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Mobile MMO News, reviews, previews and everything in between.

2012.01.24 07:55 rstantz Mobile MMO News, reviews, previews and everything in between.

2024.06.02 00:40 IronicStar How to Download/Acquire The Sims 2, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and Support Thread.

How to Download/Acquire The Sims 2

There is no legal way to digitally purchase the Sims 2. It is considered abandonware, and thus the ethics of downloading are murky. But that said, the game is amazing, and EA would be making buckets if they just released it. Now, I do suggest you use a VPN and a trusted source to get the game.
Note: even if you “own” the sims 2 for Origin or the disks, I still suggest a pirated/cracked version. The game is no longer supported, and thus, not really that stable without being cracked and a bunch of mods. It might seem a little weird to pirate something you own, but in my experience this is the best results.
If you’re playing on Mac, you can just buy The Sims 2 from the Apple app store (it does not include all EPs due to EA never selling Aspyr the rights). I’ve purchased and tested it on my old macbook and it runs fine. Aspyr provides regular updates. If you have an M2 mac, I am not sure if they are updated yet, but they likely will.


Click through to find links, I am not posting them on reddit due to rules.

How to Install the Sims 2

Step 1: Install as you normally would.
Pick a place (either C drive, or a data drive of another name), and install the game there.
If you’re having trouble installing, I suggest the Sims 2 Help subreddit wiki. You’ll find everything you need and more there.
Step 2: Change Graphics Rules
Use the Graphics Rules Maker here.
Download it and then follow the instructions listed on the site.
Step 3: Apply the 4GB Patch
Download the 4GB patch tool here. Once downloaded, put it in a file folder for later use (it can be used for other games). Run the exe. Search for your sims file inside the “Mansion and Garden” folder.
You should now be able to play The Sims 2.

Making the game beautiful.

Here is a link to defaults etc that I use to make the game look much better (and even more modern):
This subreddit does not take responsibility for how its users get their content 🏴‍☠️. We allow open discussion and are not a heavily modded sub. User discretion is advised. However, we only link to "abandonware" links which are use at your own risk (ie. you cannot buy the game elsewhere). This is also why we do not link to any third-party ways to acquire the Mac version, as this is on the app store.

Frequently Asked Sims 2 Questions (and Support Thread)

This is meant to be a TLDR simple version of getting The Sims 2 installed and running. For that reason, more in-depth answers will not be included.

1. How do I get the Sims 2 in the 2020s?

EA no longer supports the Sims 2 in any manner. If you contact EA for your legitimate game disks they won’t even help you. For that reason, we suggest using a modified (pirated) version with a no-cd crack. Many modern computers are unable to install disks or have versions of the game which aren’t easy to patch. You can find out more on how to get the Sims 2 here:

2. How do I install the Sims 2 and get it running?

If your version of the game comes as an ISO you must first use a mounting program to mount it (these are virtual disks and the computer knows no difference between this and a CD). If the file is a zip file, simply use a program like 7zip and unzip it to a folder. If you want to keep the file for later, you can keep it on a USB or documents folder to reinstall (you do not have to).The following are what I consider absolutely necessary to get your game running (and are generally accepted by the community as necessary).
· A no-cd patch version of the game (preferably mansion and garden)See here for info:
· Modified Graphics Rules file and Video Cards fileSuggested link:
· 4GB PatchWhere to get: you prefer to get the graphics rules, video cards, and 4gb patch all at once, you can see Lazy Duchess’ installer: (Use this right after you install the sims 2 and your install-method's crack and skip the graphics rules maker step!)
If you have more errors, you can look through the questions or visit the subreddit listed on the bottom.

3. I downloaded the game but nothing loads, what now?

The Sims 2 came out in 2004 and was last updated around 2009. Due to this, the graphics card listed in the game’s files do not include your graphics card. You can manually add these or use the convenient program “Graphics Rules Maker” or the solution from Lazy Duchess below these questions. Whichever you choose is up to you. You can also toy around with compatibility settings to make the game work better.

4. How do I make the game windowed fullscreen?

You can create a desktop shortcut for the game and then add the following to the end of the shortcut to open it.
-w -r1280x720
For example: "C:\Program Files\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSBin\Sims2EP9.exe" -w -r1920x1080
This code is placed OUTSIDE of the “quote”.
You can also toy with other resolutions, but your mileage may vary on whether or not it works smoothly. Different computers and graphics cards can provide different results.

5. Sims 2 takes 5-10 minutes to load, what’s happening?

Some graphics cards (common with AMD), take time to load sims even after changes have been made to the graphics rules. If you also have an integrated graphics card, you can go into Windows 10/11 display advanced settings and choose your other card. Doing this can increase stability in these instances. Since the game is much older, your integrated graphics card should have no problem running the game.

6. My game loaded but the neighbourhood/sims/floors/etc are now flashing purple, what do I do?

The sims community has affectionately named this “purple soup”. Updating the graphic rules and having the 4 GB patch usually fixes this, but not always. In this instance, I suggest you use the Lazy Duchess Sims2RPC for your installation, you can find that below. If this is persistent you can find the Lazy Duchess addon here:

7. My sims have a black box under their feet instead of a shadow, how do I fix it?

You can get the following mod to fix this problem:

8. Is there a way to do this all at once?

Some of it. As mentioned above, there is a program called Sims2RPC Mod Launcher for Mansion & Garden by Lazy Duchess. Make sure you follow all instructions provided by Lazy Duchess to install and run this program. Like all things, it is useful to understand what you’re changing and how it works in case something goes wrong. Use at own risk. Use this right after you install the sims 2 and your install-method's crack.
For a more complex guide of issues, I suggest going to the subreddit Sims2help:

9. Why do other people's games look so much nicemore modern?

In these cases, many players use custom content or CC to edit their game. You may have noticed that for some players, nearly every object, NPC, and clothing piece has been changed. This is called "default replacement". You can find my personal defaults here:
submitted by IronicStar to sims2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:58 pilkyton ChromieCraft: Come for the Community, Leave for the Fundamentally Broken Server

ChromieCraft is an interesting server, with the goal of creating a completely free, non-profit server without any pay2win. It's a progressive server, which is currently at Mount Hyjal in TBC, but will progress to WotLK in early 2025.
The community is very good and friendly and casual, and about half of the players are good at the game (that's a pretty good ratio for any server).
You've probably seen all the people speaking highly of the server. It's true that it's a special place. I've been there for about 50 days now, leveled all the way to 70, and made about fifty friends and met a great guild.
It's a very low population server, and people say that it gets better at 70. It certainly does, but the queues are still long for dungeons, even as a tank or healer. Using world chat to tell others to queue ("LF 1 DPS last spot RDF!") is almost always required even at 70.
While you level, you'll start seeing some of the cracks in the server's programming, but the real issues will only become fully visible at 70, and especially if you are the tank. If you have ever played on official or any other private server, you'll soon be disgusted by the deep, fundamental bugs with all of the NPC mechanics on this server.
There are 3500 open bug reports (here and here), lots of which are about fundamentally incorrect mechanics, and most of which are 2-3 years old and totally ignored. In case of very serious bugs, the most activity you might see is some 2-3 year old admin reply saying how hard it is for them to fix that bug, and no other replies after that.
They spend all their time releasing new raids. And yes, it's commendable that they are scripting raids and doing all of this for the good of the private server community, but they should honestly just stop all raid development right now and go back to square 1 to fix core NPC gameplay mechanics.
Without further ado, let's look at some of the issues, just a few things that I can remember right now:
All of this and more combines to make heroics way harder than raids on this broken server.
It might sound minor at first, but when you know how the game is supposed to be, and you see these totally unfixed bugs that were all reported 2-3 YEARS AGO, it really shatters the illusion that this is such a "great, bug-free server". Hell no. It's an okay server, with a nice community, and tons of painful bugs with EVERY core gameplay mechanic.
I'd say that tanks are the ones that will notice these bugs the most. Followed by healers. And finally, DPS probably don't notice anything since they just stand and push a button over and over while the tank and healer deals with all these bugs.
So yeah, do I recommend this server? Actually not... at all... unless they stop adding raids and go back to actually fix core NPC behaviors and game mechanics.
I see so many positive posts about this server, and nobody discussing these deep, fundamental bugs with every gameplay aspect. Probably because most people are DPS and are completely unaware of the bugs since they're too busy standing in fire (heh). I really hope their admins finally take these bugs seriously, because it's ruining what could be a very good server.
Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
submitted by pilkyton to wowservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 22:07 StilFlavius STAR-VW2G-GTQ9 for 5,000 UEC [+more, see post]

Hi there, Welcome to citizen of the stars! + aUEC for my new recruits Here is my referral code (referral code: STAR-VW2G-GTQ9) in Star citizen to enter when creating your account. When you start your adventure, you will have a free bonus of 5000 UEC! Here is a direct link to create your account As an experienced player, I can help answer any questions regarding 3.22, ship sales, how CCU’s work, NPC Bounties, in-game mining, and how to save some money via warbonds on internet spaceships. Just send me a DM and Thanks. Also, if you decide to upgrade your ship(s) in the future, I can help guide you through the process of CCU chaining to save you a ton of money. Sage wisdom I wish I'd been taught years ago when I first started thinking about upgrading!
submitted by StilFlavius to starcitizenreferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 11:19 MidoriMushrooms What actually constitutes a GMPC?

I'm gearing up to run an Animon Story campaign. Animon Story is a system where you play as kids/teens and their monster companions, heavily inspired by Digimon. The way my campaign is shaping up, it's basically a mix of Digimon and Code Lyoko, because my whole group likes both and I'm really into that idea.
So while talking to my party about their characters, one of my players suggested I GMPC a fill-role because they know I never get to play, but also, because they thought it would be interesting. The issue I have with this is that my only knowledge about GMPCs is pretty negative. I don't really have any interest in taking away spotlight from players, and all the NPCs I make are meant to facilitate the players doing cool stuff.
But it's true that I probably will never get to play, and I do at least want one NPC that I can RP as which gives me a bit of that indulgence even if they're in the background.
So I ran the question by my group, if they're ok with me doing that. The answers I got were, well, interesting, and left me with the question in the thread title.
Because apparently the way I described handling a "GMPC" is not what a GMPC actually is. I described a character that is effectively "guy behind screen" who gives the party quest info or tech upgrades or helps in mostly supplemental ways, but the idea was that if the party wants their help, they have to ask, and I'd probably also use them to facilitate some puzzle-solving. (If you're familiar with Code Lyoko at all, she would be the group's Jeremy.) Basically, I wanted a character that is technically part of the group, and technically has narrative relevance, but it's relegated to specific areas and their "arc" was to mostly make the party feel good about themselves.
Other than them being my favorite child, and flavored as one of the group's friends, I'm... not sure how that's different than any other NPC?
I've done that with NPCs in the past. In a Pokerole game I ran, one character I was particularly attached to was effectively Wolly from Ruby/Sapphire. She was frail, started out incompetent, and the party had to help her in a few instances. If that campaign didn't die too soon, she would've been the champion they had to beat. I think that sounds cool, seeing someone they had to help and teach how to be strong actually find their footing and become a real obstacle. This character didn't tag along with the party though, she was off doing her own things and intersected with them in major towns. Does that count?
One of my players suggested a GMPC is an NPC with a PC's charsheet. I'll be honest, I've got enough to track, and I would not bother with this formality when I'm making all the encounters anyway, so that was never in the cards to begin with, but I'm not sure that's all a GMPC is.
After our talk about it, most players are positive of the idea and one has even told me they love that idea and think I'd be great at it, so I don't think it'll be an issue at my table, but my concern is mostly balance and accidentally metagaming. I really just want to be able to RP as an archetype I like, and it's kind of a blessing that my favorite archetype is a support character anyway, and my entire group knows that about me. (Or if they didn't, they do now, because I've been pretty upfront about that being what I'd get out of it.) But still...
I want some more granular advice on how to handle something like this.
My thought is to basically keep a character like that out of dungeons full-stop. If they're involved, it's over comms, offering help only when asked. Their RP moments will probably be relegated to when everyone's on school grounds, because setting up situations where the PCs get to tell off some bullies messing with them seems like a good way to set up lighthearted shenanigans. They could also just be in the background during downtime segments, but I have to RP the monsters during those, especially if PCs are having bonding moments that advance their character arcs, and I'm gonna be honest, I'm the kind of person that would be so much more interested in the PCs' arcs anyway so I'd probably forget an NPC is there unless another character brought it up.
Also, I have a bit of a bone to pick with the idea of GMs playing "fill roles", and I know the player who suggested this to me does it in his own games, but honestly? If you need to "fill role", unless the system is just particularly brutal, there's probably a design problem somewhere and it's at the table. I don't want to make up characters to play as just so the party can "win" fights, I want the party to win fights designed with their party in mind. I'd rather design for the party I have, not the party I want, although I do make requests of people like "Please don't overlap archetypes, or do something different enough that you're not playing the same character." But "fill roles" always felt like the GM wanting to design something else, and feeling like the party wasn't "good enough", and that's kinda passive-aggressive to me, I guess?
I'm not saying my friend does it for that reason, maybe I've misunderstood why he does, but that's what it feels like, so him suggesting a fill-role just, I dunno, rubbed me the wrong way. Can someone please tell me when a fill role is appropriate? I'm still not going to do it personally, but I'd like to hear others' thoughts on if/when they've done that successfully? I mostly play in the narrative-driven games, so I can't imagine it ever being required in my neck of the woods, but maybe it is in trad RPGs?
I hope my question isn't too sprawling across the thread but tl;dr "What is a GMPC actually" and "Is the way I want to handle an NPC that both I and my entire group are aware is kind of an insert for the characters I never get to play a good way to handle that kind of NPC, and if not, is there a better one? Keeping in mind it was suggested I do that by another player and a different player even told me they'd like it, so I'm not doing it against the consensus of the group, but still have concerns."
Edit: It doesn't sound like what I want to do is disruptive or problematic on the surface, but because it's explicitly (and again, my whole group knows this lol) a character I have personal investment in, it still counts as GMPCing. At least, to some people. It seems to be riding on a gray area, given the consensus. I think this is something I can get away in with this specific group, but I'll admit it's not a thing I would do in every group after seeing so many mixed responses about the topic. Appreciate everyone's replies.
submitted by MidoriMushrooms to rpg [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 13:00 samzeal Post-'Session 1' overview and thoughts from a first-time GM, new to BitD.

Post-'Session 1' overview and thoughts from a first-time GM, new to BitD.
Hey all, thought I'd give my surface thoughts and feelings about running the game from my position as a near-enough newbie GM (not counting a few drunken one-shots) and someone completely new to the BitD system as a whole. For context, my players and I have primarily played homebrew campaigns of 5e for the past few years, with others in the group generally DMing. Before playing, I watched a few APs (mainly the first 10 episodes of Jared Logan's 'Haunted City', very fun GM and players).
Since its my first time DMing and I knew I was going to stumble over my words a lot, I tried to prepare my 'table' as much as I could. Since we were using foundry VTT, I imported a lot of resources and bought some high-quality maps to use as references to lean on.
Session zero ended with a brief overview of the world completed, characters and crew created (crew of Shadows w/ a Cutter, Lurk, and Slide). Character creation is pretty sweet and simple, not too much to ponder over. I gave the players the choice to pick their own pos/neg relationships rather than using the pre-determined selection., they are veteran RPG players so that seemed more fitting since they're all used to creating a bit more elaborate backgrounds.
Instead of using the suggested starting scenario, I wrote a 'mission brief' which involved the crew's contact, who's a deal broker and antiquarian, offering a job.
The job involved securing a specific eldritch artifact (a very heavy large vase) from a travelling auction event occasionally held by the death land scavengers when they returned to the Dusk to gain some funds/supplies unavailable in the wilderness. Score was for 6 coin, plus some extra if they recovered any other items of note there. They were told it was occurring within Nightmarket within the next few days, but had to find the specifics of the job, such as the location, time, whatever.. on their own.
Gathering information went pretty straight forward, the Lurk found an underground tavern in the district frequented by the criminalfolk and the likes, and spoke with a drunken man who propositioned the player to go on a date with them tomorrow evening, if they cleaned themselves a bit. Through this they got the location, and rough dress-code and entry requirements. They arranged that the Lurk would send her friend with the NPC on a date, and to meet in a location. Due to the NPCs heavy intoxication, after the scene concluded, I made a fortune roll to see if he would remember arranging such and he did not, so the NPC was not waiting for them later on.
Another player was more militaristic in origin, a ex-soldier released from the military after the war, and instead looked to see if there were any soldiers or tough-types who were being hired for their brawn recently. They succeeded their roll, but I felt like the people who they were asking wouldn't have known much - so i briefly mentioned that they'd seen some more traffic crossing from the deathlands into nightmarket via some demure skiffs but nothing about a major uptick in hired muscle.
The last player was playing a courtesan for a parlor in Silkshore, had some roleplay with a client, a crewmate from a Leviathan Hunter ship, talking about how he was joining his first-mate and heading to an auction in the next few days.- they rolled decent to get information, but I had a bit of a tough time coming up with more things that this person would know themselves.
'Gathering information' went alright, got the gist of it pretty easy - quite similar to how you'd do it in other games. My only problem I felt, was that I felt like I wasn't giving them enough information for their rolls, but I did try to ask them if they wanted to ask any further questions from the NPCs in the gathering information scene. I felt like there was a slight disconnect between the fiction in the scene and the goals of the gathering information, which caused some repetitiveness in terms of the info the players got from the NPCs.
I believe this is partially my fault as I guess I could've gently veered the players into more disparate lines of inquiry. (e.g, players ended up asking multiple people who were going to the auction for information, maybe rather than speaking to some people that had seen stuff in nightmarket recently, idk. Just probably a skill I need to get better at handling.)
Once they had some info, they had to decide on the plan. They were flitting between social/stealth, and but ended up going social as I had told them there was no real barrier to entry to the event - it was already a secret event, knowing about it was the 'ticket'.
They arrived about 1 hour 30 mins before the auction was set to begin, so began to mingle and scope out the abandoned cisterns and connected chambers in which the illicit auction was to be held. Access through dried-up storm drains and the sunken grotto were the main points of entry, but the crew had 'maps and passkeys' of secret and abandoned smaller passageways beneath the city that they could exploit.
The cutter tried to SURVEY the room to determine if the items were being held in this room, however they couldn't find anything and their actions were starting to raise suspicion among the scavenger guardsmen.
The lurk snuck off to see if they could find the storeroom connected to the cistern they were in, to find where the artifacts to be auctioned off were currently being held. They PROWLed off, and found a tight passage way which got them to the item storage, but got a 'sprained ankle' squeezing through some bars. Then returned back to the main cistern where the auction audience was gathering.
The cutter waiting for a while, feeling as if the rest of the crew could be a bit more useful.
The slide moseyed up to one of the more green-looking Deathland Scavengers, one who still seemed a bit more inmate than outlander, and engaged them in flirty small talk. After some parley, the Slide used a puff of trance powder, disguised as their makeup, to make the guard, Clod, more amenable and loose-tongued. She managed this, however she ended up dosing him more than she meant to, making him noticeably heavily intoxicated after their conversation. From this she gathered that there was about a contingent of 20 scavengers in the city at the moment, with half of them at the auction tonight and the others running supply errands, and that the auction items were being held in the outlet chamber towards the back of the large cistern the auction was being held in, lining up with what the lurk discovered.
The Lurk then lead a group action to PROWL back through the ventilation tunnel which lead to an aperture in high up on the wall in the room where the auction items were being held. They spent some time to watch the guard patrols, and timed them to come in every five minutes to check that everything is in order.
Once they saw their gap to act, the Cutter went to town and started to WRECK apart the boxes to tear them open to try and determine which boxes held the items they wanted. They found it straight away on a success (massive leaden vase), so had the opportunity to break open a few other cases as part of the action.
The Lurk wanted to fashion some ropes from the climbing gear, but failed and almost broke their equipment, though they resisted that consequence. Instead, they tinkered to create a rudimentary mechanism which would help lift and lever the vase up. The cutter got up into the tunnels, and put all their might into yanking the vase up, with the Slide CONSORTing with the Lurk to learn their tells and anticipate their movements to help lift and manage the vase from the ground as the cutter began to put all their might to yank this vase up into the tunnel. The Cutter pushed themselves and critted, and had the ability which granted them superhuman athleticism. They pulled the vase up with ease, and managed to get it out of the initial tunnel and through the bars which twisted the Lurk's ankle earlier.
The Slide called in a flashback, and for 1 coin and 1 stress, they STUDIED an optimal pathway through the tunnels they had maps for, and hire a gondola/skiff to be waiting at a point they'd come out to at an appointed time.
Since the vase was so big and heavy, the Lurk decided to go on ahead to PROWL and see if there was anything in the tunnels blocking their way. They failed, and ended up bumping into a couple guards looking through the tunnels. This consequence was resisted, and they instead decided to take out these guards from behind which stood between them and their pay-off. The lurk consumed their silence vial and snuck up on one guard to eliminate him from behind, and succeeded. The cutter came a few moments later, running at the remaining guard. They swung their gnarled fire-axe into the man, but failed to completely dispatch him.
The guard tried to scream and run, but the scream was nullified by the vial of silence as he still was in range. The cutter chased after and tried to finish the remaining guard, and with a partial success caught up with him and dispatched him but not before he left the threshold of the silence aura and let out a howl of alert.
With the 'Alert the guards' clock now triggered, the crew had one final stretch to get to the sewer drain where the gondolier should be meeting with them. To try and hinder anyone chasing them, as they ran, the Slide attempted to TINKER with some of the locks and gates through the passageways to hinder any pursuit. They failed, and wasted time, allowing the guards to catch up and almost close in on the group.
As they came within range, the Slide pulled out a pistol strapped to their thigh and blasted the guard at the front of the pack. They asked for a devils bargain to get an additional dice for their weapon, which they said was their noble father's personal arms. The deal was that if they took the dice, the ammunition from this weapon would be easily tracked to a very expensive and exclusive gunsmith in the city, creating a physical trail to track down the crew later on. They took it, and succeeded on the roll to dispatch the grunt. As the grunt slumped onto the gate as they gurgled on their own lifeblood, the reflected light down the sewer entrance revealed the grunt to have been Clod, the guard from earlier.
They saw the skiff coming into moor nearby as they got to the drain which fed into the canal, but had a couple of more minutes to buy. In response, the Cutter in a barbaric, militaristic rage attempted to intimidate the soldiers from pursuit by embracing their rage and firing their pistol wildly in warning. They succeeded on stopping the pursuit with their menacing presence, however under the intoxicating anger of the rage vial they consumed, they accidentally shot and grazed their foot in the violent display. This bought enough time for the boat to get to them, and they quickly got on with the huge vase and took a trip deeper into the city to their rendezvous point. Concluding the heist.
I think once we got in the 'flow state' of play, things went relatively smoothly (considering first time GM, first time GM and players playing the system). There were no major hiccups, though I did ask for a moment every so often to check the rules about specifics which I couldn't remember off the top of my head.
My major takeaways is that potentially my player's and my own experience with D20 systems like D&D create a slight barrier to entry, not in the way that is prohibitive but in a way might cause some foibles as we play.
A big difference is obviously 'Action Ratings' vs 'Skill Checks'. I did observe the players struggle a little to try and understand what each action represented, and try use them as if they were like a 'Prowl Check' or 'Skirmish check'. I did my best to try and reinforce to the players that they should describe the goal or what they are hoping to achieve, and try to pick an action rating which would describe the method they'd go about doing that. After doing some reading, and watching a video by John Harper, this is a skill I need to build on too - the idea of presenting the potential consequences and conflict as a mechanism to help the players choose how to approach a specific problem.
I feel like the position/effect system is pretty natural and easy to implement, with position being an abstraction of how bad things could go if they fail, and effect being how impactful their success would be. We didn't talk too much about it in the first session we had, and I leant on risky/standard for most things - but as things got tenser, some of the consequences of their actions put them into a desperate position. I think I've got a good handle on this facet, and will probably get better at judging it overtime.
Load is pretty intuitive, and my players enjoyed declaring on the spot what they had rather than relying on a pre-determined inventory, it fulfilled the heist fantasy pretty well. The only hurdle I faced with it was when a player wanted to have a sort of stopwatch, which I don't think they had on their equipment list but I said they could take 1 load to have it on their person, in a semi-flashback prep way.
Speaking of flashbacks, I think they're pretty interesting and weren't used a massive amount - I think they require a bit of time to get used to, especially when coming from a different RPG, since they require you to think about problems and the fiction we're building more abstractly and fluidly. They enjoy the idea though, and seem to want to use them more in future.
Coming up with complications as well is a skill in and of itself, I tried my best to create appropriate consequences based off the current state of the fiction and how things could potentially go wrong for them. I need to get better at telegraphing them and describing them better though, but that is not really a system problem more of a me/other ttrpgs problem. Coming up with them on the fly is quite hard, especially keeping them varied and interesting to the fiction.
Overall, had a good time, and am looking forward to exploring the Dusk a bit more with my players, when we get a chance. Refreshing bit of fresh air, considering most of us haven't played a different RPG than D&D in the last 4 years.
submitted by samzeal to bladesinthedark [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 22:43 StilFlavius STAR-VW2G-GTQ9 for 5,000 UEC [+more, see post]

Hi there, Welcome to citizen of the stars! + aUEC for my new recruits Here is my referral code (referral code: STAR-VW2G-GTQ9) in Star citizen to enter when creating your account. When you start your adventure, you will have a free bonus of 5000 UEC! Here is a direct link to create your account As an experienced player, I can help answer any questions regarding 3.22, ship sales, how CCU’s work, NPC Bounties, in-game mining, and how to save some money via warbonds on internet spaceships. Just send me a DM and Thanks. Also, if you decide to upgrade your ship(s) in the future, I can help guide you through the process of CCU chaining to save you a ton of money. Sage wisdom I wish I'd been taught years ago when I first started thinking about upgrading!
submitted by StilFlavius to starcitizenreferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 17:10 empaw1 Reminder to everyone to watch out for phishing attempts! Just got this today

Reminder to everyone to watch out for phishing attempts! Just got this today
Interesting sender email
submitted by empaw1 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 04:38 Watersword2k I need gems....

Use code ceq600
submitted by Watersword2k to TalkieOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 03:54 Krispyroll Reading Crash Logs

So I'm writing this because generally, the more people we have that can read these text files, the better. Additionally, compounding knowledge and solutions that different people may have helps to kind of fill in the gaps. As such, I'm hoping anyone else who knows how to read these things will both correct my own knowledge, and provide their own solutions as well.
(Please note, this is mainly going to be for Crash Logger SSE)
To start off, please use Crash Logger SSE or .NET Script Framework (only 1.597). Anything else is probably not going to be as helpful. Additionally, I only know how to read Crash Logger SSE logs, so any users who know how to read .NET Script logs, would be much appreciated for you to share just what to look out for.
Second would be Trainwreck if all else fails.

So, to get right into it:
Other than the memory addresses that AutoMod puts out about missing masters or needing BEES, I've seen memory addresses like:
Which can indicated a corrupt texture or needing to increase Pagefile size.
Some of the more common crashes I see here, are outdated SKSE plugins, particularly, Papyrus Tweaks, Papyrus Extender, ConsoleUtil, BehaviorDataInjector, QuickLootRE and QuickLootEE, SkyClimb, etc. Generally, just make sure you have the correct DLL for your skyrim version, or download the corresponding versions that work for all versions. They're usually denoted by NG.

[RSP+60 ] 0x277A7305720 (CursorMenu*)
As I've learned from a certain user here (u/IVIaskPl4gu3), majority of the time, seeing this in your crash log will most likely be an issue with an outdated SkyClimb, Quick Loot RE, or QuickLootEE (Waterface)/QuickLootEE-NG Fork(Miss Corruption), particularly if you choose to use them while on the newest update of Skyrim SE, 1.6.1170.

Probable Call Stack Section

The first section of the crash log is this. Normally, if a DLL is the issue, it'll show up here and most likely within the [0] to [5] section, like below:
[ 0] 0x7FF7298FE6EE SkyrimSE.exe+065E6EE -> 37176+0xDElock xadd [rcx+0x08], eax
[ 1] 0x7FF7298FE4D2 SkyrimSE.exe+065E4D2 -> 37175+0xB2nop
[ 2] 0x7FF7299C80A4 SkyrimSE.exe+07280A4 -> 40288+0x14test bl, 0x01
[ 3] 0x7FF729C41DB2 SkyrimSE.exe+09A1DB2 -> 53508+0x72test rax, rax
[ 4] 0x7FFB290DD4B5 DbSkseFunctions.dll+009D4B5
[ 5] 0x7FFB2907C4FD DbSkseFunctions.dll+003C4FD
In this instance, it was an issue with DbSkseFunctions.dll. It was causing a crash for a user on 1170. On the mod page, it's been noted by a few users that it didn't work for everyone, so one suggestion was to remove it entirely.
One thing to note, if skse64.dll and HDTSMP64 ever show up, it's usually nothing related to those two, just that they were running at the time. Not absolute however, as sometimes you can crash due to SMP physics for sure. EngineFixes is another one that isn't rare to see show up.

Registers Section

I don't really have much experience with this section, so feel free to chime in with any usual patterns people might notice. One instance in which an issue popped up here:
RAX 0xAC057E10 (size_t)
RBX 0x4BAA0BF370 (BSFaceGenModelExtraData*)
RCX 0xAC057E0F (size_t)
RDX 0xAC057E10 (size_t)
RSI 0x7FF6AD485288 (void* -> SkyrimSE.exe+17E5288)
RDI 0x1 (size_t)
RBP 0x13 (size_t)
RSP 0x4BAA0BF2D0 (void*)
R8 0x1F8D2D1F358 (char*) "JG Hair08 Braid02 1 L"
R9 0xDD0D7C (size_t)
As you can see, it points to a "JG Hair08 Braid02 1 L". Weird naming and format, but it indicated a mesh that wasn't playing well. So, the user had to go searching for that hair to find out where it came from, ultimately finding that it was "Vanilla Hair Remake SMP".
Another instance where it was a facegen issue, which can be common:
RBX 0x26FCAAAB940 (BSLightingShaderMaterialFacegen*)
Feature: kFaceGen
Type: "kLighting"
This particular message will usually print an error down in the Stack section, like so:
[RSP+60 ] 0x26FCAAA5F00 (BSDynamicTriShape*)
Name: "MaleHeadBreton"
RTTIName: "BSDynamicTriShape"
ExtraData[0] Name: "FOD"
ExtraData[1] Name: "FMD"
Flags: kSelectiveUpdate kSelectiveUpdateTransforms kSelectiveUpdateController
Full Name: "Jackos"
Checking User Data: -----
Object Reference:
File: "arnima.esm"
Flags: 0x00040009 kDestructible kInitialized
Name: "Jackos"
FormID: 0x16016943
FormType: NPC (43)
ParentCell: ---
File: "arnima.esm"
Flags: 0x0004000B
EditorID: "arnimacity1"
FormID: 0x1600CAB9
FormType: Cell (60)
What's important here, is that it gave the name for the NPC related, as well as the plugin it came from, (arnima.esm or Beyond Reach). In these cases, you can try to reinstall the mod, or try to recreate the facegen in Creation Kit.
Generally, you just load up the plugin in CK, then find that particular actor and press CTRL + F4, and either save or save as a new plugin depending on whether or not the plugin was set as an active file. I'd like to explain more, but it's a little fuzzy. If anyone has good guides, feel free to link!

Stack Section

(A good read and one I was looking at back when I was trying to learn to read logs myself, Here.
This is usually a log of what the game was doing at the moment when the problem occured. Anything towards the top is normally more indicative of the cause of the crash than towards the bottom. Usually within the first 50 lines. If something shows up multiple times, it garners a closer look, but can also be just flavor text.
For example, you might see something like this:
Object Reference: None File: "Lux - JK's Blue Palace patch.esp" Modified by: JK's Blue Palace.esp -> Lux - JK's Blue Palace patch.esp Flags: 0x00000008 kInitialized FormID: 0x34042CB1 FormType: Reference (61)
Anytime you see an Object Reference: None, is more than likely the source of your issue. The only other time I've seen something like that when it wasn't related entirely, was below:
[RSP+10 ] 0x1E212B36700 (PlayerCharacter*) Flags: 0x00200400 FormID: 0x00000014 FormType: ActorCharacter (62) Flags: 0x00200400 FormID: 0x00000014 FormType: ActorCharacter (62) Object Reference: None ParentCell: None Flags: 0x00200400 FormID: 0x00000014 FormType: ActorCharacter (62)
In that instance above, it wasn't really related since the crash log indicated none of their plugins had loaded, like below. Plugins are listed at the very bottom in crash logs. Obviously, if none load, that's a bad thing.
For animation crashes, you'll see some words with the letters hkb, which are animation/behavior files. Obviously, they be related to animation mods, but hard to pin down which exaclty. I'd pay attention to any warnings you see in FNIS/Nemesis (not sure about pandora), about outdated animations or animations meant for Skyrim LE. You can convert those using CAO, in the Animations tab of the program. Just direct the program to the folder where the animations are. Note, don't use this on your entire Data animations folder.
For something like that, I use this:
Guide to Animation.hkx conversion for Skyrim Special Edition at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (
And replace the .bat file with (from User KaylaKaze in the comments section):
@ For /f "delims=" %%G in ('dir /s/b *.hkx') do "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Tools\HavokBehaviorPostProcess\HavokBehaviorPostProcess.exe" --platformamd64 "%%G" "%%G"
@ pause
Make sure that you remove the spaces between @ For and @ pause. Reddit messed with the formatting. Follow the instructions about where to put that batch file, as well as HavokBehaviorPostProcess.exe.

If you see BaseForm Null:
BX: 0x264097DFF60 (TESObjectREFR*) -> (FormId: 32031CB5, File: `Lux - JK's Blue Palace Terrace patch.esp <- Lux - Blue Palace Terrace patch 3.esp <- JK's Blue Palace Terrace.esp <- BluePalaceTerrace.esp`, BaseForm: null)
That indicates a patch that wasn't made for a specific version of the original mod it's patching, or a broken patch.

Light: 0 Regular: 0 Total: 0
That points to a missing master, as well as seeing:
RSP+2D0] 0x7FF733F32668 (SettingT*)

If you ever see a nif or texture in the crash log, and you're sure it isn't a memory address file crash (mentioned above), as well as checking all your DLLs, it might be a case of a corrupted nif or bad texture.
I've learned that having textures not be in powers of 2 can definitely be problematic, as well as having a texture be a single pixel off (skin texture).
Usually they'll denote the file path:
.nif for meshes .dds for textures
RDI 0x1A857936680 (BSTriShape*) - means a mesh
Tools like NifScan to check for errors, NIF Optimizer to automatically fix, or CAO can help in these circumstances.

RDI 0x149FDC2F100 (BSFadeNode*) Name: "BloodSprayImpact01" RTTIName: "BSFadeNode" ExtraData[0] Name: "BSX"
This sort of error I've noticed on two occasions, and both of the users had both SSE Fixes, and Precision installed. Seeing this specific term may not be evidence of this particular issue, but if you have both of these installed and you're experiencing crashes on combat hits, please note, SSE Fixes only works up to 1.5.97, while both users were running 1.6.1170. That is another reason why you should make sure to check the version numbers of the mods that you install. Solution is to remove SSE Fixes.

[RSP+38 ] 0x250DD978840 (PathingCell*)
These are Navmesh errors, as I've learned from u/wankingSkeever. They're pretty tough to fix, and usually denote a deleted/broken navmesh. They're usually caused by location editing mods and/or mods that come with broken navmeshes.
Basically a navmesh is a navigation path for an NPC to follow. If that's obstructed, (location overhauls, AI overhauls for actors) or the navmesh has been deleted/overwritten, that's the source of the crash. There's a script in SSEdit that can check for deleted navmeshes. So you'd first load up all your plugins in SSEdit, then:
Any plugin that shows up besides the usual Skyrim.esm and DLCs are usually the source of the problem. Easiest solution would be to remove the mod in question. I have no real knowledge of how to fix those, and the few guides I see mention dropping the problematic navmesh in CK. There is this, but make sure to read the description as well as comments accordingly.
Found in a thread here: How to deal with CTDs due to NavMeshes :
An alternative way to possibly fix the broken navmesh from the problematic plugin is to open that plugin in Creation kit and then resaving. Haven't tested it yet, but it's worth a try if you're reluctant to remove the mod in question.
There's a known crash where any NPC on a horse traveling through a Loading Door will crash you.
Skyrim Immersive Creatures is infamous for their Dawnguard Horse crash, as below:
Text from this thread
RBX 0x1863CF59C00 (Character*) Flags: 0x00000528 kDeleted kPersistent Name: "Dawnguard Horse" FormID: 0xFF0010F9 FormType: ActorCharacter (62) Object Reference: Flags: 0x00000008 kInitialized Name: "Dawnguard Horse" FormID: 0xFF001E5C FormType: NPC (43) Flags: 0x00000528 kInitialized kDeleted kMustUpdate kPersistent FormID: 0xFF0010F9 FormType: ActorCharacter (62)
From the modpage over at SIC, by user Temporal7991 (I don't know the original source of this fix).
Download SSEEdit. Open the program and make sure Skyrim Immersive Creatures is enabled. Click open plugins selected. When the program has finished loading, search in Editor ID: SIC_WERoad07. Delete this whole form id Save the changes, and close Now open an earlier save from before they spawned, let's say, 10 minutes ago and play from there, and there should be no crashes anymore.
Another known crash related to a Noble on a horse:
CTD involving the Exmoor Pony and a Noble. :
One thing I've noticed is, try to start off broad when trying to diagnose crashes. This means that usually you should try to update
  1. SKSE plugins
  2. Mods with specific versions
  3. Patches for those mods, as well as checking if they're outdated.
  4. Specific textures or DDs files mentioned.
If they mention specifically Object reference None, Base Form Null, or Facegen Errors, then those usually take precedence, but not always. And sometimes it's multiple issues that are crashing your game.
Additionally, some more information about FormIDs within crashlogs.
FormID: 00023AB2 (Horse)
Usually these are the ones that easily searchable in SSEdit, as they will give the specific NPC that they relate to. So knowing that, if a FormID shows up denoting numbers similar in that format (starting with 0), you can use that to check for conflicts.
Conversely, any FormIDs starting with FF:
FormID: 0xFF001E5C (Dawnguard Horse from above)
or something along those lines denote a dynamically-placed actor. And as such, cannot be found in SSEdit. That usually means a script is generating that actor, and you have the much harder task of trying to figure out which script is doing so.
Always remember that your player character FormID and ReferenceID are 7 and 14 denoted by 0s in front, like 00000007 or 00000014. It won't be unusual to see those IDs in formats above. I never really know what to take away from it when I see them.

Infinite Loading Screens and freezes without crashing are a tougher issue. Generally what I know about ILS depends on where it happens:
If while fast traveling or traveling in general, it can point to a memory issue. Try to download SSE Engine Fixes, make sure you download the correct Part 1 file corresponding to your version. Alternatively, I've heard increasing your page files can help, but I would rather not put a specific guide since what works for someone may not for others.
If the loading screen happens on the main menu, that can indicate a load order issue, i.e., a patch that's loading before the plugin it was meant for. Double check those.
Freezing (with game audio) can point to Papyrus being overloaded, usually from scripts. Install Papyrus Tweaks NG if you haven't already, or enable Papyrus Debug logs. A good read. Kind of hard to identify, but generally any mod that uses cloaking effects, makes regular checks to NPCs, like Wet Function, blushing, etc. On their own, not too intensive, but can be overwhelming if all happening at once.
[General] uInterior Cell Buffer=0
There was one case in which a user was crashing while entering interiors, and based on this thread, that seemed to help resolve it. Basically it does the same as the console command pcb, or purge cell buffers. Skyrim saves data from the last cell you were in into its cell buffer, potentially to help reduce load times. I didn't notice a difference in my loading times, but your pc components will vary.
You would add that line to the section in your Skyrim.ini, or SkyrimCustom.ini. I will note that you shouldn't change this value after you add it, and don't change any of the values regarding other cell buffers unless you know what you're doing.


If you're going to remove a mod during a playthrough (try to not do this as much as possible), then use this tool to clean your save file, and save as a new one after.
Generally all you need are these two functions:
  1. Deletes unattached script instances (in the "Clean" menu)
  2. Deletes undefined elements (in the "Clean" menu)
Lastly, if all else fails, always fall back to disabling mods and re-enabling them. A tried-and-true method, albeit tedious and exhausting. Sometimes the only thing you can do.
That's generally about as far as my knowledge extends, and that's definitely nothing compared to people who look at them way more often and have recognized the patterns and terms. The reason I write all this out is because a lot of these crashes have easily solvable solutions, but you just have to know the signs to look out for if you're willing. All I'm really doing is searching threads for specific codes, names, sections of text from crashlogs and noticing that solutions are out there already, but they're simply hard to find.
I hope this helps someone who wants to know how to read them, and gives them a little push to want to do so. Addtionally, please correct me where you see fit, especially those of you who are much more experienced reading them. The last thing I want is to have explained something incorrectly and wrongly assumed something.
If you read this far, much appreciated, and much appreciation to the ones who always frequent crash log threads. (u/RomatebitegeL, u/IVIaskPl4gu3, and u/wankingSkeever, and anyone else who tries to help out!).
P.S. - I will try to update this thread as I come across more notable crash log terms and words that help lead to a solution.
Update 1 - highlighted a conflict between SSE Fixes and Precision. Update 2 - alternative way to deal with navmesh crashes using CK.
submitted by Krispyroll to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 21:19 justiceforblago ~$3000 primarily gaming PC for a first timer.

I will follow the instructions.
Is this a brand new build, or an upgrade to an existing build?
Brand new.
Please list any existing parts or monitor(s) you have that you would like to re-use with this build. For upgrades, a PCPartPicker list of your full build is extremely helpful. Be as specific as you can be here, including links or exact model numbers of each component whenever possible.
None, except for a mouse (Logitech G502). First time building a PC so I'll need everything.
What will this PC be used for? Examples include things like gaming, general/multimedia use, photo/video editing, coding, AI/ML, etc. Include specific games and applications you intend to run, and any particular performance goals you have, as each may have different specific hardware needs.
Gaming primarily, so the capability to play games like Assassin's Creed, Cyberpunk, Elden Ring, etc on max settings is needed. Also a lot of Old School Runescape, but building for the former games will I'm sure be more than sufficient for OSRS lol.
What country will you be purchasing in? If you are in the US, do you live near a Micro Center? For other countries, please check if your country is supported by PCPartPicker by using the country selector dropdown on the top right - if not, please provide some links to reliable local vendors you are comfortable ordering from.
US. A Micro Center would be accessible but not convenient. But if needed I can make the trip.
Do you need one or more monitors included in the budget? Please list how many and any size/resolution/refresh rate preferences if needed.
Two monitors, average size. 4k with a high refresh rate is desired. If this would squeeze the budget too much then sacrifices can be made on one of the monitors.
What is your preferred and maximum budget range for this build, in local currency? Parts lists may sometimes have additional shipping costs. Please note whether prices in your country include sales tax or not, and adjust your budget accordingly. Typically VAT countries will have it included in the part list prices, whereas regular sales tax countries like the US and Canada will not.
$3000 ballpark, though if its logical to go less or more depending on my needs, this could be adjusted.
Do you need WiFi, or do you have a wired ethernet connection available?
Yes to WiFi.
Do you have any specific size or noise requirements for the build?
Do you have any aesthetic preferences for color or lighting? Describe what you're looking for, or feel free to provide some links to examples that may help. Some people prefer an inobtrusive stealth build, while others may prefer a case full of rainbow RGB.
No preferences, some mild RGB could be cool but not at the expense of the actual performance.
Any other specific requests or requirements? Examples might include a specific minimum amount of storage, or a particular CPU socket for a future upgrade path, etc.
I'd like this to be somewhat future-proofed in terms of gaming performance if possible/makes sense.
Thank you all for your help!!
submitted by justiceforblago to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 19:26 BlueSphere22 Dragon Block C Crashing when new chunks are made.

My Modpack with about 20 mods (one of them being DBC) keeps crashing as soon as I enter Otherworld or generate a new chunk/new world. When I play on my server it just kicks me out when any of those things happen, and in singleplayer it just completely crashes the game. I was wondering if anyone can help me fix this issue, it's been quite tedious and I was excited to start playing.
The exit code it gave me in singeplayer is:
The game crashed whilst exception generating new chunk Error: java.lang.ClassCastException: net.nevermine.dimension.deeplands.biome.BiomeGenDeeplandsShine cannot be cast to JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Worlds.BiomeGenBaseDBC 
and here is the crashreport for the server:
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// On the bright side, I bought you a teddy bear!
Time: 5/25/24 5:08 PM
Description: Exception generating new chunk
java.lang.ClassCastException: net.nevermine.dimension.deeplands.biome.BiomeGenDeeplandsShine cannot be cast to JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Worlds.BiomeGenBaseDBC
at JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Worlds.x1ChunkProviderOW.replaceBlocksForBiome( at JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Worlds.x1ChunkProviderOW.func\_73154\_d( at at at\_73158\_c( at\_73154\_d( at\_72964\_e( at\_151350\_a( at\_77192\_a( at\_72835\_b( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func\_71190\_q( at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func\_71190\_q( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func\_71217\_p( at at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$ 
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
-- Head --
at JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Worlds.x1ChunkProviderOW.replaceBlocksForBiome( at JinRyuu.DragonBC.common.Worlds.x1ChunkProviderOW.func\_73154\_d( 
-- Chunk to be generated --
Location: 0,10 Position hash: 42949672960 Generator: RandomLevelSource 
at at at\_73158\_c( at\_73154\_d( at\_72964\_e( at\_151350\_a( at\_77192\_a( at\_72835\_b( 
-- Affected level --
Level name: world All players: 1 total; \[EntityPlayerMP\['nourr\_\_\_'/339, l='world', x=-22.00, y=64.00, z=254.00\]\] Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 0 Drop: 0 Level seed: -8004251987184940767 Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: false Level generator options: Level spawn location: World: (0,0,0), Chunk: (at 0,0,0 in 0,0; contains blocks 0,0,0 to 15,255,15), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511) Level time: 0 game time, 0 day time Level dimension: 0 Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown? Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false) Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false 
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func\_71190\_q( at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func\_71190\_q( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func\_71217\_p( at at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$ 
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 Operating System: Linux (amd64) version 4.19.0-13-amd64 Java Version: 1.8.0\_275, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 1680881472 bytes (1603 MB) / 2125987840 bytes (2027 MB) up to 3817865216 bytes (3641 MB) JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xmx4096M -Xms1024M AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used IntCache: cache: 5, tcache: 74, allocated: 1, tallocated: 14 FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.99.99 Minecraft Forge 25 mods loaded, 25 mods active States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored UCHIJAAAA mcp{9.05} \[Minecraft Coder Pack\] (minecraft.jar) UCHIJAAAA FML{} \[Forge Mod Loader\] (forge.jar) UCHIJAAAA Forge{} \[Minecraft Forge\] (forge.jar) UCHIJAAAA aether\_legacy{v1.1.2.2} \[The Aether\] (aether-1.7.10-v1.1.2.3.jar) UCHIJAAAA AncientWarfare{2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10} \[Ancient Warfare Core\] (ancientwarfare-2.4.115-beta-MC1.7.10-FULL.jar) UCHIJAAAA AncientWarfareAutomation{2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10} \[Ancient Warfare Automation\] (ancientwarfare-2.4.115-beta-MC1.7.10-FULL.jar) UCHIJAAAA AncientWarfareNEIPlugin{2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10} \[Ancient Warfare NEI Plugin\] (ancientwarfare-2.4.115-beta-MC1.7.10-FULL.jar) UCHIJAAAA AncientWarfareNpc{2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10} \[Ancient Warfare NPCs\] (ancientwarfare-2.4.115-beta-MC1.7.10-FULL.jar) UCHIJAAAA AncientWarfareStructure{2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10} \[Ancient Warfare Structures\] (ancientwarfare-2.4.115-beta-MC1.7.10-FULL.jar) UCHIJAAAA atum{0.6} \[Atum\] (Atum-1.7.10-0.6.77.jar) UCHIJAAAA Backpack{2.0.1} \[Backpack\] (backpack-2.0.1-1.7.x.jar) UCHIJAAAA BiblioCraft{1.11.7} \[BiblioCraft\] (BiblioCraft\[v1.11.7\]\[MC1.7.10\].jar) UCHIJAAAA jinryuujrmcore{1.3.51} \[JinRyuu's JRMCore\] (JRMCore-v1.3.51.jar) UCHIJAAAA jinryuudragonblockc{1.4.85} \[Dragon Block C\] (DragonBlockC-v1.4.85.jar) UCHIJAAAA fastleafdecay{1.4} \[Fast Leaf Decay\] (FastLeafDecay-1.7.10-1.4.jar) UCHIJAAAA gravestone{} \[Gravestone\] (GraveStone Mod UCHIJAAAA hbm{1.0.27 BETA (4956)} \[Hbm's Nuclear Tech\] (HBM-NTM-\[1.0.27\_X4956\].jar) UCHIJAAAA IronChest{} \[Iron Chest\] (ironchest-1.7.10- UCHIJAAAA testdummy{1.0} \[MmmMmmMmmMmm\] (MmmMmmMmmMmm-1.7.10-1.9.jar) UCHIJAAAA cfm{3.4.7} \[ 9MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod\] (MrCrayfishFurnitureModv3.4.7(1.7.10).jar) UCHIJAAAA naturescompass{1.3.1} \[Nature's Compass\] (NaturesCompass-1.7.10-1.3.1.jar) UCHIJAAAA nevermine{Tslat-1.1.2} \[Advent of Ascension\] (Nevermine-Tslat-1.1.2.jar) UCHIJAAAA harvestcraft{1.7.10j} \[Pam's HarvestCraft\] (Pam's HarvestCraft 1.7.10Lb.jar) UCHIJAAAA Roguelike{1.5.0} \[Roguelike Dungeons\] (roguelike-1.7.10-1.5.0b.jar) UCHIJAAAA SilentGems{1.3.14} \[Silent's Gems\] (SilentGems-1.7.10-1.3.14-172.jar) Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) Vec3 Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used Player Count: 1 / 80; \[EntityPlayerMP\['nourr\_\_\_'/339, l='world', x=-22.00, y=64.00, z=254.00\]\] Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fml,forge' Type: Dedicated Server (map\_server.txt) 
submitted by BlueSphere22 to ModdedMinecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 22:37 StilFlavius STAR-VW2G-GTQ9 for 5,000 UEC [+more, see post]

Hi there, Welcome to citizen of the stars! + aUEC for my new recruits Here is my referral code (referral code: STAR-VW2G-GTQ9) in Star citizen to enter when creating your account. When you start your adventure, you will have a free bonus of 5000 UEC! Here is a direct link to create your account As an experienced player, I can help answer any questions regarding 3.22, ship sales, how CCU’s work, NPC Bounties, in-game mining, and how to save some money via warbonds on internet spaceships. Just send me a DM and Thanks. Also, if you decide to upgrade your ship(s) in the future, I can help guide you through the process of CCU chaining to save you a ton of money. Sage wisdom I wish I'd been taught years ago when I first started thinking about upgrading!
submitted by StilFlavius to starcitizenreferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 17:28 SanctifiedChats NPC skin glows orange at dusk

I've been working on this problem for a while but now I need help from the community. See this pic to see the orange skin glow on the NPC at dusk:
To troubleshoot the problem I disabled EVLaS and disabled ENB (SHIFT-F12) but that made no difference. So I disabled all my mods except for USSEP and ASLAL, started a new game, then in the game I disabled my ENB again (using SHIFT-F12), and the glow is still there but not nearly as bad since I can't get the game to be dark without a weather mod installed:
The problem only occurs in sunny weather (e.g. weather code 81a) and at dusk (e.g. between 6 and 8 pm). Is disabling ENB a good test, or do I need to totally uninstall ENB and create vanilla ini files and test again? What could be causing this? Yes this happens to ALL NPCs AND to my PC.
EDIT: I just uninstalled my ENB and started a vanilla game with no mods installed (NO weather mods, NO lighting mods, etc.). The only mods I have installed are USSEP and ASLAL to make a new game easier. Setting the weather to clear (fw 81a) and the time to 6:30 pm (set gamehour to 18.5) the problem STILL exists, though not nearly as bad since there's no ENB to make it worse. For example, here are the people in Solitude:
Pic3, Pic4, Pic5, Pic6
So at this point I'm clueless. I'd like to see if others have this problem by using these commands:
coc solitudeorigin
set gamehour to 18.5
fw 81a
Then look at people in the shade.
EDIT #2: I just tried completely replacing my skyrimprefs.ini file with a stock one from the internet on my vanilla-only game (no ENB), but that didn't make any difference either.
EDIT #3: I finally found a fix, though I still don't understand the cause. After doing tons of tests with skin textures I found that if I have the following 9 textures AND if they are completely black then it fixes the problem:
In Textures\Actors\Character\Female:,,
In textures\actors\character\male:,,
In Textures\Actors\Character\Ranaline\child:,,
submitted by SanctifiedChats to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 15:55 Fantastic-Photo6441 Please click the link below the image it's my birthday tommorow and I want to make multiple great talkies

Please click the link below the image it's my birthday tommorow and I want to make multiple great talkies submitted by Fantastic-Photo6441 to TalkieOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 15:24 gamepack10 Invite

Ready for a Talkie adventure with me? Dive into AI chats, meet beloved anime characters, and embark on virtual thrills! Use code 3n3u33 for epic rewards! 🚀✨
submitted by gamepack10 to TalkieOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 00:34 Charzn Empty folder?? Pls helppp

Empty folder?? Pls helppp
how do I fix this? I have content patcher but nothing I’m trying is working
submitted by Charzn to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:31 Narmoth DXP Store - What are the 'best' outfits to get and how to get the rest via in-game play.

EDIT: This is old so had to update it with the new prices. If something is still messed up, just please let me know and I'll fix it! Thanks.
In the DXP store, you can get the skilling outfits that are extremally useful, but not all are equal in their value. Most cost 16k DXP tokens except the first few I'll mention at the top.
What outfits should I get absolutely first?
What Elite Outfits should I buy? 50K for one full outfit, you cannot mix and match sets for the effects. You need to buy all sets to make the combined outfit which is slightly better, best to buy 1 full set of each before making any combined outfits.
What outfits do I need to buy if I'm a Pure Skiller / Level 3 Skiller ONLY Regular players can obtain these relatively easily in normal gameplay.
What outfits do I think are a waste of DXP tokens to get?
Skill Outfit Head Addon - Get this last. It is random from any outfit regardless if that outfit head piece is actually owned or not.
1.9K Total DXP TOKENS (was 1.5)
Slayer Masks:
Shattered Worlds: Can earn the first low level masks here pretty quickly and save the DXP shop rolls for higher level helms.
12.8K TOTAL DXP TOKENS: 4 pieces (3.2k each), no special addon pieces! (was 2.5k each)
black ibis outfit 5% xp boost
Master Runecrafter Outfit 5% xp boost
Lumber Jack 5% xp boost
16K TOTAL DXP TOKENS 5 pieces (3.2k each), no special addon pieces! (was 2.5k each)
Fletcher 6% xp boost
Constructor Outfit 6% xp boost
Golden Mining Suite 6% xp boost
Nimble Outfit 6% xp boost
19.2k TOTAL DXP TOKENS (16K for full outfit + 3.2k for Head addon) (in order of priority starting with worst to get)
Blacksmith Outfit 6% xp boost
Artisan Outfit 6% xp boost
Shaman Outfit 6% xp boost
Botanist's Outfit 6% xp boost
-In-game Method: flaspowder factory. A bit of a tedious mini-game that doesn't require a team to play.
Diviner 6% xp boost
Sous Chef 6% xp boost.
Farmer 6% xp boost
First age 6% xp bonus
Special Outfits If you own the regular (and cheaper) skilling outfit, all the benefits carry over to these outfits! You can destroy the other outfits and they will b kept in Diango's storage. Normally you start getting them at level 70 and have full pieces by level 80-85 from normal skilling. Though you get pieces from random outfits and mix and match doesn't work. Like wearing a fury shark gloves and white shark head won't increase any bonuses it will count as just one outfit piece. Pick one from each skill and complete it and move onto the next skill. If you own all the outfits (like full shark) then they can be combined for a slightly better bonus to skilling.
These cost 50K tokens for the full outfit ! (10k each piece, used to be 8k/40k full outfit)
Shark is the most useful to get as you can set it to eat fish you'd just drop and improve fish catch rate. This is another fishing outfit that when owned will give the shark outfit an XP bonuse. You obtain that from fish flingers and Alt 1 has a program to help with that. It isn't too terrible to get and is currently not being sold.
Gorajan is quite useful for dungeoneering. I'd say this is 2nd to Shark in usability. Fragments can be obtained from killing "Trash Mobs" in ED 1, 2 or 3.
Ethereal the chest piece holds 6 rune essence, basically an extra pouch! You need to have one complete outfit for this benefit.
Chronical can be the most helpful to just teleport you to some wisp locations. You get extra energies and chorincles.
Camouflage assists in the success rate of pick pocketing.
Sentinel assist in woodcutting success rate and obtaining nests along with teleports.
Trapper Improves hunter chance and you get extra resources along with some teleports.
Closing advice This is the start of day 2 of a 10 day event. You have time to slowly earn the dxp tokens and can wait until about day 7 or 8 to start getting any of these outfits. Only exception is that everyone should buy up the black ibis ASAP so you don't forget.
Slayer Masks (1.9k each) These are very good for slayer tasks. Most of them you can 'force' a specific creature task by wearing the mask and getting the assignment from a slayer npc that normally assigns it. After so many kills (it changes depending on the mask) you will get a helm version which is cosmetic. Once the helm version is unlocked, the armor it gives gets a nice boost too. The armor is the same regardless if you use the helm or mask look. You will get a random one per purchase, but never get duplicates.
Starfire, Grotesque, Sunfury Outfits Since I get asked about these, what you get is based off of RNG. You will not get duplicates, but have no control on what you'll get. I'd focus on these after you get all the other skilling outfits that you want from the store. DXP live is roughly every 90 days.
For your own research for each outfit you are interested in:
**BONUS Skilling Outfits not featured in the store that exist in the game! **
Fired Up ring and gloves Reward from All Fired Up.
Hunter Outfit Waiko reward shop.
Fishing Outfit Fish Flingers, Alt 1 has a plug in to help with this. There is also a friend chat FishFlingers (must use World 89)
Master Farming Outfit Can buy with beans and start getting fragments to assemble at level 70.
Master Constructor Outfit Obtained from construction contracts. You can speak to an estate agent to get started.
Archaeology Outfits Obtained from the Archaeology Guild
submitted by Narmoth to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 22:06 Clup777 Prop sketches (I need someone to make them)

Prop sketches (I need someone to make them)
1:Venus flytrap (no pot) concept of venus flytrap: will consume fly NPCs (or other small flying NPCs) and close for 1 min until opening again. Size:small-medium 2: Anemone concept of anemone: if you touch it you get stunned for 2.5 seconds and take 110 dmg. Size:medium-big (clownfish applies too youll see soon) 3:Rock concept of rock:does nothing. Size:Varys 4:clownfish and anemone concept:will be like regular anemone that i showed concept above but clownfish u can be it also npc clownfish spawn npc clownfish dont get hurt by anemones and can hide in them same goes if your a player clownfish. 5:Giant clam concept:will be open until something goes inside, 1 in 3 chance you take the pearl and the clam shuts (takes 2 minutes to open up again) the pearl gives you these effects for 1 min:20% more dmg 35% more speed 10%more exp and score when you eat. But if the clam closes on you… it takes away half ur health (dmg varys on diff health for instance if i had 50 health and someone else had 100 health id be at 25 health and the other guy would be at 50 health) (also if health is not even number for instane if i had 51 health it would do 26 dmg) this might be a bit hard to code… also if npc goes into clam it gets stuck inside and clam closes for 3 minutes and after it opens the pearl will be bigger and give 10% extra to all of regular pearl effects and if npc is eaten by clam and u dont get the 1 in 3 chance of getting pearl clam closes like normal and extra npc pearl buffs are lost next time someone gets pearl. Also make NPCs spawn a bit less close to clams than usual. Size:big 6: open clam sprite. By Clup
submitted by Clup777 to Prehistooio [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 22:06 Clup777 Prop sketches (I need someone to make them)

Prop sketches (I need someone to make them)
1:Venus flytrap (no pot) concept of venus flytrap: will consume fly NPCs (or other small flying NPCs) and close for 1 min until opening again. Size:small-medium 2: Anemone concept of anemone: if you touch it you get stunned for 2.5 seconds and take 110 dmg. Size:medium-big (clownfish applies too youll see soon) 3:Rock concept of rock:does nothing. Size:Varys 4:clownfish and anemone concept:will be like regular anemone that i showed concept above but clownfish u can be it also npc clownfish spawn npc clownfish dont get hurt by anemones and can hide in them same goes if your a player clownfish. 5:Giant clam concept:will be open until something goes inside, 1 in 3 chance you take the pearl and the clam shuts (takes 2 minutes to open up again) the pearl gives you these effects for 1 min:20% more dmg 35% more speed 10%more exp and score when you eat. But if the clam closes on you… it takes away half ur health (dmg varys on diff health for instance if i had 50 health and someone else had 100 health id be at 25 health and the other guy would be at 50 health) (also if health is not even number for instane if i had 51 health it would do 26 dmg) this might be a bit hard to code… also if npc goes into clam it gets stuck inside and clam closes for 3 minutes and after it opens the pearl will be bigger and give 10% extra to all of regular pearl effects and if npc is eaten by clam and u dont get the 1 in 3 chance of getting pearl clam closes like normal and extra npc pearl buffs are lost next time someone gets pearl. Also make NPCs spawn a bit less close to clams than usual. Size:big 6: open clam sprite. By Clup
submitted by Clup777 to Prehistooio [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 09:51 Rickry0797 Human culture design mod

Hi there. I've tried to cobble up a mod that makes UNE and COM use mammalian city and ship culture, but I've run into a brick wall. I suppose there are mistakes in the code, but without any debug tool, I can't say where. Here as it goes:
namespace = testing country_event = { id = testing.1 hide_window = yes is_triggered_only = yes trigger = { # your conditions go here if = { limit = every_country = { {has_country_flag = human_1 OR= {has_country_flag = human_2} } } } } immediate = { # grant technologies here effect = { set_graphical_culture = "mammalian_01" set_city_graphical_culture ="mammalian_01" every_owned_fleet = { every_owned_ship = { graphical_culture ="mammalian_01" } any_spaceport = { graphical_culture ="mammalian_01" } any_research_station = { set_graphical_culture ="mammalian_01" } any_mining_station = { set_graphical_culture ="mammalian_01" } any_orbital_station = { set_graphical_culture ="mammalian_01" } any_owned_fleet = { graphical_culture ="mammalian_01" } random_owned_fleet = { graphical_culture ="mammalian_01"} } } message = no } } 
Update: I've found the solution that, while not perfect from my point of view (not a separate mod file), but it works. From what I guess, the mod way injects the change too late, so I followed the clue on preset empires. 00_species_classes.txt denotes which species use what design, but it is a no-go because it works with all humanoid species, and switching design there removed it altogether from autogen options. So I rummaged and found two files: sol_initializers.txt and prescripted_species_systems.txt. In the first file, I found all instances of UNE and put down the changes like this:
save_event_target_as = npc_UNoE set_graphical_culture = mammalian_01 set_city_graphical_culture = mammalian_01 add_resource = { 
In the other file, I made a similar change where CoM was initialized:
save_global_event_target_as = npc_CoM set_country_flag = parent_system_spawned set_graphical_culture = mammalian_01 set_city_graphical_culture = mammalian_01 add_resource = { 
The only drawback is the necessity to edit the game files. Oh, and I edited selectable preset empires in 01_top_countries_humans.txt too. Turns out they are something like separate entities from what map generator uses.
submitted by Rickry0797 to StellarisMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:11 MatthewTheSkunkBoy 7406315 . The ads from the Roulette Wheel won't load & I can't waste any money so I'm a sending an invitation

Ready for a Talkie adventure with me? Dive into AI chats, meet beloved anime characters, and embark on virtual thrills! Use code x3vb25 for epic rewards! 🚀✨
submitted by MatthewTheSkunkBoy to TalkieSoulfulAIchat [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:46 TheHittite Let's talk straight swords

I figured I'd continue this sort of thing with the next weapon class down the list.
Historically, straight-bladed, one-handed or hand-and-a-half swords were sidearms. Either as a backup weapon on the battlefield or as personal defense/a status symbol for everyday carry. I think the devs did a good job of capturing that in game. As a class, straight swords are rarely if ever an outright bad choice, but in any specific circumstance they'll fall well behind a more specialized option. Once you have access to bigger, flashier, or more impressive options they tend to fall by the wayside. But if your main breaks or is the wrong choice for a fight, it's comforting to know that you always have something that's basically OK to fall back on.
One thing that's not historically accurate is the power stance. I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. The damage output was pretty impressive and the specific way you swing both of them seems to have a more generous hitbox than one alone. Would I recommend doing it yourself? Well, definitely with Blue Flame and maybe with a couple others.
There are 18 straight swords in this game so let's get into individual details.
The main thing you notice using this is it's short. Deep insight, I know. Thing is, this is Dark Souls 2 and weapon hitboxes are at least vaguely the same size as the model. At times you can really feel the lack of reach when you find yourself whiffing attacks more than is healthy. The second thing you notice about the Shortsword is it isn't very strong. Straight swords don't have a whole lot of variance in their damage, but the Shortsword is definitely on the lower end of the scale and the above average counter damage can only do so much to cover for it. The third thing you notice is that the moveset is bloody fantastic. I'm always going to value a straight sword with a thrusting attack over one that only slashes. Thrust is just plain a better damage type than slash, it improves performance in tight spaces, and it gives your attacks more forward momentum to keep up aggression (and make up for short reach). It also may just be me, but it feels like the thrusting heavy attacks are better than slashing against NPC invaders too.
It's only the second entry on the list and my thrust attack bias is rearing its head again. The 2 handed strong attack of the Longsword is just plain good. Between the damage and the stagger, there's parts of the game where I treat it more like a thrusting sword than a straight sword. There are a few other swords that have the same attack, but the Longsword is the strongest of the bunch (though it's only in the middle of the pack for the overall weapon class). The free fire infused one you can get is fine enough for the price. It performs about as well on average as the base model but it has some advantages against fire weak or slash resistant enemies and some glaring disadvantages once you hit a water or fire level. It's a lot more useful in vanilla where the Dull Ember is a lot harder to get. One last thing: I'd be remiss if I didn't bring up the Longsword's performance in PVP. I don't know nearly enough about that aspect of the game to really talk about it, but something about the specific intersection of reach, stagger, moveset, and requirements means this gets an S rank in a LOT of tier lists.
Broken Straight Sword
Something has to be the worst option, and it's the broken sword's thankless duty to fulfill this role. It's pitifully short, pathetically weak, and disappointingly fragile. It exists mostly to give players a clearly visible bottom of the barrel to compare other weapons to. One thing it does have going for itself is the lowest stamina costs of literally any weapon which is at least something. Poison or Mundane infusion can even make it borderline usable for the masochists out there.
One thing I've noticed about DS2's weapon design is that the first weapon you find in a specific class gets treated as the "default" and most others will be variants of it in some way. The Broadsword fits that mold here and that's not a bad place to be. It's got a decent moveset, decent damage, and it's decently easy to get and use. The thing is that being the archetype for the Basically OK weapon class means that you don't stand out at all. Its damage is a little above average, but it's reach is a little below and it's still well in the middle of the pack for both. All other stats and its moveset are completely standard. There's nothing wrong with using it, as long as you don't need to stab anything that is, but you'll find plenty of better options down the line.
Foot Soldier Sword
Lightweight, extremely low requirements, good reach, decent base damage for infusions, and an excellent moveset. If it weren't for the incredibly low durability this would be one of the best swords in the game. As it stands, well, it can make a decent emergency backup option as long as you don't need to rely on it too much.
Heide Knight Sword
This got done dirty in the Scholar version. First by being shifted from a guaranteed drop to a rare drop, and second when they made infusion much easier to unlock and devalued pre-infused and natural elemental weapons. It's still a Basically OK weapon but it's been knocked down to niche use rather than a staple. I'd say the best use case is someone who wants to use Faith from the start (for instance, helping a friend with a dedicated support build in co-op) and wants at least some payoff in damage before late game. I used it as my left hand weapon in power stance for quite a lot of the game since I wasn't planning to buff that hand anyway and it pulled its weight. That said, there's a reason I didn't use it in the right hand. I'm not a big fan of the one handed moveset. It's not bad per se but the underhanded swings just feel less powerful and I'm not sure why the strong attacks are borrowed from the Royal Dirk.
Varangian Sword
These first 7 swords are available pretty much at the start of the game, with varying levels of effort, so I'm loosely grouping them together as the "starter pack." Out of these, the Varangian Sword is the most viable as a main weapon rather than simply a backup. Broadsword moveset, Longsword length, and noticeably higher damage output than any of the other 6. Durability is something you have to keep in mind, and it can be especially bad for newer players who aren't as experienced with making it last, but for me it was mostly a non-issue.
Blue Flame
You know, when Elden Ring came out and there wasn't a single melee weapon that doubled as a casting tool I was a little confused. But then looking at the ones that appeared in DS2 and 3 and I start to think that the Blue Flame being actually pretty good as both a weapon and a casting tool was some sort of fluke. It's not really the best at either, as a staff it's a bit slow and only about third place in damage and as a sword it's Basically OK most of the time but suffers from the frequency of magic resistant enemies. But it lets me double buff easily in power stance and when you do, it's a blast to use. Now there is the question of infusion. Both Raw and Magic are basically direct upgrades in different ways. Raw works best if you plan to use it primarily as a sword since while it does improve the magic damage, it doesn't do so by a lot. Magic greatly improves spell damage, but is worse than base as a melee weapon, in no small part because it drops the physical damage down to "might as well not exist" level. Personally I think Raw is the better deal overall, especially since you have the option to apply Aromatic Ooze for an even better boost to spell damage than any spell buff, but I can see situations where more powerful spells could tip the balance in your favor. Also a heads up when you use this, due to some quirks in the buff formulas, Great Magic Weapon is only a few points weaker than Crystal on this weapon.
Red Rust Sword
This is an axe. Normally I would be fine with that since I fucking love the standard axe moveset for reasons I can't fully articulate, but this is not a particularly strong axe either. In fact at 40 Strength it's noticeably weaker than the Battle Axe even before you factor in the complete lack of counter damage. And the Battle Axe upgrades with normal titanite. And that;s not even touching on the Bandit Axe. Though granted it is at least strong for a straight sword if you count it as one. The one unique thing about the Red Rust Sword is its power stance performance (as you might have guessed from the person you get it from). It has straight sword compatibility and moveset priority but axe power stance moveset. This means you can pair it with some things that you normally can't pair with axes (daggers, thrusting swords, greatswords, spears, and lances specifically) and putting it in the left hand means it's less likely to override the moveset if you don't care for the axe power stance (and I don't).
Sun Sword
So the thing about weapons in DS2 with noticeably higher scaling than others in their class is they almost always have much lower base damage. This means that high stats are a requirement for use rather than a reward. Said scaling in this case is also a textbook example of DS2's misleading letter grades. The game tells you A/A but doesn't tell you that means 80%/45%. The other semi-unique feature, the one-handed stab, is not nearly as impressive or effective to me as the Longsword's two-handed one. And farming it is a complete pain in the ass even with the best luck boosts and a good plan. But let's take a step back from negativity and look at what this sword really wants you to do. It incentivizes physical stats and one handed use, which to me suggests one of two routes. Sword and board, especially since it comes with its own shield, but I've never felt that that's a particularly interesting playstyle. Or you can use it as the right hand in power stance, and that's where I think it shines. Again, having the option to use thrust damage when needed is very helpful, and the Sun Sword is one of the better options for this specific niche.
Drakekeeper's Sword
This just barely avoids being a direct upgrade to the Broadsword by having no counter damage. Above average reach and stagger, good damage, and high durability make this a very strong if not particularly flashy or dynamic choice. Just a pity that it's found almost at the end of the game.
Black Dragon Sword
Until you get very high stats, this is the strongest straight sword in the game. Both with a Raw infusion when compared to the physical options and with elemental infusions. And unlike the other strongest options, there's no traditional downside to balance it. High durability, Broadsword moveset, average reach, average weight, and no notable stat deficiencies. The real downside, aside from it being a pain to farm, is the opportunity cost of spending your boss upgrade material on something that is only the best of the Basically OK.
Yellow Quartz Longsword
Imagine a Longsword with a Broadsword moveset, worse damage, half the durability, and a bunch of crud smeared on the blade. Preorder weapons had a couple of hits and a bunch of misses. This one's a miss.
Possessed Armor Sword
This one has a few unique things going for it. The least remarkable thing is the above average reach, nice as it is. The moveset borrows a bit from axes and greatswords for a few attacks, and it works pretty decently. But the real draw is in the self-buff. L2 gives you 25 seconds of boosted fire damage at the cost of durability (much like the Watcher and Defender Greatswords). As for how well all of that works in practice, well it's not great but it's not really bad either. The buff doesn't add all that much damage, and fire is in many ways the worst damage type, but as long as you keep an eye on the durability and are not using it on things that resist it, it's Basically OK.
Ashen Warrior Sword
This sword has the same moveset as the Shortsword, with thrusting strong attacks when both one and two handed, so it makes a good first impression. And unlike the Shortsword it has decent reach so it's even better. The cracks start to show when you see the durability, though even then it's not a dealbreaker for me. That comes when you see the damage output and realize it traded actual real damage for bleed. Heartbreaking.
Puzzling Stone Sword
This weapon is unique top to bottom. The light attacks are already a pretty unique combination before you get into the weird extendo whip sword strong attacks. It's even got some weirdly high Dex scaling. Thing is, even with that scaling it's always on the lower end of damage for straight swords. And taking advantage of the extended reach with the strong attacks means dealing even less damage since they're way out of the sword's sweet spot. Still, as a rollcatcher or zoning tool it's pretty effective. Just ask Fencer Sharron.
Fume Sword
This is the longest straight sword by a decent margin, and acts even longer with those thrusting attacks. It has dark scaling, but no requirements in those stats and can be buffed with resin so it works just fine in physical builds. It also has above average counter damage. I think like the Sun Sword, this works best one handed with either a shield or another weapon, just like how its previous owner used it.
Ivory Straight Sword
It's a lightsaber. It deals pure physical Strike damage. It requires 40 Dex. It has no scaling. It weighs 0.5 pounds. It does not benefit from Flynn's Ring at all. It has 250 durability. It breaks after 25 swings no matter what you hit. It deals the least amount of poise damage of any weapon. It has the slowest attacks and the highest stamina costs of any straight sword. The 2 handed strong attack can deal 4 digit damage. Using that attack costs as much stamina as drawing a Twin-Headed Greatbow. I'm about 70% sure it can headshot. It's cool looking and unique. It sucks so bad. If you're intrigued by this thing's design and want to try to make the most of it, there's two different routes you can take to make it work. 1. Treat it like some sort of weird fucked up pocket great hammer and exclusively use the 2HR2. 2. Go play Elden Ring and build around the Carian Knight Sword or Coded Sword instead.
submitted by TheHittite to DarkSouls2 [link] [comments]