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Platinum End Theory: Who Is God And Those Mysterious Beings In The Finale Explained

2024.06.02 06:29 thebluudwolf Platinum End Theory: Who Is God And Those Mysterious Beings In The Finale Explained

Platinum End Theory: Who Is God And Those Mysterious Beings In The Finale Explained
Original link- https://reddit.com/platinumend/comments/sdw2rc/deleted_by_use
Repost cause the original was deleted. I'm not OP. OP is https://www.reddit.com/usemuphenz
Thanks https://www.reddit.com/usecompletelylostcase for the Pastebin link. https://pastebin.com/A8K4bJiD
DISCLAIMER: This theory will go over the entire story of Platinum End, so obvious spoilers ahead. Just a heads up, this theory is posted at the time that only a few episodes of the anime have been released. Depending on how much the anime stays like the manga, details may end up changing. Therefore, the entire theory will be based solely on the manga. I will also leave snippets of the manga with the highlighted text to support my claim. Please be sure to read those as it will help this theory make sense. This theory is completely my own original thoughts. If anyone shares this, please be sure to credit me, Muphenz. Thanks!Hello, my fellow Platinum End fans! If you’re like me, the ending completely caught me off guard and left my head-scratching. Do not worry! I’ve overanalyzed everything and made a theory to possibly explain who god and those beings at the end of the story are, so you don’t have to. Those beings at the end of the manga, chapter 58, are drum roll…humans of the future who have achieved many scientific advancements who existed well before the story of Platinum End takes place and are simulating their own world with fake humans, fake angels, and a fake god. Why are the real humans running this simulation? Simply put, they’re suicidal and no amount of therapy is going to help with that. Why are they wanting to die? In the future, it is predicted by Gaku Yoneda that within 500 years, humans will achieve immortality. Once they achieve immortality, they will eventually master time and space and will be able to do things like teleport, time travel, see the future, etc. And once humans achieve immortality and are able to know all of the future, they will discover that the future cannot be changed according to Dr. Yoneda. Just like Dr. Yoneda’s prediction, the real humans are wanting to die which is why it’s stated by one of the real humans how annoying it is that there is no death. Whatever the process was that made the real humans immortal, it seems that it cannot be reversed to restore one’s mortality. Although it’s not stated how humans will achieve immortality and allow them to control time and space, this will somehow cause humanity’s apocalypse as well, destroying the original Earth. What makes these creatures more human-like than god-like is that they admit they were born on another planet, most likely the original Earth. They are also aware that they too were created by something that is above them. How do we know Dr. Yoneda’s predictions are right? It was stated by Shuji Nakaumi that his past predictions came true. One thing to understand about science is that it’s extremely good at accurately predicting things. Example 1: With Issac Newton’s law of motion, scientists can predict the position of an object at any specific time, past, present, or future. Example 2: In the 1840s, Fitzner astronomer Urbain Le Verrier was analyzing the orbit pathway of Mercury and found that it is changing very slowly over time. With technology limited at that time, it was hard to provide proof. In 1915, the famous German physicist, Albert Einstein was able to calculate the influence of the curved space in Mercury’s orbit. That is 75 years later that science proved its prediction was right. Although science cannot tell future events like a psychic will attempt to, I believe this is what the author was using to help advance the plot for the ending. The real humans already know the future and they’re aware that no matter what they try, death is not a part of that. If they cannot do it, someone else can. That is when these simulations come in. The real humans will create simulated humans. In one of the simulations, the story of Platinum End takes place. This would not be on a computer. This process would involve terraforming an entire planet to support carbon-based life. The planet that the simulated humans live on will be similar to the original Earth as well as the history and advancement of science will be similar to the real humans. As the simulated human’s society progresses, like in Platinum End, they would eventually learn how to become immortal and learn how to control space-time which would lead to them wanting to die just like the real humans. But unlike the real humans, the simulated ones may actually achieve a way to kill themselves once they obtain immortality that the real humans could use. But as we already know stated by the real humans, this specific simulation was a failure. Nothing was created that was capable of killing them. Thus, the real humans will move on to a new simulation. Pay very special attention to this picture. Notice right after all of the humans disappear when the fake god kills himself, the buildings are slowly crumbling away since no one is here to maintain them. According to World Building, it would take an average of 250 years for a building to start to break apart since materials like wood and plastic would be destroyed by the environment if not maintained. Metal would be expanding and no longer able to keep the building's structure in place. This would cause things like windows to fall off and shatter. So after a few hundred years, the real humans return to the planet after the simulated humans disappeared due to the fake god’s suicide. It’s possible that during this time they’re running other simulations on other planets and returned when this simulation was completed. Since the real humans have achieved master over space-time, teleporting to anywhere in the universe would not be out of the question. Since they cannot die, the amount of time it would take for the real humans to travel anywhere in the universe is irrelevant as well. Even though Gaku Yoneda’s predictions about the simulated humanity’s end were wrong, he was technically right. It did come true for the real humans. If Shuji Nakaumi, as the fake god, did not kill himself and wipe out all of the fake humans, they would of most likely learned how to cheat death and to control space-time in the future. Gaku was wrong about the fake god being a product of human belief in order to live. He even admits that the composition of the fake god was wrong. If the fake god required human belief to live, then Shuji would not have erased the memories of those who were not god candidates as it would have affected the fake god's existence if fewer people believed in him. There is one thing that begs the question. Why is a fake god needed to run these simulations? Why do the simulated humans have souls? Why not just create the simulated humans and leave them to figure out how to create an immortal killing machine without the process of a false god? This is because God and souls are actually real and are necessary for life to exist. To clarify, the “God” that Shuji Nakaumi was transmuted into is not the true God that I’m referring to. I’m referring to the first cause of everything, a self-aware creator, a deistic God who existed before time and space who created the universe and does not intervene in its creation. This means no miracles, prophecy, answering prayers, divine revelation, etc. Everything in the universe is governed by physics and these laws cannot be broken. The real humans who are running the simulations are aware that they are a creation made from a creator. However, since a deistic God does not interfere in the universe, the real humans cannot know of him, at least while they are still alive. Considering the real humans can control space-time, I can say for certain at one point, at least one person went to the very beginning of time and saw something that would be evidence of an intelligent designer creating the universe. When the real humans are conversing with each other at the finale, one human suggests identifying what created them and the second one replies that seeking their creator will be a waste of time. If a deistic God won’t intervene in its creation, the real humans would be wasting time by attempting to contact him. Even though they can control space-time, if the creator exists outside of reality, they would not be able to reach this entity. Focusing on figuring out who created them means that time is wasted if they're not figuring out how to die which is why it would take them further away from death. Just as the simulated humans have souls, the real humans also have souls. At some point, the real humans discovered the soul. They are aware that this is needed for life to be sentient. The discovery of the soul could have played a key part in the real humans achieving immortality. The fake god is engineered by the real humans to create souls so that life can be sentient, mimic the universe's deistic God by allowing the simulation to run with no interference, and act as a mod to keep an eye on life with the red and white arrows. The celestial realm was created so the fake god would not be a part of the simulated world. Even though time moves differently in the celestial realm, it is the closest thing that the real humans can engineer to simulate a deist God that is separated from its creation. This fake god does not have the powers of a supreme being. The fake god does not know everything, is not everywhere at once, and does not display any sort of omnipotent ability. There is a lot of things that the fake god admits to not knowing, such as who created him, why are souls preserved, and how long does the merging process take. Although we do see the fake god have the ability to observe humanity, I would say that this is the equivalent of having admin privileges to watch humanity live-streamed on YouTube. The fake god is aware that he is created by someone. The fake god noticed that there are things that had already been created that he was not a part of just by observing everything in the universe. Although he seems to not understand what created him. He even acknowledges the idea that humanity could have created him. All the simulated souls come from the fake god. This is done through a process of emanation, which means to flow from. In the Abrahamic religions, specifically Gnosticism, Jewish Mysticism, and certain sectors of Protestantism, instead of your typical creator being separate from its creation, everything is a spontaneous outflow from God. As pieces of God emanate from him, it becomes less divine, but these pieces will eventually become an individual soul that forms into human spirits, angels, demons, as well as other things that come into reality such as heaven, hell, and the world of the living. Eventually, everything that came from God, will return back to the creator. (If you’re still confused on what emanation is, I would do more research before continuing to read as this will play a key role in understanding who the fake god is.) Emanation is how the fake god created the simulated human and their soul, the fake angels, and the celestial realm. The fake god took a piece of himself and used it to create life. Since everything emanates from the fake god is connected to him, as he is dying, most of the angels are dying too. Due to this connection, when the fake god killed himself, everything that was tied to the fake god disappeared. But because the creation of the fake god is not connected to the physical world, the planet and everything that is not life remained on it. When the simulated human beings die, the soul goes to the celestial realm. This is the returning aspect of emanation. The souls that came from the fake god are returning back to him. You always see all angels, regardless of rank, having the task of carrying the souls to the celestial realm. It seems that the main purpose of the angels is to help with the return part of the emanation process. The more that the emanence is divided, the less divine it becomes. This is why the fake humans are considered sub-celestial in the hierarchy. It appears that there is a certain order to the flow of emanation. The newest creations emanate from the fake god. Kids will be the first in the line for the emanate process and their parents will be behind them. This is why when the fake god committed suicide, the kids were the first ones to disappear, then the adults. All things that emanate from the fake god are returning to the original source in reverse order when the fake god takes his own life. When the fake god merges with a human, this appears to go against the set pattern of the emanation process by breaking the order in which the emanence flows. This is why when Shuji merged with the fake god, it felt like there was something foreign in the fake god's body similar to how an infected person's body acts when the immune system detects foreign bacteria or a virus. The only way to get around it is by the fake god merging with a simulated human and having the fake god take over the new body when the fusion is completedIt is stated by the fake god that it is nothing more than humanity's assumption that God cannot die. This may be true for the deistic God, but not for a fake god. It is already known that the real humans achieved immortality. Although the fake god could have been engineered to be immortal, that would just create another being who would eventually want to die. The fake god was designed to live a long life, compared to humans, that could be extended through the process of merging with one of its emanated counterparts until the simulation was completed. This has been done throughout time in the form of the god choosing process. The fake god confirmed to Shuji that his purpose was to create life. Professor Yoneda confirmed that the fake god was created by human imagination and that its purpose was to end life.On the surface, this may seem like a contradiction. But both of them are right. The fake god’s purpose was to create the simulated humans. God is metaphorically a creation of human imagination. It was not by the simulated human’s imagination as stated by Yoneda, but it was designed and engineered by the minds of the real humans. Since the purpose of the simulation is for the fake humans to achieve immortality and figure out how to reverse it, you can say that the fake god is a part of that process of killing humanity. Right as all of the humans are disappearing, Dr. Yoneda realizes that the composition that makes up the creature is based on a science that the simulated humans have not discovered yet. The composition of the fake god is Aether. In medieval times, a common study among scholars is alchemy, which can be best described as the forerunner for modern-day chemistry mixed with the pseudoscience of metaphysics. According to Charles Gillispie, a historian at Princeton University, in his book, The Edge of Objectivity, An Essay in the History of Scientific Ideas, Aether is the fifth element, along with earth, wind, fire, and water, that are the basic building blocks of the universe. During medieval times, Aether is the substance that is believed to connect the physical world to the spiritual one. It was even a common belief that the Abrahamic God was surrounded by Aether and that all of the angels, demons, and souls that dwelled in the afterlife breathed it in as humans breathed in the air. According to Jakob Bernoulli, a mathematician from the 1600s, believed that Aether is what allowed souls to interact with their human bodies. All of these characteristics of Aether match the composition of the fake god. Aether is what allows life to become sentient, connecting all of the simulated humans back to the fake god from the physical world to the celestial realm. It seems at some point, the real humans discover this element. This discovery most likely led to the discovery of the soul. Using this element, the real humans used Aether to construct the fake god needed for the simulations. Everything that is a part of the simulation, the fake god, angels, the soul, the arrows, is made up of this element. The red arrow is what allows the god candidates to make other humans fall in love with them so much that the person who is under the influence of the arrow will do literally anything the person who is in control wants, even die for them. The white arrow has the ability to kill any life while all inanimate objects are unaffected. These were limits placed on the arrows by the fake god. According to Ogaro, the fake god can use the full power of the arrows at will. The red arrow is more than just making someone fall in love. The arrow does this by taking away their free will. The god candidates were limited to using the arrow on 14 people at once for a period of up to 33 days. With the fake god able to use the full power of the red arrow, he can enslave any or all simulated humans with a snap of his finger for as long as he desired. The red arrow also played a role in creating the first simulated life as well. The fake god stated that if life was left alone, it would multiply. The desire of falling in love and wanting to procreate was implanted by the red arrow when life was created. The white arrow is the opposite of the red arrow. This arrow can kill life instantly. The limit that was placed on this arrow is that only one white arrow can be shot at a time. Just like the red arrow, this arrow has a maximum range of 31.6 meters. When cycling the white arrow, there is a cool down period of 0.3 seconds. If these limiters are removed, the fake god can kill all humans with the white arrows with virtually no limit on distance, any number of arrows can be used simultaneously, and there would be no mandatory cool down period.The creation of the simulated humans involves two key ingredients. The first is the soul which comes from the fake god. The second is a physical body for the soul to be attached to. The real humans asked if it was worth planting another seed and another god as those are two separate things.The making of another god is obviously the fake god. But what is the seed? The seed is what makes the physical embodiment of all plants and animals that all emanence is attached to. I.E., souls attached to bodies. According to the fake god, before he created life on the fake Earth, there was some sort of micro-organism.This seed would be that micro-organism, specifically carbon-based bacteria that is capable of evolution. Around 3 billion years ago, the first life on Earth was bacteria. There are two types of bacteria, a classification of anaerobic bacteria that ate other organic compounds and simple sugars to survive. The other kind is autotrophs bacteria which is capable of self-feeding. Anaerobic bacteria would evolve into modern-day animals. Autotroph bacteria would evolve into modern-day plants that still have the ability to self-feed through a process of photosynthesis. It is possible to send bacteria through space. According to a 2020 study published in the Journal of Frontiers in Microbiology, bacteria were able to survive in space for three years. If the real humans were able to transport the seed through space in less than 3 years, it could easily survive. Considering they achieved immortality, it is within reason to think this would be a piece of cake for them. At some point, part of the anaerobic bacteria would come in contact with the fake god, who was on the fake Earth at that time to make life, recognized the fake god as food, and attempted to feed off of him to survive. The bacteria that fed off the fake god would eventually evolve into Nasse. The bacteria that did not feed off of the fake god would evolve into more complex forms of life on the fake Earth. Since Nasse was accidentally created from this event, it most likely means that she is the first angel that the fake god created. This means that she could serve as inspiration for the fake god to create angels for the celestial realm. The angels don't seem to share any ability to reproduce with each other. There is never any mention of any family heritage. It means that all of the angels were created around the same time. Since Nasse is the only angel that came from the seed/bacteria, her biological makeup differs from all the other angels. While the majority of her is angel, part of the genetic makeup is similar to carbon-based life. Although I would not say Nasse is an angel-human hybrid, she could be considered a type of Nephilim. Due to this biological difference, Nasse is the only angel that can interfere in both the physical world and the celestial realm. Much research has shown that facial expressions are innate among all animals, not just humans. The same animals that display facial expressions when expressing emotions, lying, determination, etc. use similar muscles in the face as humans do. For example, a Psychologist, Paul Ekman, studied facial expression from hours of film and ventured on to multiple isolated tribes who have very little contact with modern society. He showed them pictures of facial expressions and asked them to interpret them. These people were able to match facial expressions and their meaning with high accuracy. This is one of the many studies that show facial expressions are genetic. Even though Nasse is single-minded, she is able to understand facial expressions due to her biological relationship with the simulated life on the fake Earth. But hey, this is just a theory."
submitted by thebluudwolf to platinumend [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:26 XyXyXyXyXyXy-4373 Ever wondered why Charles made a place for "Buisness Genius"...Charles=James that's why..prove me wrong🗿

So lets get started....
Charles Choi the man who built the entire hnh group sourced by the 4MC also his idea and that by 10 geniuses which was also his idea
Now why does he need a "buisness genius" u can't tell me that bcz Crystal was just there cuz she was pretty and was good businesswoman
Nah bro what I am about to tell u is something which confirmed the 2nd body theory long ago from now and ptj did it himself ☠️✨️
Remember James Lee meeting with Eugene with the pendrive??
He said that when he was on idol tours he "pretends" to be on it and instead follow Charles around...really bro this is the most bs explanation cuz Charles never does anything by his own
and James Lee would ofc know that and also the ideal tour...what it takes for Charles to spy on James is just one Google search [I am guessing Eugene already knows this and that James is lying]
Now we already know that thing..
Why does James leave the country on this supposed tour???
Bcz that's when it bcms necessary for Charles to spend more time on the buisness side..
U see Charles made Crystal a buisness genius cuz he can't do it even if he has 2 bodies he only has 24 hours a day
We know Crystal Choi wasn't so in contact with Charles like a father daughter bond they rarely see each other and the reason is Charles is not awake for most of the day..
James Lee(2nd body) "leaves on tour" only when Charles presence somewhere is very very necessary otherwise Charles is always in James body building the idol image which Charles want to maintain as a clean past of DG...so that nobody will question his background when "he" bcms the next owner of hnh grp
Crystal Choi is there to handel things on Charles behalf..so that Charles can fully focus on his 2nd body
And I bet it's tru bcz the truth is Charles Choi doent need a "buisness genius" otherwise it's clear by now..
A question was Charles making Crystal his heir until she refused and I.e why Charles was teaching her buisness??
U are wrong Charles Choi would have foreseen this scenario from the beginning..he was using Crystal from the start so that he can build the image of James Lee and maintain buisness at the same time
Why didn't Charles harm her?Cuz she can stand by her feat and he is confident that she won't spill the beans cuz otherwise Jail is for her too..or she is better off living a normal life than whatever "War" Charles/James is in right now
Let's be honest here "Charles Choi thinking passing down the buisness to the next generation"
Nuh uh won't happen till his death and even then he will not let go through James Lee body☠️🗿🗿✨️He truly is majestic
submitted by XyXyXyXyXyXy-4373 to lookismcomic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:21 Krispy_Kolonel CMV: College football is a shell of what it used to be

I’m not sure who on here cares to answer, I’m just looking for a reason to care about this sport again. I look around at college football today and I’m just utterly shocked at what it is. I’m really not that old and I didn’t get into watching college football until I was in high school (only about 10 years ago), but even in that time frame, there has been so much change that it almost feels like it’s not worth it anymore.
  1. Conference realignment. For anyone unaware, Texas and Oklahoma left the Big 12 for the SEC, most likely for larger revenue streams and “more guaranteed post season access”. That meant the Big 10 had to grab Oregon Washington UCLA and USC and Cal and Stanford are now playing in the Atlantic Coast Conference with new arrival Southern Methodist (who are in Dallas), effectively killing a conference that has been around for almost a century.
I want to watch rivalry games that matter. I want to see the passion the fans have when Oklahoma faces Oklahoma State or Oregon and Oregon State face off. I want the regular season to actually mean something, give teams and alumni and fans regional bragging rights over their conference mates. Century old rivalries have been splintered without a second thought. The Miami Hurricanes of Florida are going to Berkeley CA for an IN CONFERENCE match up. USC in downtown Los Angeles are hosting Rutgers, who’s campus is 30 minutes from Times Square, in an IN CONFERENCE match up. It’s ridiculous, it’s enraging, but it’s not at all entertaining. The pageantry and tradition that the game is known for has been watered down and made Disney safe at the cost of losing part of the identity of the sport.
  1. Everything is becoming about the post season. I’m not a huge fan of Josh Pate, but he has a really good view on this. Some programs just aren’t meant to be national championship contenders and are instead just supposed to focus on the regular season games. Only the top of the top, the best of the best should get to play for a title, and while I acknowledge that there are teams that got screwed out of contention in the past, how is this new post season going to be any better? Coaches will start benching players during the end of the season when they know they have a playoff spot secured just to guarantee longer rest before the playoffs.
  2. The excess in commercials and marketing has my head spinning. The head of the SEC stated at the spring meetings that teams may need to start looking into on field branding or jersey patches. They are actively turning the game into a walking advertisement. Increased ads turning games are turning them into 4 hour slog fests, and while I would love to watch my team on tv and support, I almost can’t justify that time anymore.
  3. This isn’t about the students anymore. I’m not sure that it ever was, but it was nice when everyone was at least still trying to pretend. There are guys that are making more money right now as college athletes than they will at the highest level in the NFL. I’m glad the players are getting paid, the fact they weren’t before was highly exploitative. But now it feels like the best are going to get better and everyone else just has to be ok with them being left behind. The sports betting scene has death threats being sent to athletes on a weekly basis during the season.
Again, I’m looking for reasons to watch again. I’m trying to find the fun in the game and experience again and I just haven’t been able to find it myself
submitted by Krispy_Kolonel to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:17 krptz The Turin Horse - A Beautiful Apocalyptic Premonition

I'm glad my first tango with Bela's work went well. The Turin Horse is so incredibly gorgeous in its visual aesthetic, that it's hard to square with the ugliness of what's actually happening.
What I admire about how this film was directed is that it avoids pity, avoids forceful social commentary. What we see on screen: it just is. But what if something is terribly wrong with just is? Should this be accepetable as a way of life. What I find striking about the timelessness feeling of this movie is that it's not far feteched to believe people are living exactly like this now, as if they're walking on a tightrope, where a gust of wind at any moment may knock them off and ruin them. Human life is equally precious and fragile. In a world of such abudance, has our value of human life diminshed so far, that people are still allowed to live like that? I don't believe Bela is crying for a call to arms, but rather sighing in dejection at human existence - a lonely wimper. Was this human experiement just one terrible tragedy?
What baffles me is how Bela makes the mundane so capitvating; how he makes these characters so fleshed out merely through visual language. I think part of it is how well choregraphed each take is; character and camera movements are smooth but active, and the blocking is just perfection! There is enough on screen for you to contemplate without being bored to death. But that's not all of it.
The Nietzche story is an interesting one that seemed foundational in the birth of this film. Nietzche, who's philospohy has been so cherry picked and perverted, that he has become some modern idol of neo-darwisinsts who yearn for a regression to a harder, colder and more primal time, where the weak are destined to be subjected, and exploited, over and over again. This very idol breaks down in the face of a horse being whipped, yet one thinks where is his pity for the worker who perhaps has been reduced to rely on this horse for his sustenance. I feel as if the movie is a brutal satire of this absurd situation, finally giving us the story of the horse owner. Answering our questions of what could lead a man to treat a poor, gentle horse so cruelly.
There is no redemption in this story, no speck of hope. No, we can believe that as we felt subjected to this film for an eternity, those characters, and the ones after them, will feel these moments like they are an eternity - an actual hell on earth. Until, we all finally, and very silently, run off the cliff, falling into never ending nothingness. Can anyone really argue with that after watching this film?
submitted by krptz to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:03 richoka Why David Spared Saul’s Life - Choosing Righteousness Over Revenge

"But after doing this, David felt remorse over cutting Sha’ul’s garment. He said to his men, 'Adonai forbid that I should do such a thing to my lord, Adonai’s anointed, as raise my hand against him! After all, he is Adonai’s anointed.' By saying this, David stopped his men and would not let them do anything to Sha’ul. Sha’ul got up, left the cave and went on his way."-1 Samuel 24:6-8
Why did David feel such deep remorse after cutting the hem of Saul's garment?
Had not God Himself arranged this opportunity for David to kill Saul?
After all, Saul had tried to spear David to death before...
He also was a mass murderer because he had ordered the slaughter of all the priests at Nob.
And now he was doing everything in his power to find David and kill him.
So wouldn't have David been justified in killing Saul?
Let alone just slicing off a piece of his garment?
Nevertheless, David felt terrible guilt for what he had done.
He told his men he had committed a horrible sin.
He had raised his hand against the Lord's anointed.
He had disrespected the throne of Israel.
It was also a great insult to Saul personally.
To invade a man's private space in such a foul manner while he was relieving himself.
Such things simply weren't done, even to a sworn enemy.
So much more for a king.
So here is the great lesson to be learned from this incident.
You shouldn't accept every opportunity that comes your way.
Nor is every opportunity something that comes from God.
Although tempting, just because you have a chance to gain success by doing things your own way doesn't mean it's in harmony with God's Will.
Our behavior should align with the patterns and principles in Scripture...
We should also pray to the Lord for wisdom when opportunities come our way.
These opportunities might be a test of our faith and wisdom...
Or they could be a trap from the evil one.
I'm reminded of that scene from the movie American Gangster.
The detective, Richie Roberts (played by Russell Crowe) discovers a million dollars in the trunk of the car.
This "opportunity" came to him when he was struggling financially with child support, car payments, and so on.
Yet what did he do?
He turned the money in.
All of it.
He could have kept a couple of thousand bucks for himself to help out with the bills.
Nobody would've known.
Yet he decided to turn it all in.
When asked why he did what he did, Richie answered by saying
"Because it was the right thing to do."
And that's why David didn't kill Saul.
Yes, Saul intended to murder David...
And it was God's intent for David to become the next King.
So the argument could easily be made there was no wrong for David to kill Saul in this case.
Again, it seemed like the perfect chance - a circumstance divinely orchestrated by God.
But deep down inside David knew that murder was not the answer.
Plus, if you think about it.
God hadn't told David he would become king.
That was something other people had said.
So, even though David and his men didn't understand it at the time...
It wasn't right for David or any Israelite to kill King Saul.
I believe this was a test God had arranged.
This also answers a question I brought up earlier:
Did David try to take the throne from Saul?
David was given the chance to kill Saul and become king right away.
But he didn't take it.
He didn't see himself as Saul's enemy or someone who wanted to rule Israel.
David would become king NOT by his own plan or actions...
He would become King by surrendering to God's Will and plans for his life.
Let this be a lesson for us all as we seek to do God's Will in our lives.
submitted by richoka to messianic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:00 Choice_Evidence1983 WIBTA if I refuse to have intimacy with my husband?

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/cherry_muffin_no7
Originally posted to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC
WIBTA if I refuse to have intimacy with my husband?
Thanks to u/queenlegolas and u/Direct-Caterpillar77 for suggesting this BoRU
Editor’s Note: added paragraph breaks for readability
Trigger Warnings: infidelity, car accident, body injuries, mentions of death of loved one, manipulation
Original Post: May 25, 2024
I won't sugarcoat any words here or make the situation in my favour. I need a very non biased opinion.
Around Mid August of 2019, Me (28F) and My husband (35M) tied a knot between us. He have two kids from his previous marriage. He and his ex wife are co-parenting their kids. I really love the kids.
One of the major factors why I got married with him was kids. I have reasons for that. My father died when I was 15. My mom wasn't so highly educated, so with that less education qualification, she couldn't provide for me and my other 3 younger brothers all alone. So I started to do part time jobs. I babysat, cleaned people's yard, took out pet's for walk, did assignments of my classmates etc. I earned really little amount of money with that but it helped my family slightest. When I was 17, I took a food delivery job.
One night, around 10-11 I was dropping food at the other side of city. A drunk driver hit my cycle and I went into a terrible accident. The driver needed to pay a large fine for that since my condition was very critical. I had alot internal bleeding and damage. So because of that accident, my doctor confirmed that in future the chances of me getting pregnant is very less, it will be a miracle for me to have my own kid. I was at the lowest part of my life because of that accident. I couldn't go out or do my work on my own. My family took care of me. It took me around 8 months to get well.
At first I didn't mind having a childless life but when I started to notice my friends are having family, I realised the beauty of motherhood. So I started dating guys with kids. My husband was my second bf. We tied knot after we dated for 10 months. When I got married his son was 11 and his daughter was 7. I got along with them well. It took them few months before they started to call me mama by their own. I left my job to be the stay at home mom for them, honestly I really adore them. I have a good relationship with their bio mom too.
After COVID, we went to Belgium for our 2nd anniversary on 2021. The trip was all good and I remember feeling so loved. The day before we were supposed to come back in our home, he proposed the idea of opening our marriage. If I say I was hurt it'll be a understatement. I couldn't look in his eyes without feeling hollow and sorrow. I said no multiple times after coming back from the trip but he kept persisting.
After couple of weeks I gave up and agreed. He set the terms. I don't remember most of it but few of his terms was never share this information with others, we can't date our exes or friends, no emotional attachment with our partners and always use protection.
In his words, he still loves me. He only opened the marriage because he wanted to gain experience and use it on our marriage. I remember going to sleep all crying and hurt. I gave up on my job to take care of him and the kids yet he yearned for another woman. We became distant. He noticed that and tried to initiate intimacy with me but I don't feel anything at all. I just lay there until he is done. I also distanced myself from him.
The idea of him having intimacy with other woman while being in a marriage with me disgusted me. I couldn't look at him at the same way I used to. We always have our location on so I could see where he is going. Those used to hurt me alot untill I became completely numb at this point. Now I don't see him as my husband but someone I tied knots with to be a mother.
Last year, I told him I wanna start work again. He got defensive kinda? He tried to use alot reasons to show why can't I work. When he saw all of his tricks going downhill he pulled the kids in the mess. He knew I have soft spots for his kids. I didn't back down that time. He gave me cold shoulder and went on trip with one of his gf. I applied to be a teacher at my brother's high school. He is the youngest of my all siblings and a sophomore. I am teaching chemistry in his school. My husband was mad at me for having a job for few months but he gave up. I started to give myself alot times.
Since the kids have extra curriculum activities they always don't stay at home. I have a friend circle from high school. I hung out with them every two weeks. I met a guy in my workplace. He is 29 and have three kids with his late wife. One day I ranted about my whole situation. He showed interest in me after that. He is a nice guy. I went on few dates with him. Nothing physical happened between us. I think I am relying on him for mental support since he is very supportive of me. I haven't felt something like that for a long time in my life.
Now few days ago, I went to salon and cut my hair short into shoulder length. My husband complimented me multiple times that day. The kids went to their grandparent's house for summer vacation. During night, he tried to initiate intimacy. Well I straight up said no for the first time. I think he got taken aback? He had mix of few expressions that I can't put a finger on. He started to use the husband card on me and I put my foot down to say no.
We had a huge argument and he left. I saw his location, he went to one of his girlfriend's place. He didn't contacted me for 2 days now. Now I am stuck between two thoughts. Even if I don't feel anything towards him he is still my husband. I can't share this with anyone so I need advice on this.
Relevant Comments
RndmIntrntStranger: INFO: Is having children really worth a husband who demanded an open marriage and did not want you to have financial independence?
OOP: He wasn't like that from the early days. After COVID I noticed some changes but didn't pay any attention on that. That time all I wanted was to have a child to raise like my own. Before him I dated another guy with a kid, he was nice but he had alot issues. Plus I resigned from my previous workplace with my own thoughts. I really wanted to devote myself in the kid's life. It was a mistake but now I have a job which pays me double amount than before. I still love the kids, they are all I could ask in a kid.
Significant-Dot-2260: Girl, the marriage was over when he proposed an open marriage. Just divorce, love yourself more. A man who truly loves his life doesn't go outside the marriage for anything. Your husband just wants a stable life at home and someone to watch his kids when they're there, and all his fun with another woman. He's selfish, get some therapy, divorce, and live your life, and once you heal yourself, you'll be blessed with a man who truly loves only you. Don't waste anymore time and tears on that man
Update: May 26, 2024 (next day)
Last night I made a post about my current situation of my marriage and asked for a non-biased view. There almost 300 people who responded and gave me advice. I couldn't respond all of that since I was overwhelmed with alot emotions. There is few things I want to clarify.
Firstly, I met my husband after my graduation when I was looking for a job. I made things official with him after I had the job. We dated for 10 months before getting married.
Secondly, His ex wife and he were childhood sweetheart who married each other when they were in college. After the birth of their second child, they realised they don't have the same bond so they got divorced and have 50/50 custody.
Thirdly, few people in my previous post asked me to make things official with my coworker. I would do that when I am ready. Currently my mental health isn't in the best position. I am working on it. Plus I can't have intimacy with anyone whom I barely know. We've been coworkers about almost a year but still I am not ready to make things all good.
Lastly, those who are saying I am using sex as a punishment, it's quite opposite. He barely comes home. He is always out with the kids or his girlfriends. I would love to add he doesn't have one but three girlfriend and yes all of them are aware of my existence.
Now to the update.
Last night I made a post about the current situation of my marriage with my husband. Asking if i would be the AH if I refuse to have intimacy. He haven't came back in last three days or contacted me. The kids talks with me daily. I had few conversation with their bio mom too (they are over her parent's place).
Honestly I thought he will get over it or won't bother me for a long time, but I was wrong as hell. During lunch, my mom came over to visit me. she asked if everything was okay between me and my husband. I didn't lie this time and straight up said no. We had a long conversation about my marriage and I was relieved after that. It felt so good after sharing everything with her. I am not ashamed to admit I cried like a kid in her arms while explaining everything. She stayed with me entire day. She called one of my younger brother (26) and told him everything. If I say he was mad it'll be an understatement. He asked why the hell I suffered that much and scolded me for couple of minutes. With the help of my mom and brother I packed my stuffs. I didn't leave with any of the stuffs he got me.
Most likely we will get a divorce soon. I texted a short message in his number, thanking him for being my husband and I won't be continuing the marriage anymore along with some personal stuffs between us. With the help of my friend and family currently I am finding a lawyer. I don't know how long it'll take me to finally get out of the marriage. I left the house around evening and sent the sms around 7. After that I muted his number.
I also told his ex wife about this and needless to say she was as much shocked as everyone. Because he wasn't like that. She assured me that even after divorce she will let me see the kids. I am really grateful for that part. Divorcing him will be easy since we always had separate accounts. I have little savings.
Before I get on my own feet properly I will be staying with my mom in our old house. I turned off my location before leaving his house but it won't be long untill he figures out where am I. He is currently messaging me but I am not strong enough to open them and read them so I haven't responded or read his sms
Relevant Comments
chimera4n: Well done! If he gets upset, just remind him that he was the one who ruined the marriage by cheating.
I say cheating, because an open marriage only works if both partners are willing, a one sided open marriage is just cheating.
Bitter-Picture5394: Good for you. You deserve a life where you are respected and your feelings validated. You will find true happiness as long as you keep advocating for yourself.



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:54 Ok-Emotion-6379 Hi, I'm 23 years old, and don't know how to face having to work for life. Maybe there's something out there that'll make it feel okay? I just want to stop saying no to everything...

Gonna be a long read, thanks for going through it.
I'm in Canada. I attended Uni for 1 year studying IT but dropped out, I did not like a single moment about it. It killed my passive mild interest in coding. I wanted to study social work but threw that idea away after feeling completely apathetic after helping homeless people in the city. During my NEET years, I fell in love with a game. Eventually, I got a full-time day job working on a computer, and at night I taught many other players how to get better at that game for free, and some were willing to pay a couple bucks. I tried to advertise myself through YouTube, but it didn't take off fast enough and I had to call it quits from stress of overworking myself after 6 months. I wasn't given the opportunity to work part time to be able to focus more on being able to make it work.
I absolutely loved every second of it. Filling in my free time with coaching sessions, building and maintaining new relationships with players, constantly brainstorming new lesson ideas for videos, working on scripts, recording and editing videos, designing the thumbnail. Every single video I released I cherish with all my heart and am very proud of myself for what I have made, and I love coaching players so much I continue to do it to this day for free, though much more sparingly than I used to.
That was a year ago. Nowadays, I pay $500 in rent to live in my parents home and just go full degenrotting whenever I am not at work. When I am at work, I miserably and quietly suffocate, begging internally to be saved by the grace of spontaneous death or a time skip to the weekend, even though its only just an hour into Monday. It is not an exaggeration when I say it feels like suffering to be at work. This is not a case of the 'I hate Mondays'. I've already used up all my sick days and vacation hours to avoid work as of last week, so that leaves me with 6 months of no paid time off remaining to use. It's only Saturday night as I type this, and I am already dreading and stressed out about how I have to go back to work soon.
The job itself is like gold compared to any other minimum wage job around I've seen for no degree. Insurance benefit, well air conditioned, I sit by a window with a view of trees and grass, work hours are 7-2:30 M-F with 30 min paid lunches, the work is easy too as it is just basic data entry, and travel takes only 5-10 mins by car. My supervisors and manager are extremely passive as well and basically completely leave me alone, not even so much as a progress evaluation or anything of the sort. Because of this, I spend at least 60% of my work time (if not more) just browsing reddit on my phone and take bathroom breaks constantly, occasionally I will get high in the middle of the work day too. I am the worst employee, no doubt about it, but I truly can't bring myself to care because I find it gratifying to think that I will be fired. I do not talk with any coworkers and have no friends both inside and outside of work.
Typing out that last paragraph and reading it back, a part of me genuinely thought, Wait, that sounds like a dream job. Yet, despite being in it... I hate it, and it sucks that I do :( At work, I often fantasize about escaping in unhinged ways, like jumping from the second floor, calling in a bomb threat, injuring myself to be admitted to a hospital, and other such ilk. I often question what's wrong with me, and wish I just could be okay with where I am in life, but I deeply feel like my life sucks. I have ADHD, I am taking meds for depression, and also seeing a therapist.
I also like to cook, but love learning new dish recipes even more. I would hate cooking if I worked in a restaurant, and I don't have the chutzpah to become a personal chef.
I appreciate you for reading this far. If I could be allowed an additional luxury, please, if you have any suggestions to help me, please make it as detailed as possible; include the exact steps or relevant resources that would take to achieve your suggestion, as well as a description of what the path you suggest looks/feels like. I need to know not only *what*, but also the *how* and *why*. I understand if not every one is willing to do this, I appreciate you all the same for even just responding.
submitted by Ok-Emotion-6379 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:54 No_more_Bucket_ A dragon within rubble.

“The surrounding terrain that he finds himself in, all laid in ruin, grand buildings turned into dust and rubble by a creature hellbent on destruction.
A being finds himself trapped under rubble of a tower that stood within a fine city.”
A pipe is currently in my leg… I say I can heal from it in a couple of minutes, but due to mana damage and adding the other factors of being reawakened, and basically being in a weaker state of being.
It’s not gonna be fully healed for two hours, and judging by the wind and noise it’s exactly 2:00 pm.
Okay….. I’m gonna have to rest here for now…. What to do, what to do when you find yourself trapped under rubble…..
I probably still have to do paperwork after this, also do I still have to clock out?
Like theres no way to clock out now, also actually since there hasn’t been the daily update to Scotch Inc. main database from this branch.
Kinda hoping they send a team to investigate, possibly find me…….
So now I’m just gonna wait…..
“Some time later, the dragon decided to pull out the pipe, taking some time, leaving behind a fleeting moment of pain before reliving no longer having a pipe lodged into your left leg.”
Jesus fucking Christ!…..
Oh man… guessing by the wind temperature, moisture in the air now….. it’s 8:00 pm….
And the daily reports are scheduled for 10:00 pm, and still in a weakened state………
Fuck, and I’m starving since I haven’t ate for a bit………
“Taking some time later, his leg fully healed now but yet still trapped under rubble of a collapsed building.”
It’s 11:00 pm…. Oh god who’s in charge of actually making a schedule for Scotch Inc……. And that’s my job…
Okay, escape plan and I can use the pipe to lodge that piece of brick and use it as a starting point for a chain reaction of creating an opening wide enough for me to crawl through.
Using the correct speed and strength, thinking as a straight line of one through ten.
Six is the weak point.
“A quick strike with the force of a train at full speed, creating a massive chain reaction of movement within the rubble creating a gap enough for the man to crawl through, with him eventually being able to breathe dusty air.
Allowing him to get a true grasp of what Asfelaeia had become, all to ruin, dust, rubble and some may say extinct.
The grand engine of a beautiful city finally ran out of its oil, exhausted and the flame within that engine has been extinguished and shattered.
Stumbling through eventually an arrow landed solidly into his right shoulder, letting out a scream of anguish.
Turning around to see some bandits.”
Bandit 1: Looks like we got some easy prey here BOYS!!
Bandit 2: So what’s the plan boss, gonna pick him off from here or go stabby stabby?
Bandit 3: I wanna do some nice stabbing.
Bandit 1: You, me and you let’s go stab a wounded animal!
Bandit 4: Staying back once again, looks like I’m gonna stab from a distance!
“Before Bandit 4 could realize something, they felt a small pinch on their chest, looking down realizing that the same arrow had been thrown right through their chest, directly taking out their heart.”
Bandit 4: I don’t feel so well….. “falling limp to the ground without a pulse.”
I would like to ask you of the remaining three, to simply give up this life and leave before I use any more of my abilities.
Bandit 2: George?….. no….. no….
“Without hesitation Bandit 3 rushes at the draconic man, wielding a butcher's knife attempting to slash at the man.”
An ability of mine makes an imaginary line of one through ten, with a weak point being assigned randomly to a point and the current weak points on your legs are five and two.
“A quick side step followed by a Russian leg sweep, disarming bandit 3 and using the butcher's knife hitting both weak points, causing a destabilizing effect stopping bandit 3 from getting back up.
And a quick guillotine speed chop, lunging bandits 3 head off.”
What about you two? Gonna do anything? Or now that I have proved my point of you being outclassed by a smarter opponent?
(Can’t dodge this, got 60% mana left, and the weak point on that wall is nine. Now with 2%, I can't use the ability anymore.)
“A quick nudge on the close rubble, causing it to collapse and absorb the dragon fireball wrath.
Creating a dust cloud allowing for the dragon to remain silent and moving closer.”
(The second is weakened from spending that much mana on that spell, while the leader probably took the crossbow from his dead companion, from assumption he’s not well versed in the crossbow and making sure he and the mage are from a safe distance of attack.
From the distance of trajectory of me lunging back that arrow, they bunked down on that rubble pile.
Still have the knife, can’t get a good hit on them though.”
“An arrow is lodged into the wall nearby”
(Okay my assumption was wrong, he got too close.)
“A quick glance around his surroundings, getting a glimpse of where the remaining two have bunkered down, with another arrow almost hitting his horn.
Picking up a rock, waiting till the next arrow is shot, the man decides to use another of his abilities.”
Wanna know who I am?
The names Mareluxus, or Lux for short.
I was alive for a couple of 100 years give or take, kinda been in an egg, too busy restoring myself after one of the greatest battles I ever participated in.
An ability of mine allows me to make an imaginary line of one through ten, a random weak point is selected from one of the points.
Bandit 1: What are you trying to accomplish here! I’m not writing your memoir!
“Another arrow is launched, almost hitting Lux.”
(Getting closer)
Lux : No I’m actually using another of my abilities here, I like to call it the “Open Hand Policy”.
Here’s the thing about the Line technique, it uses a good amount of my mana, and I currently have a small mana pool, basically I’m already drained and cannot use it again.
Also I don’t know the weak point right off the bat, actually having to use more mana to get the number.
Bandit 2: Why are you rambling on about? Scared of death are you!
Lux : I’m not actually scared of death, their ways to get around it, I’m actually scared of taxes but hey everyone else is scared of that.
Actually the Open Hand Policy quota has been fully reached.
With revealing my ability and weakness I can use a charged version of it, and now the pile your on weak point is 10.
“A quick movement and throwing the butchers at the weak point caused the pile to collapse, swallowing both of the remaining bandits under it.
Walking over to the trapped bandits.”
Lux : The hunters have been turned into the prey, how does it feel?
Bandit 1: Go to hell bastard!
Lux : Been there already and had a good time, huh wondering how Python is doing nowadays?
He’s working on the recovery team, and should catch up with him some time.
Now, I’m just gonna put both of you out of your misery.
“Picking up one of the bandit’s 2 daggers, and quickly plunging into his head, and using the butcher's knife and cutting off bandit’s 1’s head.”
Lux : Now I’m covered in blood, also dirty… also I don't have enough mana to open up a portal to my pocket dimension, dammit.
And my new shoes are ruined……
submitted by No_more_Bucket_ to Asfelaeia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:54 a_modest_espeon [H] Lots of Games, Please Look [W] Games(See Below)/Offers, Wishlisted Items, and Paypal

I am currently taking paypal for games, you always go first and cover fees
For game trades, you always go first and message me, usually it takes me about 1-2 days to get back to you at the latest
My Rep Page has not been updated in about 5 years, but I have a lot of trades finished
Bolded items are just the ones I would like to consider keeping so don't feel as though you need to offer more for the game
Stellaris (and dlc)
Fallout 4
Wishlist Items
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Bridge Constructor Portal
Chivalry 2 - Epic Edition
Deep Rock Galactic
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Doom Eternal
Elite Dangerous
Endless Space 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition
Honey I Joined a Cult
Lost Ruins
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (temporarily unavailable)
Rebel Inc: Escalation
SCP:Secret Files
Songs of Conquest
Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy
Surviving Mars
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Yakuza 4 Remastered
7 Grand Steps
observer (x3)
A Good Snowman is Hard to Build
A Juggler's Tale
A Mortician's Tale
A New Beginning - Final Cut
Aces and Adventures
AER Memories of Old (x2)
Age of Wonders III
Agents of Mayhem
AI War: Fleet Command
Alien Spidy
Aliens:Fireteam Elite
Alina of the Arena
All You Can Eat
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Army Men RTS
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation (x2)
Assassin's Creed® Origins
Assault Android Cactus
Atom RPG Trudograd
Bad End Theater
Banner Saga Trilogy - Deluxe Pack
Banners of Ruin
Bastion (x2)
Batman Arkham Origins (x2)
Battle Chef Brigade
Beacon Pines
Beat Hazard Ultra
Bee Simulator
Before Your Eyes
Beneath Oresa
Between the Stars
Beyond a Steel Sky
Binary Domain
Bioshock Remastered
BioShock: The Collection
Black Book
Blade Assault
Blazing Beaks
Bleed 2
Bloodstained®︎: Ritual of the Night
Bone - Episode 1 & Episode 2
Boomerang Fu (x3)
Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe
Boreal Blade
Boyfriend Dungeon
Broken Age (x2)
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Brutal Legend
Burly Men At Sea (x2)
Bury Me, My Love
Chicken Police
Children of Silentown
CHUCHEL Cherry Edition (x2)
CivCity: Rome
Coffee Talk
Company of Heroes 2 + Company of Heroes 2 - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Charity Pattern Pack
Conan Chop Chop
Crusader Kings Complete
Cultist Simulator (x2)
Curious Expedition
Cyber Hook
Darkside Detective
Darksiders Genesis
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition (x2)
Darksiders Warmastered Edition
Dead In Bermuda
Deadly Days
Death Squared (x2)
Decieve Inc.
Desperados 3
Destroy All Humans!
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Disciples: Liberation
DISTRAINT 2 + Soundtrack
Distrust (x3)
Drawful 2
DUCATI - 90th Anniversary
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Forever Hail to the Icons
Duke Nukem Forever The Doctor Who Cloned Me
Dungeons 3 (x2)
Dusty Revenge: Co-Op Edition
Eastside Hockey Manager
Eldest Souls
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space® - Collection (x2)
Epic Chef
Eternal Threads
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Europa Universalis IV
Evan's Remains
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
Fallout 1
Family Man
Farmer's Dynasty
Fibbage XL
Fights in Tight Spaces
Finding Paradise
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Fort Triumph
Founders' Fortune
Framed Collection
Framed Collection (x2)
Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell
Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch
Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove
Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness
Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich
Friends Vs Friends
Full Metal Furies
Full Throttle Remastered (x2)
Fury Unleashed
Gas Station Simulator
Genesis Noir
Get In The Car, Loser!
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
God's Trigger
Golf Gang
GRAV (Early Access)
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Growing Up
Guns of Icarus Online
Hacknet (x2) + Hacknet Labyrinths DLC (x1)
Haiku, the Robot
Hard Reset Redux
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heaven's Vault
Heavenly Bodies (x2)
Hell Let Loose
Hell Pie
Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek
Hero Siege Complete + Cyberpunk Samurai + Demon Slayer Bundle + Extra slots & stash space + ClassShield Lancer + Shaman + Plague Doctor + Marauder + Amazon+Avenger Paladin DLCs
Heroes of Hammerwatch
Hexcells Complete Pack
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hidden Folks
Hokko life
Hollow Knight
Hot Brass
Hot Wheels Unleashed
Hotshot Racing
Hyper Light Drifter
I am not a Monster: First Contact
I'm not a Monster
If Found...
Impostor Factory
In Between
In Sound Mind
Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (x3)
INK Deluxe Edition
Iris and the Giant
Iron Harvest
Jack Move
JumpJet Rex
Jupiter Hell
Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe Dinosaur Pack
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Kerbal Space Program
Kill it with Fire
Kingdom Classic
Kingdom Two Crowns
Kingdom: New Lands (x2)
Knights of Pen and Paper 2
Kraken Academy!!
Late Shift
Later Alligator
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Premium Edition
LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe Edition
LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game
LEGO® Batman 2 DC Super Heroes™
LEGO® Worlds
Let's Explore the Farm (Junior Field Trips)
Let's Explore the Jungle (Junior Field Trips)
Leviathan Warships
Life is Strange 2: Complete Season
Life is Strange: True Colors
Lone Fungus
Lords and Villeins
Lovecraft's Untold Stories
Lumino City
Luna's Wandering Stars
Mad Max
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Maid of Sker
Majesty 2
Majesty Gold HD
Masquerade: The Baubles of Doom
Massive Chalice
Meeple Station
Merchany of the Skies
Metal Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Protocol
Mind Scanners
Mini Metro
MINIT (x2)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Loves You
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Moving Out
Mr. Shifty
Mushroom 11
My Memory of Us
My Time at Portia
Narita Boy
Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Strikers
NBA 2K20
Necromunda: Hired Gun
Necronator: Dead Wrong (x2)
Neo Cab
Neon Abyss
Neon Drive (Steam)
Newt One
Niche (x3)
Nimbatus The Space Drone Constructor
Ninja Pizza Girl
No Time to Explain Remastered
No Time to Relax
Not For Broadcast
Not Tonight
Offworld Trading Company + Jupiter's Forge Expansion Pack (x2)
Old Man's Journey
OlliOlli World - Rad edition
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
One Step From Eden
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Opus Magnum
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength (x2)
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You (x3)
Out of the Park Baseball 18
Overcooked! 2 - Surf 'n' Turf Pack
Overcooked! 2 - Too Many Cooks
Overlord II
Pajama Sam 2: Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening
Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet
Pajama Sam's Lost & Found
Pajama Sam's Sock Works
Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day
Pale Echoes
Panzer Corps 2
Paper Fire Rookie
Paradigm (x2)
Paradise Killer
Party Hard (x2)
Patch Quest
PayDay 2
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Pinstripe (x2)
Plague Inc: Evolved
Planet of the Eyes
Planet Zoo
PlateUp! (x2)
Police Stories
Police Stories
Portal Knights
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Project Highrise (x2)
Project Winter
Putt-Putt® and Pep's Balloon-o-Rama
Putt-Putt® and Pep's Dog on a Stick
Putt-Putt® Enters the Race
Putt-Putt® Goes to the Moon
Putt-Putt® Joins the Circus
Putt-Putt® Joins the Parade
Putt-Putt® Travels Through Time
Putt-Putt®: Pep's Birthday Surprise
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Agent 2
Q.U.B.E. 2
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut
Quest of Dungeons
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Railroad Tycoon II Platinum
Rain World
Raji: An Ancient Epic
Rapture Rejects + Safari outfit
Rebel Cops
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submitted by a_modest_espeon to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:54 Animemann90 How many instances of bad behavior, lack of manners along with a blatant disregard for the rules (or laws) coming from tourists visiting France to the point the locals are getting angry?

I can only speak about Japan, it's getting bad in regards to over-tourism. For instance in Kyoto, there was a tourist acting like a some sort of papparazzi bothering the Geisha walking around, she was reprimanded by another tourist saying that it's rude (rightly so) as the Geisha was just trying her best to not interfere as she's working. You can't do that, as Geisha are humans like everybody else, they don't like to be bothered by unruly tourists up close.
(Plus Japan has strict privacy laws about posting a photo portrait someone's face up close without permission on social media, as you can get sued for breaching their right to privacy.)
The thing is that Japan has unspoken rules (even for the slightest ones) including etiquette that may not cross over to Western culture, which is why Western tourists often fail to understand or completely disregard it, since they think "It's Asia, who cares!" but that kind of mentality is wrong! Thinking it's okay to do stuff Japan deems inappropriate or act like idiots is just crazy.
(A traveler has to be culturally aware of where they are in the world regardless of the country they are currently in, there are mannerisms that are acceptable in their home country but frowned upon in foreign land.)
Apart from Westerners, tourists from both China and South Korea frequently travel to Japan, due to their geographical proximity to their home countries. However there are mannerisms from their own country that aren't tolerated in Japan. (i.e. spitting on the floor)
I swear, what attracts tourists is: video games, anime & pokemon! It's one of the biggest reasons why they end up bringing a empty suitcase to only fill it with nothing but snacks, games, QoL items from Japan.
It's disgusting when tourists in Kyoto (especially in Gion or the Geisha district) are acting like paparazzi whenever they spot a Geisha or Maiko, constantly invading their space approaching right in their faces, that is so rude! pretending as if they are celebrities or actresses, they ask the question on "can I take photo of you" with the attitude of "I want your autograph!" Its ridiculous!
[The thing with Kyoto is that it's a living exhibit, rather than the "typical" art museum vibe.] There are even cases of tourists harassing them, pulling their hair, putting out cigarette butts on their kimonos or tearing their attire, it's bad! (That's disrespectful, since they put a lot of effort on applying that make up and dressing themselves for what they do for a living!) To the point the local government in Kyoto restricted (but didn't ban) tourist presence within private roadways.
[Japanese news segment talking about trash (or food scraps) left on the floor by tourists after visiting Gion and Kyoto despite bins present in the area!] with some of them eating while walking, which is frowned upon in Japan. As a manager from one of the stores showed photos from the last time tourists were present, a 3 bins shown are full and clogged, thus giving tourists an incentive to litter.
Even in other parts of the city, tourists leave empty bottles of soju including other beverages out in the street and pavement! Not being bothered to clean up after themselves.
They are now deterring tourists from entering private roads where Geisha's hang out with a penality of ¥10000 (59€) for trespassing, this applies to everyone - not just tourists. They should not be trespassing on private property, like at all!
Just recently, there are tourists caught trespassing on those private roads. (However the signage is working as a deterent for most, due to the fine imposed.) but like anywhere else there will be bad apples in the bunch who will of course, trespass on private property.
I mean, you can still go to Kyoto, but please... have some manners, that is what they are asking from visitors, as it's a living art museum that has been preserved for centuries to this day, which what makes Kyoto fascinating to visit in the first place.
Even though there are public streets, some of the surrounding ones are deemed private property (which tourists are unaware of.) I also hate the misinformation from "Western" media regarding a "Tourist Ban" - it's not true, you can still go there, but just comply with the rules.
A tourist was caught on video ringing a bell at Yasaka Shrine (which is used for ceremonial purposes) not for playing around, they actually barred off the rope attached to the bell since that happened. (Just because Japan is not a "Christian" country, doesn't mean you get to disrespect their culture and relgion, it's gross!)
For example, in Japan: there was news coverage about tourists being careless on the roadway despite orange traffic cones and a barrier visible on the side of the road intended to dissuade them, tourists either halted incoming vehicles & traffic standing in the middle of the road (MEANT FOR CARS!) just to take a picture of Mt. Fuji. [It's reckless and dangerous if you ask me.]
Some tourists STAND or SIT on the barrier, which is just like, why? Japan has a habit on indirectly solving any problem rather than confronting it head on, so they would rather install a fence to deter tourists rather than closing the road entirely to redirect incoming traffic, like instead of improving the infrastructre Kawaguchiko near Fuji, they just want to barricade the view.
You're probably thinking "Why can't they just close the road and redirect the cars elsewhere? So the tourists can happy." It's because confrontation is frowned upon in Japan, in order to not tarnish their reputation, they instead come up with indirect and descrete approaches on providing solutions to the issue at hand i.e. such as over-tourism, it's nothing new.
For example, they would put signage in Kyoto to deter or convince tourists rather than actually confronting them. Due to Japan being a collectivist society where social harmony reigns, where you need an unanimous vote to rule in your favor without any objections from all parties in regards to decision making when talking about matters like this from a governmental or societal standpoint.
(As opposed to Europe & The West where individualism is valued, Japan is more of "We have to do this as a team" mentality rather than "I want to do this for myself only")
There's more from that clip: (Mainly in Shizuoka)
Tourists standing on the barrier with their own two feet, which again is not allowed. Even the ministry of transportation put out a clear statement regarding implmenting countermeasures on a location you are not meant to tread on (or be jaywalking) so their solution is to "install a barrier" to deter them. But we know how that will end up, tourists still disregard the fact there's an barrier installed.
There's another spot where tourists now can take a picture of Fuji, it's some stairway of an overhead bridge, but people again cross the road (or jaywalk) just to reach it. Not long ago, a female tourist from Tunisia was run over by an incoming vehicle (due to her standing in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD) for the "instagrammable" picture of the mountain. [in Kawaguchiko this happened.]
Speaking of Kawaguchiko (which is not originally a tourist destination until now), the Lawsons there including Mt. Fuji are always featured on as the backdrop of every TikTok talking about tourism in Japan (alongside Kyoto) Yep, there were even 2 tourists caught jaywalking disregarding the ACTUAL pedestrian crossing. Some tourists are standing on the store's sign posts positioned nearby (that have running electricity and LEDs.) using that as a makeshift tripod for their iPhones!
In regards to Mt. Fuji, from TikTok there are so many "copy cat" itinerary submissions, even the thumbnails are basically the 'same' you can literally see the similarities [down below]. (hence why there are so many tourists flooding the area), like this:
These are just a few examples, but for the most part they are similar to one another the further you scroll down. They all want that \"instagrammability\" of that particular spot, in front of a Lawson. (It's ridiculous.)
Like what was happening in Kawaguchiko, the same is now happening in Fujiyoshida, at a pedestrian crossing, despite a security guard being present, people still disregarded rules about crossing the road, at around [3:00] from the video, the driver of an incoming vehicle had to honk at the tourist standing in the middle of the road so they can pass. (It's stupid.) Of course they were honked at by the driver (He's probably like: "What the hell is this idiot doing here standing in the middle of the road for cars!"), as you're not meant to loiter there halting traffic!
Since Japan started installing a black tarp obstructing the view of Mt. Fuji, tourists still poked holes through it. It's not opaque as you can partially see through it, or walk to the otherside where a Lawson stands, but some still jaywalk disregarding the actual pedestrian crossing even when there's a cop or security guard present.
From this video, a complaint filed by a dental clinic within the area, stating that tourists are leaving trash or left over food scraps near their premises, loitering on the steps approaching their clinic (only patients are allowed to enter) the clinic. Here, there are even complaints from the clinic mentioning about tourists parking their bikes on bike racks only designated for patients entering their clinic, along with trespassing on their premises. Even the dentist himself took photos regarding tourists loitering outside the clinic, patients are having a hard time getting inside because of this.
Not forgetting that they are trespassing on the rooftop, to the point the dentist (or the staff) resorted to calling the police multiple times due to this! Again, tourists were told to move out of the way or move their belongings to let incoming vehicles pass to park their cars at a Lawson. (Even the driver of a incoming truck had to honk at them! so they can move.)
Just last year, Mt. Fuji itself was suffering from an over-tourism problem on its own since tourists are dying to climb to the summit, but some were ill equipped for the journey. (There was even girl caught wearing shorts and sandals upon the trip to the summit - not suitable for climbing!) Some climbers show up shirtless creating a makeshift bonfire.
Public facilities are vandalized or damaged due to over-tourism, now they are enforcing an entry fee of ¥2000 (11,70€) to enter Mt. Fuji because of this! Tourists leave trash everywhere, crowds of them wanting to head to the summit in large gatherings, which causes problems such as overcapacity. (Some climbers even started arguing / causing a scene towards guides!)
Don't get me wrong, tourists do show up with proper gear (i.e. spiked shoes, ice axes, etc.) and attire heading for the summit, but there are bad apples who literally show up with shorts or singlet, which is not advised on a place like this since it's cold up there! You're climbing up a mountain after all. (Heading to the top is their main objective, with stop overs.)
There was a female tourist who literally by passed the fence / yellow line (like the one you stand behind upon waiting for a incoming train) went on the tracks just to take a selfie with her boyfriend! (Disregarding that she's at the station in Kyoto were other commuters are present, a train is going to show up eventually.) Stupid, reckless and dangerous if you ask me, it's like as if she wants to be hit by an incoming train.
In December 2023: In Tokyo, tourists where holding up incoming traffic on a pedestrian crossing, despite cops being present, most of them want a selfie with the Tokyo Tower but holding up traffic with vehicles is just bad, as the security guards / police are telling people to just cross, to keep the flow, not stall incoming cars & traffic (in a busy city - mind you), but tourists were just loitering there (or walking on the road meant for cars) until they were scolded for jaywalking.
There were a group of tourists caught shaking a sakura tree during cherry blossom season causing outrage, they're basically damaging the tree as the leaves were falling prematurely. The intended way the leaves are meant to fall is when they've matured, since the trees are considered part of public property, Japan deemed that as an act of vandalism and destruction of property.
Plus the trees are sacred to the Japanese (its even part of their cultural identity), as they believe it to represent a symbolism of life and death, those who tamper or mess with it are met with misfortune. Also, in the Daikoku Parking Area (in Yokohama) where it's a hangout for car enthusiasts, but the issue is that tourists trespass on the premises, such as climbing the fence breaking inside. (Despite signage forbidding pedestrians to enter, due to it being an area designed for vehicles.)
Earlier this year on January, there was an American livestreamer who was fined ¥200000 (1,171€) for blasting his music way TOO LOUD, as it was disturbing the peace inside a restaurant somewhere in Osaka, it shows that Western streamers (who act like this) have ZERO respect for the customs upon their visit, ruining the reputation of foreigners (and tourists alike) in Japan, which is already causing some Japanese people to hate them.
In hindsight:
submitted by Animemann90 to france [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:53 a_modest_espeon [H] Lots of Games, Please Look [W] Games(See Below)/Offers, Wishlisted Items, and Paypal

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Wishlist Items
A Plague Tale: Innocence
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The Blackout Club
The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos + Goodies + OST
The Dwarves
The First Tree (x3)
The Forgotten City
The Gardens Between
The Henry Stickmin Collection
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Quarry Deluxe Edition
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The Stillness of the Wind
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead - 400 Days
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead: Final Season
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series
The Wild Eight
The Witness (x2)
theHunter: Call of the Wild
Them and Us
There is No Light:Enhanced Edition
Think of the Children
Thirty Flights of Loving
This is the Police
This War of Mine
This War of Mine: Final Cut
Throne of Lies® The Online Game of Deceit (x3)
Tilt Brush
Tin Can
Titan Quest Anniversary
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove (x2)
Tokyo 42
Tooth and Tail (x2)
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Total Tank Simulator (x2)
Tower of Guns (x2)
Train Simulator 2017 + Platform Clutter + Town Scenery
Train Station Renovation
Tribes of Midgard
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
Tropico 4
Turbo Gold Racing
Twin Mirror (x2)
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse (x3)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York
Vault of the Void
Vertiginous Golf
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard
Void Bastards
Volgarr the Viking
Waking Mars
Warhammer: Chaosbane
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Heart of the Forest
West of Dead
Westerado: Double Barreled
Where the Water Tastes like Wine
Wizard of Legend (x3)
World of Goo
Worms Revolution
Wuppo (x2)
WWE 2K Battlegrounds
WWE 2K Battlegrounds + Brawler Pass
WWE 2K23
Yes, Your Grace
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 4: The Ride
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 6 The Lost Gold
Zombie Night Terror
Others GameMaker Studio Pro
Ashampoo BackUp Pro 14
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 7
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 18
Battleborn Starter Skin Pack
Darkest Dungeon Shieldbreaker DLC
Double Fine Adventure Documentary
GWENT - Ultimate Starter Pack
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 1 DLC
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 2 DLC
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 3 DLC
Mage and Minions - $10 In-Game Currency
Music Maker EDM Edition
Music Maker: Hip Hop Edition
PAYDAY 2: Sydney Mega Mask
Starfinder: Pact Worlds Campaign Setting
XCOM® 2: Reinforcement Pack
XCOM® 2: Resistance Warrior Pack
submitted by a_modest_espeon to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:53 Extra-Training-290 Loss of family member, day 3

I guess day 3 is the day for guilt. I have spent the day listening to all talk about how wonderful our family member was. And here i sit, thinking of yes, the hell they put me through for so long, and just smile and nod my head as they talk. There was a reason, many reasons, for putting this family member NC. And those reasons did not go away just because they passed. There are so many unresolved issues that will never be put to rest now. Hence the guilt. I am so lucky that I have a wonderful husband for support, and another gift in my life, is my AA group. Boy! Can they deal with guilt.
Is it wrong of me to still think of this family member as NC, even in death?
submitted by Extra-Training-290 to wasiwrongtoNC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:51 ICKBPH AIW for thinking a critic saying the only two things in my story were “unrelated” was inflammatory?

Basically, for school, I had to submit a visual story for a public exhibit that was to be hosted at the school. But in order for it to actually make it into the exhibit you had to go through an anonymous panel of volunteers who were apparently people that “worked in the industry”.
The story I submitted was an interviewer, interviewing someone he knows about what it’s like to lose a loved one so he [the interviewer] could find out how to best deal with the approaching death of one of his [the interviewer’s] loved ones.
However, that’s not explicitly stated intentionally, for thematic purposes, [the theme being you don’t know what someone really goes through unless you can see past the surface and get to know them], and this fact of the purpose of the interview is only revealed subtly in the last 3 minutes of the 10 minute long story.
The audience is told explicitly the interviewer’s loved one has suffered multiple strokes. The last 3 minutes are an old interview between the interviewer and his loved one, before the loved one had strokes, talking about life and death. The visuals for this were representative of the interviewer’s internal struggle to take the wisdom he learned from his friend of trying to see the bright side and beauty of loss, and apply it to the situation with his loved one.
Ultimately, my story did not get chosen because of that, and the panel thought 10 minutes was too long for short stories. Even though the year prior, they let a kid submit a story that was 20 minutes long. Found out they were just stingy with time and made everyone cut theirs down to 8 minutes this year.
Was wondering if I was in the wrong because I tried to get a way to talk to the critic in an email today to my instructor, and was told that would not be possible in a very stern manner. And that I was “taking out of context” where the remark came from and that the people on the panel “work in the industry”.
IMO, I don’t care if it was Dr. Seuss saying the two events were unrelated it was still disrespectful from my view, for the critic to say that. If the critic said “I didn’t understand the connection between the two things and wish it was communicated better” I would have accepted that and that would have been a valid criticism.
But for him to have blankety stated the two interviews were unrelated and that it was a “disservice” to put both of those stories in the same short story. I thought wasn’t constructive at the least, and inflammatory and demeaning at worst.
Also, on the off chance that the critic is in this thread, you’re mean, lol.
submitted by ICKBPH to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:49 spicycupidity 33F જ⁀➴ talk nice to me

helllooo, i'm cupid. i'm a bit lost on friendships rn. i tend to want connections so badly & then my mental health dips, i panic + pull away. so, here i am -- trying to fix it. lemme show you.
if you're someone who wants a person who'll nurture you, i'm her. i will water you like you've never experienced a single drop of water in your life. i will tell you when you're wrong & i will stand up for you when i believe you to be right. i am wholeheartedly involved in my friendships but i just struggle with the feeling of being terrified to be connected to people. past friendships [& relationships] have left me scorned.
i will genuinely offer you diamonds in the form of friendship, just reciprocate it. i will offer you the safest, most non-judgement free zone you can imagine, you are always - always, safe with me. i just ask that you are a good, kind, compassionate friend to me. you can literally tell me anything in the world and if it isn't hurting anyone else, i will listen without judgment. i promise you. i'll also send you spotify songs that i really enjoy, so again - hi. hello.
i'm smitten with people who are weird but not weird enough to make others uncomfy, or unable to enjoy the weirdness, ya know? i know you know. i like people who are into things that others mostly aren't: tarot, astrology, deep conversations, things like that. i might not actively be participating in said things but i like hearing the perspective of people who are! my friends always joke that i'm the person people say "i can fix her!" about but uh, i'm awesome. i don't need fixed. ✨ i adore social connections but i do come with a social battery and it needs refilled. me needing that time does not negate the connection i have built with you and am nurturing with you. i am trying my hardest to maintain friendships, so please give me a chance.
on to the fun tingz (and the stuff that will hopefully bring you in),
i am ✨sPiCy✨so if that bothers you, i am sorry. i, again, am a genuinely kind person but i do have a snarkiness to me that is meant to be a slight "i love you" + dash of bully. ❤
submitted by spicycupidity to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:48 spicycupidity 33F જ⁀➴ talk nice to me

helllooo, i'm cupid. i'm a bit lost on friendships rn. i tend to want connections so badly & then my mental health dips, i panic + pull away. so, here i am -- trying to fix it. lemme show you.
if you're someone who wants a person who'll nurture you, i'm her. i will water you like you've never experienced a single drop of water in your life. i will tell you when you're wrong & i will stand up for you when i believe you to be right. i am wholeheartedly involved in my friendships but i just struggle with the feeling of being terrified to be connected to people. past friendships [& relationships] have left me scorned.
i will genuinely offer you diamonds in the form of friendship, just reciprocate it. i will offer you the safest, most non-judgement free zone you can imagine, you are always - always, safe with me. i just ask that you are a good, kind, compassionate friend to me. you can literally tell me anything in the world and if it isn't hurting anyone else, i will listen without judgment. i promise you. i'll also send you spotify songs that i really enjoy, so again - hi. hello.
i'm smitten with people who are weird but not weird enough to make others uncomfy, or unable to enjoy the weirdness, ya know? i know you know. i like people who are into things that others mostly aren't: tarot, astrology, deep conversations, things like that. i might not actively be participating in said things but i like hearing the perspective of people who are! my friends always joke that i'm the person people say "i can fix her!" about but uh, i'm awesome. i don't need fixed. ✨ i adore social connections but i do come with a social battery and it needs refilled. me needing that time does not negate the connection i have built with you and am nurturing with you. i am trying my hardest to maintain friendships, so please give me a chance.
on to the fun tingz (and the stuff that will hopefully bring you in),
i am ✨sPiCy✨so if that bothers you, i am sorry. i, again, am a genuinely kind person but i do have a snarkiness to me that is meant to be a slight "i love you" + dash of bully. ❤
submitted by spicycupidity to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:48 _Mad_Maddy My Take on the Lore of Indigo Park Part 1!

So, as the title suggests, this is my idea for the Indigo Park Timeline and Lore, including the time before, and the game's events. This will be one of three parts due to character limitations, this part dealing with the time before the events of the game.
So, this game is clearly based loosely on Disney, if it wasn't obvious enough: a man by the name of Isaac Indigo opening Indigo Park (Walt Disney, Disney World, self-explanatory), starting out with cartoons in the early 1900s.
Mr. Isaac Indigo started out his business ventures in the cartoon sphere, specifically with Lloydford L. Lion, or more commonly known as Lloyd the Lion. The reason that it's Lloyd specifically, and not anyone else, can be seen when interacting with the Retro Lloyd Plush, both from the protagonist and Rambley the Raccoon, the modern day representative of Indigo Park.
Protagonist in regard to the Retro Lloyd Plush: "Lloyd obviously had an older look in the classic Indigo cartoons, but I'm not sure it looked like this. I guess nostalgia sells..."
Rambley AI in regard to the Retro Lloyd Plush: "Ugh...I don't get why we even have those. And why did they only make one of LLOYD? Is it because he's the loudest? I CAN BE LOUD TOO! WHERE'S MY LIMITED-EDITION THROWBACK PLUSH?! WHERE'S MOLLIE'S? WHERE'S FINLEY'S?"
Protagonist in regard to the Lloyd Plush: “I feel like as a kid, Indigo used Loyd a lot more.”
If it wasn't obvious enough by Rambley's rather frustrated demeanor regarding the plush, only Lloyd received this sort of plush, while none of the others received such a collectible. Well, it's possible Salem the Skunk received one, since Rambley didn't mention her, but that might be more representative of his intense dislike for Salem, something that will be discussed down the line. Another thing to note is that this plush does not look like the original Lloyd Lion, which is a detail I will discuss in depth towards the end.
Anyways, over the years, the other mascots we know and love, Mollie the Macaw, Finley the Sea Serpent, Salem the Skunk, and Rambley the Raccoon are added. I would like to put forth the idea that Mollie, Salem, and Rambley were all added in the same general time period, thanks to the Rambley Rush Arcade Game.
The quick rundown of the game is thus: Mollie Macaw crashes somewhere in the depths of Rambleberry Woods, and Rambley goes to find her. Along the way, he must jump across rivers and pits, collecting Rambleberries, and stomping upon evil purple squirrels, eventually reaching Mollie, who is still near her crashed plane. When she gets up, she claims that she crashed because her vision became rapidly obscured, at which point Salem Skunk appears and takes credit for that, claiming that she needed better test subjects for her potions than a bunch of squirrels. Infecting Mollie with the potion, Salem flees, not before Rambley and Salem exchange some barbs. Rambley eventually knocks Mollie out by stomping on her a few times, and the game glitches and crashes.
This arcade game is important for several reasons, one of which is that it introduces us to the dynamic that Rambley and Salem have: one of enemies, different than with Lloyd, because Rambley is merely jealous of the fact that Lloyd came before him, and was the main character for a long period of time. There is also the fact that Salem's area in the Rambley Railroad is completely destroyed. Not even Lloyd's area is so damaged.
From my basic understanding of early black and white television, based on the Chapter 1 opening cutscene of Isaac Indigo, Indigo Park opens somewhere in the 1940s to 1950s, as the grainy, blurry footage and somewhat muffled audio is reminiscent of such times. All sorts of rides and attractions are available for families to explore, such as Rambley's Railway, Jetstream Junction, Oceanic Odyssey, and Lloyd's Main Stage Theater. Again, interesting to note that Salem doesn't have such an area dedicated to her, though that might just be a way of putting off that area for later in the game. People in costumes (note, not called Mascots themselves, as I will use the term to address the replacements of these costumes) roam about the place, likely acting like modern day Disney Cast Members do today, interacting with guests in character.
After a long period of time, and possibly into the early 2000s, the focus is drawn away from Lloyd and onto Rambley, and specifically after the park was open, and not before, because in that same commercial that I dated to approximately the 1940s or 50s, the front gates are decorated with artwork of Lloyd, which is different than in game, where the Lloyd artwork has been replaced by art of Rambley. The reasoning for this is unclear, though I do have a few speculations. It is noted, both by the Rambley AI and the protagonist when interacting with the limited Golden Rambley Plush, that the idea is kind of cheap.
Protagonist: "So wait. They were so money hungry that they just recolored a regular Rambley plush and called it a new product? Kinda lazy don't you think?"
Rambley AI: "... Seriously, our employees had to clean up SO many stray teeth and nails. Hard to believe that there was all this demand for a regular Rambley Plush we blasted with gold spray paint..."
The idea of cutting corners and lowering costs comes up a fair bit. This might be the reason that they swapped main characters, after all: it's easier to animate a cute, small raccoon with a bandana than a large lion in a full on suit. This might also be the reason that the park transitions from costumed staff members, or "Ranglers", to Mascots.
Another reason for the change could have been growing awareness of animal welfare issues at the time, with many circuses and zoos facing criticism for how they treated their animals, lions and elephants specifically, and is an issue that is still ongoing, so perhaps Indigo Park didn't want the negative press to come to them, so they swapped. However, it is important to note that these are purely my speculations, and no concrete reason for the swap was ever introduced in Chapter 1 (to my knowledge).
A third possible reason could be in reference to what Indigo Park represented, at least in the time that it was built. According to Isaac Indigo:
Isaac Indigo, giving a press conference outside Indigo Park: “Indigo Park offers a slice of the American dream to call your own. In this place, echoes of days gone are brought back to life as a new generation captures a glimpse of the exciting potential of Tomorrow. Indigo Park pays homage to the values, dreams, and unwavering truths that gave rise to our great nation.”
Let’s take a step back. Remember how I dated the opening of Indigo Park to the 1940s or 1950s? If that was true, that means that Indigo Park opened in the shadow of the Second World War, the deadliest human conflict ever recorded, with a death toll of over 50 million people, both soldier and civilian. After the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan, it was eventually public knowledge that the USA still decided to drop the second one, even after Imperial Japan had surrendered after the first one had been cast.
It's entirely possible that Indigo Park was, in some way, propaganda. Think about it, Lloyd the Lion was the mascot. And what do lions represent? Strength, power, unity, leadership. Lloyd could have been a symbol to the American people that proclaimed themselves as leaders, people who thought of the future, while trying to sideline the negative press the USA received.
After a while, however, there was no need to justify their victory. People, for the most part, accepted their victory, and as the world headed into a Cold War, there was no need to justify themselves; many people were afraid of the Communists, the Red, and the influence it may have. Clearly, the USA and its allies were the good guys. Communism was a threat to democracy, everyone knew that! So there was a switch to a more child friendly character, Rambley, as the main man himself.
That might also explain why the retro plushie doesn’t look like how Lloyd did in the old cartoons, as stated explicitly by the protagonist; perhaps that older Lloyd was more mature, older, and signified some much darker. There’s no need to stir up bad memories of WW2, so they changed his design to be softer, younger, much more unassuming.
The Protagonist, regarding the Retro Lloyd Plushie: “I always find it weird when companies make merch that’s supposed to look old. Lloyd obviously had an older look in the classic Indigo cartoons, but I’m not sure Lloyd looked like this.”
There’s also a case to be made that Disney also participated in some good old propaganda of their own, mocking Nazi Germany and their ideals.
Now, disregarding politics, because that thing is a minefield to safely navigate, this is just my theory. I am not trying to radicalize the game, and if you hate this theory, you can go about ignoring it! I personally don’t think it’s the correct answer, just a potential answer.
Another change that soon occurred was the change from costumed "Ranglers" to living, breathing, flesh and bones Mascots, introduced to us in the Rambley AI interaction with the Rambley mask.
Rambley AI, playing an old tape in the database in regard to the costumes: "First Person - Hey Jackson! You hear about the new mascots? Jackson - Yeah, you think it will put us out of a job? First Person - I think so, Old Sport, and right after we got this damn raccoon costume."
An important note to this is that this interaction is considered an Easter Egg to a FNAF fan game called Dayshift at Freddy's, alongside some other references such as the Golden Rambley being a reference to Golden Freddy, and the Poodle Plush being a reference to another FNAF fan game Playtime with Percy. Despite this, these items seem to carry a bit of significant lore in them, something that I think is an interesting way of hiding it. It opens up the possibility to state that it should be disregarded, since it's supposed to be an Easter Egg to something else, but I don't think so.
This quote makes me think that the switch from costumes to Mascots happened quite early on in Indigo Park's lifetime, considering it's said that the Mascots should appear quite soon after the introduction of the costumes, perhaps yet another clue that Indigo Park was looking to cut costs. After all, why pay people when you can have Mascots roaming about, doing just the same, if not better, of a job?
And everything seems to be going fine for quite a while. The protagonist notes several times that his family, and especially his mother and himself, were avid fans of the place and characters, his mother liking Mollie Macaw the most, while the protagonist favored a few, such as Lloyd the Lion, while disliking Finley due to his large size, which was revealed when interacting with a few different collectibles.
When the protagonist interacts with the Lloyd the Lion plush: "I feel like as a kid, Indigo used Lloyd a lot more. He was always one of my favorites."
When the protagonist interacts with the Mollie the Macaw plush: "I remember when my mom took us to the parks one summer. Her favorite was always Mollie, so when they first opened new Mollie Meet & Greet in Jetstream Junction, we were some of the first in line."
When the protagonist interacts with the Rambley Ears: "My dad promised me he'd buy me a pair when we went."
When the protagonist interacts with the Souvenir Rambley Cup: "When I was a kid they used to have free unlimited refills on those things. I once drank so much Bird Up that I got sick and threw up while riding Rooftop Races. That poor kid behind me..."
Anyways, we got the point: the family went there often and were huge fans of the park. What could go wrong?
Well, apparently a huge evacuation and closure of the park with no explanation whatsoever, to the point where the authorities also were not able give any reasoning or answers.
This comes from the newspaper we see in the beginning cutscene, after the old video of Isaac Indigo introducing Indigo Park. So, let's theorize a bit. Out of everything in the park, what could possibly lead to such a drastic evacuation of a place so well loved? Oh, I don't know, maybe the killer Mascots that try to kill you in Chapter 1 ...
What isn't so clear is what happened to them. Clearly, they were well behaved and safe to be around, even for small children, as the park remained open for 50 years (minimum) without issue, and almost as long with the actual mascots themselves. Obviously, they went rogue, as can be seen when the protagonist has to run away from Lloyd the Lion's attempts to attack and have the Rambley AI save the protagonist from the Mollie the Macaw by killing the Mascot with a metal door. I don't think it had to do with resources such as food, since the Mascots remained by themselves in the park for 2920 days, exactly eight years, and only seemed feral. Besides that, we see a bunch of vendor stations and a few cafes, still with food in them. Moldy, perhaps, and expired, but there's still food. There's also water (possibly) available in those self serve drinking fountains. The last time the park was operational was October 7th, 20XX (with the exact year being a mystery), and the reason I say operational is because of an announcement seen on one of the Rangler monitors in the reception area.
Announcement: "Attention Ranglers. The date is October 7th, 20XX. Charge guests the SATURDAY pricing indicated in your Rookie Rangler Handbook! Thanks! - Management."
What jumps out immediately is the way Saturday is so bold. So, what can we assume? The last operational day we have knowledge of was Saturday, October 7th, somewhere in the 2000s. Unless this is the future (which we have no reason to believe), we can assume this Saturday occurred somewhere between 2000 and 2023 (2023 and not 2024 because the creator, in a livestream, ended up giving a vague message of the game taking place in 2023). Looking up old calendars and looking specifically for an October 7th that lands on a Saturday reveals a couple potential years: 2000, 2006, and 2023. We can discount 2023, as we know the park was closed for 8 years. I did try to find a date on those three monitors the protagonist uses in the opening cutscene, but only found the time, 7:32 pm. Unfortunately, Harmony, a knock off of Discord (antonyms) also doesn't have a date, or even a time, for that matter. And besides, we know that we're the first actual person to visit in quite some time. So, we're left with 2000, and 2006. Assuming this game takes place in 2024, I have a feeling the year it closed is actually 2006.
First foremost because of the Rambley AI. Having AI Rambley be as advanced as he is makes it seem like the park was closed in 2023, but again, there is no evidence to say the game takes place in the future. And AI's back in 2000s and 2010s eras were good, but nothing like we have today. They were capable of basic object identification, and navigation, but the capabilities were limited, compared to today. And in 2000, it was much more basic. Image recognition consisted of identifying edges. That's it. Edges, not distinct features, and even then, the accuracy was pretty bad. At the time, AI was mainly used for data retrieval and predictive modeling, mostly for things like language translation, text classification, and such. They were basically office assistants.
Of course, that's assuming that the AI was introduced back then. It is entirely possible, and likely plausible, that the AI was introduced later. After all, the park may have closed, but Ranglers were still visiting the place as late as 2015, which was the last time the AI Rambley notes an actual person arrived. So, if that's true, then I am still not too sure as to which of the two years the park closed.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. And the present of the game and my conclusions shall be posted in separate posts, as there is a 40k character limit. Leave any theories of your own in the comments, and I'll be happy to theorize regarding and questions or concerns yall have!
submitted by _Mad_Maddy to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:47 spicycupidity thirty-three female જ⁀➴ please sanitize your attitude

helllooo, i'm cupid. i'm a bit lost on friendships rn. i tend to want connections so badly & then my mental health dips, i panic + pull away. so, here i am -- trying to fix it. lemme show you.
if you're someone who wants a person who'll nurture you, i'm her. i will water you like you've never experienced a single drop of water in your life. i will tell you when you're wrong & i will stand up for you when i believe you to be right. i am wholeheartedly involved in my friendships but i just struggle with the feeling of being terrified to be connected to people. past friendships [& relationships] have left me scorned.
i will genuinely offer you diamonds in the form of friendship, just reciprocate it. i will offer you the safest, most non-judgement free zone you can imagine, you are always - always, safe with me. i just ask that you are a good, kind, compassionate friend to me. you can literally tell me anything in the world and if it isn't hurting anyone else, i will listen without judgment. i promise you. i'll also send you spotify songs that i really enjoy, so again - hi. hello.
i'm smitten with people who are weird but not weird enough to make others uncomfy, or unable to enjoy the weirdness, ya know? i know you know. i like people who are into things that others mostly aren't: tarot, astrology, deep conversations, things like that. i might not actively be participating in said things but i like hearing the perspective of people who are! my friends always joke that i'm the person people say "i can fix her!" about but uh, i'm awesome. i don't need fixed. ✨ i adore social connections but i do come with a social battery and it needs refilled. me needing that time does not negate the connection i have built with you and am nurturing with you. i am trying my hardest to maintain friendships, so please give me a chance.
on to the fun tingz (and the stuff that will hopefully bring you in),
i am ✨sPiCy✨so if that bothers you, i am sorry. i, again, am a genuinely kind person but i do have a snarkiness to me that is meant to be a slight "i love you" + dash of bully. ❤
submitted by spicycupidity to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:47 spicycupidity thirty-three female જ⁀➴ talk nice to me

helllooo, i'm cupid. i'm a bit lost on friendships rn. i tend to want connections so badly & then my mental health dips, i panic + pull away. so, here i am -- trying to fix it. lemme show you.
if you're someone who wants a person who'll nurture you, i'm her. i will water you like you've never experienced a single drop of water in your life. i will tell you when you're wrong & i will stand up for you when i believe you to be right. i am wholeheartedly involved in my friendships but i just struggle with the feeling of being terrified to be connected to people. past friendships [& relationships] have left me scorned.
i will genuinely offer you diamonds in the form of friendship, just reciprocate it. i will offer you the safest, most non-judgement free zone you can imagine, you are always - always, safe with me. i just ask that you are a good, kind, compassionate friend to me. you can literally tell me anything in the world and if it isn't hurting anyone else, i will listen without judgment. i promise you. i'll also send you spotify songs that i really enjoy, so again - hi. hello.
i'm smitten with people who are weird but not weird enough to make others uncomfy, or unable to enjoy the weirdness, ya know? i know you know. i like people who are into things that others mostly aren't: tarot, astrology, deep conversations, things like that. i might not actively be participating in said things but i like hearing the perspective of people who are! my friends always joke that i'm the person people say "i can fix her!" about but uh, i'm awesome. i don't need fixed. ✨ i adore social connections but i do come with a social battery and it needs refilled. me needing that time does not negate the connection i have built with you and am nurturing with you. i am trying my hardest to maintain friendships, so please give me a chance.
on to the fun tingz (and the stuff that will hopefully bring you in),
i am ✨sPiCy✨so if that bothers you, i am sorry. i, again, am a genuinely kind person but i do have a snarkiness to me that is meant to be a slight "i love you" + dash of bully. ❤
submitted by spicycupidity to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:46 spicycupidity [33/F] જ⁀➴ talk nice to me & make sure to sanitize your attitude as well

helllooo, i'm cupid. i'm a bit lost on friendships rn. i tend to want connections so badly & then my mental health dips, i panic + pull away. so, here i am -- trying to fix it. lemme show you.
if you're someone who wants a person who'll nurture you, i'm her. i will water you like you've never experienced a single drop of water in your life. i will tell you when you're wrong & i will stand up for you when i believe you to be right. i am wholeheartedly involved in my friendships but i just struggle with the feeling of being terrified to be connected to people. past friendships [& relationships] have left me scorned.
i will genuinely offer you diamonds in the form of friendship, just reciprocate it. i will offer you the safest, most non-judgement free zone you can imagine, you are always - always, safe with me. i just ask that you are a good, kind, compassionate friend to me. you can literally tell me anything in the world and if it isn't hurting anyone else, i will listen without judgment. i promise you. i'll also send you spotify songs that i really enjoy, so again - hi. hello.
i'm smitten with people who are weird but not weird enough to make others uncomfy, or unable to enjoy the weirdness, ya know? i know you know. i like people who are into things that others mostly aren't: tarot, astrology, deep conversations, things like that. i might not actively be participating in said things but i like hearing the perspective of people who are! my friends always joke that i'm the person people say "i can fix her!" about but uh, i'm awesome. i don't need fixed. ✨ i adore social connections but i do come with a social battery and it needs refilled. me needing that time does not negate the connection i have built with you and am nurturing with you. i am trying my hardest to maintain friendships, so please give me a chance.
on to the fun tingz (and the stuff that will hopefully bring you in),
i am ✨sPiCy✨so if that bothers you, i am sorry. i, again, am a genuinely kind person but i do have a snarkiness to me that is meant to be a slight "i love you" + dash of bully. ❤
submitted by spicycupidity to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:43 throwaway097748 My deepest desire is to be normal but I'm scared of what that means

Some people want fame or fortune or talent or even love, but not me. I just want to wake up everyday without my first thought being about killing myself. I wish to be able to have a basic fucking friendship without being abandoned or neglected because I'm so abnormal. I want my family to actually care when I say I'm suicidal and maybe give me a little grace when I'm mean cause I can barely keep up with being alive. I wish I was normal enough that I can stop being such an ass to them. I wish that I didn't have ADHD that cripples me from succeeding at normal fucking functions of being a person, and I wish I didn't have it so I can stop feeling guilty about not "living up to my potential". I just want to have a normal brain so I can stop feeling shame for being a man and stop taking shitty things people say about men so personally that I want to kill myself even though I haven't done anything wrong. I just want to be a normal amount of desirable instead of being apparently so repulsive that I haven't ever been in a relationship. I wish I could look in the mirror or at pictures of myself without feeling total revulsion. I wish I could be normal and stop talking about my depression to my friends.
When I try to imagine what it would be like to live a normal life or when I watch how normal people act it fills me with unease and uncertainty. It seems like a farce. It's alien. It feels like I would just be bullshitting everyone and myself if I act "normal" for the rest of my life. It scares me to think about being alive because it feels insincere. Death seems comforting but I feel guilty about killing myself the same way I feel guilty about continuing to allow myself to live. The only thing that feels certain is that I hate myself.
I'm so lonely. All I want is to be at peace.
All I want is to be normal.
submitted by throwaway097748 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:42 spicycupidity 33 [f4r] #online જ⁀➴ talk nice to me

helllooo, i'm cupid. i'm a bit lost on friendships rn. i tend to want connections so badly & then my mental health dips, i panic + pull away. so, here i am -- trying to fix it. lemme show you.
if you're someone who wants a person who'll nurture you, i'm her. i will water you like you've never experienced a single drop of water in your life. i will tell you when you're wrong & i will stand up for you when i believe you to be right. i am wholeheartedly involved in my friendships but i just struggle with the feeling of being terrified to be connected to people. past friendships [& relationships] have left me scorned.
i will genuinely offer you diamonds in the form of friendship, just reciprocate it. i will offer you the safest, most non-judgement free zone you can imagine, you are always - always, safe with me. i just ask that you are a good, kind, compassionate friend to me. you can literally tell me anything in the world and if it isn't hurting anyone else, i will listen without judgment. i promise you. i'll also send you spotify songs that i really enjoy, so again - hi. hello.
i'm smitten with people who are weird but not weird enough to make others uncomfy, or unable to enjoy the weirdness, ya know? i know you know. i like people who are into things that others mostly aren't: tarot, astrology, deep conversations, things like that. i might not actively be participating in said things but i like hearing the perspective of people who are! my friends always joke that i'm the person people say "i can fix her!" about but uh, i'm awesome. i don't need fixed. ✨ i adore social connections but i do come with a social battery and it needs refilled. me needing that time does not negate the connection i have built with you and am nurturing with you. i am trying my hardest to maintain friendships, so please give me a chance.
on to the fun tingz (and the stuff that will hopefully bring you in),
watching my first ever anime, try to guess it [let's pretend my first actual one wasn't death note & that it wasn't the live action] -- most people love the "blue eyed handsome one"
i'm the best wingman, hypeman & support team all in one
horror fan through & through, but honestly, i prefer them less gory now lol, especially emotional horror
cat loverrrr but will accept your frog [& all other animals] - so send pics. stat.
known for dirty looks when i'm dissociating but i'm really just so focused on not existing
graphic design major who switched to cybersecurity & will be starting this month, wish ya girl luck 💅
gamer [valorant, ow2, cs2, hunt: showdown, pummel party, modded Minecraft, modded stardew,++]
i don't play league, my mental health is terrible enough, thank you. i also don't play wow, my attention span could never. i do, however, play valorant because i don't like myself that much. i got you there, didn't i?
loves to make make random noises but forgets my krisp isn't on
mexican food 4 ever
someone give me a banh mi please, they look so good, i'm desperate
spotify songs are a love language, so lemme recommend you something
i am ✨sPiCy✨so if that bothers you, i am sorry. i, again, am a genuinely kind person but i do have a snarkiness to me that is meant to be a slight "i love you" + dash of bully. ❤
submitted by spicycupidity to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:41 EchoingCascade Tranquility.

Xavier Vincent was a man born in the wrong era, he would have fit in perfectly a millennia ago in a frontier city during the gold rush in the old Wild West. Instead luck would have him born just in time to see the first Human colonists leaving good old Terra for parts unknown. He sold all he had for a ticket on a long range colony ship, strapped his great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather's six shooter to his hip and brought his horse on the long cryo sleep...
Then a century later his ship was stopped by a Terran alliance vessel, as it turns out Humanity found several species who helped them breech the technological gap and faster than light travel was achieved in a fraction of what scientists had expected. Vincent was crestfallen when he arrived at his planet of destination, it was an old vibrant city and not a barely functioning colony like he had hoped. Once more the times had played him a bad hand but he refused to give up and boarded a shuttle for the further planetoid in the system where a small farming city of Silos, vaguely Elf like humanoids, were living a simple life.
It's on the outskirts of the small city, a village really, called “Tranquility” where Vincent lay, crushed under the carcass of his horse Betty, bleeding to death.
Shot to death by pirates, bandits by any other name... Not sure if this is the worse way I could have died or the best. A few hours ago a group of twenty had shown to the outpost Vincent called home, they had asked him for his horse and weapons, made it clear that while worded politely it was very much an ultimatum. He had drawn his gun and shot two of them dead before their leader blew Betty and him up. The bandits cursed a storm and one of them moved in to finish him off.
“No.” Said their leader. “Leave him to die a slow death, I want him to know that because of his actions the city will burn, we wanted to have a bit of fun but you killed our good friends, that demands retribution.” He moved in close and whispered the last part in Vincent's ear. “I hope you live long enough to see the flames from here.”
He wished he could say something, move a muscle, spit in his face, something, anything but his sight was becoming hazy and his eyes began to close...
Vincent woke up, still under his horse, still bleeding to death but otherwise feeling fine.
What are you?” The interrogation seemed to come from the wind itself rather than be carried by it.
More specifically.
“... Bleeding to death I guess?”
Species!” The voice sounded annoyed.
“Human and who or what might you be friend?”
A dust devil appeared in front of Vincent and coalesced into a creature that looked like a Silos if it was made of wind and sand. “I'm a Demon from these part, I own many souls but not a Human one, care to make a deal?” The apparition looked over his shoulder.“You don't mind right?
Vincent followed his line of sight and saw a skeletal figure wearing a black cloak, sitting on a folding chair reading a book. Death made a dismissive gesture and muttered something about “FREE WILL” and kept on reading.
Vincent raised an eyebrow but didn't give it more thought, he had an idea and more importantly a village to save. “Bring me and Betty back with bodies that can't die, once I stop the bandits my soul is yours.” The demon smiled and was about to lay his hand on him and Betty when Vincent stopped him, he seemed to have remembered something. “Oh yes, they have a long head start by now and even on her best day Betty could never catch up in time, make her as swift as the wind and make sure she can't tire.” Death raised his head at this and for a moment was about to say something but he caught the look on Vincent's eyes, grinned and returned to his book. “Fine.” Then the creature touched both Vincent and his horse.
Lady Slenas, mayor of Tranquility, was holed up in her resident with the rest of the folk as Torien and his pirates destroyed everything in sight, they claimed Old Man Vincent had killed two of their numbers and they would now pay the price, Slenas thoughts went to the old Human. He had moved in a few months ago to the further outpost still technically within city limits and spent any free time he had ridding his beast of burden at speeds most sentient species would deem unsafe. Most of the able body men where working in the fields and would not be back in time to be of any help. Wished you had killed a few more you old weirdo.
She was getting ready to arm the women and children when an unnatural mist rolled into town. The pirates stopped what they were doing and looked around in shocked confusion, then shots came from the mist. The other women and children had no idea what was happening but Lady Slenas recognized the sound of “Big Iron” Old Man Vincent's archaic weapon.
As screams and explosions echoed throughout the city Torien was terrified, he had heard the weapon a few hours ago but the owner of said weapon was very much past saving when he had left him. It can't be him! He's dead, he has to be! The mist began to lift and Torien felt better every passing second, until he noticed he was the only member of his groups still standing.
“Shouldn't have done that friend, shouldn't have gone after the good folk of Tranquility.” The mist hadn't lifted as he had hoped, Torien watched with mounting horror as the mist gathered into the shape of the man he had killed earlier, he was still mounted on his strange beast and as the monstrosity drew it's weapon from it's holster faster than it should be possible, Torien heard more than felt the bullet that ended his life.
Lady Slenas had many questions, that is until a dust devil formed next to the phantasmal Human. He made a deal with a Demon, for us. She felt relief and sorrow and then her relief turned to guilt...
Time to go, we had a deal.
“I reckon you're right.” Old Man Vincent tipped his hat in the direction of Lady Slenas and reared his horse on it's hind legs and grinned.
“You'll have to catch me first though!” At which point he rode off like the wind, literally.
The people of Tranquility were shocked but not as shocked as the Demon who hesitated just long enough for Vincent to gain an insurmountable head-start.
From this point on, on days of heavy rain or when mist would roam the land, the sound of hooves could be heard accompanied by the of laughter of the damned, a rider running for his very soul, a dead-man... Having the time of life...
submitted by EchoingCascade to HFY [link] [comments]
