxwlyde to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:15 zaxwlyde 25M - Let's bring worlds to life, a word at a time.

Writing is wonderful, isn't it?
I'm Zach. I'm in the information technology sector by trade, but a writer otherwise. I work with interactive fiction, currently delving into two of my latest projects (one based in my high-fantasy universe that's been in development for over ten years!)
Anyways. That's a small tidbit, but I've got something better formatted.
What's my Age?: Twenty-Five (25).
Where am I located?: Columbus, Ohio!
Why'd I make this post?: The truth is simple. I'm looking for friends, people that I can grow with, get to know, and if something further emerges - so be it. Above all, personality is a key cornerstone for me. I can work with differing hobbies, cultures, and lifestyles, as long as you can do the same.
What's my Fatal-Flaw?: I'm loyal to a fault. It's screwed me over a bit in the past, but I've since worked to correct it. Nonetheless, I stick my neck out for those I've grown to care for.
How about some hobbies?: Alright, let's line 'em up!
  • Writing. I've adored working with interactive fiction, and have multiple novels in development and in the publishing stages. With a little magic and a bit of luck, I'll be a published name pretty soon.
  • Gaming. I'm into a variety of genres. These range from strategy to RPG, to MMO, to shooters, and beyond. Co-op tends to be a specialty of mine, though I'm quite flexible.
  • Game-Development. This binds together with writing - especially interactive fiction. I love crafting interactive universes that others can delve into. Dynamic stories filled with choice and riveting corners down every turn. There are so many options to explore, so many characters to meet, befriend, antagonize, and more!
  • Walks. I love exploring, and taking random walks throughout areas is a favorite of mine. Especially if there's food around to grab a bite of!
  • Travel. Similar to above. Traveling is a favorite. I'd love to take a trip throughout Europe eventually, or one that winds through the entirety of the U.S. over a two-week extravaganza. What's your dream destination?
  • Cheese-Making. This one's pretty new, and I'm still in the studying stages. I'm planning on getting into the craft of making cheese. Working with the cultures, ensuring I can create different types, and taste-testing with others. My goal in the long term is to create an artisan business if I can!
What's your career?: Currently, I work in the information technology field as a Support Engineer. I'm still quite passionate about what I do, but my long-term goal is to create a self-sustainable income from my writing endeavors.
Lastly, what are some random fun facts about you?: Lining them up!
  • I'm credited in a critically acclaimed video game.
  • My friends find me weird for adoring cottage cheese.
  • I'm an avid dog lover who has a pitty-girl that's a rescue!
  • Lastly, I can spend an entire night talking about anything at random, especially if a friend needs a distraction.
Anyways. It's been fun. I'd love to get to know you, so feel free to send me a message! Take care, and have a wonderful evening!
submitted by zaxwlyde to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:14 zaxwlyde 25M - Let's bring worlds to life, a word at a time.

Writing is wonderful, isn't it?
I'm Zach. I'm in the information technology sector by trade, but a writer otherwise. I work with interactive fiction, currently delving into two of my latest projects (one based in my high-fantasy universe that's been in development for over ten years!)
Anyways. That's a small tidbit, but I've got something better formatted.
What's my Age?: Twenty-Five (25).
Where am I located?: Columbus, Ohio!
Why'd I make this post?: The truth is simple. I'm looking for friends, people that I can grow with, get to know, and if something further emerges - so be it. Above all, personality is a key cornerstone for me. I can work with differing hobbies, cultures, and lifestyles, as long as you can do the same.
What's my Fatal-Flaw?: I'm loyal to a fault. It's screwed me over a bit in the past, but I've since worked to correct it. Nonetheless, I stick my neck out for those I've grown to care for.
How about some hobbies?: Alright, let's line 'em up!
  • Writing. I've adored working with interactive fiction, and have multiple novels in development and in the publishing stages. With a little magic and a bit of luck, I'll be a published name pretty soon.
  • Gaming. I'm into a variety of genres. These range from strategy to RPG, to MMO, to shooters, and beyond. Co-op tends to be a specialty of mine, though I'm quite flexible.
  • Game-Development. This binds together with writing - especially interactive fiction. I love crafting interactive universes that others can delve into. Dynamic stories filled with choice and riveting corners down every turn. There are so many options to explore, so many characters to meet, befriend, antagonize, and more!
  • Walks. I love exploring, and taking random walks throughout areas is a favorite of mine. Especially if there's food around to grab a bite of!
  • Travel. Similar to above. Traveling is a favorite. I'd love to take a trip throughout Europe eventually, or one that winds through the entirety of the U.S. over a two-week extravaganza. What's your dream destination?
  • Cheese-Making. This one's pretty new, and I'm still in the studying stages. I'm planning on getting into the craft of making cheese. Working with the cultures, ensuring I can create different types, and taste-testing with others. My goal in the long term is to create an artisan business if I can!
What's your career?: Currently, I work in the information technology field as a Support Engineer. I'm still quite passionate about what I do, but my long-term goal is to create a self-sustainable income from my writing endeavors.
Lastly, what are some random fun facts about you?: Lining them up!
  • I'm credited in a critically acclaimed video game.
  • My friends find me weird for adoring cottage cheese.
  • I'm an avid dog lover who has a pitty-girl that's a rescue!
  • Lastly, I can spend an entire night talking about anything at random, especially if a friend needs a distraction.
Anyways. It's been fun. I'd love to get to know you, so feel free to send me a message! Take care, and have a wonderful evening!
submitted by zaxwlyde to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:14 avajohonson0 What are stackable certifications in CompTIA? Should I put CompTIA stackable certifications on my resume?

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CompTIA Stackable Certifications are a series of credentials that demonstrate your expertise in specific areas of IT. The certifications are designed to be earned in a sequence, with each level building on the previous one. This allows you to progressively develop your skills and knowledge, and demonstrate your expertise to employers. Here are the CompTIA Stackable Certifications in detail:
Infrastructure Career Pathway:
  1. CompTIA A+: Entry-level certification covering hardware, software, networking, and security.
  2. CompTIA Network+: Builds on A+ skills, focusing on networking concepts, protocols, and security.
  3. CompTIA Server+: Covers server installation, configuration, and management.
  4. CompTIA Data+: Focuses on data management, analytics, and visualization.
  5. CompTIA Cloud+: Covers cloud computing concepts, deployment, and management.
Cyber Security Career Pathway:
  1. CompTIA Security+: Entry-level certification covering security concepts, threats, and best practices.
  2. CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+): Builds on Security+ skills, focusing on risk management, vulnerabilities, and incident response.
  3. CompTIA PenTest+: Covers penetration testing and vulnerability assessment.
  4. CompTIA CASP+: Focuses on advanced security concepts, risk management, and enterprise security.
  5. CompTIA CISO (Certified Information Systems Officer): Covers strategic IT leadership, risk management, and enterprise security.
By earning these certifications in sequence, you demonstrate your expertise and commitment to your chosen career pathway. Employers recognize CompTIA certifications as a benchmark of IT skills and knowledge, making them a valuable asset for your career advancement.I hope this detailed information helps you understand the CompTIA Stackable Certifications better!
Should I put CompTIA stackable certifications on my resume?
CompTIA stackable certifications are a great addition to your resume, especially if you're in the IT industry. Here's why:
  1. Demonstrated expertise: CompTIA certifications show that you have a certain level of knowledge and skills in specific areas of IT.
  2. Career progression: By listing your CompTIA stackable certifications, you can demonstrate your career progression and commitment to your chosen career pathway.
  3. Industry recognition: CompTIA certifications are widely recognized and respected in the IT industry, so listing them on your resume can help you stand out from other candidates.
  4. Keyword optimization: Many applicant tracking systems (ATS) and recruiters use keywords to filter resumes. Including CompTIA certifications on your resume can help you pass through these filters and increase your chances of getting noticed.
  5. Enhanced credibility: CompTIA certifications can enhance your credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of potential employers.
Here are some tips on how to include CompTIA stackable certifications on your resume:
  1. Create a separate section: Create a separate section on your resume for certifications, such as "Certifications" or "Professional Certifications".
  2. List them in order: List your CompTIA certifications in the order you earned them, with the most recent one first.
  3. Include the certification name, date earned, and certification number: Make sure to include the full name of the certification, the date you earned it, and your certification number (if applicable).
  4. Highlight your achievements: Consider highlighting any specific achievements or projects you completed as part of your certification process.
Remember to tailor your resume to the specific job you're applying for, and highlight the certifications that are most relevant to the position.
Which CompTIA certifications do not expire?
Most CompTIA certifications, including CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+, Cloud+, PenTest+, Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+), Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+), Data+, and DataSys+, are good for three years. The remaining three certifications—CompTIA Linux+, Project+, and Server+—do not expire.
submitted by avajohonson0 to CompTIA_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:14 PixelSteel Help: Ideation vs. Scope Limiting

So my brain is thinking of some wild ideas for this game I’m developing. I refined and limited the gameplay loop to mimic that of a classic roguelike, but with a few twists.
The current goal is to deliver players a multiplayer roguelike experience where you select missions to clear dungeons, harvest resources, slay monsters, then sell at the guild where you can also craft or buy weapons, brew potions, and ready up for the next mission.
Most of that gameplay loop is completed, so I’m exploring different ideas and going through some ideation processes. However, I don’t want make a huge mistake on feature creep, as a lot of the artwork isn’t done.
How do fellow indie devs or experienced game designers go through this struggle?
submitted by PixelSteel to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:09 ThirtyTwoR3 Beginner Friendly GT4 League Starting up & Experienced GT3 League Starting up

Grass Roots Racing Community is starting both a GT4 and a GT3 league!
We will race GT4 on Tuesdays at 7:15PM EST we will follow that with the GT3 at 8:30 PM EST.
Our GT4 league is targeted towards newer drivers who are starting to progress from the miata and 86s.
Our GT3 leagues is targeted towards drivers with a 1500+ IR
Every second Wednesday we host a combined 90 minute race between GT3 and GT4 classes.
We are a chill league with coaching available and the goal to have fun and develop our own skills without the threat of SR and IR.
The League ID is #11021
submitted by ThirtyTwoR3 to iRacing [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:08 DTG_Bot This Week In Destiny 05/02/2024

Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid-05-02-2024
This week in Destiny we’re fine tuning our PvP loadouts. We’ve got three new beautiful Crucible maps coming next week, and we want to make sure we’re ready. So, grab that Rose you’ve been dominating with, and let’s get into it.
This week topics:
  • PVP map pack launch.
  • The Pantheon boss profiles.
  • The Pantheon Bungie Rewards.
  • New Rahool reputation and Exotic system.
  • The Final Shape shader icon revamp.
  • PvP Strike Team update.
  • Superblack shader now available.
  • Windows 7 and 8 deprecation. ##PvP Map Pack Launch
With Update this Tuesday, May 7, three new maps will be coming to Crucible: Cirrus Plaza, Eventide Labs, and Dissonance. We gave our first look at these maps last month during our Destiny 2: Into the Light Dev Livestream #3. In that stream, we provided a walkthrough of each map with discussion around our design goals, creation process, and artistic considerations with developing these maps. If you haven’t checked it out yet, head over and watch it now.
With only a few days until their release, we wanted to take a final look at these maps from a slightly different angle. That's why we partnered with our favorite community cartographer, Relikt, to develop callout map overviews. We've been fans of his callout maps for years, and we are thrilled to work with him on this new set of Crucible maps. Let’s jump in and take a look!

Eventide Labs

Eventide Labs is set in a long-forgotten human colony research outpost on Europa that Eramis chose to use as a refueling station.
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With initial spawns near point A at the Warehouse and near point C at the Ice Caves, players will make their way to contest the Servitor area that holds point B and a valuable Heavy ammo crate. But be careful! While the interior of the map by the Promenade and Upper Glacial is more closer-quarters battle focused, a handful of longer sight lines in the space between Air Dock and Loading Bay means you’ll have to ensure that you approach carefully, or you may be on the wrong side of a Sniper Rifle.

Cirrus Plaza

Our next map takes us to Neptune. Cirrus Plaza is set in a shopping and entertainment center on Neomuna.
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There are four distinct areas on Cirrus Plaza with the Arcade, Restaurant, Aquarium, and Atrium. Players will spawn in the Arcade near point A and the Restaurant near point C. The Atrium will be an area of interest, as players will seek the Heavy ammo crate that spawns in the middle and battle to earn the valuable high ground. However, with sight lines spanning multiple floors and players battling for point B nearby, Guardians will need to get in and out quickly or ensure they have teammates watching their back.


If you’ve always wanted to PvP on a terraformed Pyramid ship , then we’ve got you covered. Equal parts beautiful and haunting, Dissonance is set on the Witness’s former ship, Essence, which was terraformed by the Traveler.
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With initial spawn points near the Fossils at point A and the Sigil at point C, the map offers somewhat direct paths through the middle, where players will be drawn to Orbits to engage in heated brawls over the Heavy ammo and across the bottom of the map towards point B.

New Territory

When these maps arrive on May 7, they’ll be on a separate 3v3 playlist called "New Territory," so you can enjoy the new experience these maps offer on demand. The playlist will replace the 3v3 Quickplay node and feature the three new maps with the following game modes: Survival, Elimination, Clash, and Collision. Be sure to pick up the introductory quest from Shaxx for more details on the maps and playlist.
Additionally, while New Territory is the designated playlist for the new maps, the maps will be available in other playlists and the private lobby as usual.
Lastly, New Territory will be available until the end of the Season, at which point any player who engaged in the playlist will be awarded with the new Slaycation emblem!
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The Pantheon Boss Deep Dive

The Pantheon is upon us. The new PvE raid gauntlet opened this week featuring four bosses as part of the first wave. With more bosses on the way each week, we wanted to take a moment to highlight the targets you’ve been tasked with taking down. We’ve got the details to ensure you know thy enemies well.

You are tasked with the elimination of the following targets:


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  • Hive
  • Blood of Oryx
  • Ogre
  • Worm
  • Void eye beam
  • Venomous gaze
  • Unstable Light
  • Monstrous strength and durability
  • Ogres are forged -- through tortuous trials and dark rituals -- from corrupted and deformed Thralls known as Unborn. They know only pain and are conditioned to hate and despise the Light.
  • Golgoroth is a Hive Ogre, infested with burrowing parasites related to the Worm gods and committed to Oryx’s service. One of the most powerful ogres ever known, Golgoroth was felled aboard the Dreadnaught by the same brave fireteam that delivered the Taken King his final death.
  • Vanguard operatives uncovered that Golgoroth was enlisted as a vessel to both tithe violence directly to Oryx and corrupt hordes of stolen Light from Oryx’s conquests. The ogre’s flesh also served as containment for a Tablet of Ruin.
  • Recovered from Golgoroth’s remains, Tablet of Ruin x1.
  • The item has been vaulted for proper containment.
  • Deciphered Hive apocrypha suggests Golgoroth was fond of flower petals. Daughters of Savathûn would send warriors with petals stuffed beneath their chitin as deathly delights for the Ogre.


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  • Scorn, Abomination, altered
  • Resonant
  • Eliksni, former, House unknown
  • Worm, altered
  • Scale drone swarm
  • Overcharged ether blast
  • Sacred dematerialization
  • Resonant empowerment
  • Slain by the intrepid fireteam that stormed the Sunken Pyramid in the fetid Court of Savathûn, the Caretaker is a being of which we know little. It resembles a Scorn Abomination but has been the subject of several experiments and is believed to have been host to a Worm.
  • The Caretaker was entrusted with a collection of Wormspawn as well as other entities the Witness and Rhulk had obtained to be analyzed and stored within the Pyramid.
  • Reports from fireteams raiding the Sunken Pyramid mention that the Caretaker appears to have been both victim to and overseer of experiments seeking to fuse Worms and Scorn together.
  • Multiple fireteams have commented on what appear to be “pet” mutations that are believed to have belonged to the Caretaker. Whether these were rejected experiments or unsanctioned creations isn’t known.
  • There is a discrepancy in the number of Wormspawn marked as collected from the Pyramid and those delivered to the Tower’s vault containment. Guardians who have information regarding their whereabouts should submit a report to Vanguard Leadership.


“The Wildcard”
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  • Eliksni
  • Exo(s)*
  • House Salvation, Baroness
  • Ex-House of Devils, Council
  • Modified Shock Rifle
  • Extinction protocol
  • Self-replication
  • Teleportation
  • Stasis empowerment
  • *Exos are humanoid machines that house a living mind. Atraks-1 obtained this technology from a BrayTech station orbiting Europa. Atraks’s mind commands multiples copies of her Exo frame.
  • Before converting herr form, Atraks acted as Council to Eramis, Kell of House Salvation for many years. Atraks was entrusted with command of the Deepstone Crypt. She was destroyed by the Guardian fireteam that brought the Morning Star down from orbit.
  • Atraks-1 created multiple copies of herself to deceive foes. Fireteams encountering this tactic in the future are advised to locate the original target and focus a simultaneous strike.
  • Atraks was at one time seen as a voice of reason, an orator, able to speak to the hearts of the Eliksni youth in House Salvation.
  • The Hidden have relayed rumors that a copy of Atraks-1’s mind exists, stored somewhere on Europa. This has yet to be verified.
  • At least two of the initial six fireteam members that destroyed Atraks-1 believe they destroyed a clone and that the real Atraks-1 still lives. This is under investigation.
  • Atraks-1 was known to prefer synthetic lubricant when undergoing maintenance.


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  • Manufactured
  • Cabal Shadow
  • Legion Incendior
  • Clone
  • Cabal magma launcher
  • Searing beam (column of flame)
  • Magma launcher compression blast
  • Paracausal shielding
  • Resonant empowerment
  • Zo’Aurc is a Cabal clone created by the deposed Emperor Calus and is assigned to a detachment of the Shadow Legion forces aboard the Witness’s personal Pyramid ship.
  • According to Vanguard decryption teams, Zo'Aurc, who was granted the title Explicator of Planets, has surveyed a collection of worlds conquered by the Black Fleet for an unknown purpose. Preliminary theories span weighing the worlds for Discipleship to searching for the Veil or a method of contributing to the Final Shape.
  • Reports conclude that even the Shadow Legion was not immune to Nezarec’s torment. Zo’Aurc details his own nightmares and more reports of nightmares and violent incidents among his forces.
  • Zo’Aurc’s personal logs have been decoded. It seems that, whatever their official goal was, they were personally cataloging worlds that had once been part of the Cabal empire but were no more. ##The Pantheon Bungie Rewards
And if the thrill of the hunt wasn’t enough, your success in The Pantheon will nab you not only some loot in-game, but also the opportunity to add some heroic Bungie Rewards to forever mark your accomplishments, including the Godslayer Title Pin and The Pantheon Raid Ring.
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The Pantheon Raid Ring features a legendary re-envisioning of our iconic first Raid Ring, launched in 2020. Beyond the striking raid symbol as the focus of the ring, owners will also have a private reminder of the importance of loyalty in the face of adversity. Etched on the inside is a message that reads, “Glory comes easy when you have allies you can trust.” The epitome of strength and camaraderie, The Pantheon Raid Ring stands as a testament to the valor and unity found in the heat of battle. This special Bungie Rewards offer is available for purchase only to players who complete all encounters from any tier of The Pantheon in Destiny 2 by June 3, 2024.
The Godslayer Title Pin will also be available for purchase via Bungie Rewards for players who complete the Godslayer Title by June 3, 2024.

Rahool’s Frequent Decryptor Program

The experience of grinding out new Exotic armor can be a time-consuming process. It can take quite a few runs to get the drop you’re looking for, and many more to get one that has stats that support your build. Besides that, with Exotic armor pieces often forming the backbone of a powerful build, new players are regularly asked to spend a long time tackling challenging content solo before being able to run builds that support the most effective tactics.
Luckily, the Econ Team has established a good working relationship with the Tower’s Number One Cryptarch over the last year as we added Exotic armor focusing, and we have managed to help Rahool set up a new promotional program of sorts that makes farming the armor you want more deterministic and less dependent on rotators.
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Starting in The Final Shape, Rahool is going to be the source for any new Exotic armor that we release. When you first talk to Rahool after The Final Shape launch, he will introduce you to a new rewards program tied to his brand-new Reputation Track. The idea is simple: the more you decode engrams with him, the more you increase your reputation with him. Once you completely fill the reputation track once and reset your rank, Rahool will allow you into an elite club, giving you access to a new tier of focusing.
Once you become one of Rahool’s “Engram Ensiders” (he was very proud of the name, so be nice to him), you’ll be able to purchase any piece of Exotic armor for any character on your account for one Exotic engram and one Exotic cipher, in addition to the previous focusing options. Because this is tied to Rahool’s new reputation track, there is no weekly limit to using this tier of focusing; as long as you still have Exotic ciphers and engrams, you can keep rolling armor.
With this change, we are also altering the way that old sources of Exotic armor work. First, Lost Sectors will keep the same drop rates for Exotics but will instead drop engrams whenever they would have previously dropped gear. Neomuna will also still drop new Exotic armor when you complete a Vex Strike Force encounter, but we won’t be adding any more new armor to the drop list after Season of the Wish.
With these changes, we know you’re wondering, “How long will it take to get this newfangled tier of focusing? I’ve got the World’s First Race to prepare for, wot wot!” Without going into the exact numbers, the actions that will give the most reputation will be precision decryption (aka Tier 2 focusing), followed by advanced decryption, then opening an Exotic engram , and last but also least, opening a prime engram. So, if you want to be ready for the Witness’s forces as soon as possible, make sure to stock up on Exotic engrams and Ascendant Shards before June 4, as with a little more than a full stock of Exotic engrams you’ll be able to start focusing new armor.

Shader Icon Revamp

With The Final Shape, we're upgrading the look and design of the shader icon layout. Shaders are a core way a player can provide a unique look and feel to their Guardian, and we wanted to help continue to make that a better experience. Our goal with this update is to help make the shader icons more accurately reflect the colors and textures they will apply.
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Currently, there are some issues that can make the experience of applying a shader inconsistent. The first being that, while each shader applies six colors, only four are currently shown on the shader icon. This can sometimes result in the shader appearing differently than players may expect from the icon preview.
Adding to this is the fact that all four color sections of the current shader icon are equal in shape and size, making it difficult to distinguish what the main colors will be when applied. There are also many shaders that have unique glows that players strive for, and with the current design, they are not represented. Gambit Jadestone is a great example of this.
Gambit Jadestone Shader Icon - Current
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To help address these issues, we've made updates to the shader icon design that includes all six colors for that shader. We are also changing the design in a way that makes the primary colors appear to take more space than the secondary colors for a more accurate representation with most gear items. Glows are also reflected in the updated design so it will be easier to distinguish those shaders within your shader selection screens.
Gambit Jadestone Shader Icon - Updated In The Final Shape
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We tested many different design solutions for this goal, and eventually settled on adding a diamond to the center of the current icon design and changing the layout of the color slots on the icon.
We’re hoping these new improvements will offer a better experience for Guardians looking to show off their best looks.

PvP Strike Team Update

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Hello everyone, PvP Strike Team here to talk about Special ammo in the Crucible. Since Update 7.3.5, we’ve been doing a substantial amount of iteration on our Special ammo distribution systems. We’ve tried the meter system in multiple playlists as well as two different versions of the ammo crates system in Competitive, Hardware, and for a limited time in Trials. Some people asked why we are bothering to do this level of experimentation, and we’d like to explain it.
The Respawn System
The original Special ammo distribution system was brought into the game with Forsaken and, combined with allowing players to pick up ammo from defeated opponents, it eventually peaked in a short period of time where Special weapons eclipsed Primary weapons for final blows in Crucible. We walked it back several times, mostly focused on how much ammo you could pick up from bricks on the ground, but we were still left in a position of one-shot kill Special weapons making up a substantial percentage of Crucible final blows and contributing to many of the issues with sandbox readability we have discussed before.
While the respawn system had its issues and we felt there was some room for improvement, it did do a decent job of balancing ammo distribution between high- and low-performing players, with high-performing players on average utilizing Special ammo 1.5-2 times more than low performing players. Similarly, with years of the system in place, the Special weapon meta had solidified nicely. Shotguns were at the top, with around 47% of Special weapon kills. Snipers and Fusions combined to make up 43%, and all the other Special weapons were the remaining 10%.
When investigating changes to the respawn system, it became apparent that we were very limited in terms of how we could tune the system to get the desired effects, and that led us to investigate two additional systems. While we wanted to be able to solve the problem of too many one-hit kills in PvP, it was important to us that the new systems did not introduce new and potentially worse problems.
The Meter System
To understand the meter system, we first need to take you through its development. This system was originally intended to be experimental, utilized only in the temporary Labs mode, Checkmate. It was built using a combination of other existing systems co-opted from various parts of the game that allowed us to do things we could not usually do in Crucible, like retaining the state of the meter between lives and between rounds (an invisible stat on the scoreboard the game reads back every time you respawn), dropping ammo directly onto the player in a transmat (an invisible ammo crate that opens directly above you and then deletes itself), carrying the full amount of ammo over between deaths (utilizing the logic system we use in PvE activities to re-grant you ammo on spawn), and displaying the current progress of the meter (the UI bar borrowed from Exotic weapon and activities buffs).
Reception to the system in Checkmate was mixed, but we saw there was a lot of potential in our first truly “earnable” Special ammo system. Since its introduction, we have iterated on it several times, including earlier this week, and have gotten it into a much more acceptable state. Unfortunately, as the meter system has been exposed to the wider game for an extended period, we have run into two core issues which have required us to continue to look for possible solutions.
Balance Issues – The overall balance of the meter system in the wider sandbox has been concerning. It primarily benefits one player type over all others, with players who routinely perform above average in their lobbies getting the double benefits of having more Special ammo than the respawn system allowed at certain points in the game, while their opponents often have much less. In the meter system, high-performing players are earning Special ammo at 3.5 times the rate of lower-performing players, a delta which has led to many non-high-performing players abandoning Special weapons entirely. In Competitive, for example, with the meter system in use low-performing players were more likely to get kills with Heavy ammo weapons than they were with Special ammo weapons.
The weapon balance has become similarly one-sided, as it promotes Shotguns as the main solution, and all other Special weapons are perceived as no longer useful for most players when in an ammo-limited situation. Under the meter system, Shotguns have more than 76% of Special weapon kills, with Fusions and Snipers reduced to a combined 18%, and the rest of the Special weapons making up only 6%. This has led to a very “rich get richer” meta, where the best performing players and weapons are now even stronger by comparison without having to do anything differently.
Earlier this week we took steps to improve on these issues, but the difficulty we face in a system where Special ammo is almost entirely earned is that we have limited room to close the gap between high and low performers before it functionally becomes "everyone gets Special ammo on a timer," which is something we'd like to avoid.
Technical Issues – Balance problems aside, being built on tech that was not designed to be used in this way has exposed multiple issues that, upon investigation, we determined could not be easily fixed in the meter’s current state. Some things, like being unable to notify opponents that an ammo transmat has occurred or give starting ammo on join-in-progress, are already apparent to players. Other problems, which are far more significant, appear in the backend and affect how we handle several of the processes, impacting our ability to both balance and maintain the system in the long term. Functionally, these combined issues require us to rebuild the meter from the ground up as a new, dedicated system. We feel the system has shown enough merit that this is something we are undertaking for a future release.
The Crates System
As a potential fallback for the meter system, the Special ammo crates system was resurfaced and iterated upon. The crates system has several benefits from a design perspective, including the ability to place crates in key zones around the map to help encourage player movement in non-objective or objective-optional modes and prevent coagulation around a single power position, as well as offering the ability to delay Special weapon pushes in round-based modes.
The crates system has also, based on its time in Competitive and Trials, done some positive things in terms of moving Special ammo distribution closer to healthy values. The delta between high- and low-performing players has moved back to 2.4 times, and it has led to less late-game snowballing, as players who do try to hoard Special ammo lose it upon death. Weapon balance is similarly improved, although not optimal, and there is significantly increased variety with Shotguns coming down to 59% of kills, Fusions and Snipers combining for 28% of kills, and all other Special weapons increasing to 13% of kills.
Ultimately, the crates system in isolation also has several major problems. It can present a frustrating amount of friction between playing the game how you want and playing the game how you need to if you want to run a Special ammo weapon. Additionally, in round-based modes, it is too frictionless to run double Special ammo weapons. It is also the first system we have introduced that allows players to directly influence the Special ammo economy of the opposing team, as controlling most crates can help starve the other team of Special ammo.
From a strategic perspective this is an interesting mechanic, but with no other way to earn Special ammo in gameplay it serves to be more frustrating than fun, and many players have struggled to adapt to the change, causing additional friction when playing in matchmade teams.
The “Blended” 1-1-1 System
Each of the above-listed systems has both positives and negatives. In isolation, each system helps and hurts a different part of the population, but none of them holistically solves the Special ammo problem.
  • The respawn system offers a safe distribution of ammo amongst players, and the ease of availability promotes special weapon diversity, but giving two kill’s worth to every player every life also results in far too many one-hit kills for a healthy sandbox.
  • The meter system allows players to earn Special ammo in a deterministic way and increases the rate of earning if you’re playing well, which feels rewarding for high-performing players. On the other hand, for low-performing players, it feels significantly worse, and it promotes a homogenous Special weapon meta.
  • The crate system allows us to promote movement around the map, alter push timings, reward map control, and give players more direct control over the amount of Special ammo in play for their opponents. It also causes significant friction by forcing conflict with optimal player flows and between matchmade teams, and it allows too much Special ammo in round-based modes.
The solution we have settled on is a blended system we refer to as the “1-1-1," taking parts of each of the above systems and combining them to solve the problems introduced by each system individually.
  1. Players will respawn each life with one kill worth of Special ammo for their chosen weapon. This serves as a stopgap for players to make sure they are never going long amounts of time with an empty weapon and encourages more players to continue to utilize Special weapons, albeit in a limited fashion. Setting the ammo at one instead of two kill’s worth ensures that there is not a surplus of Special ammo that is available for minimum effort. Spawning with one also functions as a healthy mid-point between spawning with none in the crates system and retaining all ammo with the meter.
  2. All Primary weapon final blows will drop a personal ammo brick that awards one kill’s worth of Special ammo. This is our deterministic, earnable method of distributing ammo in the blended system until our purpose-built version of the ammo meter is ready. What this means is that any of your final blows with a Primary weapon will drop an ammo brick that only you can pick up, regardless of whether the opponent you defeated had Special ammo on them. Likewise, if you defeat a player who has Special ammo using a Special ammo weapon, that will not drop a brick on the ground, so like the meter system, you cannot use Special to directly earn more Special. We will be initially introducing this specific portion of the system into the Competitive playlist starting next week, to help address player complaints about the economy in those modes.
  3. Crates will continue to exist, but their icon visibility range on the HUD has been decreased, and they will only provide a single kill’s worth of Special ammo when opened. These crates will continue to serve as points of interest around a map, but it will no longer be a requirement for players to interact with them to partake in the Special ammo system. They will instead function as a small bonus for players who take the time to engage with them and an optional mid-point step for players to gain Special ammo that is more effort than simply respawning with it, but less effort than getting a Primary weapon final blow.
We’re very excited to introduce this system sometime after the launch of The Final Shape, and we greatly appreciate your patience and feedback as we have continued experimenting in our ongoing effort to improve the Crucible.

Superblack Shader Now Available

With the final two BRAVE weapons available this week, players will receive the final quests needed to unlock the much-anticipated Superblack shader. Players can unlock the shader by earning the Superblack Key Alpha from Shaxx, and Superblack Key Omega from Arcite 90-40. Using both will grant you access to the Superblack Containment and to the shader. If you’re a Hunter…er…a player of any class, you’ll want to grab this new Shader and look your finest.

Player Support Report

Reject modernity. Embrace tradition. Equip Anarchy.
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Known Issues List Help Forums Bungie Help Twitter

Beginning on June 4, 2024, Destiny 2 is ending support for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 operating systems. This decision is to align with Steam and Microsoft ending support for these systems.
Destiny 2 may continue running on these older operating systems after June 4, 2024, but we are unable to guarantee continued functionality after that date.
Players using these operating systems to play Destiny 2 are urged to upgrade to a more recent version of Windows or move to another platform so that their playtime won't be interrupted.
For more information, please view our Windows 7 and 8 Support article.
Due to an issue preventing players from progressing in The Pantheon when joining at a checkpoint, we have disabled checkpoints for The Caretaker and Zo'aurc, Explicator of Planets. We are attempting to resolve this issue as soon as possible and will provide an update when we have more information to share.
We've seen confusion surrounding the weekly Archie Hunt quests and wanted to offer clarification. These quests are only intended to be available for one week each and were made with this time limit in mind. We understand that this is not ideal for all players, which is why we made the shader available for one completion for any of the weekly quests. The lore attached to these triumphs will become available to all players when The Final Shape launches on June 4.
While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
  • In Onslaught, players may be teleported back to the incorrect ADU location after completing certain phases.
  • The ADU in Onslaught can occasionally despawn.
  • On rare occasions, the Spark in Onslaught can be lost.
  • The portal to leave a boss phase in Onslaught will sometimes not open when killing a boss too quickly.
  • BRAVE weapons The Recluse and Hammerhead don’t highlight enemies like their previous models.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.

Titan Smash(ed)

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To be a Titan is to live and die by the melee, even if that means a gruesome but spectacular death.
Movie of the Week:
Image Linkimgur](https://www.reddit.com/destiny2/comments/1c8ve7a/the_most_titan_way_to_die/)

Final God Of Pain

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For a Final God of Pain, Nezarec is pretty stylish and colorful. Probably because we are not sharing that Superblack shader with him.
Art of the Week: AliveWake via TwitteX
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That’s everything we have for this week. Hopefully you’re enjoying The Pantheon so far. Remember, this is only the first wave of bosses and more are on the way. It only gets more fun from here. And we swear that wasn’t an evil laugh we were stifling, it was just…a cough. cough
We’ll be back next week with another TWID. Until then, be good to each other, and thanks for hanging out with us.

Destiny 2 Community Team
submitted by DTG_Bot to LowSodiumDestiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:07 DTG_Bot This Week In Destiny 05/02/2024

Source: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid-05-02-2024
This week in Destiny we’re fine tuning our PvP loadouts. We’ve got three new beautiful Crucible maps coming next week, and we want to make sure we’re ready. So, grab that Rose you’ve been dominating with, and let’s get into it.
This week topics:
  • PVP map pack launch.
  • The Pantheon boss profiles.
  • The Pantheon Bungie Rewards.
  • New Rahool reputation and Exotic system.
  • The Final Shape shader icon revamp.
  • PvP Strike Team update.
  • Superblack shader now available.
  • Windows 7 and 8 deprecation. ##PvP Map Pack Launch
With Update this Tuesday, May 7, three new maps will be coming to Crucible: Cirrus Plaza, Eventide Labs, and Dissonance. We gave our first look at these maps last month during our Destiny 2: Into the Light Dev Livestream #3. In that stream, we provided a walkthrough of each map with discussion around our design goals, creation process, and artistic considerations with developing these maps. If you haven’t checked it out yet, head over and watch it now.
With only a few days until their release, we wanted to take a final look at these maps from a slightly different angle. That's why we partnered with our favorite community cartographer, Relikt, to develop callout map overviews. We've been fans of his callout maps for years, and we are thrilled to work with him on this new set of Crucible maps. Let’s jump in and take a look!

Eventide Labs

Eventide Labs is set in a long-forgotten human colony research outpost on Europa that Eramis chose to use as a refueling station.
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With initial spawns near point A at the Warehouse and near point C at the Ice Caves, players will make their way to contest the Servitor area that holds point B and a valuable Heavy ammo crate. But be careful! While the interior of the map by the Promenade and Upper Glacial is more closer-quarters battle focused, a handful of longer sight lines in the space between Air Dock and Loading Bay means you’ll have to ensure that you approach carefully, or you may be on the wrong side of a Sniper Rifle.

Cirrus Plaza

Our next map takes us to Neptune. Cirrus Plaza is set in a shopping and entertainment center on Neomuna.
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There are four distinct areas on Cirrus Plaza with the Arcade, Restaurant, Aquarium, and Atrium. Players will spawn in the Arcade near point A and the Restaurant near point C. The Atrium will be an area of interest, as players will seek the Heavy ammo crate that spawns in the middle and battle to earn the valuable high ground. However, with sight lines spanning multiple floors and players battling for point B nearby, Guardians will need to get in and out quickly or ensure they have teammates watching their back.


If you’ve always wanted to PvP on a terraformed Pyramid ship , then we’ve got you covered. Equal parts beautiful and haunting, Dissonance is set on the Witness’s former ship, Essence, which was terraformed by the Traveler.
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With initial spawn points near the Fossils at point A and the Sigil at point C, the map offers somewhat direct paths through the middle, where players will be drawn to Orbits to engage in heated brawls over the Heavy ammo and across the bottom of the map towards point B.

New Territory

When these maps arrive on May 7, they’ll be on a separate 3v3 playlist called "New Territory," so you can enjoy the new experience these maps offer on demand. The playlist will replace the 3v3 Quickplay node and feature the three new maps with the following game modes: Survival, Elimination, Clash, and Collision. Be sure to pick up the introductory quest from Shaxx for more details on the maps and playlist.
Additionally, while New Territory is the designated playlist for the new maps, the maps will be available in other playlists and the private lobby as usual.
Lastly, New Territory will be available until the end of the Season, at which point any player who engaged in the playlist will be awarded with the new Slaycation emblem!
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The Pantheon Boss Deep Dive

The Pantheon is upon us. The new PvE raid gauntlet opened this week featuring four bosses as part of the first wave. With more bosses on the way each week, we wanted to take a moment to highlight the targets you’ve been tasked with taking down. We’ve got the details to ensure you know thy enemies well.

You are tasked with the elimination of the following targets:


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  • Hive
  • Blood of Oryx
  • Ogre
  • Worm
  • Void eye beam
  • Venomous gaze
  • Unstable Light
  • Monstrous strength and durability
  • Ogres are forged -- through tortuous trials and dark rituals -- from corrupted and deformed Thralls known as Unborn. They know only pain and are conditioned to hate and despise the Light.
  • Golgoroth is a Hive Ogre, infested with burrowing parasites related to the Worm gods and committed to Oryx’s service. One of the most powerful ogres ever known, Golgoroth was felled aboard the Dreadnaught by the same brave fireteam that delivered the Taken King his final death.
  • Vanguard operatives uncovered that Golgoroth was enlisted as a vessel to both tithe violence directly to Oryx and corrupt hordes of stolen Light from Oryx’s conquests. The ogre’s flesh also served as containment for a Tablet of Ruin.
  • Recovered from Golgoroth’s remains, Tablet of Ruin x1.
  • The item has been vaulted for proper containment.
  • Deciphered Hive apocrypha suggests Golgoroth was fond of flower petals. Daughters of Savathûn would send warriors with petals stuffed beneath their chitin as deathly delights for the Ogre.


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  • Scorn, Abomination, altered
  • Resonant
  • Eliksni, former, House unknown
  • Worm, altered
  • Scale drone swarm
  • Overcharged ether blast
  • Sacred dematerialization
  • Resonant empowerment
  • Slain by the intrepid fireteam that stormed the Sunken Pyramid in the fetid Court of Savathûn, the Caretaker is a being of which we know little. It resembles a Scorn Abomination but has been the subject of several experiments and is believed to have been host to a Worm.
  • The Caretaker was entrusted with a collection of Wormspawn as well as other entities the Witness and Rhulk had obtained to be analyzed and stored within the Pyramid.
  • Reports from fireteams raiding the Sunken Pyramid mention that the Caretaker appears to have been both victim to and overseer of experiments seeking to fuse Worms and Scorn together.
  • Multiple fireteams have commented on what appear to be “pet” mutations that are believed to have belonged to the Caretaker. Whether these were rejected experiments or unsanctioned creations isn’t known.
  • There is a discrepancy in the number of Wormspawn marked as collected from the Pyramid and those delivered to the Tower’s vault containment. Guardians who have information regarding their whereabouts should submit a report to Vanguard Leadership.


“The Wildcard”
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  • Eliksni
  • Exo(s)*
  • House Salvation, Baroness
  • Ex-House of Devils, Council
  • Modified Shock Rifle
  • Extinction protocol
  • Self-replication
  • Teleportation
  • Stasis empowerment
  • *Exos are humanoid machines that house a living mind. Atraks-1 obtained this technology from a BrayTech station orbiting Europa. Atraks’s mind commands multiples copies of her Exo frame.
  • Before converting herr form, Atraks acted as Council to Eramis, Kell of House Salvation for many years. Atraks was entrusted with command of the Deepstone Crypt. She was destroyed by the Guardian fireteam that brought the Morning Star down from orbit.
  • Atraks-1 created multiple copies of herself to deceive foes. Fireteams encountering this tactic in the future are advised to locate the original target and focus a simultaneous strike.
  • Atraks was at one time seen as a voice of reason, an orator, able to speak to the hearts of the Eliksni youth in House Salvation.
  • The Hidden have relayed rumors that a copy of Atraks-1’s mind exists, stored somewhere on Europa. This has yet to be verified.
  • At least two of the initial six fireteam members that destroyed Atraks-1 believe they destroyed a clone and that the real Atraks-1 still lives. This is under investigation.
  • Atraks-1 was known to prefer synthetic lubricant when undergoing maintenance.


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  • Manufactured
  • Cabal Shadow
  • Legion Incendior
  • Clone
  • Cabal magma launcher
  • Searing beam (column of flame)
  • Magma launcher compression blast
  • Paracausal shielding
  • Resonant empowerment
  • Zo’Aurc is a Cabal clone created by the deposed Emperor Calus and is assigned to a detachment of the Shadow Legion forces aboard the Witness’s personal Pyramid ship.
  • According to Vanguard decryption teams, Zo'Aurc, who was granted the title Explicator of Planets, has surveyed a collection of worlds conquered by the Black Fleet for an unknown purpose. Preliminary theories span weighing the worlds for Discipleship to searching for the Veil or a method of contributing to the Final Shape.
  • Reports conclude that even the Shadow Legion was not immune to Nezarec’s torment. Zo’Aurc details his own nightmares and more reports of nightmares and violent incidents among his forces.
  • Zo’Aurc’s personal logs have been decoded. It seems that, whatever their official goal was, they were personally cataloging worlds that had once been part of the Cabal empire but were no more. ##The Pantheon Bungie Rewards
And if the thrill of the hunt wasn’t enough, your success in The Pantheon will nab you not only some loot in-game, but also the opportunity to add some heroic Bungie Rewards to forever mark your accomplishments, including the Godslayer Title Pin and The Pantheon Raid Ring.
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The Pantheon Raid Ring features a legendary re-envisioning of our iconic first Raid Ring, launched in 2020. Beyond the striking raid symbol as the focus of the ring, owners will also have a private reminder of the importance of loyalty in the face of adversity. Etched on the inside is a message that reads, “Glory comes easy when you have allies you can trust.” The epitome of strength and camaraderie, The Pantheon Raid Ring stands as a testament to the valor and unity found in the heat of battle. This special Bungie Rewards offer is available for purchase only to players who complete all encounters from any tier of The Pantheon in Destiny 2 by June 3, 2024.
The Godslayer Title Pin will also be available for purchase via Bungie Rewards for players who complete the Godslayer Title by June 3, 2024.

Rahool’s Frequent Decryptor Program

The experience of grinding out new Exotic armor can be a time-consuming process. It can take quite a few runs to get the drop you’re looking for, and many more to get one that has stats that support your build. Besides that, with Exotic armor pieces often forming the backbone of a powerful build, new players are regularly asked to spend a long time tackling challenging content solo before being able to run builds that support the most effective tactics.
Luckily, the Econ Team has established a good working relationship with the Tower’s Number One Cryptarch over the last year as we added Exotic armor focusing, and we have managed to help Rahool set up a new promotional program of sorts that makes farming the armor you want more deterministic and less dependent on rotators.
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Starting in The Final Shape, Rahool is going to be the source for any new Exotic armor that we release. When you first talk to Rahool after The Final Shape launch, he will introduce you to a new rewards program tied to his brand-new Reputation Track. The idea is simple: the more you decode engrams with him, the more you increase your reputation with him. Once you completely fill the reputation track once and reset your rank, Rahool will allow you into an elite club, giving you access to a new tier of focusing.
Once you become one of Rahool’s “Engram Ensiders” (he was very proud of the name, so be nice to him), you’ll be able to purchase any piece of Exotic armor for any character on your account for one Exotic engram and one Exotic cipher, in addition to the previous focusing options. Because this is tied to Rahool’s new reputation track, there is no weekly limit to using this tier of focusing; as long as you still have Exotic ciphers and engrams, you can keep rolling armor.
With this change, we are also altering the way that old sources of Exotic armor work. First, Lost Sectors will keep the same drop rates for Exotics but will instead drop engrams whenever they would have previously dropped gear. Neomuna will also still drop new Exotic armor when you complete a Vex Strike Force encounter, but we won’t be adding any more new armor to the drop list after Season of the Wish.
With these changes, we know you’re wondering, “How long will it take to get this newfangled tier of focusing? I’ve got the World’s First Race to prepare for, wot wot!” Without going into the exact numbers, the actions that will give the most reputation will be precision decryption (aka Tier 2 focusing), followed by advanced decryption, then opening an Exotic engram , and last but also least, opening a prime engram. So, if you want to be ready for the Witness’s forces as soon as possible, make sure to stock up on Exotic engrams and Ascendant Shards before June 4, as with a little more than a full stock of Exotic engrams you’ll be able to start focusing new armor.

Shader Icon Revamp

With The Final Shape, we're upgrading the look and design of the shader icon layout. Shaders are a core way a player can provide a unique look and feel to their Guardian, and we wanted to help continue to make that a better experience. Our goal with this update is to help make the shader icons more accurately reflect the colors and textures they will apply.
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Currently, there are some issues that can make the experience of applying a shader inconsistent. The first being that, while each shader applies six colors, only four are currently shown on the shader icon. This can sometimes result in the shader appearing differently than players may expect from the icon preview.
Adding to this is the fact that all four color sections of the current shader icon are equal in shape and size, making it difficult to distinguish what the main colors will be when applied. There are also many shaders that have unique glows that players strive for, and with the current design, they are not represented. Gambit Jadestone is a great example of this.
Gambit Jadestone Shader Icon - Current
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To help address these issues, we've made updates to the shader icon design that includes all six colors for that shader. We are also changing the design in a way that makes the primary colors appear to take more space than the secondary colors for a more accurate representation with most gear items. Glows are also reflected in the updated design so it will be easier to distinguish those shaders within your shader selection screens.
Gambit Jadestone Shader Icon - Updated In The Final Shape
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We tested many different design solutions for this goal, and eventually settled on adding a diamond to the center of the current icon design and changing the layout of the color slots on the icon.
We’re hoping these new improvements will offer a better experience for Guardians looking to show off their best looks.

PvP Strike Team Update

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Hello everyone, PvP Strike Team here to talk about Special ammo in the Crucible. Since Update 7.3.5, we’ve been doing a substantial amount of iteration on our Special ammo distribution systems. We’ve tried the meter system in multiple playlists as well as two different versions of the ammo crates system in Competitive, Hardware, and for a limited time in Trials. Some people asked why we are bothering to do this level of experimentation, and we’d like to explain it.
The Respawn System
The original Special ammo distribution system was brought into the game with Forsaken and, combined with allowing players to pick up ammo from defeated opponents, it eventually peaked in a short period of time where Special weapons eclipsed Primary weapons for final blows in Crucible. We walked it back several times, mostly focused on how much ammo you could pick up from bricks on the ground, but we were still left in a position of one-shot kill Special weapons making up a substantial percentage of Crucible final blows and contributing to many of the issues with sandbox readability we have discussed before.
While the respawn system had its issues and we felt there was some room for improvement, it did do a decent job of balancing ammo distribution between high- and low-performing players, with high-performing players on average utilizing Special ammo 1.5-2 times more than low performing players. Similarly, with years of the system in place, the Special weapon meta had solidified nicely. Shotguns were at the top, with around 47% of Special weapon kills. Snipers and Fusions combined to make up 43%, and all the other Special weapons were the remaining 10%.
When investigating changes to the respawn system, it became apparent that we were very limited in terms of how we could tune the system to get the desired effects, and that led us to investigate two additional systems. While we wanted to be able to solve the problem of too many one-hit kills in PvP, it was important to us that the new systems did not introduce new and potentially worse problems.
The Meter System
To understand the meter system, we first need to take you through its development. This system was originally intended to be experimental, utilized only in the temporary Labs mode, Checkmate. It was built using a combination of other existing systems co-opted from various parts of the game that allowed us to do things we could not usually do in Crucible, like retaining the state of the meter between lives and between rounds (an invisible stat on the scoreboard the game reads back every time you respawn), dropping ammo directly onto the player in a transmat (an invisible ammo crate that opens directly above you and then deletes itself), carrying the full amount of ammo over between deaths (utilizing the logic system we use in PvE activities to re-grant you ammo on spawn), and displaying the current progress of the meter (the UI bar borrowed from Exotic weapon and activities buffs).
Reception to the system in Checkmate was mixed, but we saw there was a lot of potential in our first truly “earnable” Special ammo system. Since its introduction, we have iterated on it several times, including earlier this week, and have gotten it into a much more acceptable state. Unfortunately, as the meter system has been exposed to the wider game for an extended period, we have run into two core issues which have required us to continue to look for possible solutions.
Balance Issues – The overall balance of the meter system in the wider sandbox has been concerning. It primarily benefits one player type over all others, with players who routinely perform above average in their lobbies getting the double benefits of having more Special ammo than the respawn system allowed at certain points in the game, while their opponents often have much less. In the meter system, high-performing players are earning Special ammo at 3.5 times the rate of lower-performing players, a delta which has led to many non-high-performing players abandoning Special weapons entirely. In Competitive, for example, with the meter system in use low-performing players were more likely to get kills with Heavy ammo weapons than they were with Special ammo weapons.
The weapon balance has become similarly one-sided, as it promotes Shotguns as the main solution, and all other Special weapons are perceived as no longer useful for most players when in an ammo-limited situation. Under the meter system, Shotguns have more than 76% of Special weapon kills, with Fusions and Snipers reduced to a combined 18%, and the rest of the Special weapons making up only 6%. This has led to a very “rich get richer” meta, where the best performing players and weapons are now even stronger by comparison without having to do anything differently.
Earlier this week we took steps to improve on these issues, but the difficulty we face in a system where Special ammo is almost entirely earned is that we have limited room to close the gap between high and low performers before it functionally becomes "everyone gets Special ammo on a timer," which is something we'd like to avoid.
Technical Issues – Balance problems aside, being built on tech that was not designed to be used in this way has exposed multiple issues that, upon investigation, we determined could not be easily fixed in the meter’s current state. Some things, like being unable to notify opponents that an ammo transmat has occurred or give starting ammo on join-in-progress, are already apparent to players. Other problems, which are far more significant, appear in the backend and affect how we handle several of the processes, impacting our ability to both balance and maintain the system in the long term. Functionally, these combined issues require us to rebuild the meter from the ground up as a new, dedicated system. We feel the system has shown enough merit that this is something we are undertaking for a future release.
The Crates System
As a potential fallback for the meter system, the Special ammo crates system was resurfaced and iterated upon. The crates system has several benefits from a design perspective, including the ability to place crates in key zones around the map to help encourage player movement in non-objective or objective-optional modes and prevent coagulation around a single power position, as well as offering the ability to delay Special weapon pushes in round-based modes.
The crates system has also, based on its time in Competitive and Trials, done some positive things in terms of moving Special ammo distribution closer to healthy values. The delta between high- and low-performing players has moved back to 2.4 times, and it has led to less late-game snowballing, as players who do try to hoard Special ammo lose it upon death. Weapon balance is similarly improved, although not optimal, and there is significantly increased variety with Shotguns coming down to 59% of kills, Fusions and Snipers combining for 28% of kills, and all other Special weapons increasing to 13% of kills.
Ultimately, the crates system in isolation also has several major problems. It can present a frustrating amount of friction between playing the game how you want and playing the game how you need to if you want to run a Special ammo weapon. Additionally, in round-based modes, it is too frictionless to run double Special ammo weapons. It is also the first system we have introduced that allows players to directly influence the Special ammo economy of the opposing team, as controlling most crates can help starve the other team of Special ammo.
From a strategic perspective this is an interesting mechanic, but with no other way to earn Special ammo in gameplay it serves to be more frustrating than fun, and many players have struggled to adapt to the change, causing additional friction when playing in matchmade teams.
The “Blended” 1-1-1 System
Each of the above-listed systems has both positives and negatives. In isolation, each system helps and hurts a different part of the population, but none of them holistically solves the Special ammo problem.
  • The respawn system offers a safe distribution of ammo amongst players, and the ease of availability promotes special weapon diversity, but giving two kill’s worth to every player every life also results in far too many one-hit kills for a healthy sandbox.
  • The meter system allows players to earn Special ammo in a deterministic way and increases the rate of earning if you’re playing well, which feels rewarding for high-performing players. On the other hand, for low-performing players, it feels significantly worse, and it promotes a homogenous Special weapon meta.
  • The crate system allows us to promote movement around the map, alter push timings, reward map control, and give players more direct control over the amount of Special ammo in play for their opponents. It also causes significant friction by forcing conflict with optimal player flows and between matchmade teams, and it allows too much Special ammo in round-based modes.
The solution we have settled on is a blended system we refer to as the “1-1-1," taking parts of each of the above systems and combining them to solve the problems introduced by each system individually.
  1. Players will respawn each life with one kill worth of Special ammo for their chosen weapon. This serves as a stopgap for players to make sure they are never going long amounts of time with an empty weapon and encourages more players to continue to utilize Special weapons, albeit in a limited fashion. Setting the ammo at one instead of two kill’s worth ensures that there is not a surplus of Special ammo that is available for minimum effort. Spawning with one also functions as a healthy mid-point between spawning with none in the crates system and retaining all ammo with the meter.
  2. All Primary weapon final blows will drop a personal ammo brick that awards one kill’s worth of Special ammo. This is our deterministic, earnable method of distributing ammo in the blended system until our purpose-built version of the ammo meter is ready. What this means is that any of your final blows with a Primary weapon will drop an ammo brick that only you can pick up, regardless of whether the opponent you defeated had Special ammo on them. Likewise, if you defeat a player who has Special ammo using a Special ammo weapon, that will not drop a brick on the ground, so like the meter system, you cannot use Special to directly earn more Special. We will be initially introducing this specific portion of the system into the Competitive playlist starting next week, to help address player complaints about the economy in those modes.
  3. Crates will continue to exist, but their icon visibility range on the HUD has been decreased, and they will only provide a single kill’s worth of Special ammo when opened. These crates will continue to serve as points of interest around a map, but it will no longer be a requirement for players to interact with them to partake in the Special ammo system. They will instead function as a small bonus for players who take the time to engage with them and an optional mid-point step for players to gain Special ammo that is more effort than simply respawning with it, but less effort than getting a Primary weapon final blow.
We’re very excited to introduce this system sometime after the launch of The Final Shape, and we greatly appreciate your patience and feedback as we have continued experimenting in our ongoing effort to improve the Crucible.

Superblack Shader Now Available

With the final two BRAVE weapons available this week, players will receive the final quests needed to unlock the much-anticipated Superblack shader. Players can unlock the shader by earning the Superblack Key Alpha from Shaxx, and Superblack Key Omega from Arcite 90-40. Using both will grant you access to the Superblack Containment and to the shader. If you’re a Hunter…er…a player of any class, you’ll want to grab this new Shader and look your finest.

Player Support Report

Reject modernity. Embrace tradition. Equip Anarchy.
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Beginning on June 4, 2024, Destiny 2 is ending support for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 operating systems. This decision is to align with Steam and Microsoft ending support for these systems.
Destiny 2 may continue running on these older operating systems after June 4, 2024, but we are unable to guarantee continued functionality after that date.
Players using these operating systems to play Destiny 2 are urged to upgrade to a more recent version of Windows or move to another platform so that their playtime won't be interrupted.
For more information, please view our Windows 7 and 8 Support article.
Due to an issue preventing players from progressing in The Pantheon when joining at a checkpoint, we have disabled checkpoints for The Caretaker and Zo'aurc, Explicator of Planets. We are attempting to resolve this issue as soon as possible and will provide an update when we have more information to share.
We've seen confusion surrounding the weekly Archie Hunt quests and wanted to offer clarification. These quests are only intended to be available for one week each and were made with this time limit in mind. We understand that this is not ideal for all players, which is why we made the shader available for one completion for any of the weekly quests. The lore attached to these triumphs will become available to all players when The Final Shape launches on June 4.
While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
  • In Onslaught, players may be teleported back to the incorrect ADU location after completing certain phases.
  • The ADU in Onslaught can occasionally despawn.
  • On rare occasions, the Spark in Onslaught can be lost.
  • The portal to leave a boss phase in Onslaught will sometimes not open when killing a boss too quickly.
  • BRAVE weapons The Recluse and Hammerhead don’t highlight enemies like their previous models.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.

Titan Smash(ed)

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To be a Titan is to live and die by the melee, even if that means a gruesome but spectacular death.
Movie of the Week:
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Final God Of Pain

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For a Final God of Pain, Nezarec is pretty stylish and colorful. Probably because we are not sharing that Superblack shader with him.
Art of the Week: AliveWake via TwitteX
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That’s everything we have for this week. Hopefully you’re enjoying The Pantheon so far. Remember, this is only the first wave of bosses and more are on the way. It only gets more fun from here. And we swear that wasn’t an evil laugh we were stifling, it was just…a cough. cough
We’ll be back next week with another TWID. Until then, be good to each other, and thanks for hanging out with us.

Destiny 2 Community Team
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:07 ThatOtherShore How to Successfully Interact with a Pathological Narcissist and Manipulator

Whether this is your ex-partner, a family member, a business associate, or a former friend, unmasking pathological narcissists and covert manipulators is a very painful process to endure. What I find most people don’t want to accept or understand is that these people are not wired like you and me so the normal exchanges you want to have will not apply here. Some healthy and necessary disillusionment is essential in order to remember the truth about who you are dealing with. If intimacy and emotions have swirled around this person, they will not be a safe person for you to interact with until you’ve had some time to do the work and heal your wounds. Never approach them from a place of weakness, trauma bonding, or neediness.
First, if you do not have a legal, business, custody, or other required affair that necessitates being in contact with someone like this, there should be no reason to interact with them at all. That’s why no contact is the gold standard in recovering from narcissistic abuse. They may be very good fakers and have lots of manipulation tactics to convince people that they are sorry, empathic, the victim, etc. But their actions will always tell a different story than their words and drama. Just think of them like a dry well or a dumb stone that cannot give you water. They are literally incapable of authentic relationship, trust, or empathy so there is no one there for you to reconcile with, get ‘closure’ from, or justify yourself to in any way.
I know that’s really hard to accept because it’s so strange if you’ve never encountered this before, but accept it you must. Think of a bank that loans someone money and finally has to accept that they are never getting paid back- what do they do? They write off the loan and move on, never dealing with this person again. This is what you need to do- you have been played and you will never get what you are owed from this person unless you have real legal recourse (which is unusual). So write it off, learn from the hard lesson, and never loan them your trust or goodwill again!
Okay, so if you must interact with them to serve your own self-interest legally, business-wise, custody, career, etc… this guide is for you. Here are the guidelines:
  1. Never be authentic with a terminally inauthentic person. Any and all interactions must be goal-driven, strategic, and purely transactional in nature. No more talking about feelings, the ‘relationship’, or things that don’t have a positive material outcome for YOU.
  2. Never display any real emotion, never explain yourself. Be factual, keep it brief, assert your boundaries calmly and firmly.
  3. Your only goal in dealing with this person from here forward is to WIN in every exchange. Always remember that. This is not your friend. Proceed accordingly by making your own self-interests the priority at all times. Don’t lie or do anything illegal obviously, just stick to truth and facts.
  4. Always get any agreements or commitments in writing with a date and verifiable document like email. Keep a paper trail and if you live in a state where it’s legal, have no remorse about audio recording any conversations on phone or in person discreetly. Evidence talks, bullshit walks.
  5. If you are in legal waters, always obtain solid professional counsel and know your rights and limitations within the law. When it’s more wise to have an attorney speak for you, do it.
It all comes down to strategy. Covert manipulators and pathological liars become very predictable and pathetic once you are on to them. They aren’t nearly as scary, powerful, or grandiose as they’d like you to believe. They operate in a house of cards that can collapse at any time. Stay 2 steps ahead of them by learning how to predict what they’ll do, and using carrot and stick methods to train them how to conform to your strategy. Don’t show your hand and remain mysterious and unpredictable to them. If you need to lead them to a conclusion, let them believe anything they want about you as long as it serves your goal and helps you win. Making them angry or calling them out is often not a good strategy if you want them to cooperate and give you what you want. Be smart and think ahead, stay cold, calculated, and unemotional.
Finally this crucial advice:
If there is one thing narcissists and manipulators hate it is anyone going after their MONEY, their CAREER, and their public REPUTATION. They don’t care at all about personal things, feelings, betrayals, as long as they are private and can be reframed and lied about. So keep all of your leverage on material things with them- you will be amazed at how much they suddenly care and become fearful if they feel their finances, career, and reputation are in jeopardy. Use that as your strength.
You can become jedi level at this once you see who you are really dealing with and learn how to embody a place of maturity, strength, and intelligence. It’s also a very healing experience!

submitted by ThatOtherShore to NewTongues [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:06 Emberashn A Practical Living World on Tabletop - Elaborating on Ken Levine's "Narrative Legos"

For some more indepth looks at what this is and how it came to be, even if they're mildly outdated, check the link below.
Clicky Here

To give a broad overview, I ended up watching Ken's GDC Talk on his Narrative Legos idea some time ago, and obviously, it spoke to me. Emergent Narrative as a concept is something I was already interested in, and Ken's idea seemed like a clear pathway to it.
Particularly because, when we look at the broader scope of games that have tackled that concept, a lot of them actually have a lot in common. Idk if Ken knows it now, but from my perspective his Narrative Legos isn't all that far off from what the Nemesis system is doing, and both aren't that far off from what something totally systemic, like Dwarf Fortress or Rimworld, is doing.
But the thing is, while the ideas of all these games speak to me, I'm designing for tabletop. I don't have the benefit of a computer simulation, and also have to contend with a number of issues with tabletop RPGs in general, not the least of which is the practicality of running systems like these. (Never mind the instantaneous prejudice that comes out as soon as I mention video game design)
How I squared that problem is whats detailed in the linked posts, and you'll also find some PDFs in there of some formalized rules, as well as a rudimentary play example to illustrate some things.

To TL;DR the whole thing, I collapsed the Narrative Legos idea into something that delivers a practical Living World system to tabletop; just needs a Calendar.
To try and go through the current state of it, though, much of the system is still rooted in how Levine originally presented his idea. "Stars", which I currently call Keeper Characters, or KC's for short, collectively act as both a combined personality for generic NPCs and as a sort of logic for how Cities behave as a group and interact with the Players.
I expanded this though, dubbing that collective purpose "Culture", and upped it to two tiers where entire Regions have their own Culture made up out of the commonalities between all the Cities and individiual KCs (eg, KC Adventurers, evil doers, etc) within it.
To drive KC behavior, we still have the Passions, but also a second level in "Motivations". Motivations are used to build up dynamic Passions as the game progresses, but also serve as the first line of KC behavior.
For Motivations specifically, I actually inadvertently reinvented the Personality system that the Pendragon TTRPGs use, funnily enough by working backwards from what Bannerlord and Warband did in a much less comprehensive way. (And in fact I'm convinced Taleworlds got it from Pendragon originally, or they reinvented it like I did)
By doing that though, it also solves a couple other issues, namely Reactivity, which is a big big big thing about these kinds of systems, as well as squaring how social mechanics work on tabletop when we're assuming people want their improv to matter and not be wasted. And theough these, we also fulfill the Macro bar, with disposition towards players (or each other) being handled through Motivations.
Player's don't have prescribed personalities, but Reputations that they accumulate through their actions. These Reputations then pull double duty as Personality Traits for KCs, and through this combination, we gain a lot of fidelity in terms of how KCs can behave and how they'll react to certain kinds of player actions.

But, at this stage, we just have the Narrative Legos sans what Ken called the macro bar, IIRC.
We still need something like that, but it was also desirable to be able to integrate more conventional "Adventures" that we see in TTRPGs, and all of that needs to be squared with my specific vision for a sandbox game; agency can only be real if players can fail, and can miss out.
This was the root impetus for how this evolved into a Living World system, and it involves a few solutions working in tandem.

So firstly, the core enabler is my use of Timekeeping through AngryGMs Tension Pool. But also my idea for Quest Blocks. Basically generic stat blocks that detail how specific kinds of quests will progress in stages that I call "Acts".
For example, a basic Assassinate Quest might come in 3 Acts: Track Target, Kill Target, Flee. This would be available to the Keeper as 3 Blocks, which detail the generic requiremenrs to fulfill that act, but would also detail how to handle deviations, and what kinds of quests can be easily integrated. Say Kill Target fails, and the Players Flee, and now the Target is hold up in a fort. This can lead into an Infiltrate Quest.
As a tool, these are going to be highly useful given the sandbox nature of the game. Rather than worry about stopping the game so you can prep, pull up the Blocks and improvise.
But as a mechanic, these become potent for elaborating into what I call Quest Lines; detailed, bespoke adventures that can integrate seamlessly with with the sandbox and the living world.
The idea behind them is, all Quest Lines are written from the assumption that the Players are never involved; including not even witnessing any of the events. So once the Quest Line begins, through whatever trigger, the assumption is that if the players never become involved, then the events of each Act, as they trigger as time progresses, will backfill into the "canon".
They become stories that, if the players go poking around, can learn about what happened.
But through the Quest Blocks, if the players interject at any time, the Keeper will have the tools they need to adapt the Quest Line no matter how that interjection manifests; up to and including completely derailing it.
But what these do in conjunction with the Narrative Legos mechanics, is allow for a gameworld that can solve its own problems. KCs with the right Motivations or Passions can not only generate quests on the fly, but may also be eligible to take up Quests, and as such, Quest Lines will have guidance saying how any KC, or even specific ones, will be involved and what their canon becomes if left undisturbed.
With a combination of a lot of initial seeding, a well developed gameworld, and just time to keep playing, the living world just starts working, and changes over time.
Its often jokingly asked "Who needs players anyway?"...you don't need players to watch this system go to work.

Now all of that is great, but practicality is the issue. How do we make this workable in tabletop, especially for a role that is already heavy as it usually is?
Firstly, a lot of that comes from the games overall philosophy. For one, Keepers don't need to know or internalize the whole game. They don't even need to know how player characters work. They just need to know their role, and thats it. So that collapses a lot of the overhead already, as does the numerous tools and procedures that will be there to guide gameplay.
But secondly, is something I'm pretty proud of: just keep a Calendar.

So lets assume a Keeper is beginning a brand new game, utilizing a pre-made World Builder Book (my version of a setting and adventure book combo). You could just make your own, but thats gonna be some work and will be a different process.
To prep the World, they'd have to Seed the World and fill out the Calendar.
My thinking here, they'll either have their choice of what initial Quest Lines will begin, or they can roll for it, and there will be a number of things they'll be seeding regardless (to foster and reflect already developed relationships between Cultures and KCs).
To do this, for Quest Lines, they'd simply look to the Quest, and see what its Time Die and Time denomination is. Eg, roll 1d8 Weeks. Per the result they'd go to the Calendar and, forward from the starting date, fill in that Quest as triggering its first Act, and then put in the same sort of thing for the next Act, to be rolled at that time.
For other things, like generic Quests that may be running or even just short Quest Lines, they might not have a second Act at all, and might instead just trigger a new Quest, as can the bigger Quest Lines themselves at their end.
Others still will also include a note to check for a KC of a specific KC/Region. What this would mean is that when the Act triggers, the Keeper should also choose or roll for, and then note down that a specific KC is doing the Quest, if any are available that can.
And there will also be cases where there could be multiple outcomes; all of that would be notated on the Calendar, and its just up to the Keeper to update it as time moves along. (And they'd have the flexibility to shift time around as needed so things don't pile up on a single day)
And thats basically it as far as managing the world. Updating KCs themselves, including any dispositions they might have as a result of either Player or other KC Actions, won't be handled until those KCs are interacted with, or the Calendar says to do it as part of an Act resolving. (Eg KC X was the one that slayed Elvarg the Dragon, so once that Act triggers, things would need to be updated for their Culture, which is easy enough)
The final thing Keepers will want to do as part of this, to ensure that the fact that all these things are happening are visible, is follow through on the "World Effects" Quests impose when they finish.
For example, some part of the world might be at war when the game starts, and may be a Month later the Quest Line for that war has progressed to where a City ended up getting destroyed. Refugees could start flooding into other parts of the world, and Keepers will have the mechanics (through an expansion of the Tension Pool mechanics) to introduce these elements to the Players. And of course, they'll have the option to seek rumors just to get an idea of whats going on.

So, taking all that together, it just works. A lot of it is still rough (and I'm guaranteed forgetting a lot that would go into it), and it does need a lot of work to set up (unless you're nuts like me and don't mind improvising literally everything just to test the mechanics).
But! Thats not necessarily a bad thing, as the game is intended to be heavily integrated with its default setting, so a lot of that would be set up for you. For those that would still want to do their own, though, that's an excellent reason to design a book intended for such people.
I'm inevitably going to have a lot of experience by the time I've finished setting up my own world. Translating that experience into a bespoke book so you can set it up step by step is a great opportunity.
And ultimately, its a lot of fun. Part of the goal here is to give the GM of the game more gameplay to engage with that isn't dependent on the Players, and this does a lot for that in tandem with other systems in the game. And, IMO, it should work well to nix the tendency to want to railroad players.
With enough things going on, you and the game will always be telling a story. Even if the players decide to piss off and play pretend Fantasy Bakers.
I(Which this system is actually fantastic for supporting along side the more typical epic fantasy. So much so my game now could be described as a blend of epic fantasy and slice of life)
submitted by Emberashn to gamedesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:02 ExpressDrop9134 How can organizations find the right security consultant for their needs?

Finding the right security consultant involves careful research and evaluation. Organizations should consider factors such as the consultant's experience, expertise, reputation, and track record of success. It's important to ask for references and examples of past work, as well as to assess whether the consultant's approach aligns with the organization's goals and values. Additionally, organizations may want to consider working with consultants who have relevant certifications or memberships in professional organizations.
submitted by ExpressDrop9134 to u/ExpressDrop9134 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:02 kefitzatmashiach Why Alex and Atheists are retards

I just come across a youtube short, and the amount of embarrassing Atheists in the comments, and the supposed "smart" Alex that couldn't even figure out how his "gotcha" to Theists was so nonsensically delusional to his side, its almost like actual smart people don't make their brains get dumbed down only because they wish to perpetuate the bias of their side. So let me get into the point.
It was a point about how if there can be no objective morality without God, then why did God deal in moral relativism in the Old Testament, slavery was used as the example. The lack of self awareness at how dumb this fucking point is.... honestly astounding. You know why? Let me give you an analogy. Lets say Im a quantum physicist. And to a room full of kids, I just write out quantum physics formulas and go "read this and you should be able to know what it means automatically just by me telling you." You understand? Not the teacher starting at square one learning the basics of math before another level and another level goes on until they are able to comprehend what the quantum physicist when he wrote the formulas meant.
And this also proves how Atheists don't actually read the Bible the way it is supposed to. By keeping the context of what other parts of the Bible say. God is called a personal God and is shown in the Bible as such a gagillion times. If he just came and laid out the "objective morality" and left it at that, what part about that is personal? What part about that meets you half way? Look at it like this. When someone has a drug addiction, we don't take away their drugs straight away do we? Otherwise what will happen.... withdrawal, or they literally cannot live without it unless small steps are taken for them to find the strength to be able to do so.
So understand what you Atheists are demanding for God to be real. You are asking for him slap bang you with the objective morality and if come up short of that, you don't want him to be forgiving and loving at your mistakes? Then you will turn around and call him evil and tyrannical which you still do regardless, even though when he does punish mistakes and sin by karmic wrath you then turn around and say he is evil, so when he doesn't do so, then you turn around and say "why does God allow evil?"
Almost like..... you Atheists rig it in a way where you make God unable to win and thus unable to be proved right IN YOUR MIND, because you've occupied both spaces. What you don't understand is God is occupying both spaces for he is everywhere. And you will all know soon enough. You'll see. You'll all see. "Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall testify of the Lord" - someone much smarter than Alex once said that. Amen.
submitted by kefitzatmashiach to CosmicSkeptic [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:02 Zanywhoho I left my partner of 10 years

We had a child and we were making everything work but she refused to acknowledge her selfishness and unreasonable behavior, it was almost a form of gas lighting. We were both quite young, I being a young man was not the best room mate. I had only lived alone before.
Eventually our relationship ended up being this weird demeaning cycle where I get paid give her all my money then she complains about how much I owe her. She insisted we pay everything through her credit card and I'd split the difference cause 'its for our family'. This is a key aspect of the story, because I was young and dumb but she was smart and saved up quite a bit of money grinding in her teens to early twenties.
I told her, I never went to college I don't make a lot of money and she reassured me 'I don't need your money I have lots I just need your suppport' but she constantly would be taking us out for fancy dinners and she buys a car when she knows I HAVE NO SAVINGS AND WORK AT MCDONALDS. She basically makes me subservient because 'look at all the nice things we have because of me, you don't help at all you need to support me more by doing things around the house or take the car in for its oil changes or tires need to be swapped'
I did it for close to 6 years while working my shitty minimum wage job, I was constantly thousands of dollars in debt with her. She would constantly remind me how I am not helping enough and I need to do better. It got to the point where my relationships were so strained with my friends and family because I could never do anything unless it was okay with her or she wanted to. Christmas with your family? I hate your mom I'm not going! (she only started hating my mom because she told her she is a selfish woman abusing her son financially emotionally and mentally) I was always doing everything for her however she liked it whenever she liked it, I was cooking her dinner every day before I left to work. I'd clean up the house do all the dishes make sure the boy was changed and fed, etc. She would always berate me for like... Leaving my coffee cup on the computer desk. Leaving a puddle on the counter after I did dishes.
A lot of the time during this, we fought. A lot. If she told me I didn't support her financially I would explain, she controls the finances. Now fast forward I got a better job and the money I give her is more than enough to cover all of our monthly bills, like rent insurance phones and internet. There is even some left over for groceries. 'You just don't get it, we can spend like 400 on one costco trip' and I get that, but do you understand that after paying all your bills you are still left with 300 for additional expenses on top of it. How are you possibly spending over 3000 a month?! "fine I will never talk about money again' and she will..
If it isn't money, it is 'support' like around the house which I have prefaced, I do. No, no she wants help like if she wants to get ice cream I have to get in the car and take her. If she wants something from walmart I have to leave my friends house for example to go get her and take her to walmart. When I explain these things she says she needs more how much more!?!
So she wants a vacation, 'okay, but I can't afford every year' and of course the guilt trip 'you owe me 2500 dollars for the trip when you going to pay me' I give you 1200 bucks a month, you wanted the trip you budget it, because I literally cannot give you any more than that ?? We have now gone twice on vacation and she has a disney/universal trip planned after knowing how much I can afford to give her monthly.
Anyways long story ending soon, I looked through the finances and she's totally been lying. When I deduct our trip from all of 'debts' to her she actually owes me, proving that I am supporting her on her stupid lavish expenses. She shamed me online for paying for porn, she told her whole family about it and everyone says she should break up with me. So after I did the math I was like, you know what? Fuck it I will leave.
The past 3 days have just been her crying how she can't afford to live, she will have to sell the car and whos going to take care of our son. I said I will take care of him as much as you need any time you want. My family will too. So then she starts taking advantage again! 'You have have him at 730 the night before I work at 6am and take him to class' Okay my brother will pick him up at 730 cause you know I work til midnight and I will take him to class. 'Your brother? No, how about you just drive in the morning and be here for 6 before I go'
It's just pure selfishness, she doesn't understand what she did she hasn't really even truly apologize she just says 'sorry come back I need you I do want you I do love you!'
Fuck this is so dumb to post but I don't care.
TL;DR I left my partner after years of weird 'youre not good enough' behavior after I realized, I actually am good enough and she was emotionally and financially abusing me for ten years
Thanks for reading if you did, you're a real G
submitted by Zanywhoho to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:00 hedonova Hedonova: Businesses embrace voluntary nature-based carbon credits to achieve sustainability milestones

Hedonova: Businesses embrace voluntary nature-based carbon credits to achieve sustainability milestones
Voluntary nature-based carbon credits help companies achieve sustainability goals. By investing in projects like reforestation, businesses can track and offset emissions. These credits are verified, sold, and retired to ensure they're not claimed twice.
Learn more here.

submitted by hedonova to u/hedonova [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:58 thenerdyimposter Other side of UPSC, its' ASPIRANTS and the Civil servants.

The results as always have had great stories of aspirants coming from numerous backgrounds putting all of their lives' hardwork to excel in the exam and make it to the "Holy List". But it turns out, the list is not so holy at the end of the day when the hard-workers, smart-workers and even privileged ones leave the posts for their own "out of the box decision". Everybody wants to be a part of that list but not everybody is happy with the post they get. It's like even when you are applying for 23 services, the 12 Lac ( approx ) want just one post to achieve. From the last in the rank to the 1st All over India, everybody will continue their preparation even after getting into their services/training. All the ethics and morales that they have gained in their answers stands null and void when I see such instances. I have seen even the AIR -1 IAS doing the worst of what is expected. I have seen numerous people devoted to a single service doing way better than what they can do. But then like always, India's Constitution comes to support everyone and in this case, particularly the political pressure. I believe that although the Indian bureaucracy has tried moving from "red tape", it is still grappled by the "tape" that has gotten their aspirations stuck to single "RAJA POST" and eventually, the only motive the finest of the Indians have is their own goals, pockets and hidden baskets in their houses. For the majority, it has become the luxury of serving self before the "civil" in the esteemed civil services. While Sanjeev sanyal may have said that years of prep is waste in this exam but what he should have pointed out is that selection of such servants who are always in race to being an IAS or else just driving their profits from the civil services. And it's no wonder why the most fancied CS are the ones trending on insta/yt videos and not Ashok Khemka or Ashok Lavasa or S Y Quraishi or Dinesh M N or KPS Gill. It's such a shame that Nobody wants to go against the people in whites to serve the brown.
submitted by thenerdyimposter to UPSC [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:58 doubleP2014 Some games really don't sit right with me...

And I am not talking about specific traps but more the overall type: The two types are
  1. Head to Head Challenges/Battles: I don't really understand thr reasoning or lesson behind these traps. Why are people placed in a head-to-head survival challenge against people they barely know or have no real connection to. One prime example would be the Iron Lung challenge from Saw 6 where William Easton faces the chainsmoking janitor Hank, who has a huge disadvantage. Why would John Kramer or who of his apprentices put up the traps choose this? There was no way for Hank to win and if he did, the whole test would have been over because Hank would have had no real connections to the other test subjects. Would they have died? Set free? But then there was no test for them. Another one is the opening trap from the same movie or the Classroom trap with the couple (this one is different though because the wife was a victim herself so her test was to separate from her abuser). These versus traps do test the will for survival but always guarantee the death of someone with the same goal with either a huge disadvantage or advantage.
  2. The ones where the victims have NO means of guarantee their survival: This trend started in Saw 3 and appeared a lot in the later movies. What lessons are learned when you have no way of saving yourself (except by maybe pleading your case but that's not really a safe method (see the carousel, the hanging trap (Saw 6), the Public Execution (3D), and the Eye piercer (3D). And then there are traps where you can't even do anything at all and are completely at mercy (mostly of Saw 3 and 4)
What is the use of these traps? The victim doesn't really fight for their own survival and if they do at the expense of others or by manipulating their savior (which is something bad as well!)
submitted by doubleP2014 to saw [link] [comments]
