Mr hands video clip

Cold Ones Podcast/Talkshow

2018.12.01 14:53 MonkRage Cold Ones Podcast/Talkshow

Welcome to /ColdOnes, the official subreddit for the Cold Ones podcast hosted by Chad (Anything4Views) and Maxmoefoe!

2013.04.03 16:27 englishmanincan GoPro Worldwide Collaborative Film

This subreddit is a central point for all those interested in collaborating to make GoPro videos from all over the world. Based on the this idea

2016.11.12 23:13 HayakuMiku BOL4 (Bolbbalgan4, 볼빨간사춘기)

BOL4 (Bolbbalgan4, 볼빨간사춘기, 赤頬思春期, 臉紅的思春期) is a South Korean female artist signed to Shofar Entertainment (쇼파르엔터테인먼트) (formerly Shofar Music (쇼파르뮤직)). Some of BOL4's most popular songs include Galaxy, Hard to Love, 좋다고 말해 (Tell Me You Love Me), You and I from the Beginning, We Loved, Some, To My Youth, Travel, Bom, Workaholic & Leo.

2024.06.02 06:49 KInjl Last Day With My Dad

Just lost my dad yesterday(June 1), no one saw it coming. First thing I saw as I was waking up was my dad playing on my pc. He was happy, he loves playing video games like Monster Hunter, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Megaman Legends 2, Clash of Clans, and MIR4. I asked him to take me somewhere on his motorcycle and we went out. After finishing my business, we ate out on their usual eating spot when they're out doing field work. After we ate, we just went home. Dad as usual went straight to the bathroom because he had amoeba. We did our usual routine, he on his phone watching videos until he falls asleep while I play video games and read stuff. Time went by he came to my room asking for a hand massage, which I did. He usually asks me to do it when he's not feeling well. As I was massaging his hand, I asked him what he's feeling. He said just the usual, I asked him again and again. Until I called up my aunt/uncle to inform them about my dad. As we were waiting for my uncle to come with a vehicle, my dad suddenly stopped responding. I shouted for my aunt to do cpr, and we revived him. My uncle came and saw my dad and we lifted him up to the vehicle as he was having a heart attack. As this was all happening he kept saying to me "relax, I'm okay" which I believed because my dad can do almost everything. As we were lifting him towards the vehicle he was still conscious and saying "it hurts, slow down". We rushed him to the nearest hospital(about 3 minutea drive), he suddenly went limp. We got in front of the hospital and I immediately did cpr because it's takinh a bit of time to get a stretcher. He was not responding, we went in and they tried to resuscitate him 10 times as per guidelines but my dad never showed any signs of life. I was devestated, on the brink of collapse as I watched by the side. I didn't know that it would be our last day together. I wanna say so many things to my dad. I love him more than myself, I would have given everything up for my dad. I wish it was just all a bad dream.
submitted by KInjl to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:46 KInjl Last Day With My Dad

Just lost my dad yesterday(June 1), no one saw it coming. First thing I saw was my dad playing on my pc. He was happy, he loves playing video games like Monster Hunter, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Megaman Legends 2, Clash of Clans, and MIR4. I asked him to take me somewhere on his motorcycle and we went out. After finishing my business, we ate out on their usual eating spot when they're out doing field work. After we ate, we just went home. Dad as usual went straight to the bathroom because he had amoeba. We did our usual routine, he on his phone watching videos until he falls asleep while I play video games and read stuff. Time went by he came to my room asking for a hand massage, which I did. He usually asks me to do it when he's not feeling well. As I was massaging his hand, I asked him what he's feeling. He said just the usual, I asked him again and again. Until I called up my aunt/uncle to inform them about my dad. As we were waiting for my uncle to come with a vehicle, my dad suddenly stopped responding. I shouted for my aunt to do cpr, and we revived him. My uncle came and saw my dad and we lifted him up to the vehicle as he was having a heart attack. As this was all happening he kept saying to me "relax, I'm okay" which I believed because my dad can do almost everything. As we were lifting him towards the vehicle he was still conscious and saying "it hurts, slow down". We rushed him to the nearest hospital(about 3 minutea drive), he suddenly went limp. We got in front of the hospital and I immediately did cpr because it's takinh a bit of time to get a stretcher. He was not responding, we went in and they tried to resuscitate him 10 times as per guidelines but my dad never showed any signs of life. I was devestated, on the brink of collapse as I watched by the side. I didn't know that it would be our last day together. I wanna say so many things to my dad. I love him more than myself, I would have given everything up for my dad. I wish it was just all a bad dream.
submitted by KInjl to u/KInjl [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:40 klaus-was-here Color of video is muted/dull, tried all the youtube tutorials and nothing is working. help!!

I’m working on MacBook Pro, just trying to edit some YouTube videos for my sister, and the color is all messed up. It is dull and muted as if there is a filter over the whole thing BEFORE exporting. I watched several YouTube tutorials to fix it and did everything they said and it hasn’t changed. Here are the exact steps I already did: 1. In preferences -> general, ticked both boxes “Use Mac display color profiles for viewers” and “Automatically tag Rec.709 Scene clips as Rec.709-A” 2. Closed & reopened the whole program (multiple times) in order to apply above setting change. 3. In project settings -> Color Management, left Color Science at DaVinci YRGB, and changed both Timeline color space and Output color space to Rec.709-A
In every single tutorial I watched about this, this is exactly what they said to do, and all of the comments were saying things like “I’ve struggled with this issue for years and this solved it in 30 seconds!” … it did not change ANYTHING for me. Any advice would be much appreciated, and please try to keep it in simple terms. I don’t know anything about this and it’s pretty overwhelming. Would honestly love if someone who knows about color could potentially do a Discord or Zoom call where I can share my screen and walk me through it — that is, unless this is an easy fix and you wouldn’t need to view my settings and stuff to know what’s going on. Thanks.
submitted by klaus-was-here to davinciresolve [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:38 GeneralPage9163 What can i do legally to get back at My girlfriend’s nightmare mother (NE)

(Sorry for the awful formatting, its my first post and im on a mobile browser unfortunately)
So theres kind of a lot: I am 18, my girlfriend(A) is 17. We have been together well over a year, and the past few months we have lived together in a house with her mother, M and her boyfriend, T. T is also a felon (only somewhat relevant)
M is batshit crazy. Not diagnosed with anything, but a full-on-conspiracy-therory-red-pill-nutjob. She is insanley mentally and physically abusuve to A and cps has visited several times before but nothing ever came of it. We have been trying to move out for months but M wont let A leave and i dont think she would be safe if i moved out.
This brings us to the first event: A and M were having a verbal argument when M starts choking A, i was nearby and started trying to record what was happening when T comes and gets in my face screaming at me to turn off my phone, when M realized i was recording she went after me and attacked me, its blurry but it ended with her choking me out on the floor trying to wrestle the phone out of my hands. The video i got doesn’t really have a lot but some audio but they tried to threaten me into deleting the video anyways, but i recovered it so its till on my phone.
After this we all kind of just avoid one another, until last Wednesday, when both my girlfriend and I were out of the house M went through all of our stuff and found my stash of D8 products. Everything i had in the stash was bought legally by me (the store i used was The Cannabis Factory, if that matters) and i have reciepts to prove it. Including the products and glassware she stole over $600 worth of stuff. Now shes refusing to give it back. She keeps telling me she gave it to a family member of mine that lives in town but she’s lying because they weren’t even in town when she started telling me they had it. My girlfriend and I are working on moving out, and M agreed to sign away right of Attorney over A to a family friend, but I really just want to get back at M for everything she's done to us.
Other info: T smokes weed that is 100% illegal, regularly. T drives without a license daily. M owns several guns, which she gives T access to, A and i have some photo evidence of guns being left out around the house technically we are squatting at this point because M stopped paying rent and our landlord told us to leave a few months ago M also occasionally threatens to "put down" one of our cats who has an autoimmune disease.
submitted by GeneralPage9163 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:34 rwfan18 PonyXL: Stop turning your head!

So i have been trying to generate a photo of a character walking away from the camera. Ive gotten the pose, everything is right, except that no matter what i put in positive and negative prompts She always ends up with her head turned slightly to the side, I am Genning locally with Auto1111, and several Loras, No aDetailer for this specific shot.
Also on a slightly unrelated note, what is the best way to describe two separate charterers, I know you can use inpainting to tweak specific things, but just wondering if there was an easier way to specifically break up two characters in the original prompt to get a better baseline for inpainting tweaks.
Pos: (score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up), volumetric lighting, vibrant colors, 1girl, ( ((skinny body)), 18 yo girl, narrow waist, narrow hips, skinny arms, skinny thighs, thigh gap, ((pale skin)), ((long black hair with dark purple highlights, blunt bangs,)) (long nails, spiked bracelets and anklets), (tight crop top), tight spiked thigh bands, tight black shorts, (spiked black goth jacket), (Spiked collar),), (public street background), Gothic decorations, dark theme, low light, walking away from viewer, small butt, ((back view:1.3)), (looking forward:1.5), back of head, staring off into distance,
Neg: easynegative, score_6, score_5, score_4, source_furry, 3d, futa, futanari, pubic hair, pubes, body hair, hair accessories, hair clip, bad anatomy, bad proportions, gross proportions, unnatural body, uncoordinated body, disfigured, ugly, deformed, fused bodies, body horror, malformed, mutated, mutation, bad hand, bad hands, bad fingers, mutated fingers, fused bodies, body horror, weird face, ugly face, long face, conjoined, extra arms, monochrome, bad text, x-ray, signature, pale skin, big arms, bulky arms, long toe nails, flat ass, skin blemishes, text on clothes, car interior, ((bubbles:3)), ((nose piercing)), (face wrinkles), looking at audience, looking at viewer:1.3, eye contact:1.3, turning head, (looking to the side),
Any help or input would be awesome.
submitted by rwfan18 to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:32 elcahmist42 Need feedback on 7-scenario custom campaign with potential custom Infinity Stone mod

I have several friends who don't own this game, but come over to play casually.
So far, we've just been playing my favorite scenarios from various expansions, but I figured it might be interesting to combine some of my favorites into a custom campaign, & paste on some unifying theme:
You can do the following 6 scenarios in any order (*I picked scenarios that I thought my friends would like):
  1. Soul: Green Goblin* (or Venom Goblin)
  2. Power: Juggernaut* (or Nebula, Ronan)
  3. Reality: Zola* (or Red Skull)
  4. Mind: Mr. Sinister* with Focusing In as the first Main Scheme 2A (or Stryfe, Mysterio)
  5. Space: Hela* (or Magneto, Collector, Mojo Mania, Dark Beast)
  6. Time: En Sabah Nur* (or Kang)
If you win the scenario, you keep the Stone.
If you lose the scenario, the Stone will added to the Infinity Gauntlet mod of the final scenario. And if you own a lot of heroes, those heroes are killed & cannot be used again in the campaign.
With my friends I'll probably just do Option 1 below, but I'm thinking about other possible options for when I play solo:
OPTION 1: Keep it simple; just play as stated above.
OPTION 2: Use the appropriate MTS Infinity Gauntlet mod card & use counters to make it trigger about every (P+3) rounds (P = number of players), except for Power Stone, which is used as is.
OPTION 3: Use a custom Infinity Stone mod for 6 villains & their respective mods, which, like the MTS Power Stone mod, can pass back & forth between villain & player. Possibilities:
Soul: All minions (for villain) or allies (for a player) gain Tough.
Power: +1 ATK; cannot be stunned (or just use the MTS mod)
Reality: If villain has it, they get 1 facedown boost card at beginning of villain phase. If a player has it, once per round they may play an upgrade or attachment for 1 less resource.
Mind: +1 SCH/THW; cannot be confused.
Space: If villain has it, their attacks gain ranged & they allies cannot defend against their attacks. If player has it, their attacks gain ranged & are unaffected by guard.
Time: If villain has it, +1 Acceleration icon per player. If player has it, they may ready their identity after a basic action (once per round).
OPTION 4: Add a related mod, such as:
  1. Soul: Down to Earth
  2. Power: Super Strength or Symbiotic Strength
  3. Reality: Dystopian Nightmare or Legions of Hel
  4. Mind: Personal Nightmare &/or Whispers of Paranoia (or Enchantress until defeated)
  5. Space: Add Badoon Headhunter to every future scenario, until they're defeated
  6. Time: Add Master of Time or Future Past to every future scenario, until they're defeated
OPTION 5: During setup, put a Mojo Mania Environment in play, such as:
  1. Soul: Fantasy
  2. Power: Horror
  3. Reality: Sitcom
  4. Mind: Crime
  5. Space: Sci-Fi (or Blue Moon from Dark Beast)
  6. Time: Western (or Savage Land from Dark Beast)
OPTION 6: Use the GMW Market to get cards. To unlock the Market, you must either have a Guardian hero, or the Space Stone, or have won a Mojo Mania scenario (so maybe this campaign has 8 scenarios).
I just started thinking about this, so I'm open to any comments or feedback (especially Option 3, since I haven't playtested anything yet).
submitted by elcahmist42 to marvelchampionslcg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:28 Lostwillowfarm Just uploaded a May recap video of clips from my cam feeder!

Just uploaded a May recap video of clips from my cam feeder!
Made it one full month with my First to the Feeder series! Just wanted to share it here.
submitted by Lostwillowfarm to birding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:17 Bienza_ #Technoblade25

This year i wanted to show everything i do to celebrate Technoblade's Birthday, In June i buy and take care of a flower and put it in a special pot. This Today i made steak and Cheesy Potatoes after i saw Mr.Technodad's Video. And i made a drawing Of Technoblade and Philza Laughing together, what i wouldn't give to see them together just one more time. I hope this tribute is enough and i hope Techno is having Fun on his Birthay. Long live the King. Long Live the Blade.
submitted by Bienza_ to Technoblade [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:15 Scyth3r_ 25M, Everything that you ever did brought you here on this post. Might as well, check it out!!

Hi, I am 25 y/o Physicist(not at all like Sheldon Cooper, lol), looking to make some long term friends. I have got some free time at my hand from work, so I thought why not use it to make some new connections.
So, when I am not busy unravelling the secrets of the universe, I like to draw, sketch and paint, read books, watch movies and TV shows, with my favourite genre being sci-fi and psychological thrillers, and listen to music. I also like to play football(soccer for my American friends) and video games on my PC. I have started learning guitar recently as well.
I like to have nice meaningful converstaions as well as light and funny ones too. I try my best to make people smile and laugh and provide a safe, non-judgemental space for them to open up at their own pace. You can talk to me about anything. Your day was good? Tell me all about it. Your day went bad? Vent all you want. Saw a cute person that you instantly had a crush on? Share what you liked about them. Had something nice to eat? Tell me how good it was. Have some problems in your life? Share them and we'll try to find solutions together but no compulsion if you only wanna vent. Just be yourself!!
If any of this rings a bell, you can send me a chat and we can connect and get in the process of knowing one another. I have no preferences over gender but I do ask that you be atleast 18+. Hope you all have great day!!
submitted by Scyth3r_ to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:15 OkCalligrapher9 None of the Archives buttons work in VR

I'm playing for the first time on my Quest 3 and any time I try any of the buttons (play, pause, rewind, fast-forward, or mute) on the TVs in the different areas of the Archives room, nothing happens.
I have a pointer that works just fine on the left side menu next to the TVs, but I can't actually navigate the clips at all except to click "stop" and that's only because it's in the menu.
Weirdly, I can sort of grab at each button and it puts my hand through the TV at that spot around where the button is. It doesn't seem to do this in other spots so it's like it knows the buttons should be interactive but I can't interact with them correctly?
I've hit every button on my controllers but maybe I'm just missing something.
submitted by OkCalligrapher9 to NotForBroadcast [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:14 ZuhaibZAK Finished install of the MB900. What are these brackets for?

Finished install of the MB900. What are these brackets for?
First post of the many to come here! I got the MB900 from Costco amd just finished the assembly. I believe the chrome ones are the heat deflectors and clips for the pizza oven assembly. But what are these two black things for? I went through the assembly manual as well as Anderson assembly video on YouTube but can’t figure out!
submitted by ZuhaibZAK to Masterbuilt [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:13 MavisWut AtsuKyou vs AtsuLucy

AtsuKyou vs AtsuLucy
Me personally think AtsuKyou as more of a sibling relationship. AtsuLucy is kinda adorable tbh 😭🙏
What do ygs think?
submitted by MavisWut to BungouStrayDogs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:12 Hamstercita Help finding an ad?

Help finding an ad?
Someone posted this video of the Dutch national football team in a bus with an orange cat lol, it’s just a clip but I want to find the full video. It looks like an ad or promotional video of some kind. Help please :)
submitted by Hamstercita to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:12 Stage-Piercing727 Best 12000 Lumen Flashlight

Best 12000 Lumen Flashlight
Are you in need of a bright and reliable flashlight for your next outdoor adventure? Look no further! In this article, we have compiled a roundup of the top 12000 Lumen flashlights on the market, designed to illuminate even the darkest of paths. From durability to versatility, each flashlight on our list has been carefully selected to ensure that you find the perfect fit for your needs. So, let's dive in and discover the best 12000 Lumen flashlights to help you see clearly and confidently in any situation.

The Top 18 Best 12000 Lumen Flashlight

  1. Mighty Nebo 12K Rechargeable LED Flashlight: Powerful and Versatile - Impeccably designed, the NEBO 12K Rechargeable Flashlight offers a powerful, rechargeable, and versatile lighting solution for adventurers and professionals alike.
  2. 990,000 Lumen Rechargeable Flashlight: Waterproof, Portable, & Durable High-Lumen LED Light - Experience unmatched brightness and durability with the 990,000-lumen rechargeable flashlight, packed with essential features like a 12000mAh battery, USB fast charging, and waterproof design, making it the perfect companion for outdoor enthusiasts.
  3. Portable 12000 Lumen LED Work Light for Indoor and Outdoor Use - Illuminate your workspace with ease thanks to the Husky 12000 Lumens/6000 Lumens Portable LED Work Light, offering a slim, portable design with a pivoting adjustable head and durable, cool-to-the-touch LED bulb, perfect for both indoor and outdoor use.
  4. WUBEN X1 LED Flashlight: Super Bright, Waterproof, and Durable - Experience unparalleled brightness with the WUBEN X1 Rechargeable Flashlight, offering 12000 lumens, 7 programmable modes, and fast charging capabilities making it the ultimate super-bright tactical flashlight for all your adventures.
  5. Powerful Super Bright USB Rechargeable Flashlight with 12000 Lumens - YXQUA XHP70 12000 Lumen Flashlight: Super Bright, USB Rechargeable Powerhouse, Adjustable Focus, Durable Rubber Cover, Ideal for Emergencies and Outdoor Activities
  6. Ultra-Bright 12000 Lumen Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use - Experience ultimate brightness with the SKNSL Rechargeable LED Flashlight, offering 120000 lumens and IPX6 waterproof protection, making it a versatile choice for all outdoor adventures.
  7. 100000 Lumen High-Powered LED Flashlight with Rechargeable Battery and IPX6 Waterproof Design - Rechargeable 100000 Lumen Flashlight with Advanced XHP99 LED, Power Bank Charging, and IPX6 Waterproof Durability for Camping, Mountaineering, and Emergency Use!
  8. Super Bright 12000 Lumen Fenix LR50R Rechargeable Flashlight - Experience unparalleled brightness and convenience with the Fenix LR50R rechargeable flashlight, boasting a stunning 12000 lumen output, versatile power sources, and an array of features perfect for any outdoor adventure.
  9. Ultimate 12000 Lumen Waterproof Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use - Illuminate the world with the Vastfire Worlds Brightest Heavy Duty Flashlight, featuring 100,000 lumens and a versatile 4-in-1 design for outdoor adventures, camping, emergency situations, and everyday use.
  10. ULTRA BRIGHT WUBEN A9: High Lumens Flashlight with Type-C Rechargeable Battery - Experience unmatched brilliance with the WUBEN A9 12000 lumen flashlight - perfect for outdoor adventures with impressive beam distance and multiple adaptable lighting modes.
  11. Bright and Powerful 12000 Lumen Flashlight - Illuminate your surroundings with the WUBEN A9, a powerful 12,000-lumen flashlight designed for maximum brightness and exceptional beam throw.
  12. Super Bright Solar-Charged Spotlight with Multi-Mode Functionality - Experience ultimate brightness with the Victoper Spotlight, featuring 200,000 lumens, 12,000 mAh rechargeable battery, solar charging, 6+3 versatile modes, and extra accessories.
  13. Ultra Bright Handheld 12000 Lumen LED Flashlight with Rechargeable Battery - Perfect for Camping, Hiking, and Hunting - Experience superior brightness and ease with the Decovolt Rechargeable Spotlight, featuring 12000 Lumens, IPX4 waterproof protection, and a 10000mAh long-lasting battery for all your outdoor adventures.
  14. Extra Bright, Waterproof Rechargeable Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use - Unleash the YIERBLUE's power with a 12000 Lumen Flashlight, boasting IP67 waterproof technology, long-running LED, and versatile 4-setting functionality, making it your perfect hands-free LED companion in nature!
  15. High Lumens Rechargeable LED Flashlight for Bright and Wide Vision - Experience unmatched brightness and versatility with the lemihui 120000 lumen rechargeable LED flashlight, featuring 5 lighting modes, durable aluminum alloy construction, and a portable design that makes it the last flashlight you'll ever need.
  16. Nitecore TM12K 12,000 Lumen Rechargeable Flashlight: The Ultimate Outdoor Companion - The Nitecore TM12K is a powerful, rechargeable flashlight with advanced features, providing an impressive 12,000 lumen output, making it perfect for diverse outdoor activities, while boasting USB-C fast charging and customizable options.
  17. SamYoung Super Bright LED Flashlight with Waterproof Design and 30-Hour Runtime - Brighten your world with the SamYoung Spotlight 12000 Lumen Flashlight, featuring a massive 10000 mAh battery and IP65 waterproof design, providing 30 hours of illumination and unmatched durability!
  18. Upgraded Rechargeable Flashlight: Super-Bright 12000 Lumen, IP67 Waterproof, 5 Light Modes, & Up to 1000ft Cast with Zoomable Capability - Illuminate your surroundings with ease! This rechargeable 120,000 Lumen flashlight features 5 lighting modes, zoomable spotlight, and an upgraded Type-C charge cable, now waterproof and durable for any adventure.
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🔗Mighty Nebo 12K Rechargeable LED Flashlight: Powerful and Versatile
As a flashlight enthusiast, I recently had the chance to try out the Nebo 12K Rechargeable Flashlight, and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. This flashlight boasts 5 different light modes, making it a versatile companion for any outdoor activity or emergency situation.
The highlight of this rechargeable flashlight is its impressive run time, particularly in low mode. With 12 hours of use on low mode, you can be sure it will last during those long power outages or camping trips. Not only does it have a long run time, but it also provides a powerful beam that reaches up to 721 feet.
One feature I appreciated was the 2x adjustable zoom, which allows for flexibility and precision when illuminating a subject. Additionally, the IP67 waterproof rating gave me peace of mind when using the flashlight in wet conditions, knowing it would not easily malfunction.
The NEBO 12K truly shines as a multi-purpose tool, effectively functioning as a camping light, hunting light, EDC flashlight, and even doubling as a power bank for your USB-rechargeable devices.
There were a couple of drawbacks, however. The flashlight itself can be quite heavy, weighing in at 2 pounds, which may be a consideration for some users. The high setting only reaches up to 3,000 lumens, which might not be the brightest available on the market.
In summary, the Nebo 12K Rechargeable Flashlight offers versatility, durability, and an impressive beam distance, making it an excellent choice for outdoor enthusiasts and emergency preparedness. The only downside is its weight and the relatively low lumen capacity on the highest mode, but overall, I am quite pleased with my experience using this flashlight.

🔗990,000 Lumen Rechargeable Flashlight: Waterproof, Portable, & Durable High-Lumen LED Light
I recently tried using this Super Bright LED Flashlight during a camping trip, and I must admit, it was an impressive and necessary piece of gear for my outdoor explorations. With a maximum output of 990,000 lumens, it was brighter than most of my other flashlights combined. The upgraded LED chip and battery really made a difference.
One of the standout features of this high-lumen rechargeable flashlight was the large 12000mAh battery that allowed for up to 24 hours of continuous operation at low light mode. It was perfect for nighttime hikes or scouting while navigating through dense forests. The fast charging port was also a nice touch, significantly speeding up the charging process.
I enjoyed the fact that this flashlight had 4 modes - high, medium, low, and strobe - which were incredibly useful in different situations. The easy-to-use switch made it simple to toggle between modes and turn off after use. The durable yet lightweight construction, coupled with its waterproof design, made it a suitable companion for any adventure.
Overall, my experience with the Super Bright LED Flashlight was both exhilarating and eye-opening, as it truly illuminated the darkness and provided comfort on my camping trip. The superior performance, versatility, and safety standards, along with the great after-sales service, make this a must-have piece of gear for any outdoor enthusiast.

🔗Portable 12000 Lumen LED Work Light for Indoor and Outdoor Use
In my search for a portable work light, I came across the Husky 12000 Lumens LED light. With its 5 ft grounded power cord, I found it extremely practical for use both indoors and outdoors. The pivoting, adjustable head provided me with the flexibility to direct the light exactly where I needed it.
One of the features that stood out to me was its LED bulb, which not only illuminates my workspace effectively but also remains cool to the touch. The work light is also plug-in, making it easy to keep it powered during long work sessions without the need for constantly replacing batteries.
The sturdiness of the light impressed me. Despite its portability, it has a solid construction that helped me achieve a steady working environment. This light truly deserves the 5.0 rating that is so highly praised by its users. It's become an essential part of my daily toolkit, and I highly recommend giving it a try.

🔗WUBEN X1 LED Flashlight: Super Bright, Waterproof, and Durable
I recently tried out the WUBEN X1 Rechargeable Flashlight and was completely blown away by its incredible brightness. With up to 12000 lumens, this torch definitely lit up my path like a beacon. It's equipped with 3 high-quality LEDs, which burst into a blinding light instantly. The 7 modes and programmable settings let you customize its output to fit your needs perfectly.
Charging this flashlight is a breeze, thanks to its ultra-fast charging ability. The Type-C to Type-C charging cable enables a quick 27W charge, fully powering the built-in batteries in just two hours. With a maximum running time of up to 220 hours in energy-saving mode, you'll never have to worry about being left in the dark.
The WUBEN X1's design is incredibly comfortable and practical. Its flat, ergonomic shape fits perfectly in your hand, making it a pleasure to use. It even comes with a storage bag and paratrooper lanyard for added convenience.
One of the standout features of this flashlight is its durability. Made from hard-anodized aerospace-grade aluminum alloy, it can withstand any punishment you throw at it. Plus, with an IP55 waterproof rating, you can use it fearlessly in the rain.
Overall, the WUBEN X1 Rechargeable Flashlight is an impressive piece of kit that provides both convenience and reliability. It's definitely a must-have for outdoor enthusiasts and those in need of a versatile, high-quality torch.

🔗Powerful Super Bright USB Rechargeable Flashlight with 12000 Lumens
The YXQUA XHP70 12000 Lumen Flashlight has been a reliable companion during my hiking trips and late-night walks. The bright CREE XHP70 LED lamp illuminated my way through the darkness, while the zoom feature allowed me to control the brightness intensity and illumination range. With its five modes, I could choose the perfect setting for any situation, and the intelligent power indicator light never let me down with low battery reminders.
One particularly impressive feature was the built-in rubber USB cover; it not only added durability to the flashlight but also made it less prone to accidents. While adjusting the focus and brightness was a simple and straightforward process, one downside was the tendency of the glass not to cool down quickly, which could potentially burn my hand.
Using this flashlight has been enjoyable and convenient, fulfilling its purpose as a powerful, rechargeable, and versatile light to keep away darkness and danger.

🔗Ultra-Bright 12000 Lumen Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use
These SKNSL Rechargeable LED Flashlights truly shine with their impressive 900,000 lumen output, providing brightness you can count on. I was particularly drawn to the 7 modes, making it a versatile choice for all kinds of adventures.
One thing I really appreciated is the use of COB technology in these flashlights. It made the focus easily adjustable, switching between wide range and spot illumination, greatly aiding in my detection of surroundings.
However, it did take some getting used to with handling the light for long periods of time due to the intense brightness, which felt more like a sun's intense glare.
But overall, these LED flashlights provide a powerful and rechargeable source of light in emergencies or during your outdoor treks. With their IP6 waterproof rating and strong aluminum alloy body, they are built to handle any weather or situation.

🔗100000 Lumen High-Powered LED Flashlight with Rechargeable Battery and IPX6 Waterproof Design
I've been using this super bright and versatile flashlight for all sorts of outdoor activities, and let me tell you, it's been a lifesaver! The XHP99 LED chip provides a whopping 100,000 lumens, making it perfect for lighting up even the darkest of corners.
One of my favorite features is the advanced rechargeable design - not only do I save on batteries, but the charging speed is lightning fast! And the multiple output functions let me power up my phone in a pinch or use it as a tool during emergencies. Plus, the large capacity battery keeps the flashlight going strong for at least 8-12 hours thanks to the included 5000mAh lithium batteries.
But hey, don't let the powerful performance fool you - this flashlight is incredibly durable and waterproof, making it just as great for camping, mountaineering, or any outdoor adventure. And with its adjustable focus and 5 different lighting modes, it's the ultimate tool for whatever situation you find yourself in. So if you're looking for the ultimate, rechargeable, super-bright flashlight, look no further!

🔗Super Bright 12000 Lumen Fenix LR50R Rechargeable Flashlight
I had the chance to try out the Fenix LR50R rechargeable flashlight, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. This little powerhouse puts out a whopping 12,000 lumens - brighter than any flashlight I've ever owned. But what impresses me the most is its versatility. It's perfect for search and rescue, but I've also found it handy for when I need a little extra light while camping.
The Fenix LR50R is easy to use, too. With dual stainless steel side switches, you can quickly cycle through its six brightness modes and SOS, beacon, and strobe functions. The built-in tripod mount is a nice touch, making it convenient to use in different settings.
Now, let's talk about the battery life. The included 16,000 mAh battery pack can be fast-charged with the USB Type-C charging cable, and it has enough juice to keep the flashlight running for over 58 hours on eco mode. Plus, the LR50R can also be powered by one to four 21700 batteries, making it a great backup for when your primary battery dies.
The Fenix LR50R isn't without its minor cons, though. It's definitely on the heavier side, so it might not be the best option for those who prefer a lighter flashlight. Also, while the flashlight itself is well-made, the included accessories could use some improvement - I found the holster and lanyard a bit flimsy.
Overall, the Fenix LR50R rechargeable flashlight is a powerful and versatile tool that's perfect for those who need a reliable light source in any situation. Its high lumen output, easy-to-use interface, and long battery life make it a standout choice among other flashlights on the market.

🔗Ultimate 12000 Lumen Waterproof Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use

As I embarked on a camping trip, my go-to companion was the Vastfire World's flashlight - a powerful 100,000 lumen marvel. Its large 10000mAh capacity kept me lit up for the entire journey, and its adjustable focus allowed me to easily switch from wide-angle to long-range illumination.
The four different brightness modes were perfect for various situations, and the OLED power display ensured I never ran out of battery. The side white and red lantern was a lifesaver during nighttime endeavors, providing both powerful light and useful features like emergency red strobe.
This flashlight even doubled as a portable power bank, giving extra life to my devices! The window breaking functionality was an unexpected and reassuring bonus, and the IPX6 waterproof feature made sure the elements never got the better of it.
My Vastfire Worlds flashlight truly became my indispensable tool on outdoor adventures, camping trips, and nighttime tasks. It was reliable, versatile, and portable, making it the ultimate must-have.

🔗ULTRA BRIGHT WUBEN A9: High Lumens Flashlight with Type-C Rechargeable Battery
I recently got my hands on the WUBEN A9 flashlight and let me tell you, it was a delightful experience. The first thing that caught my attention was its ultrabright light. It's powered by a custom 10200 mAh rechargeable battery pack that can emit up to 12000 lumens of output.
This flashlight comes with a multitude of lighting modes. It has 4 basic modes: Turbo/High/Med/Low, and 2 modes for emergency: SOS/Strobe. The side switch design allows me to operate the flashlight with just one hand.
What I truly appreciate about this flashlight is its rechargeable feature. It can be charged via a Type-C charging cable, making it eco-friendly and budget-friendly. When fully charged, the flashlight can last up to 3.6 hours in Turbo mode and up to 23 days in Low mode.
The durability of this flashlight is top-notch. It's made of hard anodizing aircraft grade aluminum alloy and is IP68 waterproof and dustproof.
In the package, you get the flashlight, a 10200 mAh rechargeable battery, a shoulder strap, a Type-C charging cable, an adapter, 2 spare O-rings, and a user manual.
Overall, the WUBEN A9 is a reliable, ultra-bright, and eco-friendly flashlight that's perfect for all your outdoor adventures.

🔗Bright and Powerful 12000 Lumen Flashlight
I recently had the chance to try out the WUBEN A9, a high power flashlight. With an impressive 12,000 lumen output and a maximum beam throw of 420 meters, this flashlight was designed to shine brightly and far. In my daily life, I often found myself reaching for this flashlight when I needed extra light during camping trips or late-night walks.
What stood out the most about the WUBEN A9 was the quality of the three LED chips, which provided a beautiful wide beam. At the same time, the flashlight was incredibly powerful, making it a great choice for situations that required a bit more illumination. However, there were a few areas where I felt the flashlight could have been better.
One con was the battery life, which could be improved for long-term use. Additionally, the user interface required some getting used to, and I felt that there might have been a simpler way to navigate through the various settings.
Overall, the WUBEN A9 is a reliable and powerful flashlight that offers enough light for those who require it. With its unique wide beam and maximum lumen output, it's perfect for those looking for a bright and practical light source in their daily lives.

🔗Super Bright Solar-Charged Spotlight with Multi-Mode Functionality
When I tried the Victoper Spotlight flashlight, I was blown away by how incredibly bright it was. The 2624 feet (800m) irradiation distance made it perfect for all kinds of occasions.
And the 12,000 mAh large capacity battery meant it never ran out of charge—even for an entire night! . Charging it during the day using solar power was an added bonus.
The various modes, including Strong Light and Weak Light, plus side modes like Strong Light and RED-BLUE Strobe, made it extremely versatile. Not only that, but getting extra accessories with my purchase was a fantastic added touch. Overall, the Victoper Spotlight was an essential tool for all my brightness needs.

🔗Ultra Bright Handheld 12000 Lumen LED Flashlight with Rechargeable Battery - Perfect for Camping, Hiking, and Hunting
This ultra-bright handheld spotlight from Decovolt boasts a powerful 12000 lumen LED that generates a focused spot beam, illuminating distances up to 2600ft/800m. Its unique rechargeable design offers three adaptable settings - High, Low, and Flash - and an impressive battery capacity of 10000 mAh. The ergonomic handle and low weight ensure comfort and long-lasting use without fatigue.
With its high-quality ABS plastic construction, this flashlight is designed to withstand the elements as well, with an IPX4 waterproof rating. Ideal for a range of outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and hunting, its durability and versatility make it a must-have for anyone seeking reliable, bright lighting.

🔗Extra Bright, Waterproof Rechargeable Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use
Last month, I decided to give the Yierblue Rechargeable Spotlight Flashlight a try during one of my usual camping trips. At first, I was skeptical about its claimed brightness, but it truly was extra bright compared to the small models I've used before. The LED light had a lifespan of 50,000 hours, which was impressive considering how often I used it, and its 1000,000 lumen beam was able to cast light up to an incredible 550 yards.
One of the features I found particularly helpful was its IP67 waterproof and floating ability. I submerged it into the river near my campsite by accident, but not only did it perform like a charm, but it actually floated back up to the surface! This added layer of durability was a definite pro, especially when paired with the High strength ABS housing and silicone protective case.
The flashlight's versatile capabilities added even more convenience to my outdoor adventures. With an output port that served as a power bank to charge my devices in emergencies and built-in 10000 mAh batteries, I was confident I would never be left in the dark. The 4 adaptable light settings made it suitable for various activities, from working on a farm to hunting or simply providing hands-free lighting.
Despite all its advantages, one thing I did notice was that the flashlight tended to be quite heavy in comparison to others, making it less ideal for extended periods of use or carrying around on long hikes. Additionally, though the provided red filter was great for specific purposes, such as hunting, I would've appreciated a more adjustable or easily removable feature to further customize the light.
On the whole, my experience with the Yierblue Rechargeable Spotlight Flashlight has been a pleasant one. The brightness, waterproofing, and versatility of the device made it a valuable addition to my camping gear, while its weight and filter issues were minor inconveniences. Overall, I would recommend this flashlight for anyone in need of a heavy-duty, extra bright light for their outdoor adventures.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to choosing a 12000 Lumen flashlight, there are several factors to consider to ensure you're getting a high-quality product that meets your needs. In this buyer's guide, we will provide you with the important features, considerations, and general advice to help you make an informed decision.

Important Features


The primary feature to look for in a 12000 Lumen flashlight is, of course, the brightness. This amount of light output is suitable for various environments, including camping, hiking, emergency situations, and even industrial settings. Always check the manufacturer's specifications to ensure the flashlight delivers the advertised brightness.

Weight and Portability

A 12000 Lumen flashlight can be quite heavy, so consider the weight and portability when making your decision. If you plan to carry the flashlight frequently, choose one with a comfortable grip and a balance of size, weight, and power. Additionally, consider whether the flashlight comes with a carrying case, holster, or any other accessories that may aid in portability.


Since a 12000 Lumen flashlight is likely to be used in outdoor or rugged environments, durability is crucial. Look for a flashlight with a sturdy, waterproof, and shock-resistant build. Check the materials and construction, as well as the manufacturer's warranty, to ensure the product can withstand the wear and tear of everyday use.

Battery Life

A 12000 Lumen flashlight requires a significant amount of power. As such, it's essential to consider the battery life. High-capacity rechargeable batteries are usually recommended for these types of flashlights. Additionally, a fast charging time and the ability to use replaceable batteries can be great advantages.

Beam Type and Beam Pattern

Different flashlight models come with different beam types and patterns. A focused beam is ideal for long-distance illumination, while a wider beam pattern is better for close-up tasks. Consider the activities you'll be using the flashlight for and choose one with a beam type and pattern that suits your needs.

Additional Features

Some 12000 Lumen flashlights come with additional features, such as strobe or SOS functions, multiple brightness levels, waterproofness, and even built-in charging ports. Evaluate which features are most important to you and choose a flashlight that meets your preferences.



Before making your purchase, establish a budget. While a high-quality 12000 Lumen flashlight may come with a higher price tag, always consider whether the product offers value for money. Additionally, factor in any additional costs for carrying cases, batteries, or other accessories.

Brand Reputation

Do some research on the brand's reputation, customer reviews, and overall satisfaction with their products. A trusted brand with positive reviews is more likely to provide a high-quality and reliable 12000 Lumen flashlight.

Warranty and Support

A good warranty and customer support can give you peace of mind when purchasing a 12000 Lumen flashlight. Typically, flashlights with longer warranties and accessible support channels demonstrate a manufacturer's confidence in their product.

General Advice

When choosing a 12000 Lumen flashlight, consider your needs and preferences to make an educated decision. Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek advice from knowledgeable sources, such as experienced outdoorsmen, reviewers, or sales representatives. Additionally, always read the product manual and follow the manufacturer's guidelines to ensure safe and optimal use.


What is a 12000 Lumen Flashlight?

A 12000 Lumen Flashlight is a highly powerful and bright flashlight that can illuminate large areas or objects in complete darkness. It is designed for use in emergency situations, hunting, camping, outdoor activities, or any scenario where a powerful light source is needed.

What are the advantages of a 12000 Lumen Flashlight?

  • Extremely bright light
  • Long battery life
  • Compact and portable design
  • Various modes and settings
  • Durable and rugged construction

What types of 12000 Lumen Flashlights are available?

There are several types of 12000 Lumen Flashlights, including handheld flashlights, headlamp flashlights, and rechargeable flashlights. Some models may have additional features such as retractable clips, built-in backup batteries, or waterproof designs.

Are 12000 Lumen Flashlights expensive?

Prices for 12000 Lumen Flashlights can vary based on brand, features, and quality. While some higher-end models may be more expensive, there are also budget-friendly options available that still deliver impressive performance.

How do I choose the right 12000 Lumen Flashlight for my needs?

  • Consider the size and weight of the flashlight
  • Think about what features are important to you (e. g. , rechargeability, battery life, waterproofing)
  • Read reviews and compare prices of different models
  • Determine your budget

How long does the battery last in a 12000 Lumen Flashlight?

Battery life in a 12000 Lumen Flashlight can vary greatly depending on the model and how it is used. Some flashlights may have a battery life of just a few hours, while others can last up to 50 hours or more. Always refer to the manufacturer's specifications for accurate battery life information.

What is the difference between a 12000 Lumen Flashlight and a lower-lumen flashlight?

The primary difference between a 12000 Lumen Flashlight and a lower-lumen flashlight is the amount of light they produce. A 12000 Lumen Flashlight is significantly brighter than a lower-lumen flashlight, allowing it to illuminate larger areas or objects in complete darkness more effectively.

Are 12000 Lumen Flashlights safe and reliable to use?

Yes, 12000 Lumen Flashlights are generally safe and reliable to use. However, as with any powerful tool, it is essential to follow proper safety guidelines and handle the flashlight responsibly. Always keep your eyes protected from the bright light and avoid pointing the flashlight at others.

Where can I purchase a 12000 Lumen Flashlight?

You can purchase a 12000 Lumen Flashlight from various retailers, both online and in-store. Some popular options include Amazon, Walmart, and outdoor gear stores. Make sure to read product reviews and compare prices before making a purchase.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:10 blackittty Aventurine & Bad Luck?

I’ve been wearing my beautiful green aventurine necklace daily for a few weeks and recently my boyfriend has been wearing it, and benefiting from its effects, he’s a server and said every time he wears it he makes more money than usual and feels extra lucky. He doesn’t believe in this kind of stuff so I was excited that he was finding it to be very positive! However, he forgot to wear it today so I wore it to work.
I had the most unluckiest of days and even after getting home from work, I left it on and night just kept getting weirder. I had brain fog, was late to work even though I arrived an hour early, had low energy, got really bad cramps, and had handful of weird experiences with an online video game (don’t judge me haha)
Is it possible that when my boyfriend wore the aventurine, he used up most of its energy/benefits and I was left with the “bad” stuff? I don’t really know how the negative side effects of crystals present themselves and google wasn’t very helpful. Is this a thing that happens? And if it does, is each crystal different? Should I be cleansing it after each person wears it or charging it?
Any constructive advice is appreciated!
submitted by blackittty to Crystals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:09 Count-Daring243 Best 9000 Lumen Flashlight

Best 9000 Lumen Flashlight
Illuminate your path with the unparalleled brightness of our 9000 Lumen Flashlight. Join us as we explore the top products available in the market, highlighting their features, benefits, and what makes them stand out from the rest.

The Top 5 Best 9000 Lumen Flashlight

  1. Super Bright Camping LED Flashlight - Enjoy the brightest and most powerful LED flashlight experience for your outdoor adventures with Tongtai's 900000 Lumens Super Bright Flashlight, featuring an upgraded XHP70.2 LED bulb and waterproof IPX5 level.
  2. Super Bright Rechargeable LED Flashlight with 900000 Lumens - Illuminate your surroundings with NJ Forever's super bright 900,000 lumens rechargeable flashlight, perfect for emergency situations and featuring IPX6 waterproof technology for ultimate durability.
  3. Incredible High Lumens Rechargeable LED Super Bright Flashlight - Brighten your nights with the P108 Rechargeable Flashlight, featuring up to 250,000 lumens, a compact yet sturdy design, and waterproof capabilities for all your outdoor adventures.
  4. Ultra-Bright 12000 Lumen Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use - Experience ultimate brightness with the SKNSL Rechargeable LED Flashlight, offering 120000 lumens and IPX6 waterproof protection, making it a versatile choice for all outdoor adventures.
  5. 9000 Lumen Military-Grade Waterproof Tactical Flashlight - BengMxj's high lumen, waterproof, and durable tactical flashlight offers 5 modes, zoomable spot and floodlights, making it the ultimate survival prep for the unpredictable outdoors.
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🔗Super Bright Camping LED Flashlight
When I first got my hands on the Tongtai Rechargeable LED Flashlight, I was excited to see how it would perform in various outdoor situations. As I tested it on a camping trip, the first thing that stood out to me was the brightness - the flashlight had a much wider field of view, thanks to the upgraded XHP70.2 LED bulb with a convex lens. This feature proved to be incredibly helpful when we were navigating through the dark woods.
However, I did notice that the flashlight wasn't completely waterproof, even though it had an IPX5 Waterproof Level. While I was able to use it in light rain, I wouldn't recommend submerging it in water for a long time. It's a minor drawback, but it's still great for the occasional splash.
The Tongtai LED Flashlight was perfect for our camping trip, as it provided us with the brightness we needed during our outdoor activities. Its portability and rechargeable nature made it a great addition to our camping gear, and I would definitely recommend it for anyone looking for a reliable LED flashlight for their adventures.

🔗Super Bright Rechargeable LED Flashlight with 900000 Lumens
A couple of months ago, I stumbled upon the super bright NJ Forever Flashlight. It's rechargeable and boasts an impressive 900,000 lumens, making it perfect for emergency situations or outdoor activities. The fact that it's IPx6 waterproof and comes with a USB cable is a big plus, as it ensures the flashlight can handle a bit of splashing and makes charging a breeze.
However, something I wasn't particularly fond of was the chemical warning. It's the "Prop 65 warning, " which means this product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer. That aside, I must admit I've been quite impressed with how long the flashlight lasted during my tests; it consistently ran for about 12 hours on a single charge. The battery it uses is a Nickel–Metal Hydride battery, and while not as common as other battery types, it's still reliable and efficient.

🔗Incredible High Lumens Rechargeable LED Super Bright Flashlight
I recently had the chance to try this rechargeable LED flashlight, and I must say, it's been a game-changer in my outdoor adventures. The 250,000-lumen brightness is unbelievable - it's like having a car headlight in the palm of your hand! And with an IP67 waterproof rating, it's perfect for all kinds of weather. Charging is a breeze too, thanks to the USB-C intelligent charging port. I also appreciate the thoughtful addition of a holster for easy belt clipping or backpack attachment.
One downside I've noticed is the bulky size, which can be a hassle to pack in tight spaces like backpacks. And while it's waterproof, it doesn't float, so if you drop it in water, you might have a tough time retrieving it. But overall, this super bright rechargeable flashlight has been a reliable companion on my camping, hiking, and outdoor excursions.

🔗Ultra-Bright 12000 Lumen Flashlight for Emergency and Outdoor Use
These SKNSL Rechargeable LED Flashlights truly shine with their impressive 900,000 lumen output, providing brightness you can count on. I was particularly drawn to the 7 modes, making it a versatile choice for all kinds of adventures.
One thing I really appreciated is the use of COB technology in these flashlights. It made the focus easily adjustable, switching between wide range and spot illumination, greatly aiding in my detection of surroundings.
However, it did take some getting used to with handling the light for long periods of time due to the intense brightness, which felt more like a sun's intense glare.
But overall, these LED flashlights provide a powerful and rechargeable source of light in emergencies or during your outdoor treks. With their IP6 waterproof rating and strong aluminum alloy body, they are built to handle any weather or situation.

🔗9000 Lumen Military-Grade Waterproof Tactical Flashlight
Recently, I got my hands on the BengMxj Rechargeable LED Flashlights, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. The flashlight's military-grade alloy body is built like a tank, and it's made to withstand rough handling. In the wilderness, I've found it to be super useful, as it's rated waterproof and designed for use in heavy rains, snow, and ice. The aluminum alloy body is resistant to scratches, corrosion, rust, and breakage, making it a durable choice for daily carry.
One of my favorite features is the adjustable zoom, which allows for both long-range observation and illumination of large areas. This flashlight isn't just for those in the military; its 5 different modes and 9000 lumen output make it perfect for everyone. You can switch to high, medium, low brightness, strobe, or SOS mode for different lighting environments. Plus, it's super lightweight, making it easy to carry around in your pocket or backpack.
However, no product is without its drawbacks. While the flashlight is durable, the included 18650 Rechargeable Batteries don't seem to last as long as I'd like, and the USB cable seems a bit flimsy. But overall, the BengMxj Rechargeable LED Flashlights have been a fantastic addition to my daily essentials, and I highly recommend them for anyone looking for a reliable and versatile flashlight.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to selecting a 9000 lumen flashlight, there are a number of factors to consider. From battery life to durability, we've compiled a list of important features to consider before making your purchase. Let's get started!

Lumens and Brightness
The main draw of a 9000 lumen flashlight is the sheer brightness it offers. However, it's essential to understand how these lumens are measured and what they mean in terms of real-world brightness. Look for flashlights with a rating system, such as ANSI FL1, which will help you better understand the true output of the flashlight. Additionally, consider the beam distance and the beam type – whether it's a flood beam for a broader area or a spot beam for greater focus.

Battery Life and Charging

A flashlight's battery life is critical to its overall performance. Consider a flashlight with both rechargeable and replaceable batteries to ensure that you always have a source of power when you need it most. Look for flashlights with battery life indicators, so you can keep track of the remaining power and know when it's time to charge or replace the batteries.

Compatibility and Accessories

Accessories can greatly enhance the functionality of your flashlight. Consider buying a flashlight that offers additional accessories, such as holsters, belt clips, or diffuser lenses. Additionally, look for compatibility with other gear – headlamps or attachment options for other devices.

Durability and Construction

Flashlights with a sturdy build quality are more likely to withstand daily wear and tear and continue functioning correctly. Look for materials like waterproof aluminum or stainless steel, as they offer the best balance of durability and weight. You should also examine the flashlight's water resistance ratings, which will ensure your flashlight remains operational even in harsh weather conditions.

Ease of Use and Personal Preference

Finally, consider the ease of use and the specific features that would be most beneficial to your needs. Consider the flashlight's size, weight, and switch types. Some may prefer a push-button or tail-cap switch, while others might prefer a dial or twist control. Additionally, think about your personal preferences for operation – whether you need multiple brightness levels or strobe settings for emergency situations.
When purchasing a 9000 lumen flashlight, consider the brightness, battery life, accessories, durability, and ease of use. Choosing a flashlight that meets your specific needs will make all the difference in its performance and longevity. Happy shopping!


What is a 9000 Lumen Flashlight?

A 9000 Lumen Flashlight is a high-powered flashlight that provides an incredibly bright light output of 9000 lumens. It is designed for various uses, including outdoor activities, emergencies, and law enforcement purposes.

What are the benefits of using a 9000 Lumen Flashlight?

The benefits of using a 9000 Lumen Flashlight include its bright light output, which can be used for signaling purposes, finding your way in the dark, or illuminating large areas. It is also a versatile tool for outdoor enthusiasts, such as camping, hiking, and fishing, and can be used as an emergency light source in power outages or other situations where electricity is not available.

What is the difference between 9000 Lumen Flashlights and lower lumen flashlights?

The primary difference between 9000 Lumen Flashlights and lower lumen flashlights is the brightness they produce. A 9000 Lumen Flashlight is significantly brighter than a flashlight with a lower lumen output. This higher brightness allows for greater visibility and a more effective light source in various situations.

What features should I look for in a 9000 Lumen Flashlight?

Some key features to look for in a 9000 Lumen Flashlight include a high-quality LED bulb, which provides efficient and long-lasting illumination. A durable, waterproof, and shock-resistant design is also essential, as these flashlights are designed for use in different environments and conditions.

How long do the batteries last in a 9000 Lumen Flashlight?

The battery life of a 9000 Lumen Flashlight depends on various factors, including the type of battery, the brightness setting, and the duration of use. Many high-quality 9000 Lumen Flashlights come with long-lasting, rechargeable batteries that provide several hours of use on a single charge.

How do I choose the right 9000 Lumen Flashlight for my needs?

When choosing the right 9000 Lumen Flashlight, consider your specific needs and the types of situations you will be using it in. Factors such as battery life, light output, durability, and size are important to consider. Additionally, look for a flashlight that offers a variety of modes, such as high, medium, and low settings, which can be tailored to different lighting requirements.

Can I use a 9000 Lumen Flashlight for hunting or outdoor activities?

Yes, a 9000 Lumen Flashlight can be an excellent tool for hunting or other outdoor activities. Its high brightness can help you spot game or navigate through various environments at night. Additionally, many 9000 Lumen Flashlights are designed with waterproof and shock-resistant features, making them suitable for use in different weather conditions and situations.

Are there any safety concerns when using a 9000 Lumen Flashlight?

While using a 9000 Lumen Flashlight, it is essential to ensure you are using it safely. Avoid pointed the flashlight at people or animals, as the high brightness can cause temporary blindness. Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines and safety precautions when using the flashlight.
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2024.06.02 06:06 justgimmiethelight It always takes me a long time to find a job and bounce back

Warning: this is very long
It’s always been like that for me. For some reason it takes me a LOT longer than my peers to find employment. I often find myself chronically unemployed (even though I have years of experience) for a year or more. To top it off I’m autistic and suffer from severe ADHD with anxiety and depression on top of it.
After I graduated university it took me a year to find a job. Had consistent employment for almost 4 years straight until 2018. During this period I actually had a job lined up before I quit.
Fast forward to 2018. Had a job as a software developer for a well known company (no it’s not FAANG) and they paid pretty well. It was the most money I ever made in my life. Unfortunately things didn’t work out there and the work environment and culture wasn’t for me. I was placed on a team as a new dev and they barely gave me any work. After awhile I hated going to work everyday cause everyone basically just ignored me and I spent most of my time self studying on my own. I found this job through their autism to work program. Before accepting the job I was told that I’d get support and accommodations with a mentor.
My “mentor” was basically useless. She didn’t do a damn thing and would cancel our one on one meetings half the time. Sometimes she wouldn’t even tell me at the last minute. She just never showed up. All she did was report negative feedback from my manager and provided no solutions or recommendations to improve. I was let go cause they felt like I “needed a lot of hand holding” lol. They barely gave me work to do. I would finish my assignments in a day or two max. They made some other bullshit complaints too. I showed up on time and did what I had to do every time. It was awful. I was far far away from home and lived out of state at the time also.
Lost my apartment and had to move back home with my family. Long term unemployment stint #1 begins here (if you don’t count how long it took me to find my first job you can say 2)
Fast forward to September 2019 and a friend recommended me a job as a software developer and I finally moved out again. I taught myself HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP to the best of my ability. I was not only learning on the job but maintained their website, ran chron jobs, and troubleshooted issues with site functionality and even the web server. I was literally a one man show. To top it off I was working for $15/hour. To top it off my boss was a prick and would sometimes short my coworker and I money on our checks. My coworker handled all the marketing and promotion. I handled everything related to the website.
Fast forward to June 2020. Of the two of us unfortunately I was the one laid off for whatever reason. My boss just called me and said that they’re laying me off right in the middle of COVID. Since I wasn’t working I could no longer afford rent so I had to move back home. I became super depressed and it took me a little over a year to find a job.
Fast forward to August 2021 and I found a job at a call center. Ended up getting fired and it was my fault sadly. I got fired for yelling and hanging up on a customer. That day I was in a really bad mood and the person on the other line started cursing me out and getting real disrespectful with me. I was happy to be fired. Worked there for only two weeks.
Four months later in December 2021 I landed a job that was closer to home but another shitty call center. Surprisingly I lasted there a year and a half. My mental health was already in the toilet and I was doing everything I could to hold onto this job for dear life. So I sucked it up until I found another job. I wanted to get out that call center so badly since it was nothing but micromanagement and back to back calls.
June 2023 rolls around and I finally started my job in desktop support as a contractor. Offer letter said 6 month contract then when I read it found out it was a 3 month contract to hire and also found out that they shorted me a dollar on the agreed pay rate. I asked for $30/hour and they agreed to it only to find out they changed things last minute. Spoke to the recruiter about the discrepancies and was told that’s the best they can do so I said screw it and took it.
My recruiter told me that they would “definitely” be converting me at the end of the three months but sadly that never happened. I showed up on time everyday and did a good job according to my manager and everyone else (so they said). I even got good reviews from a number of clients I worked with. About two months in I noticed things began to go south. Had a small disagreement and misunderstanding with my manager on a ticket she said I messed up on for whatever reason. Long story short she said the ticket was urgent when nowhere on the ticket said there was a deadline and she made a huge stink about it. Not only did I receive few tickets to begin with but I had to share the one or two tickets I had with a bunch of interns so I barely had anything to do. My other coworkers had more tickets than me yet would rarely put the interns with them. It was always with me which in my head made no sense. I get a call from the recruiter saying that they’re ending my contract early. I asked why and they said it was due to “performance reasons”. At that point I had two weeks left. I worked one of those weeks then one morning left the building during a meltdown. Left my badge, laptop and all their property on the desk and didn’t say a word to anyone. Been looking for work ever since. Sent out hundreds of resumes and so far only had 2 interviews which led to nothing despite both of them saying I did well and they liked me.
Hundreds of applications later and here I am with no job. I’m still looking for work and decided to also start a small business in the meantime. I started a month ago and only had 2 clients so far. Still no luck with applications. I’m 35 now and had to move back home during the pandemic and been here ever since after living on my own for years.
I’m very thankful and grateful for my mother. She’s the only reason why I’m not homeless. Everyday I think about suicide and I’m reaching a point where I might actually go through with it.
I’ve always been behind in life and feel like I progress slower than my peers. Deleted my social media cause I found myself comparing myself to my former classmates and friends achieving the things I tried so hard for and failed miserably.
I also suck at everything I do. After 1300 hours in valorant I only peaked at Gold 2. I’m the worst in my friend group like with every video game and sport. At one point I even paid for a few Valorant coaching lessons which IMO didn’t think were that great. I was always picked last in gym class. At my first job I was the last one to receive an offer to convert full time and the people that joined way after surpassed me despite having good metrics and being top of the leaderboard several times for several weeks.
Honestly at this point I’m ready to give up on life. Feels like I was destined to be a failure. I always felt like my efforts don’t pay off for anything. I failed my career. I failed in dating. I failed in my hobbies. Now I know you shouldn’t compare yourself to others but when I’m the only one I know of in my situation it’s damn near impossible not to. I’m not gonna act like I have the worst life ever but I don’t know of ANYONE my age struggling like this.
Every time I think I’m building momentum some bullshit always happens and every time it feels like I’m knocked back to square one. Feels like building a house that’s in a tornado zone only for my foundation to be knocked to pieces every time and cant afford to move.
I’m just frustrated with life and everything at this point. I hate everything about myself and seriously can’t wait to die. I’d pay someone to kill me. I’m crying while writing this thesis paper of a post. Maybe there’s something very wrong with me. I think I’m slow and stupid. Maybe even borderline retarded. I’m the failure of all failures. Nothing but a talentless garbage can loser bum.
Don’t know what to do. I don’t wanna go back to the hospital but I may have to. Thanks for reading my rant. I needed to get this out since I have no one to talk to.
submitted by justgimmiethelight to NEET [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:01 Direct-Caterpillar77 I have 2 weeks to get away from my husband (New Update)

I am not The OOP, OOP is u/Complex-Wing7114
I have 2 weeks to get away from my husband
Originally posted to offmychest
Thanks to u/soayherder for suggesting this BoRU
Previous BoRU
TRIGGER WARNING: controlling behavior, threats, abusive behavior, stalking, assault, physical violence, gaslighting
Original Post Apr 27, 2024
Throwaway account as my husband and In-laws are follow my main. I, 29 F, have been married to my husband, 30 m, who I'll call Alex. Alex and I met in college during our freshman year. We started off as just friends, and got married seven months ago. I've gotten along with his family, but we aren't super close but we're friendly enough. The problem is that Alex has begun to make me incredibly uncomfortable.
Firstly, he's begun to ask me who I'm meeting with, where, what we plan on doing, how long every single time I leave the house without him. At first, I just thought he was being protective and a good partner just in case something happened, but then he started checking my phone after the visits, vetting and researching each of my friends as well.
He also has been pursuing me to link my bank account to his, as he's "in charge" of the finances when he was perfectly fine with keeping them separate before. We fight about it almost every day.
Finally, yesterday when he was preparing to go on a work trip for two weeks in California, he demanded I wear a tracker so he could keep and eye on me while he's gone. I can't do this anymore, I feel like I'm suffocating and his family who I've spoken to about his worrying behavior just said he's being careful and protective as a good husband should. I need to gather my things together and find a way to be gone before he gets home without tipping him off.
He's always threatened that if he ever found me cheating on him he'd turn in divorce papers the same day. He keeps a filled out copy in his desk. I'm going to submit those the day I leave. But there's so much to do, bergen finding a new place to live, seeing if my job has any transfers available, packing and moving in two weeks. His return flight May 11th, so I need to move quickly. I'm posting here because I don't have any close family, and I can't risk dragging my friends into this as we share the same friends.I just needed a place to vent, and ask if anyone has any advice on the easiest and safest way to do this?
Edit: oh my god you guys are amazing! I never even thought to not use his divorce papers. I'll check for cameras before I start any packing or prepping. I may also shred his divorce papers just in case and look into getting a lawyer for myself. I'm in a no fault divorce state, that much I so remember which will help. I'll update again when I know more. The tracker he wants me to use is a small clip to put on the belt or waistband. I'll wear it unless I'm going or doing something related to me leaving. No pets yet thankfully.
Update Apr 28, 2024
So I've gotten a lot of support and helpful advice along with questions I thought I should clarify before I proceed with the update. Some asked why I'd be 'hiding' things from Alex regarding going out and who I'm meeting with. I don't, and I have nothing to hide. However when he begins to then double check everything I tell him with the other people there right down to each person I talked to and what I said. Did I send any text msgs, did I order food, how much did I eat, that's when it started to feel like I was slowly being pushed into a corner. It didn't start that bad, but gradually grew worse overtime.
All of the Reddit subs my in-law's families are part of are related gardening and diy so I highly doubt they'll see this, if so by the time they do, I'll hopefully be gone. I talked to my job and explained things to my manager. And they promised to look into openings in other states to see if they could get me into one. They'll have an update on that in three days. I trust that my bank account us secured, considering he's tried to get into it before and failed. I found one camera in the kitchen, another in the living room and one in our bedroom. As such, I've left them in place for now and done all other planning, either in the bathroom pretending I'm taking a bath.
I'm honestly staying away from the domestic violence services as my sister-in-law is unfortunately higher up in those considering she volunteers there and I have a feeling if I did show up there, they would know in a heartbeat. I can't look for apartments until I get the update from my work, but either or i'm still gonna be leaving the state. The day before I do I will be changing my number carrier and wiping my laptop and all of his electronics before I do.
I've met with 2 lawyers so far and had them look over the paperwork. My husband had prepared and both said that it did it have some clauses in it. That could have caused me some trouble down the line. What alarmed all of us close the fact that several of those clauses dealt with future children, and not as a hypothetical. Like several hair suggested I have a feeling he fully intended on getting me pregnant to keep me trapped and tied to him.
There are 3 other locations. My job could send me to and I have. As a precaution Begun looking into all 3 cities and housing in the areas. Just in case one of those, this is the one they send me to. Even if they don't have an opening that they can push me into then I will just have to quit, move and figure things out on my own. I have enough money to live and survive for a few months until I can pick up another job.
Unfortunately all of our friends are mutuals and would likely be unaware of the consequences of saying or sharing anything I do or say with my husband. I don't have any surviving close family and obviously my in laws are not a good resource to rely on. I am on my own unfortunately, other than the wonderful bonds, i've begun to make here. I will update again if I get more information or something else happens. Otherwise all update when my work gets back to me. I do plan on leaving before he returns, though. Just to make sure that i'm not anywhere near here at that time.
Update 2 Apr 30, 2024
Good news! My work has an opening I qualify for that will not only shift me across the country, but also comes with a salary increase as well. I've started telling my in laws and friends that I'm planning a surprise outing for when my husband gets back for just the two of us. This way, people don't give me odd looks if they see me out and about. I've even gone as far as asking MIL to show me his favorite recipes.
Meanwhile, I've found a moving company that while small is willing to work in a storm. The reason is in five days, we're supposed to get hit with a large storm front. I plan to shut off the breaker and say we lost power if he asks just as several people here suggested and even send him a short clip of the storm.
I will have all of my stuff moved that afternoon, and I will be flying out once the weather has cleared enough to do so. I have a lawyer who will push my divorce through, and I've filled out the necessary paperwork so that I don't have to be here for it. I'm not suing for assets or alimony and I've shredded his divorce papers as well. I've set up a cheap payphone plan through cricket until this is all said and done at which point I will find a new carrier, number and phone. This one is being wiped and left behind.
My laptop is provided by my work, and the IT department inspected it thoroughly and it was clean thankfully. No other electronic aside from my laptop and new phone will be coming with me. If alex needs to talk to me, he can do it through my lawyer. Not sure if anything else will happen, my fingers are crossed that he doesn't think anythings amiss until after I leave - and I'm not turning the breaker back on when I do. He can when he gets home. My work is covering the plane ticket, so that at least is one expense I don't have to finagle in.
Update 3 May 7, 2024
Update 3: I have 2 weeks to get away from my husband.
It's been a busy week, but I've gotten so much done. Firstly, I am now out of the house and am currently in a hotel while I look for an apartment. It's a big city, bustling with people no matter where you look. We had a pretty bad storm system hit back home, that actually lasted two days. High winds, thunder, lightning and even hail everywhere. I didn't take much from the house, my documents, clothes and important sentimental items. I left all of the furniture and electronics behind. I cleaned the house top to bottom and took pictures on my phone so he couldn't claim I damaged anything when I left.
My lawyer has already started divorce proceedings, and my husband will be served on the 8th. His plane is due to land early morning, and the sheriff will be there at the house waiting for him. He is very much about public appearances and reputation. My lawyer will be calling him as well to inform him that I am more than willing to air out everything to the public about his actions if it means securing my freedom from him. I will go to court as long as I must to get this pushed through.
I haven't told our friends or his in-laws yet, I will do that while he is on the flight to prevent him from getting wind of it before he's handed the divorce papers. I will be calling around and explaining why we're getting divorced, to try and prevent him from twisting this into somehow being my fault. I don't want him trying to claim I had an affair or something so I want to get the truth out before he can twist this.
I'm... doing okay. I'm tired, but yet I feel almost jittery and off-kilter. I keep looking over my shoulder and monitoring what I say even when I don't really need to anymore. Hopefully that will fade soon. My work is covering the cost of the hotel, and I'm working on getting my other things in order. I also need to find a new GP as I want to get a full test just to make sure everything is okay. I don't know when my next update will be, probably when the divorce papers are filed or if we have to go to court to push them through. I will try to keep my head up, but it feels like I'm in a whirlwind or something with so many things to do and think about. I kinda thought it would be easier once I got out of the house but while the fear is smaller, somehow the number of tasks only seems to have grown.
Update 4 May 14, 2024
Sorry I haven't updated for a while, things got hectic and a bit chaotic honestly. Firstly, I'm working on getting an apartment still and have applications in at three different places and will hopefully hear back from them soon. I'm still going into work here at the new location, so I don't have to worry about burning through my emergency savings completely. I've gotten a lot of emails from Alex, his family and our old friend group asking question after question. I have only sent one return email to Alex, explaining that I don't believe we are truly compatible, and it is best we separate now. That his treatment of me when I'd done nothing to deserve as such was just as much of a deal breaker as cheating was for him.
I ended the email with the statement that I would not be contacting him further and anything else he needed to pass on to me or vice versa would be done through my lawyer. For his family and friends, I just typed up one email outlining everything that had happened and why I left. I told them I wished them no ill will, but that such treatment of his wife and partner was not acceptable. That should Alex get remarried in the future, I wished they would help support both partners and not just Alex.
Alex, from what my lawyer told me, was livid when he was served. The sheriff actually ended up booking him for assault on an officer and menacing due to the threats he was shouting. His father bailed him out in a few hours, but with the testimony of the sheriff, my lawyer believes I have a very good chance at getting a restraining order. Alex, upon returning to the house, apparently lost his temper again, breaking the dining table into pieces as well as the tv, and putting several holes in the walls. At least that's what one of the emails from one of our friends reported as Alex called him to help him clean up the mess.
My lawyer already has pictures of the house I took, with timestamps as evidence nothing had been damaged by me. My friend reported that Alex tried to claim I'd been the one to trash the house but the holes in the wall were at head height - Alex is 6'3", and I'm 5'4" so he knew that was false. Either way, taking the pictures definitely will help me so again thank you everyone here for the advice because I never would have thought of that on my own. My work won't share details of where I am, as I do work with some higher end clientele who value security and that information won't be gossiped about and no, I'm not some stripper or escort. I deal with contracts, notary and business management. As such, even if Alex tried to use my work to find me, he wouldn't succeed.


Update on leaving May 26, 2024
It’s been a little bit, and I thought I’d answer some questions before giving my update. It may be a while after this until things change.
Firstly, No I didn’t bring my car. The public transport here is good enough to use without needing one. I have secured an apartment, and the building has good security. You need a key card to enter, and there is a security guard at a desk right by the entrance to the building. As part of my contract, I gave them a photo of Alex and his family so that even in the off chance they do find me, they won’t be let in.
The responses I got from the emails varied. His family said I was overreacting, and that I owe Alex an apology for the problems this has caused him. The pending criminal charges puts him at risk of losing his job if he’s convicted. Alex sent a long email, apologizing and pleading for me to come home. He said he was worried for me, that he is willing to go to therapy if it will appease me. He wants us to remain together, and he didn’t think leaving was an appropriate response to his genuine concern and worry for my health and safety. The friends gave somewhat lacking replies, saying that they didn’t think Alex was ever going to hurt me and that I shouldn’t be letting my imagination run away wild. As much as I want to say I was surprised by the lack of support, I’m honestly not.
He intends to fight the divorce. I am letting my lawyer handle it, and I am also pursuing a protective order as well. Once I got approved for my apartment, I also froze my credit. I’ve changed my phone carrier and number, as well as making sure none of my documents list Alex as next of kin or POA.
Some have asked why I was so paranoid about Alex and his possible future actions. The answer for that actually is somewhat simple – my grandmother. I loved that woman to bits. As a teen, she explained why my grandfather was never around. He was extremely abusive and manipulative, and her generation didn’t allow divorce really. She wouldn’t have been able to buy a house or get a good enough job to support her and my mother on her own. As such, she endured it, shielded my mom as she could until my grandfather died. When I felt like I may have been overreacting, I remembered how she’d said she’d always wished she’d been able to see grandfather for what he was early on when she may have been able to annul the marriage.
I don’t know when I’ll update again, maybe when the divorce goes through or if something big happens but until then, I’m just trying to keep my head above the water.
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:56 Legal-Ad-9586 25 [F4R] #Tennesee/Online — D&D DM, Writer, Artist, Gaming, and Tomfoolery

Hey all, I've finally mustered the courage to post on this sub, since the silliness is spreading to my lungs and made me delirious with slight confidence ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ . I'm 25, turning 26 soon, pansexual and non-binary (AFAB), although any pronouns are fine!
A little bit about myself, and by a little, I mean a novel. I couldn't write a short bio even if my life depended on it.
I have two partners currently, my nesting partner of 10 years, and my long distance partner of 2 and a half years. I've been practicing polyamory for around 7 years, with several dynamics. We all date separately, and I'm also open to just making some friends! While I’d heavily prefer to find someone in Tennessee or close by, if you're open to travelling or being online, that's also okay.
I'm heavily into writing, whether it's fanfictions, books I'm working on, my D&D campaign lore, or just some poetry. I just started a campaign with 4 players, but if you're local, would love to add people to it!
When it comes to gaming, I prefer horror-survival. Games like 7 Days to Die, Green Hell, Project Zomboid, and The Forest/Sons of the Forest. Point and click's RPG's, rhythm, VR, you name it I've probably played some of it. (Bonus points if you're into Undertale)
I'm a complete menace in the kitchen, so be ready to eat. I love cooking, grilling, baking, you name it. Always trying new recipes, making my own pasta, homemade bread, etc. I love hotpot, sweets, and anything chicken.
In terms of my appearance, I'm 5'9", and around 220lbs. A thicc girl, if you will. I've lost about 25lbs since the start of this year and want to continue improving my health, but I do like being a bit curvy. I've got long black hair, with a hime hairstyle. I fluctuate between slightly pale and very tan, since I'm half white, half Native American. I have a few tattoos, and a few piercings, but had to remove a lot of my facial ones due to one of my medical conditions.
Speaking of medical conditions; I am disabled, and am currently on SSDI. I have a few conditions that I won't completely list here, but the main factor is a type of seizure disorder and neurological disease that can give me flare-ups. These flares impair my ability to walk, speak, or use my arms/hands at times. While I'd be happy to disclose more in private, I feel it's necessary to be at least a little upfront beforehand. Not everyone wants to date someone who is disabled, and that's okay! I do have limitations in what I can do/where I can go during a flare up, and navigating a relationship with someone who is disabled can be different if you've never experienced it before, so no hard feelings. However, I don't let this stop me from still trying to enjoy myself and have a good time. I still try to stay active, go to the pool, and practice my hobbies!
What I'm looking for? Preferably someone local or close, but online works as well. A person who loves laughing at shit posts, dumb memes, playing videos games, D&D 5e, and is at a point in their life where they are comfortable emotionally. You'd be able to clearly communicate with me, your needs, boundaries, wants, desires, and of course your interests! For age, preferably between 25-40, but I don't have a big preference on appearance. I would love to meet someone taller than myself considering I've been taller than most of my past and current partners, but it's not super important haha. Gender does not matter to me, so shoot your shot!
All in all, I'd like someone I can laugh like an idiot with, game with, eat good food with, and maybe have deep discussions with while sitting around a bonfire, sipping on some drinks.
Thank you for coming to my hour long ted talk, and if you're interested, feel free to shoot me a DM!
submitted by Legal-Ad-9586 to polyamoryR4R [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:56 Serial_Boxes What Experiences have you had that Encapsulates this Game Perfectly?

What Experiences have you had that Encapsulates this Game Perfectly?
I collected a few clips which I think very well encapsulate the experience and feeling that this game can provide at its best. Where a good team can be absolutely magical.
If anyone else has had similar experiences feel free to share, I'm interested if other people share a similar outlook on this game.
Music: inabakumori - Loneliness of Spring (Vo. Tsurumaki Maki) / ハルノ寂寞 English Cover
submitted by Serial_Boxes to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:55 Responsible-Prize266 OMNIMAR - Assassin's Creed (Official Video Clip) (Free Download) (feat. ...

submitted by Responsible-Prize266 to Truth777 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:54 a_modest_espeon [H] Lots of Games, Please Look [W] Games(See Below)/Offers, Wishlisted Items, and Paypal

I am currently taking paypal for games, you always go first and cover fees
For game trades, you always go first and message me, usually it takes me about 1-2 days to get back to you at the latest
My Rep Page has not been updated in about 5 years, but I have a lot of trades finished
Bolded items are just the ones I would like to consider keeping so don't feel as though you need to offer more for the game
Stellaris (and dlc)
Fallout 4
Wishlist Items
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Bridge Constructor Portal
Chivalry 2 - Epic Edition
Deep Rock Galactic
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Doom Eternal
Elite Dangerous
Endless Space 2 - Digital Deluxe Edition
Honey I Joined a Cult
Lost Ruins
Mass Effect Legendary Edition (temporarily unavailable)
Rebel Inc: Escalation
SCP:Secret Files
Songs of Conquest
Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy
Surviving Mars
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Yakuza 4 Remastered
7 Grand Steps
observer (x3)
A Good Snowman is Hard to Build
A Juggler's Tale
A Mortician's Tale
A New Beginning - Final Cut
Aces and Adventures
AER Memories of Old (x2)
Age of Wonders III
Agents of Mayhem
AI War: Fleet Command
Alien Spidy
Aliens:Fireteam Elite
Alina of the Arena
All You Can Eat
Aragami 2
Arcade Paradise
Army Men RTS
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation (x2)
Assassin's Creed® Origins
Assault Android Cactus
Atom RPG Trudograd
Bad End Theater
Banner Saga Trilogy - Deluxe Pack
Banners of Ruin
Bastion (x2)
Batman Arkham Origins (x2)
Battle Chef Brigade
Beacon Pines
Beat Hazard Ultra
Bee Simulator
Before Your Eyes
Beneath Oresa
Between the Stars
Beyond a Steel Sky
Binary Domain
Bioshock Remastered
BioShock: The Collection
Black Book
Blade Assault
Blazing Beaks
Bleed 2
Bloodstained®︎: Ritual of the Night
Bone - Episode 1 & Episode 2
Boomerang Fu (x3)
Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe
Boreal Blade
Boyfriend Dungeon
Broken Age (x2)
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Brutal Legend
Burly Men At Sea (x2)
Bury Me, My Love
Chicken Police
Children of Silentown
CHUCHEL Cherry Edition (x2)
CivCity: Rome
Coffee Talk
Company of Heroes 2 + Company of Heroes 2 - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Charity Pattern Pack
Conan Chop Chop
Crusader Kings Complete
Cultist Simulator (x2)
Curious Expedition
Cyber Hook
Darkside Detective
Darksiders Genesis
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition (x2)
Darksiders Warmastered Edition
Dead In Bermuda
Deadly Days
Death Squared (x2)
Decieve Inc.
Desperados 3
Destroy All Humans!
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Disciples: Liberation
DISTRAINT 2 + Soundtrack
Distrust (x3)
Drawful 2
DUCATI - 90th Anniversary
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Forever Hail to the Icons
Duke Nukem Forever The Doctor Who Cloned Me
Dungeons 3 (x2)
Dusty Revenge: Co-Op Edition
Eastside Hockey Manager
Eldest Souls
Emily is Away <3
Endless Space® - Collection (x2)
Epic Chef
Eternal Threads
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Europa Universalis IV
Evan's Remains
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
Fallout 1
Family Man
Farmer's Dynasty
Fibbage XL
Fights in Tight Spaces
Finding Paradise
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fobia - St. Dinfna Hotel
Fort Triumph
Founders' Fortune
Framed Collection
Framed Collection (x2)
Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse
Freddi Fish 3: The Case of the Stolen Conch Shell
Freddi Fish 4: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch
Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove
Freddi Fish and Luther's Maze Madness
Freddi Fish and Luther's Water Worries
Freedom Force
Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich
Friends Vs Friends
Full Metal Furies
Full Throttle Remastered (x2)
Fury Unleashed
Gas Station Simulator
Genesis Noir
Get In The Car, Loser!
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
God's Trigger
Golf Gang
GRAV (Early Access)
Grow: Song of the Evertree
Growing Up
Guns of Icarus Online
Hacknet (x2) + Hacknet Labyrinths DLC (x1)
Haiku, the Robot
Hard Reset Redux
Hardspace: Shipbreaker
Heaven's Vault
Heavenly Bodies (x2)
Hell Let Loose
Hell Pie
Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek
Hero Siege Complete + Cyberpunk Samurai + Demon Slayer Bundle + Extra slots & stash space + ClassShield Lancer + Shaman + Plague Doctor + Marauder + Amazon+Avenger Paladin DLCs
Heroes of Hammerwatch
Hexcells Complete Pack
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hidden Folks
Hokko life
Hollow Knight
Hot Brass
Hot Wheels Unleashed
Hotshot Racing
Hyper Light Drifter
I am not a Monster: First Contact
I'm not a Monster
If Found...
Impostor Factory
In Between
In Sound Mind
Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (x3)
INK Deluxe Edition
Iris and the Giant
Iron Harvest
Jack Move
JumpJet Rex
Jupiter Hell
Jurassic World Evolution - Deluxe Dinosaur Pack
Just Cause 3 XXL Edition
Kerbal Space Program
Kill it with Fire
Kingdom Classic
Kingdom Two Crowns
Kingdom: New Lands (x2)
Knights of Pen and Paper 2
Kraken Academy!!
Late Shift
Later Alligator
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Premium Edition
LEGO DC Super-Villains Deluxe Edition
LEGO Ninjago Movie Video Game
LEGO® Batman 2 DC Super Heroes™
LEGO® Worlds
Let's Explore the Farm (Junior Field Trips)
Let's Explore the Jungle (Junior Field Trips)
Leviathan Warships
Life is Strange 2: Complete Season
Life is Strange: True Colors
Lone Fungus
Lords and Villeins
Lovecraft's Untold Stories
Lumino City
Luna's Wandering Stars
Mad Max
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Mafia: Definitive Edition
Maid of Sker
Majesty 2
Majesty Gold HD
Masquerade: The Baubles of Doom
Massive Chalice
Meeple Station
Merchany of the Skies
Metal Hellsinger
Metro Exodus
Midnight Protocol
Mind Scanners
Mini Metro
MINIT (x2)
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Loves You
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Moving Out
Mr. Shifty
Mushroom 11
My Memory of Us
My Time at Portia
Narita Boy
Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Strikers
NBA 2K20
Necromunda: Hired Gun
Necronator: Dead Wrong (x2)
Neo Cab
Neon Abyss
Neon Drive (Steam)
Newt One
Niche (x3)
Nimbatus The Space Drone Constructor
Ninja Pizza Girl
No Time to Explain Remastered
No Time to Relax
Not For Broadcast
Not Tonight
Offworld Trading Company + Jupiter's Forge Expansion Pack (x2)
Old Man's Journey
OlliOlli World - Rad edition
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
One Step From Eden
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Opus Magnum
Orwell: Ignorance is Strength (x2)
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You (x3)
Out of the Park Baseball 18
Overcooked! 2 - Surf 'n' Turf Pack
Overcooked! 2 - Too Many Cooks
Overlord II
Pajama Sam 2: Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening
Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet
Pajama Sam's Lost & Found
Pajama Sam's Sock Works
Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day
Pale Echoes
Panzer Corps 2
Paper Fire Rookie
Paradigm (x2)
Paradise Killer
Party Hard (x2)
Patch Quest
PayDay 2
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
Pinstripe (x2)
Plague Inc: Evolved
Planet of the Eyes
Planet Zoo
PlateUp! (x2)
Police Stories
Police Stories
Portal Knights
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Project Highrise (x2)
Project Winter
Putt-Putt® and Pep's Balloon-o-Rama
Putt-Putt® and Pep's Dog on a Stick
Putt-Putt® Enters the Race
Putt-Putt® Goes to the Moon
Putt-Putt® Joins the Circus
Putt-Putt® Joins the Parade
Putt-Putt® Travels Through Time
Putt-Putt®: Pep's Birthday Surprise
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Agent 2
Q.U.B.E. 2
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut
Quest of Dungeons
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Railroad Tycoon II Platinum
Rain World
Raji: An Ancient Epic
Rapture Rejects + Safari outfit
Rebel Cops
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville
Regency Solitaire
Regions of Ruin
Regular Human Basketball (x3)
Remnants of Isolation
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTER
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil HD REMASTER
Resident Evil Revelations (X2)
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Deluxe Edition
Retro Game Crunch
Rise and Shine
Rising Dusk
Road 96
Road to Ballhalla
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder™
Rocket Birds: Hardboiled Chicken
Rogue Heroes:Ruins of Tasos
Rusty Lake Paradise
Saints Row: The Third
Sam & Max: Season 1
Sam & Max: Season 2
Satellite Reign (x2)
Scribblenauts Unlimited (x2)
Secrets of Raetikon
Shadow Complex Remastered (Epic Games)
Shady Part of Me
Shelter 2 (x3)
Shenmue I & II
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Sigma Theory: Global Cold War (x2)
Size Matters
Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite 3 (x2)
Sniper Elite V2
Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder
Song of Horror
Speed Brawl
Spellcaster University
Spirit of the Island
Spy Fox 2 "Some Assembly Required"
Spy Fox 3 "Operation Ozone"
Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal"
Spy Fox In: Hold the Mustard
Squad (Early Access)
State of Mind
Stealth 2: A Game of Clones
Stick Fight: The Game (x4)
Streamline Early Access
Streets of Rage
Stronghold Crusader 2
Subsurface Circular (x3)
Suchart:Genius Artist Simulator
Sudden Strike 4
Super Daryl Deluxe
Super Galaxy Squadron EX
Super Hexagon (x2)
Super House of Dead Ninjas: True Ninja Pack
Super House of the Dead Ninjas (x2)
Super Lesbian Animal RPG
Super Magbot
Super Time Force Ultra
Surgeon Simulator + Anniversary Ed. Content
Surviving the Aftermath
Swag and Sorcery
Sword Legacy Omen
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising
System Shock 2
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
Tainted Grail: Conquest
Tales from the Borderlands
Tales of Berseria™
Tales of the Neon Sea
Tangledeep + Soundtrack
Tank Mechanic Simulator
Team Indie
Teleglitch: Die More Edition
Telltale Texas Hold'em
The Adventure Pals
The Ambassador: Fractured Timelines
The Ascent
The Ball
The Battle of Polytopia
The Blackout Club
The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos + Goodies + OST
The Dwarves
The First Tree (x3)
The Forgotten City
The Gardens Between
The Henry Stickmin Collection
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
The Legend of Tianding
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
The Quarry Deluxe Edition
The Red Lantern
The Serpent Rogue
The Stillness of the Wind
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead - 400 Days
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
The Walking Dead: Final Season
The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series
The Wild Eight
The Witness (x2)
theHunter: Call of the Wild
Them and Us
There is No Light:Enhanced Edition
Think of the Children
Thirty Flights of Loving
This is the Police
This War of Mine
This War of Mine: Final Cut
Throne of Lies® The Online Game of Deceit (x3)
Tilt Brush
Tin Can
Titan Quest Anniversary
Titan Quest Anniversary Edition
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove (x2)
Tokyo 42
Tooth and Tail (x2)
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Total Tank Simulator (x2)
Tower of Guns (x2)
Train Simulator 2017 + Platform Clutter + Town Scenery
Train Station Renovation
Tribes of Midgard
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
Tropico 4
Turbo Gold Racing
Twin Mirror (x2)
Two Point Campus
Ultimate Chicken Horse (x3)
Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York
Vault of the Void
Vertiginous Golf
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard
Void Bastards
Volgarr the Viking
Waking Mars
Warhammer: Chaosbane
Werewolf: The Apocalypse Heart of the Forest
West of Dead
Westerado: Double Barreled
Where the Water Tastes like Wine
Wizard of Legend (x3)
World of Goo
Worms Revolution
Wuppo (x2)
WWE 2K Battlegrounds
WWE 2K Battlegrounds + Brawler Pass
WWE 2K23
Yes, Your Grace
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 4: The Ride
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 6 The Lost Gold
Zombie Night Terror
Others GameMaker Studio Pro
Ashampoo BackUp Pro 14
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 7
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 18
Battleborn Starter Skin Pack
Darkest Dungeon Shieldbreaker DLC
Double Fine Adventure Documentary
GWENT - Ultimate Starter Pack
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 1 DLC
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 2 DLC
Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 3 DLC
Mage and Minions - $10 In-Game Currency
Music Maker EDM Edition
Music Maker: Hip Hop Edition
PAYDAY 2: Sydney Mega Mask
Starfinder: Pact Worlds Campaign Setting
XCOM® 2: Reinforcement Pack
XCOM® 2: Resistance Warrior Pack
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