Lumps on uvula

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2024.04.25 12:23 ventingboi [21F] Reoccurring lump on right side neck and pain with swallowing after weed gummies

Hey guys. I am 21 years old and female. I weigh 115ish lbs. I live in Mississippi in the USA. I don’t have medical insurance currently.
10 days ago I tried 10-15mg of Delta 8 weed gummies for the first time. It caused my throat to feel like it was closing up. I thought maybe I’m allergic to it. My friend gave it to me and she regularly takes it, so it can’t be bc it’s bad gummies.
Ever since then, sometimes I wake up with pain when swallowing and no other symptoms. No soreness, or dizzy, or fever. Was wondering if maybe it irritated my uvula but it looks fine. Salt water sorta helps. The swallowing pain will usually last a whole day and then be gone the next day. But it concerns me bc it keeps coming back even tho it’s been over a week since I took it.
However recently I noticed that it feels like there’s a lump or not bony part on the right side of my neck. I am skinny so my neck usually just feels bony. If there’s some sort of inexpensive testing I can do to rule out cancers or smth important, that would also be nice to know. Bc the lump makes me really worried. My anxiety has been really bad without the comfort of insurance.
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2024.04.24 00:23 DrSanwich Getting over sore throat and now there's a feeling of something in the back of my throat that changes position.

I (38M) had a sore throat, to the point it was painful to swallow, for the past 2 days. I took 600mg of Ibuprofen and 4 mg chlorpheneramine this morning about 9 hours ago. An hour after the pain was not much better, but after drinking some black tea, with local honey and lemon, I had near instantaneous relief--the most I've had in two days. I've taken no other meds the past 9 hours other than more honey/lemon tea.
Long story short, now that the pain is gone and I can swallow I've been pressing, swallowing and dragging backwards with my tongue on the roof of my mouth where I felt it had been giving me the most pain and swelling (right where the palat and soft palet connect). As I do this motion I feel the lump recede and slide into the back of my throat, nearly to the base of my tongue, from what it feels like, but it only goes so far. It also seems to easily go in reverse, back up and out of my throat if I slide my tongue the other way, a long the uvula and up/forward towards the roof of my mouth. Honestly, if I could imagine I would say it fills like a fluid filled sack that moves from my palat to my uvula and back, but I can't seem to get a good look. Any advice would be welcome.
EDITT: So it also seems to happen when I snort, like if you are trying to suck something into your throat from your sinus, then the opposite when I blow back the other way*
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2024.04.15 07:27 AcrobaticAd8926 A white kinda clear lump on my uvula.

21 year old male White
I’m starting to heal from a break out of canker sores and recently was able to get my prescription filled for magic mouthwash mix. Couple day before though I noticed a clear looking soft lump next to my uvula. It hasn’t gotten bigger since I noticed it and it has no feeling to it. Just kinda there, no pain, no difficulty with breathing or swallowing. It’s quite possible it has been there for some time but I haven’t had any pain in my mouth till the canker sores starting popping up. Looking online doesn’t really help since I don’t believe it’s thrush but it doesn’t have any the symptoms of peritonsillar abscess.
The mouthwash mix is Lidocaine, nystatin and diphenhydramine.
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2024.04.12 05:33 shekkiee8 have this lump in the back of my throat foe a few weeks now, it’s in the soft tissue of my throat on the roof of my mouth between my uvula and the hard roof of my mouth. i’m freaking out, please someone help

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2024.04.10 10:28 lichenmess Is this hole supposed to be here? Also why would a doctor say I've had my tonsils out when I haven't? Please help, I'm not ok.

36 NB, VIC, Australia. Immunocompromised, transplant recipient, neurodivergent+++ multiple mental health disorders. Losing my mind and any shred of sanity I may have had and not getting any help from doctors. Please, please help.
Just noticed this darker small hole within the already gaping that normal? Throat irritated and sore more often than not lately, but regularly in last 2 years with no apparent cause. Swollen glands on that side. Uvula also swollen & "twisted" (how the doctor described) hard to take a photo of, but shown in pic 2 (taken at the same time, just caught different lighting). Uvula issue 1 month+
Random lumps also seem concerning but doctor previously dismissed...they also said "you've had your tonsils out", which I most certainly have not...I was concerned about the "holes"/gapes in the back of my throat a couple years ago and another doctor has said "that's just your tonsils" and now one saying I apparently don't have any....
Pic 3 is what came out after a Betadine gargle...should I be worried? I thought maybe the bottle was expired but I tried again a week later after using mouthwash as well and didn't get those weird stringy chunks?
Pic 4 is a massive lump ont he opposite side to the hole, that appeared a few days ago and has had random white spots on/surrounding it + have removed stringy pieces (pic 5) & several small hard chunks that are they same size and consistency as what comes out of my skin lesions. Lesion also appeared at same time almost directly in line on my face. I've had a few of these lumps in the last few months and had written them off as some irritation or whatever but they are fairly bulbous and weird and a harder lump can be felt within it.
I've been concerned for some time that the skin lesions that won't go away are some kind of parasite, not because I'm imagining it, but because there are clear migratory patterns between the lesions and linear and serpinigous patterns in them. Never connected my throat irritation to it but now I've seen stuff coming out of the lump that matches the lesions exactly, I'm pretty worried...
I'm on the waiting list to see an infectious disease specialist but due to a string of absolutely horrendous doctors and having to move constantly because housing is so ridiculous, this has been going on severely for a year, but likely started 2+ years ago. I'm not coping, I have no support, isolated in a rural area and having panic attacks almost every day not knowing what this is, how to treat it and terrified its getting worse.
Any thoughts very much appreciated, thanks.
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2024.04.09 23:40 doglovercatlover mouth cancer? help!

mouth cancer? help!
Background: 26 F who just had her bi annual cleaning/check up last month & had one cavity that i am needing to get filled. fast forward to today, I have had a single white spot on my uvula in the back of my mouth that will not go away. i’m on day 8 of it still there but it is not growing or getting smaller. I vaped on & off for 5 years but recently quit so I am beyond paranoid I have given myself mouth cancer because of my poor decisions. Should I be concerned? Eating fine, no lump in neck that I can feel, talking normal etc so I can’t tell if i’m being overly paranoid or should go ahead & get it checked out? But i find it hard to believe cancer would develop overnight when I just got a clean bill of health minus the cavity a month ago. TIA!
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2024.03.21 16:17 Boonshark Help! What could these lumps be on my uvula?

41m 5ft10, 12 stone 7lbs, white, UK, moderate drinker
Lumps on uvula
Image here:
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2024.03.17 22:03 Boonshark Any ideas what this could be? Lumps on uvula, antibiotics not clearing it after 7 days

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2024.03.06 05:31 chemicalengineercol How to Deal with Swallowing Difficulty Due to Elongated Uvula?

I've had difficulty swallowing for 4 years (since March 2020, when the pandemic began to surge). I remember one day I had to go to work. I worked in a mineral processing laboratory, so I was exposed to particulate matter. I had collected the material samples myself, but the rocks I used were in a place where there was cat poop, although I always wore an N95 mask and gloves. That day, I worked for over 6 hours wearing an N95 mask.
When I got home, I noticed a lump on the left side of my neck, almost under my chin. I was very scared, and since that day, I've had difficulty swallowing. I checked my throat and found that my uvula was elongated, touching my tongue. The strange thing is that I don't have difficulty swallowing in the mornings, and at lunchtime (12 noon), I can eat with some difficulty but still manage. However, as the day progresses, swallowing becomes more difficult, and in the evenings, it's definitely challenging.
But I've noticed that if, for example, I have dinner at 8 pm and go to bed at 7 or 7:30 pm, I can have dinner practically without difficulty, meaning I can swallow easily. I don't know if the muscles relax when I sleep, but I do feel that my mouth is dry after sleeping, which "facilitates swallowing." However, during the day, I feel like I have more saliva, especially in the evenings. To be able to swallow at night, I play a video game to "distract" my mind, and this seems to help me eat with a little more ease.
However, sometimes it's still difficult. I had an esophagogastroduodenoscopy, and they found a 2 cm hiatal hernia. This explains why every time I drink liquid, even a small sip of water, I start to burp, which also affects my swallowing because it feels like the air is coming up as the food bolus is going down, so the bolus can't go down, and I have to drink some liquid immediately to push it down, which feels horrible. Has anyone else experienced something like this? I'm currently seeing a rhinologist to have my nose operated on because I have large turbinates and a deviated septum, and an otolaryngologist for the uvula issue. She did a nasolaryngoscopy and told me I have esophagitis. Can anyone give me their opinion or has anyone been through something similar?
submitted by chemicalengineercol to dysphagia [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 22:21 JLnonmous Recently had worst panic attack I've ever had

I think in my life I've had panic attacks but they were usually a grand event the time they happened and then I had a lot of anxiety for awhile until they tapered off. The last time, I think it was a fear that being high up in an office building that I couldn't escape and was given Alprazolam as an emergency medication (super low dosage). I never really felt a need to take them and seemed to comfort enough having them. We're talking years between these, with basically no anxiety or panic attacks anywhere between after they tapered off.
Earlier this week, I had multiple factors piling on and it completely broke me. I am a periodic coffee drinker, so the caffeine was having an effect on my anxiety 110% and led to some other worries. I had to take the next day off, and was starting to feel ok but when came time to eat I felt very nauseous and could barely eat. Late at night I was hungry but did not want to/could barely make myself eat anything so I forced down a bunch of crackers.
Yesterday, I woke up with a severely swollen uvula from snoring and it created a panic now that when I go to sleep I'm going to do it again as I almost went to ER just because of that since it felt so awful but I toughed it out and today that issue is gone. But last night I could not sleep no matter what and I felt a lump in my throat. I've been guzzling water (which is mostly all I drink anyway) and peeing no joke every 30-45 minutes as a result (which also worried me, despite I know it's ok and it's pretty much a straight pass through with how much I've been drinking water). I was able to eat actually fine yesterday, overriding the fear trigger on eating that I think my mind was getting.
I'm not on any medications besides that single bottle of Alprazolam which is actually past expiration. I tried taking a few times this week and really couldn't tell if it did anything.
Been finding myself crying very hard at certain things (mostly the thought of being without my parents, who have been helping me through this - and both had anxiety for many years). Today I almost wanted to go to the ER, but walked around outside and did light exercise and felt better until I came back in.
I'm working with a therapist through BetterHelp and felt really good just talking to them, I was almost thinking I was getting to a better spot and then I basically got no sleep due to the panic that was just slamming me while trying to sleep due to the feeling of a lump in my throat (I think it is Globus). Nothing seemed to comfort or help and I wanted to cry but just couldn't make myself. Strangely I am still not tired today despite that I barely had 3 hours of sleep, so guessing I was running off adrenaline. Talking to my parents and the therapist alone has seemed to have quite a positive effect on reducing the acute panic, weirdly.
Sorry for long post, but even when I thought of going to ER I am an extremely Covid cautious person and worried about exposure risk going to a hospital or them refusing if I bring respirators for them to wear around me (which absolutely will raise my anxiety even worse). I don't leave my house almost ever and up to this point was completely ok with it. I have an appointment with a PCP but not until almost the end of the month (soonest time) so trying to see how much the therapist and my mental fortitude can carry me.
I have so much empathy for all of you who suffer this, and I am sure mine is not even that bad. Ever since this I've been in an extreme hugging mood, so I wish I could hug everyone else when they're going through it - the times I have done it in the past few days I always immediately cry very hard. In my mind, it's some of the worst I've felt in my entire 33 year life. The breathing exercises and meditation I have been trying, but they feel of limited help unless I just breathe in a pattern continuously. Comfort video games, movies, music, and TV shows seem to have limited effect depending on how severe the panic attack is.
Appreciate any kind words or advice. My therapist said they were confident I could get this manageable, so I'm wishing for relief to this near constant panic feeling I've had making a knot in my stomach and chest pain.
submitted by JLnonmous to PanicAttack [link] [comments]

2024.02.18 13:05 lichenmess 36 nb (afab) Australia. Swollen uvula & weird things in Betadine throat gargle...

(mouth yellow from turmeric) Sore-ish throat started last week. Uvula feeling a bit weird last couple days, now so swollen/elongated it feels like I'm close to swallowing it, making me anxious. Not sure what the lumps/polyp looking things are...?
Just felt swollen for lympnodes in throat, small on left, large on right. Extremely fatigued from stress/anxiety & long, ongoing, as yet undiagnosed & worsening skin lesions, primarily on scalp, likely parasite, awaiting more tests & specialists.
But concerned that I just did a Betadine throat gargle & spat out the stuff in the second pic...I dunno, maybe the Betadine got exposed to heat & has gone bad but I've never seen it come out like that before...?
Immunocompromised - liver transplant recipient.
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2024.01.07 17:15 Doomscroll_012 What are these lumps???

I’ve had a persistent sore throat for a few weeks, and today noticed these lumps on my uvula and soft palate. What are they?? (I am also HPV positive so wondering if maybe related?)
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2023.12.22 17:44 Civil_Reflection_494 Swollen lymph nodes and weight loss

First off I’ll share my related medical history: Severe case of Mono aprox. 9 years ago, lasted about 3 months, needed iv steroids to control severe tonsil swelling. Recurrent throat infections after that, (8 in one year) which led to tonsillectomy about 5 years ago. 1 year ago noticed recurrent soreness in throat on ONLY left side, no other symptoms. Would last anywhere from a few hours to a day or two. Then uvula started slanting away from that side, and eventually a bump formed that would come and go. Got referred to ent July 3. While waiting for ent my mother noticed I had lost weight. I don’t pay attention to weight as I don’t fluctuate much in weight at all usually, so I started weighing myself when she said that so I can track it. Since then I have lost around 15-18 lbs (September to December) I haven’t changed anything that I know of, I had stopped my birth control pills in July but that’s it. Big decrease in appetite, I get full very easily now. Then a few months ago I mentioned to my boyfriend that I am very itchy at times, like after the shower, and specifically my legs when laying in bed. My skin seems to be fairly reactive lately, getting random itchy spots, sometimes with little red lumps. Another thing I noticed is I am FREEZING all of the time now, and have also been getting Raynaud’s phenomenon almost daily. Also headaches frequently. Unsure if that’s related as I have been on vyvanse for 2 years and I know they can cause headaches sometimes, but they seem to be more frequent in the last few months, and when I drink a lot of water they don’t seem to go away. Also don’t think vyvanse has anything to do with appetite because the appetite issues only started in the last 4-5 months I’d say. Then 10 days ago I noticed a hard bump at the back on my hairline. Not tender, doesn’t move, thought maybe I had bumped my head or something and forgot. 2 days later I noticed a lump on the left side of my neck, quite big. I would say the size of a grape. Also not tender, I hadn’t been sick at all recently. It’s not rock hard, but it’s definitely not soft. (Harder than pushing the tip of your nose) Went to emerg, did bloodwork, all came back normal so they were unsure of what to do. The MD sent an urgent letter to the ent clinic to request they see me asap. He said I may need a biopsy. Over the next few days had new nodes pop up on the left side of my neck only. Nowhere else on my body. Saw ENT 2 days ago, told him I have had an uncle who had lymphoma, and my grandfather has had a blood cancer as well, and that’s why I decided I need to get looked at. He said a biopsy isn’t a good test to rule out lymphomas. He sent a referral for an ultrasound to see the characteristics of the nodes, and if they have concerning characteristics I will have to get them removed. Yesterday I almost fainted, I had eaten 3 meals that day and drank 48 oz water and a coffee so I was confused as to why I felt that way. Very lightheaded, shaking, legs quivering when walking. I was that way for about an hour, then started to itch like crazy on my legs. I could have cried I was so itchy on my legs. BP was normal, HR 112. Then felt much better and the severe itching stopped. I don’t know what this could be?? I know they are ruling out lymphoma but I don’t have severe night sweats, i get some hot flashes here and there but I’m not like pooling in sweat when that happens, just mildly sweaty. I feel maybe a bit of fatigue lately but hard to say since I’m on a stimulant every day. Do I call my ent and tell him about yesterday’s episode? I’m at a loss of what it might be. I’m a nurse myself and I honestly don’t know. Could it be lymphoma? I do have a family history, and a history of mono but I would think I would feel worse.
submitted by Civil_Reflection_494 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.12.22 17:41 Civil_Reflection_494 Big lymph nodes and weight loss

First off I’ll share my related medical history: Severe case of Mono aprox. 9 years ago, lasted about 3 months, needed iv steroids to control severe tonsil swelling. Recurrent throat infections after that, (8 in one year) which led to tonsillectomy about 5 years ago. 1 year ago noticed recurrent soreness in throat on ONLY left side, no other symptoms. Would last anywhere from a few hours to a day or two. Then uvula started slanting away from that side, and eventually a bump formed that would come and go. Got referred to ent July 3. While waiting for ent my mother noticed I had lost weight. I don’t pay attention to weight as I don’t fluctuate much in weight at all usually, so I started weighing myself when she said that so I can track it. Since then I have lost around 15-18 lbs (September to December) I haven’t changed anything that I know of, I had stopped my birth control pills in July but that’s it. Big decrease in appetite, I get full very easily now. Then a few months ago I mentioned to my boyfriend that I am very itchy at times, like after the shower, and specifically my legs when laying in bed. My skin seems to be fairly reactive lately, getting random itchy spots, sometimes with little red lumps. Another thing I noticed is I am FREEZING all of the time now, and have also been getting Raynaud’s phenomenon almost daily. Also headaches frequently. Unsure if that’s related as I have been on vyvanse for 2 years and I know they can cause headaches sometimes, but they seem to be more frequent in the last few months, and when I drink a lot of water they don’t seem to go away. Also don’t think vyvanse has anything to do with appetite because the appetite issues only started in the last 4-5 months I’d say. Then 10 days ago I noticed a hard bump at the back on my hairline. Not tender, doesn’t move, thought maybe I had bumped my head or something and forgot. 2 days later I noticed a lump on the left side of my neck, quite big. I would say the size of a grape. Also not tender, I hadn’t been sick at all recently. It’s not rock hard, but it’s definitely not soft. (Harder than pushing the tip of your nose) Went to emerg, did bloodwork, all came back normal so they were unsure of what to do. The MD sent an urgent letter to the ent clinic to request they see me asap. He said I may need a biopsy. Over the next few days had new nodes pop up on the left side of my neck only. Nowhere else on my body. Saw ENT 2 days ago, told him I have had an uncle who had lymphoma, and my grandfather has had a blood cancer as well, and that’s why I decided I need to get looked at. He said a biopsy isn’t a good test to rule out lymphomas. He sent a referral for an ultrasound to see the characteristics of the nodes, and if they have concerning characteristics I will have to get them removed. Yesterday I almost fainted, I had eaten 3 meals that day and drank 48 oz water and a coffee so I was confused as to why I felt that way. Very lightheaded, shaking, legs quivering when walking. I was that way for about an hour, then started to itch like crazy on my legs. I could have cried I was so itchy on my legs. BP was normal, HR 112. Then felt much better and the severe itching stopped. I don’t know what this could be?? I know they are ruling out lymphoma but I don’t have severe night sweats, i get some hot flashes here and there but I’m not like pooling in sweat when that happens, just mildly sweaty. I feel maybe a bit of fatigue lately but hard to say since I’m on a stimulant every day. Do I call my ent and tell him about yesterday’s episode? I’m at a loss of what it might be. I’m a nurse myself and I honestly don’t know. Could it be lymphoma? I do have a family history, and a history of mono but I would think I would feel worse.
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2023.12.18 07:53 Successful_Reveal142 White spot on uvula.. and skin tag In mouth

Hi there I was wondering if you could help me because I am freaking out.
I am a 40 year old male and noticed this skin tag thing in my mouth and also a white small lump on the end of my uvula....
Any ideas what it could be ?
submitted by Successful_Reveal142 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2023.12.18 07:47 Successful_Reveal142 Skin tag thing.... and white bump on uvula ..

Hi there I was wondering if you could help me because I am freaking out.
I am a 40 year old male and noticed this skin tag thing in my mouth and also a white small lump on the end of my uvula....
Any ideas what it could be ?
submitted by Successful_Reveal142 to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2023.12.14 15:36 Metablockofwood What is this lump on the side of my uvula?

I woke up this morning with what I thought was a sore throat. So I loaded up on cough drops. But upon further inspection it looks like there's a pretty big bump on my uvula. Its hurting pretty rough and I can't really get to sleep now as the cough drops don't seem to help much anymore. I took some local medicine for sore throats before bed which from what I can tell the active ingredients are tranexamic acid, licorice dried extract, B6, B2, and C Na. I don't really have any other symptoms other than a sore throat. Is this going to go away on its own or should I see a doctor?
Images in comment.
Age: 33.
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1"
Race: White.
Duration: Suddenly came on this morning
Location: American in Japan
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2023.12.10 19:41 embrheartwitch Please Help Me.

I'm a migraine patient of 12+ years. I'm 30 years old.
I was in 3 serious car accidents, 1 year apart each in my early 20s. Each I received a concussion and whiplash/neck pain.
I was assaulted at work in 2020 where I also received a concussion and was on work comp absence for 6+ months, I was seen by a concussion doctor where I was diagnosed with post concussion disorder, as well as an orthopedic doctor for my neck pain who prescribed Physical Therapy. PT did vertigo therapy and cervical ridiculopothy along with dry needling. PT consistently said I had an abnormal amount of tension in my neck, jaw, and shoulders.
During this time I also received trigger point injections (one time) in neck and shoulder, and did not find relief, so I did not continue. Had a clear MRI but suggested I could have arthritis beginning in my neck.
I was then referred to a pain specialist who suggested I do nerve block in my neck. I was uneasy about this but they did a test spot of lidocaine to see how I would react. I left the office unbalanced, literally felt drunk, and was an emotional wreck the rest of the day. I decided this route was not for me.
Shortly after, concussion doctor wrote me back to work for MMI even tho I was having daily headaches. Long story short, my employer never got back in touch with me regarding return to work, work comp said they had accidently over calculated my pay and had overpayed $8000 during the time I was off, and could not continue payments. I contacted a lawyer, was not protected under work comp because I missed signing some form, had to go back to work for another employer, and dropped all work comp doctors because the stress of all that mess was just contributing to the headaches.
Long story short, my headaches got better, I'd have about 1-2 a week, more frequent and more severe when I'd have my period. I was able to treat them with Maxalt or Excedrin.
Aside from that, I have horrible TMJ, which severely triggers my headaches. My jaw clicks everytime I chew (both sides) and clicks out of place when I lay flat, or turn on my side. The pressure from the pillow on the side of my face (have tried multiple pillows) causes my jaw to dislocate so essentially I have to sleep on my back. What I have found most helpful for the TMJ and neck pain is Biofreeze. I apply this to the sides of my face and down my neck and shoulders about 10+ times a day and notice almost immediate pain relief.
I had my wisdom teeth removed exactly a year ago to see if that would help with the headaches and TMJ. I had a lot of complications with that surgery but all is well now. Sadly, getting the teeth taken out did not help with the TMJ or headaches.
Got in with a neurologist who referred me to medical Botox, and stared that in March. I get injections every 12 weeks. I have found a lot of relief in tension in my neck and shoulders. He also puts Botox in my massater muscle which helps a bit with the TMJ. I still have headaches 1-2 times per week but usually are treatable with Excedrin/Biofreeze if I catch my symptoms soon enough. If not, the Maxalt will take care of it and the headache usually does not return.
A separate issue from the headaches.... In 2020 (right when COVID was hitting USA) I was seen in ER multiple times for swollen throat. Was told it was a virus, sent home. Told it was a virus again, sent home. Finally, I was taken seriously and they did a CT and found a peritonsillular abscess. I was hospitalized and treated with three rounds of antibiotics and steroids; however, the abscess would not shrink and I ended up having surgery because I could barely breathe or swallow. They had to remove my tonsils and found that the abscess had 10CCs of fluid. I was sent home the following day, and was told to not come to my follow up appointment (as it was right when COVID hit, nobody knew anything about COVID at the time, and they didnt want to risk me catching COVID after having that kinda surgery.) Anyways, I've not been back to see an ENT. However, everytime I get sick post surgery, my throat (or what I believe to be my abnoids) swell up to the halfway point of my throat and my uvula elongates so much so that it touches my tongue. It is very uncomfortable.
Fast forward to a couple of months ago.... I went to urgent care for sickness. Was told it was a virus. Was told to come back if symptoms didn't go away after 14 days. Went back, was prescribed amoxicillin and told I had an upper respiratory infection.
I did not get better. Headaches started and worsened. Different than my migraines, severe pressure behind my eyes accompanied with facial pain. Went back to the doctor was given 5 day Prednisone prescription 5mg twice a day. Finished that and has relief from the headaches for about 5 days.
Went back to the doctor for headaches they said I still had the upper respiratory infection, prescribed me Amoxicillin and Clavallin. Headaches worsened. They prescribed me Naproxen for headaches.
Naproxen did not help. Advil did not help. Excedrin did not help. Maxalt did not help. If it did kill the headache for a few hours, it would still return. I tried a few days with no meds in case I was getting rebound headaches and that did not help either. My headaches took a turn for the worst last week.
I became completely unfunctionable. My face and sinuses were so swollen and I was having so much sinus pressure and pressure behind my eyes. Went to the ER. Told them all of this history, they did a CT with contrast dye, said my sinuses were fine - no clots, no cysts, gave me a migraine cocktail of benedryl and something else, and prescribed me doxycycline hyclate 100mg antibiotic that's supposed to target the sinuses. Said it could be a sinus headache.
Began the antibiotic, 2 days after starting it I developed a fever, body chills, and congestion in my face to where I could not breathe. Clogged ear. Swollen throat. Woke up yesterday with a pea sized lump in my cheek next to my ear. Went back to ER. Was told the lump is a swollen lymph node. Gave me another migraine cocktail, a shot of steroids, fluids, and sent me home with a taper pack of Prednisone. They had the ENT on call review my CT scan from the last visit and said my sinuses looked okay. So why is my lymph node swollen? All lab work normal.
So now I am on my 3rd round of antibiotics and second round of steroids with no relief yet to my sinuses or headaches.
I have also tried Mucinex D, allergy meds, nasal spray, Flonase... All to no avail.
I have an appointment with ENT Jan 2nd and neurology end of January. I am on cancellation list at both places.
My issue is the headaches. They are unlike any headaches I've ever had. They throb all around my head, make me want to pull my hair out. I have bruised and burned my face from trying to relieve the pressure by massaging or with hot rags. And last night I just puked all night long from the pain. I had my mom come get me and she is taking care of me for now. I had a brief moment of no pain so figured I'd consult you Reddit experts for any suggestions you may have about what is going on.
Thank you!
submitted by embrheartwitch to migraine [link] [comments]

2023.11.25 00:18 xpurplepen1 Lump in throat feeling

Hi. I (20M) starts to feel a lump in throat feeling after waking up from sleep about 1 month ago. I think it happened afterI had a slight wisdom tooth swelling. I went to the clinic 1 week later but dr said he couldnt see anything abnormal. He prescribed soem antiswelling and antibiotics but I didnt take them due to his comments.
The following week, the feeling was almost gone. But came back after I used listerine mouthwash (although im not sure if its coincidence) because I already stopped using it but the feeling still persists.
3 days ago, I woke up with scratchy throat but lump feeling gone, but i got sick (fever, cough, runny nose) at night. I am almost well now, but the lump feeling came back. I am not sure if its just falling ill/covid/infection. I tested positive on tuesday, but negative on wednesday. Was not coughing a lot so i suspect it may not be covid afterall?
Nevertheless, I am starting to get abit worried as its about 1 month now and not sure if I need to get it checked out by a specialist. Or if its just sweeling of uvula, if so what causes it.
Additional info: Lump not causing any pain Not causing difficulty breathing/swallowing Lump feeling temporary subsides after eating
No long term medication Currently on 5 days antibiotic Dont smoke/drink alcohol 62kg 170cm
Appreviate any advice/response.
submitted by xpurplepen1 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.11.18 11:34 TheEvilYakkon Lump on my Tonsil

I am a 30M. 5ft 11in. abt 160 pounds? Caucasian. So I have had this small lump on my left tonsil for a few months now. At first I didn't know where it was. I thought it was on my jaw gums or something. The lump seemed to form after eating popcorn I made in the microwave so I thought it might have been a popcorn kernel getting stuck somewhere or something. It still could be that. I have no idea! I went to my dentist twice and they said they couldn't do anything (remember I didn't know where it was and it was in the mouth so I thought a dentist should do it.) I went to a walk in clinic and they couldn't even find it. They didn't even try to look for it either. Instead they gave me an antibiotic (Amox-Clav) for a week and it did absolutely nothing. I went back to the clinic and they referred me to ENT. The ENT who is a specialist btw couldn't find it either even though I Can feel it with my tongue... At first he did a CT scan on me and found nothing abnormal. So he prescribed me Doxycycline Monohydrate. I took that for about 20 days and it did absolutely nothing. I go back after realizing its a lump on my tonsil because I was sick of not knowing where it actually was. I literally had to find it myself. The doctor said he is going to see if it goes away in 2 months even though nothing different has happened? Why? Nothing has changed? And then he said if its not gone by then he is going to have to cut it off for a biopsy. I ask if it was possible to drain the thing at all and he said NO. He doesn't even know what it is. How does he know if it won't drain or not? Cysts can appear on tonsils...I don't get it. Also he did look at it this time and said it looks normal...huh? It doesn't feel normal to me?
Description: So let me describe this thing. Its a small lump on my tonsil which seems to enflame or grow bigger after eating. It seems to also shrink and grow during different periods of the day. The lump is somewhat hard, but also slightly movable- kinda like a flap a bit or something. It feels like a hard uvula- thats the best I describe the feeling when I move my tongue across it. It tastes BITTER and is really obnoxious because of this. Not sure if its because its close to the ear or its an infection. Speaking of the ear it hurts my left ear- it feels like something is sort of inside of it when its not. And when cleaning out my ear it sort of hurts. When its really bad like right now it feels like someone pushing on my cheek. I noticed when using mouthwash it also makes the pain go away slightly. I'm not sure if something is stuck in there, a cyst, a tonsil issue, HPV, or a tumor (Oh wait that one was ruled out by my ENT...Idk). I can't think of anymore details right now, but I will add more if I need to. I also have thyroid issues (I take meds for this), and a bunch of enflamed lymph nodes (But those have been there for years now), a small cavity on the right side of my mouth, a wisdom tooth that was never pulled that hasn't come up because its sideways on the left side of my mouth, drifting eye from focusing issues, hunchback issues, pectus issues, IBS, Kidney stone issues, and mental health issues (which I take medication for- I will specify if I have to, but I don't think its important to this issue). I do not smoke, do drugs, or drink. Please help this is very annoying and doctors don't seem to care! Its very annoying!
submitted by TheEvilYakkon to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.11.08 21:35 Piggty_69 Small lumps at throat?

Hey, F15, 71kgs and 5’7, I have Iron Deficiency Anemia, I am low in Vitamin D and I have Scheuermanns Disease.
So, I’ve had these really small lumps on my tonsils and throat for a while and I’m just really confused what they are. They look a bit like blisters, but they don’t hurt or itch. There is around three of them, scattered across my tonsils and throat and I know it isn’t cobblestone throat because it isn’t that far back… sorry if I’m bad at explaining.
Also, there are red pin-sized marks on my uvula (dangly thing) and I don’t know what that is either, thanks!
submitted by Piggty_69 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.11.05 13:28 AcanthaceaeCommon478 Lump in throat

I have a lump in my throat in a weird place it's in the back and up on the roof area about an inch behind my uvula. I would post a picture but it's not in a spot you can see because it's so high up. I went to an ENT and he said after sticking a weird tube with a camera down my nose that there wasn't anything malicious and that it was consistent looking with silent reflux. but like a typical doctor didn't give me much reassurance or answers on what this bump could be. Im going to a different doctor for a second opinion but has anybody had anything similar happen? Most posts I see with people talking about bumps are in a more visible spot. It's a hard bonelike lump above the pharyngeal wall. I can touch it with my fingers. If anybody has a similar experience can you please share. Im 28 male and I vape and drink about once a week.
submitted by AcanthaceaeCommon478 to LPR [link] [comments]