50th birthday t shirt ideas

T-Shirt Ideas

2014.12.17 10:09 EvTheSmev T-Shirt Ideas

A place to discuss all kinds of t-shirt designs.

2012.05.16 02:49 razorsheldon Uplifting News

A place to read and share positive and uplifting, feel good news stories.

2018.02.19 07:09 TShirtRequests: for T-shirt lovers and designers

A subreddit for people to share t-shirt design concepts and for designers to get new ideas and share their creations.

2024.05.19 10:23 AbrahamSv7 Im completely broke and feel like I failed everybody

I am a 21 yr old (M) with 2 kids and 1 wife one of my kids has autism and I know I had kids very young and got married very young but I can’t change that and I love my kids and wife so much I just feel like a failure that I can’t give my family anything I just got fired from my job and am at 0 I live with my in laws in a small room for 4 people I am the most stressed I’ve been in my whole life seeing everyone around me be successful and me being stuck in the same spot for 5 years I just have no idea what to do I feel like even with a job I don’t have enough money for nothing I haven’t taken my wife on a date in forever and I feel like she’s starting to fall out of love with me cause of our financial situation I just want to be better for everyone especially for my kids I just need to get this off my chest since I have no one to talk to
submitted by AbrahamSv7 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:22 lachataignequivole 100% Spike Protein Free

100% Spike Protein Free submitted by lachataignequivole to u/lachataignequivole [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:21 RealAd1811 I think I offended my boyfriend’s family, how do I recover?

I am 31F and dating a 34M. I live in a city and he lives with family in a small rural town one hour away. He has 3 siblings, 2 sisters. The eldest sister lives a 17 hour drive away.
We have been dating 2 years. I was invited to his older sisters baby shower in January, which was 17 hours away. I was offered a ride with his younger sister and aunt but declined and sent a gift, as I was so wiped from the holidays and would have to take off work. I was also not confident about my ability to socialize for so long and I didn’t know them very well, I know my social battery is low and I would be probably mute because I just am not very social and it would be a long time together. My boyfriend wasn’t going. I’m not sure if his older sister holds that against me or not.
Yesterday I was invited to his nieces birthday, I went early Saturday, it was an hours drive away. It was nice except his mom who has mental illness and recently divorced their dad came and no one expected that, and my boyfriend and her don’t get along. I had only met his mom one other time almost 2 years ago. My mom also has mental illness so I understand. I have nothing against her!!! I would love to get along with a future in law. But when my boyfriend and I walked in I said hi, and she looked at us and said to my boyfriend, “I am not a stalker” and walked away, and it was pretty awkward.
His older sister and her husband and their new baby flew in to come to the party!
So anyways the party was fun and lovely. I found out there was a wedding reception of his cousins that night. I had no idea about it, I thought my boyfriend and I would go back to my place Saturday night and spend Sunday together like always. But I said I’d go and I went and bought an outfit in his town and went to the reception! It was nice, it was for someone on his mom’s side of the family which I’d never met!
His sister told us at the reception that their mom said I gave her a dirty look, which I didn’t or didn’t mean to! She didn’t say it like she believed I did, but like their mom was starting drama. But their mom is ill and has a lot of negative thoughts about everyone. But it made me feel bad :(
I was feeling shy at the reception, and didn’t dance until the very end to one song awkwardly. His older sister was trying to get my boyfriend to dance, but he wouldn’t, and she said he always does, and it seemed like she was thinking that he wouldn’t dance because I was there, because I didn’t want to. I felt bad.
I was quiet a lot, I think I came off as not wanting to be there? I don’t know! I hope not. But I find socializing hard and I feel I put my foot in my mouth several times.
SO his older sister who flew in found out about a graduation party the next day, Sunday, and invited us all. And also they decided they are going out for their dad’s birthday Sunday evening. His sister invited us and it was sooo loud in the reception I wasn’t hearing everything of what people were saying. My boyfriend said we might be able to make it to the grad party, and I was like yeah I think so I think, but it might have seemed I didn’t want to, but I hope not. They were like, how far is it to your house? How long of a drive tonight and tomorrow?
So when we left the reception, his older sister was like, you guys should come, I hope to see you there. I thought I saw her roll her eyes at me for being noncommittal. I talked about it with my boyfriend after and said I’d like to go. I really have no idea who the grad party is for and don’t know if my boyfriend wants to go to that, but I definitely want to go to his dad’s bday dinner.
I just felt like his sister was not liking that she felt I didn’t want to do these things tomorrow. I kind of don’t want to but totally will. I hate that I seemed like I didn’t want to. I just had a really rough week at work working overtime and my work is abusive and I’ve been looking for another job, and Saturday day is my chore day but I was at the birthday party, I haven’t gone grocery shopping or done laundry. Which whatever.
TLDR: Why am I like this? I believe I have offended his family and made them not like me. I don’t feel like a very likable person. I typically like to know plans ahead of time but don’t want to turn down these invites, I will go and want to make a good impression. Please help me get my head straight.
submitted by RealAd1811 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:19 Short_Voice_4233 Hypercortisolism diagnosis (any idea how I can lower cortisol?)

Hi there :) A month ago I braced myself and went to see an endocrinologist because, 10-11 months into recovery, my period hadn’t returned (and it still hasn’t) and I was gaining weight very rapidly and a lot of it (I am now considered “obese” by BMI standards). I have discovered after some blood tests that I have very levels of cortisol and have been diagnosed with hypercortisolism. The doctor said that this diagnosis might explain my continously gaining weight, especially in the abdomen section. What’s worse is that she also said that there aren’t any meds that can directly lower cortisol - she just said that I need a healthy diet and to get my stress levels in control (I’m a very anxious person, and to be honest, it’s hard not to be anxious in recovery when you everything is so uncertain). I was wondering if you might have any idea of ways to naturally lower cortisol that wouldn’t interfere too much with my recovery - like, I am trying hard to honour my hunger and my cravings, I don’t want to live a life of “obsessive clean eating anymore”… And also, do you think it might be my body’s response to the restriction from the past? I still have moments when I’m scared to eat anymore because I gain so much by eating normal amounts of food. As I said, I still don’t have a period yet, so I’m guessing my body is still in stress/panic mode, I just don’t know how to help it… If you have any idea of what has the potential to be helpful, I would appreciate it so much! Take care of yourselves ❤️
submitted by Short_Voice_4233 to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:18 MechanicSuccessful91 Books where the MMC have been secretly in love with the MMC for a long long time?

Books where the MMC have been secretly in love with the MMC for a long long time?
I’ve recently fallen in love with this trope after reading (and LOVING) the web novel under the oak tree and the yona of the dawn manga and now I’m desperately looking for more stories that hit this specific trope.
I usually read fantasy romance, but I’m open to read contemporary or historical (or basically anything) if it hits this trope and does it well.
I’m looking for the type of relationship where the MC have been in love with the FC for a very long time but doesn’t think he has any chance or doesn’t deserve her - and she has no idea (of course)
Basically, once the romance progresses I want him to question if this is even reality because he simply cannot fathom having her in any romantic way since it’s been an unobtainable dream for so long.
Other things I like are protective MCs, no harems of any kind, N/A over Y/A, I like me some spice but I don’t mind an excruciatingly slow burn. Romance-driven or just a good romantic sub-plot are both fine. Since I usually read romantsy I typically better enjoy high-stakes plots over slice of life stories.
Pic of the couple who does this trope flawlessly
submitted by MechanicSuccessful91 to fantasyromance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:18 PriomiaVenturesLtd Get customized international yoga day t-shirt with your design/text/logo, for your Group / NGO / Organization.

Get customized international yoga day t-shirt with your design/text/logo, for your Group / NGO / Organization. submitted by PriomiaVenturesLtd to u/PriomiaVenturesLtd [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:16 kulikov444 Get rich with the help of other people

Hi all. Don't let my title scare anyone. Since childhood, I have been thinking about such an experiment as how to get rich through meager donations from other people. Now that I’m at a stage in my life where it’s time to get married and live my own life, I decided to try this. The idea is to be open about your goal and nothing more. In the hope that people will simply help you implement it without losing almost anything. For example, donate a maximum of $1 (no more) to achieve someone else's goal. As a child, I thought about this, but it was impossible to implement, but the train of thought was as follows: this amount will not cause discomfort to anyone, every day we give this amount to unnecessary rubbish, but if even 10,000 people take part in this, this is already a lot of money for my country (Kazakhstan). My goal is to buy an apartment with a mortgage and organize a small wedding for 30 people. To buy an apartment, I need a down payment of 50%, which is $30,000. Organizing a wedding costs about $3,000. If you have read it and you are at least just interested in seeing what happens, you can distribute it, and if you decide to participate, then I am very grateful to you. My goal is open and I don’t hope that at least one will take part in this)) but this thought was in childhood and I still wonder what will come of it) I guess many people thought about it. If you would like to participate, the link is here. In 3 months I will post a post with information about what happened after 3 months.
submitted by kulikov444 to u/kulikov444 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:16 MuyCar0 29Y/o cerebellar stroke and do not feel like talking about it, what about you?

Last weekend I first had a TIA (not full stroke) on the Friday and the Saturday I had a full on stroke. To be frank, it was horrible and petrifying. The stroke turned out to be in my cerebellum, I fortunately do not (really) struggle with speech, just balance and positioning on the room and headaches and complete exhaustion (luckily, haha derp). Timing is quite shit (when is it not), because I was about 85% recover from my concussion I had a year ago, winnnnn - double broken brain. So I was almost back at work, couldn’t do parties yet but sports and drinks were fine.. just not normal energy levels and a lot of breaks.
Anyway, the point, I notice that I really don’t feel like talking to anyone about it. My family and partner I like to have around, but there’s nothing I really have to say. And I know communication can help my emotional process.
The situation is fucking weird, the reason is absent, the stroke was completely utterly random (tear in my neck vein), and didn’t have anything to do with my style of living or health.. so my anger is present and understandable i guess.. it’s so weird to walk around the village of my parents and have people look at me with the “o-my-God-you’re-still-alive”-face, it’s quite intense. I have surges of emotion which I deem normal, but I also feel quite off?
Anyway I just find it odd that I really notice that I don’t feel like having any friends here (I’m quite sociable), and really, I just wish that when I go back to work, sports, things (my clinical recovery has yet to start so no idea when), we can all pretend like nothing happened and proceed with our lives.. anyone feels that they recognise this..?
submitted by MuyCar0 to stroke [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:15 derMauersegler Pete at the Salt Lake City Fire Department (with a message by Kyle Lavender in the second pic)

Pete at the Salt Lake City Fire Department (with a message by Kyle Lavender in the second pic) submitted by derMauersegler to petedavidson [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:12 Live_Elderberry8823 I 38F am having a hard time getting over an ex 41M, who I ended things with 3 years after our son was born. How do I get over him?

I am really struggling to get this person out of my headspace. I know this person is not right for me, I know this person did not treat me right, and I know I would have been miserable if I had stayed in the relationship with a man who held no respect for me. But I absolutely need help getting over this person.
My biggest struggle since ending things. Is wanting to get out and meet people. I don’t trust men right now. It has been over a year and I cannot bring myself to trust that the next person is actually genuine, or that any value would come from a relationship.
I have been getting my side of things in order. But it deviates me that my ex has just moved on to a genuinely good woman. I needed him to do this so I can try to cut my feeling for him. I pushed him to do it. But the idea that he can and is capable of treating someone with respect and kindness that I was not allowed when I gave so much. That is killer. How do I shake this guy out of my head? I have to keep contact because my son. But this just hits. It is not jealousy because I couldn’t care less that he is dating. I just feel devalued
submitted by Live_Elderberry8823 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:12 UnidentifiedFaunTTV The Fae celebrate birthdays too! Will you come join the festivities?~

The Fae celebrate birthdays too! Will you come join the festivities?~ submitted by UnidentifiedFaunTTV to vtubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 Sweet-Count2557 Amf Babylon Lanes

Amf Babylon Lanes
Amf Babylon Lanes As we step into the world of Amf Babylon Lanes, we are greeted by a symphony of crashing pins and infectious laughter. It's a place where families come together, forming lasting memories and strengthening their bonds.But there's more to Amf Babylon Lanes than meets the eye. Behind the vibrant atmosphere lies a rich history, state-of-the-art facilities, and a plethora of exciting events.So, join us as we unravel the secrets of Amf Babylon Lanes and uncover why it has become a beacon of fun and entertainment for families everywhere.Key TakeawaysAMF Babylon Lanes has a rich history and has undergone renovations to enhance the experience.The facilities include upgraded equipment, improved lanes, and a modernized scoring system.Joining a bowling league provides community and skill development through consistent practice.AMF Babylon Lanes regularly hosts a variety of special events and promotions.History of AMF Babylon LanesAMF Babylon Lanes has a rich history in the world of bowling, making it a notable destination for families and enthusiasts alike. Over the years, this iconic bowling alley has undergone several renovation plans to enhance the experience for its visitors. These renovations have included upgrading the facilities, improving the lanes, and adding modern technology to the scoring system. As a result, AMF Babylon Lanes continues to attract a wide range of bowlers, from casual players to professional athletes.Throughout its history, AMF Babylon Lanes has also been host to several famous bowlers who've graced its lanes. One such notable bowler is Earl Anthony, a legendary figure in the world of bowling. Anthony, a multiple-time Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) Player of the Year, has competed at AMF Babylon Lanes and left a lasting impression on both the staff and spectators.Another famous bowler who's played at AMF Babylon Lanes is Walter Ray Williams Jr. Williams, considered one of the greatest bowlers of all time, has achieved numerous accolades throughout his career, including multiple PBA Player of the Year titles and a record-breaking number of PBA Tour titles. His presence at AMF Babylon Lanes has brought excitement and inspiration to aspiring bowlers who've had the opportunity to witness his skill and expertise firsthand.Location and FacilitiesAfter exploring the rich history and notable bowlers of AMF Babylon Lanes, it's now time to shift our focus to the location and facilities of this iconic bowling alley.Located in the heart of Babylon, New York, AMF Babylon Lanes is easily accessible and conveniently situated for both locals and visitors alike. The alley offers ample parking space, making it hassle-free for bowlers to arrive and enjoy a fun-filled day of bowling.In terms of facilities, AMF Babylon Lanes boasts state-of-the-art equipment, ensuring that bowlers have a top-notch experience. The lanes are well-maintained and regularly serviced to provide smooth and consistent gameplay. Additionally, the alley features a variety of ball sizes to cater to bowlers of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, AMF Babylon Lanes has you covered.Looking towards the future, AMF Babylon Lanes has exciting plans for upcoming renovations. The management is committed to enhancing the overall atmosphere and comfort of the alley, with improvements that will elevate the bowling experience. From updated seating areas and modernized scoring systems to vibrant lighting and refreshed decor, these renovations aim to create a more enjoyable and engaging environment for bowlers.Furthermore, AMF Babylon Lanes understands the importance of accessibility options. The alley is wheelchair-friendly, with ramps and accessible lanes available for bowlers with mobility challenges. This commitment to inclusivity ensures that everyone can participate and enjoy the sport of bowling.Bowling Leagues and TournamentsBowling leagues and tournaments at AMF Babylon Lanes offer a competitive and exciting experience for bowlers of all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, participating in a bowling league can bring a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition to your bowling journey. Here are three reasons why joining a bowling league at AMF Babylon Lanes can be a rewarding experience:Community and Connection: Bowling leagues provide an opportunity to meet new people who share your passion for the sport. You'll have the chance to form new friendships, build a support network, and be part of a close-knit community. Whether you're cheering on your teammates or engaging in friendly banter with opposing teams, the social aspect of bowling leagues can enhance your overall bowling experience.Skill Development: Joining a bowling league allows you to consistently practice and improve your skills. Regularly bowling with others who are equally dedicated to the sport can push you to strive for higher scores and refine your technique. Additionally, you can learn from experienced bowlers and receive valuable tips and advice to enhance your game.Competition and Achievement: Bowling leagues provide a platform for friendly competition and the opportunity to challenge yourself. As you participate in league matches and tournaments, you can set personal goals and work towards achieving them. Whether it's improving your average score or winning a league championship, the sense of achievement and accomplishment can be immensely gratifying.In order to make the most of your bowling league experience, it's important to familiarize yourself with bowling etiquette. Be respectful of your fellow bowlers, observe lane courtesy, and follow the rules and guidelines set by the league. By doing so, you can ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for yourself and others.Joining a bowling league at AMF Babylon Lanes not only allows you to indulge in your passion for bowling but also offers a range of benefits, from building connections to enhancing your skills. So, lace up your bowling shoes, grab your favorite ball, and get ready to enjoy the thrill of bowling in a competitive and supportive environment.Special Events and PromotionsSpecial events and promotions at AMF Babylon Lanes offer exciting opportunities for bowlers and enthusiasts alike. We understand the importance of providing a unique and enjoyable experience for our customers, which is why we regularly host a variety of events and offer exclusive discounts and deals.Upcoming Events:Event NameDate and TimeCosmic Bowling NightFriday, 7 PM - 12 AMFamily Fun DaySaturday, 10 AM - 5 PMCollege NightWednesday, 6 PM - 10 PMDiscounts and Deals:PromotionDetailsMonday Madness$2 games and $2 shoe rental all dayLadies NightHalf-price games for ladies on ThursdaysStudent Discount10% off games with valid student IDAt AMF Babylon Lanes, we believe in offering a diverse range of events to cater to different interests and preferences. Our Cosmic Bowling Night is perfect for those looking for a vibrant and energetic atmosphere, with neon lights and music. Families can enjoy a fun-filled day together on our Family Fun Day, complete with discounted prices and special activities for kids. College Night provides a great opportunity for students to unwind and socialize while enjoying discounted games.In addition to our events, we also offer various discounts and deals throughout the week. Monday Madness is a popular promotion, offering affordable games and shoe rentals for everyone. Ladies Night is a great way for women to enjoy a night out with friends and take advantage of discounted games. Students can also benefit from a 10% discount on games with a valid student ID.At AMF Babylon Lanes, we strive to create an inclusive and exciting environment for bowlers of all ages and skill levels. Stay tuned for our upcoming events and take advantage of our discounts and deals for a memorable bowling experience.Food and Beverage OptionsWhen it comes to the food and beverage options at AMF Babylon Lanes, customers can expect a diverse selection that caters to all tastes and preferences. Our goal is to provide a satisfying dining experience that complements the excitement of bowling.Here are three reasons why our food and beverage options are sure to please:Extensive Food Options: Whether you're in the mood for a classic burger and fries or something a bit more adventurous like our signature chicken quesadilla, we've you covered. Our menu features a wide range of appetizers, entrees, and desserts that are made with high-quality ingredients to ensure a delicious meal every time.Customizable Beverages: We understand that everyone has different preferences when it comes to their drinks. That's why we offer a variety of beverage choices, including soft drinks, juices, and a selection of alcoholic beverages for those who are of legal drinking age. Our fully stocked bar ensures that you can enjoy your favorite drink while you bowl.Special Dietary Accommodations: We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy our food options, regardless of their dietary restrictions. That's why we offer vegetarian and gluten-free choices on our menu. Our staff is also knowledgeable about food allergies and can help guide you in choosing a meal that fits your specific needs.At AMF Babylon Lanes, we want you to have the freedom to enjoy a delicious meal and refreshing beverages while you bowl. Our diverse food options and customizable beverage choices ensure that there's something for everyone. So, come hungry and thirsty, and let's take care of your dining needs while you have a great time bowling.Pricing and Membership OptionsCustomers at AMF Babylon Lanes have a variety of pricing and membership options to choose from. When it comes to pricing options, AMF Babylon Lanes offers competitive rates for their bowling lanes. They've hourly rates for groups, as well as special rates for certain times of the day or week. This allows customers to choose the option that best fits their budget and schedule.In addition to their pricing options, AMF Babylon Lanes also offers membership options that come with a range of benefits. One of the main benefits of becoming a member is the ability to save money. Members receive discounted rates on bowling games, shoe rentals, and food and beverages. This can add up to significant savings, especially for frequent bowlers.Another benefit of membership is the convenience it provides. Members have access to exclusive lanes and priority lane reservations, which means they can avoid long wait times during peak hours. This allows them to enjoy their bowling experience without any hassle or stress.Furthermore, AMF Babylon Lanes offers special perks for members, such as free game credits, birthday discounts, and access to member-only events and tournaments. These additional benefits enhance the overall bowling experience and provide members with even more value for their membership.Amenities and EntertainmentAMF Babylon Lanes offers a range of amenities and entertainment options to enhance the bowling experience for our customers. Whether you're looking to host a party or celebrate a special occasion, or if you're planning a fun day out with the kids, we've got you covered.Here are three options that will surely evoke excitement and create lasting memories:Party Packages and Event Hosting: We understand the importance of celebrating milestones and creating unforgettable experiences. That's why we offer a variety of party packages and event hosting options. From birthdays to corporate events, our dedicated team will work with you to customize the perfect package that suits your needs. With our spacious party rooms, delicious food options, and state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment, your event is guaranteed to be a hit.Kids' Birthday Party Options: Planning a birthday party for your little one? Look no further! We've a range of options specifically designed for kids' birthday parties. Our party packages include bowling, shoe rentals, arcade play, and food options that will satisfy even the pickiest eaters. Our friendly staff will ensure that every detail is taken care of, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the celebration.Entertainment Galore: At AMF Babylon Lanes, we believe in providing entertainment beyond just bowling. Our arcade is packed with exciting games that will keep both kids and adults entertained for hours. From classic arcade games to cutting-edge virtual reality experiences, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Plus, our fully stocked bar and lounge area offer a perfect place to unwind and socialize with friends and family.With our extensive amenities and entertainment options, AMF Babylon Lanes is the ultimate destination for freedom seekers who crave a bowling experience like no other. Join us for a day of fun, laughter, and unforgettable memories.Customer Reviews and TestimonialsBased on the feedback from our valued patrons, AMF Babylon Lanes consistently receives rave reviews and glowing testimonials for its exceptional customer service and unforgettable bowling experience. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in every aspect of our operations, from the moment you step foot in our facility until the time you leave with a smile on your face.At AMF Babylon Lanes, we understand that bowling isn't just a game, but a passion for many. That's why we strive to provide the best bowling experience possible, catering to both casual bowlers and seasoned professionals. Our state-of-the-art lanes and equipment are meticulously maintained to ensure optimal performance, allowing you to showcase your bowling techniques with ease.But it's not just about the game itself; it's about the entire experience. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always on hand to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. They're well-versed in the intricacies of bowling techniques and are happy to offer guidance and tips to help you improve your game.In addition to our top-notch customer service, our amenities further contribute to the overall satisfaction of our patrons. From our comfortable seating areas to our fully stocked snack bar, we strive to create an environment that's both enjoyable and relaxing.Don't just take our word for it, though. Our customer reviews and testimonials speak for themselves. Time and time again, our patrons express their delight with the quality of our service, the cleanliness of our facility, and the overall experience they've at AMF Babylon Lanes.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is the Average Wait Time for a Lane at AMF Babylon Lanes?Factors influencing wait time at Amf Babylon Lanes can vary depending on various factors such as the day of the week, time of day, and overall popularity of the bowling alley. To minimize wait time, it's advisable to plan your visit during off-peak hours or consider making a reservation in advance.Additionally, arriving early or utilizing online booking options can help reduce wait times. Taking these tips into consideration can ensure a smoother and more efficient experience at Amf Babylon Lanes.Are There Any Age Restrictions for Participating in Bowling Leagues at AMF Babylon Lanes?There are age restrictions for participating in bowling leagues at AMF Babylon Lanes. While specific age requirements may vary depending on the league, it's common for leagues to have minimum age limits.For example, some leagues may require participants to be at least 18 years old, while others may have age restrictions of 21 or older. These age restrictions ensure that participants have the necessary skills and maturity to compete in a league setting.Can I Bring My Own Bowling Shoes or Do I Have to Rent Them?When it comes to bowling, many people wonder if they can bring their own shoes or if they've to rent them. The decision ultimately depends on the specific bowling alley and their policies. Some places may allow you to bring your own shoes, while others may require you to rent them.It's always a good idea to check with the bowling alley beforehand to see what their rules are regarding shoe rentals.Is There a Dress Code for Bowling at AMF Babylon Lanes?When it comes to bowling at Amf Babylon Lanes, there's indeed a dress code. But don't worry, it's nothing too restrictive. The dress code ensures a pleasant and comfortable experience for everyone.So, put on your favorite casual attire and get ready to bowl!As for the benefits of bowling at Amf Babylon Lanes, you can expect a fun-filled time with friends and family, a chance to improve your bowling skills, and the opportunity to create lasting memories.Are There Any Discounts or Promotions Available for Large Groups or Parties at AMF Babylon Lanes?Large group discounts and party promotions are often available at various bowling alleys. These deals can help save money and make the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved.It's always a good idea to check with the specific bowling alley, like AMF Babylon Lanes, to see what discounts or promotions they offer for large groups or parties. They may have special packages or rates that cater to these types of events, providing an affordable and fun option for gathering with friends or celebrating special occasions.ConclusionIn conclusion, Amf Babylon Lanes is like a striking melody, bringing families together with its state-of-the-art facilities and friendly atmosphere.With options for all skill levels, exciting events, and delicious food and beverage options, it's a must-visit destination for families looking to create lasting memories.So grab your bowling shoes and join us on this unforgettable journey of fun and bonding.Let the pins fall and the good times roll at Amf Babylon Lanes!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 midnightshazes Autism & BPD

Does anybody else with autism feel suicidal when relationships end? I’m trying to work out whether my borderline personality disorder diagnosis was a misdiagnosis (I was diagnosed with bpd at 21 and autism at 23. I’m now 25) I didn’t have any particular traumatic event growing up so it would appear that it was a misdiagnosis, however I still feel like I relate to a lot of the symptoms of bpd, but im unsure whether those are just autistic traits or bpd? The more I read about how autism presents in women, the more I feel like they are such similar diagnoses I really can’t distinguish the difference between them. I attempted suicide when I was 20 twice, mainly because I was in love with a man who didn’t love me back. But also because I was terrified of leaving university as I had no idea what I was doing with my life and I was very burnt out. My therapist seems to think my bpd diagnosis was a misdiagnosis but I feel very conflicted and confused? I experience such intense emotional dysregulation, switching between loving someone and hating them, explosive anger, self harm, suicidal ideation. But I can’t tell if that’s autism or the bpd! Anyone got any ideas?
submitted by midnightshazes to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 malina662 My social anxiety took over my entire life

Looking back I’m realizing that my anxiety has ruined everything for me. It’s ruined jobs, relationships, and made me so avoidant that I didn’t even care about meeting new people or living life outside of my room or job. I’m having really bad undiagnosed health issues and I’m really beating myself up ab how I took life for granted. I’m not trying to sound stuck up whatsoever but I’m young, not terribly ugly, and overall a nice caring person and really regret being so insecure that I’ve literally hidden myself away from everyone.
These are supposed to be my prime years and I’ve spent all my time avoiding everyone and going out of my way to hide. I have no idea why because most people that have gotten to know me have loved me but I can’t help it. My anxiety about meeting people or being around people is literally so bad that I’ll avoid it. Like I’ve held my piss in for hours bc I was to scared to meet guests. I won’t go hangout with my bfs family. I stopped going to my own family gatherings and cut contact w people. I dropped all my friends and only kept one low maintenance one. I don’t care.
I’ve been to the doctor and they prescribed me an anti depressant (lexapro) for anxiety so I hope it helps with this a little bit idk.
submitted by malina662 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:11 Financial_Drawer_227 Maybe someone can read my story and help. The battle with my brain.

First off I’ve never went to a doctor I have always battled through it in my own. I’m going to make this as quick and straightforward as possible but it’s a lot to unpack. Anyone who reads it all and can give any input I really do appreciate. I honestly don’t always trust doctors and big pharma so looking for advice from people.
-I’m 30 years old and have legit been battling with my brain/body for as long as I can remember. I own a construction company. Moved into a house that is gutted and needs to be fully renovated (with basically me doing all the work. Like literally everything from plans, budget, and the actual work.). So I say this because a lot of people claim they are busy or have a lot to do. Trying not to sound arrogant but I actually have almost an impossible amount of work I do. Business, newborn, house remodel, and the list goes on. I am obsessed with building, designing, engineering, creating things, and being a craftsman.
-Since I was young I battled with not being able to sleep properly (diagnosed with sleep apnea). And my brain is like this machine that moves at a million miles a minute and I honestly can’t control it all the time. I have huge goals and work from the time I open my eyes till whatever hour I crash. If I am completely sober with no caffeine, nicotine, etc. I cannot process my thoughts. It’s a non stop wave of business ideas, work to be done, work coming up, customer relations, networking, materials and job planning, with always a clear view of my vision for the long term. When this happens I become immobile. I will sit on my phone to space out to quiet the thoughts. Procrastinate and refuse to start the work I know needs to be done now. I oversleep and feel beat and tired all day regardless of how much or how little I sleep. I simply can’t do anything.
-I am cursed with intelligence. I’m not saying this as a positive thing necessarily. Someone close to me is a psychologist who diagnoses autism and they believe after some testing I might be on the spectrum. Take it for what it is but scored 130 on two different types of IQ tests. I don’t tolerate things like small talk, I am fairly quiet (when sober), I do not want to make friends or talk to people who have nothing to offer me (business owners/entrepreneurs, people who are masters of their craft, even people who are considered dreamers and have ideas and goals) are all people I will attach myself too because I find they are the only ones I can have a real conversation with. Relationships are very difficult because they tend to think I’m emotionless. I just have a very direct grasp on my feelings and I can handle them. - I cannot sit on a computer and be productive without an amphetamine. I cannot read a book and retain a single word of it. I’m reading but my thoughts are elsewhere.
submitted by Financial_Drawer_227 to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:10 Icy_Prune_7872 I don't like the idea of anything

I was raised without religion but got thrown into christianity after getting conviced to go to church by family members. After learning about more and more religions and concepts of the afterlife I don't like any of it. Ok so if I go to heaven and God destroys hell whats after? Is he gonna repeat the cycle and make a new earth and create hell again? If recarnation is real then I only have a small chance being a human again because of my human desires? The idea of no afterlife scares me the most. I like experiencing new things. Quantum immortallity also scares me. Yeah ill get to experience the universe til its end. But thats the thing i don't want it to end. I don't want anything to end. I'm so happy were im at in this point of time but the thought of everything ending terrifies me. I feel like my opinion will change as I get older but I'm scared I won't.
submitted by Icy_Prune_7872 to afterlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:10 UnidentifiedFaunTTV Here’s your invite to my upcoming birthday stream~ I hope to see you there :333

Here’s your invite to my upcoming birthday stream~ I hope to see you there :333 submitted by UnidentifiedFaunTTV to VirtualYoutubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:10 Professional_Rub_570 AITAH for not inviting my best friend to my birthday celebration

So my (22f) and my best friend/roommate (22f) ‘hannah’ have been best friends since the beginning of college. She has always been a good friend to me. However, every time we hang out with other people together (specifically my other friends) she is super rude and uninterested. She blames this on her social anxiety, which I also have and know it presents in different ways. But last year at my birthday party I had invited hannah and me and my boyfriend’s friend group, which is a group of like 6 couples and I’m very close to all of them. All the girls are very inclusive and welcoming. I warmed up so quickly with them when I first met them even though I have social anxiety. At my birthday party Hannah seemed very uninterested and not engaging. The girls would try and include her into conversation and she would give short answers and then get back on her phone and not interact. About an hour into the party she said she was ready to leave because no one is including her and the girls are being rude to her. This made me so frustrated I ended up crying because it’s my birthday and I wanted to have a good time and instead I’m having to worry about her not having a good time and everyone else ask me why she’s mad/not having a good time. After this my boyfriend said she’s never allowed to hangout with our friend group again because of how rude she was. But this year she cleared her schedule for my birthday weekend and I will be celebrating with the same group. I know she will be pissed if I don’t invite her and invite everyone else. But I want to have a good time and not have to worry about her the whole night. So AITAH for not inviting her to my birthday celebration?
submitted by Professional_Rub_570 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:10 withoutlove69 I hate being the black sheep.

TLDR; OP vents about feeling like an outsider in day-to-day life due to differing lifestyle choices and interests.
I (23F) have always felt different, from a young age. I grew up in Salt Lake City, in a devout Mormon family and always strayed from the norm. Never did I really rebel in the typical teenage rebellion way other than getting into heavy/emo music and dressing in all-black etc. but ever since I started developing my own opinions and desires for appearance, lifestyle, opinions on big-question things (I.e. religion, sexuality, etc.) it was always met with a fight and downright refusal of acceptance by my loved ones.
Fast forward ten years and I have since pursed (and failed) at a music career, gone no-contact (and got back in contact) and am now living at home with my family. The dynamic is strained and I’m trying to do my best to acquiesce to their wants but it’s difficult when we are on opposite ends of life expectation. For instance, a few days ago I told my mom I wanted to get another tattoo for my birthday to keep working on my sleeve, and she was indifferent and dismissive. Today, I wore a Lamb of God shirt (a band that I’ve been getting into the past few years) and she told me that I should never wear it again because it made her ‘sad for Jesus’ despite the graphic not being offensive or blasphemous. These are small details, but they compile on top of tension and resentment. In top of that, I’m planning on changing my birth name in the next few months and when I brought it up to my mom she just argued that I embody my given name more than I think (which I heavily disagree with).
I just want to be able to be myself. I want to be able to express myself and not feel judgement for saying that I want to go see Knocked Loose with my best friend for her birthday (an example). These things may all feel small, but I just feel like I’m sacrificing so much of myself and it sucks. I wish I could conform and be the ’normal’ version of me they all want, other days I want to be unabashed and not give a shit. Idk.
submitted by withoutlove69 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:08 infinite_hex I am a incredibly depressed heroin addict that feels invisible

Not sure what else to say other than the title. Well, its not really heroin its fucking fentanyl but w/e. I am hurting inside so bad. I am coming up on one year since I was evicted from my apartment due to going completely broke from using and I still feel so dead inside. I have made some progress, I went to rehab, everything I was supposed to do. I've been clean for the most part but recently had a relapse and used needles for one of the first times. I am concerned because this is very dangerous but it does not feel like I am in control sometimes. Each relapse is just screaming at me to use more intensely even though I could easily die from this. My arms are so sore. I hate this. I don't want to use. Being sober has me feeling so many traumatic memories I thought left me a long time ago. I feel so beat down when they arise I want to cry so bad but I can't; there is just this swelling feeling where my heart is like its so broken. I will try to pretend to be happy but it is getting harder. I have no idea how I am supposed to make friends when I am such a fucking anxious wreck of a person. This is all so terrifying and I have nobody to really talk about it with nor do I want to talk about it because I don't even feel human anymore.
Maybe next time will kill me. I don't want that to happen. But I've been so depressed ever since I was a kid and I am 30 now. I have been through a lot and I am so tired. I feel old like I have experienced several lifetimes and so much emotional damage. I don't know who I am. Seems like everyone in their 30s is now working in their dream jobs when I am now in my parents house and don't even know the basics of living a normal life. I just want to be free of this problem forever but then I realize I don't know a single thing about living and all I can think about is using again and again. I feel fucking helpless.
submitted by infinite_hex to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:08 mjtys 60% ISO Recommendations

Hey guys, I’m after some recommendations and hoping you can help:
I’m after a 60% iso keyboard - I’m currently using a 100% Keychron V6 which I upgraded from a 75% Keychron K2V2 about a year ago and have really been focused on Keyboard shortcuts and Karabiner Elements lately (not to mention the 100% takes up a lot of my desk), so I think the 60% would be fine for me (I’m hoping I’d be able to adjust to the lack of arrow keys - would love to hear others experience with this) - I just prefer the shape of a 60% rather than a 65% is all
My idea was to just get a Keychron V4, but then I started to talk myself into a Q4. From here I went into a rabbit hole and found some keycaps I really like (although they’re £150+, more than I’ve ever spent on a keyboard itself) and some switches I’d like to try (Gateron Milky Yellows)
My issue is if I went down the route of a Q4, got the keycaps and switches, I’m looking at over £300 and I’m sure for that price there’s a lot more out there, so I’m just wondering if you guys could recommend some things?
I really like the wedge shaped side profile of something like the Tofu60, but I don’t think that’s gasket-mounted. I also would like something metal this time around as well. Ideally ISO, which I think is the biggest issue I’m facing finding options and wireless would be a +1 as the Q4 is wired and the Max/Pro isn’t available on ISO currently
As a side note, I do also like the idea of a split keyboard at the moment, something like a corne, but that’s a story for another day, but would love to hear recommendations for that too!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by mjtys to MechanicalKeyboardsUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:08 Which_Hand_9233 Help. M.2 drive not working.

So my brother gave me a m.2 drive and it’s the exact same one I have in my pc right now. Anyways, when I put the m.2 drive in my second slot, nothing happens. It doesn’t show in disk management. And it doesn’t show in bios. I’m thinking it’s a bad drive but any ideas would be great.
submitted by Which_Hand_9233 to buildapc [link] [comments]
