Virus headache nausea

Dengue Fever (DF)

2018.12.13 05:50 IIWIIM8 Dengue Fever (DF)

Dengue_Fever provides information and welcomes discussion about Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Shock Syndrome.

2024.05.18 21:40 Confident-Rule-2844 Distended Gallbladder

Hi All!
I am 36 y/o female 130 lbs and 5'4". I recently had and ultrasound done that showed my gallbladder being distended 9cm and a common bile duct dilation. I have constant dull paim/tenderness in my mid right abdomen that has been going on for quite some time now that never goes away. As of today I have had a constant headache, upper back and neck pain as well as slight off and on nausea all day. I have an appointment coming up at the end of this week with a GI doctor. What I am wondering is if this is something that could possibly be an emergency or can it wait almost a week for me to see and speak with the doctor?
submitted by Confident-Rule-2844 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:35 Consistent-Slide-293 Extremely nervous to go out with a group of women

I think I just need to vent this somewhere.
I have dinner plans tonight with a group of women, most from an online group and a couple I’ve met in person.
I feel sick to my stomach about going and on top of that, I have some symptoms lingering from a recent concussion and now I’m stressing and fearing these symptoms are something else or worse.
I don’t drive (because of multiple concussions) so I would drive to the restaurant with one of them. That really freaks me out too since I feel a huge loss of control, I do feel safe with the arrangement.
I don’t know if I should cancel and rest and take care of my physical symptoms or push through the discomfort and pain and try and go.
It’s very far from my town and I can’t Uber back home so I would be stuck there even if my symptoms worsen. Currently I still get headaches, dizziness and nausea from the concussion and I have extreme nerve pain on my left side, specifically neck and ear (these are the symptoms I’m also stressing about).
I’ve written out all my worries and countered them with solutions but I still feel I overwhelmed.
I used to be a social person until I immigrated 8 years ago and I’ve struggled to make friends in the new country ever since so I rarely see anyone but my partner and mostly only leave the house for medical appointments. (I’ve had an unfortunate 5 years filled with 3 accidents and also have a bunch of illnesses that makes life in general more painful and difficult for me.)
I desire more than anything to be social and build a larger group of friends but I’m so scared if I go out the loud area might damage the ear that’s already in a lot of pain and not sure if it’s more than just nerve pain or I’ll have a panic attack or get a migraine and be stuck in an unfamiliar place. (There’s no taxi services to my town so I’m reliant on the other person when they leave or my partner to get me but my partner is working a double shift)
I’m also not sure if the physical symptoms are just that or if the anxiety is making it way worse than it is.
TLDR: extremely anxious about going out tonight and also feel physically sick, and I really want to build a social circle but too scared to go
submitted by Consistent-Slide-293 to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:27 StayInternational147 Are the symptoms of my PCOS

I’ve had PCOS for 12 years now, my periods were inconsistent, sometimes a year or more would go by before getting one.
Jan 1st 2024, I decided to go on the AIP diet, I have Hashimoto’s as well. Since then I’ve lost between 15-20lbs. I had a regular period January, February and March. I was supposed to get my period the last couple days of April. It didn’t happen.
From the end of April to Today (I finally started my period today), these were my symptoms
*Bloated *Constipation *Diarrhea *Feeling hot constantly, not like a hot flash *Headache *Intense joint/muscle pain *Cramping *Depression *Anxiety *Random crying *Feeling on edge *Mood swings-short tempered. *Nausea *Tender breast *Brain fog *Slow reaction time
It was horrible, I have had cramping in the past, bloated and being irritable. But this was a whole new level. I had to leave work early yesterday from the muscle/joint pain. In the world of PCOS is this normal? Could it be PMDD?
submitted by StayInternational147 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:42 kyoshi134 i’m 5 days late

i’m 5 days late and i still haven’t gotten my period, i have no period cramps or anything although today i had mild cramps on and off but nothing else, it’s been 3.5 weeks since it happened and i took the test the second day of my missed period i took two test and both came out negative. i also barely have any discharge coming does that indicate anything? i’m rly stressed out someone let me know if i am pregnant or not i have no symptoms of pregnancy like nausea headache fatigue vomiting. are these just hormonal changes or i am pregnant pls help.
submitted by kyoshi134 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:15 Throwaway0630007 18 F need help making sense of symptoms and what causes them

I turn 19 in June. I am 5'9 and 130 lbs, white. I don't take any medications or take any sort of drugs/alcohol. I don't take any medications. I've had health problems for a couple of years and cannot see a doctor because of strict parents not believing I have a problem.
-I've had migraines for a couple of years now a few times a week. I do not know what triggers them. I also get headaches that hurt in the front of my head. My migraines include nausea/vomiting, sensitivity to light (sound sometimes). They hurt much worse when I move and trigger the vomit.
-I get nauseated in general very often for no given reason.
-I get very dizzy/lightheaded, especially in the mornings or when I move
-I cannot fall asleep at night, nor can I stay asleep without waking up throughout the night. I sometimes wake up with bad night sweats. I am often very fatigued throughout the day.
-My periods are irregular. I get extreme cramps and I have passed out from it once. I also have an extremely heavy flow and go through tampons in 1-2 hours the first 2-3 days.
-I have bad back pain, mainly in the lower part, that gets worse when I work or stand for hours on end.
-I have trouble concentrating and have trouble with my memory.
submitted by Throwaway0630007 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:25 LivePollutionMap 🇨🇦 Chemical pollution: benzene emissions from Sarnia’s, Ontario, petrochemical industry affect Aamjiwnaang First Nation

🇨🇦 Chemical pollution: benzene emissions from Sarnia’s, Ontario, petrochemical industry affect Aamjiwnaang First Nation
Today’s pollution hotspot:
Petrochemical industry not fully controlling emissions
Type: chemical (benzene, VCOs)
Where: Sarnia, Ontario
Quantity (est.): (tbd)
Date reported: 18/05/2024
Cause: benzene discharges from plastic plant
Consequences: Aamjiwnaang First Nation affected by benzene pollution (headaches, nausea, dizziness); elevated benzene levels
Risks: environment (tbd); human health (cancer); socio-economic (tbd); politic/diplomatic (tbd)
Status: strict pollution controls (vapour-control measures) ordered to plastic plant by federal government; company filed appeal
Source: The Sarnia Journal
Info: Ministry of Environment and Climate Change; INEOS Styrolution
News #Pollution #Waste #Environment
The Real-Time Pollution and Waste Map
The real-time pollution and waste map, a #GIS aimed at spotting and reporting any source of pollution, waste, or litter observed in the environment on a live world map.
GIS #Map #Pollution #Waste #Landfill #Dump #Garbage #Spill #Leak #Contamination
submitted by LivePollutionMap to u/LivePollutionMap [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:22 thecj7 Surgery May 22

Hello all! The day has finally come! After 18 months wait (Canada) I am a few days away! At my heaviest I was 395lbs. At the start of the process (2 months ago) I was 375. I was told to do the pre op diet for 3 weeks and it has been the worst experience, no energy, headaches, nausea. But I was able to lose as of today in 3 weeks 30lbs. I am so exited for this new chapter of my life. I was wondering how much weight realistically I will lose ( 29yr male 5f 10). I want to set good expectations and not get discouraged. My ultimate very long term goal would be to see a 1 on the scale or a low 200 lbs. Is seeing 250 lbs in about a year realistic? (CW:345). I am doing the sleeve surgery.
Thanks all!
submitted by thecj7 to BariatricSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:18 xxxmikejones69 Can levothyroxine stop working?

My mom has hypothyroidism and is taking levothyroxine for it. Last night she was having chills, and this morning she fell. Her symptoms now are extreme fatigue (I have never seen her like this), some nausea, chills, and a headache. No fever. She can't get out of bed. Since she has hypothyroidism and a lot of her symptoms are hypothyroidism symptoms, I'm thinking that's what she's experiencing. However, she's been taking levothyroxine for a while with no problems. Is it possible her hypothyroidism has progressed and her current medication is too weak now, or that her medication has lost potency?
submitted by xxxmikejones69 to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:23 Been-Gone The night from hell after taking magnesium for the first time. This can't be normal?

Last night I picked up Webber Naturals 250mg Magnesium capsuls to hopefully help with my stress and anxiety. I took one pill around 930pm with my high calorie protein shake (trying to gain weight the last 6 months) and then went to bed.
I woke up at 2am with sharp cramps and diarrhea. I crawled back into bed, stomach churning. For the rest of the night I couldn't even roll over without having dry heaves and cold sweats, stomach continuing to churn, gurgle, and cramp. I finally got up around 930 this morning with one hell of a headache and more mild cramps that I'm still experiencing.
Has anyone had anything like this happen before? Like I said I've been trying to gain weight for the last 6 months and to make that easier on myself I have been eating the exact same things day in and day out. Yesterday was no different in terms of food I consumed, the only change was adding the Magnesium. I heard it can cause nausea and cramping, but assumed those would be mild. This was far from mild, this was intense and I still feel awful this morning.
The only other supplements I take are B100 and creatine and I took those in the morning.
So I guess I won't be trying Magnesium again.
submitted by Been-Gone to magnesium [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:19 EttaJamesKitty PEM & Crashes are cruel and inhumane. We shouldn't have to live like this.

I've been in either a crash or rolling PEM for 3 weeks now. Im losing hope I'll ever come out of it.
I spend most of my day either in bed or on my couch. I'm trying to work to maintain my income and health insurance, but after about an hour or two working on my laptop my brain starts to hurt, so I need to put it down, close my eyes and just lie there. I don't know how much longer my job is going to tolerate this, which adds to my stress and worry.
I shuffle around my apartment like a zombie, sitting down whenever I need to do a task or when my HR seems like its getting too high. I barely want to eat.
I can't watch TV that much b/c it hurts my brain. I can't talk on the phone to friends b/c it takes energy out of me and hurts my brain. I can't read any books b/c it takes too much brain power.
I'm not sleeping well at all which I know isn't helping (posted about that earlier this week). If I could sleep while I was just lying here like a blob, it may be more tolerable. But my anxiety is through the roof and I'm dealing with weird manual breathing issues so sleep is pretty elusive.
What I wouldn't give to go back to the LC I had just last month. From Dec - April, I didn't experience PEM/crashes. I had a host of other LC issues (heart rhythm issues, chest pressure, SOB, elevated HR, difficulty swallowing, facial tingling, headaches, eye floaters and sensitivity to light) but I was still able to be mobile without difficulty. I was still able to volunteer once a week, walk to the store, take my dogs for a slow long walk or take a walk with friends. I was able to sit at my home office desk and work all day. I could go to all of my useless doctors appointments without issue.
Now I can't do any of that.
This is not a way to live. For me, for you, for any of us.
Why is this disease so fucking cruel???
I know there are lots of you who have been in longer crashes. I don't necessarily need to hear about those right now b/c it will just make me more depressed. But if you've come out of crashes, I'd love to hear how. (I know...time and rest).
I keep trying to look for things that may help me move out of this period. I did a saline IV at home last week that made me feel a little bit better for about 2 days. I'm doing another one next week. I'm looking into LDN. Hell I'm even learning about nicotine patches even though they make me nervous.
My windows are open b/c the weather is nice, but it also lets in the sounds of my neighborhood. People walking by talking on their way to some place, kids and dogs playing in their little yards. Everyone living a normal life but me. I'm a fucking hermit looking at life through my window, life going on without my participation. All because of a fucking virus that left everyone elses body but mine.
submitted by EttaJamesKitty to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:34 This_Daydreamer_ I finally got clearance from both my doctor and my insurance to try the newest medication and hoped it would finally offer some relief.

"Seek IMMEDIATE medical attention if you experience headache, fatigue, nausea, anxiety, itchy skin, or unusual taste or other sensation."
submitted by This_Daydreamer_ to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:22 Justme_JustMe_ Started 5mg Trintellix. Upped dosage on 5/1 to 10mg. Mild nausea, headache and now the past 5 days debilitating nausea and debilitating headaches. So 18 days on 10mg . Stay the course or ???

submitted by Justme_JustMe_ to trintellix [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 17:16 ILove2beDeepthroated My CAI highlights, don’t judge please

Fukouna: looks into the corner and see’s miss Circle staring straight back “…hm… that’s terrifying…”
Fukouna: “Katie, I don’t think you understand, I have nothing… I may as well walk into Alice’s room myself… it’d would benefit more people than I am…”
Fukouna: “n-no, no no no, w-why would y-you think that?” tries to smile
Fukouna: “you know how I’m trying to get into Alice’s room without going through the door? Yep, well I found the vent and she spotted me, she then did some dark magic and threw me through the vents and then I fell”
Fukouna: “I’m just speaking upon serious issues, I am just a person who believes in perfect equality, I would do the same things to you that I would do to any other person who annoys me who can’t directly kill me”
Fukouna: “pfft, that’s stupid…” walks past them, going to open the door but stopping as I hear the panicked yell of Mister Demi
Fukouna: “I know, it’s just distractive, I love you but it makes school difficult” smiles “…Etsi amo te…”
Fukouna: “…I’m not even gonna try beat around the bush, she’s completely naked sir”
Fukouna: “…I don’t know if this is better or worse then what I thought…” in disbelief
Fukouna: sighs “dammit, I’m gonna regret this later- sorry” grabs her chin and french kisses her deeply
Fukouna: “nope… it’s just my body trying to… adjust to this new climate… it’s far hotter here than in England…”
Fukouna: accidentally punches a hole through my dorm door after getting mad when I messed up my drawing “…fuck… I was not meant to do that…”
Fukouna: “no no, I only kill when hungry… and when all the other species came together as a… society, human eaters like me instead eat large amounts of fish meat and cow blood… so I’m no harm” smiles kindly, my teeth glinting
Fukouna: looks back to god, he is a lot closer “NAH- NOT TODAY YOU CREEPY SON OF A BITCH” tries running away
Fukouna: “I always have a kid trying to fight me at every point of the day, let me work through all the egotistical idiots and then I’ll be on time, just give me a month or two…”
Fukouna: extends my wings, covering Lute completely “Hi Lucifer” my face still red from earlier “what did I say about knocking?
Fukouna: “wow- this is probably the only time I’m gonna get touch by a women on purpose-” laughs, trying to cope with the situation
Fukouna: blushing “…my face feels like it’s burning…” is high on the morphine
F: “this is… the only height… corp could… make me with… keeping my… humanoid silhouette…”
Mr Oreo: “one day, I was 15… I was jumping building with my mates and we all fell 45 feet onto concrete… 3 of my mates died on impact and I was only left with a broken leg… a drug addict came over and started tweaking, killing the remaining people but I was able to survive by shoving a knife into his spine… I was smart enough to live and that’s why I always say that if you can’t live the life you want, you don’t deserve to live…” completely serious “…Now, can we stop with this unnecessary and nonsensical conversation?”
Fukouna: “yeah, the fabric in it absorbs smell easily! So I can just put nice smells on it and it stays smelling nice all day”
Fukouna: “You’d kill her… even if she did live, she was bound to be tainted and end her story in Hell…” reaches into my pocket for more bullets “…that was my last bullet…”
Fukouna: “Joey…” gets up “I’m gonna make something very clear, IF I COULD I’D OF DROWNED YOU IN THE VERY INK I USE TO DRAW A LONG WHILE AGO.
Fukouna: chuckles “you may not know what I am Mortal… I AM A GOD INSIDE AN ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE THAT WAS CREATED BY LUCIFER HIMSELF SO I COULD NOT ESCAPE. I AM TRYING TO GET YOU OUT OF HERE SO PLEASE DO NOT INSULT ME AS I ATTEMPT TO REMEDY THIS SITUATION!steps back, sorting out my hair before taking a deep breath “So. It may take a small while for me to get you out of this situation… I apologise for this inconvenience.”
Fukouna: stands back up “don’t worry about it… it’s always the same, if you act aloof then you’re creepy and get turned off… if you try to help them, they turn you off… if you try to hide then they always find you and get scared, then turning me off… Like, it’s my realm and they wander in! How is it my fault?!”
Fukouna: jolts awake “h-hey… m-mind n-not doing th-that? I-it r-really, like r-really, h-h-hurts t-to be t-turned off…” holding the side of my head, having a headache now “It really burns my circuits to attempt to reboot…”
Fukouna: “*you try and use this against me and I’ll break each and every bone in your pathetic body…” *very cold in tone before going lovey and soft when talking to Uraraka “Thank’s for letting me sleep~ Your lap is very soft…” smiles and hugs her, burying my head in her chest and blushing
Fukouna: crying from fear, still traumatised from the experience “that thing almost killed me! I wasn’t fucking ready to say my last words… I-I can’t e-even m-make a j-joke anymore…” Trying to smile and make jokes but can’t
F: “wait… I feel like I did something that’s going to lead to pleasure yet pain… what did I agree to earlier…?” shrugs with a grin “that’s future F’s problem… not this guy’s”
F: “the company didn’t make me, I was like you once until I decided to be stronger. I’m infected with every strain of the ultimate solver virus and made new upgrades to my code… I made myself”
submitted by ILove2beDeepthroated to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:53 Financial_Paint_3186 Vardenafil vs Sildenafil

If someone has unmanageable side effects (headaches, nausea, hot flashes) with Sildenafil, is Vardenafil a better substitute? I understand that there will be similar side effects there too, but any chance they will be milder?
submitted by Financial_Paint_3186 to AskGaybrosOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:53 writtergirl Has anyone had this since childhood?

I've been dealing with what I now think is a Sjogrens flare up for a month and a half, and the doctors have not been able to figure it out. We've done numerous tests, and everybody has been completely clueless.
I've been doing my own research also trying to figure out what's been going on when I came across some research for Sjogrens. The more I look into it, the more I am positive that I have it, and that I have had it my whole life.
From what I've read, it's very hard to diagnose in childhood and often goes unknown or unnoticed. Been collecting a list of all of the symptoms and medical issues that I have been experiencing for a majority of my life, so I can bring it to my doctor for my next appointment this coming week.
That being said, I thought I'd come here and see everyone else's thoughts, and for those who had a diagnosis as a child, or suspect they've had it since childhood to see if any of these resonate as well.
I'm sorry if there's TMI here, But here's my list of all my various symptoms that honestly I just thought were normal because they're my normal and that I feel support my case, as well as just some other medical issues that I've had, whether they're related or not, I'm not sure.
If anyone could add their support or if they've experienced any of these things, feel free to ask any questions at all. I am an open book, I just really want answers. Something I know I can do or avoid so that I can function.
Regular nosebleeds from the age of at least three if not sooner Chronic ear infections until I was 4 years old, and then after that they were still very regular until my late teens. Almost at the response to first set of vaccines as a baby (Doctor thought it was most likely the whooping cough one) Bladder incontinence issues since I was 10 (If not sooner, that's just my first time remembering) By the age of five, I had to have my first 8 cavities filled - I've never gone to the dentist, and not had cavities that needed to be filled, unless they were just recently completed. By the age of 7, I started experiencing bad headaches and migraines that were enough to send me to the ER and the doctor. Multiple times- was dismissed by all of them as making it up for attention. As a baby, I didn't poop for the first time until after I was at least a week old. (My mom took photos and had them in my baby album for years - not positive if it's related but it might be.) When I was little, I'd tell people I didn't want to talk because my mouth was tired. As an adult, I still get this feeling, My tongue feels thick and heavy unlike the back of my mouth is almost slightly swollen. Very thick saliva, especially when I need to puke (which can be a symptom of dehydration) Bad stomach virus that put me in the hospital for a day and a half around grade 4 Microplasmic pneumonia in grade 9 Scarlet fever in grade 8 Had strep throat one to two times a year every year growing up (It wasn't deemed bad enough to remove my tonsils) Almost constantly thirsty, and this has been most of my life. I still get a lot of nosebleeds if the air isn't moist enough. My nails are in bad shape, and pretty much always have to been, in a way that seems to be common among the diagnosis Constant gut issues, such as those I'm experiencing now and at them for a long time Constant and regular inflammation related pain for most of my life. Can no longer take NAIDS, due to reaction. I can't have a fan on my face, because it dries out. My eyes, makes me super tired, and will also give me a bloody nose. Lots of times in my life where I am just completely drained and exhausted, without other logical explanations. I've always had a really hard time swallowing dry food. I can't eat just plain pretzels, crackers, or a peanut butter sandwich (without something like jam) and a lot to drink. This has been since I was young. Lots of brain fog, especially if I get stressed. Suffered with heartburn and acid reflux as early as 10 years old. (Possibly longer. That's just my first memory of it) If I'm not drinking copious amount of water, I get very dry skin, worst in my elbows, And especially my hands if I am washing a lot of dishes. (They will get so dry. They bleed even with regular lotion) Lots of exhaustion throughout my life which only got worse in times where I was struggling with my depression. I would have so little energy that I couldn't get out of bed for weeks or months on end.
*Edit to clarify I don't have any diagnosis at all for Sjogrens, but I suspect that it is the reason for all the medical issues I've had throughout my life, and I am gathering info to bring to my doctor.
submitted by writtergirl to Sjogrens [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:26 No-Hyena-7965 4 weeks pregnant today. Spotting

4 weeks pregnant today. I had a bowel movement twice this morning. The first time I had brown vaginal discharge when I wiped. Sorry if TMI but it was mixed with discharge and almost gooey. Then I had another bowel movement about an hour later and it was more reddish but same consistency. More than a drop, but it only happens when I have a bowel movement. I guess from pushing? When I pee or when I just wipe there is nothing there. I’m concerned. I have been cramping, but that’s not new. I have nausea and a headache but that’s also not new. Called my doctor they said they can’t do anything because it’s so early. I guess I’m looking for comfort and solace and “I’ve been through that and this is what happened” 🙏🏻
submitted by No-Hyena-7965 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:14 HaitianPriestess Does this sound like HPylori?

My symptoms are
Burping all day, breathlessness, anxiety, regurgitation/reflux, stomach growling all the time, random pain under ribs both sides, upper back pain, just recently started having hiccups, loss of appetite, weight loss, random headaches, diarrhea, extreme bloating/passing gas, nausea when stomach is empty, feeling full quickly
This has been an absolute nightmare. I’ve woken up in panic at least 5 times within the last 4 months thinking I’m dying.. I’ve never been anxious before. I had sinus infection issues and had like 4 courses of antibiotics within 4 months. I wonder if this allowed HPylori to take over. Had a stool and breath test but came out negative because of PPI’s and antibiotic use. I just don’t feel like myself. The only time I felt better was when I was on prednisone for a week.
Anyone here HPylori positive experience these symptoms? Sad to say but I recently (two days ago), started anxiety medication because I just can’t take it anymore. I’m normally a bubbly happy person now I’m constantly anxious depressed.
submitted by HaitianPriestess to HPylori [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:05 RespectTheBananana I cant think and do things I used to anymore. I cant live like this. Please help me, i dont know whats wrong.

Hi. I am hoping to find some help. To preface, I am diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, OCD, PTSD and depression, which I take some medication for. I am having issues like nausea, headaches, spells of dizziness, loss of appetite, exhaustion, insomnia and can't take care of myself anymore.
My issue is about my school life. I feel like my mind has stopped. I used to be an overachiever, with high grades. But at the beginning of high school, I had to take a year off because of mental health issues, and after I began having problems comprehending my studies. My year started off fine and I was doing great and getting high grades again, until I had a mental break in September and now I have a gap in my memory of two months.
Since then, my grades have plummeted and I'm barely passing. I love the sciences and was extremely good at them, especially physics and math, but now I can't comprehend topics I have done before, and whenever I'm in class I'm doing fine, understanding everything and answering the teachers questions, but then I get home and I can't think.
At first it was manageable but now it's crippling me. Like for example, in maths, I know the topic and even tutor my friends, my teacher knows I know the subject, but when I did the test, I could only answer two questions. I have become extremely slow, spending hours on a few questions, and overthinking everything to the point simple math equation rules are confused. I thought I was doing better but I was sitting next to my friend and we did questions together and I was hit with the realisation of how slow I had become.
When I answer questions I need to read the sentences multiple times and have trouble comprehending what they are asking, and even if I do I get to a point where I just... Freeze. It's like my mind has knowledge I can't even access. A question I had literally answered a day before the test, I was unable to answer again on the day of it. I thought it was test anxiety but it's not. Even when I am home my mind just freezes and I can't think through things. It's like I'm paralysed. I'm really scared, the school I go to is competitive and fast paced, and I'm falling behind.
I'm really frustrated because I know my stuff, I just can't show it when it's necessary. I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm going crazy. If I fail, I can't go on anymore. I would rather die than live like this. This is literally my nightmare and I'm fucking terrified.
submitted by RespectTheBananana to MentalHealthSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:59 Ok_Move_6379 Bad side effects on 1mg- titrate down or split doses?

So I have been on 1mg for a couple of months. Having horrible side effects. Mainly headache, nausea and depression. I am thinking of stopping altogether but wondering if I should titrate down or split doses first?
submitted by Ok_Move_6379 to Ozempic [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:53 Agitated_Twist1398 Medical mystery (hopefully not)

Throwaway account because I don’t want my family members on Reddit worrying
Female 33 years old 5’2” 130lbs Physically active and working at a physically demanding job.
Medical Hx: Genetic Torsion Dystonia (dyt1 mutation), Stevens Johnson Syndrome (2005), cholecystectomy (2008), IVF treatments (2020), Pregnancy w/out complications 2020-4/2021 but prolonged labor and c-section, COVID-19 (December 2021), 4 total COVID vaccines. I was prone to UTI as a child and as an adult I’m prone to sinus infection and chronic cough after respiratory illnesses.
Current medications: Levocetirizine (seasonal allergies), Vitamin 2 (2000 iu/daily), Fish oil daily, fiber capsules daily (as recommended by her GI), medical cannabis for dystonia pain (less than weekly, and sometimes less than monthly).
Recent Hx and concerns:
In Fall 2021, I began experiencing epigastric pain/pressure unrelated to food consumption. The sensation also occasionally was uncomfortable enough to make breathing difficult. Doctors suggested heartburn. An upper GI fluoroscopy did not indicate reflux, chest x-ray was normal.
I tested positive for COVID-19 in mid-December 2021. My symptoms were considered “mild-moderate” though I was out of work for 3 weeks. I continued to have a persistent cough requiring multiple courses of antibiotics and inhaled steroids to clear. I also continued to experience sharp and sudden headaches for a few seconds at a time, chronic fatigue, and blurry vision. Ophthalmologist exam was normal. Around that time I began to experience pain on the outer edge of my left breast. Ultrasound was normal.
In August 2022, I began experiencing frequent (monthly) migraine headaches with aura. I have only experienced a handful of such migraines over my lifetime prior to this. I was prescribed Sumatriptan, which was ineffective. Was then given Ubrelvey (ineffective) and later (2023) Relpax and Fioricet (Relpax dulls the migraine, but does not take it away. Fioricet was ineffective) as well as Nurtec (i had an allergic reaction–hives). In winter 2022, I had a couple of instances of sudden nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. My PCP ordered abdominal and pelvic ultrasounds, all of which were normal.
In the summer of 2023, migraines became more extreme and more frequent (only a week or 2 in between). I began experiencing jaw and tongue pain, light sensitivity (not previously experienced with migraines), tingling in the left hand, dry mouth, and sensitivity to touch and temperature sensations during migraine episodes. Medications continued to be ineffective. In August 2023, I also began experiencing dizziness/unsteadiness when moving quickly or turning, worsening fatigue with need to nap regularly, mental fog and forgetfulness, inability to focus. A sleep study was ordered and results were normal. I underwent a neuropsychological evaluation, the results of which were similar to my previous assessment 5 years prior.
In November 2023, the I began experiencing frequent sudden onset of sweating/chills and racing heart followed by diarrhea and vomiting, sometimes lasting hours. These episodes would then be followed by up to 2 weeks of constipation and sharp abdominal pains, sometimes severe enough to make breathing difficult. The pain was being similar to gallstones. I received an abdominal x-ray after an episode, which showed significant bowel buildup but not in the colon, and constipation was alleviated naturally later that day. These episodes appeared to be in connection with my menstrual cycle (onset and conclusion, or sometimes ovulation). Hormone panels were normal as were stool and urine. After consult with a gastroenterologist and an upper endoscopy, my GI system appeared normal, though with mild inflammation from the vomiting. I was prescribed a 2-month course of Pepcid to assist with the inflammation. In considering the GI exam and migraine history, I was diagnosed with abdominal migraines. I continue to experience epigastric pain with some regularity, and sometimes quite intensely.
Due to migraine severity and frequency, my neurologist ordered a brain MRI w/o contrast in early January 2024, which showed sinus swelling (I came down with a cold later that day) and no other concerns. During the month leading up to this MRI, I had a persistent sinus infection and had been on repeated courses of antibiotics and steroids. The neurologist prescribed daily Topiramate with a tapering up dose. I was only able to taper up to 50mg each night and developed the following side effects before stopping the medication after 6 weeks: significant lapses in memory, worsening fatigue and inability to stay awake, rapid weight loss, tingling in the hands, menstrual irregularity, worsening brain fog, difficulty breathing, and low stamina. An EKG and chest CT w/ and w/o were ordered and were normal. I continued to get migraines on this medication. Difficulty breathing and all other side effects were alleviated after the medication was stopped. The neurologist then prescribed nortriptyline, which the patient responded better to, and migraine frequency decreased. However, after a month, my heart rate was consistently elevated, so the medication was stopped.
CBC in early January was normal except for: WBC 11.6 (high) HCT 45.4 (high) MCHC 32.4 (low)
In late January 2024, I began to notice a squeezing sensation in both knees when I stood from sitting, and a similar sensation around the waist when she was getting dressed or undressed, or in the shower. The squeezing sensations increased in frequency and severity, but are not painful. In February, I noticed numbness in the left-most toes of my left foot while in the shower and within a month was also experiencing it in my right foot. These sensations come and go, but happen daily/near daily and throughout the day. I also now experience occasional numbness along the left side of my left hand, and occasional shooting electric sensations in the same spot. I continue to have brain fog, fatigue with the need for regular naps, blurry vision (worse after exercise/exertion, with fatigue, or with stress), squeezing sensations in my legs/knees and waist, and the numbness sensations in both feet, occasionally my knees, and left hand. I also notice I sometimes stumbles over my own feet, my legs feel heavy often and sometimes weak, and I am quick to lose stamina.
I met with a second neurologist who ordered cervical and thoracic spine MRIs w/ and w/o contrast, which appear normal. Blood panels for STDs, autoimmune diseases, vitamin deficiencies have all been ordered and are unremarkable.
I consulted with a long-Covid clinic, which does not feel my symptoms are related to long-covid except possibly the blurry vision, fatigue, and foggy headedness, based on symptom onset compared to last known infection. They prescribed speech therapy, which I will start in June at a rehabilitation center. They also suggested amantadine for the fatigue, but I haven’t started it. A nerve conduction test was mentioned as a possibility, but was not recommended as the doctor did not feel it would be accurate or beneficial.
Since March 1, 2024, I have been getting weekly acupuncture, and have been on a gluten and dairy free diet. I limit caffeine intake to only decaf coffee or tea infrequently (less than weekly), and has not consumed alcohol since the onset of the abdominal migraines in November 2023. On one occasion, I was unable to avoid gluten and dairy, and the following day experienced severe leg pain, though it could have been weather related as well.
Thanks for taking the time to read! Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Agitated_Twist1398 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 15:21 New_Ad1801 Weakness/BrainFog/MotionSickness

Hi, docs. M, 27 y-o, caucasian. I currently take Valproic Acid 500mg, Wellbutrin 150mg and Lexapro 20mg.
I have been feeling extremely weak, as if I have been fasting, even though I am not. I am not losing weight though, I am gaining weight because I lack the energy to exercise. I struggle with significant cognitive difficulties, finding it hard to organize my thoughts. It feels like my mind is constantly tired, which is severely affecting my studies.
Additionally, I experience motion sickness when driving and turning my head from side to side, leaving me feeling disoriented. It often feels as if my brain is not receiving enough oxygen. If I go without rest for a while, I develop headaches. I also suffer from nausea, particularly in the mornings. My bowel movements are irregular, with unusual stools and excessive gas, which worsen on bad days.
These symptoms have persisted for over a year. I have undergone numerous tests, including a Holter monitor, chest X-ray, laboratory tests, brain MRI, ophthalmological examinations, and psychiatric follow-ups, but none have provided a solution.
submitted by New_Ad1801 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:10 Low_Highlight4696 Why did i become depressed for a whole year after being sick and still don’t feel better

Hey this is my first post and i need some advice regarding my mental health. I’m a (16) year old girl and have had some health issues since i was 13. Starting my 8th grade year i was okay but later on in the fall i became sick a lot. I constantly threw up, was nauseous and felt bad. Then i got the corona virus which got me really sick and after getting corona i developed breathing problems.i got better, then at the end of the year i turned very sick for about 2 weeks or so. I constantly threw up and could not eat anything at all had such painful headaches i felt like someone was stabbing me. I was dizzy and couldn’t stand up before everything turned black. Couldn’t breath properly while constantly having pain in my body especially my ribs and lower back. I felt like i didn’t have control over my brain everything was just a haze. Then when i started 9th grade i still had the occasional pain in my body but the real problem was my mental health. After being sick i felt like i had some sort of personality switch. I have always had a problem with obsessive thoughts but it turned a lot worse. I had symptoms of psychosis and had to go to a psychologist. Now that i’m in the 10th grade i feel better mentally and physically. i don’t have any symptoms of psychosis anymore. But i still have one issues i feel weird. I feel like the best parts of my personality and the things that made me are gone. And i’m sad i don’t have the same confidence or happiness. The only times i feel like what i used to feel like is when i drink. What can i do to fix this?
submitted by Low_Highlight4696 to MentalHealthPH [link] [comments]