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Burlington, Ontario

2010.03.22 04:59 Burlington, Ontario

All things Burlington, Ontario and surrounding areas! This subreddit is not affiliated with the City of Burlington.

2017.08.31 01:58 CoolGuyMemeHead Bread_IRL

A place for yeasty shitposts

2018.02.05 17:36 NicholasCajun The Politician: Netflix Original Series

Subreddit for the Ryan Murphy Netflix show, "The Politician" starring Ben Platt. Seasons 2 Now Streaming on Netflix!

2024.05.18 23:07 lil-jonny My fiancé (f/25) & i (m/25) have been going through a lot after she found me looking at other girls social media profiles. Do I leave & give her space ? Or keep trying to save the relationship?

My fiancé found I was looking at old high school girls social media profiles on social media & now wants to break up, I never talked to any of these girls or anything just went down a rabbit hole of looking at their profiles. We have a 3 month old baby & live together she kicked me out of the house but I want to stay to provide and help around the has with having a newborn. She has really bad anxiety & depression already, should I leave do I keep trying to stay & fix things ? Do I give her space ? I don’t have interest in anyone else other than her but she’s convinced otherwise. We still live together but don’t really talk or communicate unless it’s about baby. She’s been treating me like shit even when I’m being really nice and apologetic.
submitted by lil-jonny to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:04 Theo-Dorable Ideologies (and their descriptions)

A list of all the ideologies (within the game files), including their descriptions. Enjoy.


Conservatism is a political and social philosophy promoting traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization. The central tenets of conservatism include tradition, human imperfection, organic society, hierarchy and authority, and property rights. Conservatives seek to preserve a range of institutions such as monarchy, religion, parliamentary government, and property rights, with the aim of emphasizing social stability and continuity.
National Conservatism National conservatism is a variant of conservatism that concentrates more on national interests and upholding cultural or ethnic identity than most other conservatives. In Europe, national conservatives are usually Eurosceptics.
Gaullism is a French political stance based on the thought and action of World War II French Resistance leader General Charles de Gaulle, who would become the founding President of the Fifth French Republic.
Corporatism I do not know where the description for this is. Considering corporatism doesn't exactly fit within conservatism I believe this is a mistake, but I'm including it here anyway.
Republican Party [sic]
The Republican Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, the other being its historic rival, the Democratic Party. The party is named after republicanism, a major ideology of the American Revolution. Founded by anti-slavery activists, economic modernizers, ex-National Republicans, ex-Free Soilers and Whigs in 1854, the Republicans largely dominated politics nationally and in the majority of northern states between 1860 and 1932.
Religious Zionism Formed as a nationalist opposition and acts as the basis of the Israeli right, Revisionist Zionism envisions territorial integrity over the historical Land of Israel and supports Jewish nationalism. Revisionist Zionists believed that Jews have sovereignty over both banks of the Jordan river and its followers question the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Jordan. Currently, Revisionist Zionism is regarded as a fringe ideology but its proponents have recently began a push to make the ideology more moderate and hence more electable.
Black Conservatism Black Conservatism is a type of conservative ideology popular among Africans in both hemispheres. Individuals which would promote black conservatism would likely be advocates of free market capitalism, promotion of traditional beliefs (generally in regards to Catholic and Protestant Christianity), and Patriotism or Jingoism. Black Conservatism generally is opposed to Pan-Africanism, Socialism, and Anti-Imperialism.

Liberal Conservatism

Liberal conservatism combines conservative policies with liberal stances, especially on economic, social and ethical issues. It incorporates the classical liberal view of minimal government intervention in the economy, according to which individuals should be free to participate in the market and generate wealth without government interference. However, individuals cannot be thoroughly depended on to act responsibly in other spheres of life, therefore liberal conservatives believe that a strong state is necessary to ensure law and order and social institutions are needed to nurture a sense of duty and responsibility to the nation. They also support civil liberties, along with some social conservative positions.
Conservative Liberalism Conservative liberalism is a variant of liberalism, combining liberal values and policies with conservative stances, or simply representing the right-wing of the liberal movement. It is a more positive and less radical variant of classical liberalism.

Christian Democracy

Christian democracy is a form of conservatism and a political ideology which emerged in 19th century Europe under the influence of Catholic social teaching, as well as Neo Calvinism. It was originally conceived as a combination of traditional Catholic beliefs and modern democratic ideas, and it grew to incorporate the social teaching of other Christian denominations, such as the Lutheran Church and the Reformed Church.
Vatican [sic]
The politics of Vatican City take place in a framework of an theocratic absolute elective monarchy, in which the Pope, religiously speaking, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church and Bishop of Rome, exercises ex officio supreme legislative, executive, and judicial power over the Vatican City, a rare case of non-hereditary monarchy.


Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership and workers' self-management of the means of production as well as the political theories and movements associated with them. Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective or cooperative ownership, or to citizen ownership of equity. There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them, though social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms. Socialist economic systems can be divided into non-market and market forms. Non-market socialism involves the substitution of factor markets and money, with engineering and technical criteria, based on calculation performed in-kind, thereby producing an economic mechanism that functions according to different economic laws from those of capitalism. Non-market socialism aims to circumvent the inefficiencies and crises traditionally associated with capital accumulation and the profit system. By contrast, market socialism retains the use of monetary prices, factor markets and in some cases the profit motive, with respect to the operation of socially owned enterprises and the allocation of capital goods between them. Profits generated by these firms would be controlled directly by the workforce of each firm, or accrue to society at large in the form of a social dividend. The socialist calculation debate discusses the feasibility and methods of resource allocation for a socialist system.
Democratic Socialism Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production, with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy.
Market Socialism Market socialism is a type of economic system involving the public, cooperative, or social ownership of the means of production in the framework of a market economy.
Royal Socialism No information in the game files. Probably a scrapped ideology, but still here for showcase purposes.
Neocommunism Ditto to above.
African Socialism African socialism is a belief in sharing economic resources in a traditional African way, as distinct from classical socialism. Common principles of African socialism are social development guided by a large public sector, incorporating the African identity and what it means to be African, and the avoidance of the development of social classes within society.
Ujamaa The Swahili word Ujamaa means 'extended family', 'brotherhood' or 'socialism'; as a political concept it asserts that a person becomes a person through the people or community. Ujamaa was a term made popular by the political philosophy applied under Julius Nyerere's social and economic development policies in Tanzania after it gained independence from Britain in 1961.
Labor Zionism (Mapai) Labor Zionism is the left-wing of the Zionist movement. For many years, it was the most significant tendency among Zionists and Zionist organizations. It saw itself as the Zionist sector of the historic Jewish labor movements of Eastern and Central Europe, eventually developing local units in most countries with sizable Jewish populations. Labor Zionists believe that a Jewish state could only be created through the efforts of the Jewish working class settling in the Land of Israel and constructing a state through the creation of a progressive Jewish society with rural kibbutzim and moshavim and an urban Jewish proletariat.
Kemalism Kemalism is the founding ideology of the Republic of Turkey. Kemalism, as it was implemented by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, was defined by sweeping political, social, cultural and religious reforms designed to separate the new Turkish state from its Ottoman predecessor and embrace a Westernized way of living, including the establishment of democracy, secularism, state support of the sciences and free education.
Oriental Personalism Oriental Personalism is the official ideology of Ngo Dinh Diem's Can-Lao Party in South Vietnam. Owing as much to the influence of his brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu as Diem himself, Oriental Personalism has diverse ideological influences, including Emannuel Mournier's theory of Personalism, Marxism, and the folk traditions and religions of Vietnam. The Can-Lao manifest calls for the gradual transformation of Vietnamese society through two phase. In the first phase, the Personalist Revolution, the Social and Working Classes will tear their divisions and join as one. Then comes the Social Revolution, where all forms of capitalism and colonial influence will be swept out on a triumphant march to a utopian, socialist, and proudly Vietnamese society.

Social Democracy

Social Democracy is a political, social and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a capitalist economy, as well as a policy regime involving a commitment to representative democracy, measures for income redistribution, and regulation of the economy in the general interest and welfare state provisions.
Democratic Party [sic]
The Democratic Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States, along with the Republican Party. Tracing its heritage back to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison's Democratic-Republican Party, the modern-day Democratic Party was founded around 1828 by supporters of Andrew Jackson, making it the world's oldest active political party.
Labor Zionism Functionally the exact same as Labor Zionism (Mapai), with the same description. I have no clue why it's divided as such.

Social Liberalism

Social liberalism is a political ideology that believes individual liberty requires a level of social justice. Like classical liberalism, social liberalism endorses a market economy and the expansion of civil and political rights and liberties, but differs in that it believes the legitimate role of the government includes addressing economic and social issues such as poverty, health care, and education.


Progressivism is the support for or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.
Green politics Green politics is a political ideology that aims to create an ecologically sustainable society rooted in environmentalism, nonviolence, social justice and grassroots democracy.


Centrism is a political outlook or specific position that involves acceptance or support of a balance of a degree of social equality and a degree of social hierarchy, while opposing political changes which would result in a significant shift of society either strongly to the left or the right.

Classical Liberalism

Democracy (yes, that is the entire description)
Libertarianism Libertarianism is a collection of political philosophies and movements that uphold liberty as a core principle. Libertarians seek to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association, and individual judgment. Libertarians share a skepticism of authority and state power, but they diverge on the scope of their opposition to existing political and economic systems.
Zionism (General Zionism) Many people and parties chose not to follow any of the distinct Zionist schools of thought and chose to stick to the core ideology of Zionism, settling in Israel and the establishment of the Jewish State. Many of the parties that stick to the 'core' of Zionism are centrist parties that don't associate themselves with either the left nor the right and tend to be economically liberal.


Marxism-Leninism is the ideology combining Marxist socioeconomic theory and Leninist political praxis, which is the official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and of the Communist International. The purpose of Marxism-Leninism is the revolutionary development of a capitalist state into a socialist state, effected by the leadership of a vanguard party of professional revolutionaries from the working class.
Liberal Communism I can find no reference. I presume this refers to the like of Gorbachev.
Stalinism Stalinism is the means of governing and related policies implemented from around 1927 to 1953 by Joseph Stalin. Stalinist policies and ideas as developed in the Soviet Union included rapid industrialization, the theory of socialism in one country, a totalitarian state, collectivization of agriculture, a cult of personality and subordination of the interests of foreign communist parties to those of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, deemed by Stalinism to be the leading vanguard party of communist revolution at the time.
Juche Juche is the official state ideology of North Korea, described by the government as Kim Il-sung's original, brilliant and revolutionary contribution to national and international thought. It postulates that the Korean masses are to act as the masters of the revolution and construction and that by becoming self-reliant and strong a nation can achieve true socialism.
Ho Chi Minh Thought Ho Chi Minh Thought is the official ideology of the Communist Party of Vietnam under the leadership of Chairman Ho Chi Minh. Though firmly Marxist-Leninist, Ho believes in a more nationalistic reintepretation of Marxism for the unique conditions of the Vietnamese revolution, even taking some influence from Sun Yat-Sen's "Three Principles of the People" and the American revolutionaries. Ho Chi Minh Thought is as proudly Vietnamese as it is Communist, and calls for a "national democratic revolution" -- a truly Vietnamese path to socialism where worker, peasant, soldier, and merchant will unite against inequality and imperialism in all its forms.

Revolutionary Socialism

Revolutionary socialism is the socialist doctrine that social revolution is necessary in order to bring about structural changes to society. More specifically, it is the view that revolution is a necessary precondition for a transition from capitalism to socialism.
Revolutionary Islamic Socialism Your guess is as good as mine.
Trotskyism Trotskyism is the theory of Marxism as advocated by Russian Leon Trotsky. Trotsky identified as an orthodox Marxist and Bolshevik-Leninist. He supported founding a vanguard party of the proletariat, proletarian internationalism and a dictatorship of the proletariat based on working class self-emancipation and mass democracy.
Sartre Thought No description given.
Anarcho-Communism Anarcho-communism is a theory of anarchism which advocates the abolition of the state, capitalism, wage labor and private property in favor of common ownership of the means of production, direct democracy and a horizontal network of workers' councils with production and consumption based on the guiding principle: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Posadism No description. Another relic.
Titoism Titoism is described as the post-World War II policies and practices associated with Josip Broz Tito during the Cold War, characterized by an opposition to the Soviet Union. It usually represents Tito's Yugoslav doctrine in Cold War international politics. It emerged with the Yugoslav Partisans' liberation of Yugoslavia independently of the Red Army, resulting in Yugoslavia being the only Eastern European country to remain socialist, but independent after World War II as well as resisting Soviet Union pressure to become a member of the Warsaw Pact.
Left-wing Military Dictatorship a Left-wing Military Dictatorship is a government which may espouse specific socialistic beliefs to gain second world support, but is however a military-controlled oppressive autocratic state. [sic]
Person Dignity Theory (Nhuism) Person Dignity Theory, also known as Spiritualistic Marxism, describes the more radical worldview of Ngo Dinh Nhu. Influenced by his involvment with French syndicalism in the 1930s and the left-wing nationalism of the Viet Minh, Nhu's views are significantly to the left of his older brother. Nhu's interpretation of \"True Marxism\" calls for a total centralization of state power in the Can Lao Party and the complete destruction of traditional society in favor of the strict regimentation of the peasants in collectivist \"Strategic Hamlets\" and the city dwellers through \"Urban Revolutionary Syndicates\". Some believe Nhu's ambitions may lie beyond Vietnam, given his calls for a worldwide crusade against \"Materialistic Capitalism\". [sic]

Maoism (Mao Zedong Thought)

Actually clumps together "anti-revisionist" ideologies, but for our purposes we'll start with Mao Zedong Thought.
Mao Zedong thought is the product of the combination of the basic principles of Marxism Leninism and the specific reality of the Chinese revolution. It is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the Chinese Communists. It is a political, military and development theory advocated by Mao Zedong and widely practiced in the Chinese revolution in the 20th century. It is generally considered to be the development of Marxism Leninism in China.
Anti-Revisionism A Marxist-Leninist position emerging after the XXth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Anti-revisionist movements oppose the reforms of the Khrushchev period and uphold Stalinist and Maoist developments in Marxism.
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism The synthesis of Marxism–Leninism–Maoism did not occur during the life of Mao Zedong. From the 1960s, groups that called themselves Maoist or which upheld Maoism were not unified around a common understanding of Maoism and had instead their own particular interpretations of the political, philosophical, economical and military works of Mao; these disorganized ideological trends comprised, and still comprise, Mao Zedong Thought.
Scientific Socialism Scientific Socialism was founded by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, but was widely used by Deng Xiaoping of the PRC to reform Maoism. It is often Maoism, but with a few reforms that add more emphasis on science, industrialization, and overall a new focus on the economy.
Hoxhaism Hoxhaism is a variant of anti-revisionist Marxism-Leninism that developed in the late 1970s due to a split in the Maoist movement, appearing after the ideological dispute between the Communist Party of China and the Party of Labor of Albania. The ideology is named after Enver Hoxha, a notable Albanian communist leader.
Guevarism Guevarism is a theory of communist revolution and a military strategy of guerrilla warfare associated with communist revolutionary Ernesto \"Che\" Guevara. The ideology promotes exporting revolution to any country whose leader is supported by the empire (United States) and has fallen out of favor with its citizens. The ideology has three main points, namely that the people can win with proper organization against a nation's army; that the conditions that make a revolution possible can be put in place by the popular forces; and that the popular forces always have an advantage in a non urban setting. [sic]

Third Positionism

Encompassing a variety of ultra-nationalist movements, third positionism typically venerates devotion to the state and uniting the people under a strong leader. Third Positionism is presented as its own unique ideology as a third option to capitalism or communism.
Falangism An authoritarian ideology with traits of fascism and conservatism, Falangist values national and Catholic identity.
Rexism Strongly opposed to both liberal and communist ideals, Rexism is a staunchly conservative nationalist movement who advocate a corporatist economic policy. Employing increasingly populist and authoritarian rhetoric, their ideals are shifting closer to other fascist movements.
Hindu Nationalism Hindu nationalism has been collectively referred to as the expression of social and political thought, based on the native spiritual and cultural traditions of the Indian subcontinent.
Salazarism Salazarism is a nationalist authoritarian ideology focusing on 'God, Fatherland and Family' and emphasizing the social role of Catholicism - setting it apart from mainstream variations of Fascism.
Neo-Nazism Neo-Nazism consists of post-World War II militant, social or political movements seeking to revive the ideology of Nazism. It borrows elements from Nazi doctrine, including ultranationalism, racism up to xenophobia, ableism, homophobia, anti-Romanyism, antisemitism, anti-communism and initiating the Fourth Reich. Holocaust denial is a common feature, as is the incorporation of Nazi symbols and admiration of Adolf Hitler.
National Bolshevism National Bolshevism is a political movement that combines elements of nationalism and Bolshevism.
Baathism Baathism is an Arab nationalist ideology that promotes the development and creation of a unified Arab state through the leadership of a vanguard party over a progressive revolutionary government.
Ku Klux Klan The Ku Klux Klan is an American white supremacist hate group. The Klan has existed in three distinct eras at different points in time during the history of the United States. Each has advocated extremist reactionary positions such as white supremacy, white nationalism, anti-immigration and-especially in later iterations-Nordicism and anti-Catholicism.
Kahanism No information.
Authenticité Ditto.
Trujillism Ditto.
Peronism Ditto.


Encompassing a variety of ultra nationalist movements, Nationalism typically venerates devotion to the state and uniting the people under a strong leader.
National Democracy no desc.
Pan-Africanism Pan-Africanism is a worldwide movement that aims to encourage and strengthen bonds of solidarity between all people of African descent. Based on a common fate going back to the Atlantic slave trade, the movement extends beyond continental Africans, with a substantial support base among the African diaspora in the Caribbean, Latin America and the United States.
Leftwing Nationalism Leftwing Nationalism is a form of nationalism which promotes the raising of societal standards for one's own national people generally through the introduction of social equality and government nationalization. Leftwing Nationalism is often anti-imperialist and can commonly represent national liberation fronts. Generally, Leftwing Nationalism will be a response to repeated exploitation of a nation by outside factors.
Bourguibism No desc.
Nasserism Nasserism is a revolutionary ideology, inspired by the second Egyptian President, Gamal Abdel Nasser; espousing the unification of what is referred to as the Arab world. It asserts that the Arab people constitute a single nation or federation, based upon a shared language and culture, transcending Islam and Christianity. Advocates of Nasserism have often been described representing political and economic positions which are secular, socialist, nationalistic, socially progressive, and anti-imperialist.
Revisionist Zionism See above.


A monarchy is a form of government in which a group, generally a family representing a dynasty, embodies the country's national identity and its head, the monarch, exercises the role of sovereignty.
Islamic Monarchy Islamic monarchies are a type of Islamic state which are monarchies. They are historically known by various names, such as Mamlakah, Caliphate, Sultanate, or Emirate.
Negusa Nagast
Negusa Nagast, or king of kings, is a type of selective hereditary imperial monarchy that became the prevalent leadership of Ethiopia since Negus Zemene Mesafint ended the Age of Princes period where Ethiopia was fractured between small principalities, kindoms, and sultanates.

Reactionary (also Neutrality)

In political science, a reactionary is a person who holds political views that favor a return to the status quo ante, the previous political state of society, which he or she believes possessed characteristics that are negatively absent from the contemporary status quo of a society.
Despotism Despotism is a form of government in which a single person rules with absolute power.
Military Dictatorship A military dictatorship is a form of government wherein a military force exerts complete or substantial control over political authority.
Oligarchic Oligarchy is a form of government in which a group of people rule with absolute power.
Colonialism Colonialism is the policy of a foreign polity seeking to extend or retain its authority over other people or territories, generally with the aim of opening trade opportunities. The colonizing country seeks to benefit whilst the colonized country or land mass, as many of the colonized countries were not countries at all, modernize in terms defined by the colonizers, especially in economics, religion, and health.
Independent An independent politician is an individual politician not affiliated with any political party.
Haredi no desc.
Vennamoism Vennamolaisuus, or Vennamoism in english is name given to the ideology and political movement of Veikko Vennamo, the leader of Finnish Rural Party. It is categorized by populism, reliance on slogans and support for agriculture.


Sunni Islam is the largest denomination of Islam. Its name comes from the word Sunnah, referring to the exemplary behavior of the Islamic prophet Muhammad
Democratic Islamism Islamic democracy is a political ideology that seeks to apply Islamic principles to public policy within a democratic framework. Islamic political theory specifies three basic features of an Islamic democracy: leaders must be elected by the people, subject to sharia and committed to practicing \"shura\", a special form of consultation practiced by Prophet Muhammad
Ibadi Imamate no desc.

Radical Shiaism

Shia is a branch of Islam which holds that the Islamic prophet Muhammad designated Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor (Imam).
Shia Monarchy no desc.
Houthiism is an armed movement stemming from a sect of Shia Islam, Zaidiism. Houthiism is almost nonexistent outside of Yemen. The Houthi movement strongly opposes Saudi Arabia, the US, and Israel and seeks to combat the 'underdevelopment and marginalization' of Yemen.


Salafism is a reform branch or revivalist movement within Sunni Islam that developed in Egypt in the late 19th century as a response to Western European imperialism, with roots in the 18th-century Wahhabi movement that originated in the Najd region of modern day Saudi Arabia.
"Eereerhmm... where are the ideology tags?" NOWHERE! I will not add them.
submitted by Theo-Dorable to CWIC [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:03 tinybee007 How to become the scientist I want to be ? Help !!

Hi !! I'm a high-school senior, and I know I'm going to work into some field in biology (probably starting with a bachelor's in bio and hoping to get a PhD someday).
My dream would be to become a researcher, studying animals and humans at their more primal level, as well as evolution and ecosystems.
Thing is, I'm not sure what degrees I need for that. Pure biology seems to broad, zoology too risky, ecology doesn't feel like it'll give me the qualifications I need, and environmental science just plain boring. Any advice on bachelors and master's programs ? I know I need a major that'll provide me with a safety net cause my plan is a bit risky. Thank you :)) Edit: also, money is kind of really important to me, as in I kinda wanna eat 3 meals a day lol.
submitted by tinybee007 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:02 TheAmazingCroc1 Is there leave days during training?

I’m hoping to go into the seals after I graduate high school, but I have one major question. Do recruits get leave days during the the 12+ and 18 month training programs?
submitted by TheAmazingCroc1 to navyseals [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:02 CantalouperLB Spanish speaking potters

Hi y’all, I’m a high school ceramics teacher and I’m trying to create posters as language supports for my students— many of them are ESL! I am having a hard time confirming if the vocabulary translations are correct. Is anyone able to help me with proper Spanish terms for a variety of ceramics related words?!
Kiln - Horno Clay - Arcilla Glaze - Esmalte Bisqueware - El Bizcocho Greenware - la cerámica sin cocinar Underglaze - Bajo esmalte Slip - Barbotina Leather Hard - cuero duro Plastic/Wet - plástica/mojada Bone Dry - Hueso Seco Firing/Fire - Cocción/quemar Coil Built - construido con sogas Slab Buit - construido con placas Pinch Pot - Olla hecha por pellizco Slip and Score - Barbotina y Rasguño
Any others I should add?
Thanks in advance!!
submitted by CantalouperLB to Ceramics [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:02 Shroom_Shroom_1819 Looking a for a modern AU How to train your dragon fic.

Read this really long fanfic a couple years ago and remember it being really good. Basically it’s a modern retelling of the movies. I remember that Hiccup rode a motorcycle and got his leg removed because of an accident. They were also still in high school, and he was like the bad boy and Astrid was a preppy popular kid. Other than that I can’t remember a lot of significant details other than that it had a lot of chapters like 99 I think. Also, the author has a My Little Pony username, I remember that fact vividly.
submitted by Shroom_Shroom_1819 to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:01 quattordicii Data Analyst prospects in Math and Phys Sciences program

Hi! I’m about to graduate high school and plan to enroll in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences program. I’ve read through a bunch of threads saying that the stats faculty is really disorganized and math is hard in university (but isn’t it the same everywhere?). I was just wondering with the idea of becoming a data analyst in the future, what path would I go down if i were to enroll in this program? A stats major and math minor? Minor in stats and cs and major in math? I would also like to know if any current ArtSci students have experience in the data analyst area and how ASIP is for it? Thank you!
submitted by quattordicii to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:00 Throwinandout45 I (20M) still love this girl (20F) who rejected me, even tho I told her that I have no longer any feelings for her, and this lie is killing me

Hi, so basically I expose almost everything in the title and sorry in advance the story will be really long as I want to give as much context I can, also excuse me, if I make too many mistakes, I'm French and my English isn't that good. Also, I will begin by explaining how the medical studies works here, as it will be important for the context and some events. I will call the girl in question H, and her best friend S
The story begins in August 2022, I graduated from high school and I applied to the first year of med school, in France you have to do a year which known to be really difficult and after that you can really say that you are in medical school. As this year is known to be difficult, they are tutorial system who help students throughout the year, and even before they propose tutoring before the year during the holidays.
I went there and while I was waiting for the class to begin, I befriended S and H. We then proceed to be classmates, and talk to each other, via discord and then WhatsApp. H, S and I had really similar hobbies.
For a little bit more of context, high school was really rough for me, I loved another girl who even after rejecting me and friend zoning me, used my feelings to make me work as if I was her slave, I was in charge to explain lessons, doing homework etc... Also, some of whom I consider my friends betrayed me by also using me for money or work. This situation put me in depression and my academical prowess also declined, it was the only thing that was making me proud, so I tried to kill myself twice because of that. Needless to say, I wasn't in the best mental conditions to begin that stressful year.
The first half of the first semester was extremely harsh for me as for the majority of the time, I was alone with my unprocessed thoughts, and it was just horrific, I had no one to talk to and S and H were only comrades back then, we weren't real friends yet. So in order to do something for that situation, I tried to put more efforts in befriending H and S, for real this time, I went in the same classes with them, and we created a WhatsApp group and a discord server with 3 other friends to coordinate ourselves.
One day, as we were about to start cellular biology's class, I saw that H's computer wallpaper was Kaguya Sama Love is War, and I love that anime, so made the remark, and that day, for some reasons that are unknown to me, I fell in love with her. Maybe it was how she spoke about her hobbies, I really don't know. Since that day, I would try to be seated beside her, trying to talk to her, etc...
The second half of the first semester, I told the other members of our group that I was indeed in love with H, it wasn't a big surprise as they said that they noticed my behavioral changes around H. They told me that it was quite miraculous that H didn't notice yet, since then I tried to play it more discreet because even though, I was madly in love with her, I valued our friendship and I didn't want to destroy that.
Fast-forward to the second semester, where H and I were really good friends, and the me of that period even thought that she also had feelings for me because she was really tactical, she opened up more to me than the others. In my defense, she was typically the shy girl you would characterize in your mind, but with me, she was different. She was also kinda flirted with me and even S, (who knew everything from both side as she also became my confident during that time) called it.
Despite my efforts I failed that year, and this failure was devastating, as it's my dream to become doctor, I really thought to end it all, I thought that the disaster of High school was just a taste of this year, that I will never become doctor and my life was futile. Whenever I do some exercise I go to our discord server and I log in the voc, so I can sing while listening to my voice, and it gave me motivation. Sometimes H or S or both would come to discuss or alongside me, and if they came I just muted myself. But some days after the results, I went and as I tried to revise to maybe try to pass the retakes, I ask God for a sign (I'm really religious), and then H came to work her oral exam because she passed. The simple presence of H, gave me enough motivation and inner peace to cast away these thoughts.
I eventually failed the retakes for 0.02 points, but I was taken in the tutoring system, as I was really great in the humanities subjects and was made the chief of that and H was made the chief of the Chemistry subject. I was also good at chemistry, so I wanted to help her, and she accepted. So during the last two weeks of August 2023, I gave chemistry class with her, and we also pass time together in the local the tutors had. She was also kinda flirty and so was I, two other friends (not related to the group I talked about) saw the thing between us, and they ask if we were together, we were both embarrassed, but eventually we denied. When H went away to give a biology class, I had a discussion with them, and they told me to confess myself, because basically I was torturing myself by giving myself false hopes. So the First of September I confess to her, and she rejected me
From good friends we became strangers and went no contact through the entire month of September, but in October we become again friends, but she was kinda weird, some days we were the friends like before, some day I was a stranger and some day she won't say a word to me, but she will just stare at me, and honestly it kinda fucked me up, I was like, did I do something wrong ? Was I the bad guy ? And the first semester of my current undergrad studies took the blow and my mental health too. I directly asked her what was going in November, she assured me that she just needed time. I just told her that we shall at least stay professional (I just took a big part of her responsibilities of Chemistry chief, because she was too busy, and it would be problematic for the students). The pinnacle of absurdity came in January, we had a late Secret Santa, and because God hated me or something, I was the secret Santa, but she didn't show up the day we gave the gifts and after months of her ignoring me, I decided to block her on discord
Again an ellipse to April, another friend of mine sent a message via WhatsApp without me knowing with my phone to H, because I talked too much about her and I needed to talk to her. After she answered me, I told her that it wasn't me, but I sent a long message (even longer than this story) explaining that it wasn't cool what she did that ignoring me just fucked me up, that I don't want to pursue her or anything, that I refuse to die as sad poet (I love to write poetry, and she is a great muse) so I had to conclude this story even if she didn't answer. She said that she didn't know how to process all of this as it was new for her, and she told me that she just run away from her problems and she again apologized because she ignored me. She also said that we could go back to our friendship, and she agreed to see each other one day.
So here I am writing this gigantic post (really sorry about that) and I still love her, I can't take her out of my mind, but I know it's wrong, yet I feel it deep in my soul that I'm still in love with her. Thanks for reading me.
submitted by Throwinandout45 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:00 r4nD0mU53r999 What if Algeria managed to ward off the French and industrialized?

Introduction to Alternative History Scenario: Independent and Industrialized Algeria:

In this alternative history scenario, Algeria manages to ward off French and European colonialism, subsequently achieving industrialization while preserving its culture and religion.

The Pre-Colonial Context and Initial Resistance:

As we all know in the early 19th century, Algeria was a semi-autonomous province under the Ottoman Empire, with a society deeply rooted in its Islamic traditions and Berber-Arab culture, this doesn't change in this scenario. In this alternative scenario when France launched its invasion in 1830, the Algerians, under the leadership of Emir Abdelkader, who managed to unify various tribes and communities in a cohesive resistance movement in this timeline. Would be able to foster a sense of national identity among diverse ethnic groups, emphasizing the defense of Islam and the homeland. Utilizing guerrilla tactics, exploiting the rugged terrain, and establishing fortified strongholds, Abdelkader's forces would conducte effective hit-and-run attacks against the French who would be unable to adapt to such tactics in this timeline. Additionally, Abdelkader would establish successful diplomatic relations with neighboring countries and other Islamic states including Morocco, securing arms, supplies, and even volunteers to aid the resistance.
Berber piracy would play a significant role during this period. The Barbary pirates, operating from Algerian ports, would disrupt French maritime trade in the Mediterranean. This not only would provide resources and funds for the Algerian resistance but it would also divert French military attention. The piracy network, deeply integrated into the local economy, would facilitate the smuggling of arms and provisions vital for the ongoing conflict. However, the practice of slavery, which would be prominent in the Barbary States in this period, would pose a moral and political challenge. So to garner broader international support and modernize the society, Emir Abdelkader would initiate reforms to gradually abolish slavery, aligning with global humanitarian trends and strengthening Algeria’s moral stance which would allow it to gain larger international support in its struggle.
And as such international support would play a crucial role in sustaining Algerian resistance. The Ottoman Empire, seeking to maintain its influence in North Africa, provides military advisors and financial support, while Britain, motivated by its desire to limit French power and influence in north Africa, supplies Algeria with modern weapons and naval support. This external backing, combined with internal unity and strategic warfare, eventually forced France into a diplomatic stalemate, leading to the French recognition of Algeria’s autonomy in the 1850s. And thus Emir Abdelkader’s leadership transitioned from wartime governance to peacetime state-building, focusing on centralizing administration, integrating Islamic law with modern legal practices, and reforming the education system to promote literacy and technical skills.

Separation from the Ottoman Empire:

As Algeria established its sovereignty, tensions with the Ottoman Empire began to surface. The Algerian leadership grew increasingly frustrated with the Ottomans, viewing them as weak after their inability to providing adequate defense against the French threat. This sentiment was exacerbated by the declining power of the Ottoman Empire, which was struggling to maintain its territories and influence. Abdelkader and his advisors saw an opportunity to fully assert Algeria’s independence and distance themselves from what they perceived as an ineffective and distant sickly empire. By the 1860s, Algeria declared complete independence from the Ottoman Empire, severing the authority of the sultan over Algiers and focusing on building a self-sufficient state.

Transition to Sovereign State and Early Industrialization:

Realizing the necessity of industrialization to maintain sovereignty against the growing expansionism of Europe in Africa, Abdelkader’s government embarked on a comprehensive modernization program. The initial phase involved infrastructure development, such as building roads, railways, and ports to facilitate trade and movement. The British desiring a strong ally in the region especially one that can oppose the French help Algeria in it's modernization effort, and as such British engineering expertise and technology were instrumental in these projects. The new government also focused on exploiting Algeria’s abundant natural resources, including minerals and oil reserves. Strategic partnerships with European investors provided the necessary technology and capital for resource extraction and processing. Simultaneously, modern agricultural techniques were introduced to boost productivity, ensuring food security and providing surplus for export.
The industrialization process involved several key figures and institutions. Abdelkader would appoint several talented ministers and advisors, many of whom had been educated extensively in their fields, to oversee various aspects of the modernization effort. This strong governmental body would devise technologies and industrial practices, which would be adapted to fit Algeria’s unique context. Educational reforms would be a cornerstone of Algeria’s modernization strategy. New schools and universities would be established, blending traditional Islamic teachings with modern sciences and engineering. These institutions would produce a generation of skilled workers and intellectuals who contributed to the industrialization effort. Furthermore, the government incentivizes private enterprise, offering tax breaks and subsidies to businesses that invested in industrial ventures. This creates a vibrant entrepreneurial environment, leading to the establishment of factories, workshops, and research centers across the country.

Impact on Regional and Global Power Structures:

As Algeria industrialism continues, it emerges as a significant power in North Africa and the Mediterranean. It's new found economic strength turned it into an economic hub, attracting investments and labor from neighboring regions. Leveraging its economic influence, Algeria plays a crucial role in this timeline's regional politics, mediating conflicts and fostering cooperation among North African and Middle Eastern countries. On the global stage, Algeria establishes extensive trade networks with Europe, the Ottoman Empire, and emerging industrial powers like Japan. Its success against adversity inspires other colonized nations in Africa, Asia and the the new world, contributing to the rise of anti-colonial movements worldwide by providing a model of modernity without compromising cultural identity.

Modern-Day Borders of Algeria:

Without French colonization, Algeria's borders would reflect the territories recognized under the Ottoman Empire's jurisdiction in 1830. This means the modern-day borders might be slightly more fluid, particularly in desert regions where tribal territories were less formally defined. While the coastal and northern regions would remain similar to present-day boundaries, southern borders might be more influenced by agreements with neighboring Saharan tribes and states as well as surrounding Muslim states, potentially resulting in a slightly smaller southern and south western boundary than our own timeline's Algerian borders.

Present-Day Algeria in this Alternate History:

In this alternative scenario, contemporary Algeria stands as a mostly prosperous, industrialized nation with a rich cultural heritage. Its economy is diversified, with strong industrial, technological, and agricultural sectors. This Algeria would play a significant role in global trade, exporting high-value goods and technologies. The country would also likely experience a cultural renaissance, with flourishing arts, literature, and scientific achievements. This Algeria would boast a better more sophisticated education system, producing leading scholars and innovators. Politically, it would be characterized by stability and strong governance and a larger influence on the global stage. It would be a leading voice in the African Union and the Arab League, this more developed Algeria would strengthen regional development and cooperation, influencing the broader geopolitical landscape.
Note: this is the first time I tried creating an alternative history scenario so there might be some inaccuracies or major mistakes here.
So if you have any issues with this scenario feel free to voice your thoughts in the comment
submitted by r4nD0mU53r999 to algeria [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:59 Adept-Entertainer-87 *important* Hi all Reddit users! I am wondering if anyone out there that uses facebook would be able to help me with an issue.

In high school, I had a “boyfriend” and I was only 14 years old. He made his facebook at the time with our names as the name. [EX: Carol N John]. There is also our pictures on there (not explicit; just normal ideal teenage couple photos of us hugging or standing next to one another). For YEARS I have been plagued by this facebook as its got everyone I know as a friend on it (literally even my brother) and its just an embarrassment and a reminder of a horrible time in my life (first loves are a mess when you’re newly heartbroken at 14😂).
I have asked said Guy in 2016 when he broke up with me to please take down the photos and delete them. He wouldn’t. He hated me so much that he could not wait the 60 days to change the name back. So he made a whole new facebook account. Then he claimed that he forgot the password and e-mail to the account. So its just been sitting there for years.
Guy now has a new Wife and a new baby (i relish in the karma that the baby is a girl. If yk, yk) and I have had 0 contact with Guy for years, so I messaged his wife (because why message the Guy, and not the wife thats weird).. they did nothing/said nothing.
I have messaged facebook several times, reporting the page is my hobby, I have built a small army of my friends to report it, facebook will NOT take it down.
The question here is, what do I do now? Do I have any legal ground to take with this? Do I have to take it that far? Help.
submitted by Adept-Entertainer-87 to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:57 Jbenny20 Tips to help make money stretch longer

I’m not going to assume everybody with CP is on ssi . So I’m gonna be straight forward, I’m absolutely desperate to see my little brother graduate high school and I have no idea how I’m gonna come up with the money. I live about five hours away from my little brother. And all I want in the world right now is to see him walk the stage. I am currently on a fixed income with my SSI and my partner is still in probationary. I am currently on a fixed income with my SSI and my partner is still in probationary period For his job. So I’m wondering if anybody has any tips on how I can make money really fast I don’t need much (in my opinion) only just about $100 to cover food and gas. Any advice would be greatly appreciated even a donation, but I understand that this is not a money asking Reddit so please do not feel pressured. I just would like to know if there’s hope to see my little brother.
submitted by Jbenny20 to CerebralPalsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:57 Glittering_Berry5065 This is my heart warming novella of how Geroge cooper sr comes back from the dead

The sleepy town of Medford, Texas, had seen its share of strange events, but none as extraordinary as the one that occurred one quiet spring morning. It had been nearly three decades since the untimely death of George Cooper Sr., the beloved high school football coach and father of Sheldon Cooper, the boy genius. His passing had left a void in the lives of his family and the entire community. In the years since George’s death, his family had moved on in their own ways. Mary, his wife, had continued to be the steadfast matriarch, raising their children with a firm but loving hand. Sheldon, with his towering intellect, had moved to Pasadena and achieved great things in the world of theoretical physics. Missy, his twin sister, had carved out her own path, becoming a strong and independent woman. Georgie Jr., the eldest, had taken over the family’s business and become a pillar of the community .On this particular morning, a strange energy seemed to fill the air. It started as a gentle hum, almost imperceptible, but gradually grew louder, vibrating through the ground and shaking the leaves on the trees. In the cemetery where George Cooper Sr. was buried, the ground above his grave began to shift and crack. A hand, strong and calloused, broke through the soil, followed by another. Slowly, George Cooper Sr. pulled himself up from the earth, bewildered and disoriented. Covered in dirt and wearing the remnants of his burial suit, George staggered to his feet, his mind a swirl of confusion and fragments of memories. He remembered collapsing at the kitchen table, the pain in his chest, and then... nothing. How was he here? Why was he here?
Driven by an inexplicable force, George began walking towards his old home. Medford had changed in some ways but remained comfortingly familiar in others. As he walked, people stopped and stared, their eyes wide with disbelief and shock. Whispers and gasps followed him, but George was focused on one thing: reuniting with his family. When he reached the house, his heart pounded with a mix of fear and anticipation. He knocked on the door, and after a few tense moments, it opened to reveal Mary. Her eyes widened, and she clutched her chest, struggling to find words.
“George?” Mary’s voice trembled.
“It’s me, Mary,” George said, his own voice thick with emotion.
“I don’t know how, but I’m back.” Mary’s eyes filled with tears as she reached out to touch his face, her fingers trembling. The next moments were a blur as she pulled him inside, calling for their children. Missy, now a grown woman, and Georgie Jr. appeared, their faces mirrors of shock and disbelief.
“Dad?” Missy whispered, her eyes wide.
“It’s me, sweetheart,” George said, smiling through his own tears. Soon, news of George’s miraculous return reached Sheldon in Pasadena. The genius, usually so composed and logical, was left speechless. He immediately booked a flight back to Texas, desperate to see the father he had lost so many years ago.When Sheldon arrived, the reunion was both heart warming and awkward. George marvelled at how much his children had grown and changed, while Sheldon struggled to reconcile the man before him with the memories he had clung to for so long .As the days passed, George underwent medical examinations, and though he was weak from his time in the grave, he was remarkably healthy. Scientists and researchers flocked to Medford, eager to understand the phenomenon, but no definitive answers emerged. George's return remained a mystery, one that defied all logic and reason. In time, the Cooper family adjusted to their new reality. George relished the chance to make up for lost time, attending Georgie Jr.’s business milestones, celebrating Missy’s achievements, and engaging in deep, meaningful conversations with Sheldon. The family, once fractured by tragedy, found healing in their reunion. Medford, too, was changed by George’s return. The town, already close-knit, became even more connected, bound together by the shared experience of witnessing a true miracle. George Cooper Sr. had come back to life, and with him, he brought hope, love, and the reminder that sometimes, the impossible can become possible. In the end, it wasn’t the how or why of his return that mattered most, but the precious moments he shared with his family, moments they had all thought were lost forever.
submitted by Glittering_Berry5065 to YoungSheldon [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:54 uccidero I don’t understand Basic Math.

This is very hard for me to open up about but I don’t know what else to do. I’m hoping there is somebody out there who comes across this who has had a similar problem. I’ll be 20 in October. I remember grasping addition and subtraction when i was in the first grade but my understanding stops there. i can almost grasp multiplication and division when it’s by a small number (i.e x 2 or x 3) but i still struggle very hard with that. I feel so flustered when I try to figure any simple equation out. My teachers never took this issue seriously when i would ask for help. i was hoping it would click eventually i chose to focus more on Science and History. i continued to pretend like i understood and i chose to cheat my way through math class my entire school career. My grandmother had a private tutor work with me for 6 months and I got absolutely nowhere. it makes me want to cry. When i started high school i couldn’t even begin to fathom throwing letters into the mix. i have never once been able to solve any algebra equation nor could i explain any rules of math to you. then math began bleeding into my other classes- it started to mix with science. I had always excelled in Science.. once i found out math and science were hand in hand, my heart shattered. i felt hopeless and honestly i just feel stupid. i cannot comprehend this world. I eventually just stopped going to school and dropped out in the ninth grade. I am deeply embarrassed by this. I don’t understand why i just can’t get it through my head. what is wrong with me. is this something i should share with a doctor? if anyone has any ideas on what this could be or if they were in this situation and it got better or even any words of wisdom please help!!!
submitted by uccidero to learnmath [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:54 CupOdd4962 "Best" cameras for live streaming/videography

Hello, all!
This is my first post here!
I am a photographer who is getting into the videography/live-streaming side of these things. I have done a bit with my current camera (Nikon Z6ii), however, I will be working with small high schools to live-stream their sporting events and concerts. I also will be doing some videography content for small businesses over the next year or so.
I have been looking at the Sony FX3 as my main camera (with a lens), which would fit in my budget, under $5k. Is this the best option for what I would be using it for, or are there better options? If it is like the Sony FX3, that will require a lens, which lens should I go with?
Thanks, y'all!
submitted by CupOdd4962 to VIDEOENGINEERING [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:53 Hot-Acanthaceae-9855 How is the blue Springs high school for anyone who knows about it

Hello, my name is Wilshawn, and next year I will be transferring to Blue Springs High School. I went to Raytown South High School from freshman to sophomore year, and I will finish my junior and senior years at Blue Springs High School. The reason why I wanted to transfer and leave my current school is that, while I have a couple of friends here, the environment is not ideal. Honestly, if I’m being real, it’s kind of rough, and there are fights almost every day. So, I asked my grandma if I could go to a new school, and we’re working on it. What should I expect at Blue Springs? Is it a lot better? I know kids will be kids, but I guess I’m asking if it’s less rough? From people who went to the school or are from that area.
submitted by Hot-Acanthaceae-9855 to missouri [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:52 Dry-Difference8814 University Being Dated TL;DR

I go to a large public university in the pacific north west known for being one of the best public schools in the state. I have worked in business environments and when I contrast it to my degree (BS in business admin.) So much of the work is draconian and useless. Instead of teaching us core concepts and then going on to teach us how to use technology (i.e excel) and AI to be successful, they insist on teaching abstract algebra for much of the degree that does not correlate to almost anything in the field we want to work in, or instead multiple choice concepts and "what would you do questions" that never quite exist in real life. Further more teachers are prudent about no AI being used or outside resources while they technically plagiarize their tests and learning information from bullshit for profit companies such as Mcgraw hill or they get them from other members of their department. Also their academics for people with ADHD suck as once you get accommodations the only things those do is give you extra time and none of your learning differences are taken into consideration. Before you @ me I am a dedicated student with a GPA in the high 3.00s and only a few semesters left before I graduate, so I have given a lot of effort and approached it with an open mind.
submitted by Dry-Difference8814 to SchoolSystemBroke [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:52 BrownicusTownicus Many songs resonate with me, and many have a place in my heart. But this one is so hard to listen to because of how bitter sweet it is.

Cigarette Daydreams
If there is one song that encapsulates my childhood and young adult years, it's "Cigarette Daydreams" from Cage the Elephant. Cage is that band that popped into my life in High school and just stuck with me ever since. And I'm so grateful for them because they've never really strayed too far from their roots, but definitely changed their sound (for the better), but not their style!
I know that many would say this song hits them for the same reason, and most likely, rightfully so!!! It's so good and is able to gather and glue our precious memories and feelings together!
I remember when it first came out, I was in a place and time of my life where huge changes were taking place, and I didn't even realize it. I had moved (not too far) from my home town, and had made a new life and new friends.......but still kept my OG homies close and visited them often. At the time, the song had resonated pretty hard with me. But now when I hear it, it makes me tear up.
There are a lot of songs and music that "takes me back" to certain times. Like a certain scent or image does. It takes you back to your childhood or to a place where life felt so meaningful at that moment.
But this song hits so hard that it's hard to listen to it sometimes because it makes me feel like I'm back hitting up random parties with old friends (new and old at the time), hot boxing my car, going on road trips, and just BSing around campfires.
It's such a bittersweet song to me.
Its like this: It takes me back to only a few years ago, and YEARS beyond those years and makes me feel like I'm back there.....and even today with where I'm at and the friends that I have, it resonates so much because of the memories I'm making now!
submitted by BrownicusTownicus to happy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:52 BDF1999 Why does nobody talk about middle school?

I noticed that when people talk about their childhood, they always talk about Elementary School and High School. But they never seem to talk about Middle School. Was Middle School such a painful time for us that we don’t even want to talk about it? Or was it just boring and there’s nothing to talk about?
submitted by BDF1999 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:51 Careless-Wish-4563 What do you predict my preference will be by the time I am 30?

I am a black woman. I have been 19 for a little over a month now. I was raised in, and live in, an area with a very low black population.
My preference has changed a lot over time, which is something I’ve more recently started to think about.
The first crushes I remember having ever had, like when I was preschool-elementary school aged, were on Michael J Fox (when he was Marty in “Back to the Future,” may be more accurate to suggest that I had a crush on Marty mcfly,) and Michael Jackson (my parents had his music videos on DVD. I’ve never liked the way he looked in the 2000s, but I think when I was little I liked the way he looked in the 70s-90s. However, in sixth grade, I remember remarking that I thought 80s Michael Jackson was more attractive than 70s Michael Jackson when chatting with my former best friend, who had the opposite opinion.)
My parents have also always liked to tease about how I “dated” a white boy when I was three, claiming that I liked how blue his eyes were. What I find interesting now that I am an adult is that me liking blue eyes and blonde hair (the combination that I believe the kid I liked when I was three had, though it was much too long ago and I don’t remember how he looked or really anything about him at all,) is something that I’m not sure has entirely gone away.
I say this only because in 11th grade, I was already fascinated by/somewhat attracted to a boy I sat next to in Statistics because of his blue eyes and blonde hair, even though I hadn’t yet seen him without a mask (and when I did see him without a mask, I still liked his appearance. To me, he was a little above average.) There was also a mixed race (1/2 black 1/2 white) boy who was considered to be conventionally attractive by most of the grade who I was very attracted to in 12th grade (fawning over him in the halls kind of attracted, which is rare for me,) and he had both light skin and colored eyes (I no longer remember his eye color, though I’m certain it was blue or green.)
In 4th grade, I had a crush on a Filipino boy who I was no longer attracted to by high school (he was a nice person, though, which was partly why I’d liked him so much.) In 6th grade, I had a crush on a 1/2 white 1/2 Japanese boy (he didn’t look fully phenotypically Asian, but didn’t look “white” either. I don’t know what I thought he was. By the time we were in high school and I was perhaps more familiar with different phenotypes, I could see how he was mixed with Asian. But off the top of my head, he may have looked more similar to a Mexican/Latino person.) In 7th or 8th grade, I was either attracted to or had a crush on an Asian girl (she was not considered above average, she had apparently been teased about her looks in elementary school - she was at a healthy weight, at the time her look worked for me but at some point in high school I saw her again and she was subjectively unattractive to me.)
In 10th grade during quarantine, I started to crush on an older above average looking black man who had been kind to me in 9th grade (in this case, the attraction may have actually been reciprocated.) I also had a crush on an average looking white girl, was overweight (may have been a little below average, I don’t know. I also liked her in 10th grade. I was very lonely and depressed in 10th grade.)
I had a crush on David Bowie throughout all of middle school. I remember listening to his albums “Hunky Dory” alongside “Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.” I loved Jareth from “Labyrinth.” (I was also a big fan of stranger things in middle school, and thought Finn Wolfhard was cute during the second season. I hadn’t really noticed Caleb McLaughlin and found him attractive until I became an adult.)
I will note that I was very attracted to Tim Curry’s Dr Frank N Furter maybe four-five months ago after seeing “rocky horror picture show” for the first time, even though I’m not really attracted to most white men anymore. It was just the energy he exuded.
I had my longest strongest crush on another light skinned mixed race (1/2 black 1/2 white) boy in high school, although he was a bad person. He was slightly above average physically, though he became average by 11th grade and I no longer liked him because he had criticized my appearance behind my back. He had dark brown eyes and I was very into him between 9th-10th grade (crush continued after online schooling had begun,) because I felt he was the only person who noticed my depression, and liked that he wasn’t dismissive of me yet (he later on sort of became dismissive of me after I messed up during a public discussion. I think he’d been curious about me because a friend of his told him I’d been known as smart in middle school.)
In 11th grade, I dated an overweight black boy who I had regarded as average (he was dark skinned. Some may subjectively regard him as a little below average due to the weight and racism, although I remember thinking he had a very common looking face, straight teeth.) I do regret the relationship, he was a bad person. But he was my first sexual experience and this is likely why I know now that if I have another sexual experience, I’d ideally like for it to be with a darker skinned black man (or a Mexican/Latino man, just someone who I suppose has darker skin than the average white man.) It’s strange because before 11th grade I didn’t tend to think sexually about men often, it used to be women but I haven’t felt attraction toward a woman in three years.
I know that I am not attracted to most white men, as someone who lives around a lot of them.
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submitted by Careless-Wish-4563 to socialscience [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:51 Hot-Acanthaceae-9855 How is blue Springs high school

Hello, my name is Willshawn, and next year I will be transferring to Blue Springs High School. I went to Raytown South High School from freshman to sophomore year, and I will finish my junior and senior years at Blue Springs High School. The reason why I wanted to transfer and leave my current school is that, while I have a couple of friends here, the environment is not ideal. Honestly, if I’m being real, it’s kind of rough, and there are fights almost every day. So, I asked my grandma if I could go to a new school, and we’re working on it. What should I expect at Blue Springs? Is it a lot better? I know kids will be kids, but I guess I’m asking if it’s less rough?
submitted by Hot-Acanthaceae-9855 to bluesprings [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:50 No_Company2333 i messed up and i’m stupid

Hi. My bf and I are high school sweethearts. We’re 24 and have been together since we were 18. Always been extremely close. He joined the Army and got stationed in Korea. He’s been there for a year. Around the same time he left for basic training i moved states for a job. That job didn’t last for me and it was not an easy move for me at all and i dealt with a lot of loneliness, pain, missing him, and financial issues. I got to see him at graduation and it was amazing, we both missed each other so much. Since he’s been in Korea we have obviously been in contact frequently but he seemed to prioritize his friends and new connections and going out and partying until 8am or later. I would rarely go out ever and was honestly just by myself majority of the time. But still we were making it work, distance puts stress on a relationship regardless. I shared my location with him, gave him my instagram password without having either one of his. I did it to make him feel better about my situation as he expressed that he didn’t like i was living in a new state out of my moms house. I understood even though it wasn’t necessarily fair, but i love him to death and just wanted to make him feel better about it. It hasn’t been easy being away from him but i knew he would be coming back to the states and we could be together. I unfortunately wasn’t in the financial place to be able to go over there as i was looking for a new job. (i regret that move with all of me). We talked about marriage lots but he sometimes seemed unsure about it. Fast forward to about a week or so ago. He messaged this guy on my instagram that randomly shared a reel with me of a funny video. Unfortunately, i shared some dirty messages with this person (the lives across the country in another state). Not nudes or anything but that doesn’t make it any better and i will fully 100% admit that (cringe, i know). I never had any intentions of going to visit the guy or do anything with him physically. but i technically still cheated by engaging in something like that. I didn’t message the guy back again after that conversation whenever he would text me, i wouldn’t answer. But the damage has still been done. I don’t know, i feel like a fucking idiot. I know i fucked up and i genuinely feel horrible for what I did. So my bf pretended to be me, responded to the guy and somehow got him to send screenshots of the messages. I don’t know what all was said between them because he deleted the instagram dm thread. I wake up in the morning to my bf sending me a screenshot of one portion of the dms where the other guy sent the screenshot of the messages. He said nothing else just that alone. I obviously explained to him that i have never done anything with the guy and never would, that i was genuinely sorry and understood that i hurt him by doing that. We argued and argued and he told me that we should just probably not be together. Then he proceeded to tell me that he’s been talking to someone that he likes but kept it very vague and didn’t give me much more information than that when i asked. He said that i’m worried about the wrong thing. So i’m not exactly sure what their relationship consists of.. if they’re sleeping together, dating, etc i don’t know but i was the one in the wrong because he saw proof and i didn’t and had no idea he was involved with someone else. Anyways we ended up getting back to a decent place, not great he was still understandably angry. This was all happening as i was in the middle of packing up my apartment and driving my cat and i halfway across the country to move back home. I was super stressed and got sick in the middle of the move so our communication wasn’t great but i have always been the one to make more of an effort communicating and be patient as i know he’s busy. But he always has time to go out and get shit faced with his friends. This is long as fuck i’m sorry but basically moral of the story, now he blocked me on imessage, unfollowed me on snap and instagram, and won’t answer any of my messages on whatsapp. he answered like twice in the last week or so -ish and told me to shut the fuck up. I’m just so sad and don’t know how to go about handling this. He was basically my only and best friend so now i’m just grieving that loss but i know im at major fault. I’ve always been pretty codependent on him and now i just don’t know what to do. i don’t really need advice because i know i was wrong i just feel like i lost a major part of myself and i can’t stop thinking about what he’s doing, who this other girl is, if he’s going to just go be in a relationship with her and forget about me, and if he will ever talk to me again. It’s also just confusing because i messed up but he’s not exactly right either for hiding this new girl he’s been involved with from me. I don’t want the relationship to be over. Oh and also he’s still been logging into my instagram so it’s just all really confusing. Just sucks because i’m sure he’s having a wonderful time over there while i’m alone and depressed. Send help :(
submitted by No_Company2333 to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:49 Signal_Violinist_995 Is there a connection between behaviors and attitudes of students and a dress code?

I am curious, have you come across any studies that support having a dress code (not a uniform) makes violence and behavior better at school? What research have you come across? Our schools got rid of our dress code a few years ago and violence is at an all time high. It seems to be a correlation.
submitted by Signal_Violinist_995 to Teachers [link] [comments]
