Windows active sync for blackberry storm

Taking medication late isn't the life hack i thought it was

2024.05.17 11:23 Thin-Knowledge-1227 Taking medication late isn't the life hack i thought it was

I have a big even this evening so to be able to manage it i took my adhd pill 3h later then usual
I have done this before and it has worked grea until nowt. Thing is I'm working today, I have been "working" for the last 4h (medicated for 1.5h) and I haven't been able to do anything. I also have a private meeting scheduled over lunch. Because I didn't take my medication on time anxiety over not working caused me to start eating all the snacks in the house AND get in waiting mode for the meeting
Sure the pills work now but it's more like I'm just shaking from the medication + sugar then actually being productive.
My biggest task today is to plan a working trip. I spent almost an hour yesterday planning the trip, taking into consideration travel time, comfort, delay times and cost efficiency. All this I sent to the helper that books all travel with a note that explained where I like to sit (by the window, single seat) which is very important for me both due to sensory wise and work wise
She books something completely different and gives me a seating that's in the middle of two other seats... Making my autism freaking out which causes my "am I just too picky" anxiety to kick in.
Waiting mode is also still activated
The day hasn't even started and I'm already so tired, I can't even se how I will be able to be out until midnight that was the original plan
Stupid brain...
submitted by Thin-Knowledge-1227 to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:22 Leading_Act_5341 Killer and Survivor Idea?

Just sharing my idea for a future Chapter. I dunno, I got some free time I guess 🤣
Killer: The Watcher
A guardian of the Forest. It was once thought of to be a God of Nature, tending to the fields and guarding the natural resources. However, the over expanding of human settlements made it more violent to outsiders.
Movement Speed: 4.4 m/s Terror Radius: 36 metres Height: Tall
Power: "Terra Form" The Watcher influences the trial, morphing the terrain as they please. They start with 2 tokens. The Watcher can place miniature walls, that can block or wall the survivor in. Placing it near a window, seals it.
When a wall breaks, nearby survivor would get dirt in their eyes for a brief second, blurring their vision.
If you walk away within a certain radius from your wall, and have no tokens, you enter the fatigue state, then regain your tokens. If you are stunned, your placed walls automatically collapse.
If you down a survivor you instantly get the tokens. Hitting a walk breaks it, you quickly regain a token. The wall breaks after a few seconds away from The Watcher.
Counter Play: The Watcher can seal windows, and block potential escape. When they block a window, take this time to go to another loop.
When looping the Watcher with a nearby Pallet, it's best to Predrop it as The Watcher can place a wall near it making the drop impossible.
You can also bait them to destroying their wall. The Watcher pauses for a brief moment after using their power. You can utilize this to get ahead.
Mori: The Watcher slams the survivor to the ground, placing walls on top of them, piling them, until they're mush.
It's Perks are: "Hex: Seething Fury". The thought of prey escaping you fuels your anger.
After being stunned, the next time a survivor vaults while in your terror radius, reveal them, and they are exposed until the Hex is cleanse or if the survivor is placed in the dying state.
"Guardian of the Forest" You guard what is yours, and you don't take kindly to those who do your environment harm.
Once a totem has been cleanse or bless, block all generators near that totem for 30s. Generators being worked on at the time are turned white.
"Trickled Hope" You ensure that everyone who dares to violate your land suffers.
Upon a survivor blessing or cleansing a totem, they'll received a difficult skill check at the end. If they fail, the totem is blocked for 60s. The aura of the survivor is revealed to you. They become the obsession.
This perk only activates once per totem.
New Survivors: Brief Story: Aras Cabbott was a park ranger, patrolling one night when he heard screams. He immediately went out to investigate. He saw Jonas being dragged by the Watcher and in his effort to rescue him a thick fog suddenly enveloped the three of them.
Aras Cabbott
Aras is a dependable park ranger. He was always drawn to the animals at a young age, and always preferred the great outdoors than the city.
His Perks are: "Team Work: Enduring Spirit" Your caring attitude is felt by others and inspires others.
After healing a survivor, you and the healed survivor gains a 40 percent healing speed for 30 sec.
"Team Work: Environmental Awareness" You always try to be prepared for any situation, and make sure that your friend is too.
After healing or being healed, you both see the killers aura as long as you stick together. The killer will be revealed when they're in close proximity of either of you.
"We Got This" Escape is just within your grasp.
After completing a generator, you and your allies working on that generator gain a burst of speed for 3s, 4s for repairing the last generator.
Jonas Maleck The son of the leader of the Black Vale. Despite being groomed to serve the Entity, Jonas has always been hesitant into their teachings, but never the less participated in their dark deeds.
His Perks are: "Dark Loyalty" The Entity has noticed your devotion.
Nearby hooks are revealed to you. You can tamper a hook, blocking it for 60s. This perk only works once per hook.
You can only tamper one of the hook in the basement per trial.
"Sensing Darkness" You are more at home in dark places.
When you are in the basement, you can see every, survivor, generators, chest and exit gates.
"Invocation: Dark Favor" Your dark deeds bear fruit.
After channelling the invocation time, stun and blind the killer for 3s. This can only work once per trial.
Invocation Perks stacks and will activate similar Perks upon the completion of the Invocation.
You are placed in the Broken Status effect for the duration of the trial.
submitted by Leading_Act_5341 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:13 Nhika Why are people suddenly okay with 1-clicks again in COH3? Or any RTS...

Back in Command and Conquer: Kane's Wrath and all of their tournaments people were complaining about 1 clicks - lead to the inevitable nerf and their prices were increased etc.
In COH/COH2 I remember unit call-ins (instant), tanks skipping tech, and even strafes pinning/killing units was frowned upon.
Why now in COH3 it seems to have tossed everything out of the window? Literal Tiger tank 1 shotting rifles in a vod I saw. Played a 2v2 today and it's a war of my strafe spam and the enemy using off-map on the VP every time to delay and even kills squads every now and then.
I thought the entire essence of COH was an intensive micro game with terrain as a huge factor, almost like how high ground in Starcraft is so sought after. You have a triangle of infantry > vehicles > support teams etc with AT and non-AT. Now we have.. magical powers for 100-200 munis that kills units if you aren't looking?
I know mortars and snipers have always been a rough topic in all versions, but when mortars in COH2 were randomly wiping squads in 1 hit they got nerfed. Or when Allies greyhound was too powerful -> boom nerf.
Now it seems COH3 just simply forgot everything, started from scratch and we're in the cycle of 2 years of patching a bare bones game -> praying for a DLC that saves it like when Panzer Elite and British forces were added. The only players left are like 500 of the same top players in 1v1, and the rest 5k+ active are goofing around in 4v4 (no offense) but at least it's not co op vs ai lol.
Axis players are complaining about Ranger blobs. Go figure they are all running 0 point call-in filler "early game" infantry.
Even watching some high level 2v2 (top 200) vods (Tightrope carrying the series on his shoulders I swear), and it doesn't look as intense as COH1 vods back in the day. It legit looks like everyone is cannon rushing each other. Oh what a surprise in the last tournament, it's an MG with a Whirbel sitting on top of a VP. Second game? 8 rad ended the match!
submitted by Nhika to CompanyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:10 CareForChild Mealtime Milestones: Six Month Baby Feeding Schedule & Transition

Mealtime Milestones: Six Month Baby Feeding Schedule & Transition
As your little one reaches the 6-month milestone, a profound shift occurs in their feeding journey – from relying solely on liquid nourishment to the wondrous world of solid foods. This pivotal stage marks a significant step in your baby's growth and development, setting the foundation for their future relationship with food and overall well-being.
The introduction of solid foods at this age is a critical window of opportunity, as it allows your 6-month-old to explore new flavours, textures, and feeding experiences. However, navigating this transition can be both exciting and daunting for parents. A balanced feeding schedule that caters to your baby's changing nutritional needs is essential to support their optimal growth, cognitive development, and overall health. Care For Child can provide guidance and support during this important transition.
By understanding the unique dietary requirements of a 6-month-old and implementing a well-structured feeding routine, you can ensure your little one thrives during this mealtime milestone. From determining the right balance of breastmilk or formula and complementary solids to introducing various nourishing foods, a thoughtfully designed feeding schedule can unlock your baby's full potential, setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy eating habits.

Understanding Nutritional Needs for 6 Months Baby Feeding Schedule

As your baby reaches the 6-month mark, their nutritional requirements significantly transform. This critical rapid growth and development period necessitates a careful balance of essential nutrients to support their burgeoning needs, thus making the thoughtful consideration for a baby feeding schedule 6 months significant.
Breastmilk or formula continues to be the foundation of your 6-month-old's diet, providing the necessary calories, vitamins, and minerals to fuel their growth. However, at this stage, complementary solid foods are increasingly crucial in rounding out their nutritional intake.

Key Nutritional Needs of a 6 Months Baby Feeding Schedule:

  • Changing Energy Requirements: Your baby's energy needs increase as they become more active and begin exploring the world around them.
  • Macronutrient Balance: Maintaining the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats is crucial for optimal growth and development.
  • Essential Micronutrients: Nutrients like iron, zinc, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 are particularly important for your 6-month-old's development.
  • Hydration Needs: Ensuring adequate hydration through breastmilk, formula, and the introduction of water is essential for overall health.
  • Introducing Complementary Solids: Gradually incorporating age-appropriate solid foods can complement your baby's liquid nourishment and provide additional nutritional benefits.
By understanding your 6-month-old's evolving nutritional requirements, you can establish a feeding schedule that supports their holistic growth and lays the foundation for lifelong healthy eating habits.

Establishing Six Month Baby Feeding Schedule

Creating a well-structured feeding schedule for your 6-month-old is essential as you navigate the exciting transition to solid foods. This balanced approach will ensure your little one receives the nourishment they need to thrive while also fostering healthy eating habits and a positive mealtime experience.
A thoughtfully designed feeding schedule considers the timing and frequency of meals, portion sizes, and the delicate balance between milk and solid food intake. By tuning in to your baby's feeding cues and adjusting the schedule, you can provide a nurturing and predictable routine that supports their overall growth and development.

Key Considerations for a 6-Month-Old Feeding Schedule:

  • Timing and Frequency of Meals: Aim for 3-4 solid food meals daily, in addition to 4-5 breastfeeding or formula-feeding sessions.
  • Portion Sizes: Start with small portions (2-4 tablespoons) of solid foods, gradually increasing as your baby's appetite grows.
  • Feeding Cues: Observe your baby's hunger and fullness signals to guide the pace and timing of meals.
  • Balancing Milk and Solids: Continue to offer breastmilk or formula as the primary source of nutrition, complementing it with a variety of solid foods.
  • Flexibility and Adjustments: Be prepared to adapt the schedule as your 6-month-old's needs and preferences change over time.

The Transition to Solid Foods – Tips for Parents

  1. Start with Single-Ingredient Foods: To monitor for allergic reactions, begin with one new food at a time, such as pureed fruits, vegetables, or single-grain cereals.
  2. Gradually Increase Texture: Slowly progress from smooth purees to mashed, lumpy, and eventually soft, diced foods to help your baby develop chewing and swallowing skills.
  3. Offer a Variety of Flavors: Expose your baby to a wide range of tastes and textures to encourage a diverse palate and prevent picky eating.
  4. Respect Your Baby's Cues: Listen to your baby's hunger and fullness signals and let them guide the pace and amount of solid food intake.
  5. Encourage Self-Feeding: Provide age-appropriate utensils and finger foods to allow your baby to explore and practice independent feeding.
  6. Maintain a Positive Mealtime Environment: Create a calm, relaxed atmosphere and avoid distractions to foster a healthy relationship with food.
  7. Introduce Allergenic Foods Safely: Under the guidance of your paediatrician, gradually introduce common allergens, such as peanuts, eggs, and seafood.
  8. Stay Patient and Persistent: It may take multiple tries before your baby accepts a new food; continue offering it in a non-pressured way.
  9. Coordinate with Caregivers: Communicate with daycare providers or other caregivers to ensure consistency in the solid food introduction process.
  10. Follow Your Baby's Lead: Every child's transition to solids is unique; be flexible and adjust your approach based on your baby's individual needs and preferences.

Baby Feeding Schedule by Age

Although you will introduce solid food to your baby at six months, it will take a long time for them to completely eat solid food like an adult. Here is a baby feeding schedule by age, which will be your reference from now on.

Baby Feeding Schedule 6 Months to 2 Years

Age (In Months)Daily Solid MealsDetails 6 Months1-2Introduce solids; breast milk or formula remains the primary source of nutrients. Offer first solids after waking or in between milk feeds. 7-8 Months2-3Gradually increase to 2-3 meals as baby gets accustomed to solids. Continue offering breast milk or formula throughout the day. 9-11 Months3Aim for 3 meals of solids per day. You may also have 1-2 snacks in between meals. Breast milk or formula can be offered alongside meals or as a separate feeding. 12-24 Months3Three meals with 2 snacks. Breast milk or formula intake should gradually decrease. By 1 year, milk should be offered as a beverage, not a main source of nutrients. Limit milk consumption to around 16 ounces per day.

Maintaining a Balanced Diet

As your 6-month-old embarks on their solid food journey, it is crucial to ensure that their diet remains well-balanced, providing the necessary variety of nutrients to support their rapid growth and development. This delicate equilibrium requires ongoing adjustments to the feeding schedule and a focus on maintaining adequate hydration levels.
By incorporating diverse nutrient-dense foods into your baby's meals, you can optimise their essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats intake. Similarly, being attuned to your 6-month-old's changing needs and adjusting the feeding schedule can help maintain a nourishing and well-rounded diet.

Key Considerations for Maintaining a Balanced Diet:

  1. Nutrient Variety: Offer a wide array of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and healthy fats to ensure your baby receives a comprehensive nutritional profile.
  2. Developmental Adaptations: Adjust the texture, portion sizes, and frequency of meals as your 6-month-old's feeding skills and appetite evolve.
  3. Hydration Needs: Provide adequate fluids, such as breastmilk, formula, or water, to keep your baby well-hydrated and support their overall health.
  4. Mealtime Flexibility: Be prepared to modify the feeding schedule to accommodate your 6-month-old's changing cues and preferences.
  5. Coordination with Pediatrician: Regularly consult your child's healthcare provider to meet your baby's dietary needs.
Maintaining a balanced, nutrient-rich diet and adapting the feeding schedule can nurture your 6-month-old's growth and development, laying a solid foundation for lifelong health and wellness.
Key Takeaways
  1. The transition to solid foods at 6 months is a significant milestone that marks a profound shift in your baby's feeding journey. This critical window of opportunity allows your 6-month-old to explore new flavours, textures, and feeding experiences, setting the foundation for their future relationship with food and overall well-being.
  2. Establishing a balanced feeding schedule that caters to your 6-month-old's changing nutritional needs is essential to support their optimal growth, cognitive development, and overall health. This involves understanding the unique dietary requirements at this age and implementing a well-structured routine.
  3. Maintaining a balanced, nutrient-rich diet and adapting the feeding schedule are crucial for nurturing your 6-month-old's holistic growth and development. This includes incorporating a variety of essential nutrients, ensuring adequate hydration, and regularly consulting with your paediatrician to meet your baby's evolving needs.
  4. As your little one reaches the 6-month milestone, a profound shift occurs in their feeding journey – from relying solely on liquid nourishment to the wondrous world of solid foods. This pivotal stage marks a significant step in your baby's growth and development, setting the foundation for their future relationship with food and overall well-being.
submitted by CareForChild to u/CareForChild [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:47 JoeD-1618 Why can’t I create any focuses?? Been like this all of my first season, I have a chief scout

Why can’t I create any focuses?? Been like this all of my first season, I have a chief scout submitted by JoeD-1618 to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:28 7dsfalkd Sync Dosbox Debugger with Ghidra

Ghidra has a very nice 16 bit disassembler for old DOS games. DOSBox has a very powerful (but somewhat raw) debugger. Is there any way to sync a debugging session with Ghidra?
What I am currently doing is manually looking for opcodes and switching windows back and forth, which is somewhat a painfully slow workflow. Is there anything similar to ret-sync but for DOSBox?
submitted by 7dsfalkd to ghidra [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:22 Farooqabruuuukanu OS migration! Need help!

I have a laptop with activated windows from the factory, so I don't have the activation key anymore. I don't want to lose the already activated windows, but I am in desperate need of increasing my storage. I am thinking of getting a new SSD to to install it internally, but that would replace the current one of ofcourse. So is there any smooth way to transfer my activated windows to new SSD in order for it to work perfectly.
Note: Please don't suggest going to laptop subreddit. I'm going to post there too and most of the time, it doesn't even matter if I have laptop of PC. So if you have solution, be my guest, if you don't... you can ignore the post. I hope that wasn't rude.
submitted by Farooqabruuuukanu to computerhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:15 Jhonjournalist At least 4 people die in Houston from severe storms

At least 4 people die in Houston from severe storms
  • Lightning struck Southeastern Texas for the second time this month.
  • Four deaths, according to the mayor, were caused by the extreme weather.
  • The mayor of Houston urged people to take care of their children and stay at home tonight.
Lightning struck Southeastern Texas for the second time this month, resulting in over 900,000 homes and businesses in the Houston region losing power, damage to buildings, and downed trees.
Authorities warned locals to stay off impassable roads and to assume that traffic lights would not be on during the evening.

Severe storms

John Whitmire, the mayor of Houston, urged people to take care of their children and stay at home tonight rather than go to work tomorrow unless it was very necessary.
Four deaths, according to the mayor, were caused by the extreme weather. According to officials, at least two of the fatalities were caused by fallen trees, while a third occurred when a crane toppled over in high winds.
Throughout the area, power lines and trees had fallen, and streets were submerged in water. Winds approached 100 mph (160 kph), according to Whitmire, “with some twisters.” He claimed that the strong gusts brought back memories of Hurricane Ike, which battered the city in 2008.
The state was sending Department of Public Safety officers to protect the area after hundreds of windows at downtown hotels and office buildings broke, leaving glass all over the streets below.
Learn More:

submitted by Jhonjournalist to u/Jhonjournalist [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:14 sumitkher98 M3M Altitude Sector 65 Gurgaon Luxury Living

M3M Altitude Sector 65 Gurgaon Luxury Living
M3M Altitude is a residential project epitomizing luxury and sophistication. This architectural marvel, located in Sector 65, offers 3 and 4 BHK luxury apartments that redefine the concept of modern living. Designed to cater to the discerning taste of the elite, M3M Altitude promises a lifestyle beyond compare.
M3M Altitude

Luxurious Amenities

M3M Altitude Sector 65 Gurgaon offers many opulent amenities catering to every aspect of one's life. The project features a state-of-the-art clubhouse, where residents can indulge in recreational activities and socialize with like-minded individuals. A fully-equipped gymnasium, swimming pool, and spa provide avenues for relaxation and rejuvenation. For sports enthusiasts, there are facilities for various indoor and outdoor games, including tennis and basketball courts.

Architecture and Design

The apartments at M3M Altitude are a masterclass in architectural brilliance. Each unit is meticulously crafted to offer a seamless blend of functionality and aesthetics. The interiors exude elegance with high-end finishes, spacious living areas, and large windows that welcome ample natural light. The well-appointed kitchens and bathrooms have modern fixtures and fittings, ensuring convenience and comfort.

Location Advantage

One of the highlights of M3M Altitude is its strategic location in Sector 65, Gurgaon. Situated near major commercial hubs, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and recreational centers, residents enjoy the convenience of easy accessibility. The project is well-connected to major highways and offers seamless connectivity to Delhi and other National Capital Region (NCR) parts.

Security and Sustainability

At M3M Altitude, residents' safety and well-being are of utmost importance. The project has advanced security systems, including CCTV surveillance, intercom facilities, and 24/7 manned security. Additionally, the project incorporates sustainable practices such as rainwater harvesting, solar power utilization, and waste management systems, contributing to a greener environment.


M3M Altitude Sector 65 Gurgaon is more than just a residential project; it is a lifestyle statement. Its luxurious amenities, impeccable design, prime location, and commitment to sustainability offer a unique living experience. Whether you seek solace in the tranquility of your home or wish to indulge in the vibrant community, M3M caters to every aspect of your life. Immerse yourself in the lap of luxury and elevate your living experience to new heights at M3M Altitude.
submitted by sumitkher98 to indiarealtynews [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:10 AdOver6950 Little improvement

Little improvement
Physics ☠️ Chem 💀 Maths 🤡
submitted by AdOver6950 to Bitsatards [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:07 thealabmaman I've been sober for almost a year now and would like to share my experience.

I received my first dui (.26) in 21 after hitting a parked f150. i took a plea on dui 1st @ .08 with a suspended 90 day sentence and was ordered to a court referral program. unfortunately, I was still actively drinking on and off threw that program and wrecked again in may of 23. I'm lucky to be alive after spinning out my 4door full size truck at 50+ mph off the side of a mountain striking a large tree sideways and several more as i bounced off it. I wasn't charged till July 1st~ of 23 (luckily after the 1st duis 90 day suspended sentence was dropped even though the accident occurred during that period) with a supposed bac of .38. ill admit I was drunk at the time of loosing control but nonetheless in withdrawal. idk what I was thinking but I chugged as much of a gallon bottle as I could before throwing it out the window and down the mountain while entrapped and essentially hidden from the road. I've been alcohol free since the first week of June of 23. I reckon what has allowed that to happen is me confronting my underlying mental health dysfunction. I still and I'm under the assumption that I'll always have to live life differently than the average person to maintain sobriety. I've came to peace with that. I'm extremely lucky to have plead down my 2nd dui to dui 1st with the same consequences as my first (honestly even less since the fine was 1/2 as much idk why) except I lost my license for a year and will have to file sr22 insurance for 3 years with no interlock (idk how there's not on that front either). unfortunately, I still have nightmares of the wreck and of the horrible situations I put myself in while drunk I consider it a part of my many punishments from a higher power. I'm not sure the point of this post other than to share I'm leaving out quite a bit to keep it from being a novel. Thanks for reading and may God bless you all.
submitted by thealabmaman to dui [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:07 Dark_Leaf_4513 Help. Build error of VR game with android google cardboard. ver 2019.4.40f1.

I was creating VR game with android google cardboard. I am doing the same as tutorial but when I try to build and run, this error show up. I already install android studio, and my phone is already on developer mode and already test it on the android studio. What should I do to build one. Btw I am using unity 2019.4.40f1 because I couldn't find xr setting in higher version.
submitted by Dark_Leaf_4513 to unity [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:53 Jhonjournalist Pro-Palestine Protesters in Both America and Australia

Pro-Palestine Protesters in Both America and Australia
  • A modest bunch of the understudy dissenters will meet with college delegates this midday to try to determine the continuous activity.
  • Moguluf said he didn’t have any idea what charges the captured dissenters confronted.
  • Signs were placed up on Friday by the dissidents demonstrating classes inside the structure had been moved somewhere else by the college.
Twelve individuals were captured Thursday night after police gave a dispersal request for support of Palestine activists who were involved in a shut structure that once housed UC Berkeley’s Anna Head Graduated class Corridor, college representative Dan Moguluf said.
Cops, including UC Berkeley Police and the California Expressway Watch, cleared the structure nonconformists took over Wednesday evening.

Pro-Palestine Protest in America and Australia

Observers at the scene who imparted data to Berkeleyside said no less than 100 officials were in the space of Scurry and Bowditch roads at 6 p.m., with blockades set up around the edge of the Southside neighborhood to forestall passerby and vehicle access.
Blockades were set up at Channing Road and Bowditch Road, Channing Road and Transmit Road, Dwight Way and Bowditch Road, Dwight Way and Broadcast Road, and Scurry Road and Broadcast Road.
Starting around 7 p.m., witnesses said officials had started captures. The college sent an alarm at 6:37 p.m. to the ground’s local area to keep away from the area because of police movement.
Officials discarded a few tents that had been set up on the front grass of the corridor, as indicated by an observer.
Activists entered the structure with “sticks, pry bars, and bolt cutters” to break into the structure on Wednesday, as per a caution from UC Berkeley, which said the gathering broke windows, cut fences, and splash-painted walls.
Favorable to Palestine understudies at the College of Melbourne will meet with staff interestingly since they held onto a structure and set up for business inside.
Demonstrators involved Human expressions West structure for a third day today, setting up tents and patio seats and have no designs to continue except if the college satisfies their needs.
Around 150 classes intended to be held in the structure were dropped in the initial two days, affecting around 6000 understudies in the second-last seven-day stretch of the semester.
Fight coordinators said the college had not provided them formal orders to continue yet, which would make the way for Victoria police to be called.
They said sees were placed up by the college on Thursday saying any non-college understudy or staff associated with the occupation were intruding.
Learn More:
submitted by Jhonjournalist to u/Jhonjournalist [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:48 FantasticKey1668 Sex with stranger

The thunder shook the house as the rain pelted the windows. Mike awoke to the wind howling wondering how much longer the storm would last. He had come out to the cabin, only a couple hours from the city expecting to spend a quiet weekend away from the city life. Unknowing to him that a storm was on the way. He rolled over and looked at the clock, the green display reads midnight. He closed his eyes and tried to fall back asleep when suddenly he heard a pounding on the door. He sat up and heard it again. “Who could be at my door and in this storm”, he thought. He got up and slowly approach the door hearing the pounding again. Opening the door a crack he sees a small figure standing a few feet away. Nothing but darkness in the background as the lightning flashes illuminated the figure. “Hello? Can I help you?” He asks. “Hi, I’m sorry to bother you but my car broke down. I tried to call a tow truck but I have no service.” the woman says. He stepped back and opened the door. “Please, come in.” As she walks through the door, he notices her clothes are soaked from the rain. “How far did you walk?” He asks. “I’m not sure, a couple miles it felt like”, she replies sounding exhausted. He leaves for a few moments and returns handing you a towel. “Can I get you a drink?”, “Please” she says, as he walks into the kitchen to fetch a glass of water. He returns, handing her the glass. “Thank you, my name is Liz by the way.” “Nice to meet you Liz, my name is Mike. You are welcome to use my phone if you would like.” She smiles, as she walks over to the table and picks up the phone. Mike sits down on the couch turning on the tv. A few moments later Liz returns, “Ugh”. “Bad news?” He asks. “They said no one will come out in this storm till it passes. What am I going to do?”. Just then a deafening rumble of thunder shook the house as the rain started coming down harder. “I don’t think this storm is letting up any time soon, you are more than welcome to wait it out till morning and try calling them back.” Mike offered. “Really? I don’t want to be a bother.” “No, I insist, it’s no bother at all”. Liz smiled, “Thank you, really.”
Shivering, Liz sets her glass down on the table. “I hate to ask, but would you mind if I use the bathroom. Maybe get a hot shower, I am freezing and my clothes are soaked.” “Not at all.” Mike says, standing up. He points down the hallway, “The bathrooms on the left, if you would like I can toss your clothes in the dryer for you too.” Liz smiles. “Thank you so much! I’ll leave them outside the door.” Liz turns and walks down the hallway, finding the bathroom and walking inside. Standing at the sink she takes a deep breath. Seeing herself in the mirror thinking “I look a wreck”. At 5’ 3”, she was considered average. Shoulder length brown hair and eyes that changed colors based on her mood, or so it seemed. With her athletic build and toned legs, she still felt her body ache from the miles she just walked. Slowly she stripped off her wet clothes, leaving them in a pile just outside the bathroom door. Sliding open the glass door to the shower she stepped inside, turning the shower on as she felt the hot water rain down over her body. Sitting on the couch Mike hears the shower turn on. Getting up he walks down the hallway finding the wet pile of clothes at the bathroom door. As he approaches, he notices the door open a couple inches. The light from inside escaping through the crack. He leans down to pick up the clothes and pauses. The bathroom is filled with steam from the hot water. The faint outline of a woman’s body behind the fogged-up glass door. He freezes. Quietly Liz begins to hum, eyes closed as she washes her hair under the hot water. Her hands begin moving across her body as she washes the sweat and dirt off her. Mike kneels frozen just on the other side of the door, knowing he shouldn’t be looking but his legs unwilling to move. In the shower, Liz’s hands drift along her skin. Caressing her breasts for a moment as she smiles to herself, she’s always been happy with how full they were. Perky and just large enough to fill a grown man’s hand. Her hands explore lower, as she washes her stomach and then her legs. She sighs, starting to feel better now that she is warm and clean. As she turns the water off, Mike snaps out of his frozen state. Gathering up the clothes and rushing down the hall to put them in the dryer. Quickly returning to the kitchen as he retrieves a beer from the fridge and sits back down on the couch flipping through the stations. Stepping out of the shower Liz dries off finding a robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door, she drapes it around her body.
“Thank you so much, I feel much better”, she says, as she walks into the living room. Mike jumps slightly, startled by her voice then smiles. “You’re welcome, your clothes are in the dryer,” as he notices the robe she had on. Liz walks over and sits down on the couch, slowly crossing one leg over the other. “This robe will do for now,” she says with a smile. Mike gets up and walks into the kitchen, “Would you like a drink?”. “Sure” Liz says, “Whatever you are drinking.” As Mike returns, he can’t help but notice Liz’s toned legs, the robe resting mid-thigh. He hands Liz a beer as she smiles and lets out a small laugh. “What is so funny?”, he asks. She looks down at him while raising an eyebrow. “Is something the matter?” He scrunches his eyebrows wondering what she meant, as he looked down. He gasps, realizing a small bulge had formed in his pants, a likely result of the unexpected show he witnessed not long ago. He turned away quickly, “I’m sorry” he says. She laughed, “its ok, I expected it.” Mike turns his head back towards her, “You expected it?” “Yes, I mean, after watching me shower I would be upset if you didn’t have one. Mikes eyes grow big, shocked and embarrassed that she knew he was watching her. “I, didn’t mean to, the door was just cracked open and I was getting your clothes…” he stumbles trying to explain himself. She smiles as she stands up, “Did you like what you saw?” He takes a big gulp as he nods. She slowly undoes the tie holding the robe together, letting the robe fall off her body and onto the floor. “Is this what you wanted to see?” His heart begins beating faster, her naked body on full display in front of him. She slowly reaches out as she takes his hand in hers, bringing it up to her chest as it cups her breast. His breathing increases as he feels her nipple harden against the palm of his hand as he instinctively begins to squeeze her breast. She lets out a quiet moan as she smiled at him. Reaching forward she rests her hand on the now large bulge in his pants. He jumps slightly as he feels the pressure of her hand against it. “Oh my, we seem to have a problem here.” She says, as she slowly begins to unbutton his pants, pulling the zipper down ever so slowly. He sighs as he feels the cool air rush into his pants as she unzips them. Her hand reaching inside as she releases his manhood. A smile forms on her face as it enters her view. Fully erect as his blood pumps through it. She slowly wraps her fingers around it stroking its full length as she devilishly licks her lips. Mike slowly closes his eyes as he feels her fingers around him, letting out a slight moan. “Are you enjoying that?” she asks, as she continues to stroke his shaft. “Yes” he says, his breathing increasing. Biting her lip, she steps back, leading him to the couch and directing him to sit down. As he sits down, she kneels in front of him. His cock aiming towards the ceiling in front of her as she wraps her fingers around it again. She strokes it a few times before bringing her lips close. Slowly she runs the tip of her tongue from the base of the shaft up to the head feeling it pulse against her tongue. He moans at the feeling of her tongue, as she slowly wraps her lips around the head, sucking gently. “Ugh, yes” he moans, looking down at her. Removing her hand from his shaft she engulfs his entire cock as he feels it enter her throat for the first time. She bobs her head up and down faster as she hears the moans escape his lips. Pausing for a moment, his cock between her lips, she twirls her tongue around the head feeling his hips lifting up slightly under neither her. She moans to herself sending vibrations down his shaft. Slowly he moves a hand to the back of her head, resting it with his fingers intertwined in her hair. She raises her head sucking on the tip for a moment, before removing it from her mouth. Replacing her mouth with her hand again as she strokes his now wet cock. Smiling up at him as she watches some precum run down his shaft she sticks her tongue out to catch it. Moaning again, he ushers her head back down, as she opens her mouth taking his cock between her lips. Bobbing her head faster now, her tongue swirling around his swollen head each time her head comes up. He grips her hair in his fist, the pressure inside him building. She feels his cock pulsing against her tongue and lips as she takes his shaft deeper, wanting to taste his juice. He lets out a groan at the same time she feels him erupt. She lowers her head his cock deep in her throat as she feels the first stream of thick cum fill her stomach. She continues bobbing her head tightening her lips around his cock as she milks him dry, hungerly swallowing each stream he pumps into her awaiting throat. His head falls back against the couch with a loud sigh, his hand collapsing along the side of him. She releases his semi hard cock. Slowly licking around the head making sure not to miss a drop before looking up and smiling at him while licking her lips. Exhausted he drifts off to sleep.
submitted by FantasticKey1668 to sex_stories_adult_hot [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:39 twinksarecuter NEW r/teenagers RELATIONSHIP

u/silly_jojo and u/boggletopper 😁 He and boggle have been smoochin up a storm in detention, like y'all are in there for a reason 🙄 None of you guys are safe, I have cameras everywhere 😈
(Had to go back a while for this one)
submitted by twinksarecuter to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:26 protectstar-inc Malware misconceptions

Macs are known for their strong security, but they're not invincible.
There are viruses that could steal your passwords, personal info, or even hijack your webcam on a MacBook. Just like your phone, your Mac needs protection too. ️Macs operate on a closed system compared to Windows, but this doesn’t exclude them from getting hacked.
Here are a few malware threats that evolved during the years and were especially created for MacOS:
P.S. Do you have an antivirus on your Mac? Let us know in the comments!
submitted by protectstar-inc to u/protectstar-inc [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:22 ClerksII Does my Grandma have undiagnosed ADD( HD) and could that explain why she’s so difficult?

My Grandmother is a Caucasian, 70 year old woman, no medication, probably between 4’11- and 5’1, about 160 lbs ( Not sure, she’s got thin arms and legs, and while her body isn’t thin, it’s not really heavyset. She has no problem with her mobility, maybe just slower walking, has a bad hip but refuses to take any medication of any kind for any reason, and is a HUGE chain smoker. Probably one or two packs a day. This would explain her infrequent but still noticeable, phlegmy cough from time to time.
I don’t know everything about her past but I know some: One of seven children, parents used to scream a lot, she used to cry in bed with her sister when it happened, told me she stayed away from home as much as she could, started smoking at about 12 years old, got pregnant with my dad at 15, became a mom at 16, by all accounts was the best mom ever, biking, reading, dancing, encouraging my dad to try new things, but still moved around a lot, and kept going from house to house, to trailer, etc.
When she was about early 20s, she met and married a guy who she later divorced because they had a kind of culture clash. I don’t remember exactly what he was, but he was very controlling of her, forbidding her to wear swimsuits, or going anywhere without him, and eventually he threatened her several times with knives and a hand around her neck. Never did anything but she was afraid of knives for a very long time afterwards.
She met my grandpa, and I guess things were fine until after she had my aunt. Sometime after she was away from home as much as she could by way of bingo.This led to her using what she could out of her own paychecks until she came after my grandpa’s, who let her. He sold stuff around the house and eventually asked people for money. Sometime after being married to my grandpa she randomly developed night terrors and sleepwalking. Full on waking up and screaming, full on walking outside and screaming. I guess it just stopped. Was controlling of my aunt, didn’t want her trying new foods, didn’t go out or do fun things with her like she did with my dad.
Nowadays it is well known that nobody wants to live with her, but she’s not like abusive or stealing. But here is what we have noticed:
Heavy chain smoker. It doesn’t look like she even finishes them, she goes like halfway, stops, lights a new one.
Can’t or won’t sit and watch a movie or show. Will start one, get up and do laundry, take care of the dog, check her phone, play on her phone, and will full on have a conversation with you or someone when she was the one who wanted to watch the movie.
Frequent gambler. We just went on a cruise to place she’s always wanted to go and she spent a good chunk either smoking or gambling.
Very annoyed with the smells or steam of foods to the point where she’ll complain or get up and move. My grandpa famously only had seafood twice while married to her and he loved seafood.
Very irritable if she goes a while without a cigarette. She was pretty rude in the airport.
Gets annoyed easily when starting to board or get off the plane. Will full on loudly complain about the heat or cold. Kept asking my dad to open window, close window, turn ac off, turn ac on. Whiny.
Restless, seems like she can’t sit still or focus on anything in a climate where she has to sit and be quiet. (Planes and shows)
Known to start fights about pretty much anything that she doesn’t like. It is all about her from the thermostat, the entertainment, the volume, food, etc very difficult to live with
Very dramatic. Complained she was so cold on an excursion she couldn’t move her leg, and then refused to see a doctor about a numb leg. Said she’d just take a shower and then was suddenly all better about an hour later when she was smoking. Never showered, shrugged it off by saying she’ll be all right.
Dramatic in a little kid version. Like when a two year old is confused or thinking, they’ll scratch their head, purse their lips. Like their mimicking confusion verbal cues? Like they’re thinking this is what we do when we’re confused so this is what I will do. She seems to react to things dramatically and like a second or two after a proper reaction time?
A dog barked and her whole body moved in startled matter. If she hates something she eats, she makes an audible grunt, forces a sad expression in her face, holds a napkin to her mouth, and will dramatically push the food away. It’s not just dramatic, for some reason it makes me think of a toddler going through the motions so to speak.
Will sometimes ask us questions and then immediately talk to someone else or walk away and do something.
Says she’s an introvert who doesn’t like talking to people, but actively makes a point to talk to people. Not in a rude way or anything, just likes talking to people. Not sure if that means anything but I’ve always noticed that. Why would you say you dont like talking to people if you actually do?
Has quit a few jobs for silly reasons, and made impulse buys, like a new car when she obviously can’t afford it. Even back when I was a kid, she was known to gamble nearly everything, and could never afford anything, even though she made decent money.
Loves to complain. Or she just complains a lot. Going out to eat with her is usually a nightmare unless we go out with her to an approved place.
My dad made a joke that she’s ADD and it got me thinking about everything. Can she have and have had undiagnosed ADD? Can symptoms of an ADD nature appear because of trauma? Can trauma beforehand affect symptoms of ADD?
Or maybe it’s undiagnosed anxiety or depression, but can those lead to restlessness or symptoms like ADD?
My great grandma once told my mom apologetically my grandma has always put herself first before anyone. But dad’s joke had made me wonder if there’s maybe overstimulation or…something?
I know you’re not psychic and I’m happy to give any extra info, but I wondered if a person can be horribly selfish if they have some kind of undiagnosed whatever.
Thank you! :)
submitted by ClerksII to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:17 planping I built an app to grow your construction businesses!

Hi reddit,
My name is Tom and I'm one of the founders of
First of all, yes, this is an ad. I've been active on reddit for over 6 years and I don't like ads either, so sorry for invading your feed.
But we've been hard at work building for the last 18 months and I want to get the word out.
Last year my brother in-law who is a builder mentioned that he was struggling with a lack of work. He normally relies on word-of-mouth but with the cost of living crisis fewer and fewer enquires were coming in and he was getting stressed about the lack of upcoming jobs!
He said that he had tried most things such as paid advertising or buying rubbish quality leads from companies like Bark, but not had much success! Next he told me that he managed to generate a couple of new project enquiries by simply searching the local planning portal websites and sending letters to people who have submitted planning applications.
I thought this was a great idea - because it directly targets the right people who are actually looking to get building work done and at the right time! However, this process was incredibly time consuming and not sustainable due to having to spend ages finding relevant applications, creating letters etc
So we decided to build a tool that does this for you and we called it
It works by finding planning applications local to you and then automatically generating ready-to-send letters (in just 1-click). This means you can very quickly & easily reach out to the best opportunities in your local area!
The Results?
I'll be honest, It took a lot of trial and error to find out what letter content gets people to respond (and what definitely does not).
But once we found what works- the results have been quite impressive!
The first month we sent out 200 letters and won 2 new projects (ÂŁ50,000 & ÂŁ25000), then in month 2 we sent 500 letters and got 3 jobs!
This means brother in-laws building company is fully booked for the next 6 months and it has cost him only ÂŁ300 in postage costs! What's more it's taken him about 5 minutes to create his letters. The postage part is also super easy as you can just folder the letters into a windowed envelope and add a stamp.
So if you are just getting started and trying to find work or if you are established but want more consistent jobs so you can grow your business in a way that you control, I'd love to give you a demo walkthrough (you can book this on our website here: Or alternatively you can start a FREE 7-Day trial on our website also.
I understand that some of you won't be convinced as there is an awful lot of noise around lead generation and seedy practices etc. Because of this we actually guarantee that you will win new jobs (or we will refund your subscription fee).
We are also very committed to keep this exceptionally affordable e.g only ÂŁ29.99 a month!
Last but not least, I want to thank those that have given a try. I appreciate the love, the feedback and suggestions. I really look forward to talking with you and showing you how it can help you to grow your construction business.
Have an amazing day! Tom, Co-founder @
submitted by planping to u/planping [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:10 qawsed_x 50 [M4F] #Melb #Australia - Hey, if good food, wine, reading, getting out / staying in, easy conversation and a few laughs is your thing, hit me up. (Photos in profile)

Hey There!
- I’m an easy going, no drama guy. The glass is half full.
- Love a night in cooking up a storm over a few drinks. I equally enjoy eating out.
- My espresso machine is my favourite appliance.
- Into health and fitness, but not at the expense of fun.
- Recent reads: Before The Coffee Gets Cold, To Kill A Mocking Bird, ACOTAR, Fourth Wing.
- Activities: The beach - Swimming, reading, walking, surfing - all year. Snowboarding / skiing, the gym, occasional golf.
- 5’7” 68kg
I'm here looking for a connection, I'm after friendship, fun and a relationship. Hopefully we hit it off over a bit of fun, flirty banter and then we can meet in person. I want to share real life experiences. Ideally you’re in Geelong or the Western side of Melbourne, but it’s not a show stopper for me, I’m up for some online chat and happy to travel. Oh, and I don't expect an exact match on my interests either.
The photo is me and there are more in my profile. Please be ok with sharing too. 😊
submitted by qawsed_x to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:09 Peppi_69 Svelte 5 use snippets instead of slots

Hi according to the current Svelte 5 Documentation slots in components are going to be deprecated and replaced with snippets.
I don't quiet understand how that works for example for the following code, which is a MediaQuery component which "wraps" around the content and gives me a boolean if the query is true.

``` {#if matches}
How would i do this with snippets?
submitted by Peppi_69 to sveltejs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:07 qawsed_x 50 [M4F] #Melb #Australia - Hey, if good food, wine, reading, getting out / staying in, easy conversation and a few laughs is your thing, hit me up. (Photos in profile)

Hey There!
- I’m an easy going, no drama guy. The glass is half full.
- Love a night in cooking up a storm over a few drinks. I equally enjoy eating out.
- My espresso machine is my favourite appliance.
- Into health and fitness, but not at the expense of fun.
- Recent reads: Before The Coffee Gets Cold, To Kill A Mocking Bird, ACOTAR, Fourth Wing.
- Activities: The beach - Swimming, reading, walking, surfing - all year. Snowboarding / skiing, the gym, occasional golf.
- 5’7” 68kg
I'm here looking for a relationship. Hopefully we hit it off over a bit of fun, flirty banter and then we can meet in person. I want to share real life experiences. Ideally you’re in Geelong or the Western side of Melbourne, but it’s not a show stopper for me, I’m happy to travel. Oh, and I don't expect an exact match on my interests either.
The photo is me and there are more in my profile. Please be ok with sharing too. 😊

submitted by qawsed_x to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:04 PerformanceSoggy5554 Will LoadAccelerator help my bro out?

So, my brother has been playing and i noticed his load screens were disgustingly long.... and he has 4090 and all top possible pc specs and my ancient intiel 1-7 back in the day had the same issue but, I dont know remember how I fixed it because I for one cannot stand to stare at load screens like that so I feel very bad he is just taking it like a champ.... I tried to help once by disabling V-sync for him in nvidia control panel as per his request and he never told me if it worked or not.... apparently it did nothing but made his game tear!!
sorry for rant question can I just install the LoadAccel Mod from NexusMods and throw it in his folder and viola? I already downloaded just waiting to see him to help him do it (he cant do it alone) Thanks ahead of time sorry if question is asked too much I just want to help my disabled brother play the damn game on his awesome pc without loading times of a window 95 dial up machine.... ~
submitted by PerformanceSoggy5554 to fo4 [link] [comments]