Ssj vegeta pictures

Day 32 of ranking all units I’ve used for Fusion Zamasu and Omega until the Global anniversary: LR PHY SSJ 4 Goku and Vegeta

2024.05.18 16:14 zor90000 Day 32 of ranking all units I’ve used for Fusion Zamasu and Omega until the Global anniversary: LR PHY SSJ 4 Goku and Vegeta

Day 32 of ranking all units I’ve used for Fusion Zamasu and Omega until the Global anniversary: LR PHY SSJ 4 Goku and Vegeta submitted by zor90000 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:56 EsotericaBaphy Dragonball Rework Ideas

Dragon Ball Rework Ideas
To preface: This is mainly a bunch of mental notes and what I recall from conversations I've had with people concerning an AU project I may work on... I consider myself a fan of DB, but over the years I have drifted away from the modern stuff. I may catch the newest movie but that's about it. Despite this, I just let loose on the topic of a rework, sending walls of text to people randomly when I get an idea. To supplement myself I have started to read DB from the beginning, refreshing myself on details and whatnot, and keeping track of stuff like characters, locations, items, techniques, etc just for personal reference. With that out of the way I should probably get to the actual ideas...
I'll start off with ki and related systems: Taking inspiration from stuff like chakra points and mind field theories. Basically, all living things have ki points throughout their body; lying on/within vital organs and the primary joints. Connected via ki channels, and assisted in regulation by the "Threads of Preservation", which are mapped onto the lymph system. The ki points spread throughout the body generate an aura that can indicate one's physical health, but can also be utilized to enhance one's presence and the impact of melee attacks. Situated on the brain, is a ki point that generates the mind aura that can indicate mental health/state and is the center of psychic abilities; being more "malleable" than the bodily aura, it can be cast out like fishing rod or net to grab things and link one's mind to another. When these auras are used in tandem, one is able to fly. It can be pictured as the bodily aura being used to suspend yourself, manipulating the air around you, while the mind aura pulls/pushes you away from things. To use ki directly, your own life energy, it is imperative to have a moderate ability to visualize things; as using ki relies on moving it through your system. In the case of a beam attack, it is energy from ki points, through the interconnecting channels, to the ends of your extremities and out at a frequency/intensity that is destructive. Healing is done by a similar process but at a much more game output, with the intent of transferring it to another person's system. Stuff like ki balls and discs are released from the body, and then guided by the mental aura; unless released and just let fly on its own. To strengthen one's abilities with ki, mental exercises can help, plus general physical training to build mind-muscle connections/control and flexibility. Strenuous physical activity also widens the channels between ki points, allowing for easier flow. Ki points can be expanded, but some people are unfortunately born with smaller ki points, limiting their potential storage and output. These people often fall back on different methods of combat, or if they retain a sizable brain ki point, focus on psychic abilities and training. The art of shapeshifting, demonstrated by characters like Oolong and Puar, is a rare affinity. Wherein a person can manipulate the structure of their ki system, altering their appearance as their body conforms to the new configuration. This process is not permanent, lest the shapeshifter has great force of will, since the structure of one's ki system will always want to return to its natural/stable state. As forcing the channels to lengthen or shorten, does not come without strain.
I think that's all I really have regarding ki, so I'm gonna move on to some world details...
World: I'm not quite a fan of planet busters and universe shakers, at a certain point it gets boring and tedious. To majorly pull back the scale, the world I envision is a singular vast plane of ocean, with great continents and islands scattered about them (the whole world shaking would only really occur if multiple Supreme Kais and Gods of Destruction were fighting at once). Split into quadrants, monitored by the kais who help council "Kami", the medium between Heaven and the Earthly realm, as well as the appointed authority of said realm. Probably selected/voted on by the kais, who judge for a mortal's moral character, wisdom, and connection to the realm; the operating Kami can take on disciples who will be strongly considered as a candidate for the next Kami. Below Kami then are the angels, heaven-born beings who are born when positive energy rises up from the Earthly realm and clumps together. Solidifying into humanoid forms that have an innate sense of justice, and will unflinchingly carry out actions in the name of that justice. Perfect to be linked to Gods of Destructions, who are mortals, the strongest of their respective regions, that are appointed to keep the "destructive balance" in check; possessing an aura that can influence the occurrence of natural disasters and the like. As well tasked with cutting down threats to their region as a whole. The one who is in charge of coordinating and pairing Gods of Destructions with Angels is the Grand Minister. Making sure each of them have personalities that go well together. The Angels and Gods of Destruction are not weak by any measure, but simply appointed to a role with different qualifications, that put them below other beings in this universal hierarchy. With that said, Gods of Destructions take on disciples too, which will be candidates for their master's positions. Ultimately relying on the choice of Kami and the decision of the Kais. Above Kami, is another medium of Heaven and Earth, King Yemma who is of the Oni. A race created by the Kais and Supreme Kais to keep souls in check and operate the systems of heaven. King Yemma himself is both the strongest of the Oni, as well as the most wise, assuring him the role of "Judge of Souls" and "the guardian of the gate". Above Yemma are the Kais, led by Grand Kai who is the mediator between the lesser and Supreme Kais, the tiebreaker for decisions involving Earth, and the host of heavenly events/contests. Above him are the Supreme Kais who rule over the quadrants of Heaven, and answer to the absolute authority of this world— Grand Supreme Kai... I'm not personally a fan of Zeno, so I opted to omit him. I can see his appeal but he just doesn't feel right to me as the top of the ladder.
Bringing things down— way way down, below the Earthly Realm is the realm of Demons. Formerly a dark abyss before the demon Kais, born from the rotten fruit of the Kaiju trees that birth the core people, the first people that devised the Earth and the Heavens, were cast down there; because of their malicious tendencies. With their vast power they gave the abyss form and like their counterparts, created life, utilizing the negative energy which sinks down into their realm. They wait until their demonic legions are great enough to wage war on Earth and Heaven. Until then, they counsel the "Emperor" of the realm, the strongest of all demons who has a majority of the clans under his dominion. All beings except angels can convert into demons, via a ritual of renouncing the good within them to take on a more monstrous form. This action has great effects even on one's progeny (like the majority of Demon King/Chief Piccolo's offspring)...
I think that's all the major stuff regarding the world and its Hierarchy. Guess I'll clarify some things here, such as I previously mentioned the Earthly Realm is a singular plane. Meaning such things as Planet Namek and Planet Vegeta, are now islands/archipelagos far out from their mainlands (but still greatly far from other major land masses). To the point that their existence has become legend, such as talk of the mighty warrior race that bear resemblance to humans but with the tails of monkeys~ that sort of thing.
Other tangents: Speaking of the Saiyans, I want them of course to be strong though, but more in the sense that they recover quickly and have heightened instincts in regards to battle, learning new techniques relatively quickly. I actually want them to be somewhat stunted in the art of ki, primarily relying on their raw strength. As well as following very harsh and strict practices of training and diet. To the point, in this universe, if you put an alternate Goku and Vegeta next to each other, due to Goku's more relaxed and carefree approach he'd appear more filled out though still with a solid physique of course. Vegeta on the other hand would be cut/shredded to an extreme point, but as the story would go... As Vegeta gets accustomed to life on the mainland and starts to question his culture, initially sickened by Goku's indulgence, eventually gains an appreciation for the food provided by Bulma. Allowing Vegeta to fill out his frame a bit more and gain an appreciation for mainland cuisine.
To touch on Oozaru and Super Saiyan, the transformations associated with the Saiyans— I'd like them to have different utilizations. Oozaru being a symbol of the old culture, raw power and killer instinct being greatly valued. While Super Saiyan would be the symbol of a new way, one with a better balance between the body and mind. The Oozaru outclasses Super Saiyan in pure strength, but being less mobile (making it very difficult to fly and move without destroying things), limiting ki usage, and affecting the mind of the Saiyan. While the Super Saiyan promotes developing one's mind alongside their body. Its origin lies in ancient Saiyan mystic practices, relating to the harnessing of one's power. One group created the fake moon technique that would allow them to turn Oozaru at any time and help them train to control it. While the other, less prominent group were able to achieve the state of Super Saiyan. Due to the extensive work that would be required to inspire ki use among the Saiyans, it never caught on, remaining as a legend for years to come. The moon technique winning out while Super Saiyan faded, kept alive in some circles because of the mystique but unaware of what one would need to acquire that kind of form. Which leads into the irony of doing the exact opposite of what the traditional Saiyans do. Focusing just on their bodies and fighting, instead of the simple pleasures of life and growing one's connection to the world. Encapsulated in Goku, a Saiyan raised by a human and trained by others to seek strength but also enjoy the life he is living. A side note related to that - I'm picturing a semi-funny sequence where Vegeta is trying to ask around, talking with Goku's friends and family about what his life was like. Trying to figure out the key to Super Saiyan but just getting more frustrated. On the form itself, I've devised a branching scheme to it. With the base super Saiyan being a balanced refinement of the body. While the graded forms would be strength specialization with the working names “Buffed" and "Maxed". Super Saiyan 2 being the speed specialization, with the working named Charged. Super Saiyan 3 being the ki specialization, with the working name "Flow" (get it, because ki flow and his flowing hair). All of them would have different uses instead of being a linear progression of power, and with all their own drawbacks. The obvious being the graded forms losing mobility, but making them very dangerous once they get their hands on you. Vegeta would be drawn to these forms, falling back on his own Saiyan sensibilities; Trunks supporting his dad as he would be open to the possibility, unaware of the limits of Super Saiyan. While Goku and Gohan would be focused on speed specialization. I think it would be cool if these specializations could work together instead of one outright outclassing the other. For example one person could lead Cell with speed into an ambush, where he can be overpowered physically. Moving into Flow, going with the fact it's easier to use when dead, that's because the dead don't have a physical body to keep running with ki. In the afterlife, that is all you are, a battery of ki, but with a body, some ki is required to maintain the body and its functions. The form majorly improves output, opening one's channels to their limit, but if one is not careful they can easily expend too much ki... The sorta odd one out in this case is Super Saiyan 4, which relies on the Oozaru form of course. Diverting the transformation so that they remain in a more compact form. However, this form kinda acts like a cross between strength and speed specialization, with the drawback that it messes with the mind. Making it easy for a Saiyan to forget exactly what they are doing, lashing out any chance they get (even at allies), and forgetting about mercy. Goku and Vegeta see potential in this form, but are wary. Best case scenario they are facing an opponent one on one, away from a crowd, that they have no qualms with killing.
To touch on Super Saiyan God, I have to touch on Beerus, who instead of coming to Earth somewhat randomly from what I recall. He is instead visiting the Saiyans and other Z Fighters, with the intention of recruiting disciples. Pretending to go rogue, in order to make it feel like they are in a dire situation and will fight with all they have. After evaluating all their strengths, he relents and invites those he seems with great potential/likelihood of succeeding him to his temple to perform a ritual of transferring divine ki... As I'm not a fan of the original Super Saiyan God ritual and its legend. Just feels weird to have two coinciding legends, but one has more obvious relevance. So instead, Beerus would remark that he has heard of Saiyans being candidates in the past but is curious what these "new age Saiyans" are capable of. Training them to achieve their godly state (red), that can act as an alternate to their base form, which they would eventually be able to incorporate with Super Saiyan. Thus becoming Super Saiyan Gods (blue) in that sense.
The recruitment narrative would also reframe the tournament between Beerus and Champa, as teachers testing their disciples against one another.
I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do with Ultra Instinct & Ego + Beast yet, and I'm not caught up on Super as I indicated at the beginning. But I do have some closing additions...
On time Travel, there are a couple instances such as in the early series, later in the Android + Cell Saga, and that one weird Bardock special. But to tie them together I have devised the presence of general time distorting items. Which in the case of the early series and Bardock, those would be handled with the items as they naturally occur. You touch them and they bring you to a certain time, usually related to the location it is found (though in the case of Bardock, it wouldn't be him sent back, and the village would be destroyed regardless the item would just give someone the chance to make a timeline in which it was saved), but your actions would just create a new timeline. While you would be returned to your own as if nothing happened, even if you "die" while in contact with the item, it's more akin to a simulation where you would wake up afterward near the item. Bulma however would acquire one of these items and make it the core of the time machine used by Trunks, directing its effect to specific times.
On Frieza and his golden form, I imagined if he attained it while in the afterlife instead of after his revival. The reason he runs into the stamina issue is because he only used it without a physical body, similar to how there is less of an issue of ki in the afterlife, there is no stamina/ki going toward the maintenance of your body. I'm also sort of scratching out his black form because I find it boring— replacing it with the idea that his golden form is a cocoon for a subsequent form. Which he would realize is a way to conduct the demon conversion ritual. Going through with it, he would emerge in a new demonic form. Not fully confident in that idea but it's there. But I am a bit more confident in restructuring Frieza's forms, making his impish form his original form. To remove the redundancy of making so many forms to restrict himself and just have his race be naturally very adaptive. His second form would then be strength focused, his third would be speed, his fourth would be balanced, while his full power form would act in a similar way to the grade 2.
Broly, he's a Saiyan mutant. Which causes him behavioral issues and enhanced power progression. Paragus would put the device on him to make him more passive and restrict him. The device developed by Paragus and a technologically advanced race (Cheelai's in my verse, which would lead to her and Broly meeting), would help Paragus establish his own regime, attracting wayward Saiyans to conquer in his name now that Island Vegeta was destroyed and the prince is nowhere to be found. His super Saiyan form, due to his mutation, is triggered by desperation (to not displease his father) and anger instead of a greater aspiration/need. The years of being controlled by his father, essentially splitting his personality. All of his passive traits remained in his base form, while all the violent and sadistic tendencies welled up in his super Saiyan form.
Fusion, I don't think that needs to be altered much. Off the top of my head it would probably require two people matching their auras instead of power levels for the dance; synchronizing them long enough so their bodies and minds can merge temporarily.
Feel free to ask questions, I didn't cover absolutely everything ofc, so any questions, thoughts, and questions would be appreciated.
submitted by EsotericaBaphy to dbz [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 03:32 DespairWillOvercome JP IOS 767 Stones LVL 365 almost completely fresh SSJ Gogeta & 69% Beast Gohan TOP UNITS

JP IOS 767 Stones LVL 365 almost completely fresh SSJ Gogeta & 69% Beast Gohan TOP UNITS
45€ or best offer Dokkan Battle JP IOS Has 767 Stones, is almost completely fresh (done a few EZAs), has Beast Gohan with 1 dupe, the new Gogeta, SSBE Vegeta with 2 dupes, AGL MUI Goku with 1 dupe, STR Vegito with 1 dupe, PHY Buuhan Rainbow, STR Cooler Rainbow, AGL Frieza Rainbow, TEQ God Goku and Vegeta Rainbow and more
submitted by DespairWillOvercome to DokkanBattleTrades [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 00:41 joshking5739 Does Jujutsu Kaisen have trash scaling?

Does Jujutsu Kaisen have trash scaling?
  • TLDR will be at the end of the post. People forget that an attack can be stronger than what it visually appears to be, examples of this are like how Minato's Rasengan doesn't do a lot of destructive damage but can clash with the Kurma as a teen meaning his AP is obviously wild. Another example is Dragon Ball, the specific things such as Vegeta's Final Flash not destroying the planet even tho we know Vegeta's far weaker forms have the AP to destroy multiple planets.
  • Now why doesn't it do it? because it's a targeted attack at Cell not meant for the planet. If Vegeta had let the Final Flash loose he would have killed dozens of planets hell maybe even the entire galaxy since Broly did it with ease Vegeta's SSJ FP Final Flash should as well. It even made a star from outer space, that's how big the explosion and impact were. I'm bringing this up as people say Sukuna's Domain is 200 meters meaning he's city level, or it only destroys a city there are two things wrong with this.
  • As I said, just because an attack size isn't huge doesn't mean it's not strong such as Rasengan as I said before and the second thing is that his Domain only destroys a city because that's the range it can only attack at that does not make it city level now I will get into the scaling.
  • Gojo has two island-country level statements with him being able to power up an entire country by himself, and the other one is causing an earthquake from under 8,000 FT below the sea.
  • This also lines up with Special Grade Sorcerers being able to overthrow countries.
  • Geto qualifies clearly, he had a 30% chance of beating all Jujutsu Sorcerers by himself and Gojo would be included in that which is most likely why his chances are so low. Yuki would qualify due to scaling to Kenjaku who is even stronger than Geto and basically makes Geto's Curses (the reason he's special grade in the first place) practically useless against her since Kenjaku's wasn't. Yuta would qualify due to him and Rika beating Geto with 4k Curses (not his full arsenal) but Yuta got even stronger after that fight. And Sukuna is just objectively above Gojo who feats I've already mentioned.
  • This would also mean anyone who scales to them can overthrow a country. Am I saying Yuta or Yuki are country-level fuck no, but with the evidence I've provided Gojo and Sukuna certainly are. Also this doesn't mean you can't get them island level because you don't have to destroy something to be at that level, Goku a great example.
  • They can overthrow one but beating a country-level opponent like war arc Naruto characters is rather crazy. This would at least get characters like Kenjaku and Yuta to mountain and arguably island.
  • You can do some pretty crazy things with the high tiers such as Sukuna, Gojo, and Kashimo. You can get Sukuna's speed to the speed of light - FTL, being able to chant and activate Dismantle before Kashimo's EM waves reached him. Meguna is a blitz tier above Gojo's physical reaction speed and Heiankuna and Yujikuna are vastly physically stronger than Meguna, which would mean Gojo as well.
Speed blitzed Gojo meaning he could perceive Meguna but couldn't physically stop him.
Dodges to Light speed attacks
  • Gojo can also process 3 years of information in anas to instant putting his processing speed at FTL which makes sense as to why he can at least perceive Meguna. But all in all, you can get Gojo and Sukuna to country and FTL if you highball them, lowball them would be city and massively hypersonic and midball would be relativistic and mountain level but I personally got them high tiers like Gojo and Sukuna around relativistic up to FTL with and country with their power. Gojo is debatable which I will explain later when I scale him but Sukuna FP is 100% FTL and Country in my opinion guys don't cook me lol.
  • TLDR: Sukuna and Gojo can be argued city-country and massively hypersonic - FTL depending on your interpretation, i have them FTL and country.
submitted by joshking5739 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:54 Simone_Galoppi07 About Vegeta (Early).

I was commenting on a post and i thought that, early Vegeta base (the one that goes Ssj and ssj grade 2), doesn't appear in much fights in base form. Now as someome who rly liked Vegeta in Namek, wouldn't it be better if they made early Vegeta the Vegeta that fights in Namek?
I say this for various reasons:
  1. Becouse of what i said earlier, Vegeta early in his base doesn't have much moves that are shown
  2. Vegeta in Namek shouldn't be able to transform into a great ape cuz he doesn't have a tail.
  3. Si that Scouter Vegeta will have more sayian saga moves, i remember while playing bt3 that Vegeta Scouter has dirty fireworks from namek saga and his impact move that is from namek as well *i think from where he killed zarbon), while his first super is his galick gun. While for me they could give Vegeta more moves that he uses during the sayian saga (an impact move where he does a combo on you and finishes you off like he did with Nappa and a super explosion like Majin Vegeta or something else)
Yes im biased becouse i love the armor he has agaist frieza and want to see that armor with ssj, but even without me being biased i think it would make more sense.
Either way, what do you guys think?
submitted by Simone_Galoppi07 to tenkaichi4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:45 get_the_data When Vegeta finally gets a summonable Ultra, it should be his first SSJ appearance.

When Vegeta finally gets a summonable Ultra, it should be his first SSJ appearance.
I know most think it should be Majin and I love MV, but MV already has a decent amount of rep in the game. SSJ Vegeta’s first appearance is one of his most important and awesome, but he has nothing but that ancient red unit representing it. That unit is so lame that even if it got a Zenaki it couldn’t be that exciting exciting.
There’s so much left to mine here, it writes itself. His intro would be the gif here. Super or a cover change/counter where he grabs the opponent’s arms like 19 and kicks them in the face. Ultimate that does the Big Bang attack justice. Ect.
I wanna see an Ultra MV down the line but I really think this is the right choice for my dawg’s Ultra atm.
submitted by get_the_data to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:58 Opening_Echo2 Drip battle who would win

Drip battle who would win
Sab jacket Goku and Vegeta or DBZ future trunks
I can't put two pictures
submitted by Opening_Echo2 to Ningen [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 10:25 No-Extreme-4430 Old sketch i found. Seen a few of these so fedl free to rate my picture of Vegeta.

Old sketch i found. Seen a few of these so fedl free to rate my picture of Vegeta. submitted by No-Extreme-4430 to dbz [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:19 xAquaf0rteSx Impact of Hits

Does anyone else feels like the punches, kicks and the normal hits in general lack the impact they once used to have?
I noticed this 2 times:
1) Rivals trailer, in the section where goku ssj god clahes with vegeta in the corresponding form and in the end vegeta wins, in his final hit he sends goku flying away (as he should) just by stretching his leg.
2) Power vs Speed trailer, where jeice and burter gang up on Toppo. The flashiness and speed combination for that move is like none other before, but the combo punches they deliver feel "weak".
Don't get me wrong, the fighting overall seems superb but sometimes where I want to send my opponent flying i want to feel like my next hit will deliver and for the time being from what we have I don't get that feeling like in the previous games.
To be fair we have some months ahead of us before development finishes so I'm hopeful this will not be overlooked.
What do you guys think? Will they fix it on release, we will get it on a future update after the game is launched or will it stay as it is? Also if it stays as is will you be satisfied?
submitted by xAquaf0rteSx to tenkaichi4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 23:00 International_Edge33 Compilation of confirmed, assumed, leaked and teased characters and Stages As of May 16.

Update with what was shown in the last VJump of New Generations. Now we have 71 confirmed characters. Also, I updated it with the stages.


1- Goku (DBZ - Early)
2- Goku (DBZ - Mid)
3- Goku (DBZ - Mid) (SSJ)
4- Goku (DBZ - End)
5- Goku (DBZ - End) (SSJ)
6- Goku (DBZ - End) (SSJ2)
7- Goku (DBZ - End) (SSJ3)
8- Goku (DBS)
9- Goku (DBS) (SSJ)
10- Goku (DBS) (SSJ God)
11- Goku (DBS) (SSJ Blue)
12- Vegeta (DBZ - Scouter)
13- Great Ape Vegeta
14- Vegeta (DBZ - Early)
15- Vegeta (DBZ - Early) (SSJ)
16- Super Vegeta
17- Vegeta (DBZ - End)
18- Vegeta (DBZ - End) (SSJ)
19- Vegeta (DBZ - End) (SSJ2)
20- Majin Vegeta
21- Vegeta (DBS)
22- Vegeta (DBS) (SSJ)
23- Vegeta (DBS) (SSJ God)
24- Vegeta (DBS) (SSJ Blue)
25- Gohan (Kid)
26- Gohan (Adult)
27- Future Gohan
28- Future Gohan (SSJ)
29- Trunks (Sword)
30- Trunks (Sword) (SSJ)
31- Trunks (Armor) (SSJ)
32- Super Trunks
33- Future Trunks (SSJ)
34- Kid Trunks
35- Kid Trunks (SSJ)
36- Goten
37- Goten (SSJ)
38- Gotenks (SSJ)
39- Piccolo
40- Yamcha
41- Tien
42- Krillin
43- Master Roshi
44- Master Roshi (Full Power)
45- Hercule
46- Videl
47- Nappa
48- Jeice
49- Burter
50- Frieza (DBS)
51- A17 (DBS)
52- A18
53- Cell (Perfect Form)
54- Majin Bu
55- Beerus
56- Whis
57- Broly (DBS)
58- Broly (DBS) (SSJ)
59- Broly (DBS) (SSJ Full Power)
60- Hit
61- Caulifa
62- Caulifa (SSJ2)
63- Kale
64- Kale (SSJ Berserker)
65- Kale (SSJ2)
66- Kefla (SSJ2)
67- Bergamo
68- Kakunsa
69- Dyspo
70- Toppo
71- Jiren


Characters NOT confirmed but that will surely be there either because they are transformations of already confirmed characters, different versions or closely related to the confirmed ones and whose absence is impossible


Voice actor Sonny Strait commented in a video on his social networks that he had recorded voices for 3 video game characters. Sonny only voices 4 characters in Dragon Ball and another anime that has not announced any video game. Also, insider DBS Hype confirmed that he was referring to Sparking Zero, so 3 of these 4 characters should be in the game:
SPECIAL NOTE: Since Giru does not really speak, it is possible that he has not recorded this character and Namco/Spike reuse the audios of previous games, so it could be the first 3 + those of GT without problems.
SPECIAL NOTE 2: DBS Hype said that the game will have characters from all the sagas, from OG to Daima and including GT.


These are characters that, while some may seem logical, have not been announced and cannot be confirmed in relation to others already confirmed. However, they have been mentioned or shown in the marketing of the game, so it is quite logical that they are in.


There are 8 confirmed stages:
1- Desert of Goku VS Vegeta
2- Namek
3- Namek (or earth) destroyed
4- Meadow of Piccolo VS Gohan
5- Islands
6- City
7- Future City
8- World Tournament


submitted by International_Edge33 to tenkaichi4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:19 Teagor 15th Anniversary Vegeta

Today my 15th anniversary Vegeta came in. While it's a pretty good figure, I do have one issue with my copy. His left leg is bent slightly inwards and it bugs me.
Seeing as I bought him from the french tamashi store, am I better off trying to return him, or do I try to gently guide it into position using warm water?
I wanted to add a picture, but reddit doesn't like me today.
submitted by Teagor to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:44 Fit_Ad9965 Thoughts on my Mains?

Thoughts on my Mains?
I don't really have a main team rn, I'm kinda flip flopping between these five, as for assists I usually use Green for Gohan, Blue for Videl, Green for Tien, Blue for Ssj Vegeta, and Blue for Goku
submitted by Fit_Ad9965 to dragonballfighterz [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 16:02 Right_Mind959 Prediction: Shallot will use Potara Fusion to beat Broly.

We've seen how much they've changed the story from the Broly movie, so I'd honestly be a bit surprised if they suddenly played it straight with the Fusion dance (especially since we've already seen Shallet).
And if part 1 is fusing Goku and Vegeta into Vegito, Shallot and Giblet using Potara fusion to finish the fight against Broly (into Giblot or whatever they call it) to coincide with this would make even more sense.
SPOILERS for recent story: I doubt the fight with Broly is ACTUALLY over, since we haven't seen SSJ / SSJ Full Power Broly yet.
submitted by Right_Mind959 to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:17 Mean_End_8210 Gt spirit bombku could’ve been better

I feel like making it a ssj 2 vegeta and goku support where when vegeta dies he revives until a timer runs out like buu bros and the lf would be vegeta falling and goku throwing the spirit bomb
submitted by Mean_End_8210 to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:51 Decker2000 Teams for new Red Zone?

I don't have the new Goku/Buu/Ultimate Gohan (major shaft this celebration), but have almost everything else so any team suggestions that don't use them (or LR PHY Future Trunks DBS) is probably doable. I tried running TEQ SSJ Vegeta's tram with LR STR Future Gohan, LR Birdku, LR INT Vegeta & Trunks, AGL SS2 Gohan, & PHY Godku but it was a massacre because not everybody could stack and the locking mechanic renders INT V&T worthless.
submitted by Decker2000 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:01 matheusdolci missing characters in xenoverse 2

-cell second form -mira final form -demigra
-half corrupted zamasu -ssj rage trunks -villanious vegeta -villanious gohan -villanious gotenks -villanious trunks -villanious freeza -villanious cell -villanious majin boo -villanious trunks -villanious broly
-goku kid -demon king piccolo -general tao -general blue -tamborine
-garlic jr -hachyak -super bojack -super android 13 -freeza third form -freeza second form -mecha freeza -king could -king vegeta -supreme kai
-sorrel -bergamo -bemold -liquir -goku(in zamasu body) -toppo(base form)
-goku xeno -vegeta xeno -sealas -hearts -cumber -saiyan crimnson mask(base) -saiyan crimnson mask ssj rose -saiyan crimnson mask ssj rose 2 -saiyan crimnson mask ssj rose 3 -saiyan crimson mask ssj rose 3 full power -vegeta ssj blue berserk-android 21(MAJIN) -android 21(majin eviil) -android 21 (majin good) -android 21(lab coat)
submitted by matheusdolci to DragonBallXenoverse2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:25 Palarity Why didn't Vegeta ascend to SSJ 2 when Cell killed Trunks?

I feel like the rage trigger from seeing Trunks die should have been the breaking point that leads to SSJ 2 being unlocked
submitted by Palarity to dbz [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:50 Elpiramide89 The power reset in the Android Saga

There are many moments where Toriyama gives us to understand that there is a reset in the power scales of the protagonists from the beginning of the Androids arc, even since the arrival of Future Trunks.
Some references are as follows:
(If someone comes up with more references like these, let them say please)
It's as if when writing the story, in Toriyama's mind the characters return to the same situation or similar to the one they were in, for example, when Raditz or Nappa appear.
I think he made a clean slate because he was aware that the difference between the Saiyans and the humans had become too high, especially since the start of the fight against Freezer and his unnecessary 530,000 units in his first form. The curious thing is that despite this, the humans didn't contribute much in the rest of the manga.
Finally, in an interview Toriyama says that at that time, while drawing the SSJ, this multiplied x10 the base state for him, since x50 seemed exaggerated to him.
submitted by Elpiramide89 to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:57 Crami-Moist I actually got scammed 😭- my fault for thinking paying double retail meant I was getting it brand new ‼️

I actually got scammed 😭- my fault for thinking paying double retail meant I was getting it brand new ‼️
I got SSJ Vegeta on Amazon for $60 😖 (already not going good) and this mf comes pre opened and stained 😭
submitted by Crami-Moist to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:05 RedHotRevolvers Excuse me…This TEQ Kid Trunks EZA?!?!

Excuse me…This TEQ Kid Trunks EZA?!?!
On INT SSJ Trio’s team, slot 2 with TEQ SSJ Vegeta and EZA INT Goten on rotation.
submitted by RedHotRevolvers to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:53 RodrigoGAspar Thank you Dokkan

Thank you Dokkan
During the last few years i have continued to play dokkan, starting from the gogeta(agl)/broly(phy) celebration, it got to me recently the thought of how the game has been tied to some really imporant moments of my life. once i got lr ui 6th anni from the last ticket in a single during chemoterapy and i remember screaming in hapiness in the middle of the hospital and my mother was like wtf is going on with my kid.
I will be posting a few summons i did that were important to me and are connected to some fun memories, just as a thank you dokkan and the community for giving me fun memories. The carnival goku single was the first time my girlfriend summoned, i am lucky to have such an important person that accepted this side of me , and nowadays we have fun doing the "pulling/summoning" of characters, she asks if she pulled something good, meanwhile i scream in hapiness its so funny, we also have a gimmick of always summoning on vegeta units beacuse they are her favorites and she calls him "vagina" just cause. There is also the december banners of gokussj4 buu duo, and the tur banner that my family and i summoned at the same time, kinda like a family spirit bomb. The pan one was in the middle of the road and i like stopped and almost got runned over by a car beacuse i was just staring in disbelief. The buu one was a troll summon beacuse it was so crazy when i found out i had him rainbow and this copy sits in my box till this day. There is also the wwdc where i rainbowed phy tien and got 0 vegitos and the refund stones of the rotation banner of new years(something about a character not showing), where i got lr str fp frieza first rotation, stones were back and i pulled him again. I know the post may seem dumb but i am just really happy with how the game as growed on me without making and addiction out of it and wanted to share and spread positivity
The summons are not necessarly amazing but like i said they are really fun memories.
I don't have a picture for this one, but once she also pulled a single chiaoman in a multi summon and since then she believes is one of the strongest units.
( its my 2 reddit post and it took me a lot to share this but i just tried being honest sry if my way of writing is weird or this seems out of nowhere).
submitted by RodrigoGAspar to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:55 Vocal_Hollow Ki Blast Encyclopedia (SSGSS Vegeta & SSJ Broly)

Ki Blast Encyclopedia (SSGSS Vegeta & SSJ Broly) submitted by Vocal_Hollow to DragonBallBreakers [link] [comments]