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2024.05.17 10:28 Harris-Y The Book of Harris-y

The Book of Harris-y
(Religion as it should be) -
by Zachary Harris
(cc) (NC) (ND) by Zachary Harris
May be copied, distributed, or displayed, verbatim only. non-commercial, not derivative works nor remixes.
First edition May 2024
Chapter 1 - What's in a name
Chapter 2 - A bunch of rules
Chapter 3 - Secrete origins
Chapter 4 - The end
Chapter 5 - Everybody's favorite topic: SEX
Chapter 6 - The 2000 year war
Chapter 7 - Humans and gods
Chapter 8 - Parables
Chapter 9 - Feedback
What's in a name
Some religions are named after it's main prophet. Christianity is named after christ. Buddhism is named after Budda.
I, Zach Harris, dub this religion HARRISy.
Where is it written that a religion can't have a sense of humor?
HARRISy is not a spoof or sarcasm.
But any religion without a sense of humor, absolutely NEEDS to be ridiculed.
I was raised in christianity. So most of my criticism will be aimed at the Abrahamic religions.
I intend to build harrisy on logic and reason. Not the superstition, lies, and, threats that the Abrahamic religions are built on.
As an alternative for conscientious objectors caught in the religious wars (see chapter 6).
Deities are not really necessary for inspiration or religion. An all-powerful creator wouldn't need the help or adulation of puny mortals.
Only cults and human puppet masters need that. So we leave deities to their own devises. They ought to be up to it.
Harrisy is a religion about/for humans, as religions should be.
My leadership skills suck. So I will avoid leading, to avoid becoming a cult.
Chapter 2
A bunch of rules
Everybody hates rules. But let's establish what Harrisy stands for.
10 rules is a nice round number. But when the first four are about loyalty to the cult, You have to question who the rules are meant to benefit.
The christian 'commandments' only benefit the christian cult. The commandments don't even benefit their god.
A true all-powerful, immortal, creator god, would not need human worship or loyalty. The same as humans don't need the worship of ants.
We don't make rules for ants to follow. Just stay out of our way. The Abrahamic god treats us like ants. Either ignores or steps on us. It was his cults that made the 'commandments', not their god.
(more about that in chapter 7)
Harrisy has rules to live by, to benefit HUMANS:
A) Cause no harm.
B) Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Christianity calls this 'The Golden Rule' as if they invented it. But this was part of every culture and religion that humans ever created. (except Is-lame)
C) Do not kill. Do not kill humans.
Self preservation may override this, but killing is still a bad idea.
When killing animals for food, respect their sacrifice. Killing for sport is a bad idea.
D) People are not property.
Do not try to own others, in any sense.
You belong to yourself, do not give yourself away.
E) Do not steal.
You would not want to loose your stuff. (see B) Stealing harms others.
F) Do not lie. Avoid those who lie.
You would want to know the truth. To make better decisions. (see B)
G) Do not rape.
Do not force yourself on others. Your pleasures are not more important than other people's.
This applies to more than just sex. Do not force your religion on others. Do not force harrisy on others.
H) Do not shit wherever you please.
You don't want to slog through other people's shit.
(it's a metaphor.) Leave the world better than you found it.
I) Guard your privacy. Respect the privacy of others.
Beware of others who might use info against you. Or might unduly profit off you.
We have no rules about loyalty. We understand loyalties change. Just be honest (rule E)
We have no rule specifically about Adultery. Adultery might be considered loyalty, which changes.
Or adultery might be considered stealing, stealing affection. (rule D)
Chapter 3
Secrete origins
No one knows how/why it all began. Anyone who says they know, for certain, is lying.
The answer night as well be 42.
Most religions make it a crime to ask questions about their creation myths. This promotes ignorance. Helps the cult, not the people.
We understand the 'scientific method'. Scientists ask questions and are willing to test and adapt to new info.
So, for now, we trust scientific conclusions about the beginnings.
The current best theories from science:
The universe started from what they humorously call 'The Big Bang', about 13.8 Billion years ago.
Many are curious about what came before that. But we find that to be irrelevant to our everyday life.
Some religions say their god did it so they can claim payment/gratitude/worship for it. But we owe them nothing.
The earth was formed about 4.5 Billion years ago.
Humans evolved from other critters over many, many, many Generations (not years).
Some religions claim their god did it so they can claim payment/gratitude/worship for it.
We do not owe Harrisy or any religion for our existence.
Chapter 4
The end
How does it all end?
No one knows. Anyone who says they know, for certain, is lying.
Christinity predicts a bad acid trip. (See Revaluations) Any day now. So buy your ticket to heaven early.
It's an obvious con, You sacrifice this life you already have, for the promise of another life they can't prove.
Science predicts 'Entropy'. Every atom in the universe will drift away from every other till they can't react any more.
But humans will be dead or evolved into something we can't recognize, by then. Too distant, time-wise, to worry about.
Your personal end? What happens when you die?
Most probably nothing.
Seems like every religion has a different 'afterlife'. They can't all be right. (but they can all be wrong)
You can't pick the one you want. If an 'afterlife' exists it is what it is. WE can't control it. No cult can control it.
The cults are telling you what you want to hear. So you give your CURRENT LIFE to their cult. The life that is certain, in exchange for an empty promise.
No guarantees, No refunds, You won't get your old life back if they are wrong (or lying).
Pascal's gamble is a sucker bet. It never pays out.
Harrisy aims to make This Current Life better, worth living for it's own sake. We give priority to This Current Life over any theoretical 'afterlife'.
Chapter 5
Everybody's favorite topic: SEX
What's the point of Sexual Taboos?
Why would an IMORTAL (non-sexual, non-reproducing) being give a damn?
For example in the christian cult:
*Masturbation is sin,
*Spilling your seed outside the womb is sin,
*Marrying outside the church is sin,
*Divorce is sin,
*Birth Control is sin,
*Abortion is sin,
*Marriages without offspring are invalid.
*Brand (circumcise) your males, so your females know who they are allowed to mate with,
And in Is-lame, Women are just sexual slaves.
Taken as a whole,
The only purpose served by sexual taboos, is to help the CULT out-populate rival cults.
A REAL "creator god" wouldn't give a damn. Or Wouldn't need our cooperation. it would just create more of us, as needed.
A REAL creator wouldn't threaten us, it would just change us.
Sexual Taboos are serving a cult, not a god.
Harrisy has only one sexual taboo:
Rule G) Do not rape.
Do not force yourself on others. Your pleasures are not more important than other people's.
Chapter 6
The 2000 year war
The Abrahamic religions have been at war with each other for about 2000 years. Sometimes hot, sometimes cold.
But like some other religions, at all times attempting to be 'the one true religion'. And by their competition, doing more harm than good.
And the Abrahamic religions haven't even shown that the 'good' stuff needs their religion to get done.
They preach that it is somehow noble or their duty to spread their faith. ("Onward Christian Soldiers")
There are dangers associated with proselytism and/or evangelicalism:
(Please note - I had help with the following)
Focus on Conversion over Service:
Proselytism/evangelicalism prioritizes conversion goals over humanitarian or service-oriented activities.
This undermines the credibility and effectiveness of religious organizations engaged in charitable work,
as it is perceived as conditional or insincere.
Dogmatism and Exclusivity:
Evangelicalism/proselytism promotes a rigid, dogmatic interpretation of religious beliefs that excludes other perspectives.
This exclusivity leads to intolerance of differing viewpoints and hinders constructive dialogue and cooperation with people of other faiths or worldviews.
Coercion and Manipulation:
Proselytism/evangelicalism involves coercion, manipulation, or exploitation of vulnerable individuals,
such as offering material incentives or exploiting power differentials to induce conversion.
This raises ethical concerns about respect for autonomy and informed consent.
Political Activism:
Evangelicalism/proselytism has been associated with political movements that prioritize specific social or moral issues, leading to controversy and polarization.
this politicization blurs the lines between religion and politics, compromising the integrity of both.
Interfaith Tensions:
Proselytism/evangelicalism contributes to interfaith tensions and conflicts, especially when it is aggressive or disrespectful to members of other religious communities.
It will undermine efforts to foster mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation among different faith traditions.
Fragmentation of Communities:
Proselytism/evangelicalism leads to the fragmentation or division of communities, particularly in contexts where multiple religious groups coexist.
This creates social tensions and weaken social cohesion, especially when proselytism is conducted in a confrontational or divisive manner.
Proselytization and Missionary Work:
We are concerned about aggressive or coercive methods used in proselytization/evangelicalism efforts,
especially when targeting vulnerable populations or in multicultural contexts.
This leads to cultural imperialism or disrespect for the autonomy of individuals and communities.
Cultural Insensitivity:
Proselytism/evangelicalism disregards or disrespects the cultural and religious traditions of the target community.
This leads to cultural imperialism or colonialism, especially when proselytism/evangelicalism is conducted in contexts where there is a history of exploitation or marginalization.
Misrepresentation or Simplification of Beliefs:
Proselytism/evangelicalism involves oversimplification or misrepresentation of religious beliefs and practices in order to make them more appealing to potential converts.
This leads to misunderstandings or misconceptions about the beliefs and traditions of the proselytizing religion.
For these reasons we conscientious objectors to the religious war, need an uncompetitive religion like Harris-y.
But don't push it.
Chapter 7
Humans and gods
Why do human religions have gods that are all too human?
A creator of everything that needs humans to wright/publish a holy book?
An all powerful god who needs humans to promote him?
An all powerful god with a vindictive human sized ego?
An immortal who is obsessed with human reproduction?
An all powerful god who needs humans more than we need him?
Any actual god wouldn't need human religion.
Harrisy serves humans, not gods.
Chapter 8
Corn In A Cow Patty.
Finding truth in the Abrahamic holy books,
is like finding corn in a cow patty.
Sure there are some good kernels in there,
but is it really worth digging through the shit to find them?
You can find uncontaminated kernels of truth anywhere.
Chapter 9
Feedback should be sent to: [zachharris@mail2hell.com](mailto:zachharris@mail2hell.com)
Don't expect a timely reply.
submitted by Harris-Y to Humanists [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:25 Ok-Table7505 What’s the correct answer?(Eco)

What’s the correct answer?(Eco) submitted by Ok-Table7505 to CUETards [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:23 haaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh Annoying issues with my A1

Okay, hello everyone, i just received my A1 Combo yesterday. It prints great, it prints very fast, and for the pieces i've done so far, the ludicrous mode worked pretty great... But there is an annoying problem:
Everytime a print ends, it seems that the printer just looses its... sense of localisation... for a lack of better words. Basically, when the print ends, the X axis lifts to give me access to the object, and if i try to print something else, the printer believes that the position the X axis is now is the level 0. Even if i try to home the printer, it will still believe home is "up in the air". Turning it off and on again doesn't fix the issue, what does fix the issue is either waiting for the stepper to be disabled or turning it off, and manually lower the X axis to the bottom, and then homing again the printer.
It's not a big issue, because i found a way to fix it every time, but i don't think this printer is supposed to act that way and it's a bit annoying. Did it happen to anyone else here?
The printer's firmware has been updated, and i'm using the latest Bambu Studio version, could it be related to the recent updates?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
submitted by haaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:15 NoShine4473 Proof that orochi mains are retarded.

Research Article: The Impact of Orochi Main Gameplay on Mental Health


This study, conducted by Dr. G. Smith, investigates the potential correlation between playing Orochi in a popular online game and the likelihood of mental disability. The research aims to provide insights into how specific gaming behaviors might influence mental health. The study found that individuals who main Orochi have an 87% increased likelihood of developing mental disabilities compared to non-Orochi players.


Video gaming is a widely popular activity with varying impacts on mental health. While some studies have shown positive cognitive benefits, others have raised concerns about potential adverse effects. This study focuses on players who main Orochi, a character in the game "For Honor," to assess the association between this specific gameplay and mental health outcomes.



A total of 1,000 participants were recruited for the study through gaming forums, social media platforms, and online gaming communities. The participants were divided into two groups: - Orochi Mains (n=500): Individuals who exclusively or predominantly play as Orochi. - Non-Orochi Players (n=500): Individuals who play other characters or diversify their gameplay.

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

Data Collection

Data were collected using a combination of self-reported surveys and psychological assessments. The survey included questions on gaming habits, frequency, duration, and character preference. Psychological assessments were conducted using standardized tools, including: - The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) - The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) - The Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI)


  1. Recruitment: Participants were recruited online and provided informed consent.
  2. Survey and Assessment: Participants completed the initial survey and psychological assessments.
  3. Follow-up: Assessments were repeated after six months to monitor changes in mental health status.

Statistical Analysis

Data were analyzed using SPSS software. Logistic regression was used to determine the likelihood of developing mental disabilities in Orochi mains compared to non-Orochi players. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.


The logistic regression analysis revealed that Orochi mains have a significantly higher likelihood of developing mental disabilities (OR: 1.87; 95% CI: 1.50-2.34, p < 0.001) compared to non-Orochi players. The primary mental health issues identified were increased levels of anxiety and depression.


The findings suggest a strong correlation between maining Orochi and an increased likelihood of mental disabilities. Several factors may contribute to this correlation: - The competitive and stressful nature of playing Orochi. - Potential social isolation due to intense gaming habits. - In-game experiences and interactions that could negatively impact mental health.
Further research is needed to explore the underlying mechanisms and to establish causation. It is also important to consider other confounding factors such as personality traits and pre-existing conditions.


This study highlights a significant association between playing as Orochi in "For Honor" and an increased likelihood of mental disabilities. These findings underscore the need for awareness and preventive measures in the gaming community to mitigate potential mental health risks.


submitted by NoShine4473 to ForHonorRants [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:14 Stanley232323 Daily Community Tiering Post Day 30: "A-G-G-Ron? What kind of a name is A-G-G-Ron?" It's Aggron/Mega Aggron!

Hello again everybody!
Before we get started on today's post the current voting for Whimsicott currently has votes for B tier with a pretty solid lead!
So with that being said it looks like the fluffy hair fairy will be joining the B tier! Like with all previous votes I'll continue to check the numbers and if anything changes I'll update it on tomorrow's post.
(Please note that this voting/tiering is centered around Classic as after a certain point in Endless only about 5 Pokemon and 2 abilities are truly viable.)
So current tiers are:
S tier - Garganacl, Cloyster, Skeledirge, Gholdengo, Tinkaton
A tier - Gyarados/Mega, VenusauMega/Dyna, Aegislash, Corviknight/Dyna, Excadrill, GardevoiMega, Toxapex, ScizoMega, GengaMega/Dyna
B tier - Kanto-Persian/Dynamax Kanto-Meowth, Weavile, Starmie, Rhyperior, Quagsire, Mamoswine, Whimsicott
C tier - Linoone
F tier - Dustox
With that being said let's get to today's vote!
Today is day 30 of Tier Voting and today we will be talking about a Pokemon that won many fans over with its design all the way back in Generation 3. Aggron has extremely high physical defense and a pretty solid Attack stat at the tradeoff of a little rough on the Special Defensive side. And while it has a bit of an infamous typing in Steel/Rock and a rough Speed stat, its Mega form makes it a pure Steel type and increases its Attack and Defenses even more, making its Special Defense quite a bit more passable. It does lose STAB on Head Smash in Mega form but its survivability definitely increases in this form. It also has a Passive in this game which helps mitigate its weaknesses and when in its Mega form combined with its natural Ability to completely neutralize all of its weaknesses. It also has some amazing Egg moves (including one of the strongest moves in the entire game in Salt Cure). It does have a little bit of flexibility as it can run either of its normal Abilities for a bit different of setups and doesn't typically prefer its Hidden Ability which makes it a bit more accessible as well.
(Please note that Pokemon with Mega/Dynamax evolutions will be tiered as one Pokemon and not tiered separately for their Mega/Dynamax form. Different variants such as Alolan Persian vs. Kanto Persian will be tiered separately however.)
(Also here is the post with rules for voting/tiering posts and a little more explanation about them in general: https://www.reddit.com/pokerogue/s/0LNZhPPzR9 Links to past votes can all be found here as well in comments added to the OP with each new vote)
And here is a quick reminder of what each tier generally means:
S tier: Top tier, can make or break your entire run, essentially the cream of the crop
A tier: really strong but not quite top tier, maybe slightly outclassed or has a slight weakness holding it back
B tier: solid choices that can make it to your endgame team, might be reliant on team composition to truly function well or might just be outclassed as well
C tier: usually early-mid game Mons, ones you don't really want to take to end game if you can avoid it, usually pretty decently glaring weakness but something redeeming enough to keep from F tier
F tier: no reason to use in end game unless you're doing it for a meme/joke
Abstain/No Opinion: this will be a voting option mostly just in case someone accidentally votes and then can't remove their vote (I've noticed that happens on Reddit sometimes) or for Pokemon people haven't unlocked/used to their full potential yet. If Abstaining votes outvote each individual tier then the Pokemon will be tabled for the time being and another vote will open up for it later (can mostly see this happening with Legendaries).
(Data in parentheses is for the Mega form)
Aggron (Mega)
Type: Steel/Rock (Steel)
Mega: Yes
Dynamax: No
Starter cost {Aron}: 3
Possible Egg moves: Head Smash, Shore Up, Body Press, Salt Cure
Abilities: Sturdy or Rock Head (Filter)
Hidden Ability: Heavy Metal (Filter)
Passive Ability: Solid Rock - reduces the effectiveness of Super Effective moves against the Pokemon by 25%
Evolution: Aron evolves into Lairon at level 32. Lairon evolves into Aggron at level 42. Aggron can Mega evolve with Mega Bracelet and Aggronite.
Base stats:
HP - 70 (70)
Attack - 110 (140)
Defense - 180 (230)
Sp. Attack - 60 (60)
Sp. Defense - 60 (80)
Speed - 50 (50)
Learnset by level up: Harden, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb, Tackle, Roar, Headbutt, Protect, Rock Slide, Iron Head, Metal Sound, Take Down, Autotomize, Iron Tail, Iron Defense, Heavy Slam, Double-Edge, Metal Burst
Notable TMs: Mud-Slap, Curse, Dragon Rush, Superpower, Dragon Claw, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, Earthquake, Dig, Brick Break, Double Team, Aerial Ace, Facade, Rest, Sleep Talk, Shadow Claw, Payback, Stone Edge, Avalanche, Thunder Wave, Stealth Rock, Rock Slide, Bulldoze, Swagger, Rock Climb, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Protect, Whirlpool, Rock Blast, Smart Strike, Stomping Tantrum, Low Kick, Outrage, Crunch, High Horsepower, Body Press, Head Smash
By request, we will be doing the rest of the traditional starters (the first ones you have unlocked in the game) that we haven't done yet for the next votes, we're hoping this will give people a little more time to try out some other Pokemon so there's less Abstaining votes winning out and we feel like it should help to flesh out the lower tiers a little more since they're mostly in direct competition with each other and some are certainly better than the others. We'll start with the 3 from the list below that were specifically requested and then just start from Gen 1 and go forward from there doing the ones we haven't done yet. (Except for Charizard until its Passive ability is implemented)
Tomorrow's vote: Infernape!
Pokemon on the radar for voting very soon: Comfey, Crobat, Ferrothorn, Gliscor, Delphox, Roserade, Vileplume, Minior, Hitmonchan, Bibarel, Chandelure, Archaludon/Dynamax Duraludon, Alakazam/Mega, Flamigo, Volcarona, Alolan-Decidueye, Barbaracle, Butterfree/Dyna, Beedrill/Mega, Mawile/Mega, Drednaw/Dyna, Annihilape, Cramorant, Aerodactyl/Mega, Glimmora, Heatran, Tapu Koko, Dialga/Primal, Galarian-Zapdos, Regieleki, Regidrago, Zacian, Zamazenta, Rayquaza/Mega, Latias/Mega, Latios/Mega, Ho-Oh, Volcanion, Toxtricity/Dyna, Carbink, Porygon-Z, Cinccino, Snorlax/Dyna, Wishiwashi
(Other requests will be added to this list and this list is not necessarily in order)
Happy voting!
View Poll
submitted by Stanley232323 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:13 Ivypearl Took my dog to the best veterinary hospital in our area, they missed her severely advanced dental disease…. twice….

Located in CA
I took my 9 yr old lab Ivy to the vet for an emergency visit in the beginning of March. Our regular vet couldn’t take her so we had to go to the 24/7 animal hospital. They are excellent and I was willing to pay for whatever they needed to do to help ivy.
She had been very obviously sick and in pain, puking, diarrhea, not wanting to eat. They did an ultrasound, blood panel, urinalysis, fluids, meds. They found elevated liver enzymes and ketones in her urine. She was so sick they wanted to hospitalize her overnight. I asked what they would be doing and they said monitoring. I asked if I could just monitor her myself at home and bring her back right away if she gets worse? They gave me a couple prescriptions and sent us home. -$1729
I didn’t realize until the next day they didn’t give us any pain meds or anything to help Ivy’s eating (I’d tried seriously all the bland diet options, she didn’t want any of it) I went back to get her pain meds and prescription food, and the girl says they forgot to charge me for something else so she added that on too. -$150
Ivy was getting better slowly but still not her normal happy self at all. Sad, droopy eyes, wanting to sit curled up in my lap like a baby 😭 I kept doing everything they said and I took her back about a month later to check her levels again. We saw the vet, then went back out to the busy lobby to wait until someone came out to tell me the results or medications or whatever. So I sat in the lobby and waited, I asked a few times for updates bc I needed to get back to work. After 3 hours I asked if they could check and see what was going on.
There was another dog named Ivy there that morning and the receptionist closed out MY Ivy’s account (and charged the other lady’s card -$566 of my charges). I was annoyed and paid my bill (non-itemized invoice bc she couldn’t find mine) and Ivy and I went straight to work. Ivy is my service dog and sleeps under my desk.
They said the liver enzymes and urine ketone levels were both back to a normal level which was great news. They still couldn’t really give me a clear answer as to what could’ve caused all of this, sometimes they eat things, or just get sick, whatever. She said a slow recovery was normal bc livepancreas stuff is unpredictable, painful, and can take a while to heal.
The hospital’s office called me the next day to apologize for making me wait so long and reimbursed $316 (the liver panel, I think, I don’t have an itemized invoice). They offered this without me asking which I really appreciated.
Ivy has still been sick, but definitely better than when I first took her in. She was still acting sad, no interest in her favorite things. I knew she was in pain and brought her to a different vet last week.
Dr.S had been Ivy’s vet most of her life at our regular vet’s office - we love him. He left and started his own practice,and I just found his new location is 15 minutes away from my house!! It was kind of secretive when he left the other place, I think out of respect for the owners and not take half the clients with him. Anyway, I was really happy to find him again, I fully trust him. He was Ivy’s vet at her 8-week old visit, did her spay, all of it. Ivy is scared of men she doesn’t know and she loves Dr. S.
He took a look in her mouth and was like Whoa! Found it! He saw one badly rotten and cracked tooth in the back and wanted to get scheduled for removal right away. I bought the senior wellness plan for -$998. I was quoted $1200-1600 for surgery. (He was also going to remove a large benign mass from her side since she’d be under anesthesia already, I’d been wanting to do this for a few years so this is something I wanted him to do also)
This Tuesday was surgery day. He ended up removing 3 teeth, a molar on each side, and a front tooth that was cracked and broken off (I knew about this, I’d been told it wasn’t anything to be concerned about).
He said one of the molars and the front tooth both had exposed roots, the back one had an abscess and the root was touching the bone. He asked if I wanted the pictures bc it was really interesting and you don’t usually see it so advanced 😞 He said this is definitely what has been hurting her and making it hard to eat. He said they must have not looked in Ivy's mouth at all if they didn’t notice it- twice??
He didn’t have enough time to remove the mass. He said he wasn’t comfortable keeping her under any longer due to her age and blood pressure levels. Unless it grows rapidly we’re leaving it for now.
-$350 for everything this day, including surgery time & anesthesia, full dental cleaning & sealant,office visit, sedated nail trim, medications, canned soft food, heart worm testing, some other stuff included with the senior wellness package.
It’s been two days since she got her teeth out and she’s already smiling again. She was jumping around and trying to play with her brother (cat) and she only does that when she’s really excited!! Ivy is the best dog I could ever ask for. Seeing her in pain has been so hard, because I couldn’t help her!! I was trying everything but it wasn’t working. I’m so glad we found it and I think she will be able to get better now. I wasn’t so sure for awhile there.
I called the hospital place and told them what I found out and asked what happened. How could they have missed this- TWICE? The girl was really nice and agreed this was a “very valid concern” and asked me to explain everything to her and she would talk to the medical director, try to get some answers for me, and get back to me. She asked what I wanted the resolution to be. I said I thought it would be appropriate to ask for all of my charges to be refunded in relation to this event over the past couple months including Dr. S’s charges.
She called me back when I was at dinner so I missed her call.
Is this right? I don’t know what I’m looking for, feedback, reassurance, guidance? This is malpractice, right??
I talked to Dr.S’s receptionist today, she’s going to send me the photos and a breakdown of charges between the wellness plan and what I had done, try to make sense of what would be appropriate to ask them to refund. I kinda also want to ask them for $200 flat to reimburse the food/groceries spent trying to get her to eat, literally anything I could try on her bland diet, I tried! I don’t have receipts but I know I spent a shit ton of money as Ivy’s short order cook the last couple months. (Today she scarfed down her regular food for the first time in forever, I cried). Is this pushing it too far? Should I just take whatever they offer me?
What about the fact Ivy spent 2 1/2 months in pain & suffering from the time I brought her in to the day Dr. S did her surgery? She has lost weight, and has been pretty obviously miserable the whole time.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by Ivypearl to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:12 AffectionateShift520 Looking to au pair for a family!

Hello everyone! I am posting this in hopes of beginning an au pair experience this summer. I am 23 years old and I am an undergraduate student at UCLA finishing up my degree. I will be taking remote courses this summer, and given the flexibility that remote coursework allows for, I am hoping to spend this time living in a new environment. I would love the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture and language while forming a bond with a family. As I will be returning to school in-person around September 20, I am looking for a summer position that I can maintain until this point in time.
I have lived in California for almost my entire life. I am the second eldest of five daughters. Growing up, I helped care for my younger sisters. I am open to caring for infants and children of all ages, though with infants I will initially need more guidance in understanding the baby's routine. I am very attentive and it is important to me that a child, and particularly a baby, is given proper care. I have previous experience babysitting for families. Additionally, I have past experience working as a math, science, and English tutor, and I would be happy to aid with facilitating any learning needs. I am very patient and have a gentle demeanor; most people describe me as being quiet and sweet. I am clean and respectful and will ensure that I am respecting your living space.
I am an experienced driver as I have been driving for the past 7 years, since I was 16. I have a valid CA driver's license and a clean driving record. I am comfortable assisting with pick-ups and drop-offs and driving long distances (I have often driven 6+ hours across northern and southern CA without issue). I do get a bit worried driving in heavy rain, but ultimately I can handle it!
I will be honest and state that I am not the best cook. If being able to cook is something that is important to you and your family, I would love to learn! English is also the only language that I speak fluently. Arabic was my first language, but my Arabic is now at an incredibly basic level as I immigrated to the US when I was 2, and English quickly became my dominant language. I am happy to try to learn a basic level of another language. I took French in high school, though my French skills are by no means strong. I would love to strengthen them!
I am particularly interested in au pairing in France, as I have an interest in exploring the French culture, or in the UK or Sweden, as I have a friend in each of these countries. However, I am open to being anywhere!
If anyone is interested in further discussing, please feel free to reach out to me. I would love to set up a phone call or video call to introduce myself. I am happy to answer any questions :)
submitted by AffectionateShift520 to Aupairs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:07 adolfban [D] Correct interpretation of Model.predict output.

[D] Correct interpretation of Model.predict output.
Currently taking the FCC Machine Learning Course.
I dont know how to correctly interpret the probabilities of the Model.predict function output. The CNN is meant to determine whether is an image of a cat or a dog. Some probabilities are negative and very low. I dont know how to interpret that data. Also mention the model achieves its goal with an aceptable margin. Here an example:
Here the code.
Link of images:
wget https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/project-data/cats-and-dogs/cats_and_dogs.zip 
# 3 train_image_generator = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) validation_image_generator = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) test_image_generator = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) train_data_gen = train_image_generator.flow_from_directory( train_dir, target_size=(IMG_HEIGHT,IMG_WIDTH), batch_size = batch_size, class_mode = 'binary') val_data_gen = validation_image_generator.flow_from_directory( directory = validation_dir, target_size=(IMG_HEIGHT,IMG_WIDTH), batch_size = batch_size, class_mode = 'binary') test_data_gen = test_image_generator.flow_from_directory( directory=test_dir, target_size=(IMG_HEIGHT,IMG_WIDTH), batch_size = batch_size, class_mode = 'binary', shuffle=False) # 4 def plotImages(images_arr, probabilities = False): fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(images_arr), 1, figsize=(5,len(images_arr) * 3)) if probabilities is False: for img, ax in zip( images_arr, axes): ax.imshow(img) ax.axis('off') else: for img, probability, ax in zip( images_arr, probabilities, axes): ax.imshow(img) ax.axis('off') if probability > 0.5: ax.set_title("%.2f" % (probability*100) + "% dog") else: ax.set_title("%.2f" % ((1-probability)*100) + "% cat") plt.show() sample_training_images, _ = next(train_data_gen) plotImages(sample_training_images[:5]) # 5 train_image_generator = train_image_generator = ImageDataGenerator( rotation_range = 360, horizontal_flip = True, vertical_flip = True, zoom_range = 0.2, shear_range = 60, rescale=1./255) # 6 train_data_gen = train_image_generator.flow_from_directory(batch_size=batch_size, directory=train_dir, target_size=(IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH), class_mode='binary') augmented_images = [train_data_gen[0][0][0] for i in range(5)] plotImages(augmented_images) # 7 model = Sequential() model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=(150, 150, 3))) model.add(MaxPooling2D((2, 2))) model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D((2, 2))) model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation='relu')) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(64, activation='relu')) model.add(Dense(2)) model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True), metrics=['accuracy']) model.summary() # 8 history = model.fit(x = train_data_gen, epochs = epochs, validation_data = val_data_gen) acc = history.history['accuracy'] print(acc) # 9 acc = history.history['accuracy'] val_acc = history.history['val_accuracy'] loss = history.history['loss'] val_loss = history.history['val_loss'] epochs_range = range(epochs) print(epochs_range) print(acc) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(epochs_range, acc, label='Training Accuracy') plt.plot(epochs_range, val_acc, label='Validation Accuracy') plt.legend(loc='lower right') plt.title('Training and Validation Accuracy') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(epochs_range, loss, label='Training Loss') plt.plot(epochs_range, val_loss, label='Validation Loss') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.title('Training and Validation Loss') plt.show() #10 probabilities = model.predict(test_data_gen) print(probabilities) probabilities = np.argmax(probabilities, axis = 1) sample_test_images, _ = next(test_data_gen) plotImages(sample_test_images, probabilities=probabilities) # 11 answers = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] correct = 0 for probability, answer in zip(probabilities, answers): if round(probability) == answer: correct +=1 percentage_identified = (correct / len(answers)) * 100 passed_challenge = percentage_identified >= 63 print(f"Your model correctly identified {round(percentage_identified, 2)}% of the images of cats and dogs.") if passed_challenge: print("You passed the challenge!") else: print("You haven't passed yet. Your model should identify at least 63% of the images. Keep trying. You will get it!") 
submitted by adolfban to MachineLearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:04 EddyZacianLand Why are people following me if they don't like me?

I am on twitter and I have 454 followers and 19 of them, so far, have voted on a poll I made asking me if they like me, because I was feeling a bit stupid, because I believed a New Yorker article about Lucy Letby. And 12 of them answered no on the poll. So I don't get it why are people following me if they don't like me. Shouldn't they unfollow me? I would want to quit twitter, but it's one where I get all my news and 2 it's where I get my social interaction from that isn't my family. For context, I am 20, nearly 21 year old autistic gay man living in quite a rural area in England and I have zero friends. I struggle very much to find friends. I am going to start volunteering at a charity shop soon, because I have nothing else to do. As I started a level 3 course but couldn't progress onto year 2 because I got a panic attack in a assessment and I have nothing else lined up.
submitted by EddyZacianLand to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:04 Bananimoose Act 2 is overwhelming

What is this? I just landed on reaper’s coast and made my way to driftwood. There are so many NPC’s I’m not even sure who’s important or not.
Things outside of town seem so hostile and the map is just… big. I feel a huge disconnect from act 1 to act 2. There seems to be so much to do but I have no idea where to look for it.
Stumbling unto things and then finding out they’re 2 or even 5 levels higher so I just nope out there seems to be my life there. (I started act 2 as level 8)
What am I supposed to be doing here? Who and what am I supposed to be “saving”? My god’s (Rhallic) a turd and he doesn’t seem to take no for an answer.
submitted by Bananimoose to DivinityOriginalSin [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:04 Ekocare On the Origin of the Buddhist Arthakathás (R. C. Childers, L. C. Vijasinha)

On the Origin of the Buddhist Arthakathás Cambridge University Press (1871)
"—the commentary, I say, upon this Scripture was
at the first Council rehearsed by five hundred holy elders
and in later times rehearsed again and yet again."
L. Comrilla Vijasinha, Government Interpreter to the Ratnapura Court Ceylon:
It must be admitted that the point raised by Mr. Childers is one of grave importance as affecting the credibility of Buddhaghosa and the authenticity of all the commentaries on the Tipitaka. From a missionary point of view, the astounding statement that a commentary on Buddha's discourses existed during his lifetime, and was rehearsed along with those discourses at the First Great Council, appears so improbable and unnatural as at once to justify one in discrediting the testimony; and I doubt not that missionary orientalists will hail the discovery as a valuable addition to their stock of arguments against the genuineness and authenticity of the Buddhist Scriptures.
Indeed I found it difficult at first to obtain the opinions of some of my learned friends of the Buddhist priesthood on this point, as they seemed to regard it as another thunderbolt intended to be levelled against their religion by some enthusiastic missionary ; and it was only after explaining to them the object of the inquiry, and the literary character of the gentleman who started the apparent difficulty, that I could induce them to look the question fairly in the face.
I am glad to say that most of my clerical Buddhist friends with whom I have consulted on this subject agree with me on the necessity of giving a wider and more extended signification than is generally allowed to the word Atthakathá as applied by Buddhaghosa in the passage cited. The word, as is well known, is compounded of two terms, attha, " meaning, " and katha , " a statement, explanation, or narrative," the dental t being changed to the cerebral by a latitude in the rules of permutation.1 The literal meaning of the compound term would thus amount to simply " an ex- planation of meaning. " Taking this wider sense of the word as a basis for the solution of the problem, I think the statement of Buddhaghosa in his preface to the commentary on the Dígha Nikáya is not so hopelessly irreconcilable with probable and presumable facts as would at first sight appear.
On a careful perusal of the two accounts given by Buddhaghosa of the proceedings of the three famous Councils in the Sumańgala Vilásiní and the Samanta Pásádiká, this view will, I think, be found to be very reasonable. It must be admitted that no actual commentary, in the sense that the westerns attach to that term, and like that which has been handed down to us by Buddhaghosa, existed either in the lifetime of Buddha or immediately after his death. The reasons adduced by Mr. Childers, apart from others that can easily be added, against such a supposition, are overwhelmingly convincing. But if we suppose that by the word Atthakathá in his preface Buddhaghosa only meant to convey the idea that at the various Councils held for the purpose of collocating the discourses and sayings of Buddha, the meanings to be attached to different terms were discussed and properly defined, then the difficulty of conceiving the contemporaneous existence pf the commentaries and the Pitakas would be entirely removed.
This view of the subject will appear still further borne out if we briefly glance over the history of the First Convocation, as narrated by Buddhaghosa himself. The first proposal to hold an assembly of priests for the purpose of collocating Buddha's discourses was made by Mahá Kassapa, the chief of the seven hundred thousand priests who assembled at Kusinára to celebrate the obsequies of the departed saint. Seven days had hardly elapsed after that mournful occurrence, when signs of discontent at monastic restraint manifested themselves, and a disaffected disciple of Buddha named Subhadda openly proclaimed that now their master was no more the ties of discipline should be relaxed, if not broken. The words of consolation offered by this old monk to his brethren in distress are certainly remarkable, as it would be difficult to say whether they betoken more the callousness of his feelings or the depravity of his heart: " Brethren, enough of this sorrow, weep not, lament not. We are well rid of that Arch-priest, having been in constant dread of his declarations, This befits you, this befits you not. Now, there- fore, what we desire we shall do; what we do not desire that shall we not do." To a sagacious mind like that of Mahá Kassapa it was not difficult to perceive what language like this foreshadowed, and he instantly formed the resolve to congregate the priesthood, and to collect and arrange the laws and doctrines proclaimed by his Master. Hardly two months had elapsed before this active mind brought about what it had contemplated, and the result was the Council of the Five Hundred, convoked at Kájagaha, under the auspices of King Ajátasattu, for the purpose of collecting and arrang- ing the doctrines and discourses of Buddha.
The proceedings of this Council appear to have been con- ducted in a very orderly and systematic manner, which is the more surprising when we consider that monastic autocracy was about to give place to a form of church government prescribed by the great Founder himself, but which was now to be established and tested for the first time. Mahá Kassapa, whom Buddha indirectly indicated as his equal in point of superhuman mental acquirements, assumed the office of Moderator, and by the unanimous consent of the synod Upáli was elected as the best qualified of their order to repeat the Yinaya, and Ānanda the Dhamma ; the Council having previously decided that the Yinaya was the most material for the permanence of Buddhism.
Now it is important to observe that the catechetical form was used in the collocation of both the Laws and Doctrines. "Afterwards Mahá Kassapa, having seated himself in the presidential chair, questioned the venerable Upáli respecting the Yinaya in this wise. Brother Upáli, where was the first Párájika promulgated? My lord, at Vesáli. On whose account? On account of Sudinna, the son of Kalanda. With regard to what offence? To fornication. Then did the venerable Mahá Kassapa question the venerable Upáli on the offence, the cause, the offender, the primary law, the secondary law, the transgression and the non-transgression, relating to the first law enacted against mortal sin. And the venerable Upáli explained as he was questioned." Such was also the method employed in the synod in the collocation of the Dhamma : - " Brother Ananda, where was the Brahmajála delivered ? My lord, between Rájagaha and Nálanda," and so on. Though it is subsequently added that " at the conclusion of the questions and answers the five hundred Arhats repeated the texts together in the order in which they had been collocated,"- it is difficult to believe that all' the five hundred rehearsed the long narratives prefixed to some of Buddha's discourses in the same words and style that they are now clothed in. Buddhaghosa's account of the synod is gathered from tradition, which was very probably embodied in the Simhalese atthakathás, and there can be little doubt that the main facts are correct ; but that he drew largely from tradition, written and oral, and possibly in some instances from imagination, will I think appear clear to any careful reader of the commentaries. Witness for instance his relation of Ananda's mysterious entrance into the assembly : pathaviyam nimujjitvá ottano árnne y em attánam dassesi , ákásena gantvá nisïdîti pi eke , " He plunged into the earth and showed himself in his seat, and also some say he went through the air and sat down." He does not say which version is correct, but is quite satisfied with both accounts, and is evidently quite willing to let his readers choose whichever they like.
Buddhaghosa throughout all his writings appears to have set one great object prominently in view, namely to inspire reverence for what he considered as supreme authority. When he came to Ceylon for the purpose of translating the Simhalese commentaries, he found a great many extant at that time, and out of these commentaries, embracing no doubt various shades of opinion, and representing different schools of thought, he had to expunge, abridge, enlarge, and make a new commentary. Now how could he do all this, and at the same time preserve undiminished among future generations the same reverence and authority in which the older commentaries were held by the Buddhists of that age? The thought struck him, as no doubt it would strike any careful reader of the Buddhist Scriptures, that a large portion of the writings contained in that canon appear to be explanations and definitions of terms used by Buddha, and also that a great many discourses said to have been delivered by Buddha to certain individuals have not been recorded.
Now what more easy to conceive, or what more probable, than that they formed the nucleus of matter for the formation of a commentary, and that at the First General Council, which lasted seven months, the elders, who had all seen and heard Buddha, should have dis- cussed them, and decided on the method of interpreting and teaching the more recondite portions of Buddhist philosophy ? and what therefore if he should say in somewhat exaggerated language, " the commentary on the Digha Nikáya was at the beginning discussed (or composed, or merged into the body of the Scriptures) by five hundred holy elders" ? - for the original words may admit of such a construction. If or will this opinion appear merely hypothetical if we carefully peruse the account given by Buddhaghosa of the commentaries in his Samanta Pásádiká. In his metrical introduction to that work, after the usual doxology, he explains the necessity of having a proper Pali Commentary on the Vinaya, and then proceeds to set forth what he is about to do : -
"In commencing this commentary, I shall, having embodied therein the Mahá Atthakathá, without excluding any proper meaning from the decisions contained in the Mahá Paccarí, as also in the famous Kurundi and other com- mentaries, and including the opinions of the Elders, - perform my task well. Let the young, the middle-aged, and the elderly priests, who entertain a proper regard for the doctrines of the Tathágata, the luminary of truth, listen to my words with pleasure. The Dhamma, as well as the Yinaya, was declared by Buddha, his (sacerdotal) sons understood it in the same sense as it was delivered ; and inasmuch as in former times they (the Simhalese commentators) composed the com- mentaries without disregarding their (the sacerdotal sons') opinions, therefore, barring any erro* of transcription, every- thing contained therein is an authority to the learned in this priesthood who respect ecclesiastical discipline. From these (Simhalese) commentaries, after casting off the language, condensing detailed accounts, including authoritative deci- sions, and without overstepping any Pàli idiom (I shall pro- ceed to compose). And as this commentary will moreover be explanatory of the meaning of words belonging. to the Suttas in conformity with the sense attached to them therein, therefore ought it the more diligently to be studied."
On the Origin of the Buddhist Arthakathás Cambridge University Press (1871)
submitted by Ekocare to TheravadaBuddhism [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:02 CatholicChanner Four Scenarios For The Future of Europe's Muslim Population-How Will This Influence the Conflict?

I found an interesting geopolitical study on a comparatively unknown Pentagon agency's(Executive Services Directorate's) website where it discusses four scenarios for the future of Europe's Muslim population and reading through it, despite it being published in 2008, I found it has been quite prescient in many ways as it accurately predicted many trends regarding terrorism and the responses to it. It discusses the challenges and the possible impossibility of true integration in the sense Europeans are accustomed to, and the geopolitical realities of the above on Europe and US-European relations. If you have the time you should read through the full study and its conclusions, but here are the summaries of each and their likelihood of occurring, starting from least likely to most likely.
Synthesis: Euro-Islam and a New Europe (Least Likely).
In an extension of the EU project to transcend Europe' s internal historical divisions, European societies manage to create a workable new civilization and political culture rooted in cosmopolitan precepts rather than in national or historical legacies. To qualify as a European one need only embrace a new civic creed. The Muslim populations of Europe develop a distinctive variant of their religion, relegating Islam to a personal or private moral code while adopting European languages, modes of dress, career ambitions, lifestyle choices, etc. A core body of secular beliefs and structures comes to characterize the Muslim populations as much as it does pre-existing European populations. This outcome is promoted by inherent tendencies on the part both of migrant and host communities to integrate the Muslim immigrant populations of Europe into the pre-existing social milieu. Designed programs of the State also act to promote integration and assimilation.
Eurabia: A Muslim-dominated Europe (Second Least Likely)
With its population aging and declining, Europe has little choice but to permit increased immigration from North Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere in the Muslim world. Emboldened by their youthfulness, growing numbers, and a vibrant religious-cultural identity, Europe's Muslim immigrants increasingly assert themselves in European politics. The present disparities in birth rate grow even sharper. Exhausted, insecure, disoriented, and intimidated, European host societies never regain the cohesiveness of identity and purpose to assert themselves against an energetic, rising social order. Ultimately, the Muslim populations ofEurope overwhelm the host societies, until Europe becomes a socio-religious extension of the Ncar East and North Africa, possibly with residual enclaves of the pre-Islamic European population left from place to place. Pressure from within and from without compels the European states to distance themselves from cooperation with the United States, particularly in the Middle East.
Fortress Europe (Second Most Likely)
Unsettled by its inability to integrate its Muslim populations and impatient with the Muslims' refusal to assimilate, Europe dispenses with its relatively recent experience with liberalism. Global economic downturn and acts of jihadist terror provoke Europeans to embrace a highly xenophobic style of politics. European politics comes to be dominated by anti-Muslim ideologues, who adopt a program of organized hostility to Muslims and to already-established Muslim populations in Europe. The practical manifestations of the new reaction in Europe vary between some combination of isolation and draconian police controls at the least extreme end of a spectrum; to mass expulsion at the most extreme. Factors leading to this outcome include growth in alarm at the socio-economic problems associated with the Muslim populations; a break down of the ideology of multiculturalism and political taboos; and incidents of terrorism as mobilizing shock events.
The Green Ghetto (Most Likely).
The present-day (c. 2007) status quo continues-but, through the passage of time, it crystallizes-i.e., becomes more rigid and less likely to undergo transition to other forms. Muslim populations are restricted- at first by choice, later perhaps by formal legal provisions to more or less dearly defined geographic precincts, chiefly in large European cities. Elites within these populations may achieve a nominal degree of integration, through language acquisition and economic engagement with the host society. The main body of each Muslim population however remains self-contained, and advances little beyond a low-level economic niche. State integration programs stall, achieving, at best, the occasional convert to European social norms-but integration remains an exceptional phenomenon, restricted to individual cases. Globalization in the form of satellite television and air transportation makes it easier for immigrant populations to retain ties to their societies of origin and maintain distinct identities. Meanwhile globalization in the form of increased market competition undermines the European welfare state. Maintaining a homogenous society is no longer easy or even desirable. In essence, European society reverts to a pre-nation-state pattern wherein economic classes are socially distinct and ethnic-cultural groups fill specific economic niches
Foreign Policy Conclusions Related to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:
Synthesis: The study's authors did not delve into the effects this might have on foreign policy so this is the one I would like to hear most from the people on. Personally I think we would see a more pro-Arab, but not necessarily rabidly anti-Israel, response in Europe if secularism and humanitarianism/a reformed private Islam win out over political Islam and the Muslim population integrates in this optimistic scenario. You would likely see a harder push for a two-state solution and an end to the conflict with Europe putting leashes on both the Palistineans and Israelis becoming tired of it, condemning Palistinean terrorism while also condemning Israeli countermeasures.
Eurabia: This would be the absolute worst scenario for Israel and the absolute best scenario for the Palestinians as it would turn Europe into an extension of MENA. The study does not go into detail on this but Israel would be entirely surrounded by actively Islamist countries by air, land, and sea, and the US would be forced to decide whether backing Israel is worth it if it turns the entire continent of Europe and MENA against it. Israel's existence as a state may actually be threatened even with nuclear weapons or it may even be forced to turn into an effective autarky North-Korean tier state if embargos are put on it and it is cut off from all of its trading partners. It may be able to survive but only with heavy concessions to the Palestinians and the potential loss of Jerusalem and/or exploiting inter-Muslim tensions.
Fortress Europe: This did not touch on Israel-Palestine directly but it does present an interesting US-EU dynamic depending on how bad the situation goes ranging from anywhere between the US supporting the crackdown or expulsion of Muslims to being vehemently against it or somewhere in between, meaning Israel could see a huge rift and tension between its two allies or them coming closer together to crack down on Islam. The former would be problematic for Israel due to a lack of coordination or even hostility between the two, but the latter could be extremely beneficial to Israel as both Europe and America would not be fans of Muslims and Israel would become a key staunch ally for both with strong support from both and Israeli maximalist positions would likely find favor, this is probably the wet dream of people like Bibi, Smotrich, and Givr barring the conversion of all of Europe and America to Judaism.
The Green Ghetto: The study touches on the IP conflict here saying that Europe would either become too distracted and divided by internal issues to really influence the conflict or it becomes more pro-Arab in the sense it does not want to set off constant ethnic conflict within its own borders by backing Israel or at least moving towards a more neutral position. One could extrapolate from this that it could also become bipolar each election cycle depending on which parties are in power, the more anti-Islam conservative ones backing Israel not so much because they care about Jewish sovereignty but more because it angers the Muslims which pleases their political base. The more progressive parties will turn more pro-Arab in an attempt to placate the Muslim population and deepen economic ties with MENA. You could also see a huge Western/Eastern Europe divide on this. Israel's position here would wax and wane with the political tide and it would require Israeli politicians to be skilled to navigate this.
Anyway, those are the summaries and my thoughts, what are yours?
submitted by CatholicChanner to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:02 flandre-neet Suspecting I'm Autistic???

Aaahh this is going to be long but I have nowhere else to address my current circumstances right now and I dunno if this is the right place to say this but I hope it is. sob sob
Anyways, hi! I'm a college student (21F) who has been peer-reviewed (lol) that I may be autistic when I opened up to a friend about how I'm so overwhelmed around people and the environment in general everytime I go outside, especially at school. They are autistic as well and they pointed out that I have traits that can be linked to autism. I was pretty sure I have ADHD, but now I'm confused and I'm trying to figure myself out abt myself once again and why I can't be a person like other people who seem like they live life on an easier level than me (not completely disregarding their struggles but I hope it makes sense).
This happened around March, during my midterm exams, where I couldn't really focus on anything anymore after how many years of forcing myself to function properly despite stressed and overwhelmed. My brain felt like its treated like one of those ASMR slime videos where people stretch and squeeze/crumple the slime but instead in a satisfying way, it really felt uncomfortable and I felt like crying in the middle of our exams. I had to stop myself bc its so embarrasing to just randomly cry during exams where I couldn't even understand why I was crying at all lol. Not to add the very loud voices from my classmates and other noises I couldn't tolerate anymore for how many years that these types of noises messed with my brain. I wasn't able to comprehend every question from the exam even if it was familiar to me.
After that, I told my dad that I didn't want to go to our family reunion with our relatives bc I was so exhausted and I needed alone time to myself even for just one day. I really liked to be alone and prefer to do stuff I like alone or with a person that I'm very comfortable with. Just do our own stuff and not requiring to speak at all. Just there vibing. Everytime I have to go outside and meet people, it felt like I have to put a personality just to be able to converse with them and manage to smile even if I don't want to. I don't know how to act around people and how to empathize with them, so I have to learn/copy and research others' behavior - which my friend pointed out that I may be autistic and I was masking to fit in.
Unfortunately, my dad didn't understand and forced me to go despite my reasoning, which made me incredibly upset and I had to put on another personality just to come off as not rude towards my relatives. It was very tiring and at that moment I wish I wasn't a person at all (tbh I wish I was a cloud 24/7 bc I'm just up there floating). The good thing is that the venue was at an exclusive beach resort, where the sea waves can calm me down a little bit after drinking liquor with my cousins. (I only drank those light beers bc I don't want to experience getting drunk + my parents were there).
I feel severely burnt out after that, and I think it continues to affect me up to this day. I once loved being a pharmacy major and learning about how drugs affect the body and all that but with the way how my teachers conduct their lessons and quizzes + super super overstimulated from the environment and lots of responsibilities, my mind won't process any new information anymore and my body refuses to move and work on my school stuff, and I lose motivation to study, too. Or even get up from bed at all.
Another thing that my friend pointed out was how I manage my time to prepare. I don't know how to explain it in general but I'll give an example on how I do my routine when I go on campus. My classes usually start at 8 AM, and I leave at 7 AM. Therefore I prepare myself 2 hours early and "operate" every 30 minutes. I need to get one or two things done within 30 minutes or else I feel like I would be late and I hate feeling late. I don't like changing schedules last minute or very late announcements (which my teachers are fond of changing schedules very late or make an announcement for lab requirements at like 12 midnight on the same day where we will have lab classes and I'm already asleep around 8 to 9!! Everyone seemed to be fine with it but I was super stressed out and I don't like stuff similar to that). And yesterday when we had our math class, my teacher said we would end at 6 PM to catch up on our topics, so I told my dad that I need to be picked up at 6 PM bc I feel unsafe going home when its dark outside. But around 5:40 when we had our break time she suddenly said that we would be extending until 8 PM, and I felt like I was about to cry again.
I went outside of campus to buy snacks and saw that my dad was already there waiting for me so I came up to him and cried (very embarrassing on my part ughhh) but I couldn't control myself anymore. I was teary eyed and tried to stop my tears so I jokingly told my friend that I'm about to cry bc of how tired I am so she wouldn't notice. I hated the feeling so bad bc my teacher said she would dismiss us at 6 PM, and 8 PM I should be on my bed that time.
I also dislike it when people set their schedules like 7:45 PM or 8:15 AM or 9:20 AM and not 7:00 or 7:30/8:00 or 8:30 and all that stuff because its hard for me to prepare that way. Or when they plan stuff and tell me that we'll go at night, but not specifying the time.
In regards of my interests, I like pharmacology, radiopharmaceuticals, physics, art, and fashion design. I also like math even I'm not really good at those things I mentioned. I just love to read stuff about them and how people come up with theories. The thing is I'm more of a gatekeeper and I dislike sharing them to people even if they share the same interests as me, unless I am comfortable with them. I'm more of a listener than a talker. I don't know if its a common thing among autistic people. And everytime I gain a new interest, my other interests go dormant and I can only focus on that one specific interest which made me lead to ignore my other interests and responsibilities.
Aside from that, I struggle expressing my emotions especially facial expressions. I get scolded at lot by my mom that I look pissed but I'm not pissed at all. It feels uncomfy for me to smile either, and my emotions are usually just stagnant, I think. The only feeling I can "feel" is when I'm stressed, anxious, angry, and everything else feels like "meh" to me. "How are you feeling?" questions are hard for me to answer and I wish I have a soundboard to respond and its just vine boom noise or stuff like that to accurately describe what I'm feeling instead of words.
When it comes to repetitive movements, I don't really know because I don't pay attention to my actions. I have a habit of picking my lips and pulling strands of my hair though. Nowadays I bring my cotton doll with me to keep my hands busy or end up crocheting since they make me feel comfortable.
I think I have a lot more stuff that are autistic traits but it's going to be very very long than this one. I'm seeing a psychologist a few days from now to get myself assessed because I know I really need professional help. I'm anxious that I'm not "autistic enough" to be diagnosed but upon reading people's experiences in here and in other subreddits as well + having high scores in online tests + reading Devon Price's "Unmasking Autism", I felt very seen and made me decide that I should go see a professional, but I don't really know what to say to them and I feel like I should have a format for everything I say (as always). It would be nice if anyone has an advice for this too.
Again, sorry if its very long and you had to read them all !! I have no idea about myself anymore and I just want to make life somehow easier to me to manage instead of trying to treat life as something that I have to survive instead of just living. That or become an alien/entity from a higher dimension so I can do what I want and no longer be perceived or be noticed/given attention to.
That's all, thank you very much! 🫶
submitted by flandre-neet to AutismTranslated [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:01 bl9ckm0ld rate my stats

rate my stats
i don’t know what i’m doing very well don’t be mean to me
submitted by bl9ckm0ld to Wizard101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:01 AutoModerator Daily Discussion Thread May 17, 2024 - Upcoming Event Schedule - New players start here!

Yahoooo! Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread! Have a very cool day! Luigi numbah one!
Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread. This is the place for asking noob questions, venting about netplay falcos, shitposting, self-promotion, and everything else that doesn't belong on the front page.

New Players:

If you're completely new to Melee and just looking to get started, welcome! We recommend you go to https://blippi.gg/ and follow the links there based on what you're trying to set up. Additionally, here are a few answers to common questions:
Can I play Melee online?
Yes! Slippi is a branch of the Dolphin emulator that will allow you to play online, either with your friends or with matchmaking. Go to https://slippi.gg to get it.
Netplay is hard! Is there a place for me to find new players?
Yes. Melee Newbie Netplay is a discord server specifically for new players. It also has tournaments based on how long you've been playing, free coaching, and other stuff. If you're a bit more experienced but still want a discord server for players around your level, we recommend the Melee Online discord.
How can I set up Unclepunch's Training Mode?
First download it here. Then extract everything in the folder and follow the instructions in the README file. You'll need to bring a valid Melee ISO (NTSC 1.02)
I'm having issues with Slippi!
Go to the The Slippi Discord to get help troubleshooting.
How does one learn Melee?
There are tons of resources out there, so it can be overwhelming to start. First check out the SSBM Tutorials youtube channel. Then go to the Melee Library and search for whatever you're interested in.
But how do I get GOOD at Melee?
Check out Llod's Guide to Improvement
Where can I get a nice custom controller?
I have another question that's not answered here...
Check out our FAQs or post below and find help that way.

Upcoming Tournament Schedule:

Upcoming Melee Majors

Melee Online Event Calendar

Make a submission to the tournament calendar here. You can also get notified of new online tournaments on the Melee Online Discord.

submitted by AutoModerator to SSBM [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:55 domanpanda Upgrade 4.11.59 to 4.12.56 stuck on 91% because of console operator. RH solution doesn't work.

I have SNO on t470p laptop. Bare minimum, without any additional operators. Only "openshift hello world" app (httpd) installed.
Upgrades path:

$ oc get co NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING DEGRADED SINCE MESSAGE authentication 4.12.56 True False False 20h baremetal 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h cloud-controller-manager 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h cloud-credential 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h cluster-autoscaler 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h config-operator 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h console 4.12.56 True False True 20h SyncLoopRefreshDegraded: the server is currently unable to handle the request (get routes.route.openshift.io console) control-plane-machine-set 4.12.56 True False False 20h csi-snapshot-controller 4.12.56 True False False 20h dns 4.11.59 True False False 21h etcd 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h image-registry 4.12.56 True False False 20h ingress 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h insights 4.12.56 True False False 22h kube-apiserver 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h kube-controller-manager 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h kube-scheduler 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h kube-storage-version-migrator 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h machine-api 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h machine-approver 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h machine-config 4.11.59 True False False 21h marketplace 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h monitoring 4.12.56 True False False 20h network 4.11.59 True False False 6d18h node-tuning 4.12.56 True False False 20h openshift-apiserver 4.12.56 True False False 20h openshift-controller-manager 4.12.56 True False False 20h openshift-samples 4.12.56 True False False 20h operator-lifecycle-manager 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver 4.12.56 True False False 21h service-ca 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h storage 4.12.56 True False False 6d18h 
I found this solution but it doesn't work. Values keep coming back after deleting the pods.
This doesn't return values
$ oc get console.operator.openshift.io cluster -o json jq -r '.status.conditions[] select(.type test("^(DefaultCustom)RouteSync"))' $ 
This does
$ oc get console.operator.openshift.io cluster -o json jq -r '.status.conditions[] select(.type test(".*(DownloadsConsole)(DefaultCustom)RouteSync"))' { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T13:39:08Z", "status": "False", "type": "ConsoleCustomRouteSyncDegraded" } { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T13:39:08Z", "status": "False", "type": "ConsoleCustomRouteSyncProgressing" } { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T13:39:08Z", "status": "True", "type": "ConsoleCustomRouteSyncUpgradeable" } { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T13:39:08Z", "status": "False", "type": "ConsoleDefaultRouteSyncDegraded" } { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T13:39:08Z", "status": "False", "type": "ConsoleDefaultRouteSyncProgressing" } { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T13:39:08Z", "status": "True", "type": "ConsoleDefaultRouteSyncUpgradeable" } ... 
Tried this couple times
$ oc get console.operator.openshift.io cluster -o json jq -r '. del(.status.conditions[] select(.type test(".*(DownloadsConsole)(DefaultCustom)RouteSync")))' > consoles.json $ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -X PUT --data-binary @consoles.json * Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to ( port 8011 (#0) > PUT /apis/operator.openshift.io/v1/consoles/clustestatus HTTP/1.1 > Host: > User-Agent: curl/7.61.1 > Accept: */* > Content-Type: application/json > Content-Length: 7430 > Expect: 100-continue > < HTTP/1.1 100 Continue * We are completely uploaded and fine < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Audit-Id: 1db7e2ab-2e79-4b2f-8ccf-39ebcf4164ce < Cache-Control: no-cache, private < Content-Type: application/json < Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 07:50:04 GMT < Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload < X-Kubernetes-Pf-Flowschema-Uid: 47cb076a-7aa9-473e-b1c0-4647d923cf18 < X-Kubernetes-Pf-Prioritylevel-Uid: 207ff776-5410-42ce-aa3e-d57b5d24bace < Transfer-Encoding: chunked < { "apiVersion": "operator.openshift.io/v1", "kind": "Console", "metadata": { "annotations": { "include.release.openshift.io/ibm-cloud-managed": "true", "include.release.openshift.io/self-managed-high-availability": "true", "include.release.openshift.io/single-node-developer": "true", "release.openshift.io/create-only": "true" }, "creationTimestamp": "2024-05-10T12:58:48Z", "generation": 1, "managedFields": [ { "apiVersion": "operator.openshift.io/v1", "fieldsType": "FieldsV1", "fieldsV1": { "f:metadata": { "f:annotations": { ".": {}, "f:include.release.openshift.io/ibm-cloud-managed": {}, "f:include.release.openshift.io/self-managed-high-availability": {}, "f:include.release.openshift.io/single-node-developer": {}, "f:release.openshift.io/create-only": {} }, "f:ownerReferences": { ".": {}, "k:{\"uid\":\"e2c645b2-fe2d-490d-b051-0925d7249baa\"}": {} } }, "f:spec": { ".": {}, "f:logLevel": {}, "f:managementState": {}, "f:operatorLogLevel": {} } }, "manager": "cluster-version-operator", "operation": "Update", "time": "2024-05-10T12:58:48Z" }, { "apiVersion": "operator.openshift.io/v1", "fieldsType": "FieldsV1", "fieldsV1": { "f:status": { "f:readyReplicas": {} } }, "manager": "Go-http-client", "operation": "Update", "subresource": "status", "time": "2024-05-16T11:14:15Z" }, { "apiVersion": "operator.openshift.io/v1", "fieldsType": "FieldsV1", "fieldsV1": { "f:status": { ".": {}, "f:generations": {}, "f:observedGeneration": {} } }, "manager": "console", "operation": "Update", "subresource": "status", "time": "2024-05-16T13:39:09Z" }, { "apiVersion": "operator.openshift.io/v1", "fieldsType": "FieldsV1", "fieldsV1": { "f:status": { "f:conditions": {} } }, "manager": "curl", "operation": "Update", "subresource": "status", "time": "2024-05-17T07:50:04Z" } ], "name": "cluster", "ownerReferences": [ { "apiVersion": "config.openshift.io/v1", "kind": "ClusterVersion", "name": "version", "uid": "e2c645b2-fe2d-490d-b051-0925d7249baa" } ], "resourceVersion": "830802", "uid": "295c5e1b-d34c-414a-b146-422033025c1b" }, "spec": { "logLevel": "Normal", "managementState": "Managed", "operatorLogLevel": "Normal" }, "status": { "conditions": [ { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:28Z", "reason": "NoUnsupportedConfigOverrides", "status": "True", "type": "UnsupportedConfigOverridesUpgradeable" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-13T13:15:40Z", "status": "False", "type": "ResourceSyncControllerDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:34Z", "status": "False", "type": "ManagementStateDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:43Z", "status": "False", "type": "ServiceSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:43Z", "status": "False", "type": "ServiceSyncProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:43Z", "status": "False", "type": "RedirectServiceSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:43Z", "status": "False", "type": "RedirectServiceSyncProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T11:16:36Z", "status": "False", "type": "RouteHealthDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:45Z", "status": "False", "type": "RouteHealthProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T11:16:36Z", "status": "True", "type": "RouteHealthAvailable" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:46Z", "status": "False", "type": "OCDownloadsSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:46Z", "status": "False", "type": "ODODownloadsSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:48Z", "status": "False", "type": "DownloadsDeploymentSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:48Z", "status": "False", "type": "DownloadsDeploymentSyncProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T11:14:01Z", "message": "the server is currently unable to handle the request (get routes.route.openshift.io console)", "reason": "FailedGet", "status": "True", "type": "SyncLoopRefreshDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T10:14:34Z", "status": "False", "type": "SyncLoopRefreshProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T09:48:06Z", "status": "False", "type": "ConfigMapSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "ConfigMapSyncProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "ServiceCASyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "ServiceCASyncProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "TrustedCASyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "TrustedCASyncProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "CustomLogoSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "CustomLogoSyncProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "OAuthServingCertValidationDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "OAuthServingCertValidationProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "OAuthClientSecretSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "OAuthClientSecretSyncProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "OAuthClientSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "OAuthClientSyncProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "DeploymentSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "DeploymentSyncProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T10:14:34Z", "status": "True", "type": "DeploymentAvailable" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "ConsoleConfigDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-10T12:59:51Z", "status": "False", "type": "ConsolePublicConfigMapDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-13T14:34:40Z", "status": "False", "type": "ManagedClusterConfigSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-13T14:34:40Z", "status": "False", "type": "ManagedClusterConfigSyncProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T09:45:45Z", "status": "False", "type": "PDBSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T09:45:45Z", "status": "False", "type": "PDBSyncProgressing" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T11:15:47Z", "status": "False", "type": "ConsoleNotificationSyncDegraded" }, { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-16T11:15:47Z", "status": "False", "type": "ConsoleNotificationSyncProgressing" } ], "generations": [ { "group": "apps", "hash": "", "lastGeneration": 5, "name": "downloads", "namespace": "openshift-console", "resource": "deployments" }, { "group": "apps", "hash": "", "lastGeneration": 7, "name": "console", "namespace": "openshift-console", "resource": "deployments" } ], "observedGeneration": 1, "readyReplicas": 1 } * Connection #0 to host left intact $ oc delete pod -n openshift-console-operator --all pod "console-operator-b7f784c4d-d74br" deleted ## it keeps coming back ... $ oc get console.operator.openshift.io cluster -o json jq -r '.status.conditions[] select(.type test(".*(DownloadsConsole)(DefaultCustom)RouteSync"))' { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-17T07:50:04Z", "status": "False", "type": "DownloadsCustomRouteSyncDegraded" } { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-17T07:50:04Z", "status": "False", "type": "DownloadsCustomRouteSyncProgressing" } { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-17T07:50:04Z", "status": "True", "type": "DownloadsCustomRouteSyncUpgradeable" } { "lastTransitionTime": "2024-05-17T07:50:04Z", "status": "False", "type": "DownloadsDefaultRouteSyncDegraded" } ... 
submitted by domanpanda to openshift [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:43 THE-McGrandpa FREIGHTERS, my newest

I missed out on a lot of great stuff, not playing the first several Expeditions. Here in the NMS Reddits, I saw lots of talk about freighters. Naturally I got curious about them. I chose one, then learned that there are two basic classes of freighters. The very common System Freighters, and there are a bunch to choose from. Then, there are the Capital Freighters. Now comes in three flavors, Sentinel, Venator and Pirate Dreadnought. I have flown in all three, and now, in each of their variations. Though, until today, never even one 'S' Class. I was doing the time pulsing my starship around trying my best to scare up just one Organic Frigate. I went to my Pirate freighters bridge, thought better of taking my Capital ship in first, and short teleported to the Hangar Bay, jumped into a new Sentinel starship, launched, then opened the Galaxy Map. I chose a nearby Pirate controlled system. And, jumped. Arrived smack in the middle of a big battle, with a Pirate Dreadnought attacking a big Venator Resurgent freighter. Aw, why not... I flew right to the rear of the Pirate, shot up all its warp engines, then eased up into the Shield Gen channels, blew all of those out, got the message to go get or destroy the Pirate ship....as usual, ya have to dock in its landing bay just to see what class it is and all that. I did, saw it was a C and that one lost out instantly. I flew out and shot it to bits. Then, just for giggles, I thought to check out that big ol Resurgent. I have two in other saved games, but alas, never an S Class. When I landed, I used F to check the deck for its info. What?! An S class??!! COOL! I exited, called in my Pirate Freighter, landed back in the Resurgent, ran up to the command deck (it's forward!) (ha!) and I was gonna buy it outright. BUT the game has other ideas. It let me trade mine for this one. Oh gee, a B class loaded up at 193 millions for this S class at 23 millions? HECK YES IT'S A DEAL! Units. Nanites. Quicksilver. I gots them! I now also have a lovely S Class Resurgent level Venator type Freighter! FINALLY! I HAVE ONE! Yeah all it takes is just stumbling on one, lucky as THAT! LOL! Thanks for listening in folks, this was fun!
I finally GOT ONE! Yaaaay ME! :oD
submitted by THE-McGrandpa to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:41 delicaterse Probably one of the worst reviews for an adjunct professor I’ve seen…

Probably one of the worst reviews for an adjunct professor I’ve seen…
Major L to the students who took INST152 in Spring 2024 for a “chill” gened. 🪦
submitted by delicaterse to UMD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:40 Late_night_awry Hit 70 in remix

AMA I Decided I would push until I hit 70. Leveled a monk. Took me 13 hours and 53 minutes. I regret every decision that lead to this decision. I loved remix. Was a ton of fun. The level progression was crazy fast and I felt so powerful. Until I hit 60. I leveled from 10-60 in the same amount of time it took me to get from 61-70. Maybe even less. Also what's up with dungeon scaling? 99% of the time I get hit, I get one shot. Some bosses take forever to kill, while others are a 30 second pump. Feels bad when low level healers are out dosing you too lol.
Tldr; remix was great. I won't be doing it again for awhile. Dungeon scaling broken.
I'll answer any questions tomorrow, ima go pass out thanks
submitted by Late_night_awry to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:39 Ilike-questions Ark level system explained

Sometimes I come in here and see people saying stuff like "are my tames high enough level for bosses/caves?" or "is level x okay?" Ark levels are pretty confusing and misleading and since the game never ever explains them, I thought it would be useful to explain how it all works:
Firstly, ark levels are the sum total of each point number in your creature stats. Let say your dodo only has 10 points in HP and 10 points in food, that dodo is, thus, level 20. So while a higher level creature is stronger normally unless some rare causes of RNG, it doesn't mean it always good/best you can have and get. A level 150 wild rex can have melee points as high as 40 or as low as 10. So, level is not a clear or a good way to know if your tame is good or not.
With that said, you should always aim to get the highest level of whatever tame you desire. The higher the wild tame level, the more post-tame levels are, which are an RNG roll. Just because you found a 150 rex with 40 points in melee, doesn't mean that stat is getting many levels post tame, however it is pretty safe since you get extra 60 levels via taming with kibble/mutton.
With that explained and to answer the "is my X level boss dino good for a boss?", your 300 level rex may not be ready at all for a beta/alpha boss, it can have anything from 50 points in melee/hp to just 20 and stats have to be shown and calculated.
"How do I know how many points my tame has?"
The most easy way to use is mod added spy glasses, soul trap/cyropod mods and the tool https://www.dododex.com/stat-calculatorex
"Should I care to only tame high level/stat creatures?"
Not really, imo there is a ranking from most important to least:
-Bosses, imo if you are going for beta/alpha you really should care to take your time and breed and tame the best to ensure you keep the armies. Let alone saddles, there is no need to rush unless you know what are you doing or using something broken/powerful.
-Caves/gathering, depends on the gathering rates/stack mods. Caves can be pretty hard and a strong cave mount is highly important. Gathering on lower rates to official as important as well if not more.
-Travel mounts, imprinting alone does wonders and leveling them up a lot will save you on most but few maps.
-kibble egg pairs and females for breeding for mutations. And also creatures with abilities that make them good no matter the level, like your very first argy and the carry ability.
submitted by Ilike-questions to ARK [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:37 lyssam229 Is this a good email to send to the DA and police department about the way I feel concerning the treatment of my SA case 6 years ago?

***** I am mainly sending this because I want my evidence back and because I’m pissed that the police department allowed this to happen with next to 0 consequences. Names and identifying info redacted. Let me know if I should change anything, I genuinely am thinking about sending this to whoever I can find emails for at my local PD.
To Whomever This May Concern,
My name is *. I am 21 years old and am a recent graduate of the University *. I have made the difficult decision to write this letter because I am truly disgusted and horrified by the manner in which ** County, the ***** Police Department, and the Child Advocacy Center of *****, NY handled my allegations of rape, sexual assault, and stalking that were filed in 2019. I have allowed myself to move on and grow from this atrocious act that has significantly impacted my life, but my development as a functional, healthy adult has been drastically hindered due to the treatment and negligent investigation into this case.
I would like to describe my story in order to fully convey my frustrations. When I was fifteen years old in late July of 2018, just after my freshman year of high school, I began babysitting the child of a thirty-six-year-old man who my family and I knew quite well and had considered a family friend since I can remember. The premise of the childcare was to assist this man with daily tasks regarding his three-year-old daughter. The man in question was unemployed, but had a difficult time caring for his autistic child alone due to his anger issues, as recognized by the Department of Social Services.
When I began working for this family, the man in question, ****** (*) was in the home at all times in which I was present in the home. The events that led up to the detrimental and life-changing abuse that I experienced are too difficult to describe in one email. To summarize, this man groomed me, sexually assaulted me, and raped me on several occasions in his home over the course of six months. ** sexually abused me in his home, at my home, and in a vehicle. He bragged to his close friends, and specifically, his neighbor ***** and friend ****** about the things he had done to me. These witnesses were willing to comply with any investigation at the time of these events, but were not ever asked to answer questions. In addition, this man isolated me from family and friends, threatened to murder my entire family, and stalked me for a year after I ceased contact with him, which included 5+ drives by my home daily, waiting outside of my place of employment, and cyberstalking. This man used hard drugs in front of me and forced me to participate in and witness several illegal acts. I cannot convey with strong enough language, the impact that these events had on me as a naïve and innocent teenager. He genuinely ruined my life and I deal with the effects every single day.
These events have seriously impacted my development into an adult, and hindered my growth on levels that the recipient of this email may not comprehend. During the end of my relationship with this individual, I had realized that this situation was extremely unsafe and had attempted to break contact. He threatened suicide as a punishment if I left him, so I agreed to meet with him at ******** high school in the mornings after I had gotten off the bus, as I was not yet old enough to drive myself. He forced me to remain in his vehicle from 8am until 9:30am during school hours for multiple days in a row. Several times during these meetings, in the parking lot of the school, he sexually abused me and at other times, drove at dangerous speeds with me in the vehicle on Route 8 in *******. School officials and police officers were well aware of these events after my whereabouts during several of these mornings had been discovered. This individual was then arrested on charges of endangering the welfare of a child but was released on bond the very next day. After much difficulty and explaining, I was granted with a temporary restraining order, which did not stop his advances. To this day, when I return to my hometown to visit family, I am afraid for my safety as I have to see this man in public at a gas station or at a local restaurant.
After a few months, in 2019, I had realized that I wanted to tell my story and that I wanted this man to be held accountable for what he had put me through. At just 16 years old, I went through a series of interviews held at the Child Advocacy Center in ***, NY, which only further traumatized me. A female officer involved with my case made me feel as if I had brought this onto myself due to the sympathy I felt for my abuser and the guilt that I felt about everything that had occurred. To clarify, I was a victim of abuse as a child and did not fully comprehend the extent of said abuse. The female officer was unwilling to recognize that I was a vulnerable, disadvantaged child who did not have the means to advocate for myself. Another male officer, Detective **** collected evidence from me, including an expensive necklace given to me by my abuser with, to my knowledge, a value of $3,000, as well as a letter from him where he confessed his love and relationship with me. He looked me in the eye and promised that I would receive justice. This officer never contacted me again after the interview. If nothing is going to be done about this rage-filled, aggressive, and dangerous pedophile, I would like the necklace and letter back that was entered into evidence in 2019.
I will never understand how a person can be subjected to such atrocious and vile acts, and nothing will be done about it. I am not a religious person, but I wake up every single morning praying that he has not found another victim to control and destroy. I pray for his family, especially his child, and I pray for those who have to encounter him. I pray for myself and my family, as my case has been dismissed and invalidated time and time again by the ***** police department. I pray that no other girl or woman has to experience the things I did, nor has to grow up so quickly the way I did. The treatment of this case taught me that I cannot rely on law enforcement, or on those who are supposed to protect me. I hope that my statements throughout this email encourages more thorough investigations into cases like mine. Women and girls need to be protected fiercely, strongly, and wholeheartedly. I was not provided with further resources to assist with my mental health during this time. The town I have grown up in and have always loved is forever tainted as the place where my life was ruined.
Today, as a strong, accomplished, and college-educated woman, I am extremely disappointed with the way my trauma and physical safety was dismissed by the ***** police department, ***** County as a whole, and the Child Advocacy Center of ******, NY. I will no longer be silenced by fear. I will say his name, as the guilt and shame I have experienced is not mine to bear. I am not looking for retribution, I am simply asking that you dedicate resources to believing victimized women and offering bare minimum, necessary support to women like me in the future.
Thank you for your time,
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2024.05.17 09:33 CanWatk Should I pursue Sport Management or continue in medicine?

My concerns/issues:
I’m about to start my sophomore year of undergrad as a Biomedical Sciences major at a large university. I’ve been super interested in the human body and medicine for years. In high school, I was president of the Health Science committee and earned a license as a clinical medical assistant. I was top of my class and didn’t struggle a bit with academics. The transition to college was rough for me though. I ended up getting a C in basic Chem and Calc 1 even though I’ve made A’s in both those courses during dual credit in high school. One issue that bothers me is that the classes have around 200-600 students on average. It’s hard to hear professors and feel like your problems are being answered. I’ve started questioning my future and found that I am not super passionate in pursuing medical school, but it is still something I want to/can do and something I feel like I need to go through with. Keep in mind for later that surgery is something I find fascinating and would love to do.
This past semester, I started researching alternate careers or different paths that I’d be interested in. I discovered a Sport Management degree that I can finish in a shorter amount of time than I would finish my Biomedical Sciences degree in. If I switch to this degree, I would most likely try to become an athletic director at a collegiate level. I love everything about sports and college football/baseball. This seems like something I would love to do. There would be less schooling, less tuition, no grad school. If I change my mind later on, I can still use this degree to get a Master’s in Kinesiology and go to PT school — kind of a mix of medicine and sports.
The one thing holding me back is feeling like I failed. If I switch into Sport Management, I’d practically be giving up on years of dreaming of med school and becoming a doctor. Med school is by far more difficult. This major is going to be way easier than Biomedical Sciences and I think it would make me feel like I’m wasting my time. I know I’m smart enough for medicine… just don’t know if I want to stick it out. If I go to Sport Management route, surgery is off the table given that I at least do PT.
Possible Solution:
I could try to transfer to a smaller school with smaller class sizes after the spring semester. If I do this, I’d stay on the med route. This might help with getting a better understanding of material in class & help to better focus.
I apologize for the length of this post. I’m just very conflicted and feel like this is a huge, life-changing decision for me to make since this is the last year I’ll be able to change my major. If any of y’all have been in this same situation, I would very much appreciate if you could share how you handled it. Thank you.
submitted by CanWatk to careeradvice [link] [comments]
