Calligram tattoos

Calligram of Mary Oliver's The Journey

2024.02.04 16:02 eaglesbaby200 Calligram of Mary Oliver's The Journey

I just got my first tattoo two weeks ago, and last night I dreamt of my next one. Below is a reflection I wrote on The Journey. I think I want to do a calligram, but I'm not sure what image or shape would work best. I'd also like to add just a little bit of color, perhaps emphasizing certain words that becomes a feature or detail on the calligram.
Curious to hear your thoughts and if you can point me to art styles that would work well for my vision.
The Journey by Mary Oliver has haunted me since I first read it as a teenager. The first line I fell in love with was
"though the whole house began to tremble and you felt the old rug tug at your ankles. "Mend my life!" each voice cried.
I loved it and I didn't understand it.
I've come back to it often over the years, and each time I've reread it I've walked away with a new understanding.
For a really long time I've actively suppressed any thought, feeling or idea that is uncomfortable. I fended it all off and kept it out, often contorting my thoughts and beliefs into a constructed reality that fit my perception of what was good and beautiful and bright.
The discomfort knocked quietly at first. "Hush," I told it. "You're not real." No matter how hard I tried it would not stop tapping at the windows, shaking my walls, rattling at my door.
When it came for me it was a storm. The wind and rain crashed through my front doors, my windows and knocked down my walls in one swift moment. There was nothing I could do to stop the flood now, so with one last gasping breath, I let it take me out to sea.
What I discovered while floating in that sea of discomfort underneath a sparkling dotted sky, is that the most powerful voices are the ones we can't listen to because it hurts. But I know now that things that hurt still deserve to be loved. Greeting my discomfort and welcoming it in has made my own voice so much louder than all the other voices because I've finally given it the audience it's always deserved.
submitted by eaglesbaby200 to TattooDesigns [link] [comments]

2016.12.21 19:59 EMAGDNlM calligram i made while my wife got a tattoo on our honeymoon in Thailand

calligram i made while my wife got a tattoo on our honeymoon in Thailand submitted by EMAGDNlM to Calligraphy [link] [comments]

2016.12.21 00:08 EMAGDNlM Circle calligram for a tattoo shop in thailand

Circle calligram for a tattoo shop in thailand submitted by EMAGDNlM to calligraffiti [link] [comments]

2016.05.19 03:17 reader313 "What sub should I post in?" – The Megathread

Hello! I'm reader313 and I'm one of the frequent users of this sub. I see many posts here that don't quite belong to our little niche network so I decided to make this post to help you sort out where you should put your post!
/Lettering – Lettering is quite a different art form to calligraphy. While calligraphers use specialty materials such as nibs, ink bottles, and oblique holders, letterers typically use pens and pencils to draw the letters, not write them like we do. Here's an example of some quality lettering and the tools used. You can see how the letters were outlined and then filled in instead of written in one process.
/RedditGetsScribed and /HireaCalligrapher – These subs are great if you have a request - RGS for unpaid requests and HAC for commissions. We do not accept requests in /calligraphy so please post here if you want a tattoo designed, card ideas, or just your name written fancy. /SignatureRequests is also a nice place if you want a better signature.
/Handwriting – This sub is a great place for both feedback on your handwriting and for tips to make it better. If you're asking about scripts that you can do using a ballpoint or similar instrument, business penmanship is really the only recommended one. I personally recommend you work on your handwriting instead. Also check out /HandwritingRepair by our very own mod OldTimeGentleman for sophisticated help with better handwriting technique.
/PenmanshipPorn – This is a nice place to see "satisfying" calligraphy and other writings as well as many of those gifs you'll see on your front page. If you wrote a nice sign or have great handwriting it's much better to post here than /calligraphy.
/Typography – I rarely see people make this mistake but just in case your post has anything to do with type: fonts, font creation, font artists, post it here.
/Calligraffiti – Hi! i am a mod over at /calligraffiti
Calligraffiti is anything between calligraphy and graffiti. It is a very over arching term to describe this zone however we accept anything in between, from calligraphy to calligraphy with some rules broken, to calligraphy written on walls with brushes, to abstract calligraphic art, to handstyles and graffiti, to blackbook graff pieces, to full on murals. We try to have a mix of inspirational posts, original content, articles about calligraffiti, questions about tools/locations/mediums, to just chatting about the artform. "Traditional handwriting with a metropolitan attitude." as described by its founder, Niels 'Shoe' Meulman.
We have song of the week with a rotating calligram style of the week. We do monthly battles where we bring out any sort of piece for a shot at getting your pic in the sidebar for the month.
*Written by EMAGDNIM
So what do we want to see in this sub? Here are some suggestions.
  1. Your progress with calligraphy. I learned everything I know from this sub and the people inside. Don't be afraid to ask questions or ask for feedback but please take our advice and don't be insulted. We all started out terrible but the only way we got to where we are is through dedicated study and practice. We want to see you improve in some way with every post.
  2. Questions for experts. Most of us browse this sub pretty often so don't be afraid to ask a question, no matter how simple. However, be sure to search the sub beforehand. It's also good to do a google search for your question with "" (without quotes) in your search term somewhere since reddit's search is not the best and can't search through comments.
  3. Videos and pieces from other sources – just try to find the source and make sure it hasn't been posted before. If you really want to post the latest "calligraphy" gif from your front page no one will stop you and you'll probably get some karma, though it's important to recognize that this sub is more about the study of calligraphy than cool gifs.
  4. Anything else related to calligraphy. We're always happy to see new content if it fits in this sub and is not better suited for the above.
I hope this guide helped you out! Please PM me or leave a comment for any suggestions or edits.
submitted by reader313 to Calligraphy [link] [comments]