When can you do a pregnancy test after ivf blastocyst

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2009.04.20 19:43 A safe, welcoming community for all pregnant people!

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2011.05.25 04:04 Avalon81204 Taking the journey to parenthood together.

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2024.05.18 23:20 No_Resolve6877 Pregnant GF [20/F] won’t contribute and [20/M] having to take everything on. What should I do?

Sorry if this is long but plz read the full story⭐️
I’ve been seeing this girl for 9 months, and she’s 4 months pregnant (but we knew eachother for 4 years but didn’t know her all to well before) I have my own place, go to school full time, in a coding boot camp, and taking certificates to get better experience for ML(Machine learning) while also providing all the income for us.
⭐️Before pregnancy⭐️
Flashback to 12 months ago I was in the marine corp for 2 years and had to cut my time short due to adhd/ptsd after losing my dream job that I graudated highscool early for I went through a month of extreme depression. After 3 counselors I got better . I was still actively working right after the military for planning ahead and then lost my tech after 4 months job due to the whole company going under. The next day I found out she was pregnant. I believe she should have the choice since it’s her body /and she choose to keep the baby.
⭐️The problem⭐️
The 1st problem was she didn’t want to work and doesn’t have her license that I pushed her to do but can’t do it herself. I have been nice about it I’ve made whole google docs and videos of motivation, applied for jobs for her, let her use my car to learn to drive, been with her to do it, but still doesn’t want to do anything so I gave up after months and months on trying. A counselor would help but her mom doesn’t believe in that so brings in her mind there no point of getting better. She very shy and has anxiety about it and I do feel very bad but I do to still have anxiety to we’re my legs tremble and hands and feet sweat 24/7 near anyone. She adores her mom more than anyone in the world but her mom is a pill popper who hasn’t worked for over 20 years and even refused to work when they were all on the streets. I took her brother and my girlfriend to Disneyland and mind you spent over of all of the money I earned from the military from the gifts, vacations places, and food because she has never seen any of this before. I knew they would never have the opportunity see it and deserved to because her dad was not on the picture so they were just living off the government. So what I did was work to make enough money and do my college and extra certificates and experience on top networking to land a good job)
after one month of this her uncle turned homeless and started living with them REMIND YOU her uncle . ( he attempted to s/a her as a kid) but didn’t succeed. He’s says he all Jesus and all that but u can see right through him that’s just words no action. I believe to respect ur adults and the elderly my manners are how I was raised by……………. But this flipped a switch that never was there. Her mom not doing anything and me knowing things she could do to get rid of him ( I even paid her 2,000 dollars) to get rid of him and nobody did anything and that was when she was pregnant) my girlfriend said she was fine about it and she not much afraid of him and started resenting me because how I felt about her mom and I kept dropping it but I couldn’t stand knowing he was there alone with her some days) So I went to online college and then saved up money to get an apartment to be away from him and did it mind you during this whole thing my main focus was that and getting all my certificates and more experience to be a software engineer but she was still getting mad at me because how I felt about her mother.That I was getting in college that I was also actively going to everyday but started to doing online classes because I didn’t feel safe with her being alone her uncle being there. A month goes by and the uncle TALKS ABOUT HER BOOBS INFRONT OF HER MOM. And I just… idk… the forgiving person that I was trying to see is gone forever after that for her mom….. and yes he is still living there and yes we got the aprartment right after that. But after that she still rensentined me because of how I felt about her mom and now I’m losing feelings for her because of the asking for things knowing I have to take out time for studying to make the money we don’t have but I think I do well doing it tho i like getting her things. I am trying just the money a little tight because I know how much cloud computing can make and all the 3 certificates, and all projects and college im doing but having to pay for the certs. But the way I feel about her mom now ( and I really did try to be so nice I promise and even talked to my counclears about it but that’s just not gonna happen anymore). I loved her so much but the more I think about it , if anything goes bad with money WHICH IS GOING TO HAPPEN she would not even be able to be there for me. (Also I want to say it has never slipped my mind that I would not provide for this child that’s the whole point of doing the college and all that I would rather not but I know what I need to do).
⭐️My day⭐️
I workout two hours a day 6 days a week, study mostly all day and then work when I need to for all the bills and whatever she wants or needs is starting to get to me also I I’m doing some meditation so I can sleep. I’ve tried to spend as much time with her but usually I’m done late and I’m jsut so worn out and then she gets sad becasue I’m tired but I try to take her places every week for the most part and get her food she likes. I feel alone most days and now i would rather watch YouTube or video by myself than with her. And the one time we did take a break which was 2 days she cried all day and her mom said she never left her room, and that’s not right for the baby so I went back to get her. I don’t think she would commit sucicde if we broke up but she says it as a joke but most of the time I can’t take it as a joke( my dad attempted and succeeded when I was 10). But if she did I don’t know how I would live with myself or if her feelings hurt the baby).I’ve read so many books on love and just helpful books but nothing helps much.
My question is what should I do?
(Also yes I’m talking to a councilor about this but today was just a little hard.)
(Thank you for all responses have a great rest of your day)❤️.
submitted by No_Resolve6877 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:16 National_Detail3106 (27M) Debilitating Visuals 1 month Post Traumatic Cataract Surgery

Hello, everyone. I’m posting here as I’m becoming desperate to find help or some answers.
I’m a 27 year old male. Toward the end of last year, I began having severe issues with the vision in my right eye that led to a traumatic cataract diagnosis. Around 15 years ago, I was shot in the right eye with a BB gun.
In January of this year, I called the University Hospital regarding the loss of vision and pain in my right eye. I was rushed in, as pain is a big concern and they wanted to make sure everything was okay. I was told I have a cataract and scheduled an appointment with a surgeon for the removal. When I asked about the pain, they told me that cataracts do not cause pain, but it may be what the cause is.
Over the course of the next 3 months, I went through phases of pain in my eye. One night, It was severe enough for me to visit the ER, from which I wasn’t given any real help. I was also incredibly sick with influenza B and congested, which seemed to make the pain even worse.
I was given an MRI and went through several different tests. Ended up getting home around 2am. Around 6am I noticed 5 missed calls from the hospital, asking me to come in right away as they may have seen something on the MRI and need more imaging.
After the additional imaging, I was told nothing seemed to be wrong, and they were at a loss in finding the cause. At one point, the ER doctor said chicken pox may be a possibility (I don’t know why). Then they told me it’s just neurological.
I spent the next few months with the pain coming and going, up to my following surgery appointments. When I brought it up to my surgeon, he didn’t know what could cause the issue either. He mentioned the cataract was so old, it had become soft.
The surgeon then explained to me the procedure, risks and benefits. I was told that I may or may not need glasses after the surgery, which I was fine with. I was told they’re standard procedures, simple and short recovery periods. I agreed and the surgery was scheduled.
Fast forward to the day after my surgery, and I begin to notice the difference in clarity of my vision. It was honestly crazy how clear my far sight vision was, but very disappointing how little I could see close up. I’m now unable to read my phone or see any detail closer than 5-7 feet away, but I was told glasses will correct the issue. No problem, I thought.
This is where my problems really begin. At night, I started noticing these incredibly intense visuals from light sources. So intense, I wasn’t able to go outside at night, or be in a dimly lit room for weeks. I am 1 month past my surgery and I am still unable to drive in the dark and struggle immensely with sitting anywhere dark with acute light sources. The best way to describe the visuals are halos, but not just like glowing street lights, I’m talking about psychedelic looking, hallucination type halos. They disappear when the light source is covered, and move in all directions, side to side and back and forth.
The best way to describe them is that they are perfectly circular and very sharply defined. Sometimes, there will be a slight ray type effect inside of them. They are present around every light source in a dark space. On the street, sometimes it’s so bad that there are dozens and dozens layered on top of each other. For weeks, I could literally feel my pupil swelling and sort of “popping”, as it adjusted to the lights. Immediately after, it would begin adjusting again, and the halos would come back. The lights go away when very bright light sources become present (like incoming headlights) or when equally disbursed. Better nights make the halos become more blurry, less defined outside of the circle.
I’ve tried to design this image to explain what I’m seeing to my doctor and others. I’ve also included a picture of how my right pupil looks in most dimmer lit, inside spaces:
Furthermore, I am experiencing a shadow casted around the outside of my vision in my right eye. Feels almost as if I’m looking through a tube, and seems that I have lost a fair amount of my peripheral vision. Some new floaters and flashes of light starting appearing around week 3, but not as drastic as it was with the cataract. I’m used to floaters in both eyes.
I showed this image to my surgeon and tried explaining the problem. He really didn’t seem to understand what the problem was, saying the eye looked good and halos are common. But I never knew that it would be so debilitating. He was at a loss, and mentioned that if my pupil is over dialating, it may be extending beyond my IOL, causing this issues. He’s been doing cataract surgeries for 2 years now. He also kept saying “well typically patients are older…” and then continued to explain protocol and experiences with older patients, not really considering my case individually, or offering to refer me to someone else.
At my post 1 month checkup, I asked him if there are different sizes that should have been used, only for him to say “well most IOLs are a certain size, but some are slightly bigger.” And then explained that my pupil dilating past the lens, causing the visuals. This makes sense to me, as the visuals do seem almost “prism” like. I was also told the lens was acrylic, and not as perfect as the normal lens, but I’m pretty sure there are different lens material types.
This confused me. It still does. I told him about my pupil being larger than the other before my surgery, and he saw it as well. Was this not a considering factor in my lens choice?
Additionally, I told this surgeon that back in 2013, I was diagnosed with optic nerve swelling, but he said that he had no idea what that was regarding and simply disregarded the diagnosis.
I’ve spent weeks trying to research the subject, but honestly, it’s causing me to become severely depressed and frustrated. I feel that my concerns have been totally disregarded, as I was told to wait another 3 months for my next appointment. I actually had to suggest treatment I read online with eye drops that cause the pupil to stay smaller. He agreed after my suggestion and said he would prescribe me these.
Unfortunately, they have not submitted the medication to my insurance for the past week, so I haven’t been able to try it. I hope it helps.
I really could use some help or advice. I’m writing this in the middle of the night and once again suffering from a headache from my eye issues. These visuals have not gotten any better since the night of surgery. Recently, they just go away, and some nights are better than other. Sometimes, artificial tears seem to help and other times they don’t. Sometimes losing the tension in my neck helps, sometimes moving my head down makes it worse.
I was also severely congested a few nights ago, and the halos were terrible. Decongestant spray seemed to make them totally disappear. I was told in the past I have a deviated septum, and on my right side I believe (not sure if they can be correlated)
If anyone’s has a suggestion as to what type of doctor may be able to help, or what I should expect my recovery to be like, I would be very grateful. I’m starting to feel hopeless and that people don’t believe or recognize the struggle I’m having.
At this point, I feel like I may have permanently messed up by opting in for this surgery, and I’m afraid I’ll never be able to drive or do things at night again. I understand that the damage the accident caused in my eye may be repairable, and that I probably will just need to adjust to new vision, but I really don’t think I can live with the issues I’ve been having at night. I feel as though I may never get to watch movies in theaters or watch events in dark spaces without severe visuals and head pain.
Let me know if there’s any additional info I can provide to help. On Monday, I am going to try to have my primary care provider help recommend me to someone else (insurance requires this for a second opinion).
Thank you for your time and help.
submitted by National_Detail3106 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:16 Straight-Month-6504 Advice and Information!!

Hi, I know me asking might be difficult for some of you who have went through an ectopic pregnancy and I know you guys can't actually tell me if i'm having one or not, but i just wanted to see what you guys thought was going on here.
So, last week I started spotting for about three days or so but I wouldn't really count it as spotting, it wasn't really light pink and wasn't brown, it was more of a purple-ish and red color, but it was more or so in like a discharge clump. It stopped after the third day, I then took two pregnancy test like two days later (because i was freaking out) both came back negative, i took a digital one and a line one, and there was not even a close line. (i used the clear blue test). I'm supposed to start my period around today, but yesterday I started to bleed again. The first time yesterday, it was definitely more of a lighter pink and it was more than just like a discharge amount. Later in the day, it was more and it was definitely a darker red but not close to brown at all. It was also like a blood clot but not at the same time. (i would show pictures but i know some are sensitive to that, so i don't want to trigger anyone!) Today, when I woke up it was a lot more. Same red color, not bright and not close to brown or a light pink color. Same consistency of the other one as well. I'm just looking to see if anyone has had the same issues or know what I should do? I'm going to get more pregnancy tests tonight, and take one first thing tomorrow morning. I'm just scared to talk to my parents about any of this as i'm 19.
Thank you!
submitted by Straight-Month-6504 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:14 Straight-Month-6504 Advice and Information!

Hi, I know me asking might be difficult for some of you who have went through an ectopic pregnancy and I know you guys can't actually tell me if i'm having one or not, but i just wanted to see what you guys thought was going on here.
So, last week I started spotting for about three days or so but I wouldn't really count it as spotting, it wasn't really light pink and wasn't brown, it was more of a purple-ish and red color, but it was more or so in like a discharge clump. It stopped after the third day, I then took two pregnancy test like two days later (because i was freaking out) both came back negative, i took a digital one and a line one, and there was not even a close line. (i used the clear blue test). I'm supposed to start my period around today, but yesterday I started to bleed again. The first time yesterday, it was definitely more of a lighter pink and it was more than just like a discharge amount. Later in the day, it was more and it was definitely a darker red but not close to brown at all. It was also like a blood clot but not at the same time. (i would show pictures but i know some are sensitive to that, so i don't want to trigger anyone!) Today, when I woke up it was a lot more. Same red color, not bright and not close to brown or a light pink color. Same consistency of the other one as well. I'm just looking to see if anyone has had the same issues or know what I should do? I'm going to get more pregnancy tests tonight, and take one first thing tomorrow morning. I'm just scared to talk to my parents about any of this as i'm 19.
Thank you!
submitted by Straight-Month-6504 to ectopicpregnancy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:11 GuiltyName7169 11 weeks 5 days pregnant

Hello, I am currently pregnant with my first baby. I was pregnant once before but it resulted in a very early miscarriage. So far, everything is going fine. Only things that have happened are when I was super early I was bleeding periodically. It’d be a lot one time then just spotting for the rest of the day/a couple days later. Each time I went to hospital to ensure all is well. And was. Except for the last time, I didn’t go because I didn’t want to have to pay another hospital bill for a false alarm. This coming Thursday I have an ultrasound as well as the genetic testing. Something is telling me everything is not okay. It’s also not helping that I keep seeing women that went for a 12-15 week check in and they were told their baby stopped growing 2 weeks prior, etc. I’m more so just ranting and my heart aches for those mothers. What is making it difficult for me too I think, is that I have not had any symptoms of pregnancy. No vomiting (which no offense to anyone but I’ll take it as a win), no food aversions, no cravings etc. the only thing is my breasts do hurt a lot. The other thing that terrifies me is that I am not in the greatest health. I was smoking 5-7 cigarettes a day as well as chiefing on my vape. My blood pressure is high. I take it myself at home and it will be 150/100 but at the docs office they say it’s normal which I know is not true. I have had hypertension my entire life, since I was 7-8. I am pretty overweight. I was 290 when I got pregnant (I had JUST lost 25 pounds right before becoming pregnant) and I am 320 already. I feel like I am not eating any more than I was, I’ve been trying to eat fruits/veggies. But I keep packing on weight. I also was taken off my medications when I found out I was pregnant(for bipolar and sleep) so I have been anxious and restless. I can’t help but to feel guilty especially if I do lose my baby. My boyfriend has been extremely supportive throughout everything so far. With the exception of a few (unrelated) arguments.
But to highlight the weight thing, if anyone has recepies or meals they enjoy during pregnancy please let me know. I’ve been trying to eat just chicken and veggies but I am getting tired of just chicken.
Thank you all for your time
submitted by GuiltyName7169 to pregnancyproblems [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:11 helioboros How to change the name of a character on your server.

How to change the name of a character on your server.
Disclaimer: I'm using this walkthrough, just hoping to clarify terms and how it works / what is necessary in order to properly package your file. u/weasel1453 you are a proper legend for figuring this out in the first place and I'm deeply appreciative. This is just my effort to lay it out in as simple terms as possible.
To start with, you'll want to back up your server's files. Multiple times. Be thorough. Messing up here will wipe what you have, and frankly I had a big scare where I thought I'd lost everything. If you're using Gportal for a dedicated server use their manual backup to be able to easily and completely restore what you've got. It saved my ass.
If you are using Gportal to host your server, you really need to get something like FileZilla or another FTP client. Instructions and download links are found here. You'll find all the information you need for connecting on the Status page, and everything copies with a simple click - IP, Port, etc. You could use the online file manager, but I find it to be much too slow to be worth it, when FTP will let you manage your files much more quickly and efficiently.
To modify .SAVE files, you will need a hex editor. I use HxD, which you can find here.
To re-zip the file afterward, you'll need a zipping software that can convert into .gz. I use 7zip, which you can find here.
Once you've handled that, get your latest save or autosave: it'll be nested somewhere like save-data/saves/v3/(world name: mine is 'dedicated'). You should see a list of .save zipped folders, as well as ServerGameSettings.json, SessionId.json, and StartDate.json. Here's what it looks like hosted on Gportal:
A screenshot of Gportal's file manager, in the save file folder.
And what it would look like on FileZilla:
A screenshot of FileZilla, showing the folder hierarchy as well as a list of autosave zips, but cut off at the top to avoid showing FTP server information and password.
Download your most recent save, unless you're hosting it on your computer - in which case just copy it elsewhere for your backup, then extract it.
You'll be left with a .SAVE file in the extracted folder. Open that with HxD.
A screenshot of the top of the .save file, in HxD.
It'll look intimidating at first. Just ctrl+f or hit 'search' at the top to search for the name you want to replace. (You'll likely find multiple instances of it; I don't know what determines how often the name occurs.) Keep your search in the text-string tab (default, the far left one) and hit 'All' on search direction.
Say here we want to replace 'Agape'.
A screenshot of hex code, highlighting the name 'Agape' and the hexadecimal to which it corresponds to on the left. Above and below are the names of other characters in the server - Megara and Dina.
If I wanted to change it into a name with the same number of letters, that would be easy; Raven, for instance, would only need me to replace the letters of Agape. As you type, the new letters will replace the ones that are already there (don't worry about the 00 bits after the name, they appear to be spacing in the data), as well as changing the hex to the left to match, making the process neat and tidy.
If you want to change the number of letters in the name, that's a bit more complicated. Let's replace Megara with Meg, if she's feeling like nicknames.
The bit that comes in the second space before the name refers to the number of letters in the name. You'll need to replace it with the proper hexadecimal - which is fairly straightforward between numbers 1-9, and then 10 is 0A and so on. Here is a hexadecimal converter.
A screenshot of the hexadecimal for 'Megara', preceded by the bit indicating the length of her name.
To change her name from Megara to Meg, you want to change the 06 to a 03 to reflect the number of letters in her name, and then change the letters you've removed to 00.
A screenshot of the hexadecimal for 'Meg' as well as the plaintext to the right. Altered bits are in red, and the name itself is highlighted to bring attention to it.
Alternatively, to lengthen a name, you simply change the preceding bit to indicate its new length and proceed to overwrite the following 00 bits. Here, I am changing the name 'Dina' to 'Xedina'.
A screenshot of the hexadecimal for 'Dina', alongside the rest of the row of bits, and the plaintext to the right. The name itself is highlighted to bring attention to it.
A screenshot of the hexadecimal for 'Xedina', as well as the plaintext to the right, alongside the preceding bits indicating its value. Altered bits and letters are in red.
Once you have every instance of the name you want to alter changed - and search several times, both backwards and forwards, as I've found the search function can be finicky - then you can save your file.
From here, put it into 7zip, and set the archive format to 'gzip'.
A screenshot of the GUI for 7zip; the file 'AutoSave_1925.save.gz' is being imported.
And now you can replace the most recent save file on your server or personal world! You'll have to test from here; I had errors for the first few hours I was trying, until I found that it was the issue of the file zipper I was using before 7zip (I had been using a zip-to-gzip converter) that was corrupting or otherwise making my files incompatible, resulting in my server crashing and giving me this error:
[2024-05-18 02:15:51] Client version: no bootstrapper found [2024-05-18 02:15:51] Loaded store 'install' from 'D:\home\sid_1474979\vRisingLaunch\config\config.vdf' successfully [2024-05-18 02:15:51] Failed to read store 'userlocal' from 'D:\home\sid_1474979\vRisingLaunch\config\localconfig.vdf.tmp'
I am by no means a technical expert, but if anyone else has issues with it, I'll do my best to help!
submitted by helioboros to vrising [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:10 GuiltyName7169 11 weeks 5 days pregnant

Hello, I am currently pregnant with my first baby. I was pregnant once before but it resulted in a very early miscarriage. So far, everything is going fine. Only things that have happened are when I was super early I was bleeding periodically. It’d be a lot one time then just spotting for the rest of the day/a couple days later. Each time I went to hospital to ensure all is well. And was. Except for the last time, I didn’t go because I didn’t want to have to pay another hospital bill for a false alarm. This coming Thursday I have an ultrasound as well as the genetic testing. Something is telling me everything is not okay. It’s also not helping that I keep seeing women that went for a 12-15 week check in and they were told their baby stopped growing 2 weeks prior, etc. I’m more so just ranting and my heart aches for those mothers. What is making it difficult for me too I think, is that I have not had any symptoms of pregnancy. No vomiting (which no offense to anyone but I’ll take it as a win), no food aversions, no cravings etc. the only thing is my breasts do hurt a lot. The other thing that terrifies me is that I am not in the greatest health. I was smoking 5-7 cigarettes a day as well as chiefing on my vape. My blood pressure is high. I take it myself at home and it will be 150/100 but at the docs office they say it’s normal which I know is not true. I have had hypertension my entire life, since I was 7-8. I am pretty overweight. I was 290 when I got pregnant (I had JUST lost 25 pounds right before becoming pregnant) and I am 320 already. I feel like I am not eating any more than I was, I’ve been trying to eat fruits/veggies. But I keep packing on weight. I also was taken off my medications when I found out I was pregnant(for bipolar and sleep) so I have been anxious and restless. I can’t help but to feel guilty especially if I do lose my baby. My boyfriend has been extremely supportive throughout everything so far. With the exception of a few (unrelated) arguments.
But to highlight the weight thing, if anyone has recepies or meals they enjoy during pregnancy please let me know. I’ve been trying to eat just chicken and veggies but I am getting tired of just chicken.
Thank you all for your time
submitted by GuiltyName7169 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:05 dinojack1000 Fnaf theory about the Mimic and Glitchtrap

So we all thought that Glitchtrap was the digital consciousness of Afton, then the Mimic came along and threw everything off. Now we think that Glitchtrap is just the Mimic mimicking Afton’s behavior. However, I think that Glitchtrap could still be Afton’s consciousness hooked up to Help Wanted. Now I’m going to pull a Candy Cadet and tell you a story.
Vanessa was working for Fazbear Entertainment on their new VR game. She knew this really was just a big cover up, but she was powerless to do anything about it. She had an inexplicable interest in the history of Freddy’s. More specifically the mysterious killings and the unidentified murderer that ruined Fazbear’s brand. One day, when she was testing the game, she noticed something strange in the corner of her eye. A purple tape on the track in the introduction section. Once she collected it, she entered the main hub and saw it. The green figure of a humanoid rabbit costume was standing in the doorway. It didn’t look like Bonnie. She wanted to notify management, but once she listened to the tape, she wanted to take matters into her own hands. And besides, it’s not like management was going to do anything about it anyway. Vanessa continued to collect tapes. As she collected them, she learned what had actually happened to one of her coworkers Jeremey. Management just said that he had an accident and had to be put out of work. But it was so much worse than that. He cut off his own face with a paper cutter! She needed to find out why he would do that. But each tape she collected, the rabbit would come closer and closer. She noticed more details as it came closer. The costume looked hand sewn and very low tech. And that smile. It was so unnerving, yet somewhat comforting to Vanessa. Once she gathered 15 tapes, the woman on the other side told her to stop collecting them. But she came this far and her curiosity got the best of her. She found the last one and was surprised by the switch of mood the person on the tape had. She said that bring the tapes together was the only way to get rid of whatever this virus was. But that was not correct. Venessa unknowingly brought together all of the parts that this thing needed. She tried to manually face this virus, and it seemed to have worked. The game ran nominally, minus the weird green rabbit plush in the hub. But as the days passed, Vanessa began to hear voices in her head. She would spend more and more time in the game. Coworkers said that on occasions, she would be found talking to herself when the headset was on. She had the ability to communicate with this virus. It told her to make an in-game rabbit mask, and she obeyed. She didn’t know why, but it was like she couldn’t help but obey. She had the mask and the plush, so now she could have an actual conversation with this being. It explained that it was William Afton, and that he was trapped in this game to escape death. But that was impossible! Mr. Afton died many years ago. Fazbear’s higher ups said that he retired and lived the rest of his life in his house on a hill. But he told her his fate was much, much worse. He was so close to death, but he had a safety measure. He figured out how to copy part of his consciousness into a circuit board so that his memories, thoughts, his very essence can live on in case anything happened to his physical body. Vanessa remembered that the game scanned old circuit boards to expedite the process of making the VR game. That must have been how he appeared in the game. He also explained that he was the one that killed all of those kids back in the day. Vanessa couldn’t believe it. The co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment was the man behind all of these slaughters? At first she was horrified, but then she felt a sort of happiness. In some sort of twisted way, she found it funny that a man so bent on making children happy was the one that took the lives of so many of them. She knew in the back of her mind that it was wrong, but she couldn’t help but laugh. Over time, Vanessa, now given the new name of Vanny by Afton, continued to complete tasks for Afton, because he couldn’t do them in his predicament. She was reluctant to say the least about doing these things, but Afton’s influence was so strong that she couldn’t say no. One day, she quit being a beta tester for the VR game, and instead was hired on to be a security guard for the new Mega Pizza Plex. In this position, she would have access to areas that were of importance to Afton. More specifically, under the Pizza Plex. The entire building was built over an old Freddy’s location. The one where Afton’s body still is. Vanny was tasked with finally freeing Afton from his digital prison and creating a new body for him. While this was happening, Vanessa’s coworkers took notice of her odd behavior. From her spending a lot of time in the basement, to her incriminating search history, it was clear that she needed help. So management sent her to therapy. There, she was always so distracted by that voice in her head. She would talk and answer questions, but if the therapist ever got too close to knowing the truth, Afton made sure that they were silenced. Vanessa didn’t want to do it, she just wanted a way out. But she was in too deep. It was finally time to put Afton’s plan into action. To do this, Vanny needed some way to create a new body for Afton. She read through old files and eventually stumbled across the solution. Deep under the Pizza Plex, in the storage section, held the key. An endoskeleton that was specifically designed to mimic things. It has the ability to mold into any animatronic costume. All Vanny needed to do was activate the robot, and transfer Afton’s consciousness into the robot, which will be in Afton’s old burnt costume. But after she turned on the robot, she got a bit preoccupied with Freddy and a small child. They could hinder her plans, so she had to go and stop them. But when the kid stepped out of Vanny’s hideout, she could feel a weight come off of her shoulders and the voice’s suddenly stopped. Vanessa was unknowingly freed for Afton’s control. Without Afton’s puppet, he is stuck in VR indefinitely. However, the robot that was supposed to be Afton’s new body is now freed under the pizza plex. The program that was inside it initially is still there and still dangerous. Vanessa knowing this, goes back with the help of Gregory and Freddy to trap the Mimic in the basement. But the Mimic heard Gregory’s voice, so now it has a tool to escape. Vanessa now feels like she is finally free from this horrible nightmare.
That was my interpretation of the Glitchtrap/Mimic/Vanny story so far. Sorry it was a long read but I think it’s worth it. I’d like to know your thoughts.
submitted by dinojack1000 to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:03 markjonsom Chochlear implant sound simulation

Hello, guys, my hearing is actually considered better than average, but I'm afraid I'll lose it by the time I'm an adult. Language comprehension is getting harder, sometimes one ear gets temporarily deaf, with loud tinnitus. When I was younger, my parents made me go to a Pentecostal church with them to celebrate new year's. Then a woman grabbed me and started screaming to my ear (it's a common thing among pentecostais), and after this, my right ear doesn't feel the same, my hearing tests also indicated it got a bit quieter, even if below the average. So, I get anxious almost every day. I've heard simulations of cochlear implants, but few of them about music. I'm a musician myself and music if important to me. If anyone who knows how to do there simulations, could you simulate based on the tracks in my Drive folder? About model, it would be an average model because that's what my health care would provide. Link below.
Tl;Dr and link:
The possibility of losing my hearing is making me anxious. Can you simulate the sound of Cochlear Implants with the tracks in the Drive folder, please?
submitted by markjonsom to Cochlearimplants [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:56 Bulky_Advertising449 Can Babies Sneeze in the Womb?

Can Babies Sneeze in the Womb?

Can Babies Sneeze in the Womb?

Sneezing is a natural reflex that clears our nasal passages of irritants. Many expectant parents wonder if babies can sneeze while still in the womb. Understanding fetal development can help answer this question.

Do Babies Sneeze Before Birth?

Yes, babies can sneeze in the womb! However, it's not as common as it is after birth. Sneezing is a reflex that helps clear the nasal passages, and it starts developing even before the baby is born.
Dr. Jennifer Shu, a pediatrician, explains that babies begin to practice breathing movements and reflexes like sneezing, coughing, and hiccuping in the womb. These reflexes prepare the baby’s lungs and respiratory system for life outside the womb.

Can Babies Sneeze in the Womb?

When Do Babies Start Sneezing in the Womb?

Babies typically start sneezing around the 28th week of pregnancy as their respiratory system continues to develop. Some may start as early as 25 weeks, while others might begin closer to the due date. A study using 4D ultrasound scans observed fetal sneezing starting around 26 weeks, with the frequency increasing as the pregnancy progressed.

Why Do Babies Sneeze in the Womb?

Babies sneeze for the same reasons we do: to expel irritants or mucus from the nasal passages. Possible irritants include:

  • Amniotic Fluid : Sometimes, it can enter the nasal passages and trigger a sneeze.
  • Dust Particles : Tiny dust particles or fibers in the amniotic fluid can irritate the baby’s nose.
  • Mother’s Hormones : Hormonal changes during pregnancy might influence the baby’s sneezing reflex.

Is It Normal for Babies to Sneeze a Lot in the Womb?

Occasional sneezing is normal and expected as the baby’s respiratory system develops. However, if a baby sneezes excessively, it’s a good idea to discuss this with a healthcare provider. Excessive sneezing could indicate an underlying issue, such as an infection or a pregnancy complication.

Can Sneezing in the Womb Harm the Baby?

No, sneezing itself does not harm the baby. It is a natural reflex that indicates the baby’s respiratory system is developing well. The amniotic fluid cushions the baby, protecting them from any discomfort caused by sneezing. However, if there are other unusual symptoms along with frequent sneezing, it's best to consult a doctor.

Signs That Your Unborn Baby is Sneezing

Recognizing sneezing in the womb can be challenging, but some signs include:

  • Sudden Jerking Movements : A sudden, jerking movement in your belly could be a sneeze.
  • Increased Fetal Movement : After a sneeze, you might notice increased activity.
  • Distinguishing Sneezes from Other Movements : With time, you may learn to tell the difference between sneezes and other movements like hiccups or stretches.

Do Babies Sneeze in the Womb When Exposed to Allergens?

It’s unclear if allergens can trigger sneezing in the womb, but babies can develop allergies before birth due to the mother’s exposures. More research is needed to understand this better. If you have allergies, discuss them with your healthcare provider for guidance.

Home Remedies to Reduce Sneezing for Your Unborn Baby

While occasional sneezing is normal, here are some tips to help if it seems excessive:

  • Avoid Strong Scents : Minimize exposure to perfumes, air fresheners, and certain cleaning products.
  • Stay Hydrated : Drink plenty of water to help thin out mucus.
  • Gentle Exercises : Light stretching or pelvic tilts might shift the baby’s position and provide relief.
  • Avoid Secondhand Smoke : Steer clear of smoky environments.
Always consult your healthcare provider before trying any home remedies.

When Should You Be Concerned About Sneezing?

While sneezing in the womb is usually harmless, consult your healthcare provider if:

  • Excessive or Frequent Sneezing : It might indicate an underlying issue.
  • Sneezing Combined with Other Complications : Such as decreased fetal movement, bleeding, or severe cramping.
  • Decreased Fetal Movement : Especially after episodes of sneezing.
  • Persistent Concerns : Discuss any worries about your baby’s sneezing or development with your doctor.


Babies can sneeze in the womb, and it’s a normal part of their respiratory system development. Sneezing typically begins around the 28th week of pregnancy. While occasional sneezing is harmless, excessive or frequent sneezing could signal an issue, so it’s important to monitor and discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider. Open communication with your doctor is key to ensuring the well-being of both you and your baby.
submitted by Bulky_Advertising449 to u/Bulky_Advertising449 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:45 GuiltyName7169 11 weeks 5 days pregnant

Hello, I am currently pregnant with my first baby. I was pregnant once before but it resulted in a very early miscarriage. So far, everything is going fine. Only things that have happened are when I was super early I was bleeding periodically. It’d be a lot one time then just spotting for the rest of the day/a couple days later. Each time I went to hospital to ensure all is well. And was. Except for the last time, I didn’t go because I didn’t want to have to pay another hospital bill for a false alarm. This coming Thursday I have an ultrasound as well as the genetic testing. Something is telling me everything is not okay. It’s also not helping that I keep seeing women that went for a 12-15 week check in and they were told their baby stopped growing 2 weeks prior, etc. I’m more so just ranting and my heart aches for those mothers. What is making it difficult for me too I think, is that I have not had any symptoms of pregnancy. No vomiting (which no offense to anyone but I’ll take it as a win), no food aversions, no cravings etc. the only thing is my breasts do hurt a lot. The other thing that terrifies me is that I am not in the greatest health. I was smoking 5-7 cigarettes a day as well as chiefing on my vape. My blood pressure is high. I take it myself at home and it will be 150/100 but at the docs office they say it’s normal which I know is not true. I have had hypertension my entire life, since I was 7-8. I am pretty overweight. I was 290 when I got pregnant (I had JUST lost 25 pounds right before becoming pregnant) and I am 320 already. I feel like I am not eating any more than I was, I’ve been trying to eat fruits/veggies. But I keep packing on weight. I also was taken off my medications when I found out I was pregnant(for bipolar and sleep) so I have been anxious and restless. I can’t help but to feel guilty especially if I do lose my baby. My boyfriend has been extremely supportive throughout everything so far. With the exception of a few (unrelated) arguments.
But to highlight the weight thing, if anyone has recepies or meals they enjoy during pregnancy please let me know. I’ve been trying to eat just chicken and veggies but I am getting tired of just chicken.
Thank you all for your time
submitted by GuiltyName7169 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:45 Hot_Reach_7138 Which female character works better as a villain? Malty S. Melromarc or the Queen of Blades/Sarah Kerrigan (from StarCraft)?

Which female character works better as a villain? Malty S. Melromarc or the Queen of Blades/Sarah Kerrigan (from StarCraft)?
Malty S. Melromarc
Sarah Kerrigan (Zerg form)
Sarah Kerrigan (Human form)
If you want to know more about Sarah Kerrigan, I will explain more about the crimes she commits and the redeeming/sympathetic qualities she has below.
Here is a list of crimes committed by Sarah Kerrigan:
  • As a Terran, she served as an assassin for both the Confederacy and later the Sons of Korhal, killing whoever her supiriors ordered her and even participated in the assassination of Arcturus Mengsk's family.
  • She started killing Raynor's men as soon as they appeared to rescue her on Char and even destroyed his base.
  • She killed many Dark Templar when they also came to Char and tried to kill Tassadar.
  • She pretended to ally with the Protoss, so they could help her deal with the Second Overmind which was taking away control over the Zerg from her but she brainwashed their Matriarch behind their backs. When Aldaris found out the truth, he rebelled against the Matriarch which makes Kerrigan responsible for a mini civil war among the Protoss.
  • She killed Aldaris when he was about to expose her secret to the other Protoss even though they intended to spare him.
  • She pretended to ally with Arcturus Mengsk, James Raynor and Fenix against the UED, but in fact she only used them to defeat the UED because they threatened her dominance over the Koprulu Sector. After their victory, she betrayed her allies after they had fulfilled their purpose by launching surprise attacks against their bases, massacred their armies and killed Fenix and General Duke in the process.
  • She blows up the power grid of the Nerazim capital as a distraction which cost the lives of thousands of Protoss, so she could kidnap her.
  • Her brainwashing of the Nerazim Matriarch conditioned the latter to be Kerrigan's slave. The Matriarch was deprived her of her free will and was kidnapped by Kerrigan. This is presented as a fate considered worse than death for the Matriarch.
  • Later, Kerrigan uses the brainwashed Matriarch to order Zeratul to kill the Second Overmind which Zeratul does because he is loyal to his ruler. Kerrigan plays twisted games with Zeratul by promising she would allow the Matriarch to return to her people if Zeratul kills the Second Overmind, only to reveal that the Matriarch is so brainwashed that she doesn't want to go back to her people and instead wants to stay with Kerrigan.
  • After Zeratul kills the Matriarch to save her from her horrific fate, Kerrigan allows him to leave unharmed but not out of mercy but because she derives sadistic pleasure that he would be forced to live the rest of his life with the thought that he was forced to kill his own Matriarch because of Kerrigan's own actions.
  • She massacres the entire UED fleet even after they had surrendered. Kerrigan decides to make this more "fun" by allowing them to escape just to see how far they would go and then she unleashes the Zerg after them.
  • She has killed billions of people by having her Zerg conquer entire planets and then slaughter their population.
  • She gives her captives to her minion Abathur, who is in charge of perfecting the Zerg units, so he may use the captives for his horrible experiments where they eventually die.
  • She spreads a Zerg infestation on different planets which infects living people and turns them into zombies that suffer and are deprived of their free will. They can only serve Kerrigan and fulfill her demands.
  • She attempts to commit complete genocide on the Human and Protoss races.
  • At some point she kidnapped a human girl, infested her body and merged her legs with the walls of her Leviathan, so that Kerrigan could have someone she could store her memories into.
  • She tries to kill Zeratul when he goes to Ulaan to take the fragments of a prophecy she wants from him and wipes out High Templar Karass and all his warriors when they stand in her way to give Zeratul time to escape.
  • She tries to kill all of Jim Raynor's men as well as Valerian Mengsk's men when they launch an assault against her on Char to cure her and stop her rampage.
  • She wipes out an entire Protoss colony where she kills thousands of Protoss because she is afraid that if they inform the Golden Armada about her, they would kill her.
  • She infects one of the captured Protoss with a larva which bursts from the belly and kills the host in a painful way. Kerrigan uses said larva to infiltrate a Protoss ship, making it burst open the body of the female Protoss once she is onboard the ship. Then, the larva grows to be a Zerg Queen and she massacre the entire crew of the vessel in Kerrigan's name.
  • She kills a wounded Dominion General Horace Warfield by driving a beam sticking from his body all the way through even though his torso even though he had previously participated in her rescue operation where she gets deinfested and turned into human because he angers her when he mentions Jim Raynor and asks her what he would think of her. Granted, the reason why she battled him and his army was because he served Arcturus Mengsk, but still, he is portrayed as an honorable man who cares about his soldiers unlike Mengsk and he was at her mercy when she kills him.
  • On one occasion, she infests several garrisons of Dominion soldiers and sends them against their comrades, using them as cannon fodder.
And here is a list of her redeeming/sympathetic qualities:
  • Her worst crimes happen while she was corrupted by the Zerg and transformed into the Queen of Blades which means she has moral agency issues. She also has moral agency issues during the time when she assassinates people for the Confederacy because they had subjected her to neural resocialization and also regularly drugged her to keep her loyal and unable to resist their orders.
  • She has an extremely tragic backstory.
    • She was psychically gifted which caused a lot of problems for her from a young age. She was able to read all the private thoughts of other people which caused her to be disgusted by them in general and as a result became introverted and withdrawn and had a hard time making new friends.
    • Because she possessed such tremendous powers that she couldn't properly control them, her mother died and her father was left with a permanent brain damage, which caused him to eventually die as well, when Kerrigan accidentally unleashed her powers at the age of 7 which left her heartbroken and guilt-ridden.
    • She is then captured by the government to be abused, tortured, experimented upon, drugged and trained as a merciless assassin. One of her instructors would even go so far as to bring Kerrigan's father and threaten the young girl that he would inject her father with a tumor-causing chemical that would slowly kill him if she doesn't display her psionic powers for him. She was also neurally resocialized, which means she is physically incapable of refusing a direct order from a superior, and her memory was regularly mind-wiped, so that she would remain loyal to the Confederacy.
    • She was then released by Arcturus Mengsk and his rebel group, the Sons of Korhal. She served him faithfully for years but on one mission, she gets betrayed by him and is left to be killed by the Zerg, after she speaks out against his plan to lure the Zerg to the inhabited planet of Tarsonis. The Zerg transform her into the Queen of Blades through painful mutations, corrupting her mind which causes her to think like a Zerg rather than like a human and to become callous, cruel and genocidal.
  • She cares about some people in her life:
    • She loves her parents and that love is never subverted and her losing them both has left her heartbroken.
    • She has a friendship with a fellow rebel Somo Hung before he is killed by Confederate soldiers because she admires him and thinks he is genuine and good. The two of them even have romantic feelings for each other. When he dies in her arms after being shot by Lieutenant Rumm, she gets enraged and brutally ends the life of Somo's killer.
    • She genuinely loves Jim Raynor and on several occasions risks her own life to protect him and is deeply hurt when he rejects her after she had rescued him because she had chosen to become the Queen of Blades yet again, though the two of them still fix their relationship in the end. It's heavily implied that by the end of the series she has come to take him with her after becoming a Xel'Naga and that she ends up being with him.
  • She has many moments where she displays moral standards or has Pet the Dog moments when her mind is not corrupted by the Zerg:
    • She is disgusted by Mengsk's plan to use psi emitters to lure the Zerg to a planet as populous as Tarsonis which is what actually leads to Mengsk betraying her.
    • When Abathur tells her that as the Queen of Blades she had given him living test subjects to experiment on, Kerrigan tells him that they won't be doing any more experiments on people.
    • When some of her Zerg ask her for permission to slaughter the crew of a Terran ship, she refuses them. When Abathur suggests that Alexei Stukov should be killed since he is of no use to them, Kerrigan is angry and refuses his request.
    • She allows wounded enemy soldiers to be evacuated by stopping her Zerg from chasing them after their General Horace Warfield begs her to let them go and tries to keep her Zerg away from civilian centers in order to limit the casualties among the civilian population.
    • When one of her minions, Zagara, expresses a desire to sadistically torture the captive Protoss Lasarra, Kerrigan forbids her to do it.
    • Even though she implanted the Protoss Lasarra with a parasyte which burst from her body and killed her, so Kerrigan could infiltrate a Protoss ship and kill its inhabitants, Kerrigan only did it because she believed she had no other choice to survive and she apologises to Lasarra before implanting her with the parasyte. In addition, she later defends Lasarra's memory in front of her Zerg minions, stating that Lasarra has died bravely by attempting to warn her comrades and Kerrigan also proclaims she would kill anyone who stands in her way but that doesn't mean she would enjoy it.
  • She feels remorse for her actions after being deinfested, redeems herself and saves the entire universe from the Dark God, Amon, by becoming a Xel'Naga and using her new powers killing him. She later uses her powers to help grow life on previously barren planets in the Koprulu Sector.
  • Kerrigan shows clear insecurities and is introverted and withdrawn and displays vulnerabilities about people not trusting her and about her dark past which are played for sympathy. The fact that she is a telepath and is able to read people's thoughts doesn't help matters with finding more friends because her ability to see people's deepest secrets makes her disgusted with them most of the time. She has troubles making friends and the only people she becomes close with in her entire life are Jim Raynor and Somo Hung because they are the only people she trusts.
So, after reading all this information about Kerrigan, who would you say works better as villain?
submitted by Hot_Reach_7138 to shieldbro [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:41 MysteriousButton_O Horrible EMS experience

TW some pretty awful transphobia
For context, I'm a transfem who's been taking hrt for nearly a year now, side effect free other than super typical menopausal symptoms when dialing in my dosage. Long story short, I went to bed feeling flu like symptoms and woke up in the middle of the night feeling much much worse. I went to grab a glass of water and collapsed on the floor, unconscious for what I think was a couple minutes. This has never happened before so I crawled to my phone to call 911 and they sent ems on their way.
5 dudes showed up and they were absolutely dicks to me. They refused to call my any pronoun at all when first meeting me, but had no problem using sihe/him after discussing my medical history with and learning that I'm a trans woman. And like, it's a medical emergency situation, I really couldnt care less about pronouns if my life is being saved and I didnt bother correcting them, but it felt so extremely targeted after the shit they did next. They asked to place diodes on my chest for an ekg, and they all went wide eyed when seeing my chest and started snickering and exchanging looks at each other. After my ekg came back clear, they told me that they had no idea what was wrong with me and that I was "probably just tired becasue it's 3am." I said, um no, I passed the fuck out and still feel like I could at any minute and they blamed my "trans medicine" and said "this can happen when you mess with hormones." They also hit me with a "have a nice night, sir" in the way out which was just the cherry on top.
I understand that there's really nothing they can do if test come back clear, but it felt like I was trapped in a nightmare when first responders of all people were trying to gaslight me into thinking that I wasn't feeling what I was feeling, trying to convince me that it was my fault for feeling this way and that the solution was to essentially stop hrt.
I feel so unheard and small and unsafe. Experiencing this gives me pause about calling EMS for myself again in the future, which is a fear that I've never felt before.
submitted by MysteriousButton_O to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:35 Revolutionary-Hour8 Like we thought, the Hyphenoids are real!

I can't give a long explanation, they can track syntax idiosyncrasies with their algorithm I am sure. I was recently discharged from a post in AK for supposed medical reasons. I was chosen to be an aquarist for my skills in deep water submersibles. My main duty was to deliver what I was told was food for the Hyphenoids. I was not allowed to ask any questions, even verbalizing a question was grounds for dismissal and serious repercussions. Interestingly I was allowed to pose questions via email with the understanding they would not be answered. I was able to find out a few things though.
They are NOT aliens. They are extra dimensional beings. Whatever this extra dimensional direction is, it causes severe pressures in our 4D universe. So much so that gasses such as air are so pressurized they behave like liquids. Thus the need for my skills to enter their "tank."
I couldn't help it, I opened one of their food packs. It was full of USB drives. I didn't understand but I think they knew I had seen their food. I was afforded a trip to the med bay for some serious testing a few days later. Also had a surreal interview by some tech moguls you would recognize along with a few members of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee. I fear the manipulations of the Hyphenoids has reached the upper echelons of our technology sector. I was discharged immediately following that meeting. I managed to muster out with a USB stick though. I was afraid to check it on a network connected computer, but it is so hard to find a net free device these days.
After locating an old decomed win95 machine, I finally felt my curiosity out weighed my trepidation. My hands shook a bit making it hard to insert the drive. When I eventually felt the proper seating of the drive I stared at the screen. Nothing happened for a good long while. I was about to attempt a reinsert maneuver when the screen strobed white for a few seconds and the drive window appeared. It was a single text document file ominously named 'New Text Document (3,415,904,877).' It was a 256 gig stick filled to capacity. Here is a snippet.
Mother-in-law low-key in-depth over-the-counter tip-off food-pack
know-it-all de-emphasize drive-window empty-handed toss-up
It keeps going like that through the whole file. I fear they are indeed eating our digital hyphens and I have just fed them by posting this short list. I had to take the risk to get the word out. DO NOT LET GRAMMARLY HYPHENATE EVERYTHING!!! I am sure the tech officer from Grammarly was in that meeting. They are definitely working with (or for) the Hyphenoids. I will try to post this in as many places as I can.
submitted by Revolutionary-Hour8 to fiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:35 utpian LZTR1-related schwannamotosis and suspected MNF1: Asking some questions

Hi everyone. I've been lurking for a long time, for as long as I've suspected I've had some condition under the umbrella of neurofibromatosis. I've read so many posts from all of you over this time and I feel like I should introduce myself, and also ask a few questions of you all.
I've always been into genetics as a hobby. My grandmother had an incredibly rare condition that took many years for her to be diagnosed with, and every day of her life she was at risk of sudden death as a result (and has absolutely nothing and no relation to any form of NF). When I started in school and learned about genetics even being a thing, I was convinced that her condition was likely a component of it. As it turns out, it is. I couldn't become a geneticist: school was so challenging to afford to begin with, even with really fantastic grades, and I was a high school dropout, so my career became something else (software engineering), but I was always interested in the subject.
Many years ago, I got several consumer-level DNA tests. One of the tests had a mutation in NF1, and I checked to see if it was a miscall. It appeared not to be. I had gotten a new job with fantastic insurance and wanted to see if I could get it checked out.
I see the geneticist. No mutations in NF1 detected, but a mutation in LZTR1 was present, along with a Variant of Uncertain Significance that had not been recorded and studies at the time (now, it's published). So I went about my life as of a few years ago knowing that was a possibility. Saw a neurologist, got an MRI, they said I looked good, life moved on.
A few years before this happened, I had a child (who does not have any of my pathogenic mutations.. I've checked). So this whole time, I started getting some symptoms of issues with my eye over the years: a symptom where i had sudden extreme pain that felt like my eye was out of the socket almost, happened twice, eye doctors had no idea what was going on. Then, a retinal hole, so I had surgery to repair it. My vision just has never been as strong there.
As of the last few months especially, I've had other symptoms on the same side as my eye: tinnitus, a feeling that my ear felt dislocated until I put it back in place, slight aching, a little bit of dizziness, and in hindsight I think my hearing was already being impacted. Less than two weeks ago, I had a moment where everything hit hard: all of the sudden, it hurt more on the same side with my eye, the vertigo got worse, I could definitely tell I had lost hearing, double vision when seeing up close. I knew in that moment that something more than just some sort of ache was going on, that this seemed worse. Also keep in mind, I actively avoid getting COVID-19 by masking, air purification, vaccines, etc. So as of now, I have never had it, and thankfully have also barely been sick at all in the past few years beyond these other unusual symptoms.
I saw my neurologist immediately after realizing what was going on. I told him what I thought this was: an acoustic neuroma, and maybe something else additional with my eye or something similar to it. The appointment ended up being really disappointing, dismissive and not at all in the direction I had hoped, and I'm going to find care elsewhere after I get my MRI because I know I deserve better than someone who does not care to drop his ego. But I did convince him to get me an MRI (it's been two years), which happens tomorrow morning. And I did also find out that my optic nerve is tortuous, especially the left side (and I doubt he reviewed it himself back in the day, beyond the written report). And I pointed out to him again about the mutation I had in NF1, and how I also have cafe au laits and freckles in patches throughout my body, that are just harder to see because I'm multiracial and they're very close to my own skin tone. And he confirmed my conductive hearing loss. And examined my ears and ruled out an ear infection. So... what else could it be in someone who has LZTR1-related neurofibromatosis diagnosis from a geneticist?
So I have, what I believe, is mosaic neurofibromatosis type 1. I think the first DNA test I saw that in was legitimate. I also think the LZTR1-related schwannomatosis is kicking in, but that I knew about. I think I have even a spot on my spine, as I've had pain there with pressure for almost my entire life (at least as long as I can remember).
And I am hoping someone can take me seriously at another place of care once my MRI comes back. Whatever is happening is large enough to impact my hearing and vision and face. And it's the weirdest experience knowing part of this in advance of it before I had symptoms I noticed. It's like every step of the way, I've had to convince someone else of what I thought was going on. But I am super lucky to know enough in advance to find the care I need. WIsh that was the case for everyone.
TL;DR: Inadvertently found out I have LZTR1-related schwannomatosis and I suspect mosaic neurofibromatosis type one. Might have acoustic neuroma based on symptoms, some optic nerve involvement based on symptoms, MRI tomorrow.
I have some questions just to generally ask. I try to search the subreddit, but sometimes it's just easier to ask in the way I need to, and I want to add a bit more detail to some of the questions to help clarify what I'm asking about.
  • Is there anyone else here who has Mosaic Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and LZTR1-schwannomatosis? Or anyone that has any form of mosaic NF1 and schwannomatosis?
  • For those of you with acoustic neuromas / vestibular schwannoma, is there anything you would want to know or tell anyone who goes through any treatment for it?
    • I know a ton about the general facts and procedures for the moment. I mean anything that you would have found helpful to keep in mind, or something that helped you during the treatment and in recovery?
  • For those of you with anything around the optic nerve including optic nerve glioma, is there anything you would want to know or tell anyone who goes through any treatment for it?
    • I know roughly about this, but looking more for anything that you would have found helpful to keep in mind, with treatment, recovery?
  • For absolutely anyone in the umbrella, what helped you cope with finding out this news?
    • I usually deal by digging deep into a subject and educating myself, which I've done ad nauseam already. But I am really struggling with what's going on, the juxaposition between how I feel just god awful physically on the daily, and also coping with this news, and how I have been treated by my neurologist and others. I imagine some of this will probably be helped by actually seeing and knowing the details after tomorrow. I know I'm pretty resilient because I've been through so much real shit in my life, and I know I am in no degree perfect, and I'm going to try to persevere as much as I can. I just try to be a good person, and life just hits me with the hardest situations. And now I have a kid that I want to do absolutely everything in the world for and that's jeopardized. And I am the only person I know like me.
I know that was a massive post. Thank you for reading. Thank you if you give any answers. And thanks for being a part of this community, I wish none of us had to face this, but I am glad there are places where we can know we're not alone in our experiences.
submitted by utpian to neurofibromatosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:30 mediocre_possum One of my "friends" in middle school faked a ton of serious mental disorders.

!!mentions of sensitive topics!!
So basically, there was this girl that I was friends with up until early this year. I'm gonna call her Allie for privacy reasons. Allie was a MASSIVE attention seeker throughout elementary school, but I didn't really mind it because it wasn't really hurting anyone. When we got into middle school (seventh grade to be exact), I told her about me going to therapy and having some genetically passed down mental disorders. She started taking those stupid online "Am I Autistic?" quizzes and self-diagnosing herself. At one point, she took a test and it said that she had PTSD (which obviously wasn't true). Some of our other friends tried to explain to her that it was an online test and that it wasn't accurate, but she didn't listen. She kept bragging about her "trauma and flashbacks" and it really ticked me off. I sent her this long email basically saying "you don't have an actual PTSD diagnosis, so stop bragging about it. My dad has to deal PTSD every single day, and you haven't seen what it can to to a person." I can't remember what exactly happened after that, but I do know that instead of faking PTSD she moved to faking DID. Allie had three alters. One was her "male alter" and his name was "Astor". The other one was her "female alter" and her name was "Arya". And her last one was the "non-binary alter" and their name was "Alex". At first, I thought that Allie was just a confused gender-fluid person who thought that whenever her gender would fluctuate, she would "switch alters" but I was wrong. She would start rumors about some of my other friends and then blame it on one of her "alters". She also faked an attempt on her life, and s3xual a$$ault. She said that all of this happened in elementary school, and that's when her "alters" formed. I know for a fact that that's not true though, because she said that her mother knew about this, but when I asked her mother about it, she claimed that it was a huge lie and that she would've taken Allie out of school to get mental help if it had actually happened.
Anyway, I stopped being friends with her shortly after, and I really hope that she's gotten help and isn't a disorder faker anymore. She's faked ADHD, ADD, insomnia, PTSD, DID, social anxiety, depression, and severe anger issues. I didn't mention a lot of the disorders on the list because if I did, this post would be at least 10 paragraphs long. Please let me know if you want me to explain more, or if you want me to share the stories behind the disorders that weren't mentioned!
submitted by mediocre_possum to fakedisordercringe [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:19 HildebertTheCraven How hard is it to win with Shield Bros & Swordlances when throwing, close range two handers and most meta builds are banned? (Day 150 Monolith)

Swordlances and Shield Bros (that actually attack) have gotten a lot of criticism in the BB community, but how bad are they really?
I wanted to find out, so I did a run where I banned most of the meta builds, as well as throwing weapons and close range two handers. I also banned gunners, qatal duelists, mace duelists and cleaver duelists. I also banned berserk and killing frenzy as I wanted to experience the stamina system without relying on berserk recover.
Reach weapons were allowed as their damage is more in line with other weapons. Possibly a mistake though, as they circumvent the weirdness of the stamina system.
Standard pure defense tank builds and normal banner builds were allowed, in order to keep the test focused on the performance of the other builds. Sword duelists were allowed as a filler option for bros without the stamina to do anything else, flail duelists were allowed for guys with bad melee skill.
This started off as a challenge run but it turned into more of a build testing experiment as the off meta builds turned out to be strong enough that it wasn't really much harder than a normal run (until the end). So I fought certain battles multiple times for testing purposes, but still let bros die normally.
Team composition:
4 Attacking Shield Bros, 4-6 frontline Swordlances, 1 Normal Banner, 1 Normal Tank, rest filler in the form of sword duelists & flail duelists. One Shield Bro was also a spearman. Two Swordlances were semi ranged units with around 46 ranged skill and carried crossbows so enemy parties with weak ranged would advance normally. Exact builds in pics.
Team Part 1
Team Part 2
This team actually had a relatively easy time with most fights, getting in ~215 fights by day 149 and finding / buying 33 famed items while only finding a few champions and only buying a few good items. Core bros from early in the game hit level 15. I am not a speed runner or super high fight density player, so that's a decent result for me, which indicates the team was actually surprisingly strong.
Frontline Swordlance:
This made up the bulk of my damage. While swordlance has gotten a lot of criticism, frontline swordlance just seems like a good tempo build for most of the game. Aside from gunners, it's simply the easiest way to AOE without requiring high stats or good armor. You can use a daytaler with mediocre starting stats for swordlance, while AOEing with a two hander requires a much better recruit who can survive a fair amount of enemy contact.
Winning against large numbers of humanoid enemies in early high tier camps is largely based on morale checks and getting fearsome procs. Using AOE abilities is a good way to get fearsome procs. Obviously it clears out weaker enemies and that lowers the morale of stronger enemies. But the damage doesn't really fall off too badly until you get to the most heavily armored enemies. It's even fine vs Chosen as you can use the increased reach and mobility to focus fire and get in multiple AOEs and stay out of trouble. Maybe vs later Chosen camps past day 150 that would become more difficult.
In general, with pathfinder + polearm you almost always get at least one attack in and you can focus fire very easily, while keeping your damage bros safe, which goes a long way in terms of tempo compared to other builds that have more dead turns.
Swordlance is also good against beasts like Lindwurms as many beast fights seems to favor the strategy of walk forward, hit with reach weapon, walk out of attack range. You can just AOE the lindwurms down while your damage bros are perfectly safe.
Is it better than Javelins? Probably not, javelins are OP, but it uses a much easier to obtain recruit type and it does have advantages in some fights compared to javelins, as in many of the more risky mid game camps the enemy likely has more range than you, forcing you to advance. Swordlance can simply walk right up to the walls and reap away, while throwers have trouble setting up throwing lanes and one range attackers get clogged up and can't attack.
Swordlance can also invest in a full set of defenses and survivability perks. (That's why it's "Frontline Swordlance".) It doesn't have to waste a scarce backline spot but can safely take contact from even Chosen temporarily, as long as it's not getting swarmed by them. So the more relevant comparison is Swordlance vs Dodge Quickhands. In that comparison Swordlance seems to have a lot of advantages while the disadvantages are minor (especially since in a normal run you can just keep a two handed axe as backup.)
Swordlance damage only really became a problem vs masses of uncontrolled, heavy armor enemies, like if you fight all the Ancient Undead at the same time in Monolith (more on that later). However, in normal fights Ancient Honor Guards aren't challenging due to predictable AI and by day 150 Orc Warriors are still in relatively small numbers and are easily controlled and their morale is easily broken. I guess if you played super late swordlance might start to struggle in some larger camps.
Swordlance build: Poleshield:
Stole this build from this subreddit, thanks! Most of the time he plays as a normal swordlance, but he has the option to swap to a heater shield when he gets stuck in melee and needs the defense. Start with swordlance out, swing (5 ap), swap to shield (4 ap). End turn. Next turn, wait with relentless as shield stays out, swap to swordlance at the end and swing (4 ap + 5 ap). Next turn you will go before slower enemies so you can swing again and put your shield up for the rest of the turn. Most swings hit while shield is up. For most of the game this wasn't needed very often and he instead used a 4 ap weapon as a sidearm so he could dump his stamina into damage as quickly as possible. He tries to stay out of trouble so he doesn't need the shield. However on Monolith or in dangerous situations the shield option did come in handy. One polearm swing per turn isn't great damage, but with AOE it's not horrible and the shield does a lot to keep them alive until they can get out of trouble (can reach 50 defense with dodge). It's also helpful to have the shield out when you use recover.
Swordlance build: Fake Ranged Tempo Poleshield:
If you aren't going to build ranged units, you probably want a couple of fake ranged units, otherwise enemies with minor ranged abilities (like orc young with javelins) won't walk up to you as they normally do. Just take a mediocre ranged recruit with high based ranged skill and get him up to 46 ranged skill, then put the rest of the stats in melee. Start the fight with a crossbow in hand so it's loaded. The AI treats it as a normal ranged unit and will advance normally. You still have to advance if they have a lot of ranged so it's the same as normal runs. He can actually hit quite often with his crossbow vs certain enemies. Bags and belts performed great on these guys but duelist was for a specific weapon and probably shouldn't be taken normally. One died but he had similar stats.
Shield Bros:
While four shield bros that attack plus a tank and a tank banner (who usually just stands there holding the banner) is overkill (or uhh underkill) in terms of low damage defensive units, the shield bros performed surprisingly well in terms of tempo, even though I was never able to find an ideal candidate for a battleforged hammer + shield bro.
In a normal run it often takes a quite a long time to find candidates who can hit a stat line like 85/35 at level 11 to qualify as fatigue neutrals, which means that you can end up with a team full of nimble damage dealers with few defense bros aside from the tanks. That delays your ability to shift to optimal tactics, where the front line is made up of high defense high armor bros who take most of the enemy attacks, while the damage dealers stand in safer positions and try to only get attacked by one enemy at a time.
A unit who wouldn't quite measure up as a fatigue neutral can be made into a Shield Bro instead and he'll have plenty of defense to fill a front line spot and stand up against 3 enemies or more, while still contributing some damage over time.
Probably the most desirable attacking shield bro is a battleforged hammer shield bro, but that only works with high fatigue backgrounds, I didn't get the right recruits for that so I was forced to compromise on my shield bro builds.
Shield Bro Build: Fatigue Neutral Iron Lungs:
Stamina management is a huge problem without access to two handed weapons. Getting attacked by a lot of enemies quickly uses up a lot of stamina and only a small percentage of recruits can have enough stamina to tank in battleforged armor and still swing two times per turn. I never really found many skilled recruits with a high stamina pool like that.
Battleforged is still essential though. Bros with iron lungs can be fatigue neutral and swing certain weapons twice per turn, every turn. Normally that's limited to cleavers and swords, but if you get famed weapons you can expand the list of one handed fatigue neutral weapons. I was lucky enough to get famed weapons for these two, although they were not great ones.
Defensively, these guys performed better than the numbers indicate as they didn't take any bleeds, injuries or fearsome checks. And while their defense is only in the mid 50s with shield, that still makes them significantly tankier than a normal fatigue neutral. Their damage is pretty bad but it adds up in the course of long fights, so I think you'd lose tempo in most fights if you substituted pure defensive tanks. In Monolith they could survive for many rounds tanking up to 7 ancient undead at a time, which nimble or nimbleforged bros could not handle.
With recruiter retinue it makes sense to check a lot of guys for traits anyway and this can be a high impact way to use some guys with iron lungs and mediocre stats. It's a bit niche but I would consider using this build in a normal run, especially if I got an appropriate famed weapon and didn't need a duelist. One of these guys started as a 55*/2* Iron Lungs Daytaler, his performance as a damage sponge + damage over time was solid in this build, but as a duelist he'd have been mediocre and used up a lot of tools. In this run more damage was needed, but in a normal run there is usually a shortage of high defense forged units.
Shield Bro Build: Hammer Shield
One handed Hammer still performs well even without double grip or duelist. Destroy armor still does a lot of armor damage on the appropriate enemies and the regular attack will always proc fearsome, which often means he can simply walk up to an orc warrior or chosen and rout him with a couple hits, while having 60 defense.
This run didn't really maximize the strengths of the hammer shield bro, ideally he'd be a high stamina background in forged armor and he'd be paired with high damage teammates like a barbarian two handed axe that just need a little armor softening.
Nimble and nimbleforged are definitely fine for large camps at 150 days of scaling and earlier but if the late game camps scale to the point where he has no choice but to be focus fired by many high damage enemies, then you'd want a forged bro instead. Mine started to run out of steam when fighting both undead groups at once in Monolith. Still, this is a build I would routinely consider adding to the line up. Another great reason to build this is that Nimble Hammer Shield combines well with Spear + Shield, which is great for mid game tempo.
Shield Bro Build: Spear Specialist
Spear specialist performs a similar role to the indomitable tank, but becomes available earlier. Due to the way the AI works he can often hold off as many as 4-6 enemies for several turns. The spear specialization perk is very valuable as you can continue to refresh spearwall even while tanking another enemy, often you can arrange it so the only available spot for an enemy to attack is next to the spearman, causing several enemies to waste their turns trying to move in. Two handed enemies like chosen and berserkers are particularly crippled as they can only move one tile and attack, so you either force them to waste their turn by moving, or if they walk into spearwall they lose their turn if the spearman hits even once. The spearman singlehandedly increases the number of camps that will be profitable for your team. Spear combines well with shield and hammer in the classic Spear Hammer Shield Build from early BB, giving you something to do when you are done spearwalling. Will build again.
Weaknesses and Monolith:
I did multiple Black Monolith fights for testing purposes.
I'm aware of two strategies for Monolith, with one being significantly easier than the other.
The "Speedrun" strategy (seen in Shringshring's video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ayh35O9mLUw&t=8429s) involves splitting the undead into two groups by running the tank to the top left corner of the map, while the rest of the team retreats towards the bottom left corner of the map. The fight plays out as two separate fights with a break in between. It is reliable if you move like he does, the necrosavants may attack if your team spreads out too much though. Even if you only move a little bit though, it's enough to split the undead as long as the tank makes it to the corner.
The other strategy is the "Normal" or "Hard Mode" strategy for Monolith, where the tank runs approximately 4 hexes towards the top of the map and the team retreats approximately two hexes to the left. The fight starts sooner and it is possible for the tank to die relatively quickly. You need either a good tank to last a long time or a good amount of damage, otherwise you can end up facing both undead groups at the same time. This is the more difficult strategy but high damage late game teams with good tanks can handle it fine.
The Shield Bro + Swordlance team doesn't have any problem with Monolith with the speedrun strategy. It's true that the swordlances feel a bit weak against the ancient honor guards, but there isn't excessive pressure on the team so it can take the time to set up good AOEs with swordlances, weaken armor with hammer bros and focus fire. It plays out like two normal fights back to back.
However, when trying to brute force both Ancient Dead groups with the "Hard Mode" strategy, the team finally starts to show its weakness. The team takes 20 to 21 rounds to beat Monolith using this strategy. That's much slower than normal for Monolith. The Battleforged fatigue neutral shield bros performed well, surviving for many rounds while getting hit by up to 7 ancient honor guards at a time, but having the fight take so long leaves more time for things to go wrong and win rate on Monolith was probably only about 60% with this strategy, as there was a risk of the tank going down early. This could have been reduced with a better tank and/or more potions. Fighting both undead groups + necrosavants all at once was too much for the team to overcome reliably. Swordlances ran out of stamina and got stuck in non optimal positions for AOE, hammers were not able to eliminate Honor Guards quickly enough on their own. It may also have been a mistake to go from 5-6 Swordlances in most normal fights to only 4 in the Monolith, by benching the faked ranged for newly trained high defense bros, as there was a real lack of damage for the "Hard Mode" strategy.
While there isn't much reason to do the "Hard Mode" strategy instead of the "Speedrun" strategy, this still hints at a weakness that might show up in certain extremely highly scaled camps late in the game, like very late sea of tents. Just not enough damage vs armor, plus tons and tons of armored enemies pushing in too fast, getting in contact with vulnerable nimble units. However the amount of orc warriors that spawned in early game Sea of Tents were no problem at all, swordlance guys could just keep a tier 2 hammer in the pocket and easily rout them with fearsome after routing the young and berserkers.
Finally, fighting both undead groups at once illustrated some problems with the stamina system in this game as it relates to 4ap weapons. I left the sword duelist option available for filler bros with lower stamina who couldn't do anything else. Normally the build performed fine, however when there was an extremely high density of enemies and the sword duelist was getting attacked a lot he quickly ran out of stamina and could rarely regain enough to swing twice. He could either use recover, which was never needed in any other fight, or he could stand there and swing only once like an idiot. I gave them reach weapons for just this reason, but it was kind of a crutch to play around this imbalance of the stamina system, that's why two handed weapons are so good after all. In the Speedrun strategy when the undead were split into two groups, the sword duelists had no problems as they could take positions where only small numbers of enemies could swing at them.
The meta builds exist for a reason of course, but the Devs generally did a great job balancing this game and you can definitely make a lot of non-meta builds work. Sometimes they even feel quite strong. However, when designing your non-meta builds keep in mind the imbalances with the stamina system. For a tanky character with a high stamina pool who uses high stamina cost moves, like the Hammer Shield Bro, taking a turn to recover doesn't feel too bad. But pathfinder based 4 ap builds that don't use much stamina in normal fights can find their offense shut down if they let a lot of enemies swing at them. That kind of limits the value of high defense and high durability on this kind of unit and makes me want to avoid putting 4 ap weapons on them, even though it seems more thematic than giant two handed weapons.
submitted by HildebertTheCraven to BattleBrothers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:17 TheBlaringBlue Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Analysis & Pseudo-Review)

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is such a good game despite being so… well… basic.
It’s simple — almost overly so — yet it is beloved by so many seasoned and experienced gamers.
What I got curious about after playing the game myself and reading a number of pseudo-reviews online was how exactly it achieved this.
How did a package so entry-level-looking garner such respect by 201 and 301 students?
The ‘Fields’ region is a great example of Kena’s dichotomy.
It’s gorgeous and inviting, with sea-foamed vistas, lush landscape and rushing waterways. There’s a even a big, lovable pet bull towering over the myriad of cute little Rot dudes scampering through the foliage. The whole place is just friendly.
Why then, does it end up being one of the game’s longest, deepest and most complex sections? Consider its many scattered puzzles, which ask you to combine platforming, archery, environmental awareness and combat proficiency. There’s even a handful of red herring platforms that you can’t properly interact with until later in your puzzle solving endeavor.
The ‘Fields’ are a microcosm of the game as a whole. A childish, Pixar-esque shell which, when uncovered, reveals a complex, involved gameplay experience underneath.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits invites you to be a kid, but treats you like an adult. This is something very few games manage — or even attempt — and it’s what makes Kena so unique, memorable and special.
Kena crushes its tone and aesthetic on all fronts to create something that’s desirable and attainable to a group outside of hardcore gamers.
Kena’s visuals are youthful and welcoming by using cartoonish and fairytale-esque art design. The game’s companions do the same — the Rot are your constant brigade of adorable little plush-like, Pikimin-esque comrades who hop as you walk, munch on berries, clumsily trip over each other, and squeak in pitches that can only described as ‘cute.’ You can even give them little hats to wear. They’re pets and it’s all so mired in youthful innocence that I cringe even typing it.
From a distance, Kena appears childish and immature based on its outward appearance. That is, until you peel back its outer layer.
The game looks like something your five-year-old might enjoying toying with on your iPad, “you-got-games-on-yo-phone?” style. But there are four elements in its building blocks that make it a game not optimized for your five-year-old on their own;
  1. Narrative
  2. Puzzles
  3. Platforming
  4. Combat
As far as the game’s story is concerned, it may begin bright and innocent enough, but it deals not-abstractly with death and loss.
Consider that all three boys you meet in the early game — Taro, Benni and Saiya are actually dead, I-see-dead-people style. Consider also that Kena’s entire journey revolves around the loss of her own father and her desire to reconnect with him.
Additionally, it is Toshi’s selfishness and his desire to be the hero that actually ends up bringing death and destruction to his village when he jumps the gun and kills and the mountain spirit in cold blood.
Merciless affronts on nature and an up-front dealing with death and grief are not exactly for the young of age, despite their youthful packaging.
It would be a waste of word count to explain in detail the steps necessary to complete certain puzzles in Kena just as a set of examples to prove the point.
If you’ve played or watched gameplay, you know the puzzles are surprisingly involved, consisting often of multiple steps to complete that build on each other and require the use of all of your abilities in tandem.
One of the bigger “ah-hah” moments I recall was when I realized I could order my Rot minions to move objects while Kena stood on top of said object in order to give me a leg up to jump to a previously unreachable ledge.
Speaking of ledges, jumping to and from them is tight and precise in Kena.
Platforming challenges are often timed (your aura-bomb weapon only activates platforms for specifically-timed bursts). Combining their scheduled nature with the need to rotate them via precise archery, mid-air grappling segments and more makes for a movement experience that is involved enough to demand the player’s full attention for every tick of the clock.
Kena and her world’s gravity also have a decided, predictable weight to them that’s not exactly forgiving, meaning the act of jumping to and fro is exact while also requiring exactness.
Fighting the enemies of Kena is similarly involved.
The cadence with which the game throws opponents your way combined with the complexities of dealing meaningful damage to said opponents creates a combat scenario which demands the player fluidly wield and swap between both melee and ranged options while carefully managing space on the battlefield.
Kamikaze-style enemies often rush Kena in carefully-spaced and well-timed waves, while enemies with shields and shells hide their weak points from visibility. Enemies like this require certain sequences to beat — be it a well-placed bomb and arrow combo, a parry, or a maneuvering to an enemy’s backside.
Boss encounters lean into these mechanics but also present new wrinkles — The Hunter fight asks the player to rethink their tactics and find a way to deal with an airborne opponent who is apt at dodging bombs and arrows, for example.
The final few bosses ask you to take everything you’ve learned throughout your journey and apply it all at once, and if you don’t… it’s defeat for Kena.
The above sounds like I’m describing a souls-like with platforming elements as the ‘fresh take’ in addition to the enrapturing combat.
Games that provide this much of a challenging, involved experience are typically darker in tone — be it music, environment, or what-have-you. I don’t think too many people would call Kena ‘hard,’ but these are the same people who died 10+ times to The Hunter or Corrupted Toshi.
If this game had a darker, moodier skin, would more people describe it as hard or not for the faint of heart?
In this way, Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
It is accessible to new players and younger gamers due to its pleasing and friendly atmosphere. But by its conclusion, it is likely to season them into better gamers. If a newbie gamer picks up Kena, they’re in for a surprise and (hopefully) delight when they find something deeper than that which they first expected.
On the other hand, Kena is a worthwhile experience for veteran gamers if they drop their toxic masculinity and play a goofy kids game with a female protagonist. This is a game that will undoubtedly earn their respect by requiring their attention, precision and commitment throughout its experience. Like the newbie gamers, gaming veterans are in for a surprise and (certainly) delight when they find something deeper than that which they first expected.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a good experience for everyone. By balancing being adorable with being difficult, it earns the respect and appreciation of everyone who plays it. Its accessibility makes it easy to recommend to anyone and the game thus earns itself a bigger audience as a result.
Its narrative and gameplay might not separate themselves in terms of newness from a saturated market, but the surprise and delight the game provides delivers an experience to its players that isn’t typical of the space.
By striking the balance between wolf and sheep, Kena elevates its quality to something beyond just the content within.
and yet
I can’t help but think, as I summarize this article, that if a game is for everyone, doesn’t that, on some level, mean it is also for no one?
I mean, when you look at the game’s narrative or gameplay, it’s not exactly reinventing the wheel here. In fact, Kena does just about nothing new. It spits out the same exact version of a game we’ve been playing for decades in the form of Tomb Raider or Uncharted or The Legend of Zelda or God of War.
Critically speaking, both the gameplay and narrative are pretty damn milquetoast.
You’re in a world infected by some arbitrary Darkness and since you’re Special and The Chosen One™ it’s your job to go around cleansing the world of evil using a combination of environmental platforming, lever and pressure plate puzzle-solving and lock-on-based, sword-swinging driven combat.
It wouldn’t be difficult to make the argument that Kena is bland.
But the discourse around the game just isn’t about that.
The game’s scored an 81 on Metacritic and has a 92% positive review rating on Steam at time of writing. It recouped its development costs in just one month, meaning every sale since then is hitting the bottom line.
People like this game.
Quick aside from me here on something that made me smile — when double-checking the score on Steam for the above info, I found these as the first two reviews at the very top of the queue: “yo wtf. bought this game to chill, why does it feels like im playing souls-like difficulty ass game HAHAHAH.” “Don’t be fooled by the graphics. This game can be a challenge at times, but it is worth the experience.”
So maybe being an experience for everyone really was the kicker?
Or, maybe, it was something else.
In fact, yeah, I can confidently say it was. It’s a game reviewer’s buzzword, but it’s oh-so apt here: polish.
The entire experience of playing Kena is smooth. There are no framerate drops, no bugs, no broken quests or puzzles, no desynced dialogue and facial animations. Not a single hiccup to speak of.
The game features exacting archery, precise platforming, telegraphed and accurate hitboxes, as well as an unimpeding camera, responsive and weighty combat and legible visual design that accurately communicates with the player.
You can move through Kena virtually unobstructed (until you come across a puzzle you can’t solve, but that’s your problem, not the game’s). Everything is built carefully and gels together in a cohesion that works so fluidly that playing Kena is simply frictionless.
The game’s developers — Ember Lab — nailed the fundamentals, paid attention to detail and play-tested perfectly. Their effort to go above and beyond saved this game from sinking into the obscurity of being completely and utterly Mid.
It’s frictionlessness that elevates Kena beyond itself. It makes the game greater than the sum of its parts. It makes Kena a complete, finished and polished experience.
Kena presents itself like it’s Disney Pixar’s latest goofy-ass, lame-ass, sub-par video game, but lying underneath the childish aesthetic is a challenging and engaging experience that’s not only a boon for all audiences of gamers, but a worthwhile one thanks to its extreme polish and dedication.
You should play it.
submitted by TheBlaringBlue to ItsAllAboutGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:17 TheBlaringBlue This Game is a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Analysis & Pseudo-Review)

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is such a good game despite being so… well… basic.
It’s simple — almost overly so — yet it is beloved by so many seasoned and experienced gamers.
What I got curious about after playing the game myself and reading a number of pseudo-reviews online was how exactly it achieved this.
How did a package so entry-level-looking garner such respect by 201 and 301 students?
The ‘Fields’ region is a great example of Kena’s dichotomy.
It’s gorgeous and inviting, with sea-foamed vistas, lush landscape and rushing waterways. There’s a even a big, lovable pet bull towering over the myriad of cute little Rot dudes scampering through the foliage. The whole place is just friendly.
Why then, does it end up being one of the game’s longest, deepest and most complex sections? Consider its many scattered puzzles, which ask you to combine platforming, archery, environmental awareness and combat proficiency. There’s even a handful of red herring platforms that you can’t properly interact with until later in your puzzle solving endeavor.
The ‘Fields’ are a microcosm of the game as a whole. A childish, Pixar-esque shell which, when uncovered, reveals a complex, involved gameplay experience underneath.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits invites you to be a kid, but treats you like an adult. This is something very few games manage — or even attempt — and it’s what makes Kena so unique, memorable and special.
Kena crushes its tone and aesthetic on all fronts to create something that’s desirable and attainable to a group outside of hardcore gamers.
Kena’s visuals are youthful and welcoming by using cartoonish and fairytale-esque art design. The game’s companions do the same — the Rot are your constant brigade of adorable little plush-like, Pikimin-esque comrades who hop as you walk, munch on berries, clumsily trip over each other, and squeak in pitches that can only described as ‘cute.’ You can even give them little hats to wear. They’re pets and it’s all so mired in youthful innocence that I cringe even typing it.
From a distance, Kena appears childish and immature based on its outward appearance. That is, until you peel back its outer layer.
The game looks like something your five-year-old might enjoying toying with on your iPad, “you-got-games-on-yo-phone?” style. But there are four elements in its building blocks that make it a game not optimized for your five-year-old on their own;
  1. Narrative
  2. Puzzles
  3. Platforming
  4. Combat
As far as the game’s story is concerned, it may begin bright and innocent enough, but it deals not-abstractly with death and loss.
Consider that all three boys you meet in the early game — Taro, Benni and Saiya are actually dead, I-see-dead-people style. Consider also that Kena’s entire journey revolves around the loss of her own father and her desire to reconnect with him.
Additionally, it is Toshi’s selfishness and his desire to be the hero that actually ends up bringing death and destruction to his village when he jumps the gun and kills and the mountain spirit in cold blood.
Merciless affronts on nature and an up-front dealing with death and grief are not exactly for the young of age, despite their youthful packaging.
It would be a waste of word count to explain in detail the steps necessary to complete certain puzzles in Kena just as a set of examples to prove the point.
If you’ve played or watched gameplay, you know the puzzles are surprisingly involved, consisting often of multiple steps to complete that build on each other and require the use of all of your abilities in tandem.
One of the bigger “ah-hah” moments I recall was when I realized I could order my Rot minions to move objects while Kena stood on top of said object in order to give me a leg up to jump to a previously unreachable ledge.
Speaking of ledges, jumping to and from them is tight and precise in Kena.
Platforming challenges are often timed (your aura-bomb weapon only activates platforms for specifically-timed bursts). Combining their scheduled nature with the need to rotate them via precise archery, mid-air grappling segments and more makes for a movement experience that is involved enough to demand the player’s full attention for every tick of the clock.
Kena and her world’s gravity also have a decided, predictable weight to them that’s not exactly forgiving, meaning the act of jumping to and fro is exact while also requiring exactness.
Fighting the enemies of Kena is similarly involved.
The cadence with which the game throws opponents your way combined with the complexities of dealing meaningful damage to said opponents creates a combat scenario which demands the player fluidly wield and swap between both melee and ranged options while carefully managing space on the battlefield.
Kamikaze-style enemies often rush Kena in carefully-spaced and well-timed waves, while enemies with shields and shells hide their weak points from visibility. Enemies like this require certain sequences to beat — be it a well-placed bomb and arrow combo, a parry, or a maneuvering to an enemy’s backside.
Boss encounters lean into these mechanics but also present new wrinkles — The Hunter fight asks the player to rethink their tactics and find a way to deal with an airborne opponent who is apt at dodging bombs and arrows, for example.
The final few bosses ask you to take everything you’ve learned throughout your journey and apply it all at once, and if you don’t… it’s defeat for Kena.
The above sounds like I’m describing a souls-like with platforming elements as the ‘fresh take’ in addition to the enrapturing combat.
Games that provide this much of a challenging, involved experience are typically darker in tone — be it music, environment, or what-have-you. I don’t think too many people would call Kena ‘hard,’ but these are the same people who died 10+ times to The Hunter or Corrupted Toshi.
If this game had a darker, moodier skin, would more people describe it as hard or not for the faint of heart?
In this way, Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
It is accessible to new players and younger gamers due to its pleasing and friendly atmosphere. But by its conclusion, it is likely to season them into better gamers. If a newbie gamer picks up Kena, they’re in for a surprise and (hopefully) delight when they find something deeper than that which they first expected.
On the other hand, Kena is a worthwhile experience for veteran gamers if they drop their toxic masculinity and play a goofy kids game with a female protagonist. This is a game that will undoubtedly earn their respect by requiring their attention, precision and commitment throughout its experience. Like the newbie gamers, gaming veterans are in for a surprise and (certainly) delight when they find something deeper than that which they first expected.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a good experience for everyone. By balancing being adorable with being difficult, it earns the respect and appreciation of everyone who plays it. Its accessibility makes it easy to recommend to anyone and the game thus earns itself a bigger audience as a result.
Its narrative and gameplay might not separate themselves in terms of newness from a saturated market, but the surprise and delight the game provides delivers an experience to its players that isn’t typical of the space.
By striking the balance between wolf and sheep, Kena elevates its quality to something beyond just the content within.
and yet
I can’t help but think, as I summarize this article, that if a game is for everyone, doesn’t that, on some level, mean it is also for no one?
I mean, when you look at the game’s narrative or gameplay, it’s not exactly reinventing the wheel here. In fact, Kena does just about nothing new. It spits out the same exact version of a game we’ve been playing for decades in the form of Tomb Raider or Uncharted or The Legend of Zelda or God of War.
Critically speaking, both the gameplay and narrative are pretty damn milquetoast.
You’re in a world infected by some arbitrary Darkness and since you’re Special and The Chosen One™ it’s your job to go around cleansing the world of evil using a combination of environmental platforming, lever and pressure plate puzzle-solving and lock-on-based, sword-swinging driven combat.
It wouldn’t be difficult to make the argument that Kena is bland.
But the discourse around the game just isn’t about that.
The game’s scored an 81 on Metacritic and has a 92% positive review rating on Steam at time of writing. It recouped its development costs in just one month, meaning every sale since then is hitting the bottom line.
People like this game.
Quick aside from me here on something that made me smile — when double-checking the score on Steam for the above info, I found these as the first two reviews at the very top of the queue: “yo wtf. bought this game to chill, why does it feels like im playing souls-like difficulty ass game HAHAHAH.” “Don’t be fooled by the graphics. This game can be a challenge at times, but it is worth the experience.”
So maybe being an experience for everyone really was the kicker?
Or, maybe, it was something else.
In fact, yeah, I can confidently say it was. It’s a game reviewer’s buzzword, but it’s oh-so apt here: polish.
The entire experience of playing Kena is smooth. There are no framerate drops, no bugs, no broken quests or puzzles, no desynced dialogue and facial animations. Not a single hiccup to speak of.
The game features exacting archery, precise platforming, telegraphed and accurate hitboxes, as well as an unimpeding camera, responsive and weighty combat and legible visual design that accurately communicates with the player.
You can move through Kena virtually unobstructed (until you come across a puzzle you can’t solve, but that’s your problem, not the game’s). Everything is built carefully and gels together in a cohesion that works so fluidly that playing Kena is simply frictionless.
The game’s developers — Ember Lab — nailed the fundamentals, paid attention to detail and play-tested perfectly. Their effort to go above and beyond saved this game from sinking into the obscurity of being completely and utterly Mid.
It’s frictionlessness that elevates Kena beyond itself. It makes the game greater than the sum of its parts. It makes Kena a complete, finished and polished experience.
Kena presents itself like it’s Disney Pixar’s latest goofy-ass, lame-ass, sub-par video game, but lying underneath the childish aesthetic is a challenging and engaging experience that’s not only a boon for all audiences of gamers, but a worthwhile one thanks to its extreme polish and dedication.
You should play it.
submitted by TheBlaringBlue to KenaBridgeOfSpirits [link] [comments]

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submitted by MortgageRich3613 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:00 mangomelette is it okay to describe my stickers as water resistant?

hello! so I just tested out handmaking my first three stickers. I handcut and laminated them with a self-adhesive lam (do not have a machine)
they are fine when they are run under water, but HAVE to be dried quickly. I put my sticker on my water bottle, ran it under water but then left it without drying the outside off. looked like that after a few minutes:( the adhesive even came loose in one corner, but that might even be a whole other issue with the sticker paper I bought. I don’t really put stickers on my water bottle so I don’t know how durable the common sticker is.
because of this I don’t really think I can call it waterproof, but I’m still not sure if water resistant is okay either. any help on how to describe it I would be grateful for! thank you!
submitted by mangomelette to EtsySellers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:59 Ziggy-Gumnut I’m 33 and still feel guilty and confused about what happened with my teacher 20 years ago

When I was 13 I had a rip in the back of my school uniform. “Ms M” called me into the art building during lunch, two of my friends came with me but Ms M told them to wait outside as this was private. Ms M just wanted to help fix the tear in my dress and I was embarrassed but grateful. I didn’t think it was that weird but afterwards the other girls who were waiting for me said it was a suss situation asked if I was ok. I said yes of course I’m fine and moved on but here’s what happened:
After I was called to the art room, Ms M was cheery as always, but had her hands up my dress to place gaffer tape on the inside of my uniform to hide the rip. The rip was on my left shoulder blade and she patched this by going up both the front and back of my dress while I was still wearing it. (Back to tape up the rip and front to test the mend). She also felt around my bralette and asked how long I had been wearing this and we ended up discussing bras and underwires etc.
She wasn’t at the school the following year. I don’t even remember her first name, but I do remember she introduced us to some fun foods, as well as screen printing and watercolours.
At the time I truly believed that she was just looking out for me… my parents were going through a divorce, I kept getting detention for uniform violations, and the rip in the back of my dress would have only caused more detentions and maybe a suspension. My grades weren’t great and my family was going through a lot so getting kicked out of school would’ve been the cherry on my mums shit cake. I appreciated Ms M for recognising what I was going through and trying to help rather than just punishing me for having a less than perfect uniform. I worry that maybe the other girls said something or spread rumours which may have caused her to leave or get fired... The more I write about this, the more I rememberealise that maybe I was intrigued or potentially attracted to my teacher? I really don’t know if she intended to do anything wrong or untoward. If anything she may potentially be the first adult female that I was curious about physically and that’s why I remember this moment. On the other hand, I don’t think what she did was appropriate and if one of my nieces told me this happened to them I’d be beyond livid. I guess I’m just confused, and it was a difficult time in my life for many reasons so not sure if I had the wrong end of the stick…
Sorry this post is all over the shop, I’m word-vomming in real time. Hope you guys can give me some clarity/guidance/opinions.
FYI This happened in 2004 at an all girls school.
submitted by Ziggy-Gumnut to offmychest [link] [comments]
