Smart treatment plan objectives examples

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2024.05.19 10:06 XMagicalPotatoX guys am I cooked

guys am I cooked
the most likely answer is that it’s 1 in the morning and I should go to bed 😁 or to not trust google or something
submitted by XMagicalPotatoX to ageregression [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:00 Jacks_at_the_gym AMC??

Last post got removed by the matrix
The movie company's stock used to be very high at $360, but now it's only $4.32. This big drop makes people wonder what's going on. Some people think there might be hidden problems or maybe someone is trying to keep the price low on purpose.
Even though the stock price is very low now, it has a lot of room to go up. When a stock is this cheap, smart investors sometimes see a chance to buy it for a low price, hoping it will be worth much more in the future.
The "0% buy" rating looks bad, but it might also mean the stock is undervalued. This could be a sign that the stock is being ignored and might be a good buy for those willing to take a risk. Some people think there could be big plans or good news coming soon from the company, which might make the stock price rise again.
In the stock market, things can change very quickly. Investors are watching this movie company closely, waiting to see if it will bounce back. If the company can show strong performance or new successful projects, the stock price might go up, rewarding those who bought in at the low price.
People are excited about the chance for the stock to grow. They think that if the company does well and has good news, the stock price could go much higher. This makes it an interesting time to watch the stock and see what happens next.
submitted by Jacks_at_the_gym to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:00 AutoModerator TREATMENT Community Thread - Sun May 19 AM

Our community threads are the heart of our subreddit and operate much like a specialized support group – we share our experiences and strive to collectively support one another on the topic at hand.
Please use this space for sharing and discussing any type of treatment, trying to conceive, or family building measures. This includes, but is not limited to:
Essentially, if you mention treatment, TTC, or family building measures – it goes in this thread.

A few notes:
Above all - Science minded perspective and respect for others is important here. Please treat your fellow peers with compassion.
submitted by AutoModerator to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:00 AutoModerator CHAT Community Thread - Sun May 19

*** Comments mentioning anything related to treatment, trying to conceive, or family building measures in this thread will be removed via our OFF TOPIC rule. Consider if you were taking a break from treatment because you were exhausted and sad - treatment (yes anything related to it) goes in treatment **\*
Coping with infertility is complex, and it is our imperative to create places where we can honor the distinctly unique needs created by infertility. Sit beside us and share what’s on your mind and going on in your life. This is a great place to get to know your fellow members outside the gravity of treatment. Discussion here includes, but is not limited to:

Example of the difference between the Treatment and Chat Thread:
Comments for the Treatment Thread
Comments for the Chat Thread
A few notes:
Above all - Science minded perspective and respect for others is important here. Please treat your fellow peers with compassion.
Last reminder - this is the CHAT thread. Not the place to discuss anything focused on treatment, TTC, or family building measures.
submitted by AutoModerator to infertility [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:59 Gnarly_cnidarian Feeling the worst about myself rn

So... Guess I'll start by a acknowledging I know I could be in a worse place rn. I've had a lot of ppl tell me recently some version of "you're so smart, you have a lot going for you, it's really good you're doing so much for yourself, you'll have no problem finding a job, you have so much going for you" and it just.... Makes me feel hollow.
God I'm sick of hearing it. I have to smile and nod and say thank you and assure them of my plans to follow thru with this supposed success of my career... Which it isnt. I'm in my final yr of my grad program, taking an extended break from classes after a severe mental breakdown. Working up the courage to go back to work and the only thing going on in my head is, maybe this will work out ... If I get my shit together.
If. Always the critical bit.
It's just... So tenuous. I'm already at my limit. I have depression, anxiety, a panic disorder, a trauma disorder. I've switched therapists twice in the past 3 weeks and can't see my new one for a couple more due to some insurance problems. I just broke up with my partner and moved out, now I'm feeling both amazing relief and dread. Im so sick of trying and failing. I've been barely holding it together my entire life. I didn't just get depression in grad school, ive been like this since high school. And it's always "if" this works out, maybe things will get better. Well I did my best. Idk what to do anymore.
Again, logically, I know it's probably expected that the moving/breakup/depression phase all clashing is making this worse than it seems. I just can't get over how completely incapable I'm feeling right now. I'm just on autopilot. But autopilot won't be enough for me to graduate-- I actually have to work hard to finish. I just think I'm out of steam. It feels so stupid to be losing a battle like this. I don't even feel like a person
Thanks to any that read. Sending whatever support I can to you all as well
submitted by Gnarly_cnidarian to depression_help [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:58 spotieda are rent prices getting out of hand?

I need to vent but also looking for advice.
Me, my sister and my friend, we all are planning on getting a place together this year and when searching for places I've found that moving out of our parents houses seems unattainable.
Each of us make double minimum wage and in theory should be able to get a place but rent prices are so high. Is it because of summer? Should we wait till winter to look for places?
What I've seen online for example: 1500 for a 3 bed Or even 700 for a 1 bed in a shared house?
I personally can only afford maybe 500 a month, am I delusional for thinking housing cost is outrageous or are we looking in the wrong places.
How is anyone able to live in this town??
submitted by spotieda to idahofalls [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:57 Agreeable_Sweet6535 Next major stream

My wife watches this channel all the time lately, and I’m always down for a good charity stream. I have an idea for a loose stream format that should be an interesting community event and raise a lot of money for either the creators themselves to continue making content or a charity of their choice like Charity Gaming. I can’t seem to find a link to send this idea directly, so I’m hoping this can reach them in some way.
The stream starts with some hype about splitting the community up into two teams, I recommend Evens and Odds because it works well for tracking who is donating what, but anything you can do that allows you to split the crowd will work fine such as perhaps hashtags. In this example, team Evens adds up all of the even numbered donations ($10, $20) and team Odds adds up all the odd donations.
Arrange 5 maps, from easiest to hardest. When the stream begins you are officially planning to play the middle map. If more money is donated to Odds than Evens, you move further to the right on the selector. So if donations are roughly even, you’re still playing the middle difficulty map. If Odds gets (for example, $200) more than Evens, you play the next harder map. At (for example, $500 more donated to Odds than to Evens) you instead play the hardest map on your list. The same numbers apply if Evens is winning in donations, but the chosen map becomes easier instead.
Now we begin playing with the two of you working together to beat a Hard mode run of this crowd selected map, and already we’ve made some money. Now you have absolutely no in game cash to work with, income is turned off and you start with nothing but normal starting cash, no double cash. You gain nothing from pops, no farms, none of it.
At the end of round 1, if Evens donated more than Odds, you get a certain amount of in game cash added to your bank based on how much Evens won by. If Odds won, you LOSE cash, and may have to sell towers to make it up back to zero. You may want to make it so towers sell back for full value to keep it fair. The more one team donates, the more money is added or subtracted each round.
Good luck, go pop some bloons!
submitted by Agreeable_Sweet6535 to Tewbre [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:56 GloopBloopan Noob: choosing a fishing line

Fish specific lure packs:
Freshwater and Saltwater setup:
Choosing a fishing line:
So they say to use the lightest lb fishing line, so the fish don't see it.
  1. If I choose a light lb test and then a larger fish bites it, then I risk the line snapping?
  2. Should I choose a fishing line lb test for the largest/problematic fish possible in that area as a safety net? For example, I should always have a longer hook or swivel snap, in areas with Pike even though I only plan on fishing for panfish. In case a Pike bites the line.
  3. If I am trying to optimize, does that mean I need a new fishing rod for each lb test, as changing the line isn't something you can quick swap right?
  4. But, then I see others choosing high viz colored braided lines (for their own visibility) which complete goes against the the idea of hiding the line from the fish. Some say the fish don't care, but then some say they do...
  5. I see lots of people have a leader with mono or fluorocarbon, do I really need that? If I really do this, my plan was to attach them with a spinner, to prevent tangling. As I don't see any con in adding a spinner for baits that don't need them.
submitted by GloopBloopan to FishingForBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:56 Sodukahn Here is a raid concept, the concept art to follow. What do you guys think?

Here is a raid concept, the concept art to follow. What do you guys think? submitted by Sodukahn to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:56 Several-Ad-4910 Booking the bloodline till Summerslam

So let's start where we are in real life tama Tonga vs randy Orton king of the ring semi final. Tama Tonga wins due to bloodline interference. After the match they beat down Orton he gets the john cena crown jewel treatment like 10 spikes. Then tama Tonga gets on the mic and gives his final spot to solo. King of the ring finals. Jey uso vs solo. Jey beat gunther after a distraction from vinci invades raw. Anyway whenever Jey uso looks like he is going to win bloodline interference. This leads to solo winning the king of the ring. Just as the bloodline are about to take him out. The usos theme fills the area and Jimmy uso runs out to help his brother. Jey just walks out no hug yet. Then on the next smackdown Jimmy uso challenges solo for a match at money in the bank. Solo accepts. Before money in the bank the bloodline line plan to injure Jimmy uso but randy Orton and Kevin owens save him and challenge tama Tonga and tanga loa to a tag match for money in the bank. The bloodline mange to beat Orton and owens after Jacob fatu debuts. And solo beats Jimmy uso and as randy and Kevin come out they get floored this brings out jet uso. The usos hug it out here. As the bloodline leave the rock comes out and announces that he is coming for Cody Rhodes. On the next smackdown we get a few big matches announced for Summerslam. Usos vs tama Tonga and tanga loa. Randy Orton and Kevin owens vs solo and Jacob fatu. The rock vs Cody Rhodes for the wwe title. The next few weeks are utter chaos just big time brawls each week rock is absent but helps the bloodline by banning people from the area. Also we want roman chants get louder. Anyway it's Summerslam. Tama Tonga and tanga loa lose to the usos after a brutal war. Solo and Jacob fatu beat randy Orton and Kevin owens. And then the main event bloodline rules Cody Rhodes vs the rock. All the interference but the rock gets on top and screams at Cody not old man going to save you this time. But then the crowd pops massively as rock turns into a spear from roman regins. This allows Cody to pin rock after three cross Rhodes to retain Summerslam ends with roman standing over rock.
submitted by Several-Ad-4910 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:55 Immediate-Light-9662 Asking for viability for an Idea.

Asking for viability for an Idea.
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this. But I will go ahead and explain in some detail.
I come from a VFX and CGI background and we have something called "cryptomatte", for those unfamiliar it is basically giving an ID or a unique mask to each object in a CGI render.
So a very basic example I have made looks like this :-
This is a viewport render of color IDs of a simple basic environment:
A cryptomatte of the materials looks like this(the colors are to make it easier to pick individual objects out using a color picker and create masks for them, but the underlying data contains unique string IDs and a boundary I think it is great data):
This is a single mask selected (for this one it's the trees at the background)
Multiple masks can be selected and used. The Data is stored in a file type called OpenEXR that has open standards to read the layers and Cryptomatte is also open-source.
Other supporting maps:
Depth Data (normalized):
Normal Data (World Space):
So to my idea or question. Can we have diffusions limited to the mask of individual objects, just like inpainting but a multistage diffusion where it "renders" each mask.
The problems I assumed will make it bad is that inpainting is incredibly unaware of the larger context unless the prompt is clear or the denoising is set to something low so maybe an initial pass that uses controlnet using the normal and depth pass to make a first image and then have progressive iterations with the provided masks to "render" out the image. I think this would be incredibly helpful for CG Artists around the work to test out different textures and materials.
Especially for architecture where they have great data that is precise and they usually don't care that much for the background environment unless it's part of the project in which case they will have data on it - this will help them iterate quickly on different types of materials, looks and feelings, weather conditions maybe.
Maybe the tightness of the mask might be an issue when it comes to fine details like trees and grass but bluring masks and eroding them in or out might help.
submitted by Immediate-Light-9662 to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:53 Asleep-Mycologist333 Picsart Gold v24.9.6 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)

Picsart Gold v24.9.6 MOD APK (Premium Unlocked)
Name Picsart AI Photo Editor
Publisher PicsArt
Genre Photography
Size 78 MB
Version 24.9.6
MOD Premium & Gold Unlocked
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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Picsart is a widely used image and video editing application with features that make your products completely artistic. You can completely adjust your photos easily with essential features and add many beautiful elements. At the same time, the application can also make you more attractive when taking selfies and convenient in editing if you do not want to go through many editing steps.


In the new version of Picsart, users can find a new feature called Bucket Fill, and its use is to help you add color or other elements to a space inside the photo. This space often has a point that they are usually quite large and occupy the area inside the image. So you’ll be able to add the elements you want to empty spaces with the new feature more quickly without having to sit and draw for a long time.


The feature that users can find in Picsart is straightforwardly editing images and videos with many unique tools and effects that you cannot ignore. You can make your products more beautiful and easily attract the attention of users. At the same time, the number of tools that you can experience stretches across many different photo aspects that you will take the time to reach and master.


When you get started with Picsart, you won’t ignore photo-related factors such as the aspect ratio of images and videos. Specifically, to match the platforms you can share, the application will bring you many crop features for you to use and add other essential functions. For videos, it will be to cut unnecessary segments so that users can see the necessary information. You can also use dispersion to create a disintegration effect for a character in an image.


When it comes to an editing app like Picsart, you shouldn’t overlook the number of filters you can use. You can give your image or video a new color that you feel is right, and when you pass this step, photos with dull colors also become beautiful. Of course, you can find many criteria for filter types, and you can choose to facilitate your search.


Besides the above features, many people often use them to change the background and simply blur the scene. Changing the environment requires that you recognize the object correctly for the change to go smoothly. Also, blurring the background is often used when adding a landscape image to your image. After adding and blurring, you can use the eraser to erase the areas of the blurred image that overlap the original one.


When it comes to filters, you certainly won’t ignore the stickers and effects that you can take advantage of. Specifically, you can find many stickers with different categories to make your image colorful and suitable for it. You can also add some artistic lens effects and use brushes to add these images by dotting a specific spot.


When you edit a photo, you will want to tell some story, and the way you show this is through different text. You can add text with additional content and change them into 200 different fonts to use. That turns your texts into absolutely stunning decorative elements. You can load the meaningful text in the internet to insert it into your images if you don’t have any content.


When you edit images or videos with this application, you can easily add other files to your product. For images, you can use another photo that further supports the main image you are using and can use the case of blur background. Videos can create attraction for viewers when you add songs that are trending or relevant to the content of the video.


If you want to have a beautiful image where the character in the photo does not have any defects, you should take a selfie and turn on the beauties feature. It is similar to a makeup feature that helps you effectively hide imperfections and correct some other parts of your face. Also, if you don’t want to edit the step process, you can reuse some of the images suggested by the replay feature and replace some of your sign elements.


  • You may crop video clips to the right size and ratio, apply Glitch video effects and other fashionable filters in video editors, trim videos, or use smart video merge to join videos together Produce montage slideshows with music using a slideshow creator
  • To clean up images and remove unwanted objects, use the Remove Object tool. You can also add text to photos using 200+ designer fonts. The AI-powered smart selection tool blurs backgrounds and lets you add stickers to photographs.
  • Fotocollagen sind aktuell. Options include photo grid, freestyle, scrapbook, and picture frames. Make a meme and send it to friends. Story Maker’s Instagram Story templates are a must-have.
  • Outline your selfies with the popular Sketch effects. Canvas effects turn portraits into works of art. Create Drip Art with Dripping Effect Stickers and tweak the mixing mode. Animate yourself in seconds with stunning Magic effects
  • Pro drawing tools and customizable brushes in Picsart Draw. Doodle on photos to make translucent garments. Create drawings and images from scratch using a blank canvas. Doodle Art lets you doodle for hours.
submitted by Asleep-Mycologist333 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:51 Alioliou Thaumical precious metal alloys in my world

Thaumical precious metal alloys in my world
My world of fantastic science fiction is based on the real world, but with the addition of magic and thaumaturgy as an additional powerful branch of arts and techniques.
The historical course of my world is similar to the historical course of the real world, but there are sciences derived from magic. Runic engineering studies the interaction of glyphic circuits and geometric shapes imbued with magic with reality. Thaumaturgy and the science of aspects study the converging aspects of matter and its manipulation to obtain new materials and artifacts without classical chemical formulas. Arcanology studies the functioning and principles of so-called spells, incantations, and enchantments. Etcetera.
Science predominates overall, and while it has taken some time, it has swallowed magic, at least partially. There are still many things unknown about the functioning of magic. There are many things that work and have been obtained through trial and error, but whose intrinsic mechanisms are unknown. There are hypotheses derived from quantum physics, of course, but unconfirmed, or impossible to confirm.
But that's not the point.
In my world, just like in the real world, metallurgy has played a very important role. Without metallurgy, we wouldn't have weapons, machines, computing, electricity... we wouldn't have many things. Without metallurgy, they wouldn't have them either, and they wouldn't have thaumaturgy or many enchanted objects they employ.
Within the vast domain of thaumic metallurgy, the most prominent metals are undoubtedly the precious metals: copper, silver, and gold. Throughout the history of my world, these three metals have held an undisputed position of relevance in thaumaturgy. While iron and mercury have also been employed in thaumaturgic practice (the Thaumonomicon, one of the oldest works on thaumaturgy known, mentions thaumium and alchemical brass, two magical metals derived from iron), copper, silver, and gold have demonstrated unparalleled enchantability and magical versatility.
These precious metals have not only been used in the creation of magical objects throughout history but have also been the subject of numerous alchemical experiments in transmutation and aspectual manipulation, although most of these attempts have been largely unsuccessful and have sometimes led to unintended consequences.
In recent times, there has been a growing interest in the use of other precious metals such as platinum, rhodium, and osmium in thaumaturgy. However, this interest is still in its nascent and limited stage compared to the study and practice related to copper, silver, and gold. Thaumaturgy related to these less conventional metals is still to be fully developed, and their magical potential is far from fully understood.

The three main precious metals of interest

Copper has been a frontline choice in creating alloys that function as conductors and catalysts of magic throughout the ages, thanks to its impressive capacity to be enchanted. Furthermore, it stands out for its resistance to aspectual essences and its ability to act as an effective aspectual insulator. Even in ancient times, bronze armor decorated with primitive runes and magical glyphs not only rivaled but surpassed the resilience and tenacity of the finest steel armor of the later medieval period.
Today, this metal remains relevant in the creation of alloys such as molybdocopper, orichalcum, hepatizon, and manganin, which are used in the manufacturing of special munitions. These bullets, engraved with specific enchantments, acquire attributes and particular effects that make them highly effective in a wide variety of situations. The versatility of copper as a magical material makes it a valuable and sought-after option for practitioners of magic and thaumaturgy worldwide.
Silver, on the other hand, also stands out for its capacity to store magic. It has been employed in various ways in the realm of thaumaturgy and magic. One of its most prominent applications is its use in coating weapons and armor made of steel. Silver can be fused with this material to enhance the enchantments present in the weapons and armor, or even to directly manufacture weapons and armor imbued with its own magical properties.
Furthermore, silver has traditionally been associated with protection against supernatural entities and has been used to create a wide variety of protective amulets and talismans. Its teratocidal properties make it an essential component in the manufacturing of specialized weapons and ammunition designed for the hunting and elimination of creatures such as therianthropes, demons, and other supernatural beings. The famous silver bullets are an iconic example of this type of ammunition, known for their effectiveness in confrontations against beings of malign or magical nature. Silver, with its versatility and magical power, has earned a prominent place in the arsenal of magic practitioners and thaumaturges worldwide.
Gold, on the other hand, stands out as one of the most suitable metals for enchantment and magic absorption. Despite these qualities, its use in thaumaturgy has been limited due to its scarcity, high value, and the difficulty in stabilizing its magical properties. Creating enchanted objects from gold requires highly advanced and stabilized infusion altars, or the use of very specific alloys that can enhance its magical manipulation.
Despite these limitations, various gold alloys have sparked special interest among thaumaturges and alchemists worldwide. Below, we will detail some of these alloys, exploring their unique characteristics and potential applications in the field of magic and thaumaturgy.
Copper, silver and gold...

Tychereal gold

Tychereal gold encompasses a set of gold alloys that possess the unique property of influencing the luck of the bearer. This capability is achieved through the infusion of the "probabilitas" aspect into the alloys or through the inscription of specific enchantments. However, it is important to note that the effect on the bearer's luck is subtle.
In certain regions of Central, Southern, and Eastern Asia, red gold alloys, which contain a high copper content, are employed for this purpose because culturally, the color red is believed to bring good luck in these areas. These alloys, when enchanted or infused with "probabilitas," appear to have a greater impact on the bearer's luck, although their effect is temporary and tends to fade over time. Additionally, these alloys are prone to mild oxidation and corrosion, leading to the loss of their desired tychereal property.
However, the most effective tychereal alloy is known as "leprechaun gold," invented in Ireland during the Middle Ages. Leprechaun gold is a lime-green-toned alloy, primarily composed of gold with additions of silver and tin, along with traces of cadmium, and with high amounts of "probabilitas" aspect. Although scientific trials have shown that this alloy has a significant and generally positive impact on the bearer's luck, it presents a serious contraindication: cadmium, a heavy metal known to be toxic and carcinogenic.
Leprechaun gold, a tychereal gold alloy invented in Ireland.

Royal thaumium

Royal thaumium, a distinguished and valuable alloy, differs from common thaumium, ancient thaumium or, simply, thaumium (an amalgam of wrought iron impregnated with praecantatio). This exceptional compound is a combination of gold and aluminum impregnated with praecantatio.
By fusing gold with aluminum in an approximate mass ratio of 79:21, purple gold is obtained, a brittle intermetallic compound with an intense magenta color. When this purple gold is impregnated with large amounts of praecantatio, it becomes royal thaumium.
The term "royal" in its name is attributed to its high production cost and its original association with royalty and divinity. Although it shares similarities in appearance and qualities with thaumium based on iron, the properties of royal thaumium are even more pronounced. It can store approximately 53 times more magic than iron-based thaumium, acts as an extremely impermeable aspectual insulator to essences, and possesses a tremendous enchanting capacity. However, it is important to note that royal thaumium is extremely fragile compared to its iron-based counterpart.
Royal thaumium was initially discovered and crafted by alchemists in the late 18th century when the first samples of aluminum were successfully extracted, which at that time were considerably more expensive than gold due to the difficulty of obtaining it. During the early to mid-19th century, this alloy was widely used in the manufacturing of cores for high-power magic wands. Although it has been replaced by more economical thaumic materials today, royal thaumium is still appreciated in certain classic magic circles, acquired by purists and collectors of magical objects.
Royal thaumium, derived from purple gold, an intermetallic compound.


Within the realm of modern metallurgy, quasicrystals have emerged as structural forms that, unlike conventional crystals, are ordered but not periodic. Most quasicrystals discovered to date are metallic and exhibit symmetries that defy traditional crystalline conventions, such as decagonal and icosahedral shapes.
These quasicrystals are particularly intriguing in the field of thaumaturgy due to their ability to harbor large densities of a degenerate form of the "ordor" aspect, known as "auratio."
Among the most relevant quasicrystals in thaumaturgy are dodecaedrites, quasicrystalline alloys generally composed of aluminum or rare earth metals, infused with huge amounts of praecantatio. These dodecaedrites have the capacity to store massive amounts of magic, surpassing conventional thaumic alloys by thousands of times, making them ideal for the manufacturing of high-powered magical objects and disruptive antimagic munitions.
The term "aurallium" refers to a group of dodecaedrite-based alloys of gold quasicrystals, such as the gold-gallium-terbium alloy AC and other alloys M,X)85.7RE14.3 (M = Ag, Au, X = Al, Ga, In, RE = Er, Lu). However, the most notable of these alloys is "pure aurallium," composed of pure gold impregnated with large amounts of "auratio" aspect essence. This material forms dodecahedral, icosahedral, and tricontahedral crystals of a pale orangish-golden hue with celestial blue highlights.
Pure aurallium is metastable, meaning its quasicrystalline structure can collapse under certain extreme conditions to form amorphous gold, releasing energy and magic in the process. Additionally, this alloy has the ability to induce ordering and crystallization of surrounding materials when magic is applied to it, which could be utilized for various purposes, such as manufacturing enhaced wand cores for specific spells, or negentropic weapons like the "ordor ray."
Aurallium icosahedral quasicrystal.
Nuclear tests conducted by North Korea using this material, whose documentation has been obtained and released by the espionage forces of Acheron (an organization tasked with containing and eliminating supernatural threats), yield terrifying results. Atomic weapons doped with big amounts of aurallium generates negentropic fields that destroy all organic tissue within a radius several times larger than the blast radius and the lethal neutron radius. Animal and plant tissues liquefy and reorganize into perfectly ordered crystals of amino acids, phosphates, and carbohydrates imbued with high-purity aspect essences that may continue reacting dangerously with the environment, potentially producing flux, taint seeds and void gaps. All exposed rock and metal recrystallize into large amalgams of pure single crystals of various pure materials, forming ordered giant minimalist structures. And exposed water is aetheralized into pure aqua aspect that permeates and destructively alters any exposed material.
Surprisingly, despite the high thaumaturgy and technology involved in the production of pure aurallium and aurallium alloys, traces of aurallium have been found in well-preserved ancient legendary artifacts of high power, although the origin of such traces of aurallium is likely accidental or non-conciouss, this explains some of the astonishing qualities of these arcane artifacts.
submitted by Alioliou to magicbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:47 Odd_Register_6988 Using HoloLens 2 for detecting objects and deriving measurements and angular displacement

Hi All!
I am working on a Proof of Concept which aims at developing an AR app that can detect specific objects in the field of view and provide measurements with precision. I require some guidance as I am new to AR development and have few questions around the same.
  1. How to measure distance/gap and angular displacement between two planes or points in 3D space. Example: Elevation of a table top from ground.
  2. Incase the distance to be measured is less than an inch, to what extent can accuracy be achieved?
  3. Will marker based object detection be suitable for this?
submitted by Odd_Register_6988 to HoloLens [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:45 DarkMaesterVisenya Concerned about dog breeds when I have inconsistent energy

I’m looking into training a puppy into a service dog (owner training with the help of a trainer). Choosing a breed is a tricky thing. We’re looking at a golden retriever. This is primarily because from my reading they tend to be good with the family and kids, they have sufficient energy to work without it being too much to manage and unlike labradors or poodles, their fur doesn’t set off my sensory issues. I’m starting to question this choice because I have several conditions including autism, CPTSD, hypermobile Ehler Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) and POTS which all impact my energy. Im getting treatment and doing well, but these are chronic conditions. My husband is on board to help me with walking etc and we have trained dogs in the past but not as service dogs.
I feel we might need a bigger (but not huge) dog as some of the tasks we eventually plan for is counterbalancing, blocking, etc. Is a golden the right choice? Is there something we should consider when preparing to buy a puppy?
Just to add that if the dog ends up being a well trained non service dog for home, this would be fine with us, but we want to try and get as close to a service dog as possible. I’m not in the US.
submitted by DarkMaesterVisenya to service_dogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:43 hehememememehehe Looking to get a new fitness tracker

I’ve have been using the original series 0 Apple Watch since it was launched. And I am now looking to get a new fitness tracker.
Now the problem that I am facing is that I am planning on getting an android phone since my iPhone 13’s battery got fucked very quickly (70% health in 2.2 years) so I plan on getting android just because I am quite intrigued by the new feathers that have been introduced in them.
Now my main concern while getting a smart watch/fitness tracker is that I really like apples activity interface and I am not sure if other brands offer that too.
I am looking to spend around 30-35k and hope to use it for another 7-8 years.
submitted by hehememememehehe to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:40 ozitro8 How do I tell him what being prioritized mean?

Hi readers! My boyfriend (M27) and I (M34) moved in together six months ago. To be more accurate, he moved in to my apartment. Ever since, we have been fighting and arguing a lot because our values and views on a relationship seems to be different when it comes to prioritizing.
I don’t feel fully prioritized, and it is hard for me to really pin point what is that I need, mainly because I know I have a lot of trauma in my life and sometimes I doubt myself and wonder if I feel how I feel because of my own insecurities.
He loves his family and friends and he is vocal about it. He talks very high about them and he is always doing and planning for them. His family lives 5 hours away in train and that doesn’t stop him from meeting them once or twice a month. In fact this month he has seen them 4 times. He would do everything for his family.
The same goes for his friends, his whole energy and personality changes when it comes to do something with his friends, he is super engaged, committed and active. To give a vague example, I was out having dinner with a friend and I invested him over to eat with us. Initially, my boyfriend complained about going out for dinner to spend money (which he wouldn’t do if it comes to spend in trips to his family or going out with his friends). After dinner he was in a HURRY to go and buy cigarettes for one of his friends (because they are cheaper where we live). So in a hurry that he didn’t want to wait and walk my friend to get his bus. He just couldn’t wait, he was literary running to buy those cigarettes because it was important for his friends, and it made me feel that being with my friend out was less important than those cigarettes.
I also wasn’t invited to a party of one of his friends, where everyone had a plus one except him, then at the end I was pitty invited but I did not want to come because, I don’t like to be pitty invited. I felt bad about it, but my boyfriend really asked me to eat my feelings and come to the party because it was important for him. But, what about my feelings and my dignity? I asked if he couldn’t just stay with me and do something cozy together, go out for dinner or to the cinema. He offered course said No because he had plans. Nonetheless, the next day he found out that it was his niece had a birthday and he clearly told me that if he knew he wouldn’t have gone to his friends and to be with his niece because that’s more important… that made me feel like shit because I asked him to be with me but he told me he couldn’t cancel the plans with his friends.
So, all these things really makes me feel in the bottom of his priorities. To me, everyone seems to be before me. And, we live together, we have been boyfriends for almost two years now, and I don’t see him committed to this relationship. It is me who takes care of the house, I work a couple of hours extra sometimes to make sure that the economy is fine, I do most of the cleaning at home, I am the one thinking about decorating all the time, it is me who brings the flowers, buy furniture to make our home cozy and prettier, I do the cooking, and most of the time he complains because I get mad that he wakes up around 11:00 am, leaves his dirty dishes on the sofa table (we have a beautiful dinning table, he prefers to eat at the sofa and that I hate because I don’t want him to spill food on it as it is an expensive sofa I bought alone, he tells me to chill).
I just get so confused about this, he tells me he loves me, he can be very sweet to the point that I get confused and I doubt if this is him or I am wrong and I am being too much and selfish for asking to be more engaged in the relationship and make me his priority.
I apologize for the long text, this is how confused I am at the moment.
submitted by ozitro8 to gayrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:38 Imnachobear3 Being the new person at church feels awkward. I also want to go to church but not get too committed. Thoughts?

Hi everyone, I am a Christian and I couldn't find the right sub to post this to, so I figured I would try here.
For background, I come from an Indian evangelical background and spent my entire life in the same church. I was heavily involved in my church back home. A few months ago I left home to travel the world and have currently been living in India for the past 3 months. My time in India has exposed me to different people and ways of life which has impacted/expanded my views, values, ect.
I grew up in the church and I guess I'm now exploring my identity outside of the church since I was basically forced to attend my entire life. I like the social aspect of church and refreshing myself spiritually on a Sunday, but I'm sort of worried of the congregation would get deeply involved in my life especially when I plan on being a nomad.
Recently, something I've been struggling with is that I lack a social life here in India. I have a friend or two but am also unemployed looking for work, hence, I don't have money to really go to fun places. I know some cool youth from a small church here, so I attended once which was cool, and they all liked me.
From the 2 churches I have been to here, I find that I never want to get too committed to a church because I'm afraid of my church and personal life clashing. I will have a few people approach me asking for my contact info here and there and it feels pushy. However, I noticed that usually outside of Sunday they don't bother keeping up with me like they claim to want to do. I get it, part of that is probably on me.
Moreover, I feel awkward being the new guy in church. Sometimes I'm not sure if people are genuinely nice or just faking it. For example: I seemed to gel well with this one dude over common interests and he even invited me over for dinner at his place. We exchanged numbers and he invited me to some Christian party they were hosting on the weekend. I noticed during the week he didn't save my number or bother checking in on me. That weekend I saw a reposted story from my 'church buddy' on Instagram of the party. I requested to follow my church buddy and surprisingly, he didn't even follow back lol
Maybe I am just overthinking it.
submitted by Imnachobear3 to exchristian [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:37 ThrowRa_1blindmouse I'm F 30 he's M 44, 3 years in and I think I might be settling?

Me and my boyfriend have been in a relationship for 3 years. I love him dearly and I know he loves me and wants to commit to me forever. We have a lot in common, same sense of humour and have made some great memories together. I'm 30 F and he's 45 M. Last year we separated for a month ish - he'd moved into my place and he started to show some ways and habits that I really didn't like (drinking too much, mood swings, getting upset when I made plans with my friends or giving me the silent treatment when I would return home from said plans, he didn't make much of an effort with my child, family or friends and financially he wasn't able to meet me in the middle which I was never happy about). On top of that, his kid (and stepkid) would be at my house all weekend every weekend. Honestly I'd bit off more than I could chew - I felt like I was providing a lot for him&his kids, I wasn't enjoying the relationship or much of a social life and was starting to feel way older than my years and like a stranger in my own home so eventually I asked him to move out. I missed him and we ended up back together after a month (ish)! and it's been fine because we live apart so I have my own space, quality time with my child which is uninterrupted, and I don't feel the resentment I did when we were living together. One last but important note - not to sound shallow but this man physically could not be further from "my type". I have never found him physically attractive but I am attracted to him more for the person he is. (Not including the traits I discovered since he moved in)
Now the dilemma! (Sorry needed to give you context)! I met my best friends new boyfriend last night - he told her he knew how important her friends are and wanted to meet us all so we had a BBQ and some drinks, oh and he's absolutely gorgeous - and it's opened my eyes to so many things I am missing! My boyfriend - let's call him Clark. Clark never made any effort with my friends - he would hide in another room if he happened to be in the same house as them, or he'd go out. He never wanted to invite them over and wouldn't go out for food or a drink with us. I, to this day, have NEVER met any of his friends. This made me think about how isolated I feel in the relationship. Maybe it only works because it's us two hidden away from everyone else? I'm a sociable person so I feel like I'm holding myself back for his benefit. I'd love to socialise with a partner.
My friends new boyfriend is more traditional and wants to be a provider, whereas Clark is happy to coast through life, complain about money while being happy to spend mine. And just to remind you about the age gap - I'm absolutely not with him for money (I earn more than him anyway) but by 45 I expected he'd be in a better place in life not moving into my house because his parents had had enough! And then to remind you of the lack of physical attraction. Long story long, I've realised that this relationship isn't my ideal by any means. But I'm torn because I do love him and I really don't want to break his heart. We've already separated once and it nearly broke him. What do I do? I'm worried if I stay I'll always wonder about what could have been. I could be with him for life - and I wouldn't be unhappy but probably not the happiest I could be! Maybe I'd be settling because he's the first nice man I've come across. He does treat me really well which I have never experienced before and I'm worried I won't find this in anyone else! Thoughts & Advice please....
submitted by ThrowRa_1blindmouse to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:36 Yuvraj_Atlas Social Media Marketing Courses In Dubai

IIDE (Indian Institute of Digital Education) is a prominent institute known for its comprehensive courses in digital marketing and related fields. They offer a variety of programs catering to different levels of expertise, from beginners to advanced practitioners. The institute is well-regarded for its industry-relevant curriculum, experienced faculty, and practical approach to learning.
IIDE offers a specialized Social Media Marketing Course that is available online, making it accessible to learners in Dubai and worldwide. This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in social media marketing. Here’s a detailed look at what the course typically includes:

Social Media Marketing Course Details



  1. Introduction to Social Media Marketing:
    • Overview of social media marketing and its importance.
    • Understanding the social media landscape.
  2. Content Creation and Strategy:
    • Developing effective social media content strategies.
    • Content planning, scheduling, and management.
    • Visual and written content creation best practices.
  3. Platform-Specific Strategies:
    • Facebook: Organic and paid strategies, page management, and Facebook Ads.
    • Instagram: Content creation, growth strategies, Instagram Ads.
    • Twitter: Building a Twitter presence, tweet strategies, Twitter Ads.
    • LinkedIn: Professional networking, LinkedIn for business, LinkedIn Ads.
    • YouTube: Video marketing, channel optimization, YouTube Ads.
    • Other Platforms: Emerging social media platforms and their potential.
  4. Community Management and Engagement:
    • Building and nurturing an online community.
    • Best practices for engagement and customer interaction.
  5. Social Media Advertising:
    • Creating and managing social media ad campaigns.
    • Understanding ad targeting and budget allocation.
    • Measuring ad performance and ROI.
  6. Analytics and Reporting:
    • Using social media analytics tools.
    • Interpreting data to make informed decisions.
    • Reporting on social media performance.
  7. Advanced Strategies:
    • Influencer marketing.
    • Social media for e-commerce.
    • Crisis management on social media.


How to Enroll:

Additional Support:

This course is ideal for marketers, business owners, and anyone looking to enhance their social media marketing skills. The flexibility of online learning makes it accessible to individuals in Dubai, allowing them to learn from top industry professionals without geographical constraints.
submitted by Yuvraj_Atlas to u/Yuvraj_Atlas [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:34 alanism GPT4o for stocks and investments

Just curious how others have been using GPT for stock investing. Also to share main areas that helped me
Deep Understanding
A lot of the technical analysis, and financial filings are subject matters that is not easy to get. Having the AI explain it to you at the 5th grader, 8th grader, university accounting 1a, business exec, and CFA levels helps understand things much faster. Then, having the AI create a 4-level rubric for understanding lets you quickly check what level you are at. Doing both of these prompts is useful for when you talk to friends and family and get asked questions.
Just as there is high bias and misinformation in financial news articles, it is also very easy to get into the hype and speculation of Reddit posts for GME and other equities. By being consistent in checking every post and article you read, you get better at figuring out what's real and what's not. What's plausible and viable? What is FUD, what is hype, and what's likely to be true?
Market Analysis
I assume that it only gets me 80-90% there. But that's way further than what I can do on my own because I just don't have the domain expertise in this area. You can also copy and paste other Redditors' TA to check if GPT4o agrees with their reads.
Being able to screenshot a stock graph and data table and have it interpret things has been amazing.
Strategic Planning. (example scenarios from a stock news)
GPT4o is very good at simulating scenarios and scoring the likelihood of each case. Their answers will be wrong to what the real future holds, but it is useful in seeing what the different possible futures may look like.
submitted by alanism to OpenAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 09:32 boydie Rate my idea: B2B reviews and traffic sharing

Business Plan: TrustWave

Executive Summary

Business Name: TrustWave
Business Concept: TrustWave is a global review platform designed specifically for businesses to leave testimonials for one another. The platform provides high-quality reviews and allows businesses to add backlinks to their websites, enhancing SEO and generating relevant traffic. The service includes a testimonial page for WordPress or Shopify websites, an SEO-friendly standalone site option, an easy-to-install plugin for automatic updates, and tools for SMS review requests, social media content creation, and review management.
Target Market: Small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) across various industries worldwide looking to enhance their online presence and credibility.
Competitive Advantage: Unique focus on B2B reviews, integrated SEO benefits, easy-to-use plugin, comprehensive review management tools, and added marketing features.

Business Description

Mission Statement: To empower businesses globally by providing a platform that facilitates the exchange of high-quality testimonials, enhancing their online reputation and SEO performance.
Business Objectives: 1. Launch and establish the TrustWave platform within the first year. 2. Achieve a user base of 20,000 businesses worldwide within two years. 3. Generate a monthly recurring revenue of $100,000 within the first two years. 4. Continuously innovate and add new features based on customer feedback and market trends.

Market Analysis

Industry Overview: The digital marketing and SEO industry is growing rapidly as businesses increasingly recognize the importance of online presence and reputation management. Testimonials and reviews are critical for building credibility and trust.
Target Market: - Demographics: SMBs with an existing online presence globally. - Geographics: Businesses across North America, Europe, Asia, and other regions. - Psychographics: Businesses that value online reputation, SEO, and customer feedback.
Market Needs: Businesses need reliable platforms to gather and showcase testimonials, improve their SEO, and manage their online reputation efficiently.

Competitive Analysis

Direct Competitors: - Trustpilot - Feefo - Google My Business
Indirect Competitors: - Social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn) - SEO service providers
Competitive Advantage: - Focus on B2B interactions. - SEO-friendly features. - Integrated review management and marketing tools. - Seamless integration with existing websites.

Marketing Plan

Product: - Review platform for businesses. - WordPress/Shopify plugin. - Standalone SEO-friendly website option. - SMS review requests. - Social media content creation tools. - Review management dashboard.
Price: - Freemium model: Basic features free, premium features at $49/month. - Enterprise plan: Custom pricing for larger businesses with advanced needs.
Place: - Online platform accessible via website and app. - Partnerships with web development agencies and digital marketing firms globally.
Promotion: - Digital marketing campaigns (SEO, PPC, social media). - Content marketing (blogs, webinars, case studies). - Email marketing to SMBs. - Partnerships and collaborations with industry influencers. - Referral programs offering discounts for bringing new users.

Operations Plan

Technology: - Development of the review platform and plugins. - Cloud-based infrastructure for scalability. - Regular updates and feature enhancements.
Customer Service: - 24/7 customer support via chat, email, and phone. - Comprehensive help center with tutorials and FAQs.
Team: - Founders/Management: Overseeing strategy and operations. - Development Team: Building and maintaining the platform. - Marketing Team: Promoting the platform and acquiring users. - Customer Support Team: Assisting users with any issues or inquiries.

Financial Plan

Startup Costs: - Platform development: $100,000 - Marketing and promotion: $50,000 - Operational costs (salaries, office space, utilities): $50,000 - Total: $200,000
Revenue Projections: - Year 1: $100,000 - Year 2: $600,000 - Year 3: $1,200,000

Risk Analysis

Potential Risks: - Slow user adoption. - Competition from established platforms. - Technical issues with the platform or plugins.
Mitigation Strategies: - Aggressive marketing and partnership strategies. - Continuous platform improvements and feature additions. - Robust customer support and regular user feedback sessions.
submitted by boydie to smallbusiness [link] [comments]