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Irine Meier

2017.11.13 13:40 Voqeh Irine Meier

Welcome to the subreddit for Irine Meier! you may know her from the alias known as 'Captain Irachka' Come here for the latest and daily photo's of the Model / Cosplayer!

2012.04.23 05:58 ripples2288 CrossView: stereoscopic 3D using cross-eyed freeviewing of side-by-side stereograms

Cross viewing is seeing 3D with nothing but your regular screen! The pictures here show two perspectives, just cross your eyes and make the two sides overlap to see the image in 3D. Tutorials and helpful apps on the sidebawiki/menu/about. Accepting submissions of all forms (pictures, gif/gfys, videos). If things look 'reverse depth' then /ParallelView might be the place for you!

2009.03.20 11:50 branston tall: Stand up straight!

A subreddit for tall-related topics. Come ask questions, post your pictures, whatever you want. /tall: reddit from a higher perspective.

2024.06.02 10:48 LieutenantPatang Sarkar Reimagined

I am back after a break with another reimagining, and I thought this time I would tackle another movie that fell disappointingly short of expectations... Sarkar. Sarkar released to huge expectations after the success of both Thuppakki and Kaththi, but the film failed to deliver on its promise of a Mudhalvan-like political fantasy; I have to admit though, the movie is a guilty pleasure of mine which I do often revisit. That being said:
WARNING: I am not claiming to be a better writer than any of the people involved in the film and this is not a criticism of their ability.
The movie begins with a boarding meeting at one of the companies in Canada that GL (Sundar's company) is about to acquire. The members of the board nervously waiting for the arrival of their new boss, the media is waiting outside and we get the hype up for Sundar's eventual mass intro. After a build a of tension, a Rolls Royce pulls up and the camera follows as a man wearing pair of Tom Ford shoes exits the vehicle and walks into the elevator in the building as the media tries to snap some pics of him. The members of the board continue to wait impatiently, as the elevator doors open to reveal Sundar Ramaswamy (Vijay). He basically walks in doesn't say a word and sits at the head of the table. Sundar's lawyer drops the paperwork on the table, each member of the board takes their turn signing the document. Finally the document comes back to Sundar who flicks his signature onto it and gets up to leave, but one of the board members stops him to ask, "How do you feel after ruining the livelihood of 3,000 employees?". Sundar turns around and smiles at the board before doing the signature 'Vijay gum flick' and walking away in slow motion, queue the 'CEO in the House' song as Sundar heads out to celebrate acquiring the company. The scene is to establish Sundar as a proper overconfident and cocky 'corporate monster' instead of just telling us that he is a 'corporate monster'.
From there the movie continues pretty similarly with Sundar coming back to India to cast his vote, even though he takes his job very seriously he is still a patriot at heart and has a soft corner for his people. Same as the movie, someone else casts his vote and he begins organising lawyers meetings and press conference to get his vote back. All goes pretty much the same until the point Sundar's driver tells him about the atrocities done by the government and the family that set themselves on fire, Sundar is genuinely quite unaware of all this. Similar to the movie, he directs his convoy to go to the colony where the little girl is. Unlike the movie, we have one long take where the camera follows Sundar from behind as he gets out his car and walks through the local area, through the alleys and slums, observing the common folk; this is to show how out-of-touch he really is with reality. He finally comes to the little girl's house, and the camera finally pans to reveal Sundar's somber face; this scene is crucial as this paints his actions for the rest of the movie, it is important that we spend time showing how this incident impacts him. Unable to look at the girl's burnt face Sundar turns around and walks away, he signals his PA to sort the family out with treatment for the little girl.
From here, we go to the scene with Rendu (Radha Ravi) at the hotel; this will go pretty much exactly how it did in the movie. The only difference here is, going into the hotel Sundar is slightly solemn, but his expression slowly changes with Rendu's speech and we get the scene with the 'Topu Tuckeru' BGM as Sundar smokes. The following events also unravel similar to the film with the action block and the 'Simtaangaran song'; these are commercial filler compromises that must be made, its also a staple of the ARM-Vijay combo movies. The following scene is also similar with Sundar instigating the court case to stop Masilamani's inauguration, the key difference though is that Sundar doesn't speak in the court he silently watches from the stands as his lawyer does the arguing. Once the ceremony is stopped, he gets up, does the 'Vijay gum flick' and walks away in slow motion with the 'CEO in the House' BGM; this mirrors the opening scene where Sundar finesses the board room, but this time he's finessed the government. The election is postponed by 10 days.
Meanwhile, Masilamani is furious by what Sundar started, he encourages his party members to start rioting and to find where Sundar is. The riots go on for 2 days, but there is no sign of Sundar anywhere. Masilamani grows impatient and starts seeking advice from Pappa (Varalaxmi), who says that they shouldn't have tried instigated or started beef with him in the first place, saying that she will be back in Chennai within the next day or so. While this is happening, media crews have gathered outside Masilamani's house which confuses him. Rendu goes outside and asks them why they are here, for which they respond: 'Sundar told us to meet him here'. Both Rendu and Masilamani are shocked. Suddenly a convoy of youngsters on bikes arrive with a Rolls Royce travelling at the centre of the party. Sundar gets out of the Rolls Royce and he is followed by his lawyers. Sundar asks for permission to enter, for which Masilamani obliges. The two sit down and face each other, with Masilamani asking what Sundar wants. Sundar responds with this:
  1. "I've got 750 youngsters who are ready to work for this party."
  2. "I've got 40 crores in hard cash."
  3. "I've got the tag of GL CEO."
  4. "Will you let me join your party?"
Masilamani and his partymen are shocked, he asks Sundar 'Why should I let you?". Sundar basically responds by saying:
"Your party's image is in shambles, even if you pay people to vote for you, they won't do it. You're guaranteed to lose this election and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm here to offer you the winning card, I will do everything to ensure your party retains. All I ask for is 70cr in campaigning funds and that you give me 2 MLA seats and take in the 750 youngsters that I have brought as party members. If your party loses, I will pay you twice what you paid me as a penalty but regardless of the outcome you can't raise this to the media or I will sue your ass. If you agree, sign the contract. You can let your lawyers read over it, but you have nothing to lose."
Masilamani is shocked by this offer and looks over the contract, he doesn't know how to read so he passes it to his lawyer who verifies it and says that it's legit. Rendu proposes that they wait for Pappa before signing, but Sundar says "if you don't accept this within the next 1 hour, I will take it to the opposition party". Masilamani is properly checkmated now, but what could he possible have to lose? He smiles and signs it, Sundar smiles and shakes his hand. Sundar walks out with a cigarette in-hand, the 'Oru Viral Puratchi' guitar rift rolls in the background.
Going into the second half, we have a few questions:
NOTE: I completely ignored Keerthi Suresh's character as it added nothing to my story.
With 8 days left till the election Sundar sits in his office, he calls his team and GL and tells them to run the ads of him giving the post press conference speech after getting back his vote (as he does in the movie). This creates waves in the media and makes him the poster boy for the coming election. He tells his PA not to organise any press conferences until he says so. Sundar has booked out a small venue where he will be speaking to the 750 youngsters that he has inaugurated into the party, this is where he finally reveals what happened in the last 2 days. We get a flashback and it is revealed that he ultimately did the same as what happened in the movie; to run an internet scan on all the most suitable candidates of each constituency and run interviews like a corporate company (I really like the idea of this), he positions the people he selected as independant candidates in their respective constituency. Sundar has been planning this since the scene with Rendu at the hotel; this all plays as a montage over the first half of 'Oru Viral Puratchi'. After the song we cut back to this speech with Sundar and the youth, where he basically says we are going to infiltrate this party from the inside and then he says the 'branding' dialogue from the movie (which I like the idea of, the mannerism was kinda cringe though).
Following the speech, Sundar enacts his next plan. He identifies Masilamani's candidates who are most likely to win in their respective area and launches a smear campaign through his influence over GL. This forces Masilamani to identify alternate party members to take their place, but Sundar presents Masilamani with the constituency polling data which shows that the independant candidates (that he selected based on the internet scan) are in the lead. Sundar suggests to Masilamani that they buy them out with a salary (also like corporate company), however Masilamani doesn't know that these individuals were planted by Sundar. Masilamani is beginning to get suspicious about Sundar's plan but he still hasn't fully sniffed it out yet given his lack of understanding about technology.
Pappa finally arrives in Chennai from Canada and confronts her dad about everything that has happened, she is shocked to find out that he has basically sold the party to Sundar. She is quickly able to deduce Sundar's plan based on the information given by her dad and Rendu. Pappa also reveals here that her husband was one of the board members from the start of the movie, which explains why she knows so much about Sundar.
Given that Sundar now controls most of the seats in the party, he begins his campaign from the background with candidates doing most of the work ; this plays over the second half of the 'Oru Viral Puratchi' song. As soon as this montage finishes, we find out that Masilamani has died. A confusion has now arisen as to who controls the party, with only 3 days left until the election. Pappa gives an angry press conference saying that Sundar had cheated her dad and stole the party, revealing the contract to the public. She also announces that she and her father's loyal supporters will be joining the opposition party. Based on the sympathy votes gained from her father's death the opposition offers Pappa a significant number of seats. Sundar is shocked to see what has happened, he won't be able to sue Pappa as Masilamani was the one that signed the contract (not sure about legal terms, but lets just go with it), suing her will also only get him more negative press.
Sundar gets a call from the GL board questioning him about his extensive involvement in politics given the bad press around his contract stunt. Cut to the next scene, Sundar is in a press conference and publicly announces his resignation from GL as he is about to leave the stage, he is heckled by one of the reporters on his way down. Sundar has to give up his company assets such as his PA and bodyguards, if he loses this election he still owes Masilamani's family 140crs as per the contract that he signed. For the first time in Sundar's life, overconfidence has led to his downfall. With two days left till the election and no internet influence and power, how is Sundar going to win?
The next day he posts a Facebook live and addresses his plan transparently with the party, this can be the same as the 'Idhu Namma Sarkar' scene from the movie. Sundar explains how he chose his candidates and compares it to the millions of college graduates who get a corporate job, highlighting the need for the government to be qualified. This gets some positive buzz for Sundar but not enough to win the election. As Sundar sits in his office, hopelessly, one of his candidates tells him about 'Saatai' Muthukumar (this plotline will be the same as the movie); this could be the ideal trump card to win the election. This ticks of an idea, given that all Masilamani's loyalists have moved to the opposition along with Pappa all the party assets now reside with Sundar. He hires a corporate auditing team to unpack all the party records and finds all the holes in there records this allows him to unpack the 'Saatai' Muthukumar conspiracy and he has all the evidence ready to go public... but he waits. Sundar contacts Pappa for a meeting and the two sit down, with lawyers present. Sundar reveals everything that he has found from his audit of the party and threatens to go public with it unless she voids their contract where he owes her family 140cr, he also agrees to sign an NDA. Pappa obliges and asks him to burn the evidence in front of her, which Sundar does. On the car ride home, Pappa orders for Sundar to be murdered as she doesn't trust him.
The next morning is the day of the election, similar to the actual movie Sundar begins tweeting from a fake twitter handle about the evidence pulled from the audit, leading the media on a wild easter egg hunt to put the evidence together themselves, this removes any paper trails that lead back to Sundar. Pappa and the opposition party struggle to manage the storm that has been caused by the tweeting, she knows this was done by Sundar but has no evidence to prove it; the only way for her save face is if Sundar confesses to his manipulation for which he needs to be alive, so she cancels the hit on him. It is soon revealed, similar to the movie that the fake twitter handle is associated with that of a dead man, begging the question of who is tweeting? Sundar and his team re-route the IP address of the tweets to the leader of the opposition party and spin the narrative that he did this to tarnish Masilamani's reputation as a leader, which leads to in-fighting. Pappa is furious, as although she knows the truth about Sundar's access to the evidence, she can't speak about it due to the NDA (which would open her up to being sued). With no other option, she plots to have Sundar killed, as it looks like he is going to win. We can insert an obligatory climax fight here, where Sundar overcomes the odds but realising an opportunity, he fakes his own death which increases the votes to his party, leading to a victory in the election.
The following day is the swearing-in ceremony as all the candidates take up their positions. Pappa is also present and she along with everyone else believes Sundar is dead. Just as the first candidate is swearing-in, Sundar arrives and sits right next to Pappa, there is a media frenzy happening outside. There is a small bit of dialog between the two and he explains why he did all this (i.e. reference back to the girl who was burnt outside the collecter's office, etc). He finally tells her that the contract he signed with her father was only for 8 days, so his time has expired and he is no longer part of the party. Sundar gets up and walks away in slow motion as the credit roll.
This is my reimagining of Sarkar, what are your thoughts and what would you do differently? And what movie should I do next?
submitted by LieutenantPatang to kollywood [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:42 SexyDinoNuggies Motherboard CPU and DRAM red light, no display

Please request any more pictures if needed, would've sent a video but idk how to do that on mobile Sorry if any words are spelt horribly wrong, I'm bad at texting on mobile
Pc (exclude ram)
Ram: TEAMGROUP T-Force Delta RGB DDR5 Ram 32GB (2x16GB) 6000MHz PC5-48000 CL38 Intel XMP 3.0
Background: Went to a discord server a while back to request a pc build for 1100~, got what I wanted and asked some friends and other people and they said that it should be fine. Got the parts in last December and it didn't boot up, then tried finding anything wrong and couldn't seem to see anything besides 2 red lights for CPU and DRAM. Ok well I'll go and get replacement parts for the cpu and ram, didn't work and tried again, also didn't work. OK maybe it's the motherboard, those are usually faulty on arrival, and so did the reviews say as well. Tried that 2 more times and still had the same exact issue. Then tried getting help from the only person in town that works on pc's and he could find anything other than that the ram that I had previously wasn't on the motherboards list in the website, ok well i'll try and get an identical ram compared to the previous on, of course the same issue occurred. Tried asking on the discord server i got the build from and so far I've only gotten that I should sue 2 pcie cables for the GPU and that some PSU cables were loose. That still didn't fix my PC and now we're up to date (this was over the course of 6 months btw).
Some other fixes I've tried doing is updating BIOS for the motherboard and moving the power cable to the outlet.
Now by the time I post this I will be busy either working or sleeping, but I will try to reply asap.
submitted by SexyDinoNuggies to pchelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:41 Sweet-Count2557 Ace Hotel New York in New York City, USA

Ace Hotel New York in New York City, USA
Ace Hotel New York in New York City, USA
Ace Hotel New York: Experience the Vibrant Atmosphere at Our Reception in New York City, USA
Price Level: $$$$
Hotel Class: 3.5
The reception at Ace Hotel New York in New York City, USA is a true reflection of the hotel's unique and vibrant atmosphere. As soon as you step foot into the lobby, you are greeted by a stylish and contemporary design that effortlessly blends modernity with a touch of vintage charm. The friendly and attentive staff at the reception desk are always ready to assist you with a warm smile, ensuring a seamless check-in process. The reception area also features a cozy seating area where you can relax and unwind after a long day of exploring the bustling streets of New York City. Whether you need recommendations for the best local restaurants or assistance with booking tickets to a Broadway show, the knowledgeable staff at Ace Hotel NYC's reception are always at your service, making your stay in the Big Apple truly unforgettable.
Amenities of Ace Hotel New York in New York City, USA
Ace Hotel New York in New York City, USA offers a wide range of amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay for its guests. The hotel features a restaurant where guests can indulge in delicious meals, and a balounge where they can unwind with their favorite drinks. The hotel also provides free internet and free wifi, allowing guests to stay connected throughout their stay. For those who prefer to relax in their rooms, room service is available. The hotel is wheelchair accessible, ensuring that all guests can easily navigate the premises. Other amenities include a fitness center, laundry service, concierge, and a multilingual staff. The rooms are equipped with modern facilities such as a flatscreen TV, minibar, and air conditioning. Additionally, the hotel offers baggage storage, 24-hour check-in, and a coffee shop for added convenience. With its extensive list of amenities, Ace Hotel New York ensures a memorable and comfortable stay for all its guests.
Contact of Ace Hotel New York in New York City, USA
20 W 29th Street Broadway, New York City, NY 10001-4502
Location of Ace Hotel New York in New York City, USA
Pictures of Ace Hotel New York in New York City, USA
Tips for Staying in Ace Hotel New York
Try and get a room above floor 10 on the Empire State building side for the fantastic view.Everything at Ace is perfect!!Keep Freddy of the front desk team for as long as possible. He’s awesome!It's a great location and worth the money to be able to walk around and not spend a ton on cabs etc. Plan events in the area.Location & Staff—Par Excellence!
Reviews of Ace Hotel New York in New York City, USA
Book Ace Hotel New York Now !!!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:41 StonerButchy Anyone else got bonded pairs?

Anyone else got bonded pairs?
Anyone else have a set (or a few sets) or bonded pairs? Are they related or no? Did your cat just come home one day with a boy/girl friend?
Those two are bonded. The grey one (female aka "Pretty Girl") was a feral that decided we were her people and stayed, when we moved we just took her with us (I used to live with an evil person who would have run her off/killed her) and the black/white one (male aka Castiel aka "Cas" or "Fat Boy" or "Couch Cushion") who I have raised since he was born, are the most in love cats ive ever seen. He won't go anywhere without her. She won't go anywhere without him. They won't eat unless the other is eating. He grooms her ALL THE TIME! She will body the others out of the way to get to him. And as the picture shows, they will snuggle the crap out of the other. Neither were kittens when they met, and my male is definitely well older then her(at least 10 years old, she's about 3 maybe 4) and are not related unlike his brother and sister. It's like a rom-com with these two❤️
submitted by StonerButchy to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:41 Extension-Mission715 AITA for harassing my grandparents?

About a year ago my mom, my sisters (3) (11) and I(18m) moved in with my grandparents, after my house burned down. My grandparents and mom moved in at the same time, and agreed to split bills 50/50. About 8 months ago my uncle(26m) moved in, and has never gotten a job or payed rent, despite agreeing to. My grandparents started hiking up the amount my mom has to pay in utilities and rent, to cover for my uncle. My mom refused to pay extra , as she barely makes enough to support her and her kids. As a result of this, my grandparents disowned her and by extension me. My grandparents decided not to renew the lease, and have recently been doing things like turning the thermostat all the way up, as it gets much hotter in our part of the house, and stealing some of our stuff like silverware and my tools. In response to this I drew intentionally vulgar pictures in chalk, on the backyard sidewalk repeatedly, after my grandpa erased them. My grandparents called the police on me, but they didn’t talk to me. My grandparents told me the cops said, it could be harassment. I asked him if putting me in jail, leaving my dog without an owner, and my sisters without a babysitter was worth it over a couple of vulgar 2D drawings. He said it was justifiable, I don’t think it was. AITA?
submitted by Extension-Mission715 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:40 Tifa-Egypt Dodo repack Spider-Man 2 please help🫡

Dodo repack Spider-Man 2 please help🫡
It keeps this screen all the time I can’t install
submitted by Tifa-Egypt to CrackSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:40 ImprovementOk3248 Think About This....

Okay, picture this...
Yourself singing 'my way', at the part where Girlfriend or herself shows up and joins in, instead of vanishing quickly she is sitting on top of amps/standing behind Yourself with Divide aka Divine there smiling proudly down at Yourself.
As the song comes to a close Girlfriend reaches out to Yourself just as his head lowers and she vanish into a puff of red smoke going upwards while Divide is slowly vanishing from view, still smiling down at Yourself but with a somber expression that he couldn't physically see him be created but is always watching over him.
Tell me your thoughts while I cry in the corner at this idea I came up with just a few moments ago. 🤔
submitted by ImprovementOk3248 to FridayNightFunkin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:35 LessonsOfTheSeason My version of FNaF characters for an AU I'm making (CONSTRUCTIVE criticism welcome)

My version of FNaF characters for an AU I'm making (CONSTRUCTIVE criticism welcome)
Withered Bonnie
Normal bonnie
I made the original and then use it as a base to be able to make the withered variant, this goes for the withered chica that i had made.
The entire AU premise was based on some of the AUs gacha kids made were glitchtrap and William are separate people, they are in this however glitchtrap is now henry and henry is constantly painting himself as a victim, he wanted to do the remnant experiments himself and got William to do the killing for him up until he killed Charlie, of which then he starts causing his kids death.
There are still some kinks in the story that i need to straighten out. I've snipped all the images since i felt as if they are too big in their screenshot form, I'll give updates whenever i feel like it or something.
Spring bonnie or something idk
this is like one of the earliest redesigns/drawings, its why the lines are so thick and actually has a body, also coloured.
Withered Chica
there was this one twitter post that gave me the idea to redraw withered chica first, trust me huge mistake, it looked awful, i have said before that i draw the original first and then witherfy it after.
Normal chica
I do sorta apologise for the massive watermarks but 1 its so you know I've made this and its to also kinda protect my art from thieves, i don't share this name anywhere else so if this is posted under the same name on a place like twitter then that ain't me.
There's a lot of lore changes in the AU for example fire doesn't release souls so when henry burns down all of the buildings it doesn't do anything and he knows it, he's just hiding evidence or something, for the souls to be able to be released and move on they need someone to replace their prison, i will go more in depth what i mean by this at some point, maybe next update post about redesigns.
Vanny is still gonna be a victim of glitchtrap, that isn't changing, There's an after effect from after being released as a victim of glitchtrap and that's the fear of looking anything in the eyes and their whole world view being distorted.
This is all I'm sharing as of right now, but i will answer to any questions you have about this and i will try interact with any criticisms and recommendations you have.
submitted by LessonsOfTheSeason to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:32 AcceptLesbians My boyfriend is man in a child’s body.

My boyfriend is man in a child’s body.
TDLR; my boyfriend is trying to manipulate me into forgiving him for being secretive about an ex lover he calls his best friend.
My bf (M22) and me (F23) are having another tiff. We’ve been together for a year and moved in together October 2023.
It started when I was in the kitchen. I marinated chicken for supper then I set the dough for some donuts and started deep cleaning. When I was finished I walked into the bedroom where he had been all morning and afternoon. When I walked in he started whispering to someone on the phone then got up and left and I began to put some things in their rightful place.
I told myself to let it go and I'll check his phone later because what the actual eff! I checked his phone before I left for work and after I had gotten out of the shower he was awake. — I found a 20minute phone call so I went to check texts in WhatsApp. He was talking to a girl and I recognized the name. I saw texts from them from before we started dating and he was calling her sexy, beautiful etc. I brought it up to him asking who it was he said "it was a friend" I asked why he was whispering and he left he said "I didn't realize I was doing that" so I pressed further and asked who it was specifically, he said "it was my best friend" but I had never heard of this woman, I have never heard of this woman. He says "well I don't tell you about all my friends" and I said if this was your best friend I would definitely know them" and he started to name friends that I don't know about. Anyway he tried to show me the texts and I shrugged him off and he went to tl V shower as I was about to leave for work.
As I am leaving he comes up to me and tries to show the texts again and says something I cannot recall atm. He holds the door to our apartment open so l couldn't lock it while I left but I just walked down the stairs to go. As I am leaving he starts banging the door and smashes something, then he starts screaming, and I hear this all the way till I walked out of the door of our 3 floor walk up.
As I walk to the bus I text his saying to check on the bunny and make sure he feels safe and isn't scared. (Bunny's are prey animals and they get scared easily.) mind you during this entire conversation I was calm and only asking questions because I wanted to see what was going on before I jump to conclusions (I only checked his phone so I could know the facts w/o being blindly lied too and forgiving him) his exact texts were and I am going to copy and paste: (Screenshot above)
Him: picture of texts between them two
"Okay You are the prefect girlfriend You should know that love how you treat me I'm probably gonna be out when you get back so"
I said: "If I was you wouldn't be chatting with your rich mama privately" (he called her “rich mama” in the text a day before the call)
Him: "You make me wish I never met you I swear I'm blocking you cause I don't want to keep hearing hurtful things"
And then he blocked me. When I had gotten home from work my vape was missing and he took it, so I texted him and he ignored me for hours then said it was basically his cause he bought it and I was trying to quit so it didn't matter (bought it with my money) so I said but I was still mine and I wanted to use it tonight cause l'm stressing out and he didn't use it cause he didn't like the flavour. He ignored me for 3 more hours and then came back to the apartment. He came home talking about stuff that didn't relate to our argument, saying I never do anything for him, l'm never there for him, I don't take care of him. As he is pointing at the unfolded laundry. The one thing I didn't do this week.
I honestly don't know how I feel. I give my all for him and do my best for him. And it feels like he only sees what I don't do. He doesn't have a job right now because he booked of too much time between his all year job and his summer job (he leaves for moths to make 20k) so I don't understand why he couldn't folded the laundry or fixed supper when I have been working. I honestly have nothing to say to him after he said those things. I am so tired. So exhausted. He ignores me every time we have an argument and leaves for hours while blocking me. I'm tired of the psychological abuse. But I have no where to go. What should I do? How should I bring this conversation up to squash what happened? Or should I just leave him?
submitted by AcceptLesbians to u/AcceptLesbians [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:23 ButterscotchHead41 Why is Elon Musk so hated?

As a non American I realy don't get why so many (mostly leftist) Americans hate Musk, like didn't they like Musk a couple of years ago? Sure I can understand that you dislike his personality and his political views but I feel like those things shouldn't be taken into consideration in the scale of what he has achieved and what he wants to achieve like how can anyone be against the idea of neurolink being able to let paralyzed people move again (yes I know it's still far from it as of today, but still he's trying to change the lives of those people affected) same goes with the electric cars he wants to make them affordable for everyone. So besides his quirky, sometimes maybe coming across as arrogant guy, what is the actual reason to hate him besides his personality?
submitted by ButterscotchHead41 to TooAfraidToAsk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:22 rmcmurrer False Restraining Order

I was involved with a person but it ended in October. This person created fake text messages and social media accounts and was harrowing and threatening me but I mostly ignored it. The person lied and said I was stalking and harassing so my job transferred me to a different location in November that is 45 minutes away. I continue getting treats via social media but I couldn't prove it so the local police refused to do anything. I filed a restraining order but denied and the other person filed one two days later and was denied. This person been calling my work with Anonymous false claims to get me fired but my work investigated and did nothing. My family and friends also been harassed. This person is trying to force me away from my city that I lived in and after a date I took a picture with the person I was out with and posted it the person was receiving negative messages and threats from fake Facebook accounts. I couldn't take it anymore and called this person manager and asked them to asked my ex to stop. They used that to get a court date for a protective order. I was told by a third party that if the protective order gets approved they are going to use that to call the police from time to time and lie about me breaking it at times they know or believe that I will not have an alibi because they know my routine and when I sleep. Any advice? Any articles or court cases where this happens before?
submitted by rmcmurrer to domesticviolence [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:21 dnbndnb Camping suggestions?

Camping suggestions?
Originally posted in the wrong place (colorado). Now found this!
Decades ago I skied many of the resorts, and have traveled the SW part of the state by motorcycle. Now I’m going with a pickup, tow camper, and dog.
Looking for suggestions on where to camp in late-July into August. Will have a pickup with a micro-camper. Just dawg & I. Don’t need campgrounds as I’ll have solar power and a light load. Obviously prefer scenic areas, and will want to move around the state. A bonus is if I can find an actual shower occasionally. Hope to do some photography.
Really prefer to stay in cooler areas as I’ll have no a/c, and personally have a real affinity for being near water.
My camper is the same as the picture below. I’d be “okay” with graded gravel roads but nothing worse. Fly fishing streams a plus.
Thanks for your help!
submitted by dnbndnb to coloradocamping [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:19 BOKU_7 Single LG OLED 42 on integrated Mount?

Like the title says. Does anyone have a picture of this setup? Looking to mount it to the Simlab P1X Pro integrated mount. Simlab says it’s fine up to 43 inch.
Don’t really like the lack of vertical view with all these 21:9 and 32:9.
submitted by BOKU_7 to simracing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:14 foreversunshine0 Love at First Sight or Red Flags?

I (21F) met a guy (28M) through my parents. He saw me at a social gathering and claimed it was love at first sight for him. Ever since that encounter, he had been trying to reach out to me. Through a mutual connection, he approached my parents, and we eventually met. Initially, nothing about his personality stood out to me, and he seemed rather aloof. We met again, and I shared some of the things I was looking for in a relationship. He acted like he wanted the same things.
We started seeing each other often, and he would text me constantly, telling me what he was doing, what he was eating, and professing his love daily. He confessed his love so early in the relationship that I found it a bit unsettling. He would tell me he loved me and missed me multiple times a day. I thought this was normal and that he was truly committed to the relationship. Eventually, he formally asked me out, and we got engaged.
Here comes the climax: he had to move to another country for his job, and we began a long-distance relationship. Within just two weeks of his move, his behavior changed drastically. He stopped talking about our future, started seeing different girls, and even met one of the girls' parents. He told me not to post any of our pictures together. When I asked him about the reason for his changed behavior, he said I was being too controlling and that I wasn't understanding. I tried to be as empathetic as I could, considering he had just moved, but he wouldn't budge. He even started badmouthing me and my family to a mutual friend.
All of this made me doubt if any of his words were true to begin with. In the end, he didn't directly break up with me. Instead, he told a mutual friend that it wasn't working out. It really shattered me because this was my first real relationship, and to this day, I don't know what really happened or why he did this to me. Is it really that easy for people to commit and then leave everything behind? How do I seek closure?
submitted by foreversunshine0 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:13 foreversunshine0 Love at First Sight or Red Flags?

I (21F) met a guy (28M) through my parents. He saw me at a social gathering and claimed it was love at first sight for him. Ever since that encounter, he had been trying to reach out to me. Through a mutual connection, he approached my parents, and we eventually met. Initially, nothing about his personality stood out to me, and he seemed rather aloof. We met again, and I shared some of the things I was looking for in a relationship. He acted like he wanted the same things.
We started seeing each other often, and he would text me constantly, telling me what he was doing, what he was eating, and professing his love daily. He confessed his love so early in the relationship that I found it a bit unsettling. He would tell me he loved me and missed me multiple times a day. I thought this was normal and that he was truly committed to the relationship. Eventually, he formally asked me out, and we got engaged.
Here comes the climax: he had to move to another country for his job, and we began a long-distance relationship. Within just two weeks of his move, his behavior changed drastically. He stopped talking about our future, started seeing different girls, and even met one of the girls' parents. He told me not to post any of our pictures together. When I asked him about the reason for his changed behavior, he said I was being too controlling and that I wasn't understanding. I tried to be as empathetic as I could, considering he had just moved, but he wouldn't budge. He even started badmouthing me and my family to a mutual friend.
All of this made me doubt if any of his words were true to begin with. In the end, he didn't directly break up with me. Instead, he told a mutual friend that it wasn't working out. It really shattered me because this was my first real relationship, and to this day, I don't know what really happened or why he did this to me. Is it really that easy for people to commit and then leave everything behind? How do I seek closure?
submitted by foreversunshine0 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:12 Sweet-Count2557 Best Brunch in Galveston Tx

Best Brunch in Galveston Tx
Best Brunch in Galveston Tx Looking for the best brunch spots in Galveston, TX? We've got you covered!In this vibrant seaside city, you'll find a wide range of mouthwatering options to satisfy every brunch lover. From seafood-based entrees to Mexican flavors and Southern comfort food, Galveston has it all.Get ready to dive into the top brunch spots that offer unique ambiance, live entertainment, cozy atmospheres, and homemade comfort food.Whether you're a seafood aficionado, a lover of comfort food, or a fan of Mexican cuisine, Galveston has the perfect brunch spot for you.Let's explore the best brunch options this city has to offer!Key TakeawaysGalveston, TX offers a variety of restaurants with diverse brunch options.Each restaurant has its own unique ambiance and decor, providing a different experience for brunch-goers.The brunch menus in Galveston feature a combination of classic dishes with unique twists.Seafood-based dishes are prominent in many of the brunch menus, reflecting the coastal location of Galveston.Top Seafood Brunch Spots in Galveston TxBased on our knowledge, there are several top seafood brunch spots in Galveston, TX. These include BLVD Seafood, KritiKos Grill, Marios Seawall Italian Restaurant, Millers Seawall Grill, and Riondos Ristorante. Each of these restaurants offers a unique dining experience with a variety of dishes prepared from fresh ingredients.BLVD Seafood is known for its elegant ambiance and specializes in seafood-based entrees.KritiKos Grill offers a fusion of Mediterranean and American cuisine, with a focus on fresh seafood options.Marios Seawall Italian Restaurant serves up delicious Italian dishes with a seafood twist.Millers Seawall Grill offers a casual dining experience with a menu that features a variety of seafood and meat options.Riondos Ristorante is a charming Italian restaurant that serves up delectable seafood dishes.These seafood brunch spots in Galveston are perfect for those looking to enjoy a satisfying meal while taking in the coastal atmosphere. Whether you're a seafood lover or looking to try something new, these restaurants are sure to leave you satisfied.Must-Try International Brunch Restaurants in Galveston TxLet's explore the top three must-try international brunch restaurants in Galveston, TX. When it comes to international flavors, BLVD Seafood, KritiKos Grill, and Marios Seawall Italian Restaurant are the go-to places.BLVD Seafood offers a sophisticated dining experience with their fresh seafood dishes and unique ambiance.KritiKos Grill, on the other hand, specializes in Greek cuisine, serving mouthwatering Mediterranean dishes that will transport you to the streets of Athens.Marios Seawall Italian Restaurant is known for its authentic Italian flavors, offering a wide range of pasta and pizza options that will satisfy any craving.At BLVD Seafood, you can indulge in their signature seafood-based entrees, while KritiKos Grill will delight you with their traditional Greek dishes like moussaka and souvlaki. Marios Seawall Italian Restaurant, on the other hand, offers classic Italian brunch items like eggs benedict with a twist of Italian flavors.Now that we've explored the international options, let's move on to the cozy cafes and bakeries for brunch in Galveston, TX.Cozy Cafes and Bakeries for Brunch in Galveston TxWe've found five cozy cafes and bakeries in Galveston, TX that are perfect for brunch. These establishments offer a delightful combination of delicious food, charming ambiance, and friendly service.First on our list is ShyKatz Deli & Bakery, known for its homemade comfort food. Located just minutes away from the beachfront, this cozy spot offers a range of brunch items, including classic dishes with a unique twist.Next, we've Mosquito Cafe, situated in a historic building from the 1870s. This American dining establishment focuses on using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Their brunch menu is diverse, offering something for everyone.Farley Girls Cafe is another must-visit place for brunch. Renowned for its homemade comfort food, this cafe provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty breakfast or a light brunch, Farley Girls Cafe has got you covered.Gypsy Joynt, a family-owned dining establishment, offers a vibrant and eclectic atmosphere. Located along Stewart Road, this cafe serves up a variety of brunch options, including vegetarian and gluten-free choices.Lastly, we've The Rooftop Bar, a refined dining establishment located at The Tremont House. This luxurious 4-star hotel provides a breathtaking view of Galveston and offers a delectable brunch menu.Overall, these cozy cafes and bakeries in Galveston, TX are perfect for brunch lovers seeking a combination of great food and a charming atmosphere.Southern Comfort Brunches in Galveston TxI think we should try the Southern comfort brunches in Galveston, TX; they're known for their delicious and hearty dishes that will satisfy any brunch craving.Galveston is home to a variety of restaurants that offer Southern comfort food with a unique twist. Here are two options to consider:The Gumbo Diner: This restaurant specializes in Southern comfort food with a Cajun twist. Located along Seawall Boulevard, The Gumbo Diner has been serving up mouthwatering dishes since 1997. From fluffy biscuits and gravy to savory shrimp and grits, their brunch menu is sure to please. Don't forget to try their signature gumbo for a taste of authentic Southern cuisine.ShyKatZ Deli & Bakery: If you're in the mood for homemade comfort food, ShyKatZ is the place to go. Just a few minutes away from the beachfront, this renowned breakfast joint and deli offers a cozy atmosphere and a menu filled with Southern favorites. Indulge in their fluffy pancakes, hearty chicken and waffles, or their famous biscuits and gravy.Whether you choose The Gumbo Diner or ShyKatZ Deli & Bakery, you can expect a brunch experience that's full of flavor and Southern charm. So, gather your friends and family, and get ready to enjoy a satisfying and comforting brunch in Galveston, TX.Unique Brunch Experiences in Galveston TxThere are several options for unique brunch experiences in Galveston, TX, such as BLVD Seafood, KritiKos Grill, and Marios Seawall Italian Restaurant. BLVD Seafood offers a sophisticated atmosphere with a focus on seafood-based entrees and other meat options. KritiKos Grill provides a taste of Mediterranean cuisine with its fresh ingredients and unique flavors. Marios Seawall Italian Restaurant combines traditional Italian dishes with a seaside twist, offering a delightful brunch experience. Each of these restaurants has its own ambiance and decor, providing a distinct atmosphere for brunch-goers.For those looking for a different brunch experience, Galveston also offers a variety of other options. Yagas Cafe, Hearsay On The Strand, and Sunflower Bakery & Cafe are popular choices. Yagas Cafe not only serves delicious food but also offers live entertainment on selected nights. Sunflower Bakery & Cafe provides a cozy atmosphere and caters to vegetarian and gluten-free preferences. Mosquito Cafe, ShyKatz Deli & Bakery, and Farley Girls Cafe are known for their homemade comfort food and unique twists on classic brunch dishes. The Gumbo Diner, The Original Mexican Cafe, and Fisherman's Wharf specialize in Southern comfort food, authentic Mexican flavors, and fresh seafood, respectively.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Gluten-Free Options Available at the Top Seafood Brunch Spots in Galveston, Tx?At the top seafood brunch spots in Galveston, TX, there are several gluten-free options available. Some restaurants offer dishes like the Texas Omelet with mixed greens, smoked brisket, jalapenos, fried potato hash, cheddar, Pico de gallo, and avocados.Another option is the Chicken Chilaquiles Verdes, a Mexican-style dish made with corn chips, avocados, spicy roasted tomatillo salsa, queso fresco, a fried egg, pickled onions, cilantro, and crema.These brunch spots cater to various dietary needs while still providing delicious seafood options.Are There Any Vegetarian or Vegan Options at the Must-Try International Brunch Restaurants in Galveston, Tx?There are several must-try international brunch restaurants in Galveston, TX.We haven't discussed whether they offer vegetarian or vegan options. However, based on our knowledge of these establishments, it's likely that some of them do provide such options.For instance, Sunflower Bakery & Cafe is known to offer vegetarian and gluten-free dishes.Additionally, Olympia Grill at Pier 21 specializes in Greek and Mediterranean cuisine, which often includes vegetarian options.It would be advisable to check with each restaurant directly for specific details.Do the Cozy Cafes and Bakeries for Brunch in Galveston, TX Offer Any Specialty or Seasonal Brunch Dishes?The cozy cafes and bakeries in Galveston, TX offer a variety of specialty and seasonal brunch dishes. From Sunflower Bakery & Cafe's vegetarian and gluten-free options to ShyKatz Deli & Bakery and Farley Girls Cafe's homemade comfort food, there's something for everyone.Mosquito Cafe focuses on using fresh, locally sourced ingredients in their brunch creations. Each restaurant puts their own unique twist on classic brunch dishes, making for a delightful and satisfying meal.Are There Any Brunch Spots in Galveston, TX That Offer a Southern-Style Vegan or Vegetarian Brunch?There may be some brunch spots in Galveston, TX that offer a southern-style vegan or vegetarian brunch. However, without the context of 'Best Brunch in Galveston Tx,' it's difficult to specifically identify them.We can provide information about the various restaurants in Galveston that offer a variety of dishes, including vegetarian and gluten-free options. Some of these restaurants may have southern-style brunch options that cater to vegan or vegetarian preferences.What Unique Brunch Experiences Can Be Found in Galveston, TX, Such as Themed Brunch Events or Interactive Dining Experiences?When it comes to unique brunch experiences in Galveston, TX, you can find a variety of options to suit your taste. From themed brunch events to interactive dining experiences, there's something for everyone.Whether you're looking for a Southern-style vegan or vegetarian brunch, or perhaps a New Orleans-inspired brunch with a Cajun twist, Galveston has it all.ConclusionAs the sun sets over the sparkling waters of Galveston, the city comes alive with the aroma of mouthwatering brunch options.Whether you're indulging in fresh seafood, exploring international flavors, cozying up in a quaint cafe, savoring Southern comfort food, or seeking a unique brunch experience, Galveston has it all.Let your taste buds be your guide as you embark on a culinary journey through this vibrant seaside city.Your brunch adventure awaits in Galveston, where every bite is a symbol of the city's rich and diverse culinary scene.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 MortgageNatural8518 I fell in love with older woman

I don't really know why I ended up falling hardly in love with her. Maybe, I always see her at work. Actually, she's my supervisor. I find her very attractive in my perspective (like the simple smile and her voice. I also found out she has a child and probably separated, and since then my feelings towards her remained the same. We already had a few conversations. I made a few moves to make her feel my feelings. And recently, she a picture of a guy. Should I continue with my feelings?
submitted by MortgageNatural8518 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:08 Boss452 A case for Fast & the Furious 6 being the best of the franchise.

I think F6 is clearly in the top half of the franchise ranking. Critical and audience scores have it in the top 3. Here are 5 reasons imho why I think F6 is the best:
1) The teamwork dynamic works brilliantly here which continues from F5 basically. F6 and F5 nail the teamwork where every character gets the spotlight rather than just being about Dom or Brian. But F6 wins because it brings Hobbs into the scene as a team member and of course later on letty as well. And as opposed to F5 where the finale mainly show Dom and Brian, F6's finale brings in each team member to the picture.
2) All action scenes are awesome. Fast 5 has the safe heist but the rest are kinda low key. Furious 7 is where things start relying a lot on CGI such as the car jump sequence and F8 onwards things get tooo ridiculous. Furious 6 has a nice balance and each scene is cool. The starting London chase of Shaw's team is badass. It was cool to see the villains get the win early on. It ends with Letty shooting Dom which is dramatically a shocking moment. The Spain highway sequence with the tank is pretty amazing. And the plane runaway scene has sooo many moving parts and is very creative.
3) Owen Shaw (and his team) is one of the best villains of the franchise. Luke Evans is so good in that role. very charismatic. His code is precision and using all means to execute his mission with no room for emotion. He is the perfect foil to Dom and his gang who put family and friends into the mix. I think before that Fast and Furious franchise have always had mid villains. And while Statham is almost as good in F7, I dislike how he accomplishes so much all alone. Shaw has a team which makes things a bit more believable. Dante and Cena were cool too, but Shaw is clear.
4) It has a solid plot. Now stories are never the strong point of these movies. i think F1 had the best story (although a point break copy). F4 is decent. Fast 5 had the best story where the characters are poor and need money to start a new life. Furious 6 is a natural continuation where the characters have the good life but do not feel at home or too happy. So they are given a choice by Hobbs to redeem themselves and get pardons if they work for him. Throwing Letty into the mix (though unnatural and a bit soap opera-ish) worked well. i thought letty was unceremoniously killed off in F4. She deserved better so it was nice to see her back. And at this point this was the only case of a resurrection. After this it went overboard.
5) Best race of the series. This is the race This might be controversial as there are soo many good races to pick from. But I love it because it is shot so well. The cars are cool. The location of the race, the streets of London, is a great choice. But the best thing is the tension between the characters. Dom and Letty are one of the 4 OG characters going head to head. i really enjoy the pre race banter between them. The race then leads to a romantic meeting between the two. Which then immediately leads to Shaw and Dom facing off, another great scene here.
I think the popular consensus is either the OG movie or Fast 5 being the best of the series. I like them both and F7 too. But F6 just edges out for me. Your thoughts?
submitted by Boss452 to fastandfurious [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:01 ThrowRA_bpdmessy I [F19] did things with my best friend's boyfriend [M25] behind her back and don't know how to fix it?

Throwaway for obvious reasons...
Trigger warnings (SA, self harm)
So a bit of a backstory is that I have BPD and had an unusual childhood. I was adopted due to abuse from bio parents and have dealt with depression and anxiety my whole life. I'm very gullible and very easy manipulated - not that it justifies my actions at all.
I met my best friend around the start of covid and developed a great friendship with her. She means the world to me and I look up to her more than anyone else in my life. I don't have a good relationship with my mother and I've been very lonely because friendships rarely last long due to my borderline.
My best friend and I have always had a close friendship and she saved me from the 'void' in the past. I was groomed by one of our mutual friends when we had just met and it messed me up. I was very vulnerable and still am, but she has done nothing but show me love and care.
Her boyfriend used to dislike me and think I was dramatic and sort of pathetic because of my anxiety and my episodes where I'd get very depressed and self harm.
About three years ago I started receiving therapy and it made me stop self harming and become a better person. I started using techniques and ways to handle my emotions and not take everything personal. I wasn't fixed from day 1 but I became a lot better than I had ever been. I stopped using BPD as an excuse to blame or hurt myself and found peace with having these cards dealt at an early age and just having to recover and work on myself.
Now to the problem...
My best friend and her boyfriend has had a rocky relationship for the past year or so. Things has become a lot worse and my best friend isn't happy. She was burned out and he didn't put any effort into the relationship.
She wanted to give him another chance and I supported her through her decisions. I started becoming better friends with her boyfriend and would encourage him on a daily basis to make contact to her by calling, texting etc... I suggested date nights and was giving him ideas to surprise her and give her the attention she deserved.
We'd talk daily and we started building a friendship despite his early 'dislike' to me.
Now earlier this year I had some financial problems due to uni and my current living conditions and I told my best friend about looking for a job and how I wasn't able to pay my rent so I would have to move back to my mother. And her boyfriend heard this and decided to send me money, telling me it was for food and rent.
I declined and sent it back since I wasn't interested in having money between friends (from experience cause that can ruin friendships) but he kept insisting. So we spent a couple of hours where I'd send the money back and he would just do another transaction and tell me to keep it.
I gave in eventually and told him I'd pay him back, which he said was fine. About a week or two after that, he would start ranting about intimacy with my best friend and how he wasn't valued and I tried my best to suggest ways he could do it... but he started getting flirty with me.
He would ask what I was wearing and hint about being horny and needing to get off. I'd laugh it off and change subject by saying like "Yeah, that sounds bad. Should hit up 'best friend' and ask her out then."
Over the next few weeks he would try and flirt with me and ask for suggestive pictures which I declined and said it was inappropriate - which he would agree on and say he was sorry... only for him to do it the next day.
The next month comes and he sends me money again which I decline yet again, saying I don't want him to send me money and that I'd like to deal with my problems on my own. He again refused and we had the same situation where when I sent the money back, he'd return it to me again...
I argued a bit with him and said I was grateful but that I can't accept that much money. (It was like $1,000). And he said it was nothing to him because of his job and that he just didn't want to see me struggle.
I decided to just put it in a savings account and pay him back over time so he wouldn't get "upset" about me refusing it. I lied to him the next day and told him that I had gotten a job just for him to stop sending me money... which he seemed to accept at first... But now he started asking me for pictures of myself and would say my best friend would be fine with it. I wanted to tell her but he assured me it was fine and that I shouldn't worry.
I then told him I didn't want to but he kept being persistent and said I wouldn't have to worry about the money if I did it, so I was stupid and sent him snaps of myself... And then it just became even worse. He would ask me multiple times a day and at the same time I was trying to fix their relationship.
Every time he would ask me to send something, I'd try suggesting to see my best friend, which he would disagree on and say he'd rather want me and such... And it became too much for me.
I told him I didn't want to do it and that I'd rather tell my best friend about this because it was so wrong in my head. I started getting depressed and I was anxious all the time... and he didn't want me to. He told me I would ruin everything... I got drunk that night and blacked out just to sleep because I couldn't find peace.
Now 3 weeks ago he was heading home from working abroad and then wanted to spend a night in a hotel with me... So he booked a hotel and had reservations for a spa and then told me to come. I told him no a countless of times and he wouldn't listen... It ended up with me ignoring him and turning my phone off for a whole day.
When he hadn't been able to contact me, he decided to just go home to my best friend and I somehow dodged him.
Then two weeks ago he decided he wanted more videos and pictures so he sent me more money (Like $2,000) and told me he wanted a lot more... And I just broke down. I sent the money back and locked my account and told him I couldn't do this anymore. I had begged him over 10 times to come clean to my best friend and he would turn it around saying I would ruin everything and that I shouldn't feel guilty unless I told her...
This resulted in me not going to uni and missing my exams. I relapsed and self harmed and I called psych and had a voluntary admission to a ward because I was feeling very destructive.
I ended up staying there for a few days and when I got back out, I called up a mutual friend and just broke down and told him everything. I wanted to come clean and accept that I'd lose my best friend... And he said I had to do it because it was so wrong.
I've never felt worse in my life and have to take benzos to sleep because I'm a mental wreck. I indulged in this and have as much responsibility in it as her boyfriend.
I can't look myself in the mirror anymore. I can't eat and I can't even study. My group from uni haven't seen me for a week now and I can barely read a page before breaking down.
But what scares me the most is that I'm afraid I'll lose my best friend... I love her more than anything in this world and she's the only one I've ever had a connection to. I would die for her...
I have to tell her but I don't know how to do it. Our mutual friend suggested I told her before her boyfriend did because he would twist it around... But my head is a mess and I don't know what to do?
I don't know if I can make a TL;DR but basically my best friend's boyfriend forced me to take his money, would flirt with me and try to get nudes and sex from me. I ended up sending him pictures and videos because I couldn't pay him back and he wouldn't let me tell my best friend even though I'm feeling so guilty about it.
submitted by ThrowRA_bpdmessy to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:00 AutoModerator Weekly Results Discussion 06/02 to 06/08

When you had positive results - you don’t need to leave the sub completely. We encourage members to stay – but in a supportive role!


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For a comprehensive Beta database, check out for more information on beta based on DPO (DPO = days post transfer + 3, or 5 day embryo; DPO = Days post Insemination for IUI).
Further info: Human chorionic gonadotropin as a predictor of outcome in assisted reproductive technology pregnancies00512-9/fulltext)
Radiopaedia on Fetal bradycardia
Normal Ranges of Embryonic Length, Embryonic Heart Rate PDF!
You may be interested in posting at /whatworkedforme.
You are always encouraged to share your non-pregnancy-related infertility experiences with people asking questions on the sub and continue to support other community members here on infertility
submitted by AutoModerator to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:59 Various_Seat_4308 Should I breakup with my boyfriend

I'm going to explain everything because I can't keep running it through my mind and I don't know what to do. My boyfriend (24m) and I (21f) have been together for 1.5 years. Half of it being "unofficial" but exclusive, or so I thought. After finding out he was spending time and being sexual with someone else while being with me, I ended it but he fought it and wanted us to be in a real relationship. I know really dumb but l was in love :. I decided to give it a try because I wanted a relationship with him. Two months later he moved very far for school, we decided to try the long distance with me visiting as I work and go to school online, so it was easier. The flights were extremely long and it took effort but I loved him and wanted to make it work so I didn't mind it. During one of my trips there I looked through his messages with his best friend and found him saying disgusting things about wanting to be with other women and going to the club and dancing with other women, which he denied and said he was "exaggerating". I don't know why but I let it go and made the excuse that we were long distance and temptations are normal and I believed he didn't act on them. But something just happened when I saw those messages, I felt myself become emotionally numb with him. This was in March and I have been trying to ignore that feeling and just try to make it work. Now in May he came back for the summer, we got into a fight about me posting a picture, no ass or tits were showing, but he wants me to ask for approval before I post any picture and I refuse to. After this fight we got pretty close to breaking up, which I was hoping deep inside of me would happen. I didn't see him for two weeks after the fight and kept communication very minimal, without effort, I just felt I was done with it. Now this week we saw each other and talked a lot and he is telling me all this talk about how he loves me and these past two weeks made him realize how much I do for him/how much I mean to him and he can't lose me, and making plans for the summer and future but I just don't feel the same way I did when I met him. When I'm with him I have so much fun and I can be myself and I feel like everything is fine. But when we're apart I don't feel anything towards him, I dread having to see him again bc I know I'll just fall for it bc I have love for him still. I find myself making excuses to not see him but when I'm with him I feel fine. I don't know if I am just scared and lost trust or have attachment issues and i keep thinking I should try to make the relationship work because he seems more serious than he's ever been. But I also feel like my gut has been telling me something I keep ignoring. It's both our first relationships and I feel like I have wanted this relationship with him for so long that now that I have it, breaking up would be throwing my dream away. And I worry of the hurt I will cause him after getting him to be in a relationship when he didn't want one. But I feel numb, and a mixture of emotions back and forth and I need some adult advice. What should I do?
TL;DR: I keep going between breaking up with my boyfriend or staying. I have lost trust and don’t feel emotions with him anymore.
submitted by Various_Seat_4308 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:59 RudeExplanation9304 What should I read next?

What should I read next? submitted by RudeExplanation9304 to discworld [link] [comments]