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News (like, the nightly News) downloading?

2024.05.08 01:31 dclive1 News (like, the nightly News) downloading?

I'm familiar with Sonarr (currently using, and I've been using it for several years. I've got perhaps 100 shows that, at one time or another, I've followed, grabbed, automated, etc.
I also enjoy watching the nightly news. I also like doing "everything" via Plex - one interface to rule them all - so I like having my MKV content managed by Sonarr and then sent to the client via Plex. One app for all content. Having 3 different apps to then have to open and find additional content in (say, the ABC app, the NBC app, and the CBS app) isn't my idea of fun.
All that said, my previous workflow (HDHomerun -> Antenna -> 3 nightly news programs as nice media files in Plex) isn't working out anymore due to some antenna / tuning issues I'm having. The fix will take some time, so here I am.
I then tried adding David, Norah, and Lester (the 3 big newscasts in the USA) to Sonarr. While the shows are all added to Sonarr, David's shows as discontinued (which isn't right), Norah has no new content since Dec 2023 (also not right), and Lester's content and list of shows appears accurate, but nothing is ever downloaded from/via Sonarr for his show, NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt.
While I freely acknowledge these are somewhat limited audience and very short timeframe shows, surely someone else has similar interests and wants to be able to (automatically) grab the nightly news and watch it? Is there a good, reliable way to automate this? Sonarr doesn't seem to be working for me...
submitted by dclive1 to sonarr [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 02:04 abujzhd Watch NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt Clip: Exclusive: Biden Administration orders car braking upgrades to reduce pedestrian deaths - NBC.com

submitted by abujzhd to Pete_Buttigieg [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 08:30 MissMoxie2004 Something he did that I can’t make sense of

Hello everyone. I got out of an abusive relationship years ago, but lately I’ve been trying to write it all down so anyone who asks can read about it. I also can’t shake the feeling that someday I’ll be talking to Lester Holt about him. He was a prime example of the style of abuser Bancroft calls Mr. Sensitive. I failed out of college because he wouldn’t leave me alone long enough to study or do my homework.
So here’s something that I can’t make sense of. I’ve been told I need to ‘check my privilege’ when I get too insistent about it. My abuser seemed to use his poverty growing up as an excuse for some things. But I don’t see how some of the problems he had were the consequences of poverty. I also don’t see how poverty prevented them from troubleshooting their problems. I’ll give a few examples.
  1. He was an honors student in high school. But he was threatened with suspension because he stunk. When I asked why he went to school stinking he blamed his poverty. He explained how there wasn’t enough hot water in the morning for everyone to get a shower. The cat peed on the laundry. For a long time he didn’t have deodorant and when he FINALLY managed to get a three pack from the dollar store before he had a chance to use it his stepbrothers used it. (One application for each boy ONCE.)
True to form he’d throw a tantrum if I asked questions like “so if the deodorant was a three pack what happened to the rest of it after your stepbrothers used it ONCE?” “Why don’t you take a shower in the evening if you’re running out of hot water every morning?” “Why don’t you just cold shower, or boil water and wash your smelly parts?“ “Why didn’t you get in the habit of putting the laundry away as soon as it’s clean BEFORE the cat had a chance to pee on it?” (They were certainly astute enough to keep the cat out of the bedrooms because of his peeing.) “How often did the cat pee on the laundry?” “Why didn’t you rehome the cat if his peeing was such a problem?”
Also his high school is in an economically repressed area. So the majority of his classmates were in the same socioeconomic status he was. Their teachers understood this. But he was the only one who had this problem.
  1. He whined that his family had to blow the bank on drying their clothes at a laundromat. They had a washer and dryer at home, but the dryer was missing a coupling that connected to the dryer duct making it unusable.
The coupling in question would have cost $12 at Home Depot and taken 30 minutes to install. They couldn’t do this fix because they were ‘poor.’ HOWEVER they had money to go to the movies and go to SciFi conventions and stuff like that. ONCE I suggested that his parents should miss A sci-fi convention and buy the coupling. He threw such a tantrum calling me an ‘elitist.’
  1. His sister got married in a dining hall under their church. But the dining hall was FILTHY. Garbage and dirt EVERYWHERE. When I asked why the answer was “we can’t afford a nice venue.” He of course accused me of being an elitist when I pointed out that it doesn’t cost money to put garbage in a bag and take it to the dumpster. And the church certainly had custodial supplies. The floor could have been mopped.
I’m not completely ignorant when it comes to being poor. I was laid off from my job within a short amount of time from when my husband went blind. So my pin money job became our only income. I’m no stranger to lack of utilities. We went three New England winters with no heat or hot water and we never left the house stinking. We sure as hell did not have the money to even go to the movies, let alone a sci-fi convention. Let alone SEVERAL per year.
Am I missing something? Do I need to check my privilege?
submitted by MissMoxie2004 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 16:45 aprilludgate93 Why does Dateline tease/preview so much upcoming information?

It’s really frustrating to me how Dateline includes Lester Holt’s introductory segments and the “coming up” segments right before commercials. They’ll create a cliffhanger and then immediately ruin it. I understand when shows do this at the end of an episode and preview an upcoming episode. But I’ve never seen anyone else do this several times in one episode.
Does anyone know why they do this? Does anyone actually like it? I may be particularly biased because I listen to Dateline as a podcast, so I don’t have to wait through long commercial breaks.
submitted by aprilludgate93 to Dateline [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 04:03 Acrobatic-Engineer94 Nightly News Full Broadcast - April 22

Nightly News Full Broadcast - April 22
submitted by Acrobatic-Engineer94 to newsandstatisticclips [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 18:01 Pretend-Two-2115 Lester Holt Emotional Over Eclipse Tale: 'Caught Up in It'

Lester Holt Emotional Over Eclipse Tale: 'Caught Up in It' submitted by Pretend-Two-2115 to celebritytattler [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 23:56 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Science] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis NBC

[Science] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 23:33 AutoNewsAdmin [Science] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis

[Science] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to NBCauto [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 22:26 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Health] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis NBC

[Health] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 22:26 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis NBC

[Business] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 22:26 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Tech] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis NBC

[Tech] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 22:19 AutoNewsAdmin [Tech] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis

[Tech] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to NBCauto [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 22:17 AutoNewsAdmin [Business] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis

[Business] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to NBCauto [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 22:09 AutoNewsAdmin [Health] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis

[Health] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to NBCauto [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 22:01 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis NBC

[Top Stories] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 21:34 AutoNewsAdmin [Top Stories] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis

[Top Stories] - 'This is magical': Lester Holt and Tom Costello witness totality in Indianapolis submitted by AutoNewsAdmin to NBCauto [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 04:12 MDawg2763 What If.... Family Guy Kept Making Star Wars Episodes? Part 1: Prequel Trilogy Cast

Remember the Family Guy Original Trilogy? (Blue Harvest, Something Something Something Dark Side, It's A Trap!) Well, I made a cast sheet if Disney allowed Seth McFarlane & Fuzzy Door Productions to make the Prequel Trilogy. Here are the Family Guy/American Dad/The Cleaveland Show characters that will play the Prequel Characters.
First Off, Since Darth VadeAnakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca, C-3PO, Artoo-Detoo, Yoda, Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious, Boba Fett, Luke Skywalker, Leia Skywalker, & Jabba The Hutt appear in the Prequels, but as younger versions, their actors will be the characters who played them in the OG Trilogy Family Guy Episodes. Stewie Griffin, Herbert T. Pervert, Brian Griffin, Glenn Quagmire, Cleveland Brown, Carl, Carter Pewterschmidt, Ernie The Giant Chicken, Chris Griffin, Lois Griffin, & Joe Swanson respectively.
Secondly, I'm Going Through Major Characters and Extremely Notable Supporting Characters.
Finally, I'm NOT going through the characters introduced in the Clone Wars Storyline. So NO WHINING about Commander Rex or Ashoka or Savage Opress, or Assajj Ventress, ect. If I disappointed you about this, 1, I'm not sorry, 2, I'll probably make another one for Clone Wars-related stuff soon.
Now let's get to the Prequel Trilogy Exclusive Characters.
Qui-Gon Jinn: Tom Tucker
Darth Maul: Roger Smith
Mace Windu: Jerome
Kit Fisto: Toshi Yoshida (American Dad)
Ki-Adi-Mundi: Jeff Fisher (American Dad)
Count Dooku: Avery Bullock (American Dad)
General Grievous: Stan Smith
Tarfull: Jasper
Jango Fett: A Chicken that looks similar to Ernie The Giant Chicken, but is not (I don't know any male giant chickens other than Ernie. I don't think there are any.)
Clone Troopers: A Chicken that looks similar to Ernie The Giant Chicken, but is not. Again. Cause Clones.
Commander Cody: See Jango Fett & Clone Troopers, but looking slightly diffrent.
Padme Amidala: Olivia
Shmi Skywalker: Barbara Pewterschmidt
Jar Jar Binks: Niel Goldman
Boss Nass: Principal Lewis (Not being racist, just want to hear Kevin Michael Richardson voice him)
General Tarpals: Jack Smith
Watto: Holt Ricter
Captain Typho: Lester
Nexu, Acklay, And Reek: Meg Griffin
Episode Titles:
Episode 1; The Phantom Menace: Short Negotiations
Episode 2; Attack Of The Clones: I Really F***ing HATE SAND!!!
Episode 3; Revenge Of The Sith: Excecute Order 69.
Do You agree or disagree? Would You Change anything of this list? Did I miss any characters? Cause TBH, I couldn't find the name of the "Is It Legal" Guy and the Grey version of "Is It Legal" Guy—list So In the Comments Below.
submitted by MDawg2763 to familyguy [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 03:57 Soggy_Computer_2008 Finally figured out how to get the double October Surprises as Trump in MOS (guide in the comments)

Finally figured out how to get the double October Surprises as Trump in MOS (guide in the comments) submitted by Soggy_Computer_2008 to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 07:16 TheTCTer01 Arguably the best ending in Mouths of the South

Arguably the best ending in Mouths of the South submitted by TheTCTer01 to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 04:56 Hopefulmisery I have trouble understanding this ending. Can someone explain this for me?

I have trouble understanding this ending. Can someone explain this for me?
The Seventh Party System HOLT: “Good evening from Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. I’m Lester Holt, anchor of “NBC Nightly News.” I want to welcome you to the first presidential debate.The participants tonight are Jeb Bush, Jerry Brown and Bernie Sanders. This debate is sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization. The commission drafted tonight’s format, and the rules have been agreed to by the campaigns.The 90-minute debate is divided into six segments, each 15 minutes long. We’ll explore three topic areas tonight: Achieving prosperity; America’s direction; and securing America. At the start of each segment, I will ask the same lead-off question to both candidates, and they will each have up to two minutes to respond. From that point until the end of the segment, we’ll have an open discussion.The questions are mine and have not been shared with the commission or the campaigns. The audience here in the room has agreed to remain silent so that we can focus on what the candidates are saying.I will invite you to applaud, however, at this moment, as we welcome the candidates: Democratic nominee for president of the United States, Gerald Brown, and Republican nominee for president of the United States, Jeb Bush, and Reform nominee for president of the United States, Bernard Sanders.”
Superman Lives Review Entertainment Weekly, June 22, 1999It was certainly a bold choice to enlist Tim Burton (Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands) to helm the first Superman film since 1987's critical and commercial flop, Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, the final outting for Christopher Reeve's iconic portrayal of the comic superhero. Burton had success previously, directing the first two Batman films starring Michael Keaton as the titular caped crusader. However, it was difficult to imagine the quirky director known for making odd misfits the protagonists of his films being the man to create the world for the famously optimistic, outgoing boy scout.Enter Superman Lives, where the vigilante superhero Superman (Nicolas Cage) leads a double life as Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent, dating star colleague Lois Lane (Courteney Cox) and paling around with his good friend Jimmy Olsen (Chris Rock), all the while unaware of his true origins as the last Kryptonian. But sinister forces are working against him, and megalomaniac billionaire businessman Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) soon forms an alliance with the extraterrestial menance Brainiac (Christopher Walken), creating the gestalt entity Lexiac to kill Superman once and for all.The first two Batman films were definitely aided heavily from the inclusion of their charismatic villains, whether in Jack Nicholson's Joker or Danny DeVito's turn as the vile Penguin, but there's a great lack of that here. Spacey's performance is commendable, delivering well on his trademark charm as a slimy, greed-obsessed heel as similarly seen in his Swimming with Sharks and The Unusual Suspects roles, but he's wasted here. He appears sparingly, and oftentimes has his performance obscured by poor computer-generated effects meant to allude to his Lexiac persona. Walken, who had prior portrayed the original character Max Shreck in Burton's last comic book film, suffers from these special effect heavy pitfalls, though is able to shine more simply due to the granduer owed to his presence. One memorable scene features Walken's Brainiac going toe-to-toe with polar bears in the Great White North as he breaks into Superman's Fortress of Solitude.Cage's Superman is a stark departure from Reeve's performance, but not necessarily a bad one. He's without question the Burtonized Superman we all had expected to see following the announcement of their partnership. His long, flowing locks draw comparisons to his comic counterpart, who had taken to the mullet look in the successor to the highly marketed “Death of Superman” plotline from earlier in the decade, which this film takes heavy inspiration from. He has an unusual charm to him, at times off-putting but also capable of pulling the audience into his plight of loneliness in the world.This is certainly not your daddy or granddaddy's Superman. Cox's Lois Lane by contrast bares intense similarities to Margot Kidder's take on the character, so much so she fails to make it her own in many ways, and is unable to make much of the role particularly notable or engaging. Special mention goes to WCW wrestler and former vice presidential candidate Ric Flair's go at the hulking mute Doomsday, who Luthor and Brainiac create to do the hero in. One can only assume the casting of the outlandish Nature Boy stems from Ted Turner's breakout success at the polls three years ago, although it's unknown how much the Reform Party will contribute to Superman Lives's box office this summer.It's safe to say the film suffers from an identity crisis. At times, it wants to be that optimistic Reeve Superman, but also wishes to carve itself a unique niche as the kid who listens to Marilyn Manson's Superman. It's difficult to say if it's a success. You have to give it to Burton though, it's entertaining. That'll probably be good enough. B-
submitted by Hopefulmisery to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 05:38 WeHappyFew7 Yes Brandon will say that /s

Yes Brandon will say that /s
No way this guy is serious.
submitted by WeHappyFew7 to facepalm [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 22:23 generalscruff Just found an old Championship Manager game, thoughts on this side?

Just found an old Championship Manager game, thoughts on this side? submitted by generalscruff to nffc [link] [comments]
