Poquito mas vegetarian tostada calories

que debería hacer? se que escribí una biblia pero necesito opiniones x fissss 😭😭 (perdón por las faltas ortográficas, no me fije en ellas al escribir)

2024.05.19 05:30 Radiant-Bike-9543 que debería hacer? se que escribí una biblia pero necesito opiniones x fissss 😭😭 (perdón por las faltas ortográficas, no me fije en ellas al escribir)

En las vacaciones de colegio, mi mejor amiga d tda la vida se habia metido a unas clases de boxing, en donde conoció a una chica que es de mi nuevo colegio y de mi promoción. Mi mejor amiga le hablo de mi, ya q iba a entrar cmo la chica nueva en su cole y le paso mi ig, osea instragram. Ese mismo día, mi meja me había contado tdo y pues le empecé a hablar 3 días después a esa chica q ella había conocido, que le pondremos como nickname "manzana" Jjajsjsj. Le empecé a hablar y pues la vrd me habia caido dms bien. Le conte que me iba para su cole y me dijo para que me meta a su grupito de amigas para que no ingrese sin ninguna amiga, y yo le dije q ya, q estaba bn. Asi que me paso sus ig de tdas las d su grupito (eran 10 en total, conmigo 11) pero como a mi me daba un poquito de verguenza hablarme cn tdas ellas d frente les empece a hablar poco a poco a 3 chicas mas d su mismo grupito, q las llamaremos "arandano", "estrella" y "banana" jsjsjs. Entre las 4 de ellas, osea manzana, arandano, estrella y banana, con la que mas me empece a hblar a diario fue con arandano, y pues fue xq teniamos muchas cosas en comun y tdo.Y como principalmente entre a ese cole por mi deporte, conoci a otra integrante de ese mismo grupito que la llamaremos "granadilla", la mejor con la que me llevo (segun lo que siento yo) xq paso mas tiempo con ella por los entrenamientos del cole y tdo. (digo tdo esto xq es importante para q se entiendo lo q viene dsp)
Ya, ent dsp acabron las vacaciones y ya era tiempo d entrar a mi nuevo cole, y obv q estaba re nerviosa, aunq ya prácticamente tenia un grupito dentro. En el cole de mi prom, hay 3 secciones (A, B, C obv) y a mi me toco en el A, en donde me toco con 5 chicas del grupo. de esas 5 chicas, ya conocía a estrella, granadilla y a banana, pero aun no conocía a "kiwi" ni a "mora". En el B estaban arándano y otras 2 chicas q las llamaremos "lechuga" y "vainilla"; y en el C, estaban manzana y otra chica q llamaremos "rabano". Entre las chicas d mi grupito q me toco en mi clase, osea esas 5 de la seccion A, me acogieron bien la verdad, y como siempre he sido muy sociable no tarde en encajar con ellas y con el grupo en general bien. Ese, el grupo en el que estoy ahora, se podria decir que es el grupo de las populares y que medio colegio odia, incluyendo promociones mayores. Pero el problema es que, mientras pasaban los dias hasta hoy, osea desde que comence el colegio, osea desde el 5 o 6 de marzo hasta ahorita, el 18 de mayo, me he dado cuenta que el grupo es DEMASIADO toxico. Arandano, por la confianza que me gane de ella, rajo de banana en whats conmigo (yo nomas escuchaba su raje, nunca raje d banana tambien), estrella no se lleva para nada bien con manzana, ya que, bueno, estrella, como lo dice el nombre que le puse, es como la lider del grupo. Por lo que veo, estrella es la que presenta a las demas del grupo a sus amigos hombres y tdo (el cole es solo de mujeres), y es por eso que literalmente todos los amigos que tienen las del grupo, fueron gracias a estrella. Y por eso, osea, estrella rajo de manzana delante de todas las demas del grupo, ya que cada vez que nos presentaba a un amigo nuevo, manzana queria con el, y por eso tipo le incomodaba que manzana estuviera en el grupo y todo. Y lo peor de todo, esq si es cierto, manzana tiene una clara dependencia masculina que hace que quiera besarse con lo primero que vea que es hombre, pero bueno, a mi la verdad no me importa que se chape con cualquiera, pero a mi en lo personal no me gustaria presentar a algun amigo mio de mi antiguo cole a las de el grupo y que se lo termine chapando manzana, porque despues de eso hay problemas. Pero bueno, siguiendo con el tema, estrella hasta hizo que todo el grupo se ponga en contra de manzana y recientemente ya nos reconciliamos con ella. Pero aunque ya nos reconciliamos con manzana todas, pude notar que manzana igual es un poco insegura con ese tema que ya habia pasado desde antes de q estrara al cole. Lo se porque el otro dia que habiamos salido a un lugar en grupo todas, manzana y su mejor amiga del grupo que es banana se habian sentado en una mesa chiquita en la cual yo me uni despues porque estaba cerca de un enchufe en mc donalds, mientras q las demas estaban en una mesa grande. Y pues cuando literalmente me sente, como yo soy nueva en su grupo y pues escucho de todo, ella me pregunto si estrella cuando yo estaba en la mesa grande habia dicho algo de ella y todo, y yo le dije que no (xq es verdad). Tambien pude notar que el grupo se parte en dos grupitos, un grupito es conformado por arandano, manzana, lechuga y banana, y el otro por estrella, kiwi, vainilla, rabano y mora. Granadilla se pasea entre esos dos grupos. Yo la verdad mas paro con el grupito de arandano, manzana, lechuga y banana, pero no es como si todas las 11 no estuviéramos unidas siempre, solo que por ejemplo en la hora del comedor, obvio estamos las 11 en una misma mesa, pero por ejemplo en la parte de la izquierda nos ponemos yo, arandano, manzana, lechuga, banana y granadilla, y en la parte de la derecha se ponen estrella, vainilla (la mejor amiga de estrella), kiwi (la que literalmente parece estar pegada como chicle a estrella durante toda la clase y que van al gym juntas), rabano y mora. Pero bueno. No se, la verdad yo tambien veo que estrella manipula a las demas a su favor y eso incomoda pues, pero no se que hacer. Por momento todas las chicas de mi clase en general, sean de mi grupo o no, les caigo bien porque me conocen. Pero a las chicas de las otras secciones que no son de mi grupo les caigo fatal, porque yo tengo "imagen de creida" segun todas las personas de mi cole q no me conocen. Y pues no se que hacer, osea, yo la verdad no he tenido ninguna perjudicacion en ese grupo, pero por ejemplo estrella ya ha rajado de mi con un amigo que tenemos en comun (el me termino diciendo) y pues no se. Lo de que ella habia rajado de mi yo ya converse con ella de eso y quedamos bien pero no se. que debería hacer?
submitted by Radiant-Bike-9543 to u/Radiant-Bike-9543 [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:53 Reasonable-Donkey505 Semaglutide and blood pressure

Hi all, I'm a male in my mid 30s.
I wanted to share my experience with semaglutide in case it is interesting or helpful to anyone.
FWIW I'm a veterinarian - more relevant than you might think, people are animals too :)
I have had hypertension since high school, with a systolic in the 130s despite being fit, active, vegetarian, and even through years as an endurance athlete at a healthy body weight. High uric acid and cholesterol as well (also independent of my body weight and activity level historically - blame genetics). In my 30s things went sideways and I became much more sedimentary, obese, and saw all my numbers get worse with a bp of 145/90.
For the past five years Ive been ruefully satisfied with anything under 140/90 with beta blockers.
While still titrating up my semaglutide dose, and before any significant weight loss, I started to see NORMAL blood pressure numbers. Below 120/80. Not all the time, but frequently. Which is just preposterous. I've lost around 10% of my bodyweight after 7 months. I will get readings in the low 130s/80s occasionally, but usually in the 110s/70s depending on the time of day, caffeine, ADHD meds, and stress.
I'm very curious what is going on here. My best guess is that I VASTLY underestimate my sensitivity to sodium and my decreased calorie intake has effectively tanked my sodium intake. Or, dare I say it, this is a reduction in insulin resistance and semaglutide has (for now) fixed my metabolic syndrome. Or something else?
Who would have thought weight loss would end up being a silver lining next to the blood pressure reduction?
Speaking only for myself, it's reasonable to assume that semaglutide essentially corrected my stage 2 hypertension independent of weight loss or lifestyle changes (aside from eating less... Maybe).
Hopefully this wild improvement is sustainable, but even if the improvements diminish over time, I'll be more motivated to try other interventions.
And again, FWIW, I'm not a human physician but I do spend my life managing chronic medical conditions.
So yeah. Sometimes you win the pharmaceutical lottery?
submitted by Reasonable-Donkey505 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:09 Superbuddhapunk Weekly groceries. Several outlets. £30.01

Weekly groceries. Several outlets. £30.01 submitted by Superbuddhapunk to whatsinyourcart [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:58 Adventurous_Bee_7496 picked these guys up yesterday testing now what’s everyone’s thoughts ?

picked these guys up yesterday testing now what’s everyone’s thoughts ? submitted by Adventurous_Bee_7496 to hotsauce [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:52 Torontokid8666 Snagged some softcore licorice for the weekend.

I love the OG licorice but some times i like trying new flavors. I really like the soft chew l, it is very satisfying. Snagged all this for 12.50 cnd.
The Roos berry flavor is meh, the green apple was very good. The strawberry is always pretty good.
submitted by Torontokid8666 to licorice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 16:42 AdeptnessDelicious11 Weight Loss Tips

Macros for Weight Loss
29 year old Male.
I started at 254lbs about 34 days ago
I’m at 242lbs. Currently at 1800 calories. Macros: 100-110g protein 250g - Carbs 50g - Fat(max)
Aim is to lose 2lb per week. How should my macros look? And should I reduce my calorie intake? Workout 3 times a week. (2 classes Orange Theory, 1-2 gym)
I’m 5ft 10inches tall. Body fat around 40%
I’m trying to lose 60-70lbs while maintaining the little bit of muscle I have. I’m a vegetarian, open to eating eggs. Allergic to soy.
How many grams of protein is safe to consume from dairy? Currently having 1 scoop whey isolate- 25g protein 1 slate chocolate drinking - 20g protein 1 oikos yogurt - 15g protein
submitted by AdeptnessDelicious11 to WeightLossAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 09:04 Unlikely-Ice8784 I got some fresh eggs from a neighbor.

I got some fresh eggs from a neighbor. submitted by Unlikely-Ice8784 to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:54 kumartrakesh Revive Superfoods - Everything to Know

Revive Superfoods offers home-delivered smoothies and meals rich in fruits and vegetables, requiring no cooking—just blend the smoothies or heat the meals.
Subscribers can choose how many meals they want per week or month and select specific meals or let the system choose smoothies based on their preferences.
This article reviews Revive Superfoods, provides menu examples, and discusses potential health benefits.

Revive Superfoods Overview

Revive Superfoods promises peak freshness by freezing their food. While online reviews are generally positive, some customers report issues with canceling subscriptions or obtaining refunds for damaged or melted smoothies. Initially focused on smoothies, the company has expanded to include oatmeal-inspired bowls, blender-free smoothies, and meals.

How Revive Superfoods Works

Customers can subscribe to weekly or monthly plans, selecting nine, 12, or 24 cups. After signing up, they have a specific billing date each week or month, by which they must make any changes to their order. Subscribers can change menu items or rely on selections based on their preferences. All meals are vegetarian, many are vegan, and most smoothies are gluten- and dairy-free.


Revive Superfoods offers a variety of menus, including:
Smoothies Blended at home with water, options include:
Oats Oatmeal-like bowls with fruit, such as:
Smoothie Bowls Ready to eat with a thick yogurt-like consistency:
Super Meals Whole grains mixed with fruits and vegetables:

Service Pros and Cons


Health Pros and Cons

Health Benefits:
Health Drawbacks:


Revive Superfoods can help increase fruit and vegetable intake, ease the transition to a plant-based diet, and introduce new healthful ingredients and food combinations. However, it may not suit every diet or palate. People with specific health concerns should consult a doctor before making significant dietary changes.
submitted by kumartrakesh to u/kumartrakesh [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 07:16 Normal_Fee_3816 Can eating more now cause me to gain weight even if I wasn’t eating enough before?

For context, I don’t have an ED, I just sorta realized I was averaging 1,000-1,500 calories a day by accident cause my parents are low carb vegetarians and I don’t like eating breakfast. I’ve started eating more, having smt for breakfast and trying to get at least 100 grams of protein per day. Although I’m not necessarily worried about gaining weight, preferably I’d like to be getting rid of body fat. (I’m 5’4 and 143, some of its muscle but it’s hard to tell how much). I know I kinda need to be eating more, but would me jumping up 500-1000 calories a day lead me to gaining even more weight?
If so, how do I offset the effects of that? I already work out at least 4 days a week (lifting for about an hour) walk/ride my bike about a mile every day just cause I go to school and eat pretty healthy. I try to avoid cardio cause it hurts my ribcage and I can barely run a lap around a track without struggling to breathe. Is running my only option to offset this/lose weight?
submitted by Normal_Fee_3816 to FTMFitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 02:42 051Panduh Is this still good?

Is this still good? submitted by 051Panduh to steak [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:44 Leidorft Guia Definitiva del GAMING

Como veo muchos subforos en diferentes post de reddit vengo a dar mi humilde opinión y intercambiar ideas también, porque no¿?
De la biblia básica del gaming. Si tantos tapujos comencemos.
Hoy viendo los standares de los juegos "mas jugados" de steam (lo vamos a utilizar como base de datos para ver los mínimos/máximos de cada juego) nos basaremos en una pequeña guía y de fácil entendimiento para aquellos que quieren aramarse una pc nueva o el mejor caso, usada pero de calidad decente.
Solo vamos a hablar de CPU, GPU y RAM. Overcloack no estaría dirigida a la audiencia que busco ayudar y con el almacenamiento igual.
Viendo que la base de la "gran" mayoría de los juegos de steam pide en CPU es un 6c6t (traducido al criollo 6cores6treat(6cores6hilos))
Y tu diras que CPU nuevas hay con esos cores y hilos. NINGUNA por que la tecnología avanza. PEROOO aca entra el mercado del usado. Hay gente que se esta sacando en pack "combo actualización" la generación i5 8xxx y i5 9xxx, que suelen traer motherboard+cpu+ram. A un precio bastante módico.
Lo vamos a simplificar, si ves algun combo y tenes una pc bastante vieja (4c8t) o peor es hora de un cambio. Paso a recomendar los caballitos de guerra
i5 8400 6c6t > i5 8500 > i5 8600 o la generación i5 9400 6c6t > i5 9500 > i5 9600 (todos estos varían en GHz, pero no vamos a tocar ese tema)
Por otro lado y sin olvidarme la generación i7 8700 6c12t o i7 9700 8c8t (se van acercando a las generaciones mas actuales de los i5)
Con esta parte ya mencionada, con esto van a correr cualquier juego sin olvidarnos que esta gen usa DRR4 que su mínimo es 16gb 2666Mhz van a ir de sobra.
Subiendo un escalón nos encontramos con la generación 10 y 11 de los i5
Aca ya nos estandarizamos con el 6c12t (relean la mención anterior que nos acercamos al "standar actual"). Lo mismo que antes acá ganas con tecnología, pero los juegos casi que correrían igual. Pero con un standar en las rams de 16gb 3200Mhz, en mi recomendación ya iría para los 32gb 3200Mhz.
Esto es si vamos por lo nuevo. Y finalizando el tema CPU.
La generación 12 para mi es un gasto innecesario con los e-cores, que para el gaming no se benefician en nada (mas si juegan videojuegos mas antiguos).
Si ya quieres pagar de mas y tu bolsillo te da, bien por ti.
Dirás te estas olvidando de AMD. No!. Para mi el mejor procesador de AMD precio calidad es RYZEN 5 3600 o mas "actual" RYZEN 5 5600. Son 6c12t.
No hablemos de las versiones x x3D o K en el caso de Intel.
Solo menciono y algo importante las versiones F (SI O SI) necesitas de una GPU para interactuar con tu PC.
Acá nos encontramos con un tema mas fácil de detectar. El mínimo es GTX 1060(6gbVram) que tiene 1280 cudacores(la potencia)
Pero no recomiendo comprar la generación 10.
Compraría mejor su hermana un poquito mejor y mas actual GTX 1660s o ti, ambas con 6gbVram y unos cudacores mejorados levemente (1408/1536cc).
Dicha GPU van a tirar de 1080p 60fps en MID o HIGH según el juego (a mas viejo el juego mas calidad tendrán)
Siguiente escalón entraría para mi la mejor calidad precio HOY! 2024 y buscándola usada
RTX 2060s(2176cudacores) o 2070s(2560cudacores) cambas con 8gbVram
Sobrado para el 1080p a mas de 75fps HIGH
Si te irías por algo nuevo
RTX 3060ti(4864cudacores) 8gbVram
1440p a mas de 100fps en HIGH o ULTRA
Como veras no ves GPU de AMD. Tuve muchos problemas con GPU de AMD y les hice la cruz (no me vengan con anti AMD y etc)
No me quiero poner técnico con esto pero las GPU de AMD son muy inferiores en tecnología ante Nvidia, tendrán mas Vram pero no justifican en nada.
Ahora te voy a dar ejemplo calidad precio si armaría algo HOY!
I5 8400>8500>8600 o I5 9400>9500>9600 - 16gb 2666Mhz + 1660s>2060s>2070s. Vas a poder jugar a todo a mas de 60fps 1080p(con el paso de los años vas a perder frames esto seguro ganarías con DLLS de las RTX)
I5 10400>10500>10600 o I5 11400>11500>11600 - 32gb 3200Mhz + 3060ti. Todo arriba de mas de 100fps 1440p
esto va a ir variando con el tema de la gpu que le pongas, es para darte una ayuda para elegir. No quiere decir que un i5 10400 no se le pueda poner una GTX 1660, pero el rendimiento no va a ser igual.
Esto va dirigido para la gente de LATAM que cuesta mas comprar una pc, por que es fácil ver a techtuvers recomendar lo ultimo y ser de paises primermundista. (sin ofender a nadie) sabiendo que hay tecnologías un poquito mas viejas (pero no obsoletas) que funcionarían igual de bien.
PD: los i7/i9 de muchos cores/treat para el gaming dan exactamente igual, no les den importancia, es pagar de mas por que queres. (REPITO: si tu puedes y quieres cómpralos)
Y otra observación. Las consolas son las que marcan los saltos generacionales. ps4 6c12t - xbox one son 8c. ps5 / xbox s/x son 8c16t esta ultima siempre olga mas en su rendimiento a la fase final de vida.
En conclusión, actualmente creo yo que NINGUN juego saca provecho en PC a los 8c16t a menos que este mal optimizado.
submitted by Leidorft to Argaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 23:43 Leidorft Guia Definitiva del GAMING

Como veo muchos subforos en diferentes post de reddit vengo a dar mi humilde opinión y intercambiar ideas también, porque no¿?
De la biblia básica del gaming. Si tantos tapujos comencemos.
Hoy viendo los standares de los juegos "mas jugados" de steam (lo vamos a utilizar como base de datos para ver los mínimos/máximos de cada juego) nos basaremos en una pequeña guía y de fácil entendimiento para aquellos que quieren aramarse una pc nueva o el mejor caso, usada pero de calidad decente.
Solo vamos a hablar de CPU, GPU y RAM. Overcloack no estaría dirigida a la audiencia que busco ayudar y con el almacenamiento igual.
Viendo que la base de la "gran" mayoría de los juegos de steam pide en CPU es un 6c6t (traducido al criollo 6cores6thread(6cores6hilos))
Y tu diras que CPU nuevas hay con esos cores y hilos. NINGUNA por que la tecnología avanza. PEROOO aca entra el mercado del usado. Hay gente que se esta sacando en pack "combo actualización" la generación i5 8xxx y i5 9xxx, que suelen traer motherboard+cpu+ram. A un precio bastante módico.
Lo vamos a simplificar, si ves algun combo y tenes una pc bastante vieja (4c8t) o peor es hora de un cambio. Paso a recomendar los caballitos de guerra
i5 8400 6c6t > i5 8500 > i5 8600 o la generación i5 9400 6c6t > i5 9500 > i5 9600 (todos estos varían en GHz, pero no vamos a tocar ese tema)
Por otro lado y sin olvidarme la generación i7 8700 6c12t o i7 9700 8c8t (se van acercando a las generaciones mas actuales de los i5)
Con esta parte ya mencionada, con esto van a correr cualquier juego sin olvidarnos que esta gen usa DRR4 que su mínimo es 16gb 2666Mhz van a ir de sobra.
Subiendo un escalón nos encontramos con la generación 10 y 11 de los i5
Aca ya nos estandarizamos con el 6c12t (relean la mención anterior que nos acercamos al "standar actual"). Lo mismo que antes acá ganas con tecnología, pero los juegos casi que correrían igual. Pero con un standar en las rams de 16gb 3200Mhz, en mi recomendación ya iría para los 32gb 3200Mhz.
Esto es si vamos por lo nuevo. Y finalizando el tema CPU.
La generación 12 para mi es un gasto innecesario con los e-cores, que para el gaming no se benefician en nada (mas si juegan videojuegos mas antiguos).
Si ya quieres pagar de mas y tu bolsillo te da, bien por ti.
Dirás te estas olvidando de AMD. No!. Para mi el mejor procesador de AMD precio calidad es RYZEN 5 3600 o mas "actual" RYZEN 5 5600. Son 6c12t.
No hablemos de las versiones x x3D o K en el caso de Intel.
Solo menciono y algo importante las versiones F (SI O SI) necesitas de una GPU para interactuar con tu PC.
Acá nos encontramos con un tema mas fácil de detectar. El mínimo es GTX 1060(6gbVram) que tiene 1280 cudacores(la potencia)
Pero no recomiendo comprar la generación 10.
Compraría mejor su hermana un poquito mejor y mas actual GTX 1660s o ti, ambas con 6gbVram y unos cudacores mejorados levemente (1408/1536cc).
Dicha GPU van a tirar de 1080p 60fps en MID o HIGH según el juego (a mas viejo el juego mas calidad tendrán)
Siguiente escalón entraría para mi la mejor calidad precio HOY! 2024 y buscándola usada
RTX 2060s(2176cudacores) o 2070s(2560cudacores) cambas con 8gbVram
Sobrado para el 1080p a mas de 75fps HIGH
Si te irías por algo nuevo
RTX 3060ti(4864cudacores) 8gbVram
1440p a mas de 100fps en HIGH o ULTRA
Como veras no ves GPU de AMD. Tuve muchos problemas con GPU de AMD y les hice la cruz (no me vengan con anti AMD y etc)
No me quiero poner técnico con esto pero las GPU de AMD son muy inferiores en tecnología ante Nvidia, tendrán mas Vram pero no justifican en nada.
Ahora te voy a dar ejemplo calidad precio si armaría algo HOY!
I5 8400>8500>8600 o I5 9400>9500>9600 - 16gb 2666Mhz + 1660s>2060s>2070s. Vas a poder jugar a todo a mas de 60fps 1080p(con el paso de los años vas a perder frames esto seguro ganarías con DLLS de las RTX)
I5 10400>10500>10600 o I5 11400>11500>11600 - 32gb 3200Mhz + 3060ti. Todo arriba de mas de 100fps 1440p
esto va a ir variando con el tema de la gpu que le pongas, es para darte una ayuda para elegir. No quiere decir que un i5 10400 no se le pueda poner una GTX 1660, pero el rendimiento no va a ser igual.
Esto va dirigido para la gente de LATAM que cuesta mas comprar una pc, por que es fácil ver a techtuvers recomendar lo ultimo y ser de paises primermundista. (sin ofender a nadie) sabiendo que hay tecnologías un poquito mas viejas (pero no obsoletas) que funcionarían igual de bien.
PD: los i7/i9 de muchos cores/thread para el gaming dan exactamente igual, no les den importancia, es pagar de mas por que queres. (REPITO: si tu puedes y quieres cómpralos)
Y otra observación. Las consolas son las que marcan los saltos generacionales. ps4 6c12t - xbox one son 8c. ps5 / xbox s/x son 8c16t esta ultima siempre olga mas en su rendimiento a la fase final de vida.
En conclusión, actualmente creo yo que NINGUN juego saca provecho en PC a los 8c16t a menos que este mal optimizado.
submitted by Leidorft to ArgenGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:58 muddyruttzz Wienerschnitzel Veggie Dog - Pretty Doggone Good!

I rode my bike to Sports Basement on Bascom the other night. On my way to the pet supply store other side of Bascom I stopped a Wienerschnitzel.
I 'm a vegetarian and was pleasantly surprised to see they have veggie dogs. I got the Chicago and it was great. Could eat 2 or 3 but they aren't on my diet.
I need to limit my calorie intake so can't do that to often. Looking forward to trying the other combos and also the good old Kraut and mustard dog.
submitted by muddyruttzz to SanJose [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:57 zisisfontoudis Women's hormones?

ive always been super skinny and eating whatever i wanted all my life , i was eating prettyy much everything included healthy and junk food ofc (lots of greek dishes ofc cs im greek and fruits etc etc ) BUT during last year of highschool i gained weight rapidly cause i was emotionally eating, stress eating sugar lots of carbs , i went through a vegetarian phase as well and lots of pufas from tahini, chicken nuggets seed oils etc. Then I lost weight just from restricting calories and during a period of high stress I also lost my period cycle. I went to gynecologist and my hormones and blood tests were all normal. She suggested I "gain a bit weight" which I did but my period isn't back to normal, plus I also got cellulite. What do you guts suggest? Should I keep carbs or fats higher? ( I was suuper high carb and I was deprived of fats before and most of my fat was unsaturated and pufas and I ate a lot of soy on my vegetarian phase). Also I obviously don't want to gain anymore weight because It feels uncomfortable and unnatural to me.. ( I gained the weight on keto animal based)
submitted by zisisfontoudis to AnimalBased [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 15:28 Able-Asparagus20345 Measurements stalling?

Hi! I am 34/F/5'6 SW:144 CW:139 GW:130ish (I know this is a relatively small shift!)
After losing 7 lbs in my first five weeks, my weight has started bouncing around from 137-139 for about 2 weeks. I know this is pretty expected. However, my measurements have not changed at all during that time. Is that to be expected, or should I tweak something?
Diet details: No caffeine, dairy, or added sugar (for years now), mostly vegetarian, low UPF and alcohol. This is all for managing health, not weight. 16:8 IF (for about 7 weeks) 1400 calories daily (I measure it well, and what I eat hasn't changed since I was seeing the numbers dropping). I've had two planned days of eating out that each brought me up to around 2000 calories.
Exercise details: 10k steps a day, often on an incline of 4-7 (completely new, I used to get maybe 2-3k steps a day) Gentle body weight/loooow weight strength training 5-6 days a week (I'm getting back into the gym after an injury and taking it slow)
All the posts about weight loss being all wobbly and inconsistent say to take heart in checking your measurements - but they're not moving either, clothes don't fit differently, etc, I look, if anything, a little puffier than a few weeks ago. It's ok if it takes a while, I just want to check if I should tweak something. What do you think?
submitted by Able-Asparagus20345 to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:36 the0rthopaedicsurgeo No weight loss after 6 weeks

I'm posting this on behalf of my wife (32F). She's currently been trying to lose weight for about 6 weeks - tracking everything religiously she's eating about 1600-2000 calories a day, and burning 2800-3000 according to her Fitbit. We try to walk at least 7km a day. We're both vegetarian so diet is lots of veg, soup, meat alternatives etc, very few snacks/treats and almost no takeout.
The problem is that after 6 weeks she'll sometimes go down 2 or 3lb one day but the next day she's back up the same if not more. We both work from home and are rarely apart so I know she's not cheating her calories. She has PCOS which I know can make it difficult but she's been in around a 1000cal deficit for over a month with no success which obviously starts to crush your motivation. Surely it doesn't take this long for your body to adjust and lose water weight etc?
We live fairly rural so don't have easy access to a gym. I've thought about buying a walking treadmill but they're pretty expensive and take up a lot of space we don't really have. She did try Ozempic for a while last year which worked, but the nausea, vomiting and not being able to walk from feeling so ill meant it just wasn't worth it. Is it a case of just sticking with it for now, despite not seeing results? Or is there anything specific to PCOS that needs to be factored in?
submitted by the0rthopaedicsurgeo to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:11 Connecting-traveller 5 Apps to help you find healthy food on the road

5 Apps to help you find healthy food on the road
5 Apps for Healthy Eats on Your Travels (Ditch Tour Package Buffets!)
Hitting the road shouldn't mean sacrificing healthy eating habits. Forget the limitations of pre-planned meals often found in Andaman Tour Packages! These 5 apps empower you to find delicious and nutritious food wherever your travels take you:
Connecting Traveller
1. Happy Cow (Veg/Vegan Focus): Traveling vegetarian or vegan? Happy Cow is your lifesaver. Search for restaurants with vegetarian, vegan, or veg-friendly options near your location. Read reviews from fellow travelers and discover hidden gems beyond the typical tourist fare.
Travel Tip: Negotiate with local restaurants to adjust dishes to your dietary preferences, creating a more personalized and healthy meal.
2. MyFitnessPal (Track & Plan): MyFitnessPal is a comprehensive calorie counter and food diary. Scan barcodes or search for specific dishes to track your daily intake. Set goals and plan healthy meals to stay on track, even when indulging in local delicacies.
3. Eat This Much (Personalized Planning): This app takes the guesswork out of meal planning. Enter your dietary preferences, budget, and travel goals. Eat This Much generates personalized meal plans tailored to your needs and location, ensuring healthy choices throughout your adventure.
4. Food Tripping (Foodie Finds): Craving a culinary adventure? Food Tripping helps you discover delicious and unique restaurants beyond the usual tourist traps. Explore local eateries, cafes, and specialty food stores based on user reviews and recommendations.
Travel Tip: Consider hiring a Local Tour Guide (negotiate their rates for potentially better deals compared to tour packages). They can recommend hidden gems serving authentic and healthy local cuisine.
5. 7 Cups (Mindful Munching): Traveling can be stressful, impacting your eating habits. 7 Cups offers on-demand emotional support and mindfulness exercises. Manage stress and make mindful food choices to prioritize your well-being on the road.
Remember: With these apps and a little planning, you can find healthy and delicious food options without sacrificing the joy of exploring new places. So, ditch the tour package buffets and embark on a healthy and flavorful culinary adventure on your next trip!
submitted by Connecting-traveller to u/Connecting-traveller [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 09:40 Pendant2935 OMAD complete, reflections on reaching my target weight.

I woke up this morning, stepped on the scale, and had hit my target weight so thought I'd jot down some thoughts.
None of this is really going to be news to anyone who's been on OMAD for a while.
  1. The book Fast. Eat. Repeat. is pretty terrible. Don't bother with it.
  2. The fasting part of OMAD is (mostly) not the key. It's just a nice hack to limit calories.
  3. All the talk about "it's great not having to cook/meal plan all the time" is kinda true but also a bit meaningless unless you're single. I'm still doing the same amount of cooking and whatnot for my family. But now I just kind of hover awkwardly while they eat pancakes.
  4. That said, the fasting does have a couple of nice by-products.
    1. When you only have one meal a day, it really makes you pay attention the quality of it. You can't kid yourself that you're going to eat more vegetables/fibewhatever in another meal that deal.
    2. It forces you to realise that being hungry is just a feeling that passes and not the end of the world. Even after being on OMAD for months I still hungry at non mealtimes sometimes. I just ignore that feeling and eventually it goes away.
    3. Having hard and fast rules about only eating one time a day is a good way to cut down on mindless calories from snacking & drinks.
  5. OMAD is lot easier to do and still be social with friends and family. My wife had gestational diabetes so we were essentially on keto for a few months for that. Going out or meeting up with friends could sometimes be a nightmare. OMAD is a lot easier.
  6. That said, OMAD doesn't make it perfect. If you do any social drinking, either at home with a spouse after a particularly long & hard day with the kids, or out with friends who want to catch up or vent or celebrate, that's borderline impossible with OMAD. You can only say "no thanks, not tonight" so many times without affecting the relationship.
  7. I broke OMAD maybe 5-10% of the time? I didn't keep track exactly. Aforementioned social drinks. My kids had a birthday party and of course I'm not going to be a dick and say no to their cake. In-laws come over unexpectedly for dinner even after I've already eaten lunch. Three days out of town at a beach holiday. Things like that. One nice part about OMAD is it feels easier to take a break like that. Especially compared to something like keto where you're always "OMG it's going to take me 2-4 days to get back into ketosis..."
  8. My wife was surprisingly unsupportive the entire time. Never underestimate how weird (some) people can be about any kind of diet that is slightly outside of the mainstream. (Just look at how much shit vegetarians and vegans have gotten over the decades.)
  9. I didn't really have a goal to begin with, which in retrospect was a bit of a mistake. Just "need to lose weight because I'm getting way too much of a dad bod". Probably would have been better to think that through at the beginning.
  10. I had never weighed myself daily before. It was eye opening and frustrating. Some days you know why things are fluctuating. Some days you're just left going WTF, how could I have possibly gained 0.5kg yesterday? That's like 3,000 calories above TDEE?!?
  11. What's next? Figuring out what maintenance looks like. The social limitations of OMAD do chafe a bit. It is nice to have a glass of wine with my wife after the kids are in bed. It is nice to be able to have family breakfast on the weekend and also have family dinner together. It is nice when a friend calls me up last minute in the afternoon and asks if I want to grab dinner and catch up I don't go..."Well, I already ate lunch...." My guess is that I'll probably evolve towards some kind of flexible 20-4 eating window but we will see.
submitted by Pendant2935 to omad [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:13 AdeptnessDelicious11 Macros for Weight Loss

Updated: 29 year old Male.
I started at 254lbs about 32days
I’m at 244lbs. Currently at 1800 calories. Aim is to lose 2lb per week. How should my macros look? And should I reduce my calorie intake? Workout 3 times a week.
Edit 1: I’m 5ft 10inches tall. Body fat around 40%
I’m trying to lose 60-70lbs while maintaining the little bit of muscle I have. I’m a vegetarian, open to eating eggs. Allergic to soy.
How many grams of protein is safe to consume from dairy?
submitted by AdeptnessDelicious11 to macros [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 05:02 Suspicious_gremlin Trying to lose weight and gain muscle, but can't reach protein goals because I'm too full! (Vegetarian)

I [32F] have been slowly losing weight (and fluctuating, but with a downward trend) over the last 3 years.
I reached 129 lbs in December, but I gained 11 lbs back between Jan-March. I have lost 3 lbs since the beginning of April.
I had a pretty bad back injury a few years ago and ever since then, I stopped all weight training. I've gotten really weak and feel like I have NO muscle. Trust me, it's bad.
I've recently began working with a Physical Therapist and a personal trainer. Just taking baby steps to start getting muscle again. My trainer recommended that I get 130 grams of protein in per day. I told him I'm vegetarian and struggle with that. He asked me to do my best to get to at least 100 grams of protein per day. I typically only get 30-50 grams of protein per day with my normal diet. Since his recommendation, I have pushed myself to eat more protein these last couple of days, and I've been soooo full. Like sick-to-my-stomach full, and I've only gotten 80-90 grams of protein on average per day. I feel like I haven't been able to exceed that for two reasons: 1. I am full. 2. I don't want to go past my calorie limit since I rely on CICO to lose weight.
Oh I also do intermittent fasting Mon-Fri, with a 5-hour eating window. I do not fast on weekends.
Just seeking any advice on how I should go about this or achieve my goals! Or at least hoping to hear from others with a similar experience!
submitted by Suspicious_gremlin to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:51 dreamsd4rk ¿?__aiudaaa...

hola, soy vato y hace mucho queria estar con una morra bueno hasta que pudimos hablar, cada que hablaba con ella era lo mas chido pero siempre tenia pensamientos de inferioridad cosa que ella estaba en la u y yo en una institución y pos ya casi finalizando mi carrera y ella la suya ella se alejo y los pensamientos volvieron y eran peores estaba trabajando y mo dormia casi nada y tiempo despues senti un dolor no le hice caso y continue me di cuenta que era ciatica rato después ella me hablo me dijo que estaba mal mentalmente y callo en un colapso después me dijo te dejo y puedes estar con alguien mas si quieres y es lo que mas me dolio y los pensamientos no ayudaban rato después conoci una chica poco tiempo despues nos hicimos novios aunque me hacia sentir mal y solo recordaba como era antes y lo mal que la pasaba creo que paso cuatro meses intente hacer algo bueno con la chica con la que estaba literalmente ya no era capaz de trabajar por la ciatica que se volvio cronica y con lo que tenia le lleve a consultas y la llevaba donde podia solo para que no se sintiera mal pero ella siempre me despreciaba y solo hacia que me acordará de mi antigua relacion, extrañaba su presencia pero siempre había en mi mente que yo nunca lograria ser lo que ella esperaba y mas ahora que tenia esa enfermedad.. por ahora estoy volviendo hablar con la chica de mi antigua relacion solo queria ser su amigo pero se me hace dificil verla como amiga y quiero estar con ella y siento de su parte que igual me extraña poquito y no si hacer algo o dejarlo ahi pero cuando intento hacer algo recuerdo que aun no puedo moverme por que me duele mi pierna por la ciatica y solo veo que cada vez ella se aleja.. y yo me quedo.. ¿que hago? quisiera decirle que quiero intentarlo que me de otra oportunidad pero por otra parte creo que ya no sirvo y solo sere peso extra y no se si ya tiene nuevos pretendientes y molestar ahi creo que seria mucho aunque tampoco quiero ser intrusivo y decirle todo esto.. aiudaaa...!
submitted by dreamsd4rk to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:34 AkemiSunako College student on break trying to put together a home workout routine

I'm a college student on a 2 month break! After that, I'll be travelling with access to a hotel gym for about a month, and then access to my school's gym for the school year.
I used to do Chloe Ting workouts using weights at the gym, but struggled to get around my second midterms and finals weeks and eventually gave up. I used 8 lb weights at the gym, and at home I have 10 lb weights, which I always struggled trying to move up to at the gym.
I also now have a relatively low? calorie intake (solely because I'm really lazy and no longer have dining hall access), probably around 1300 cal per day and honestly just eat when I'm hungry. I'm vegetarian and I eat relatively healthy foods while trying to cut out sugar, and don't eat dairy products (but occasionally I'm able to eat eggs), so usually I think my protein intake is pretty low.
I want to become stronger and gain some muscle weight, but I'm not entirely sure how to build my workout, or how often to do so. I'm unable to get to a gym since I can't use a car this summer, so what would help me workout at home, and how should I structure these exercises? I can also run in the morning outside as part of my workout, but I can only workout in the morning, and only for around 45 minutes to an hour depending on my other commitments.
Also, what should I prioritize for food (if this is the right place to ask)? I'm thinking of going grocery shopping with my parents and cooking some meals for them to practice when I move into an apartment. I'm not sure if I should get back on the calorie tracker and plan my meals, or something to that extent, but I won't be able to control my meals for the month that I'm travelling so not sure how effective that is.
submitted by AkemiSunako to PetiteFitness [link] [comments]
