Tv stand plans

British TV: Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation

2010.08.03 04:53 Raerth British TV: Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation

News, articles and discussions regarding British TV shows, film and stand-up.

2012.10.03 15:41 moddestmouse Where Men Can Live

MaleLivingSpace is dedicated to places where men can live. Here you can find posts discussing, showing, improving, and maintaining apartments, homes, domiciles, man caves, garages, and bungalows.

2008.08.27 23:03 Woodworking: all things made from trees.

Woodworking is your worldwide home for discussion of all things woodworking, carpentry, fine furniture, power tools, hand tools, and just about anything else about making - anything - from trees!

2024.06.02 10:11 Friendly-Nectarine10 How Should I Handle This…?

For context I am a 22YO F who lives at home with my parents and younger brother. I recently graduated with my bachelor’s and am working my way up to applying to med school. Growing up, my father has always been unreasonably strict and my mother had always had to act as the mediator for me to be able to actually live my life. I’m 22 years old and I still have a curfew… I came home at 12:30 tonight and even though I told my father I’d be out late he was still pissed and said “the next time you come home this late it’ll be at your own house.” I’m tired to say the least… to the point where it has negatively affected my sleep and mental health.
I have a boyfriend who has been nothing but loving and supportive. We will go on a 2 week trip in July on the opposite coast to get away. I hate where I live and have been wanting to leave since I was 18, but it was just not feasible at the time. I will also be moving in with him to his stepdad’s house on the other side of the country in September. However, it’ll only be a temporary placement until my bf and I will be able to have our own place, (when I go to med school and he will be pursuing his PhD). In the meantime, we’ll be working.
Everyone knows about both of these things but my father (so far). I’m planning on telling him about the trip next weekend, and about moving in late July/early August. I already know that he’ll explode. Badly. How should I go about this? I want to stand my ground, but I want to try my best to not burn this bridge with my father.
Tl;dr: How can I go about telling my strict father about how I will be going on a cross-country trip with my bf in July, and moving out with my bf in September while standing my ground but not burning a bridge?
submitted by Friendly-Nectarine10 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:09 Adj-Noun-Numbers AMA Thread: Ben Riley-Smith, Political Editor, The Telegraph - Monday 3rd June @ Midday

Ben will be joining us on Monday for an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session.
Ben recently spent 6 weeks with Keir Starmer and his team, writing the exclusive 'Starmer's plan for a decade in power: ‘I find it easy to be ruthless’'.
He has also been covering the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Reform, and the Green Party.
Ben will be here to answer your questions at 12pm on Monday 3rd June, ahead of the first TV debate on Tuesday evening. u/TheTelegraph will be providing the answers.
Notice to Users / Tourists: robust questions are fine - insults and low-effort complaints are not. Please be civil and courteous at all times - moderation action will be taken against those who are not.
submitted by Adj-Noun-Numbers to ukpolitics [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:01 Yimir_ LM177 - Emergency Broadcasting Motion - Reading

Emergency Broadcasting Motion

This House recognises:—
(1) Trials of a UK Emergency Alert System took place in 2013 using cell broadcast technology.
(2) Since the 2013 trial, no further trials have taken place.
(3) The United Kingdom remains without a proper, unified emergency alert service.
Therefore, this House calls on the Government to:—
(1) Test and formally roll-out a cell broadcast emergency alerting system across the United Kingdom.
(2) Review the state of other emergency alerting methods, such as TV and radio alerts, to ensure they are fit for the modern day.
(3) Regularly update this House on the steps the Government is taking to ensure the United Kingdom's preparedness for emergencies of all kinds.
This motion was written by the Right Honourable Duke of the Fenlands OM GCMG KCT CB MVO, on behalf of the Labour and Co-operative Party.
Opening Speech
My Lords,
In 2013, the Government of the time tested an emergency broadcast system on mobile phones. This included testing the cell broadcast system. While the initial tests were promising, no further tests have been carried out by the Government since that date, and no roll-out of cell broadcasting has taken place.
It has been a decade since those tests took place, and the United Kingdom still remains wholly unprepared to notify its residents of an emergency should one arise. We might be able to cobble together an SMS system for a prolonged emergency, but it would be vulnerable to spoofing or phishing, and it wouldn't work for immediate emergencies such as floods and terrorist attacks.
We have an opportunity to save far more lives than what we are currently doing with existing systems. Timely alerts that are given in a trusted format, as is the case with cell broadcasting, will mean that we can reach those in the UK with critical information when they need it most.
Such a system will of course need further testing before the official roll-out. Therefore, I urge the Government to plan dates for these tests and to start a public awareness campaign before the test takes place, so that people can expect the test and do not get spooked by it. If the Government fails to notify people of the test, then it might result in a large proportion of the population turning such alerts off after the test takes place.
This motion therefore calls on the Government to provide updates to this House on the status of the emergency broadcast system, so that this House can hold the Government to account. Without doing so, the population of the UK will not be adequately prepared for the tests and for the official roll out of the system.
My Lords, with the roll-out of cell broadcasting technology, the Government ought to review the status of other emergency broadcasting technology to ensure that there is a joined up strategy for the effective use of these systems. Otherwise, an alert could end up giving conflicting information, sowing confusion and panic among the population. The purpose of such alerts should be to give essential information, to calm and reassure, and to prompt people to take needed action.
The world is becoming a more dangerous place. Tensions are rising and armed conflicts are getting closer to home. The climate is changing and extreme weather events are becoming more common. Political violence and terrorism have been on the rise. While an alert system will not fix these, it will allow people to respond and help make themselves safe.
While this cannot be the extent of our strategy to prepare the population, it must be a cornerstone of it. I urge noble Lords to support this motion.
I beg to move.
This Motion may be debated until the 4th of June at 10PM GMT.
submitted by Yimir_ to MHOL [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:00 Fun-Resort-772 bedroom audio solution

Hello all, this is only my 2nd time posting to Reddit, so bear with me. Also, I’m not entirely sure if this is the correct subreddit to use, but I feel as though I’d find some good advice.
Currently, my bed is in the corner of my room; my TV & entertainment stand are located on the wall across, meaning it’s about 4 feet from the foot of my bed. I live in an older house with no central AC, so I have a window unit in my bedroom’s only window which happens to be located ~1ft to the left of my headboard. The noisiness of my constantly-running AC unit creates difficulties hearing my TV.
I’m sure a soundbar would help with the clarity of audio, but the wall behind my TV is shared with my roommate so I don’t necessarily want a loud soundbar up against that wall as well. Would surround sound speakers be my best option? I’d have to place them right along my headboard in order to (attempt to) overpower the noise of my AC unit. The TV is relatively old so it doesn’t have Smart TV/bluetooth capabilities, but it does have an aux output. I was thinking about getting an aux splitter and installing Left and Right surround sound speakers on either side of my headboard, but again, I’m seeking advice. Anything will be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Fun-Resort-772 to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:55 dani_adam HDMI blackouts while glory kill

Hi! I have experienced now four times with PS5 on my LG C1 tv when glory kills especially againts Mancubis causing blackouts on my screen with pulsing red light on the stand by tv light. After a few sec the screen coming back, first with the hdmi text and then the whole game screen. It started to happen in the secons half of the game. And it never happened with other games. What is this?
submitted by dani_adam to Doometernal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:52 how_do_I_use_grammar cant cut a straight edge to save my life.

I've been trying to make a TV entertainment stand for two weeks.
Using a straight (or so I thought) piece of wood, I tried to joint the edge of a huge 1.5x1.5m (nearly 5x5 feet) coffee table that I'd picked up from Facebook marketplace using a router and a flush trim bit.
That didn't work. The piece of timber I was using as a straight edge was too thick for the router depth, and the bit flew off into the space I'm calling a workshop, never to be seen again. I bit the bullet and went and bought a circular saw. I figured I could, using some plywood, make a big T-square. I cut a piece of plywood to width and joined one edge using the aforementioned supposedly straight piece of timber and a cross piece of plywood, making sure it was square to the blade of the square using a speed square.
Using this as a fence for my circular saw, I tried ripping and cross-cutting it, and it seemed fine until I realised that the cuts weren't straight!
what am I doing wrong? now the entire piece of the timer is off-square, and I have no clue what to do from here, not to mention I'm incredibly annoyed with myself.
I'm not new to this hobby, but this is simple stuff that should not be hard! do i give in and just buy a straight edge that i know is straight and go from there????
this is A CRY FOR HELP!
submitted by how_do_I_use_grammar to BeginnerWoodWorking [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:43 Upset-Touch713 Guys, I need advice. I want to join the Navy, but I'm a freshman in high-school, what classes/courses should I take? Extra curricular activities as well.

At my highschool, I'm planning to join the women's wrestling for sports and Auto, Engineering + Architecture, and Oceanography for Electives. Also planning to take some AP classes but don't know what to choose. My goal is to try and get into USNA but I want to know how I can make myself more presentable and determined to join the academy. I wish to pursue an education in the Engineering field and work for the Navy. Though USNA is a very selective school and I want to know what they tent to see in an individual when picking them out. What stands out to them the most about applicants? Please help me.
submitted by Upset-Touch713 to newtothenavy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:42 Younosewho How good are the movies as stand-alones?

If not compared to the books and ignoring whatever changes made or improvised where do the movies stand? I haven't read or watched LOTR even though the books have been in my plan to read for quite a few years. All of a sudden I really want to watch the movies (maybe Sunday that's why) so I just wanted some opinions as to whether it will affect my experience if I watch the movies first and then read the books. Also I'm not sure if the movies adapt all the books so I would like a confirmation on that as well. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by Younosewho to lotr [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:41 lifeis2beautiful Mic stand that is more like a camera tripod? Or adapter for a tripod to hold a mic?

Hello, I'm planning on doing some outdoor music video recording and some of the locations i have planned are a little "hilly" and there's zero chance of getting regular mic stands to work. Camera tripods are way better as they have legs with adjustable lengths, so it's easy to set it level even on a hill. Are there any brands making mic stands like this? Or maybe just an adapter to go onto a camera tripod that will hold a mic arm?
I tried googling, but I only get the opposite of what im after: adapters for mic stands to hold a camera.
submitted by lifeis2beautiful to recording [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:39 Fun-Resort-772 Bedroom Audio Solution

Hello all, this is only my 2nd time posting to Reddit, so bear with me. Also, I’m not entirely sure if this is the correct subreddit to use, but I feel as though I’d find some good advice.
Currently, my bed is in the corner of my room; my TV & entertainment stand are located on the wall across, meaning it’s about 4 feet from the foot of my bed. I live in an older house with no central AC, so I have a window unit in my bedroom’s only window which happens to be located ~1ft to the left of my headboard. The noisiness of my constantly-running AC unit creates difficulties hearing my TV.
I’m sure a soundbar would help with the clarity of audio, but the wall behind my TV is shared with my roommate so I don’t necessarily want a loud soundbar up against that wall as well. Would surround sound speakers be my best option? I’d have to place them right along my headboard in order to (attempt to) overpower the noise of my AC unit.
The TV is relatively old so it doesn’t have Smart TV/bluetooth capabilities, but it does have an aux output. I was thinking about getting an aux splitter and installing Left and Right surround sound speakers on either side of my headboard, but again, I’m seeking advice. Anything will be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Fun-Resort-772 to hometheater [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 coolbeansleens Am I crazy or are my parents just being entitled Boomers?

My (38F) parents (late 60s M&F) are having a bit of a crisis right now because of my brother (36M) and SIL (32F). My SIL just had their baby and she wanted to have it in her home country so she could be close to her parents and have their support. None of us were overly thrilled with the idea, mostly because we all care about my brother and felt like he was being robbed of an important life experience.
He was only able to get a week off work, and because the date babies are actually born is fairly unpredictable, he had to wait until the baby was already born before he could visit. He wasn't there for the birth of his first child. Furthermore, she then had to remain in her home country, with the baby, for months until they could get a passport, so my brother didn't see his child again for the first 3 months of it's life.
Regardless, we supported her decision, as she was the one giving birth. I recently had a baby myself so I understand how vulnerable you can feel during that time, and how important it is to stand up for yourself and set boundaries for you and your child. That's why, when they SIL made plans to return to our country, I wasn't surprised when we were informed she wouldn't be up for visitors the first week after traveling.
I completely understood and even encouraged it - I couldn't imagine taking a 10-hour flight with a 3 month old, the stress of it and the jet lag, and my husband working full time from the moment I get back, only to have to entertain visitors who just want to hold the baby. I let them know to just get settled (and for my bro to get some quality time with his baby he hasn't seen) and let us know when they're ready for visitors.
My parents, however, took this as a personal attack. As soon as they found out they weren't allowed to bombard my brother's family at the airport they've been on a tear about how this is extremely disrespectful to them. How in "their day" (ie when my brother and I were babies) they had to entertain all sorts of visitors all the time because it was expected, they weren't 'allowed' to say no. When I point out that that's a hazing mentality ("I had to suffer so you should too") and an extremely ill way to think, they'll say something like "we want them to do what's best for them.... But I guess now we know where we stand". They've also mentioned that they "were good enough to help them buy their house but not good enough to visit their own grandchild" and that they're being treated like "second-class citizens".
My SIL finally made a concession that they could come over for 2 hours this weekend (literally 2 days after she's gotten home) and this has only served to anger then even more. Apparently my brother isn't "standing up" for them, and what "really" bothers them is that it's clear SIL just "doesn't want them around".
I've tried to explain to them SIL's perspective, that she's dealing with sleep deprivation and wacky hormones, not to mention the travelling and finally getting to be a family again with my brother I've explained that ultimately she's just setting boundaries, and they should respect them since she is trying to respect their wants. I've explained they're not "owed" anything, regardless of how much they helped out with the house purchase. It wasn't a transaction, it was a gift. They can't trade financial help for dedicated baby time.
My mum hasn't responded to my latest text, though, which outlines all that, despite having read it. So now I'm wondering if I'm wrong, if I too am being disrespectful. Do they deserve to see their grandchild within hours of its arrival in our country, without having a time limit set on their visit?
submitted by coolbeansleens to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:25 Forsaken_Mountain939 Anyone else tho & The “fourth kind” ..

I told few close friends about this dream I had around late summer in 2020. I had my apartment in Albuquerque in the uptown area, so I lived alone. I’ve always loved my solitude and enjoying quiet time and basking in my own energy. Due to the pandemic, I was happy that quarantine was also very fresh, I think I had just went back to work after my job being shut down for a couple of months (I work for a hair salon)
So, for starters :
Anwyay, I don’t remember what time it was maybe like 2 or 3AM and I remember like, kinda frantically waking up because I heard this LOUD crash like as if someone was tryna break in through my windows or something. Im certain that I woke up or .. thought I did….
Everything was fuzzy. And I was a bit dizzy… It was still soooo windy outside too. I was quickly relieved because my first thought was , “ oh it’s just really windy out” BUT… The comfort and relief I felt quickly disappeared as eyes shot over to my window. I could have sworn that I saw a white barn owl, tapping at my window…it was like frantic. Like it was trying to warn me or something. But it was dark … I couldn’t make it out too much and wanted to stay awake so badly to investigate. But my body and mind just could not bring themselves to agree on that. At this point, my brain was just scrambling .. i remember thinking to myself like “hey , it’s just an owl. Remember ? They’re your spirit animals ” but I also had thought to myself , “hey it’s okey It’s just your sleep paralysis ..” (I’ve been super connected to owls for some time and feel very spiritually connected to them, so while most people view owls as a bad omen, I see them as protection and a symbol for highly intuitive beings and inner wisdom)
So seeing yet another owl (amongst allll the others I’ve had dreams of and seen in my waking life) , was normal to me. My brain telling myself “it’s okay it’s just one of your owls” is something that I feel is pretty logical given how I feel about owls.
Because of this, i really didn’t think anything seemed too off, despite wether i actually saw a white barn owl tapping at my window or not, if thats all I heard and saw that night, i honestly would have been okay with seeing a white barn owl outside of my window because I’m use to owls showing up for me any way.
But where’d that loud crash come from? This is where it all got weird ..
I remember feeling soooo pulled to just go back into my sleep. (This is another one of them sleep paralysis demons I thought) because along with my connection to owls , I am kinda use to sleep paralysis as well 😅 as mentioned above. I’ve dealt with it on and off for so long, it’s not soemthing i can say I haven’t had to deal with before , regardless of how bad it was lol
So, again. I didn’t think anything of it… But I went “back to sleep” and I remember literally seeing a bright light over my head. My vision was like blurry, like my eyes or body had been injected with something that suppresses my senses.. or something..
I remember seeing 3 “greys” I wanna call them.. Tbh i haven’t researched too much about what the greys or what they look like, but these 3 beings standing over me , while I couldn’t move my body or talk; they were grey in color. Almost slightly metallic grey.. their bodies were super tall,, and oblong shaped.
It was so wild. I felt fear. I felt trapped. And invaded. But I couldn’t get away.
Unfortunately, I don’t remember too much about what else happened , but I couldn’t shake the feeling of violation. Like someone was alllll in my business . I felt intruded on but because everything was so unclear and fuzzy; a part of me is convinced it was all just a dream. A dream where I got abducted by the aliens. Just a dream right …?
The days and months following - the years following , I haven’t had a “dream” like that since then. But , I cannot fail to say that there has been sooo much I’ve experienced and seen and still am searching for an explanation for since then. But we shall save that for other subs
The crazy part about this “dream” I had . Or THINK I had, was that there WAS something at my window. and i wasn’t just seeing or hearing things..
The only reason why I know this is a fact is because I remember leaving my apartment the next day.where my window was, you can look out into the parking lot where I always parked my Durango I was driving during this time. I walked out of the building , walked to my truck, and hopped in. Every time I’d be leaving anywhere, I would always look back at window to make sure it was closed. I can be forgetful sometimes lol.
Welp, What I saw still baffles me to this day. Every apartment had its own water coolor in its window, mine included. As I looked back at my window backing out to the parking lot to leave, I noticed the stucco from the wall was significantly torn where my water cooler was installed. It looked bad, like someone was trying to yank that that thing out of the wall. It definitely was not like this before.
It allll just came rushing in. what the hell happened there??? But it was obvious …. The loud crash I heard the night before was the wall being torn pretty badly and my water cooler being almost yanked out of place , that’s what that crashing sound came from. I kept telling myself it was alll just a dream.. or just the wind.. but if the wind was the cause of that, how come none of my neighbors were out of place? Why not their stucco??? I looked around at my neighbors’ windows, at their coolers:.. it was odd and creepy that I was the only one whose wall at my window had been torn off .. like why only me?! 🙃I even called the maintenance guy of the apartments because it was bad and had to be fixed. He even freaked out and said it looked like something that would be a result of someone or something using so much force to try to yank the cooler out of the wall.
Till this day I’ve told this story to a few people. Everyone freaks out and always ends with , “have you seen the ‘fourth kind?!’ “ or mothman lol
And no I haven’t. anyone who knows me , knows I’m literally one of the only people around who just cannot sit and watch tv or movies . I’m always that friend that missed the movie references in inside jokes. how can I understand the jokes amongst my friends if I haven’t even seeing a lot of movies that they were referencing ? It’s always the same movies that everyone else more or less has seen atleast once.
What’s Great about this is how I’ve been for so long. I’ve always chosen music over tv , i need music all day every day to feel okay. I’ve seen some movies that a lot of people have seen , lots of pop movies and what not, but I’m always the person who still hasn’t seen alot of the ones that everyone else seems to have seen already. Everyone knows I’m the girl who “doesn’t watch tv” 🥲 ; my heart is always gonna be music. I’ve tried getting into watching stuff with people and sometimes Ive managed to stick with it. but more often than not, I either end up falling asleep, or I’m listening to music with my ear phones in .. 💀
So recently, I told one of my huge movie fanatic friends about my dream and the owl and the greys I saw and how I’m not really sure about what happened that night . With the wall outside of my apartment where my window was being destroyed the next day, he was like oh my word. Something was out there! He also quickly freaked out like everyone else I’ve told this story to,“OMG ITS LIKE THE ‘FOURTH KIND!’ 🥴😱 followed with , “have you seen it??!”
And I’m like “nooo , everyone keeps saying my dream is like this movie oh my goodness “ 😭😭
Now im just here in this sub. All I wanna know is.
Should I watch this movie.??? I’ve heard of it . But haven’t seen it. Some friends mentioned the moth man too which I’ve heard of as well. But idk which one or both? I’d prefer to just see one lol like I said, it takes a lot for me to feel like watching movies is my ideal form of entertainment.
My friend says he’s not sure if I should watch it because it might “mess with my head” but tbh.. I’m like why not?? Maybe it’ll bring me clarity about what really took place that night..
idk. What do you think?
submitted by Forsaken_Mountain939 to AlienAbduction [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:23 ThelynEnnor Thelyn Ennor - Multigaming since 2005 [Warfare / Security]

In den Weiten der Galaxie wird Euer Schicksal bestimmt, ob auf den Schlachtfeldern oder in den Forge Worlds von Segmentum Thelyn Ennor. Trete unserer Warfare oder Industrial Division bei und das Vers wird uns gehören! Wir sind die Ordnung! Wir sind die Inquisition! FOR THE EMPEROR!
Wir sind eine Multigaming-Gilde, die erstmals in Lord of the Rings Online aktiv war. Mit Star Citizen nehmen wir nun unser 15. Spiel in Angriff, um möglichst viele Erfolge feiern zu können.
**Was bisher war...*\*
Zu unseren bisherigen Erfolgen in MMO's zählen mehrere World-, European- und German-Firstkills sowie zahlreiche Server-Firstkills. So waren wir die erste Gilde Europas, welche in Lord of the Rings Online die 24er Raid Instanz "Helegrod" clear'n konnte und den World-Firstkill in der Raid Instanz "Feste Dunoth" im Hardmode erreichte. Unser Warhammer Team zwang europaweit als erstes "Hand von Ualatp & Usirians Wächter" in die Knie und war stets unter den besten RvR Gilden. Außerdem feierte unser Star Trek Team mehrere World-Firstkills und konnte die erste Zusammenarbeit mit GameStar etablieren. Unser Rift-Team konnte bereits direkt nach dem Head-Start des Spiels große Erfolge in Form von mehreren Server-Firstkills feiern. Auch mit unserem Star Wars The Old Republic Team waren wir sehr erfolgreich, denn dort haben wir zahlreiche German-Firstkills sowie Server-Firstkills erreicht. Des Weiteren hatten wir schon TV-Auftritte bei Gaming-Shows - wie z.B. NBC GIGA, Buffed Show bzw. Allvatar TV und veröffentlichten auf, GameStar, Onlinewelten und zahlreiche Guides sowie Artikel. Bekannt sind wir auch für unsere Live-Raids auf verschiedenen Messebühnen, welche immer sehr viele Zuschauer anlocken. Mehr Infos über unsere Erfolge, Projekte und bisherige Geschichte findet ihr auf
Getreu unserem Motto "It's the way we play" haben wir uns in allen MMO's, in denen Thelyn Ennor vertreten ist, das Hauptziel gesteckt, all das zu erreichen, was im High End-Content (sei es PvE oder PvP) eines MMO's als Erfolg zu betiteln ist. Das gelingt nur durch viel Disziplin, Engagement und eine hohe Aktivität der Member. Unsere Gilde wird im Hintergrund durch einen sehr erfahrenen Organisationsapparat geleitet, welcher dafür sorgt, dass den Membern höchste Qualität und Effizienz in den MMO-Teams zur Verfügung stehen. Wir sind ständig dabei uns in allen Bereichen weiterzuentwickeln, um einen gewissen Grad an Perfektion zu erlangen.
**Star Citizen Team*\*
Thelyn Ennor ist eine stark erfolgsorientierte Gilde und darauf werden wir unsere gesamte Struktur wie auch Fleet & Event Organisation auslegen. Wir wollen in allen Bereichen von Star Citizen vorne mitmischen, so ist es unser Ziel den gesamten High-End Content zu bewältigen, dazu gehören vor allem in Sachen PvE das Betreiben von Produktionsanlagen und Raumstationen so wie aber auch PvP Schlachten. Wir werden an den gewaltigsten Schlachten an vorderster Front teilnehmen und für unsere eigenen Sektoren eine hohe Sicherheit gewährleisten! Eine leistungsstarke Warfare und effiziente Industrial Division ist notwendig, um unsere militärischen Operationen erfolgreich durchführen zu können. Wir sind schon seit einiger Zeit in Star Citizen unterwegs und haben somit schon reichlich Erfahrung im Spiel sammeln können. Natürlich ist es unser oberstes Ziel, unsere Private Military Company an die Spitze zu treiben und unser eigenes Territorium zu erobern! Für diese Herausforderungen suchen wir loyale & erfahrene Piloten die Spaß am erfolgreichen Raiden und am PvP haben, sowie sich aktiv am Gildenleben beteiligen wollen! Das Wichtigste hierbei ist, dass man zusammen als starke und feste Gemeinschaft heranwächst. Thelyn Ennor war treibende Kraft bei der Gründung der "Horizon Alliance" mit dem Ziel, alle Inhalte des Spiels ausreizen zu können und ist heute die größte militärische und wirtschaftliche Allianz im deutschsprachigen Raum.
**Unsere Member*\*
Thelyn Ennor ist eine zielstrebige und vor allem erfolgsorientierte Gemeinschaft. Daher legen wir viel Wert auf eine perfekte Charakter-Beherrschung, Aktivität, Hingabe, Teamplay und Spaß am Spiel. Wir erwarten von unseren Membern in jeder Hinsicht hohen Einsatz für die Gilde und eine 100%ige Loyalität. Als selbstverständlich erachten wir, dass unsere Mitglieder während der Progress-Phasen absolute Priorität auf ihre Raid-Aktivität setzen und sich immer in allen dafür notwendigen Bereichen auf aktuellem Stand befinden. Unsere stets hoch gesteckten Ziele erreichen wir nur, wenn jeder mit Leidenschaft anpackt und sein Bestes gibt. Im Gegenzug können neue Member von uns eine professionelle Führung und erfahrene Beratung sowie eine hohe Aktivität erwarten. Wenn Ihr ein Member von Thelyn Ennor werdet, seid ihr Teil einer großen Community, welche schon mehrere MMO's erfolgreich spielt und sich auch in zukünftigen MMO's niederlassen wird. Um einen noch stärkeren Bund zu schaffen, veranstaltet Thelyn Ennor mindestens einmal jährlich ein Real-Life Treffen, zu dem alle Mitglieder eingeladen werden.Es gilt zu beachten, dass bei uns **ein Mindestalter von 18 Jahren** herrscht.
Wir nutzen [**Teamspeak**] als Voice Tool und [**Discord**] als Chat, welche für alle Member Pflicht sind.Unser Forum ist die Hauptkommunikations-Plattform, hier werden Raids geplant und organisatorische Dinge besprochen.Weitere Informationen findet Ihr auf unserer Homepage:[**Teamspeak**]Wenn Ihr Fragen zur Gilde habt, könnt Ihr uns natürlich jederzeit im Forum oder im [**Discord**] kontaktieren.
Euer, Thelyn Ennor - Star CitizenTeam
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2024.06.02 09:23 Naive_Possibility707 35M looking to make a new friend

Here's my poor attempt to sell myself like a bad infomercial. My social circle is pretty much limited to people I work with due to being on that graveyard shift life.i wish I could complain about my job more than that but I actually enjoy it. I live in the US on the East Coast but grew up on the West Coast. I did spend some time in the army so i have lived a few other places for a short while. I have two high-energy dogs, an Australian shepherd mix age 5 and huskie mix age 4. I have a 2 year old son, who may become some kind of dictator with the way he bosses me around. I do enjoy cooking and making new dishes, but I am by far the worst baker. I know you can find almost anything online but im still a sucker for cookbooks. My favorite TV show is the office, please don't say parks and rec is better. I've had many random jobs in the past, with even random stories to go along with. I'm a bit of a nerd, I have a comic collection and random Star Wars collectibles, but I'm not ashamed. I even have a shelf above my desk that gets rotated with my random collectibles. I have a few tattoos that have no meaning at all, and I plan on getting more soon. My music taste is stuck in the early 2000s rock, punk, indy and screamo. I do play video games at times tho my time is very limited. If you do choose to reach out please tell me something about yourself or if we have some things in common. The basic hello, hey, hi may be ignored
submitted by Naive_Possibility707 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:23 Naive_Possibility707 35M looking to make a new friend

Here's my poor attempt to sell myself like a bad infomercial. My social circle is pretty much limited to people I work with due to being on that graveyard shift life.i wish I could complain about my job more than that but I actually enjoy it. I live in the US on the East Coast but grew up on the West Coast. I did spend some time in the army so i have lived a few other places for a short while. I have two high-energy dogs, an Australian shepherd mix age 5 and huskie mix age 4. I have a 2 year old son, who may become some kind of dictator with the way he bosses me around. I do enjoy cooking and making new dishes, but I am by far the worst baker. I know you can find almost anything online but im still a sucker for cookbooks. My favorite TV show is the office, please don't say parks and rec is better. I've had many random jobs in the past, with even random stories to go along with. I'm a bit of a nerd, I have a comic collection and random Star Wars collectibles, but I'm not ashamed. I even have a shelf above my desk that gets rotated with my random collectibles. I have a few tattoos that have no meaning at all, and I plan on getting more soon. My music taste is stuck in the early 2000s rock, punk, indy and screamo. I do play video games at times tho my time is very limited. If you do choose to reach out please tell me something about yourself or if we have some things in common. The basic hello, hey, hi may be ignored
submitted by Naive_Possibility707 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:22 Naive_Possibility707 35M [chat] looking to make a new friend

Here's my poor attempt to sell myself like a bad infomercial. My social circle is pretty much limited to people I work with due to being on that graveyard shift life.i wish I could complain about my job more than that but I actually enjoy it. I live in the US on the East Coast but grew up on the West Coast. I did spend some time in the army so i have lived a few other places for a short while. I have two high-energy dogs, an Australian shepherd mix age 5 and huskie mix age 4. I have a 2 year old son, who may become some kind of dictator with the way he bosses me around. I do enjoy cooking and making new dishes, but I am by far the worst baker. I know you can find almost anything online but im still a sucker for cookbooks. My favorite TV show is the office, please don't say parks and rec is better. I've had many random jobs in the past, with even random stories to go along with. I'm a bit of a nerd, I have a comic collection and random Star Wars collectibles, but I'm not ashamed. I even have a shelf above my desk that gets rotated with my random collectibles. I have a few tattoos that have no meaning at all, and I plan on getting more soon. My music taste is stuck in the early 2000s rock, punk, indy and screamo. I do play video games at times tho my time is very limited. If you do choose to reach out please tell me something about yourself or if we have some things in common. The basic hello, hey, hi may be ignored
submitted by Naive_Possibility707 to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:21 Naive_Possibility707 35M looking to make a new friend

Here's my poor attempt to sell myself like a bad infomercial. My social circle is pretty much limited to people I work with due to being on that graveyard shift life.i wish I could complain about my job more than that but I actually enjoy it. I live in the US on the East Coast but grew up on the West Coast. I did spend some time in the army so i have lived a few other places for a short while. I have two high-energy dogs, an Australian shepherd mix age 5 and huskie mix age 4. I have a 2 year old son, who may become some kind of dictator with the way he bosses me around. I do enjoy cooking and making new dishes, but I am by far the worst baker. I know you can find almost anything online but im still a sucker for cookbooks. My favorite TV show is the office, please don't say parks and rec is better. I've had many random jobs in the past, with even random stories to go along with. I'm a bit of a nerd, I have a comic collection and random Star Wars collectibles, but I'm not ashamed. I even have a shelf above my desk that gets rotated with my random collectibles. I have a few tattoos that have no meaning at all, and I plan on getting more soon. My music taste is stuck in the early 2000s rock, punk, indy and screamo. I do play video games at times tho my time is very limited. If you do choose to reach out please tell me something about yourself or if we have some things in common. The basic hello, hey, hi may be ignored
submitted by Naive_Possibility707 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:17 half_jase Bologna Special Event - Day 2

Over in Japan, there's the National Championships and below are the winners:
Also, don't forget to redeem a champion's Talonflame! It is based on the one used by Kaito Arii last year to win the Japan National Championships. Quickly claim it with the code - F1ARR0W23MASTER - as the distribution runs until June 2, 2024 at 2:59pm UTC.
submitted by half_jase to VGC [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:14 Big_Job7026 DESPERATE PLEASE HELP - Games for mental health middle aged woman

Hi everyone - I am desperately looking for Nintendo switch game recommendations for a totally newbie.
I am a woman/mother in her 40’s and I’ve never gamed before. I suffer from agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house), anxiety and depression , ptsd.
To give an idea on the scale of my mental health my current goal is to go into my backyard for 10minutes a day (set by psychologist).
My 16yr old gamer son has gifted me a Nintendo switch that I plan to also use on the tv - he thinks this could help my moods , currently I can spend Days sitting in a chair with time disappearing or weeks in bed , I’m hoping this Will help my mental health.
Also on top of games for entertainment maybe some games to help stimulate or improve my dwindling game function.
I currently have on the way :
Animal crossing Princess peach The great ace attorney
Those three were all recommended so open to suggestions , please help a desperate lady out
submitted by Big_Job7026 to Switch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:13 satti76 Top 5 Portable Projectors in 2024: Big Screen Entertainment on-the-Go

Top 5 Portable Projectors in 2024: Big Screen Entertainment on-the-Go
Portable projectors have become a game-changer for entertainment enthusiasts, offering a way to bring the big screen experience anywhere. Whether you're camping under the stars, presenting on the go, or hosting a backyard movie night, a best portable projector can transform your surroundings. But with so many options on the market, choosing the right one can be tricky. To help you narrow down your search, here's a look at the top 5 portable projectors in 2024, all available on
Top 5 Portable Projectors in 2024
  1. Samsung The Freestyle 2nd Gen: This ultra-compact projector from Samsung takes the cake for portability. It's lightweight, versatile, and can project a screen up to 300 inches. It boasts a built-in stand that allows for 360-degree rotation, making it easy to position for any situation. Plus, with Samsung's Smart TV platform, you can stream your favorite shows and movies directly from the projector – no need for extra devices! Check Price on Amazon.
  2. Anker Nebula Capsule Max Portable Projector: This projector packs a punch despite its small size. It offers a bright and clear picture with 1080p resolution and supports HDR content. The built-in battery provides up to 4 hours of playtime, making it perfect for outdoor movie nights. Anker's Nebula Capsule Max also boasts Bluetooth connectivity, so you can easily connect your phone or tablet to stream content. Check Price on Amazon.
  3. XGIMI Halo+ Portable Projector: This projector is known for its stunning image quality with a powerful brightness output and vivid colors. It features Android TV built-in, giving you access to a wide range of streaming apps and media platforms. The XGIMI Halo+ also has a built-in autofocus function and keystone correction, ensuring a crisp and clear picture every time. Check Price on Amazon.
  4. AAXA P300 Nano Projector: For budget-minded projector enthusiasts, the AAXA P300 Nano is a great option. This pocket-sized projector is incredibly portable and offers surprising image quality for its size. Despite its lower price point, it still boasts a native 720p resolution and can project a screen up to 100 inches. The AAXA P300 Nano is perfect for presentations or casual movie watching on the go. Check Price on Amazon.
  5. VANKYO Leisure 3W Mini Projector: Another great budget-friendly option, the VANKYO Leisure 3W is a versatile projector that can be used for presentations, movies, or even video games. With a built-in battery and a variety of input options, it's easy to use and enjoy entertainment anywhere. While the VANKYO Leisure 3W doesn't offer the highest resolution, it's a great choice for casual users who prioritize portability and affordability. Check Price on Amazon
Choosing the Best Portable Projector for You:
When selecting a best portable projector, consider your needs and priorities. Think about how you'll be using the projector, how important portability is, and what your budget is. With so many great options available, you're sure to find the perfect portable projector to bring the big screen experience wherever you go!
submitted by satti76 to ReviewGeek [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:12 GhoulGriin Best Agm Airsoft

Best Agm Airsoft
Welcome to our product review roundup for Agm Airsoft. Get ready to delve into the world of airsoft! We've carefully curated this collection of reviews to provide you with an engaging and informative read that covers everything from the features and benefits of each product to how it compared to other options in the market. By the end of this article, you'll be well-equipped to make an informed decision on which Agm Airsoft product is the perfect fit for you.

The Top 5 Best Agm Airsoft

  1. Safe and Stylish Airsoft Full Face Mask - Stay protected and stylish with the NINAT Airsoft Mask, featuring full face protection, breathable durability, and a versatile design for Airsoft, CS, Survival games, outdoor parties, and cosplay events.
  2. Airsoft Tactical Paintball Helmet with Dual-Mode Mask - Experience ultimate protection and comfort with our Airsoft Tactical Helmet, designed with a full face mask and goggles, perfect for CS games and paintball shooting.
  3. Upgraded 8.4V NiMH 1600mAh Airsoft Battery for CQB SMG Guns - Experience enhanced power and prolonged runtime with the MIGHTY MAX BATTERY Stick Pack Mini, the perfect replacement for your 8.4V NiMH 1600mAh battery in HK Licensed Airsoft UMP45 Gearbox SMGs.
  4. High-Performance AGM Airsoft Battery for Enhanced Gameplay - Upgrade your Airsoft game with the MIGHTY MAX 9.6V 1600mAh NiMH Battery, providing powerful and long-lasting performance without the hassle of memory effects or needing a full discharge for charging.
  5. High-Performance Gens Ace 1200mAh 2S1P 7.4V 25C Airsoft Battery with Tamiya Plug - Experience exceptional performance and reliability with the Gens Ace 2S1P 7.4V 1200mAh Airsoft Battery, featuring a high-quality Tamiya Plug for seamless connectivity.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗Safe and Stylish Airsoft Full Face Mask
I recently got the NINAT Airsoft Mask and it's been a game-changer for my Airsoft and survival games. One of the biggest pros of this mask is that it's made of high-quality, safe materials like polycarbonate and TPU plastic, which makes it incredibly durable and breathable. I appreciate how the elastic head strap can be easily adjusted to fit my head perfectly, and the foam around the eyes and ears adds a comforting touch.
I also love the security and stability this mask provides - the visor shading is excellent, and the gray single lens works just fine. Plus, the louvered vents help draw warm air out of the mask interior. I've heard some people complain that it's not the most aesthetically pleasing mask out there, but for me, it's all about performance, and this mask truly delivers. It looks cool on the field, protects my face during intense games, and it's ideal for a variety of activities like Airsoft/competition, survival games, outdoor parties, or cosplay.
However, there's one thing to note - I wasn't able to use this mask for shooting high-speed bb's at close range (310FPS within 5 meters) since it doesn't have the ANSI Z87.1 impact rating. So, if you're planning on engaging in activities with bbs shooting, make sure to protect your eyes with another, more suitable mask. All in all, the NINAT Airsoft Mask is a great product that's ideal for many different scenarios - just be sure to use it responsibly!

🔗Airsoft Tactical Paintball Helmet with Dual-Mode Mask
Trying out the Airsoft Tactical Helmet was like stepping into a game of camouflage. With its full face tactical mask and goggles, it felt like a superhero cape wrapped around my head. The soft TPU vent mask design made everything a breeze, as it protected my face while also comfortably fitting.
My favorite feature? The mini fan system! It effortlessly helped to reduce fog and maintain crystal-clear vision while I was darting around playing Airsoft. Even better, the unique dual-mode mask wearing design made it versatile, allowing me to switch between the elastic headband and connecting it to my tactical helmet for full-on protection.
Now, let's talk about the challenges. While the helmet covers a lot of ground, it can be on the heavier side. And sometimes, depending on the game's intensity, you might feel a bit limited in hearing people around you – so, keep an ear out!
Overall, the Airsoft Tactical Helmet proved to be an excellent companion for those living life on an action-packed battlefield. It's a true game-changer, hiding in plain sight, waiting to gear up for the next mission.

🔗Upgraded 8.4V NiMH 1600mAh Airsoft Battery for CQB SMG Guns
In my quest to find the perfect battery for my HK Licensed Airsoft Ump45 Gearbox CQB SMG, I stumbled upon the Mighty Max Battery. This convenient little stick pack was an instant game-changer for my airsoft gun, providing power and longevity beyond my expectations. The ease of use and no need to fully discharge before charging simply added more minutes of action to my playtime.
One notable feature of the Mighty Max Battery is its versatility, easily fitting into most 8.4 volt 1600 mAh NiMH Flat battery packs. The high-performing Specialty cell type ensures that I can enjoy consistent power without burning out. However, the 12-volt size does require a bit of consideration, as not all devices may be compatible. Nevertheless, the benefits of this battery far outweigh any minor inconveniences.
While there were no pre-existing reviews on this product, the Mighty Max Battery remains a hidden gem among airsoft enthusiasts, offering a powerful and reliable solution at an affordable price, providing long-lasting intensity for all your Airsoft Gearbox CQB SMG needs.

🔗High-Performance AGM Airsoft Battery for Enhanced Gameplay
I recently had the chance to try out the Mighty Max 9.6V 1600mAh NiMH Battery for my airsoft gun, and I must say, it exceeded my expectations! The compatibility with various guns on the market was impressive, and it even fits my budget without breaking the bank. I loved how easy it was to operate with no fuss, and no need to fully discharge before charging.
One thing that stood out to me is the advanced NiMH battery technology, which eliminates battery memory effects. I noticed that the battery could be charged anytime, without any hassle. The special design for airsoft guns enabled me to gain power intensity and a longer running time, which was a massive plus.
However, there were a couple of downsides. Despite its easy operation, I found that charging the battery at random times wasn't always the best idea. Another minor issue was the lack of instructions on how to care for the battery properly.
Overall, I highly recommend this battery for airsoft enthusiasts looking for a reliable and long-lasting option. Its superior technology and ease of use make it a top choice compared to NiCd battery packs.

🔗High-Performance Gens Ace 1200mAh 2S1P 7.4V 25C Airsoft Battery with Tamiya Plug
When I first received the Gens Ace 1200mAh 2S1P 7.4V 25C Airsoft Battery with Tamiya Plug, I was excited to see the high quality and attention to detail in the product. This battery boasts excellent performance and durability, making it the perfect addition to any airsoft enthusiast's arsenal.
One of my favorite features of this battery is its efficient and long-lasting performance, thanks to its low internal resistance and high cycle life. The Gens Ace battery pack is designed for various scales of RC models, ensuring it can handle even the most intense airsoft situations.
However, there were a few drawbacks I encountered. Although the battery pack is advertised as suitable for FedEx Ground ONLY with no P. O. Boxes, I found that notifying customers of this limitation upfront would have been helpful to avoid any confusion. Additionally, the Gens Ace C ratings being 20-90% lower than other brands may lead some users to doubt its effectiveness.
In the end, I would recommend the Gens Ace 1200mAh 2S1P 7.4V 25C Airsoft Battery with Tamiya Plug to anyone looking for a high-quality, reliable airsoft battery with a distinct edge in performance and value.

Buyer's Guide

AGM Airsoft is a brand that offers a variety of airsoft products, including guns, pistols, and accessories. Before diving into the purchasing process, consider the following aspects to ensure you make the best-informed decision for your needs.

A crucial factor when deciding on a pistol is its power source. AGM Airsoft offers both electric and gas-powered airsoft pistols. Gas-powered pistols deliver a more realistic recoil, but they require more maintenance. Electric airsoft pistols are generally easier to use and maintain.


AGM Airsoft offers a plethora of accessories that can enhance your overall airsoft experience. Some of these accessories include high-capacity magazines, red dot sights for improved accuracy, and comfortable carrying cases for easier storage and transportation.


When purchasing a gun from AGM Airsoft, you have a few categories to choose from, including shotguns, submachine guns (SMGs), rifles, and light machine guns (LMGs). Each category has its own advantages and disadvantages, so pick the one that best fits your needs. For example, shotguns and SMGs excel in close range combat and are easy to maneuver, while rifles and LMGs have a longer range and a higher rate of fire but may require more skill to use effectively.


  • Budget: AGM Airsoft offers products at various price points, so ensure your chosen items fit within your budget constraints.
  • Performance expectations: Assess the expected performance of your desired product. For example, if you're interested in a high-capacitive magazine, make sure the chosen gun can accommodate it properly.
  • Frequency of use: If you're planning to use your airsoft gear frequently, invest in higher-end, durable products that can withstand wear and tear.
  • Maintenance requirements: Different airsoft products require varying levels of maintenance. Gas-powered pistols, for instance, may need more attention than their electric counterparts.
When purchasing AGM Airsoft products, take into account the power source, accessories available, and the specific gun category that suits your preferences. Consider factors such as budget, performance expectations, frequency of use, and maintenance requirements to make an informed decision. With the right products, you'll be able to enjoy a top-notch airsoft experience.


What is AGM Airsoft?
AGM Airsoft is a well-known brand in the airsoft industry, specializing in the manufacturing of high-quality airsoft guns and accessories. They offer a variety of products suitable for both beginners and seasoned players, ensuring a thrilling and immersive experience.

What makes AGM Airsoft products stand out?

AGM Airsoft is renowned for its commitment to innovation, design, and quality. The brand focuses on building products that provide a balance between performance, durability, and affordability. Additionally, their customer-oriented approach ensures that each customer's needs are catered to.

What types of airsoft products does AGM Airsoft offer?

  • A wide range of airsoft guns, including AEGs (Automatic Electric Guns), GBB (Gas Blowback) guns, and pistols
  • Accessories such as batteries, flashlights, tactical gear, and spare parts

Are AGM Airsoft products suitable for beginners?

Yes, AGM Airsoft offers products suitable for beginners. They have a dedicated collection designed to introduce newcomers to airsoft with easy-to-use equipment that is both affordable and functional.

Where can I buy AGM Airsoft products?

AGM Airsoft products are widely available at both local and online airsoft retailers. However, it is always recommended to research and compare prices and features before making a purchase. You can also check the AGM Airsoft website for authorized dealers in your region.

Does AGM Airsoft offer customer support?

Yes, AGM Airsoft provides customer support to address any inquiries, concerns, or issues related to their products. You can reach their customer support team via email or phone for assistance.

How do I maintain my AGM Airsoft products?

To ensure optimal performance and longevity, it is essential to properly maintain your AGM Airsoft products. Follow the manufacturer's instructions, use high-quality airsoft BBs, and store your equipment in a dry, cool space when not in use. Regular cleaning and lubrication are also important, especially for guns and accessories that experience frequent use.

Does AGM Airsoft have any warranties or return policies?

AGM Airsoft does offer warranties and return policies for their products. Check with the retailer or directly with AGM Airsoft for more information on their specific policies and procedures.

What are some common issues faced with AGM Airsoft products?

  • occasional malfunctions or breakdowns, particularly with more complex gas-powered products
  • minor issues with durability on some parts or accessories

How can I resolve a problem with my AGM Airsoft product?

If you encounter any issues with your AGM Airsoft product, contact their customer support team for assistance. They may be able to assist you with troubleshooting, offer advice on repairs, or provide a suitable solution.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:10 GuiltlessMaple Best Agile Gun Safe

Best Agile Gun Safe
Welcome to our roundup of the best Agile Gun Safes on the market! Whether you're a seasoned gun owner or a newcomer to the sport, we've got you covered with our top picks for the most secure, reliable, and user-friendly gun safes out there. So sit back, relax, and let us help you find the perfect Agile Gun Safe for your needs.

The Top 5 Best Agile Gun Safe

  1. Snapsafe Super Titan Modular Gun Safe: Fire-Resistant, Durable, and Easy to Assemble - Secure your valuables with the Snapsafe 75011 Super Titan Modular Gun Safe, featuring a quick-assemble design, a secure 3/16" solid steel door, and a one-hour fire rating for ultimate safety.
  2. Secure 3 Rifle Gun Cabinet with Digital Lock - VEVOR's 3 Rifle Safe offers top-notch security, craftsmanship, and quick access for firearm owners, ensuring your valuable weapons are safely stored and protected.
  3. Ultralight, Heavy-Duty Mil Spec Gun Safe with CradleGrid Technology - Experience the ultimate in security and convenience with the SecureIT Tactical Answer Ultralight Gun Safe Model 12, featuring CradleGrid Technology for adaptable storage and flexible floor security options.
  4. Military-Grade Secure It Fast Box Gun Safe - The Secure It Fast Box Model 47 Gun Safe combines military-grade storage with a silent, fast-access push-button lock, offering home defense solutions in a sleek, versatile design.
  5. Reliable and Adaptable Ultralight Gun Safe for Secure Storage - The SecureIT Model 52 Ultralight Gun Safe offers a premium, heavy-duty 14-gauge storage solution with patented KnockDown technology, efficient transportation, and adaptable CradleGrid Technology for organized firearm storage.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗Snapsafe Super Titan Modular Gun Safe: Fire-Resistant, Durable, and Easy to Assemble
I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Snapsafe 75011 Super Titan Modular Gun Safe, and let me tell you, it left quite an impression. This bad boy assembles in minutes without needing any additional tools, thanks to its convenient modular assembly system. The sledgehammer and pry bar-resistant 3/16" solid steel door gives me peace of mind, knowing that my valuables are well protected.
One thing that stood out to me was the 9 gauge steel exterior walls, which provide a sturdy and reliable barrier. And with a UL Listed 1-hour fire rating, my mind is put at ease knowing that my fireproof gun safe can withstand some serious heat.
However, there were a few things that didn't quite live up to my expectations. The lock mechanism felt a bit cheap and had some slop to it, which wasn't exactly reassuring. Additionally, the bolts used for assembly were not the strongest, and a couple of them actually sheared during the process. It's worth mentioning that some users have also reported gaps between the side and front panels, which could potentially compromise the overall functionality of the safe.
All in all, the Snapsafe 75011 Super Titan Modular Gun Safe has its moments, but it's not flawless. If you're in the market for a fireproof gun safe with some extra features and the convenience of a modular design, this might be the one for you. Just be prepared for some minor hiccups along the way.

🔗Secure 3 Rifle Gun Cabinet with Digital Lock
Nestled within the realm of personal security, the VEVOR 3 Rifles Gun Safe has been an invaluable ally in safeguarding my collection of firearms. Its digital keypad and robust construction create an aura of safety, providing me with peace of mind. The quick access feature has proven incredibly useful, especially during those moments when every second counts.
It's hard not to rave about its craftsmanship, a crucial aspect that never ceases to impress. The removable shelf, ammo storage box, and pistol rack make organization a hassle-free affair. However, one minor drawback - the locking mechanism could benefit from a more secure two-way system for enhanced security. Despite this, it's a reliable storage solution that ensures my loved ones remain protected from accidental access.

🔗Ultralight, Heavy-Duty Mil Spec Gun Safe with CradleGrid Technology
As a gun owner who constantly needs to find a secure and efficient solution for my firearms, I recently tried the SecureIT Tactical Answer Ultralight Model 12. This gun safe offers an incredible balance of portability and heavy-duty security features, making it suitable for any gun owner.
What truly stands out is its ultralight design, which cuts hundreds of pounds off the weight of older gun vaults. This means you can easily reposition the safe without compromising its security, a convenience that's hard to find elsewhere.
One of the highlights, the CradleGrid Technology, enables organized and adaptable storage. For someone like me who likes to keep track of my firearms, this feature is a game-changer. Additionally, the fact that it's fully welded and can be secured to the floor adds an extra layer of security.
However, no product is without its drawbacks. One potential downside is the relatively low gun capacity of 12 long guns. While it's sufficient for most people, I can see how some might appreciate a larger capacity.
Overall, the SecureIT Tactical Answer Ultralight Model 12 has been a reliable and practical solution in my daily life. Its innovative features coupled with its portable design make it an excellent investment for any gun owner.

🔗Military-Grade Secure It Fast Box Gun Safe
In my quest for ensuring the safety of my home and family, I recently came across the SecureIt Fast Box Model 47 Gun Safe. This sleek and compact gun safe was surprisingly easy to install and use. Within minutes of opening the package, I had it securely mounted under my bed, ready to protect my firearms.
The gun safe's silhouette is perfect for blending in with the surroundings, and its locking system is a breeze to use with a push-button mechanism. It's incredibly satisfying to know my firearms are securely locked away, yet readily accessible when needed.
While I appreciate the versatility of the safe, with optional mountings for horizontal or vertical storage, I must admit that the lack of specific mounting hardware for these positions was a little frustrating. Nonetheless, I managed to find a suitable solution.
What stood out the most to me was the durable construction of the safe, with a 14-gauge all-welded steel finish that exudes quality. The weight of the safe also contributed to my reassurance that it's a robust and reliable product.
With the SecureIt Fast Box Model 47 Gun Safe, I feel confident that my family and I are safe from any potential dangers. Though there are minor drawbacks, the pros clearly outweigh the cons, making this an excellent investment for anyone seeking to secure their firearms.

🔗Reliable and Adaptable Ultralight Gun Safe for Secure Storage
A few weeks ago, I found myself in need of a secure firearm storage solution. I came across the SecureIT Model 52 Gun Cabinet and decided to give it a try. This 14-gauge firearm storage device, claimed by the manufacturer to be an ultralight gun safe, was surprisingly easy to handle despite its heavy-duty construction. Assembling it was a breeze, all thanks to the internal assembly system and the KnockDown technology that allows it to be taken apart quickly for easier transportation.
What really stood out for me was the CradleGrid Technology. It made the Model 52 stand out from other safes because of its adaptable and organized storage capabilities for six long firearms. The adjustable grid system allowed me to easily customize the setup according to my needs, much like playing Tetris or building with Legos. The compatibility with other Cradle Grid accessories is a plus, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a modular and customizable firearm storage solution.
While the SecureIT Model 52 Gun Cabinet has many great features, there are a few drawbacks. The pricing might seem high to some, but considering the premium materials and features, it seems justifiable. I also found that the rear-wall louvers could be more secure, as they are quite open to potential fire or water damage from the outside world.
Overall, the SecureIT Model 52 Gun Cabinet was a solid purchase for me, offering convenience, ease of use, and a customizable approach to firearm storage. It might not be perfect, but the pros certainly outweigh the cons, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone in the market for a reliable, high-quality gun safe.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to purchasing an Agile gun safe, there are several factors to consider in order to select the best one for your needs. Here is a comprehensive buyer's guide to help you make the right decision.

Size and Capacity

The size and capacity of the Agile gun safe play a crucial role in determining which one to buy. Consider the number of firearms you own and plan to store, as well as the dimensions of your gun safe. Make sure the safe is large enough to accommodate all your firearms while also providing enough room for other valuables.

Security Features

Security should be your top priority when purchasing an Agile gun safe. Look for models with reinforced locking mechanisms, heavy-duty construction, and other security features like an internal locking system and pry-resistant doors. A fire-resistant outer shell is another important security feature to consider, especially if you live in an area with frequent fires.

Ease of Use and Access

A good Agile gun safe should be easy to use and access. Look for models with user-friendly features such as quick-access locking mechanisms, biometric fingerprint scanners, or digital keypads. Additionally, consider the height and width of the safe, as well as the angle of the shelving, to ensure ease of access to your firearms and other valuables.

Material and Construction

The material and construction of the safe are essential factors to consider. A high-quality Agile gun safe should be made of solid steel, with a thicker gauge used in areas where extra security is needed. Additionally, consider the overall build quality and construction of the safe, including the welds, hinges, and mounting hardware.

External Finish and Appearance

Although the external finish and appearance of the Agile gun safe are not as important as security and functionality, they can still influence your decision. Look for a safe with an attractive and durable finish that complements your interior décor. Some models also come with customizable exterior designs or logos for added personalization.

Warranty and Customer Support

Lastly, consider the warranty and customer support provided by the manufacturer. A reputable company should offer a comprehensive warranty, as well as reliable customer support to address any issues or concerns you may have with your Agile gun safe.
By taking these factors into consideration, you can ensure that you choose the right Agile gun safe for your needs and budget.


What is an Agile Gun Safe?

An Agile Gun Safe is a type of gun safe that offers quick access, high-quality security features, and versatility. It is designed to provide fast and convenient access to firearms while keeping them safely stored away from children and unauthorized individuals.

What security features does an Agile Gun Safe have?

Agile gun safes typically come equipped with several high-security features, including: * Digital or mechanical keypad lock access for quick entry
  • Solid steel construction for maximum protection
  • Four-way locking system for added protection
  • Customizable internal shelves and racks to optimize storage
  • Lightweight and portable, allowing easy transportation

How easy is it to access the firearms in an Agile Gun Safe?

Access to an Agile gun safe is typically fast and convenient, thanks to its digital or mechanical keypad lock. This allows the user to quickly enter their unique access code, providing access to their firearms in as little as 3 seconds.

Can I trust an Agile Gun Safe for the safekeeping of my firearms?

Yes, you can trust an Agile gun safe to protect your firearms. The safes are made from heavy-duty steel materials and boast secure locking systems, ensuring your firearms are well-guarded and secure.

What is the ideal location to place an Agile Gun Safe?

For maximum protection, an Agile gun safe should be placed in a secure location that is not easily accessible to intruders. This could include a locked room, a storage closet, a basement, or a dedicated gun safe room.

Is it expensive to maintain an Agile Gun Safe?

The cost of maintaining an Agile gun safe is relatively low. Depending on the brand and specific model, the yearly maintenance cost may range from $25 to $50, which typically covers routine service, parts, or warranty support.

What are some optional features that can be added to an Agile Gun Safe?

You can customize your Agile gun safe with additional features like a built-in dehumidifier to protect your firearms from rust, a vented interior for proper air circulation, battery backup kits, and more.

What is the typical warranty period for an Agile Gun Safe?

The warranty period for an Agile gun safe varies depending on the brand and specific model. However, most manufacturers offer a warranty ranging from 1 year to 5 years, with some even offering lifetime warranties for certain parts or components.

Can I easily move or relocate my Agile Gun Safe?

Yes, an Agile gun safe is designed with portability in mind. It is lightweight and compact, making it easy to move or relocate as needed. This feature also allows for temporary storage or transportation of the safe.
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