Ventilator concept map


2021.07.10 04:24 AustinSlayer227 FortniteMapConcept

A place to share map concepts for Fortnite: Battle Royale

2012.12.08 06:17 WinterAnomaly Imaginary Maps - Your source for fictional maps.

Imaginary Maps! Share maps you have made of alternate history, fantasy, sci-fi or anything really! Join our Discord server here:

2020.11.08 18:12 Nathaniel-FSI Earth2

Earth 2 is a futuristic concept for a second earth; a metaverse, between virtual and physical reality in which real-world geolocations on a sectioned map correspond to user generated digital virtual environments. These environments can be owned, bought, sold, and in the near future deeply customized.

2024.05.17 12:18 Revolutionary-Sky758 Effective Means of Boosting Your College Grades: study Smarter, Not Harder

As a college student, academic success is a top priority. College can be both exhilarating and challenging, with juggling coursework, social activities, and perhaps a part-time job feeling overwhelming at times. However, achieving high grades is attainable with the right strategies and mindset. Here are some effective ways to excel academically.

1. Time Management is Key

One of the most critical aspects of succeeding in college is managing your time efficiently. Here are a few tips to help you stay on top of your schedule:

2. Active Participation in Classes

Attending classes regularly and actively participating can significantly impact your understanding and retention of the material. Here’s how you can make the most out of your classes:

3. Effective Study Techniques

Studying smarter, not harder, is crucial. Here are some study techniques that can enhance your learning:

4. Utilize Campus Resources

Many colleges offer resources that can aid your academic performance. Make sure to take advantage of them:

5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Your physical and mental well-being directly impact your academic performance. Here are some tips to stay healthy:

6. Stay Motivated and Set Goals

Setting clear, achievable goals can keep you motivated throughout the semester. Here’s how to stay on track:

7. Test Preparation Strategies

Ace those exams with effective preparation:

8. Collaborate with Peers

Study groups can be beneficial:


By incorporating these strategies into your college routine, you can improve your academic performance and ensure your grades soar. Remember, success in college is not just about intelligence but also about adopting effective habits and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. In addition, you can also join our community at 911papers_homworkhelp for more tips or need help, and also to connect with other students who share similar academic experiences.
submitted by Revolutionary-Sky758 to 911papers_homworkhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:15 kagajifula Something new to do this Sunday to meet new ppl.

Something new to do this Sunday to meet new ppl. submitted by kagajifula to Bhubaneswar [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:07 NotXesa Does anyone know the name of this specific PKMS?

Hi all, I'm having trouble finding an app/service for mind mapping that I just saw somewhere in Reddit a while ago. I will describe as much as I remember and hope that someone knows it!
It was a tool for mind mapping, but not the typical ones where you can create, move and edit blocks and connections with a graphic UI. It was all done by writing down stuff and making the connections by placing a symbol between concepts. Something like Parent concept > Child concept.
Then, the app would make the concept map in some sort of 3D space, where all the concepts were floating and moving around, and if you hovered or clicked one of the concepts it would show all the child concepts attached to it.
I also remember it was all in dark mode, with a fancy vibe to it. Really nice font, soft shapes...
I think the name of it was something including "brain" or "mind", but I'm not sure.
submitted by NotXesa to PKMS [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:02 where_money The reward system based on difficulty and map size should be completely overhauled

Maybe it's subjective, but I feel that a reward system based on map size, and difficulty setting, is not even remotely adequate.
Most people when they want to farm XP and money play Tanglewood with some custom settings that they consider the best ratio of investigation time, risk and reward.
So why not give a bigger bonus for bigger maps?
First, just three map size categories is a pretty weird concept.
Although it's all a "small map", investigations at farm houses will take much longer on average than at Tanglewood.
I think there should be at least 5 or 6 map size categories. And the rewards on the largest maps should be about triple compared to the smallest maps.
In terms of rewards, professional difficulty is much more viable than nightmare and higher difficulty.
Sure, you can get lucky and even on the highest difficulty identify a ghost almost instantly, but on average a nightmare or insanity takes a lot more effort and risk than a porfessional.
Reducing the number of evidence a ghost gives should have a bigger impact on the reward multiplier than it does now.
Sure, I don't play just for the rewards, and sometimes I play settings and maps that are fun, even if the rewards are pretty small. But why not try to balance the game so that the reward is more in line with the effort and risk?
submitted by where_money to PhasmophobiaGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:58 TheRealBlueBuff Distribution hub, subterrainian.

Distribution hub, subterrainian.
This is a major plot relevant room in my current homebrew DnD campaign. Its 2 maps designed to be flipped between in Roll20. This is an undiscovered technological marvel; a rapid distribution system undergrounf. The quarter circle sectoons have launching mechanisms for creatures and cargo, a derelict rail network and launching station in the middle. First image is when its dormant, second is reactivated.
I dont really like the lack of detail on the surrounding ground, but I needed to hit a v1 of this concept or id never finish.
submitted by TheRealBlueBuff to inkarnate [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:19 Adventurous-Proof249 Exam on 27th, scared as hell, need help

I’m gearing up to take my PMP exam soon and am reaching out to all of you amazing PMP-certified professionals and those currently studying for the exam. I’ve been studying hard and going through the PMBOK guide, but I know there’s nothing like the personalized notes, insights, and handy cheat sheets from those who have successfully navigated the PMP journey.
Whether it’s summarizations, mind maps, key concepts, quick reference guides, or practice questions – every little bit helps. If you have any notes, cheat sheets, or resources that were particularly helpful to you, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share them. Your insights will not only assist me but also benefit many others in this community who are on the same path.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Best regards
submitted by Adventurous-Proof249 to pmp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:16 Maleficent-Foot4913 My Dream Balance Changes

Balance changes wishlist
Piper: super charge nerfed from 3 shots (at max range) to 4 shots. Super recharge rate given from super reduced from 20% (5 hits) to 15%
Melodie: super charge decreased from 4 hits to 5 hits; there is now a cooldown of 1 second before you can use another 1/3rd of her super (reason: she's way too fast with her 3 supers so this should encourage her concept and not just allow her to cross the whole map in a second, since this is not what the 3-super idea was about. Either way I'm not too sure about this change)
Angelo: now can be spotted in bushes; now cannot keep the attack charge forever, but after 5 seconds of keeping a fully charged shot it will release automatically (like Hank); now cannot cross water (reason: why the fuck is he able to do that and how does that accomplish his archetype ?)
As you can see I hate Angelo and Melodie >;)
Sandy: Hypercharge rate decreased by 20%
Nita: hypercharge rate decreased by 15%
Rico: super REcharge (given by super) reduced from 9.25% to 7.75% (back to normal); Multiball Louncher damage per ball reduced from 1024 to 921
Kit: removing the showdown sp, replacing it with "Little Brat": Kit now gets a 50% shield when attached to an enemy with his super
Nani: damage per orb increased from 1480 to 1520 (they killed her with that nerf)
Doug: healing per attack increased from 1200 to 1480.
Janet (hot take) range increased by one tile (she's supposed to be a marksman-controller but right now she gets hard countered by outrange. We need a way to alleviate that)
submitted by Maleficent-Foot4913 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:53 Rotmgmoddy Tower Defense Mission requires more polishing; Buggy and not worthwhile

Hi all, slapping a TL;DR here in case my essay below is too long: Chance of mission to fail due to gamebreaking glitch, coupled with issues of unfairness and reward vs time, make tower defense missions a chore to play through
To start off, I don't hate the concept of a tower defense mission. When a mission is running smoothly without glitches on a bug planet, that's where this mission shines in terms of fun and engagement...the most, at least. Unfortunately in several other cases, this is far from reality and the mission has several glaring problems that make this a frustrating experience.
1) Inconsistency/Complete halting of rocket launches [Glitch] The mission features 8 rockets that launch over time that serve as a progress indicator to how far into the defense mission you are in. You would think that the rocket launches are tied to the mission timer or an internal clock, but it is widely inconsistent for some odd reason. I've had missions that have ended with 12 minutes on the clock, and missions that have ended with 3 minutes left.
If the inconsistencies weren't bad enough, there's a glitch that tends to happen when someone leaves midway that causes the rockets to stop launching, causing essentially an inevitable mission fail. The problem is, you would have no idea if this was actually happening, because I've had times where the mission eventually resumed after 3 minutes of silence, and times where it never resumes at all. This glitch is really what kills the experience for me
2) Gates are one-shotted by chargers and tanks [Gameplay] It just seems a bit weird that gates are a core mechanic in this mission, and yet as soon as even a single charger or tank executes an attack on the gate, it falls apart in one-shot. Meanwhile gates can hold off for a relatively long time against anything weaker than these 2, so why is there such a massive sharp dip in durability past the chargers and hulks? I understand a bile titan or factory strider accomplishing this, but these are the only 2 exceptions because they are large units. You might as well remove gates altogether if they are instantly going to be destroyed by the first charger or tank to touch them.
3) Severe lackluster of rewards vs time [Gameplay] I get it, we play to have fun, but I think a good majority of us also play to get some form of reward for our hard work too, and frankly speaking, defense missions don't accomplish that at all. Their XP payout is simply the worst in the game, and there is nothing to collect; Samples, Super Credits, etc.. You reach the result screen and it just feels so...anticlimatic after you've busted out all your guns for 10 - 20 minutes just to see less than 500xp earned on your screen.
4) Clear Unfairness against Bots [Gameplay] As mentioned in my intro statement, this mission shines the most on a bug planet because it feels like it was made for it. Unfortunately, similar to the evacuation mission, it just feels like the mission was copy-pasted into the bot planets with no consideration to the very much different threats and circumstances to play against. You've probably heard of sufficient horror stories in regards to this; Bots dropping on the landing zone which is right next to the generators, factory striders sniping the generators from across the map, the skillset specification of stealth for bots not being considered and being expected to fight them head on just like bugs...just to name a few.
Anyways these are probably the 4 main issues I have with this mission type, so much so that I genuinely despise this mission and hate to see it on my campaign because it's just not fun to deal with a buggy mission that seems so....primitive oddly enough. Definitely needs more work done on it, I wouldn't mind if it disappeared for a few months just to polish it further, because it feels like a beta-test mission.
submitted by Rotmgmoddy to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:36 Edythir Weapon Durability, my thoughts.

Yes, I know. This topic has been discussed to death and there are haters and lovers on both sides but as someone really into game design I thought I would leave my two cents on weapon durability, it's state (at least in 3 houses), where it works, there it doesn't work and how to potentially make it better.
A lot of this game's weapons, especially the Sword of the Creator, falls on the Megaelixir Problem to a minor extent. To those unfamiliar with the term, it describes when the game gives you a megaelixir which will restore all hp and mp of one character and you typically only get one. Which leads to the thinking of "I don't need it right now, there must surely be a harder battle it is used for" and before long the game is over and you didn't use your megaelixir because "There must be a better moment", this is also present in other forms such as Master Balls, etc. The second topic I want to talk about, albeit later on in this post, is about knowledge of the game's system of resources by the average player.
In most cases, durability is a mild annoyance. I start a battle, check my inventory, if I have around 20 ish durability left I got into battle, if I have any much more than that I repair or replace. You can make a Silver Sword+ with only smithing stones (and for some reason it has 50% more might than The Sword of the Creator? with more than twice the durability). Repairing is dirt cheap, as early as chapter 5 or 6 I could buy 99 smithing stones and still have a good portion left over, rendering the problem of repairing moot. Now it only really takes time away from gameplay and breaks up the flow because before every battle I need to inspect my equipment, repair it if it is low enough and do nothing if it's alright. For regular weapons, your steels and your irons, even some other weapons such as killer edges (and other weapons you can buy the materials for) it's reduced to a mild annoyance.
For other weapons, especially the sword of the creator, you never want to use it. You restore 5 durability on a Rest. Which aside from being pitifully little, especially for such a weak sword before it gets it's upgrade. You can repair it with Umbral Steel but a lot of people do not have a clue on how to get it while others will powerfarm beasts to armor break them and get the stones. And if you somehow get 99 of them, isn't the system again just reduced to a mild annoyance and a timesink that puts a pause on the rest of the experience?
Now let's return to player knowledge again. Specifically player's knowledge of the game's resource systems. Let's take Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, especially the latter. The game trains you to see that certain enemies carry certain weapons and always drop the same things. Some enemies might be rarer but there are ways on how to track them down and ways of farming them. So if you want a weapon made from x and y, you know exactly where to get it, if you want to replace it, assuming it didn't come from a chest, you know how to replace it. You are more comfortable using your stronger weapons more frequently because you don't fear using your rare, unreplacable items when there might be a better time and place to use them instead. An even then you might be anxious when you see a stronger enemy because you don't think you have enough weapons. You can easily go through 3 to 5 weapons and break every single one of them killing an enemy that gives you 1 or 2 weapons back, which while strong, yes. Often doesn't feel worth it.
Now contrast that with 3H. You are told that Umbral Steel is used for hero relics which sounds strong, you also only really encounter it in quest rewards and randomly when breaking the armor off of enemies you have no means of consistently spawning since the free battles have random maps and random enemies, even then it's not a monster drop, it's a mechanic drop which might lead you to killing the monster before you break it and thus getting nothing. So repairing the sword is out of the picture because your conception of Umbral Steel when you begin is that it is rare and you're going to want to use it on something really strong (which also needs to be repaired so you likely won't use it). You are also told that you can rest to restore... 5. Durability. One fourth. About half of one weapon art. If you have 3 free days, 1 is spent in battle and one is spent exploring, finishing side quests, eating dinner to boost motivation to max, bonding giving gifts, etc etc. The brunt of the game and what you can do is really in exploring so in the Academy phase you feel compelled to do it as often as possible because you get 15 advantages from doing so and the only advantage to rest is "+50 motivation for free" which you might as well take 5 minutes and get +100 motivation in explore as well which also lets you level up your skills in a method other than fighting, also is the most consistant way of increasing supports.
So you have powerful weapons you never use because their durability is very limited and there is always a better chance to use them unless you are replaying this game on a new game + or are very familiar and comfortable with the series. And even if you know how to get all the resources perfectly this system is just a minor annoyance because any restriction it provided is gone and now only serves to slow you down and halt the pace. Which for many players is such a turnoff that they might drop the game entirely.
The biggest argument for it is that the resource management makes you prioritize and choose which weapons you want to use at which time with which enemies, using your stronger resources for your stronger fights etc. But if your resources feel like a non-renewable resource you're more than likely just going to go with basic things too unsure of if you can ever replenish the strong ones. Resource Management only works when you have knowledge of how to replenish your resources.
This is also why Magic is so good in this game. You get given a bunch of resources, told "These have debuffs, these have longer range but lower damage, these have limited uses, higher power but fewer uses and all of them recharge after each battle". If some cost HP to use? You monitor your HP, it recharges after the battle. If some inflict a status on you? Cool, you can manage and work around that. You have all the information you need to make an informed decision and can plan around that. There's no magic you look at and go "Nah, too rare. Not worth it"
So, what can be done about this? While I haven't played Fates, I hear they did away with this system and instead had drawbacks. The common consensus I see is that silvers were useless and legendaries were too powerful. Though I would personally rather feel like I am too powerful and if I so chose could limit myself against using powerful items if I wanted a challenge. To some, this is a story game, to others, this is a strategy game. To tell one party "You can't enjoy the story because the gameplay gets in the way" is to lose a part of your playerbase. Those who want a challenge will seek it out themselves even if it doesn't exist, that's literally why the speedrunning community exists, the ethos of what strategy can I use to become better, striving to improve yourself. Not being allowed to enjoy the story because the obtuse systems that aren't clearly explained for you get in the way is only enjoyable for those that like figuring out obtuse systems.
This game already has "Drawbacks" on certain weapons, relics that deal damage to crestless characters and only characters of the correct crest can use the weapon art. Which is a good start but the durability can still be an issue.
So as for solutions? There are different ways. You can reward the player for engaging in systems they are already doing. Such as restoring 5 durability if you have a Perfect Teatime? Restoring all durability if you rest so it doesn't feel like a punishment. Yes, I know people rest a lot in repeat playthroughs or in the war phase. But to players playing their first route seeing only a quarter come back per rest makes them never want to use it because that's vanishingly little for a high price.
What about having drawbacks or debuffs? If you attack with this weapon, you cannot move this or the next round. Useful if you know you're going to hunker down and stand your ground or if this is the final blow. But is going to hit you back hard if used carelessely. Or it inflicts a status debuff? If you use a particular weapon or a skill you get poisoned so you have to deal with it or cure it.
The game should make it clear how you can get more durability without it feeling like a punishment or give you all of the knowledge up front and beforehand if it wants you to use all of it's resources. Otherwise people aren't going to bother because the risk of using it at the wrong time will seem too high
submitted by Edythir to FireEmblemThreeHouses [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:32 Thelostmind912 A Quick guide to Copywriting with examples

This has really helped me, I hope it helps you too. Do let me know what you think.
Summary with Examples from "A Self-Help Guide for Copywriters" by Dan Nelken
Main Idea: The book is a comprehensive resource designed to help copywriters enhance their skills in creating compelling headlines and developing creative confidence. It provides practical advice and techniques for improving the writing process, generating ideas, and crafting effective headlines.
Essential Points:
  1. Creative Process:
    • Think First, Write Second: Emphasizes the importance of planning and brainstorming before writing.
      • Example: Nelken suggests taking time to map out ideas and concepts before putting pen to paper, ensuring a clear direction and stronger end result.
    • Create and Fill Buckets: Encourages organizing ideas into different categories or "buckets" and consistently adding new ideas to these buckets.
      • Example: Use a "bucket" for potential headline themes, like humor or urgency, and continually add relevant ideas as they come.
    • Rinse and Repeat: Stresses the importance of continually refining and iterating on ideas.
      • Example: Nelken advises revisiting and revising drafts multiple times to polish and enhance the content.
    • Look for Relatable Truths: Suggests finding universal truths that resonate with the audience.
      • Example: A headline like "We all dread Monday mornings" taps into a common experience, making it relatable.
    • Benefit of a Benefit: Focuses on understanding and highlighting the deeper benefits of a product or service.
      • Example: Instead of just saying "Our product saves time," explain the deeper benefit: "More time to spend with family."
    • Asking Unique Questions: Advises asking unconventional questions to spark creativity.
      • Example: "What if our product could talk? What stories would it tell?" helps generate creative, engaging content.
  1. Headline Techniques:
    • Sack the Competition: Creating headlines that stand out from competitors.
      • Example: Instead of a generic "Best Coffee in Town," use "Why Our Coffee Beats the Rest Every Morning."
    • Embrace Your Dirt: Being honest and transparent to build trust with the audience.
      • Example: "Our coffee isn't for everyone—just those who love bold, rich flavors."
    • Less is More: Using concise language to make headlines impactful.
      • Example: "Fast, Fresh, Delivered" conveys a strong message with minimal words.
    • More is More: Sometimes, being elaborate can be more effective.
      • Example: "Discover the Complex Flavors and Aromas of Our Single-Origin Coffee, Roasted to Perfection."
    • Current Events: Leveraging current events to make headlines relevant and timely.
      • Example: "Start Your Day Right with Our Limited Edition Winter Spice Latte."
    • Twisted Visuals and Straight Lines: Combining creative visuals with straightforward text.
      • Example: A visual of a coffee cup tipping over with the headline, "Don't Let Mondays Spill Over—Get Energized with Us."
    • Manipulate Language: Playing with letters, words, or punctuation for effect.
      • Example: "Get a 'Latte' Love in Every Cup."
    • Product Inspiration: Drawing inspiration directly from the product.
      • Example: "Brewed to Perfection, Just for You."
    • 180-Degree Thinking: Approaching ideas from completely opposite perspectives.
      • Example: Instead of "The Best Coffee," try "Why Bad Coffee is Ruining Your Day—Switch to the Best."
    • Specificity: Being specific to increase the clarity and impact of headlines.
      • Example: "Experience the Rich Flavor of Ethiopian Sidamo Coffee."
    • Saving the Punch for the End: Building up to a strong ending in headlines.
      • Example: "Wake Up to the Best Part of Your Day—Our Coffee."
  2. Types of Headlines:
    • List and Twist: Combining lists with unexpected elements.
      • Example: "5 Reasons Our Coffee is Better—and 1 Shocking Fact."
    • Smile Headlines: Creating headlines that evoke a positive emotional response.
      • Example: "Start Your Day with a Smile and a Perfect Cup of Coffee."
    • Misdirect: Using misdirection to surprise and engage the reader.
      • Example: "This Isn't Just Coffee—It's an Experience."
    • Cliffhanger: Crafting headlines that leave the reader wanting more.
      • Example: "Discover the Secret Ingredient in Our Best-Selling Blend..."
    • Twisting Popular Phrases: Modifying well-known phrases or quotes.
      • Example: "Wake Up and Smell the Coffee—Literally."
    • Personification: Giving human traits to inanimate objects in headlines.
      • Example: "Our Coffee Misses You—Come Back Soon!"
    • No-Headline Headline: Creating impactful content without a traditional headline.
      • Example: A visual of a steaming cup of coffee with minimal text.
    • Exaggerate the Benefit: Amplifying the benefits to make them more appealing.
      • Example: "One Sip of Our Coffee Will Change Your Morning Routine Forever."

Author’s Intent and Tone:

Dan Nelken aims to empower copywriters by providing them with actionable strategies and techniques to improve their craft. His tone is supportive and encouraging, seeking to instill confidence and creativity in his readers.
I've attached the pdf too in case you want to access the entire book
submitted by Thelostmind912 to copywriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:28 oFIoofy here's some new map positivity, since you lot are hating on it for no reason lol

here's some new map positivity, since you lot are hating on it for no reason lol
here are a few things I LOVE about the map! and I know the loading is an issue, so keep your loaing comments away!
1. the design. what more can I say? just look at it! it looks beautiful, and it's so cool to see where the islands are in the monster world! I love it!
2. the icons. do you have any idea how useful it is to see when things are done, rather than having to actively GO to every island to check? 10/10 idea! huge quality of life upgrade!
3. the side bar. you're all complaining about how the map is slow, but quickly scrolling down the side bar is super efficient! way more efficient than scrolling for hours along the plain ring!
4. the transitions. yeah, these really aren't practical in terms of saving a few seconds in time, but can we just appreciate how amazing they are? especially when you're flipping between the mirror islands! I love this concept so much!
I'm sure there are more, but these are the main ones! I'm obsessed with this update and I think the devs did an ASTOUNDING job (besides the loading)! huge props to whoever the designer was!
on a side note, can we stop complaining about it? we know it takes a bit of time to load. but that will probably be optimised in future updates.
submitted by oFIoofy to MySingingMonsters [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:24 aussiegolfer New Map: Longest Road of Every Country

Hi all, me and my friends have made a new map that we thought had a cool concept: the longest road of every country that has streetview! Some roads are long boring highways, some roads are cool mountainous-region-crossing spaghetti strands, and some are in between. We'd love if you gave it a go and let us know what you think!
Some notes: if the road has the same label on google maps we considered it as the same road (for example E-roads in Europe or the AH2 in Thailand). If a road is "known" we considered it as the same road (for example the Trans-Siberian Highway, or the Monaco Formula 1 circuit). To work out the number of locations we took the square root of the road length, so Australia's 14,500km ring road has 121 locations, and we gave the smallest roads a floor of 5 locations so they would have some representation.
In the map description is a google docs link that has the names of all contributors, thank you to them for the work choosing the locations!
Here's the link, and a few challenge links! moving no moving no moving panning or zooming
submitted by aussiegolfer to geoguessr [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:07 VonBagel Killer Concept: The Glutton

Killer Concept: The Glutton
The source of the pic is here! It's not exactly what I had in mind, but it's certainly close enough to give people a rough idea. In my mind, the Glutton's mouth splits it all the way down vertically, opening into a tooth-filled cavity. Between the gums and lips of this mouth, horrid multi-jointed arms slide out to grab things and yank them into the grinding maw. The more I've stared at this picture, the more I've grown to like the cleaver as a weapon; it's cliche, but it's cliche for a reason, dammit, it WORKS! And the Glutton's left arm is a grotesque bone-hook.
... Hm. Y'know, sometimes, you have to look deep inside yourself and wonder what your fucking problem is. This will be the third killer I've made that's themed around eating survivors, but only the second I've actually posted to this sub. I should cut back on it before anyone starts making jokes, but I think being eaten (mostly) alive is one of the worst fates that can befall someone, so I like using it as horror.
This is also another of my attempts at making a killer which could have a difficulty rating of "Easy," something I've found to legitimately be more challenging than making a killer with a complex, Singularity-length kit, likely owing to how verbose I get and how much I enjoy precise numbers. I LIKE complex ideas, I like pushing boundaries of what's possible in the game, and every new killer that gets released which does exactly that (Vecna's spell wheel is making my head spin with possibility) causes new ideas to course through me. So, have a guy who does two things: eat pallets, and eat people.
115% speed, 32 meter terror radius, Tall height (Nemesis height)
--Power: Great Maw. The Glutton's power starts the trial at 0 charges. It gains 1 charge passively every 8 seconds, 2 charges per second while in chase, 10 charges when it breaks an pallet or wall, and 20 if it hits a survivor with its basic attack. Upon amassing 60 charges, the Glutton's maw splits its body with a loud audio cue as it begins to slaver and growl, signifying to everyone that the power is fully charged. While the Great Maw is charged, the Glutton's hand-mouths will reach from its torso towards whatever survivor it's in chase with; this is purely cosmetic and cannot be seen from the killer's POV.
Holding the ability button causes the Glutton to raise its hook-arm into the air and widen its maw, during which it's slowed by 10%. Releasing the button causes the Glutton to briefly stand in place and lash its hook-arm 8m directly in front of it. This hook can hit over obstacles and shorter terrain pieces, and can target survivors on different elevations if aimed up or down. If the hook impacts a healthy survivor, that survivor is injured and pulled 2m closer to the killer, and Great Maw loses 20 charges as the Glutton is briefly slowed, licking the blood off the hook over 2.5 seconds. If the hook impacts a breakable wall or dropped pallet, the impediment is pulled into the maw and devoured over the course of a 1.8 second animation, and Great Maw loses 10 charges. If the hook misses or hits terrain, Great Maw loses 15 charges.
If the hook impacts an injured survivor, the injured survivor is pulled through all intervening obstacles and into the Great Maw and entrapped. An entrapped survivor is held within the killer's stomach, battered by the hazards within as their sacrificial meter ticks down, potentially killing them if they can't get out. While a survivor is entrapped, the Maw cannot gain charges, and its charges begin to drain at a rate of 1/s, and when the charges reach 0, the survivor pulls themselves from the maw and escapes, an action which briefly stuns the Glutton and causes it to lose all collision for 5 seconds. A survivor escaping the Maw gains all the benefits of being freed from a hook. Survivors can accelerate the speed they escape the terrible situation by fighting back out, which involves a sequence of directional inputs akin to disabling Skull Merchant's drones. Each correct input they put in drains charges, but missing them adds charges, potentially trapping them for even longer--maybe even enough to progress to the next hook stage! Other survivors can also accelerate how quickly their trapped ally escapes the Maw; just being nearby helps, but blinding it and especially stunning it helps even more.
A survivor who reaches their third and final sacrificial stage while in the Maw, or if they are pulled in when they are on their final hook state, is treated to a special mori and perishes, and the Maw's charges fully refresh. If a survivor is reduced to the dying state while the Maw is available to use, the Glutton may entrap the survivor without needing to hit them with
--BORING NUMBERS/DETAILS: Each successful input when fighting back out reduces the Maw's charge by 1 (for a total of 5 per successful string), but failing an input causes the string to turn red and vanish, adding 2 charges to the Maw per input remaining (so missing the first input adds 8 charges, but missing the last input only adds 2), potentially trapping the survivor even longer. A new string appears 1.5 seconds after the last one vanishes, or 3 seconds if an input was missed, and they remain onscreen for 5 seconds before vanishing. Any inputs not put in by the time the string vanishes count as being missed. A survivor who allows 3 strings to vanish without making any input attempts automatically progresses to the next hook stage.
Every survivor within 8m of the Glutton while it holds a survivor in the Maw causes the Maw to lose 1 additional charge a second. If the Glutton is blinded, it loses 5 charges immediately plus 1 extra charge per second it's blind. If the Glutton is stunned, it loses 20 charges.
If the Glutton is not in chase, the aura of an entrapped survivor is periodically revealed to other survivors (every ~15 seconds) and is accompanied by a short directional audio cue, so survivors have a rough idea of where the Glutton is and where they need to go to rescue their ally. This prevents the Glutton from gobbling up a survivor and then sneaking off somewhere with stealth perks to make sure they remain trapped as long as possible.
  1. Finger Food: Great Maw loses 3 fewer charges whenever the hook is thrown out, regardless of the result.
  2. Gristle and Grime: Great Maw's passive charge is increased by 0.3.
  3. Insulting Offering: The Glutton's terror radius is reduced by 8 meters while Great Maw is fully charged.
  4. Handful of Offal: Great Maw's passive charge gain occurs 1 second sooner.
  1. Shredded Rags: Great Maw gains 10 charges if the Glutton kicks a generator.
  2. Befouled Cloth Clump: The cooldown for the Glutton's missed basic attacks is reduced by 20% when Great Maw is fully charged.
  3. Moldy Morsel: Great Maw's passive charge is increased by 0.6
  4. Unified Screams: Increase the Glutton's terror radius by 10 meters while a survivor is entrapped.
  5. Bloodstained Wood: Great Maw gains 5 additional charges when breaking pallets and walls.
  1. Salt: Great Maw gains 5 additional charges when damaging a survivor with a basic attack.
  2. Appalling Appetizer: Survivors within the Glutton's terror radius while it has a survivor entrapped have no skill check warning.
  3. Corroded Bones: Survivors missing inputs while fighting back out recharges Great Maw by 0.2 charges per miss.
  4. Blood Barrels: The Glutton recovers from hitting a survivor with its hook 0.5 seconds faster. Breakable walls are devoured by the Great Maw 0.8 seconds faster.
  5. Offal Bucket: Great Maw's passive charge gain occurs 2 seconds sooner.
  1. Barbed Bones: The bone hook inflicts hemorrhage on survivors it damages, and survivors are pulled 1.5m closer to the Glutton when hit by it.
  2. Branching Bones: Slightly widens the bone hook projectile horizontally.
  3. Choice Cuts: Damaging a survivor with a basic attack while another survivor is entrapped grants Great Maw 5 charges. Hooking a survivor while another survivor is entrapped grants Great Maw 15 charges.
  4. Bolus of Keepsakes: Each time you entrap a survivor in the Maw for the first time in a trial, this add-on gains a token, to a maximum of 4. Gain a stacking 1.5% Haste bonus for each token while not in chase.
  1. Iridescent Bone Spear: Visibly changes the Glutton's hook to a spear, which slightly narrows its hitbox. Great Maw now requires 100 charges to become fully active. A survivor struck by the spear is pulled into the Maw and entrapped automatically, even if they were healthy.
  2. Dreams of a Banquet: The Glutton has a 10% Haste bonus while not in chase while the Great Maw is fully charged.
Hungry for More: There's still more blood to spill, and you know exactly how to get it. After reducing a survivor to the dying state with a basic attack, you see the auras of any healthy survivors in your terror radius for 4 seconds. Then, Hungry for More goes on cooldown for 30 seconds.
Blood in the Air: With the smallest taste of it, you can smell it all around you. After injuring a survivor through any means, Blood in the Air becomes active for 12 seconds. During this time, you see the auras of all bloodstains in your terror radius. Then, BitA goes on cooldown for 30 seconds.
Hex: Chop Chop: Your metal can wait. There's meat to prepare. Each time you hook a survivor, a dull totem on the map ignites into a Hex Totem. Each Hex Totem curses one specific generator on the map that has not yet been completed. So long as the curse remains in place, the cursed generator has a 30% repair speed penalty. Any survivor who works on a cursed generator for 6 continuous seconds can see the location of the Hex Totem cursing it. In addition to cleansing the totem to end the curse, completing the cursed generator shatters the Hex Totem completely.
it's 4AM. I'll write up his moris in the replies tomorrow.
submitted by VonBagel to PerkByDaylight [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:43 ResideInAR Discovering the Best Girls PGs in Greater Noida

Discovering the Best Girls PGs in Greater Noida
As Greater Noida's reputation as an educational hub grows, the demand for safe and comfortable accommodation for female students has risen. While traditional girls' hostels remain a popular choice, the rise of paying guest (PG) options has provided an attractive option for many young women seeking independence and flexibility.
best girls pg in greater noida
Best girls pg in greater Noida can be daunting, but fear not, we've done the hard work to find the best PGs for girls in the area.
Located in the heart of Greater Noida, Girls PG offers a peaceful and safe environment to its residents. The spacious and well-furnished rooms have all modern comforts, such as air conditioning and high-speed Internet access. This stands out for its emphasis on community, with regular movie nights, cultural events and group trips creating a strong support network among students.
For those looking for a more independent lifestyle, Girls PG is a great choice. The rooms are designed with a focus on privacy and personal space, while common areas such as the living room and dining room encourage interaction. The PG also has a well-equipped kitchen where residents can test their culinary skills. Safety is a priority, with 24/7 security and regular inspections by an on-site guard.
This Pg Located near several renowned educational institutions, Evergreen Girls PG offers a perfect blend of convenience. The rooms are airy and well-conditioned, with enough space to meet the needs of the students. What really sets Evergreen apart is its commitment to holistic development, with regular yoga and meditation classes and career counselling workshops helping residents maintain a balanced lifestyle.
Girls PG is the perfect choice for those looking for a more luxurious experience. With modern amenities such as private bathroom, wardrobe and kitchen, the rooms are refined. PG also has a well-equipped gym, a tranquil rooftop garden and a lively common area for socializing. Despite its state-of-the-art facilities, it maintains an affordable fee structure, making it accessible to students from diverse backgrounds.
PG stands out for its unique focus on sustainability and eco-friendly living. Rooms are designed to maximize natural light and ventilation, while common areas have green and eco-friendly interiors. Residents are encouraged to participate in various environmental projects such as waste management and urban gardening. PG also regularly organizes sustainable living workshops that empower its residents to become responsible global citizens.
Since searching for the best girls pg in greater Noida can be overwhelming, these five options are a great starting point. Each PG meets the unique needs and preferences of students and offers a customized residential experience that supports their academic and personal growth.
Ultimately, the decision on which girls to opt for PG in Greater Noida should be based on careful consideration of factors such as location, amenities, security and overall community vibe. By conducting thorough research and visiting the facilities in person, students can find the perfect home away from home to help them succeed in their academic journey.
For location click to this link:
For more information read this blog also: A Home Away from Home - Girls Hostels in Greater Noida

submitted by ResideInAR to u/ResideInAR [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:51 Relative_Law_1331 Request for free coaching on Ashe. Hardstuck silver/gold

I'm looking for someone that can spare some time for free to help me improve my Ashe (and perhaps cass and sombra) gameplay. I have been as high as diamond in one previous season in OW1. I am currently Plat 5 support mainly using Ana and Illari (a bit of Bap and moira here and there). As DPS, I was hardstuck Silver 2 for a month, and finally was able to climb a bit to Gold 4, feel like I'm already getting hardstuck here again.
I feel that whenever I get put into a "pressure" game (aka loser queue), I can't get a win. Can't help but feel like a victim of the infamous forced 50/50. Whenever I win 2 or 3 in a row, it feels like you are punished with a bad team because the game wants you to be the carry. I thought this was an urban legend, but Blizz pretty much confirmed it with the May 14 patch.
I HAVE done my homework (I'd enjoy a conversation about my knowledge of the game so you can assess my level of understanding), but feel there's something that needs expert advice. Here's what I've improved on :
Here's what I feel I need to work on:
There's even been games where i get 40 - 50 kills, 15k damage, 5 - 6 deaths and still lose. In these cases, my logic tells me the fault is somewhere else, but im sure its me.
I know that there's the concept of VOD reviews, but I feel that I can get the most out of a live session where someone spectates my gameplay and gives me feedback on the fly. Let me know if you can spare some time to view my gameplay and give me some pointers. I would greatly appreciate it!
You can contact me thru DM here on reddit, reply to this post, or discord me at elkioscotv.
submitted by Relative_Law_1331 to OverwatchUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 08:34 hornetdynamics12 UX & UI Designer

UX & UI Designer
Hornet Dynamics Pvt. Ltd. offers professional UX and UI designers who specialize in creating engaging digital experiences. Their team focuses on user-centered design, combining aesthetics and practicality. They build easy interfaces that increase user happiness after doing extensive research and usability testing. Their unique strategy assures effective product launches and ongoing user engagement.
Innovative & Creative User Experience Design Services
Our extensive UI/UX design services enable you to express your creativity and innovation. We create engaging experiences for the web and mobile applications that help businesses establish a strong brand identity.
  • Data Visualization:- Our UX/UI professionals and graphic artists elevate data visualization to the next level. We specialize in transforming complex and fragmented data into clear, user-friendly displays.
  • User Research: Contrary to popular assumption, user research does not have to be expensive or time-consuming. Following rigorous user research, we guarantee that no time is wasted on features that users do not require.
  • UX Audit: As part of our comprehensive UI services, we carefully approach wireframing and prototyping, which helps you visualize complicated design concepts. This guarantees that your ideas are turned into practical, usable interfaces.
  • Data-Driven Design: Data-driven design is creating user-centric interfaces using real-world data insights. As a user interface design business, we include data into the design process to ensure that each piece has a purpose.
  • Workshops for Ideation and Prototyping: DataArt UI/UX consultants provide online and on-site seminars to assist stakeholders in developing new applications or improving current ones. These seminars include Design Thinking, Customer Journey Maps, Jobs to Be Done, and Service Blueprints.
  • Wireframing and Prototyping: Intuitive UX leads to improved conversion and customer satisfaction rates. Along with other UX services, we advocate doing frequent UX audits to improve the app’s look and user engagement.
Here are some key features of UI/UX Design
UX and UI designers focus on creating functional and visually appealing products that provide an optimal user experience. Here are 10 key features that these designers prioritize:
  1. User Research
  2. Information Architecture
  3. Interaction Design
  4. Visual Design
  5. Prototyping
  6. Usability Testing
  7. Typography
  8. Content Strategy
  9. Journey Mapping
  10. User Personas
submitted by hornetdynamics12 to u/hornetdynamics12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:54 racer1021 Massive Terraforming Project (Paid)

Hello I am looking to find help with a world the me and some friends have worked on and restarted for some years now. We are on the 7th version of the map because new updates are released and our plans get expanded and blown up. They have recently gotten out of proportions and we have great ideas but the terraforming is taking some time and distracting from our building aspirations. I would be willing to pay and if you are interested please DM me and I we can go over images and concept art that would provide and idea for what we want, as well as negotiate a price and payment method. (Bedrock)
submitted by racer1021 to minecraftbuilders [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 06:38 QuetzalSnake Cherry picking classics

TL;DR: People need to stop acting like we can cherry pick classics. I get that what is or is not a classic a subjective question, but Kendrick’s discography from GKMC to now is one of the strongest and most impactful of any artist in the history of the genre.
In the recent weeks of K. Dot discourse, I’ve been noticing a recurrent trend of people arguing that Kendrick only has two classics, and the two are never the same. Most agree that good kid, m.A.A.d. city is a classic, and then they alternate between TPAB or MM. In my view, the lack of consensus is a massive underselling of Kendrick’s artistry and impact overall.
To acknowledge the obvious, there is no innate or unanimous metric for what a classic is. Obviously, it’s a very subjective question. Some people like saying their favorite album is a classic because they like it so much, but (at least online) there seems to be a discourse that a classic needs to hit a certain quota of cultural impact and also needs to be a definitive of high quality. Importantly, however, it is possible for an album to be one and not the other, and still be a classic if it hits the other criteria with incredible magnitude.
There is also an understandable desire to limit artists in how many classics they drop. For example, even though 2Pac is one of the most influential musical artists of all time, even he is limited to having two (or three) classic albums (All Eyez on Me and Me Against the World are near unanimous agreements, and then 7 Day Theory is disputed by some). Further, there is a reason we don’t say that his other albums are classics, despite his incredible impact on Hip-Hop overall. Lil Wayne is like that too. If we exclude mixtapes, he only has two irrefutable classics in Tha Carter II & III, even though albums like Tha Carter, Tha Carter IV and Tha Block is Hot are regularly cited as deeply influential albums, especially by rappers in the 2010s and 2020s. The reason they aren’t widely considered classics, despite their deep influence, is because if we consider all of these classics, then nothing can truly be considered a classic, since the label itself would be void of any meaning.
Be all of that as it may, there are a few rare circumstances where most—if not all—of an artists’ discography are classics. Don’t get me wrong, fuck Kanye, but most would agree that everything from College Dropout to MBDTF is a classic, and for distinctly different reasons. Some would even put Yeezus (not me, personally) and TLOP in there too, as well as Watch the Throne. OutKast is another top tier example. Literally every album they dropped (Idlewild is a soundtrack, so excluding this) is a classic. To diversify this a bit more, Dr. Dre is another premier example. If you count albums he fully produced, Straight Outta Compton, Efil4z****n, No One Can Do It Better, The Chronic, Doggystyle, The Chronic 2001 are all classics. It is very fucking rare, but an artist can have an all-classic-catalog, or a catalog that is damn close to 100%.
Given all of the widely agreed upon metrics in popular discussion above, Kendrick is clearly one of those rare artists. To provide one modification, Section.80 is not a classic because he was not yet big enough to have the impact on Hip-Hop culture that his later work would have, despite its very high quality. Instead, everything since then surpassed that quality AND has a measurable impact. GKMC forced Hip-Hop to reconsider songwriting techniques and storytelling, and it put the West Coast back on the map. TPAB coincided with the Black Lives Matter protests, created a popular anthem for it, and is easily one of the most bold and innovative Hip-Hop albums of the last 10 years. Damn. was loaded with hits, and has one of the greatest storytelling songs of all time in Duckworth. Honestly, this is probably one of the least “classic” of these albums, and it still won Kendrick a Pulitzer, making him the only rapper to ever win the prize to this point in time. Only time will tell whether MMatBS attains classic status, however, I confidently agree with the popular sentiment that its intricate concept and bold and profound subject matter will eventually push it into classic status as people mature with the album.
There is a compelling case for literally every full length LP Kendrick has released since 2011. Each album is both deeply impactful and of impeccable quality, which, at least in the most basic sense, guarantee them as classics for broad Hip-Hop audiences.
The practice of selecting certain Kendrick albums as classics and not others is horseshit. It’s one thing to say you don’t like an album, but to deny the impact of one in favor of another is needlessly pretentious. The uniqueness of his albums does not exclude greatness from the rest. Kendrick has consistently shown that he is the bold innovator and the mover snd shaker. He has done this on each album in different ways, not worse or inferior ways. If argument goes that an artist like J. Cole (no shade of any kind; love Cole) has a classic in 2014 Forest Hills Drive, each of Kendrick’s 4 albums match—if not exceed—that album in quality. Similarly, if Drake has a classic in Take Care, then not only is the differential quality aspect true here as well, each of Kendrick’s 4 match Drake’s cultural impact on that album, granted in different ways than Take Care. Kendrick isn’t just one of the greatest rappers of all time, he has some of the best creative vision in the history Hip-Hop music. I don’t understand the argument that K. Dot only has two classics, when only a slim, marginal few could ever dream of matching the cultural impact or quality of any of his albums in this stretch since 2011.
submitted by QuetzalSnake to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:37 itsmekalisyn Is there any book or courses that covers these topics?

Is there any book or courses that covers these topics? submitted by itsmekalisyn to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:33 DonkeyKongChestThump No Return Assaults versus human foes

I have been playing a lot of No Return since it released, and I’ve gotten a lot better, over time, starting from Moderate difficulty and worked my way up through Survivor difficulty. I am having a lot of difficulty making the leap up to Grounded, though. I am not having trouble with the lack of a HUD nor the absence of “listen mode”. However, I am really struggling with Assaults and Captures versus human foes.
I understand the concept of being patient, using cover, using bottles & bricks.… but I’m having a LOT of trouble with aiming and enemy flanking. I am looking for advice on which areas of each map give the player the most advantage, specifically versus human foes, and specifically on Grounded. I do not mean for this next statement to sound snobby — many of the spots on these maps work very well on lower difficulties (for example, the guard tower on the Hospital map) but are significantly less safe on SurvivoGrounded.
I’ll write down my experience on each map; please feel free to comment or give advice on any or all of the maps.
Hardware Store — Great map vs. Infected but I really struggle vs. human foes here. The washedryer appliances corner and the corner with the “checkout” aisles just do not work. Too easy to get pinned down or flanked from long distance. I have tried the shopping cart near the center of the map; not great. The area with display cabinets is ok, but easy to get surrounded. This might be the map I need the most help on.
Hospital — The outdoor tent and nearby truck do not work. The guard tower is good for one Assault wave, but trying to do all three waves up there is going to leave you starved for supplies and/or ammo. Need some alternatives for this map. The large open indoor area (where Holdout occurs on this map) has too many sight-lines and glass walls; enemies will spot you and then aggressively flank you there. Ideas?
Jackson — This is probably the easiest map; there are numerous locations where the player can reduce the number of incoming sight-lines. Lots of practical cover, and useful chokepoints.
Logging Camp — If there are any other defensible locations besides the two second-story lofts, please tell me. I despise this map because the AI will often get “stuck” if your character is in one of the two lofts… but trying to fight from anywhere else will get you aggressively flanked and simultaneously shot at from long-range.
Forest — I feel like the uppermost level of the parking structure, near the small sedan, is the only reliably safe location. However, that’s problematic because the supply crates that spawn between waves have zero spawn points on the uppermost level. Sometimes the crate will spawn all the way down on the ground floor, up against a van near the stairwell. I have heard some players say that the forested outdoor area is good, but I do not buy that, at all. Enemies will throw firebombs and flank aggressively out there, and their firearms accuracy does not seem to be impeded by the dense foliage.
Resort — the outdoors upper area (with the BBQ grill, etc.) is very defensible, and gives your character advantageous sight-lines down into the pool house, across to the big building’s first floor dining area, and also into the chokepoints from the second-story bedrooms and the adjacent outdoor staircase. However... maybe it’s confirmation bias but I feel like Firebomb or Pustule Rain spawns as a modifier on this map A LOT. I would love to know which, if any, areas inside the main building are defensible.
Houses — decent amount of defensible locations, but most of those have reduced, or even very restricted, sight-lines for the player (shed/gazebo, first floobasement of the smaller two-story house, garage attached to the largest house, one-story small house with attached garage across the street). I feel like the second story of the largest house is a bait — it feels safe initially, but it really isn’t that safe. Would love to hear opinions about what the best (not just “good”) spots are on this map.
Gas Station — I hate this map because it feels like you almost HAVE to defend the little cafe adjacent to the bookstore. That’s fine for one or two Assault waves, but I would like to know some alternatives, especially using the gas station building, itself. Much like the second-story house on the Houses map, I feel like the gas station building & garage is a bait — but maybe I am playing it wrong.
Shipping Yard — probably the second easiest map… unless you get assigned the larger version of this map that has a huge mostly open grassy area that isn’t available on the “standard” version of this map. I’m looking for advice specifically on that alternate/large version of Shipping Yard.
TV Station — So many glass walls and crappy cover that can be flanked from multiple sides. This map is very manageable when 3 or 4 human foes spawn per wave of Assault, but when there’s 5+ foes per wave, I get dead almost 100% of the time. This is a map I need help on specifically for when TV Station is the site of Encounter 3, or later, during a No Return run.
submitted by DonkeyKongChestThump to thelastofus [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:05 blackcherry71411 Custom Cedar Fence Prices Snohomish County

Are you looking to elevate the aesthetic appeal and security of your property in Snohomish County? Look no further than G-Wag Custom Design LLC, your trusted partner in crafting exquisite custom cedar fences tailored to your preferences and needs. As a locally-owned business, we take pride in offering top-notch craftsmanship, personalized service, and competitive pricing to our valued customers throughout the region.
Custom Cedar Fence Prices Snohomish County (
At G-Wag Custom Design LLC, we understand the importance of having a fence that not only enhances the beauty of your property but also provides privacy and security for your family. Our custom cedar fences are meticulously crafted using premium quality materials, ensuring durability, longevity, and timeless elegance.
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At G-Wag Custom Design LLC, we believe that affordability should never mean sacrificing quality. That's why we offer affordable cedar fence installation services in Snohomish County, tailored to your specific needs and budget. Our team of experienced professionals will work closely with you from concept to completion, ensuring that your cedar fence is installed efficiently and to your satisfaction.
Ready to transform your property with a stunning custom cedar fence? Contact G-Wag Custom Design LLC today for fast hog panel fencing quotes and affordable cedar fence installation in Snohomish County ( Visit our website at ( or call us at 425-422-6953 to schedule a consultation with one of our experts. Let us help you bring your fencing vision to life!

submitted by blackcherry71411 to u/blackcherry71411 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:43 UlfurGaming need help with skelly fort idea

ok im making fan concept on hiw to improve molten sand fort that makes it its own unique fort. that worth going for but im having one problem how its activated. my best idea so far is have it be player actived like skull of siren song where you have to find 2-3 pieces that once collected will mark your ship on map and will summon the skull over the fort. but what do you guys think do yall got any better ideas (everyone would have same maps for activation item pieces once dug up will be shown on map )
submitted by UlfurGaming to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]