Implantation bloating

iud & late period?

2024.05.19 05:03 pinkanonymous444 iud & late period?

hi so i got this iud inserted on feb 14 i was bleeding for about 3 weeks straight had estrogen pills added in didnt bleed for a week then bled for like 1-2 months on & off its may now i’ve had a lot of unprotected sex with my boyfriend but over the last i wanna say 3 weeks i’ve had spotting here & there some pink some dark red but extreme cramping i’m talking crying gonna throw up body aches, mood swings, cravings (this has been honestly for 2 months now but my bf diet has rubbed off on me) definitely bloating & my boobs haven’t exactly been hurting but maybe bigger? (they grow a lot on IUDs for me idk why)
i’m taking a test tomorrow but is there a chance im pregnant? my sister got pregnant while taking BC & using a condom, it was an implantation pregnancy. she was even told she couldn’t have kids. i’m really freaked out this also is not my first iud i had one put in (Kyleena) a year ago, in december it fell out due to heavy bleeding from an infection, had mirena put in January, taken out february 14th with my current kyleena
i bled sometimes heavy but mostly light just for 10-13 days last year when i had it put in i’m pretty wigged out because im part of the 1% people whose symptoms are always odd & rare so it can honestly just be the IUD adjusting to my system & removing my period all together
submitted by pinkanonymous444 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:02 newon_here Botched embalming. I’m so angry can my family sue?

My aunt died on the 25th of April. She had type 1 diabetes that she was very careful and strict about. Her doctor put her on a new device implant and it would glitch and not alert her when her sugar was low. She begged him to change it back to her old one multiple times but the doctor refused. it was too late a couple weeks later when her sugar got dangerously low and she unfortunately died in her sleep at a young age…. (I wanna add she was found very quickly after she died. Me and my mother talked to her on the phone about 8-10 hours before she was found at 6:30 am in her bed by her daughter) Yes my family is very angry and suing the hell out of that doctor. But another tragedy happened to my poor aunt.
My family lives in California but temporarily for work my aunt lived in the south. She died in the south. Every place where she lived refused to do an autopsy so she had to be sent to California for it. The funeral got pushed back twice because “something went wrong with the autopsy and embalming schedule” I don’t know what the HELL happened in the embalming or autopsy process but when we viewed her body days before the funeral she was UNRECOGNIZABLE!! plastic looking weird looking I couldn’t fucking believe it. They said they would put makeup on her. I saw her on the day of her funeral (YESTERDAY) I almost screamed she looked halfway decayed! I’ve been to funerals and seen bodies they don’t look THAT different maybe a little stiff and caked makeup. Her features were different she looked bloated 100 lbs heavier. I couldn’t even look at her for a long time. The expression on her face looked shocked ?!? Uncanny valley. usually the expression on bodies looks neutral like they’re resting!! :( She was so beautiful before she died and I don’t mean this in a vain way. If she saw herself this way she wouldn’t believe it was her. I’m angry my family had to see her that way. She did not look like that when she was found sleeping….
Is there ANYTHING my family can do legally. Something was sloppy on their end that’s why they kept pushing it back and they tried to hide it from us. I can’t sleep thinking about how she looked. I feel so horrible for her. Negligence from her doctors took her life and now even in death she got screwed over by negligence. She was too much of a sweet caring woman for this treatment. God rest her soul
submitted by newon_here to askfuneraldirectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:39 ami-goinganywhere- Switching from nexaplanon to progesterone only pill- side effects?

Hi all,
I’m getting my implant out next week and I CANT WAIT. I’ve hated it. I’ve had 2 now, and the first was a dream but this one has been awful, constant bleeding and bloated. I’m switching over to a progesterone only pill. I’m wondering if anyone made this switch or similar, and what the experience was like? Did anyone lose any weight?
Nexplanon* I can’t spell
submitted by ami-goinganywhere- to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:44 Icegirl234 39F very worried about possibility of ovarian cancer

39F, 130lbs, non smoker, history of alcohol use disorder but now sober for 1+ year, history of anxiety and depression, taking Sertraline 100mg and on the contraceptive arm implant.
I'm hoping for some reassurance about some symptoms I've been having. It's hard to tell if the doctors I have seen aren't taking me seriously or if I am worrying about nothing.
For the last few months I've been experiencing severe bloating and indigestion with diarrhea. It's intermittent and usually follows the same sort of pattern. I feel fine, then for a few days I can feel the bloating coming on, it's almost as if someone is inflating a balloon inside me. I will then have an awful day, every fortnight or so, of crippling diarrhea (every half an hour or more, and taking Immodium doesn't seem to stop it), bloating and cramps which usually signifies the end of the episode. What is worrying me is that I have now started to experience severe bloating between these acute episodes.
I do suffer from anxiety and unfortunately two people in my close friendship group were recently diagnosed with cancer so the fact that this could be something more nefarious is at the front of my mind. Both doctors I have seen have suggested it is likely IBS and I have been advised to track my symptoms in relation to my diet and menstrual cycle and to take over the counter indigestion remedies. I have been tracking my symptoms, but there is no indication so far that anything is triggering these episodes.
As I've said my main concern is that the bloating is less intermittent now and more constant.
I don't want to go back to the doctors and waste their time if this is indeed IBS, and I am really aware that due to my history of anxiety I do tend to worry more than might be necessary, but at the same time, is this something that sounds like it warrants further investigation?
Many thanks!
submitted by Icegirl234 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:14 ParticularRich1042 Embryo transfer on may 11

I had a 5day 3aa blast fresh transfer last Saturday and have been taking the promethium pearls twice a day...since Saturday I have felt tiny twinges and cramps ...and today nothing that normal? I haven't taken an at home test yet , possibly too early and my first beta is next Wednesday on may 22. Should I be worried that all the cramps have stopped? I'm also having pre period like carb cravings and bloat.. really anxious
Is the lack of cramps/implantation bleeding normal?
submitted by ParticularRich1042 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:39 Bubblepoppyy Cramping and soreness

So I’ve been on the implant for about 4 months now, and I randomly started getting cramps, feeling bloated, stomach pain and a sore uterus. My periods not due for another 2 weeks. So it’s not because of that. I thought maybe it was because of having sex to much? Or my bf semen? Or maybe even a uti? Has anyone else been experiencing this???? It’s so weird because I never get cramps even when I’m on my period.
submitted by Bubblepoppyy to Nexplanon [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:05 Safe-Ad-3696 1WPO second surgery update

Following up on on my latest post TLDR: had failed a hysterectomy in February and second surgery was successful.
34 y/o, high BMI, stage IV endo, suspected adeno, (not confirmed in biopsy)dense adhesions and scarring. Had my LAVH, robotic assisted on May 7th. I found a super compassionate doctor who reassured me and gave me hope after I lost it when my first surgery had to be aborted. Surgery went better than expected, with no complications. It took about 6 hours and took forever for me to wake up. I went home the day of the procedure, only took oxy twice and been managing pain with over the counter meds and gabapentin before bed. Hot water bottles and heating pads. Bloating is annoying, I am lonely and bored but I am happy to be done with it. I felt immediate relief, pain peaked on day 2 - gas pain is no joke. I wanted to thank this community for the advice and support provided, it has been crucial for my journey and I am grateful 💗
My hysterectomy was the culmination of more than 13 years of seeking relief from my discomforts that only worsened over time.
It started with anemia on the verge of blood transfusion that had no explanation other than hypermenorrhea. Each menstrual cycle became more tortuous with the passage of time, heavy bleeding, clots, leg cramps, lumbar pain and chronic fatigue.
I will have seen more than a dozen gynecologists and various doctors.
Blood studies, ultrasounds, resonances, endometrial biopsies, colonoscopy, contraceptives, hormonal IUD that ruined my mental health, I tried absolutely everything. I even went to the middle of the Amazon rainforest to seek relief in the medicine used by the Shipibo people.
I came out of many consultations crying, medical gaslighting and gordophobia were 98% of my experience.
They sent me to the psychiatrist because my pain seemed to have no other explanation than to be psychological.
Since I knew about endometriosis I KNEW that surely it was what happened to me, but finding a doctor who would take me seriously and believe me cost so much. It cost time, money, energy, tears, mental health, putting the body.
First they confirmed fibroids, then suspicion of adenomyosis (waiting confirmation of the biopsy), in February I was operated on for 3 hours without being able to remove my uterus due to the intensity of the adhesions and the advanced endometriosis (phase 4 that was confirmed in said failed surgery)
I had my second operation with a specialist and an interdisciplinary team of gynecologists, urologists and general surgeons.
They took out my uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes. The uterus was attached to the abdominal wall, bladder, intestines and basically everything around it. They drained cysts in the ovaries that I keep. I was cleaned of endometriosis of the sacrous ligaments and mainly of the bladder that was very compromised. They took adhesions from me and I'm sure I forget more.
I feel like I was born again and although this disease is chronic and has no cure, I already hope to see improvements and have a better quality of life, make up for lost time ❤️‍🩹 I can’t wait to see if I can ride a bike again.
Now slowly recovering and feeling very emotional and tired, otherwise happy and excited for my new healing era.
Will include surgery notes, biopsy report and pictures for the curious ones, Hope everyone is having a lovely pre surgery or recovery journey, it’s not easy, but we got this 💪 we are stronger and more resilient than we give ourselves credit for, we fight relentlessly and we show up for each other, our bodies are amazing and can do incredibly things. Sending lots of love your way, internet strangers ✨ 💗
Surgery notes:
Findings: Laparoscopy: Smooth diaphragmatic peritoneal surfaces and liver without gross lesion. No injury under site of injury at umbilicus and no umbilical adhesions. Intraabdominal adhesions in the right lower quadrant at the site of prior appendectomy, with bowel and omentum adherent to the right abdominal sidewall. Once this omentum and bowel was taken down, there was a divot with a small amount of fat seen in the RUQ. Dr. Kim evaluated this did not require intervention. Similarly, no clear indirect R inguinal hernia seen without bowel and omentum involved, so Dr. Kim similarly did not recommend intervention. Omentum, bladder adherent to the lower uterine segment anteriorly. Extensive pelvic adhesions and evidence of endometriosis. Thickening of the bladder peritoneum and tacked up to lower uterine segment. Fallopian tubes and ovaries adhered to pelvic side wall, with left hematosalpinx noted in the setting of tortuous left tube. R ovary with small ~1cm functional-appearing cyst. L ovary with hemorrhagic ~2-3cm cyst. Rectum free, no posterior adhesions but extensive serosal endometriosis between the uterosacral ligament and on R posterior serosa overlying R uterosacral. Due to the ICG and use of firefly technology, the course of the ureters were well visualized. Procedure Details: After discussion of risks, benefits and alternatives to the procedure, written consent was obtained. The patient was brought to the operating room. The patient was positioned in the dorsal lithotomy position in yellowfin stirrups with arms padded and tucked at her sides. An exam under anesthesia was performed with findings as noted above. Urology completed a cystoscopy (no endometriosis) and placed ureteral stents with ureteral indocyanine green dye placement. See their operative note for further details. The cervix was dilated with tonsil forceps. Paracervical block was placed. The Rumi uterine manipulator with medium Koh ring was secured to the cervix. A Foley catheter was placed to drain the bladder intraoperatively. A 0.8 cm incision was made at the umbilicus, kocher used to elevate the fascia, and a Veress needle was inserted. Intraperitoneal placement was confirmed. The abdomen was insufflated until an adequate dome was achieved. A 8 mm robotic port was placed and the robotic scope was inserted. Under direct visualization, 3 additional ports were placed, two 8 mm robotic ports to the right of the umbilicus and one 8 mm robotic port to the left of the umbilicus. The patient was placed on steep Trendelenburg and the bowels were swept into the upper abdomen. The Da Vinci robot was then docked in position. The filmy adhesions in the RUQ were taken down with combination of cautery and sharp technique. The omentum was taken down off of the uterine fundus with bipolar and monopolar cautery. The left fallopian tube was followed out to the fimbria. The salpingectomy was then performed, starting at the distal fimbriated end of the tube and sequentially coagulating and transecting the mesosalpinx adjacent to the fallopian tube and well away from the ovary. The fallopian tube was left attached at the cornua. The procedure was repeated on the contralateral side. Good hemostasis was noted. The bladder was noted to be densely scarred to the LUS/cervical junction. The junction was incised with monopolar cautery and the bladder was meticulous dissected off of the underlying uterus/cervix to the level of the KOH ring as marked cephlad traction was placed on the Rumi device. Due to the anterior compartment scarring, round ligaments were not clearly identified. The thickened tissue in this area was grasped, cauterized with bipolar and divided with monopolar. Both ureters were seen using firefly technology. The left utero-ovarian ligament was ligated with bipolar cautery and divided with monopolar. The same procedure was performed on the right side. Marked cephlad traction was applied to the KOH ring. The uterine vessels on either side were skeletonized and ligated with bipolar cautery. The remainder of the cardinal and parametrial attachments were ligated with bipolar and divided with monopolar. The vagina was opened over the Colpo device circumferentially. The fibrotic uterosacral ligaments with overlying endometriosis was incised below the implants and fibrosis, taking care to avoid the ureters. The endometriotic implants over the right uterosacral ligaments were excised. The uterus and fallopian tubes were then removed through the vagina. Given the extensive adhesions and fibrosis, this portion of the surgery took an additional 60 minutes longer than expected. After that, the vaginal occluder was placed into the vagina to maintain the pneumoperitoneum. Dr. Kim then came to assess the inguinal hernia. He deemed no intervention was necessary for the R inguinal hernia or the RUQ divot. The functional ovarian cyst in the R ovary was drained. The 2 cm hemorrhagic ovarian cyst in the L ovary was felt to represent hemorrhagic corpus luteum. Two <1cm nodules on the R uterosacral were excised using cautery, taking care to avoid the right ureter. The vaginal cuff was closed using 0 V-lock in a running fashion in 2 layers . The area was irrigated, and hemostasis was evident. All instruments were then removed under direct visualization. The skin was closed with 4-0 Biosyn . Sterile dressings and Tegaderm were applied to all port sites. The ureteral stents were removed and inspected by urology and noted to be intact. A foley catheter was placed for routine voiding trial in PACU. Sponge and needle counts were correct times x2. The patient tolerated the procedure well and went to the recovery room in stable condition. There were no complications to the case.
Final Diagnosis A) Uterus, cervix, bilateral fallopian tubes, hysterectomy and salpingectomy: - Myometrium with leiomyoma. - Serosal/subserosal endometriosis. - Early secretory endometrium, negative for neoplasm. - Bilateral fallopian tubes and cervix negative for neoplasm. B) Peritoneum, right utero-sacral, biopsy: - Fibrotic squamous epithelium-lined tissue with scattered lymphocytic inflammation. - Negative for neoplasm and no definite endometriosis. Clinical Information Pre-op diagnosis: Adenomyosis [N80.03] Dysmenorrhea [N94.6] Menorrhagia with regular cycle [N92.0] Pelvic peritoneal adhesions, female [N73.6]
Gross Description A. Uterus, with or without tubes and ovaries, other than neoplastic/prolapse. Received fresh labeled; 1)Uterus,cervix,bilateral tubes" is a uterus with attached bilateral fallopian tubes.. The uterus alone is 105 g, 9.5 cm cervix to fundus by 6.0 cm cornu to cornu by 5.0 cm anterior to posterior. The cervix is 3.3 cm long by 3.0 cm diameter with a 0.6 cm diameter os. The ectocervix has punctate areas of hemorrhage. The serosa has scant fibrous adhesions anteriorly and extensive cautery and disruption posteriorly. The endometrium is ragged, hemorrhagic, 0.1-0.4 cm thick. The myometrium is up to 2.6 cm thick and is mildly trabeculated with cysts up to 0.1 cm greatest dimension filled with hemorrhagic material, suggestive of adenomyosis. There is a 0.2 cm diameter intramural well-circumscribed nodule with a whorled cut surface. No areas of softening are identified. The right fallopian tube is slightly serpentine, congested, 5.3 cm long by 0.5-0.6 cm diameter and has attached hemorrhagic fimbria. The left tube is 5.0 cm long by 0.5-0.6 cm diameter, purple-tan with attached hemorrhagic fimbria. Representative sections are submitted: A1-anterior cervix A2-posterior cervix A3-anterior endomyometrium A4-A5-posterior endomyometrium with possible adenomyosis (A4 with leiomyoma) A6-right fallopian tube and entire fimbria A7-left fallopian tube tube, entire fimbria. (MUA) B. Soft tissue, OTHER. Received in formalin labeled, ; 2)right utero-sacral biopsy" are 2 tan red rubbery tissue fragments, 0.7 and 1.0 cm, that are entirely submitted in B1. (AA) Case Report Value Surgical Pathology Report Case: SU24-15696 Authorizing Provider: Chiang, Seine, MD Collected: 05/07/2024 03:42 PM Ordering Location: UWMC Main Operating Room Received: 05/07/2024 05:21 PM Pathologist: Garcia, Rochelle Lorraine, MD Specimens: A) - Uterus, with or without tubes and ovaries, other than neoplastic/prolapse, 1)Uterus,cervix,bilateral tubes B) - Soft tissue, OTHER, 2)right utero-sacral biopsy
Surgery pics
submitted by Safe-Ad-3696 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:03 notoriousbck Anyone diagnosed with Gastroduodenal or Jejunal Crohn's that did not show up on MRI ?

I posted about this awhile back and did not get much response but I am gaslighting myself and need people who have gone through this or similar to help me be objective.
I will Try to keep this brief but it's a lot.
-long history of stricturing Crohn's of terminal ileum diagnosed in 2006. First resection Sept 2018, Last resection in April 2022. Surgeon told me he found Crohn's high up in small bowel, could not remove safely, hoped new biologic (Stelara) would take care of it.
-6 month delay in starting Stelara due to GI F up (forgot to send preauthorization)
-July 2022 began having severe upper gastric pain (under ribs and belly button) after even the smallest amount of food, followed by severe nausea and often vomiting. Within half hour multiple liquid BM's undigested food and insane amount of fluid. Began to eat less and less, moved to soft diet, and finally to complete liquids in August 2023
-July 2023-Oct 2023- Weight loss of 20 lbs over 3 month period. Many ER visits needed for rehydration and IV anti emetics and pain meds as could not keep down any oral meds. GI did colonoscopy but only found microscopic Crohn's in anastomosis site (he only took 2 biopsies from that area and nowhere else). CT's done in hospital showed thickening of wall of ascending colon, and collapsed bowel, free fluid in peritoneum. GI dismissed as "not reliable". Fecal Cal slightly elevated. Constant low grade anemia. After 4th ER visit in Oct 2023 they did a high res Ultrasound and I was admitted by surgery department. However, as I was urgent but not emergent, there were no beds available. Was given choice of staying in ER and receiving IV steroids, or going home and following up with GI. Chose home and was given Entocort. Entocort slowed down bowel from 30-50 bm's a day to ten. Did not help pain, nausea, vomiting, lack of ability to eat. After several desperate emails where I begged for help, said I wanted to die-GI ordered urgent MRI, would not change meds or give prednisone without "proof".
-November 2023-Began to experience fatigue like never before. Could hardly keep eyes open. This would be followed by severe upper gastric pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea that went on for days, followed by constipation for 1-2 days and severe bloating, only on the left side of belly which would be rock hard and hot to the touch. Then the diarrhea cycle woud begin again. Always pure liquid, sometimes black, always tons of mucous.
-Went to Mexico to visit my parents for the holidays where I usually feel better but still could not eat. Injecting myself with IM Gravol (anti emetic) just to keep fluids down. I lived off of chicken broth with rice. Saw GI in private hospital. Ordered full workup. Blood found in stool. 3 D CT ordered (could not find a vein for IV after 5 nurses, two doctors, and a radiologist with a vein finder so only had oral contrast) showed inflammation in small bowel, thickening of the ascending colon wall 11 mm, and inflammation of ileum. He wanted to send me to special IBD hospital in Mexico City for MRI but it would have cost 2500$ so I decided to wait till I got home to Canada where it would be free. Treated me with antibiotics for IBS (only available in Mexico and Germany) Zero improvement. I lived off of electrolyte drinks.
-Jan 29th 2024 returned to hospital because I could not keep any oral meds in (pills would be in toilet) also pain was 9/10, high fever, vomiting. Admitted again, but no beds. Left AMA with another prescription for Entocort.
-Feb 12 2024- High fever followed by two days of 40 plus liquid BM's, some of them bloody, all of them black. Husband insisted back to ER where I was admitted immediately. Cortisol levels 11 (close to adrenal failure) very low potassium. Doc said if we'd waited I likely would have died from heart event. Spent 8 + weeks in hospital having every kind of test imaginable. NOTHING showed on MRI, inflammation on CT, lower scope clear, upper endoscopy showed inflammation in esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. Negative for H Pylori, negative for celiac. Started on 150 mg of hydrocortisone for low cortisol to rescue my organs. MRI of brain showed small tumour on pituitary. Endocrinologist did ACTH test and was unhappy, kept me on 40 mg of hydrocortisone IV. PICC line insertion went awry when they Discovered I had complete stenosis of veins and needed port catheter surgically implanted. Was on TPN for 5 weeks. Needed pain meds and anti emetics every 4 hours or severe vomiting and diarrhea would ensue. 30-50 liquid bm's continued (they made me write down everything I ingested and every time I had a BM. They tested me for everything. No blood, NO CDiff, no parasites, no infection. High fever 104.5 plus delirium and CRP shot up to 50. Continued Anemia, blood work all over the place, even with TPN I needed potassium and sodium boluses 3 times a day.
-Requested pill endoscopy, GI said no Crohn's, no need for test. Suggested psych evaluation for a fucking eating disorder. Endocrinologist disagreed, said starvation and whatever disease process was causing symptoms was causing my cortisol issue. Psych diagnosed medical PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder (no shit) but NO eating disorder. Fired GI and hired IBD specialist from another city. Re ran all tests, CT showed huge diverticulum on duodenum otherwise clear. Was going to be moved to a ward from a private room. Had a panic attack because I could not share a bathroom and was not about to use a commode. Asked to be discharged after nearly 9 weeks. They were so overcrowded and basically did not know what else to do to help me, so they let me go even though I was still on TPN and NPO. Got a 5 minute instruction on how to insert a butterfly catheter for pain meds, and let go.
-Present-3 weeks later, still on liquid diet, (Boost drinks, blended oatmeal, yoghurt and soup) still on sub q and IM meds. Finally got new IBD doc to order capsule endoscopy and is treating me for SIBO (never been tested) plus set me up with nutritionist and psychologist for support. MRI repeated- totally clear.
I FEEL CRAZY. This is the sickest I have ever felt. It's been almost a year since I chewed food. The pain under my ribs just to the left of my belly button is now constant, whether I eat or not, pain meds barely take the edge off. Sometimes it's so intense I can hardly breathe. I keep passing out on the toilet. I projectile vomit daily, even using Gravol and Pantoprozole, the bile acid is awful. I've been doing tons of research and have learned that GDC and Jejunal Crohn's are extremely hard to diagnose. I have every single symptom and fit the criteria. Does this sound familiar to anyone????
submitted by notoriousbck to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:28 Think_Arm_5965 Implant alternatives

Hi, I have just booked an appointment to get my implant removed, I can no longer cope with the side effects of weight gain, bloating, and acne, even when I am doing everything right nothing changes.
Can anyone recommend some alternative contraception that won’t have side effects like the ones stated above - I understand all contraception may have side effects of these so just if anyone has any positive reviews of others or others where it is maybe not as intense?
submitted by Think_Arm_5965 to Nexplanon [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:35 Successful-Swim-8898 Empowering Your IVF Journey: The Benefits of Acupuncture Support

Embarking on the journey of In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) can be both emotionally and physically demanding. Couples undergoing IVF treatment often seek additional support to enhance their chances of success and alleviate stress. One increasingly popular complementary therapy gaining recognition for its potential benefits in IVF support is acupuncture. In this article, we explore how acupuncture can empower your IVF journey, particularly in the Hertford region of the UK.
Understanding Acupuncture and IVF: Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow, known as Qi. This traditional therapy has gained widespread acceptance in modern medicine as a complementary treatment for various conditions, including infertility.
In the context of IVF, acupuncture is believed to offer several potential benefits. It can help regulate the menstrual cycle, improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, reduce stress and anxiety, and support overall reproductive health. By addressing these aspects, acupuncture aims to create a conducive environment for successful embryo implantation and pregnancy.
The Benefits of Acupuncture in IVF Support:
  1. Regulating Menstrual Cycle: Irregular menstrual cycles can impact fertility and the success of IVF treatment. Acupuncture helps regulate hormonal balance, promoting regular ovulation and menstrual cycles, which are crucial for timing IVF procedures accurately.
  2. Improving Blood Flow: Optimal blood flow to the uterus and ovaries is essential for follicle development, egg quality, and embryo implantation. Acupuncture increases blood circulation to the reproductive organs, enhancing their function and creating a favourable environment for conception.
  3. Reducing Stress and Anxiety: The IVF journey can be emotionally taxing, leading to increased stress and anxiety levels. Acupuncture sessions provide a calming and relaxing experience, reducing stress hormones such as cortisol and promoting feelings of well-being and emotional balance.
  4. Enhancing Egg Quality: Acupuncture may help improve egg quality by increasing the production of neurotransmitters and hormones that support follicle development and maturation. Better-quality eggs have higher fertilisation rates and are more likely to result in successful embryo development.
  5. Supporting Implantation: Acupuncture sessions timed around key IVF milestones, such as embryo transfer, can enhance the chances of successful implantation. By promoting uterine receptivity and reducing inflammation, acupuncture supports the implantation process and early embryo development.
  6. Minimising Side Effects: IVF medications and procedures may cause side effects such as bloating, nausea, and fatigue. Acupuncture can help alleviate these symptoms by promoting relaxation, balancing hormones, and supporting the body's natural healing mechanisms.
Acupuncture IVF Support in Hertford: In Hertford, couples undergoing IVF treatment can access specialised acupuncture support tailored to their unique needs. Experienced acupuncturists in the area offer personalised treatment plans designed to complement IVF protocols and maximise outcomes.
Acupuncture clinics in Hertford provide a supportive environment where couples can receive holistic care throughout their IVF journey. From initial consultations to ongoing treatment sessions, practitioners work closely with patients to address their concerns, optimise fertility, and enhance overall well-being.
Choosing the Right Acupuncturist: When seeking acupuncture support for IVF in Hertford or any other location, it's essential to choose a qualified and experienced practitioner. Look for acupuncturists who specialise in fertility support and have a track record of success in helping couples achieve their reproductive goals.
Before starting acupuncture treatment, discuss your IVF plans with both your fertility specialist and acupuncturist. Coordination between healthcare providers ensures that acupuncture sessions complement rather than interfere with your IVF protocol.
Conclusion: Embarking on an IVF journey can be a challenging yet hopeful experience for couples longing to conceive. Acupuncture offers a valuable source of support, enhancing the effectiveness of IVF treatment while promoting physical and emotional well-being. In Hertford and beyond, couples can access specialised acupuncture services tailored to their needs, empowering them to navigate the IVF process with confidence and optimism. By integrating acupuncture into your IVF journey, you can increase your chances of success and embark on the path towards parenthood with renewed hope and vitality.
submitted by Successful-Swim-8898 to u/Successful-Swim-8898 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:07 Illustrious-Bet1488 Experience after 5 years and question for ppl who have had it removed

Hi everyone! I (22F) am on year two of my 2nd Nexplanon. I had my first one for the full three years and had no issues, absolutely loved it. I had a pretty regular period as well. I thought it was a no brainer to get it replaced. However, my second implant has been absolutely horrible. Here’s my experience:
  1. I went from having perfectly clear skin to awful cystic acne all over my face. I have been to two different dermatologists and tried just about everything under the sun, including topical prescriptions, holistic skincare routines, antibiotics, and spironolactone. Nothing worked, so my derm AND obgyn recommended accutane and nexplanon removal. I will be starting accutane next month.
  2. On this second nexplanon, I gained 25 pounds and continue to gain. My appetite is huge, I am always hungry. I have a nutritionist and follow a healthy diet plan, use a personal trainer to workout multiple times a week, and go on daily walks. Weight continues to go up.
  3. I am constantly exhausted. I feel like I can never get enough sleep and I never have energy to do what used to come easy to me.
  4. I am usually bloated and experience lots of PMS symptoms, but have an extremely irregular period. Sometimes bleed for months straight, sometimes not at all.
All of this sounded like a hormonal issue to me, but after having bloodwork done, the only thing any of my doctors could point to was the nexplanon. It broke my heart because it used to work so well for me, but now I want this out. It has destroyed my physical and mental health. I am thankfully getting it removed on Wednesday and will keep updating here.
I did want to ask, for those who have had it removed, what positive (or negative) effects did you experience? If you gained weight, were you able to lose it? Did your skin clear? My confidence is absolutely destroyed and I could use some stories from people who have had good experiences post removal. Also, if my experience sounds anything like yours, please let me know. It feels great to know you aren’t alone.
Thanks to everyone in this community who has helped with sharing their stories! <3
submitted by Illustrious-Bet1488 to Nexplanon [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:14 Few_Fall1761 Negative experience, removal & updates

Hi all!
Thought I’ll make this post to share my experiences with nexplanon, the removal process and how it’s going. Maybe this will help anyone.
So I had my nexplanon for about 1 year and 2 months before getting it removed. I was on the pill before and switch to nexplanon so I wouldn’t have to take a pill every day& get rid of side effects from the pill. Long story short I absolutely hated having the implant & had many side effects which I listed below:
• weight gain
• mood swings ( specifically anger , I was angry all the time and then would cry after)
• pain in my lower stomach
• bloating
• no sex drive AT ALL
• pain in the area where the implant was
• pain during sex
I got the implant removed on Wednesday (today is saturday) & opted to not take any birth control at the moment. The removal procedure went well & did not hurt. They numb the area and it can take some time to get it out but it’s not painful. Took my doctor about 10-15 in total.
I will try to do daily updates about how I feel!
Day 0(removal day): - no changes yet of course. The arm isn’t painful just a little sore.
Day 1: - the arm is a little sore and I had some nausea and dizziness. Felt fine enough to go to a party in the evening
Day 2: - the arm doesn’t really hurt anymore. Still some nausea(could have been the hangover tho haha). - had some minor cramps but nothing too bad - quite bloated but this has been the same before the removal - can’t believe it but actually thought about sex many times today. Sex drive is definitely returning and I couldn’t get enough in the evening haha boyfriend is very happy
Day 3(today):
-woke up horny(maybe tmi but wanted to share as I know a lot of women struggle with sex drive here). I can’t believe it myself and I don’t know if it’s placebo but could probably have sex every other hour. Also orgasm is way stronger than usually - still some nausea, dizziness and minor cramps - started my period today(vey light tho) but this could explain the nause and cramps
No changes in mood, weight or bloating yet but I think I might be pmsing
Day 4: - nausea has subsided, was only a little nauseous today but way better - the period that I thought I started is more just spotting, I’m not sure why and what that means but will update later - no cramps - mood was alright, not too many changes yet
Day 5: - no more spotting today but minor cramps have returned - been having a bad headache all day that got worse in the evening and is accompanied by nausea -anxiety has increased today Not a very good day, don’t know how much it’s related to the removal.
Day 6: - woke up with the same headache that lasted all day - minor cramps , still no period - mood was alright - sex drive still increased
Will make sure to update !
submitted by Few_Fall1761 to Nexplanon [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 06:52 Capital-Lime-5088 Feeling guilty for wanting answers

My story: I am 20 years old and have been suffering with chronic constipation and pelvic pain on and off for almost 6 years. I used to have severe debilitating pain during periods until I got the implanon implant then my periods stopped. I was still constipated with no real reason and would frequent the ED due to unbearable pain. Eventually got a coloniscopy and gastroscopy and when that came back clear the doctor mentioned endometriosis to me but I dismissed this due to the fact that I no longer had my period. After 4 years with the implanon I changed to the iud. Since getting the iud put in my pelvic pain increases flaring up on and off for up to 1 week at a time it would feel like sharp stabbing burning pains in the right of my pelvis. This pain intensified and felt like it was spreading to my sacrum and hips. Walking and even rolling over in bed would be excruciating. BMs would trigger spotting and I would get the most horrible uterus cramping to the point t where I was getting dizzy and blacking out. At the beginning of this year in February a flare up started and didn't end until the end of April. I was scared to go to the hospital for the pain. As I kept being told this was ibs. I eventually caved and went in, and on another day was taken by ambulance. They also mentioned enomdetriosis. Other symptoms: pelvic pain, abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, nausea, pain with bowel movements, pain with sex sometimes and cramping g after, random spotting, spotting after bowel movements, lower back and hip pain, fatigue.
I have had colonoscopy ,gastroscopy, blood tests, urine tests, numerous ultra sounds, contrast ct and no doctor found any reason for my pain. So i've gone to a specialist to see jf endometriosis was worth looking into as my mother was diagnosed with adenomyosis last year and had a hysterectomy along with my grandmother and great grandmother having hysterectomies due to pain. The doctor agreed I should have a laparoscopy to investigate and has said to keep the iud in as the progesterone would only be helping jf it is endometriosis
Where I am struggling now is that my flare up has ended and I'm feeling not 100% but much better and have convinced myself this is unnecessary and that jts just ibs or in my head. I always feel this way in between flares but as soon as I'm back in pain I wonder how I could ever feel like this. The pain I'm feeling is not normal and is effecting work my relationships and studies. Does anyone else have any tips or insight into a similar situation or experience feeling guilty when Ur feeling better?
submitted by Capital-Lime-5088 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 11:24 Cloudyheart6790 Severe stomach bloating one week after breast aug

Hi everyone! I did it and got my breast aug! Started with a B/C cup and my doctor ended up filling them with 470 and 510cc’s moderate silicon Sientra implants. Im 5’1, 117lbs and my boobs like beautiful but not fake. Im very happy.
However! I’m one week post breast aug and my stomach feels severely bloated. I look like I’m six months pregnant. Can anyone tell me when their swollen tummies finally went down? Any advice on how to kick the swelling fast? I’ve been walking uphill for 45min and drinking lots of water but there seems to be quite a bit of swelling still. Thanks!
submitted by Cloudyheart6790 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 05:13 ThatCricket1832 Ongoing issues with periods

31F - currently taking methylphenidate 30mg twice daily (only been taking these for 2 months). In 2022 my smear test came back with low grade dyskaryosis and high risk HPV positive, this has now developed into CIN3 high grade severe dyskaryosis and I have recently had an LLETZ/LEEP procedure (awaiting results).
I had my first period when I was 13 years old, and it caused severe cramps and vomiting - saw my GP who put me on microgynon which made me vomit so much that I had to be put on a drip. I was then given the implant which I had for several years and had no periods.
Then I started bleeding daily, so I had the implant removed (around 12 years ago) and have not used hormonal contraception since.
My periods are usually very regular, 28 day cycle and I bleed for 4-5 days. Not massively heavy but have very occasionally passed clots that are around 3-4cm.
My issue is that I have severe cramps that extend through my thighs and back, usually starting a day before my period and continuing for the first three days. This pain is getting worse to the point where I can't stand up straight or do normal tasks (and cannot work). I have always experienced nausea but the last few periods I have been vomiting. I get severe headaches, find it painful to go to the toilet, and suffer really badly with bloating and trapped wind.
I experience occasional period type cramping throughout the month, and I also experience random stabbing/shooting pains that feel like they're in my vagina? I have experienced pain and bleeding both during and after sex on and off for years. And not sure if relevant, but in the last 12 months I have experienced noticeable hair thinning (my parting has widened and I can see my scalp very easily).
I have approached doctors with this several times and have been told this is all normal, but if it is, I don't understand how other women can function normally during their period. Am I just being dramatic? Do I need to push to investigate this? If so, is there something specific I should ask about?
Thank you.
submitted by ThatCricket1832 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 09:39 Wide-Push-246 Spotting or implantation?

Hyee need some ease of mind right here. Im using dienogest/ethinylestradiol (combination pill).
Right now i experiencing the spotting i think like a wipe after pee kinda pinkish and brownish. But the problem is i have another 7 day active pill before my placebo week. As i know i might take it a couple hours late like 2/3 hours max but as far i know as long as it in the 12 hours time frame it was totally fine. I mean last month i miss a pill and i took it the same time next day just skip a day and pretty understand if that happen. But today i think even i miss i still take it in the time frame of 12 hours of combination pill.
If anyone experience this can you advise is it implantation bleeding cause i feel like bloating and kinda feel slugish this week. My last sex was on 4 may and he cum inside me. Im pretty sure im protected cause i took the pill religiously and maybe late like couple hours.
Now i feel like im cramping like my period it just i have another week of active pill... Im panicking right now. I should take a test but its still to early to test not even a week yet form my last sex. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.....
submitted by Wide-Push-246 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:31 Maleficus32 I am nearing the release of my first RimWorld mod, and I am looking for feedback. (There will be some minor Anomaly spoilers within this post!)

UPDATE: The mod is out now. Here is a link to the mod page :)
Hello, fellow war criminals! As the title implies, I am developing my first RimWorld mod, and I think I am about done with it. I'm looking for feedback on its concepts and mechanics, so I can be sure it's ready to go. I don't have an ETA for release; that depends on what kind of feedback I get, and if I get any new ideas or find bugs that need fixing in my playtesting. Anyway, that is enough rambling, here are some details about the mod:
When Anomaly released, I was quite excited when I found the function Twisted Obelisk. Having fleshmass mutations as an alternative to bionics interested me. However, I was a bit disappointed by the lack of variety in the types of mutations the Twisted Obelisk could give. There are 4 in base-game Anomaly: flesh tentacle, flesh whip, fleshmass stomach, and fleshmass lung. So, I took it upon myself to add new mutations into the game via a new, researchable serum.
When you find the Twisted Obelisk, a new Anomaly research project will unlock: the Mutator Serum.
As you can see in the screenshot, it requires serum synthesis as a prerequisite. There are also different tiers of serums. The serums can be crafted at the Serum Lab.
Each serum, regardless of tier, costs 30 twisted meat and 20 bioferrite to create. This recipe is cheap because using these serums is not as straightforward as right clicking and injecting them. They are surgically installed, and I have some flavor text in each description to explain why this is the case. (I explain how this works mechanically at the end of the post.)
The basic serum is free to use, as it can only produce what the Twisted Obelisk is already capable of. The advantage to mutating the limbs in this manner are twofold: you can choose what limb/organ you want, and you don't have to wait for a cooldown from the Twisted Obelisk between uses. As the description implies, there will be an added cost to the other two tiers.
The advanced tier requires the use of a Shard during the operation. As a result, the mutations gained from this tier are more powerful overall because each one costs a Shard to create. If that price seems steep, reserve judgement until I explain what each mutation does.
Here is a list of the advanced tier mutations as well as their descriptions from the mod and their mechanical effects:
Effects: pawn beauty -1, psychic sensitivity +25%, part effectiveness 50%. Yes, this can be used to make a psychically deaf pawn have a little bit of psychic sensitivity. In my current colony, my mechanitor is a typically psychially deaf xenotype who can be a mechanitor because of this eye.
Effects: pawn beauty -0.5, part effectiveness 130%
Effects: pawn beauty -1, part effectiveness 110%, adds the ability to launch a keratin spine. Same ability Gorehulks have. Similar to the Fleshbeast spike launch attack, too; I just used the actual Spinelaunch_Gorehulk ability from vanilla Anomaly for this. (I also injected an icon for the ability via the patch file, if the presence of an icon is a concern.)
Effects: pain +8%, part effectiveness 130%
Effects: pain +12% (painstopper recommended!), food poisoning chance 0%, part efficiency 110%, adds the ability to spew an acid projectile. Just a copy of the Corrosive Spray ghoul ability but with some edits to the description.
Ocular Flesh:
Multiple eyes of varying quality have sprouted from the forearm. The extra eyes increase visual range whilst also causing a sense of vertigo due to the unnatural perspective. The affected flesh has developed its own neural structures and may become dangerous if removed. 
Effects: sight +50%, -8 mood debuff from "ocular flesh vertigo" (disabled by Inhumanized hediff)
Effects: talking -75%, toxic bite (like the Venom Fang implant), 20 attack power, 2 second attack cooldown.
Effects: moving 90%, sharp armor rating 45%, blunt armor rating 70%, pawn beauty -4, -6 mood debuff from "abomination" (disabled by the psychopath trait, the boddy modder trait, a transhumanist ideology, and/or Inhumanized hediff). A reminder that this is irreversable and thus a permanent mood debuff!
Effects: mental break threshold +6%, part efficiency 130%
That is all for the advanced tier. Let me know what you think of the balance, effects, and cost of a Shard for each, please!
The hybrid tier is the highest tier. This tier requires the use of a new item during surgery: a hybrid mutation surgery kit, which is crafted at the Bioferrite Shaper.
This item requires 20 bioferrite, 20 steel, 4 advanced components, and a Shard to create. Both the serum and this kit also require bionics to have been researched in order to craft. The reason being that these mutations are "hybrid" because they are a combination of fleshmass mutation and bionics. The kit is used during the hybrid operations instead of a plain Shard because it contains the Shard as well as the components to install the necessary machinery. Here's the description of the hybrid serum to give an idea of how it works:
Anyway, here's a list of the operations that you can do with this tier:
Effects: pawn beauty -0.5, part efficiency 120%, Power Claw-style attack. 22 damage (same as Power Claw), 1.2 second attack cooldown (slightly faster than Power Claw)
Effects: pawn beauty -0.5, part efficiency 140%
This needs the Deadlife Dust research to be finished in order to be created!
Effects: toxic environment resistance +30%, part efficiency 70%, grants the power to release a cloud of Deadlife Dust once per day, which will create friendly shamblers from nearby corpses. (Same ability some creepjoiners can get occasionally)
Effects: part efficiency: 140%
Here's where things change a bit. Still in the hybrid tier, though:
The following bodyparts are upgrades of archotech implants. They require the corresponding archotech implant during the surgery (as well as the serum and surgery kit)! So to make the arm, you need to have an Archotech Arm, which will be used up in the surgery, for example.
Effects: pawn beauty -1, mental break threshold +10%, part efficiency 200%, punches deal the same damage as punches from a standard Archotech Arm.
Effects: pawn beauty -1, mental break threshold +10%, part efficiency 200%
Effects: pawn beauty -1, mental break threshold +12%, psychic sensitivity +25%, part efficiency 200%
The Horaxian limbs have a built-in limiter, so you cannot easily just deck out a pawn with all Horaxian bodyparts. Each raises the mental break threshold. If you intend to install each Horaxian bodypart on a colonist, be ready for them to be constantly having mental breaks! Think carefully before installing a Horaxian bodypart.
That's the list of all the new bodyparts the mod adds. If you're wondering how each part is installed once you have a serum, a new bill for each bodypart will appear for each part you have the ingredients for.
This way, your crafting menus are not too bloated, as you only need a few certain items to be able to utilize the new bodyparts.
Anyway, that is every detail about my first RimWorld mod. I look forward to hearing your feedback!
submitted by Maleficus32 to RimWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:59 sweetberryb Seeking advice on BBT!

Hi everyone!!
I've been lurking in the background of this community for quite some time and I've found it hugely helpful. I'm hoping to get some help in interpreting my BBT Chart.
I'm currently 10DPO (roughly)
We've been TTC since September 2023. My cycles have been super irregular since stopping BC in August '23, so I've been tracking using apps, and recently been testing BBT and using OPK tests since February. Finally got my first positive OPK on April 25th, DH and I did the deed plenty around this time to try and give us the best chance.
Here's a rough breakdown on my temps:
My baseline is around 97.7 ish, but was 96.7 on O day.
2DPO: 97.5
3DPO: 97.7
4DPO: 97.7
5DPO: 98.2
6DPO: 98.3
7DPO: 97.7 (possibly implantation dip?)
8DPO: 98.0
10DPO: 99.0
I don't have much going on symptom-wise, except lots of bloating, and constipation that started 2 days ago. I also had weird shooting/burning breast pain in my right breast for about two days, but that has since ceased.
Looking at my temps, I'm wondering if this would be considered Triphasic? or am I officially going bonkers looking for something that isn't there?
I've also been doing cervix checks and can confirm my cervix has been high and soft since O day. Been having consistent creamy CM until about 2 days ago when I noticed CM was more stretchy, sometimes gummy.
I haven't tested yet during the TWW (been super tempted, but surprised at my own willpower so far!) but with todays temp spike, I'm starting to get cautiously optimistic... Emphasis on cautiously.
Thank you so much in advance! Sending good vibes to you all! 💖
submitted by sweetberryb to TFABChartStalkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 15:21 mssweetheart24 I have a 15 month old and my period was due yesterday. Stressed please read.

Hey everyone. I am stressed and anxious. I had my rainbow baby boy February 6 2023. In 2021 my husband and I lost a baby girl at 21 weeks due to incompetent cervix and or infection. I started dilating and it was too dangerous for them to do a cerclage. This last pregnancy we did a preventative cerclage and progesterone with a MFM. I tried an IUD but it shifted and caused BV issues so my I have been tracking my cycles and using condoms. My period was due yesterday and I’m paranoid that I feel off. My anxiety has been bad so I’m hoping that it is why it is late. I took two pregnancy tests on Saturday and one last night and one this morning, all negative. I feel like this smells stronger but idk if it’s my anxiety playing tricks of me. Everytime I’ve been pregnant it came up positive immediately and I had implantation bleeding. Anyways I just came here to rant and seek advice. Thank you for reading.
Edit to add: I am having PMS symptoms too like bloating, sore boobs, mood swings, etc. I also have an umbilical hernia from my last pregnancy and I don’t know even know if I would surgery first or not before getting pregnant again.
submitted by mssweetheart24 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 18:57 Haileeh765 Could I be pregnant?

Hi everyone!!!! I’m new to this page and just started taking ovulation tests. I haven’t really begun the whole charting method yet.
A little background. I had my son 11 months ago and didn’t get my period back until just this past month. My period was delayed because I began taking a medication for postpartum that raised my prolactin levels. After realizing this, I told my dr I wanted to get off of it because my husband and I want to conceive again.
So, I began taking ovulation tests right after I got my period around CD 10 and keep getting negatives. I’m on CD 20 now. However yesterday, I woke up with a massive headache and I had some spotting. I also feel pretty bloated and had some back pain. I looked it up and it said these could be symptoms of implantation. Could this be possible if I didn’t test positive for ovulation? Or could I have ovulated really early? My CM is watery right now and stretchy.
submitted by Haileeh765 to FAMnNFP [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 09:33 est_elsp People who have gained weight with Nexplanon, how did it happen?

I have read a couple of stories about gaining weight but I am wondering how it happens.
Did you notice an increase in bloating? Was it that your appetite suddenly increased?
My BMI is already 35.8 and my doctor did not warn me about the effectivity of the implant being affected by the BMI beforehand so I am worried.
I am tall and muscly, but at the same time I have had history with an eating disorder, so I need to know which behaviours to monitor while on the implant.
submitted by est_elsp to Nexplanon [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 02:01 pooyankhn Radiology CaseBank: Feedback and collaboration would be appreciated!

Radiology CaseBank: Feedback and collaboration would be appreciated!
Hello everyone,
I'm a diagnostic radiology resident in the US, and I have developed a website to provide free educational and practical tools for radiology trainees and practicing radiologists. It's called Rad At Hand, and currently, it hosts call resources and multiple interactive calculators such as O-RADS (with a report generator), LI-RADS, PI-RADS, CAD-RADS, trauma scoring, etc. I would highly appreciate your feedback! Also, please let me know if you have any suggestions for new calculators.
However, RadAtHand and its calculators are not the main focus here. I'm writing this post to ask for your help and advice on another related project called Radiology CaseBank ( or For over a year, I've been working on this educational project to provide free and interactive radiology cases for trainees worldwide, aiming to simulate the dynamic environment of real-life scenarios with a PACS station. The platform shows images in DICOM format and has all basic functions of a PACS workstation (window/leveling, panning/zooming, measurements, annotations, and even MPR). This is a screenshot of the platform:
During the past few years, I've learned that reading a plethora of cases is crucial for radiology training, and the Radiology CaseBank project aims to address that and enhance trainees’ radiological interpretation skills through practical, engaging, and accessible learning experiences.
Radiology CaseBank has the potential to offer a vast variety of case banks based on various categories such as training level, subspecialty, modality, pathology, etc. Each case is presented with a brief history, including age, sex, and the indication (i.e. reason for exam) mentioned on the exam order. The case display includes all sequences or projections, along with an answer comprising findings and impressions of the radiology report, with direct links to articles about the main diagnosis of the case on reputable sources such as Radiopaedia, RadioGraphics, and RadiologyAssistant. Short explanation video clips may also be added to guide trainees through the exam's findings.
Following is a summary of Radiology CaseBank's features:
  • Active learning: Unlike traditional educational resources such as books and journals, where we usually get a snapshot of the main finding, in real life, we encounter hundreds or even thousands of slices in each cross-sectional exam. And unlike educational videos on platforms like YouTube, Radiology CaseBank users will be actively engaged with the case.
  • Granting access to rare and complex cases that might be challenging to encounter in everyday practice.
  • Keeping trainees updated with the latest cutting-edge technology, ensuring they stay at the forefront of the field, regardless of whether their training institutions have access to such technology (e.g., Photon counting CT, Dual-energy CT, 7-Tesla MRI, etc.).
  • Radiology CaseBank can also feature quizzes, which educators and institutions can use to evaluate their trainees (e.g. their readiness for independent calls).
  • Each case bank has an "Author," and credits for the provided cases can go to the providers (unless they prefer to remain anonymous). Of course, the cases should be properly anonymized, as patient privacy is the number one priority.
  • I am committed to keeping this educational tool accessible and open to all, and 100% free for trainees. My passion for providing this tool for free to every radiology trainee worldwide is the main driving reason behind this project.
I'm writing this post to ask for your help and advice as that the platform is now ready for launch, and I'm ready to take the next step: adding cases. Are you (or do you know) a radiologist or an institution that would like to collaborate on this project?
I've created a demo case bank with three cases from online repositories, which can be found here: Demo Case Bank (You will need to sign up in order to see the cases. The registration process is straightforward and quick)
Please let me know what you think. Thank you!
submitted by pooyankhn to neuroimaging [link] [comments]