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AMC's A★List

2018.06.20 06:17 AKnightOfTheNew AMC's A★List

AMC has a Subscription Service Called AMC A★List that allows you to watch 3 movies a week Starting at $19.95 a month in any format. This Subreddit is run by fans of this service, not by AMC. We discuss movies, the subscription service, perks, and sometimes AMC as a whole. Don't forget to join our Discord, link found in our community info.

2024.05.20 02:03 i_eat_ass_all_day I feel like nothing is changing and everything sucks :(

Hey all, sorry to be the next depressed poster on this sub.
I'm really sorry because I know you guys probably get annoyed by these posts.
TL:DR - I will probably never be able to live as a woman because nothing is happening and I don't have a way to fix it.
I'm a 23 y/o transfemme.
I've been on hrt for a year and three months now and I have had zero changes. I've talked with my friends and I have pictures from just before and throughout the last year and three months - nothing's is different as far as I can tell or as far as my friends can tell.
I guess my HRT levels aren't good? I got checked every month when I started until 4 months in and now it's every three months. My first doctor that I started with never said whether or not my levels were specifically too low or anything except for my first test with him, which made sense since I was on low dose mono therapy. My new doctor always say something is wrong with my levels, telling me that they were way too high and my dosage was way too high and now she keeps saying that they are too low after she reduced and modified my dosages. I want to trust my new doctor because she is widely regarded in my area as the best hrt doctor. As for now, I recently started injections and have been on it for 4 weeks.
I also worry that it may just be because my body is going to change with my genetics. Even as a man, my genetics have cursed me with awful traits like REALLY wide shoulders, big hands and big feet. And I know that cis women also can have large feet and broad shoulders and big hands but I can bet that 99% of cis women don't wear a size 14M/15.5W shoe. I also started having my hair thin in My freshman year of high school, so that's cool - a year and half of Finasteride hasn't done shit for that. There is also my facial hair, no matter what I do - I always cut myself when shaving, No matter what. I've been trying to get into a dermatologist for months now to see if I have some fucked up skin or something because it's getting to the point where I often find my self crying because I hate the feel of my stubble. Same with body hair, my skin always breaks out into hives and rashes when I shave my body, no matter what cream and razor I use.
My friends and (most of) my coworkers refer to me as a woman and use she/her pronouns but I can't help occasionally feel contempt as it feels like they are mocking me almost. I know they aren't but it definitely feels like they are. And for the coworkers that doesn't do that, they often look at my she/her pronoun pin and then proceed to use them/them for me, and according to my coworker friends - just use he/him when I'm not around.
submitted by i_eat_ass_all_day to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:03 Feeling-Soup8737 Am I wrong for ghosting my ex?

Hi all,
My ex and I broke up a few months ago. Since then, we have remained in contact on a semi-regular basis (texting every week, a few phone calls, and popping over to each other’s houses to grab some belongings-One of these occasions I invited to stay for dinner, with no sex taking place). I tried to rekindle the relationship over text back in March but they turned it down.
Afterwards, about 3 weeks later, they wanted to come over for a birthday dinner and so they did. They ended up getting somewhat drunk and spent the night as I didn’t feel comfortable letting them drive. The entire time they were over, they kept alluding to being intimate, which ultimately led to us having a conversation where I told them I didn’t think it was a good idea, but that I would be willing to think about it. We agreed to meet up a month afterwards to discuss it and see where we were.
Well, the day comes and we meet at the park to talk things over. I told them I was not interested and that I would attempt to focus on a friendship and nothing more, to which they agreed. I told them that I am having a hard time wanting to be friends but that I’d be willing to try for their sake.
Since then, I’ve noticed they have been more distant but have not said anything. In the 2 months since then, we have talked on and off, including me reaching out once for advice, and one of these occasions was a phone call from them where they wanted to meet up and hang out. I said sure and we agreed that we’d hang out on a select day in upcoming weekends.
Well the day we’re supposed to meet up approaches and I ask them if we’re still on for that day, and they say no because they had other plans that day. We agree to reschedule for this weekend, but yet again when this weekend approaches I hear nothing from them. I finally get a message from them saying that they’re not able to hang out due to stress and probably won’t hang out with anyone until June.
Part of me wants to cut things off here because I feel like I’m being strung out. The other part of me feels like they sound like they are struggling and give them some grace. I know not everything is about me or even the “friendship” and I also recognize that I have already been wary of being friends, so maybe I am overthinking. Am I wrong for just wanting to ghost them? I don’t want to get hurt by games and dishonesty and feel there’s other things under the surface.
TLDR; I want to ghost my ex due to feeling like our attempt at a friendship is starting to change in a negative way. Am I wrong?
submitted by Feeling-Soup8737 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:02 joeMAMAkim Epic games has been a notoriously scummy and greedy company for many, many years. (warning: very long post. take measures to not fall asleep while reading my yapping.)

on one hand, it's great that a majority of you are finally realizing that they aren't good by most means. but on the other hand, it's not very good that a lot of you think they've only started being like this recently.
epic has been in controversies for many, many years. but it feels like most of the people in the Fortnite community just ignores their earlier wrongdoings.
an example of this has to do with Tencent, who to owns 40% of epic. if you think Disney owning 9% is bad, think about a massive super company owning 40%. i think it's very well known that Tencent is not a good company either, a quick google search will prove why.
the FOMO tactic that has been going on for years, and its battle pass system is another huge issue. people complain that this season is not giving enough XP, but then you either don't remember, or just didn't play back when this issue was even worse. back in chapter 1, the battle passes would "typically take around 75-150 hours to complete", according to the season 2 battle pass trailer. they have always been used as a way of encouraging players to sink as much time as possible into this game.
oh? you have a life outside of Fortnite? well, then you cant grind several daily challenges a day for a few battle stars, and then you will miss out on black knight. too bad, kid. but... you could beg your mother for money so you can buy the rest of the battle pass. just saying.
and then we have the problem of collabs in the BP. i personally don't really care about them much, but i can see why they're a massive issue. imagine getting into the game recently and hearing that you can play as the predator with an among us crewmate on your back, but uh oh! they were limited time only several years ago! this point has been discussed to death here already, do i really need to add more?
then we have the shop, the center point of attention from the community during chapter 5. when battle royale blew up, do you really think it was a coincidence that an item shop selling simple reskins of default skins and ports of hero models from StW for absurd prices popped up? rex in a dinosaur suit? that'll be 20 dollars. almost every single company's goal is to make as much money as possible. even epic back in the day.
my last point will be about something that has been reported as having happened from several different articles. if it has, then it is NOT a good look for this company. if it has been proved it hasn't, well, uh, ignore this next point then.
reports and articles says that epic games, during ~2018-2019, allegedly made a large amount of their employees work 70-100 hour long work weeks, for several month on end. i don't think i need to explain why this is not good. crutching employees in the first place is not a good way of treating your workers, and definitely not to that extent.
i want to finish up by saying that there are many, many more issues than these. if you're curious, you can do some digging yourself if you'd like to, but these were a number of issues i personally wanted to address. sorry if this post was long, but if i cut a lot of this down, crucial info could be excluded. goodbye.
submitted by joeMAMAkim to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 MadmanRogers terfs: you'll always be a biological female, and everyone can see it

everyone can spot it from miles away, feeeeemales just have wider hips hips, softer skin and different skull shapes, it's just biology! Besides, women are simply more evolved to distinguish biological males and feeeemales, it's for our own safety!
Also terfs: I was poisoned with testosterone for 8 months that I willingly signed the forms for and kept going back to pharmacy for after my prescription ran out and I simply cannot pass as a woman ever again! People always look at my like I'm a freak, I have a voice deeper than Morgan Freeman and a full lumberjack beard and I can't ever be a full woman every again! The evil trans agenda did this to me, by forcing me to take testosterone
submitted by MadmanRogers to transgendercirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:01 No_World_8994 Baby not gaining weight as fast anymore?

Not looking for medical advice, just for anyone else’s personal experience. My baby is 7 weeks old, was born at 8 lbs 12 oz and steadily gained the recommended weight per week as we weighed her at home. We weighed her 10 days ago and she was 11 lbs, then a few days later she was just under 11 lbs, and today she was 11 lbs 1 oz (so not her normal increase in weight for a 10 day period). She dropped from 80th percentile to 59th. We feed her expressed milk on demand, which usually amounts to feeding every 3ish hours, and she drinks about 25oz per day on average. Would this weight plateau be considered normal per anyone’s experience or should I get her into the pediatrician before her 2 month appointment next week?
submitted by No_World_8994 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 schuschh Something's been happening for a year now and I have no one to talk about it

Some backstory: To start, my girlfriend has OCD and basically she can't see her parents and gets triggered regularly. Last year we finished school but unfortunately we didn't manage to pass in the same city. We fought over it and because I promised we would be together I decided to stay with her and try again next year. Then my parents got extremely mad and made me go to where I originally passed. We argued even more but eventually everything got better.
After 1 month long distance her OCD got worse and she couldn't live alone. She dropped out of uni and came to live with me. (My parents still don't know because they wouldn't allow it).
We have been living together for almost a year now and I just want to let some things out. First of all I just want to say that I love her and I don't blame anything on her. I made a lot of awful choices. Also I have a good relationship with my parents and I still love them too. Because of her OCD I can't have any friends. I can't visit my parents regularly because she can't stay on her own. I feel depressed. I don't know what to do. Also every break I want to spend time with my family too but everytime it leads to both me and my parents and me and her fighting. Because of that she wants me to abandon my parents and live on our own. I have no job and my parents support me and I don't want to do that. I don't know how to express how I'm feeling. I love her but at the same time I can't handle this any more. I feel like I'm ruining my life...
I feel like I'm just an awful person saying all that and asking strangers for help but at this point I just want to talk to someone.
If you need more context ask anything you want.
submitted by schuschh to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 Mahbows Daily Challenge for Non-Cheaters - May 20, 2024

Link to the Daily Challenge
This is a place for Reddit users to submit their scores for the official Daily Challenge (hopefully) without the results being tarnished by cheaters. This should be played as a [2] -- zooming/rotating, moving allowed but external assistance is prohibited. Feel free to leave any walkthroughs in your comments, concealed with a spoiler tag.
A bot will keep a leaderboard for the month. You'll notice two columns related to your scoring performance. The first of these columns is labeled Average and represents your average score among all games throughout the month. The second column is labeled Score and represents either: 1. The average of your top 15 performances, or 2. Your average score divided by 15 (if you have played less than 15 games). The leaderboard is sorted by Score. At the end of the month, the highest Score will be declared the winner, and the leaderboard will reset for the next month.
Why do we keep score this way? There were 3 potential options for scorekeeping:
  1. Straight Average -- flawed because a player who only plays once but scores 25000 would likely win for the month.
  2. Cumulative Total -- flawed because it unfairly favors those who are able to play every and is a severe disadvantage to those who miss even a single day.
  3. Score of top 15 -- the method currently in use, it allows for some leeway for those not able to play daily, but at the same time, it's beneficial to those who are able to play more than 15 times. After 15 plays, each new score will bump out the previous lowest score.
The Daily Challenge resets at midnight UTC, which coincides with the time that this post will go live each day. So essentially, make sure that you're commenting your score with its corresponding post.
Summary of top 3 performances:
1st 2nd 3rd
June 2021 Ancient-Recover695 Grymmwulf jackES62
July 2021 Grymmwulf Ancient-Recover695 JLyons18
August 2021 LunacyEcho 197gpmol Ancient-Recover
September 2021 LunacyEcho Ancient-Recover solarsensei
October 2021 solarsensei 197gpmol LunacyEcho
April 2022 JackES62 LunacyEcho solarsensei
Top 10 Individual Personal Bests All-Time:
User Score Month
1st Grymmwulf 24945 July 2021
2nd Ancient-Recover695 24718 June 2021
3rd JackES62 24714 April 2022
3rd LunacyEcho 24714 April 2022
5th solarsensei 24674 October 2021
6th 197gpmol 24572 October 2021
7th JLyons18 24552 July 2021
8th Werdok 24438 September 2021
8th KeelsDB 24438 April 2022
10th Kibachiyo 24403 April 2022
submitted by Mahbows to geochallenges [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 ThrowRA881144 My boyfriend, M28, and I, F25, have been together for a year now. Would it be reasonable to stay with him or take a break from our relationship as he is reevaluating his view of relationships in general?

My boyfriend, M28, and I, F25, have been dating for a year now. TLDR, currently he is going through some rough times and doesn’t know if he wants to be in a relationship at all. Would it be reasonable to give him some space or stay with him?
For context, we were really good friends for a long time before we started dating. about two years ago year, he developed feelings for me first, but I didn't reciprocate at the time due to my commitment issues. I told him I needed time to figure things out, and he said he’d wait for me. A few months later, I decided to give it a shot, and he turned out to be the most romantic and caring man I've ever known. The first few months of our relationship were amazing.
However, at the end of last year, something happened in his family that made him question his entire worldview and idea of relationships. (His parents’ marriage wasn't as happy as he thought.) Since then, his attitude towards me has changed drastically. It's like a light switch flipped. He’s no longer enthusiastic about spending time together and has expressed a desire to avoid people altogether and just "hibernate."
We’ve had several conversations about it, and he admitted he’s unsure if he wants to be in a relationship at all and doesn't know how he feels about us anymore. He asked for some time to think about it, and it's been a few months since then. Every time we meet, it hurts to see how differently he looks at me now. I don’t feel the love and care that was once there; it feels like we’re just good friends again.
I told him I’d wait for him like he waited for me, but our situations don’t feel the same. I don’t know what to do now. I think I should give him space and take a break from our relationship. But at the same time I feel like I should stay by his side until he figures out what he wants. I love him very much and want to do what’s best for both of us but I don’t know what that is.
submitted by ThrowRA881144 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:00 mariya_oh_na_na Battery health and usage

Battery health and usage
An overused topic i know. But out of curiosity,
My batt health went down to 99% after 3 months after 26(?) cycle.
Context: used to care much on this back when this is new that i check the health every finish charging then i didnt. But due to heavy use yesterday i did check on it and it went down 1% in just three months, is it okay?
I didnt use my phone much in that 3 months too, i mainly use it on weeknights and weekends. On weekdays i only charge it 2-3 (max) times a week except on weekend that i do charge it once a day. But these past three sundays we've been out of town that i had to charge it 2- 3 times on the same day on a powerbank and yesterday i did three with on off data and bluetooth mainly used camera too. It did became hot somehow but not enough to stop the charging, then this morning i charge it again after it fully charged i check the health. My charing habit is 20/30-80 (set). Did the sudden heavy use affect the battery health?
submitted by mariya_oh_na_na to iPhone15ProMaxFans [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:59 DameDolla06 Sister-In-Law is the monster in-law *Long Read

My wife comes from a blended family where she splits major holidays between both parents (ex. Christmas, Thanksgiving) although neither parent lives in the same city. She is the youngest of her father’s kids. Her older sister has an unhealthy relationship with her. It's a mixture of attachment/bullying in my opinion. A major part of the relationship is my wife being her “little sister” although they are less than a year apart.
Every holiday her sister blows her up badgering her on when she will get to her dad’s. Although the routine has been the same the entirety of our relationship. We start at her mom’s and eventually migrate to her dad’s in the second half of the day. This past thanksgiving at her dad’s was a potluck format for which my wife was responsible for getting the drinks. Knowing she splits the holidays she tasked another family member also responsible for drinks to get enough for which she paid her. Like clockwork on the morning of thanksgiving her sister starts her routine and my wife told her more or less “I took care of the drinks but I expected this either way”. Fast forward to our arrival at her dad’s and her sister did not say a word to either one of us for the duration of our stay which was overnight and well into the following day. They did not speak for months as my wife had finally decided to stand up for herself as she had done nothing wrong.
Her sister has a birthday tripped planned in the summer that started the planning process well before thanksgiving. Around March she started weaseling her way back in with my wife as though nothing happened. We attended an event in support of another family member which her sister also attended in March. Her sister proceeded to continue to not speak to me but did converse with my wife.
Fast forward to yesterday in which we attended a birthday dinner for my wife’s step mom and her sister’s trend of not speaking to me continued. Today at brunch I let my wife know that I don’t intend to be around her dad’s side of the family in the near future as the disrespect had finally gotten to me. I had to drop the conversation because I knew it was one we could not continue without her crying which she had started to do.
I’m at a loss because asking your spouse to stand-up for you when you have done nothing wrong doesn’t seem like a tall ask. That said my wife doesn’t do well with conflict so the easier route for her would be me swallowing my feelings. I don’t let my own sisters disrespect me in this manner so it is becoming tough on me because it is exhausting wearing the mask out of love for my wife.
submitted by DameDolla06 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:59 flaired_base 5 months old, triple feeding, low supply

This post is mostly a vent My baby will get 5 months next week. At her 4 month we found out she had only gained half a pound in 2 months- from like 50th to 7th percentile. I didn't know it, my first kid, she always nursed a long time. Doesn't have a tie but we are awaiting a speech therapy visit next month because she is better at milk transfer but still slow at the bottle. We think she has some oral motor issue. Anyway, we have been triple feeding for 3 weeks with no end in sight. Last week I went in with her two lactation to do a wait and waited feed. She gained half a pound which is great, but she's transferring even less milk perhaps because she knows now she'll be getting a bottle. So now I'm supposed to give her 2 ounces after every feed and then pump and fortify her daycare bottles. It's so much. When I pump after feeds I never get 2 ozs except the first one in the morning so I always feel behind and like a failure. She's on more and more formula every day. I'm doing everything I can I think. I eat plenty. Could always drink more water and am trying to. Power pumped every day this week first thing in the morning. Hands on pumping. Nothing seems to work. I have almost spent 40 bucks on stupid lactation brownies more times than I'd like to admit. Is there anything else I can do? Should I just accept that I'll never make enough for her? Does the 2 months of poor milk transfer just mean I will never catch up? Of course added to the milk anxiety is the guilt that my baby was basically on a diet for 2 months and probably hungry and I didn't know it because her weight was OK at 2 mk ths and I thought she was just fussy -_-
submitted by flaired_base to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:59 SignoftheLastTree Very Poor Stress Tolerance

I just made an appointment with my doc for later this week. I had scheduled one at the end of the month but my mental health is really in the toilet and I feel worse and worse everyday. I am applying for medication assistance for a new med, but that could take upwards of a month to get here. My current medication simply isn't working, and its only a matter of time before things reach "the point of no return" where I become super unwell and lose insight. I felt like this before my psychotic break last fall. My goal is to just have the doctor prescribe me my new medicine, and I'll pay out of pocket for what my insurance will not cover until the med assistance gets here. Its not a very good plan, but if I go into psychosis I will disappear for months assuming I see the other side.
Every little thing weighs so heavily on me. Minor stresses that I would otherwise shrug off send me spiraling. I feel weak. I know I'm dealing with shit that would make anyone feel that way but it doesn't change the fact that I continually let myself down with how little I am able to handle.
submitted by SignoftheLastTree to CrazyNicePeople [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:59 do_no_harm1719 One year post op progress

One year post op progress
Highest weight on the left: 270 Current weight on the right: 145
I had surgery at 230, so I’m at 85 lbs lost post op, just had my one year anniversary last week. I’m 5’3”. Hoping to stabilize around 140 and check out some surgery options, since I expect I have about 5-10 lbs of loose skin I’m dealing with all over. I exercise ~5 days a week but try to have some kind of movement every day (walking, cleaning, etc.) and I’m hovering around 1200-1500 or so calories a day depending on activity level and time of the month lol. My only regret is that I waited so long!
submitted by do_no_harm1719 to GastricBypass [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:58 Dikurveee Need advice (21M) and (19F)

I'm going for a month long military exercises where i cant be on touch with my ld girlfriend. She's on meds after she lost her dad, so our breaks are realy hard for her. I want to write her 30 letters so she can read them one every day, but i dont know what to write. Could you give me some advice on where to start and what it should look like?
submitted by Dikurveee to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:58 Snoo_33033 Spousal clutter issues

My husband borders on being a hoarder, so much so that I have started daydreaming about just moving out to my own apartment.
I’ve been in the process of attempting to get a new job but have also been asked to move to my current job’s home office, so I outlined a plan for us to prepare to move. For about a month I dropped off a box at goodwill every week and filled the trash cans every week. I also wrote out a punchlist, which included a few things for each of us to do, including putting two couches and a coffee table on the curb during bulk trash pickup. I travel a lot for business and had to go away just before the trash pickup, and he assured me it was no problem and it would be handled.
I came home and none of the stuff that he promised to throw out was thrown out.
Ever since then I really am heartbroken. Our house is a mess and any surface I uncover is immediately covered again with, generally, small items that people don’t put up. The kitchen cabinets are always wide open, and the drawers are pulled out and nothing is put away. I am still doing a lot of basic daily cleaning, but nobody else is. I unloaded on my husband about this and he basically acted like I’m way overreacting. But like…I feel like I’m drowning. We have a cleaner who comes. She basically just beats back the chaos for a day.
Anyway, I feel like I’m at a breaking point here. Got any advice for me?
submitted by Snoo_33033 to declutter [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 IckyOpal Which debt should take priority?

Without going into too much detail, I have a mortgage with 7.5% interest rate. There is also a credit card with around 20k to off with interest rate at 20% I have been putting extra toward my principal on the mortgage every month. Im wondering if itd be a better option to be applying the extra to the credit card instead.
What im planning for is in 2 years my interest rate can change on my mortgage. It can go up 2% and in that case the track im on with extra payments will make my monthly payment be a little less than it is right now. However if im not paying extra and the monthly payment goes up the potential full 2% i will have a much harder time making those payments.
My brain is tired and im looking for a fresh perspective on this. I may be able to pay off this CC in those 2 years so overall there would be more money at my disposal to go toward the house payment going up?
Opinions welcome 💜
submitted by IckyOpal to Money [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 justtakeurvitamines Money.

I’m 16 (f) and I have a basically full time job,and I do online school from 9-12 , and I watched my brothers kids and keep up with chores. I work 40 hours a week and get paid every 2 weeks, so about $700-$800 per paycheck, I get maybe $100 out of it, $150 if I’m lucky. My family is just about but not quite to middle class, we live comfortably with my older brother his wife, and his 2 kids, along with my dads government benefits, food stamps, exc. Income in my house is (if I’m adding it up right) about 1,800 every month, but my dad still takes my money and says it’s “to help the family” but if I bring it up he gets mad and tells me that he pays for my medical supplies (we have full coverage insurance) and that he keeps a house over my head but if I want to be like that I can help with the gas and car insurance it takes to get me too and from work, some times he even brings up that I can just quit my job. Today I brought up that “how can I save up for a car if I don’t have any money” he got mad again. What do I do? Also he controls all money that goes in and out of my account and gets text anytime I spend money.
submitted by justtakeurvitamines to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 AlexAutoAxe I'm a proud father of the best son in the world

I'm sure every father has felt this way before, but I have to express my gratitude for whatever supreme being blessed me with my son.
My son's 14 monthes old, he's the sweetest little boy you'll meet. He rarely fusses (only when there's food involved) and he goes to bed like champion.
My wife has had some postpartum problems, and is in-and-out of support programs that's helping her. In the meantime I'm at home with the baby and he makes it easier coping with the isolation of being a parent. He's my best friend and my reason for living alot of the time. He hugs me before bed and smiles after giving him his bedtime stories. He sleeps through the night most of time for me, and squeals when it's time to wake up.
It brings me to tears knowing me and my wife got so lucky to have him. I want to take him to do things, hangout with my friends and see family when we can. He'll sit on my lap while I'm playing video games and just watch. I truly can't thank my wife and the universe enough for having him in my life.
I love you Percy, I love you Rachael ❤️
I hope every father out there feels this way with their children. Thank you so much for being fathers and mothers to them.
I hope you have a great day ❤️
submitted by AlexAutoAxe to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:56 Defiant_Artist1022 Can Botox help with under eye smile wrinkles?

Can Botox help with under eye smile wrinkles?
I’ve developed these pretty intense under eye wrinkles that really only come out when I smile. Can Botox help with this? I already get over 50 units of jeuveau every 4 months or so in my forehead, 11s, crows feet etc but wondering if I need to add some to address this.
submitted by Defiant_Artist1022 to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:55 Prestigious_Boot_105 Breaking no contact (Again)

Alright, to make long story short from my last no contact we both really needed closure from our fight that resulted in our break-up. We hanged out every other weekend and talked for about a month. Why we broke up was due to pettiness, ego, and pride on both sides and she was on her menstrual cycle too, I was also very confused on her antics during our relationship and didn’t communicate at all with her on how I felt about, in which resulted for a perfect storm for us to break up. Fast forward a month, she reacts to a message I sent on Instagram before we broke up with a bunny on Easter. I tell her my apology and hope she and her family were doing okay, the following week calls me drunk and all emotional about wanting to be back together and wants me to go see her calling me “babe” “I love you,” etc. We hanged out, watched the Total Eclipse, a movie the following weekend, trip to Dallas (she lives in another city not too far ((kinda far actually))😭But then, she told her father after he called her during our date in Dallas. Now I already told my mom that I was seeing her again, she didn’t say anything and really didn’t care. She told it was my choice in the end of the day. Will her Dad wasn’t too fond of her being with me and after I broke up with her. After I dropped her off I messaged her the day after because she was kinda ghosting me that night I dropped her off. She just told me that her father wasn’t too happy that she was hanging with me so she said that we shouldn’t hang out anymore and or talk all together. I totally agreed as I talked to her on the way dropping her off about how I felt and if a scenario ever happened where I got a disapproval from her family it would result to me leaving because I care for her and I don’t want them and her to be unhappy for us being together after betraying there trust with there daughter. After that, we parted ways and thanked each other for the great memories and we didn’t speak for a couple days until she messages me 2 days later “ ____ 😭😭” (fill in blank with an imaginary name) I responded with “is everything okay” and then … radio silence. For a day, then messages me with “I fell asleep” at like 9PM which she knows I’m asleep because I have to wake up at 5am. I tell to stop being dry and to spit it out. I was honestly kinda annoyed because she was just drowning me in like suspense or something so I sent her a paragraph telling her I love her and care for her but it’s best for us to go no contact. AND… was left on delivered again. Now to current events, sorry the ‘ prologue’ was not “long story short.”💀
Fast forward two weeks later. It was ruff on not only me but her too. I honestly was really depressed and honestly praying to god for another chance and will, he delivered. On Thursday I took a nap of misery and told god for her to message me and give me on last time with her. Waking up at 12am all sweaty, stinky breath, thirsty as hell, I check my phone and I see a notification from her. My first thought was “my prayer was actually answered.” She just said if we could talk and how she wasn’t really handing our break up #2? She stated her dad got drunk and just told her he wasn’t mad about hanging out with me but not telling him she was hanging out with me. I told her that I was honestly really depressed and wanted her back in my life because I can’t see myself with someone else. We accepted that we will AGAIN rekindle our “friendship” (seeking to rebuild our relationship back but slow and exclusive) but here’s what’s troubling me now.
She’s being all shallow and ghosting me for hours sometimes even days. I can’t process her telling me she’s “not doing so good” without me but ends up ghosting me or being dry at times and honestly it’s bringing me the assumption she doesn’t really miss me but just likes the company and the attention. It’s very frustrating that she comes back to my life, twists the knife even deeper and then puts little effort in trying to fix it (I thought I did something there😭🔥) But Yha, this is my biggest struggle by far right now with her. And this isn’t new, after our first initial no contact she was the same, ghosting me being dry as the savannah desert, and now. So what do you guys think if someone even read this far😭 if you did, ummm… I’ll pray for you tonight🥹 anyways have a great day people of Reddit🫡
submitted by Prestigious_Boot_105 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:55 Ok_Sport_1787 Don't want my modlist to break next patch.

Hey, so I just installed a couple.. uhmm couple yeah (about 300) mods and I have heard new patches which happen every couple months tend to break a few of them, and I said heard because it's the first time im modding BG3.
If possible, I wanted for the game not to update and break all my mods, is that possible? I know Initial Mod Support might be out in Patch 7 which could be huge, but still, I think I've got enough content for a couple hundred hours of gameplay and I don't really want to fix my modlist all over again, not to mention my premium is expiring which also means even more of a hassle.
I think downgrading the version is what it'd be called, but I'm not sure and I don't know how it works in BG3, so if someone can help I'd be thankful!
submitted by Ok_Sport_1787 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:55 paddu_padoda UTSAV' 24

Guys, I completely understand all the pain and even I am North indian, but please try to understand that we have come to live here and we should respect them and their amazing culture and try to mould with them.
This is coming from someone who has experienced this in the first year, but I worked with a few teams and I really really enjoyed the night outs with amazing people. Played really nice games, had a lot of fun near the stage area and made lots of memories.
Fest of BMSCE is not just about that one fucking concert, it's about those 2-3 months which each and every student in the OC(org committee) dedicates, and I hope you guys will join the OC too from next fests and have fun with us!!
Also, btw this was one of the smoothest and the best fest in the past couple of BMSCE ever had, no fights no drama. 2nd day was a bang. Unfortunately due to rain whatever happened, we still made a lot of changes at the last moment and at least shifted the DJ in the indoor stadium because even we know the pain and we had to do something for our amazing folks here at BMSCE, so we did. In fact all the money that was bought in by students and sponsorship team of OC was also kind of wasted because Nikhil didn't perform.
So chill, join the other side I would say and have fun, make memories!!
submitted by paddu_padoda to BMSCE [link] [comments]