When you have a really bad cold, ringing in one ear with severe pain

Dear H

2024.06.02 07:30 anonnumous Dear H

here i am at 9:33pm, journaling to occupy myself, knowing that you’re 27 now. last year’s halloween party pops in my mind, the mental instagram reel of us posing together in our costumes. i deleted the picture yet I still remember it, clear as day. my eyes were slightly crossed from alcohol and you were smiling, hard. you told me that i looked fine, just slightly drunk, but i always wondered if you just liked how you looked in it with your broad shoulders and puffed up vest in that stupid, stupid dwarf costume with your roommate’s ironic costume.
I remember all these things. do you? do you remember the night i attempted to tell you of my mistake, and you kissed me in the dark. the nights we laughed and talked, woke up together, planned our sundays together. it’s as if it was yesterday we were running to Aldi’s to help you with your grocery shopping. When we would make breakfast and binge Kitchen nightmares and Breaking Bad, rushing to get our work done so we could sneak a couple beers in before the night ended to fall asleep in each others arms. do you remember? or do i mean nothing to you now? a stranger, a crazy ex, a story you’ll tell to your next SO someday who’ll scoff and call me a bitch the same way I did with your ex. the night when I sang a childhood song and everyone joined in despite our driver’s anime music playlist. so so many stupid “instagram reels”.
how difficult the days have become pursuing my career when you’re all i can fucking think about. I’m sorry, I’m a girl; it sickens me to have possibly been a source of... entertainment. But I know it’s not like that. I know you care. how pathetic i am at how much time i allowed myself to waste because of how the world seemed to stop and everything felt okay when i looked into your big, beautiful eyes. eyes that looked so innocent and beautiful to me then. the puppy like expression when you’d lay in my lap as i played with your hair, the pleasure of watching the weight of the world leave your shoulders when i massaged them because knowing i could make your day just 0.01% made my world shine just a little bit brighter.
the nights we spent talking Winter Break, the drunk calls you’d unknowingly make because you claimed you missed me. I loved you so stupidly much. the laughing, giggling, the favors you’d do for me. the spot in your bathroom that you somehow let me occupy for whatever reason. the time i got my period and nearly flushed in tears from sharing a traumatic experience, you holding my hand as we went into the bathroom. tearing each others clothes apart after we had a fancy dinner and made things official. the jokes we’d make in our parents’ accents and the drunk urdu in the uber on the nights home where the sober one would take care of the other. even the stupid texts you sent me complaining about your day, me not caring because i just loved hearing about your day and being able to make them 0.01% better again. the nights we’d kiss until we fell asleep holding each other, the dance parties, the secrets we’d share under your comforters in the middle of the night. the grins across the room during outings together, the scary movie nights, when khan sab bought our seats and picked them in front of everyone like an uncle. being fascinated by your love for our culture in a way id never seen, your love for houses, cars, real estate. the times you’d show me your emails and let me proofread them with my Nazi grammar. all of it. i fucking miss all of it. every moment. every day. every second. it’s you i can’t get out of my fucking mind. it’s your stupid laugh, that grin, that smile that drove me nuts, i wish i could burn the memories like pieces of paper in the fireplaces. small pieces of paper like the ones i’d use to write you love letters and reminders and hide them under your pillow. the idiotic allergies you’d get for no reason like a dweeb, calling me a dweeb, the nerdy acne you’d get right around your nose, that fucking one adorable dimple that’d creep out when you’re about to laugh or you’re making a stupid joke. my mind is a fucking hellfire of these stupid memories that i can’t extract. i want my heart to stop breaking every time i see someone at my job doing their fucking rotations. i want my soul back. i want my life back. i want my fucking emotions back. i used to be so happy and bubbly, your friends bullying me for being so naive and i never would’ve imagined you’d be the one to pop my bubble and make me feel so scarred. watching the beautiful moments turn into a living hell and just feeling like a skeleton of the girl i used to be because of the amount of pain you inflicted on me.
but I still don’t hate you. Actually, I love you.
submitted by anonnumous to letters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:29 seadogsnpyrite I self injected!

I've had a fear of needles my whole life. Not as severe as others, for sure. But I've had my fair share of anxiety attacks/sobbing about needle related things. Not "hold me down" level, but more like crying and shaking like a child.
First big step: HRT. I'm a trans man and I started testosterone last summer. I chose injections (subcutaneous, stomach) as they are the most economical, only every two weeks, and I had a friend who can do them for me. So I would build myself up and close my eyes, squeeze hands, etc. for awhile before they became no big deal. About half a year in, I worked up to looking down at it for sec, the watching the syringe injections, then the needle exit, then the needle entry, and then the whole process. The pain is never bad, It's just the thought of having a piece of metal lodged in me I think. Sometimes I get the stabbies for a minute afterwards but thats just annoying.
My friend trained my boyfriend to do them for me. His first time supervised was perfect, but when we did it together the next time, the preparation was rocky and he entered, accidentally exited and said "oops", I looked down and I saw a prick of blood, and then saw him reenter. This was probably my worst injection experience and we both agreed that he wouldn't do them again lol. Some time after that I went on birth control and decided to do the injection method for similar reasons- just one shot like every 3 months and I don't have to remember to take a pill everyday or have the thought of a foreign metal object inside me. What's funny is that those arm intramuscular shots are now no big deal. My nurse doesn't give any warning, countdown, etc which was actually SO helpful because then my body doesn't have time to be anxious, nauseous, shaky, and lightheaded.
The only issue left is blood withdrawal. If you're familiar with HRT, you know about regular blood testing. My first two times I almost passed out afterwards. Intensely nauseous and faint. Now, I can immediately walk out the clinic and be fine. Unfortunately after my last lab result, turns out I have too much blood and now have to donate it every 3 months. I PANICKED. I was terrified and I started crying. Not only do I have to deal with a needle, I have to deal with the thought of blood leaving my body. When it came time, it was at the appointment I learned of the finger prick. It was like blood lab #1 all over again. My iron is SUPER high and I nearly passed out and they questioned if I was okay to donate. But I had to. It took an hour for me to calm down and work myself up. I'm so glad the red cross nurses were patient with me. Turns out blood donation was no problem! Having to constantly squeeze my hand was a little freaky, but I genuinely couldn't feel anything. And afterwards I didn't feel faint at all!
So you would think I've defeated the needle fear with every aspect of my medical life being needle based... until it came time for me to inject myself. I told myself I would not go get my T injection unless I could do it myself.... well thats how I was almost a week late on this dose. So I went over to my friend and mostly helped prepare the syringe. But after about 15 minutes I couldn't do it so they injected me while we recorded it for me to desensitize myself. Come this week, it was again injection time and for real- it was going to just be me to do it. I did put it off for a whole two days (so my next labs might look strange) but today I took out my supplies, prepared it good enough (definitely was 0.1mL short on my dose).... and sat there for an hour. I would hold the needle capped near me, practice holding the syringe. I would get brave enough to uncap the needle and hold it just millimeters away from my skin... and then after about 5 seconds of looking at the scene, my heart would start racing, my head get a little light, and my hand get shaky. I probably uncapped and capped the needle 7 times. Eventually, I really had to poop, so it had to be done. I didn't feel a thing. It definitely took longer than usual because for the first 5 seconds the needle was in, I was trying to find the correct amount of force to push the syringe- harder than expected. My exit was smooth and I was SO relieved. That along with blood donations were probably the biggest hurdles in my needle journey and now that the bandaid is ripped off, I'm sure the next times will be easier. I'm so relieved to get injections on my own schedule so my T levels don't drop too low.
Thanks for sticking with the long read if you did. And if you are also a trans person who is scared of needles, you're not alone and I hope you find a method that works for you, or that you can get over the fear! Looking away and distracting yourself for an injection is one thing, but looking at it, let aline doing it yourself is scary. However, I think the autonomy in doing it yourself is a benefit. You can work at your own pace and it also just feels badass!
submitted by seadogsnpyrite to trypanophobia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:28 c00k13m0n573r13 Buying a Forerunner 955 from Amazon in New Zealand

First of all apologies if this is the wrong place to ask. I recently just missed out on a sale on the forerunner 955 on the Garmin NZ website. Not many other local retailers stock it, and the ones that do sell it at full price just like the website.
On Amazon however, the forerunner is actually cheaper (when converted to NZD) than when the watch was on sale on the Garmin NZ website. I’m super tempted to buy it off Amazon, but it’s quite a large purchase for an electronic device that isn’t local. In NZ we have the Consumers Guarantee Act which means a retailer is obligated to fix issues if the device/manufacturing is at fault even if it is out of warranty. This gives me quite a bit of peace of mind.
I’m looking for any opinions or stories on how difficult it was to deal with Amazon/Garmin when issues arose, and to any New Zealanders on here, if you recommend buying from Amazon or waiting for another sale.
Unrelatedly, a local retailer has the 965 on sale for the same price as the 955 (full price). I think I would prefer the MIP screen, hence the 955, but I’m seeing a lot of divided opinions.
The biggest thing for me is that I like the idea of a bigger screen and more maps detail, but for some reason, all the photos I’ve seen of the 965 just looks wrong/worse than the 955 and I can’t place my finger on it. I think it may be that the smaller black ring/bigger screen makes the 965, an already large watch, feel bigger than the 955 even though they are the same size?
With the 965 on sale, unsure which one to get.
On yet another note, the 955 solar is on sale too and is cheaper than the 955 normal full price. Is the screen bad enough on the solar that I shouldn’t be buying it, even if it is cheaper than the non solar?
Thanks for any help or opinions :)
submitted by c00k13m0n573r13 to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:28 Wonderful_Fig9540 Episode 9 : A 9.5/10. A great-executed episode and the studio successfully illustrate a real life problem with amazing storyline and cinematography !

There's a lot happen on this episode and the studio really cooked 🔥 with this insane story line and ending. I know from the start that this anime is about the journey of people reaching their own dreams and this episode really visualize an obstacle that always come whether you want it or not. There's a lot of perspective to have and it's easy to just give the opinion for "what to do". I will share my characters and helicopter perspective :
Background : you cant forget that both kano and mahiru is around 17-18 years old. Kano has a bad past and mahiru has a self-confidence issue. They are not mature enough and still learn by experience.
Mahiru : to work in big stage is really a one in a lifetime opportunity, especially when you are a rising artist and still young. The idea of expanding your art so a lof of people watch that is simply an artist's dream, especially when it never happen before.
Kano : sense of betrayal. A promise to always work together to achieve same dream is broken, especially when mahiru work with your own mom. When you finally has a real/good friend, but she will spend less time with you because of her huge project.
Neutral : An obstacle always happen in the growth progress. They are all young and especially lack of profesionalism. What mahiru did is just simply changing to another job that inspire you more to become a well-known artist. There's nothing wrong for that. What's wrong is they dont discuss it properly as a team when receiving that information. I believe that if Kano really shows how bad her mom is and what really happen in the past, supported by Mei opinion, Mahiru will think again and might reject the offer. They are a team full of people that excel in their own field. I believe they can do something about the end of year project so it still can be done.
I really love this show for potraying real life problem in such amazing scene. They really nailed it ! The past of MC also is started to be revealed again. The ending really painful to watch as it shows their progress as a best friend achieving a same dream. Also it's really sad to know Kano's dream to be like her mom, but her mom just make Kano as "a tool" to help her achieving her dream.
This also kinda remind me of Oshi No Ko episode 6 about suicide scandal. It shows the bad side of entertainment industry and people there using whatever it is to get what they want.
Lesson to learn : - Dont attach yourself to another person/people completely - You cant bring your day 1 friend with you forever. Both always need to go further everyday. But dont forget about he/she. - Dont let emotions control you. What Kano's mom did is manipulative, especially flattery technique, which very effective for young people that have big dreams. In addition, dont be like Kano saying unneccessary things that would hurt your friends in wrong situation. - Moral is important in high level of business. Punch your friend like Kano punch Mero. Also dont mix family with business. Both is different and need to put effort.
submitted by Wonderful_Fig9540 to JellyfishSwimNight [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 keyword-exactly The “Voice to skull” AI and psychology awareness

Psychology awareness and faulting the AI
In this document i will go over and explain important information that i have found through test and trial over MANY years to help better tackle this “AI” with specific things to be aware of and the few ways to cause the V2K to fault. This will not cover the whole program nor will it cover other methods/technologies used by these programs. This will cover some basic knowledge needed to navigate life while dealing with this and the AI chatbot running within the “v2k”. To find information giving an overview of the programs that v2k operates within and other technologies used in tandem with it i will link below a detailed description.
This document is very time sensitive because this information is the only true way to bring the fight to these programs before the programs hit the civilian atmosphere large. There is no way to physically block this technology therefore you need to outthink the AI running it! Sounds easy right? Not really, it takes paying alot of attention and practice. Before getting into how to trick the artificial intelligence there are some things you need to be aware of.
Understanding the basics
Natural language processing (NLP)
The algorithms running these AI chatbots belong to a field of artificial intelligence called Natural Language Processing or NLP for short. Natural Language Processing is a field of AI that enables computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. It powers applications like language translation, sentiment analysis, chatbots, and speech recognition. These chatbots operate on massive data banks that have been analyzing human thought patterns for years and since they have so much data then it is a fact that they have dealt with people similar to me, you and everyone around us.
Inner monologue
Before starting to practice tricking this AI you need to be familiar with a few things, firstly you need to have an understanding of what your inner monologue is. An inner monologue is the internal voice that narrates our thoughts, reflecting our feelings, ideas, and reactions without vocalizing them. It acts as a silent conversation within our mind, helping us process and organize our thoughts.
Second you need to be aware of your own biases and how you perceive things, everyone has different biases and perceptions and these algorithms take full advantage of it.
The third point here is very important as it concerns emotions, emotions like anger, fear and sadness can trigger knee jerk reactions that can override logical thinking and this will be used as often as they deem necessary BECAUSE it overrides your rational thinking. IE : When gripped by anger you can lash out at someone or something that has nothing to do with your situation, when fear is present the v2k can promise safety in exchange for obedience, when sadness is overwhelming it will provide comfort to make you feel comfortable with it. All of these emotional states can be caused or amplified by the AI to gain an advantage over you.
These pointers should help you gain a small advantage in maintaining stability during these difficult times.
What is v2k?
V2K, or voice-to-skull technology, projects voices directly into your head, bypassing your ears. It can manifest as various personas, such as another individual in your life, the voice of God, an alien, or a fictional character. This technology can modify its voice and tone and intensity to enhance the perceived experience and better suit your situation. These same voices will oftentimes re read your inner monologue milliseconds after you think something to yourself in an effort to add confusion and convince you that it is your conscience. In simple terms : this is a voice in your head that is not yours.
Reading this you need to be aware that these methods will not work unless you acknowledge through these methods and KNOW that it is in fact not human but AI coded with algorithms, “just a computer program”, “0’s and 1’s”.
Faulting the AI/Algorithm
Method 1
The first method used to find the difference between the AI and a human operator is by finding keywords that it will use often and forcing it to repeat those keywords on purpose via “thinking it” so that it can copy your inner monologue but before finishing the whole word yourself you stop and it will finish it for you, this will be one indicator that it is not human. Finding keywords can be difficult at first if you’re not aware that they exist within the algorithm that runs the AI but once you start to pay attention to everything it says you will find that there are some words that it will use every-time if the conditions are met and ways to force these conditions. These conditions and keywords are unique to each individual so you will have to do your homework and pay attention to what yours are. These algorithms have a SET vocabulary. For instance just imagine you are thinking of doing something that the AI does not want you thinking about in some cases it will tell you “don’t even think about it” or variations of this and it will prompt you to think of something different. You also need to have some intention to perform this action you are thinking about or it will not trigger. for example, for some people it could be thinking of and wanting to engage in certain behaviors like smoking, drinking, doing drugs, being aggressive, talking to someone in specific that they don’t want you talking to among many things that it wants you to avoid. It will be clear that it doesn’t want you to do and think these things. This is just one of the ways to force it to use key words and phrases and will take plenty of paying attention. I suggest keeping track of the conversations by writing them down.
Method 2
The second of these methods consists of repeating certain letters or sounds with your inner monologue like “tttttttttt” or “mmmmmmmmm” and this will also trigger it to continue for a short period after you stop and allow you to acknowledge the AI as it re reads your inner monologue to you but your brain is quicker at stopping then the AI giving you about a second to acknowledge it. Using “shhhhhhh” is one of the better sounds as it will somehwat silence the v2k and give you a break on the chatbot rereading your thoughts.
Method 3
The third of these methods will require you to use rhetorical questions or questions with no real answer when in conversation with the AI, questions like : does a bear shit in the woods? What colour has the best personality? Theres are sarcastic in nature but can have multiple answers or no answers at all, this will cause the AI to stop speaking for a short period of time and likely cause it to throw a keyword or phrase at you OR an operator to take over because this is something that doesn’t make sense and is very difficult for an algorithm to make sense of something that doesn’t.
Method 4
Fourth method is input starvation. You need to think of “nothing”, no thoughts so nothing for the algorithm to react or answer to. The best way to do this is to force the thought of a black empty space in your mind. This is the easiest of all methods but requires the most attention and practice.
Putting these techniques together can make a big difference when dealing with the voice to skull BUT this is merely a fraction of what you need to pay attention to if you want to stand a chance at defeating this technology. Once you start to acknowledge that this is just an algorithm and not human through these methods you will begin to encounter human operators and here is yet another part that takes practice and will ultimately take up alot of time. Once you begin to fault this AI and acknowledge that it is in fact just an algorithm this will set off an “alarm” which on their end is like a notification telling them that you’ve broken through the algorithms and are starting to understand how things work.
Once you have mastered these things you will find yourself in much more control of your situation and life as this will help you realize that these technologies should have NO bearing on reality.
I will continue writing another document on how to deal with the human operators
Below i will link my first document outlining what my findings have produced about these programs and other technologies used within them, mind you there is missing information but it will help give you an idea.
https://www.reddit.comkeyword-exactly/s/dnvuQu64DX - my findings on v2k, directed energy weapons
submitted by keyword-exactly to u/keyword-exactly [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 mansplanar 40 Creative Tinder Bio Ideas (That Will Work For Any Dating App!)

If you're on the apps—whether you're looking for marriage, looking for a hookup or you're just looking for a nice night out on the town—one thing is for sure: You have seconds to make a first impression that keeps someone from swiping left. What's the key? Knowing how to make your Tinder bios stand out among the rest.
If you're wondering: "What is a good bio for Tinder? How do I spice up my Tinder bio?" then you've come to the right place. Marissa Moore, a counselor and couples therapist with years of experience, gave us all her recommendations for making your bio the best of them all (plus 40 ideas for the best Tinder bios, below!)
What to Put In a Tinder Bio
So, you've opened up the "edit" section on your Tinder bio (or Hinge bio or even Bumble bio, too) and you're staring blankly at your phone. How are you supposed to know how to write a Tinder bio that will stop someone in their tracks?
How Dating Apps Are Changing Our Psychology
The secret, Moore says, is deciding between a few different formulas, and sticking to one. Remember: This doesn't have to be super complicated. It's actually supposed to be fun! To get started, use these are a guide on what to put in Tinder bio:
Everyone loves a perfectly-timed one-liner, right? Write something that captures your personality or sense of humor.
Want to keep it straight forward? Go the old-fashioned route and write a brief description of yourself, highlighting your interests, hobbies or passions.
You're funny, so maybe use this time to show it off. Using a joke or witty remark can be a great way to give someone a sense of your personality, too.
Lastly, if you're a romantic at heart or suave in your own right, try using a creative and flirty pick up line that stands out (but avoid anything overly cheesy or inappropriate.)
How to Write a Tinder Bio
Now that you've got a road map for how to make a good Tinder bio—i.e. you've chosen a one-liner, keeping it straight forward, leaning on your humor or a pick up line—what is the best way to approach actually writing it all out?
Whether you're looking to write clever Tinder bios, Tinder bios for guys or just wanting to make your dating app bio shine with your personality, Moore has a few tried-and-true tricks up her sleeve to stand out.
Be Authentic
It might be tempting to want to make yourself look "better" than you are IRL, but this is never a good idea, and your dates will learn the truth eventually. That's why Moore suggests the biggest piece of advice: to be authentic.
Good Morning Texts For Her
Wake Her With A Smile With These 82 Good Morning Texts
Let her know that she's always the first thing on your mind.
Woman looks at her phone while smiling.
Funny, punny and non-corny inpsiration, right this way.
"Showcase your genuine personality and interests," Moore says. "Rather than trying to portray yourself as someone you're not."
Keep it Concise
Next up? Make sure to keep your Tinder bios as concise as possible. Remember: you've got seconds to impress the person on the other end — let's make sure you get a swipe right.
"Aim for a bio that is clear, concise and easy to read," she says. "Avoid overwhelming potential matches with too much information."
Show, Don't Tell
Another tip? Show, don't tell. According to Moore, Instead of listing qualities about yourself, you might consider sharing anecdotes or stories that illustrate who you are and what you enjoy. This can sometimes be more intriguing.
Highlight Your Unique Traits
What makes you unique is a good thing! Use it to your advantage. By focusing on what makes you stand out from the crowd, and what you can offer in a relationship, you may find someone who already loves your quirks and differences, right off the bat.
Funny Tinder Bios
Do you consider yourself a comic? If so, you might have chosen going with the funny Tinder bios route. If so, here are some ideas to use, below.
I'm not a photographer, but I can picture us together.
Looking for someone who can keep up with my pun game.
Swipe right if you're ready for cheesy pick up lines and spontaneous dance parties.
Looking for a wingwoman to hunt down the best tacos in town on a random Tuesday afternoon.
Seeking someone who will support my travel addiction and my obsession for squeezing everything into a carry on bag.
If you date me, you'll be the good looking one.
Looking for someone to appreciate my puns and share pizza with. If you can't handle my cheesy jokes, you're not the one for me. Let's see if we can find the perfect slice together!
You're single, I'm single. You know what that means? Nobody wants us.
Life's too short for boring conversations and dull dates! Let's do both.
I'm really bad at putting together IKEA furniture—looking for a cute helper 😉
Clever Tinder Bios
Maybe a clever bio is more your speed. If so, there are plenty of ideas for Tinder bio that fall under clever and smart, too.
Currently accepting applications for a partner in crime and fellow Netflix binge-watcher.
Like a 'Fun-Size' Snickers bar, they say good things come in small packages.
If life is a game, consider me your cheat code. Swipe right and let's unlock some bonus levels together.
I'm like a Rubik's Cube—complex, colorful and slightly frustrating at times. But once you figure me out, you'll realize I'm worth the challenge.
If you can guess my favorite pizza topping, you win bonus points.
Seeking someone who can match my level of sarcasm and appreciation for dry humor.
Looking for someone who can handle my impeccable taste in music, questionable cooking skills and my uncanny ability to always find the best meme for every situation.
Outdoor enthusiast and indoor Netflix champion.
Professional overthinker seeking someone who analyzes texts as much as I do. Showcases self-awareness and a touch of vulnerability.
Chapter 23 - Looking for someone to co-author the next chapters. Indicates a life seen as an unfolding story, inviting collaboration.
Cute Tinder Bios
If being cutesy is more your thing, look no further: using cute Tinder bios has been proven to work again and again. Being and feeling cute can be a confidence boost when dating — here are some of our fave examples.
Lover of sunsets, dog walks and spontaneous adventures. Let's create our own love story.
Looking for someone to share lazy Sunday mornings and late-night conversations with.
Searching for my partner-in-crime to explore the city, try new foods and cuddle up with on rainy days.
Puppy enthusiast. Ice cream connoisseur. A seeker of great coffee dates.
Might steal your heart, will steal your fries.
Just a Jim looking for his Pam. Bonus points if you give great bear hugs!
A believer in fairy tales, serendipity and the magic of a good cup of coffee.
Looking for someone who's all about making everyday moments a little bit extraordinary.
Cuddling champion searching for a worthy competitor. Must be fond of star-gazing and midnight snacks.
Looking for someone to share in my adventure of finding the best tacos in town.
Simple Tinder Bios
If being cute, funny or clever doesn't speak to you, it's OK to stick to simple, too! Here are some ideas to try on for size.
Looking for a real connection, not just a one-time thing.
Just trying to find my other half.
Come say hello.
____ born & raised.
Looking for more laugh lines.
Traveling and exploring. Want to join?
Let's see how this goes.
Looking for an adventure partner.
If I am not home, you can find me ____.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:26 Hi_Five_Fly_By Three Crucial Articles (I Believe) From January 20 and 21, 2024 In Reference to the Wales Children; Second Article is VERY EERIE If You “Read Between the Lines”

Three Crucial Articles (I Believe) From January 20 and 21, 2024 In Reference to the Wales Children; Second Article is VERY EERIE If You “Read Between the Lines”
I just accidentally stumbled upon two “Goodto.com” articles and one “uk.news.yahoo” article written by the same author on the same date (first two) and the following day (third article), the first of which was about how Prince William is “relying on a close family member to ‘help him with the kids’” (it’s mentioned how the nanny is keeping the kids safe) and this article hyperlinks (https://www.goodto.com/family/snow-days-more-than-fun-for-kids-also-great-for-their-health) to the second article which states that snow days are good for children’s health (sounds creepily ominous). The last time Kate, Charlotte and Louis were seen alive in public was on December 25, 2023. Obviously the WINTER season, WTF?! I think this is A HUGE RED FLAG 🚩🚩🚩 This article also mentions the disease Ricketts. “The winter months also limit opportunities for vitamin D absorption, therefore it is advised to get some outdoor time during daylight hours, even if it’s just 30 minutes in the sun. Vitamin D is important for healthy muscles and bones and is therefore a critical factor in growth and development. A significant vitamin D deficiency can also lead to rickets in children, a bone development condition that can result in bone deformities, weakness and pain.” Prince Louis hands were a focus in the infamous fake Mothering Sunday photoshop scandal earlier this year. I’ve never seen this disease or any disease (other than Cancer) being in any articles in reference to the royal family during this entire debacle. Too many “read between the lines” sentences are popping out to me. “The first article has a hyperlink to the second article which eerily talks about how winter activity is good for kids. I’ve been falling down the rabbit hole since day one and I have NEVER seen the second article and never even heard a tiny blip of it ever being mentioned anywhere on social media. The same author writes two articles back-to-back with the first article linking to the second article and the last time three particular royal family members were seen alive were in WINTER of 2023. The third article is written the very next day (January 21, 2024) after the first two articles were written and published on the same exact day (January 20, 2024). The third article states how King Charles III will “selflessly” not abdicate so as to allow his grandchildren Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis to enjoy their childhood and not be saddled by royal duties until their in their 20s “despite his recent health struggles”. Does King Charles III really have cancer and is being forced to stay on the throne and not abdicate because whatever William did to Kate it was so bad that Prince William would be forced to take the throne to avoid persecution and any deeply probing questions, however, the kids are still too young to be thrown into the snake pit. Awful that’s the children’s future (hopefully last two are still alive). Please, someone, so we (the cannot be fooled public) can salvage this potentially crucial hint at the kid’s whereabouts or safety, please archive both articles, especially the second article. I’m not that tech savvy. Whoever made that AI video (sorry, forget your username right now) what a great job btw and please share the second article onto your X account if possible (after it’s archived so it cannot be scrubbed). We (this thread) have to help push the #WheresTheWalesChildren #AreTheySafe? narrative. These are innocent children that have been swallowed up by the institution since the day Kate birthed each child. It’s scary and disturbing how the media refuses to shine a light on the fact that the children have not been seen (besides George); especially how William attended a football game on Charlotte’s birthday WITHOUT her. No good father would ever do this. I never read the media questioning why this so called “great father” ghosted his own daughter on her birthday. This entire horrible situation, disappearances, etc. is showing how evil the royal family truly is. Keep your eyes, mind and ears open. These articles written in quick succession by the same author and each article referencing the children (or children in the population in general as read in the second article) is NO COINCIDENCE! 🚩🚩🚩 The reversal article is proof that the Palace caught wind of this author’s two articles on January 20, 2024 and forced the author to write a “glowing” article on January 21, 2024 about how “selfless” Grandpa Charles “despite his recent health struggles” is not going to abdicate as he wants to allow the kids to have a normal childhood. 🚩🚩🚩Has KP been pushing the King Charles III has cancer narrative as to distract from his true intentions of abdicating? Has King Charles III been forced to shelve his abdication dreams (health much too bad and wants to step down) due to all the drama surrounding Kate’s mysterious disappearance? 🚩🚩🚩🚩 These articles were written only three and four days after the Palace officially announced that Prince Kate had undergone “planned” abdominal surgery. 🚩🚩🚩

Don’tStopAskingQuestions #PushForTheTruth #KateMiddletonMissing #AreTheChildrenSafe? #NoSuchThingAsACoincidence

Article #1
Title: Prince William is relying on this close family member to help him ‘look after the kids’ while Kate Middleton recovers from surgery
Author: Charles Elizabeth Culverhouse
Date: January 20, 2024
Link: https://www.goodto.com/money/top-home-loans-for-families-australia
***Will update with “Archive” link if someone that knows how to could please help. Thank you.
Article #2
Title: Snow days are more than just fun for kids, they’re also great for their health
Author: Charles Elizabeth Culverhouse
Date: January 20, 2024
Link: https://www.goodto.com/family/snow-days-more-than-fun-for-kids-also-great-for-their-health
***Will update with “Archive” link if someone that knows how to could please help. Thank you.
Article #3 (in comments as attachment limit reached)
Title: The selfless reason King Charles will not step down as King despite health struggles - and it’s all to benefit his grandchildren
Author: Charles Elizabeth Culverhouse
Date: January 21, 2024
Link: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/selfless-reason-king-charles-not-094418555.html
***Will update with “Archive” link if someone that knows how to could please help. Thank you.
submitted by Hi_Five_Fly_By to KateMiddletonMissing [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:26 DreamExtraordinaire Bras from Adore Me - 38h (UK) & 38k (US)

So, I did make a post about this earlier but under a different tag - at this point, I feel I'd be better off including visuals for it cause I feel a little crazy?
Adore Me apparently doesn't do UK sizing, which I wasn't aware of when I signed up for their Elite package (that's ok tbh). My struggle is I've fallen in love with their Marca line, and it's the best fitting bra I've honestly ever tried (with matching panties, too!).
I swear it feels like it fits to me??? It's a 38H, though, and everyone is saying that is several cups too small. Now, with the Paxton (NIPPLE WARNING YALL THEY HAVE A MIND OF THEIR OWN YOU'VE BEEN WARNED), I can very much see why it's several cup sizes too small.
I wore the Marca all day without any issues. It's the first time an underwire didn't feel like it was trying to gore a hole into my ribcage after five minutes - the straps didn't hurt, my nips didn't escape beyond the areola peeking behind the lace... If I had any complaints, it would merely be the lack of side coverage, but I know that area is more love handle and less boob, and that's something I've been working on.
Now, on both bras, the underwires do feel like they extend too far outward - enough that I cannot rest my arms comfortably at my sides. The front-facing photo of the Marca shows how this effects my arms posture from further away, causing them to stray away in a sort of bow-legged effect that feels as awkward as it looks.
I am taking my time trying things out - as I am sure y'all understand, finding the perfect go-to bras to get us through the days takes time. Especially when we are new to it and have never worn such things before. Adore Me lets me try a whole box of lingerie for only 20 bucks, that just so happens to come with some bras, thus why I ended up trying it first. I've been in sports bras for over a decade and just... honestly, yall, it's all so intimidating and getting that box made it a lot less scary than trying to find things on my own.
Is the Marca really that bad of a fit? I'd wanted to get it in other colors, but now I don't know. I figured I could just adjust the wires for comfort based on some of the guides here or something for the arm thing. It's gotta be better than worn out sports bras or nothing at all, right?
This stuff is all so confusing and intimidating when you're used to hiding under as many baggy things as you can, lemme tell you what, man. Tired of that life tho. Thank y'all for the help and this safe space to figure my shit out.
submitted by DreamExtraordinaire to ABraThatFits [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:25 Count-Daring243 Best A2 Front Sight Post

Best A2 Front Sight Post

Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of A2 Front Sight Posts! This article is your ultimate guide to exploring some of the best options available in the market. From their unique design to their incredible performance, we will be taking a close look at these front sight posts, and why they are worth the investment. So sit back, relax, and let's embark on this journey together!

The Top 13 Best A2 Front Sight Post

  1. Compact and Durable AR10 Bipod for Enhanced Stability and Easy Deployment - Experience the F.A.B. Defense AR Podium - Bi-Pod FDE AR-15 Platform for unmatched precision, ease, and durability in your shooting experience – a must-try for all AR 10 enthusiasts!
  2. Redline RL-2 3 Pin Dovetail Hunting Sight - The Redline RL-2 3 Pin Dovetail Sight, with its ultralight CNC machined aluminum housing and precision adjustment features, delivers a top-rated 3.8 out of 5.0 stars for a low profile optic experience.
  3. Precision AR-15 Sight Tool for Adjustments and Installation - Experience ultimate precision and convenience with the Mi A2 Sight Tool Wrench for AR-15, featuring stress-proof steel construction, square notches for secure sight adjustments, and a knurled non-slip handle for a comfortable grip.
  4. Williams WGOS Octagon Open Sight Base with Black Finish - The Williams WGOS-Octagon T/C Open Sight Base is a versatile and adaptable aluminum sight base, perfect for enhancing your firearm's accuracy while offering a sleek, black finish.
  5. Affordable and Lightweight Firefield Reflex Sight - The Redline RL-2 Sight Single Pin Gray RH provides a lethal, durable, and affordable single pin bow sight, perfect for hunters seeking accuracy and convenience.
  6. AR Front Sight Adjuster for 5/4 Pin Styles - Achieve precision with the Real Avid Front Sight Adjuster Tool: a durable, compact, and versatile AR15 sight adjustment tool, designed for both A1 & A2 front sights.
  7. AR15 Front Site Adjuster Pro: Precision AR-15 Front Sight Adjustment Tool - Upgrade your accuracy with the Real Avid AR15 Front Sight Adjuster Pro, a versatile and reliable tool for adjusting your firearm's front sight post.
  8. Weather-Resistant Aluminum Garden Fence Posts - The vidaXL Fence Posts 3 Pcs Aluminum 72.8" are a durable, weather-resistant solution for straight or 90-degree corner fences, perfect for garden use and compatible with 0.8-inch fence boards.
  9. Brushed Square Post for 4" Cable Spacing - Muzata's Level-drilled Brushed Post 4 (42"x2"x2") is a strong and stylish option for any shooting range, boasting efficient cable spacing and easy installation.
  10. Stainless Steel Stationary Post Shelving for Dry and Humid Settings - Sturdy and durable Focus Foodservice FG086SS Post - a stainless steel, 86-inch stationary post for all your storage needs, perfect for both dry and humid settings.
  11. SiteSelect Stationary Shelving Post for Easy Shelf Installation - Effortlessly adjust and align your shelving with the Super Erecta SiteSelect Stationary Shelving Post, featuring a visual guide and easy-to-identify double groove for precise positioning.
  12. Evolver Mounted Base Line Post for Durable Outdoor Fencing - Evolver's Mounted Base Line Post Fortress transforms your deck or concrete with precision and convenience, allowing you to create a contemporary and highly customizable fence system.
  13. Durable Aluminum Fence Posts for Weather-Resistant Garden Fences - Durable, weather-resistant, and compatible fence posts from vidaXL that offer versatility with 90-degree corner inserts for your garden.
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🔗Compact and Durable AR10 Bipod for Enhanced Stability and Easy Deployment

While out on a hunting trip, I found my AR-15 platform was in dire need of a sturdy bipod to help stabilize my shots. That's when I came across the F. A. B. Defense AR Podium, an AR 10 bipod that fit perfectly on my weapon. The sleek design of the F. A. B. Defense AR Podium grabbed my attention immediately, with its compact and no-protruding-parts structure.
The convenience of the rapid deployment mechanism, which operates by the simple push of a button, was a game-changer on the battlefield. This FDE bi-pod was steady and durable, offering a much-needed steadiness to my shots.
Despite being lightweight, the F. A. B. Defense AR Podium proved to be quite strong and reliable due to its reinforced polymer composite construction. It saved me valuable rail space too, allowing me to explore other mounting options.
Installation was a breeze, as it needed no Gunsmith to complete, and the model even includes the AGR-43 pistol grip and Podium bi-pod. All these features of this AR 10 bipod made it suitable for my hunting trips and added stability to my shots.
Of course, like any product, there were some drawbacks. I felt that the rail space could be saved even further, and the deployment mechanism could have been quicker to actuate. But overall, the F. A. B. Defense AR Podium made my hunting experience much more enjoyable and stabilizing.

🔗Redline RL-2 3 Pin Dovetail Hunting Sight

The Redline RL-2 3 Pin Dovetail Sight stands out among hunting sights, offering a unique blend of features and performance. Personally, I've found the sight to be a sturdy and reliable option for hunting in low light conditions. The 0.019 fiber optic pins are bright and easy to see, making it easier to track targets.
One feature I particularly appreciate is the tool-free locking adjustment knob. It allows for quick adjustments on the fly, without needing any additional tools. The enclosed fiber optic ring is a thoughtful addition, ensuring the pins remain protected and secure during transit or storage.
However, there are a couple of downsides to this sight. The middle pin is not as well-colored as one would expect, which might impact its ability to accurately represent yardage. Additionally, the dial wheel can become loose over time, which could lead to inconveniences during use.
Overall, the Redline RL-2 3 Pin Dovetail Sight is a solid choice for hunters looking for a reliable and low-profile sight. I would recommend this sight to those who prioritize ease of use and sturdiness, while being mindful of the potential issues with the middle pin and dial wheel.

🔗Precision AR-15 Sight Tool for Adjustments and Installation


Having used the Midwest Industries MIA2ST sight tool wrench myself, I can say that it has become an invaluable tool in my daily life. Its precision machined build from stress-proof steel is impressive, ensuring durability and precision in every sight adjustment I make.
The square notches and knurled non-slip handle provide a secure and snug fit, making it easy for me to work with even in the most challenging conditions. However, I would have liked the inclusion of a more ergonomic handle for added comfort during long use.
Overall, this sight tool wrench for AR-15 is a worthwhile investment for anyone seeking a reliable and effective solution for sight adjustments.

🔗Williams WGOS Octagon Open Sight Base with Black Finish

I recently had the chance to try out the Williams WGOS-Octagon sight base for my hunting rifle. The sleek black design caught my attention, and the sturdy aluminum alloy gave me confidence in its durability. The sight base was easy to mount on my firearm, thanks to the provided 6x48 mounting screws. However, I had to drill and tap my rifle to make it compatible.
One of the features that stood out to me was the dovetailed elevation and windage adjustments. They allowed me to make precise adjustments to my aim quickly, which was essential for taking down a target at a distance. On the other hand, the sight base required the use of a separate Williams Rear Sight Blade, which I had to purchase separately.
Overall, the Williams WGOS-Octagon sight base provided me with a reliable and precise shooting experience. While it required some extra work to make it compatible with my rifle, the sleek design and adjustable features made it worth the effort.

🔗Affordable and Lightweight Firefield Reflex Sight

The Redline RL-2 Bow Sight is a remarkable addition to my hunting gear. Its slim design and simple operation make it a reliable and lightweight companion during my hunting expeditions. The addition of the pin light and third axis gives this sight an edge over other options on the market.
While the included tapes might not work for everyone, it's a small price to pay for the overall functionality. Overall, the Redline RL-2 offers value for its cost and has made my hunting experiences more enjoyable.

🔗AR Front Sight Adjuster for 5/4 Pin Styles

I found the Real Avid Front Sight Adjuster Tool to be an essential addition to my AR15 arsenal. With its precision machined stainless steel build and durable black oxide coating, this tool is both sturdy and sleek, allowing for quick and easy sight adjustments. The non-slip texture provides a secure grip, keeping my adjustments accurate, even with the added pressure of applying gun dope.
The 4 pin front viewfinder adjustment (A2 style) and 5 pin front viewfinder adjustment (A1 style) compatibility make it versatile, ensuring that it can be used on various rifles. The compact size ensures portability, and its ergonomic design makes handling a breeze. Even after several uses, the Real Avid tool has proven to be a reliable and durable option that's well worth the investment.

🔗AR15 Front Site Adjuster Pro: Precision AR-15 Front Sight Adjustment Tool

I've had the privilege of using the Real Avid AR15 Front Sight Adjuster Pro in my daily life, and I must say, it's a game-changer for my shooting experience. The tool's sleek gray finish gives my firearm a unique and stylish look, and its robust construction has withstood the test of time.
One of the features I found remarkable is how easy it is to adjust the front sight using this tool. It's an effortless process that makes precision and accuracy more achievable. I've even noticed a noticeable improvement in my aim compared to before using the AR15 Front Sight Adjuster Pro.
However, one downside I encountered was that, at times, the tool can be a bit difficult to maneuver, especially in tight spaces. It took me a few tries before I got the hang of it. But once I did, it became seamless.
Overall, the Real Avid AR15 Front Sight Adjuster Pro is a fantastic addition to anyone's arsenal, providing an easy and reliable way to improve shooting accuracy. It's a tool that I will continue to use and recommend to fellow enthusiasts.

🔗Weather-Resistant Aluminum Garden Fence Posts

I recently came across these VidaXL fence posts and I must say, I was quite impressed with their durability and versatility. Made from a sturdy combination of aluminum and steel, these posts can withstand harsh weather conditions without any issues. The silver color fits perfectly with any garden setting and the sleek design never disappoints.
One of the most impressive features of these fence posts is their flexibility. The inserts in the post allow the fence to be made straight or turned at a 90-degree angle, making it a great addition to any garden. However, I did notice that they might be a bit heavy for some people to handle on their own, which could be a minor drawback.
Overall, the VidaXL aluminum fence posts are a solid choice for anyone looking to add a touch of elegance and strength to their garden. Highly recommend!

🔗Brushed Square Post for 4" Cable Spacing

Ever since I started using the Muzata 42"x2"x2" Level-drilled Brushed Post 4, I've been amazed at the ease of installation. The pre-drilled level through holes make it a true plug-and-play setup, ensuring a sturdy and secure fit. It's perfect for both flat bottom and round handrails, adding an elegant touch to your living space. However, I did notice that it lacks any additional stabilizer posts, so for those who plan to exceed a 4-foot span, a separate one would be necessary.
Using the post felt like a natural extension to my handrail setup. The polished brushed surface finish adds a soft and elegant touch without compromising on durability. The handrail height is adjustable with 12 holes, allowing for flexible positioning around the house. Overall, my experience with the Muzata post has been positive, with only a minor inconvenience related to increasing the span without a stabilizer post. I would definitely recommend it to anyone in the market for a sturdy and sophisticated handrail solution.

🔗Stainless Steel Stationary Post Shelving for Dry and Humid Settings

I recently tried out the Focus Foodservice FG086SS Post, a stainless steel 86-inch stationary post designed for storing shelves in both wet and dry settings. I was immediately impressed by its durability, as the stainless steel construction ensures it can withstand rigorous use without getting scratched, rusted, or corroded. And, bonus - it's super easy to clean.
One of the standout features was the height of the post, which made it compatible with plenty of shelving units in my restaurant. The grooves at 1-inch increments, numbered at 2-inch increments, and double grooved at 8-inch intervals, allowed for flexible adjustments that made shelf installation and adjustment a breeze.
However, one thing I noticed was that the zinc-plated leveling feet didn't sit perfectly level on the ground, which could be a concern for those looking for a stable base. Despite this minor inconvenience, overall, I found the Focus Foodservice FG086SS Post to be a reliable and sturdy addition to my restaurant's storage setup.

🔗SiteSelect Stationary Shelving Post for Easy Shelf Installation

I've been using the Super Erecta SiteSelect Stationary Shelving Post for a while now, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for organizing my space. The chrome finish looks sleek and professional, adding a touch of elegance to any room. The SiteSelect posts are a lifesaver when it comes to adjusting shelves. The double groove every 8 inches makes it a breeze to line everything up neatly - no more fumbling around trying to figure out where everything goes.
One of the best features is the adjustable leveling foot. It ensures that your shelves are perfectly level, preventing any wobbly mishaps. I also love that there's an option for a mobile post without the leveling bolt assembly if you're using stem casters.
However, there are a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, the instructions could be a bit clearer, and secondly, the price might be a bit steep for some. But overall, I'd highly recommend this product for anyone looking to keep their storage area organized and looking great.

🔗Evolver Mounted Base Line Post for Durable Outdoor Fencing

I recently discovered the Evolver Mounted Base Line Post Fortress, a versatile fencing solution that's been a game-changer for my outdoor space. The octagonal posts provide precise panel positioning, even in the most irregularly shaped yards. They come in handy when you need to mount the post above ground or on concrete surfaces. The installation process is a breeze, with the Evolver post fitting easily onto the sturdy steel base.
While the Evolver post is durable and resistant to UV, water, and weather, the warranties could be better - they're limited, not full-coverage. I wish for more detailed information about the installation process to ensure safety and stability, especially when mounting the system on pre-existing concrete slabs. Overall, the Evolver Mounted Base Line Post Fortress is a stylish and practical choice for anyone looking to elevate their fence game.

🔗Durable Aluminum Fence Posts for Weather-Resistant Garden Fences

When I decided to upgrade my garden fence, I came across the vidaXL Fence Posts. These aluminum 3-piece posts were a game-changer for my outdoor space. The silver color and aluminum-steel construction make them a sleek and sophisticated addition to my garden, while the dimensions and base size allow for compatibility with most fence boards.
One of the highlight features for me was the fact that these fence posts are UV-ray resistant and can withstand the harsh elements of the outdoors, meaning they won't fade away. I love that they are both weather-resistant and temperature stable, so they look as good as new even after years of exposure to the elements.
However, I did notice that the posts have a tendency to corrode over time, especially if they come into contact with moisture. I also found the installation process to be quite a challenge, as the inserts sometimes don't fit properly.
Overall, my experience with the vidaXL Fence Posts has been mostly positive, but they still have some areas for improvement. Nonetheless, they have dramatically boosted the visual appeal and functionality of my garden fence, and I would recommend them to anyone looking to upgrade their outdoor space.

Buyer's Guide

The A2 front sight post is a crucial component of many firearms, providing stability and precise aiming. It is designed to provide a clear sight picture and facilitate accurate shooting.


Material Options

A2 front sight posts are available in a variety of materials, including steel, brass, and durable polymers. Each material presents its own advantages and drawbacks, such as weight, durability, and price.

Sight Post Styles

Sight posts come in different styles, like round, square, and tapered. The style of the sight post affects the gun's appearance and, to some extent, its functionality. For example, a tapered sight post may facilitate quick target acquisition, while a square or round sight post might provide more stability.



The installation of an A2 front sight post requires patience and precision. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring that the post is securely attached to the firearm. Improper installation can lead to decreased accuracy and durability.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance and care of the A2 front sight post are critical to its longevity and performance. Regular cleaning and lubrication can help prevent wear and tear, ensuring that the sight post remains functional and accurate for extended periods.


Budget Considerations

When purchasing an A2 front sight post, it is essential to consider your budget. High-quality posts may come at a higher cost but can provide superior performance and longevity. Lower-priced options may be suitable for more casual shooters or those on a tight budget.

Considering Your Needs

When selecting an A2 front sight post, it is crucial to consider your specific needs and preferences. Factors such as material, style, and installation method may impact your decision. Choosing the right A2 front sight post for your firearm can significantly enhance its performance and your overall shooting experience.



What is the A2 Front Sight Post?

The A2 Front Sight Post is a precision-engineered front sight post designed for various firearms, including rifles and shotguns. It enhances accuracy by providing a clear and precise aiming point.

What materials is the A2 Front Sight Post made of?

The A2 Front Sight Post is made from high-quality materials such as steel and hard anodized aluminum, ensuring durability and long-lasting performance.

What is the installation process for the A2 Front Sight Post?

The installation process typically involves removing the existing front sight post and mounting the A2 Front Sight Post in its place. It may require some level of firearm maintenance skills and tools.

How does the A2 Front Sight Post improve accuracy?

The A2 Front Sight Post improves accuracy by providing a clear and precise sighting point. It is designed to be easily adjustable, allowing users to fine-tune their aim for better accuracy.

What is the warranty period for the A2 Front Sight Post?

The warranty period for the A2 Front Sight Post may vary depending on the manufacturer and the product model. It is essential to check with the specific manufacturer for information on their warranty terms.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:25 allison_vegas Covid positive… have had a really rough week

I tested positive at the doctor yesterday but it’s Day 4 of symptoms… day 3 with a fever. I HAVE HAD A WEEK FROM HELL!
Last weekend was my 4 year old daughter’s birthday. I ran around like a crazy person and barely drank any fluids and held my pee all day. Well the next day.. Sunday I got a raging UTI. I go to urgent care and get put on antibiotics. Later that same evening my period started. I worked a crazy busy double shift at my bar on Monday fighting a uti and having a period. Tuesday I worked an unplanned double shift at my other bar. I decided to take Wednesday off because I was scheduled to have oral surgery the next day and we were going to a baseball game Wednesday night. Wednesday I have this tight feeling in my chest like I breathed in a bunch of dust or something. And I kinda had a dry cough. I thought it might have been side effects of the macrobid I was prescribed so I freaked out and stopped taking it. We go to the baseball game and it was a cold rainy night. The chest tightness persisted and got worse as the night went on. Thursday I woke up early because I was very scared of the apicoectomy I was supposed to have at 8 am. I felt pretty shitty and decided I was gonna post pone the surgery. I still showed up at the office and the nurse seemed down to still do the procedure even though I told her I felt bad. Thankfully the Endodontist wanted no part of it and told me to reschedule. I stopped by target and got some Gatorade and Covid tests. Covid test was negative. My MIL took my daughter and I took a nap. Woke up with a fever. Things went really downhill from there. My whole body started to ache and I had to lay next to a bowl because I felt so nauseous. I fell asleep again and woke up boiling hot and my heart racing. The body aches were unbearable. My husband was taking his final test before graduation the next day so I wasn’t trying to bother him too much but he was really worried about me. My MIL brings my daughter home because she wants to come home. She tells me she can come pick her back up tomorrow after her 11 am appt. At this point didn’t know if I was sick with something or maybe my uti was coming back with a vengeance and affecting my whole body. If my daughter wouldn’t have been home I probably would have made my husband take me to the hospital.
I wake up the next morning feeling worse than ever. I call my mom and beg her to come over. I ask her if she will take me to my urgent care appointment. I had no idea when husband was gonna be done at school and I just didn’t have the strength to care for my daughter. She comes over and I literally just cry miserably. My MIL comes and takes my daughter and my husband gets home soon after. My mom literally had to help me get dressed. She leaves and my husband takes me to urgent care. Just walking in the door and signing in almost kills me. I redo a UA which turned out being fine. They test for Covid flu and strep. Covid comes back positive. Now come to find out 4 people at my job I worked on Monday are all Covid positive. I was supposed to go to my cousins wedding today but that definitely wasn’t gonna happen. I also am so glad I decided to not want to get my oral surgery on Thursday. I can’t imagine having my jaw bone drilled on and stitches in my mouth while feeling this sick with Covid!!! My god. I finally just took a shower and I seriously thought my legs were gonna buckle underneath me. I swear they were a little shakey. I get so dizzy and weak feeling just standing up. I keep getting really hot and sweaty. My body aches are gone but now it’s like a weird soreness. Maybe from laying around too much I don’t know. Anywho I just wanted to vent about how awful a UTI / period / covid / attempted dental surgery all in one week is.
submitted by allison_vegas to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:24 Melodic-Debt8921 Loser of the night

I (31M) have been apartment neighbors with this girl (37F) for around 2.5 years. We’ve always been friendly but never really talked much. Couple weeks ago I had to leave for a night, didn’t know too much about her but I know we’re both dog people. So I left a note on her door asking if she’d be interested in dog sitting for $. She wrote back of course no $ necessary :). We exchange numbers, end up talking a couple days later. Since then we’ve gone on some dog walks and had food a couple of times. Always fun and she texts me every morning when she wakes up (earlier than me), sends cute pics, etc. I text her today saying how much I’ve enjoyed getting to know her and look forward to spending more time together. So we make plans for drinks tonight. About 6:30 she says a friend has had a bad day and needs to vent so she’s gonna do that for a bit. Ok cool I’ll go have a couple with a buddy we’ll meet up after. We’re texting back and forth, talking about later. I get a message at 9:22 warning she’s probably gonna jump me when she gets home. I say sounds like fun and she puts a heart on it. I’m thinking this is the night it takes off. It’s now 1:25, she still isn’t back. I’ve had 2 messages delivered since her last with no response. I’m not asking for opinions, just asking my fellow brothers to pour one out. Sometimes you’re the bug sometimes you’re the windshield. Guess this bug is hitting the gym tomorrow.
submitted by Melodic-Debt8921 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:24 DustImportant434 Can you/how do you heal a broken relationship between your sibling and your dad?

I would first like to say that I’ve never made a post on here, so I apologize if I word anything badly or leave something important out (or leave something irrelevant in).
My family consists of broken apart parents, a full blood brother, and 9 (alive) half brothers. The sibling I’m referring to in the title is my second oldest sibling, “Phillip”, he’s 23 and he’s my dads kid, but not my mom’s. For years, my father was in and out of prison and jail. During this, he worked up a debt on his child support to Phillip’s mom. He has said repeatedly that he’d get the court to drop the child support to my father, but never has. He has asked for money, saying he’d pay our father back but never has.
Here is where getting them to agree again is hard; within the past year, Phillip has sugared multiple of my dad’s vehicles, and even threatened my full blood brother. My father runs a tree service, and needs these vehicles to get to work. When my brother did this, my father got lost in debt, mostly to Phillip’s mom since he was behind a lot in child support as is. They used to be close when I was a kid, but now they seem to have pure hatred for one another. This is the main thing that has happened, but allow me to explain him threatening my brother, “Liam”.
For years, (approx. 5), we were not allowed to see our dad. Last year, around October or so, Liam started seeing our dad without our moms permission. (Possibly relevant, especially if there’s any questions) In November, I started to see him again as well, and our mother found out. We stopped seeing him for a bit until my mother got locked up and we’d go with him anytime he was in town (our grandmother started looking after us at our house). My grandmother constantly got into arguments with Liam, and eventually, he just started living with my dad all the way.
My dad owns two “shops”. One is a store, the other is basically like a garage for anything he may need here or at the house close to it. My dad and Liam were at the garage before Phillip came down there without permission. Phillip walked over to them and everything went as follows:
(Not exact words but nonetheless. D is dad btw)
D: “What are you doing here?” P: “I thought I’d come see Liam.” D: “You didn’t ask to come, Phillip. You know you’re not allowed here, especially without permission.” Phillip and him started to get into an argument and Phillip pulled out a gun. P: “Why can’t you just be a good dad? You favor one of your kids over the rest!” D: “Phillip, I have done so many things for you and haven’t got anything back. I don’t favor any of my children, I just actually talk to the ones that talk to me and treat me with respect. What, are you jealous?” P: “Of Liam? Because honestly, yeah! He has the dad I never had!” After he said this is when Phillip pulled out a gun and pointed it at Liam. My dad immediately grabbed his arm and head butted him.
After all of this is a blur since we both got rather scared, and the police came and took our dad away(he refused to tell the police anything about what Phillip did - he refuses to snitch on anyone) With all of this being said, does anyone think this relationship can even be salvaged?
I apologize for this post being so lengthy, I just really want to try and fix my family piece by piece and I doubt I can with everything that has happened. Feel free to ask for anything you may need if you believe it’ll help you give better advice and I’ll answer as best as possible. Thank you for your time.
submitted by DustImportant434 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:24 Legitimate_Listen654 Dilemma on expanding setup

Hi guys, first of all, sorry for the long post and my bad english. Im new to this sub, it all started way before covid that i suddenly decided to buy a NAS to store backup data, and an intel NUC as a mini PC to consume media on my bedroom. At that time, i'm using docker via synology's interface, everything done through their web server. At the same time im also using some of their bundled software, i.e. synology drive, music, etc.
Moving forward, until now my DS220+ has almost full (4TB raid 1), and i've dwell in to deeper aspect of docker and linux(using docker compose, cli, etc), and already leave their ecosystem. And i'm not comfortable to directly working on my synology as it's hosting alot of important data.
I therefore turned my intel NUC into another linux, and act as alternative docker stack cum staging system. Currently im looking to expanding my setup, since i've used synology, and are comfortable with it, logically i would've bought another synology NAS, i.e. DS423 or even DS923. But im having dilemma:
  1. It's much more expensive, wayyyy to expensive
  2. some say it's expensive coz you are paying a one time fee for their ecosystem/service for life time(hopefully), that's why it's so expensive, but I am no longer using these services/software.
  3. again it's so expensive because of it's ease of use, with their DSM etc, nice UI, etc, but again i've dwell more into linux and CLI, this portion also reduce greatly
As an owner of synology NAS, i can tell you, it's very good, there's nothing wrong about it except being too expensive. They're good for beginner or company with budget looking for ease of maintenance and deployment, especially with their DSM. But the price are not that friendly with amateur or personnel without tons of extra budget.
So, as mentioned above, since I've no longer in need of those fancy features provided by synology, i'm thinking of buying alternative brand(which in those comparison website always referred as weaker ecosystem, weaker OS/GUI, etc) like terramaster or QNAP. But as i said, my requirement to GUI is much lower now, so i think it's ok.
But then same reason mentioned above, lesser GUI means i can straightaway buy an external storage and run docker on my NUC. Therefore i even thinking to buy a cheap external storage device like orico metacube pro, which essentially is just really a network storage(and it's dirt cheap compared to synology), and i just need to connect it to network or USB port at NUC, then it should work like wonder.
But, the problem with network storage is, i'll mount it via samba, and it's slow like hell, im abit concern on it's performance if im using it to store and retrieve media, and when im required to delete big files/thousands of small files. And deleting those files via DSM is really fast, like u r deleting files on ur own local hdd.
So what do u guys think? with budget constraint and lower requirement on GUI, should i go for:
  1. continue on buying synology NASes
  2. buy alternative brand
  3. buy simple external storage system like orico, which support raid and attach it to NUC
submitted by Legitimate_Listen654 to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:23 DarkSwordKing Losing myself

Everything is going wrong I can’t do nothing right I lost my apartment I almost lost my phone number Feel like I almost lose my job I can’t do anything right Fail at school Lost my last couple of jobs How am I not suicidal after everything I’m lucky for my family my friends and my love one , I would been homeless by now Is it worth it? Living I never felt this deep in depression. Is this how it is? Feel so low, so weak, so powerless I want to be normal, I want to be normal smart like everyone else How come I’m not suicidal after everything Maybe I’m reaching close to it. I’m not like everyone else I’m stupid I wish I wasn’t. I wish my fiancé leave me, for a better life Or at least leave her with my family so she’ll be in good hands I’m weak My emotions, I never felt this weak Is this what it feel like? Reaching my limits with human emotions? I’m breaking Maybe I am reaching close I don’t know It hard to talk to anyone Feel like nobody understands James your not stupid James life happens James if you work hard enough you’ll be okay James your just 22 James just live your life James James James James James I don’t wanna go to therapy, I have a habit of lying, making it seem it’s not bad. Don’t want them to think bad of me Saying everything okay, I got it Don’t worry I got it It’s my fault I got it It’ll be okay I’ll think of something I don’t know now It’s hard to smiles Even the usual fake smile I feel like it’ll just little bit more, I reach to a place I won’t get out mentally….. I’m so tired I want to sleep This pain in my chest and heart increases everyday I wish I didn’t exist, then maybe….i don’t know I feel bad for anyone that knows me They took great care of me I’m lost, everything is my fault I’m a stupid human I hate they say I’m not, I am, always think I know something when I don’t I don’t know anymore It’s as they say Can someone kill me? I don't have the courage to commit suicide, so I'm waiting for someone to kill me. I wonder if there is a god who does that... I just wish to be normal like everyone else
submitted by DarkSwordKing to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:23 Key-Argument-8719 My closest friend attempted suicide a few days ago and survived.

I am here to ask for advice and support. My friend and I are women in our late 20s. She attempted to commit suicide a few days ago. We were supposed to meet up the day of her attempt, but I told her I needed to reschedule to the following day. When I met her the next day, she seemed a bit off but pretty normal otherwise. After she let me blab on for several hours about irrelevant nonsense, she started crying out of the blue. I comforted her and asked if she wanted to share what was upsetting her. After a while she was able to confess to me that she had attempted to commit suicide the previous day but survived. She hadn't told anyone of this despite the fact that she lives with her partner.
I lost a friend to suicide about 10 years ago and have some experience working at a suicide hotline, so it was technically nothing I had not heard before. I comforted her and let her lead the discussion. Since that day, I have been checking up on her every few hours and either seeing her daily or making plans to see her the following day. Her job was a big stress on her, and she finally took an official leave of absence the day after she told me of her attempt (yay, good for her!). She is taking steps to simplify her life. I am gently pushing her to seek out a therapist (though she has a psych and is on meds).
Here is what I need help with.
1) What else should I make sure I encourage her to do in these days following her attempt. Seek a therapist? Tell her psychiatrist? Get checked at a hospital? (she nearly overdosed on pain pills). Do I need to encourage her to join an inpatient program?
2) I am losing my mind. My closest and dearest friend nearly disappeared from this Earth. The only reason she didn't is because her body somehow fought extra hard to keep her going. She informed me that her ideation is not an ebb and flow sort of thing but a constant blanket over her entire life. She also has been making jokes about her attempt that are not out of character for her (we have a dark sense of humor) but are confusing to me. I think I am sort of concluding that though her attempt failed, she is not really happy it failed. She "jokingly" said that since she ran out of pills, she has no other way to attempt again. She has also been "joking" about how she feels like she did a bad job at her attempt since she survived and didn't even have to be hospitalized. I've been trying to say the right thing to assure her that what she did was extremely serious and that I do think she needs to go to the hospital, but she kind of brushes it off. I know she is probably using humor to cope, but I also think she is being honest.
I haven't been able to sleep much since I learned of her attempt and am coming to terms with the fact that I can't count on her being alive. I want so much for her to want to live. But she has always experienced suicidal ideation and it seems like she will continue to experience it for the rest of her life. And I know, though every single cell in my body is screaming in protest, this is something I need to grow to accept. But how can I accept something like this?
submitted by Key-Argument-8719 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:22 lostbutmanaging AITAH for not letting my dad see my child?

I (27 M) am getting ready to cut ties with my father and never let him see my daughter again, who was born a few months ago.
For context, my dad has not been in a significant part of my life for nearly 10 years. Growing up, he struggled with alcohol and drug use. One of my earliest memories is him beating my mom and going to jail. He eventually got out and somewhat helped raised me, essentially seeing me once every two weeks and spoiling me to try and make things right. My mom didn’t want her kids growing up without a dad and tried to make it work. Over time, the spoiling kind of worked and he even got back together with my mom for a short while when I was in high school.
While I was in high school, it all went to hell. His best friend got out jail and “unalived” himself. My dad disappeared for two weeks and no one heard from him. Eventually, he calls me and tells me that he moved to New Mexico (we are from Ohio) to start over. He actually was going there to meet another partner and ended up staying over there. I tried to still make it work, even going to visit him one time. But, he got high one night and went off on my family over the phone, calling my then 14 year old brother a “fucking loser” and that he would “never amount to anything” after he just got cut from the high school baseball team while also calling my mom a “deadbeat whore.” He also at one point threatened to kick my ass if I ever disrespected him.
From that point on, he stopped being my dad. I would mostly ignore any points of contact. He would still try and send me money at times to buy my love over the next several years and I’m ashamed to admit that I took it sometimes due to being a broke college kid.
Fast forward to nearly two years ago, I now have a house and a wife. My dad and his partner move back to Ohio unannounced and shows up to a family event one day. Completely catches me off guard. I end up leaving basically right away and since then have barely went to any family gatherings, as my family has not really respected my feelings about him, and they have lied to me at times about whether or not he would be in attendance. They would tell me all the time that he has changed and is off drugs so I should give him another chance. Soon after, he basically sends me a text saying that his life is meaningless and begs me to meet him and make things right. I feel bad and we end up meeting a few times and it’s awkward, but fine. Soon he asks to take my wife and I to dinner, and we say yes.
He no shows the dinner. No call, no text, nothing. Waited over an hour for him. I texted him and told him not to bother reaching out anymore. He tried to apologize days later but I went full no contact mode.
That leads us to today. My daughter was born nearly 2 months ago and he finally texted me a week ago asking if I was going to “keep his granddaughter from him.” He has not even acknowledged her existence until now. I told him that I hadn’t made up my mind and then didn’t respond to anything else. Yesterday, we had another family outing and of course he was there, even though my grandma told me that he wouldn’t be there. He approaches me and tries to see my daughter, but I don’t entertain it. We end up staying for a bit, but ultimately end up leaving very early.
I don’t know how much longer I can do this. At this point, having him out of my life is just easier than with him in it. I understand that he isn’t on drugs anymore but that doesn’t make up for his actions. I had to figure out how to be a man without my father to guide me and from the way I see it I can go even longer. In my eyes, he made his decision long ago. Doing this would probably mean that I would cut ties with most of my family (on his side) but all I care about is protecting my wife and especially my daughter from being hurt like I was. Any advice on how I should handle this?
submitted by lostbutmanaging to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:21 TitaniumDragon 320 xp encounter for party of 4 level 3 characters

One of my players asked me for a tough one-shot encounter, so I decided to brew up something kind of spicy.
The premise was that trade wagons had been going missing on a road through a swamp.
As the party crossed a bridge over lily pad covered water in the swamp, a group of lizardfolk sprang out of the water right next to the party, while two snipers shot at them from the trees and under lily pads, and so began the CHAOS.
The overall encounter was:
The party:
The bad guys:
Starting baddies:
Second wave (came in on round 3 from northwest side, cutting off that end of the bridge)
Third wave (Came in on round 5 from the Southeast side, cutting off that end of the bridge)
Obviously, this was an incredibly hard encounter, as the party did not have the time to take down each wave before the next one rolled in, but in the end, the party did manage to triumph, though the wolf animal companion was reduced to dying 3 at the end of the encounter and the warpriest was dying 1 and swallowed whole at the end when they downed the glutton.
I think a lot of folks would think a 320 xp encounter - even broken up into waves like this - would be impossible, especially given the FIRST wave was already an extreme encounter AND they had advantageous positioning, but it wasn't actually THAT bad, though the party definitely got chewed up.
The champion really pulled their weight - not only did they reduce a ton of damage and heal a bunch, but they also took down a number of enemies thanks to Runic Weapon being cast on their weapon (along with the ranger's weapon). The combat swung hugely in their favor thanks to the champion basically holding up one side of the bridge, preventing a bunch of damage, and making it really hard for the enemies to focus fire down the cleric.
That said, pretty much everyone in the party contributed signficantly - the ranger took down a bunch of enemies and the cleric took down a few people AND gave out tons of healing. Even the psychic took out a few enemies and used Revealing Light to daze several of them, though Soothe sort of showed its problems when she did a level 1 soothe that healed for a whopping 5 hp.
Overall, it was a fun encounter for myself and the player who requested it, though it was definitely dicey here and there, and the other player (each player was playing two characters) had less fun as they had not really realized what they were signing up for, even though they ended up pulling through in the end. The Lizardfolk Stargazer even survived, running away (well, swimming away) as he was the last one standing at the end on his side, and he didn't fancy a four-on-one fight.
The fight overall took about 3 hours and 10 rounds or so of combat to resolve.
Characters in Pathfinder can go through quite tough encounters and win, if you have a good party composition.
submitted by TitaniumDragon to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:20 Tech_Gear_Lover Looking for The Best Budget Gaming Headphones? I tried and Tested These 9 Affordable Headsets

Looking for The Best Budget Gaming Headphones? I tried and Tested These 9 Affordable Headsets
The Best Budget Gaming Headphones I Tried and Tested
You don’t always have to burn your pocket and pay a lot of hard-earned money for your gaming headsets. I have chosen the top 9 best gaming headphones at affordable.
If you are a gaming enthusiast but short of budget, we have tried and tested 200 headphones before choosing these gaming headphones.
Which are the top 9 gaming headphones you can buy now in India? Let's have a look at my best picks below:
1. RUNMUS K3 Gaming Headsets
RUNMUS K3 Gaming Headsets are popular choices among our gaming community. You will have a very gaming experience at an affordable price.
These gaming headsets come equipped with 50mm audio drivers. And I felt the sound quality like "WOW". I love the great sound quality coupled with immersive and crystal-clear audio.
So, this pair of gaming headsets lets you hear every detail of the game with a built-in 7.1 surround sound USB sound card. The virtual 7.1 surround sound further enhances spatial awareness. The ear cups of the RUNMUS K3 gaming headset is built up of very soft memory foam. That also looks premium. So, the soft and breathable ear cushions ensure you have a comfortable gaming session all day with your team.
The headsets are compatible with different gaming platforms. I tried them with PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. And didn't find a glitch
On the downside, the build quality is not very impressive because it’s not as sturdy as high-end gaming headsets. Also, the volume control and microphone mute buttons will not impress you to the extent you expect because I found them a bit flimsy.
But overall, RUNMUS K3 is a very good choice unless you want to spend a big buck on your over-ear wired gaming headsets. This is a reliable gaming headphone available without breaking the bank.
2. Ant Esports H707 HD RGB Wired Gaming Headset
The vibrant RGB lighting is very appealing and you will love the Ant Esports H707 HD RGB Wired Gaming Headset for an immersive audio experience. This pair of gaming headset features 50mm magnetic neodymium drivers. Thus, delivers high-definition audio quality that is a gamer's paradise. The Esports H707 HD over-ear headphones have soft ear pads and
The RGB lighting adds a touch of style and can be customized to match the gaming setup. Comfort is prioritized in the design of this headset. It features soft over-ear pads and an adjustable headband. You can enjoy fatigue-free gaming sessions throughout the day.
The noise-canceling microphone captures clear audio. You can also rotate it to the desired position. The Ant Esports H707 also offers convenient in-line audio controls. It’s very handy for you to adjust the volume and mute the microphone effortlessly.
I tried these headphones across different gaming platforms. They are compatible with gaming platforms, including PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.
When I used these gaming cans, I also came up with certain downsides. The RGB lighting looks very attractive but it cannot be everyone’s preference.
I also experienced these headsets are pretty bulky and some of our community users also felt that way. To summarize, the Ant Esports H707 HD RGB Wired Gaming Headset offers impressive audio quality. It also delivers comfort, and visual flair with its customizable RGB lighting.
Thus, it has versatile compatibility and user-friendly features. So, it is a reliable choice if you are looking for an immersive gaming experience.
3. CHIPTRONEX Breeze X USB Wired Gaming Headphone
The CHIPTRONEX Breeze X USB Wired RGB Gaming headset is a very good choice with rich features. These gaming headsets are equipped with 50mm neodymium drivers. Coupled with customizable RGB lighting, they deliver clear and powerful sound. This allows you to fully immerse yourself in the game and hear even the slightest audio details. The RGB lighting adds a dynamic visual element to the headset. You are sure to enjoy an enhanced gaming experience. The makers have kept comfort on a priority in the design of this headset. It features soft and breathable ear cushions.
The headset also has an adjustable headband and lightweight construction. Thus, it ensures long gaming sessions without discomfort. The noise-canceling microphone provides clear communication with teammates. You can also conveniently mute when not in use.
On the downside, the CHIPTRONEX Breeze X USB Wired RGB Gaming headset doesn't make you very happy with the build quality. They don’t look as sturdy as higher-end gaming headsets. The microphone sensitivity also requires adjustment for optimal performance.
In my experience, the CHIPTRONEX Breeze X USB Wired RGB Gaming headset offers impressive audio performance. It also has customizable RGB lighting and a comfortable design. It is a good option for you if you are looking for an affordable option.
4. ZEBRONICS Zeb-8 BIT Premium Gaming Headphones
If you are looking for high-quality audio and comfort, the ZEBRONICS Zeb-8 BIT Premium Gaming Headphones are the perfect fit. These headphones enhance the gaming experience. I am impressed with ZEBRONICS Zeb-8 BIT's sound quality.
The ZEBRONICS Zeb-8 BIT ensures you get immersive audio and fully immerse yourselves in the game with clear highs and deep bass delivered by 50mm drivers. I really liked the adjustable headband and cushioned ear cups because they provide you a comfortable fit. You can go on and on even during long gaming sessions.
The Zeb-8 BITT also comes equipped with a detachable microphone. This ensures clear communication with teammates and minimizes background noise.
The in-line volume control and microphone mute button offer convenient access to adjust settings. But on the downside, I also didn’t find the design very impressive.
Thus, in my testing and experiment, I realized the build quality is not as durable as higher-priced gaming headphones.
Overall, the ZEBRONICS Zeb-8 BIT Premium Gaming Headphones offer impressive sound quality. These cans are comfortable and convenient. The detachable microphone and adjustable features are suitable choices for gamers. If you are looking for a reliable and affordable gaming headset, these are good option.
5. Ant Esports H1100 Pro Wired Over Ear Gaming Headphones
The Ant Esports H1100 Pro RGB Wired Over Ear Gaming Headphones come with combination of immersive audio, comfort, and vibrant RGB lighting.
These headphones let you elevate your gaming experience. What I really like about these gaming headsets is the impressive sound quality that the 53mm magnetic neodymium drivers deliver. I am sure you as a gaming enthusiast or gamer will enjoy it. The RGB lighting looks pretty good too and makes the headphones appealing.
It adds a dynamic visual element to the headphones and enhances the gaming experience. When I used this pair of headphones, I didn’t feel much discomfort, thanks to soft over-ear cushions and an adjustable headband.
The noise-canceling microphone really captures clear audio and you can rotate for optimal positioning. The Ant Esports H1100 Pro also offers convenient in-line controls for volume adjustment and to mute the microphone.
I didn't have any issues using these headphones on gaming platforms, including PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.
On the downside, RGB lighting is not the best feature and also the headphones are slightly heavy during extended use.
But this is not a big issue with an affordable gaming headset. Thus, my take is the Ant Esports H1100 Pro RGB Wired Over Ear Gaming Headphones offer very good sound quality, comfort, and durability.
6. Wings Vader 200 Wired Gaming Over Ear Headset
The Wings Vader 200 Wired Gaming Over Ear Headset is the perfect piece for a good gaming audio experience. The headphone comes with 50mm drivers and delivers rich and clear audio, allowing you as a gamer to fully immerse yourself in the game.
It has a very good adjustable headband and cushioned ear cups that provide a comfortable fit, even during long gaming sessions.
I personally have a very good experience playing with the team. The Wings Vader 200 has very good and intuitive in-line volume control and a microphone mute button. You can play with a button to access and adjust settings on the go.
Coming to the durability of the headset, the Wings Vader 200 is at par with higher-priced gaming headphones. The microphone sensitivity needs adjustment for optimal performance.
On the other side of the experience, I didn't see the build quality as very exciting. And so as the noise-canceling.
Overall, the Wings Vader 200 Wired Gaming Over Ear Headset offers impressive sound quality and the comfort, and convenience of gaming headphones lineups.
7. HP H200Gs Wired Gaming Over Ear Headphones
The HP H200Gs Wired Gaming Over-Ear Headphones come with 50mm drivers and deliver powerful and detailed audio. As a gaming enthusiast, you will fully immerse yourself in the game. In fact, they are a very good option for you if you are seeking high-quality audio and comfort.
The adjustable headband and cushioned ear cups provide a comfortable fit, even during long gaming sessions. These headphones also feature a built-in microphone.
Thus, they enable clear communication with teammates during multiplayer games. The in-line volume control and microphone mute button offer convenient access to adjust settings on the go.
But then I also feel the build quality is not as sturdy as high-end gaming counterparts. Also, the microphone quality is not as high as dedicated gaming headsets.
Overall, the HP H200Gs Wired Gaming Over Ear Headphones offer impressive sound quality. I am satisfied with comfort, and convenience.
The built-in microphone and adjustable features are food too. These gaming audio devices are a suitable choice for you if you are looking for a reliable and affordable gaming headset.
8. Cosmic Byte G2050 Gaming Headphone
Here comes the Cosmic Byte G2050 RGB Gaming Headphone features 40mm drivers and gives you a very good and immersive audio experience. I am impressed with the sound quality of the Cosmic Byte G2050 when playing with my teammates in the group. The sound is rich and clear audio.
I am sure as a gamer you will fully enjoy your gaming experience with the Byte G2050. The adjustable headband and cushioned ear cups provide a comfortable fit, even during long gaming sessions.
These headphones also feature vibrant RGB lighting. Indeed, this adds a dynamic visual element to the gaming experience. I did like the noise-canceling microphone. This ensures clear communication with your teammates in the game.
On the downside, I am not very impressed with the build quality of this headphone. It is just an average. They don’t match with their higher-priced counterparts.
Overall, the Cosmic Byte G2050 RGB Gaming Headphone are good option for impressive sound quality. They have comfort and visual flair with their RGB lighting.
9. boAt Immortal 121 TWS Gaming Earbuds with Beast Mode
The boAt Immortal 121 is a TWS wireless gaming earbuds. Yeah, you got it right. If you are looking for wireless freedom and immersive audio, pick this pair. These earbuds have a few quality features that enhance the gaming experience.
I really like the low latency gaming mode boAt Immortal 121 offers. So, this ensures minimal audio delay for an optimal gaming experience. The 8mm drivers deliver clear and powerful sound, allowing you to hear every detail of the game. We are also happy with the touch controls these earbuds offer.
They let you easily adjust the volume, play/pause, and answer calls without reaching for their devices. The IPX7 water and sweat resistance rating makes them suitable for intense gaming sessions or workouts.
On the other side, the battery life of Immortal 121 did not last very long for non-stop play. There is also an issue that earbuds don’t fit perfectly to all ear sizes. Of course, you need to adjust them for a secure fit.
Overall, the boAt Immortal 121 TWS Wireless Gaming In-Ear Earbuds offer impressive audio quality. They are good inside the ear, convenient, and durable.
What's your take on these gaming audio devices? Please comment and upvote
submitted by Tech_Gear_Lover to u/Tech_Gear_Lover [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:19 Soft-Sun-1026 My 21 year old male cat finally passed away yesterday and my sister and I are devastated

My sister and I rushed to the veterinarian and ended up getting there earlier than our appointment; the vets rushed to stabilize him the moment we walked in. I agreed to do lab work because I needed to know what was wrong with him. I guess I just needed to know that this time if wasn’t a close call like all the rest, that this was it. His kidney disease had progressed tremendously and his values were double the usual and one of them couldn’t even be read by the machine because of how high it was - my guess was his kidneys were failing. After asking the vet for her professional opinion, it was decided euthanasia was the best course of action. All throughout this process my sister and I were crying. In trying to come up with a decision, cremation vs burial, at home or in the clinic. So many decisions to make and such little time, it was stressful in the strangest ways. Unfortunately, the vet came into our room to tell us that his breathing was failing him and becoming weak.
The next course of events took place very fast. We entered the room where he was hooked onto a ventilator, an IV, and a heater. His temperature had dropped to 95 degrees Fahrenheit... he was so cold. The moment we touched him and he heard my voice and Isis voice, he started trying to get up and his heart started picking up. Seeing him struggle with all those wires, while he was hurt, he was trying to come to us and comfort us, it was so painful and so kind for him to do. We ushered to him “It’s okay. You don’t need to fight anymore. We’re gonna be okay. Please just rest. It’s okay to go now. It’s okay.” And although I meant those words, it was so hard to say them with conviction. He laid back down and his heart beat started slowing. I wrapped him in my green neon sweater; he had always loved sleeping on my clothes and basking in their scent. I had hoped it would comfort him and make him feel safe. We pet his head and comforted him. He soon started seizing.
We made the choice then to euthanize him at the hospital and we would take the body back with us to bury him in our backyard. We picked him up on a pillow and walked into a small room that was dimly lit with electric candles...it was a thoughtful touch. The injections for euthanasia were three. After the last one, he was gone. My sister and I stayed in his view while it happened and stroked his fur one last time. I gave him a last chin scratch before he took his last breath. We told him it was okay and that he was going to a better pace where he would no longer be in pain. That he was a good boy. The best boy. The best companion one could have. My sister and I cried. Our cries vibrating through the walls, following the loss of our best friend and sibling.
The ride home was horrible. My sister and I cried the whole way while carrying our dead best friend in the pet carrier. Just a few days ago he was full of energy running around... okay more jogging, but still. How did he deteriorate so rapidly in three days? I just couldn’t understand it and the whole existential question of how fragile life was and how things rapidly unfold crossed my mind. I started to resent my job and I still do. I felt that time was robbed from me and that somehow it was the jobs fault. I still think it is.
I had already called my parents beforehand and so they were prepared to hug and kiss us while my right hand felt the weight of my dead boy. We quickly got to work, my sister, parents, and one of my mom’s friends who had the unfortunate luck of seeing us bury him. We all took turns shoveling the dirt and created a deep hole to bury him. My sister and I, in tears. My dad cried some and my mom was sad. We decided to bury him with his collar, a memento of us. I picked him up from the black carrier bag and felt how stiff he was. I was already prepared for it, but it still broke my heart to feel his body so cold and stiff. I walked to the hole and slowly and delicately lowered him into the grave. Although I knew he was dead, I did not want to drop him into the bottom, he was still my fragile baby. I laid onto my stomach and put my head into the grave until I felt his body lay onto the dirt below him.
My sister and I bawled. We picked up our individual shovels and began pouring dirt into the grave. As dirt began to cover his small body, a jingle came from the bell attached to his collar, almost as if it was his final farewell, the final jingle we would ever hear from his bell. My heart broke and I kept pouring more dirt onto him until I could no longer see his small face and big ears. My beautiful grey, green eyed friend.
Everything in the basement reminds me of him. The day before, we had cleaned his room, his blankets, his litter box... and he chose to die after we cleaned everything as if to make it easier. However, the places he frequented curse or bless us? I half expect to see him in the hallway, next to my chair at the dinner table, I expect to see him on his bean bag...to sneak into my room.
Wherever you are, just know that I love you. We love you. You are...were my best friend. I hate myself. I regret not spending enough time with you, not giving you more chin scratches, not taking time off from work for you, and most of all I’m sorry that I didn’t get to sleep in bed one last time with you. I’m so so sorry.
I just hope I made the right choice. I don’t know if I believe in an after life, but I really hope there is one for you. I really hope you’re happy now. I hope you’re no longer in pain, I hope that wherever you are, you are thriving. I hope you get all the Purina food you want, fresh tap water, and Delectables treats. You deserve that and so much more. Thank you. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for being by my side from the age of 6 to the age of 27. Thank you for a wonderful 21 years. I just hope you know how much I loved you... how much I still love you. I hope you know how much the family loves you. You will forever be in our lives. I will never forget you. Fly high my beautiful, pretty boy.
Forever yours ☀️
submitted by Soft-Sun-1026 to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:19 NegotiationPitiful55 I fucking HATE being on vacation with my friends family

This trip has been an absolute mess and annoyance to me. It has not been any fun at all and I want to go home already but unfortunately I am here for another 2-3 days. I wanted to go on vacay to get away from MY mom bc she's such a narcissist as well and I am sick of not being treated emotionally like a 19 year old. They did not pay for my plane ticket, they just had extra space in the hotel for me .
I'll cut to the chase to what really set this off on this trip and shit that's just happened. Yesterday, we went to a resort in Mexico because they had a one day pass. At the end of it, Dalia (my friend's 30 yr old half sister) was too drunk and she took a taxi with her 6 year old daughter and Shayla (the sister's friend). We were originally supposed to go shopping at the mall after the resort and eat at an Italian restaurant within the resort but that did not go to plan. Anyway, after that it was just me, my friend May and her parents. I thought we were going to go shopping like they said we would because that is something everyone, especially ME since it's my favorite thing to do to cope, wanted to do. We didn't even do that and the only reason they even took us to the shopping strip in the first place was because they wanted to buy weed. They didn't even say that initially and I only found that out because they kept getting agitated bc they couldn't fin the McDonald's they were trying to use as a land marker. But I knew where the McDonalds was and I was very confused as to why they weren't listening to me when I was telling them where it was bc I thought they just wanted McDonald's since the food at the resort wasn't too good.
My friend told me that they wouldn't directly say they were getting weed because "they still need to be somewhat of a good influence" or something like that, like what?? They haven't been that this WHOLE trip and nobody is fucking dumb. They've been smoking and talking about weed this whole time in front of us/me. So why does THAT matter now ? Why tf would I care you're adults?? I literally have wanted weed this whole time anyway and already bought alcohol. I would have went home if they were gonna waste my time bc I thought something fun was going to happen.
This is the worst part. After we come back from the whole McDonalds shit, the four of us get into a taxi to go back to the Airbnb. When we arrive in front of our residence, the dad pulls out his card but the driver says he only takes cash. The dad flips his shit, says he's scamming him or whatever. The ride was 200 pesos, which is 10 USD. He says the driver is scamming him because he has been paying with his card the whole time. The mom thinks they're being scammed too. The dad was about to punch the driver in the face over ten fucking dollars??? The mom and my friend had to convince him to fucking stop and he kept getting mad at the daughter telling her to get tf inside. I had to end up paying (again) the ten dollars because I had cash. I say again because at the start of the trip, I had to pay 80 dollars for the cab to the Airbnb bc the dad didn't have service to pay so I used the cash I had. I did get the money back but still. wtf. Also they were not being scammed and if they were it wasn't even THAT bad because all of the taxis are 10 to 17 dollars from the mall to where we live. They think it's a scam because he wanted cash. I had a taxi driver when I snuck out once because there wasn't any food and I was STARVING, I asked him if he takes cash or card and he said cash, but it was still all the same price. They don't know I snuck out and I'm glad I didn't tell my friend that I did because she would have told them. probably.
The next day, which is today, I wake up and everybody is just fucking gone besides my friend and her sisters daughter. This pisses me off because they have left us, to baby sit the little girl AGAIN for idek how many times they've done that. It's extremely fucking annoying I haven't even been able to enjoy the trip and my friend damn sure has not either. she said she was really embarrassed yesterday to the dad and wouldn't have invited me if the parents were gonna act like they do at home with/around me. The dad "apologizes" today saying "Im sorry for being so embarrassing" like what?
They told us to go shop and have fun. To not let any of the shit that happened ruin the fun. Idk how that's possible but whatever I might as well. My friend didn't want to go shopping because she was crying and upset today. I was getting dressed because I said I am just going then because I was so sick of not being able to do ONE thing I wanted to. She then ended up coming with but then her phone not charging ruined her mood again and she wasn't going anymore. I was given money to use from home and was determined to just use it.I just wanted to do something fun for fucking once. I told my narc mom I was going to go out with or without my friend because it would have been BAD at home for me had I not enforced that. She kept pleading me not to go alone but I was persisting and wasn't asking. She just ended up telling me she's worried and to just be safe. Wasn't mad.
I walked out and paid for the taxi. I only went because it was only a 3-5 minute taxi ride to the public mall to shop. My friend then calls me asking if I left and why'd I go without her?? She literally didn't even want to go anymore and I said that. She tells me she insists I come back and she said it wasn't smart to leave and that "I'll get snatched up". Her parents and everyone were angry with me she said. First of all, her parents and everyone else kept fucking walking away from us without saying a word as to where they were heading. could have been fucking kidnapped multiple times because of them since that's the damn problem. I didn't even want to go alone initially, but it was bright as day outside, I am sick of this family and I'd rather be alone and do what I want to do, since that's clearly never gonna happen with them. Plus I shouldn't have to rely on company or anyone to have fun, especially at this point. Her mom gets on the phone and just tells me to come back bc she's responsible for me but then is like "because if you don't come back Im going to have to call your mom". I can never get a break away from my mom no matter the damn situation it seems. That was literally not needed at all. She called her anyway regardless of me saying I was coming back.
Also now im being accused of stealing their fucking weed they leave out on the counter. I don't need ur fucking weed if I WANTED weed (which I have this whole time but that was only between me and my friend) I can BUY my own weed with the money I have. The first time my friend asked me I didn't care because it was just a question out of concern. Today she asked me a second time and now I am feeling accused. She said her dad thinks I took it because my laptop was there. EVERYBODYS STUFF HAS BEEN DOWNSTAIRS. How is that even a good accusation and you're asking me the second time. There was no way it was not Shayla because she kept walking away to ask strangers for fucking cigarettes day 1 of the trip. then walked away AGAIN that day to try and buy some. She was also downstairs at like 5am one time bc I went downstairs to go outside rq and I saw her doing god knows what in the dark. I don't even think they even tried to question her about it, since she's been smoking with them but instead have only been accusing me.
I have tried to be very respectful to my friend's family because I don't want to be rude or say anything bad since that's her family. I don't know how long I'm going to be able to deal with it though and if I'm accused a third time I am going to fucking snap and probably cuss someone out. I am also trying not to get into any trouble at home because whether it's reasonable or not my mom is going to say I was being disrespectful and take their side on that regard.
TL;DR: I am on vacation in Mexico with my friends family and my patience has been tested this whole entire time. i've been accused of stealing weed twice which I have NOT done at all and it doesn't seem like they've asked anyone else. The dad threatened to punch the taxi driver over ten dollars bc he thought the taxi driver was scamming him when he wasn't. I had to pay for the ten dollars in cash and I also paid 80 initially at the start of trip for the taxi because the dad didn't have service on his phone.
submitted by NegotiationPitiful55 to self [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:18 Beerandcheesyfries How to stop thinking about someone who doesn’t think about you?

My ex and I saw each other for about two years, before he ended things in January saying that he didn’t have feelings for me anymore. I was blindsided, and I requested him to give it one more shot. At that moment, I was in the last leg of the examinations that I had been preparing for the last one year and having to cope with a sudden breakup was too much for me. We agreed and continued to see each other, and I ensured to give the relationship as much time as it needed.
Things got better in the last five months, or so I thought. We were communicating a lot better, he was opening up more than ever and even said he loved me a couple of times. A week ago, I was frustrated with the inconsistency in his communication (this has been a constant issue in our relationship) and he proceeded to tell me he didn’t want to do this anymore. I am disappointed that he did this yet again, not the breaking up part, but the part where he yet again led me on and did not communicate that the rekindling was not working. In my mind we were back on track, but clearly he did not feel the same. He would contact me according to his convenience and was rarely there when I wanted him to be.
I have gone no contact with him for the last 3 days, it hurts so bad. Please give me some tips to move on. Right now it feels like the world is ending for me and I am trying to get better, but there’s this immense weight on my shoulders.
I know I am more disappointed than heartbroken that I worked so hard in this relationship all alone and it just caused me more pain. I feel rejected. How does someone go from loving you to be being there with you for 7-8 months without feeling anything? How will I ever trust anyone again?
Please be kind. I am looking for some hope.
submitted by Beerandcheesyfries to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:17 coolboydude Tips & Tricks From a 2.8 KD Player

This game is hard even for me and it can be tough to go positive however… dying can be reduced if you do these handful of things to improve your gameplay and get more kills
Note this is for people who want to get better becoming a slayer! I won’t be talking about OBJ
Unfortunately the game was designed for you to get shot in the back and constantly dying to bullshit abilities. This is really a team game and everyone will be close together almost at all times. The best mode to avoid teams staying together is hot shot but even then it’s still pretty bad, you get 1 kill someone always comes behind you
To avoid that you wanna stay in the outskirts of maps.. don’t challenge someone head on when you know More people are around him,
be unpredictable and be patient.. wait for enemies to come to you. Just cause you see someone doesn’t mean you should shoot him.. wait until he’s far away from cover and then fire,
don’t shoot someone when you know they are going out of your view.. your giving them a chance to reposition and jump in on you.. normally you can challenge this in other shooters but xdefiant has really bad netcode and you will die and lose gunfights your suppose to win..
most people will run and slide all over the place looking for kills.. don’t do that.. play smart and let your teammates push for you then you come in after. Use your teammates as meat shields.. your teammates are mostly dumb they will push a head glitch thinking they can kill him.. use that to your advantage to learn enemy positions that you can’t see on your radar
Check your mini map and look at the red dots, look at your teammates, if they are at 1 side of the map the enemies are likely on the other side. HOWEVER spawns are no predictable so always be weary of an empty area your in.
Aim higher, shooting below the torso will do less damage, you want headshots and upper chest shots to outgun people
Never challenge a sniper not worth it. If you’re exposed to a sniper aiming at you.. run either to the left or the right and then immediately stop then start running again. A good sniper will lead their shot in a position your predicted to be at, stopping disrupts their flow and predictably,
When you come across an enemy and your not being shot at and you know he sees you, pretend you don’t see him, go behind cover or a wall and pop back out and shoot him, outplay enemies thinking your going to go one way then you end up going back the way you started at and shoot him.
Always have a sense of map control, always be aware of the areas where there’s no activity,
If you shoot and kill someone, pre aim in direction where’s there’s no activity ( meaning no teammates or action in an area ) someone will likely spawn or is there running around following your red dot
Do not use any other gun other than the MP7 and ACR in super sweaty lobbies.. it’s not worth it to use any other weapon. Those too will help you the most in those lobbies
If you’re in a super sweaty lobby and you see people are jumping.. start pre aiming slightly in the air and not to close to a structure or a wall, the movement is super fast. When enemies jump in on you, your iron sights will line up with there jumping ( tho it is a 50/50 chance it’ll work. Hit reg and aim assist will mess you Up )
If you want to jump to gain an advantage here’s some tips
Jumping makes you really hard to shoot, you throw off peoples aim assist and hit registration will sometimes no keep up with the enemy, also if your going to jump, don’t do it up and down.. you need to go left and right Trick the enemy and go left and right and then left and left. You will mess there aim up tho it’s not certain you will win but you are more likely to land headshots
Learn your weapon recoil. Attachments will not help you much with this, you will likely have to pull down left and down to shoot straight.. if you know the recoil goes to the left.. when you aim at an enemy aim to the right of their body or even aim next to them and the recoil will adjust for you. Let the recoil aim for you
If your shooting someone far away and your guns recoil slowly goes up, aim beneath the enemy and the recoil will adjust to their position for you instead of you having to manually aim and Adjust it yourself,
I can keep going but that’s some tips and tricks for you, hope You give this a read
submitted by coolboydude to XDefiant [link] [comments]
