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2012.12.29 21:30 Linguistics Humor

Linguistics Humor: a sub for humor relating to linguistics

2011.06.14 00:28 ImSean The, uh, stuff that dreams are made of.

A subreddit dedicated to film noir and neo noir films, and hard-boiled crime fiction. Feel free to post reviews, links to articles and public domain video, material concerning hard-boiled crime fiction and related subjects.

2024.05.19 05:18 beanfox101 Little loss on what to do

So background: 23F, 5’4” and around 177lbs. On a weight loss journey right now if that helps at all with CICO.
I’m constipated for the second time during my weight loss journey. Last time, I took Durcolax (about 2-4 chewable tablets) and was able to go after a few hours. I even got some constipation tea a few weeks later that also made me poop a LOT after an hour or so.
I’ve been constipated for a few days, only able to pass small stools. I feel EXTREMELY bloated and my weight has gone up slightly from normal. So I’m trying the laxatives again. 2 days ago, I took 2 tablets with 2 water bottles afterwards. Nothing. Just a lot of peeing afterwards (which was crystal clear). I shrugged and hoped that it would kick in the next day.
Today, I felt really bloated, so I took 4 of the tablets this time with 2 water bottles beforehand. I also had the constipation tea about 5-6 hours after the tablets, since I felt nothing and kept peeing out everything (again, crystal clear). I feel some cramping, but overall little to no appetite and just not even a feeling to go. I’m scared I took too much, but the only thing that worries me is some water coming back up when I burp (not actual vomiting). I’m trying to drink another 16oz water bottle in hopes to move some stuff along. I even tried a black bean burrito with salsa to see if that would help. So far… nothing.
What the heck do I do? The doctors is not an option right now due to insurance reasons.
submitted by beanfox101 to ConstipationAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:18 daintydae Is cutting people off okay?

Is it really okay to cut people off because they stresses the hell out of me? I have this group of friends that I met in college, I am very sure that we don't share the same values and interests, but they were nice people so sticked to them. However, I recently realized how they're like a big factor of my overthinking and stress. They're really sensitive that I overthink every actions I make because I don't want them to think badly of me and that affected me negatively. It even got to a point where I noticed how they kind of don't like it when I get close to other people. I also feel like they're kind of scared to share their interests with me, I really love make up and skin care, and they are aware of that, but they don't share stuff with me cause I think they're afraid I'll judge them (cause truthfully speaking, I spend a lot if money on self-care and I don't hide it and they're not like that) , but honestly I don't really care about those, I gave them assurance that I won't judge and I'd be happy to help, but they just don't believe me, so I just let them. Though, despite all of these, I kind of think that one reason why I cut them off was because I feel bad for thinking negatively of them and judging them secretly. They gossip a lot and I don't like to gossip, this difference between us made me think that they don't deserve to talk about other people when they don't even look half as good as some celebrities, this made me feel really guilty cause I feel like I was juding them and you don't judge your friends behind their backs. Also, they're really OA (not in a funny way) and over sensitive, and I sometimes think that they cant handle my blunt personality.
I don't really know what's my purpose for posting this. Probably, validation? But yeah, just really wanna drop this here cause I can't share this to people irl, cause I think what I did was bad, at the same time I think it's okay cause it gave me peace, I think I'm just afraid that I'll be called a bad friend or something??? Bruh.....idk anymore TT
submitted by daintydae to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:17 dj_babybenz I'm too dumb for college and having a hard time picking what I should major in.

I've never been good at school, and since elementary school my teachers have been having a hard time trying to teach me stuff and getting me to remember it. I'm terrible at basically every subject, especially math. I remember there was so many times my teachers had to talk to my parents about me not being able to add or subtract as fast as the other kids, and from 1st-5th grade i basically spent all of my time after school sitting at the table with my parents yelling at me trying to get me to understand my homework but for some reason i was just too dumb to understand simple math.
With stuff like reading and writing, I was pretty average up until sixth grade, now I have to reread things a couple of times to fully process it because it feels like I'm just looking at the words and writing things like essays is very difficult for me because I will get bored or find it too hard and get distracted.
I graduated high school a year late because I failed every single class sophomore year, passed 2/6 classes junior year, and I spent my senior trying to make up the classes I failed but couldn't complete them all on time because I found the work really difficult. Before the start of my senior year, I was sent to an alternative school that was supposed to make things easier for me but I never made any progress, so I got put in independent study as a second time senior. In independent study, you don't actually have a teacher so you have to teach yourself, I got very lazy and bored of having to do my classes so I ended up just cheating which is the only reason I didn't become a third year senior.
I've also never had any interests or hobbies. As a kid I would just play with my dolls when I had time during school breaks or the weekend, but I was never in any clubs. I have no hobbies because honestly I don't like anything, and I never really have. I secretly don't want to do anything with my life and would rather spend it rotting away in bed and on my phone, but I know that's just because I'm incredibly lazy and unmotivated.
I've had tutors, I've been put in support classes, and I've made no progress. I have no idea what I want to do with my life, or what career I could tolerate having. Most of my friends are in college and even if they've changed their majors they at least have had some idea from the start what they want to do, or they're not as dumb as me. Also, this isn't an insecurity thing where I just think I'm dumb, I literally am. Most people think I'm so dumb that I lack common sense and can't do things that anyone with a brain could do, like being able to order my own food or driving a car.
I don't think it would be a good idea to take a gap year because I'm already turning 19, and don't want to be a 20 year old freshman. I'm also incredibly embarrassed about this because my friends don't really understand how I could possibly not like anything or have literally no idea what I want to do with my life and everyone just thinks I'm lazy (which I am but I really don't want to be). I have no idea what to do because I don't want to waste my parent's money and end up dropping out because I'll be too stupid for the work, but they're making me go. My parents are acting as if this is an easy decision to make and keep saying I'm the only girl in the world who doesn't know what she wants to do.
never been good at school, never had any hobbies, i don't like anything, and i'm very dumb. i need to go to college, but i'm not sure what i should go for and i'm afraid of dropping out and wasting my parent's money.
submitted by dj_babybenz to CollegeRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:16 wsppbbg AITA For hoping someone gets fired?

I was at a Skyzone with a few of my friends who were staying over, I have a liking for dodgeball and I decided to go to the dodgeball game. Well, practically the whole group of people who were playing were cussing, throwing dodgeballs at the staff member and disrespecting the staff member who was watching the game. The staff member got sick of it and told everyone to line up, these children were so disrespectful that it took 5-10 minutes just to line them up. One of the children even said, “If you separate me from my friends I’ll sue you.” And this kid is in the 11-13. [And for some clarification the staff member prior to lining them up had most likely talked to the person who either brought those kids or was one of the kids parents/guardian. Which conversation I didn’t hear but most likely the guardian didn’t find any wrong.] So, resuming. The staff member yelled and got everyone into their own team. But they started cussing more and disrespecting this staff member. The staff member didn’t know what to do so she decided to call security, security said something similar to, “No cussing on my court!” Etc stuff I didn’t hear. And by then I had left there. But the friends who came along which we’ll call XX had still been paying attention to the drama. So I asked, “Do you know what happened?” And XX said, “Yeah, when the security guy came in he yelled at them but even he was scared, kids were throwing dodgeballs at him.”
Eventually the situation was under control, me and XX already had left but while we were walking around we had still been discussing what we heard. Eventually we felt a bit bad for the staff member, and this may be on us for being a bit nosy. Me and XX went to this staff member and asked if she was OK. Staff member replied with, “I’m going to get fired.” Me and XX were obviously shocked, but we replied with something similar with, “Damn, that’s unfair.” And we walked away. Well, that scene was pretty big so we were still discussing it, and again we went over to the same staff member and said, “I’m sorry if this sounds insensitive, but I hope you get fired and get a new job at a better place, this place is really not worth the stress.”
I’m not sure if I’m in the wrong here, but the staff ember seemed a but shocked. I’m sorry if I made a lot of typos and told the story a bit oddly, I’m new to posting here as this is the only time I think I’ve needed to post here.
submitted by wsppbbg to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:14 bmhorn81 AITAH for getting mad at my wife for inviting a nosy neighbor into our backyard?

We recently moved into a new house with a very talkative, nosy and gossipy neighbor who lives directly across the street from us. This neighbor is part of a real estate Facebook group and posted about our house on that page while it was for sale. She constantly posted about how much more it was listed at than her house and how overpriced it was. When we bought the house she again listed the selling price on that Facebook page and furthermore mentioned the repairs that we were having done to plumbing and for termites, again much to the same effect of can’t believe these people are buying this house for this much with these problems that my house doesn’t have.
She also gossips incessantly to the neighbors about other neighbors and tries to talk to us every time we step out of our door. She does not have a back yard so is always in her front yard. She has made many further shitty remarks about our house like “the contractors put a bunch of cheap stuff in your house right? The backyard is cheaply done isn’t it? And “I still can’t believe how much they got out of that house” to our face.
My tact has been to be cold and ignore her as much as possible only responding tacitly to questions asked. My wife has a harder time avoiding social nicieties and gets sucked into conversation with her. This has led to the neighbor talking more and more with my wife and coming onto our front lawn to talk with her etc.
I’m in the process redoing a lot of the backyard and I know the neighbor is curious she has asked me about it and I just don’t want her to know about my life or what I’m doing. Her nosiness feels like an invasion of privacy and all the information she has had on our house she has previously spread on the internet and to neighbors and even to us in mean spirited and unthoughtful ways. I’ve told my wife I really don’t want to have this neighbor close to us, to come into our yard or backyard or become comfortable coming over whenever she please. I was very clear that I didn’t want the neighbor to come into our backyard either.
This evening my wife and son were playing out front and the neighbor came in over and was talking to my wife. I was inside and stayed inside . She asked to see the projects I was working on in the back and my wife led her to the backyard and showed her the deck and our back house. My wife said that she didn’t know how to say no to the neighbors request.
I was enraged because I specifically requested she didn’t let the neighbor over as I feel the neighbor invades privacy. My wife said she doesn’t want to be cold to people. I feel like my wife is valuing my neighbors feelings - as well as her own desire to not feel awkward around neighbors - over my feelings. I understand that my wife can’t be as cold towards the neighbor as I can (I’m introverted) but I felt I was clear with my boundaries towards the neighbor with my wife and she didn’t respect my feelings.
I got into an argument about it with my wife…I’m not sure if I’m the asshole or if my wife is the asshole or if this is just a shitty situation that we have to deal with somehow…
submitted by bmhorn81 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:13 Flat-Photograph7755 AITA for not attending my friends graduation?

My Friend Betrayed Me
I've been venting to my friend about my roommates and how much they've been bothering me. Recently, he came over to help me move my stuff. My roommates were standing outside my door, and after exchanging some words, I went inside to start packing. Meanwhile, he stayed outside with them on his phone until I called him in and shut the door.
Later, I went outside and got into an argument with my roommates. He came out, sat on the floor, and stayed on his phone while they insulted my personality. He even made small talk with my roommate's boyfriend after the boyfriend insulted me. Twice, he tried to leave me alone with them to "take out the trash." When my roommates apologized to him for the situation, he responded with a smile, saying, "It's okay." As we were leaving, he asked them, "Do you know where the trash is?" with a smile on his face.
For context, he is a guy, and my roommates and I are all girls. He also does not have many friends. He drives me and drops me off home whenever we hang out because I do not have a car and has helped me several other times when I’ve had to move my stuff.
Am I the asshole for not attending his graduation and not speaking to him anymore? Neither of us have reached out to each other since the incident.
submitted by Flat-Photograph7755 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:12 TwoButcheeksOnReddit Noob rogue trying to get back in the game after two years.

Well, as the title says. I'm a noob, and only played to lvl50 with a rogue pc along with the friends that told me to play. And then I stopped for two years due to reasons.
I've binge watched Solo Leveling (animated) and started watching Shangri-La Frontier, so I'm craving an MMO, and WoW Classic is the only thing I can run on my shit pc.
And I don't want to make a whole new character, but I'm just so lost as to what to do. My equipment is probably trash, I'm poor, and I don't know how advanced or behind I am on rogue quests. The only thing that it's fine is my talents, 'cause I made sure they were, before I stopped playing.
So my question is. What is some realistic shit that my rogue should have equipped? Nothing too fancy, just basic stuff I could go grind for without too much trouble, and to get back the muscle memory of using my skills while I get it. And maybe also, if you feel like writing a bible explaining shit, tell me which professions/jobs (can't remember what they're called) I should grind. I can look that up myself, but is the miscellaneous things that I have trouble with, like which weapons and armor are good or not.
submitted by TwoButcheeksOnReddit to wotlk [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:12 therealkittenparade Anxious 6 year old help/advice

Hey guys. I’m looking for some insight on this one. I’ve got a pretty naturally anxious 6 year old boy. Recently he has become extremely anxious about salvation. What I mean by this is he becomes very distraught at bedtime about whether or not he is “saved” and wants to know whether or not he is. We are Christian and regularly attend church but are by no means zealots. Our church is very middle of the road if not a little liberal, so to speak. Tonight, he made the comment “I want to kill myself just so I can know if I’ll go to heaven or hell”. Obviously this is extremely concerning to us. I don’t truly believe he is suicidal, but the fact that this thought is even entering his mind is distressing. My wife is a social worker and we don’t take this kind of stuff lightly. We have hidden all the kitchen knives and we don’t have any guns. This is probably over kill, but why not? We are going to seek professional help, but while we wait for that, I would love any information or tips or whatever. If anyone has experienced this, did you find anything that helped? I want to keep him home from church tomorrow, but my wife disagrees. Anyone have any insight on that? Just any insight at all would be helpful. I’m at a loss here.
submitted by therealkittenparade to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:11 Scary_Competition_11 Juniors, be confident in your abilities

I'm going to Northeastern and I love the school honestly. The thing is though that my parents paid $12000 dollars on a college counseling service, and I feel like for that amount of money, well, basically I feel like I didn't use it the right way.
I feel like it's because I went into the process with the mentality of "oh I'm international in CS and I'm prolly not getting om anyways", that I subconsciously just didn't try for most of these colleges, cuz guys looking at those essay eish 😭
Anyways the ones I did put in a lot of effort to payed off
UCLA/UCSD - waitlist (submitted literally say off after procrastinating with my roommate 😭)
Northeastern - accepted (submitted in the middle of Chem class, didn't think much of it, but fell in love after applying)
BU - Accepted (submitted application with my dad and brother in some random hotel room 😭😂)
I put the context in there cuz I just found it funny that they were submitted at such insignificant moments, and the ones I made a big deal about submitting rejected me 🤣🤣
ANYWAYS BOTTOM LINE DONT DOUBT UR ABILITIES I'm definitely well off, but if I had put more effort in, I definitely could have been better.
submitted by Scary_Competition_11 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:07 Solarian_Officer01 26 [M4F] California - Looking for that special lady

Please be from either California or the states surrounding it. Sorry for anyone on the East Coast but the distance makes it far to difficult for talking and having schedules that mesh.
Well hello! Thank you for taking a look at my post. I am Jake! I'm 26 and physically, 5'8, 165 pounds, with brown hair and hazel eyes and a white male. I'm also from California.
So about me...! I majored in history in college and got a degree in it. I was going to be a teacher but ultimately decided not to for numerous reasons. For now I help out on the family property doing manual labor while trying to figure what I want to do as an actual job to live and all.
Interest wise I am a massive bibliophile with 1600 books (about 1000 history, 350 fantasy/sci fi) and always adding more. Otherwise I love to game (PS5, Switch primarily) with a preference for single player games, listen to music (dnb, rock and whatever strikes my fancy), podcasts, diy projects and jogging/nature walks. I am sure I am forgetting stuff as well.
As for what I am looking for? A woman that is intelligent and able to hold a conversation well. Has hobbies and is passionate about them and wants to discuss them. A side plus is if you also like to read but that is in no way a requirement. Otherwise I would like her to be fairly fit or working towards that (as I have been for a few years now so it would be nice to support one another). Oh and age range, please be between 22 and 29 (exceptions can be made if we really click). Closer to the West Coast is highly prefered. Oh and ideally not a big drinker (socially is fine) or smoke420 (not appealing to me).
Please state your age and location in your opening message, along with something I can call you- thanks. If any of this appeals to you i'd love to hear from you!
submitted by Solarian_Officer01 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:06 stel1234 [Resource] You never know who will play your mashup: Why we give production feedback especially on album projects + common issues

I know a lot of producers have talked about unsolicited feedback in the past but this post isn't about that. It's about feedback for various projects and feedback that gets requested and given. This also applies equally to original production in many cases.
A good number of mashup producers do not tend to master or don't apply limiters on tracks, or just make them softer compared to commercial levels. When albums get mastered, loudness will usually be adjusted through various plugins (EQ, multiband compressors, limiters, clippers, etc.) to shape masters so that one track is not significantly louder or softer than another especially back-to-back and groups of tracks follow a certain sound.
What this means is that once your softer mashup of -14 or -15 LUFS or softer is amplified to commercial levels in the -7 to -11 LUFS range or more depending on genre and how the overall track should sound given peaks and valleys with softer and louder parts (LUFS stands for loudness units full scale, look that up), small issues may stand out like thorns when amplified. Bottom line: Don't take the small or big issues personally; we're all human, we all miss things, and we can all improve. You may learn something new!
Think of it like how you ask to proofread writing to check for spelling or grammar and have it work for the audience.
All this to say, feedback I give or others give based on small details may come across as nit-picks at first. Don't completely discount them. You never know who will want to play your tracks, and this could range from personal playlists all the way up to DJ gigs and big festival stages.
In the case of a club DJ or performances on festival stages, volumes will be significantly louder than what you may have worked with when you created the track. I've given the restaurant food analogy before but I'll give it again: If something clearly doesn't taste good, people won't usually know why. But an experienced chef who knows how the ingredients interact sure will.
Just something to think about as you improve on mashup production and production in general.
Here are some issues below that experienced mashup producers could point out. Note that a lot of the "don't do this" stuff is really code for "don't do this unless you really know you're doing and it sounds good":

Big issues

Smaller issues

Wow that was a lot and I know it's very overwhelming who don't produce a ton. There might be more issues I didn't mention here, so let me know if there's anything else that could be useful.
submitted by stel1234 to mashups [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:05 Wrong_Apartment_9246 Any good convo starters?

Anyway I (17f) and him (17m) have made great progress. To sum it up he asked for my number a few months ago and I had to further ask him if he liked me and he said yes. We’ve known each other since 6th grade and we are now seniors. I would say we were more of acquaintances. He said he developed a crush on me last year and so far we’ve been to the movies together (still not sure if that was a date or not because originally his friends were supposed to be there but they never showed up), he’s been over my house twice, and we went to prom together. Now, that prom is over there isn’t anything to plan or text about anymore. I don’t see him in school because we don’t have the same classes. I’m very introverted and quiet, I haven’t had friends since middle school and the people who have tried to befriend me either find me boring or awkward. I went from sitting at a lunch table alone in the beginning of the year to sitting at a lunch table with a couple of his friends that share the same lunch. We both said we enjoyed prom and we spent senior skip day together watching anime he’s recommended me. (He’s really into anime and trying to get me to watch it).
Anyway I did something bold when he asked me how my day was and I said “it’s good and better now that you’re texting”. I guess it sounds like I flirting with him and I guess guys are clueless because why would I have invited him over if I didn’t like him😅? Anyway he asked some funny random questions today and I didn’t ask any back so any funny conversation starters? Maybe even a would you rather or something…
submitted by Wrong_Apartment_9246 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:05 NecessaryJaguar2331 aitah: grandad says he feels 'used'

context: he abandoned my mom, he's single. so helping and giving should not be an issue and idc tbh he abandoned my mom so reparations. like $100 $200 $50 isnt anything over the period of 6 months bro with no other type of support even less emotional
what does $200 do for book supplies? mf works in a hotel with no fucking responsabilities DUDE'S A FUCKING SUPERVISOR AT A CASINO IN A VEGAS HOTEL WITH HELLA EXP RETIRED FROM ONE JOB working for fun.
what the fuck does $200 for school supples equal to only communicating for money didnt reply to me or ask me about school or if i needed help or food or gas or to pay for anything else. its been 4 months!! i just want grocery $ and a pair of converse. I DIDNT SAY THANK YOU FOR MY BDAY GIFT?? I DID AND
MY DUDE IS RETIREEEED. i am unemployed. i am 24. HE WANTS ME TO GET A PHD so provideee >:(
like tf i got no funds running on the leftover of workstudy cuz im irresponsible as shit and he doesnt wanna help?? mf i was basically on the street and u took a minute to reply
dis is why ion ask for helpp
'i feel used' mf u abandoned my mom, reparations asshole. BUT IMA STAY QUIET
IMA STAY QUIET AND SIP MY LIL BOTTLE OF NEW AMSTERDAM thats been making trips for two months now since a white girl with parents that are engineers felt in the mood to af $13. i love college...kinda...just cuz ur funny u get free stuff and cuz u can drive 🥲
submitted by NecessaryJaguar2331 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:05 badmanicpower All Stars 10 - My Way (that I tooooootally didn't spend like 4 days working on)

All Stars 10 - My Way (that I tooooootally didn't spend like 4 days working on)
FORMAT: 3+ Top Placements, 3 Bottom Placements, Winner(s) of the challenge pick a lipstick of who to save (Low Placement), Remaining 2 queens lip sync for their lives [essentially the same as Canada s4's Golden Beaver twist]. Fame Games & Returning Lipsync Twist for the eliminated queens.
EPISODE BREAKDOWN (based on simulator results):
submitted by badmanicpower to dragrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:05 Abs0luteF00l New Oc🌏🌞

An Oc I made that was inspired by astronomy symbols
Their name is Erde Sonne, which means “earth sun” in German (I just thought it sounded cool, plus the space/ astronomy theme)
They’re like an alien creature of some sort???? I still haven’t come up with a thorough backstory for them😭
submitted by Abs0luteF00l to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:05 Terribly_Tired_Tapir I played through FE4 for the first time recently. I have some things I need to get off my chest. [TLDR warning? Definitely spoiler warning.]

Holy shit this game is good. I think this might be my favorite entry in the entire franchise now, at the very least top 5. I've really never seen any other game quite like it, not in the FE series or even the wider genre. I'd love to just sit here and gush about everything I adored about it but I'd be here all damn day so let me just cut to the chase.
First of all, I hate hate HAAAAAATE the idea that it's known as "the gameplay sucks but the story is really good" because I really enjoy the way the gameplay loop is set up. It feels almost like playing a digital tabletop campaign but with Fire Emblem mechanics. Everything people seem to dislike, I thought worked out really well. The giant maps giving a sense of scale and progression, selling the amount of time and distance the conflicts reach. Castles and multiple map objectives fleshing out the world of Jugdral, giving each location its own sense of identity, especially with every map having unique music. Unit specific item and gold loadouts making every character feel like they have their own individual niche, compounded by skills, holy blood/weapons, pairings and things like unit specific mechanics ie Dew/Patty. I don't intend to brush off anyone's criticisms of the game, but I think it's okay to just admit when something isn't to your taste rather than to pass off the intended experience as inherently flawed. The game isn't particularly challenging but there's more to video games than that, sometimes the medium can be used to convey a particular experience through interactivity and mechanics, for example horror games. And I think FE4 does that spectacularly. I believe it would lose a lot of its uniqueness if it was just the stock FE experience but with a different story. To me, the pace of FE4 made it feel like a game I could play in increments and not stress too hard over. Maybe it's a slog to you, that's fine and I don't intend to change your mind. I just despise this idea that people should "tolerate" the gameplay to experience the story or just watch a lets play, when I think experiencing the story through the mechanics is what makes it work so well.
Second, it bothers me that the story is mostly remembered as "that really dark one with all the death and incest." I find that FE4's story might just be one of the most optimistic and hopeful in the entire series. Yes, we all know what happens in chapter 5. But really think about the events of the story. You could say that Sigurd ignoring the warning and hooking up with Deirdre doomed him and his friends, but it also lead to a new hope for Jugdral through Seliph's birth. There's a very distinct humanistic message throughout the entire game. The scene where Lewyn and Seliph find messages left behind from children calling for Loptous's return, because it was the only hope they could muster from their oppression. Antagonists like Arvis, Eldigan and to a lesser extent Travant driven to extreme lengths because of their convictions. Ghost Sigurd's "sorrow of the common man" speech. There's a strong sentiment that evil is made and not born, that people are fundamentally good deep down unless influenced otherwise,. There are definitely pure evil villains in the game obviously, but even an absolute scumbag like Manfroy was given a clear origin point for WHY he's the way he is. Sigurd's faith in people got him killed, it also lead Seliph and his army to victory in the end. If I were to describe FE4's themes I'd call it a story of triumph through tragedy. It's absolutely true that things get very, VERY bleak and the world is a harsh one, but everyone who cares can make things a little bit better in their own way. That's what we see Seliph do by the end of the story, he gathers up people from all across Jugdral, each contributing to a better tomorrow. I know this theme is hardly unique to FE4, but I think it's at its strongest here. When I finished the game I felt a sense of fulfillment and warmth I've never gotten from any other FE, that may sound melodramatic but I think it's a message I needed to hear. That's only the tip of the iceberg of course, but I find that the rest of FE4's themes don't really get glossed over as much.
Sorry for all that rambling, I just really feel like FE4's reputation has done it a serious disservice. I didn't even mention stuff like how heavily memed its biggest twist is, although I definitely think just knowing about it doesn't dull the experience of actually having it play out in real time, especially after the final stretch of that map. I love this game to death and I think it deserves to be talked about so thoroughly. I hope I did it the justice I think it deserves. Again, I don't want to invalidate anyone's critical or negative opinion of the game, just felt like I had to get all that off my chest. Feel free to disagree with me or my reading on the game. Fingers crossed for that remake.
submitted by Terribly_Tired_Tapir to fireemblem [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:03 Silent-Signature5573 Question about possessive (vulgar stuff my grandpa taught to my dad)

My grandpa used to only teach vulgar stuff in hungarian to my dad (who was born in Québec) and one of these sentences made me realised maybe I don't quite understand possessive maybe. "Apád büdös faszad" why is faszad in 2nd person?
submitted by Silent-Signature5573 to hungarian [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:01 techfl12 14700 65w TDP Build for CS grad

Posting for my daughter who recently graduated from university and she wants to build her first pc. Up until now she's been using mobile tablet/laptop device with 3060 GPU. She's not a big gamer but does enjoy Minecraft and mods and wants to move to a desktop. Her specific mods work best with Nvidia GPU so that is a core requirement.
Beyond gaming on this build she will be doing some coding/compiling, maybe some 3D modeling/rendering stuff, etc. Her preferences are quiet (doesn't need to be "Silent" but aiming for not noisy, and prefer not to hear fans ramping up/down all the time). I'd prefer it not to be a power hog, efficiency is a preference of mine nothing extreme but leaning on quiet vs noisy and willing to spend a little extra to that end. Water cooling is something I do NOT want to mess with at this time. We will probably pair the build with 2x 27" QHD 144Hz monitors but they do not need to be spec'd out here.
Budget is ~$16xx all core elements (CPU, MB, RAM, Storage, GPU, Case, PSU, etc). We don't need to budget the peripherals, OS License, nor monitors. I prefer no-rebates in the budget. Budget is flexible within reason. We live in USA but nowhere near a Microcenter (maybe one coming later this year but not an option otherwise).
I am agnostic on AMD vs Intel, I personally run AMD but she's been using Intel for a few years so my first pass I've gone that route. 14700 Build
---Why I made some choices---
CPU: Picked Intel 14700 since it's 65W TDP and 20cores for $399. I figure it'll be fine for all above and should run a little more efficiently than the 14700K but perhaps that's simply a bios option in the K series to make it run at 65W TDP instead of 125W (I need to research)?
Motherboard: Picked MSI because I've had good luck lately with them. I'm open to other options but definitely want latest chipset for DDR5 and 4 memory slots for expansion later if desired. Don't need tons of fancy stuff, don't need many PCIe slots. Having more than one NVME is desired. Wifi is preferred but we'll run 1Gb ethernet to her room for this project.
GPU: Went with 4070 for extra RAM and approx price point. Otherwise could be swayed to go +/- depending on folks input here. Again, AMD series GPU's are not an option for this build.
Case: I picked one with RGB / Glass Panel and an optional Optical Disc drive spot. She wants to fool around with some old games we have on CDROM and while I can connect a USB Drive I figure having the option for an internal one will make her happy. I like a case that's easy to work in/on, doesn't feel flimsy, and cools efficiently. Otherwise I'm flexible here.
Storage: Definitely an NVME Drive, 2TB preferred. I prefer one with DRAM/onboard cache. Prefer reputable brand and reliability, but recognize that changes so open to options here. Might add a second NVME down the road. I've had good luck with samsung and AData but recognize both have had some models with issues in the past.
PSU: Prefer 80+ Gold and Quality here. Name brands/reliability preferred over saving a few bucks. Don't imagine we'll be upgrading to an 80 or 90 series GPU so don't think we'll need more power now. I like the modular ones.
--- Thanks for any feedback!!! ---
PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU Intel Core i7-14700F 2.1 GHz 20-Core Processor $369.55 @ Newegg
CPU Cooler ID-COOLING SE-214-XT 68.2 CFM CPU Cooler $17.98 @ Amazon
Motherboard MSI PRO Z790-VC WIFI ATX LGA1700 Motherboard $159.99 @ MSI
Memory TEAMGROUP T-Force Vulcan 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL38 Memory $91.99 @ Amazon
Storage Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive $169.99 @ Amazon
Video Card MSI VENTUS 2X OC GeForce RTX 4070 12 GB Video Card $549.99 @ B&H
Case Fractal Design Pop Air RGB ATX Mid Tower Case $89.99 @ B&H
Power Supply MSI MAG A850GL PCIE5 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply $89.99 @ Newegg
Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
Total $1539.47
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-05-18 23:03 EDT-0400
submitted by techfl12 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:00 Cant-Be-Banned-2024 LoL Matchmaking is garbage - Enough Fanboi Copium

If you do not want to read the wall of Text:
Riot purposely matches players to hit 50% WR. It's a bad design for skill based ranks.
If you are above, 2-3 of your teammates will be "bad", vice versa for below. Brand New Players get special exemptions, older players with smurf accounts are tracked. Riot does this on purpose, not specifically targeting people, but targeting by a formula. The higher your WR the more "bad" players you will see. There are people who are bad, just refusing to accept reality, however 90% of LoL is not Bad. They are being placed against people ABOVE their skill level on purpose to Lose. Not to "test" them. Not to figure out where they should be placed. Normal games affect Ranked games.
Hidden MMR is the culprit, and needs to be abolished. Everyone should start at Iron 4 and move up. People who refuse to accept reality are why Riot is in such a declining state. More cheaters, More account sellers, More negative players. This is because of the community. If you pathetic fanbois would stop with the copium, you could actually see LoL become so much more. Riot would end up with more money and players.
Your Rank Means Nothing. I can buy it. I can climb it myself. I can let others carry me to it.
I have played LoL Since it first came out. I am one of the OGs and I have once even believed in this Copium. I always assumed when people were complaining they knew NOTHING. However I have decided to play low elo NA. I have learned from my personal games and from going thru 5000 NA Players from Iron 4 to platinum 1, that Riot actually fixes games. I have seen Smurf accounts lose in streaks. I have seen Brand New Players win 50 games in a row. Now I know things are statistic, and people say "Well maybe they had a bad game" 1 bad game is not 15 losses in a row on a Master Smurf in Iron. The Hidden MMR is actually the problem here. Based on OP.GG data, there are Hundred of Thousands of games in Iron to Plat Daily. So with such a massive player base, it should be really easy to match Skill to Skill. However Autofill doesn't actually make que times faster. With so many players playing daily, that's impossible. Accounts that ONLY Fill almost always play Bot or Jungle. Even tho Riot themselves say Jungle and Support is the MOST needed roles.
Riot does not pick players out and target them like people think or feel. They don't need to. They take your Stats across all games and place you with Specific people. Here is how it actually works, Lets say you made a new account and you did well on your grind to 30, end up with above average stats. Riot places you WITH below average players against 3 players at your skill level if you need to lose to hit your 50% WR. If you need to win you get placed with 2 players at or above your Stats, against a team of "bad" players. This is to give off the "RNG" factor. Its not RNG at all if you take out who is queing at that time. This is why some matches INSTANT pop while others can take a min or 2. The longer you wait, the harder it is for the system to match you "correctly".
I personally created 30 accounts to test my theory. 10 on one comp. 20 on different computers (I build computers, I have a ton) and internet providers (like McDonalds wifi etc) The 10 on my personal computer got put into "Smurf" elo every time regardless of Stats. So I take that means they track your Email/IP/Etc. None of which are above gold, except my main. (Mods here are losers, so I will not disclose account names. They want to Hide information for some reason, like the scripting plague we have going on, and the 40% cheating rise we have now hit.)
However where things got really interesting. The 20 accounts to make me look like a new person, 5 are in Masters. only 1 is in Iron. I fed my ass off on that one and it got banned right after hitting iron 4. Not sure how it figured out I was inting, considering I never let myself have the lowest KDA, I just always pushed for bad plays and team wiped. So maybe you do get banned for being bad? idk.
What I noticed across all my accounts were the teammates. My won games the top 2 teammates had consistent wins. My lose games the enemy team had consistent wins. Specifically 2-3 enemy players. Then after looking thru a lot of "bad players" accounts I noticed the EXACT same thing.
I also noticed Hidden MMR Never Ever lines up with Visual MMR.
I then looked across high WR accounts and found out most of the ones I reviewed are actually never cause THEY won the game themself. Their teammates actually lined up and had "Good" games and did better than their last 10 matches. Which makes this funny, is the people claiming others need to "Git Gud" are actually just lucky. Remember I said 3 players. There are 5 per team. roughly 10% chance of one of them having a "good" game and NOT feeding while the enemy team had the feeder.
People who are hardstuck aren't actually stuck because of skill. Its faulty design placing people against people above their skill level to keep them down. This is why Stomps and Snowballs happen. Only .05% of LoL players are ACTUALLY good. The ones who go to esports and don't get caught cheating.
The rest of the players are actually pretty even in terms of Skill. There are Iron players who can 1v1 Masters and completely dominate. They can legit 1v9 but get aggravated because their teammates are not the same level as them, so they end up making a bad play Team Fight wise.
I would add in how broken Champions are, which actually add a lot to why certain people lose. They may enjoy their Rammus, but can't carry as rammus because their 4 teammates are braindead that match. So they que up again, play rammus, and get a smart teammate, which then hits that dopamine rush. This is where MOST LoL players fall. If this game actually based Rank on Skill, most players would be in Platinum - Emerald. Trolls, AFKers, Inters, etc would be in gold and below.
submitted by Cant-Be-Banned-2024 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:59 man_mel Domain-Driven Design and mathematical modeling

The article will show analogies between Domain-Driven Design and mathematical modeling

Mathematical modeling

Students are introduced to mathematical modeling in a school. Roughly speaking, it is the translation of a problem from informal human language into the language of mathematics for subsequent solution.
(1) John and Bob ate three apples at dinner. John ate twice as many as Bob. How much did each eat?
(2) Let x be the number of apples that John ate Let y is the number of apples that Bob ate.
Then: (3) x + y = 3 x = 2 * y
Solving the system of linear equations:
x = 2, y = 1
(1) - problem statement in the domain area (2) - mathematical modeling (3) - mathematical model
Another example from the world of physics - we need to calculate how much fuel is needed to fly to the Moon and back. There are Newton's Laws of motion of celestial bodies, there are data on fuel, the vehicle, the mass of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the calculated trajectory and other information.
The whole power of the mathematical apparatus is the absence of semantics. It doesn't care whether it's counting apples or the trajectory of a rocket. It is a formalized system that operates with soulless symbols according to established rules. Arithmetic has its own rules, algebra has its own rules, Euclidean geometry has its own rules.
The achievements of the natural sciences depend on how accurately and completely they construct mathematical models for their problems. If the mass of the moon is not specified, it will be impossible to give an answer to the above problem. On the other hand, if the proposed trajectory is mathematically unattainable, physicists will have to change it.
A mathematical model is a general projection of the problem to be solved from the physics side and the math side into some "common" space.

Domain-driven design

This methodology was proposed 20 years ago by Eric Evans in his famous “big blue book”: Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
For many, DDD is when if you are, for example, making an online store, you must have Product, ShoppingCart, etc. classes, i.e., entities in the code must correspond to business entities. This is not really about DDD.
The main goal that Eric Evans set when creating his methodology was to enable you to create a program architecture in such a way that you can satisfy the client's requirements with maximum probability and build a clear, maintainable and extensible system. Get a quality and successful program product.

Comparison of design methods

DDD is mainly aimed at complex non-typical tasks with vague/varying requirements, to minimize the risks of spending a lot of time and money and not getting something usable in the end.
In cascade development (waterfall), the client gives clear requirements to the business analyst, the system architecture is built according to them, and programmers make code according to it.
In agile development (agile, XP, iterative) the client gives general requirements, a prototype of the system architecture is built on them, programmers make code on it, the system is shown to the client, corrections are made, the next version is released, etc. in a circle.
In case of DDD the joint work between domain area specialists and programmers goes all the time of development. The link between them is the domain model and ubiquitous language. For the first few chapters of the book, Eric Evans talks only about them and their importance.
The main point of the domain model is to be a constant projection of the problem being solved from the client side and the developer side into some common space. Everything in the domain model should be reflected in the program architecture. And vice versa - if a programmer discovers that some business rule cannot be applied or it is better to do it differently, he is obliged to open a discussion about it and initiate changes in the domain model, without making attempts to simply code it in “the right way”.
The domain model itself lacks semantics, it is written using UML diagrams and formal documentation. Semantics is given to it by a ubiquitous language in which the whole team (including the client) communicates. Each term of the domain model must be understood equally by all participants.


Analogy to the space flight example above: - math model = domain model - physics = ubiquitous language - mathematical apparatus = software development - mathematical modeling = domain model development process
From this we can draw the corollary that just as in the first case, mathematicians' deviation from the supplied mathematical model will easily lead to wrong/unnecessary results, so in the second case, developers' deviation from the domain model can lead to failure in the end.
In his book, Eric Evans gives the following real-life example. Internet Explorer used to save “Favorites” as files with names corresponding to page names. When the user tried to specify his name, he sometimes got an error “Invalid file name”, although it was not obvious what files had to do with it. This was because the developers were using their own model and the client wanted something different.


Thus, there is a strong idea of mathematical modeling behind DDD
submitted by man_mel to DomainDrivenDesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:59 PriveCo I saw David Malukas and a bunch more at Indy qualifying.

I saw David Malukas and a bunch more at Indy qualifying.
Hi, it’s Tom. They call me Indycar Dad. I brought my actual son to Indy. Here are some fun pics.
We saw Lil Dave and had a lil chat. He was nice, funny, and is healing.
Seating is open so we sat high up in turn one for quali. I think you have to marry someone to get these seats on race day.
We met the Indycar Sweden guy. I follow him because he gives updates on Rosenqvist. They are in Swedish, so he was surprised I knew him. I told him I use Google translate and now we are friends.
I asked the Firehawk who his favorite driver is. He held up 5 fingers (two hands required!). So he likes Pato!
Catherine Legge is super nice. I met her at Long Beach and tried to say nice things today. She is working hard to get that car to go faster.
On Off Track Alexander Rossi talked about getting a burger from Working Man’s Friend, so we went there. It was great! I love a great dive.
I only saw one Qvist while wearing my “Big Qvist Energy” shirt. Linus is always cool.
We booked a tour at the Dallara factory and it was great. We were the only two people on the tour. They let us sit in cars, lift up the tubs, drive a sim, and see a bunch of stuff.
We also ate breakfast at Charlie Brown’s and drove karts at Speedway Indoor Karting. These things are all in one neighborhood.
If you get a chance, check out Speedway Indiana.
submitted by PriveCo to INDYCAR [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:58 FunRevolutionary1111 clean phone and feels better, but?

Hi! I've found this sub super helpful, so I'm asking for a vibe check. It's been a while since our last d day - months, at least - and everything feels generally positive. I've even got to a point where I can stop thinking about it and be intimate with him. He's in therapy, I'm 34 weeks pregnant, it's all going sort of okay.
I don't like the way jealousy and betrayal makes me feel, so I made a deal with myself to only check his phone when it's totally random, so he doesn't have time to cover any hidden tracks, and when I feel comfortable and not stressed out by it. It's currently 3:45am and I was woken up by him stealing the duvet, snoring loudly and a YouTube video he'd fallen asleep to still on, and by my ear. Not to victim blame here, but he was literally begging for it. I found nothing. Like, at all. Not even the slight whiff of anything. Clean Instagram with a clean Instagram explore page (which he'd deleted and remade his Instagram himself after admitting the algorithm on it was broken and kept showing him stuff). No emails, no texts, no dodgy apps. Nothing on his FB, messenger, whatsapp, his screen time and battery usage was low and clean. He even stopped talking to the girl I half jokingly told him to stop talking to. I mean, I wish he'd have told her he's stopped talking to her, but nothing since early april. His search history told me secrets but nice ones, like parenting stuff and better paying jobs. I also feel like there's nothing. I don't feel suspicious, on the day to day. He tells me when he has urges, he lets me know triggers. I trust that nothing has happened.
My question is, should I live in this contentment or should I push? Is it a too good to be true situation? He's only just started therapy, he's been addicted for years. It's not that I want anything to be wrong but this nice moment will be something I look back on if I find something in a few days/weeks/months. I did say that my only issue was the lying (not strictly true, but necessary as I'd rather know that not know) and if I caught him again I'd leave. When things got a bit sticky, I then made a show of looking for houses and stuff. Maybe that's genuinely worked? Am I being naive? I do suppose trust is a choice but I don't trust the fact that I trust him, you know?
submitted by FunRevolutionary1111 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]