Fantasia s short hairstyles

There goes my progress

2024.05.18 23:09 steiny17 There goes my progress

I have recently (within the past few weeks) started Paxil. For the first few weeks I was actually able to enjoy something like a tv show or sporting event. Albeit it wasn’t a complete fix but it felt like a step in the right direction. Recently my girlfriend of one year and I broke up. The long and the short of it was that we wanted different things and instead of dragging it out, we decided it be better to end it now. This sucks…. I really have been feeling awful the past two days. All of my progress feels like it’s been thrown out the window. I haven’t left my bed. And my mom is worried I can’t be left alone (I don’t feel suicidal). I honestly just want to be left alone. I think I’m allowed to wallow in sadness for a little bit. But I’m just wondering if there is anyone out there who has experienced a similar thing. You’re regular run of the mill depression on top of break up depression.
submitted by steiny17 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:08 zesk0 Looking for a sound designer for my short movie. (genre : action)

Hey guys I’m a DP by profession and I’m looking for someone who is interested to take up my action short for scoring produced by me. I need some major sound design in this movie. I feel it’s heavily dependent on sound. Planning for film festivals this year. Hit me up. Thank you
submitted by zesk0 to filmscoring [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:08 megaangrycloud Help! Too many ideas, not enough follow through. How do you FINISH a project?

I have a lot of ideas- for comics, short stories, paintings, even YouTube videos or TikTok series… but (probably thanks to my adhd) I can never FINISH anything. I have a huge backlog of half finished or abandoned pieces and projects that no matter how many times I return to them, I can never seem to stick through to the end. I either lose interest or come up with a more exciting idea that I want to start on right away. It’s created a really unproductive creative cycle that’s been getting in the way of my success as an artist for years now.
Going to SVA and having teachers to guide and encourage/critique my work helped me a lot with my motivation, but the burnout I experienced made my senior year kind of a nightmare for my mental health. It got REALLY bad after I graduated, and I’ve only just started working on comics again after a year long break from art.
But without any deadlines or classes to keep me motivated, I’ve noticed that the creative freedom I’m feeling feels more like a curse than a blessing. I know I can do my best work when collaborating with others on the same timeline, but I don’t think my portfolio is good enough yet to get hired on to anything yet. So I keep thinking, “Maybe if I can just finish and publish THIS PROJECT or THIS COMIC IDEA, I can show them what I can do.” But no matter how determined or passionate I am to start, it always gets pushed aside for the newest flash of inspiration…
So how do you keep yourself on track? How do you become your own editor? How do you stick to just one thing at a time until it’s done? Is it just mental discipline? How do you build that up??
submitted by megaangrycloud to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:08 Neckums250 Guilt/Depression after chronic term illness+surgery?

Hello friends,
I’m just curious if anyone else has ever dealt with this?
I was diagnosed with complicated diverticulitis with a perforated colon in January. After years of what I know now was undiagnosed flares, I started to have a familiar pain in fall of 2023. My stomach was swelling but I wrote it off as weight gain and wrote the pain off as just another joy of being a woman who is beginning to age.
In early January after a visit to my parents where I couldn’t sleep at all due to this pelvic pain, I did a frantic telehealth urgent care appointment at 3am for what I thought was a bad UTI. After a few days of meds it was clear to myself and my husband that I needed to go to ER. I was hospitalized for 4 days on iv antibiotics for infection and the beginning stages of septic shock. Due to the location of the hole, they were unable to operate because it would have make a bad situation worse.
I was sent home on 10 days of antibiotics only to come back again 2 weeks later again in early stages of septic shock, now with an abscess. Another 4/5 days in the hospital on iv antibiotics and unable to operate because of the location. It was clear then that I would without a doubt need surgery so I found an excellent surgeron after meeting with a few and got on his schedule.
After two additional hospitalizations and a few months of healing enough to have surgery, I am now three weeks post op and with a foot less of my Colon. Slowly healing and feel grateful to be alive but there is so much guilt that consumes me. Not about any one thing in particular but just everything.
For example, my husband and I had tickets to two concerts we wanted to see this year and We missed out both because of my illness.
My grandma called and I didn’t want to talk and wanted to get her off the phone.
My cousin is having a party tonight and I usually feel worse in the afternoon so I said no and we have said no a lot of other times so now I feel terrible.
My friend helped with my dog but we haven’t hung out alot lately while I was healing and I feel like that’s not fair even though I watch her dog all the time.
I should be working even tho I have approved short term disability but ugh, I feel okay enough to sit out in the sun, I should be good enough to work.
My garden looks bad, my hair looks bad, my husband and I haven’t be touchy feely lately because of my Soreness.
Everything I make for food is centered around what I can eat, what about my husband.
The worst part is, no one is making me feel like this. It’s just my brain. But I so worry I am burden to everyone around me and it just feels awful.
I am safe, I have no plans or desired to harm myself but the guilt and depression from the last few months is just hitting me so hard lately and really, I was quite positive through the whole experience so I don’t know why I’m Feeling this now?
Anyways, I would love to know if others have experienced this..thank you all so much.
submitted by Neckums250 to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:08 oracle_Her_07 Swollen tonsils with no other symptoms

Long story short, I had a serious episode of low blood sugar 2 weeks ago and since then, my tonsils have been swollen off and on. On days I have to exert a lot of physical energy, they are larger. On days when i can rest, less so.
It’s interfering with my sleep. I went to the ER and that’s who told me they were swollen. I’ve also been diagnosed with prediabetes since. My doc is having me test for sleep apnea, which I’m pretty sure I have but some nights I can’t even go to sleep bc my airway closes due to the tonsils.
I guess I’m wondering if it’s possible to just have the swelling and no other symptoms. No pain or anything. And can this happen suddenly. It’s been 2 weeks. I heal very slowly. Has anyone experienced this?
submitted by oracle_Her_07 to SleepApnea [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:07 thatonetinymisfit What isn’t an ick?

Now, bear with me, I don’t know much of the “Gen Z” lingo, and don’t really follow the “status quo” of the dating scene today. I’m a traditional male.
What the fuck is an Ick?
I just saw a video, where a girl (relatively my age) gets interviewed by a guy where the guy ask “what is your biggest ick in a guy?”
She responds with “if he owns a PlayStation, they deserve to go to hell.”
I then see videos of women, going off on how the most minimal things are the biggest ick in men.
To give a short list:
If he is under 5’9.” If he works too much If he works too little If he is plays video games. If he cares too much If he has hobbies If he shows way too much effort If he shows little effort If he cares too less. If he gives flowers. If he texts too much. If he texts too little.
Etc, etc.
So, tell me, what isn’t an ick?
If everything under the sun is an ick to some women, then what isn’t an ick?
I’ve also noticed that it’s only men, that go up to women in these videos… 🧐
Is this a phase? Entitlement?
What are your thoughts?
submitted by thatonetinymisfit to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:07 pvnkteenvampirequeen 23F (USA) — searching for kindred spirits

Hello all! I am a moonlight hospital worker and student seeking friends whose letters may keep me company! I recently moved to the city - I’ve had zero luck striking up meaningful conversations with passersby. I yearn for a connection with someone that isn’t a singular superficial remark about the weather. Being in the hospital it’s really hard to have any conversation at all, everyone is so busy. I know there must be someone pining for someone to know they are out there too. Let’s talk about the human condition, our dreams, our what-ifs, our introspective thoughts, morals and values. Let’s talk about our passions, let’s exchange photos, recipes, stories. Let’s read a story together and exchange our thoughts and feelings! I find it so exciting to find a stranger and have the chance to know them! How lucky are we as two grains of sand in the proverbial ocean to share this moment together?
Some interesting bits about me! I grew up on a cattle farm in the mountains. I like DND (though I’ve yet to actually play), studio ghibli and other anime, video games, and fantasy anything! I’m legally a vampire. I love drawing, writing short stories and poetry. (My poetry won a state award not to toot my own horn but tootoot). I’m a foodie and love to cook though I am not good at it… yet. I am a dog mom to two feral furnados. I love to make crafts, I LOVE music- anything from Pierce the Veil to Chopin, from Jo Stafford to Miki Matsubara! I was a choral student who ranked into the All Northwest Choir (a choir consisting of the top students from about 7 states) in Sophomore year! (Tootoot again!) I love hiking and collecting flower pressings! I have a great collection so far! I also have a massive pin collection too. I have actually seen very few movies, and would love to watch a film and exchange our views! I am a big history fan, any history at all! I love learning about empires lost to time, the dawn of civilization, and the creation of our universe. I’m learning Japanese and have a trip to Osaka planned next year. I love horseback riding, im an avid gardener. I am a bit of a goth, and everything I own is black, red or purple. I have never had a penpal, but did exchange letters overseas with family for a while!
I look forward to hearing from anyone who shares interests (or not!) and is eager to start a new friendship. If you’re interested in being penpals, please feel free to reach out!
submitted by pvnkteenvampirequeen to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:05 Aggressive_Fun_7175 Recent PlushCare Experiences?

I originally started with PlushCare and decided to leave based on my dr not being super professional and wanting to switch to plan c due to the shortage.
I have not loved plan c, and am looking to find another provider that can help with my continued PA for Zep and potentially cover a PA for Wegovy if it’s easier to find in the short term.
I’ve heard some issues here and there with their PAs lately, and was wondering if anyone’s started with them lately? My insurance covers visits with them so I just have to pay the monthly fee and I think it’s the cheapest option for PA’s and quick prescription updates if needed.
Also does anyone have a dr there that they love?
submitted by Aggressive_Fun_7175 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:05 Strict_Structure2461 Have been having sharp right sided abdominal pain

21F, idk my exact weight but I am overweight. Nowhere near obesity tho. I’ve also recently got my blood drawn and nothing was out of the ordinary. I also recently started taking adhd meds, but the pain started a lot earlier.
It’s the third time I’ve had this in two years. It always lasts a few days. Usually the first few days it’s bearable and then it gets worse in waves. It’ll build up for a second, become unbearable, and die down again. This doesn’t last longer than a minute. Eventually it fades away.
I’ve been to the hospital twice because I thought it might be appendicitis and each time they couldn’t find anything. They did some blood work and an ultrasound. The person doing the ultrasound did say something about something being too deep to be visible? I can’t exactly remember. Atp I don’t think it’s worth the trip to the ER.
Forgot to mention: it does seem to always come up shortly before my period. The docs also just kinda blamed my period each time and dismissed me after not being able to find anything despite it being my second time at the ER for the same problem. It does not feel like period pain. I do get very intense cramps, but they’re not sharp but rather dull. I know the difference. It’s not period pain.
submitted by Strict_Structure2461 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:02 caeeroe Looking for one more partner! 50/50. Post screenshot please

Looking for one more partner! 50/50. Post screenshot please submitted by caeeroe to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:01 ReaLancegreenmoon WIBTA if I didn’t go to my graduation?

I (17m) am graduating a year early as a junior. I am supposed to have my graduation tomorrow and recently a conflict came up. I have four sisters in total. My little sister “D” (16f) has increasingly gotten horrible to me growing up. I took care of her when our father passed away when I was 7. Long story short she insults me, calls me slurs and has done things that are horrible. She bullies people and steals things. One of my older sisters “B” (21f) was just in a horrid conflict with her. I decided I didn’t want “D” there. I never wanted to go to my graduation but my mother said it would make her happy so I agreed. I tried to speak to my mother a few days ago about not wanting “D” there and she said today we could speak about it. Well, instead of speaking to me privately she brought it up at a whole family lunch. Things got heated and I was yelling. They accused me of isolating her but I said I can’t handle her there and it’s just my graduation, I don’t want someone who’s mean to me, excluded me and insults me under her breathe every time I walk by. I tried communicating my feelings but I finally broke. They were calling me ignorant and self absorbed. I’m tired. If they cannot respect me on my one request I will not attend. “D” does not even wish to go and we haven’t spoken since yesterday when she insulted me upstairs when I was sitting on the main floor looking out the door with my dog. I apologize for my grammar, I am upset.
submitted by ReaLancegreenmoon to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:01 hopefulflyer45 Is this a Nebelung?

Is this a Nebelung?
I adopted her for free at a shelter and she came with short fur. But since then it’s grown very long and I’ve been trying to determine the type. I got her DNA sequenced and it’s a mix of a bunch of different cats. Is Nebelung a specific breed, or just a type of cat that looks like this?
submitted by hopefulflyer45 to nebelung [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:00 awebb78 Demand for AI driven research in small business circles?

Hello! I am wondering if there might be small business demand for an open (no vendor lock in) team based AI powered document research engine that combines your knowledge with potential other data sources to provide detailed analysis and recommendations?
I have been bootstrapping my first niche product on the platform with my savings and some personal debt. Very recently, due to a very expensive and urgent pet health issue the rest of my savings just got depleted and my debt got larger, which has forced me to consider new offerings in the short term.
I’m trying to decide if that is a viable route for staying afloat in the short term as I build out my company’s products on the platform in the medium and long term. I'd like to understand what price points, use cases, hosting arrangements, and payment terms would be most useful for business owners if such a service is viable in the short term? I’m only looking for around 5 - 10 customers for this approach, and I need to move fast. Would a short lifetime of such an offering be a turnoff, as it was not planned and not our long term direction.
I truly appreciate any advice you can offer as I conduct my research!
submitted by awebb78 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:59 Vivid_Ad_7449 How to make better decisions

May not be the right place to do all this but I’ve been on the page for a while but don’t truly understand much of what’s going on. I got into trading and crypto and all that after putting 20$ into doge and sold it for 1000. It was cool to feel like I was part of the community and all but know months later I feel utterly lost and confused.
I don’t necessarily want someone to be like hey put money here do this and whatnot. (Most of the posts I see kinda mention this and the community understands this as a chance thing after all) I’m just hoping to get some information on what to look for and just what goes into the decisions y’all make on certain calls, shorts, trades, etc. the skill of selection and which companies to be intrigued by is just not there for me yet and I’m wondering if you guys might have any pointers.
I’m 24 I work and go to school and have a couple hundred dollars laying around from time to time when bills are paid for the month. I’m not worried about a big hit or call or anything. I’d be happy learning how to make cents just so I can use that process as I grow in confidence and understanding.
submitted by Vivid_Ad_7449 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:59 JedSmith-Dogson Name of a haircut?

What is it called when a short side part is unsettled and hangs over the forehead without a clean part? Not fringe because it’s short and still a side part
submitted by JedSmith-Dogson to malehairadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:59 hillycan Flea Armageddon in my yard

Hey, all. To preface this, I’ve never truly dealt with a flea problem and my dogs have always been on preventatives. My fiancé lost her job and I did fall short by a month on their preventative due to trying to conserve money. Well, my fiancé found a few fleas on her leg, so I checked our dogs. They had fleas. I immediately got them oral preventatives and did a big dousing wash of Dawn twice. We vacuumed every inch of the house with a shop vac, washed EVERYTHING. I haven’t been seeing fleas in the house in a few days; 1 week post treating the dogs and cleaning. However, fleas are ALL OVER the yard. I thought it was just the backyard, but it’s also in the front too. They come hopping just walking to the car. Then it occurred to me. I have a neighbor across the street that has around 10 outdoor cats. She’s been living here for years and refused to get her cats spayed/neutered, so they kept reproducing. The cats have been an inconvenience coming in our yard and hiding under cars, pooping, etc. Said neighbor moved out just before my dogs got fleas. She threw out a mattress and sofa in her yard before moving and the fleas were found a mere 2 days later. I thought she had taken the cats with her, as I hadn’t been seeing them, but I can see 2 of them laying in her yard today. I’m fairly certain the flea population is likely coming from the cats. Or, er, the cats are feeding them by living outdoors. How on earth do I handle this predicament? I’m going to call animal control to get the cats since they no longer have someone caring for them. But how do I get the fleas out of my yard so that they don’t end up back in my house?
submitted by hillycan to pestcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:59 Dorn-fist [23/m] Irish guy looking for cool people and fun peeps to chat to! Especially In Scandinavia and north/central Europe, but all are welcome!

Salutations everyone ! How are we all ? We better be good !!
I’m here today on the look for friends! (short term / long term) Here’s some interesting stuff about me !
Well I’m from Ireland and I’m in uni ! And I’m 23 I’m nerdy, heavily enjoy fantasy and grimdark settings, so massive LOTR, elder scrolls, GOT/HOTD and Warhammer fan. I play on PC (total war, arma 3, Hoi4, stellaris and many more ) and ps5 (Elden ring, battlefield) Im also big into history, specifically military history!! I’m a pagan
My fav food is a toastie and I love coffee n tea!
I hope to hear from someone soon and if you have read this far, no hey, hi or hellos, write a introduction!!
submitted by Dorn-fist to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:58 Big-Passage6992 I am not where I want to be in my life

For starters, I graduated my masters in international relations in December. I thought to myself after I get my degree I’ll have a nice career, maybe a baby, run my first marathon , move closer to family and more. Instead a week before graduation I got diagnosed with cancer. Luckily the cancer was able to be removed via surgery, but now I need a lymph node biopsy because of unusual growth. I asked my doctor to be serious with me and he says there’s a 50% chance it could be something serious again. It’ll be my fourth surgery in 7 months.
Because of my daughter ( they think she might be hyperlexic) and my health issues and where I live, I can’t get a job. I would need to move in order to get a job. My spouse is in the military and I have serious degree remorse every single day because I should’ve chose a degree that I could use instead of wasting my education up to my masters on international relations. My spouse is so busy at work and always gone. I hate complaining to them when they get home. On top of it I had a falling out with my neighbors and I feel so ostracized in my community. I wish I could move just so I could be away and not have to be around them but my kids are best friends with their kids. I feel like such a piece of crap if I completely cut off ties. Yet, I constantly feel tension and I constantly hear about all the event that I’m uninvited to. (She was my best friend and then I got cancer. Shortly after she found a new group and the relationship hasn’t been the same. It’s a long story ).
2024 was not in my five-year plan . I’m even questioning if I should have kids ever do the fact I might have genetic traits to pass down cancer . My health is questioned , I have no friends, I have no career , I have no direction. I have a therapist and even I feel she’s tired of me. I feel like I’ve never felt so lost and alone. I’m not where I want to be. Is this normal?
submitted by Big-Passage6992 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:58 Ascension_102 Should I go for LJS or a second opinion ?

Should I go for LJS or a second opinion ?
Hi all, I will be having Jaw Surgery in July this year for fixing overbite and a short and recessed face. I have had braces for little over an year.
My surgeon recently told me that he would only be operating on my lower jaw along with a vertical genioplasty.
But I feel like that won’t completely eliminate the short face since simply elongating a chin that I feel is pretty prominent already would just ruin it. Also, when I mentioned about down grafting, he said that would elongate my midface and not lower face. I had mentioned this because although I have long mid face, I barely show any upper teeth when smiling. My ortho told me that’s cause my lips are thick. (idk if that’s how it works)
Like everyone else, I only want to do this once and get the best possible result for myself. Please give suggestions. Ty!
submitted by Ascension_102 to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:58 Leecatd8209 My neighbors have gotten into MTBing, so I build up this dumpster find to keep up.

My neighbors have gotten into MTBing, so I build up this dumpster find to keep up.
It’s a ‘93ish Hard Rock GX I pulled out of a dumpster a couple years ago and had sitting around. Once I started riding it I decided to get wild with the mods:
1x10 Deore Amazon crankset Fooker Chester knock offs Converted to V-brakes with Avid Ti’s and Cane Creek levers Mag21 front fork Chris King Gripnut because the steerer is way too short on said Mag21
I still need to get a rear wheel to match the front, and I might get a threadless stem adapter for some different bars, but it tears up the local trails as is. Even if it’s a little small.
submitted by Leecatd8209 to xbiking [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:57 Rollinjo (M4F) slice of life

Hey. I’m off this weekend so thought I’d post.
Thank you for view my post. Hopefully you like what you read.
A little brief about me. I have been roleplaying for about 10 years and can be quite detailed. I like match my partner in that aspect. We can chat and see what suits us.
I am look for someone who has discord as I roleplay on that. But if we click then reddit could work out. I like to chat out of character. I feel like if you learn a little about each other we can then add it into the scene and make it better.
I’m looking for a modern day realistic slice of life theme. But I’m open to ideas. But this what I’m more comfortable with and feel I’m at my best. Fantasy and Middle Ages, I can give it a try but I’m not the best at them. If I click with a partner I would be willing to try.
I have a few ideas and plots that I would happily share but I’m open to your ideas and brainstorming. Making a scene that we will both enjoy.
Long and short term roleplays are fine but I am looking for more long term partners if I’m honest. Building ideas with each other and coming up with new scenes or roleplays. I know sometimes a scene runs it’s course and it’s good keep things fresh. I play in first person and present tense.
If you have any questions or like what you see. Then feel free to send me a message and take it from there.
I am 18+ and all participants and characters must be 18+
Thanks for reading
submitted by Rollinjo to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:57 katiedid0923 Post Thyroidectomy

Had a transoral TT on 5/6, so almost 2 weeks ago. Around 4 days later starting having what I would call shortness of breath on and off and has gotten progressively worse. My surgeon said it is most likely due to scar tissue forming and to keep doing neck exercises but I’m not so sure, as the shortness of breath feels more in my chest than throat but it’s hard to tell.
Has anyone experienced shortness of breath and/or throat tightness after TT?
submitted by katiedid0923 to gravesdisease [link] [comments]