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2009.09.06 20:48 ksan Evangelion

God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.

2016.06.22 01:52 Aquatic Snails

A subreddit for all kinds of aquatic snails!

2008.04.20 14:37 Electronic systems and circuits

Discussion and news about component-level electronic circuits.

2024.05.19 00:17 Blade_of_Boniface Collection of St. John Chrysostom quotes criticizing the elites' treatment of the vulnerable.

I compiled these a long time ago in response to a relevant article about St. Chrysostom. I'm posting them here again since several people since then said they were immensely helpful and that they merit a post of their own. Feel free to discuss them and post other Church Father's social teaching in the comments below.
You eat in excess. Christ eats not even what he needs. You eat a variety of cakes. He eats not even a piece of dried bread. You drink fine Thracian wine. On Him you have not bestowed so much as a cup of cold water. You lie on a soft and embroidered bed. He is perishing in the cold….
You live in luxury on things that properly belong to Him….
....At the moment, you have taken possession of the resources that belong to Christ and you consume them aimlessly. Don’t you realize that you are going to be held accountable?
St. John Chrysostom's Homily on the Gospel of Matthew XLVIII
Do you wish to honor the Body of the Savior? Do not despise Him when He is naked. Do not honor Him in church with silk vestments while outside He is naked and numb with cold. He who said, "This is my body." and made it so by His word, is the same that said, "You saw me hungry and you gave me no food. As you did it not to the least of these, you did it not to me." Honor Him then by sharing your property with the poor. For what God needs is not golden chalices but golden souls.
.…It is such a slight thing I beg….
....nothing very expensive…
....bread, a roof, words of comfort. If the rewards I promised hold no appeal for you, then show at least a natural compassion when you see me naked, and remember the nakedness I endured for you on the cross….
....I fasted for you then, and I suffer for you now. I was thirsty when I hung on the cross, and I thirst still in the poor, in both ways to draw you to myself to make you humane for your own salvation.
St. John Chrysostom's Homily on the Gospel of Matthew L
....When Christ is famishing, do you revel in such luxury, act so foolishly?....
....Another, made after the image of God, is perishing of cold. Yet, you’re furnishing yourself with such things as these? Oh the senseless pride!....
St. John Chrysostom's Homily on the Letter to the Colossians VII
....He is not rich who is surrounded by many possessions, but he who does not need many possessions. He is not poor who possesses nothing, but he who requires many things. We ought to consider this to be the distinction between poverty and wealth. When, therefore, you see any one longing for many things, esteem him of all men the poorest, even though he possess all manner of wealth. Again, when you see one who does not wish for many things, judge him to be of all men most affluent, even if he possess nothing. For by the condition of our mind, not by the quantity of our material wealth, should it be our custom to distinguish between poverty and affluence….
....It's as if we were sitting in a theater, and looking at the players on the stage. Do not, when you see many abounding in wealth, think that they are in reality wealthy, but dressed up in the semblance of wealth. And as one man, representing on the stage a king or a general, often may prove to be a household servant, or one of those who sell figs or grapes in the market. Therefore the rich man may often chance to be the poorest of all. For if you remove his mask and examine his conscience, and enter into his inner mind, you will find there great poverty as to virtue, and ascertain that he is the meanest of men. As also, in the theater, as evening closes in, and the spectators depart, those who come forth divested of their theatrical ornaments, who seemed to all to be kings and generals, now are seen to be whatever they are in reality. Even so with respect to this life, when death comes, and the theater is deserted, when all, having put off their masks of wealth or of poverty, depart hence, being judged only by their works, they appear, some really rich, some poor. Some appear in honor, some in dishonor. Therefore it often happens, that one of those who are here the most wealthy, is there most poor…
....This also is robber, not to impart our good things to others….
....It is said to be deprivation when we retain things taken from others. And in this way, therefore, we are taught that if we do not bestow alms, we shall be treated in the same way as those who have been extortioners. Our Lord’s things they are, from whenever we may obtain them. And if we distribute to the needy we shall obtain for ourselves great abundance. And for this it is that God has permitted you to possess much. This doesn't mean you should spend it in fornication, in drunkenness, in gluttony, in rich clothing, or any other mode of luxury, but that you should distribute it to the needy. And just as if a receiver of taxes, having in charge the king’s property, should not distribute it to those for whom it is ordered, but should spend it for his own enjoyment, he would pay the penalty and come to ruin. Therefore also the rich man is, as it were, a receiver of goods which are destined to be dispensed to the poor, to those of his fellow-servants who are in want. If he then should spend upon himself more than he really needs, he will pay hereafter a heavy penalty. For the things he has are not his own, but are the things of his fellow-servants.
....Not to share our own riches with the poor is a robbery of the poor, and a depriving them of their livelihood. That which we possess is not only our own, but also theirs.
St. John Chrysostom's Discourse on the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus II
....Do you wish to see His altar?....
....This altar is composed of the very members of Christ…This altar you can see lying everywhere, in the alleys and in the markets and you can sacrifice upon it anytime.
....invoke the spirit not with words but with deeds.
St. John Chrysostom's Homily on the Second Letter to the Corinthians XX
....Tell me, then, what is the source of your wealth? From whom did you receive it, and from whom the one who transmitted it to you? From his father and his grandfather." Yet can you go back through the many generations and show the acquisition just? It cannot be. The root and origin of it must have been injustice. Why? Because God in the beginning did not make one man rich and another poor. Nor did He later show one treasures of gold and deny the other the right to search for it. He left the earth free to all alike. Why then, if it is common, do you have so many acres of land, while your neighbor has no portion of it?....
St. John Chrysostom's Homily on the First Letter to Timothy XII
....I am often reproached for continually attacking the rich. Yes, because the rich are continually attacking the poor. But those I attack are not the rich as such, only those who misuse their wealth. I point out constantly that those I accuse are not the rich but the rapacious. Wealth is one thing, covetousness another. Learn to distinguish....
St. John Chrysostom's Homily on the Fall of Consul Eutropius
submitted by Blade_of_Boniface to RadicalChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:14 Lololeo777 [18M] Let’s Lose Brain Cells Together!

Hey. My name is Leo, and I’m M18! I’m just looking for a platonic friendship where can we can share our life philosophies, and/or have good interesting conversations. My other hobbies include: reading (romance), listening to music (rap), listening to true crime podcast, psychology! I enjoy watching horror films, football, basketball, and some shows (you can grill me on it!!!). If you wanna teach me how to play a (free) game on laptop, I am very interested too! Hit me up, don’t be shy, I don’t bite….. or do I?
submitted by Lololeo777 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:14 bia_matsuo AllTalk and Text-Gen-WebUI-ST wierd interaction, generates the image and the .wav file, but it dosn't play the audio

I've just installed the Text-Gen-WebUI-ST , and it seems to be working fine, the problem is the interaction between it and AllTalk.
Here is an example response I received: Chiharu's eyes widen in surprise at your response, but she quickly recovers and smiles reassuringly Don't worry, I won't bite! She chuckles Let's start with the basics. What got you interested in computers? [image_correclty_generated]
AllTalk correctly generates the .wav file, but it doesnt send it alongside the text response and the image. And as seem in the example above, the text is ouputting the .wav file path, and not the "play button". The correct text would be: [PLAY BUTTOM] Chiharu's eyes widen in surprise at your response, but she quickly recovers and smiles reassuringly Don't worry, I won't bite! She chuckles Let's start with the basics. What got you interested in computers? [image_correclty_generated]
I'm running AllTalk as a Text-Gen-WebUI extension, and it's entire ouput into the command windows is:
Llama.generate: prefix-match hit Output generated in 6.15 seconds (10.09 tokens/s, 62 tokens, context 384, seed 1337) [AllTalk TTSGen] Chiharu's eyes widen in surprise at your response, but she quickly recovers and smiles reassuringly Don't worry, I won't bite! She chuckles Let's start with the basics. What got you interested in computers? [AllTalk TTSGen] 4.09 seconds. LowVRAM: False DeepSpeed: True 18:46:26-837540 INFO [SD WebUI Integration] Using stable-diffusion-webui to generate images. Prompt: She chuckles Let's start with the basics. What got you interested in computers, but she quickly recovers and smiles reassuringly Don't worry, Chiharu's eyes widen in surprise at your response, I won't bite, sscore_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, realistic, realism, source_anime, High-Res, High Quality, (masterpiece, best quality, highly detailed, realistic, beautiful eyes, detailed face), BREAK red eyes, red glasses, brown hair, pony tails, long hair, bangs, smiling, lab coat, black boots, ankle boots, blue nails, blue lipstick, cowboy shot, upper body shot Negative Prompt: score_4_up, score_5_up,low detailed, ugly face, bad hands, bad fingers, mutated hands, low res, blurry face, monochrome, words, artist signature, close up 
And here is Stable-Difussion ouput:
Begin to load 1 model [Memory Management] Current Free GPU Memory (MB) = 10816.615869522095 [Memory Management] Model Memory (MB) = 2144.3546981811523 [Memory Management] Minimal Inference Memory (MB) = 1024.0 [Memory Management] Estimated Remaining GPU Memory (MB) = 7648.261171340942 Moving model(s) has taken 1.81 seconds To load target model SDXL Begin to load 1 model [Memory Management] Current Free GPU Memory (MB) = 9031.173444747925 [Memory Management] Model Memory (MB) = 4897.086494445801 [Memory Management] Minimal Inference Memory (MB) = 1024.0 [Memory Management] Estimated Remaining GPU Memory (MB) = 3110.086950302124 Moving model(s) has taken 3.24 seconds 100%██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 15/15 [00:05<00:00, 2.93it/s] Memory cleanup has taken 3.36 seconds██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 15/15 [00:04<00:00, 2.97it/s] Total progress: 100%██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 15/15 [00:08<00:00, 1.77it/s] Total progress: 100%██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ 15/15 [00:08<00:00, 2.97it/s] 
And this is my "settings.yaml" file:
preset: Debug-deterministic seed: 1337 truncation_length: 32768 stream: false character: Chiharu Yamada default_extensions: - openai - send_pictures - sd_api_pictures - gallery - long_replies - whisper_stt - alltalk_tts - stable_diffusion alltalk_tts-voice: '#Scarlett_voice_preview (enhanced).wav' stable_diffusion-api_username: '' stable_diffusion-api_password: '' stable_diffusion-base_prompt: sscore_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, realistic, realism, source_anime, High-Res, High Quality, (masterpiece, best quality, highly detailed, realistic, beautiful eyes, detailed face), BREAK red eyes, red glasses, brown hair, pony tails, long hair, bangs, smiling, lab coat, black boots, ankle boots, blue nails, blue lipstick, cowboy shot, upper body shot stable_diffusion-base_negative_prompt: score_4_up, score_5_up,low detailed, ugly face, bad hands, bad fingers, mutated hands, low res, blurry face, monochrome, words, artist signature, close up, stable_diffusion-sampler_name: Euler a stable_diffusion-sampling_steps: 15 stable_diffusion-width: 1024 stable_diffusion-height: 1024 stable_diffusion-cfg_scale: 4 stable_diffusion-clip_skip: 2 stable_diffusion-debug_mode_enabled: true stable_diffusion-trigger_mode: continuous stable_diffusion-tool_mode_force_json_output_enabled: false stable_diffusion-tool_mode_force_json_output_schema: "{\n \"type\": \"array\", \n \"items\": {\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"properties\": {\n \"tool_name\": {\n \"type\": \"string\",\n \"required\": true\n },\n \"parameters\": {\n \"type\": \"object\",\n \"required\": true\n } \n },\n \"additionalProperties\": false\n },\n \"minItems\": 1\n}" stable_diffusion-interactive_mode_input_trigger_regex: .*(drawpaintcreatesenduploadaddshowattachgenerate)\b.+?\b(imagepic(ture)?photosnap(shot)?selfiememe)(s?) stable_diffusion-interactive_mode_output_trigger_regex: .*[*([]?(drawspaintscreatessendsuploadsaddsshowsattachesgenerateshere (isare))\b.+?\b(imagepic(ture)?photosnap(shot)?selfiememe)(s?) stable_diffusion-interactive_mode_description_prompt: You are now a text generator for the Stable Diffusion AI image generator. You will generate a text prompt for it. Describe [subject] using comma-separated tags only. Do not use sentences. Include many tags such as tags for the environment, gender, clothes, age, location, light, daytime, angle, pose, etc. Very important: only write the comma-separated tags. Do not write anything else. Do not ask any questions. Do not talk. stable_diffusion-dont_stream_when_generating_images: false stable_diffusion-generation_rules: - regex: .*\b(detailed)\b match: - input - output actions: - name: prompt_append args: '(high resolution, detailed, realistic, vivid: 1.2), hdr, 8k, ' - regex: ^Assistant$ match: - character_name actions: - name: prompt_append args: - name: negative_prompt_append args: - regex: ^Example$ match: - character_name actions: - name: faceswaplab_enable - name: faceswaplab_set_source_face args: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg stable_diffusion-hires_sampling_steps: 10 stable_diffusion-faceswaplab_source_face: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg stable_diffusion-reactor_source_face: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg stable_diffusion-reactor_source_gender: none stable_diffusion-reactor_target_gender: none stable_diffusion-faceid_source_face: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg stable_diffusion-ipadapter_reference_image: file:///{STABLE_DIFFUSION_EXTENSION_DIRECTORY}/assets/example_face.jpg 
If someone could give me a help on this, I'll appreciate a lot. Thank you.
submitted by bia_matsuo to Oobabooga [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:14 Lololeo777 [18M] Let’s Lose Brain Cells Together!

Hey. My name is Leo, and I’m M18! I’m just looking for a platonic friendship where can we can share our life philosophies, and/or have good interesting conversations. My other hobbies include: reading (romance), listening to music (rap), listening to true crime podcast, psychology! I enjoy watching horror films, football, basketball, and some shows (you can grill me on it!!!). If you wanna teach me how to play a (free) game on laptop, I am very interested too! Hit me up, don’t be shy, I don’t bite….. or do I?
submitted by Lololeo777 to textfriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:14 anwoke8204 Issues trying to attach a new drive to a vm.

hi, i am still new to Proxmox and am trying to attach a 250 gig drive that i created. its listed under hardware, but it is orange. when i go into the VM and go to disk management, it doesnt show up so i can bring it online and assign a drive letter, here is a copy and paste of the data in the log as it ran the task.
()Task viewer: VM 101 - Configure[Output]()[Status]()[Stop]()[Download]()update VM 101: -sata1 local-lvm:250 WARNING: You have not turned on protection against thin pools running out of space. WARNING: Set activation/thin_pool_autoextend_threshold below 100 to trigger automatic extension of thin pools before they get full. Logical volume "vm-101-disk-2" created. WARNING: Sum of all thin volume sizes (352.00 GiB) exceeds the size of thin pool pve/data and the amount of free space in volume group (16.00 GiB). sata1: successfully created disk 'local-lvm:vm-101-disk-2,size=250G' TASK OK
I know the thin pool wont run out of space. where do i go to set these. also it says that all volumes the thin pool size, but its a 512 gig drive. there is only 3 vms, one with the default 32 gig drive, one with a 40 gig drive and one with a 30 gig drive, so how can i have exceeded the total thin pool size when there are only only 102 gigs of drives between the 3 vm's.when i created the 250 gig drive, it even said there was 352 gigs available in the drive pool.
submitted by anwoke8204 to Proxmox [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:13 Lololeo777 [18M] Let’s Lose Brain Cells Together!

Hey. My name is Leo, and I’m M18! I’m just looking for a platonic friendship where can we can share our life philosophies, and/or have good interesting conversations. My other hobbies include: reading (romance), listening to music (rap), listening to true crime podcast, psychology! I enjoy watching horror films, football, basketball, and some shows (you can grill me on it!!!). If you wanna teach me how to play a (free) game on laptop, I am very interested too! Hit me up, don’t be shy, I don’t bite….. or do I?
submitted by Lololeo777 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:13 Lololeo777 [18M] Let’s Lose Brain Cells Together!

Hey. My name is Leo, and I’m M18! I’m just looking for a platonic friendship where can we can share our life philosophies, and/or have good interesting conversations. My other hobbies include: reading (romance), listening to music (rap), listening to true crime podcast, psychology! I enjoy watching horror films, football, basketball, and some shows (you can grill me on it!!!). If you wanna teach me how to play a (free) game on laptop, I am very interested too! Hit me up, don’t be shy, I don’t bite….. or do I?
submitted by Lololeo777 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:13 Lololeo777 [18M] Let’s Lose Brain Cells Together!

Hey. My name is Leo, and I’m M18! I’m just looking for a platonic friendship where can we can share our life philosophies, and/or have good interesting conversations. My other hobbies include: reading (romance), listening to music (rap), listening to true crime podcast, psychology! I enjoy watching horror films, football, basketball, and some shows (you can grill me on it!!!). If you wanna teach me how to play a (free) game on laptop, I am very interested too! Hit me up, don’t be shy, I don’t bite….. or do I?
submitted by Lololeo777 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:12 Lololeo777 [18M] Let’s Lose Brain Cells Together!

Hey. My name is Leo, and I’m M18! I’m just looking for a platonic friendship where can we can share our life philosophies, and/or have good interesting conversations. My other hobbies include: reading (romance), listening to music (rap), listening to true crime podcast, psychology! I enjoy watching horror films, football, basketball, and some shows (you can grill me on it!!!). If you wanna teach me how to play a (free) game on laptop, I am very interested too! Hit me up, don’t be shy, I don’t bite….. or do I?
submitted by Lololeo777 to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:10 ExposedTamponString Elfi Schlegel getting called out by the Australian Federation...

Elfi Schlegel getting called out by the Australian Federation... submitted by ExposedTamponString to Gymnastics [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:10 Heatherlee2019 All You Need to Know About InventHelp and Its New Invention and Patent Services

All You Need to Know About InventHelp and Its New Invention and Patent Services
Wonderful inventions abound in the world that were once only the product of geniuses' epiphanies. Most of us cannot image a world without the inventions and conveniences that we have grown to depend on and take for granted. The world does, of course, always change, in part because bright brains never stop coming up with amazing ideas for inventions that can improve people's lives.
It can be overwhelming to a new inventor with a fantastic idea to know where to begin or what to do. Sometimes as a result, people give up on their aspirations of invention and put the concept out of their heads. Had this occurred with any of the numerous inventions on which we now so rely, just think! Instead of giving up on an idea, new inventors can consult industry professionals like InventHelp.
Naturally, you want to be sure you make the best decision when you are thinking about hiring a new inventions company to help you advance with your idea as a new inventor. This implies that you must do your homework and learn as much as possible about any service—InventHelp included—that you are thinking about using. Fortunately, you may make your decision more easily because InventHelp has been in the business for many years and there is a wealth of information available online.
When you get into the field of new inventions, you will need assistance with everything from marketing to patent protection to prototype development and more. From the beginning to the conclusion of your first invention journey, a full-service provider such as InventHelp will be able to support you.
We've written a guide with additional details about InventHelp and what it offers new inventors to help you make the best choice. You can also read Q&As from other new inventors trying to learn more about the company and some of the most often asked questions by those who do online research on the company.
Questions from New Inventors About InventHelp

Many new inventors understandably have a lot of questions when they consider working with a company like InventHelp to move forward with their invention idea. Naturally, they want to ensure that they choose the best new invention service provider for them, which means learning about some key factors that can help them make the right decision. So, let's look at some of the questions that new inventors ask about InventHelp, because they can help you learn a lot about the provider and its new invention services.

How Long Has InventHelp Been Around?
Most new inventors want to know how long InventHelp has been in this industry. This shows how reliable, experienced, and well-known the company is. You should find a new invention service provider that has a good reputation and a lot of experience in the field. To do this, you should find out how long they have been in business.
The good news is that InventHelp has been around for a long time. It began in the mid-1980s. From then on, the business has helped many new inventors in many different niches and fields, and it has built a strong reputation along the way. It is easy to see why a lot of new inventors choose to use this service to help them with their first invention. They have been in business for more than forty years.
Also, it's important to note that InventHelp has 65 offices in the US and Canada, making it a very strong presence there. The company hires teams of professionals with years of experience and knowledge in the field. The company is also divided into different departments that handle different parts of the new invention process. This includes professionals in legal matters, marketing, design, and a lot of other fields.
So, if you want to hire a new invention company with a long history, you can rest easy knowing that InventHelp has been around for decades.
Can InventHelp Assist with Patenting My Idea?
A lot of new inventors don't know much about patenting, but they do know that it's an important part of the invention world. There are a lot of people who want to know if InventHelp can help them get patent protection because of this. They can do this without any problems.
When you work with InventHelp, the team can put you in touch with lawyers who specialize in patent law. This way, you can get patent searches and applications done right away. Then, with the help of lawyers, you can get your patent protection set up. This will give you more peace of mind and protection.
Getting a patent for a new invention can be hard and take a long time because there are so many steps involved. Patent searches are needed to make sure that your invention won't violate any patents that are already out there. In addition, the patent application process has to be completed. This can be difficult and stressful for people who don't know much about patent law.
There could be serious problems for you in the future if you don't have patent protection in place or if searches aren't done. If you don't do the right research, your invention might violate an existing patent, which could get you in trouble with the law. Someone could steal your idea or design if you don't have a patent to protect it. They could then claim it as their own, which is called intellectual property theft. Also, someone else could have the exact same thought and patent it before you do.

What Are the Benefits of Using InventHelp?
When looking into this invention company, many new inventors wonder how InventHelp can assist them and what advantages they will reap from working with the firm. Obviously, you should inquire about this and conduct research to make sure the provider is a good fit for you. You should know that InventHelp offers assistance in a wide variety of ways since they are a full-service new invention provider.
The many steps involved in bringing a new invention to fruition can be overwhelming and difficult for a first-time inventor. In order to help you with this, the experts at InventHelp are available to you at all times. As a new inventor, you can expect a great deal of assistance from the provider, and there are numerous advantages to working with them. Now we can examine a few of the main advantages:
· You get support and guidance from the start to the end of your first invention journey from industry experts
· They can assist with important tasks such as patent protection and searches, creating prototypes, and more
· You can benefit from access to a database of thousands of companies that are willing to review your invention idea
· There is access to a wide range of tools and resources to help you to learn as you go
· The team can help with marketing your invention to help generate interest
· You can get assistance with creating great pitches to impress potential investors and businesses
· There is tailored support to meet your individual needs

This is just a sample of the wide range of services and assistance that InventHelp can provide to new inventors. As a result, it has become a very popular choice among new inventors in all sorts of industries.

Can InventHelp Assist with Prototype Creation?
They think that just telling people about their new invention idea is enough, and some new inventors don't realize how important a prototype is. To attract attention and, maybe, investment, you need to be creative. If you have a prototype, you can use it here.
Sharing the visual, functional, and operational aspects of your invention can be challenging without a prototype. Prototyping allows you to accomplish this in a way that is impossible without one. Selecting the most appropriate prototype from the many available choices is crucial.
If you need help with this, InventHelp has a team of design experts that can help. Their assistance in developing a faultless prototype can greatly increase your chances of attracting the attention of potential investors.
Will InventHelp Review My Idea?
One thing that a lot of new inventors want to know about InventHelp is if the people who work there will give them feedback on their invention idea. They will not do this, which is a shame, because it would not be right for them to. In fact, it's important to remember that no new invention company should give their opinion, and if they do, that should be a red flag. You can't ask the team what they think about your invention idea, so don't expect them to give you feedback.
You can, of course, do other things if you want to find out what other people think about your invention idea. These days, a lot of people do things like this on social media. If you have a lot of friends, you can share the idea to see what they think. You should be very careful, though, because you don't want your idea to get stolen by someone else before you get a patent for it.
One of the safest things you can do is to ask your close friends and family what they think about your invention idea. Not all of them will tell you what you want to hear, but some will probably tell you the truth. This means that you can get an honest opinion from some of them.
What Can InventHelp Do for Me?
New inventors sometimes don't know what a new invention services provider does or how they can help someone who is new to the world of invention. Well, as we've already talked about, they can help you in a lot of different ways. This is especially helpful for people who don't know much about invention or have little experience with it.
If you've never been involved with inventions before, you should know that the whole process can be very complicated and hard to figure out. This can make it very stressful and scary for new inventors. Some people find it so scary that they give up on their idea or invention dreams rather than continuing to try and get past the problems they face.
If you have professionals there to help you, the process is much easier and less likely to be scary and stressful for you. You can have a better first journey as an inventor with the help of InventHelp. They can make sure you enjoy and learn from your first experience. This can boost your confidence and fire you up to move forward with your dream of making a new invention.
Will InventHelp Assist with Marketing?
Marketing is an important aspect of new inventions, but many first-time inventors are unfamiliar with it. Many newbies wonder if the InventHelp team can help, and with a team of marketing experts on hand, the answer is yes.
When it comes to marketing your new invention idea, it is critical that you employ the appropriate marketing techniques and strategies, as these can make a significant difference in generating more interest and raising awareness of your invention. Having professionals on hand to assist you with this aspect of things can be extremely beneficial.
In addition to assisting with marketing campaigns, the InventHelp team can help you develop a strong pitch for your new invention. When it comes to impressing businesses and potential investors, having a great pitch is essential, but most new inventors are lost. With the experts on hand to help, you'll have one less thing to worry about.
Will I Succeed with InventHelp?
Some new inventors think that if they go to a new invention company, they will be sure to be successful. There is no way to know for sure that you will succeed, so this is not true. That's why you should be very wary of companies that say their new invention will be a success. Not even the most experienced inventors can be sure if their latest idea will work or not.
When you first start out as an inventor, your dedication and hard work will definitely lead you in the right direction. You can get through your whole journey with the help of the right people and information. But none of this means you will be successful, so you should never go into this business thinking you will do well no matter what.
People Also Ask: More Questions and Answers About InventHelp

When you run a search in InventHelp, you will also find a wide range of other questions that people ask, and it is well worth reading through these if you want to learn more about the provider and what it has to offer. This is a great way of getting some of your own questions answered, and viewing some other questions that you might not have thought about. Some of the top questions that people also ask are:

How Much Does InventHelp Cost?
New inventors want to get rich fast, but they have to live on a tight budget like everyone else until their invention becomes a hit. Most people have a set amount of money they want to spend on their new invention idea. So, they want to know if InventHelp charges for its services and, if so, how much it will cost.
Not only that, but keep in mind that InventHelp is a business and needs to make money just like any other business. Because of this, services can't be given away for free, and there is a cost to become a client. Getting the service can cost different amounts, so you need to talk to them about your project first to find out how much it will cost.
That being said, the business is very clear about its prices and fees, so you can find out exactly how much you'll be charged before you sign anything or commit to anything. Because of this, you won't have to worry about any hidden fees, and you'll know right away how much the service will cost. Then, among other things, the costs will help you decide if you want to sign up or not.
And, of course, you should think about how much help and services you will get from InventHelp as part of the fee they charge. It can be hard for new inventors to figure out how to go about the processes involved with new inventions, as we've already said. Getting the right support and help can make a huge difference.
Is InventHelp a Legitimate Company?
The legitimacy of InventHelp is another question that people frequently pose online. Naturally, when a person uses a company for the first time, especially for something as crucial as supporting their new invention, they are always concerned. Many people who are unaware of InventHelp are therefore interested in learning if it is reliable.
Given its existence since the middle of the 1980s, the company has a proven track record. Many inexperienced inventors have already benefited from it in the past with inventions in a variety of fields. Furthermore, the internet offers a wealth of information about the provider, including testimonials and reviews, which helps you to find out more about its standing.
Just like with any other business you are using for the first time, before you join up with a new invention services company, including InventHelp, do as much research as you can. This allows you to gauge their offerings more fully and decide if it is the best option for you.
InventHelp is, however, a respectable business with a solid presence in 65 cities in the US and Canada and forty years of experience in the field.
How Can InventHelp Assist with Patenting?
New Inventors often ask online if InventHelp can help new inventors with the patenting process. Some new inventors are also interested in this. As we already talked about, patenting is a very important part of the process. Its job is to keep you and your invention safe. The good news is that InventHelp has a team of lawyers and can put you in touch with one of their patent law experts to make sure that the searches are done and that the patent protection is filed quickly and correctly.
This can help you get your patent faster and give you peace of mind that everything has been done correctly. When you go through legal processes like patent protection, you need to make sure that everything is done correctly. The lawyers at InventHelp can help you with this.
Can InventHelp Offer Funding?
Not many new inventors think about how to pay for their invention at first, but later on, they do. This is why a lot of people have asked if InventHelp can give money to new inventors. InventHelp does not directly offer funding, but they can still help in other ways.
The team can, for example, put you in touch with possible investors who might be willing to give you money if your new invention idea really impresses them. In addition, they can help you make a great pitch that will impress investors, which will increase your chances of getting new ones on board.

Does InventHelp Offer Confidentiality?
Rightly so, most new inventors are fiercely guarding their new invention concept! They therefore want to make sure that the specifics of their invention are safe and secure, and many of them wonder if InventHelp provides a private service.
You may relax though, because the InventHelp staff is highly concerned with information security and secrecy. Keeping this in mind, they have put in place a number of procedures to guarantee the security and safety of your data. This covers the companies on their database as well as all others who will be working on your project signing confidentiality agreements.
During their online research on InventHelp and its services, many people have the following important questions.
Can InventHelp Help with International Patents?
InventHelp can assist inventors with international patent applications through mechanisms like the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and by coordinating with foreign associates or patent agents.

Do I Need a Prototype to Work with InventHelp?
While having a prototype can be helpful, it is not always necessary to work with InventHelp. They can assist inventors at various stages of development, from conceptual ideas to prototypes.

What Should I Prepare Before Contacting InventHelp?
Before contacting InventHelp, it can be helpful to have a clear description of your invention idea, any sketches or diagrams, and an understanding of your goals for the invention.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Patent with InventHelp's Assistance?
The time it takes to obtain a patent can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the invention and the patent office's processing times. InventHelp can provide estimated timelines based on your specific case.

What Happens After I Contact InventHelp?
After contacting InventHelp, they will typically schedule a consultation to discuss your invention and determine how they can best assist you in achieving your goals.

Can I Work with InventHelp If I Already Have a Patent?
Yes, InventHelp can provide various services even if you already have a patent. They can assist with marketing, licensing, and commercialization efforts.

Is There a Guarantee of Success with InventHelp?
There is no guarantee of success in the invention and patenting process, as it depends on various factors including the novelty of the invention and market conditions. InventHelp can provide guidance and support, but success is not guaranteed.

Can InventHelp Help with Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)?
Yes, InventHelp can assist in the preparation of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to help protect your invention idea when discussing it with potential partners or investors.

Do I Have to Share Ownership or Royalties with InventHelp?
Any agreements about ownership or royalties will be based on the deal that the inventor and InventHelp make, and these terms should be written down in the deal.
How Much do Inventors Make on Royalties?
Inventors' royalty earnings vary widely, but typical royalty rates range from 2% to 10% or more of net sales, depending on several factors.
Can I Just Sell my Invention Idea? Yes, you can sell your invention idea to a company or individual without having to manufacture or develop the product yourself.

Should I Patent my Idea Before Selling?It's generally advisable to consider patenting your idea before selling it, as a patent can add significant value and protection to your invention when negotiating with potential buyers or licensees.
How do Inventors get Paid? Inventors typically get paid through royalties, upfront payments, or a combination of both, as specified in a licensing or sale agreement with a company or individual interested in their invention.

Summary of Benefits of Using InventHelp

After reading new inventor and online research questions about InventHelp, let's explore its benefits. You should weigh the pros and cons of any provider you use to help with your invention, but InventHelp has many benefits. Among the most important:
· Support and guidance
· Assistance with practical processes
· Access to tools and resources
· Access to a range of crucial services
· Expertise of professionals
· Transparency and honesty
· Ability to get your invention idea reviewed
· Great confidence and motivation
· Help from beginning to end as a new inventor
· Confidentiality and security when it comes to your information

Getting Started with InventHelp

Simply get in touch with InventHelp if you believe they would be the best provider to help you launch your career as a new inventor. You will know much better, among other things, what has to be done and how much it will cost once you have discussed your project and idea with the team. Then you can start anticipating an exciting and enlightening first adventure as a new inventor.
submitted by Heatherlee2019 to u/Heatherlee2019 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:08 usnamom14 October 19, 2024…as promised.

October 19, 2024…as promised.
This is one of her early freak outs after she found this group and the ghosts showed up on her live.
This was a live Pam told us about her distant royal family connections, her tattoos, how she is fluent in Spanish and it’s long. The non returnable jeans are mentioned.
As I rewatched a bit of this video from last October the other day, I was reminded of how self righteous Pam was here. She, of course, had no idea about what was posted here 🙄 but she felt free to opine on our parent’s basements, our dietary choices and our choices of what to do with our free time.
submitted by usnamom14 to PWebbssnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:07 kvater3 Great show Sunday at 6. Newly renovated Williamsburg comedy club. Free drinks!
Tickets are ten bucks
submitted by kvater3 to BedStuy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:00 Shnoinky1 Free dogs at national restaurant show in Chicago

Free dogs at national restaurant show in Chicago submitted by Shnoinky1 to hotdogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:59 niravbhatt Speech video editing with animations, shapes - need tool recommendations

Fellow editors,
I am relatively inexperienced in video editing. I have previous experience of Camtasia and iMovie - nowadays only using iMovie.
In my speech with face videos, I often need to show shape animations along the way. When I use ppt exported video, it serves the purpose but the effect is not in sync with my voice. Plus, the whole process takes a lot of time.
Is there a tool that gives me both: video track editing + basic animations (shape shifting, text movement found in average quality videos). No VFX. Some characters wouldn't hurt, though. AI isn't a problem either.
I have already tried tools like DaVinci Resolve and Kine master. While they look all-containing and powerful, it took me a lot of time to learn even the basic things, and I could not find my desired capabilities (problem with me being impatient for the tool, but that's a thing I have no way to get around currently).
I am not a huge fan of web based tools. Nor I have the time and audacity to learn Adobe suit of tools. I guess my needs are not that advanced either.
I use a macbook air + M2 pro.
Free (with attribution) is better, but for a quality tool, $100 a year wouldn't hurt.
Thanks in advance!
N.B. As a programmer, I got fascinated by what Manim could do. Would love to know of any plug and play (preset + drag drop kind of) tools that relied upon it, for consistency + speed.
submitted by niravbhatt to VideoEditing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:59 Master-Quantity-1490 The Temple of The Moon , Cusco

The Temple of The Moon , Cusco
Are you tired of visiting the same places all the time?
I recommend you visit new places freely and for free. For this, there is an Inca temple of the Moon/Fertility using religious patterns. They venerated the Moon in this place.
Here you can see an Inca temple, some rock carvings, caverns, and other constructions that hold their particular significance. Others also comment that this could be the very important Temple of Fertility from the Inca era, and today only traces of this temple remain.

Killa or the Moon’s Importance

As I mentioned before, the Temple of the Moon was really important (considering that the Sun’s couple, the main god of the Inca Pantheon, was the Moon or Killa in Quechua) but curiously the construction was made inside a cavern, a sacred and mystical site for the Inca inhabitants. On the outside, you can see some stone carvings with different shapes, among them the one that draws the most attention is a semi-circular one in the shape of the moon.
For this reason, this point was called the “Temple of the Moon.” Likewise, you will find figures depicting the serpent, condor, and puma, which the Inca empire considered sacred animals.
Going back to the cave or cavern, the Incas built a ceremonial table that shows very fine carvings, and light filters down directly onto the center of the table from the top. According to local people, they performed rituals directed toward women there.
This sacred site is part of the Qapac Ñan (Inca road network), a route that leads to the Sacred Valley of the Incas, specifically in the Pisac section. Near this temple, you can also visit other archaeological sites such as Sacsayhuaman, Pucapucara, Qenqo, and Tambomachay, all part of the classic city tour of Cusco, which needs a ticket if you want to visit all those sites.

How to get to the Temple of the Moon?

To get here, you have several options: one, and perhaps the most used by visitors, is to go on foot. For this, go to San Blas, take Atoqsayk’uchi street to White Christ road. Continue to Qenqo, then cross field to Temple of Moon.
Another route is to come by public transportation’s buses called “Seño del Huerto” or “Cristo Blanco” that will drop you off at Qenqo (average fare is 2 Peruvian soles, or 0.5 US dollars), and from there you will have to make your way to the Temple of the Moon, or you can simply come by taxi, which will charge you around 10 Peruvian soles if taken by the city’s downtown (approximately 3 US dollars).

What did the Moon mean for the Incas?

The moon was fundamental in Inca times, as it influenced agriculture. The Incas described lunar phases based on new moons.
“They counted the months by moons from one new moon to the next new moon, this they called the month quilla, like the moon; they gave names to each month, they counted the half months by its waxing and waning, they counted the weeks by the quarters, although they did not have a name for the days of the week,” mentioned Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.

Recommendations for visiting the Temple of the Moon?

  • If you are going to visit the Temple of the Moon, do so in the mornings until around 5 pm.
  • Always bring warm clothing, sunscreen, a hat or a rain jacket as the weather in Cusco changes frequently.
  • If you want to buy a souvenir, always have cash on hand because card payments are still not accepted.
  • Bring water and a good camera.
submitted by Master-Quantity-1490 to amazonperutrips [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:58 HigherAlignmentNow Craft fair, drawing sesh, & comedy show tonight (5/18) in Silverlake!

Craft fair, drawing sesh, & comedy show tonight (5/18) in Silverlake! submitted by HigherAlignmentNow to LosAngelesSocialClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:58 Witty-Form-8449 Keffiyeh

Who else is wearing a Keffiyeh this weekend to EDC to show their solidarity with a free Palestine? I want to wear mine but also don’t want to get attached by some crazy people.
submitted by Witty-Form-8449 to electricdaisycarnival [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:56 ThomPHunts Best type of open?

Apologies if this is a boring post, feel free to ignore my mid-life ponderings.
After watching a few random episodes, I've noticed there's been a few different ways to open the episode.
*pop culture stuff from time of show
*boys chatting how they're doing a bit
*cold open right into the ppv/show
*boy stable tattoo review
Just wondering what opening people prefer? Feel free to ignore if this is a shitty nothing post.
submitted by ThomPHunts to OSWReview [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:50 AutoModerator Ask Me Anything: DJ Jamison

About DJ
[]( I live in the Midwest (apologies for my region of the country) and write M/M romances about everyday life but extraordinary love featuring a variety of queer characters, from gay to bisexual to asexual. I spent more than a decade in the newspaper industry before pursuing my first dream to write fiction. I am a lifelong introvert and avid reader, and I continue to get my social fixes through books and a screen more than any other way!
I’ve been published since 2015, but I wrote my first piece of fiction in second grade. It was a skit about dental care, and the teacher had the class perform it.
About DJ’s Books
I write low-angst, tropey, fun contemporary M/M romance. I’ve gone through some evolutions as an author, and in the past couple of years, I’ve been writing more quirky small-town romances with tight-knit groups of friends, nosy neighbors, “punny” business names, and old ladies who make a nuisance of themselves but have big hearts!
I really enjoy the world building in these types of books where the town is like another character that readers enjoy. But I also have quite a few books in my catalog that are not so focused on the small town aspect. Thrust into Love, for example, is about college students and app hookups that go awry in all the best ways.
My newest book is Dock Tease, Book 1 of Swallow Cove, set in a quirky lake town in the Ozarks. I am also writing a Rom-Com Reboot series inspired by Hollywood movies. Sexless in Seattle is out now, and You’ve Got Male is dropping May 22.
My most popular series is Games We Play, about a group of friends in small-town Granville stumbling into their HEAs via party games like Never Have I Ever and Truth or Dare. Two Truths and a Lyle, a prequel novella that launches that series, is free!
My entire catalog is in Kindle Unlimited (except for Lyle, which is free). I also have a growing selection of audios, some of which are distributed wide.
Where to Find Me
To show my appreciation to everyone for being here, I’d like to give away your choice of an ebook or signed paperback of my newest release, Dock Tease! As long as you’ve asked a question below during the hours of this AMA, your name will be entered to win. The winner will be chosen at random after the AMA and contacted through Reddit!
submitted by AutoModerator to MM_RomanceBooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:49 Ryuzaki5016 Bounsweet Community Day Free Key!

Free VIP Key

To show our appreciation for the community we yet again would like to give you a free key for community day!
Open iPogo Settings > Click Activate > Paste the Key Enjoy our VIP features for free for Bounsweet Community Day
Free Key: 6378-cb94-42f7-4257-8461-053e-3bee-0183
submitted by Ryuzaki5016 to iPogo [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:49 Jeehut Another feature complete! 🚀 Besides the paywall view itself, FreemiumKit now has 3 dedicated SwiftUI views you can use to auto-lock features in the Free tier. They open the paywall when pressed without you having to add a "showPaywall" state! Cool, huh? What do you think? Beta coming soon!

Another feature complete! 🚀 Besides the paywall view itself, FreemiumKit now has 3 dedicated SwiftUI views you can use to auto-lock features in the Free tier. They open the paywall when pressed without you having to add a submitted by Jeehut to iosdev [link] [comments]