Best friend moving away quotes.

Love Quote

2012.07.19 10:41 lovequotepicture Love Quote

All about Love Quote Picture, Words of Love, Friends Forever Quotes, Marriage Quote, Falling in Love Quotes

2012.11.26 03:29 Lilo and Stitch: All Stitch, all the time

The galaxy's cutest alien has landed on Earth! Stitch, one of the best Disney Characters, has stolen the hearts of many when they watch the movie Lilo and Stitch. Starting off as an evil escapee, he has grown and learned how to love with a big heart. This blue creature is cute and fluffy. This subreddit is for Stitch fans only.

2010.08.02 20:36 jerseycity Jersey City: We've got bike lanes AND a city councilmember who does hit and runs.

A community for redditors in and around Jersey City, New Jersey. Please use the search bar and check out the sidebar before posting! Sort by "hot" to see the "Moving to JC" sticky post

2024.06.02 10:31 dark_arc_fab AITA for wanting to call out my adopted dad for being a hypocrite?

I'm not a storyteller, I got some bad ADD, and I failed English like 3 times in high-school, yaaaaaay Florida public education! Me, 34m Mom mom l, maybe 58f My dad, maybe 58m My birth father, idk how old he is. Comparable age m
Some crazy bs went down between my mom and birth father when I was about 1, he had a bench warrant for grand theft auto or something like that. Mom wasn't thrilled about it and called off the marriage, they were 21, he had nowhere to go so he went back to his home country in South America. Mom then filed for paternal rights, and since he was on another continent, he didn't get the paperwork, and basically in the courts eyes abandoned me. He came back several months later to find me, and by that time both mine and my moms names had been changed and the family was hiding us from him.
By the time I was 4, my mom and dad became married, last name changed again because he had adopted me. I had a great childhood, they ended up having 4 kids together, and they stayed together until I was about 13. He worked his ass off to support us all. All all throughout my life I was happy and just didn't really have any urge to hunt down my father because I had everything I could want, I didn't feel like I was missing a father figure or anything like that.
Around age 24, I was a year in with my now wife, I got a message on IG from a guy claiming to be my father, come to find out it was, and we started talking and getting to know eachother. This was also the early stage on my dad slowly ish talking to me less amd less, started a little before I met my wife. No idea why, all I can think of is his new wife openly admitted to me and my 4 siblings that she "doesn't like kids"..... yeah, I don't get it either.
Anywho, my wife and I have been in almost daily constant contact with my birth father for the last 8-9 years, my dad has basically said nothing to us, maybe 2 or 3 merry Christmas', I got 2 happy birthdays, and 1 last minute invite to Christmas at his place. He's met our, currently 4 years old, twins 2 times, first time at a funeral when they were 1, and the 2nd time a couple months ago at my brother's wedding, which was also the first time he met our 1 year old.
So late last year, our roommate that was helping us pay for our home, ended up moving out, not paying for the month of rent, I was the only one making money and just could not afford the house anymore. We both hate it here in Florida, we're not happy here, we don't have help, even being surrounded by a lot of family members, we decided, let's make a major leap, chase our dreams of living in the mountains, live more rural, live simply, and go and finally meet my birth father, hell yeah dude! Well our friends love the Idea, some of our family has begun to show their true colors.
Back in March, my wife made a cute post about our cool ass, totally not ugly, baby boy turning 1, my dad replied to my birth fathers wife's comment (her comments have always been nothing but joyous, celebration of whatever is going on, truly a woman that just loves life) in Spanish so she could read it "su marido nunca pago por su hijo" which translates to "her husband never pays for his son". This has rubbed me the wrong way since. And he hasn't answered anything about it. Today, he replied to my wife's post asking for help from our group of friends to find a place I can store a special vehicle of mine that we don't want to sell or lose. His reply "birth father will pay for it, just like he paid child support.. not." ......... well guess what, my blood is boiling.
Dad adopted me, and from my understanding, you don't get child support when the kid is adopted. My dad was adopted, and recently found his birth family and has started a relationship with them as well as visited them. My younger brother heart reacted the comment, my wife made replied kindly asking "why the hostility? I don't understand" then the same brother laugh reacted her comment. Now I want to scorch the earth. I haven't said anything to either of them. I'm about to create a group chat with my siblings and and my dad telling them to get whatever they have against my family off their chest, because I am fed up with being talked about behind my back. I'm the only sibling with a different father. I've had nothing but great things to say about my family life, my parents, my siblings, and it seems like they've all turned on me for things like, not being social because I stopped drinking, became a homebody happy family man, and not chasing them down, learning their schedules, and having them come over to be apart of their niece and nephews lives, which we told everyone on multiple occasions "just come over, someone is almost always home".
Our twins were born during covid lockdowns, like 2 weeks in, before that my family was over the moon, hyping up how much time they're gonna spend with our kids, and all the typical things, reality ended up being beyond the opposite. 1 brother has come over twice, 1 sister came over once, the other brother that reacted to comments, he hasn't come over at all, not even asked, Noone has so much as checked on our family, showed any interest past wanting us to drive babies 2 hours for Thanksgiving and Christmas, then getting salty that we couldn't go for medical reasons for a few years.
I guess I need some guidance of how to handle this, we've since deleted my dad's most recent comment, my wife, the absolute Saint that she is, sent a couple voice recordings to reach out and see why he's saying these things. I'm in the boat of block them, it's been 4 years, and to me they've made it crystal clear to me that they aren't in the least bit interested in being apart of our lives, or our kids lives.
Am I the asshole? How should I proceed.
We are going to live with my father for at least 3 months, if we like it, we will come back briefly to finalize some things and become dual citizens. We are going, and soon.
submitted by dark_arc_fab to okopshow [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:30 mountainmint I want to become whoever the opposite of camilla is

my friends are all artists and comedians, and we live in a super oppressive city that removed most arts and culture services for corporate sponsorships and luxury yachts šŸ™„
any tips for how we can influence our private community with daily content without seeming scammy? Iā€™m thinking we incorporate parody sketch videos into our work lol
weā€™ve all stayed away from ever becoming ā€œcontent creatorsā€
I had one friend who fell out of very supportive community because he sold out to ā€œjesusā€ and ā€œthe opportunity that followers could bring to his movementā€
Iā€™ve been so scared of instagram and content creating ever since and that was in 2015!
any tips for us if we ever want to find a public audience somewhere?
cultural context: - a mĆ©tis/white 28F (disabled but supported by family) - her little production crew of supportive straight white kenā€™s (and casey, my allen ā¤ļø) - (side note some of the boys are my lovers-to-friends LOL) - her family of chaotic neutrals
submitted by mountainmint to julieeandcamilla [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:30 MarsAmbassador69 75gal planted questions

I'm finally graduating from a low-fi planted 10gal to a CO2 planted 75gal, with driftwood, caves, lots of growth to hide, and a 4 foot alley for the swimmers.
I've been planning this in my head for over 6 months, but I'd love feedback, ideas, suggestions, compatability concerns, other Fish ideas, plants I should consider instead, etc.
I'd really also appreciate feedback on filters. I'm eyeballing the Seachem Tidal 75. What type is best for this size, hang on, internal, or canister.
Also, I'm looking for suggestions for another centerpiece fish (shrimp friendly). Everything I've wanted (ram, Boesemani-rainbowfish) will gobble them up.
Fish: 10 blue eye red neon rainbowfish 10 Chili rasboro 12 Kubotai rasboros 1 honey gourami 10 Celestial Pearl Danio 1 purple moscow guppy 1 green moscow guppy 1 purple dragon mosaic guppy 1 purple queen guppy 1 blue metal dragon guppy 6 panda corys 1 red lizard whiptail catfish Kuhli loach Borneo sucker loach 3 Horned nerite snails Lots of shrimp
Plants: Bucephalandra 'Kedagang' Sagittaria subulata Ranunculus inundatus Eriocaulon cinereum Juncus repens Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' Helanthium bolivianum 'Vesuvius' Myriophyllum guyana Rotala macrandra Riccia fluitans Rotala wallichii Echinodorus 'Reni Hygrophila lancea 'Araguaia' Cryptocoryne crispatula Corkscrew vallisneria
submitted by MarsAmbassador69 to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:29 Appropriate_Sky8029 So I had a horrifying nightmare and kinda wanna rant lol

Basically, in the dream I used my phone and like every app I used had people that I knew on them but their faces were all scary and deformed and moving and stuff it was scary. I couldn't use my phone cause they were everywhere but in the "real world" (in my dream) everyone was okay. Me and my friends went to a field to watch some sport, when a giant amalgamation of these faces appeared and started killing hundreds of people. Then when I luckily escaped, there were "Oral Worms" which went inside of your mouth. I shut my mouth but someone else didn't and when it went inside him it expanded and blew him up. Then in the dream I tried to contact my mum, she said she would come get me. Then the next bit of the dream was me getting out of bed, so I thought everything was a dream before waking up IRL and I shouted to my mum in fear, she said I was okay. I went to the toilet and opened my phone and these faces were all over it again so I ran downstairs to find my mum and it turns out, she had one of the faces and then I woke up.
TL;DR I had a dream where my phone showed scary faces
submitted by Appropriate_Sky8029 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:29 Adventurekris Doing online until I can go to Brick and Mortar school?

Howdy, Iā€™ll keep it short. Currently in the military, getting out late next year(after 9 years) and pursuing my BS in Geology as itā€™s always been a passion I hadnā€™t chased. I finished my associates which was was low hanging fruit (I work in medical, so itā€™s not really that useful going to geo) but I had taken as many classes I could, to transfer over, that would be useful to Geology. My question is: I donā€™t currently have a school close to me at all that offers anything geology related and I canā€™t really gain that freedom to do school full time with traveling to class until Iā€™m out. I was wondering how much it will set me back in experience (or how appropriate it is) if I start working on prerequisites in an online program for now then switch to a brick and mortar campus once I depart from the military, and move to where I want to go to school. Probably the University of South Carolina or Clemson. Iā€™m currently looking at the online program that University of North Dakota has to offer in the meantime. I just want to get what I can done in the next year, and not waste any opportunities to get credits done. Any recommendations/advice is greatly appreciated.
Also: should I get GIS out of the way now? Iā€™m not particularly passionate about that but I know itā€™s a good way to get the foot in the door and learn something too.
Edit: Iā€™m aware that online degrees in this field yield lower opportunity and hiring as this is more of hands on and In-person field of work. This would be a temporary thing for me in order to make best use of my time, at least I hope.
submitted by Adventurekris to geologycareers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:28 HereForMonopoly Looking for La Boheme šŸ˜„šŸ˜„

Looking for La Boheme šŸ˜„šŸ˜„ submitted by HereForMonopoly to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:28 tukutukunepal Newborn Sets

Select the Right Newborn Set
The right set of newborn products can make a world of difference for the child. Good newborn baby clothes for summer might not be suitable for winter. The fabricā€™s texture can affect the babyā€™s soft skin and cause rashes and irritation. In contrast, the comfort of the right baby blanket ensures healthy growth.
The designs of the newborn clothing also have an impact on the child. The newborns are known for moving a lot. So, the clothing needs cuts and stitching that provide flexibility. The hoodie should also be large enough, but not so much that it covers the whole face when turning around.
In addition, opting for flower patterns and embroidery instead of plain clothing is a better alternative. Those artistic works can add a touch of liveliness to the garments.
Visit the site to Buy the Best Newborn Sets in Nepal.
submitted by tukutukunepal to u/tukutukunepal [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:28 Addicted_to_Fights šŸ§ØšŸ§ØFireworks in San Fransisco guide? 6/2/2024

šŸ§ØšŸ§ØFireworks in San Fransisco guide? 6/2/2024
Recently Iā€™ve been on the hunt for fireworks around where I live in Sf (Redwood City/atherton) Iā€™ve found a few ways to reliably get them. one takes time and info and the other requires contacts. The easiest way I think Iā€™ve found to buy year long fireworks is in Chinatown. I donā€™t have a car so I take the train and itā€™s a bit of a commute but then once you get there is only about a 10-20 minute bike ride to china town. The best way is to comb through Grant ave starting at the dragon gate going into every Trading .inc store or whatever the fuck they are or gift shops. Go in and ask if they have fireworks and most of the time they will. Some have bigger stuff and some have smaller. Go to multiple and remember the names of them because they all have some of the same stuff for the same pricešŸ’€ The store that Iā€™ve found that has the biggest fireworks is called ā€œHeart Of Shanghaiā€ they have rockets, cakes, mortars, etc the only down side is itā€™s almost 20 bucks for a single large rocket. The other way is to get a ā€œplugā€ a person that you know has sold fireworks to friends of your using snap, WhatsApp, telegram etc they usually have better prices and can meet up with you instead of you having to go for a hour train ride or car ride to Chinatown. Plugs usually drive out of state to get larger fireworks If you want a good oā€™l m1000 they usually just make those so be ready to lose a finger or two šŸ„² (kidding) they do usually make them though
If you find a plug that nobody you know has bought from. You would be better off just going to china town!!! Cops are starting to do shitty little ā€œstingā€ ops where you message the ā€œplugā€ to meet up and when you get where ever the meetup spot is you are greeted with cops instead ā˜¹ļø (not fun)
If you want a reliable seller that can meet up with you just reply with your Snapchat and I can get you their contact
submitted by Addicted_to_Fights to bayarea [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:28 yiFa87 Quite possibly the most depressing time in gaming...

So I started playing OG Vanilla when it first came out. Words cannot describe what an impact this game had on me back then. It literally changed the course of my life. More socialising, making friends, all-nighters, things were great. Lasting memories to this day. Also I met my best friend through WoW, and we even caught up and went on a roadtrip together IRL. This game is my early adulthood.
Fast forward to 5 years ago. I've come and gone several times over the years. Usually a few years break between each time. When they announced WoW Classic, I was HYPED! The thought of being able to relive those good times - 100% I was in. I hoped my original friends I played with were keen too, but they weren't. They had moved on in life - partners, kids, work, no time for gaming anymore etc. That's quite sad in itself, but I persisted and rolled solo anyway. I made more friends and everything was great. I leveled to 60, was doing endgame raids etc. But then some guild and loot drama kinda made everything poos. It wasn't fun anymore, too much politics. So I lost interest and unsubbed.
Fast forward again to today. I haven't been into gaming much for a few years now. I missed the TBC expansion, WOTLK expansion and now it's up to Cataclysm. Anywho, I get an itch again to play it. Been about 4 years since I last logged in. So I resub the other day, and all sorts of confused. Now they have split Cataclysm with Classic Era, and now there is this Season stuff as well. The only friend I had on my list still that was online and had a toon on a Season server, so I thought 'ok I'll just roll a new toon again on that server'. I was getting all nostalgic at the thought of Elwynn Forest to Duskwood phase. I log in, now currently level 13 in Goldshire.
However, this is not at all like Vanilla, or the Classic Era. Mostly because there is LITERALLY NOONE. From what I've seen, it's dead. I've come across only one single other person this entire time, otherwise it's just me running around Elwynn Forest killing mobs. It feels so....empty. Like I'm the last one of my circle still hanging on for dear life to this game. I feel like everyone else has totally moved on, and I'm the only one still hanging around for some reason. Totally depressing. Does anyone else feel this way?
I've never been all that keen on endgame stuff. I more enjoy the journey and exploration and professions and achievements etc. But running around by myself in empty it hits hard.
submitted by yiFa87 to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:28 Frequent-Ad-42 an unlawful arrest?

TL/DR i was taken into custody by federal agents and processed for a suspected DWI with no inclination that i could have been intoxicated, and after passing all field sobriety checks.
In early 2020, I was taking a nap in my parked car across from my at the time girlfriends apt waiting for her to get home. This was within the boundary of the Presidio (an ex-military base turned National Park in San Francisco, CA. Think of the area surrounding the southern entrance/exit of the Golden Gate Bridge). The engine was off, and it was the middle of the day. Suddenly, a United States Park Police Officer (federal police) knocked on my window, requesting that I open my door. She then made me get out of my vehicle and began interrogating me under suspicion of DWI because I was asleep in my car. During the search, she found a small amount of heroin in my pocket. She proceeded to spend the next 30 minutes administering every field sobriety test she could think of, which I passed without a hitch. In my opinion and observation, she even seemed to make up her own sobriety test on the spot, and I passed that one as well. Despite passing all the tests, I was taken into custody by this U.S. Park Police Officer. Meanwhile, my dog, who was with me in the car, was taken to Animal Care and Control (the pound) as my car was impounded. They wouldnā€™t allow anyone, not even my brother who was just 10 minutes away, to retrieve her. The officer said the arrest was for suspected DWI, even though I was completely sober the entire time.
After giving the blood sample at the San Francisco County Jail, I was taken to the U.S. Park Police SF Field Office, where my mugshot was photographed, and I was fingerprinted. I remained detained in a cell by myself for several hours until a detective arrived to speak with me and investigate as to whether I was a drug dealer or not. To the best of my knowledge, I have never been involved as a drug dealer. After an hour-long investigation, they released me, leaving me stranded without no way to get to my car on the complete opposite side of town and unable to reach my dog. The paperwork I received for my dog informed me that if I didnā€™t pick her up within two days, she might be put up for adoption or euthanized. Being a Pit-Bull, I assumed the latter. Since that release day, I havenā€™t heard a single word from the U.S. Park Police. I assumed they would send me a court notice, but nothing has arrived. My question now: What should I do, and is what they did to me (and my cadog) legal? Did they make any mistakes during the process, and if so, is it worth my time and effort to sue them for mental and financial damages?
submitted by Frequent-Ad-42 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:28 Initial-Director7701 I (28F) am trying to understand if my fiancƩ (26M) is telling the truth and should I keep the relationship going, what is the best course of action?

I met my partner online almost two years ago but stayed friends until we started dating March 23. Of the two he definitely pursued me but I did do some light flirting, as is my nature - he was very keen. He explained he had broken up with his ex in August 22 just before we started talking and by the time he asked me out he had blocked her and they were no longer speaking.
The early relationship was great, he was very attentive, save for us being 3 hours apart and both working very time consuming jobs where we could talk every day but see eachother maybe two weekends a month. I felt very cherished and important and I was happy.
Fast forward to Feb 24, just under a year into the relationship he starts acting a lot more distant... He's never been open with me about his feelings because my welfare was always the priority, but now I just felt something was off. My friends were supportive and suggested to give him the benefit of the doubt. At the time I had a lot of personal things going on including a very sick close family member so I didn't think too much of it. I proposed on the leap year as is traditional in Ireland for the woman to do, partially because I really liked him and partially to give my sick family member something to live for. He moved in to my house after the engagement... I didn't ask, he just turned up with his stuff and was on long term sick from work so he could.
After he said yes he said when he was going to propose he was going to sit me down first and be honest with me about things in his life and if I was still interested we could get engaged... He told me he used to be an alcoholic and smoked /vaped (both things he had told me he never did - not that I have a problem with that, he had just lied) he told me he had massive debts due to his ex making him pay for everything and promising to pay him back but she never did, he told me that because of the two kids he had with his ex as a teen (that were given up for adoption but she kept in contact with the mum) - that I knew existed - he didn't break up with his ex in the august, he broke up with her in late February but continued to sext for a few months because she said if he did that he could see the kids. He said that she was highly abusive to him in every form and that's why he didn't believe our relationship was real - that he was just a rebound.
I felt like the person looking at me wasn't the person I had proposed to. I had trouble telling friends and family we were engaged. I was trying to process, but then my family member died, and my friend died, and my manager at work started bullying me, and two loved ones were sick and rushed to hospital, and all of a sudden my life was in turmoil. He stayed with me through it all, has given me space and allowed me to be myself, but something isn't sitting right with me. I haven't shown him affection in a month, I haven't said I love you in weeks, and I'm refusing to wear the ring he got for me.
He is still trying really hard around the house to be good but I can't look at him. It's been 2/3 months and I still feel unhappy. He said he will change and be honest, and he promises I'm his number 1 that he loves more than life itself but I think he's lying. Despite me seeing him try more. He can be so wonderful to me and cherishes me and treats me really well but I'm unsure... Do I continue to give him a chance and possibly get relationship counselling? If I break up with him and kick him out he has no where to live and no friends or family that would take him, he's also got life changing surgery within the next 3 months which would need a long recovery... I feel really lost and confused. Do I give him a chance? Is he telling the truth that I'm his number one now?
TL:DR I proposed to my fiancƩ and he dropped a load of truth bombs, I feel different, do I stay and forgive or kick him out onto the streets?
submitted by Initial-Director7701 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:28 ziggystardust_4 why are people like that ?

after struggling with my ed for years now i finally started telling a few people i trust. & ever since i told them iā€™ve noticed really different reactions from people.
my mum & my best friend are the last two & itā€™s just horrible. at the beginning theyā€™ve triggered me into eating even less & into losing even more weight which i found good back then obviously but now theyā€™ve started triggering me into eating more & i technically gained everything back i lost & canā€™t seem to lose again.
do yall have similar experiences or at least know what im talking about?
submitted by ziggystardust_4 to EDAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:28 t_4_ll_4_t Struggling with Perceptions of Dual-Faced Personality Despite Genuine Spiritual Inclinations

Hey everyone,
Iā€™m reaching out here because Iā€™ve been facing some challenges with how Iā€™m perceived by those close to me, and I could really use some insight. Many of my close friends and even my mentor have kindly pointed out that I sometimes come across as having a dual-faced personality. This has made me worry that others might see me as someone who isnā€™t genuine, especially in front of my parents.
I didnā€™t even know about this issue in myself until my mentor kindly pointed it out, so now I am trying my best to solve this. Despite my efforts to follow a spiritual path and stay away from alcohol and other substances, my parents, who are quite open-minded, still encourage me to ā€œhave some fun in life.ā€ Iā€™m 20 years old and currently in college. Even though I donā€™t ask for money often except for tuition and other expenses, my dad always sends more than needed to enjoy and constantly encourages me to go to college parties and have fun!
From a young age, around 16, I became quite attracted to spirituality, and now, partying and similar activities just donā€™t interest me. However, they seem to think Iā€™m keeping a dual personality, talking about spirituality but secretly desiring to party.
To give some context, when I was 14, I didnā€™t have a good company of friends and got influenced by them to try vaping. It wasnā€™t an addiction, just one vape. My dad found out about it a week or two later. While my mom was quite angry and disappointed, my dad openly accepted it and gave me the ā€œfather-sonā€ talk, which I now appreciate even more.
Interestingly, whenever we go on vacation, my dad has even offered me vape a few years after the incident. Once during a vacation, he wanted to try vaping, and I was there with him, so he also offered me to vape. Seeing this hit me hard, especially considering that when I was caught vaping, I was looked down upon by some judgmental people, and now Iā€™m being offered to vape just like that?
Since turning 16, Iā€™ve been so inclined toward spirituality that I donā€™t see the need for these substances anymore.
I know this is quite long, and I apologize for that, but any insight on how to resolve this perception issue would be greatly appreciated. This is one of the important problems Iā€™m trying to solve in my life, and I really want to align my actions with how Iā€™m perceived by those close to me.
Thank you for reading and for any advice you can offer!
submitted by t_4_ll_4_t to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:27 Wayfaring_Witch0626 Is it too late to start?

Iā€™m 21, I have an associates in education, and I decided I want to pursue dental hygiene, as my community college has a good program and it would make me more money anyway, and with the education system these days, I decided I would be happier in healthcare. Then i thought wtf letā€™s go all the way and be a dentist. Problem is, getting an AAS in hygiene doesnā€™t make sense for applying to dental school, so Iā€™d have to reevaluate and get on track for a BS in biology or health sciences. Iā€™m smart but Iā€™m basically starting a BS from scratch except for generals and electives, it would take 3 years max I think. The future feels bright, but so painfully far away that it doesnā€™t feel possible. Plus, I donā€™t know what job I would do in the meantime during the BS, except for piano teaching which is my current job. Dental assistanting would be good but I would make less than I currently do by quite a bit. The flexibility of dental hygiene was really appealing too so looking at something way less flexible is daunting lol.
As you can probably tell Iā€™m spiraling and going a mile a minute lmao. As I said Iā€™m 21, but my partner is 24 and I hang out with people more his age so a lot of my friends are graduating with bachelors right now, so as a former really smart high schooler Iā€™m feeling a little discouraged and far behind. Iā€™m looking for general advice, as well as some success stories from people who didnā€™t know what they wanted to do since they were 18 and kept with it the whole time. TIA
submitted by Wayfaring_Witch0626 to predental [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:27 AcceptLesbians My boyfriend is a child in a manā€™s body.

TDLR; my boyfriend is trying to manipulate me into forgiving him for being secretive about an ex lover he calls his best friend.
My bf (M22) and me (F23) are having another tiff. Weā€™ve been together for a year and moved in together October 2023.
It started when I was in the kitchen. I marinated chicken for supper then I set the dough for some donuts and started deep cleaning. When I was finished I walked into the bedroom where he had been all morning and afternoon. When I walked in he started whispering to someone on the phone then got up and left and I began to put some things in their rightful place.
I told myself to let it go and I'll check his phone later because what the actual eff! I checked his phone before I left for work and after I had gotten out of the shower he was awake. ā€” I found a 20minute phone call so I went to check texts in WhatsApp. He was talking to a girl and I recognized the name. I saw texts from them from before we started dating and he was calling her sexy, beautiful etc. I brought it up to him asking who it was he said "it was a friend" I asked why he was whispering and he left he said "I didn't realize I was doing that" so I pressed further and asked who it was specifically, he said "it was my best friend" but I had never heard of this woman, I have never heard of this woman. He says "well I don't tell you about all my friends" and I said if this was your best friend I would definitely know them" and he started to name friends that I don't know about. Anyway he tried to show me the texts and I shrugged him off and he went to tl V shower as I was about to leave for work.
As I am leaving he comes up to me and tries to show the texts again and says something I cannot recall atm. He holds the door to our apartment open so l couldn't lock it while I left but I just walked down the stairs to go. As I am leaving he starts banging the door and smashes something, then he starts screaming, and I hear this all the way till I walked out of the door of our 3 floor walk up.
As I walk to the bus I text his saying to check on the bunny and make sure he feels safe and isn't scared. (Bunny's are prey animals and they get scared easily.) mind you during this entire conversation I was calm and only asking questions because I wanted to see what was going on before I jump to conclusions (I only checked his phone so I could know the facts w/o being blindly lied too and forgiving him) his exact texts were and I am going to copy and paste:
Him: picture of texts between them two
"Okay You are the prefect girlfriend You should know that love how you treat me I'm probably gonna be out when you get back so"
I said: "If I was you wouldn't be chatting with your rich mama privately" (he called her ā€œrich mamaā€ in the text a day before the call)
Him: "You make me wish I never met you I swear I'm blocking you cause I don't want to keep hearing hurtful things"
And then he blocked me. When I had gotten home from work my vape was missing and he took it, so I texted him and he ignored me for hours then said it was basically his cause he bought it and I was trying to quit so it didn't matter (bought it with my money) so I said but I was still mine and I wanted to use it tonight cause l'm stressing out and he didn't use it cause he didn't like the flavour. He ignored me for 3 more hours and then came back to the apartment. He came home talking about stuff that didn't relate to our argument, saying I never do anything for him, l'm never there for him, I don't take care of him. As he is pointing at the unfolded laundry. The one thing I didn't do this week.
I honestly don't know how I feel. I give my all for him and do my best for him. And it feels like he only sees what I don't do. He doesn't have a job right now because he booked of too much time between his all year job and his summer job (he leaves for moths to make 20k) so I don't understand why he couldn't folded the laundry or fixed supper when I have been working. I honestly have nothing to say to him after he said those things. I am so tired. So exhausted. He ignores me every time we have an argument and leaves for hours while blocking me. I'm tired of the psychological abuse. But I have no where to go. What should I do? How should I bring this conversation up to squash what happened? Or should I just leave him?
submitted by AcceptLesbians to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:27 GingerYank Forgot pen on holiday, was fine!

Didnā€™t realize until I (48F) got to the airport that my pen was still in the fridge, meaning I would end up going 2 wks between doses 7 and 8 (5mg).
I was curious what would happen and the answer wasā€¦nothing! No food noise, no alcohol cravings, also no sudden enjoyment of food again, lol. šŸ¤Ŗ I assume I must have had enough meds in my system to carry me through, since I responded well to 2.5?
I weighed myself the morning I left, and now 11 days later Iā€™m 1.4lbs down. Not as much as the previous weeks, and probably within regular variation (I generally only weigh myself on shot days so as not to go mad) but not bad! What I learned in 3 cities/3 EU countries:
Shot today, back to the usual now!
submitted by GingerYank to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:27 trustycomedian AITA for not wanting to share my inheritance with my step-siblings who weren't mentioned in the will?

So, here's the deal, folks. My old man passed away last year, leaving me a hefty chunk of change in his will. Now, I've got a couple of step-siblings from my dad's second marriage, but here's the kicker: they weren't mentioned in the will. Zip, nada, zilch.
Now, they're coming out of the woodwork, asking for a piece of the pie. But honestly, I'm torn. On one hand, they're technically family, right? But on the other hand, my dad made it clear who he wanted to inherit his stuff, and it wasn't them.
I've been getting an earful from friends and family, some saying I should share because it's the right thing to do, and others saying I should stick to my dad's wishes. It's like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
So, Reddit, AITA for not wanting to share my inheritance with my step-siblings who weren't mentioned in the will? Hit me with your thoughts, because I could really use some outside perspective on this one.
submitted by trustycomedian to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:27 smolraccoonboy never got the hang of caravan? never understood it? here's some help!

so, I'm gonna explain everything in extreme detail. as much as i can. everywhere i tried to learn how to play from confused me so much so i tried to explain it all to make it the LEAST confusing. it's just going to be a long explanation and I'm so sorry for that. shorter explanation at the very bottom.
first thing to know is: the game itself is very simple. you get all of your stacks to 21-26 before the other player does and trying to stop them from doing so. essentially is a simple math game with strategy.
second: you need at least 30 cards in your caravan deck. you don't have to have exactly 30 but you can't have 29 or less. gotta have at least 30.
those are the first two things you need to know.
so, now onto what do all of the cards mean in the game? ace thru 10, just means 1-10. that simple the special cards mean something entirely different they do not mean numbers. as in the king, queen, jack and joker. these go on top of numbers and effect what the original card does.
kings go on top of a number and double the number. another king stacked on that king doubles it again. so, a 9 would turn into 18, and then another king with that would make it 36. you can apply this on your own cards too.
I'm gonna skip over queens and go to jacks. jacks when added onto a card take that card out of the stack. if you stack it on a card that has 1 or more kings it will take those kings and the number away. so without the king there it just takes the number card away. either way, the number disappears. this can be applied on your own cards too.
jokers go on top of a suit you want to get rid of. and it gets rid of any of them on the table including your own. so on top of a diamond it gets rid of all diamonds on the table. queens can counteract the joker by bringing back the suit. I'm not sure exactly what else it does or if that specific thing is correct, i don't use queens personally.
so, now we have a basic understanding of the cards and their meanings plus the general idea of what you need to do going into it. there is more, but i'll get into that as i go on.
when you boot up caravan with an npc like ringo in the beginning of the game, it'll take you to the first screen which is placing a bet. if you aren't used to playing, keep it low. but you can always do an equal bet, which is just matching their bet. you can raise the amount if you wanna drain them more of their caps but that is up to you my friend.
after you place your bet, itll take you to the next screen. a group of all your cards, one row on top and one on the bottom. one showing the backs of the cards, and one showing the front. so, this is where you either add or remove cards. remember have at least 30. the higher the number of cards in your caravan deck the better though it makes you less likely to run out of cards. if you run out you lose the game and your caps. so, the best numbers to store in your caravan deck are higher numbers. like 5 and above. specifically 10s, 9s, and 7s. "why this exact combination, op?" because it makes 26! so you should stock up on these cards where do you get cards? from specific vendors around the mojave wasteland, if I'm able to edit to add later which vendors i know of that sell cards i will. if not ill make sure i comment. you can only get them in the main menu of their vendor screen, not in misc not in apparel not in aid nowhere else. so you'll have fun scrolling through the entire menu of their shop lol other cards to stock up on? jacks and kings. these are so so so important!!
when buying cards, make sure you do not have any cards that are the exact same from the same place. you can have the same number and suit, that is okay. but not from the same place. that is illegal in the game. so this is an example: a 4 of hearts from gomorrah and a 4 of hearts from tops are completely different than two separate 4 of hearts from tops. make sense?
now onto the strategy part of the strategy math card game that is caravan...
so, i don't use queens or jokers cuz they are pretty irrelevant to the game and no npc i've ever played against has used them against me. the jokers can fuck you over and the queens themselves are just so confusing to me I'm still not entirely sure if i have it down what they do.
the beginning of the game starts off with you putting down your first 3 cards and you cannot proceed to stack on top of the first cards until you complete this task. you do not have to follow strict rules with what card you start off with. some people say only start off with 10s, that is simply not necessary. if you remove/discard cards out of your hand they cannot be played for the rest of that game of caravan. discarding cards after your first three cards are placed will end your turn and go to the npc to play a card. just start off with whatever is helpful in that moment for those first three cards. i go with the biggest numbers i can, whatever is in my hand. once the three cards are placed on the table, sometimes the npc will put a jack on one of your cards and that's just part of the strategy. don't fret. you will get your revenge.
focus on building your stacks while simultaneously stopping them from building theirs. i personally like to be petty and stack a jack on one of their cards almost immediately after they do it to me. when stacking your numbers stack in numerical order. smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest. it's what works. you cannot stack the same number in the same stack. it's pretty cool to stack the same suits together but not required. I'm pretty sure you can break the big to small and small to big process if you stick to the same suit. i can't remember off the top of my head right now but in my tired state it sounds right at the moment.
you use jacks when you don't have your own card to play, jacks are used throughout the game on the npc and yourself. if you don't have any cards in your hand that can directly add to your stack, try to destroy their abilities to build their stacks. that's why you stock up on the kings and jacks. they can ruin the npc's game. you use kings on the npc when they are close to achieving 21-26. do anything to put them above 26 and if they add a jack to the king you placed, make it so when they do that it puts them the furthest they can be from building back up to that stack. as in, put a king on the highest number they have in that stack <3 if you want to add a king to your own stack to make it easier to get to 21-26, be wary npcs might just decide to use one of their kings against your king. it's very rude but they do this sometimes. like i said before don't fret. their karma will be their pockets drained.
so, you don't always have to do the 10, 9, 7 method. you can also do king, 5, 6 method. you stack kings on the 5 to get it to 20 and then add a 6. bada boom. but relying on this might not help if you don't have enough kings OR if they decide to be a douche and add another king on yours making it 46 instead of just 26. find a method that works best for you, but you don't HAVE to stick to this method or any method! you can switch it up and figure out what is easiest for you. like have one 10, 9, 7 stack and then another stack is 5, 8, 10 and another stack is ace, 5, 9, 10. that's one little idea. it isn't something you need to stick to!!
just keep them on their toes. use these methods to your advantage. make sure you are building your stacks and getting to 21-26 before them.
so far, no-bark in novac is yes a crazy man who somehow spits facts he is a high better and so is the ambassador at the ncr embassy on the strip. still trying to find even more high betters.
condensed ways to win caravan: ā€¢you need 21-26 to win. if you get above 26 you have to fix that stack or discard it. closer to 26 the better ā€¢keep higher numbers in caravan deck ā€¢caravan deck=the cards you're playing in the game ā€¢stock up on good cards but not doubles of the same card from the same place ā€¢remove any cards you won't use from caravan deck before fully playing the game with npc ā€¢build your stacks while you destroy theirs ā€¢ace-10 = 1-10 nothing special about them they're just numbers ā€¢jacks=removes card(s) ā€¢kings=double card(s) ā€¢jokers/queens=unnecessary. not needed. confusing and self destructive. ā€¢go in numerical order, keeping suit may break this rule. bigger to smaller, smaller to bigger otherwise ā€¢use jacks throughout game ā€¢only use kings on them to make them go above 26 ā€¢use kings wisely on yourself they may stack a king on yours to fuck you up ā€¢if they stacked a king on your stuff remove it with a jack whenever throughout game. avoid discarding the entire stack completely ā€¢no numbers or kings/jacks to play on your own stacks in your hand? stack jacks/kings on their stuff instead ā€¢try not to discard stacks OR cards from your hand you won't be able to use them for that specific game after you discard ā€¢buying cards takes place in the main menu of certain vendor's shops, nowhere else. not aid/apparel/weapons/misc. only main. ā€¢no-bark in novac: high better ā€¢ambassador at ncr embassy on strip: even higher better ā€¢more cards in your caravan deck the better, if you run out of cards to play you will automatically forfeit your caps. ā€¢10, 9, 7 method=recommended not required ā€¢5s with 2 kings then 6 method=not exactly recommended so tread lightly
if you have any questions or other helpful tips to add to the list, let me know!! i havent lost once. all of this stuff once i figured it all out helped me SO much and now I'm so obsessed with playing caravan i drain everyone's caps and it is a thrill i can't get over. now i know why some people actually gamble. its.. addictive.
good luck and god speed couriers!
submitted by smolraccoonboy to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:27 Oiru Tala - May 2024

Tala - May 2024
Last week, I had the pleasure of trying Tala the other night after seeing some recommendations from Logical-Pie-798 in that "Las Vegas foodie tourist" thread a few months ago.
I have kept it in mind for a while and since I made a foodie friend who was visiting Auckland from her hometown in Utah (who I have now learnt has a large Samoan population). I suggested trying Tala because I have no other friends that would want to pay so much for a meal lol.
We both had the $215 The Chefā€™s Journey menu. I have never had Samoan food before, and my foodie friend stated she has had only some Samoan food before.
Anyway, similarly to my previous Paris Butter post, I will give a brief rating on the food purely based on the flavours I enjoyed (or not) given my palate, and the comments are purely on taste alone unless stated otherwise, but I might provide some extra commentary which plays into my overall experience.
I'm going to be honest based on my experience. If I haven't commented on something, it's because it was forgettable, and I didn't bother writing notes about it.
If you went to Pasture when it previously operated, you'll recognise the location. Tala is located in the rear part of the old Pasture that you move to for the second stage of that dinner.
  • Welcome drink: fermented dragonfruit, pineapple, and hibiscus tea. Excellent start to the meal. This was basically a mocktail. The bartender, Mangesh, definitely knows how to start off a meal.
  • Seasonal fruits served with coconut foam
  1. Cucumber with powdered plum: I'm not sure what this was about. The cucumber was slightly pickled, I think. Gonna be a no from me.
  2. Apple and sumac: Same comment as above.
  3. Pineapple steeped in vanilla syrup: Perfect sweetness and flavour combination that complimented the unsweetened coconut foam (which I wish was slightly sweetened). Simple flavours, but so beautifully well done, I asked for more. 7.5-8/10. What can I say? I like both pineapple and vanilla, and both components were quality
  • Snacks
  1. Banana chip
  2. Taro chip
  3. Raw ramen: really salty sauce on it
  • Kaleve: Prawn head stuffed with daikon and chives with prawn head gravy. The flavour of the prawn itself was quite nice from the flame/charcoal grill-like flavour, probably from the hearth. However, this made it a bit rubbery. Interestingly, the prawn is deshelled for you but not deveined. I liked the inclusion of eating/sucking the inside of the prawn head, which many Western cultures don't follow.
  • Oka: Raw salmon, yoghurt, and cucumber on a fried rice paper cracker.
  • Palusami: Deep-fried palusami ball with spinach and coconut cream. This dish was really simple, and I believe this version had no meat in it(?), yet it was still surprisingly delicious. 6.5-7/10
  • Kale Iā€™a: Fish curry with chickpea, white sesame sauce, paprika oil, and snapper. My fish was overcooked and tough, but my friend's was apparently cooked to her liking. It's memorable and funny because we both had snapper and tarakihi (no chips) for lunch that day from Marsic Fish Shop, and I said the snapper was cooked better at the fish and chip shop, while she said it was cooked worse than at Tala.
  • Vaipala mocktail(?): fermented dragonfruit, pineapple. This was comped due to Logical-Pie-798 letting Chef Henry know I was coming that night. It's the first time ever something was comped for me, and I really appreciated it as I didn't think I'd actually be offered anything nor did I expect it! Excellent flavour profile and is honestly really up there in quality. I was a bit confused though, as Mangesh explained that it was kind of like a mix of Tala's alcoholic Fala cocktail (tequila, umu pineapple, dragonfruit, lime) and their non-alcoholic Vaipala mocktail (dragonfruit, angel berries(?) and nectarine). I'm not sure what it was exactly, but it was very similar to the welcome drink (as both featured fermented dragonfruit). Solid 7-7.5/10
  • Paua: Pomelo and paua. An interesting and unique combination. The pomelo pulp was perfect, but the creamed (?) paua was really salty. I thought the paua had taro mixed in due to the taro-like texture, but apparently not.
  • Lamb Sapasui: Although the flavour wasn't amazing to me, the quality of that lamb and how it was cooked was near perfection. Fantastic job keeping it tender and fall off the bone. If I were to just rate the grilling of the lamb, it would be an 8.5/10
  • Sticky Pork: True to the name, the pork was a solid chunk of pork (belly?). Glistening as it was scooped out of the pot. Similarly to the lamb, although the flavour wasn't for me, the execution was beautiful, and I'd rate the cooking of the pork itself a 7.5-8/10.
  • Umu Chicken and Faā€™alifu Taro: I had my eye on this chicken the whole night when I saw Chef Henry place burning charcoal into the cavity. The chicken is wrapped with banana leaves and cooked over the hearth, or in this case, what Henry refers to as the umu (earth oven). God damn, we were all waiting in anticipation and praying it was cooked (including Chef Henry). Lo and behold, this thing was just done perfectly 9-9.5/10 for the cooking and the timing of it. The umu chicken ... how can I explain it? Imagine a perfectly cooked chicken, a la steamed Hainenese-style. It was like that, but smokey. I wish this came with some sort of sauce instead of the Faā€™alifu Taro because that was some seriously impressive cooked chicken.
  • Desserts:
  1. Faā€™apapa (black plate): Super dense but quite delicious. Kind of like a reaaaaaalllllllly dense banana bread with some caramel sauce on top. Yum! 7/10
  2. Koko Samoa: Burnt/heavily roasted drinking cocoa with dark notes reminiscent of espresso. Served by itself and/or poured over the faā€™apapa. Preferred the faā€™apapa without the koko samoa as it was very strong and it overwhelmed the flavours of the faā€™apapa.
  3. Masi Samoa: Excellent and super soft, buttery shortbread biscuit with very little crunch (in a good way because it was buttery and melted in your mouth). Had some sort of passionfruit & lemon curd sort of topping. Fantastic 7.5/10
  4. Banana: Meringue overripe banana and chocolate cake. There was too much meringue, and the chocolate cake and syrup were too sweet; thus, it kind of overpowered the overripe banana.
  • Extras: Mangesh was showing off his experiments, which I greatly appreciated as that's my sort of thing.
  1. Watermelon skin cider. Interesting flavour as the watermelon flavour is notoriously hard to achieve.
  2. Melon liqueur: rockmelon, whiskey, coconut and Manuka tea. Sort of a weaker tasting, but more complex Midori liqueur.
The service and ambience were both quite nice. We two, an American tourist, a Samoan gentleman (Leitu?) and his wife, were all chatting with each other and with Chef Henry, bartender Mangesh, and another chef throughout the night. Chef Henry was briefly telling us about his background in American Samoa, and the rest of us could kind of relate in some way due to the American, Samoan, or American Samoa (Utah) sort of relationships (ok, except for me and a small group of 3 in the corner that kept to themselves cos they were facing a different way to the rest of us).
Great experience because we all sort of chimed in and listened to each other and felt connected that way. Throughout the meal, Leitu was saying how most of the food reminded him of his childhood, how his grandma used to make food like that, and how it was the best Samoan food (and the only one to not make him feel stuffed, lol) he ever had. He and his wife also had quite a few different cocktails/mocktails as well and seemed to enjoy them. At the end of the night, as we were about to finish and leave, Leitu wanted a photo of him, his wife, and the staff. He then said a formal thank you in Samoan to Chef Henry. Even though I didn't understand the Samoan language, I could really feel the emotions and impact of how high of praise Leitu was giving Chef Henry. What an end to the night!
Although I would personally rate the food maybe overall a 5.5-6/10 and drinks a 7/10 for my heavily Asian-influenced palate, we've established that it could be some of the best Samoan food you could experience right now if that suits you.
We did not get any drinks as they were a bit pricey for my budget, but I'll have to hit Mangesh up. Luckily, I got to at least try some of his stuff (including the comped drink) since his creations were solid.
Although $215 per person isn't cheap, given good company and the intimate interaction between the guests and staff, it was worth the experience (8.5/10) to me. In fact, I felt so moved by the hospitality that I went to the car and ran back inside Tala to give Mangesh a block of chocolate I made as a token of my appreciation back to them.
What a long post. I hope you enjoy the read as much as I remember that night!
submitted by Oiru to aucklandeats [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:27 jetof9209 10 yr old bench warrant

Iā€™m hoping someone can offer some advice about a concern I have: I am about to move to the town where thereā€™s a 10 year old bench warrant out for me. What should I do?
I received a speeding ticket in 2014 in my college town just days before before graduating. I promptly moved hundreds of miles away for grad school and, to be honest, I donā€™t remember why I didnā€™t pay the ticket but I am pretty sure I was just really broke that summer and made the immature decision to ignore the reality of the ticket. Many months later, cops showed up at my former apartment and my old roommate told them I moved away. I didnā€™t think much of it after that.
And of course, Iā€™ve just taken a job at that same university and will be moving back to that town where I received the ticket in 2014. I looked it up a couple years ago and there was a record of this warrant, but my name is misspelled. My drivers liscence number is listed correctly but my last name is misspelled.
If I were to be pulled over again, would I be arrested or do these things expire after a while since the crime is kinda lame (going like 10 over in a 45 mph zone)? I have a feeling itā€™s best to confront this directly and take responsibility so I donā€™t have to live in constant anxiety when I drive.
submitted by jetof9209 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:26 KingMjolnir Quality time with her best friendā€™ āœØšŸ’Ž

Quality time with her best friendā€™ āœØšŸ’Ž
2 of 3ā€™
submitted by KingMjolnir to Tyla [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:26 Sweet-Count2557 Beaker & Gray Restaurant in Miami,FL,United States

Beaker & Gray Restaurant in Miami,FL,United States
Beaker & Gray Restaurant in Miami,FL,United States
Discover the Best Brunch Spot in Town: Beaker & Gray in Miami, FL
Price Level: $$ - $$$
Discover the Best Brunch Spot in Town: Beaker & Gray As a travel blogger, I am always on the lookout for unique and delicious dining experiences. One restaurant that has truly captured my taste buds is Beaker & Gray. Located in the heart of town, this hidden gem is the perfect spot for brunch enthusiasts. Beaker & Gray offers a delightful brunch menu that will satisfy even the most discerning palates. From classic favorites like eggs benedict and fluffy pancakes to innovative dishes like avocado toast with a twist, there is something for everyone. What sets Beaker & Gray apart from other brunch spots is their commitment to using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Each dish is carefully crafted with seasonal produce, ensuring a burst of flavors in every bite. Not only does Beaker & Gray excel in their culinary offerings, but the ambiance is also worth mentioning. The restaurant boasts a trendy and modern interior, creating a welcoming and cozy atmosphere for diners to enjoy their meal.
Cuisines of Beaker & Gray in Miami,FL,United States
Beaker & Gray Restaurant is a culinary gem that offers a diverse range of cuisines to satisfy every palate. With a menu that spans American, Bar, International, Fusion, and Vegetarian Friendly options, this restaurant truly caters to all tastes. Whether you're craving a classic American burger, a flavorful fusion dish, or a refreshing vegetarian or vegan option, Beaker & Gray has got you covered. What sets this restaurant apart is its commitment to accommodating dietary restrictions, with an array of Gluten Free and Vegan options available. So, whether you're a meat lover, a vegetarian, or have specific dietary needs, Beaker & Gray is the perfect destination to indulge in a delightful culinary experience.
Features of Beaker & Gray in Miami,FL,United States
DeliveryTakeoutReservationsOutdoor SeatingSeatingParking AvailableStreet ParkingValet ParkingWheelchair AccessibleServes AlcoholFull BarAccepts American ExpressAccepts MastercardAccepts VisaAccepts DiscoverWine and BeerAccepts Credit CardsTable ServiceFree Wifi
Menu of Beaker & Gray in Miami,FL,United States
Location of Beaker & Gray in Miami,FL,United States
Contact of Beaker & Gray in Miami,FL,United States
+1 305-699-2637
2637 N Miami Ave, Miami, FL 33127-4437
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]