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2012.03.29 03:15 emkat Webtoons on Reddit

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2013.01.23 02:00 bwould Fortinet

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2008.01.25 04:18 World News

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2024.05.19 03:07 Safe_Pattern_6087 Chance me (Rising Junior)

Hi, wanted to see what else I could be doing to spice up my college application, and to see if I’m on the right track. Though, I don’t exactly know what I was do for college (I’m split between Politics and Computer Science or Engineering)
Demographics: Hispanic Asian Male, Lower Middle Class, First Gen, Las Vegas
Courses + Scores: APHUG (Class + Exam) (5) APWH (Class + Exam) (?) APCSP (Exam Only/No Class) (5) APLang (Exam Only/No Class) (?) APGOV (Exam Only/No Class) (?) No SAT/ACT Yet (1220 on PSAT)
Chem, Bio, Geometry, Algebra II, English 9 & 10, Spanish II, Global Diplomacy (MUN Class), Computer Science II (All Honor Credits)
Spanish III (IB Class)
Theater Tech I & II, STEM Robotics, Global Diplomacy, Computer Science (Electives)
Taking the IB Diploma Program for 11th and 12th (all IB Classes)
IB Council (President) Robotics (Vice President) SkillsUSA (Member) DECA (Member) MUN (Member) NHS (Member) IB & BigFuture Ambassador Theater Tech (Crew Member, volunteer 15+ hours per week)
Awards: Silver at States for SkillsUSA (Web Design & Development) Third at States for DECA (BTDM) Commendation award at a college MUN event CollegeBoard’s Hispanic & FirstGen Recognition
Harvard, MIT, CalTech, GeorgiaTech, Pomona, Oxford/Cambridge, Stanford, Rice, Columbia
Let me know what else I can do to make my application better, thanks!
submitted by Safe_Pattern_6087 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:53 jlodvo Zero disconnects and crash now on hd2 , hope this helps others

things that made me fix all crashes (crash to desktop with event id 1000) and disconnect to ship
most of the tips and fix are in the pin message in hd2 official discord you just need to be patient and try till you find a solution the game is very unstable thats why you need to get your pc super stable like 200% stable
you need more extra headroom for stablity in this game
specs intel (13900ks) and nvidia (4090) mobo (z790-i)
  1. limit max core of your cpu lower it first to test min ive set it to X50 sync all cores (downclock to be super stable)
  2. Enforce all power limts
  3. Set Power Limit 1 (PL 1) to your cpu specs mine is 320 intel 13900ks some is 253 depends on your cpu
  4. Set Power Limit 2 (PL 2) same as above
  5. Set the Core Current Limit(Amps) to your cpu mine is 400 some i think is 307
  6. lock your pci graphics gen dont leave on auto mine is Gen 4
  7. make sure your ram settings is stable, or for test disable XMP first so it downclocks if all good turn it on
--- Drivers---
make sure all your drivers are up to date and do a clean install of your graphics driver using Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)
--game luncher on steam---
you can try to use lunch option: --use-d3d11
but still you need to tweak your bios to be super stable you can get back to dx12 just by deleting the lunch option
--ingame settings to try--
turn off = BLOOM
turn off = Screen-space global illumination
turn off = Anti-aliasing
Motion Bur = 0
Use Async Compute- off you can try on or off
Render Scale = Native
Camera Shake = Off
Display Mode = Borderless Window
Framerate Limit = On
Framerate Limit = 120 my oled 4k monitor can only do 120
Vsync = Off
if you have asus sonic uninstall it
disable ipv6
use other DNS
--Registry tweak--
TdrDelay = 10
Simply go to your registry: Start Run Type in "Regedit"
Go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers" and create a key of type "DWORD (32-bit)" and name "TdrDelay" with a value of 10 as Decimal value.
Reboot and play :)
In a nutshell it gives the GPU 10 seconds to recoverespond vs. 2 seconds (default).
--- Bat file to clean cache ---
--- copy below and make a notepad and change to .bat file ----
@echo off
echo Cleaning up shader cache, D3DSCache, and NVIDIA DXCache folders...
REM Initialize counters
set /a "helldiversCount=0"
set /a "d3dCacheCount=0"
set /a "nvidiaCacheCount=0"
REM Count and delete files in Helldivers2 shader cache
for /f %%a in ('dir "%APPDATA%\Arrowhead\Helldivers2\shader_cache\*" /a:-d /b /s 2^>nul ^ find /c /v ""') do set helldiversCount=%%a
if %helldiversCount% gtr 0 (
del /s /q "%APPDATA%\Arrowhead\Helldivers2\shader_cache\*"
echo Deleted %helldiversCount% files from Helldivers2 shader cache.
) else (
echo No files found in Helldivers2 shader cache.
REM Count and delete files in D3DSCache
for /f %%a in ('dir "%LOCALAPPDATA%\D3DSCache\*" /a:-d /b /s 2^>nul ^ find /c /v ""') do set d3dCacheCount=%%a
if %d3dCacheCount% gtr 0 (
del /s /q "%LOCALAPPDATA%\D3DSCache\*"
echo Deleted %d3dCacheCount% files from D3DSCache.
) else (
echo No files found in D3DSCache.
REM Count and delete files in NVIDIA DXCache
for /f %%a in ('dir "%LOCALAPPDATA%\..\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache\*" /a:-d /b /s 2^>nul ^ find /c /v ""') do set nvidiaCacheCount=%%a
if %nvidiaCacheCount% gtr 0 (
del /s /q "%LOCALAPPDATA%\..\LocalLow\NVIDIA\PerDriverVersion\DXCache\*"
echo Deleted %nvidiaCacheCount% files from NVIDIA DXCache.
) else (
echo No files found in NVIDIA DXCache.
echo Cleanup complete.
echo Summary:
echo Helldivers2 shader cache: %helldiversCount% files deleted.
echo D3DSCache: %d3dCacheCount% files deleted.
echo NVIDIA DXCache: %nvidiaCacheCount% files deleted.
submitted by jlodvo to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:59 pseudohistone Came across this subreddit for the first time and am in the mood for criticism. Tell me how to improve!

I already caught mistakes on my formatting and have submitted this version to job applications. I need a second pair of eyes revise my resume please!
submitted by pseudohistone to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:19 thewyzyrd 23/M are you looking for a new pal, business partner, enemy, or maybe all of the above? click here!

hi there, i'm brandon, and i'm from the philly area. fellow pennsylvanian/local people would be cool, but i enjoy talking to people from different places as well. gotta make those global connections incase i ever get stranded somewhere or just to have people to hang within every corner of the globe. anyway, here's a few things about me:
if any of this resonates with you or you just like the vibe, feel free to hit me up if you're an adult under 30 and would be willing to move to discord should we hit elect to move the convo there. also please send a little intro about yourself to make it easier to start a convo. hope to hear from ya!
submitted by thewyzyrd to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:15 twitchbradijm PC keeps going to sleep? Unsure what to change?

Hey guys, so recently, I decided to upgrade my HTPC/Plex Media Server from an old OptiPlex 7020 MT with a core i7 4790, to a custom build, with a Ryzen 4600G. However, I've been having issues with the build, namely, keeping it turned on.
Seemingly randomly, the computer will stop responding to input of any kind, either physically connected mouse and keyboard, and isn't connect to the network anymore, and I can't get it to show anything on a display either.
During this, the link indicator LED on the ethernet port is still going, so it clearly hasn't shut down, and the power LED isn't blinking so I don't think it's sleeping.
I've disabled sleep in the power settings and disabled global C-states, and it hasn't fixed the issue, neither did a Windows reinstall.
Can anyone advise some settings to try to get it to stop sleeping?
submitted by twitchbradijm to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:34 Tesa_Tesanovic1988 Wellbeing as New Gross Domestic Product

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been the standard measure of economic growth since World War II. It is widely believed that accelerating economic growth as measured by the GDP will translate into improved living standards. However, this view is being challenged with the argument that it is better to focus on measures of wellbeing than GDP because, despite robust economic growth over the past several decades, there are still millions of citizens living in poverty.Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been the standard measure of economic growth since World War II. It is widely believed that accelerating economic growth as measured by the GDP will translate into improved living standards. However, this view is being challenged with the argument that it is better to focus on measures of wellbeing than GDP because, despite robust economic growth over the past several decades, there are still millions of citizens living in poverty.

Besides, GDP measures perpetual growth, which is unattainable. Because GDP is an outdated proxy measure of economic growth, wellbeing, which is a multidimensional approach of measuring the most important aspects of people’s life, is gaining popularity.

Perpetual Growth

Stagflation is simultaneous economic stagnation combined with high inflation. In the long run, economic growth is dependent on two drivers; productivity and labor (Dolar). Productivity is affected by multiple factors. Improvements in many facets of productivity growth have decreased or reversed since the global financial crisis. The foremost factor is the demographic crisis of western countries that threatens the growth of GDP. Developed countries have experienced deceleration of working-age population, stabilization of educational attainment, and expansion into various forms of production. Furthermore, labor reallocation from less productive to more productive sectors has decelerated since the global financial crisis. Besides, radical disruptions to education and income losses are likely to affect human capital negatively. The waning demographics of western countries imply that acceleration of productivity growth is needed. The McKinsey Global Institute projected that 80% productivity growth is required to mitigate the effects of changing demographics (49). This projection is unlikely to be achieved given the dwindling working-age population in western countries. On the contrary, productivity growth is likely to continue decreasing because of the significant changes in the demographics unless the working-age population begins to grow again.

Perpetual Growth

GDP as a measurement is very outdated because it does not measure wellbeing. It is a statistical tool used to measure how well the economy is performing. However, it neglects important factors that determine the wellbeing, such as inequality and environmental services (Gallup). GDP as a proxy measure of economic growth ignores certain aspects that do not involve monetary transactions, does not assess changes in human capital, does not discriminate activities that enhance welfare from activities that reduce welfare, does not account for cultural difference, and omits the environmental costs and rates of depletion of resources (Giannetti et al. 14). The Measure of Economic Welfare is one of the alternatives for a gross domestic product as it measures consumption in the economy as a proxy for economic welfare. It adds up the benefits of goods and services consumption and subtracts the costs associated with the consumption, such as environmental pollution, providing a picture of economic welfare. Other economic welfare measures were developed after the Measure of Economic Welfare, such as the Index of the Economic Aspects of Welfare which incorporates environmental costs in estimating economic welfare (Giannetti et al. 15). Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare is an index developed to account for the current environmental issues while addressing the long-term ecosystem and natural resource sustainable use. More indices were developed with recent ones such as the State of Global Well-Being, the Better Life Index, and the Global Well-Being Index measuring a myriad of aspects of wellbeing. The Gallup Global Well-Being measures the behavioral economics of gross domestic product growth. It estimates the percentage “thriving,” “struggling,” and “suffering” of individuals in different countries and regions (Gallup). The indexes focus on the percent thriving in at least elements of wellbeing such as purpose (liking what they do), social (supportive relationships), physical (good health), community (liking the surrounding community), and financial (managing economic life well) aspects.
One in six adults worldwide are considered thriving – or strong and consistent — in at least three of the five elements of well-being, as measured by the Gallup-Healthways Global Well-Being Index. For example residents of the Singapore score quite low at the 19%, while New Zealand leads in Asia – Pacific with 67%.
The Gallup Global Well-Being measures have opened up new opportunities to study issues that affect people in different communities around the world in ways that GDP would not. For example, life satisfaction aspects of the Gallup World Poll data have been exploited to measure inequality in the distribution of subjective wellbeing (Gluzmann & Gasparini 2). Measuring inequality in subjective wellbeing might be complementary to the various approaches aimed at computing unfairness in a society because it may in some way have benefits over the usual income inequality measurements. Some perceived income inequalities may arise due to personal choices if all constraints are observed thus cannot be considered unfair. A case in point is when two individuals facing similar opportunities make different choices. One choice might lead to a better, healthier lifestyle while the other subjects the individual to poverty. Free choices resulting in socially acceptable income inequality should not be regarded as unfair. The assessment of subjective wellbeing is less likely to be susceptible to such differences. Under evaluation of subjective wellbeing, differences in perceived happiness may better estimate social unfairness rather than income unfairness (Gluzmann & Gasparini 4). Gallup World Poll provides data that can be used to compare wellbeing in different countries. It cures one of the most significant problems associated with compering inequality across countries and regions, namely, the generation of homogenous information. The poll poses the same question across all countries in all areas, which significantly reduces spurious differences in estimating comparisons. This reduces sources of measurement error significantly. It is noteworthy that people may not interpret and answer the standardized questions the same in different countries, leading to additional errors. However, the advantages of estimating subjective wellbeing and its rising popularity imply that improvements in the measurements will yield better results.

Technological Revolution

Usually, information and communication technologies are considered a key driver of economic growth and productivity. Different reviews indicate that technological effects tend to be positive at the organizational level (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development [UNCTAD 34]). However, it has been reported that productivity tends to drop as economies entrench technologies in every sector. In other words, the rapid digitization of economies has not translated into strong productivity. On the contrary, productivity growth appears to have stunted over the past few decades, with the slowdown more pronounced in developed countries and also in developing countries (UNCTAD 34). This is a productivity paradox because as technological advancement and use have increased, productivity growth has decreased, which is contrary to popular expectations (Remes et al.). The digitization of economies into digital economies has thus far not translated into increased productivity. The paradox in the digital economy is attributed to different reasons. A more pessimistic perspective considers the technological effects on productivity as having fewer impacts on productivity growth than the revolutionary technological advances of the past (UNCTAD 34). A more optimistic view links the slow growth of productivity to the time lags between the time the technologies are introduced and the time actual effects are felt (European CEO). As a result, more visible impacts on productivity will occur when technologies are adopted widely within the economy. An additional contributing factor to the productivity paradox is the difficulties associated with measuring the digital economy. The slow growth in productivity might be explained by the lack of proper recording of technological activities in that in overall GDP estimation. Consequently, the proper measurement would be reflected in increased productivity. In developed countries, demographic factors associated with the aging population are also linked to the slow growth in productivity (UNCTAD 34). Therefore, the productivity paradox related to the technological revolution arises from multiple factors.

Quality of the GDP

Measuring economic growth in purely quantitative categories diminishes the significance of “high-quality growth.” High-quality growth encompasses increased technological self-reliance, significant production and welfare transformation, the establishment of a comprehensive safety net for the citizens, enhancement of quality healthcare, education, and employment, and reduction of inequality across regions and various demographic characteristics (Wärtsilä). It reflects a policy change that focuses on investment areas that guarantee increased productivity, such as production, consumption, healthcare, and education (Pfeffer). The concept of high-quality growth is being advanced by China to reorganize the economy in a way that focus on increased domestic consumption and investing in productive sectors to drive the overall economic growth. For example, after decades of heavy investments in infrastructural projects and the manufacturing sector, the country realizes that roads and bridges are not productive but rather facilitates productivity. Policy change to shift investment into more productive sectors of the economy might bring sustainable economic growth and wellbeing. At the sectorial level, administrative job control is one of the main factors impacting the health of the employees (Pfeffer). The return of line of sight to the work, workplace flexibility, autonomous fusion teams, fluidity in work practices, and organizational health can elevate the personal wellbeing of the employees. The functional organization provides an environment with less stress caused by micromanagement demands from the employees. Therefore, wellbeing is a product of economic policy at the national level and the contribution of the private sector in nurturing the wellbeing of employees.


The failure of GDP as a measurement proxy of economic growth is less effective in contemporary society. It assumes that an economy will experience perpetual growth, which is a difficult achievement. Even where economies have experienced phenomenal growth over the years, the economic expansion failed to transform the lives of millions of citizens. The technological revolution also has been unable to expand the GDP as it was initially believed despite the fact that the significant impacts technology has had on society. It led to the conclusion that GDP has limitations as a measure of economic growth because it does not account for the non-monetary aspects that matter to people. As a result, new indexes such as the Gallup Global Wellbeing have been developed and are experiencing rising popularity due to their ability to compute wellbeing. In particular, the estimation of subjective wellbeing creates opportunities for improved measurement of social inequality. Furthermore, the realization that wellbeing is important to citizens is supporting new ideas of measuring national economic growth. China’s shift to the assessment of the quality of economic growth indicates a paradigm shift where countries focus on national statistics that reflect their economic realities.


Dolar, Veronika. “Why stagflation is an economic nightmare – and could become a real headache for Biden and the Fed if it emerges in the US.” The Conversation (2022). Accessed 21 Mar. 2022.
European CEO. “Giving a voice to the digital revolution’s silent majority.” (2019). Accessed 21 Mar. 2022.
Gallup. “2014 Country Well-Being Rankings.”
Giannetti, Biagio F., et al. “A review of limitations of GDP and alternative indices to monitor human wellbeing and to manage ecosystem functionality.” Journal of cleaner production 87 (2015): 11-25.
Gluzmann, Pablo, and Leonardo Gasparini. “International inequality in subjective well‐being: An exploration with the Gallup World Poll.” Review of Development Economics 22.2 (2018): 610-631.
McKinsey Global Institute – “Global growth: Can productivity save the day in an aging world?” page 49
Pfeffer, Jeffrey. “The overlooked essentials of employee wellbeing.” McKinsey Global Institute (2018). Accessed 21 Mar. 2022.
Remes, Jaana et al. “Solving the productivity puzzle.” McKinsey Global Institute (2018). Accessed 21 Mar. 2022.
Wärtsilä. “Going beyond GDP: China targets a new path to growth.” (2021). Accessed 21 Mar. 2022.

Paul Lalovich

Organizational Effectiveness and Strategy Execution Practice

Tesha Teshanovich

Organizational Effectiveness and Strategy Execution Practice
submitted by Tesa_Tesanovic1988 to Open_innovation_model [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:33 Tesa_Tesanovic1988 Your career management as an investment portfolio

In most cases when sales of a product have plateaued, market saturation is often used. That suggests there is more supply than demand for a given product. Western marketplaces are bursting with work options and ways to make money. Today’s young people must act smart and move quick to locate new employment opportunities.In most cases when sales of a product have plateaued, market saturation is often used. That suggests there is more supply than demand for a given product. Western marketplaces are bursting with work options and ways to make money. Today’s young people must act smart and move quick to locate new employment opportunities.

Suppose one wants to be successful in this field, they should focus on expanding markets, developing innovative technology, and uncovering undiscovered company prospects in highly profitable niche industries, among other things (Agarwal et al, 6). Businesses in crowded markets may cut the price of their products to gain a larger market share. As a result, businesses are always undercutting each other to attract new customers. Cost-cutting is a common strategy for firms when profits are stagnant (Simonazzi et al., 17). Unnecessary or avoidable cost savings are welcome, but they don’t address the underlying issue.

Where do I pay my taxes if I am a digital nomad?

According to the recent reports, westerners already pay too many taxes in a number of business entities. Due to the high cost of living in their new home nation, one out of every five American ex-pats is contemplating renunciation of their citizenship. Senators are concerned about how to pay for the deficit, and Senate rules prohibit raising long-term deficits through reconciliation bills. Consequently, more money will be available to Congress if the budget reconciliation plan generates more revenue. The United States will not make significant investments unless Congress makes significant adjustments to the tax structure (Michel et al., 89). Increased budget deficits could slow the long-term growth of the economy. In addition private investment or borrowing from other countries is used to pay for government borrowing when the economy is close to capacity (Chen et al.440). When a person is experiencing difficulties, it might harm their future well-being. To put it another way, the long-term impacts of tax policy are influenced by its incentives and its budgetary implications.
Digital nomads have historically been seen as a threat in some places, but several countries around the world are now actively seeking to attract this growing digital population through new remote work visas.
All this converges into a superstorm, and more and more people will opt for digital nomad opportunities. While tax regulations can vary significantly depending on where you are in the world, general guidelines may be helpful to for those seeking information on paying taxes as a digital nomad. Naturally, tax filing is done with the country of tax residence as determined by the place of a principal residence. Digital nomads, however, may encounter a variety of additional layers of tax residence due to their physical presence in other countries during a tax year. In addition, state/province/territory and local taxes may also apply.

Cancel culture and family safety issues

The cancellation culture has a lot to do with social media and if it hadn’t been for social media, pop culture would not have gotten the attention it has in the previous decade. In most case the cultures are frequently canceled by unfollowing, blocking, and publicly criticizing an organization or individual on social media. Due to their large social media followings, celebrity cancellations often garner much media attention. As a result of using social media to communicate with celebrities, many teenagers desire to emulate their peers. Most adolescent cancel culture is carried out online, primarily via comments and unfollows (Yar et al., 80). This can happen in the real world, such as at school or in extracurricular activities. They are often rejected, mocked, and disregarded by their peers, who have had their activities canceled. Most Western workers are experiencing job instability due to the growth of a “cancel culture” in the workplace (Dąbrowska-Kłosińska, 30). This can be a terrific method for teenagers to learn and grow, as their peers may call them out for using insulting words or acting inappropriately.

Investment analysis and forecasting as part of the individual development strategy

To produce an accurate financial projection, one must consider both general macroeconomic trends and your organization’s specific circumstances. Predicting how much money a company will generate and spend in the future is known as financial forecasting. A full estimate contains both short-term and long-term revenue estimates and costs that aren’t anticipated at the time of the estimate (Poorter et al.120). People who know how to create models are critical to financial forecasting firms that do a good job. Some people have extensive knowledge of the organization, its sectors, and the communities it serves to support them along the way. Similarly, data collection and analysis are critical to the financial forecasting process and the use of the software.

Scenario planning and personal life choices

Global events like COVID 19, inflation, or food crisis can impact our life choices a lot. To avoid reacting to events, we need to think about what might happen in the future. Scenario planning helps us do this. Scenario planning allows business leaders to consider what might happen, reflect on past actions, and devise strategies for positive and poor outcomes. Scenario planning is more than just a means to think about the future when it comes to financial planning. It can assist one in determining how much money you’ll make, how much money you’ll have, and how to manage hazards. Early warning indications of difficulties can be spotted by leaders who make their organizations aware of potential issues (MacKenzie et al.900). One can use scenario planning papers to quickly run through numerous scenarios and figure out the best course of action in the event of a crisis. Making a strategy in the event of an emergency is essential. Having a strategy in place is critical in the event of a product going viral and seeing a threefold increase in demand in a single day.

Building the right skills for the jobs of the future

To be eligible for future employment, one must possess the abilities that will be most in demand. Coding has taken off swiftly as one of the most sought-after skills. Almost any industry can benefit from the versatility and scalability of computer languages. People believe that coding is so prevalent in the workplace that it will soon become an essential skill for everyone. Learning to code is a difficult task. Learning how to code and the language you choose impacts how long it takes to do so (Moldoveanu et al.40). Before you begin learning how to code, look at several computer languages and determine which ones are relevant to your industry. Many people begin by studying HTML or JavaScript when learning a new language. After you’ve mastered the fundamentals, you can move to more popular and widely used languages like Python. It is possible to store and manage corporate data in the cloud while allowing employees to work from home.

Riding on global trends of tomorrow

By adopting an agile culture, knowing how to cope with ambiguity, pushing outside our comfort zones, and quickly adjusting to new trends, among other things, we achieve success. We all agree that the weather has gotten more erratic in the last few decades. Crop failure, sea-level rise, and water scarcity are exacerbated by global warming. Malaria and dengue fever epidemics are also on the rise due to the influx of people from developing countries. According to the Kyoto Protocol, 175 countries have agreed to begin the long process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by signing it (Penalva et al., 340). According to business leaders worldwide, firms have a larger role in society and should do more than merely follow the law to reduce pollution. According to a McKinsey survey, this is the case. The “triple bottom line” refers to a company’s efforts to benefit its shareholders and its workers and the environment. Increasing numbers of businesses are waking up to the need to lower their carbon footprints, produce ecologically friendly products, and operate their operations for more than just quarterly profits.


Agarwal, Khushboo, and Veeraruna Kavitha. “Saturated total-population dependent branching process and viral markets.” arXiv preprint arXiv: 2203.16239 (2022).
Chen, Novia X., and Terry Shevlin. ““US worldwide taxation and domestic mergers and acquisitions” a discussion✰.” Journal of Accounting and Economics 66.2-3 (2018): 439-447.
Dąbrowska-Kłosińska, Patrycja. “The Protection of Human Rights in Pandemics—Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future.” German Law Journal 22.6 (2021): 28-38.
MacKenzie, Meredith A., et al. “Respecting choices and related models of advance care planning: a systematic review of published evidence.” American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine® 35.6 (2018): 897-907.
Michel, Adam N. “When It Comes to Taxation, Borders Matter—Europe and the US Should Act Accordingly.” Heritage Foundation Issue Brief 4855 (2018).
Moldoveanu, Mihnea, and Das Narayandas. “The future of leadership development.” Harvard business review 97.2 (2019): 40-48.
Penalva, Jose. “Innovation, personalised education and Little Red Riding Hood.” International Journal of Lifelong Education 39.4 (2020): 339-355.
Poorter, Lourens, et al. “Can traits predict individual growth performance? A test in a hyperdiverse tropical forest.” New Phytologist 219.1 (2018): 109-121.
Simonazzi, Annamaria, Jorge Carreto Sanginés, and Margherita Russo. “The Future of the Automotive Industry: Dangerous Challenges or New Life for a Saturated Market?” Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Paper Series 141 (2020).
Yar, Sanam, and Jonah Engel Bromwich. “Tales From the teenage cancel culture.” The New York Times (2019).

Paul Lalovich

Organizational Effectiveness and Strategy Execution Practice

Tesha Teshanovich

Organizational Effectiveness and Strategy Execution Practice
submitted by Tesa_Tesanovic1988 to Open_innovation_model [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:26 Tesa_Tesanovic1988 Making the shift to a decentralized and open innovation model

In today’s evolving and competitive landscape, the value of innovation is shifting from the traditional closed systems approach to a more open, decentralized, and community-driven approach. Paul Lalovich and Tesha Teshanovich from Agile Dynamics outline what is driving the trend, its implications for organizations, and how leaders can successfully operate at the forefront of the shift.
Innovation transcends the mere conceptualization of fresh ideas; it is the actionable process of enhancing existing products or conjuring entirely new offerings. While there is a strong correlation between R&D and innovation – with the former serving as a wellspring for pioneering thoughts – the journey from groundbreaking research to practical utility can be intricate and protracted.
However, it’s worth noting that innovation isn't solely tethered to structured R&D. It can spontaneously arise from sheer curiosity, a spark of inspiration, or even the simple act of refining or tweaking existing methodologies.
Firms might invest in R&D to catalyze innovation, but they can also harness external advancements – referred to as ‘spillovers’. After all, groundbreaking knowledge isn't always the exclusive domain of its creators, making external inspirations invaluable.
Emerging from a robust foundation of innovation, soft power presents tangible advantages. Leaders in technology often establish benchmarks that others deem beneficial to adopt. As a result, global standards lean favorably toward those pioneers. Moreover, countries recognized for their innovative acumen become prime territories for patent filings. These innovation hubs magnetize not just domestic but international investments and capital.
Perhaps the most profound testament to their soft power is the allure they hold for top-tier talents. For instance, Silicon Valley has evolved into a global nexus, drawing in exceptional minds from the realms of information, communication, and digital technologies. Such concentrations of talent can significantly influence a nation’s trade dynamics.

Tech monopolies slow down innovation

In the arena of global economic dominance, competition emerges as the cornerstone, propelling nations to the forefront of innovation and growth. While Chinese strategies appear to have adapted, embracing the dynamism of competitive markets, the United States stands at a crossroads. Some of its tech behemoths promote their size and market leadership as pivotal for cutting-edge innovation.
Yet, it is crucial to discern the nature of this innovation and whose interests it truly serves. Does it prioritize shareholder returns, or is there a broader, national interest at play? As smaller, agile firms emerge, emphasizing true boundary-pushing innovation, one must ponder: Is the spirit of unbridled competition – a force that once fueled the American economy – being overshadowed by the looming giants?
In the nuanced interplay between governmental oversight and market forces, recent actions within China's technology sector provide a captivating study of regulatory boundaries. This phenomenon, aptly termed ‘de-tycoonification’, captures a deliberate effort to harmonize enterprise innovation with centralized checks.
A leading digital commerce platform in China encountered regulatory attention. The swift determination that its practices were anti-competitive, accompanied by a significant financial penalty, symbolizes a broader intent to redefine market paradigms. Prompt official communique following these events conveys a clear perspective: monopolistic behaviours can inhibit the holistic evolution of a market-based economy.
This stance also emphasizes that thoughtful regulations, rather than restricting growth, might actually serve as pillars to stabilize and nurture it. The regulatory web further ensnared another major digital entity in China, underscoring the principle that technological ingenuity should operate within established ethical and legal frameworks. Such internal checks within China challenge certain dominant narratives in global tech centres.
The notion that maintaining a robust market stature acts as a shield against global tech adversaries comes under scrutiny. The introspective regulatory steps within China necessitate a broader re-evaluation of such assumptions.
The tech landscape today is unmistakably marked by the towering presence of Big Tech, but what underlies this dominance might point towards a concerning reduction in competitive intensity. For two decades, the profits raked in by American tech behemoths have remained unparalleled, with market valuations suggesting this trend is expected to continue, if not amplify, in the coming years.
Such sustained, sky-high profitability isn't typical in a genuinely competitive market. In such a setting, rivals and newcomers usually exert downward pressures, ensuring no single entity retains an overwhelming edge for extended periods. The tech industry's trajectory further points towards a rising penchant for consolidation. This is evidenced by the substantial acquisitions of budding companies by the tech titans.
Data sourced from Mergermarket underscores an uptick in acquisition activity by these colossal tech firms, particularly post-2010. The symbiotic relationship between persistent high profits and a trend toward industry concentration suggests that the tech market might be veering away from the vibrant competitive arena it once was.

Cardwell’s law

The tech landscape’s evolution, in its relationship with innovation, is witnessing a palpable shift in entrepreneurial motivation and vision. Historically, the fervour of pioneering something transformative, encapsulated in the ‘moonshot thinking’, drove entrepreneurs. This audacious spirit envisioned groundbreaking entities akin to the tech luminaries of the late 20th and early 21st century. Yet, today’s entrepreneurial aspirations seem more tempered.
Instead of fostering ambitions of building the next revolutionary tech empire, there’s a growing inclination towards securing an acquisition by an existing tech colossus. This shift in sentiment dims the likelihood of a new tech juggernaut rising to challenge the incumbent titans. Post the era of computer-centric, web-driven, and smartphone-related innovations, a cloud of uncertainty looms over the emergence of new tech powerhouses.
Notably, the promising technological domains of the upcoming decade – be it autonomous vehicles with their exorbitant R&D costs, virtual or augmented reality's significant development expenditures, the data intensity of artificial intelligence, or drones and the Internet of Things with their challenging profit margins – present formidable entry barriers.
These hurdles, combined with a changing entrepreneurial landscape, cast a shadow on the future dynamism of tech innovation. Cardwell's elucidation on the patterns of technological evolution offers a poignant lens through which to view the current landscape dominated by Big Tech.
Donald Stephen Lowell Cardwell’s seminal work from 1972 suggests that technological vigor within societies is not an enduring flame, but a fleeting burst of brilliance. Within the European context, as one nation's innovative energy began to wane, another would rise, ensuring a consistent relay of progress across the continent.
Visualize this relay of innovation as a torch, brilliant yet intense. Historically, regions such as Northern Italy, Southern Germany, Spain, and Portugal, and later Holland, Britain, the United States, and Germany, took turns in holding this torch, leading the march of innovation. Yet, no single society clung to this leadership for extended durations. The relay ensured that as one nation's innovation diminished, another took up the mantle, propelling the collective forward.
This phenomenon, coined as ‘Cardwell’s Law’ by Joel Mokyr, posits that when left in isolation, a society’s technological creativity is but a brief spark. Over time, conservatism’s stifling grip, intent on preserving existing structures of power and privilege, often curtails this innovative drive.
This is where the analogy becomes particularly relevant for the Big Tech landscape. In today’s digital age, a few colossal entities dominate, much like the leading nations of old Europe. Yet, as these tech giants solidify their positions, they risk becoming victims of the very conservatism Mokyr speaks of.
Instead of being conduits for continual innovation, their sheer dominance and entrenched positions could lead to a stagnation in technological creativity. As they grow in size and influence, there is an increasing tendency to preserve the status quo, which inadvertently suppresses the innovative spark found in smaller, more agile entities.

Decentralization and open innovation

In the contemporary milieu characterized by the overwhelming dominance of Big Tech monopolies, the paradigms of decentralized innovation and open innovation emerge as potentially transformative alternatives.
The concept of distributed strategy borrows from nature, suggesting that in the same manner that organisms such as trees maximize their efficiency by creating multiple self-similar structures like leaves instead of solely relying on a single core trunk, businesses too need to shift their focus from purely scaling their core processes to nurturing multiple iterative strategies at the organizational peripheries. This can be encapsulated in the mantra of ‘Think Local, Act Global’.
In essence, companies must attune to the nuanced demands and opportunities of each local market, while simultaneously integrating these learnings into a broader global strategy. This is particularly evident in industries undergoing rapid transformation; for instance, the automotive industry's evolution from merely selling cars to offering comprehensive mobility solutions, a shift that is predicted to significantly alter its revenue structure by 2035.
In parallel, in our data-driven age, there is an increasing realization that the sheer volume of data is less crucial than its meaningful interpretation. Organizations need to pivot from prioritizing data accumulation to developing advanced algorithms capable of drawing insights from fragmented, patchy datasets. In the rapidly shifting landscape of today's global business environment, numerous established multinational corporations find themselves at a perplexing crossroads.
The crux of their predicament stems from a foundational dilemma: how to juxtapose traditional scale-driven strategies with the emergent imperative of Distributed strategies. To dissect this conundrum, one must appreciate the inherently divergent organizational philosophies underpinning scale and distributed strategies. Transitioning from a scale-centric model to a distributed-oriented one is not merely about implementing a series of organizational modifications, no matter how profound.
The shift demands a comprehensive reimagining of the organizational ethos and operational mechanics. Moreover, it is a fallacy to view these strategies as mutually exclusive. In actuality, they exist on a continuum, each holding its unique value. The challenge for modern enterprises lies in striking an optimal balance between harnessing the benefits of scale and the agility of Distributed strategies. Regrettably, the journey to this equilibrium is riddled with pitfalls, and many companies, even with their vast resources and global reach, have faltered in this endeavor.
Contrary to scale-centric entities that depend on static assets, with streamlined yet inherently slower supply chains, Distributed organizations harness networks characterized by adaptability and continuous transformation. These networks are primed for swiftly addressing specific local requirements and seizing niche market prospects.
Such frameworks incorporate a blend of proprietary micro-production facilities, possibly utilizing innovations like 3D printing; leasing assets from providers offering asset-on-demand services; and coordinating flexible ecosystems of regional digital collaborators. The overarching aim is twofold: continuously devise innovative solutions tailored for local clientele and escalate them to various markets with optimal speed.
Distributed-oriented organizations prioritize decentralization, contrasting with the top-down hierarchies commonly seen in scale-driven entities. Within these structures, decision-making isn't confined to a centralized corporate core. Instead, considerable authority is delegated to customer-centric teams positioned away from the primary headquarters. This design fosters agility, allowing for a rapid response to localized demands and new opportunities.
Some multinational corporations have observed marked improvements in their performance metrics after such decentralization. They empowered regional leaders with financial oversight, decision-making rights, streamlined communication channels to the central office, and enhanced access to market analytics.
Another trend, seen in the case of an appliance industry giant, involves an even more radical shift. This entity introduced a unique organizational framework aimed at minimizing the distance between the enterprise and its customer base. In a bold move, an entire level of middle management was eliminated, redistributing power to numerous newly-formed, semi-independent, customer-aligned business segments. These units operate in synergy, linked by a unified digital platform.
Further reading: Knowledge and venture capital as a driver of innovation.
Meanwhile, ‘Open Innovation’ offers a complementary model, championing a departure from insular corporate research and development approaches. Instead, it advocates for the amalgamation of external insights, be they from academia, startups, or independent innovators, into the innovation process. This synergistic approach addresses the often-criticized inertia inherent in large tech monopolies, promoting a more dynamic and collaborative innovation ecosystem.
Both these paradigms, however, necessitate a significant cultural shift within organizations, demanding a more flexible, adaptive, and outward-looking ethos to truly harness their potential in countering the inertia often associated with tech giants.
The rise of open innovation, propelled by reduced communication costs and advancements in memory and computation capabilities, has ushered in significant changes in market dynamics and societal interactions. Unlike the traditionally centralized, firm-driven innovation models, open innovation champions a decentralized, peer-based approach that emphasizes intrinsic motivation and societal benefits.
Indeed, the literature has delved into the nature of these peer innovation communities, understanding their social structures and intricacies.
However, the repercussions of this shift towards open innovation on established and emerging firms remain inadequately explored. Current organizational and strategic theories don't fully encapsulate the nuances of community-driven innovation. Despite the transformative potential of open innovation, its influence on mainstream organizational and strategic discourses has been somewhat muted.
As we progress, it becomes imperative to develop a more comprehensive understanding of firms in this new context, addressing the interaction between traditional organizational structures and emerging community-based innovation paradigms.


In an evolving landscape where tasks are increasingly modular and knowledge about solutions becomes more widespread, the traditional closed systems of innovation shift towards open, community-driven models. The implications are profound: we can no longer rely solely on conventional understandings of innovation rooted in cost efficiency, control mechanisms, and external incentives.
As innovation gets embedded in a spectrum ranging from strictly internal processes to open community collaborations, our conceptualization of firms and their boundaries need revisiting. This doesn’t negate the value of traditional models, but it requires a hybrid approach where both internal and open strategies coexist.
A pivotal question arises: under what circumstances should firms toggle between these different modes of innovation? The answer, it appears, lies in understanding the nature of the product and the distribution of problem-solving knowledge.
For products that are inherently integrated and where specialized knowledge is centralized, the conventional in-house R&D model, bolstered by a strong innovation-centric culture, remains relevant. Here, innovation is typically cocooned within the firm's boundaries, spanning from distinct functional divisions to intricate, ambidextrous designs.
However, when a product can be broken down into modular components and the requisite knowledge is dispersed, the limitations of a closed innovation system become evident. In these contexts, the power dynamics of innovation are reshaped by the principles of openness, collaborative sharing, intrinsic motivation, and community engagement.
The challenge, then, for modern enterprises is to discern when to internalize and when to externalize, ensuring that they harness the best of both worlds while navigating the complex terrain of innovation.In today’s evolving and competitive landscape, the value of innovation is shifting from the traditional closed systems approach to a more open, decentralized, and community-driven approach. Paul Lalovich and Tesha Teshanovich from Agile Dynamics outline what is driving the trend, its implications for organizations, and how leaders can successfully operate at the forefront of the shift. Innovation transcends the mere conceptualization of fresh ideas; it is the actionable process of enhancing existing products or conjuring entirely new offerings. While there is a strong correlation between R&D and innovation – with the former serving as a wellspring for pioneering thoughts – the journey from groundbreaking research to practical utility can be intricate and protracted. However, it’s worth noting that innovation isn't solely tethered to structured R&D. It can spontaneously arise from sheer curiosity, a spark of inspiration, or even the simple act of refining or tweaking existing methodologies.
Firms might invest in R&D to catalyze innovation, but they can also harness external advancements – referred to as ‘spillovers’. After all, groundbreaking knowledge isn't always the exclusive domain of its creators, making external inspirations invaluable. Emerging from a robust foundation of innovation, soft power presents tangible advantages. Leaders in technology often establish benchmarks that others deem beneficial to adopt. As a result, global standards lean favorably toward those pioneers. Moreover, countries recognized for their innovative acumen become prime territories for patent filings. These innovation hubs magnetize not just domestic but international investments and capital. Perhaps the most profound testament to their soft power is the allure they hold for top-tier talents. For instance, Silicon Valley has evolved into a global nexus, drawing in exceptional minds from the realms of information, communication, and digital technologies. Such concentrations of talent can significantly influence a nation’s trade dynamics. Tech monopolies slow down innovation In the arena of global economic dominance, competition emerges as the cornerstone, propelling nations to the forefront of innovation and growth. While Chinese strategies appear to have adapted, embracing the dynamism of competitive markets, the United States stands at a crossroads. Some of its tech behemoths promote their size and market leadership as pivotal for cutting-edge innovation. Yet, it is crucial to discern the nature of this innovation and whose interests it truly serves. Does it prioritize shareholder returns, or is there a broader, national interest at play? As smaller, agile firms emerge, emphasizing true boundary-pushing innovation, one must ponder: Is the spirit of unbridled competition – a force that once fueled the American economy – being overshadowed by the looming giants? In the nuanced interplay between governmental oversight and market forces, recent actions within China's technology sector provide a captivating study of regulatory boundaries. This phenomenon, aptly termed ‘de-tycoonification’, captures a deliberate effort to harmonize enterprise innovation with centralized checks. A leading digital commerce platform in China encountered regulatory attention. The swift determination that its practices were anti-competitive, accompanied by a significant financial penalty, symbolizes a broader intent to redefine market paradigms. Prompt official communique following these events conveys a clear perspective: monopolistic behaviours can inhibit the holistic evolution of a market-based economy. This stance also emphasizes that thoughtful regulations, rather than restricting growth, might actually serve as pillars to stabilize and nurture it. The regulatory web further ensnared another major digital entity in China, underscoring the principle that technological ingenuity should operate within established ethical and legal frameworks. Such internal checks within China challenge certain dominant narratives in global tech centres. The notion that maintaining a robust market stature acts as a shield against global tech adversaries comes under scrutiny. The introspective regulatory steps within China necessitate a broader re-evaluation of such assumptions. The tech landscape today is unmistakably marked by the towering presence of Big Tech, but what underlies this dominance might point towards a concerning reduction in competitive intensity. For two decades, the profits raked in by American tech behemoths have remained unparalleled, with market valuations suggesting this trend is expected to continue, if not amplify, in the coming years. Such sustained, sky-high profitability isn't typical in a genuinely competitive market. In such a setting, rivals and newcomers usually exert downward pressures, ensuring no single entity retains an overwhelming edge for extended periods. The tech industry's trajectory further points towards a rising penchant for consolidation. This is evidenced by the substantial acquisitions of budding companies by the tech titans. Data sourced from Mergermarket underscores an uptick in acquisition activity by these colossal tech firms, particularly post-2010. The symbiotic relationship between persistent high profits and a trend toward industry concentration suggests that the tech market might be veering away from the vibrant competitive arena it once was. Cardwell’s law The tech landscape’s evolution, in its relationship with innovation, is witnessing a palpable shift in entrepreneurial motivation and vision. Historically, the fervour of pioneering something transformative, encapsulated in the ‘moonshot thinking’, drove entrepreneurs. This audacious spirit envisioned groundbreaking entities akin to the tech luminaries of the late 20th and early 21st century. Yet, today’s entrepreneurial aspirations seem more tempered. Instead of fostering ambitions of building the next revolutionary tech empire, there’s a growing inclination towards securing an acquisition by an existing tech colossus. This shift in sentiment dims the likelihood of a new tech juggernaut rising to challenge the incumbent titans. Post the era of computer-centric, web-driven, and smartphone-related innovations, a cloud of uncertainty looms over the emergence of new tech powerhouses. Notably, the promising technological domains of the upcoming decade – be it autonomous vehicles with their exorbitant R&D costs, virtual or augmented reality's significant development expenditures, the data intensity of artificial intelligence, or drones and the Internet of Things with their challenging profit margins – present formidable entry barriers. These hurdles, combined with a changing entrepreneurial landscape, cast a shadow on the future dynamism of tech innovation. Cardwell's elucidation on the patterns of technological evolution offers a poignant lens through which to view the current landscape dominated by Big Tech. Donald Stephen Lowell Cardwell’s seminal work from 1972 suggests that technological vigor within societies is not an enduring flame, but a fleeting burst of brilliance. Within the European context, as one nation's innovative energy began to wane, another would rise, ensuring a consistent relay of progress across the continent. Visualize this relay of innovation as a torch, brilliant yet intense. Historically, regions such as Northern Italy, Southern Germany, Spain, and Portugal, and later Holland, Britain, the United States, and Germany, took turns in holding this torch, leading the march of innovation. Yet, no single society clung to this leadership for extended durations. The relay ensured that as one nation's innovation diminished, another took up the mantle, propelling the collective forward. This phenomenon, coined as ‘Cardwell’s Law’ by Joel Mokyr, posits that when left in isolation, a society’s technological creativity is but a brief spark. Over time, conservatism’s stifling grip, intent on preserving existing structures of power and privilege, often curtails this innovative drive. This is where the analogy becomes particularly relevant for the Big Tech landscape. In today’s digital age, a few colossal entities dominate, much like the leading nations of old Europe. Yet, as these tech giants solidify their positions, they risk becoming victims of the very conservatism Mokyr speaks of. Instead of being conduits for continual innovation, their sheer dominance and entrenched positions could lead to a stagnation in technological creativity. As they grow in size and influence, there is an increasing tendency to preserve the status quo, which inadvertently suppresses the innovative spark found in smaller, more agile entities. Decentralization and open innovation In the contemporary milieu characterized by the overwhelming dominance of Big Tech monopolies, the paradigms of decentralized innovation and open innovation emerge as potentially transformative alternatives. The concept of distributed strategy borrows from nature, suggesting that in the same manner that organisms such as trees maximize their efficiency by creating multiple self-similar structures like leaves instead of solely relying on a single core trunk, businesses too need to shift their focus from purely scaling their core processes to nurturing multiple iterative strategies at the organizational peripheries. This can be encapsulated in the mantra of ‘Think Local, Act Global’. In essence, companies must attune to the nuanced demands and opportunities of each local market, while simultaneously integrating these learnings into a broader global strategy. This is particularly evident in industries undergoing rapid transformation; for instance, the automotive industry's evolution from merely selling cars to offering comprehensive mobility solutions, a shift that is predicted to significantly alter its revenue structure by 2035. In parallel, in our data-driven age, there is an increasing realization that the sheer volume of data is less crucial than its meaningful interpretation. Organizations need to pivot from prioritizing data accumulation to developing advanced algorithms capable of drawing insights from fragmented, patchy datasets. In the rapidly shifting landscape of today's global business environment, numerous established multinational corporations find themselves at a perplexing crossroads. The crux of their predicament stems from a foundational dilemma: how to juxtapose traditional scale-driven strategies with the emergent imperative of Distributed strategies. To dissect this conundrum, one must appreciate the inherently divergent organizational philosophies underpinning scale and distributed strategies. Transitioning from a scale-centric model to a distributed-oriented one is not merely about implementing a series of organizational modifications, no matter how profound. The shift demands a comprehensive reimagining of the organizational ethos and operational mechanics. Moreover, it is a fallacy to view these strategies as mutually exclusive. In actuality, they exist on a continuum, each holding its unique value. The challenge for modern enterprises lies in striking an optimal balance between harnessing the benefits of scale and the agility of Distributed strategies. Regrettably, the journey to this equilibrium is riddled with pitfalls, and many companies, even with their vast resources and global reach, have faltered in this endeavor. Contrary to scale-centric entities that depend on static assets, with streamlined yet inherently slower supply chains, Distributed organizations harness networks characterized by adaptability and continuous transformation. These networks are primed for swiftly addressing specific local requirements and seizing niche market prospects. Such frameworks incorporate a blend of proprietary micro-production facilities, possibly utilizing innovations like 3D printing; leasing assets from providers offering asset-on-demand services; and coordinating flexible ecosystems of regional digital collaborators. The overarching aim is twofold: continuously devise innovative solutions tailored for local clientele and escalate them to various markets with optimal speed. Distributed-oriented organizations prioritize decentralization, contrasting with the top-down hierarchies commonly seen in scale-driven entities. Within these structures, decision-making isn't confined to a centralized corporate core. Instead, considerable authority is delegated to customer-centric teams positioned away from the primary headquarters. This design fosters agility, allowing for a rapid response to localized demands and new opportunities. Some multinational corporations have observed marked improvements in their performance metrics after such decentralization. They empowered regional leaders with financial oversight, decision-making rights, streamlined communication channels to the central office, and enhanced access to market analytics. Another trend, seen in the case of an appliance industry giant, involves an even more radical shift. This entity introduced a unique organizational framework aimed at minimizing the distance between the enterprise and its customer base. In a bold move, an entire level of middle management was eliminated, redistributing power to numerous newly-formed, semi-independent, customer-aligned business segments. These units operate in synergy, linked by a unified digital platform. Further reading: Knowledge and venture capital as a driver of innovation. Meanwhile, ‘Open Innovation’ offers a complementary model, championing a departure from insular corporate research and development approaches. Instead, it advocates for the amalgamation of external insights, be they from academia, startups, or independent innovators, into the innovation process. This synergistic approach addresses the often-criticized inertia inherent in large tech monopolies, promoting a more dynamic and collaborative innovation ecosystem. Both these paradigms, however, necessitate a significant cultural shift within organizations, demanding a more flexible, adaptive, and outward-looking ethos to truly harness their potential in countering the inertia often associated with tech giants. The rise of open innovation, propelled by reduced communication costs and advancements in memory and computation capabilities, has ushered in significant changes in market dynamics and societal interactions. Unlike the traditionally centralized, firm-driven innovation models, open innovation champions a decentralized, peer-based approach that emphasizes intrinsic motivation and societal benefits. Indeed, the literature has delved into the nature of these peer innovation communities, understanding their social structures and intricacies. However, the repercussions of this shift towards open innovation on established and emerging firms remain inadequately explored. Current organizational and strategic theories don't fully encapsulate the nuances of community-driven innovation. Despite the transformative potential of open innovation, its influence on mainstream organizational and strategic discourses has been somewhat muted. As we progress, it becomes imperative to develop a more comprehensive understanding of firms in this new context, addressing the interaction between traditional organizational structures and emerging community-based innovation paradigms. Conclusion In an evolving landscape where tasks are increasingly modular and knowledge about solutions becomes more widespread, the traditional closed systems of innovation shift towards open, community-driven models. The implications are profound: we can no longer rely solely on conventional understandings of innovation rooted in cost efficiency, control mechanisms, and external incentives. As innovation gets embedded in a spectrum ranging from strictly internal processes to open community collaborations, our conceptualization of firms and their boundaries need revisiting. This doesn’t negate the value of traditional models, but it requires a hybrid approach where both internal and open strategies coexist. A pivotal question arises: under what circumstances should firms toggle between these different modes of innovation? The answer, it appears, lies in understanding the nature of the product and the distribution of problem-solving knowledge. For products that are inherently integrated and where specialized knowledge is centralized, the conventional in-house R&D model, bolstered by a strong innovation-centric culture, remains relevant. Here, innovation is typically cocooned within the firm's boundaries, spanning from distinct functional divisions to intricate, ambidextrous designs. However, when a product can be broken down into modular components and the requisite knowledge is dispersed, the limitations of a closed innovation system become evident. In these contexts, the power dynamics of innovation are reshaped by the principles of openness, collaborative sharing, intrinsic motivation, and community engagement. The challenge, then, for modern enterprises is to discern when to internalize and when to externalize, ensuring that they harness the best of both worlds while navigating the complex terrain of innovation.
submitted by Tesa_Tesanovic1988 to Open_innovation_model [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:02 Ok_Mountain_5674 Optimizations that can be applied to the matrix multiplication kernel to have close TFLOPS performance as cuBLAS

Hey everyone!
I am trying to write a matrix multiplication kernel not gemm but a simple kernel that multiplies only square matrices, and I am trying to match the TFLOPS of this kernel to cuBLAS. So far I have implemented the following optimizations:
  1. Global Coalescing
  2. Strided matrix multiplication using SHEM
  3. Increasing arithmetic intensity using 2D block-tiling
  4. Resolving bank conflicts
  5. Using vector data types to load 4 floats from GMEM in a single instruction
With the above optimizations, I have managed to reach the performance of 40 TFLOPS (3.35 ms and 7.5 Million cycles) but I am still lagging 10 TFLOPS behind cuBLAS, whereas cuBLAS performance is 50TFLOPS (2.74ms and 6 Million cycles) the cycles and time metric is from nvidia nsight compute.
So, I have following questions:
  1. What are some more optimization techniques that I can use to further improve my kernel's performance? Like there some more tricks in the book that I can use?
  2. While I measure GFLOPS of cuBLAS and my own kernel, I see that if I just use a single iteration my kernel always gives more GFLOPS as compared to cuBLAS, My Kernel: 43TFLOPS and cuBLAS: 36TFLOPS. But if I do more iterations and then take the average cuBLAS wins by 10TFLOPS. My understanding here is that there maybe some "start up" time that cuBLAS function (cublasSgemm) requires as I am not directly calling the kernel, one of the possibility I think it is it checks the dimensions of the matrices and then invokes kernels based on that. Is this understanding correct? or I am missing something?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Ok_Mountain_5674 to CUDA [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:53 Tesa_Tesanovic1988 The Performance Economy: A Way Towards Sustainable Future?

Consumer behavior is the cornerstone of economic demand. This demand-type microeconomic comportment shapes the basic economic system that exists in the contemporary world. Consumption goods constitute a substantial proportion of economic activity. Therefore, it is important for businesses to understand the fundamental drivers in order to support the creation of a sustainable economy naturally, free of state tax substitutes and mandates from supernational entities.

For the last decades, the economies of many industrialised countries have been characterised by a combination of continuously high resource consumption with related high waste volumes, of rising public debt often accompanied by persistent unemployment and slow economic growth. Performance economies are built on sustainability by allowing the efficient use of existing resources and embracing product-use extension over the fast replacement of products. The natural resources are finite while the demand is increasing. The trajectory has spearheaded a move to the service economy, guided by a paradigm shift from industrialization and manufacturing to services. The role of technology, especially artificial intelligence and blockchain, is critical in providing improved security, increased efficiency, enhanced transparency, better traceability, and reduced cost. The modern economy is characterized by the shift from quantity and price sensitivity into servicisation, product quality, sustainability, and product ownership, which guides any country’s success.

Performance Economy

The current performance economies rely on blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, sock market, and Q & Q stocks to drive servicisation and the natural economy. Markets are growing beyond the material economy and consumption-driven concept. Therefore, it is essential to shift from industry-driven and material consumption and embrace sustainability. The shift can be successfully executed through the creation of products that last for a long time. Besides, capital owners should maintain ownership while the returns on capital ownership ought to be adjusted to realize sustainable economies. Achieving economic growth naturally needs a critical adherence to sustainability practices that revolve around re-use, recycle, and reduce (Gelbmann and Hammerl 52). Particularly, the concept of clean water, sustainable energy, and sanitation play an important role in the process.

Contribution of Circular Economy to Performance Economy

Contribution of Circular Economy to Performance Economy
The circular market economy creates an avenue for the capitalist system of the economy to thrive. Consequently, it achieved significant success for a few capitalists but with little regard for the general welfare. Under a circular capitalist system and open market, where little intervention on production is involved, the value of ecosystem and biodiversity is consistently undervalued. However, generational equity is hardly achieved where minerals, water, and the ecosystem are exploited for the short-term benefit without compensation for future sustainability (Staheel 2). Performance economy is built on resource use efficiency and policy frameworks that promote labor as a resource, personal sustainability in the process, and the general will of key sector players in building a sustainable economy (Nygård 7). Geissdoerfer et al. provide the approaches that private sector players in the circular economy should embrace to promote sustainability through business models that are guided by principles of re-use, repair, recycle and remanufacture as opposed to replace (759). Labour, as human capital, is a critical element in the new business models that seek to promote sustainability. For instance, technological advancement, including the expertise use of artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and smart assistance, are critical aspects in improving efficiency. Businesses train their employees on new technology of production, how to remain environmentally efficient, and the effectiveness of converting resources into profit for the realization of short-term and long-term sustainability (Huang and Rice 479). At a time when the production and businesses environment is dynamic, the role of human resources is paramount to achieving the needed sustainable productivity. Imparting new skills to employees improves their efficiency and reduces wasteful production.
A circular economy seeks to achieve stock optimization and profit maximization. The three loops of production and the service-life extension result in significant benefits to companies and organizations. Stock optimization and service economy have gained further popularity over value-added production because capital owners have an opportunity to create value by extending the useful life of the capital asset rather than increasing the assets through use and replacement. Therefore, the utilization value replaces the product and exchange value as the cost of input in the latter is higher, but it takes a relatively long time to depreciate (Cooper 33). The shift to the extension of the useful life is backed by a sustainable society, mainly because the world’s resources are becoming progressively finite (Moreno et al. 78). Moreover, the increasing role of private sector developers with the new business model based on the 3R principles of re-use, recycle, and remanufacture has proved vital to the current economy. The move has enabled manufacturers to realize more utility from extended use of resources and stock optimization than they would receive in low-quality products. The new business model is important for sustainability because the useful life of a product determines its replacement speed and the rate of use of the resources (Stahel 5). The level of consumption of natural resources is directly proportional to the amount of waste production. Therefore, extending the useful life of means of production promotes sustainability and reduces waste. Therefore, the current performance economy seeks to naturally support the economy through product-life extension rather in place of a fast replacement approach. Product life extension increases wealth. On the other hand, shortening the life cycle upsurges the demand for replacement escalates the rate of natural resource utilization, and leads to increased waste (Kjaer 22). The growing importance of the new business model based on circular economy finds innumerable opportunities in every sector’s activities such as repair, re-use, recycle, and reconditioning. It is applicable mainly in manufacturing, finance, and research and development.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology

The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology
Artificial intelligence and blockchain technology are instrumental in improving the resilience of the world economies in the face of pandemics and resource depletion. The shift towards a service economy and stock optimization is expected to propagate with the support from new technology. Particularly, blockchain and artificial intelligence can increase the speed of access to new markets new ways of production and stimulate productivity. The contribution of blockchain technology in keeping data secure in the service economy is paramount. The financial segment and stock market sector advance when private sector players are assured of the security of their investment. Blockchain and artificial intelligence provide security through authentication and facial identification (Ramadoss et al. 57). In addition, blockchain has enabled financial inclusion by reducing the cost of transactions and improving the speed with which many players in the economy access financial services. The era of new and advanced technology is necessary for natural economy performance based on the service economy to grow. Therefore, blockchain and artificial intelligence are critical in enabling the shift from the fast-replacement production to the new product- life extension and service economy, which is more sustainable than the traditional system due to the finite nature of natural resources.
Artificial intelligence and blockchain technology are instrumental in improving the resilience of the world economies in the face of pandemics and resource depletion. The shift towards a service economy and stock optimization is expected to propagate with the support from new technology. Particularly, blockchain and artificial intelligence can increase the speed of access to new markets new ways of production and stimulate productivity. The contribution of blockchain technology in keeping data secure in the service economy is paramount. The financial segment and stock market sector advance when private sector players are assured of the security of their investment. Blockchain and artificial intelligence provide security through authentication and facial identification (Ramadoss et al. 57). In addition, blockchain has enabled financial inclusion by reducing the cost of transactions and improving the speed with which many players in the economy access financial services. The era of new and advanced technology is necessary for natural economy performance based on the service economy to grow. Therefore, blockchain and artificial intelligence are critical in enabling the shift from the fast-replacement production to the new product- life extension and service economy, which is more sustainable than the traditional system due to the finite nature of natural resources.
As the world marks a significant economic paradigm shift, blockchain and artificial intelligence offer solutions to existing problems. The advantages of these new technologies cannot be overlooked if an economy is to achieve a complete change towards a service economy, extended life products, and stock optimization. Specifically, blockchain technology offers improved security, increased efficiency, greater transparency, traceability, and reduced costs (Swan 125). Artificial intelligence and blockchain technology combine to effectively provide economical solutions and upgrade supply chain, financial inclusion, health records, and even medical royalties critical in the service economy (Marwala and Xing 25). Artificial intelligence specifically supports blockchain by facilitating decentralized blockchain infrastructure and verifying authenticity. Thus, artificial intelligence and blockchain work collaboratively to enable the service economy to perform naturally, guarantee sustainability, and promote economic viability for future generations.
The blockchain economy is taking over fiat and monetary systems. The technology facilitates exchange between distant players guided by equality of ownership shared governance among members. Blockchain and artificial intelligence are the centers of the new performance economies. They break border barriers and allow transactions between people in different countries at low costs and a fast rate. Artificial intelligence promotes trust by providing authenticity to transactions and eradicating the involvement of third parties in international trade and transactions.
The use of artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, and smart assistance has changed the way nations seek to promote natural growth. Furthermore, globalization and the growth of an open market economy have reduced the international boundaries in trade and what countries do to gain the balance of trade. As such, nations are finding it increasingly difficult to grow by themselves, especially given the rise in the international supply chain. Competitive advantage in production plays a significant role in what countries produce and how they balance their foreign exchange. The cutthroat competition and globalization have led to a new concept of sustainability that economies embrace to remain competitive in the going concern. For instance, a significant paradigm shift from industrialization to the service economy seeks to promote stock management over asset ownership to reduce the preference of quantity products over quality, which can last for long and guarantee a return on investment to the capital owners.


Performance economies seek to promote sustainability by allowing the efficient use of present resources. The product-life extension of fast-product replacement is encouraged as it leads to a lower rate of resource utilization and relatively low waste during production. Therefore, traditional means of production, where resources such as land, labor, and minerals were made for short-term use, are being replaced with products that take reasonably long to wear out or replace. The concept of stock optimization has evolved over time. Besides, the role of technology and the contribution of research and development in the performance economy cannot be overstated. The technology gained from research and development may not benefit the economy in the short term, but it contributes to economic growth in the long run. Research into new production methods, better products, and waste management play a key role in promoting sustainability, given the limited resources. Blockchain and artificial technology are now at the center of the service economy. Overall, they offer improved security, increased efficiency, greater transparency, better traceability, and reduced costs.


Cooper, Tim. “The Significance of Product Longevity.” Longer Lasting Products. Routledge, 2016.
Geissdoerfer, Martin et al. “The Circular Economy – A New Sustainability Paradigm?”. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol 143, 2017, pp. 757-768., doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.12.048.
Gelbmann, Ulrike, and Barbara Hammerl. “Integrative Re-Use Systems as Innovative Business Models for Devising Sustainable Product–Service-Systems”. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol 97, 2015, pp. 50-60., doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.01.104.
Huang, Fang, and John Rice. “The Role of Absorptive Capacity in Facilitating “Open Innovation” Outcomes: A Study of Australian SMEs in The Manufacturing Sector”. International Journal of Innovation Management, vol 13, no. 02, 2009, pp. 201-220., doi:10.1142/s1363919609002261.
Kjaer, Louise Laumann et al. “Product/Service‐Systems for A Circular Economy: The Route to Decoupling Economic Growth From Resource Consumption?”. Journal of Industrial Ecology, vol 23, no. 1, 2018, pp. 22-35., doi:10.1111/jiec.12747.
Marwala, Tshilidzi, and Bo Xing. “Blockchain and artificial intelligence.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.04451, 2018. doi:10.48550/arXiv.1802.04451
Moreno, Mariale et al. “A Conceptual Framework for Circular Design”. Sustainability, vol 8, no. 9, 2016, p. 937., doi:10.3390/su8090937.
Nygård, Håvard Mokleiv. “Achieving The Sustainable Development Agenda: The Governance–Conflict Nexus.” International Area Studies Review, vol. 20, no.1, 2017, p. 3-18.
Ramadoss, Tamil Selvan, Hilaal Alam, and Ramakrishna Seeram. “Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Enabled Circular Economy.” The International Journal of Engineering and Science, vol. 7, no. 9, 2018, pp. 55-63.
Stahel, Walter. “The Business Angle of a Circular Economy–Higher Competitiveness, Higher Resource Security and Material Efficiency.” A New Dynamic: Effective Business in A Circular Economy, vol.1, 2013.
Swan, Melanie. “Blockchain for Business: Next-Generation Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Systems.” Advances in Computers. vol. 111, 2018, pp. 121-162.

Paul Lalovich

Organizational Effectiveness and Strategy Execution Practice

Tesha Teshanovich

submitted by Tesa_Tesanovic1988 to circular_economy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:41 TheIdealHominidae Satellites temperature measurement are likely becoming increasingly unreliable: an underappreciated topic

We have a few space satellites that measure global temperature independently of ground stations.
My basic understanding is that they measure incoming (from earth) radiation level (irradiance).
Then with some maths, they derive the temperature from the received light spectrum.
Some satellites measure incoming infrared radiation, but the most popular ones measure incoming microwave radiation.
My main question is related to the use of thermometers on board of those satellites, their purposes.
Let's take for example the famous UAH satellite, its founder, Roy Spencer, says the following:
> Contrary to some reports, the satellite measurements are not calibrated in any way with the global surface-based thermometer records of temperature. They instead use their own on-board precision redundant platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs) calibrated to a laboratory reference standard before launch.
platinum thermometers are simply a more accurate version of thermometers versus mercury based ones.
He says the satellite has onboard (redundant (2)) thermometers. Why and at which step in the temperature calculus pipeline are those thermometers used in the satellite?
The satellites are in near space (very cold) and their face that is solar exposed could be very hot. In both ways (space cold and heat) seems highly unrelated to measuring earth surface temperature.
If so, then what are the purpose of those thermometers onboard? How do they relate with the spectroscopic measure of incoming radiation?
Here is my tentative understanding:
I was able to find this UAH paper that says:
> the spacecraft experience a slight E-W drift during the course of their operational life.
> the (microwave) instrument is exposed to more direct sunlight and warms as a result. This warming is evidenced in the on-board platinum resistance thermometer which is embedded in the hot-target plate. Christy et al. 2000 discovered the dependency of variations in the hot-target plate temperature (HTPT) and errors in the atmospheric temperature reported by the instrument. The instrument error was eliminated by determining a linear coefficient which when multiplied by the HTPT anomaly would account for much of the error.
The paper they cite is most likely:
> As mentioned in Christy et al. (1998), we discovered a spurious influence on the calculation of Tb due to the temperature of the instrument itself
According to this, it seems that the two thermometers, which are near the sun exposed part (plate) and the radiometer, are used to algorithmically correct the bias/drift effect of satellite temperature variation on the accuracy of the radiometer that measure microwaves.
Besides this correction, that was added in the 2000s, my question is, did the two themometers had, and still have another role in the earth temperature calculus? Do the radiometer needs them, independently of aforementioned drift.
> The determination of earth-viewed Tb from the ob-served digital counts is based on an interpolation scheme between two temperature anchor points: cold space and the onboard warm target plate T W . The MSU reports the intensity of microwave radiation as digital counts for the 11 earth views and for cold space and the warm target. The temperature for cold space is known (2.7 K) and that of the warm target is monitored by the two PRTs. Thus a relationship is then computed between counts and Tb given the digital counts and temperatures of the anchor points (Spencer et al. 1990).
If "earth viewed Tb" means earth calculated temperature (?) then it seems the radiometer alone cannot work (?) and needs to do the difference between the cold and hot zone of the satellite.
It seems to not be the same thing as aforementioned bias drift correction but the difference to me is unclear. The argument for this role of the thermometer being different is that it was described in 1990, before the drift was known (it seems but not sure).
note that they mention errors corrections can be non linear.
> In general, as the instrument heats (T W increases) the calculated earth-viewed temperature based on laboratory nonlinear calibration coefficients becomes too warm.
Meaning that the warmer the radiometer is, the warmer (non linearly) the earth calculated temperature is.
anyone knows what the "cold target counts" terminology actually means in regards to the radiometer?
note that the idea of using coorbiting satellites thermometer data for increased redundancy is promising.
Anyway here is my discovery, that is in fact known but it seems nobody had connected the dots before.
Christy discovered that the temperature variation of the radiometer affects the earth temperature calculus (non linearly).
They also measured that past similar satellites had anomalous drifts/temperature records because (among other things like orbital decay, instrument gain and diurnal bias) they were not correcting for their discovered bias.
HOWEVER, it seems no one has considered that there is a meta-drift, a drift over the drift since the 2 thermometers that are used to correct the radiometer bias, have themselves an intrinsic temperature drift over time that is an artificial warming effect.
It is known that thermometers (mercury, alcohol) artificially gain 0.7 degree per century.
for platinum thermometers, the temperature drift is between 2-10 millikelvin per year hence up to 1 degree of warming per century....
but in an environment like space (extreme cold, extreme heat when sun aligned, and lower gravity (could affect thermal expansion/accuracy) the effect could be bigger or faster especially with solar radiation.
Of course, here even if the thermometers were to have their temperature artificially increase by 1 degree (or more via accellerated space aging), the effect would not directly translate to an artificial increase of earth calculated temperature by 1 degree.
According to Christy's paper, the average UAH satellite monthly temperature was 280 degree at the time. So it would shift to an artificial 281 monthly temperature.
It appears there was a drift of 2 degree between 1979 to 97 for a similar satellite (see figure 5) albeit data is not clean at the end, and also, it might be natural space temperature variance (or via orbital decay/change) (no idea) instead of accelerated thermometer aging.
For N-6 (assuming it is representative..) the monthly mean hot plate variance was of 4 degree hence a thermal drift of 1-2 degree could affect the monthly variance by 25 to 50% which is huge but unclear to me how much the algo is sensitive to the variance versus the absolute temperature. Also daily variance is probably much larger.
The actual effect on earth calculated temperature could be calculated from figure 6, but I am too much of a noob to do the maths sadly.. If anyone could answer how much an artificial gain in thermometer temperature of say 1 degree would do on earth temperature that would be great.
For reference, when the bias was not corrected they observed ~0.8 degree of earth calculated temperature variance bias.
Note that this could have two effects as according to my partial understanding, the thermometer is used two times, 1) for the radiometer to work (related to "counts") they need to know the difference between the cold (fixed temp) and hot plate. and 2) for correcting the non linear bias of radiometer temperature. 1 and 2 might be the same thing but IMO they are not.
Note that independently of thermometer drift and temperature effect on radiometer, the radiometer could itself have also an age drift independent of temperature cf paper aforementioned instrument gain.
While the magnitude of the thermometer drift on earth temperature is unknown (to me) but can be calculated, it could be significant and falsify the satellite temperature record to an extent, and it should worsen in the following decades (especially if aging is non linear also there will be considerably more cosmic rays radiations during the incoming maunder like minimum (maybe arround 2030) which is predicted to reduce (temporarilly) the sun magnetosphere by something like 40% IIRC.
Most importantly this bias can be corrected, via analyzing coorbiting satellites with the UAH (or RSS) that are more recent, e.g. if a spacex satellite came with a thermometer and is nearby, then it could be cross correlated and used to assess how much the UAH thermometers have drifted empirically.
submitted by TheIdealHominidae to climatechange [link] [comments]

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  1. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
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Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
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submitted by ccna_cisco to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:04 Key_Constant4544 pay someone to do my homework

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Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
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submitted by Key_Constant4544 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:37 SAFEMOONEDDY 3 Photos that Expose the Truth! Time to wake up!

3 Photos that Expose the Truth! Time to wake up!
First picture: Nasdaq rule changes. Please read!
Second Picture: Timestamp of the Nasdaq circuit breaker being triggered by who? FFIE @ 1:33pm. This one doesn’t involve much reading just looking in the circle 😶‍🌫️
Third picture: Time of the stock when it took a massive dive 🤔🤔. If you believe this is a coincidence, I’m sorry to tell you but you are blind.
What does this mean? Nothing? No, this means that the hedge funds are no longer allowed to short ladder(-investors trading amongst themselves to manipulate the price of share) from May 17th from when it was triggered until May 21st. Do what you would like to with this information. On to the next discovery. #OperationFuckHedge
submitted by SAFEMOONEDDY to roaringkittybackup [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:26 Impressive-End-1605 LABLINKUP

LabLinkUp: Empowering Scientific Networks through Virtual Lab Collaboration
In the fast-paced world of scientific research, collaboration is key to unlocking new frontiers and driving innovation. As researchers seek to tackle complex challenges spanning multiple disciplines, the need for interdisciplinary partnerships and virtual lab collaboration has never been greater. In this blog post, we delve into the concept of LabLinkUp and how it facilitates research lab matchmaking, fosters interdisciplinary research partnerships, and strengthens the innovation ecosystem.

Understanding LabLinkUp: Connecting Scientific Minds

LabLinkUp is more than just a platform; it's a catalyst for scientific progress. At its core, LabLinkUp serves as a virtual research community where researchers from around the globe can connect, collaborate, and exchange ideas. Whether you're a seasoned researcher looking to expand your network or a newcomer eager to find like-minded peers, LabLinkUp provides the tools and resources to facilitate meaningful connections.

The Importance of Research Lab Matchmaking

Research lab matchmaking lies at the heart of LabLinkUp's mission. By leveraging advanced algorithms and data-driven insights, LabLinkUp matches researchers with compatible partners based on their expertise, interests, and objectives. Whether you're searching for collaborators with expertise in molecular biology, quantum computing, or environmental science, LabLinkUp streamlines the matchmaking process, saving time and maximizing potential collaborations.

Fostering Interdisciplinary Research Partnerships

In today's interconnected world, some of the most groundbreaking discoveries occur at the intersection of multiple disciplines. LabLinkUp embraces this ethos by fostering interdisciplinary research partnerships. By bringing together researchers from diverse backgrounds, LabLinkUp catalyzes innovation and drives progress in fields ranging from biotechnology and artificial intelligence to renewable energy and materials science.

Strengthening the Innovation Ecosystem

At LabLinkUp, we recognize that innovation thrives in collaborative environments. That's why we're committed to strengthening the innovation ecosystem by providing researchers with the resources they need to succeed. Whether it's access to cutting-edge technologies, funding opportunities, or mentorship programs, LabLinkUp empowers researchers to transform their ideas into tangible solutions that address society's most pressing challenges.

Navigating the Virtual Research Community

In an increasingly digital world, virtual collaboration has become the new norm. LabLinkUp embraces this shift by providing researchers with a seamless virtual research community where they can connect and collaborate from anywhere in the world. Through virtual lab collaboration tools, online forums, and networking events, LabLinkUp facilitates meaningful interactions and knowledge exchange, transcending geographical boundaries and fostering a truly global research community.

Unlocking Opportunities with the Research Lab Directory

Central to LabLinkUp's platform is the Research Lab Directory, a comprehensive database of research labs spanning a wide range of disciplines. Whether you're searching for academic institutions, government research facilities, or private-sector labs, the Research Lab Directory serves as a valuable resource for identifying potential collaborators and exploring new research opportunities. With detailed profiles highlighting each lab's expertise, facilities, and research focus areas, the Research Lab Directory empowers researchers to make informed decisions and forge meaningful partnerships.

Join the LabLinkUp Community Today

In an era defined by collaboration and innovation, LabLinkUp stands at the forefront of scientific networking. Whether you're a researcher seeking to expand your network, a lab looking to collaborate with external partners, or an organization interested in fostering interdisciplinary research, LabLinkUp offers a platform tailored to your needs. Join the LabLinkUp community today and unlock the power of virtual lab collaboration, research lab matchmaking, and interdisciplinary partnerships. Together, we can shape the future of science and drive positive change for generations to come.
In conclusion, LabLinkUp represents a paradigm shift in scientific networking, offering researchers a platform to connect, collaborate, and innovate in ways never before possible. By embracing virtual lab collaboration, research lab matchmaking, and interdisciplinary partnerships, LabLinkUp is empowering scientific networks and accelerating the pace of discovery. Join us on this exciting journey as we redefine the future of research and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.
Contact Us
Address:Frederikssundsvej 159, Bronshoj,
Copenhagen,Denmark, 2700
submitted by Impressive-End-1605 to u/Impressive-End-1605 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:19 Primary-Outcome60 Which of the two resume looks better?- 2 YOE

submitted by Primary-Outcome60 to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:47 Apprehensive-Sir7063 There will be a redistribution of money in the Tech sector and then back again

The movement away from NVIDIA MICROSOFT GOOGLE APPLE and other giants will flood into other stocks in the short term we will see another chip rally in stocks with a lower market cap
But the likes of Bill gates and Warren Buffet will buy back into these mega tech stocks which will regain its value over the years
Warren has already sold some apple, he will sell some more but has a lot of money on hand saving for a recession but he will spend a lot on the above companies.
The money flows back and forth stabilising at similar levels over the long term. These companies will after losing half their value rise again at the same time as other Chip companies catch up increasing market cap.
The increased automation using AI and Robotics in industrial processes will see increased production and need for chips in products.
Exponential growth of cloud storage will also drive it in the long term, newer chips use requirinf less energy bringing down costs of cloud storage fueling growth. There will always be a thirst for advanced chips in cloud storage and super computers. But consumer tech outside of AI and robotics?? how advanced do chips have to be in consumer tech after a certain level? Advancement in modern chips will increase for a short time in consumer tech improving energy efficiency and speed so a phone battery can last 4 times longer while phone working faster for example but beyond that consumer chips won't be innovative until we have home robots. Cloud storage robotics and locally stored AI requires innovative chips but once energy efficiency has peaked so will innovation in consumer chips over the near future. Even home computing with faster Internet speeds will move to the cloud and AI computing so as entertainment advances with AI it'll never require extremely advanced chips at home. I envision AI being able to create TV shows movies computer games for the user, based on their requirements and specifications and the plot of the story they want. Within a few decades possible.
This is a crucial point where companies rise or turn into potatoes collapsing in value. But potatoes still sell chips.
Are there any other chip companies that are relevant? I know the big tech are starting to make their own Chips for AI.
There's going to be a bottle neck in demand driving up stock prices artificially propping up the price of chips and when increased automation and robotics are used in chip manufacturing too some companies stock prices will collapse as others that went through the transformation of automation in manufacturing will flourish.
Intel is a company that is low in price but heavily investing and receiving government funds to expand their production as well as innovation in their automated production processes, is it intel who say they don't need Asml lithograph machines? Their stagnant value may radically turn around. It is intel pivoting the the mass production future for consumer tech and not the high end innovation others like NVIDIA or IBM seek.
All of those will see exponential growth over the next 5 or so years and then the increased mass production may see some rise and others fall.
All the while this is occurring money will be sucked out of other sectors lowering stock prices, another opportunity if chosen wisely as they'll have to go through the same transformation implementing AI and robotics and then they will see increased growth with money flowing back when their revenue increases.
But there is a ceiling and that is salaries and the cost of living etc people can only buy so much it will limit growth through all industries. A finite amount of money so the opportunities limited to this redistribution over the next decade potential for retail to make a lot of money out of the hedge funds pockets. If you know the rotations in advance like they do it's a benefit.
What will all of the job loss caused by the AI and robotics revolution do to spending I wonder create a recession? Collapse in the stock market? I'm not so sure, it can be avoided and the world doesn't have to have a recession of there's organisation and tariffs, I think China a risk for glboal recession as they're full steam ahead want to steal industry globally that will only increase job loss... I think thats avoidable.
Edit: NVIDIA may never after collapsing in value recover it's valuation. They'll lose their market share and revenue will collapse. Institutional investment is low for a reason. It'll increase after they scare retail our in a mini crash and they'll increase their percentage it's currently around 40 percent it is retail ballooning the price it's prime for a collapse and mass exodus.
Intel is being hand held by the US government with grants due to emerging threat of China and TSMC risk. They must have some good designs and now being handheld through the automating processes.
submitted by Apprehensive-Sir7063 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 14:25 thinkpax Eh, I'll just replace it with a sp... Come on, seriously?

Eh, I'll just replace it with a sp... Come on, seriously? submitted by thinkpax to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:46 Repulsive_Spite_4992 Banned bird, this is how your report should have been.

Banned bird......This is a report (Elphaba)
To whom this concerns,
On the evening's 30/4/24- 1/5/24, I was absolutely horrified and left in disgust at the behaviour of one of your creators on tiktok live. Elphaba Orion Doherty, who also uses other accounts to side step account bans, displayed extremely horrifying behaviour that should never be witnessed on the app.
Thousands of people, potentially even many more thousands after the initial incident, were subjected to dangerous suicide baiting behaviour and violent content by Elphaba Orion Doherty. She held a knife to her throat and threatened to kill herself to thousands upon thousands of viewers, whilst appearing to be very unstable after an incident the previous evening of claiming she had self harmed. On the day of the 1/5/24, she was even showing her viewers, who again were in the thousands her self harm "injuries" on her wrist and arm, saying that she would "show them" to her viewers so she could manipulate her audience for more gifts.
Elphaba Orion Doherty was allowed, despite thousands and thousands and thousands of reports for online safety due to the content of brandishing a knife to her own throat, threatening harm to herself and saying she "wants to die" These reports were all received with no violations and the live was allowed to continue for over twenty minutes.
Children under the age of sixteen years of age have self harmed as a result of this. Adults who experience mental health battles have harmed themselves as a result of this. Families and friends of those who have committed suicide have been affected by this.
This creator has a track record of inflammatory behaviour on the app, which again has been reported on numerous occasions because of the very real risk to children who do have access to the app. Not only just children and impressionable young people, but also the vupnerable adults and everhone else who is subjected to this behaviour. The content of this creator suicide baiting, threatening to kill themselves, actively abusing alcohol and narcotics whilst on live is completely unacceptable. If she isn't displaying the above-mentioned behaviour, then she is demanding gifts and money from her viewers, literally demanding.
Due to Elphaba being a trans creator and also young (20 years of age) She is very attractive to the younger generations, the target audience being children as a large percentage of her gifters and viewers are children. She already has an extremely negative influence on these children, with her regular intoxicated ramblings, narcotic induced tantrums, and now suicide baiting and self harming while on live, is a psychological and emotional minefield for children. Elphaba needs IP bans and enforced bans from making other accounts for the safety and well-being of so many people who use the app and platform for welcomed, creative purposes.
On a daily basis, Elphaba breaks the platforms own policies. Please see below. And I am using general terms in referring to youths 13+ who are legally allowed to have accounts and access to the platform.
•"Youth safety is our priority. We do not allow content that may put young people at risk of exploitation, or psychological, physical, or developmental harm. This includes child sexual abuse material (CSAM), youth abuse, bullying, dangerous activities and challenges, exposure to overtly mature themes, and consumption of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or regulated substances. If we become aware of youth exploitation on our platform, we will ban the account, as well as any other accounts belonging to the person."
As we are aware that Elphaba Orion Doherty has regularly exploited 13+ youths to emotional and psychological harm by displaying the above mentioned behaviour of suicide baiting, self harm, narcotic and alcohol abuse on a regular basis. Elphaba regularly discusses sexual exhibitionism and sexual assault incidents that have allegedly happened to her, and she routinely sexualises comments and innuendos that are inappropriate entirely. Not to mention how Elphaba regularly manipulates her young viewers for gifts.
•"We are committed to bringing people together in a way that does not lead to physical conflict. We recognize that online content related to violence can cause real-world harm. We do not allow any violent threats, incitement to violence, or promotion of criminal activities that may harm people, animals, or property. If there is a specific, credible, and imminent threat to human life or serious physical injury, we report it to relevant law enforcement authorities."
The platform does have many qualities and content that is perfect for what is described, however Elphaba has threatened to physically harm other creators on a regular basis, has been active in criminal activities such as using narcotics, encouraging underage drinking of alcohol and encouraging dangerous behaviour.
• "TikTok is enriched by the various backgrounds of our community members. Our differences should be respected, rather than a cause for division. We do not allow any hateful behavior, hate speech, or promotion of hateful ideologies. This includes content that attacks a person or group because of protected attributes, including: Caste, Ethnicity, National Origin, Race, Religion, Tribe, immigration status, Gender, Gender Identity, sex, sexual orientation, disability, serious diseases."
Elphaba has repeatedly broken these guidelines which have been reported, again thousands of thousands of times in her lives. She has been transphobic, racist remarks, direct racism to other content creators, discriminatory towards other genders. She has also made sexualised remarks regarding other's sexual identity and violent sexual exhibitionism regarding others of the opposite sex.
• "TikTok is a place where people can come to discuss or learn about sexuality, sex or reproductive health. We are mindful that certain content may not be appropriate for young people, may be considered offensive by some, or may create the potential for exploitation. We do not allow sexual activity or services. This includes sex, sexual arousal, fetish and kink behavior, and seeking or offering sexual services. However, it does not include reproductive health and sex education content."
Elphaba does not host informative content such as sex education or reproductive health discussions. She regularly broadcasts that she wants to find a "man" and how he needs to have particular attributes. She often discusses what she would do to these men, quite graphically which again, is not appropriately for her target audience.
• "We celebrate all shapes and sizes and want people to feel comfortable in how they present themselves and their bodies. We understand societies approach body exposure and clothing differently, so we seek to reflect prevailing cultural norms about nudity. We do not allow nudity, including uncovered genitals and buttocks, as well as nipples and areolas of women and girls. Sheer and partially see-through clothing is not considered covered. We allow regional exceptions for showing nipples and areolas in limited situations, such as medical treatment, educational purposes, or as a part of culturally accepted practices. Not all young people have the developmental maturity to respond to unwanted physical attention and uninvited sexualization, which may lead to psychological or physical harm. We do not allow significant body exposure of young people. Content is age-restricted if it shows significant body exposure of an adult. Content is ineligible for the FYF if it shows moderate body exposure of a young person, or significant body exposure of an adult. We allow regional exceptions for body exposure in limited situations, such as common cultural practices."
Elphaba on more than one occasion has exposed their genitals, full genitals while dancing provocatively in a dress at a club and this video has circulated. She has also exposed herself on her own lives while wearing a different dress on a separate occasion. She has also exposed her chest and cleavage in provocative dresses, including adding make up to accentuate herself to be more visually appealing.
•" TikTok is a place where people can come to discuss or learn about sexuality, sex or reproductive health. We are mindful that certain content may not be appropriate for young people, may be considered offensive by some, or may create the potential for exploitation. We do not allow sexual activity or services. This includes sex, sexual arousal, fetish and kink behavior, and seeking or offering sexual services. However, it does not include reproductive health and sex education content."
Elphaba regularly discusses her sexual preferences and discusses her kinks and broadcasts her sexual desires whilst on live stream. She routinely discusses her slime fetish, venom fetish, vore, human bodily fluids and often discusses masturbation.
• "In a global community, it is natural for people to have different opinions, but we seek to operate on a shared set of facts and reality. We do not allow inaccurate, misleading, or false content that may cause significant harm to individuals or society, regardless of intent. Significant harm includes physical, psychological, or societal harm, and property damage. It does not extend to commercial and reputational harm, nor does it cover simply inaccurate information and myths. We rely on independent fact-checking partners and our database of previously fact-checked claims to help assess the accuracy of content. Content is ineligible for the FYF if it contains general conspiracy theories or unverified information related to emergencies. To be cautious, content that warrants fact-checking is also temporarily ineligible for the FYF while it is undergoing review. To help you manage your TikTok experience, we add warning labels to content related to unfolding or emergency events which have been assessed by our fact-checkers but cannot be verified as accurate, and we prompt people to reconsider sharing such content."
Elphaba regularly discusses dark conspiracies such as governmental conspiracy, wars and conflicts and repeatedly spreads misinformation medically, politically and in general day to day life and has consistently preached anti governmental propaganda.
• "Content shared online may be seen by anyone, and has a wide reach. We are committed to making sure that any personal information shared intentionally or accidentally on TikTok does not lead to harm. We do not allow content that includes personal information that may create a risk of stalking, violence, phishing, fraud, identity theft, or financial exploitation. This includes content that someone has posted themselves or that they consented to being shared by others."
Personal information has been broadcasted by Elphaba where she has, on numerous occasions attempted to "expose" other tiktok creator's who have spoken out against her behaviour. She has actively put out personal information in terms of photos, names, addresses and incited hatred from her own viewers and supporters on these people she believes is against her when these people simply want to make the app safer for everyone involved. Essentially, Elphaba has "doxxed" also known as, leaking private information in the belief to cause malicious harm. She has also financially exploited vulnerable viewers who have sent ridiculously large amounts of gifts in (monetary value) under the agreement or promise of personal interaction on a one to one basis, or to join the live, or her usual speech is "Send a big gift for a follow"
• Threatening behaviour with an offensive weapon - This can be prosecuted under The Offensive Weapons Act 2019, Threatening with an offensive weapon etc in a private place – Section 52.
•Threatening behaviour to other creators - This can be prosecuted under the Malicious Communication Act 1988 and the Communications Act 2003. Online threats could take many forms including threats to kill, harm or to commit an offence against a person, group of people or organisation
• Talking sexually to Minors - This can be prosecuted under Section 67 of the Serious Crime Act 2015, Section 15A. Furthermore, it can be prosecuted under Protection of Children Act 1978 if "sexting" occurs towards a minor. To also add that if the offender is under the age of 16, the following legislation can be pursued Protection of Children Act 1978.
• Obtaining money through tiktok gifts and Go fund me under the representation it for transitioning surgery - This can be prosecuted under The Fraud Act 2006, a,b and C, being false representation and misinformation. Other charges under the same bracket can be made due to the nature of the offences.
• Refund fraud, ie ordering food and returning it for monetary gain and at the loss of another - The above act also covers this.
• Fraud committed through the use of computer or mobile, technology devices including using the above mentioned methods to further commit crimes - This is prosecuted under Computer Misuse Act 1990.
• Blackmailing or threatening particular actions or behaviour that is to force someone to do a specific thing - This is prosecuted under The criminal offence of blackmail under the section 21 of the Theft Act 1968.
There are so many more things that could be added to this report.
Also, please see the attached online safety bill, which Elphaba is in direct breach of in regards to her content and live streaming behaviour ;
I look forward to your reply.
submitted by Repulsive_Spite_4992 to Elphaoriondoherty [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:01 AtasoyDi YouTube Statistics 2024: Comprehensive Insights for Marketers

Each month, billions of active users engage with YouTube, highlighting its significant role as a global platform for diverse content and extensive reach.
We have created YouTube Statistics 2024 report offering crucial information for marketers, advertisers, and content creators to effectively utilize YouTube’s vast network and resources.
Here is a brief overview of the full report:

General YouTube Statistics

YouTube Demographics

YouTube Usage Statistics

YouTube Content Statistics

YouTube Monetization and Revenue Statistics

YouTube Creator Statistics

YouTube Shorts Statistics

YouTube’s Economic Impact Statistics

Our “YouTube Statistics 2024” report is designed to give you valuable insights and actionable information for maximizing your effectiveness on YouTube, where billions of users connect every day. By understanding user demographics, emerging content trends, and key performance metrics, you can improve your strategies and achieve success on this vibrant platform.
Here are some additional sources if you’d like to explore more statistics:
submitted by AtasoyDi to Analyzify [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:26 StrictChocolate8151 ALL GAME SUDDENTLY RAN AT 1 FPS FIX

submitted by StrictChocolate8151 to MSI_Gaming [link] [comments]