Fatigue, headache, achy

Is this hiv ?

2024.06.02 06:24 Minute-Beautiful9343 Is this hiv ?

Is this hiv ?
Is this hiv ?
I have had mild fever for the last 3 weeks. Not more than 37.2 cel. Very slight headaches. And a bit of fatigue. Nothing too intense but I’m definitely not my usual self. But I have been taking Advil to feel better since I have to work. I got tested for hiv ( on 25th day after exposure ) but it came back negative. The fever comes in bouts. I feel good when I wake up but as the day goes I start to feel weak and have hot flashes. My doctors told me I was inducing the symptoms because of my anxiety and hypochondria. He told me it could just be a mild viral. Then this rash on my inner thigh showed up 2 days ago. It is very mildly itchy. I have tested again for hiv but I’m stressed more after this rash. Results won’t come out for 3 days. For context I came back from a 3 week trip from India which is where my initial symptoms began. I also noticed a penile discharge white in color. I have been treated from chlamydia since too. Please help
submitted by Minute-Beautiful9343 to hivsymptoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:18 Minute-Beautiful9343 Is this hiv ?

I have had mild fever for the last 3 weeks. Not more than 37.2 cel. Very slight headaches. And a bit of fatigue. Nothing too intense but I’m definitely not my usual self. But I have been taking Advil to feel better since I have to work. I got tested for hiv ( on 25th day after exposure ) but it came back negative. The fever comes in bouts. I feel good when I wake up but as the day goes I start to feel weak and have hot flashes. My doctors told me I was inducing the symptoms because of my anxiety and hypochondria. He told me it could just be a mild viral. Then this rash showed up 2 days ago. It is very mildly itchy. I have tested again for hiv but I’m stressed more after this rash. Results won’t come out for 3 days. Please help
submitted by Minute-Beautiful9343 to hivsymptoms [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:10 Soft-Engineering-304 Side effects?

Has anyone not been able to tolerate the side effects? I have been on bupropion and phentermine for a year for weight loss, MD added naltrexone to the mix to speed up my loss. I took it for 2 days and was so fatigued, nauseated, and dizzy I couldn’t function! I could not get off the couch and kept falling asleep. I tried to exercise and had to stop due to dizziness and I also had to sit down 3 times during my shower because I thought I was going to pass out. I didn’t take it today because I had to work and there is no way I could have functioned like I was feeling…I still have a dull headache and nausea today. I have heard such great things about the bupropion and naltrexone together so I am bummed it doesn’t seem like it is going to work out for me. I would honestly rather be obese forever than to feel like I felt the last few days again😫 Did anyone else have this reaction? Did it go away/get better eventually?
submitted by Soft-Engineering-304 to naltrexone [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:31 Glitchznovaa IS IT LYMES DISEASE??Ten months of increasing symptoms all on right side every neurologist is confused.

( pre notice , i think its Lyme due to symptoms starting right after coming back from over seas in morocco, aswell when i first landed i stayed in a oldish beach house where i was being bitten non stop and got extremely sick that ultimately ended in me losing a bunch of weight and stopped eating all summer. The bits where absolutely huge and took up most of my thigh) ……………….. Hey there, I (F17) have been suffering since August 2023 with a whole range of symptoms. I came back from two months overseas with a quick onset of eye pain and a whole bunch of pressure on the top of my right eye, along with daily headaches at the same time every day. In October, I had a thunderclap headache and went to the ER where they did a brain CT that came back clear. Fast forward to my neurologist making me have an MRI and MRV of the brain that came out fully clear, so she decided that I probably just had chronic migraines. It was really bad; I lost a bunch of weight, slept for most of the day, and was dizzy all day.
November came, and I had my first bout of neck pain. It wasn't too bad, but I was so exhausted from the pressure on my eye that it made me feel mentally horrible. My headache reduced from daily to only having extreme major ones 1 or 2 times in the month, along with daily thumping and nausea. I started PT for my neck in late March, and that's when I had my out-of-nowhere numbness and tingling and pins and needles down my right arm so i was sent to have a chest xray which came out normal aswell . My knuckles feel on fire, and my skin is burning with a bunch of neck pain, so I got an MRI for my neck yesterday, and my results are perfectly normal.
The worst part is that now I have nothing else that I can do about it. The pain keeps spreading around my upper body, and I slur my speech and have complete weakness in my hand and can't brush my hair also as of Friday for like 10 minutes my hand started to burn like it was on fire and got all red and the veins swelled up out of nowhere. Both my PT and neurologist are extremely confused and have absolutely no idea what's happening, especially since all my symptoms are on one side. My left side feels perfect, and I weirdly feel my fatigue only on my right side. Any ideas on what I should do next?
Diagnosed now with - parenthesia of the upper limb (right side) - cervicalgia ( right side only ) - Chronic migraine ( right side only) - Pain and pressure of the right eye
I have tried both sumatriptan and rizatriptan and both made pass out for almost 25-48 hours and didn’t even work
Also sad but funny fact , everyone in my neurologist office calls me the medical mystery but I genuinely feel like i cant be the only one who has suffered through these symptoms….. right?
submitted by Glitchznovaa to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:10 Automatic_Wealth1160 Did anyone else get WORSE after their 2nd Covid Infection?

I’ve noticed on this forum that many people that have gotten reinfected either:
A. Got set-back for a few months and went back to normal or baseline.
B. Got better after reinfection.
I was wondering if somebody could share their experience and give me some insight. For some background I dealt with my first Covid infection in December of 2021. I had the typical brain fog, headaches, fatigue, and muscle twitches. Best of all… NO PEM! Fast forward to March of 2023 and I was reinfected with Covid. A month or two passed and I thought I was in the clear. I started working manual labor jobs, going on trips etc. Next thing I know, I crashed. As of today I am housebound 80% of the time. My symptoms have tripled and now I’m left feeling hopeless after a year in a constant up-and-down rollercoaster. My newest longhaulers symptoms are but are not limited to:
Vertigo Aches and pains Neuropathy Shaky hands Tachycardia SOB Brain fog Weakened in arms and legs Heat intolerance Headaches PEM Fatigue
I’m not trying to sound pessimistic either, but I’m just so sad that a year has passed already and I’m in the same spot… Im just curious as to if anybody happens to be on the same boat as me.
submitted by Automatic_Wealth1160 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:34 Suspicious_Guest_194 Does me/CFS ever get better?

I've been dealing with what I think is me/CFS for almost 2years now. I think it's me/CFS because I've had checkups and even MRI and they couldn't find anything. Physical symptoms: dizziness, vertigo, nausea, stiff neck, headaches, migranes, pins and needles, always fatigued. Cognitive symptoms: brain fog, forgetfulness, forgetting things as recent as just an hour ago a day ago, basically recent things, very often. I've lost my critical thinking, i just consume everything without any real thoughts or opinions on them, I can barely study or learn anything, everything feels so hard.
submitted by Suspicious_Guest_194 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:31 berts-and-derrs Daily Headaches 4 Years After Concussion - Diagnosis & Treatment Ideas?

Hi all. I am a few years out from a concussion and struggling with daily headaches. I thought I would post my case history here in the hope that someone can point me in the right direction for diagnosis and treatment. I would be forever grateful.


Recap of Original TBI

April 2020 - July 2023

Chronic Headache Beginning August 2023



Sensory Stimulation


Face & Head

This graphic on "what ANS headaches feel like" is accurate to where the pain is. https://www.cognitivefxusa.com/blog/concussion-headaches-and-post-concussion-headaches



August - Dec 2023

“Bad Episode”

Dec 2019 - April 2020 and August - Dec 2023

Daytime vs Evening

Executive Functioning Issues

Dec 2019 - April 2020 and August - Dec 2023









Avulux Migraine Glasses

Other: PTSD Therapy

Thank you for reading. If you have any ideas for diagnosis and treatment please share!

submitted by berts-and-derrs to Concussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:55 aeast471 medication side effects after stopping taking them

29M, 6'05, 195 pounds, battling anti psychotics side effects after 5 months now of being off the Abilify tablets.
Hi there, I've been allowed off my anti-psychotic from my doctor now. The side effects are getting a lot easier to manage but there are still some I'm battling pretty hard.
I feel like I have nerve damage all over: it's like a nerve stiffness and a bit of pain, my nerves feel restricted (especially in the knees)
I feel like I have a bit of brain damage: I have a lot less thoughts and I can't complete most thoughts (feels like my brain is working at 60% capacity)
I'm still feeling skin, muscle, brain and bone numbness. Especially when I wake up from sleeping.
More problems I'm currently dealing with:
-Forehead veins slightly more visible, some hand veins are very visible (I could never see these ones before: it seems like it's from stress from the medication)
For some reason i feel like a steroid or testosterone injection might help. Or something like adderall? Could you maybe recommend what medications there are that I could get at a store or Over-the-counter pharmacy? Wellbutrin was another option someone suggested.
Running and weight lifting seems to help a lot but I still battle the other problems a lot.
Your help is so much appreciated, I can't work right now because of this problem
submitted by aeast471 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:52 aeast471 Medication side effects after stoping them

29M, 6'05, 195 pounds, battling anti psychotics side effects after 5 months now of being off the Abilify tablets.
Hi there, I've been allowed off my anti-psychotic from my doctor now. The side effects are getting a lot easier to manage but there are still some I'm battling pretty hard.
I feel like I have nerve damage all over: it's like a nerve stiffness and a bit of pain, my nerves feel restricted (especially in the knees)
I feel like I have a bit of brain damage: I have a lot less thoughts and I can't complete most thoughts (feels like my brain is working at 60% capacity)
I'm still feeling skin, muscle, brain and bone numbness. Especially when I wake up from sleeping.
More problems I'm currently dealing with:
-Forehead veins slightly more visible, some hand veins are very visible (I could never see these ones before: it seems like it's from stress from the medication)
For some reason i feel like a steroid or testosterone injection might help. Or something like adderall? Could you maybe recommend what medications there are that I could get at a store or Over-the-counter pharmacy? Wellbutrin was another option someone suggested.
Running and weight lifting seems to help a lot but I still battle the other problems a lot.
Your help is so much appreciated, I can't work right now because of this problem
submitted by aeast471 to psychiatryquestion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:51 aeast471 Medication side effects after medication

29M, 6'05, 195 pounds, battling anti psychotics side effects after 5 months now of being off the Abilify tablets.
Hi there, I've been allowed off my anti-psychotic from my doctor now. The side effects are getting a lot easier to manage but there are still some I'm battling pretty hard.
I feel like I have nerve damage all over: it's like a nerve stiffness and a bit of pain, my nerves feel restricted (especially in the knees)
I feel like I have a bit of brain damage: I have a lot less thoughts and I can't complete most thoughts (feels like my brain is working at 60% capacity)
I'm still feeling skin, muscle, brain and bone numbness. Especially when I wake up from sleeping.
More problems I'm currently dealing with:
-Forehead veins slightly more visible, some hand veins are very visible (I could never see these ones before: it seems like it's from stress from the medication)
For some reason i feel like a steroid or testosterone injection might help. Or something like adderall? Could you maybe recommend what medications there are that I could get at a store or Over-the-counter pharmacy? Wellbutrin was another option someone suggested.
Running and weight lifting seems to help a lot but I still battle the other problems a lot.
Your help is so much appreciated, I can't work right now because of this problem
submitted by aeast471 to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:50 Sereniteenie To A

We live in a world where the internet is another living culture and it's currently in the 70's ugh.
Everyone keeps their doors unlocked, invites strangers, loves peace and social harmony, but there's killers and pedos everywheeere.
The pedos will gaslight you with the same familiar tactics--rush to the telegram app, reddit, and other means to make money off the images you post on tiktok of your niece or kids.
Beware any "😭😭😭"
They happen to subreddits
They are potentially subtley exposing themselves in broad daylight on tiktok trends.
People--STOP pressuring others SO significantly about Gaza and Rafah when the home inside you, our country, AND THE VEHICLE TO SPREAD INFORMATION ABOUT THESE HURT PEOPLE IS BROKEN.
Flooded with garbage. Virtue signaling, "like for jesus" tactics, beware propaganda meant to usher you into group think and isolation from the people around you. Beware the people from our country and other countries who recognize that inciting growth, movement, outrage, and more doesn't lie in television anymore.
Here we see a migration from the bought news anchor archetypes who play a character, to the characters themselves popping up on your FYP. Be very careful and fact check. Be safe and Mindful.
Work hard to keep you online anonymity safe and healthy and other people's anonymity safe and healthy too. These dangerous persona's have become a piece of life and internet culture and so they need healing too.
We need to re-educate the people en masse on how to be safe on the internet.
Ask the rich, ask the celebrities--they have enough money, transportation, and housing to save all these people and give them the refuge the people need.
They can do something good with all the pollution they add with their private jets then.
Stop spreading noise on tiktok and send it to them instead--tell them that students and citizens should be worrying about the future which the rich already have laid in the stones of Hollywood walk of fame.
Our world is hurting and we all have to bear responsibility. The students must learn, the citizens must work and pray and innovate, the rich need to stop making more money and instead make more change. Their eternity can be the change they make and not the ghost art, business, and music they leave behind.
People do not control who is rich and especially who is famous
Celebrities are often tools and faces for what others want
Think of the actors/actresses that had to do the impossible to escape scientology, cults, media, being on display 24/7,
The want to be famous is often a curse as no one will tell you what you are getting into
I kind of relate in a way
And if you wonder "why do they come back?"
The easy answer is it's like returning to an abuser
...The grass is greener and maybe I miss my ex...I don't want to be forgotten...
And they know that just because they are here now doesn't mean they will ever be remembered
They get scared as other celebrities start to pass away...they get scared of age and change and it means their things are too old, corrupt, or they realize that more and more is drowning their name away
They get scared that one day people will say "____ died? Who the hell is that?"
And once they're gone--people won't even say it anymore because there's no name to remember
Times and tech will change
I don't know many dead actors and actresses
And they already are almost fame dead--the world is trying hard to leave them behind
It started with YouTube--which wasn't much of a threat
Until millenials became cable cutters and encouraged their family to do the same--so companies began lumping TV into prices so you were forced NOT to drop TV
Vine came on and we had now three celebs
Content creators, viners, and traditional celebs
It was a new realization that YouTube could be topped
Insta wasn't much at the time--it was just picture FB--and more geared to photography not influencers (it began AS a photography app but students used it differently)
Vine died and went to YouTube--youtube didn't like Vine--celebs felt threatened and demeaned YouTube creators
It created a brief disconnect
But eventually celebs grabbed ahold again as new blood grew up (child stars--zendaya, chalamet, whatever)
And it may happen again--if you want to stop it--you cannot let more "flowers" grow
So child stars need to be set free--not plucked
Not ostracized or demonized--any under 20 shouldn't be held accountable
The second disconnect happened with covid
Our celebs in disasters are usually like bards--giving song and acts and art as support--generosity and vows to immortalize our lives and struggles
And we in turn hold them in our hearts too and give them stories to hear and remember their name, give them support
But when they no longer have that connection they lose their use and purpose
They become vile--an evil bard steals your story, your song, your money, your time, your life
With covid there was so much politically--everyone was exhausted
There was a bit of a rallying cry from them to keep our spirits up
But when they became adverts and politically involved it seemed it dropped--covid was almost like wearing a band on you in our country
"mask" and "maskless" became "liberal" and "conservative"
Everyone fell prey to it and I remember how shocking it was morally to our systems
Because it WAS important--people were going to die--but also such an outward display of politics really hit morale
Like nazi Germany
And it happened to celebrities
Soon no one cared about movie theaters
We realized how little it mattered to see movies there
And money makers were maaad
They tried making some poor celebrities tell us that we were "heroes" for paying over 20 to get motion sickness and a headache in a theater
A house divided against itself cannot stand but in light of these issues
Sometimes it takes an attack on individualism to fortify us better
We already have lived through our etiquette eras many times
Regardless of what comes out of this silly little idea of "turning points" the world will always surprise you
The second you define it something new comes to life--in an ever growing universe how can you expect anything less than to be constantly proven wrong?
Or to have every pattern broken
We are still so primitive
Celebrities are wasting so much and have forgotten their own identities
They need to reconnect with the populace or risk being left behind
The other day I made it to kohl's and other places
I looked around and realized--there is so much GARBAGE and WASTE in our own stores and backyards and streets
It needs weeding
A whole store full of junk--useless bags and purses and clothing
And SO much of it
It serves barely any purpose and it barely even lasts
And takes up so much space and energy
Marie Kondo that shit
Looking at it is exhausting and creates choice fatigue it's visually garbage too and affects the mind
We ALL need to reconnect with our homes, ourselves, our cultures, and our emerging cultures.
Climate change, feminism, internet safety, celebrated individuals, the objects we wear and innovate, the waste we produce, the morality and ethics we need.
Do what you can--don't belittle other people for what they cannot provide, not everyone has the mental energy for every topic and injustice.
But it feels like theirs a gap in the people that are sharing the load, and those who have "escaped" only to fall under a new set of burdens.
There has to be a way to reconnect again?
submitted by Sereniteenie to TeeniesTea [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:13 Coppershore Anyone have experience with Treatment induced Neuropathy?

Hey all I’ve been a T1d for a bout 7 years now and last year I was riding was an extremely sub par A1C (about 11 or so) I’ve started to take charge and have brought my A1C down to 8.3 so far and I’ve started having some issues in my overall health that Bloodwork, Urine samples, and CTs can’t explain.
Firstly I’ve developed gastritis making my stomach extremely weak but luckily I’ve been able talk with my GI and work my diet so no more pain.
And then started experiencing neurological symptoms (tingling in the arms and legs, orthostatic hypotension, fatigue, headaches) And as of more recently vision issues (eye strain, slightly flashing vision, floaters, and super apparent after images)
I have some appointments lined up (MRI and Neurologist) but I wanted to ask here if anyone has gone through this and experienced similar symptoms. Especially the fatigue, headaches, and vision issues because part of me is scared it could be something worse.
I know this is a bit of a lengthy post but I thank anyone who has read through it and can share any experiences they’ve had!
submitted by Coppershore to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:03 One_Comfortable_9976 sun exposure

i am 15w+1 and have noticed 3 times now that after sitting in the sun anymore than 10 mins no matter how much i hydrate and correct with my pump for the night i’m miserable. headaches, extreme fatigue, and blood sugars running around 170 but will not come down no matter what. i know it’s not a super high bgl but it’s still annoying. anyone have anything like this ? i don’t think im dehydrated because i drink gatorade zero when im in the sun and a ton of water
submitted by One_Comfortable_9976 to BumpersWhoBolus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:32 awaystatus12 Post Infusion Help

Hi everyone! I’m new to posting, but I’ve been following and reading for several weeks. Long story short, I’ve struggled with iron for a long time. Finally, an infusion was ordered. I received 1000mg of Monoferric on May 16, 2024 (2 weeks and 2 days ago). I did great with the infusion, had a mild “iron flu” for days 3-4, but otherwise ok. Last weekend and the first part of this week (May 24- May 29) I felt incredible! Better than I have in years! No fatigue, I had energy, brain fog lifted…I was sure I was getting passed this. Until yesterday, when the headaches and extreme fatigue returned. I’ve slept nearly five hours this afternoon and am just looking for anyone else who maybe experienced similar? Does it get better? Is this normal? When were things better after the infusion?
submitted by awaystatus12 to Anemic [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:41 Sushi-Kentaro Sick every biweekly

So I realized that I would get sick like once every 2-weeks. My kid goes to daycare and she’s turning 1. My wife is also on the staffing chart and we also rotate on being sick. It’s either fatigue, headache, mild fever or a severe cough.
I’m so tired of being sick / uncomfortable. It really hinders my abilities to clean up / enjoy my weekends with my kid.
How do I stop being sick and live a healthier life? We don’t eat too bad either.
submitted by Sushi-Kentaro to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:09 Cartmanmjj Was this urticaria?

Hi everyone, I’m new here and wanted to get the opinion of you experienced guys on here.
During December, my dad passed away and I started with a virus after he passed. I had headaches, migraines and severe fatigue.
One day, randomly my eye started to swell up, and I developed hives all over my face. My face swelled up too and I started with a rash all over my body. I have included photos of how it looked.
I went to hospital and they said they thought it was an allergic reaction to something. The only thing I had been exposed to was a bit of dust when putting away the Christmas tree that day. I also took some ibuprofen which I rarely take. I have had it a couple of times in the past but that’s it.
They prescribed me prednisone steroid tablets which I had to take for 5 days. The facial swelling reduced after the first day, but the rash continued for over a week.
During this period, I also developed severe blisters up my nose and horrendous mouth ulcers making it difficult to eat. The lining of my nose was bleeding all the time and I was having to remove crust and mucus daily just to be able to breathe properly.
The rash was all over my body and particularly bad on my arms and legs. Literally covered.
After the rash cleared up, the nasal issues continued for around 2 weeks before finally clearing up after using some cream.
My question is, do we think this was an allergic reaction, or urticaria brought on by the virus I had?
Hope you guys might be able to help me. I’m constantly worried about exposing myself to allergens now or dust incase I have the same issues again.
submitted by Cartmanmjj to urticaria [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:26 Prestigious_Fig5817 Keto Diet Good For Diabetics

The ketogenic (keto) diet has gained substantial attention in recent years, particularly among individuals with diabetes, for its potential health benefits. This high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet, initially developed in the 1920s to treat epilepsy, has evolved into a popular strategy for managing various health conditions, including diabetes. Here, we explore why the keto diet might be a beneficial option for diabetics, its potential advantages, and considerations for those thinking about adopting this dietary approach.

Understanding the Keto Diet

The keto diet focuses on drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fats, forcing the body into a metabolic state called ketosis. In ketosis, the body becomes highly efficient at burning fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. This shift can have significant implications for blood sugar control, which is crucial for individuals with diabetes.

Benefits of the Keto Diet for Diabetics

Improved Blood Sugar Control

One of the primary benefits of the keto diet for diabetics is improved blood sugar control. By limiting carbohydrate intake, the diet helps prevent spikes in blood glucose levels. Carbohydrates are the main dietary component that raises blood sugar, so reducing their intake can lead to more stable blood glucose levels. Studies have shown that individuals with type 2 diabetes following a keto diet often experience lower HbA1c levels, a marker of long-term blood sugar control.

Weight Loss and Improved Insulin Sensitivity

Weight loss is another significant advantage of the keto diet, which is particularly beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes. Excess weight is a major risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes and can exacerbate the condition. The high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carbohydrate nature of the keto diet can promote satiety and reduce overall calorie intake, leading to weight loss. Moreover, weight loss itself can improve insulin sensitivity, allowing the body to use insulin more effectively and further aiding in blood sugar control.

Reduction in Medication Dependency

Some individuals with diabetes on the keto diet may experience a reduced need for diabetes medications. As blood sugar levels stabilize and insulin sensitivity improves, the body’s reliance on external insulin or other medications can decrease. This can lead to a more manageable and less medication-dependent lifestyle for diabetics.

Considerations and Potential Risks

Initial Side Effects

Transitioning to a keto diet can come with initial side effects, often referred to as the “keto flu.” Symptoms may include fatigue, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and irritability as the body adapts to using fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates. These symptoms are typically temporary and can be mitigated by staying hydrated, ensuring adequate electrolyte intake, and gradually reducing carbohydrate consumption.

Nutrient Deficiencies

A strict keto diet can sometimes lead to nutrient deficiencies if not properly managed. The diet limits many fruits, vegetables, and grains, which are important sources of essential vitamins and minerals. Diabetics considering the keto diet should focus on incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense, low-carb foods such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and avocados to ensure they meet their nutritional needs.

Individual Variability

It’s essential to recognize that individual responses to the keto diet can vary. While many diabetics may experience significant benefits, others might not find the diet as effective or sustainable. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels and consultation with healthcare professionals is crucial to tailor the diet to individual needs and ensure it is safe and effective.
The keto diet offers promising benefits for individuals with diabetes, particularly in terms of blood sugar control, weight loss, and potentially reducing medication dependency. However, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, and careful consideration and professional guidance are necessary to navigate its challenges and maximize its benefits. Diabetics interested in the keto diet should consult with their healthcare provider to determine if it is a suitable and safe option for their specific health needs. With the right approach, the keto diet can be a powerful tool in managing diabetes and improving overall health.

The Keto Diet: A Potential Ally Against High Blood Pressure

The ketogenic (keto) diet, renowned for its weight loss benefits and blood sugar control, has sparked interest for its potential impact on high blood pressure (hypertension). As hypertension is a significant risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and other health complications, finding effective dietary strategies to manage it is crucial. This article delves into the potential benefits of the keto diet for individuals with high blood pressure, the mechanisms behind these effects, and considerations for adopting this dietary approach.

Understanding the Keto Diet

The keto diet is characterized by a high intake of fats, moderate protein consumption, and a very low intake of carbohydrates. By drastically reducing carbohydrates, the body is forced into a state called ketosis, where it primarily burns fat for energy instead of glucose. This metabolic shift can have several health benefits, including those related to blood pressure.

Benefits of the Keto Diet for High Blood Pressure

Weight Loss and Blood Pressure Reduction

Weight loss is a well-documented benefit of the keto diet, and it plays a significant role in managing high blood pressure. Excess body weight can increase the workload on the heart and elevate blood pressure. By promoting weight loss, the keto diet can help reduce this burden, leading to lower blood pressure levels. Studies have shown that even modest weight loss can significantly impact blood pressure, making the keto diet a valuable tool for those struggling with hypertension.

Improved Insulin Sensitivity and Blood Pressure

Insulin resistance, a condition where the body’s cells do not respond effectively to insulin, is often linked to high blood pressure. The keto diet improves insulin sensitivity by reducing carbohydrate intake and stabilizing blood sugar levels. Improved insulin sensitivity can help lower blood pressure by reducing the insulin-related retention of sodium and water, which are key factors in the development of hypertension.

Reduction in Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is another factor that can contribute to high blood pressure. The keto diet, with its emphasis on healthy fats and low-carb vegetables, can help reduce inflammation. Ketones, produced during ketosis, have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. By lowering inflammation, the keto diet can indirectly contribute to better blood pressure control.

Mechanisms Behind the Keto Diet’s Effects on Blood Pressure

Sodium and Electrolyte Balance

One of the critical aspects of the keto diet is its impact on sodium and electrolyte balance. When carbohydrate intake is drastically reduced, insulin levels drop, leading to a loss of sodium and water through the kidneys. This diuretic effect can help reduce blood pressure by decreasing blood volume. However, it also means that individuals on the keto diet need to be mindful of their sodium intake to prevent deficiencies and maintain electrolyte balance.

Improved Endothelial Function

The endothelium is the inner lining of blood vessels, and its health is crucial for maintaining proper blood pressure. Poor endothelial function is a significant contributor to hypertension. The keto diet can improve endothelial function by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which can damage the endothelium. Enhanced endothelial function helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels by promoting better vasodilation (widening of blood vessels).

Considerations and Potential Risks

Initial Side Effects

As with any significant dietary change, transitioning to the keto diet can come with initial side effects, commonly referred to as the “keto flu.” Symptoms may include fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and irritability as the body adjusts to ketosis. These effects are usually temporary but can be mitigated by staying hydrated, ensuring adequate electrolyte intake, and gradually reducing carbohydrate intake.

Nutrient Balance

While the keto diet can provide many benefits, it can also lead to nutrient imbalances if not properly managed. The restriction of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can result in deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals. To counteract this, individuals should focus on incorporating nutrient-dense, low-carb foods such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and avocados into their diet.

Individual Variability

It’s essential to recognize that individual responses to the keto diet can vary. While many people may experience significant benefits, others might not find the diet as effective or sustainable. Regular monitoring of blood pressure and consultation with healthcare professionals is crucial to tailor the diet to individual needs and ensure it is safe and effective.
The keto diet holds promise as a dietary strategy for managing high blood pressure. By promoting weight loss, improving insulin sensitivity, and reducing inflammation, it can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of related health complications. However, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and careful consideration and professional guidance are necessary to navigate its challenges and maximize its benefits. Individuals interested in the keto diet for managing high blood pressure should consult with their healthcare provider to determine if it is a suitable and safe option for their specific health needs. With the right approach, the keto diet can be a powerful tool in the fight against hypertension and its associated risks.

keto diet #keto diet good for diabetics #keto diet high blood pressure #Keto Diet Good For Diabetics

submitted by Prestigious_Fig5817 to lowcarbketodiets [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:14 Solid-Suspect-3532 Anyone ever had shigella?

I seem to have picked up some kind of bug while on vacation, and the symptoms appear to resemble shigella. I’ve had diarrhoea since last Tuesday, which has turned into uncontrollable explosive diarrhoea on Wednesday night (I pretty much have to be able to get to the bathroom in less than a minute). Besides that I’ve experienced headaches, a bit of vomiting, dizziness, stomach cramps, joint pain and fatigue among others. At least today I had some semblance of energy.
My leading theory is that I picked it up in a somewhat dirty toilet in a gay bar, where I used the douching rod as a bidet to save on toilet paper (which was running out - big mistake in hindsight). Could I have picked it up from that? It is significantly more prevalent among MSM, particularly through sharing sex toys.
How long did your symptoms last? I’m currently on day 5 (the internet says 5 to 7 days). And what about the somewhat longer term consequences for the bowel flora?
My STD test is on Wednesday to see whether it’s something else, maybe I can also get tested for this, btw. Did have quite a bit of sex on holiday including in a cruising club, so that can also have caused it.
submitted by Solid-Suspect-3532 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:57 Soft-Engineering-304 Meds for binge eating/weight loss?

I have been taking bupropion and phentermine for over a year now for weight loss and my binge eating disorder. My doctor just added naltrexone and I took it for 2 days but I was so fatigued, nauseous, & extremely dizzy! I could barely function and had to sit several times during my workout and my shower. I was honestly afraid to drive I was so dizzy and nauseous. Has anyone had this experience or taken this combination of meds together? I didn’t even take it today because I have to work and there is no way I could function feeling like that again, I still have a faint headache and nausea.
submitted by Soft-Engineering-304 to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:44 Basic_Set3926 What blood work to opt for?

Hello everyone, I’ve recently been having symptoms that I have never had together and would like to get general health bloodwork done. I’ve seen Ulta Labs recommendations which fits in my budget however when looking at the options they provide I have not the slightest idea of what bloodwork would be the one to take for overall general health. What do you guys recommend/which blood work would cover that?
My symptoms are body aches and fatigue, headache, and generally bad back pain more lower at times. At times eyes feel a bit swollen connected to my headache. Usually when I’ve had the flu i get the same symptoms but it comes with cough and sore throat which I do not have. Anything would help. Thank you.
submitted by Basic_Set3926 to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:05 forwardaboveallelse Severe muscle aches after migraine…?

I get barometric pressure headaches that begin with an electric feeling in my upper back (often, there appear to be 'muscle knots' present in what I believe are my rhomboids), go through one shoulder, crawl up my neck, and explode on one side of my head (same side as whatever shoulder it climbs up throughout the day). Without fail, the day after, my opposite shoulder is incredibly, distractingly painful (feels like muscle is contracted and cannot release) and I have pretty severe fatigue...I just fell asleep in the middle of the day! Does anyone have any advices for this 'contracted shoulder' feeling? My medical massage therapy place requires an appointment days in advance so while it is the obvious solution for what feels like a seized muscle, I cannot anticipate my pain days with enough prior notice for their booking.
submitted by forwardaboveallelse to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:03 EsotericAndEmpowered Nightly energy work visitations

For as long as I remember I’ve always been drawn to and fascinated by aliens. When I was a young child I was incredibly sensitive and psychic, predicting my brothers birth, knowing that there was a suicide in the house I grew up in before my parents found out, etc. I was fairy terrified of aliens specifically.
I had an awakening around 28 after numbing out the majority of my 20’s in nyc/caught in rat race. I began to awaken my sensitivities and psychic gifts again.
My first “encounter” happened after a Kambo ceremony, which is interesting because the ancient cultures who practice this medicine are also believers of sky people.
It came as an astral dream//half awake half asleep. I saw 3 large headed figures (grey looking) but couldn’t make out details because they were surrounded in a fuscia fog. They telepathically asked me if I gave them permission to work on my DNA. I said yes. And felt a tapping on my forehead, next to the pineal glad, from the inside out. When I woke after my forehead was throbbing.
The next night I had an incredibly vivid dream that felt real where I was running to escape this large alien force through the woods. It finally caught up to me but I found it was neutral/not malicious. It warned me of human race self destructing and urgency to help humanity ascend. A large being placed it’s hands on my head and consciousness light poured through. I woke up with headache.
Over the course of the next year I had dozens of nightly encounters between 2-4am. I’d wake up in a hypnotic state with my ears RINGING and feeling all this light energy around me/working through my body. I couldn’t see a figure but it was so palpable the feeling. I also read tarot and whenever I tap into intuition I hear ringing. Before falling fully asleep I’d hear someone/something whisper a WHOOOOOSH in my ear, kind of like a trumpet, and I’d surrender to the energy being.
To note, during this time I had mysterious health issues of toxic mold and adrenal fatigue. Everytime I had this encounter my energy would significantly improve.
If you follow astrology at all, these encounters happened during my Pluto conjunct Venus, Uranus opposite Lilith in 9th house, transit cycle. I could predict encounters almost to a T by the end through astrology. I also was incredibly drawn to Dolores Cannon’s work, devouring keepers of the garden, etc.
I still have these encounters every now and then, when a planet hits my natal Lilith or 28 degrees Taurus. The last one was in Egypt after I saw a UAP over the Nile.
I do believe whatever visited me was helping my physical symptoms and psychic gifts. And wanted to do so gently in a way where the ego wouldn’t freak out at the sight of them.
submitted by EsotericAndEmpowered to Experiencers [link] [comments]
