Nsf stem scholarship

guitarbuilding.org--The National Science Foundation STEM Guitar Project

2013.01.30 07:33 MisterShorr guitarbuilding.org--The National Science Foundation STEM Guitar Project

This National Science Foundation STEM Guitar Project provides innovative professional development to high school and community college faculty in collaborative design and rapid manufacturing.

2014.08.29 06:36 adamgerges Islamic History

/islamichistory is a place for discussions about Muslim and Islamicate History. Please familiarize yourself with our rules and guidelines before participating.

2024.06.01 22:39 esmeriam I haven't considered trade school until now, I need advice as someone graduating from high school soon

This post is mostly just me being curious and asking questions as a student who had planned to go to a 4-year college.
currently, post-secondary education wise:
I've only considered trade school now because of a story I recently heard, regarding a girl who would go out of her way to hire female plumbers and such due to being uncomfortable around men— hearing this story inspired me because I thought if this is one way to help other girls in the future (as well as myself and my family), then why not look into it?
This idea just started today, so I'm not sure what to look for. I have some (perhaps dumb) questions, like, will my distaste for STEM impact my ability to enjoy the trades? And, will AI impact these jobs? From what I understand, some white collar jobs may be in threat to being automated in the future, and I'm worried that it may happen to me in my current post-secondary plan as well.
In addition, I really did want to study further into History and other liberal arts subjects, but I don't know what I could do to see if trade would an option that I would enjoy as well. There are other small things like worrying about the practicality of competitive nature of the college academic life that makes me feel like I might not be able to land a job or be able to support myself financially.... If I could save me and my family from overwhelming student debt and myself from unemployment, I would love to hear more about the options in trade. However, I'm also just worried as I'm a junior in high school and don't have that much time left to be deciding between a 4-year or trade school.
submitted by esmeriam to BlueCollarWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:12 Extension-Canary3211 What Canadian/US universities are ideal for me?

I don't know yet which universities to apply to at my current level. I'm a brazilian international student who's completed Grade 11 in Canada and will complete Grade 12 by december this year. Neither the canadian school nor the brazilian use a 4.0 GPA system, however, my average for 10th grade is 86% and 11th is 93%. In Grade 11 in Canada, I've taken 5 APs (the hardest ones I could take, including calculus bc and both physics C), which I'm predicting to have gotten all 4's and maybe one or two 5's. I haven't taken the SAT yet, unfortunately, but will do it in September. I'm looking forward to any Canadian or American engineering undergrad programs that offer a good tuition (and, preferably, achievable scholarships and good co-ops) For extracurricular activities, due to how systematic is my country, I couldn't engage heavily in research or advanced programs, but they include - having been invited to a 1 year course of advanced math for 12th graders, which I've taken in 10th grade (Programa de Iniciação Científica Jr., PIC) - A 7 year english course in Brazil (Cultura Inglesa) - Helping in a STEM project for the creation of a Balloon that was launched to space - Several different sports and physical activities (although not directly having won any tournaments) - Participating in as many cultural activities as possible throughout my year in Canada
There are probably more activities, but those are the main ones. (Also, there are some bronze and silver medals in science or math olympiads, but as they're not gold medals, i'm reluctant in including those.)
Still undone, but plan on doing before the end of 2024: - Volunteering in a local church to teach math and english to children - Organizing three high school tournaments for fellow students (One math, one natural sciences and one humanities) - Creating study clubs or engaging in helping students as much as possible - Another 6-month advanced math course (Polos Olímpicos de Treinamento Intensivo, POTI)
Also, there are no "official clubs" in Brazil - school doesn't offer clubs or sports like the american system, you must pursue private companies to try to engage into those activities (with the exception of private high-cost sport classes or basic-level courses for students struggling). I'm hoping to take a bit of the club system with me to my country by trying to engage into the creation of one. Opportunities for extracurricular activities are rough.
In Brazil, also, we don't choose our own courses, as everyone takes the same 13 courses per semester. That decreased my potential average in 10th grade and probably also will in 12th.
What universities should I be looking forward to apply to? Are my chances high or low?
submitted by Extension-Canary3211 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:06 Easy_Ability_8919 Scholarships

Any scholarships at the moment for Hispanic female studying in STEM?
submitted by Easy_Ability_8919 to scholarships [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 14:04 Commercial-Square503 Scholarship Grants Here in the Philippines

Hi po. Is there anyone here po na scholar ng GBF STEM Scholarship for Excellence? Pwede po ba malaman like how was your experience po with them?
We tried applying po and yung reply sa amin is impressive naman daw po yung academic credentials and skills namin pero unfortunately is hindi po kami maeextendan ng oopportunity hehe.
Aside from that po, we also took the DOST scholarship and ngayon naghihintay nalang po ng results (pero parang mababa ang chance makapasa). Yung SM scholarship naman po di kami nakapagproceed since may specific areas lang po silang cover.
Baka po meron pa po kayong alam na scholarships na open pa po ngayon? Pasuggest naman po. Thank you po.
submitted by Commercial-Square503 to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 06:50 Ok_Explanation_3355 What Should an Incoming STEM student know about opportunities in college?

I am a current high school junior, but I have many questions about college. You may be wondering why I am asking this a year in advance, and I'll explain. During high school, I realized that the people who had been preparing since middle school (i.e. the people who had their major figured out in ninth grade and could center their entire application around that decided major) were the ones who were the most successful. I realized what the sad truth is– in order to be successful in today's world, you need to be planning years in advance. It's simply not feasible to figure things out along the way because you'll be behind those who already had prior knowledge.
This is why I am asking here what an incoming STEM student should know about opportunities in college. For example, I was not aware of any STEM high school activities such as AIME, ISEF, the olympiads, etc. These were all highly prestigious activities/contests for STEM students, and I do wish I had prior knowledge of those contests prior to beginning high school. So I am asking everyone in college now. What are some equivalent activities/contests/scholarships for undergrad students? I am planning to be a math undergrad, for context.
While I prefer opportunities in STEM, anything would be appreciated (even art/writing contests too, I suppose). Thanks in advance.
submitted by Ok_Explanation_3355 to college [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 04:09 PossibleHamster8124 is there any way i can get into a decent school with scholarships?

i'm a rising junior and not taking out many student loans for college is a major priority for me, but i also want to apply for some pretty difficult schools. am i getting my hopes up looking into these schools for nothing because even if they accept me i would never get scholarships? for reference: i don't qualify for anything need-based, 1520 sat, 3.9 uw gpa, will have ten aps by the time i graduate + a few honors/college courses, a decent amount of volunteering especially connecting with stem (will major in stem probably), some extracurriculars like band, varsity sport, peer leader club, some stem-related summer programs, and some other stuff that's not super impressive, plus i think my essays will be pretty solid based on the feedback i've gotten so far. i'd like to apply to places like uw madison and university of washington for targets and harvey mudd and ut austin for reaches, but i feel like i have no hope for admission much less scholarships. should i just give up and hope for a small in state school? are there any schools that have good merit scholarships i should try for?
submitted by PossibleHamster8124 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:16 Int_199373 Trying to decide: T70 or R&R

The context: 16mid, nGPA (Superior), STEM Masters, 2.5yWE, internationally educated but US citizen. Goal: IP/patent law.
Applied to 7 schools within T30, 1 school within T70, all in east coast. LSAC took nearly 4 months to process my transcripts, delaying my applications into late March, past most deadlines.
Result: Rs from every T30, A from T70 with $$.
Reasons to go: - T70 located in the city I want to practice in, with a good reputation in the fields I'm interested in - An offer now is arguably better than future offers I don't yet have. $$ is a decent scholarship - I'm 27 - young, but not getting younger. Delaying law school by another year could be a mistake
Reasons to reapply: - I can apply early. My CAS going complete late March likely soft-waitlisted me everywhere - I can likely improve my LSAT. 16mid was first-attempt after less than a month of prep. LG is being removed, which was by far my worst performing section - I'm currently employed, another year our of law school is not a waste. Financial situation is less than great currently after a personal emergency last year
What would you do in my situation? Am I as crazy as I think I am for considering R&R?
submitted by Int_199373 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:08 rsjvno Not sure what to strand to choose in shs here!

Hi incoming grade 10 student here but im still not sure what strand in shs to choose. 😓
I know mag gre grade 10 palang ako at medyo maaga pa para mag worry sa ganito pero undecided parin ako sa strand na kukunin ko, baka maging completer nalang ako hindi ko parin alam pipiliin ko, ayoko namang magsisi sa huli.
Stem- Nagbabalak po kasi ako mag Medicine sa College 😅. Gusto ko po kumuha ng scholarship, based naman po sa mga nabasa ko here sa reddit, kung kukuha raw po scholarship mas mabuti stem kasi na p prioritized ito ng scholarships.
Humms- I badly want to learn about social & political science. Hindi rin raw masiyadong heavy sa science and math. 😅
Help me choose po! And thank you in advance sa advice!
Edit: Not sure what strand to choose in shs!
submitted by rsjvno to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 02:39 theo258 This is my updated resume from yesterday after taking the comments advice, targeting commercial, CB, IB

It got split into 2 pages, tried to leave as much as possible so the formatting is visible. I think it's solid but I'm wondering if there's a way to phrase everything in order for resume readers can accept it?
submitted by theo258 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:54 CFN2019sup Housing stipend?

Greetings all,
Recently exhausted, my post 9/11, G.I., Bill, ended up getting a stem scholarship to extend those benefits. Recently graduated school and hoping to use whatever’s left on that stem scholarship to pursue an additional 24 units of continuing education. Caveat is that it’s not a stem program, so I may not be able to use that money. I don’t have a disability rating, unfortunately, but will be applying in the future and filing a claim.
Does anyone know of any way of getting additional educational benefits specifically a housing stipend while attending a certificate program?
I’ve tried calling the VA and they were super helpful. However, I feel like I got a different answer each time and they were also only referencing the stem portion.
Any guidance or suggestions??
submitted by CFN2019sup to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:12 OrangeRemarkable3355 UCSB or UCSD??

im a transfer and already committing to ucsb but i also was considering ucsd as well
UCSB pros : diverse, laid back and chill atmosphere, has a balance between academic and social life, i feel as though i could excel here, better for the humanities (my major ranks number 4), was genuinely excited and delve right in when i went to transfer day also im on the promise scholarship and i heard that you get 2 years of priority housing (idk tho), by the beach (as i dont go to the beach very often)
UCSB cons : housing crisis, not much of a party person (im gonna be 21 and not really interested in partying anymore), lower ranked, not many jobs available
UCSD pros : more prestigious UC, got into my major that offers an education specialization (since this is what i wanna do after graduation) , more academic focused, in a city environment with much jobs, 2 years of housing in their new transfer housing dorms
UCSD cons : havent been here yet and i have to commit in 2 days, scared that the school is going to be so academically rigorous that i may not do as well, lack of diversity, more of a focus on STEM (im a history major which may result in less resources for me), is considered “socially dead” (though wont matter to me as much since im not big on parties anymore)
submitted by OrangeRemarkable3355 to TransferStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:47 Tygaiean AITA when I don't share/tell opportunities to friend?

I (F18) have a friend, (M18) who is the same guy previously mentioned in my last post. I have an opportunity to go to Boeing for STEM day recognition. He is upset at me for not telling this opportunity to him. In his notes that we share, he called me "immature" for not doing so. He expects me to tell him every single scholarship, internship, job listing, etc that I find. I agreed when we first started scholarship and job hunting. He ended up recommending me a job that we both applied and interviewed for but I was only hired. I still have this job to this day and climbing towards higher ranks faster than any previous employee on record so I thank him for that. I say this because every argument we get into about these opportunities, he holds the fact he got the job for me.
As time passed, I started just searching and applying to things on my own. I don't normally send it to him anymore as he is busy looking for his own things. Through our school where we both go and receive the SAME notifications, I get a notification about STEM Boeing opportunity through the school and applied to it. The day it was sent out was the day that it was due.That was a few days ago.
Today in class, I receive an update on my laptop regarding the event and opened the email. My friend was sitting right next to me and questions what I'm doing. I told him plainly, "I got a Boeing opportunity through the school canvas College and Career center." He goes, "What!? Why didn't you tell me?" I told him that it was sent out school wide in the notifications that I know he has on. He frantically opens his laptop and starts applying when I told him due date was May 28th and that the forms are closed and he looked at me like I betrayed him.
This has happened multiple times before. This time, I was honest with how I felt and said that "it is not my responsibility to tell you every single opportunity I find. We are both adults, we can find it on our own." He then frustratedly closes his laptop and goes on his phone to play sudoku. I tried talking to him but then he ignored me. I apologized to him about 15 minutes ago stating that "I didn't mean to offend" him and that I find it "silly to tell you every single opportunity I come across." Then I restated the whole "we're adults" spiel and said "This is something that I'm going to agree to disagree with." He responded to that message saying. "It's not your problem to decide." and said he didn't want to talk about it now. I'm wondering if ITA because of the way I handled and treated the situation. Like, I can def see how I can be the asshole in some parts but I find his reactions to extreme for the situation. I don't ever intentionally leave him out of what I find, he called me selfish for doing so. What would you say?
submitted by Tygaiean to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:45 kattar_queer I am struggling to acknowledge the battle within me even though I very am self-aware

I am a 21 year old trans woman from North India, I have a formal ADHD diagnosis, and people around me often see me as a ‘gifted kid’ with a lot of potential. To say that my life has been hard is an understatement.
I went to an all-boys school, my school was filled with toxic masculinity and I never fit, I wasn’t the stereotypical boy. I don’t remember much from my childhood but my peers did not seem to like me much which always left me frustrated.
During my school I suffered from bullying and social neglect from my peers, I was very eccentric and often talked about abstract things.
I was always the kid who would pay a lot of attention in class, raise hands to ask questions and impress my teachers with my answers but never scored well in exams or complete homework on time. Teachers always told me I have a lot of potential and I should put in more efforts.
But things really started getting messed up around when I was entering Junior High (9th grade), I was a STEM student and in India there’s a rat race of cracking the JEE exam (SAT of India for Engineering but way harder).
I was in a few different coachings in my Junior High and Senior High (9,10,11,12 grades). I was doing 6 hours of school + 3 hours of coaching and I got really exhausted, it was the same story, lots of potential but no result.
At some point I also gave up on focusing on formal studies and started learning programming and got invited to a conference on a scholarship program, did some contract work and made money which is very unusual in India so everyone around me was impressed.
As soon as I hit puberty my depression kept getting worse and worse, it was ADHD Gifted Kid Syndrome + Gender Dysphoria.
I didn’t score well in the JEE exam and joined an online university pursuing BSc in Computer Science while I also started working on a contract that paid me decent. (October 2021)
My depression was getting worse and around December 2021 I start exploring the idea that I am trans, which was terrifying, I’d lose all my friends, my family wouldn’t support me. So I kept trying to find a good therapist (difficult in India), my depression kept getting worse, I gained weight, lost hair and in October 2022 got laid off because of bad market conditions.
I joined another startup in December 2022, I got paid thrice as much, I performed well initially, my boss knew I was trans and was pretty affirming, but my mental state kept getting worse and I could not perform well and I had to quit in June 2023 because of poor performance and not getting work done.
I have finally come out to my parents, made a lot of queer and ally friends. My parents don’t accept me but I am too uncomfortable to have that conversation again and again because my dad starts asking me to do absurd things like stepping out in extremely feminine clothes or do yoga to ‘fix’ me.
I started HRT in 2023 September, I finally feel happy about how I look, I don’t feel depressed anymore and I am on ADHD medication (methylphenidate) too.
I find it hard to be consistent at any habit, I can’t learn a topic for more than 2 weeks, I lose my motivation. I have watched a few Dr.K interviews, and it looks like that this behaviour boils down to self-sabotaging and having an internal conflict within me. Which is consistent with the emotions I feel after doing something for 2 weeks, disillusioned and resentful.
Even though I have acknowledged my past, improved my life a lot, overcome depression, I can’t figure out how to fix the internal battle within me and forgive myself.
Maybe it’s the guilt in my subconscious for letting my parents and Indian society down, maybe it’s the part where I have to wake up every day and act like someone who I am not (a guy), and all those emotions are too overwhelming. I find it extremely hard to shut down my family and spend all my time focusing on something abstract, every time I start something I end up in a burnt out like state in 2 weeks.
submitted by kattar_queer to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 18:32 student15672 RPI Board Member Elected Director of NSB and By Proxy the NSF

Thought this was cool news to share. New RPI board member Darío Gil (who is also in charge of research at IBM), brought in by Marty a few months back, has been elected Director of the National Science Board: The governing board of the NSF and direct advisor to both congress and the President of the United States on STEM matters. Dr. Gil is helping lead both research and infrastructure renewal at RPI. In other words, one of the people heading RPI’s future research and infrastructure development plans is also in charge of the National Science Foundation and advises the President.
submitted by student15672 to RPI [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 14:35 SuperSeniorSoon_ Any scholarships still?

So I don't really wanna fork out an extra like 10k for uni and I have a mid 90s avg going into stem (cs) and potentially can get in the category of "low income" ;). Any grants or scholarships?
submitted by SuperSeniorSoon_ to OntarioGrade12s [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 13:39 Izzie0250 Kaya ba pagaralan yung BSIT kahit walang background nung shs??? -send tips plsss

So ayun nga next month na graduation ko sa shs (STEM-Health) and may mga inapplyan na akong schools pero hindi allign sa strand ko yung mga kinuha kong course (BSIT). I don't have any background sa IT pero kasi ang sabi nung pinsan ko (grumaduate sa IT) is malaki daw sahod. Nursing sana kukunin ko kaso sabi niya ulit mahirap daw makahanap ng hospital na aapplyan mo and yung sahod is kinda mababa daw pagkagraduate ng college. Naniniwala naman ako na malaki sahod ng IT, halata naman sakaniya. Nakakuha nga ako scholarship sa target kong school (for BSIT lang). Umagree naman parents ko kasi may scholarship ako kaso parang nagddoubt sila na di ko kakayanin kasi nga wala background sa mga programming. And parang nagddoubt din ako sa sarili ko na di ko kakayanin.
To be honest, wala talaga akong pangarap sa mga career career basta nakakasahod nang maayos. Nasabihan pa nga ko nung kaibigan ko na (STEM-Computer Science ang strand) "bakit IT kinuha mo? Ang hirap nan wala ka naman background dyan" di ko siya sinagot kasi alam ko sa sarili kong kaya kong magsikap na mapagaralan yun for 4 years.
Any tips pa po para masurvive ang college life. Feel ko kasi di ko kakayanin, di pa nagsisimula naiiyak na ko.
submitted by Izzie0250 to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 09:10 Puzzleheaded_Web3176 UST SHS FREE TUITION OR NOT?

Hi, I’m a science high school incoming grade 11 student, I would like to ask lang po sana if free tuition po ang UST SHS or is there a chance po na magiging free po ang tuition nya. may nag ooffer po ba ng scholarship for senior high school?
STEM po sana kukuhanin kong strand, and if makapasa man po sa USTET, possible na po bang makakuha ng scholarship or maging free tuition sa shs…
My mom told me kasi na based sa nakausap nyang mommy rin, nag enroll daw yung anak nya sa UST SHS after graduating from science high school. That momshie told my mom na 70k raw ang tuition per year. Quality naman daw educ but mabigat lang daw talaga sa bulsa. May chance po bang makapag school ako sa UST SHS for free?
Thank you po.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Web3176 to Tomasino [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:44 Lumpy-Hamster3129 course and school dilemma: help an anxious girl decide pls :c

hello everyone! i'm currently facing a tough decision regarding which college and course to choose. to give you some context, i'm an average student from the STEM strand (with a bit of a struggle in math TT). i've decided to take a gap year before starting college. in terms of my future aspirations, i see myself working in the corporate sector (FMCG), which is why i am interested in pursuing business and management-related courses. my main priority is finishing the program I chose to enroll once I get into college, ayoko na sanang mag-shift pa kasi sayang ang oras at sayang pera.
here are the courses and universities i've been considering:
sa schools naman:
Cons: trisem + mahirap daw i-ahon kapag GCOE. as a STEM student na na-challenged na sa heavy workloads (considering na normal semestral set-up kami, hindi pa trisem) nakakakaba yung fast-paced kasi what if ma-delay ako (I'm also a slow learner btw T_T).
i'm really struggling with a severe dilemma here. lowkey starting to feel overwhelmed and anxious about what factors to consider and which course to prioritize as my first choice sa each schools na aaplyan ko. if any of you have insights or advice, i'd really appreciate it. thanks!
submitted by Lumpy-Hamster3129 to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 01:34 mercurialohearn How the heck do I remove this thing?

How the heck do I remove this thing?
This valve has started leaking at the stem. There’s nothing I can tighten to fix it, so I bought a replacement (see pics), which is threaded. After looking at my own pic, I’m not so sure those are actually threads at the end of the pipe. I can’t turn my water back on until I fix this. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!
submitted by mercurialohearn to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 00:22 Scoren1 Recently graduated and entering job market. How is my portfolio/resume?

Recently graduated and entering job market. How is my portfolio/resume?
Hello everyone. I recently graduated with a BFA in Design and finalizing my portfolio before I start applying for jobs. I’m aiming for consistency and personal branding across my portfolio website, resume, and cover letter. I’m also missing some work, including a book design, website design, and a couple of animations.
Portfolio: https://studiorahman.com
A few questions:
is a resume okay if it’s more than one page? My professor insisted it’s optimal especially if we have a lot of experience to include instead of trying to fit it all on one page and missing crucial info.
Does my branding seem consistent and part of my identity as a whole? Does my personal style reflect too much in my work? I want to be adaptable for companies. Is the current state adequate enough to begin applying to jobs? Have I written too much in the descriptions for each work? Is my work diverse and adequate for a variety of companies?
Note: in my resume, the body text is slightly thinner than it actually is when converted to a jpeg to post here.
Thank you in advance!
submitted by Scoren1 to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:33 pastoralwaterlily Help me decide on schools

hi!! looking for insights on what i should pursue in college. i know its not advisable to rely on other people on such a big decision but any advice or guides might help me make up my mind easier.
for context, i passed the big 4 univs and plm which i’m very grateful for but having that many good options is making the decision harder. My initial goal is to get into a pre med which can give me job options if ever i don’t proceed into med proper.
here my situation for every university:
UPD - prio prog: BS Psych - prog offered: BA Anthropology
PROS: - free tuition and dream school - got into my first campus choice - program offered is in the same college as BS Psych (which might give me a little advantage provided i reach the required gwa) - close to home and great environment - UP is UP (specially w job hunting) - i don’t mind the program (just a little scared of readings since im a STEM student)
CONS - mentally draining and not really student friendly ang system ng UP - no DOST if ever kasi di pasok program ko - kapalit kaluluwa and no assurance na makakashift
UST - prio prog: BS Psych - prog offered: BS Psych
PROS - was my dream course (not That dead set on psych na but I still like it) - dream school din - course is applicable for DOST if I pass - love the atmosphere (and chant) and madaming kainan sa españa
CONS - may tuition (tho it is considerably cheaper than ADMU and DLSU and psych has the lowest tf in COS) keri naman daw sabi ng parentals - far from home but if my parents let me dorm in our apt in manila it would be waking distance - admin is NOT student friendly (I’ve been warned by so many people) - madamot sa scholarships:(
DLSU and ADMU - I love the atmosphere and admin of these schools so much but took it off my roster bc even with scholarships the TF is too expensive (I didn’t apply for scholarships in ADMU)
PLM - prio prog: BS Nursing - prog offered: BS Nursing
PROS - practical course medj dream course na rin at lalong mas dream course ng fam ko - nursing in plm is very reputable laging top sa performing schools - WALANG TUITION - ok lang sakin course kasi sure na may trabaho after - not applicable sa DOST
CONS - may culling agad sa freshman year - di raw friendly admin and toxic daw profs - panget uniform (sorry mukha talaga siyang pang elem 🥲) - ang petty pero ayoko mag same school as my ate😭 not that deep naman - parang wala sila masyado ganap outside of academics like sa school life sure may orgs pero yon na yun🧍🏻‍♀️ - far from home and 1 hour away from apt in manila
Honestly I’m having a hard time choosing since I also consider the environment of the school as I am easily influenced by the school’s atmosphere. I want a college that can also give me the ‘college experience’ as they say and give me an occasional breather from academics. Practicality is also a big factor for me and I want to know beforehand if there’s any job prospects in my course.
I also want to know if the Big 4 advantage is as important as they say bc I’m also considering going into med school and so far super laki talaga ng preference nila for their graduates.
Please help me with this one! I just don’t want my college life to be full of what ifs for other schools:(
submitted by pastoralwaterlily to CollegeAdmissionsPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:44 DarthOpinionous Graduate in 3 years or MBA?

Hi all,
I’m an incoming college freshman, my goal is to attend med school. I just spoke with my advisor, and based on the AP and dual enrollment credits I earned, it would be possible for me to graduate in 3 years if all goes well. My school offers a stem-MBA program that can be earned with an extra year, so I would be able to earn an MBA in my 4th year of college. Money is not a consideration for this question as I will be on scholarship.
I’m faced with 3 options:
Take a normal amount of credit hours to graduate in 3 years. From here I could try to go straight to med school or take a gap year and build my resume.
Undergo the MBA program and graduate in 4 years. I think having an MBA would be of great benefit as either a backup plan or to provide me with some business knowledge needed to run my own practice one day. I’m not sure how attractive an MBA looks to med schools, maybe this is where you guys can provide some insight.
Enjoy my undergraduate years and ease up on the amount of credits I take each semester. This would give me more time to volunteer, research, and work.
What would you recommend? I see pros and cons for each option. Shaving off a year could be great, but it could affect my ability to get into a good school. An MBA would be cool, but would I be better off spending that time doing more important EC’s?
Thank you for your help!
submitted by DarthOpinionous to premed [link] [comments]
