Fleece hat patterns

Java News/Tech/Discussion/etc. No programming help, no learning Java

2008.03.09 20:50 Java News/Tech/Discussion/etc. No programming help, no learning Java

News, Technical discussions, research papers and assorted things of interest related to the Java programming language NO programming help, NO learning Java related questions, NO installing or downloading Java questions, NO JVM languages - Exclusively Java

2008.06.14 20:25 knittit

Warm, fuzzy, sometimes tangled. Due to the holiday season, it may take up to 48 hours for (1) a post to be approved/ reviewed (2) response to modmail/from a moderator. Regarding the API/blackout we're open again but also watching, listening, thinking hard. Whatever happens needs to happen thoughtfully. Please keep being excellent to each other.

2011.03.06 16:36 regreddit Sewing - A community for people that sew

Sewing for everybody and every body. This is a community specifically for the hobby of sewing including, but not limited to: machine sewing, hand sewing, embroidery, quilting, mending, garment sewing, fitting/alterations and help/suggestion threads.

2024.06.02 05:29 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Sunday May 2nd

Live Music and Events

Surf Fishing Academy

# St. Augustine Film Society: Run Lola Run

I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here tinyurl.com/yjkw32kd

For future events please visit the Discord.

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustineBeach [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:28 St_Augustine_Discord Live Music and Events Sunday May 2nd

Live Music and Events

Surf Fishing Academy

# St. Augustine Film Society: Run Lola Run

I am unable to post the sources because they are getting flagged as spam since they are all similar in name. So please visit this site for the list.
Written out urls here tinyurl.com/yjkw32kd

For future events please visit the Discord.

submitted by St_Augustine_Discord to StAugustine [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:25 Tacticool-weeb4 ambush (part2) finally

Good news was joe and Kasumi where really fast and had great cardio.
Bad news is over a hill came voices and shouting. There was a whole other company sized element out of sight and coming for that ass.
They were rolling down hill and trying to find a good place to break contact.
Joe almost tripped but grabbed a hanging branch. Feet coming out form under him.
He looks up and see’s some of the Bundeswehr hope over a low rock buried into the dirt. High up and lay an MG42 over a tree. Their boss shouting “ LOS! LOS! LOS!” as the men spread out and moved downhill to find good shooting spots.
“cover!” he shouted. Kasumi didn’t even need to look. She slid down some leaves and under a rock cropping. Rounds from the riflemen bouncing around her. Joe jumped behind a brush pile of thick trees and earth.
The old buzzsaw ripped rounds, raking across their cover. Cutting tree branches and shaking leaves.
One guy went wide and ended up on a similar level as Kasumi. She turned and shot him from behind cover.
Joe waited for the MG to change positions.
‘Holy shit… THAT’S! what the boys in Europe were dealing with? Fuck me that’s frightening.’
He’d been shot by the MG42 before. But could never get over how shitty it felt”
He peaked around a standing tree, flipped his carbine to full auto and raked across that position. Normally he wouldn’t do this but just once he figured he could somewhat suppress and use his rifle like an MG. if only he had a big quad mag….. wait? He did. In his coat!... that he wasn’t wearing… fuck.
Kasumi returned fire with a burst of her own.
Joe rolled back and went to reload. Tossing his empty mag out. But his barrel happened to be a bit high. So a stray round from the Germans ripped through the air and struck his suppressor. Almost lurching the gun from his hand. Only being saved by his sling.
His eyes went wide.
‘This fucking sucks!’ he inspected his gun. Sure enough, suppressor was done for. Thank goodness he still had his gloves. It took him a moment but he decoupled and pulled the piping hot piece of metal off and tossed it. A full mag on full auto alone was enough to make the thing too hot to touch.
But he was back in the fight. “moving!” Kasumi shouted as she peeled back to more cover.
Before he could move, he saw the MG gunner raise his head to get a look at them. Big mistake.
Back to semi auto. Placing the chevron of his sight high on the chest the recon man squeezed a round of grazing the top of the man’s armor. spalling off the mans plate and sending chunks of body armor and lead fragments into his throat. He fell back into the leaves. Clutched at his throat while his assistant gunner went to render aid.
They might get the gun back up but it gave the Allans enough time to get out of there.
“Moving!” he shouted and went to run. Choosing a path with the most amount of tree cover and even a low dry creek runoff that probably is where rain from the top of the mountain flows down.
Funny, these mountains kinda reminded him of west Virginia where he lived back in the 30s.
they slipped down and bounded from one piece of cover to another. Dropping a few Germans here and there, looking for a way out of the holler and even the playing field. Or break contact and hide for a bit.
But they where definitely out numbered. But just the two of them but their convoy as a whole.
They didn’t know what the hell was going on. But most likely someone figured out gold would be here and was looking for a payday for him and… maybe 60 of his friends?
The Allans got lower and lower. Funneling close together. They had tried to stay apart so one grenade or burst from the machine guns wouldn’t kill or wound both of them.
But they came to a unfortunate discovery.
They where in a bowl. No way out into a different Haller. They would need to climb a near open slope while being fired on from an opposite ridge.
Joes boots sunk into the mud and leaves as he twisted from looking at the slope and looking for a way to get him and his wife out of there to turning back at the hostiles and laying hate. But he was about half his ammo down. And Kasumi was about the same. She had her type 89 laid up on a rock and shooting from an in placed position.
He looked up and saw they had picked the MG from the dead gunner and was running down the hill, leaning against a tree. When a large bullet slammed into the mans chest and broke through the place carrier.
A bit away some men had massed and got caught up in an explosion.
They looked up and saw David mounting his 60 on a height position and raked the other side with 45-70… the costume-built machine gun barked loud and frightening. Tore chunks out of men’s shoulders, legs. Chests. Anything those bullets hit got turned into mush.
One mans armor stopped the round but it broke his ribs and ruptured his lungs from the trauma.
Their backup had arrived.
The gallowglass used a tried-and-true tactic of fighting hard and fast and making themselves seem bigger then they actually where. They needed to scare the krauts and push them back to rescue their scouts.
Dante had his .275 Rigby rifle and was taking aimed shots. Anyone who looked important. People with grenade launchers. Scoped. Even an officer looking gentleman.
Anderson sent a round of 45-70 from his lever-action through a retreating german. His green malted flektarn jacket stained red with his blood. Which in the chaos of it all gave joe an important piece of info… these were humans. Not some monster in disguise.
They started to fall back and the Allans ducked into some dense brush and slipped up the hill to make it to their unit.
Everyone was hitting them with what they had as hard as they could.
“we got them!” dante shouted as both killer huffed and slid to his feet. even with all their cardio they had be in vehicles for the last few days and mountains where no joke.
Everyone started to peal back. They still had about half a mile they needed to flee with.
And they really didn’t want to take the direct route and lead these bastards back to the trucks. Except for joe, who had an idea.
“they left the ambush. We need to go now! Their on foot, if we can rally up we can push through”
Dante was technically team leading this little mission but the whole wolfpack had a very non-liner command structure. For those of you who don’t speak bullshit that means if you have an idea, say it. If everyone agrees your not loosing your mind they listen.
‘team lead’ just means you fill out forms, talk to local political figures and deal with higher up when you screw up… higher up these days being dantes little sister so he got comedically shoved into that billet.
“whats your plan?” he shouted as he ran. His hunting boots trotting along side the recon marine and huffing with a fresher brisk pace. Freaking young’ns.
“lin! I need your grenade launcher on the front truck! We hit those claymores from far enough away and break the trees up. smashing them. We drive right through!”
The hong kong cop nodded.
“this shit is why we had mark-19s on our lead trucks in the corps”
David had been the last guy up. dumping the last of his can of ammo and turning and sprinting. He’d reload later. Slinging his MG and pulling his sig. he was deceptively quick. The big eskimo could run like a bear.
“are we bringing back the grenade launcher vs minigun debate?”
The Irishman shook his head. Anyone wanna explain to him why he thought it would be a good idea to befriend the SEAL?
In breaking contact they didn’t make a B line, but dog legged in a more Z pattern. Finaly getting back to the trucks everyone sprinted and shouted for people to get into place. The friendly germans looked shocked and panicked to do what the mercs where yelling. They thought something big was coming. Several people dove into open doors and went to the far side of the truck to make room for whoever was coming in after them.
The MRAP didn’t have a mounted gun. Much to their chagrin now. They went on the mission with the vehicles they had, not the ones they wanted. And the reason this one was lead was because if they hit an IED they wanted this to tank it.
Joe unslung his M4 “dave!” he shouted. The big guy nodded and they tossed their weapons to each other mid run. Dave also tossed a belt of about 100 rounds. Getting a running start joe leapt. Kicked off the tire and ended up on the hood of the armored vehicle. Turning back he reached a hand out. Lin was shorter but just as athletic. Bounding up she took his hand and he pulled her up.
“ok. Gonna fill me in?”
“get a grenade ready. We hit the barricade and keep driving” he hit the window alerting the driver. “get a move on!”
Kasumi took joes place in the chase vehicle. Dave had reached in the back and pulled out a 240 bravo. Not even able to hook it in the turret mount he just was gonna have to shoulder this.
It would be a miracle if no one got hurt.
They steamed full ahead. Joe placed himself to lins right. Towards where the hill was. Which was where the krauts would be coming from. A round struck the passenger side window of the MRAP making the occupant jump in their seat. Joe turned and gave a short burst as he saw maybe a dozen fighter. Followed by dave and anyone else. Some people staged automatic sub guns or PDWs by their seats and just turned in a fairly American style drive by.
They rounded a corner and found themselves on a straight away.
“barricade!” lins voice was barely hurt over the wiz of the germans 5.56.
She blooped her destructive egg about 80 yards from the kill zone.
Joe pulled the leash from his riggers belt. made so you wouldn’t fall out of helicopters. Buckling it to a D-ring on the hood. Holding lin close because she didn’t have one on. The chinses woman growned but held on because she knew this was about to get bumpy.
The skilled driver floored it after the demo went off. Sending dirt and sticks high in the air and weakening the trees. Smashing into it they turned back to see the shock and confusion of men not in their fighting positions.
The convoy chugged past.
Some even saw in the middle of all these trucks a minotaur and Anderson giving them the middle finger. Before raising their guns and shooting again.
The radio call came to slow down fire. And a few moments later to cease.
Lins head was in joes chest as she felt it rise large and fall as he let out a breath.
Both mercs looked at each other.
“damn fine shot” he held up a fist.
He pumped it.
“I want to get off mister hounds wild wide now! Never did like theme parks!”
He nodded. No joke. They ended up slowing a moment to crawl through the window.
The occupants handed them water bottles. Both now realizing how thirsty they where.
2 days later they found themselves at a castle.
“now this is what im talking about!” Anderson jumped with joy. Taking pictures with his phone.
One of the germans called it eltz castle. Apparently in one reality its been held by the same family sense like the 1100s. they where their to pick up more gold before turning around and heading for Venice. Last minute pick up.
“ok… I was wrong. I thought castles like this wouldn’t still be around” joe wondered dumbly. He has been known to be wrong every once and awhile.
“here. Anderson. Lemme get some pictures for you… say ‘treasure hunt’
The detective gave a thumbs up. his cowboy hat and lever action striking a pose.
The Polaroid came out and joe handed both to him. He then walked around and got more reference photos.
Kasumi walked over. “when did we get like that?” she wondered.
Joe and his wife had a ….different kind of marriage. More to tax dodge and share rent then anything… but about 20 years in they found they really did love each other… that was a few hundred years ago now.
“later then we should have” he mumbled and tossed a arm over her shoulder.
“best job I ever had” she quipped.
“best life I coulda asked for”
submitted by Tacticool-weeb4 to AnyAndAllWriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:53 potato_worship33 First frame bag using Ikea bags

First frame bag using Ikea bags
Finished this frame bag today using old ikea bags. It’s a little sloppy and I found the corners difficult but it’s my first time drafting my own pattern from scratch so I’m stoked. I’d like to make another with nicer fabric down the road. The ikea fabric feels susceptible to tears so I reinforced the top and bottom panels. Also used some leftover fleece as padding for the bottom panels.
Put a Velcro divider between the top and bottom compartment and it worked very well for the most part.
I threw some temporary Velcro on for pictures I need to buy some more Velcro straps.
Lessons learned:
The panel with the zippers will change shape when zippers are added. Next time I plan to add more seam allowance on this panel so I can cut it to match the other panel after installing the zippers.
I put the Velcro divider right up against the seams which caused issues.
I ended up taking in the seams a few times to give the bag a narrower profile on the bike. Next time I’ll make the tube panels thinner.
I should learn how to sew corners properly
Bonus pics of my ikea saddle bag prototype that I bolted onto my bike using plumbers tape and part of a binder.
submitted by potato_worship33 to myog [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:41 Sweet-Count2557 Morocco Weather In April 2024

Morocco Weather In April 2024
Morocco Weather In April 2024
April in Morocco is a time of intense beauty and variety. The country's varied geography and climate create a stunningly diverse array of landscapes and weather patterns.
From the vibrant colors of the Sahara Desert to the snowcapped peaks of the Atlas Mountains, Morocco has something to offer every type of traveler.
So, whether you're a beach-goer, culture vulture, or outdoor enthusiast, you're sure to delight in the kaleidoscope of Morocco's April weather.
Let's dive in and explore the average temperatures, Morocco Weather In April, rainfall, and more to help you make the most of your stay!
Average Temperatures
We often think of April as the beginning of spring, and that’s usually true in Morocco. April typically brings mild temperatures, making it a great time for outdoor activities. The average high in April is around 23°C (73°F) while the average low is around 12°C (54°F).
Temperatures in coastal cities like Casablanca and Agadir are slightly higher, while temperatures in the mountains are lower. April is also known for its sunshine duration. The average daily sunshine duration in Morocco is around 8 hours, but in April, it can reach up to 12 hours in some areas.
The wind speed is also usually low in April, ranging from 0-2 m/s. Overall, April is a great month for outdoor activities in Morocco, especially for those who don’t mind mild temperatures. With a good amount of sunshine and low wind speed, there’s plenty of time to explore the country.
Weather Patterns
You can expect to experience some interesting weather patterns in the coming weeks, like a rollercoaster with its unexpected ups and downs, to make your days unpredictable and exciting.
During the month of April in Morocco, you can expect to experience sunshine duration ranging from 6 to 8 hours a day, with the most sunshine occurring in the middle of the month. The wind speeds can vary from day to day, ranging from light breezes to gusts up to 30 kilometers per hour. On some days, the wind speeds can be very strong and the wind direction can change from south to west.
In addition, April is known for its unpredictable weather in Morocco. It is not uncommon to experience days of heavy rain or thunderstorms, as well as days of clear skies and sunshine. April is also the month when the transition between the cool winter weather and the hot summer weather begins. The temperatures during this month can range from 6 to 28°C. During the day, the temperatures usually reach the mid-20s and can drop to the low 10s during the night.
It is important to be prepared for the wide range of weather conditions that you may experience in Morocco during the month of April. It's a good idea to check the weather forecast regularly and to come prepared for rain and sunshine. Make sure to bring the necessary clothing and accessories to keep you comfortable in both hot and cold weather.
Expect to encounter varying degrees of rainfall during the month, from light showers to downpours, making the days unpredictable and lively.
In Morocco, April is typically a transitional month, as it falls between the wet winter season and the dry summer months. However, due to the desert rains and wind patterns, the weather can be quite unpredictable. Rainfall in April can vary greatly from year to year.
In some areas, such as the coastal cities of Tangier and Agadir, rainfall is quite common in April. The average temperature in Agadir is around 20°C (68°F), and Tangier is slightly warmer at 21°C (70°F). Rainfall in the coastal areas is generally more frequent than in the interior, and it is often accompanied by strong winds. Rainfall in April is more likely to occur in the afternoon and evening, although it can happen at any time.
Inland cities such as Marrakech, Meknes, and Fes experience much less rainfall than the coastal cities. The average temperature in these cities is around 18°C (64°F), and rainfall is much rarer. When it does rain, it tends to be light and short-lived, often lasting for only a few hours. The wind patterns in the interior are also far less intense than those in the coastal areas, making April a great time to explore the inland cities.
Impact of Altitude
From the sprawling sand dunes of the desert to the lofty peaks of the Atlas Mountains, April in Morocco offers a wild ride of shifting climates and captivating landscapes. The country is vast, and the climate varies greatly depending on the altitude.
In the desert, temperatures can reach upwards of 40°C, while at higher altitudes, the temperatures are much cooler. This is because the air is thinner at higher altitudes, and the sun’s rays have less of an impact.
The impact of altitude is also felt in the wind patterns. On the coast, strong winds blow from the Atlantic Ocean, while in the mountains, the wind is much calmer. This is due to the fact that as the air rises, it cools, creating a stable environment for winds. This means that the winds in the mountains are much less powerful, creating a tranquil atmosphere.
The varying altitudes also have a significant impact on the amount of precipitation in Morocco. In the desert, there is very little rain, while in the mountains, there can be heavy downpours. This is because as the air rises, it cools and condenses, forming clouds and eventually rain. In April, the rains are usually short-lived, but they do bring much needed relief from the heat.
Recommended Clothing
Take in the beauty of Morocco's diverse landscapes in comfort and style with the right clothing choices!
When visiting Morocco in April, the daytime temperatures can range from mild to hot, depending on the altitude. It's important to take into account the sunscreen protection you'll need, as well as the type of clothing that will work for the area you are visiting.
For areas of Morocco with higher altitudes, it's best to pack light and airy clothing made of natural fibers, such as linen and cotton, which will help keep you cool. You should also bring along a light scarf or shawl, as the temperatures can cool off significantly in the evening. Don't forget to wear a hat and sunglasses for protection from the sun.
For areas of Morocco with lower altitudes, the temperatures can be quite warm during the day. It's best to bring lightweight clothing that will help keep you cool, such as loose-fitting shorts and tank tops. If you plan to visit any places of worship, it's important to bring along clothing that covers your arms and legs. A lightweight jacket is also a good idea to bring along, as temperatures can drop significantly in the evenings. Don't forget to bring sunscreen and sunglasses for protection from the sun!
Outdoor Activities
Now that we've discussed the clothing you should bring for a trip to Morocco in April, let's look at some activities you can do outdoors in this beautiful country.
Go camping: Morocco is a great place for camping, with its lush forests and desert landscapes. You can choose from a variety of camping sites, from luxurious resorts to more rustic campsites. April is a great time for camping, as the temperatures are mild and there's plenty of sunshine for most of the day. However, you should be prepared for occasional lighting storms and high humidity levels.
Take a desert safari: April is a perfect time to explore Morocco's deserts. You can take a jeep tour to explore the sand dunes and visit some of the traditional desert towns. You'll also be able to enjoy the local foods, music, and culture of the region.
Go hiking in the mountains: Morocco is home to some of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world. April is a great time for hiking, as the temperatures are mild and the snow has melted. You'll be able to explore the stunning scenery and wildlife of the region. Make sure you come prepared with plenty of water and snacks, as well as a good pair of hiking boots.
Tips for Traveling in Morocco
Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, you'll want to make sure you're well-prepared for your trip to Morocco.
Before venturing out, it's important to familiarize yourself with the local customs, cultural norms, and language. Familiarizing yourself with the local cuisine is also a great way to get a better understanding of the culture.
To make sure you don't forget anything important, it's helpful to create a list of items to bring, such as sunscreen, warm clothing, and a good pair of shoes.
When visiting Morocco in April, you should also plan for unpredictable weather. The temperature in April can range from hot to cold, so you'll want to pack according to the forecast.
Sunscreen and a hat are always a must, as the sun is very strong in Morocco. It's also a good idea to bring an extra layer of clothing, just in case the temperature drops unexpectedly.
It's also important to be mindful of the local customs when traveling in Morocco. For example, it's considered disrespectful to dress too revealingly, to take photographs of people without permission, and to touch people without their consent.
Knowing the cultural norms and being respectful of them is a good way to ensure that your visit to Morocco is a pleasant one.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best time of year to visit Morocco?
Planning a trip to Morocco can be an exciting adventure! With its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and unique camping tips, it's no wonder why so many people flock to this beautiful country.
From its exciting cultural events to its diverse range of climates, Morocco is the perfect place to explore and experience something new. Imagine yourself meandering through the souks of Marrakech, as if you've stepped into an oasis of color and culture; or camping beneath the stars in the Sahara Desert, feeling like you're in a dream.
No matter what time of year you decide to visit, Morocco offers something for everyone.
Are there any festivals in Morocco in April?
April is a great time to visit Morocco and experience its rich cultural customs and cuisine.
During the month of April, many festivals take place throughout the country. One of the most popular festivals is the Gnaoua and World Music Festival, which is held in Essaouira and showcases the country's unique music and culture.
The Marrakech International Film Festival is also held in April, featuring films from around the world.
Other festivals in April include the International Festival of Oudaya in Rabat, the Biennial of Casablanca, the Festival of the Desert in Merzouga, and the International Festival of Popular Arts in Marrakech.
Are there any special precautions to take when visiting Morocco in April?
When visiting Morocco in April, there are a few special precautions to keep in mind.
According to a recent survey, 77% of travelers to the country agree that the dress code is more conservative than other areas of the world, so visitors should be sure to dress appropriately.
Additionally, transportation costs can be high in Morocco, so it's wise to research and plan ahead to find the best deals.
Be sure to check the weather conditions as well, so you can pack appropriately for any temperature or weather changes.
Overall, taking a few extra steps to plan your trip in advance will ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
What is the cost of living in Morocco in April?
When it comes to the cost of living in Morocco in April, there's a lot to consider.
The cost of accommodation and food can vary greatly depending on the type of place you choose to stay. Prices tend to be higher in major cities like Marrakech, while more rural areas may offer more affordable options.
Additionally, traveling tips for April include packing light and being mindful of cultural events such as the Marrakech Biennale, which is held annually in April.
Are there any special health and safety considerations during April in Morocco?
When traveling to Morocco in April, it's important to take special health and safety considerations into account.
If you're traveling solo, it's important to research the cultural differences and be aware of your surroundings at all times. It's best to use common sense and wear appropriate clothing when out in public.
Additionally, it's important to research the local medical facilities in the area and have a plan in place in case of an emergency.
Travelers should also be mindful of the weather and take extra precautions if extreme weather is forecasted.
Taking the necessary health and safety precautions will ensure that your trip to Morocco in April is memorable and enjoyable.
We've explored the weather in Morocco during April and discovered that the average temperatures vary depending on altitude. The weather can be unpredictable but generally consists of sunny skies and light breezes.
Rainfall is not common, but can occur from time to time. As for clothing, light layers are advised, and outdoor activities such as hiking and exploring the cities are best enjoyed during the day.
When traveling to Morocco in April, it's important to be prepared and plan ahead. Pack layers of clothing to keep you warm and have an umbrella on hand in case of rain.
By taking the time to research the weather beforehand, you can rest assured that your trip will be a success.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:31 Billy_NoMate List of every time more than 4 words fit a category

To clear up a common misconception that this is something that only happens extremely rarely, here's a list of every time more than 4 words have fit one of the categories and what number puzzle it occurred in. The first 4 words are the answers and every word after that in parenthesis are words that fit that category but were part of another group. Also, category names might not be exactly the same as the ones used.

#4 Cleaning Verbs

Possible answers: DUST, MOP, SWEEP, VACUUM, (IRON)

#5 Condiments


#5 Clue Characters


#6 Shades of Blue

Possible answers: BABY, MIDNIGHT, POWDER, ROYAL, (SEA)

#6 Rappers


#9 Shirts

Possible answers: CAMI, HALTER, TANK, TEE, (POLO)

#9 Vegetables

Possible answers: BEET, CARROT, CORN, ONION, (SQUASH)

#9 Insects


#10 Countries


#10 Birds

Possible answers: CRANE, JAY, TURKEY, SWALLOW, (KIWI)

#11 Spices


#11 Terms of Endearment

Possible answers: BOO, HONEY, SUGAR, SWEETIE, (BABY)

#12 Animal Group Names

Possible answers: FLOCK, PACK, POD, SCHOOL, (PRIDE)

#12 Deadly Sins

Possible answers: ENVY, GREED, LUST, PRIDE, (SLOTH)

#13 Airlines


#13 Greek Letters

Possible answers: BETA, CHI, DELTA, IOTA, (NU)

#13 Silent G's

Possible answers: GNAT, GNAW, GNOCCHI, GNOME, (GNU)

#14 Famous Brothers

Possible answers: JONAS, MARX, WARNER, WRIGHT, (MARIO)

#14 Honda Vehicles


#15 Colors


#15 Fishing Equipment

Possible answers: LURE, REEL, ROD, TACKLE, (HOOK)

#16 Nuts


#17 Neck Accessories

Possible answers: ASCOT, BOLO, TIE, SCARF, (BOW)

#19 Disagreement


#20 Grains

Possible answers: BARLEY, OAT, RYE, SPELT, (RICE)

#20 Royal Titles

Possible answers: BARON, EARL, KING, PRINCE, (DUKE)

#23 60's Band Member


#23 Dance Fads


#25 Desserts


#25 Animals with Tusks


#26 Countries (Holland is technically a region but it's often used as an informal name for the Netherlands)


#26 Spelled with Roman Numerals

Possible answers: DILL, LIVID, MILD, MIX, (MIMIC)

#27 Body Parts

Possible answers: HEART, LIVER, LUNG, KIDNEY, (SPINE)

#28 File Extensions

Possible answers: GIF, PDF, TIFF, ZIP, (DOC)

#28 Fruits


#30 Joints

Possible answers: HIP, KNEE, SHOULDER, WRIST, (ELBOW)

#33 Boats

Possible answers: FERRY, JUNK, TUG, YACHT, (SUB)

#33 Cuts of Beef

Possible answers: FLANK, LOIN, ROUND, SHANK, (CHUCK)

#34 Smell


#34 Music Genres

Possible answers: BLUES, COUNTRY, FUNK, SOUL, (ROCK)

#35 Metals

Possible answers: IRON, LEAD, TIN, ZINC, (NICKEL)

#36 Animals


#38 Trees

Possible answers: ASH, CEDAR, MAPLE, PINE, (ELM)

#38 Land Formation


#38 Bagel Flavors


#41 Islands

Possible answers: CUBA, JAPAN, MALTA, PALAU, (FIJI), (JAVA)

#42 Punctuation Marks

Possible answers: COLON, COMMA, HYPHEN, PERIOD, (DASH)

#43 Birds


#45 Modes of Transportation

Possible answers: BOAT, CAR, PLANE, TRAIN, (SUBWAY)

#46 Cities


#46 Fashion Magazines


#46 Storms


#48 Apparitions


#49 Relatives


#49 Offbeat


#49 Fictional Ducks


#50 Imperial Measurements

Possible answers: FOOT, INCH, MILE, YARD, (QUART)

#52 Rodents

Possible answers: GERBIL, HAMSTER, RAT, VOLE, (MOUSE)

#52 Musical Instruments


#52 Complain

Possible answers: CARP, GRIPE, GROUSE, MOAN, (HARP)

#53 Animal Group Names

Possible answers: COLONY, HERD, PRIDE, SWARM, (FAMILY)

#53 AP Classes

Possible answers: BIO, CHEM, GOV, STATS, (LIT)

#54 Places for Worship


#54 Presidents


#56 Dances

Possible answers: HUSTLE, SALSA, SWING, TANGO, (TAP)

#57 Patterns


#58 Arachnids


#58 Fish

Possible answers: CHAR, EEL, PERCH, SHARK, (CATFISH)

#58 Superheroes


#59 Quantity

Possible answers: FEW, HANDFUL, SEVERAL, SOME, (PAIR)

#59 Celestial Objects

Possible answers: ASTEROID, COMET, MOON, PLANET, (SUN)

#60 Sports Venues

Possible answers: COURT, DIAMOND, FIELD, RINK, (RING)

#60 Jewelry


#62 State Abbreviations

Possible answers: CO, MA, ME, PA, (LA)

#62 Period Table Symbols

Possible answers: FE, HE, NA, NI, (CO), (PA), (LA), (TI)

#63 Slang for Zero

Possible answers: JACK, NADA, NOTHING, SQUAT, (ZIP)

#63 Exercises

Possible answers: CURL, LUNGE, PLANK, PRESS, (SQUAT), (CRUNCH)

#63 Captains


#64 Dog Names

Possible answers: FIDO, LUCKY, ROVER, SPOT, (REX)

#64 Perceive

Possible answers: CATCH, NOTICE, OBSERVE, SEE, (SPOT)

#64 Fishing Terms

Possible answers: BAIT, CHUM, FLY, SINKER, (CATCH)

#65 Energy

Possible answers: JUICE, SPIRIT, STEAM, VIGOR, (GAS), (FIRE)

#66 Time Periods


#66 Breakfast Foods


#67 Desserts

Possible answers: CAKE, COBBLER, PIE, TART, (FUDGE)

#67 Occupations


#68 Extremely

Possible answers: AWFUL, QUITE, SUPER, VERY, (REAL)

#68 Currencies

Possible answers: RAND, REAL, STERLING, WON, (POUND)

#68 _____Cake

Possible answers: CARROT, COFFEE, POUND, SPONGE, (CUP)

#69 Shoes

Possible answers: CLOG, PUMP, SLIDE, WEDGE, (MARY JANE)

#69 Slang for Marijuana

Possible answers: GRASS, HERB, MARY JANE, WEED, (BUD), (POT)

#70 Camping Supplies


#70 Insult

Possible answers: BARB, DIG, DISS, JAB, (SLIGHT)

#71 States


#72 Santa's Reindeer


#72 Seen on Valentine's Day


#73 Facial Hair


#73 Pursue

Possible answers: DOG, FOLLOW, TAIL, TRACK, (SHADOW)

#74 Failures


#75 Social Gathering


#75 Found in a Kitchen


#79 Depart Quickly

Possible answers: BOOK, BOUNCE, RUN, SPLIT, (JET)

#79 Shades of Black

Possible answers: EBONY, JET, ONYX, RAVEN, (BLACK)

#80 Influence

Possible answers: CLOUT, PULL, WEIGHT, SWAY, (IMPACT)

#81 Appetizer Unit

Possible answers: FRY, NACHO, POPPER, WING, (CHIP), (CRACKER)

#81 Response to a Correct Answer

Possible answers: BINGO, CORRECT, RIGHT, YES, (DING)

#82 Drink Vessels


#82 Woodwinds


#82 American Poets

Possible answers: BISHOP, FROST, OLDS, POUND, (STEIN)

#83 Unclothed

Possible answers: BARE, NAKED, NUDE, UNCLAD, (BUFF)

#83 Football Actions

Possible answers: FUMBLE, PUNT, SACK, SNAP, (TURNOVER)

#83 Finger Actions

Possible answers: BUFF, CLIP, FILE, POLISH, (SNAP)

#84 Female Animals

Possible answers: COW, DOE, HEN, MARE, (EWE)

#84 Pronouns

Possible answers: I, IT, THEY, WE, (YOU)

#84 Roman Numerals

Possible answers: D, L, M, V, (I)

#86 Information Displays

Possible answers: CHART, DIAGRAM, GRAPH, MAP, (PIE)

#86 Additional Benefit

Possible answers: BONUS, EXTRA, ICING, PERK, (GRAVY)

#86 Creatures in Folklore

Possible answers: GNOME, GOBLIN, OGRE, TROLL, (DRAGON)

#89 Alcohol

Possible answers: CIDER, PORT, SAKE, STOUT, (SPIRIT), (SCOTCH)

#89 Pixar Movies

Possible answers: BRAVE, CARS, COCO, UP, (SOUL)

#90 Baseball Calls

Possible answers: BALL, OUT, SAFE, STRIKE, (WALK)

#90 Fish


#91 Jungle Animals


#91 Lowest Point


#92 Halloween Decorations


#93 Animal Sounds

Possible answers: BUZZ, CLUCK, MEOW, OINK, (BARK)

#93 Inside Info

Possible answers: DIRT, DISH, SCOOP, SKINNY, (TEA)

#95 Songs that are Names


#96 Animals

Possible answers: BUFFALO, COW, GOAT, SHEEP, (HORSE)

#96 Gymnastics Apparatus

Possible answers: FLOOR, HORSE, RINGS, VAULT, (BEAM)

#97 Fairy Tale Figures


#97 "Peanuts" Characters


#98 Fruits

Possible answers: APRICOT, FIG, GRAPE, LIME, (BERRY)

#98 Luxurious


#99 Intelligent


#100 Web Browser-Related


#100 Dirty_____


#101 Bowling Terms

Possible answers: ALLEY, BALL, LANE, PIN, (SPARE)

#101 Common Merch Items

Possible answers: MUG, PEN, TEE, TOTE, (PIN)

#102 Vehicles


#102 Muppets


#103 Soda Fountain Orders (Concrete can mean a type of milkshake or frozen custard)


#104 Robust

Possible answers: FIT, HEALTHY, SOUND, STRONG, (WELL)

#104 Water Sources

Possible answers: FOUNTAIN, SPRING, TAP, WELL, (SINK)

#105 Kitchen Utensils


#106 Wedding Items

Possible answers: BOUQUET, RING, TRAIN, VEIL, (CAKE)

#106 Encase

Possible answers: CAKE, COAT, COVER, CRUST, (VEIL)

#107 Snakes

Possible answers: BOA, MAMBA, PYTHON, VIPER, (GARTER)

#108 Produced by Trees

Possible answers: ACORN, CONE, POLLEN, SAP, (GUM), (NEEDLE)

#108 Candy


#108 Target of a Scheme

Possible answers: CHUMP, FOOL, MARK, SUCKER, (SAP)

#109 Rap Subgenres

Possible answers: BOUNCE, CRUNK, DRILL, GRIME, (TRAP)

#110 Golf Clubs

Possible answers: IRON, PUTTER, WEDGE, WOOD, (CLUB)

#112 Coffee Counter Items

Possible answers: CUP, LID, STIRRER, STRAW, (STICK)

#114 Talk

Possible answers: BLATHER, CHAT, GAB, JABBER, (YAK)

#115 Christmas-Related


#116 MLB Teams

Possible answers: ANGEL, CUB, MET, RED, (NAT)

#119 Celebratory Occasion


#120 Crops


#121 Bible Books

Possible answers: ACTS, JOB, KINGS, MARK, (GENESIS)

#121 NHL Teams


#123 Conceal

Possible answers: BLOCK, COVER, HIDE, MASK, (SHIELD)

#124 "L" Cities


#124 Poetry Terms


#125 Butt

Possible answers: BOTTOM, BUNS, SEAT, TAIL, (BOOTY)

#126 Tools

Possible answers: HAMMER, FILE, LEVEL, SAW, (WRENCH)

#126 Keyboard Shortcuts

Possible answers: COPY, FIND, PRINT, SAVE, (FILE)

#127 Days of the Week


#127 Go Bad

Possible answers: ROT, SOUR, SPOIL, TURN, (FESTER)

#129 Bit of Air

Possible answers: BREEZE, DRAFT, GUST, PUFF, (PANT)

#130 Falsify

Possible answers: FABRICATE, FAKE, FIX, FORGE, (FUDGE)

#130 TV Shows


#131 Animal Homes

Possible answers: DEN, LAIR, HIVE, NEST, (WEB), (WARREN)

#131 Equitable

Possible answers: EQUAL, EVEN, FAIR, JUST, (GOOD)

#132 Tableware

Possible answers: BOWL, DISH, PLATE, SAUCER, (CROCK), (CUP)

#133 British Food

Possible answers: MASH, ROAST, SCONE, TRIFLE, (BANGER)

#133 Predicament

Possible answers: BIND, PICKLE, SCRAPE, SPOT, (JAM)

#134 Impel


#135 Compound Words


#136 Grammar Tenses


#136 The 12 Days of Christmas

Possible answers: DRUMMER, LADY, RING, SWAN, (LORD)

#137 Excellent

Possible answers: ACES, KEEN, NEATO, NIFTY, (SWELL)

#137 Bubbles

Possible answers: FOAM, FROTH, HEAD, LATHER, (BUBBLE)

#138 Metals


#139 Aesthetics

Possible answers: DRESS, LOOK, MANNER, STYLE, (TASTE)

#140 Mishmash

Possible answers: HASH, JUMBLE, MEDLEY, STEW, (LITTER)

#143 Filler Words

Possible answers: ERM, UH, UM, WELL, (LIKE), (ER)

#146 Clue Weapons


#147 Unchanging


#147 Long, Sharp Objects


#148 Musical Format

Possible answers: LP, PLATTER, VINYL, WAX, (CD)

#148 Cube-Shaped

Possible answers: BOUILLON, DIE, ICE, SUGAR, (STOCK)

#150 Equivocate


#151 Podcasts


#152 Intelligent

Possible answers: BRIGHT, QUICK, SHARP, SMART, (SAGE)

#152 Medieval Weapons

Possible answers: CLUB, MACE, SPEAR, SWORD, (AXE)

#153 Filmmaking Equipment

Possible answers: BOOM, DOLLY, LENS, TRIPOD, (GRIP)

#154 Sports Professionals

Possible answers: COACH, GM, PLAYER, SCOUT, (SUB)

#154 Car Companies

Possible answers: BMW, HONDA, JAGUAR, SUBARU, (FORD), (GM)

#156 Vocal Fanfare


#157 Magazines

Possible answers: O, OK, US, W, (EW), (SI)

#157 Yes

Possible answers: HAI, JA, SI, DA, (OK), (OUI)

#158 Animals

Possible answers: BUFFALO, DEER, FISH, MOOSE, (BULL), (STEER), (SEAL)

#160 Quick Observation


#160 Parts of a Mountain

Possible answers: CLIFF, CRAG, LEDGE, RIDGE, (BLUFF), (PEAK)

#161 _____Day


#162 Primates


#162 Fashionable

Possible answers: CHIC, HIP, HOT, IN, (VOGUE)

#164 Area Between Mountains

Possible answers: CANYON, GULCH, PASS, RAVINE, (GORGE)

#165 Food


#165 Countries


#166 Reality Shows


#168 Municipalities


#171 Parts of the Foot

Possible answers: ARCH, BALL, SOLE, TOE, (HEEL)

#171 Dog Commands

Possible answers: COME, DOWN, SIT, STAY, (HEEL)

#173 Ways to Remove Hair

Possible answers: SHAVE, THREAD, TWEEZE, WAX, (CUT)

#174 Hold Back

Possible answers: CAP, CHECK, CURB, LIMIT, (HAMPER)

#175 Excite, with "Up"

Possible answers: AMP, FIRE, HYPE, PUMP, (GAS)

#177 TV Shows


#178 Found on Sheet Music

Possible answers: CLEF, NOTE, REST, STAFF, (SCALES)

#178 Zodiac Symbols

Possible answers: BULL, CRAB, SCALES, TWINS, (VIRGIN)

#180 Absolute

Possible answers: PURE, SHEER, TOTAL, UTTER, (STARK)

#180 Express

Possible answers: AIR, SPEAK, STATE, VOICE, (UTTER)

#181 Cooking Oils

Possible answers: CORN, OLIVE, PALM, PEANUT, (RICE)

#183 Luxurious Fabrics

Possible answers: CHIFFON, SILK, SATIN, VELVET, (LACE)

#185 -ough


#189 Used to Build a Snowman

Possible answers: CARROT, COAL, SNOW, STICKS, (STONES)

#190 NYC Avenues


#191 Accessories

Possible answers: BELT, BRACELET, TIE, WATCH, (CHARM)

#199 Name Prefixes

Possible answers: GEN, MS, PROF, REV, (DR)

#200 Parts of a Car

Possible answers: BUMPER, HOOD, TIRE, TRUNK, (DASH)

#201 Single Letter Homophones

Possible answers: BEE, EX, GEE, JAY, (TEE)

#203 New Years-Related


#207 Gift-Giving Accessories

Possible answers: BOW, BOX, CARD, WRAPPING, (MESSAGE)

#210 Kinds of Exams

Possible answers: BAR, FINAL, ORAL, PHYSICAL, (EYE)

#211 Long, Skinny Objects

Possible answers: POLE, ROD, STAFF, STICK, (CLUB)

#212 Cooking Elements

Possible answers: ACID, FAT, HEAT, SALT, (PEPPER), (SMOKE)

#213 Seen at a Casino

Possible answers: CARDS, CHIPS, DICE, SLOTS, (POKER)

#213 Ways to Prepare Cheese

Possible answers: CRUMBLE, MELT, SHRED, SLICE, (GRATE)

#217 Thieve

Possible answers: PINCH, ROB, STEAL, SWIPE, (JACK)

#218 Medicine Formats

Possible answers: CAPSULE, CREAM, SYRUP, TABLET, (POD)

#221 Colors


#222 Minced Oaths

Possible answers: CURSES, DARN, RATS, SHOOT, (FUDGE), (NUTS)

#224 Contains Wax


#229 Baseball-Related

Possible answers: BALL, BASE, BAT, GLOVE, (STRIKE)

#233 Mario Power-ups


#234 _____Pit


#235 Make Shorter

Possible answers: CLIP, CUT, PARE, TRIM, (PRUNE)

#235 Muscular

Possible answers: BUILT, JACKED, RIPPED, SWOLE, (TRIM), (BUFF)

#237 Farm Fixtures

Possible answers: COOP, PEN, STABLE, STY, (RANGE)

#238 Unexciting


#239 Ecclesiastical Titles


#251 Media Attention


#254 Little Bit of Liquid

Possible answers: BEAD, GLOB, DROP, TEAR, (DRIP)

#257 Shades of Green

Possible answers: OLIVE, FOREST, LIME, MINT, (CACTUS)

#260 Ilk

Possible answers: KIND, SORT, TYPE, VARIETY, (MANNER)

#263 Propel into the Air

Possible answers: HOP, JUMP, LEAP, SPRING, (VAULT)

#266 Large Amount

Possible answers: MASS, SEA, SLEW, TON, (WAVE)

#266 Fall under Pressure

Possible answers: BUCKLE, CAVE, COLLAPSE, GIVE, (FLOP)

#268 Pop Stars


#269 Found at an Airport


#269 Ends in an Article of Clothing (A Mac is a raincoat)


#271 Food Preservation Techniques

Possible answers: CAN, CURE, DRY, FREEZE, (SPICE)

#272 Space_____


#273 Keyboard Keys


#283 Seen at a Sports Stadium


#284 Animals

Possible answers: COW, DOE, HEN, EWE, (YAK)

#284 Palindromes

Possible answers: BIB, EYE, GAG, POP, (EWE)

#285 Olympic Sports


#289 Plant Growths

Possible answers: BLOOM, BUD, SHOOT, SPROUT, (CORONA)

#290 Quarrel

Possible answers: FIGHT, ROW, SCRAP, TIFF, (WAR)

#290 Games of Chance (Poker is technically a game of skill but it's still highly associated with chance)


#291 Whale Species

Possible answers: BLUE, FIN, GRAY, RIGHT, (PILOT)

#293 Food Preservation Techniques


#296 Thrust

Possible answers: JAB, POKE, PROD, STICK, (ELBOW)

#301 _____Horse

Possible answers: CHARLEY, CRAZY, DARK, GIFT, (PRIZE)

#302 Brief Moment

Possible answers: FLASH, HEARTBEAT, JIFF, WINK, (ZIP)

#302 Dispute

Possible answers: CLASH, TANGLE, SCRAP, TIFF, (SPAT)

#303 Hair Care Items

Possible answers: BRUSH, COMB, DRYER, IRON, (OIL)

#307 Seen at the Circus

Possible answers: CLOWN, RING, TENT, TRAPEZE, (LION)

#310 Parts of a Theatre


#312 Golden_____


#315 Starting with the Same Sound


#318 Mexican Food-Related

Possible answers: CILANTRO, LIME, ONION, SALSA, (PICO), (WRAP), (MOLE)

#328 _____Sale


#329 Enjoy

Possible answers: FANCY, LOVE, RELISH, SAVOR, (LIKE)

#330 Quantity


#333 Restrict

Possible answers: CHECK, CONTAIN, CURB, LIMIT, (CAP)

#339 Forthright


#342 Games


#345 Billiards-Related

Possible answers: BALL, CHALK, CUE, RACK, (POCKET)

#348 Things You can Crack

Possible answers: EGG, KNUCKLES, SMILE, WINDOW, (CORN)

#351 _____Iron

Possible answers: PUMP, STEAM, TIRE, WAFFLE, (FLAT)

#355 Things People Shake

submitted by Billy_NoMate to NYTConnections [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:53 Shockedsiren 「Breakaway」

Localization: Breaking Day
Namesake: Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson (also breakaway is a yoyo technique)
User Aviyah Maria, prodigy yoyoist turned assassin in possession of a military-grade combat yoyo with a razor-thin metal wire. The portion of the wire used for the slipknot is duller.
Appearance 「Breakaway」 takes the form of a an robotic humanoid covered in massive chains sporting a pair of handcuffs and a pair of ankle-cuffs. The body itself is eletric violet with a seance-purple swirling pattern. Atop its head is a dark eucalyptus-green cabbie hat, and at the center of its face is a single bright pear-green eye.
Ability The tight chains on its body make「Breakaway」practically immobile, but Aviyah Maria can store a part of its body performing an action into a point on a surface she touches. The body part will manifest and perform the action when a point is touched, but chains will quickly pull it back into the spot from whence it came once the action has been performed. Since creating a point is an action, the ability can be used on itself to create a point which will store the body part into the next surface it touches. In order to deactivate a point, Aviyah Maria has to touch it and choose to reincorporate that limb into the body of「Breakaway」
Power [B] Speed [A] Range [C] Endurance [D] Precision [D] Potential [C]
Ability Applications -Aviyah Maria can store a point of a leg kicking ---Aviyah Maria will often have the legs stored in points on her clothing which will kick to repel an enemy when they physically attack her. ---Aviyah Maria can store a leg kicking in a point on the ground to launch someone who steps on it. This can be used to catch an enemy off guard is a low-roofed room or to propel herself for positioning in a more open area. ---When a leg kicking is stored on her yoyo, Aviyah Maria will often use the Loop The Loop technique to hit an enemy with the yoyo. or the Flying Saucer technique to keep it in front of her as a sort of shield. -Aviyah Maria can place a point which contains an instance of the stand's arm grabbing. When the chains bring the arm back into the point, whatever 「Breakway」is holding will be pulled toward the point again, which will then reactivate the grab. ---Aviyah Maria can place a grabbing point on the ground in order to disrupt an enemy's movement by grabbing their leg ---Aviyah Maria will often put a point onto the yoyo of the stand's arm grabbing. When an enemy is hit by the spinning yoyo they are grabbed, and begin to spin with the yoyo. Oftentimes the target will be thrown into and sliced by the combat yoyo's razor-thin metal wire. -Aviyah Maria can store the creation of a point onto the yoyo in order to create points from a distance. ---Aviyah Maria can store the creation of a point to grab her own yoyo's string and pull herself toward it.
Weaknesses -Despite the hard chains, 「Breakaway」has tender flesh and will confer any damage on the user, so every manifestation of a limb is an opportunity for the enemy to inflict serious damage on Aviyah Maria. -If Aviyah Maria has a point manifested far away from herself, it is easy for an enemy to intentionally activate it just to harm the limb -When the grabbing motion interacts with the yoyo, there is always some possibility that Aviyah Maria's fingers in the slipknot are pulled off.
Additional Notes -If I win, I would be interested in pairs of stands that compliment or affect each other Examples: Khnum & Thoth, Clash & Talking Head, and Green Day & Oasis -I would only want my flair replaced if I get first place.
submitted by Shockedsiren to fanStands [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:14 Visible_Chemistry_42 Scrappy Fingering Patterns

Fingering weight scrap:
Oluwandes’s hat : 2 color, 30g each; size 2.5 mm needles; free on Rav. Really nice pattern. turns tiny bits into something giftable. Oluwande’s Hat
Iberian Lynx hat : 5 color, no grams given, but small amounts see photo; needles 3.5mm; free; Hubby loves this one. Iberian Lynx hat
Pisanka : 2 color, 50g ball each, no grams given, 3.25 mm, free.
Springbound Mitts: 32g/24g/6g 3 color. 2.25mm, $6.00 very nice gift.
Wishmaker Mitts : 200/25/80 Yards 3 color. 2.25mm, $6.00
Heart of the Forest Mittens : 50/50/20/20g 4 color; 2.25mm, about $6.95USD
most heavy colorwork socks are great odds n ends busters. Here are a few of my faves:
2 color:
Flower garland socks: 2 color, 70g/30g; needles 2.5-3.0 mm; about $4.78 USD. Really well done sock pattern. Good for “stained glass” work with scraps of hand dyed yarn. Flower Garland socks
Priha : one MC with small amount contrast. Free.
Nordic Socks : one MC with small amount contrast. Latvian braid work. $5 USD
Cat socks : 40-50g of 2 colors. Another Aud Bergo. I’m a fan; about $4.78 USD
Phlox socks : if you make contrast heel/toe 50g each color. Aud Bergo! about $4.78 USD
Moose Parade : 50g each, Drops pattern, Free.
Reindeer 55 Yards, about $2.66 USD
Grizzly Bear: no yardage given, but 50g or less, I think. $4.50 USD
Excavation : throw/blanket, The mother of leftover sock yarn patterns. Any length. Any color. Random is the name of the game; 2.75mm 32”(+) circulars; free
Please feel free to add your faves!
submitted by Visible_Chemistry_42 to YarnRehab [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:07 unraveledthreads WIP Progress- Week 4

:: Current WIPs
Bedroom - blanket - sampler of stitches - need to crochet in thread & get idea of how much yarn is needed to purchase
Hat - Octopus - tentacles (just do it)
Plod - for gifting - all the African flower granny squares forever until the end of time
Bag - Wildrose - finish strap
Couch cozy - seam together, add weight
Blanket - keep going
Roses - gift - mid/big petals/stems and leaves Cardigan - gift - all
Sophie's Universe - Part 1&2 done
:: Waiting on sewing machine - Plant pouch Tobago Bag Wildrose Bag
:: Projects upcoming Table runner for gift Panda for gift Plants galore Devil fruit 3 Blanket for living room Jellyfish for gift Snail for gift Plus others for practice - no other set patterns to be used yet
:: Notable things that have happened this week 1. Finished hook case - I like it better now that it has a button, but I hate it so I won't share it. 2. Finished my Junimo! He has pipe cleaner eyes instead of safety eyes, but he's still a cutie. ❤️ 3. Why is granny stitch so fun? It's just sets of 3DC and yet I'm not getting bored of it. 4. Revamped an idea for a book blanket for my mom thanks to a Facebook group (shoutout to Book Blankets) and I'm excited to start on this as soon as I can lock down my granny squares book! 5. I have a feeling this blanket is going to be taking up at least my next few updates... it's taking much longer than anticipated. So, blanket update - 2/10.5 skeins done
submitted by unraveledthreads to u/unraveledthreads [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:11 TheForce122 Infographic Updated

Infographic Updated
Israel JFK thread
The JFK assassination was the tragic killing of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. The event shook the nation and is remembered as one of the darkest moments in American history.
Many of you know the conspiracies surrounding the assassination, but here we are going to focus on Mossad and Zionist connections.
  • JFK & Israeli Nukes -
One of the larger controversies about JFK and his assassination were the events leading up to his death.
Just prior to his assassination Kennedy would go back and forth with Israel on their nuclear capabilities, with the then prime minister of Israel, stating that without nuclear weapons, Israel would cease to exist.
After continuous requests for neutral scientists to evaluate the reactors on site, Israel would create fake control rooms that were intended to look like an energy reactor controls, rather than a weapons grade plutonium isotope manufacturing plant.
Finally the CIA would approve the request with a stipulation that the reactor itself wasn't to be inspected but rather the false control rooms only.
Kennedy shortly after this event was quoted as saying:
"Those sons of bitches lie to me constantly about their nuclear capability" - John F. Kennedy
Kennedy's reluctance to provide nuclear arms to Israel may just have cost him his life.
  • Zionist Member Involvement -
The Jewish community and sponsor "The Dallas Citizens Council", directed by Julius Schepps, who was a member of the ADL's (Anti-Defamation League) "B'nai B'rith" community, then invites JFK to Dallas, TX.
Many of you have likely seen the JFK footage already, filmed by ADL "B'nai B'rith" member, Abraham Zapruder, famous for the Zapruder film. One point of controversy is the placement of Zapruder, being stationed in the perfect location to get the closest filming shot possible of the assassination, without even a flinch or movement as gun shots rang out.
Zapruder was a textile manufacturer headquartered in the Dallas Textile building which was the building where the first two gun shots were supposedly fired from that missed their mark according to ballistics determined by independent investigations after that fateful day.
The building the shots were fired from was owned by a man named David Weisblat, who also happened to be one of the largest financiers at the time of the ADL, and Douglas Jaffe, who was a very significant donor to Lyndon B Johnson, who would be the man to take over the presidency after JFK was killed.
The Chairman of the Dallas Citizen's Council, Sam Bloom would coordinate the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald to the Dallas county jail. During this transfer Oswald would be shot by a man who goes by the name "Jack Ruby." Interestingly enough however, Jack Ruby's real name was Jacob Leon Rubinstein.
Almost immediately after the assassination, the Israeli nuclear reactor would go critical, creating the conditions for the weapons grade plutonium isotope, with Israel obtaining nuclear weapons nearly one year later with the approval of the replacement president Lyndon B. Johnson.
It is thought that the uranium for the enrichment process came from a plant in Pennsylvania where almost 200 pounds of weapons-grade uranium went "missing."
  • Other Notable Points -
Another odd occurrence during this day would be the "Umbrella Man" who most either consider to have been a Mossad or CIA agent. This man, during a warm clear day in Dallas, TX was wearing a full black suit and hat with an umbrella over his head protecting his identity at a distance. When the shots rang out, this man would seemingly remain unaffected.
The Warren Commission, the commission set up to investigate the killing was created by none other than Lyndon B. Johnson himself, and had been given limited information as the CIA was considered complicit in a cover-up by withholding important information during the investigation.
  • My Opinion -
I fully believe that the CIA, LBJ, and Mossad, in a combined effort, ordered and executed the assassination of a sitting president. With the notable individuals involved on that day, and all of the money involved, the data would indicate the involvement of Mossad as a main perpetrator that day. From the building the initial shots were likely fired from, the controversial film, and the council who invited him, they all have one key point in common.
If you have any additional information to share, please comment below and as always, don't take my word for any of this, feel free to fact check and research each point involved in this write-up and come to your own conclusion.
  • NOVO
Corbett Report on Dancing Israelis: https://archive.is/KI8ee
In 2001, Lt-Gen. Ahmad regularly visited the United States where he consulted with The Pentagon and CIA officials in the Bush administration in the weeks before and after terrorist attacks took place in New York on 11 September 2001.[23] In fact, he was with U.S. Republican Congressman Porter Goss and U.S. Democratic Senator Bob Graham in Washington, D.C., discussing Osama bin Laden over breakfast, when the attacks of September 11, 2001 took place in New York, United States.[24][25]
"The Pakistan Connection"
Ahmed, the paymaster for the hijackers, was actually in Washington on 9/11, and had a series of pre-9/11 top-level meetings in the White House, the Pentagon, the national security council, and with George Tenet, then head of the CIA, and Marc Grossman, the under-secretary of state for political affairs. When Ahmed was exposed by the Wall Street Journal as having sent the money to the hijackers, he was forced to "retire" by President Pervez Musharraf. Why hasn't the US demanded that he be questioned and tried in court?
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/jul/22/usa.september11 - https://archive.is/0s1Ff
Bush ties to Bin laden:
"Odigo Says Workers Were Warned of Attack"
Odigo, the [Israeli] instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen.
https://www.haaretz.com/2001-09-26/ty-article/odigo-says-workers-were-warned-of-attack/0000017f-dbc4-df62-a9ff-dfd7beff0000 - https://archive.is/uL4DT
"Mohamed Atta called his father after 9/11 who also blamed Israel's Mossad for the attacks" https://youtu.be/iLcxjGT87m8?si=qcNo-X8GJuaUhV7w
"A DAY OF TERROR: THE ISRAELIS; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer"
Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, ''It's very good.''
https://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/12/us/day-terror-israelis-spilled-blood-seen-bond-that-draws-2-nations-closer.html - https://archive.is/PEI1l
Nathan Wolfe (Rothschild-Epstein-Maxwell asset) of DARPA/EcoHealth/Gates Foundation ran the COVID-19 creation operation with Peter Daszak of EcoHealth via the Global Virome Project (Wuhan Lab). Nathan Wolfe dedicated his book "Viral Storm" to Israeli spy Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates and is BFF with Israeli spy Ghislaine Maxwell.
"Did virus hunters cover up a lab leak?" (Good article about the Global Virome Project headed by Nathan Wolfe and Peter Daszak) https://archive.is/G8Lp8
"Hunter Biden's Ukraine BioLab Partner (Nathan Wolfe) Was Partners With Ghislaine Maxwell" https://archive.is/0BxQM
Documentary on Nathan Wolfe: https://youtu.be/Q8UgtUtDDp8?si=rtVbLNeSElmDwTkz
Bill Gates 9/4/19 $55 million BioNTech mRNA vaxx creator investment: https://archive.is/IP0b9
Elon/Grimes 9/4/19 tablet: https://archive.is/s7kJT
Former EcoHealth VP Andrew Huff September 2019 DARPA weird job offer: https://twitter.com/AGHuff/status/1492249880546398215
Former EcoHealth VP Dr. Andrew Huff legal declaration confirming EcoHealth funded by Bill Gates and CIA (In-Q-Tel) and that Peter Daszak told him he was working with CIA: https://archive.is/iZL1N
"Redfield: COVID-19 Was in Wuhan in September or October 2019: Former CDC director also tells CNN that the virus likely escaped from a lab"
https://www.med pagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/91843 - https://archive.is/YsEui
"COVID-19 might have started to spread in September 2019 in the United States: study"https://archive.is/NpOqY
On the 12th Sep 2019, the main database of samples and viral sequences of the Wuhan Institute of Virology went offline. Eventually every single of the 16 virus databases managed by the WIV was taken offline.
Here's former CDC director Robert Redfield under oath before the Congress on Wuhan Lab September 2019 events:
I will say if you go back and look, it's declassified now, and I'm sure you all have your classified briefings, but the declassified information now:
In September of 2019, three things happened in that lab, one is they deleted the sequences, that was highly irregular, researchers don't usually like to do that
Second thing they did was they changed the command and control of the lab from the civilian control to the military control. Highly unusual, and I've been involved in dual use labs when I was in the military.
And the third thing they did which I think is really telling is they let a contractor redo the ventilation system in that laboratory. So I think clearly there was strong evidence that there was a significant event that happened in that laboratory in September. It's now been declassified, you can read it. I'm sure there's more classified information around it.
Scientist Richard Ebright
The relevance of this is that SARS Cov-2, the pandemic virus, is the only virus in its entire genus of SARS-related coronaviruses that contains a fully functional cleavage site at the S1, S2 junction. And here is a proposal from the beginning of 2018 [from Fauci/Gates-funded EcoHealth Alliance] proposing explicitly to engineer that sequence at that position in chimeric lab- generated coronaviruses.
Eminent Virologist David Baltimore of CalTech
When I first saw the furin cleavage site in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus. These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2.
Former CDC Director Robert Redfield:
I was concerned because of the presence of the furin cleavage site that we've talked about and I think it's important to understand what that cleavage site does. That cleavage site totally changes the orientation of the binding domain of COVID, so where before it could not see the ACE2 receptor which is the human receptor, it totally changes the orientation now so it has high affinity for human receptors. So that furin cleavage site bothered me, it didn't seem like it belonged there.
And then if you look at the sequences they use in those 12 nucleotides for arginine, where the arginine sequence nucleotide triplet were coded for humans. So why did it have the arginine coding for humans and not bat? It was very disconcerting to me. It looked like this virus was engineered.
It's not scientifically plausible that this virus went from a bat to humans and became one of the most infectious viruses that we have for humans.
Scientist Valentin Bruttel:
I tried to raise awareness to this for a year now. WIV use BsaI and BsmBI/Esp3I sites before to make synthetic WIV1 variants. And exactly those sites appear in a "silently introduced, perfect for synthetic assembly" pattern in SARS2, but non of its nat. relatives.
seriously, what is the chance that exactly those type IIs restriction appear or disappear through random evolution in a Banal-20-52 like virus? 5-6 precise mutations in 30000bp? about 1 in 1020! SARS2 is clearly synthetic!
Type Ils restriction sites prove a synthetic origin
Synthetic RNA viruses are assembled at the DNA level and later transcribed. 30,000 nucleotides cannot be synthesized in one go. These viruses are therefore assembled from smaller, 2- 8,000 nucleotide long pieces. Specific DNA restriction sites are often added to later reassemble the individual building blocks in the correct order. It is also technically possible to hide these interfaces (No See'em), but this was not done in the WIV.
In a 2017 paper, two very specific, particularly suitable type Ils restriction enzymes were used at the WIV. These have the advantage that they can produce different DNA overhangs (sticky ends), which are crucial for a correct assembly of the complete genome: Bsal and BsmBI.
SARS2 shows a Bsal and BsmBI restriction site pattern which is ideal for assembling synthetic viruses and to later replace the spike protein or furin cleavage site.
Bsal and BsmBI restriction sites also exist in closely related viruses (Banal20-52, RaTG13), but these are distributed in such a way that an artificial virus could never be generated using the methods established at WIV 2018/19.
The probability that the required 5 synonymous mutations, which enable a synthetic assembly of SARS2, arose purely by chance is less than 1 in 1020 or about as likely as winning the lottery jackpot 3 times in a row.
Dr. Valentin Bruttel
submitted by TheForce122 to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:51 Guba_the_skunk Looking for a pattern for Ralsei's outfit

Title. I have been wanting to get an outfit jsut like his for a while, and now I have an excuse as in 2 months there is going to be a costume contest for the Bloomburrow MTG set locally, I don't plan on going full Ralsei with a fursuit or anything, I just want his specific outfit Hat and all.
Does anyone have a pattern or know where I can obtain a pattern for it?
submitted by Guba_the_skunk to CosplayHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:30 nwbh Summer formal in CA evening

Hi, I haven't been to tons of weddings. The dress code is "summer formal" and the location is Napa in California and the ceremony is during Aug, evening, outdoor. A few things:
  1. I don't go very well with any patterns let alone floral. Also flares. When I searched "summer formal" they were mostly flare dress with floral patterns. Where can I find just solid colored, simple, and sleek summer formal dress? (no price limit)
  2. I'm a very cold person, and it can get cold during evenings in Napa, I think. What can I layer up on top of the dress if it says "summer formal"? I guess I can't wear just any jackets or fleece...
submitted by nwbh to Weddingattireapproval [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:16 pink-faerie Crochet ant pattern???

I’m looking for a crochet ant pattern, preferably a tutorial as amigurumi isnt my forte. The ones i found on yt are honestly pretty lame, i want a sort of normal looking ant, not a bipedal ant wearing a straw hat holding a brief case 😂
submitted by pink-faerie to crochetpatterns [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:56 Fickle-Syllabub6730 Why do you think we as gamers get so excited by easter eggs and figuring out deep logic and branching paths of games?

I won't include spoilers in here. But I recently finished The Talos Principle. There's an insignificant mechanic where in some puzzle areas you can find a paint bucket and "use" it on a wall, and you get a choice of some prewritten phrases to write. I found here that the phrases you have available actually are determined by the way you played the game:
I got every achievement in the game, and I had no idea. I got a rush of appreciation for the developers. Of "wow, there was this logic and tracking happening beneath the surface that I had no idea about". But at the same time, I feel a frustration. If I didn't look this up, I never would have realized that.
I think of this in other contexts. Take games like Fallout: New Vegas. Its branching dialogue paths are legendary in the gaming community. If you went to this town before meeting this character, then did this quest after accepting this other quest and finished it in that way, and have a specific companion and are wearing a hat and have a skill over 70 in Small Guns, then you get this specific dialogue option that can end this quest in a unique way!
Again, I appreciate it, but it feels weird. If I were to look up my options before doing that, I'd spoil myself. On my first playthrough of the game, I have no idea if the dialogue options I'm seeing are just standard Zelda game options, or if each choice actually has some ridiculously deep logic underneath it. If I play the game 50 times, I probably still wouldn't be able to piece all the conditional logic together. Some people say they're able to feel like their playthrough was their own, but I never feel that way.
One last example is Halo skulls. They are hidden in absurd parts of the environment. No reasonable person would ever find one. Yet when I play a new Halo game, I do want to get those achievements and I seek the videos that show the tiny crevices on ceilings which hide these skulls and think "Damn, they really thought to put something here, huh".
In the end, I find the most satisfaction by playing the game once, and then reading the wiki about all the other options I could have taken. I enjoy reading about all this stuff, like how in MGS2, the color of your VR mission background is the time of day of your system clock. But part of me feels like making these features this obscure is kind of defeating the purpose. It feels weird having these "aha" moments while reading a sterile wiki, like I'm reading a report on the game, rather than having the "aha" moment in the game. But at the same time, this stuff is so well hidden that no one would know it.
Just by reading this subreddit, we are all in the top 5% of engaged, active gamers. And most of us probably would not find these features and hidden items ourselves. But if there's a clever Easter Egg, it delights gamers like us, and it shows up as the top comment in any discussion about that game. It's really the 0.001% that strip these games from top to bottom, so the 1-5% of us can read their findings on a wiki, and the 95% of people who play games don't care the slightest bit. Something about that whole pattern amuses, delights and confounds me.
What do you think?
submitted by Fickle-Syllabub6730 to truegaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 03:33 redthebamf Fizz!

Finally finished the last tweaks and edits on this hat pattern! I’m releasing it ✨✨Monday✨✨
submitted by redthebamf to HelluvaBoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:10 HelloCharlieBooks The Art Nouveau Coloring Book: Hats, Cats, & Vintage Romance by Hello Charlie on Amazon

The Art Nouveau Coloring Book: Hats, Cats, & Vintage Romance by Hello Charlie on Amazon:
Step into a world of elegance and charm with *The Art Nouveau Coloring Book: Hats, Cats, & Vintage Romance,* a #1 Best Seller now exclusively on Amazon. Perfect for adults and teenagers alike, this coloring book whisks you away to the stylish and fantastical era of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Inspired by the masterpieces of Louis Comfort Tiffany and Alphonse Mucha, this book beautifully blends the ornate, flowing lines and nature-inspired motifs of Art Nouveau with delightful illustrations of fashionable people, elegant hats, playful cats, and enchanting romantic scenes.
Every page is meticulously designed to offer intricate patterns and designs, inviting artists and coloring enthusiasts of all skill levels to immerse themselves in a world of artistic creation. As you bring each illustration to life, you’ll discover vintage-inspired elements like flowing dresses, elaborate accessories, and vibrant botanical motifs, all capturing the essence of this artistically rich period.
This coloring book is a treasure for anyone who appreciates historical art and fashion, providing a serene retreat into an era of elegance and artistic flourish. It’s more than just a coloring book—it’s an invitation to experience the grace and innovation of the Art Nouveau era through your own creativity. Whether you’re winding down after a busy day or savoring a quiet afternoon, *The Art Nouveau Coloring Book: Hats, Cats, and Vintage Romance* is your gateway to a world of aesthetic beauty and imaginative expression.
submitted by HelloCharlieBooks to Hello_Charlie [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:00 AMVilla86 Community Craft Fair

Welcome to our monthly shop thread!
Do you have a small, handmade shop you want to share? A fun Instagram account where you sell your hand knit items? A facebook page that lists all of your handmade patterns? Well, this thread is where you can share your website or social media to connect with potential customers!
The form below is a suggestion. You can share as little or as much information as you want; all we ask is that you please limit yourself to only one comment. Users posting multiple comments will have *all* of their shop comments removed and may be temporarily banned.

**Shop Name**: [NAME]
**Site**: [Etsy, Shopify, etc.]
**Social media**: [Instagram, facebook, tiktok, etc.]
**Short Description**: I sell awesome homemade wares made from the wool from my sheep.
**Types of items you sell**: Scarves, hats, gloves
**Price range**: $10-$25
**Ships from**: USA
**International shipping?**: Yes

This thread will be in contest mode, so each time someone clicks this post, the comments will be in a different order. No one shop will be seen more than another.

Even though self-promotion isn't allowed outside of this thread, there are a few ways to incorporate your shop info. You can add it to your flair, pin it to your profile, and list it in your bio. Here are a few examples of users that incorporate their shop/social information in a variety of ways.

As always, if you have any questions, you can reach us here through modmail.
submitted by AMVilla86 to crafts [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:52 Connect-Economist806 Whats this unicorn worth? Thxxxx!!!!

Whats this unicorn worth? Thxxxx!!!! submitted by Connect-Economist806 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:12 Sweet-Count2557 The Morocco Weather In June 2024

The Morocco Weather In June 2024
The Morocco Weather In June 2024
We’re here to tell you all about Morocco in June! Whether you’re planning a vacation or just curious about the weather, this article will give you all the info you need.
June is a great time to visit Morocco as the temperatures are mild and the days are long, making it the perfect time to explore the country and all it has to offer.
From average temperatures to the best activities, we’ve got you covered. Read on to find out what to expect in Morocco Weather In June!!!
Average Temperatures
In June, temps tend to soar, so pack accordingly! With temperatures reaching up to 100°F, it's essential to select the right clothing and accessories for your trip to Morocco.
It's highly recommended to bring light, breathable clothing such as t-shirts, shorts, and skirts. Other items to consider packing are sunglasses, a hat, and a lightweight, long-sleeve cover-up for the cooler evenings.
When packing for Morocco in June, it's important to be prepared for the heat and the sun. Sunscreen and a good pair of sunglasses should be on your packing list. It's also a good idea to bring a hat or a bandana, which can be used to shield your face from the sun during those hot days.
Additionally, it's important to stay hydrated, so carry a water bottle with you wherever you go.
As Morocco can be quite hot in June, it's important to dress in lightweight and breathable fabrics. Cotton and linen are the best options for keeping cool, as they absorb sweat and are less likely to stick to your skin. Avoid dark colors, which will absorb more heat, and stick to lighter shades and breathable fabrics.
With the right clothing and accessories, you'll stay comfortable and enjoy your trip to Morocco.
You'll be basking in the sun in June - it's a sun worshipper's paradise! With an average of 10 hours of sunshine a day, Morocco is a great place to soak up some rays and get a natural tan.
The early mornings of June are particularly beautiful, with the sun rising early and the sky turning a soft pink and orange. However, it's important to be aware of the potential dangers of the sun and make sure you have plenty of sunscreen protection to avoid sunburn.
The intensity of the sun in Morocco can be quite strong, especially in the height of summer, and so it's important to be mindful of your exposure to it. Mid-day is the hottest time of the day, and so if you're planning to spend a long period of time outdoors it's best to do so earlier or later in the day when the sun isn't at its most powerful.
It's also a good idea to take regular breaks from the sun and find some shade to cool down and avoid any potential sun damage. In June the sun provides Morocco with plenty of warmth and light and is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the outdoors.
Whether you want to spend the day at the beach, explore the countryside or simply relax in your garden, the sun will be your companion. Make sure to take the necessary precautions to keep yourself safe and enjoy the June sunshine in Morocco.
Come June, the refreshing rains of Morocco bring an invigorating sense of renewal and revitalization. Average precipitation levels range from 0.2 inches in the drier desert regions to as much as 6.9 inches in areas located in the Rif Mountains. June is the peak month for rain in Morocco, with some areas in the Rif Mountains receiving as much as 10 inches of rain.
While June is a wet month, its rains are generally light and occur in short bursts. When planning for a trip to Morocco in June, it's important to dress for the weather. June is still warm in Morocco, with average temperatures ranging from 60-77 degrees Fahrenheit, so light, breathable clothing is essential. A light jacket or sweater may be necessary if temperatures dip in the evening. To prepare for the potential for rain, travelers should also pack a raincoat or umbrella.
When visiting Morocco in June, there are still plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy. The rains of June can make for a pleasant day of sightseeing, as they can make the air feel cooler and fresher. Hiking and bike rides are also popular activities in the hills of Morocco during June, as the cooler temperatures and occasional rains can make for a refreshing outdoor experience.
Feeling the humidity of Morocco in June can be stifling, so be sure to bring plenty of breathable clothing. Your clothing choices can make a big difference in how comfortable you are, so plan wisely.
You'll want to bring lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton, linen, and rayon. Also, loose-fitting, comfortable clothing is a must. Dresses, skirts, and shorts are perfect for outdoor activities. Don't forget a hat and sunglasses to protect from the sun, and a light jacket for cooler evenings.
The humidity levels in Morocco in June can cause a lot of perspiration and discomfort. To help beat the heat, drink plenty of water and stay in the shade when possible. An umbrella is a great way to provide relief from the sun. It can also be used as a makeshift shelter in the event of a sudden rainstorm.
If you're planning any outdoor activities, try to schedule them for the early mornings or late evenings when the sun is less intense.
When in Morocco during June, it's important to be prepared for the humid climate. Be sure to bring clothing that is lightweight and breathable, and plan any outdoor activities for the cooler parts of the day. Taking the time to prepare for the humidity will help you make the most of your time in this beautiful country.
Wind Speed and Direction
Feel the wind on your face as you explore Morocco in June - take a look around and you'll notice the wind speed and direction changing. June is a windy time of year in Morocco, with some of the highest wind speeds of the year occurring in this month. The wind direction in Morocco is highly dependent on the season and can be affected by atmospheric pressure systems.
One of the most common patterns during the month of June is a northeasterly wind direction, known as the Cers wind. This wind blows from the north-east towards the south-west, and is characterized by its strong gusts. On some days, the wind can reach speeds of up to 30 knots. This wind is very unpredictable and can cause sudden changes in weather patterns.
The winds can also be highly variable throughout the day, with periods of calm and periods of strong gusts. The highest wind speeds typically occur in the afternoon and evening. The wind direction may also change throughout the day, with shifts in atmospheric pressure systems.
Wind Speed (Knots)Wind Direction25-30North-East15-20South5-10North-West0-5Calm
The wind speed and direction in Morocco in June can be highly variable, with periods of strong gusts and periods of calm. The highest wind speeds typically occur in the afternoon and evening, with northeasterly winds being the most common direction. Shifts in atmospheric pressure systems can cause changes in wind direction, making it difficult to predict. Despite this unpredictability, the wind can provide a refreshing breeze while exploring the country.
Best Activities to Do in June
Now that we've discussed the wind speed and direction in Morocco in June, let's turn our attention to the best activities to do in that month.
With warm weather and plenty of sunshine, it's the perfect opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. From outdoor sports to beach days, there are plenty of exciting activities to explore.
For the more active traveler, Morocco in June is ideal for outdoor sports. With temperatures ranging from the mid-20s to the mid-30s Celsius, it's comfortable enough to be outside for hours at a time. Popular activities include hiking, mountain biking, and surfing.
The Atlantic coast is especially well-suited for surfing, offering some of the best waves on the continent. There are also plenty of opportunities for diving and snorkelling, with the Mediterranean Sea offering a glimpse into the underwater world.
For those looking for a more relaxing experience, Morocco in June offers plenty of opportunities to kick back and enjoy the sunshine. Beach days are especially popular, with the country's long stretches of coastline providing plenty of opportunities for swimming, tanning, and simply soaking up the sun.
If the beach isn't your thing, then there are also plenty of other activities such as shopping in the local markets, sampling the local cuisine, or exploring the country's vibrant culture. There's something for everyone!
Tips for Travelers Visiting in June
With temperatures so hot, you could fry an egg on the pavement, June in Morocco is the perfect time to explore the outdoors and soak up some sunshine!
When packing for a trip to Morocco, travelers should remember to bring light clothing, a hat, and sunglasses to protect against the intense sun. It's also important to be aware of and to respect the cultural customs of the region, including appropriate dress, especially for women.
Exploring the cities and towns of Morocco in June can be a great way to get a glimpse of local culture. The bustling souks (markets) of Marrakech and Fes are a great place to find unique gifts, while the ancient medinas and mosques offer plenty of sightseeing opportunities. Be sure to bring along a camera to capture the colorful sights!
Morocco is also home to many stunning beaches, making it a great destination for beachgoers. There are plenty of activities to keep visitors entertained, from swimming and snorkeling to camel riding along the shore. Don’t forget to bring along plenty of sunblock and water to stay hydrated in the scorching temperatures.
With so much to do and see, Morocco is a great destination to explore in the summer months.
Frequently Asked Questions
How far is Morocco from the nearest beach?
We're often asked how far Morocco is from the nearest beach. The answer depends on where you are located within the country, as Morocco's coastline stretches along the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.
Depending on where you are, you could be anywhere from a few minutes' to several hours' drive away from the beach. When planning a trip to the beach, make sure to factor in the costs involved such as gas or public transport, as well as the beach safety regulations.
Make sure to check with your local authorities before you set off.
What is the best time of day to sightsee in Morocco in June?
When visiting Morocco in June, the best time of day to sightsee is in the early morning before the sun gets too high in the sky. This is especially important to keep in mind due to the intense heat in the region.
To make the most of the cooler temperatures, be sure to wear lightweight, breathable clothing and bring along plenty of sun protection. Additionally, you should aim to take frequent breaks in the shade and make sure to stay hydrated.
This will help ensure that your sightseeing experience is safe and enjoyable.
Are there any festivals or cultural events happening in Morocco in June?
If you're planning to visit Morocco in June, you'll be in for a treat. With the weather perfect for sightseeing, shopping, and soaking up the culture, you'll find plenty to do.
June is a great time to explore the country's vibrant shopping districts, and there are many cultural events and festivals to enjoy. From the International Festival of Oudala to the World Music Festival in Rabat, there's something for everyone.
Plus, you can find plenty of travel tips to help you make the most of your trip. Whether you're a culture vulture or an adventure seeker, you'll have plenty of options to keep you busy in June.
Is there public transportation available in Morocco?
We've all been there - planning a trip to a foreign country, trying to figure out the best way to get around without breaking the bank.
In Morocco, you're in luck - there are plenty of transportation options available to get you to your destination. Whether you're looking to explore the coastal towns or stay within the city, you'll find a variety of accessibility options to choose from.
From the famous Grand Taxis to the more affordable Supratours, you'll be able to get to your destination quickly and with ease. You can even rent a car for a day or two if you're looking for a more personal experience.
So no matter what type of traveler you are, there's something for everyone in Morocco.
Is there anything special visitors should know before visiting Morocco in June?
When planning a trip to Morocco in June, there are a few things to keep in mind.
First, it's important to pack appropriately for the weather: make sure to bring lightweight cottons and linens for the day, and a light sweater or jacket for cooler evenings.
Also, it's wise to bring a few snacks and bottled water, as some regions may not have easy access to these items.
It's also important to be prepared when it comes to money exchange: banks and ATM's are available throughout Morocco, and it's best to bring some cash in the local currency, as well as a credit or debit card, just in case.
Finally, it's important to be mindful of your surroundings and respect local customs and traditions, as they will vary from region to region.
We've covered the weather in Morocco during June and it looks like it's a great time to visit! The average temperatures are mild, making it perfect for a variety of activities.
The sun shines brightly and the humidity is low, making it a great time to explore the country. Plus, the wind speed and direction are mild, so you can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities.
Overall, June is an ideal time to visit Morocco. The weather is pleasant and there are plenty of activities to do. Plus, the locals are welcoming and you can experience a unique culture.
So if you're looking for a great escape, consider Morocco in June - you won't be disappointed!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:35 looplox The Raifee Wood Ranger Guide: Entry 40, The Strawberry Fête

Can you hear that? It sounds like the Strawberry Fête has been set up in the usual spot by the central lake. I imagine they’ll be there for a few days so you should all visit when you can. The sooner the better, however. Keep an eye on the cloche.” - Mabel
The start of summer is a strange time in Raifee Wood. Just as the dour and deadly creatures of the colder months retreat (or at least settle down a little), the more mischievous beings of the warmer months begin to rear their heads. The Strawberry Fête is one such group, making two visits each year: Once near the end of May and another at the end of July. While the exact day of their arrival is never consistent, you’ll know when they’re here- the raucous music can be heard throughout the forest. They’ll linger in the woods for a few days before vanishing, so if you choose to visit, it is best to go as soon as possible.
For once, you have a choice of whether you wish to expose yourself to the potential dangers of the fête. It is entirely self-sufficient so Mabel does not have any tasks for us to do for them. The only reason to go is to trade: While the opportunity is valuable, you must evaluate the risk yourself.
Before visiting the Strawberry Fête, consider what you are willing to trade. For some of the more unusual items, you will need specific things, but also consider bringing the following to trade for standard goods:
In addition to your trade items, find the red basket in the supply closet and grab one of the cords inside it. If there aren’t any left, wait until someone returns- you must not enter the Fête without one.
  1. The Strawberry Fête takes place next to the central lake of Raifee Wood. The fête is quite noisy, but you will not be able to see it. Locate the petrified stump on the lake’s border. Next to it, you should see a small circle of rocks- this is the location of the Strawberry Fête. Do not touch the circle or step into it until you are ready.
  2. There is a branch on the petrified stump which you should knot the cord tightly to. Tie the other end around your wrist. We are not 100% certain what the cords are, but after examining one, Natalia compared it to an umbilical cord specimen she saw during her nursing course. We’ve decided that we shouldn’t ask Mabel about them- we'd rather not know. Whatever they are, they're a crucial tether to the mortal world and without being tied to one, you won’t be able to leave the Strawberry Fête.
  3. When you’re ready, jump into the circle. Ensure you don’t fall over and that both of your legs enter the circle at once. If you try to step into it or stumble and land only partially in the circle, part of your body will be ripped into the Fête while the rest remains in the Wood. I’ve only seen it once before and it’s… gruesome.
  4. When you enter the Fête, you will see a bustling market filled with vendor stalls, a bandstand and a maypole. Everything will be contained within a ring of tall standing stones, much larger than the ones you saw in the wood. Do not stray beyond these stones at any point during your visit. The mist outside has the same quality as the mist surrounding Raifee Wood- it is incredibly corrosive.
  5. The vendors and customers at the Strawberry Fête are the typical sprites you will see flitting around Raifee Wood, although much larger than you will be accustomed to. Usually no taller than a pencil, the ones in the Fête are just a foot or two shorter than the average human. Unfortunately, this makes their unusual features more notable too. Big, expressive eyes look fine when the sprites are small, but up close the way their pupils bulge and dilate is unsettling. The twitchiness of their dragonfly wings and sharp teeth can be unnerving too. Refrain from commenting on these things. Sprites are easily offended and will either refuse to trade with you or make your visit actively difficult if they feel slighted.
  6. While you are walking around the Fête, you will notice that your cord stretches upwards, disappearing from sight. Nobody should mention or bother you about it but do not remove it at any point. A few sprites may try to convince you to untie it: To help you try something on, or for them to hold onto while you dance. Firmly reject these suggestions, even if they seem upset- they know full well what they’re doing. Thankfully, due to our status as rangers, the sprites won’t try to forcefully cut or untie your cord, save for in a specific place. More on that later…
  7. When you arrive, look for a cloche, in the middle of the Fête. Inside, you will see a cluster of strawberries with human faces. Note the appearance of the fruit. As the Fête continues, the berries will degrade, shrivelling as the faces twist into pained expressions. Check on the cloche every 20 minutes or so. It is very easy to lose track of time in the fête, and you do not want to be around when the strawberries are completely rotten.
  8. There are normally several stalls selling food throughout the market. Do not buy or eat anything. While perfectly fine for the sprites, the majority of sprite delicacies cause nasty side-effects for humans or contain ingredients that you don’t want to consume. The pasty vendor is especially pushy, so avoid him. He has a sadistic interest in getting rangers to try his goods claiming that they’re ‘a taste from home’. Fortunately, nobody has tried any of them yet- sprite wordplay is painfully blatant.
  9. Aside from food, many of the stalls will be peddling unusual but useful supplies which can be traded for using the general items listed at the top of the entry. Fertilisers for keeping the cottage’s St John’s Wort healthy, winter furs that pulse warmly as if still alive and plenty of toys and trinkets for entertainment and decoration at the cottage. The important thing is not to accept anything for free, even if the vendor claims that it's a gift. Sprites never give anything away for free and will be keen for you to accept the offer since it gives them the liberty to choose their payment. For example, a former ranger named Clover once accepted a complimentary winter hat from a vendor and lost her scalp. We were able to patch her up, but she didn’t last long after that.
  10. The stall decorated with spider webs sells a lot of useful fabrics. It is worth a visit- the spools of web thread are incredibly durable and can be used to fix garments, while the circles of dried caul membrane can adhere to small injuries and scars to heal them. Avoid red lace, however. The delicate material is composed of veins, and can instantly adhere to your skin like the caul membranes do, even if you so much as brush past it. However, rather than smoothing over or healing wounds and scars, the lace creates sensitive sore spots that throb uncomfortably.
  11. The elderly sprite running the blue tent sells dreams in bottles. For obvious reasons, our line of work can make sleeping difficult so having a guaranteed peaceful rest is very useful. However, the dream vendor will only accept one trade- a dream bottle for a happy memory. You won’t get to choose what memory he takes so this is a bit of a gamble- it could just be a field trip you went on at school but it might also be your mother’s face. The only off-limit thing seems to be our true and false names. If you decide to trade a memory, the sprite will extract it with a long thin hook inserted into your nose. While safe (provided you stay still) I will caution that the sensation of having a memory pulled out is uncomfortable- a bit like a fingernail hooking under a crease in your brain and unpicking it. Thankfully, the procedure has no physical ill effect. Once you’ve paid, take care when selecting your bottle. Each will contain a multi-hued mist and these colours are important. The majority are safe, and will contain peaceful dreams that can be used up to five times- open the bottle and inhale some of the mist before recorking it. However, avoid any bottles with blue or yellow hues. The seller only sells good dreams, but a good dream for a sprite can differ greatly from a good dream for a human. I don’t know about you, but dreaming about eating a newborn child or tormenting an old woman by sticking pins under her fingernails hardly sounds appealing to me.
  12. Avoid the red marquee. While most of the humans being traded in there are very young, the sellers in the tent may try to forcefully cut your cord and sell you off too. The atmosphere in the marquee is very intense and we think that is what emboldens the sprites who hang around in it. The thick material of the tent should muffle most of the noise and smell, but it is best to keep away from it altogether. Trying to disrupt the marquee’s proceedings will likely shatter the social contract which allows us to enter the fête in the first place. Besides, if in theory you did manage to save someone, they couldn’t leave with you- the cords can only lift one person at a time. Better to be bartered, butchered and consumed in one’s sleep than be woken up and forced to choose between an angry mob or the melting mist.
  13. If you require companionship, visit the brightly painted caravan near the bandstand. It sells some useful monsters called umbramites. These small creatures appear as nothing more than a shadow on the nearest surface, unable to interact with anything in the physical realm. However, they are excellent at alerting to unseen dangers, can be sent off to locate missing objects and according to those who do choose to own them, can provide much-needed companionship. Ask Arata or Bea for more information if you are interested. However, life requires an equivalent sacrifice. Alongside a large initial trade of standard goods (the vendor has an affinity for teeth if you have any), the time that your umbramite lasts is determined by how much of your lifespan you’re willing to give up. It can be a few weeks or a few decades. You won’t age physically when the time is taken, but you will feel a distinct sense of heartburn as your lifespan reduces. The trainer who runs the stand will stitch your shadow to the umbramite using a black thread- it dissolves after a few days so you can both move independently. The umbramite will stay loyal to you and last until its allotted lifespan runs out. While lifespan feels like a steep price, it is worth remembering that virtually no rangers ever reach old age- you may as well put those years to use, right?
  14. The twin sisters who own the silver stall offer extractions of all kinds. If you have a rotten tooth, or a stubborn splinter from the Steward, they’ll remove it for a small fee. For a bigger fee, they can also remove more evasive troubles- traumatic memories, heartache and regrets. For this, they have a jar filled with silver leeches. Once attached to the temple, they will extract the unpleasant memory of your choosing with only moderate discomfort. Just be careful not to let them remove any important information about the inhabitants- if you ask them to remove a memory associated with one, re-read their guide entry carefully afterwards.
  15. If you are invited to take part in the maypole ceremony, decline. The young female sprites who usually participate are viciously competitive. If you mess up the pattern they are weaving or look as if you’re showing off they will attack you violently, ranger or not. They’re not above inflicting this treatment on other sprites either- the maypole dance typically ends with at least one casualty.
  16. It is safe to dance within the crowd of revellers at the bandstand, but only on your own or with another ranger. If you dance with one of the sprites, they will become attached to you and follow you around the market obsessively. Furthermore, when it is time to leave, they will cling to you and the extra weight risks breaking your cord. If you do notice another ranger in this predicament, do your best to restrain the sprite so the ranger can leave quickly. Ignore the whining and sobbing, sprites are fickle and they would quickly lose interest in you even if you stayed with them in the market. Once discarded, the merchants of the red marquee would likely pick you off.
  17. As mentioned previously, you must be careful to monitor your time in the market closely. Time passes at an uneven pace: An hour can feel as short as ten minutes or as long as a day. To be safe, you should leave when the larger strawberries begin to cave in and darken, if not before. From what Mabel has told us, once the strawberries have fully decayed the market shifts location, severing your cord and leaving you at the mercy of the merchants.
  18. To leave the market, make sure that everything you have with you is securely packed away in your buttoned pockets or rucksack. Loop both of your hands into the cord securely and pull yourself up. When you are around a meter or two off the ground, the cord will retract sharply, pulling you up and out of the Strawberry Fête. The force will normally fling you clean from the circle, so be prepared for a rough landing.
  19. Once resurfaced, untie the cord and check your inventory thoroughly, including all the linings and pockets of your clothes. On occasion, one of the sprites will sneak an extra unpaid good into your pockets before you leave. If you are concerned that you might not be able to keep track of your inventory, bring a list, including everything you brought in and purchased. If you do find something, throw it into the circle before you leave. If kept, the sprite will find you on your next visit and as mentioned before, take whatever payment they feel entitled to. It won’t be a fair trade.
Previous Entry: Entry 33, The Blightswell
Introduction and basic guide to surviving in Raifee Wood
submitted by looplox to Ruleshorror [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:22 hotpotpoy Sewing hats with staples

The first time I started listening to podcasts was when I first starting studying sewing. Podcasts are great to sew to. I only really knew of these boys, growing up watching rove and their caravan journeys, so that was where I started. That was about 10 years ago, and I'm now sewing as a job, and still listening to the boys. So when Hamish announced sewing was easy, I simultaneously cringed and got excited to see where he went. The bucket hat pattern was a great idea, but I am not surprised the stapler came out.
Tldr; not many people know how to thread a needle, let alone understand why sewers (sewists, stitchers, seamers etc) cost so much. I love H&A.
submitted by hotpotpoy to hamishandandy [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:37 Toucan_Trolley Classic Never Goes Away II

Classic Never Goes Away II
A rather dreary, bleary, and all round grim day, but that doesn’t stop a man from exploring the local jaunts and haunts. As such, it was off west to observe a palace and its surrounding grounds.
I happened upon cats, ducks, and fruits mere weeks away from the local market. All in all, it was rather a fun experience.
To make it even better, I thought to build a preppy ensemble in preparation for the winds and rain for your entertainment.
Coat: Polo Ralph Lauren
I simply can’t get enough of madras. Such a classic prep pattern and it was put together with such care by the good folks at Ralph Lauren. For quite some time, I was in two minds about this coat. Do I keep it? Do I sell it? Today was the maiden voyage and I’ve decided it’s a keeper. Even better that it’s 100% Cotton.
Blazer: Ermenegildo Zegna
The Navy blazer is a classic staple. Heck, there’s even a whole subreddit dedicated to it. This example is a travel cloth which is brilliant for summer due to its light weight and ability to bounce back from creasing. Even better that it’s fully canvassed. ‘Twas also a candidate for sale, but I pulled it out, tried it on again, and said, ‘Yeah.’
Funnily enough, the button popped clean off after taking the first photo. I heard it clang on the ground. But not to worry, re-attached with a linen thread and it won’t be going anywhere any time soon. Perhaps I’ll convert all of them to brass in time.
Chinos: Polo Ralph Lauren
The classic Ralph chinos are always a brilliant choice. Wide leg, pleats, thick cotton with a brilliant hang. Just as chinos were meant to be. If you’re searching, keep an eye out for ‘Andrew’ and ‘Suffield’. They’re the best ones, but I don’t think they make them anymore.
Shirt: Eton
Never had much experience with this brand, but I’ve come to the conclusion that their shirts are solid. I wouldn’t pay retail for them, but if you can thrift it, go for it. Seen here in a lovely white, blue, and navy grid. Just some additional visual intrigue.
Vest: Polo Ralph Lauren
Still one of the best in the game when it comes to the art of the vest. Pure cotton here and as such, the moths can dream on.
Tie: Vintage St. Michael
Well, you have to pull it all together with something. Bring in the navy of the blazer, the red of the glasses, the yellow on the vest, and the cream/beige of the trousers.
Watch: Longines Hydroconquest 43mm Automatic Sunray Blue
Love this piece. Can never go wrong with an auto diver. Such a versatile style of sports watch that can fit so many outfits and settings.
Shoes: Crockett & Jones
Keep it English and you won’t regret it, but if you stray then I’ll have to say, ‘Nay!’ Single monk. Supremely comfortable and versatile. So easy to dress up or down.
Socks: Pantherella
Knee high, boyo. As it should be. Socks falling down? Never me.
Glasses: Cubitts
Love this brand. Pretty funky, pretty 70s, pretty cool. Acetate frames as they were meant to be.
Hat: Bates
Can’t go wrong with a black and white houndstooth in pure wool. Kept the noggin warm as the wind and rain came with a fury at various points of the day.
And after all that, what else can I say? Simply put: Classic Never Goes Away
submitted by Toucan_Trolley to preppy [link] [comments]
