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Young Adult Books: For readers and writers of YA Fiction

2011.06.29 14:46 svonnah Young Adult Books: For readers and writers of YA Fiction


2015.01.28 14:18 The7thOne Platform Racing 2

Platform Racing 2 is a flash game created by Jacob Grahn, more widely known by his online-persona Jiggmin.

2016.01.16 07:16 hodmandod Tightly-focused Worldbuilding.

A subreddit for fleshing out small parts of a world in great detail.

2024.05.19 03:03 DesktopWebsite 14 Accord LX HE speakers

Has anyone tried to replace the factory speakers with HE speakers? What was the results? Did they get louder? Was it worth it?
A little more info. I am looking at Morel Maximo 602HE for the fronts without adding an amp. The current speakers don't really get loud enough and I am trying to find a cheap solution.
submitted by DesktopWebsite to accord [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:03 Definition_Novel Antanas Bimba Jr. - An American Lithuanian Revolutionary.

Antanas Bimba Jr. - An American Lithuanian Revolutionary.
In July of 1913, the newly-arrived to America Antanas Bimba Jr., a then 19-year old Catholic ethnic Lithuanian immigrant, would later become one of the most important political figures of the Communist movement in the United States.
Antanas Bimba Jr. was born in Lithuania in the village of Valeikiškis, in the Rokiškis district of Lithuania near the Latvian border, on January 22nd, 1894. His father, Antanas Bimba Sr., was a blacksmith and peasant farmer. Antanas Jr was one of six surviving children of his father’s second wife. The Bimba family were proud Lithuanians and devout Catholics, something that annoyed much of the Czarist government whom sought to impose Russian Orthodoxy and Russian language on Lithuania. This drove many Lithuanians, including the Bimbas, to immigrate to the United States and other countries in search of a better life. During the summer of 1913, at age 19, Antanas arrived in Burlington, New Jersey on a steamship with an older brother. He and his brother were then employed at a steel mill for only $7 a week and worked 60 hours weekly. Due to unbearable working conditions, Antanas and his family relocated, and he and his brother took up another job in Rumford, Maine at a pulp mill. Although conditions there were marginally better than the steel mill job, Antanas became sick from chest pains due to inhalation of toxic fumes, and was forced to leave the job and seek yet another one. This experience of being an immigrant and being exploited for his labor had a profound effect on Bimba, and it drove his interest in Marxism. After leaving the milling industry, he got his next job as a truck driver, becoming acquainted with Lithuanian American socialists in the process. His first revolutionary achievement was helping in making a co-operative bakery for rye bread, a staple food of the Lithuanian community. In becoming a socialist, he abandoned Catholicism, preferring agnosticism, what he called “religious freethinking”, not wishing to tie himself to organized religion. He later became an atheist as he got older in age.
In May of 1916, Antanas attended college at Valparaiso University, a small private college that became popular in attendance with members of the Lithuanian immigrant community in Valparaiso, Indiana. He attended there until 1919, earning a degree in history and sociology, and was able to pay for his classes by tending to a Lithuanian owned library in the town. In the summers he worked in a wire factory and machine shop in Cleveland, Ohio. Bimba than became active in the Lithuanian Socialist Federation (LSF) , which served as a branch organization of the Socialist Party of America, with the LSF catering to Lithuanian immigrant populations (both primarily ethnic Lithuanian Catholics as well as Litvak Jews.) He spent his time in the LSF writing numerous Lithuanian-language publications for them, as well as traveling to Lithuanian immigrant communities in cities in the US delivering Marxist political lectures amongst Lithuanian laborers in steel manufacturing cities like Gary, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois. His first brush against the capitalist legal system came in 1918, it is not fully clear as to whether Bimba was arrested for his trade unionist and socialist beliefs, or his objection to World War One at the time. However, Lithuanian-American historians generally contend his arrest was a result of expressing all of those opinions publicly. Eventually he was released and charges were dropped. In summer 1919, he got a job as editor of “Darbas” (ENG: “Labor”) the Lithuanian newspaper of the ACWA (Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America). On September 1st 1919, the Socialist Party of America fractured into rival organizations, mainly amongst Social Democrat vs Marxist lines. The Marxist faction became the early iteration of the Communist Party of America, which the LSF backed, and Bimba was quick to support the CPUSA as a result. Bimba later became the editor of another Lithuanian American Marxist newspaper, this time “Kova” (ENG: “Struggle”) for the newly formed LCF (Lithuanian Communist Federation). Following the Palmer Raids by the US government which seized communist publications and shut down their press, Bimba then published the LCF underground newspaper “Komunistas” (ENG:”Communist”). In 1922, Bimba became editor of the Brooklyn, New York communist Lithuanian newspaper Laisvė (ENG: “Liberty”) and remained its editor until 1928. In November 1922, along with 6 other Lithuanians, he founded and held a committee meeting for a workers trade union called the United Toilers of America (UTA). The UTA also had numerous branch organizations, mainly serving immigrant communities, which operated notably with the help of Bimba and the rest of the 6 man committee. The organizations of the UTA were as follows:
The Workers' Defense Conference of New England
Alliance of Polish Workers of America
The Ukrainian Association
Lettish (Latvian) Publishing Association
The Polish Publishing Association
The Lithuanian Workers' Association
Woman's Progressive Alliance.
Since most of these organizations served Eastern European immigrants, it can be argued that Bimba is perhaps the first person of a Soviet nationality who developed a “diaspora Soviet/Eastern Bloc consciousness” driven ideology, aimed at unifying them under socialism for the benefits of their labor. A true visionary Bimba was.
The UTA later became an organization absorbed officially into the Communist Party of the United States. The UTA eventually fell apart after raids by the government during the Bridgman Convention meetings of the UTA, in which its high profile leaders of William Z. Foster and C.E. Ruthenberg were arrested. After this, the UTA was disbanded.
But it was on January 26th, 1926 that Bimba truly made his biggest mark on Marxist history in the United States. He had traveled to Brockton, Massachusetts to address the Lithuanian community there at the Lithuanian National Hall. At the meeting he championed socialism, encouraged unionizing in the Lithuanian immigrant community, and criticized the Catholic Church. He said in critique of the church as an institution:
"People have built churches for the last 2,000 years, and we have sweated under Christian rule for 2,000 years. And what have we got? The government is in control of the priests and bishops, clerics and capitalists. They tell us there is a God. Where is he?”
When he received pushback from religious individuals in the crowd who ridiculed his disbelief in God and Jesus Christ, he said:
"There is no such thing. Who can prove it? There are still fools enough who believe in God. The priests tell us there is a soul. Why, I have a soul, but that sole is on my shoe. Referring to Christ, the priests also tell us he is a god. Why, he is no more a god than you or I. He was just a plain man."
After an individual complained to police, he was arrested and put on trial under Salem Witch Trial era blasphemy laws.
In addition to being charged with blasphemy, he was also charged under anti-communist political sedition laws, based on the following statement he made at the same meeting:
"We do not believe in the ballot. We do not believe in any form of government but the Soviet form and we shall establish the Soviet form of government here. The red flag will fly on the Capitol in Washington and there will also be one on the Lithuanian Hall in Brockton."
With the legal and financial support of the local Worker’s Communist party, the International Labor Defense organization, and the American Civil Liberties Union, he was able to widen public support for himself.
The trial began on February 24th, 1926; six days later, on March 1st, 1926 he was found not guilty of blasphemy but guilty of sedition and ordered to pay a $100 fine. He was then released. Opponents attempted to get him back in jail on more similar charges, but in a rare twist of events, the lead prosecutor dropped his case, simply saying it wasn’t worth pursuing. As a result of the high profile trial of Bimba’s case, courts later ruled the blasphemy laws unconstitutional. As such, Bimba fighting such corrupt laws, causing them to be thrown out, is his crowning achievement.
In 1928, Bimba ran for NY State Assembly on the Communist Party ticket in the 13th Assembly District of Brooklyn, NYC.
Bimba also produced 2 important leftist American works, both originally in Lithuanian; A survey of labor history called “The History of the American Working Class” (1927), and an account of government repressions of Pennsylvania coal miners in “The Molly Maguires” (1932). Both books were published by International Publishers, a publishing arm of the Communist Party of The United States.
Bimba was an editor of a Marxist magazine for the final time in 1936, writing for the Lithuanian language publication “Šviesa” (ENG: “Light”) in 1936.
In 1962, Bimba was awarded his honorary doctorate in history from Vilnius University in the capital of Lithuania.
Bimba was persecuted by the American capitalist legal system yet again in 1963, when it tried to deport him on grounds of sedition while un-naturalized, on the grounds that, since he was not yet a citizen when brought to trial in 1926 (he didnt become a citizen until 1927) the court argued he should be deported. Historians generally at free the targeting of Bimba to be deported to Soviet Lithuania was politically motivated revenge, in that the DOJ was upset that Bimba refused to testify against other communists in the political witch hunts of the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1957 earlier. Bimba appealed against thr government until 1967, arguing to be allowed to stay in America, as he was politically committed to building socialism in the USA despite that he respected the USSR. Miraculously, in July of 1967, Attorney General Ramsey Clark dropped his case, viewing it as a form of political intimidation.
Bimba later died in NYC on September 30th, 1982, at age 88. He left his mark on the movement for socialism in America, and made himself a hero for Lithuanian Americans and all diaspora Lithuanians.
In conclusion, don’t be like reactionary Lithuanians. Be like Antanas Bimba. Be revolutionary. May his accomplishments forever be acknowledged.
submitted by Definition_Novel to BalticSSRs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:02 S0n0fJaina Movie Dicks for May 21st, 2024: 90's Urban Crime

90's Nostalgia is starting up and we in Movie dicks are cashing in! Wait Im not getting paid for this? Time to start walking on the bad side of town then.
We start the night with some of our favorite faces here at Movie Dicks, Bill Paxton and William Sadler as brother firemen who get a treasure map in a burning building-which leads to gold. While searching for it in a closed down factory in St. Louis, they're trapped in by a Ice-y gang considering it their territory.
Then Michael Douglas plays a seemingly ordinary man in this Joel Schumacher classic who gets tired of the uncaring world and just starts an Odyssey across LA trying to right the small wrongs he comes across in increasingly unhinged solutions.
See yall in the Pre Rec Twitch Chat at 8PM Central Dick Time!
submitted by S0n0fJaina to moviedicks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:02 nastynastybluee Me 19F and my boyfriend’s friend 18M don’t get along, do I have the right to hate him?

I (19F) have been with my boyfriend (18M) for almost 2 years now. We met when we were both in high school and a friend introduced us together and eventually it became something more intimate. In some point of my life, I was kick out of my parents house and now living with him at his parents’ house, but that’s a different story. Don’t worry guys, his parents are very supportive and offered me to stay with them until me and my boyfriend find a place on our own.
Our relationship right now has been a little rocky here and there, only because I believe the honeymoon phase is over and part of that reason is because we’re living together now. I’m not saying it’s bad or toxic or whatever, we just have some disagreements and argue from time to time but nothing really major. My boyfriend is a great and mature man for his age, he’s been working hard and raising money for the both of us so he hasn’t been treating me bad at all.
But here’s the problem.. So I actually don’t have many friends anymore after high school because we eventually just drift apart, but my boyfriend on the other hand has a group of friends that he still hangs out with. And yes, I have met most of his friends and they’re really nice, most of them say hi to me when we see each other out in public. But there is this one friend who just kind of seems like they have a problem with me. Let’s call this friend, John. I met John when my boyfriend, myself, and his friend group were at the park skipping class and just playing card games together. We talked for a little bit and he seemed nice and cool so I just thought he was just simply some nice dude. But I was wrong. After i graduated, I had to look for a warehouse job because I wasn’t on my parents’ insurance anymore and I ended up working for some warehouse bakery factory. During that time I work there, I had bumped into John. We saw each other and just said “oh my god, you work here too??!” Blah, blah. So from there, I figured every time I see him, I might as well just be nice and say hi to him. John works 3rd shift while I work 2nd shift. So when leaving to go to my car, I always see him on the way and just simply wave or say hi. John only greeted me once and then never said anything back. I figured he was just grumpy because he didn’t want to go to work. But soon, he just totally ignored me in total.
Have I talked to my partner about this? Yes, yes I have. And you know what he said? He said “John doesn’t want to speak to you because he’s doing it out of respect” Respect of what exactly? It’s not like I’m trying to flirt with him or anything, I am simply trying to say hi to him. So this actually made me angry because John is an 18 year old man who can’t simply say hi to me? Sounds like someone who’s just ignorant and rude. I explain to my boyfriend and even said “baby, I bet you’re like that too. If someone comes up to you right now and asks if you have a girlfriend, you would ignore them too right?” I know, I know. Some of you girls want your man to do that. But you have to look at their perspective, they don’t know your man isn’t single, it’s better for them to say “I have a girlfriend” and most of the time they apologize and move along. And if they don’t, then your man can ignore, insult, or do whatever you want to them. But I digress, I called out my boyfriend for that and he just only said “I’ll say that next time” and he’ll talk to John about it. So I just left it like that.
Until today, I was going through my stuff while he was laying down on the bed looking for houses for us. He came across a house with 5 bedroom and jokingly said “omg baby we should have roommates” and then I said “yeah but all our roommates is gonna be boys” which he mentions “oh yeah, John, he can stay with us because he can afford it.” I look at him with the ‘are you fucking serious look?’ And mention I didn’t like John after he just straight up ignored me. My boyfriend then proceeded to tell “baby, he has money.” And that’s where he fucked up. I took that as ‘who cares about your feelings, money matters.’ So from there, I started spitting out the meanest things, like to the point where i suggested for my ex to come stay with us because he also has money too. My boyfriend is good guy and told me he didn’t mean it like that and he actually said “I’m not on John’s side at all. I think what he did was wrong and yes, he should apologize for it, I’m just trying to understand why you’re holding this grudge on him for so long?” I explain to him because it hurts me that I’m just doing something so simple and now being ignored just because I’m labeled as “the girlfriend we don’t mess with.” The reason why I want to be comfortable with his friends so that way it wouldn’t be so awkward and I have some help like figuring out my boyfriend’s birthday present. Especially John. Since he is the closest friend to my boyfriend. I’m not trying to be friends, I’m not trying to flirt with them, I just simply want the awkwardness to go away. But part of the reason, why I was arguing with my boyfriend because deep inside I told myself ‘my boyfriend is on John’s side because they’re exactly alike.’ My boyfriend eventually gave up and said “whatever, hate him all you want.” Because I just kept saying nonsense.
We made up after a little bit of silence. But for some reason, I’m still a little upset about this and is crying while typing this as we speak. But what do you guys think? Am I over exaggerating about this and should let go of my hate for John? Or should I talk to my boyfriend more about it?
submitted by nastynastybluee to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:00 ClaimReasonable6093 How common is my factory paint defect?

Looking for some experienced retailers opinions with new factory paint defects. Bought a brand new black non-metallic challenger hellcat and some of the panels on the passenger side are contaminated with a very light amount of a copper colored metallic flake. Can only see it when you look with a very bright detailing light. You can see hints of it in direct sunlight as well. I’m guessing robot paint hoses were not completely flushed? It’s heaviest at front of passenger fender and tapers off as you go down the car. Anyone seen this before?
submitted by ClaimReasonable6093 to Detailing [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:58 funnyfunny420 Found a way to get new customer deal and free shipping come up.

Found a way to get new customer deal and free shipping come up.
I know some of you have been having a tough time getting ‘new customer deals’ or free shipping to work in combo with the new customer coupon. I found a trick that surprisingly worked. Wasn’t getting free shipping or new customer deals two days after making account.
Claimed a coupon (this one was 55%), sometimes you’ll see free shipping but only on certain items. In this case I clicked a free shipping 151 booster pack (seller was live), scrolled down to recommended from that item, free shipping was then appearing and even new customer deals were (even though they weren’t being shown with the NCD flair). It worked! Got the three 151 tins for $11.25 before tax.
Some other notes. Was on an older iPhone I factory reset, used my mobile hotspot from my actual phone, put in a neighbors address (same zip), random phone number, new iCloud email (iCloud can also generate random emails that forward to you if you need more), used Apple Pay. After order goes through, change your name and address back (must be same zip and before it ships).
submitted by funnyfunny420 to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:56 Storm_crow70 2024 dog lifhts

2024 dog lifhts
FYI if you have a 24 don't bother getting the 2 light kit. There is only 2 wires in the factory harness so no power to the drls I may modify them later but just happy I got them installed I am cut up and aggravated but done lol
submitted by Storm_crow70 to nissanfrontier [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:55 sjammer 23 Conquest BFS Spare Spool

Anyone know of a good place to order a factory spool for the 23 Conquest BFS? Looking to have a spare spool with lighter line on it that I can switch out when needed.
submitted by sjammer to BFSfishing [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:52 Emrald2007 Will my factory wiring be enough to support this?

Will my factory wiring be enough to support this?
I’m thinking abt getting like 10 or 12 gauge wire because people say it is better to wire the speakers to amp.
I’m currently running a skar set (it was a complete loaded enclosure set like the one in the picture; except it was SDR series 8” with 350w amp) and I’m just gonna swap the amp and speaker since I already have all the wires necessary.
I probably will also swap that 12ga wire for my current wire that I have connecting the amp to the amp-on wire that I tapped into from the factory amp. I’m using a Line Output Converter tapping into the factory + and - subwoofer wires which was the only thing I’m not using for my setup that didn’t come with the skar set.
However the question I’m here to ask is because of what someone said on a previous post that I had (which I deleted). They told me “good luck because the factory power won’t be enough to support that amp,” and I’m confused on what that means. Do I need an aftermarket battery for this? Or can I keep it in my setup as I have it now? I believe that all the wires in the new set I’m buying are the same exact ones that came in the SDR 8” set.
Please let me know and give me any advice I’m new to this but I also got all my wiring right first try on my 8” SDR set, so the youtube tutorials must have been good enough and I must be doing stuff right😂
submitted by Emrald2007 to CarAV [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:48 mellowrboldr [WTS] Tactile Maverick Ti, TRM Atom

Got two lovely American made 3.5" blades up for grabs today. Love em both, just don't really touch them and could use some caaash.
Timestamp, pics, vids
Tactile Maverick Ti
This is a tougher one. I really like this knife, and I've carried it a few times, but honestly I'm not a big blue guy. Down to trade for a stonewashed + bronze or DLC accent variant. Second owner and came to be with blade play issues, sent it back to tactile and it came back perfect. Centered, no play on any direction, factory edge, no noticeable wear whatsoever. Action is slightly tight still, but should wear itself in as I haven't carried it since getting it back from warranty.
SV: 270 TV: 300 (specifically mentioned trade interests only please)
Carried a couple of times, cut cardboard exactly once, mostly just paper. I just prefer my neutron. Second owner. Disassembled it to get it centered up, but I stripped out a body screw, so I got a new set from TRM which I'll include. Wearing some OD green canvas micarta contoured scales with a pair of flat blurple scales on the side (wrapped up in the photo).
SV: 210 180
YOLO > chat, PPF&F NO NOTES, shopping CONUS, must be 21+ and you are responsible for knowing your local knife laws before purchasing.
submitted by mellowrboldr to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:48 Obvious-Friend3690 $30 haul @ Rasputin

$30 haul @ Rasputin
$1 each, found some great soundtracks and 80s-90s pop/rock. Also found an Austrian import CD of Pearl Jam’s Jeremy, which is always a great find.
submitted by Obvious-Friend3690 to Cd_collectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:47 ClubOk560 -Bread factory update- just made the conveyor belt adding on to it later. up vote so jessetc can see.

-Bread factory update- just made the conveyor belt adding on to it later. up vote so jessetc can see. submitted by ClubOk560 to JessetcSubmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:45 FSocFSoc Dell XPS 9350 Battery Idle problem.

I recently bought a Dell XPS 9350 used from a seller on eBay, I opened a return for a sticky Palmrest and closed it so I can't even return it now.
This thing has caught me at every single step, it kept freezing while inside any OS, Fedora, Windows, Ubuntu etc. I done a BIOS update and there's now a new problem.
The battery won't charge properly, It doesn't get stuck at a certain percentage, It just refuses to charge and sits at "Idle" inside the BIOS.
I've tried: Updating the BIOS, again. Downgrading the BIOS Using another charger Resetting back to factory settings, BIOS defaults Holding the power button down for 30 seconds with the charger disconnected and then connecting the charger again.
This thing is a god damn nightmare and I'm tempted to sell it for parts since I'm so fed up at this point. Anyone got any suggestions?
submitted by FSocFSoc to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:44 TimberHome 2019 Specialized Chisel Headset Sizing/Replacement

I have a 2019 Specialized Chisel and am trying to find info regarding the headset specs.
Best I could get information that I could find was: ZS44/ZS56 press-in headset
Upper Cup: Zero Stack 44 (ZS44) press-fit cup for 1-1/8" bearing.
 Upper Bearing: 1-1/8" - 41.8mm OD x 30.5mm ID x 6.5mm Thick (45x45 degree). Lower Cup: Zero Stack 55.9 (ZS56) press-fit cup for 1.5" bearing. Lower Bearing: 1.5" - 52mm OD x 40mm ID x 7mm Thick (45x45 degree) 48mm OD flush top cover. Split plastic compression ring.Split 1.5" alloy crown race. 
I was planning on replacing the front shock and was going to upgrade the headset at the same time. Not that there is anything wrong with the factory headset, I just like to upgrade and figured it may look cool in the frame.
Any suggestions for a replacement headset? Thanks in advance for any help offered!
submitted by TimberHome to mountainbiking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:43 DazeofOP (Newbie miner) I have a bunch of 7th gen HP Proliant servers I’m mining with and am having trouble getting XMRig to use both CPUs. Where should I start looking?

(Newbie miner) I have a bunch of 7th gen HP Proliant servers I’m mining with and am having trouble getting XMRig to use both CPUs. Where should I start looking?
I’m running Linux mint xfce on four servers, with a pruned monerod running on one of those four servers. Each server has a 12 thread Xeon something-or-other in it, but two of them. I’m not sure how to find system specs in Linux mint, and I’m not sure how to authorize the servers to use full computing power. Task manager even says it maxes out at 50% CPU usage. Where should I look at first to figure out why it’s doing that?
submitted by DazeofOP to MoneroMining [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:42 Flan_dad ⭐️⭐️⭐️Flandad Watch Services Monthly Giveaway 🍒🍒🍒Good Luck and Thanks For Your Support 🙏!! ⭐️⭐️ Drawing By Random Comment Sorting 6/5/24

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submitted by Flan_dad to u/Flan_dad [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:42 rclewright [US-TX] [H] LZ SK, Gon Nerd Crystal, Ibm SSK, Leopold fc200, Hhkb pro 2, Tgr Alice [W] Paypal

Stamp of time and photos:
Hi Y'all! Back at it with some of the last things in my collection! All prices are shipped conus obo.
1) Tgr Alice - 2 tone, grey top pink bottom. Tiny ding on the side, and one tiny spot on the ano on top (this isn't really visible in use). Otherwise in amazing shape. Comes with an SP star on alu build, a vint black on pc plate build, 2 new pcbs (1 of which is the original), the original brass plate, and a custom sts plate - $2000,
2) Hhkb Pro 2 - Black, stock, blank keycaps. 2006 dated, domes are really nice! Very thin scratch on the back - $160 .
3) Leopold fc200 Black - Completely stock with browns. Good shape, some shine on the keycaps but that's about it - $55.
4) Leopold fc200 White - Completely stock with reds. Good shape, quite a bit of shine on keycaps and the bubbled windowed keys were replacements. They're a very slight shade off from the rest of the keycaps, but it's quite hard to notice - $75.
5) Ibm SSK - So this is basically a nos ssk with original box/foam. Additionally it comes with a nos industrial grey ssk top which looks great on it, basically an ncr ssk. It has been bolt modded, feels and sounds amazing. Comes with the clack factory machine green skull and the checkey as well - $1400.
6) Gon NerD Crystal - Awesome board, and in my opinion in very good shape for it's age and considering it is polycarbonate. Built with clears, and comes with the white pom keycaps. I'm fairly certain this was Last Pilots board, which can be found here Comes with a spare new pcb - $850.
7) LZ SK - Very hard for me to let go of this one, one of my favorite builds in any keyboard ever. Built with vint blacks on sts, also comes with a spare brand new pcb. Additionally it comes with the acrylic/cone feet bottom which is kind of fun. The cones have been stuck to the acrylic bottom with double sided tape, but they seem pretty sturdy haha. In great shape, no major flaws, only a few very tiny ano imperfections - $1650.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! Thank you!
submitted by rclewright to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:42 paddle_your_canoe Devices constantly losing connection / getting "paused"

About a week ago, I started having issues with my home internet. Devices will briefly connect, but after about 30 seconds they will either say they have connection but no internet or will say they have been paused. Then they will re-connect, then disconnect, reconnect, etc. endlessly.
This is happening across two different computers and a mobile device, on both Wi-Fi and Ethernet. None of these devices have issues connecting to other networks. I've both restarted and factory reset my gateway multiple times. The first hard reset fixed things for about two hours, but then it went back to the same issue, and further resets are not bringing any more success. I've also reset my devices multiple times, messed around with settings and firewalls,, double-checked the cables, etc., but the issue is persisting.
Testing the Internet through the app shows I'm getting good speeds to the Gateway, and will show devices are connected with strong signal even when the devices themselves are showing no connection. I've cleared the cache and the memory from the app, uninstalled it, reinstalled it, etc.
At this point I think it's some software problem with the Gateway, which I cannot fix. I've scheduled two different service appointments and both have been unceremoniously cancelled (I assume because the diagnostics all show I'm getting good service). I functionally do not have internet now. Help?
submitted by paddle_your_canoe to Comcast_Xfinity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:39 Ok_Alternative_4300 Huge major problem with Swarovski NL Pure 12x42s

Huge major problem with these Swarovski NL Pure 12x42s I have while glassing today and every HOT day I used them in. The mirage and heat shimmer could clearly be seen since these Swarovskis are way too clear they even pick up heat rising from the ground on hot days which negatively affects overall crystal clear viewing. Best to describe it is if you watched Predator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) movies when the predator is cloaked and there's a ripple in the image that's how the Swarovski NL Pures look on hot days. They're simply just way too clear for their own good.
I don't have this distorted heat shimmer image when using any of my lower tiered 12x Binoculars. It's more pronounced when looking at birds at ground level and at buildings surrounded by concrete paved parking lots and streets on hot days.
I haven't noticed this distracting and the negative effects when glassing with my 8x42 NL Pures probably because they're not as magnified as my 12x42s.
However on not so hot days they're pretty awesome to glass with and I'm gradually trying to get used to their rather neutered less color pop in them compared to my less expensive Binoculars.
Can even see flies and gnats in great detail at long distances which can't be seen as sharply and easily with less expensive Binoculars.
I think the lower priced but still plenty awesome enough SIG ZULU 10 10x50s are the perfect balance with no noticeable heat shimmer mirage to affect the views. They're just really heavy.
I have a Vortex Razor HD 10x42 and Razor UHD 12x50 inbound to hopefully receive them in the mail and test within the next two weeks. I'm also really antsing to buy their newly released 2024 8x32 and 10x32 Razor UHDs.
I don't notice the heat shimmer mirage when using my Leupold BX5 Santiam 15x50 nor my Maven B5 18x56 nor SIG ZULU 9 or 10.
In order to justify the ridiculously huge price tag of the NL Pures first you have to be able to comfortably afford spending this kind of of ridiculously huge sum of money and secondly deal with the heat shimmer mirage consequences on hotter days.
If I wasn't a Binoculars collector, I'd probably be more than content with the SIG ZULU 9 and 10 as my top end Binoculars which can be bought for really good deals when you find certain sellers/dealers who are willing to offer you some great deals for them. In fact I have another ZULU 9 in a 9x45 this time inbound soon. They're supposed to have the same internals and Abbe Koenig prisms as the Vortex Razor UHDs and Maven B5s from the same Kamakura factory in Japan.
If I was on a super tight budget, the ScoopX UHDs which in fact I actually use the most every single day is way more than adequate. I don't use the NL Pures that often believe it or not in fact I rarely use them because their image color is a bit too flat and neutered to my liking. I really like the Chinese boosted extra vivid colorful POP in the ScoopX UHDs and certain other Chinese made Binoculars such as the Nikon Prostaff P7s and the better Bushnell's with ED glass and Legend Ultra HD and Legacy WP Porro Prism and the Japanese Nikon Monarch HGs and SIG ZULU 9 and 10 and Leupold BX5 Santiam and KOWA Genesis Prominar XD with fluorite glass.
submitted by Ok_Alternative_4300 to binocularbuyinadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:38 liorqueofficial 🌟 Wholesale Sunglasses at Unbeatable Prices! 🌟✅ Thousands of Styles Available ✅ Direct from Factory

🌟 Wholesale Sunglasses at Unbeatable Prices! 🌟✅ Thousands of Styles Available ✅ Direct from Factory submitted by liorqueofficial to wholesaleproducts [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:38 liorqueofficial 🌟 Wholesale Sunglasses at Unbeatable Prices! 🌟✅ Thousands of Styles Available ✅ Direct from Factory

🌟 Wholesale Sunglasses at Unbeatable Prices! 🌟✅ Thousands of Styles Available ✅ Direct from Factory submitted by liorqueofficial to SunSpecsHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 02:37 planetes2020 In Italy the proletariat occupied the factories... Prometeo, n.7, 1 ottobre 1928

submitted by planetes2020 to intcommunistparty [link] [comments]