Debbie does dallas video sample

Start cutting!

2015.02.06 18:14 Start cutting!

This is for creative people looking to practice the art of sampling! This is not limited to just hip hop production, we welcome all musicians and mix-masters. Maybe you'll make some connections here and connect with other vocalists/lyricists who want to use your work/collaborate afterwards. Even if you don't want to sample, this is a great database of interesting music hand-picked by the users of samplebattles!

2008.03.28 17:52 Linguistics

This is a community for discussions related to topics and questions about linguistics, the scientific study of human language. For common questions, please refer to the FAQs below. For those looking to deepen their appreciation for linguistics, the reading list is a list of recommended texts on areas of linguistic and language research compiled by resident experts here at Reddit.

2013.02.02 09:52 I_Miss_Claire No such thing as stupid questions

Ask away! Disclaimer: This is an anonymous forum so answers may not be correct

2024.06.02 05:19 healthmedicinet Health Daily News MAY 31 2024

DAY: MAY 31 2024


Over 180 world leaders maintain social media accounts, and some of them issue policy warnings to rivals and the public on these platforms rather than relying on traditional government statements. How seriously do people take such social media postings? A new study suggests the general public and policymakers alike take leaders’ social media posts just as seriously as they take formal government statements. The research, by MIT political scientists, deploys novel surveys of both the public and experienced foreign policy specialists. “What we find, which is really surprising, across both


More than 300 million children a year are victims of online sexual exploitation and abuse, research indicates. Pupils in every classroom, in every school, in every country are victims of this hidden pandemic, according to researchers who have conducted the first global estimate of the scale of the crisis. The statistics, from the Childlight Global Child Safety Institute at the University of Edinburgh, amount to a clear and present danger to the world’s children, according to the crime agency Interpol. Online risks One in eight of the world’s children, about


For Malcolm and Simone Collins, declining birth rates across many developed countries are an existential threat. The solution is to have “tons of kids,” and to use a hyperrational, data-driven approach to guide everything from genetic selection to baby names and day-to-day parenting. They don’t heat their Pennsylvania home in winter, because heating is a “pointless indulgence.” Their children wear iPads around their necks. And a Guardian journalist witnessed Malcolm strike their two-year-old across the face for misbehavior, a parenting style they apparently developed based on watching “tigers


One hundred years ago, in the 1924 Paris Olympics, American Johnny Weissmuller won the men’s 100m freestyle with a time of 59 seconds. Nearly 100 years later, in the most recent Olympics, the delayed 2020 Games in Tokyo, Caeleb Dressel took home the same event with a time that was 12 seconds faster than Weissmuller’s. Swimming times across the board have become much faster over the past century, a result of several factors, including innovations


The government of British Columbia recently introduced a bill to ban people convicted of serious offenses from legally changing their name. The proposed amendment to the province’s Name Act would also prohibit those found not criminally responsible due to mental disorder from changing their name. The government announced the move after media reports that Allan Schoenborn legally changed his name to Ken Johnson. Schoenborn was found not criminally responsible for the deaths of his children in 2010 because of a delusional disorder, and was placed at a psychiatric hospital.


Silicon Valley—considered the world’s hub of technology and innovation—can breed inequality and sameness among budding entrepreneurs, according to new research. Behind the multi-million-dollar deals and tales of start-up utopia, Silicon Valley’s “uneven” investment landscape is in fact a barrier to many budding businesses, says the study from the University of Stirling and Georg-August-University Göttingen. But the researchers suggest other countries could still learn from the more discerning entrepreneurial ecosystem that bred giants such as Apple and Google, to be more selective in backing start-ups. While it is not uncommon for


Child sexual abuse is uncomfortable to think about, much less talk about. The idea of an adult engaging in sexual behaviors with a child feels sickening. It’s easiest to believe that it rarely happens, and when it does, that it’s only to children whose parents aren’t protecting them. This belief stayed with me during my early days as a parent. I kept an eye out for creepy men at the playground and was skeptical of men who worked with young children, such as teachers and coaches. When my kids were


It takes a lot to shock Kelvin Lay. My friend and colleague was responsible for setting up Africa’s first dedicated child exploitation and human trafficking units, and for many years he was a senior investigating officer for the Child Exploitation Online Protection Center at the UK’s National Crime Agency, specializing in extra territorial prosecutions on child exploitation across the globe. But what happened when he recently volunteered for a demonstration of cutting-edge identification software left him speechless. Within seconds of being fed with an image


Sexting—sending sexually suggestive or explicit messages and images—is now a widespread practice, and can be a healthy way to express and explore sexuality. However, there is a need to distinguish between consensual sexting and forms of sexual harassment like cyberflashing. Cyberflashing refers to the act of non-consensually sending sexual imagery (like nudes or “dick pics”) to another person. It is facilitated through communications technologies including text, AirDrop and social media applications like Snapchat and Tinder. Similar to flashing—when a person unexpectedly and deliberately “flashes” their genitals to others—that occurs in


Teachers and other child educators can benefit from regular professional development, but in-person training can be expensive. New research found that virtual training can be a budget-friendly alternative—and especially effective for certain groups of educators. The study—a collaboration between researchers at Penn State and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and published in the International Journal of Professional Development, Learners and Learning—found that educators who took a virtual training reported feeling more confident in their abilities to implement practices shown to support positive youth development. In particular, after-school providers who did not


There are many different types of workplace leaders, from those who prioritize the needs of team members and the organization above their own, to authentic leaders who foster openness, trust and transparency. A recent study by the University of South Australia published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior has highlighted the significant benefits of humble leadership in the workplace. According to the study by UniSA’s Dr. Xiao Lin, humble leadership can effectively elevate the workplace status of employees by boosting their sense of respect and prominence. It also leads to


Rising food costs are squeezing Canadians around the country. Nearly everyone is feeling the pinch, and it’s not just an inconvenience—high food prices are a major threat to food security for many Canadians. Understanding why food prices are so high and why they are changing is critical to the well-being of our society. Unfortunately, consensus on why food price are so high is in short supply. Explanations given in reports like Canada’s Food Price Report and the news media range widely, from the war in Ukraine to supply chain issues


Is artificial intelligence an unprecedented opportunity, or will it rob everyone of jobs and creativity? As we debate on social media (and perhaps use ChatGPT almost daily), generative AIs have also entered the arena of university communication. These tools—based on large language models that were optimized for interactive communication—can indeed support, expand, and innovate university communication offerings. Justus Henke has analyzed the situation of German realities about six months after the launch of ChatGPT 3. “The research was conducted about a year ago when enthusiasm was high, but it was


Classification of superspreader accounts. A large portion (55.1%) of accounts are no longer active. For each class annotated with political affiliations, colors indicate the ideological split. The last group aggregates all accounts with political affiliations. Credit: PLOS ONE (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0302201 A small team of social media analysts at Indiana University has found that a major portion of tweets spreading disinformation are sent by a surprisingly small percentage of a given userbase. In their study, published in PLOS ONE, the group conducted a review of 2,397,388 tweets posted on Twitter


Life-changing events like the birth of a child, the purchase of a new home, or a lottery win could threaten the survival of a new business venture, the positive family events had a comparatively greater influence, albeit negatively, on the survival of a new venture, compared with


We’ve all done it. A bad night’s sleep or a tough commute made us cranky, and we lashed out at a coworker who did nothing wrong. What can we do to make up for it? According to a new study published in the Journal of Business Ethics, embracing our guilty feelings can help us make up for our bad behavior by encouraging us to act more politely and work harder the next day. “We found that anyone can be rude at work, because anyone can


Social inclusion and having a sense of belonging with other people are key elements of a good life. However, the fate of humanity is a challenge that extends beyond our social reality. Experiences of belonging and inclusion, understood in a broader sense than before, may be crucial for a sustainable future. In an article published in the International Journal of Social Pedagogy, a team of researchers propose a new planetary inclusion scale that structures our planetary relationship three-dimensionally based on temporal, spatial and ethical orientation. The temporal element relates to


Women in leadership are often told to “Lean In,” designed to be motivational messaging demonstrating that they are more confident, strategic and resilient to setback. However, new research indicates that such “lean in” messaging can hinder women’s motivation to protest gender equality. Popularized in a book by American technology executive Sherly Sandberg, the “Lean In” solution to gender inequality advises women that demonstrating personal resilience and perseverance in the face of setbacks is key to career advancement. Now, a new study led by the University of Exeter, Bath Spa University


A new paper in the Quarterly Journal of Economics finds that replacing certain judicial decision-making functions with algorithms could improve outcomes for defendants by eliminating some of the systemic biases of judges. Decision makers make consequential choices based on predictions of unknown outcomes. Judges, in particular, make decisions about whether to grant bail to defendants or how to sentence those convicted. Companies now use machine learning based models increasingly in high-stakes decisions. There are various assumptions about human behavior underlying the deployment of such learning models that play out in


The election has commenced and the race is on—to amass as many likes, shares and comments as possible. Digital campaigning, particularly through social media, is now a key part of political candidates’ communication toolkit. In fact, every general election campaign since 1997 has at some point been lauded as the first to make effective use of digital campaigning. But it was in 2015 that David Cameron’s campaign first made strategic use of social media to drive an election victory. As political reporter Tim Ross outlines in his excellent book, Why


The TV dramatization of the UK Horizon Post Office scandal evoked outrage and disbelief. However, as another example of dysfunctional organizational behavior, it was expected rather than exceptional. The Post Office saga joins a long list of cover-ups or scandals that includes Hillsborough, Enron, Grenfell, the infected blood scandal, the Tuam babies scandal in the Republic of Ireland, Boeing 737 Max and Nasa (Columbia space shuttle). They represent what happens when there is a move within organizations and institutions to cover up the causes of


Spirituality is increasingly popular with young Australians: recent research shows 38% of Gen Z Australians identify as spiritual. It also reports 50% of them believe in karma, 29% in reincarnation and 20% in astrology. When it comes to activities equated with spirituality, 28% of Gen Z Australians practice meditation and 22% practice yoga. In Australia, spirituality is strongly, enduringly central to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and culturally and religiously diverse communities. Yet until recently, spirituality has received far less attention than religion. Spirituality may be


An interdisciplinary team of researchers from Lithuanian and Italian universities propose a tool that allows companies to assess the circularity of their future products. The self-assessment tool emphasizes the co-creation of circular design in the early (creative) stages of product development, encouraging entrepreneurs and designers to think more systematically and collaborate better by integrating related stakeholders into the product development process. The study is published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology. “The majority of existing practical tools (systems of indicators) are aimed at measuring the environmental impact of products already


New research has revealed up to a 9% increase in college first-year enrollments in US states that have legalized recreational marijuana compared with states without such legalization. The study, which is published in Economic Inquiry, found that the increase was from out-of-state enrollments, with early adopter states and public non-research institutions experiencing the most pronounced increases. Recreational marijuana legalization did not negatively impact degree completion or graduation rate, and it did not affect college prices, quality, or in?state enrollment. The findings suggest that some students perceive recreational marijuana legalization as


New research has revealed up to a 9% increase in college first-year enrollments in US states that have legalized recreational marijuana compared with states without such legalization. The study, which is published in Economic Inquiry, found that the increase was from out-of-state enrollments, with early adopter states and public non-research institutions experiencing the most pronounced increases. Recreational marijuana legalization did not negatively impact degree completion or graduation rate, and it did not affect college prices, quality, or in?state enrollment. The findings suggest that some students perceive recreational marijuana legalization as


May is Asian and Pacific American Heritage Month, a time when Americans celebrate the profound contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders—a group that is commonly abbreviated as AAPI—to U.S. society. It’s also a time to acknowledge the complexity of AAPI experience. And as a professor who studies equity and inclusion in business, I think the focus on AAPI communities this month provides an excellent occasion to push back against a stereotype that has long misrepresented and marginalized a diverse range of people: the myth of the “model minority.” The


The Australian government’s new campaign Consent Can’t Wait challenges us all to improve our understanding of consent. It asks a series of questions to illustrate this issue is more complex than simplistic “no means no” messaging. The campaign invites viewers to consider the nuances of consent, so we can raise these important issues with children and young people in our lives. But what is a good age to start talking about consent? How do parents tackle such conversations when this information probably wasn’t readily discussed in our own upbringing? How


The concept of cultural entrepreneurship has many facets. It encompasses both the cultural and social impact of entrepreneurial training, and the environmental factors that influence its development. Some societies, such as the U.S., have a strong entrepreneurial culture. This means that certain characteristics are celebrated and encouraged, such as the ability of individuals to assume risks, patience when confronting challenges, and innovative problem solving, especially in uncertain situations. However, not all countries have such an entrepreneurial culture. Entrepreneurship struggles to take off in Europe In general, entrepreneurship can drive economic


A graphic depicting a student coding. Credit: Carnegie Mellon University Teachers today face a bit of a conundrum, according to a new study from researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the Rochester Institute of Technology. Their goal is to prepare young students to enter a rapidly changing world. Even basic jobs require technical proficiency, which requires computational and analytical skills. To address this need, many educators are pushing to fold these important STEM skills into elementary curriculum. Here’s the problem. Young students can lose interest and even develop an aversion


On the left, a bird’s-eye view of the virtual classroom; on the right, screenshots of each of the four gaze-visualization conditions. Teachers need to know their material, but they must also keep their students engaged and interested. Part of that involves making eye contact with their students—all of them. A multidisciplinary team of researchers tested several methods of data visualization in an immersive virtual reality (VR) classroom, to give teachers a way to gauge


Wifi-enabled washing machines. Voice-controlled microwaves. App-enabled TVs, vacuum cleaners, and even window blinds you can control from the comfort of your couch. Many of the technological features now included in everyday products are useful and accessible. But research has shown that having too many can overwhelm potential buyers, making them less likely to make a purchase. In recent research, Wayne Hoyer, marketing professor and James L. Bayless/William S. Farrish Fund Chair for Free Enterprise at Texas McCombs, digs into the phenomenon of “feature creep” and its impact on consumer sentiment.


A new paper summarizing decades of research demonstrates how social media has supported an explosion of diversity in gender and sexuality in America during the 21st century, and also how these technologies have equally enabled a cultural backlash. The paper’s authors, UC Santa Cruz Psychology Department faculty members Phil Hammack and Adriana Manago, identified five main narratives about gender and sexuality that they believe emerged through social media as people have strived to be “authentic” on these platforms. The findings, along with resulting recommendations for psychology researchers and practitioners, were


New research is examining how organizations can improve their training programs by customizing frame-of-reference training to emphasize identifying negative behaviors critical to their goals. While assessors naturally identify positive behaviors, C. Allen Gorman, Ph.D., associate professor in UAB’s Department of Management, Information Systems and Quantitative Methods, says targeted training helps them recognize harmful actions that can hinder organizational objectives. Involving assessors in defining important performance dimensions and examples of behaviors, both good and


Justin Frake is interested in cause-and-effect relationships in real-world data and the hidden dynamics that shape workplace behavior and equality—or inequality, as the case might be. His curiosity has led to research that challenges some popular beliefs as well as published studies related to women in the workforce. One study shows that firms promoting flatter hierarchies inadvertently discourage female applicants and another study counters several recent studies that claim women CEOs negatively impact career outcomes of other women. Both are published in the Strategic Management Journal. The assistant professor of


A recent series of experiments challenges the longstanding theory of motivational conflict resolution introduced by Kurt Lewin. According to Lewin, conflicts between two undesirable outcomes (avoidance–avoidance conflicts) are typically harder to resolve than those between two desirable ones (approach–approach conflicts). Lewin posited that avoidance–avoidance conflicts, where individuals must choose between two undesirable outcomes, are typically more challenging to resolve compared to approach–approach conflicts, which involve choosing between two desirable options.


No means no when it comes to sex. But what happens when a woman makes a more passive response to a sexual advance? According to new research from Binghamton University, men differ in how they interpret these types of responses, and men who display hostile masculinity, known commonly as “toxic masculinity,” tend to act on them regardless of whether or not they think it’s consensual. A team of researchers, including Binghamton psychology professor Richard Mattson and graduate student Michael Shaw asked men between the ages of 18–25 to respond to


Some of human history’s greatest atrocities—genocide, slavery, ethnic cleanings—are rooted in our ability to dehumanize people from other social, political, or cultural groups. Whereas prior research has traced dehumanization to the belief that others think or feel less than we do, new research co-authored by Haas professor Sameer Srivastava shows that our tendency to dehumanize can also be influenced by how we think others view important facets of the world. The greater the difference between our perceptions of an outgroup’s worldview


When a child peruses YouTube, the content recommended to them is not always age appropriate, a new study suggests. Researchers mimicked search behaviors of children using popular search terms, such as memes, Minecraft and Fortnite, and captured video thumbnails recommended at the end of each video. Among the 2,880 thumbnails analyzed, many contained problematic click bait, such as violence or frightening images, according to the Michigan Medicine led research in JAMA Network Open. “Children spend a significant amount of time on free video sharing platforms that include user-generated content,” said


Post-war peace processes are a dangerous period for women. Many are forced to live close to men who committed serious abuse during the war or are expected to testify in various types of truth commissions, which can be both retraumatizing and stigmatizing. These are the findings of a new study by peace researchers at Uppsala University, published in the journal PLOS ONE. “In short, peace projects can force women to live side by side with ex-combatants who committed atrocities during the war. This puts them at risk of further threat


We can all agree that dating is hard. Getting to know people can feel vulnerable, but at the same time, exciting. We can also agree that feeling rejected can be one of the worst feelings, especially after we put ourselves out there. Dating can also expose us to a lot of cringey things, maybe even something we didn’t know we’d consider cringey. Think of cringe like something that makes you uncomfortable, or something about someone else that you don’t find attractive. Before dating, most of us consider what we’re looking


New survey results from Wiley suggest people still feel connected at work despite the prevalence of hybrid and remote work environments and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). According to the latest Wiley Workplace Intelligence report, “Human Connection: The Crucial Secret to Thriving in the Digital Age,” nearly 8 in 10 employees surveyed (78%) said they feel connected with their coworkers, and almost 7 in 10 (69%) said they also enjoy making connections with their colleagues. Around half even said they want to learn more about their coworkers by doing


A study has provided new insights into social media influencers, particularly focusing on those in the women’s fashion sector on the well-known image and video sharing platform Instagram. In a departure from the approach taken by earlier studies, Jens K. Perret of the International School of Management in Cologne, Germany, has used network statistics and centrality measures to establish a model of influencer importance within their network. Perret analyzed data from 255 influencers covering a four-year period. Influencers are loosely


Rank (X-axis) does not affect the evaluation of trustworthiness (Y-axis, mean-centered) of accurate results. This lack of relationship is robust across experiments (columns) and for clicked results (top row, red) as well as non-clicked results (bottom row, blue). The trend lines represent the predicted change in trustworthiness ratings per unit decrease in rank fitted by the linear regression models. Credit: Scientific Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-61645-8 Using experiments with COVID-19 related queries, Cornell sociology and information science researchers found that in a public health emergency, most people pick out and click


Despite the greater potency of “fake news” on Facebook to discourage Americans from taking the COVID-19 vaccine, users’ greater exposure to unflagged, vaccine-skeptical content meant the latter had a much greater negative effect on vaccine uptake. Credit: Jennifer Allen, Duncan Watts, David G. Rand Since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, fake news on social media has been widely blamed for low vaccine uptake in the United States—but research by MIT Sloan School of Management Ph.D. candidate Jennifer Allen and Professor David Rand finds that the blame lies


Adult heterosexual men with sexist and homophobic views can potentially improve their attitudes toward gay men and women by engaging in critical dialogues that use illustrations as a springboard, according to a new University of Michigan study. The work is published in the journal Sexual and Gender Diversity in Social Services. The process by which people shift from a prejudicial stance to one of relative acceptance is a key innovation of the study. Guided by trained facilitators, critical dialogues reflect illustrations depicting different gender roles and sexual identities. The images


If you dread public speaking you are not alone. It is a leading social phobia, one that can cause a state of anxiety that reduces otherwise articulate people to nervous incoherence. A strong fear of public speaking is known as glossophobia. Academic studies estimate it affects 20% of the population, but depending on the sample and methodology, the figure could be as high as 40%. As American writer and humourist Mark Twain said, “There are two types of speakers: Those who get nervous and those who are liars.” But help


How do universities and colleges decide who to admit? Given the earnings advantage of a post-secondary degree both globally and in Canada, this is an important social mobility question. While the answer varies from one institution to the next, most focus on education criteria like exam scores and grades. However, Canada’s new intake cap on study permit applications puts increased pressure on Canadian institutions to also consider immigration criteria when admitting international undergraduate students. This is just the latest example of immigration’s growing influence on the societal roles of Canadian
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:03 Vaikeporguline Product not available

Hello hello,
Wanted to ask, I got free sample from seller and then once the product arrived then seller decided to take commission off. So on my side it shows the product as “temporary unavailable” so I can’t post a video about it. Now I have free sample but cant do a video. Does it mean now I can’t get more samples anymore since I have that which is not my fault?
submitted by Vaikeporguline to TikTokshop [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:40 ThatEvilBiker 27 year old student seeking College Pathway advice for Neuroengineering!

Hello everyone!
I am a 27 year old Texas community college student completing the first two years of college before applying for University. Despite doing really well in my Computer Science classes, my overwhelming interest in Engineering and Neuroscience/Neuroengineering took over me like a storm. I can't stop it!
My interests:
I have a huge passion for Neuroscience/Neuroengineering, Engineering, all things Technology, and the Medical field. I am either building computers, self-studying Neuroscience, watching videos on Physics, playing way too much Cyberpunk, rewatching fifth element for the 10,000th time, or obsessing over Neuralink to the point where I'm spending more hours immersing myself into learning about BCI's, advanced prosthetics, and countless hours of Neuroscience YouTube lectures than I am socializing with other human beings (Maybe I didn't score a date this weekend, but I learned about Neuroplasticity at 3am!).
This Summer, I am shadowing at a Hanger Clinic under a prosthetist (who was actually MY prosthetist, as my left leg is literally missing/electronic from a motorcycle accident back in 2022) and working a part-time job in Cyber Security while catching up on Math with summer classes (Starting from College Algebra). Not bad gigs to score as a freshman! Hopefully they will help to look good on my University application for Engineering.
I am heavily interested in Neuroscience/Neuroengineering research and want to work in a lab conducting research around BCI's, Prosthetics, and related. I would absolutely love to be very well rounded in Engineering and Neuroscience/medical, as these are my biggest interests and to be honest, I don't want to only pick one. If I had to, I could, but I'd be disappointed as honestly as I WANT to study both. Example; I'm equally interested in learning Chemistry as I am circuits. I'm either building computers in my room or watching youtube college lectures on the brain. Maybe I am unrealistic in my expectations, but I want strong foundations of both Neuro/medical and Engineering.
I have spent many hours trying to find pathways, and the two I'm considering are:
* BS Biomedical Engineering > MS Neuroscience
* BS Electrical Engineering(with BME minor) > MS Neuroscience
The university I am interested in attending is UT Dallas, and they have a Neuroengineering research department at the school ass well as Neuroengineering focus/classes for it's Biomedical Engineering undergrad students, which is a big plus if I choose that as my undergrad. On the other hand, half the answers I've receive from people said to go general Engineering like Electrical because it has more engineering depth and the field requires more than Biomedical Engineering can provide.
Does this matter if I'm going for a master's either way?
Any advice for me is greatly appreciated. I could not care about the money, I just love Tech and Neuroscience, want to be surrounded by smart people who i can learn from, and contribute in research to making an impact in the field. I really want Biomedical Engineering, but I want opinions from those in the field so I can end up where I dream to.
Thank you!
submitted by ThatEvilBiker to neuroengineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:40 ThatEvilBiker 27 year old student seeking College Pathway advice for Neuroengineering!

Hello everyone!
I am a 27 year old Texas community college student completing the first two years of college before applying for University. Despite doing really well in my Computer Science classes, my overwhelming interest in Engineering and Neuroscience/Neuroengineering took over me like a storm. I can't stop it!
My interests:
I have a huge passion for Neuroscience/Neuroengineering, Engineering, all things Technology, and the Medical field. I am either building computers, self-studying Neuroscience, watching videos on Physics, playing way too much Cyberpunk, rewatching fifth element for the 10,000th time, or obsessing over Neuralink to the point where I'm spending more hours immersing myself into learning about BCI's, advanced prosthetics, and countless hours of Neuroscience YouTube lectures than I am socializing with other human beings (Maybe I didn't score a date this weekend, but I learned about Neuroplasticity at 3am!).
This Summer, I am shadowing at a Hanger Clinic under a prosthetist (who was actually MY prosthetist, as my left leg is literally missing/electronic from a motorcycle accident back in 2022) and working a part-time job in Cyber Security while catching up on Math with summer classes (Starting from College Algebra). Not bad gigs to score as a freshman! Hopefully they will help to look good on my University application for Engineering.
I am heavily interested in Neuroscience/Neuroengineering research and want to work in a lab conducting research around BCI's, Prosthetics, and related. I would absolutely love to be very well rounded in Engineering and Neuroscience/medical, as these are my biggest interests and to be honest, I don't want to only pick one. If I had to, I could, but I'd be disappointed as honestly as I WANT to study both. Example; I'm equally interested in learning Chemistry as I am circuits. I'm either building computers in my room or watching youtube college lectures on the brain. Maybe I am unrealistic in my expectations, but I want strong foundations of both Neuro/medical and Engineering.
I have spent many hours trying to find pathways, and the two I'm considering are:
* BS Biomedical Engineering > MS Neuroscience
* BS Electrical Engineering(with BME minor) > MS Neuroscience
The university I am interested in attending is UT Dallas, and they have a Neuroengineering research department at the school ass well as Neuroengineering focus/classes for it's Biomedical Engineering undergrad students, which is a big plus if I choose that as my undergrad. On the other hand, half the answers I've receive from people said to go general Engineering like Electrical because it has more engineering depth and the field requires more than Biomedical Engineering can provide.
Does this matter if I'm going for a master's either way?
Any advice for me is greatly appreciated. I could not care about the money, I just love Tech and Neuroscience, want to be surrounded by smart people who i can learn from, and contribute in research to making an impact in the field. I really want Biomedical Engineering, but I want opinions from those in the field so I can end up where I dream to.
Thank you!
submitted by ThatEvilBiker to neuro [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:36 ThatEvilBiker 27 year old student seeking college pathway advice (Neuroscience/Neuroengineering)

About me:
Hello everyone!
I am a 27 year old Texas community college student completing the first two years of college before applying for University. Despite doing really well in my Computer Science classes, my overwhelming interest in Engineering and Neuroscience/Neuroengineering took over me like a storm. I can't stop it!
My interests:
I have a huge passion for Neuroscience/Neuroengineering, Engineering, all things Technology, and the Medical field. I am either building computers, self-studying Neuroscience, watching videos on Physics, playing way too much Cyberpunk, rewatching fifth element for the 10,000th time, or obsessing over Neuralink to the point where I'm spending more hours immersing myself into learning about BCI's, advanced prosthetics, and countless hours of Neuroscience YouTube lectures than I am socializing with other human beings (Maybe I didn't score a date this weekend, but I learned about Neuroplasticity at 3am!).
This Summer, I am shadowing at a Hanger Clinic under a prosthetist (who was actually MY prosthetist, as my left leg is literally missing/electronic from a motorcycle accident back in 2022) and working a part-time job in Cyber Security while catching up on Math with summer classes (Starting from College Algebra). Not bad gigs to score as a freshman! Hopefully they will help to look good on my University application for Engineering.
I am heavily interested in Neuroscience/Neuroengineering research and want to work in a lab conducting research around BCI's, Prosthetics, and related. I would absolutely love to be very well rounded in Engineering and Neuroscience/medical, as these are my biggest interests and to be honest, I don't want to only pick one. If I had to, I could, but I'd be disappointed as honestly as I WANT to study both. Example; I'm equally interested in learning Chemistry as I am circuits. I'm either building computers in my room or watching youtube college lectures on the brain. Maybe I am unrealistic in my expectations, but I want strong foundations of both Neuro/medical and Engineering.
I have spent many hours trying to find pathways, and the two I'm considering are:
* BS Biomedical Engineering > MS Neuroscience
* BS Electrical Engineering(with BME minor) > MS Neuroscience
The university I am interested in attending is UT Dallas, and they have a Neuroengineering research department at the school ass well as Neuroengineering focus/classes for it's Biomedical Engineering undergrad students, which is a big plus if I choose that as my undergrad. On the other hand, half the answers I've receive from people said to go general Engineering like Electrical because it has more engineering depth and the field requires more than Biomedical Engineering can provide.
Does this matter if I'm going for a master's either way?
Any advice for me is greatly appreciated. I could not care about the money, I just love Tech and Neuroscience, want to be surrounded by smart people who i can learn from, and contribute in research to making an impact in the field. I really want Biomedical Engineering, but I want opinions from those in the field so I can end up where I dream to.
Thank you!
submitted by ThatEvilBiker to BiomedicalEngineers [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:42 Ordinary_Tension5730 whisper.cpp on powkiddy v90 and comparison of models

whisper.cpp on powkiddy v90 and comparison of models
Hi everyone,
I'm back to present a new LLM project on the powkiddy v90.
I warn you that this tutorial will be a little more complex than the previous one, but I'll try to be as clear as possible.
First of all, I won't be showing you the installation of the toolchain and the other prerequisites as I had already covered them in my previous post.
Firstly, I'd advise you to create a whisper folder in your /home by doing a mkdir /home/"your user"/whisper
Then make a git clone of the whisper.cpp project:
git clone
Like last time, you'll need to compile the program, except that this time it's written in a mixture of C and C++.
Here's how to compile it for powkiddy:
/opt/miyoo/arm-buildroot-linux-musleabi_sdk-buildroot/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-musleabi-cc -I. -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c11 -fPIC -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread -c ggml.c -o ggml.o /opt/miyoo/arm-buildroot-linux-musleabi_sdk-buildroot/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-musleabi-cc -I. -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c11 -fPIC -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread -c ggml-alloc.c -o ggml-alloc.o /opt/miyoo/arm-buildroot-linux-musleabi_sdk-buildroot/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-musleabi-cc -I. -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c11 -fPIC -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread -c ggml-backend.c -o ggml-backend.o /opt/miyoo/arm-buildroot-linux-musleabi_sdk-buildroot/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-musleabi-cc -I. -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c11 -fPIC -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread -c ggml-quants.c -o ggml-quants.o /opt/miyoo/arm-buildroot-linux-musleabi_sdk-buildroot/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-musleabi-c++ -I. -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c++11 -fPIC -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread -c whisper.cpp -o whisper.o /opt/miyoo/arm-buildroot-linux-musleabi_sdk-buildroot/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-musleabi-c++ -I. -I./examples -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c++11 -fPIC -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread examples/main/main.cpp examples/common.cpp examples/common-ggml.cpp examples/grammar-parser.cpp ggml.o ggml-alloc.o ggml-backend.o ggml-quants.o whisper.o -o main 
Please note that the following options must not be used for compilation, as they do not work with our toolchain:
-msse3 -mssse3 -mavx -mf16c -mfma -mavx2
Now the hard part has been done, we now need to download a whisper model in ggml format, there are several available:
tiny tiny.en tiny-q5_1 tiny.en-q5_1
base base.en base-q5_1 base.en-q5_1
small small.en small.en-tdrz small-q5_1 small.en-q5_1
medium medium.en medium-q5_0 medium.en-q5_0
large-v1 large-v2 large-v2-q5_0 large-v3 large-v3-q5_0
I'll warn you right away that only the tiny formats are really "usable" on the powkiddy, but if you compile whisper.cpp for your PC (just be careful not to pollute the whisper folder created before). According to my tests, the best format is large-v2 if you want to use languages other than English. Otherwise, according to my tests, v2 and v3 are more or less equivalent for English, but large can take a long time to use.
Several solutions are available for downloading models:
use the script in the models folder of whisper.cpp, specifying the model to be downloaded immediately afterwards:
./ tiny-q5_1 if you are in the right folder for the best model for the powkiddy v90.
You can also download them directly from huggingface:
By downloading the corresponding .bin
You can also convert models from open AI (the original creator of whisper) or other sources directly into ggml using the script in the models folder, but I don't recommend it.
Once all this is done, all that's left to do is run a test on the powkiddy,
To do this I put the whole whisper.cpp folder with the various compiled files and the tiny q5 models in the models folder in a script folder.
Then just open simple terminal and cd /mnt/script/whisper.cpp then run the command to run the script.
To do a quick first test: ./main -m ./models/ggml-tiny-q5_1.bin -f ./samples/jfk.wav
If you have this displayed you have succeeded:Then just open simple terminal and cd /mnt/script/whisper.cpp then run the command to run the script
If you succeed, you should have :
whisper_init_from_file_with_params_no_state: loading model from './models/ggml-tiny-q5_1.bin' whisper_init_with_params_no_state: use gpu = 1 whisper_init_with_params_no_state: flash attn = 0 whisper_init_with_params_no_state: gpu_device = 0 whisper_init_with_params_no_state: dtw = 0 whisper_model_load: loading model whisper_model_load: n_vocab = 51865 whisper_model_load: n_audio_ctx = 1500 whisper_model_load: n_audio_state = 384 whisper_model_load: n_audio_head = 6 whisper_model_load: n_audio_layer = 4 whisper_model_load: n_text_ctx = 448 whisper_model_load: n_text_state = 384 whisper_model_load: n_text_head = 6 whisper_model_load: n_text_layer = 4 whisper_model_load: n_mels = 80 whisper_model_load: ftype = 9 whisper_model_load: qntvr = 1 whisper_model_load: type = 1 (tiny) whisper_model_load: adding 1608 extra tokens whisper_model_load: n_langs = 99 whisper_model_load: CPU total size = 31.57 MB whisper_model_load: model size = 31.57 MB whisper_init_state: kv self size = 9.44 MB whisper_init_state: kv cross size = 9.44 MB whisper_init_state: kv pad size = 2.36 MB whisper_init_state: compute buffer (conv) = 12.91 MB whisper_init_state: compute buffer (encode) = 85.25 MB whisper_init_state: compute buffer (cross) = 3.60 MB whisper_init_state: compute buffer (decode) = 95.61 MB system_info: n_threads = 1 / 1 AVX = 0 AVX2 = 0 AVX512 = 0 FMA = 0 NEON = 0 ARM_FMA = 0 METAL = 0 F16C = 0 FP16_VA = 0 WASM_SIMD = 0 BLAS = 0 SSE3 = 0 SSSE3 = 0 VSX = 0 CUDA = 0 COREML = 0 OPENVINO = 0 main: processing './samples/jfk.wav' (176000 samples, 11.0 sec), 1 threads, 1 processors, 5 beams + best of 5, lang = en, task = transcribe, timestamps = 1 ... 
To do a real test you can run the following command:
time ./main -m ./models/ggml-tiny-q5_1.bin -f ./samples/jfk.wav >log.txt 2>&1 &
To explain what this command does:
time will allow you to concatenate times and avoid having times in ms that are difficult to interpret
2>&1 will send the error output to the standard output and therefore to the log.txt file to gather all the information and not have the problem of not being able to see the result because you cannot scroll in the terminal.
& allows you to launch the program in the background and therefore to be able to launch other commands at the same time such as top for example.
Finally if you manage to run this command to the end (which takes around 2h30) you will have the following log.txt file:
whisper_init_from_file_with_params_no_state: loading model from './models/ggml-tiny-q5_1.bin' whisper_init_with_params_no_state: use gpu = 1 whisper_init_with_params_no_state: flash attn = 0 whisper_init_with_params_no_state: gpu_device = 0 whisper_init_with_params_no_state: dtw = 0 whisper_model_load: loading model whisper_model_load: n_vocab = 51865 whisper_model_load: n_audio_ctx = 1500 whisper_model_load: n_audio_state = 384 whisper_model_load: n_audio_head = 6 whisper_model_load: n_audio_layer = 4 whisper_model_load: n_text_ctx = 448 whisper_model_load: n_text_state = 384 whisper_model_load: n_text_head = 6 whisper_model_load: n_text_layer = 4 whisper_model_load: n_mels = 80 whisper_model_load: ftype = 9 whisper_model_load: qntvr = 1 whisper_model_load: type = 1 (tiny) whisper_model_load: adding 1608 extra tokens whisper_model_load: n_langs = 99 whisper_model_load: CPU total size = 31.57 MB whisper_model_load: model size = 31.57 MB whisper_init_state: kv self size = 9.44 MB whisper_init_state: kv cross size = 9.44 MB whisper_init_state: kv pad size = 2.36 MB whisper_init_state: compute buffer (conv) = 12.91 MB whisper_init_state: compute buffer (encode) = 85.25 MB whisper_init_state: compute buffer (cross) = 3.60 MB whisper_init_state: compute buffer (decode) = 95.61 MB system_info: n_threads = 1 / 1 AVX = 0 AVX2 = 0 AVX512 = 0 FMA = 0 NEON = 0 ARM_FMA = 0 METAL = 0 F16C = 0 FP16_VA = 0 WASM_SIMD = 0 BLAS = 0 SSE3 = 0 SSSE3 = 0 VSX = 0 CUDA = 0 COREML = 0 OPENVINO = 0 main: processing './samples/jfk.wav' (176000 samples, 11.0 sec), 1 threads, 1 processors, 5 beams + best of 5, lang = en, task = transcribe, timestamps = 1 ... [00:00:00.000 00:00:10.560] And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. whisper_print_timings: load time = 9974.02 ms whisper_print_timings: fallbacks = 0 p / 0 h whisper_print_timings: mel time = 8063.51 ms whisper_print_timings: sample time = 110588 ms / 131 runs ( 844.19 ms per run) whisper_print_timings: encode time = 3929958.25 ms / 1 runs ( 3929958.25 ms per run) whisper_print_timings: decode time = 0.00 ms / 1 runs ( 0.00 ms per run) whisper_print_timings: batchd time = 757568.81 ms / 129 runs ( 5872.63 ms per run) whisper_print_timings: prompt time = 0.00 ms / 1 runs ( 0.00 ms per run) whisper_print_timings: total time = 4822358.00 ms real1h 20m 24s user1h 7m 17s sys1m 23.58s 
I'm French and I wanted to test the script in a language other than English, I decided to transcribe an excerpt from the presidential debate well known between Francois Mitterand and Jacques Chirac of 1988.
I decided to transcribe this excerpt:
For the powkiddy, I limited the excerpt to 2 sentences:
Vous me permettrez donc de vous appeler Monsieur Mitterrand.
Mais vous avez tout à fait raison, Monsieur le Premier ministre.
Here is the result:
whisper_init_from_file_with_params_no_state: loading model from './models/ggml-tiny-q5_1.bin' whisper_init_with_params_no_state: use gpu = 1 whisper_init_with_params_no_state: flash attn = 0 whisper_init_with_params_no_state: gpu_device = 0 whisper_init_with_params_no_state: dtw = 0 whisper_model_load: loading model whisper_model_load: n_vocab = 51865 whisper_model_load: n_audio_ctx = 1500 whisper_model_load: n_audio_state = 384 whisper_model_load: n_audio_head = 6 whisper_model_load: n_audio_layer = 4 whisper_model_load: n_text_ctx = 448 whisper_model_load: n_text_state = 384 whisper_model_load: n_text_head = 6 whisper_model_load: n_text_layer = 4 whisper_model_load: n_mels = 80 whisper_model_load: ftype = 9 whisper_model_load: qntvr = 1 whisper_model_load: type = 1 (tiny) whisper_model_load: adding 1608 extra tokens whisper_model_load: n_langs = 99 whisper_model_load: CPU total size = 31.57 MB whisper_model_load: model size = 31.57 MB whisper_init_state: kv self size = 9.44 MB whisper_init_state: kv cross size = 9.44 MB whisper_init_state: kv pad size = 2.36 MB whisper_init_state: compute buffer (conv) = 12.91 MB whisper_init_state: compute buffer (encode) = 85.25 MB whisper_init_state: compute buffer (cross) = 3.60 MB whisper_init_state: compute buffer (decode) = 95.61 MB system_info: n_threads = 1 / 1 AVX = 0 AVX2 = 0 AVX512 = 0 FMA = 0 NEON = 0 ARM_FMA = 0 METAL = 0 F16C = 0 FP16_VA = 0 WASM_SIMD = 0 BLAS = 0 SSE3 = 0 SSSE3 = 0 VSX = 0 CUDA = 0 COREML = 0 OPENVINO = 0 main: processing './samples/speech-2.wav' (85767 samples, 5.4 sec), 1 threads, 1 processors, 5 beams + best of 5, lang = en, task = transcribe, timestamps = 1 ... [00:00:00.000 00:00:05.000] I have a very long time to have a show. I have a very long time to have a show. whisper_print_timings: load time = 14591.09 ms whisper_print_timings: fallbacks = 1 p / 0 h whisper_print_timings: mel time = 3914.93 ms whisper_print_timings: sample time = 129347.44 ms / 146 runs ( 885.94 ms per run) whisper_print_timings: encode time = 3841956.50 ms / 1 runs (3841956.50 ms per run) whisper_print_timings: decode time = 132559.47 ms / 8 runs (16569.93 ms per run) whisper_print_timings: batchd time = 832581.94 ms / 134 runs ( 6213.30 ms per run) whisper_print_timings: prompt time = 0.00 ms / 1 runs ( 0.00 ms per run) whisper_print_timings: total time = 4962558.50 ms 
real 1h 22m 44s
use 1h 4m 44s
sys 1m 34.87s
I tested on my PC all the videos to analyse the quality of each model here is somes infos: Firstly, if you don't add -l fr to the command to start the script, the script will transcribe the video in english like the following case: ./main -m /home/managewhispewhisper.cpp/models/ggml-tiny-q5_1.bin -f /home/managewhispespeech-1.wav
[00:00:00.000 00:00:04.200] "The reality of the sense of justice in the conduct of the time." [00:00:04.200 00:00:08.480] "It allows me to just tell you that this time, [00:00:08.480 00:00:10.720] "I'm not the prime minister, [00:00:10.720 00:00:13.240] "and you are not the president of the Republic, [00:00:13.240 00:00:15.960] "and you are the second candidate." [00:00:15.960 00:00:17.640] "There is equality." [00:00:17.640 00:00:21.480] "And who is the chief of the defense? [00:00:21.480 00:00:23.240] "That's what matters." [00:00:23.240 00:00:25.360] "It allows me to, so, you have to admit it." [00:00:25.360 00:00:28.840] "But you have to do the same, but it's the prime minister." [00:00:28.840 00:00:30.840] [INAUDIBLE] [00:00:30.840 00:00:32.840] Thank you for your attention. 
after adding the -l fr flag:
[00:00:00.000 00:00:04.000] Célité et du sens de la justice dans la conduite de l'État. [00:00:04.000 00:00:08.500] Permettez-moi juste de vous dire que ce soir, [00:00:08.500 00:00:13.300] je ne suis pas le premier ministre et vous n'êtes pas le président de la République. [00:00:13.300 00:00:21.500] Nous sommes deux candidats à égalité et qui se soumettre au jugement des Français, [00:00:21.500 00:00:25.300] ça le qui compte, on me permettrait donc de vous appeler ma chémiter. [00:00:25.300 00:00:29.300] Mais vous avez tout à fait raison, mais c'est le premier ministre. [00:00:29.300 00:00:32.460] Monsieur, Monsieur, si vous voulez bien avant de... 
For the not french speaker, it's not correct and we are far from the exact transcription.
For the timing: whisper_print_timings: total time = 16615.20 ms
For the large-v2:
[00:00:00.000 00:00:03.000] et du sens de la justice dans la conduite de l'État. [00:00:03.000 00:00:07.000] Permettez-moi juste de vous dire que ce soir, [00:00:07.000 00:00:12.800] je ne suis pas le premier ministre et vous n'êtes pas le président de la République. [00:00:12.800 00:00:17.000] Nous sommes deux candidats à égalité [00:00:17.000 00:00:20.800] et qui se soumettent au jugement des Français, [00:00:20.800 00:00:25.200] ceux qui comptent, vous me permettrez donc de vous appeler Monsieur Mitterrand. [00:00:25.200 00:00:27.800] Mais vous avez tout à fait raison, monsieur le Premier ministre. [00:00:28.800 00:00:31.800] Monsieur, si vous voulez bien, avant de... [00:00:31.800 00:00:32.800] avant de le faire. 
whisper_print_timings: total time = 46606.07 ms
For the large-v2-q5:
[00:00:00.000 00:00:03.000] et du sens de la justice dans la conduite de l'État. [00:00:03.000 00:00:07.000] Permettez-moi juste de vous dire que, ce soir, [00:00:07.000 00:00:10.000] je ne suis pas le Premier ministre [00:00:10.000 00:00:12.000] et vous n'êtes pas le Président de la République. [00:00:12.000 00:00:15.000] Nous sommes deux candidats [00:00:15.000 00:00:17.000] à égalité [00:00:17.000 00:00:19.000] et qui se soumettent au jugement [00:00:19.000 00:00:21.000] des Français. [00:00:21.000 00:00:23.000] Seul qui compte. [00:00:23.000 00:00:25.000] Vous me permettrez donc de vous appeler Monsieur Mitterrand. [00:00:25.000 00:00:28.000] Mais vous avez tout à fait raison, Monsieur le Premier ministre. [00:00:28.000 00:00:32.760] Monsieur, si vous le voulez bien, avant de... 
whisper_print_timings: total time = 633318.81 ms
Finally, if you have a problem with the wav file you wanted to transcribe, you need to convert it to 16KHz. I made that with audacity with this option and an export:
Audacity parameters
Sources: for whisper.cpp for the original models and for explanation about it
top when script is running
final result
submitted by Ordinary_Tension5730 to PowKiddy [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:24 arcco96 Optimization bible request

I’m sure someone’s compiled a list of the best tips and tricks to optimize system function speed access health etc. I just found out about the idea of power draw during a low temperature process and saw a video of someone “unlocking hidden cpu cores.” With comments about custom circuits on die.
Having found out also about power laws, wireless energy transfer bench top lasers and vcas in euro rack as well as building network switch neural nets and alternative processor architecture historical trajectory (amd 64 core analogue? VGA and most interestingly what I interpret to be 4 bit instructions for first gen intel) my faith in the binary machine is in question. Could someone help me optimize my computers with the state of the art tricks. I’m interested in researching timing.
Heard the term recently “analogue clocking” is this a pop quiz for computer scientists on state based machines or actually possible for 1 core, 1 cpu… (I get this is possible with multi cpu by sampling don’t understand how state based machines wouldn’t short out. Would really like to master every perspective on clocking. How does ntp fit into this picture, can I use a continuous clock source? Can I use a clock divider (esp for 1 cpu at a time?) can you multi tuning over clock with a clock sync or continuous Casio type clock?
Finally how do I make my fiber coil function as a continuous compute computational capacitor, seems like this ring accelerator idea is pretty powerful can it reintegrate the computational output stream and clock with its source? Are they premade cheaply?
Could anyone help me solve super threading confusion and is the claim that the cpu is an integrate power distributor and task handler while the current concept of the graphics card firstly understood to be the graph processing unit (am I correct?) accomplishes all user specific task load ie the computations we care about?
I just saw a post with someone using tpu from google coral to decrease cpu, what’s the best use of this chip especially for non conventional hardware hacking. Tpu clock generator, process modeler… is this the device I could use simply as a general purpose look up table of thread completions shouldn’t all hardware have one of thes tables. mind racing with the possibility of harnessing time wave processing 4 forecasting (going to need some help with this concept).
Super excited to implement sota! Are there better os’ (rtos) for general purpose use and for specific workflows (data science/vaximaging/and control systems come to mind? Starting to see signs of different system philosophies with amusing cautionary vibes definitely hoping for a base rate clarification.
Thanks !
submitted by arcco96 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:13 ProfessionalFun4240 AITAH for being upset with my wife over how she asked for sex?

Some important context: My wife(30F) and I(29M) both have been diagnosed with ADHD, & more recently depression, both suspect we each have ASD and suspect my wife also has DID(Disociative Identity Disorder more commonly known as multiple personalities) among other more physical comorbidities. We just moved provinces in Canada for a summer job which has put diagnosis attempts on hold. It has been almost 2 years since we had the epiphany that she is likely afflicted with DID. Because of how it effects her memory, at a fundamental level I feel I cant trust her because one of the ways we believe she's avoided notice until more recently is that she would make up whatever made sense to fill in memory gaps. Its not necessarily intentional but I'm reminded frequently that unless I'm talking to the same persona(which is impossible to tell) there's no guarantee she will remember anything without it being frequent or incredibly important. I've watched new information "propagate" through her personas at times like the move we recently completed. Seeing the information pass from individual to individual. She'd ask genuine questions that she'd then answer herself, either verbaly or mentally.
The incident:
That aside we moved Wednesday and I had my first day at work yesterday(Friday). Both of us have been exhausted as is typical moving. Dispite this we stayed up to about 11:30 PM watching anime during which I feel asleep. When the episode concluded we quickly got to bed and I took some melatonin. I've been struggling to get to sleep recently as a result of my depressive insomnia. I often watch astrophysics videos like PBS Space Time to distract and sooth my bombastically active intellect. As we settled into bed my wife asked if I would drink some of her milk. Its become a fetish of mine on top of just generally being a boob guy and while we can say we've tried to be consistent with it, we've not been so her supply has diminished greatly. I initially refused by just saying "Danger" which later she said she interpreted as "I want to but we shouldn't" which I would say is more or less accurate. I was afraid it would turn into more than just that as it commonly does. She pressed further "Please?". I agreed and sucked, after which she asked for sex. I reacted rather emotionally which I have admitted fault for. I accused her of being manipulative and that she was interested in sex from the get go, ergo, that should've been what she requested. I was sexually frustrated on top of being sleep deprived. She up and left to sleep in the kids room texting me "I'm too mad and don't want to regret some thing I say. I'm gonna go to sleep and if I'm still mad in the morning. I'll talk about it more." I do think I could've communicated better, however, she has been insistent that she didn't do anything wrong. "I just asked a question". She has confirmed since that she was horny from the get go and intended to have an orgasm whether I gave it to her or she did it herself. I refuse to believe that she did not make the connection that getting me to drink her milk increased chances of me saying yes to the request of sex, constituting manipulation in my mind. She has insisted that she didn't intend to ask until I increased her arousal by complying with her request. She was just asking when she felt like it. She claims her thought process was "I'm horny I think I'll go masterbate. Hey that would be easier after my husband does what he loves to do and he told me to ask if I felt this." and then after I did was aroused enough to directly ask.
A sampling of texts since then:
Wife - "Can you understand how hurtful and insulting it is to have you believe that I would do such a thing to you?!"
Me - "It's a lot harder for me to say no when I'm hard"
Wife - "And I hate how cold it makes me sound, but that's not my fault"
Was my wife being manipulative (intentional or not) and is my anger & frustration well founded?
submitted by ProfessionalFun4240 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:23 Garythegeek94 my sl3 takes great pictures, but video looks like crap. what am i doing wrong?

my sl3 takes great pictures, but video looks like crap. what am i doing wrong?
i got an sl3 when starting my family for the purpose of taking pictures of my family activities, and it does a great job at that. once in a while i take a video, almost always at 4k. i wasn't happy at how the camera breaks the videos files up and how it zooms in with 4k, so i tried 1080p for one event. the 1080p looks like crap, like it was shot with one of those old cheap 480p cameras i had as a kid 15 years ago. i tried to see if there was something in the settings (like bit rate) that i could change but found nothing. i then went back to 4k and saw that it does not look like 4k quality, more like 1080p funny enough. both were with auto settings. i rarely take videos but when i do it is very important. tomorrow i want to film one of my kids milestones, which will be inside, and i am worried about just getting another bad quality video that i am tempted to just ask someone to use my phone camera instead of putting my sl3 on a tripod like i usually do. am i doing something? or is this just how the camera works?
here are 2 sample pictures taken from stills of a 4k video and a 1080p video
submitted by Garythegeek94 to canon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:50 becca_ironside In a bad flare and what is helping!

I am in a terrible flare up of bladder and urethral pain. Here is what I am doing today to take care of myself:
1) Staying home in loose pants. I was invited to a pool party and had to cancel. This is because I know I would drink a beer, sit in a tight bathing suit in chlorinated water and potentially get dehydrated from the intense sunshine where I live. All of this would make my pain worse.
2) Not taking antibiotics. I am friends with a lot of practitioners who would happily prescribe me some antibiotics, and the person I was 2 years ago used to take them without surrendering a urine sample. I now will no longer take them without a confirmed positive urine sample revealing the presence of bacteria.
3) Using CBD/THC cream. I apply this to the lower abdomen, low back, bum cheeks and inner thighs (avoid the pelvic floor itself). I use a 1:1 CBD to THC ratio for this salve, but anything can be used, even arnica (provided you do not apply it too close to the pelvic floor).
4) Watching old television shows. The reason why this works for me is because the video frames in older television move very slowly relative to the videos we see today. Our brains have the opportunity to slow down when watching older movies because of this. (Well, my brain does. But finding what you like to calm your nervous system is different for all of us - just make sure you have a sedentary activity to force your system to slow down when your pain is at its apex).
5) Reminding myself that my house is not on fire. Self talk that is reassuring and doesn't venture into panic can be so helpful to remind the brain that we are not under threat of attack.
submitted by becca_ironside to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:19 hotballs Des Moines Metro Public Bodies Meetings/Agendas for week of June 3rd - June 7th, 2024

Dallas Center
Dallas County
De Soto
Des Moines
Pleasant Hill
Polk City
Polk County
Van Meter
Warren County
West Des Moines
Windsor Heights
submitted by hotballs to desmoines [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:11 TheForce122 Infographic Updated

Infographic Updated
Israel JFK thread
The JFK assassination was the tragic killing of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. The event shook the nation and is remembered as one of the darkest moments in American history.
Many of you know the conspiracies surrounding the assassination, but here we are going to focus on Mossad and Zionist connections.
  • JFK & Israeli Nukes -
One of the larger controversies about JFK and his assassination were the events leading up to his death.
Just prior to his assassination Kennedy would go back and forth with Israel on their nuclear capabilities, with the then prime minister of Israel, stating that without nuclear weapons, Israel would cease to exist.
After continuous requests for neutral scientists to evaluate the reactors on site, Israel would create fake control rooms that were intended to look like an energy reactor controls, rather than a weapons grade plutonium isotope manufacturing plant.
Finally the CIA would approve the request with a stipulation that the reactor itself wasn't to be inspected but rather the false control rooms only.
Kennedy shortly after this event was quoted as saying:
"Those sons of bitches lie to me constantly about their nuclear capability" - John F. Kennedy
Kennedy's reluctance to provide nuclear arms to Israel may just have cost him his life.
  • Zionist Member Involvement -
The Jewish community and sponsor "The Dallas Citizens Council", directed by Julius Schepps, who was a member of the ADL's (Anti-Defamation League) "B'nai B'rith" community, then invites JFK to Dallas, TX.
Many of you have likely seen the JFK footage already, filmed by ADL "B'nai B'rith" member, Abraham Zapruder, famous for the Zapruder film. One point of controversy is the placement of Zapruder, being stationed in the perfect location to get the closest filming shot possible of the assassination, without even a flinch or movement as gun shots rang out.
Zapruder was a textile manufacturer headquartered in the Dallas Textile building which was the building where the first two gun shots were supposedly fired from that missed their mark according to ballistics determined by independent investigations after that fateful day.
The building the shots were fired from was owned by a man named David Weisblat, who also happened to be one of the largest financiers at the time of the ADL, and Douglas Jaffe, who was a very significant donor to Lyndon B Johnson, who would be the man to take over the presidency after JFK was killed.
The Chairman of the Dallas Citizen's Council, Sam Bloom would coordinate the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald to the Dallas county jail. During this transfer Oswald would be shot by a man who goes by the name "Jack Ruby." Interestingly enough however, Jack Ruby's real name was Jacob Leon Rubinstein.
Almost immediately after the assassination, the Israeli nuclear reactor would go critical, creating the conditions for the weapons grade plutonium isotope, with Israel obtaining nuclear weapons nearly one year later with the approval of the replacement president Lyndon B. Johnson.
It is thought that the uranium for the enrichment process came from a plant in Pennsylvania where almost 200 pounds of weapons-grade uranium went "missing."
  • Other Notable Points -
Another odd occurrence during this day would be the "Umbrella Man" who most either consider to have been a Mossad or CIA agent. This man, during a warm clear day in Dallas, TX was wearing a full black suit and hat with an umbrella over his head protecting his identity at a distance. When the shots rang out, this man would seemingly remain unaffected.
The Warren Commission, the commission set up to investigate the killing was created by none other than Lyndon B. Johnson himself, and had been given limited information as the CIA was considered complicit in a cover-up by withholding important information during the investigation.
  • My Opinion -
I fully believe that the CIA, LBJ, and Mossad, in a combined effort, ordered and executed the assassination of a sitting president. With the notable individuals involved on that day, and all of the money involved, the data would indicate the involvement of Mossad as a main perpetrator that day. From the building the initial shots were likely fired from, the controversial film, and the council who invited him, they all have one key point in common.
If you have any additional information to share, please comment below and as always, don't take my word for any of this, feel free to fact check and research each point involved in this write-up and come to your own conclusion.
  • NOVO
Corbett Report on Dancing Israelis:
In 2001, Lt-Gen. Ahmad regularly visited the United States where he consulted with The Pentagon and CIA officials in the Bush administration in the weeks before and after terrorist attacks took place in New York on 11 September 2001.[23] In fact, he was with U.S. Republican Congressman Porter Goss and U.S. Democratic Senator Bob Graham in Washington, D.C., discussing Osama bin Laden over breakfast, when the attacks of September 11, 2001 took place in New York, United States.[24][25]
"The Pakistan Connection"
Ahmed, the paymaster for the hijackers, was actually in Washington on 9/11, and had a series of pre-9/11 top-level meetings in the White House, the Pentagon, the national security council, and with George Tenet, then head of the CIA, and Marc Grossman, the under-secretary of state for political affairs. When Ahmed was exposed by the Wall Street Journal as having sent the money to the hijackers, he was forced to "retire" by President Pervez Musharraf. Why hasn't the US demanded that he be questioned and tried in court? -
Bush ties to Bin laden:
"Odigo Says Workers Were Warned of Attack"
Odigo, the [Israeli] instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen. -
"Mohamed Atta called his father after 9/11 who also blamed Israel's Mossad for the attacks"
"A DAY OF TERROR: THE ISRAELIS; Spilled Blood Is Seen as Bond That Draws 2 Nations Closer"
Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, ''It's very good.'' -
Nathan Wolfe (Rothschild-Epstein-Maxwell asset) of DARPA/EcoHealth/Gates Foundation ran the COVID-19 creation operation with Peter Daszak of EcoHealth via the Global Virome Project (Wuhan Lab). Nathan Wolfe dedicated his book "Viral Storm" to Israeli spy Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates and is BFF with Israeli spy Ghislaine Maxwell.
"Did virus hunters cover up a lab leak?" (Good article about the Global Virome Project headed by Nathan Wolfe and Peter Daszak)
"Hunter Biden's Ukraine BioLab Partner (Nathan Wolfe) Was Partners With Ghislaine Maxwell"
Documentary on Nathan Wolfe:
Bill Gates 9/4/19 $55 million BioNTech mRNA vaxx creator investment:
Elon/Grimes 9/4/19 tablet:
Former EcoHealth VP Andrew Huff September 2019 DARPA weird job offer:
Former EcoHealth VP Dr. Andrew Huff legal declaration confirming EcoHealth funded by Bill Gates and CIA (In-Q-Tel) and that Peter Daszak told him he was working with CIA:
"Redfield: COVID-19 Was in Wuhan in September or October 2019: Former CDC director also tells CNN that the virus likely escaped from a lab" -
"COVID-19 might have started to spread in September 2019 in the United States: study"
On the 12th Sep 2019, the main database of samples and viral sequences of the Wuhan Institute of Virology went offline. Eventually every single of the 16 virus databases managed by the WIV was taken offline.
Here's former CDC director Robert Redfield under oath before the Congress on Wuhan Lab September 2019 events:
I will say if you go back and look, it's declassified now, and I'm sure you all have your classified briefings, but the declassified information now:
In September of 2019, three things happened in that lab, one is they deleted the sequences, that was highly irregular, researchers don't usually like to do that
Second thing they did was they changed the command and control of the lab from the civilian control to the military control. Highly unusual, and I've been involved in dual use labs when I was in the military.
And the third thing they did which I think is really telling is they let a contractor redo the ventilation system in that laboratory. So I think clearly there was strong evidence that there was a significant event that happened in that laboratory in September. It's now been declassified, you can read it. I'm sure there's more classified information around it.
Scientist Richard Ebright
The relevance of this is that SARS Cov-2, the pandemic virus, is the only virus in its entire genus of SARS-related coronaviruses that contains a fully functional cleavage site at the S1, S2 junction. And here is a proposal from the beginning of 2018 [from Fauci/Gates-funded EcoHealth Alliance] proposing explicitly to engineer that sequence at that position in chimeric lab- generated coronaviruses.
Eminent Virologist David Baltimore of CalTech
When I first saw the furin cleavage site in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus. These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2.
Former CDC Director Robert Redfield:
I was concerned because of the presence of the furin cleavage site that we've talked about and I think it's important to understand what that cleavage site does. That cleavage site totally changes the orientation of the binding domain of COVID, so where before it could not see the ACE2 receptor which is the human receptor, it totally changes the orientation now so it has high affinity for human receptors. So that furin cleavage site bothered me, it didn't seem like it belonged there.
And then if you look at the sequences they use in those 12 nucleotides for arginine, where the arginine sequence nucleotide triplet were coded for humans. So why did it have the arginine coding for humans and not bat? It was very disconcerting to me. It looked like this virus was engineered.
It's not scientifically plausible that this virus went from a bat to humans and became one of the most infectious viruses that we have for humans.
Scientist Valentin Bruttel:
I tried to raise awareness to this for a year now. WIV use BsaI and BsmBI/Esp3I sites before to make synthetic WIV1 variants. And exactly those sites appear in a "silently introduced, perfect for synthetic assembly" pattern in SARS2, but non of its nat. relatives.
seriously, what is the chance that exactly those type IIs restriction appear or disappear through random evolution in a Banal-20-52 like virus? 5-6 precise mutations in 30000bp? about 1 in 1020! SARS2 is clearly synthetic!
Type Ils restriction sites prove a synthetic origin
Synthetic RNA viruses are assembled at the DNA level and later transcribed. 30,000 nucleotides cannot be synthesized in one go. These viruses are therefore assembled from smaller, 2- 8,000 nucleotide long pieces. Specific DNA restriction sites are often added to later reassemble the individual building blocks in the correct order. It is also technically possible to hide these interfaces (No See'em), but this was not done in the WIV.
In a 2017 paper, two very specific, particularly suitable type Ils restriction enzymes were used at the WIV. These have the advantage that they can produce different DNA overhangs (sticky ends), which are crucial for a correct assembly of the complete genome: Bsal and BsmBI.
SARS2 shows a Bsal and BsmBI restriction site pattern which is ideal for assembling synthetic viruses and to later replace the spike protein or furin cleavage site.
Bsal and BsmBI restriction sites also exist in closely related viruses (Banal20-52, RaTG13), but these are distributed in such a way that an artificial virus could never be generated using the methods established at WIV 2018/19.
The probability that the required 5 synonymous mutations, which enable a synthetic assembly of SARS2, arose purely by chance is less than 1 in 1020 or about as likely as winning the lottery jackpot 3 times in a row.
Dr. Valentin Bruttel
submitted by TheForce122 to conspiracy_commons [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:10 No-Debate2873 The Pandering Brown Sisters Still Grifting

The Pandering Brown Sisters Still Grifting
After a faulty start setting up a charitable tax-exempt organization in their deceased sister’s name, to support domestic abuse victims in late 1994, the Browns had appointed at the helm to run it a convicted violent domestic abuser and swindler. A 1995 Los Angeles Times article cited that….”the founding president of the Nicole Brown Simpson fund, records show, is a convicted felon and accused spousal batterer, who was once named in a domestic restraining order for posing a “clear and present danger” to his estranged wife and two children. Jeff C. Noebel, a 40-year-old Dallas businessman, is currently awaiting sentencing in U.S. District Court for lying to federal authorities in a savings-and-loan investment scam, one of his many shaky business ventures that have left a trail of bankruptcies and lawsuits from Texas to California.” Yet, the Browns pretended they did not know his background though Noebel stated that he had told them about the abuse charges, apparently his silver tongue offer to build them a successful, donation-seeking, organization was too juicy for the Brown family to pass up.
Yet, here we go again, the Brown sisters grifting during the 30th anniversary month of the OJ Simpson case in conjunction with the Lifetime cable network with the two-night streaming of The Life and Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson.
It should be an interesting dichotomy, since for 30 years someone has been lying. The father, Louis Brown, stated to the police detectives and later coroner’s investigator less than 12 hours after the murders occurred that his daughter, Nicole Brown Simpson, was last known to be alive the night before at 11PM talking to her mother, Juditha Brown, regarding glasses left behind by the mother at Brentwood’s Mezzaluna restaurant.
Two days later the mother would give the same time on two different occasions, first to the Simpson defense investigators, and then after they told Attorney Robert Shapiro, he would ask her himself what time that last call took place. Juditha Brown would tell Shapiro the same thing, that she talked to Nicole at 11PM on or about June 16, 1994.
When Shapiro asked how she knew it was 11PM she stated that when she arrived home from Brentwood that night she checked the clock and it said 11PM. However, within 7 months the 11PM last call would be changed, in another flim-flam slid past all of the American viewers whose attention was generally diverted to some tabloid unrelated event outside the courtroom. The time of the last phone call was changed in a low-key stipulation entered in open court and offered surprisingly by the defense team’s Robert Shapiro. He was now agreeing to accept a new time of 09:37 PM as the last call shown on an exhibit document, the Exhibit 35 POSTERBOARD claimed to represent the phone calls of Juditha Brown. The importance of the stipulation in California is that by their long-established state law it allows the evidence to circumvent examination by a jury.
This may be one of the most important tools to allow that state to have their notable celebrity show trials. Supposedly, all times on the Posterboard were accepted by Shapiro as his covering excuse to speed the case along since the Simpson defense lawyer was posturing that the prosecution witness, Karen Crawford, Mezzaluna weekend manager and bartender, could not accurately be certain of the final time anyway. So, the defense would simply accept the times shown on the posterboard, including the alleged phone call from Juditha Brown at 9:37 PM as seen in the blown-up section provided above. Defense lawyer Johnnie Cochran would do the same 5 months later and leave tell-tale evidence of their cooperative malfeasance as shown in the following video clip. This video clip of Cochran stumped OMIG investigators for about 7 years as to why he would enter what appears to be a false stipulation, until realizing based on other information that the Simpson trial and its malfeasance was to be utilized by Cochran for a more important trial he had lost where an innocent man, that was his client, would spend almost 29 years of his life behind bars as a result of Cochran’s naivety until Cochran could maneuver his release.
11 PM is important to this case because it places OJ Simpson in the backseat of a chauffeured limousine on its way to LAX for him to catch an 11:45 PM flight to Chicago while his ex-wife was still alive. The waitress, Tia Gavin, stated that the Brown party departed the Mezzaluna restaurant at around 8:45 PM, and now the last phone call from the Brown home in Dana Point, Orange County was at 09:37 PM approximately 52 minutes after departing Brentwood in West Los Angeles. Everyone, i.e. news commentators, highway patrolmen are on tape saying the distance was a 90 minute to two-hour drive between Brentwood and Dana Point, Orange County. This includes the two lead LAPD detectives, Phil Vannatter and Tom Lange, who stated in their book EVIDENCE DISMISSED below, that the drive was at least an hour and a half drive.
Since two of the Brown sisters were in the car on that fateful drive back home that night from L.A.’s Brentwood to Dana Point, someone is lying, and it certainly does not appear to be our side since all of the evidence appears to support our findings that the Brown family did not arrive home in approximately 45+ minutes. The highway data regarding traffic volume and density due to highway construction to build the HOV lane imply more like a 2-hour drive. This is what the data indicates the drive home for the Browns looked like on the southbound I-405 the night of June 12, 1994 between the hour of their departure from Brentwood between 8-9PM.
We at OMIG predict that the truth is going to ultimately catch up to all of these charlatans and grifters and expose them for this reckless and dangerous lie that they have placed before the public for the last 30 years sucking up all oxygen in the media space. The phone records were removed by court order from the Simpson case file to continue this lie so that the records could not be examined. However, these corrupt officials beyond the Brown sisters have continued to conceal the truth.
Several people pull this angelic cloak off of their unfortunate deceased sister, Nicole. Even Kato Kaelin, who Nicole invited to move into her pool guest house on Gretna Green before moving over to her condo on Bundy spoke in his book about Nicole throwing drug parties, where the party goers were making a bee-line upstairs, going up and down to the point Kato asked why. Someone pulled his coat during his recent meeting of Nicole as an invited guest to her party and told him “That’s where the cocaine is”. Kato who resided a year with Nicole and her children, would go on to state in his book that he witnessed Nicole becoming very belligerent and out of control when drinking too much tequila when out in social settings. Having to have the keys wrestled away by her girlfriends from preventing her being a drunk driver on the streets and highways. On one occasion it became so embarrassing with her being out of control that he simply left the gathering, which appeared to be par for the course for the Mousey looking house guest. He also accused Nicole the obsessive party gal of being a chain smoker; hence, he undermines the pristine image that the prissy Brown sister-grifters seem to be attempting to portray in all probability for the sake of making a dollar once again.
They knew that the so-called Bruno Magli shoe prints found in the sidewalk tiles did not fit Simpson’s foot, so they have attempted to conceal that until OMIG investigators examined the police photos and attained verification that the sidewalk tiles were only 11- and 1/2-inches square.
Because OMIG investigators stood firm during an interview with former FBI agents that one of their peers had lied about his true knowledge concerning Simpson’s foot in those size 12 Bruno Magli shoes, they in turn called back and provided OMIG with 53 pounds of documents some of which was associated directly with the Simpson trial indicating that the agent, Roger Martz, had been lying and committing perjury as it related to the blood the FBI lab was asked to examine. He wrote a letter back to the LADA’s office and the deputy DA who had asked for their help, Rockne Harmon, telling them that he, Roger Martz, had completed an examination of the blood samples of Simpson found on the back gate and blood of Nicole found on socks on Simpson’s bedroom floor. Martz said that he could find no contamination with the blood preservative EDTA. It appears that Martz lied, and was called out for his lies by other FBI examiners in the lab in a complaint filed with the Office of the Inspector General of the USDOJ.
That document, entitled by OMIG as the Whitehurst Complaint due to the author who filed it, former FBI Agent Frederic Whitehurst, became a hidden document as well one in which OMIG has filed at least 3 Freedom of Information Requests to attain from the Office of the Inspector General. This all is predictably going to unravel, and exposes the weakness of using the Brown sisters to promote a false narrative with its subtle yet powerful racial undertones to the detriment of so many more important events that have taken place over the last 30 years. This promulgation simply exposes the recklessness in doing something like that by exposing the soft underbelly of vulnerability as a national security threat to the nation by providing a cheap and cost effective tool to weaponize to fragment and polarize a nation, with that being the use of racial animus to create national mass hysteria.
submitted by No-Debate2873 to ojsimpsondidntdoit [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:23 FancyInvestment397 Wild Casino Review [Updated June 2024]

Wild Casino Review [Updated June 2024]
Wild Casino transports you to a lush jungle setting with more than 430 casino games for you to explore. The majority of the games are slots, but there’s a great selection of blackjack, table games, specialty games, and a live dealer.
I especially like the one million dollars in tournament prizes given away every month, and the $5,000 welcome bonus and $9,000 crypto welcome bonus add a lot of kick to your bankroll. There are a large variety of banking methods and payouts are complete within 48 hours for most options. The casino has a lot going for it and a few shortcomings, stick with me and I’ll tell you everything I discovered on my jungle adventure.
Wild Casino
  • Most fun, easy to use games
  • Huge selection of banking methods
  • Several specialty bonus options
  • Good selection of specialty games
  • No sports betting or poker rooms
  • Not many jackpot games

Wild Casino Key Details

Country Available: USA
Device Compatibility: Android, Apple & Windows
Available Games: Blackjack, Slots, Baccarat, Keno, Baccarat, Keno…
Casino: Yes
Sportsbook: No
License: Panama Gamin Commission
Online Since: 2018
Min. Deposit: $10
Payout Speed: 2-3 Days
>>> Get Welcome Bonus 100% up to $5,000

Wild Casino User Interface

Wild Casino feels like it is set in the jungle. I love how simple it is to navigate and how the theme carries through on every page. The first thing you’ll notice is the rotating banner that prominently displays the welcome bonus and various other promotions.
Game categories are in a menu at the top, or you can scroll and see the games available. The ‘View All’ button reveals all the titles in that category.
An additional navigation menu is at the top of the screen with banking, help, sign-up, and login buttons. A drop-down menu with games, promotions, banking, and help options is on the far right of the screen.

Available Games at Wild Casino

Wild Casino has a great selection of games by software providers Real Time Gaming, Rival, BetSoft, DragonGaming, and Nucleus. There are more than 300 slot titles, table games, blackjack, video poker, and specialty games like scratch cards and Keno.
I particularly like their live dealer platform. It has more than 20 games available 24/7. In addition to blackjack, roulette, and baccarat, it also offers slots, craps, and bingo, which I found to be unique and not typical of other live dealer platforms I’ve reviewed.
Clicking on a game title reveals a short description, volatility rating, and an option to add it to your favorites list. However, a demo feature is not available for all games. I found this quite disappointing because you must wager to play and can’t test games/strategies out for free like you can on many other online gambling sites.


Wild Casino has 368 slot titles. Slot enthusiasts will find 3-reel, 4-reel, 5-reel, and video slots with multiple paylines, bonus games, and a few progressive titles with big jackpots.
Slot-specific promotions include a weekly 10% rebate for losses up to $250 and a weekly cash slots tournament by invitation.
Here are some of my favorite real money slots at Wild Casino:


Wild Casino has one of the largest selections of blackjack variations of any online casino. There are 14 different blackjack games to play in the casino and more than 15 tables in the duel live dealer section. Whether you’re a novice or a pro, there’s a blackjack game for everyone at Wild Casino.
Here’s a sample of blackjack titles I found at Wild Casino:

Table Games

Wild Casino has a great selection of table games, including blackjack, roulette, baccarat, poker, rummy, and craps. It is the perfect place for players who enjoy using strategy to create bigger wins for themselves.
There are more than 30 table games to choose from. Below you’ll find a few table game titles I enjoyed at Wild Casino:

Video Poker

Video poker is another thriving area of the casino. I was impressed with the number of variations available. Video poker players will find more than fifteen different games to pass the time. The selections are split into two categories: Single Hand and Multi-Hand.
Here are a few favorite Video Poker titles at Wild Casino:

Live Dealer Games

The live dealer platform has more than 100 games for players who crave social interaction. Games are available 24/7 and are divided into two sections: the red platform by Fresh Deck Studios and the black platform by Lucky Streak.
Players can customize their experience by choosing their dealer and table setup, creating an experience reminiscent of a land-based casino.
Wild Casino’s live dealer platform is impressive. In addition to typical live dealer games, it offers slots, bingo, specialty games, poker, and more.

Wild Casino for Mobile

Wild Casino is mobile-friendly and compatible with Android and iOS devices. When testing it on my smartphone, it loaded quickly and seamlessly. I did not experience any lags when playing the games which was great. It ran smoothly both on my WiFi and mobile data. It has all the same games and features available as it does on the desktop.

There is no download or app for Wild Casino, you access it by using your browser and a reliable internet connection. If you prefer a casino that has an app to download, you can try Wild Casino’s sibling company BetOnline.
While reviewing the browser-based site from Wild Casino, I paid close attention to its user interface. In this section, we’ll provide you with feedback regarding its mobile compatibility, functionality, design, and more:
  • Functionality: The functionality of the app from Wild Casino was pristine. At no point during my review did I experience any issues with navigation or overall app experience.
  • Mobile Compatibility: I am pleased to report the Wild Casino app is mobile-compatible. That means you can easily use it from tablets and smartphones if you’d like. I tested it out on devices from several manufacturers like Apple and Android and found it worked perfectly on all of them.
  • Download Casino: Luckily, there isn’t a download required to use the app from Wild Casino. Instead, everything is web-based. To use their app, simply point your device’s browser to their main website, and you’ll be ready to start playing casino games online without the need for a software download.
  • Design: The overall design of the Wild Casino app is impressive. I enjoyed the modern jungle-themed look, which helped it to stand out from many other casino apps with more simplistic and dated designs.

Wild Casino Bonuses in 2024

Wild Casino has a variety of bonuses and promotions for multiple games that will add funds to your bankroll and keep you playing through the weeks. There are two welcome offers for newcomers, including one for crypto users, weekly match, reload, and rebate promotions for returning players, contests, featured games, and tournaments.
Note that some bonuses at Wild Casino require bonus codes, while others are added to your account automatically when you opt-in. The codes you need are noted below.
To use a bonus code at Wild Casino, head back to the top of this post and select a bonus to get started. If you are not already a member at Wild, fill out an account sign-up form. Select the drop-down menu off to the top right of the screen and choose the banking and promotions page to claim your bonus and begin inputting your code. Then, make a deposit, and let the fun begin!

$5,000 Welcome Bonus
This welcome offer is spread over the first five deposits and consists of two different Wild Casino bonus codes:
  • Use WILD250 on the first deposit and get a 250% bonus of up to $1,000
  • Use WILD100 on the next four to accrue a bonus of 100% up to $1,000
The minimum required deposit is $20. The maximum bonus at Wild Casino per deposit is $1,000, and the deposit and bonus amount have a rollover requirement of 35x.
Slots, table games, and video poker are eligible for this bonus. Live dealer games do not qualify for this offer.

Crypto Welcome Bonus

This welcome offer is only available to those using cryptocurrency to make a deposit. It is another Wild Casino bonus code spread over the first five deposits.
  • Use CRYPTO300 on the first deposit and get a 300% bonus of up to $3,000
  • On the next four deposits, use CRYPTO150 for a 150% bonus of up to $1,500
CRYPTO300 is subject to a 45x rollover and CRYPTO150 is a 30x rollover. A minimum deposit of $20 is required.
The crypto bonus applies to slots, video poker, and table games. Live dealer tables are not eligible.

10% Weekly Rebate

Aside from the live dealer casino, players can get a 10% rebate on any casino game loss between Monday and Thursday. This weekly promo features a 10% rebate on all losses up to $250. The maximum loss is $1,000, and the maximum rebate bonus is $250. You will find a rollover requirement here of 40x.

Featured Game of the Week

Every week at Wild Casino, a different slot game is featured. You must have more than 100 spins between Monday and Thursday to qualify for 1 of 10 weekly prizes of $500. Players can win extra entries for every additional 100 spins they play on the select slot. The $500 bonus at Wild Casino is subject to a rollover of 10x and a maximum cashout of 2x.

Wild Diamond 7’s Progressive Jackpot

This promotion allows players to achieve a massive payout for only $1. When players place the $1 side bet for the Wild Diamond 7’s slot, they have a chance of winning the jackpot.

Tuesday Top Up

Use the promo code WCTOPUP every Tuesday to get an extra $50 when making a minimum deposit of $50. Use it up to three times every Tuesday. Before withdrawing winnings, the real money Wild Casino bonus is subject to a rollover of 45x.

Hump Day Special

Wednesday is a great day to earn some extra funds from Wild Casino. Players who deposit $30 or more can use bonus code HUMPDAY1 to get a bonus of 25% up to $250. Deposits of $150 or more with promo code HUMPDAY2 are eligible for a 50% bonus up to $250. The offer is available up to two times every Wednesday. The first Wild Casino bonus code has a rollover of 15x, and the second is subject to 20x.

Refer a Friend

Earn a 200% bonus of up to $200 for every friend you refer to Wild Casino. Your referral must create a new account and make at least one successful deposit at Wild Casino before you are eligible to receive the bonus.

The Ultimate Spin-Off

This Wild Casino bonus involves players getting a weekly invitation to the $5,000 Cash Slots Tournament. Players must wager on four different days between Monday and Sunday to qualify. They must also generate $4,000 or more in order to place in the Cash Slots Tournament.

Banking Options at Wild

Wild Casino offers more than 15 banking options for both deposits and payouts. Credit cards, cryptocurrency, e-wallets, money orders, and wire transfers are available. Most deposit methods are instant so you can get access to your winnings fast. Payouts with crypto have zero fees and are processed within 48 hours.


Here’s an overview of the deposit choices showing minimum and maximum amounts and processing fees. Funds will be available in your account within 15 minutes – two hours which is standard for most online gambling sites. Tip: Wild Casino notes that credit cards like Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover are twice as likely to be accepted when making purchases online.

Wild Casino Customer Support

Wild Casino has two primary ways to get in touch with customer service: email and live chat. When testing the chat feature, I received a courteous and friendly reply within seconds. Email response time was within their 24h, but I would recommend the chat for instant answers.
You can find the chat feature and email information in the Contact Us section at the bottom of the home screen. There’s also a FAQ and Help link that provides detailed information on multiple topics.
Wild Casino customer service and support can be reached only by email at []( Expect a response within 24 hours or less. There is a link at the bottom of the home page and a Help button in the drop-down menu on the right

Security at Wild Casino

Wild Casino is a safe and secure gambling site. It has a license with the Panama Gaming Commission and uses SSL encryption to keep sensitive user information safe.
All real money games at Wild Casino use random number generators (RNGs) to ensure random results for online games with things like shuffling and dealing cards, the spinning of slots reels and roulette wheels, and dice rolls.
All Wild Casino games have return-to-player (RTP) percentages to ensure customers receive a certain percentage back from the games.

Final Verdict

Overall, I thought the Wild Casino experience was enjoyable. I appreciate the fun theme, and simple design. It was easy to find what I was looking for and it has a great selection of slots, table games, video poker, and blackjack. Their multiple banking options are a plus and I love the abundance of bonuses and promotions.
The only areas Wild Casino falls short are the lack of sportsbook, poker tournaments, and demo mode. If real money casino games are all you’re interested in, Wild Casino is a great choice, but if you’d prefer a casino, sportsbook, and poker tournament site, I suggest checking out BUSR.
All in all, it’s a great gambling site for anyone who enjoys playing slots, blackjack, scratch cards, and live dealer games.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to bestcasinosusa [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:47 Easy_Meal_7411 High School math prodigy gets absolutely COOKED

New account, and first time using Reddit other than to browse. Sorry if something goes wrong.
So to preface this I graduated in 2023 and applied to colleges (1st cycle) but chose to take a gap year instead and applied again (2nd cycle). So if you see those, that's what they mean. ALSO PLEASE READ THE ADDITIONAL INFO PART OF THIS POST!!
Here we go:
Gender: Male
Race/Ethnicity: South + East Asian
Residence: MD
Income Bracket: 300k?
Type of School: Competitive public
Hooks (Recruited Athlete, URM, First-Gen, Geographic, Legacy, etc.): None
Intended Major(s): Chemistry (1st cycle), Neuroscience + Linguistics (2nd cycle)
GPA (UW/W): 3.94 (UW), 4.83 (W)
Rank (or percentile): HS does not rank
Number of Honors/AP/IB/Dual Enrollment/etc.: 11 APs, 10 Honors, 1 Dual Enrollment
Senior Year Course Load: Anatomy and Physiology, AP Lang, AP Psych, "Advanced Math" (AKA dual enrollment at CC in advanced differential equations), science intern at two local hospitals (yes it's listed as a course), Molecular Bio
Standardized Testing
List the highest scores earned and all scores that were reported.
SAT: 1540 (800 M, 740 R)
ACT: 35 (33M, 35S, 35E, 35R) (didn't submit, though probably wouldn't have hurt)
AP/IB: 4s and 5s on everything except a 3 on AP Lang 💀
Other (ex. IELTS, TOEFL, etc.): N/A
List all extracurricular involvements, including leadership roles, time commitments, major achievements, etc.
  1. Practiced Japanese calligraphy for over 7 years and received numerous internationally recognized awards and certifications for proficiency and artistic style (1st and 2nd cycle), uploaded samples on my application (1st cycle), but didn't upload (2nd cycle) since my parents advised me not to, and honestly I regret not doing it the 2nd time but too late now
  2. Coxswain of HS Crew, participated in freshman and sophomore year before ending it due to COVID (1st and 2nd cycle)
  3. Volunteer work at a cultural summer camp including leadership roles in engagement, ranked up from junior to senior position (1st and 2nd cycle)
  4. Helped teach students in underserved communities who were struggling in elementary school to learn math and English (1st and 2nd cycle)
  5. Internship at two local hospitals, including communicating with patients and assisting with tasks along with observing healthcare practices & surgery (1st and 2nd cycle)
  6. Extensive preparation to become an EMT, including over 150 hours of mandatory training and involvement in significant realistically simulated scenarios (2nd cycle)
  7. Volunteer position at a local senior memory care facility, involved with both leading and assisting group activities designed for elderly residents (2nd cycle)
  8. Self - studied Python to code and design a program used to identify handwritten digits with over 99% accuracy using concepts from Linear Algebra (2nd cycle)
(9). Self - studied German to where I got a 4 on the AP German test... this, along with my dual enrollment, appeared in part of my additional info section and not in the EC list (1st and 2nd cycle)
List all awards and honors submitted on your application.
  1. Numerous awards in Japanese calligraphy for "good work" (1st and 2nd cycle)
  2. CPR and BLS certifications as part of EMT training (2nd cycle)
  3. NASA College Scholarship Award
  4. AATG National German Examination level 2 and 3 bronze awards
  5. Seal of Biliteracy
  6. AP Scholar with distinction
Letters of Recommendation
Teacher: (7/10): So after browsing through this subreddit, it seems like people often overinflate their rec letter ratings. I'd have to say though, my teacher recs must have been pretty good since they won me that NASA scholarship (and the team specifically said that it was the rec letters)!
Counselor: (3/10) I'm just giving it a conservative rating... anyway, this is one thing that was really out of my control, and it's honestly kind of a sad story. My school assigns counselors by name, and I had a counselor that I was particularly close with and would meet with frequently. It was really sad to see her go in my junior year, and so one of the other counselors (still a nice guy) was forced to substitute as ours instead. Needless to say, I didn't have much time to connect with him as much as his other students, and I'm not sure if his letter could have stood out too much from other students that he knew much more.
Harvard (1st cycle): (6/10) So, as a first interview, I thought it went quite well. We laughed together and shared our stories of how we grew up and connected through that. It started slightly awkward (video isn't the ideal form of communication) but otherwise went well. Lasted substantially longer than the scheduled time.
UPenn (1st cycle): (5/10) Pretty standard interview. The interviewer was very enthusiastic, but the conversation was a bit more formal and less exciting. Got to know a lot about the school though, so that was good. 45 minutes, not bad.
Dartmouth (2nd cycle) (8/10): Probably my best interview. He shared a lot in common with me and we were able to talk a lot about our cultural similarities and how Dartmouth would be a great fit. It lasted almost 2 hours and we had a great time!
A bit surprised by the lack of interviews, but maybe this is normal.
I feel like while I thought at the time my essays were good, in hindsight, they probably weren't. I'm inclined to think that my writing ability is not that great, but I tried and gave it a lot of time. For the personal essay, I first wrote about how Japanese calligraphy had given me a new way to see the world, but looking back, I may have looked a bit introverted from the way it was written. For the second cycle, I talked about sports, which looking back I felt was even more of a cliche. I only chose to write about it because at the time it was suggested to me and I thought it could work. I will say, however, that my supplemental essays were probably much better and very school - specific.

Decisions (indicate ED/EA/REA/SCEA/RD)
UMD (EA) (originally committed but was denied to defer acceptance to next year)
Waitlists (honestly surprised that I didn't get more waitlists):
UChicago (RD) (later rejected)
Caltech (RD)
Columbia (RD)
Harvard (RD)
Johns Hopkins (RD)
Princeton (RD)
Stanford (RD)
UMich (EA, defer - reject)
UPenn (RD)
Yale (RD)
SECOND CYCLE: Still top - heavy but more balanced with a mix of safeties, targets, and reaches
Baylor (RD, 23k scholarship), rejected BS/MD
CWRU (RD, 31.5k scholarship) (committed, but may just go to CC tbh), rejected BS/MD
Purdue FYE (RD)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RD, 36k scholarship), rejected BS/MD
SUNY Stony Brook (RD, 28k scholarship), rejected BS/MD
University College London (school in the UK)
Wayne State (RD, 6.5k scholarship), rejected BS/MD
Waitlists (honestly surprised that I didn't get more waitlists):
GWU (RD) (declined waitlist offer), rejected BS/MD
UChicago (RD) (later rejected)
Brown (RD), rejected BS/MD
Cambridge (in the UK)
Cornell (RD)
Dartmouth (RD)
Duke (RD)
Harvard (RD)
Harvey Mudd (RD)
Johns Hopkins (RD)
Northwestern (RD)
UMich (RD)
UPenn (RD)
Vanderbilt (RD)
Also got straight up ghosted by UMD 💀
Additional info/Final thoughts (IMPORTANT):
Extra things that I thought would help me stand out:
I took AP Calc BC in 8th grade and scored a 5 on the AP test (lol this might already give me away), and my middle and high school had to make a special curriculum/arrangement for me (and potential future students who were advanced in their classes).
Also, I was the only person to have dual enrolled in math, after literally running out of math courses to take at my already competitive high school. Diff EQ was no joke, but it was a really useful class and I did very well.
Took every double period and AP science course at least one year ahead of my peers.
I also talked extensively about traveling to Asia in my gap year, and how I utilized my language skills to interact with people. I talked about how it has opened me to new perspectives and how interacting with communities broadened my outlook.
FINAL THOUGHTS: after two years of straight rejections from top schools, I have to say I've been extremely invested in this process, if not anything more than for the sake of my younger brother, who is gonna need as much advice from me as possible given the fierce competition.
So yeah in the end college admissions cooked me to a crisp. Besides my unremarkable personal statement and (possibly) mediocre counselor rec, I really can't understand what went wrong. Maybe this year was just too competitive with test - optional policies, and I'm pretty sure there are kids with <1400 SATs from my school who went TO and got into top schools. Also, I will say that evidently, top schools couldn't care less about your course rigor, at least beyond a certain amount. They don't care that you took AP Physics C in elementary school or can speak 10 languages. I went in with the mindset of "all it takes is one", though I guess even that was too much to ask for :/ Anyway, my #1 piece of advice?
APPLY EARLY. Seriously, I think this was my biggest downfall. I can't believe I didn't learn from my first application cycle, but too late to change that now. THIS APPLIES ESPECIALLY IF YOUR SCHOOL REGULARLY SENDS STUDENTS TO TOP SCHOOLS. It doesn't matter if you have new stuff that you want to show by the regular decision deadline. You can always update stuff in your portal later. If you apply RD, universities may already have selected their share of students from your school. Honestly given how UChicago heavily pads their yield, I might have been accepted had I applied ED there. Or maybe JHU. I don't even know :/
I will say though, I think Purdue was an interesting outlier. Even though their engineering program is quite competitive (especially OOS), they specifically reached out to me and asked for my CC dual enrollment grade which no other university did. I think that compelled them to offer me admission, and turning them down was a really hard decision that I still don't even know was the right move. I am extremely grateful for that though.
Still, I'm honestly feeling quite lost considering all my work, but looks like I might just go to CC atp. What makes it even worse is that it's looked down upon by every person in my school community and even by my parents and relatives. At least I'll save money, right?
Also remember if you're reading this and you didn't get into a top college, DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED. This sub has an INSANE amount of response bias, and posts with titles like "clutching an ivy" or "scored a miracle" just aren't representative and you shouldn't compare yourself to them. Not everyone gets a satisfactory outcome and you aren't alone. For the sake of your happiness, if you're applying to top universities, just expect to get rejected from all of them. Don't bank on getting into one of them even if you think you are talented or extraordinary in some regard. Chances are that they just don't care. And unless you think you can do something remarkable in a gap year, don't take one just to reapply. It's just not worth it.
Anyway, vent over. It doesn't really matter anyway, I'll crush those transfer apps 😌
submitted by Easy_Meal_7411 to collegeresults [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:41 Longjumping-Guava624 Any tips on how to stop the LFO speed changing based on the pitch of the piano roll?

Hello, I use FL Studio for this but possibly is the same issue on Ableton and Logic. Basically, when I make a sound using the LFO its speed changes on the pitch and want to make it the same speed throughout the entire piano roll. I heard things like going to the Matrix and bypassing "Note#", but it is not there, these sounds are not samples, sounds I made from scratch. Yet, I keep getting this issue, any tips/help to resolve this? Thank you so much for checking
(EDIT: When I save it as a .wav/.mp3 file it does this)
submitted by Longjumping-Guava624 to serum [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:09 JMhawaii LRSU Intro to Long Range Shooting Course

LRSU Intro to Long Range Shooting Course
I recently participated in the 2-Day Intro to Long Range Shooting Course by Long Range Shooters of Utah and thought I would share my experience here.
TLDR: First day is 95% classroom. Second day is all shooting. This is truly an "intro" class; taking someone with zero long range shooting experience and teaching them the skills to shoot to 1000 yards.
I flew to Salt Lake City, Utah with my rifle to attend the course. Hard case, non-TSA locks, declare unloaded firearm(s) to the gate agent, sign waver, insert waver into case, lock case and send it off with other checked luggage. Most airlines allow up to 11lbs of ammunition to be included in checked luggage. Most airlines will hold your firearm case behind their luggage service counter at the destination and will ask to see your identification before releasing the case to you.
I brought a 6.5 Creedmoor I put together. Curtis Valor QC action, 1:8" twist 26" stainless steel MTU profile prefit by Preferred Barrels, MDT Elite ACC Chassis, Triggertech Diamond, Vortex Razor Gen III 6-36x56mm, ARC M-Brace Mount, Ckye-pod single pull bipod, Area419 Hellfire Match.
Rental packages (includes match ammo) are available. 90% of the class was shooting 6.5 creedmoor. There was one .308, a couple of 6.5 PRCs, and a 6mm creedmoor.
LRSU recommends a minimum of 120 rounds of match grade ammo. I brought 200 rounds and used about the recommended 120 during the course.
The course is at North Springs Shooting Range in Price, UT, a 2.5 hour drive from SLC International Airport. I stayed at a hotel in Price that was a 25 minute drive from the range.
The first day starts off in a classroom at the range office. The instructor, Bryce, teaches the fundamentals of marksmanship (Body Position, Natural Point of Aim, Trigger Control, Breath Control), how to set up and use a ballistics application, and teaches about the effects of the elements and wind.
For someone with zero knowledge, classroom day is going to feel like drinking from a fire hose, but I didn't feel like any topic was overly talked about. Seemed just right. I have been shooting for many years but have no formal training. No military background. Just learning on my own. This sub has a wealth of information available for free. Like the content in Hollywood's READ ME FIRST. Much of the classroom content felt like review to me, but I still learned new things, especially about wind.
The first day wraps up on the 100 yard range, checking zero and making any adjustment to equipment for proper fitment and eye relief. There are multiple instructors available to help at any time. I ended up moving my scope mount back and adjusting my cheek rest based on what I learned during the class. After confirming 100 yard zero everyone is free to leave.
Just an observation, sample size of one: The person next to me was shooting a rental Aero Solus Comp in 6mm creedmoor with a Leupold MK5 and I was impressed with the groups he was putting on paper. Easily punching several 5-round clover leaf groups with factory Hornady Match.
Day two starts at the 100 yard range with a couple of paper drills to help students get used to dialing their turrets for elevation and wind. Then the class moves over to the 1000 yard range. After a short orientation, the class pairs up with a partner and works their way from 300 to 1000 yard steel targets. Partners make calls for each other and use this time to true-up their DOPE from the ballistics app with what they are experiencing on the range. Essentially solving for actual bullet velocity without a chronograph. After everyone has made center hits on 2'x2' steel at 1000 yards, the class regroups to start the "1000-Yard Milk Jug Challenge". LRSU likes to film this portion of the course, so an instructor works with a group of 3-4 shooters at a time. They have a process of calling out your name and shot count so they can help spot for multiple shooters at a time. All students hit a steel milk jug at 1000 yards.
After everyone completes the challenge, the group gathers for a course recap, Q&A, and class photo. Everyone is invited to stay afterwards to shoot 1200, 1500, and 1 Mile milk jug challenges (for an additional $20 per 20 shot attempt). Some crazy rain and wind came out of nowhere just as we moved to the 1 mile range. I did not have a lot of time to hang around and wait for the rain to dissipate, so I moved back to the 1000 yard range and waited for the wind and rain to die out enough that I felt it would be worth shooting again. I used the rest of my ammo shooting at the 1000 yard milk jug, and several KYL target stands at various distances before packing up my things and heading back to SLC for the flight home. Other students that stayed later had success at the further milk jug challenges.
If you are new to long range shooting, and want to get educated and make hits at 1000+ yards quickly, I think the 2-Day Intro to Long Range Shooting Course is designed for you. I mainly wanted to take this LRSU course to have an opportunity to shoot further. Hawaii does not have a lot of places to shoot more than 100 yards. I felt like a lot of the classroom instruction was review for me because I spent a lot of time learning things on my own. However, there were still things that I took away from the class and felt like it was beneficial to growing my skills. The course is low-stress with several instructors available to assist with whatever you need. It is not a military style course. This course is something you could bring a teenager with little experience and get them hitting steel at 1000 yards. I had a lot of fun at the end of the day.
submitted by JMhawaii to longrange [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:06 super_hot_juice Cinema Pro: (almost) Definitive guide to Why and How to use it + tips & hacks

Cinema Pro is no more and none of its features are getting ported into new app Video Pro mode, so this is a perfect opportunity to release this (almost) definite guide as to when and how to record video footage in Cinema Pro. All of us are pretty much aware of most its shortcomings this app has but we are not going to complain or talk about them here, instead we are going to celebrate EOL of Cinema Pro.
I could bet my pet that about 90% of Xperia users ain’t touching Cinema Pro because they feel uncomfortable using it, that includes mobile camera enthusiasts. Instead, they go to BASIC Video or Video Pro and I don’t blame them as learning curve in Cinema Pro is pretty steep but on the other hand this camera app has very flexible workflow and results can be stunning if you practice enough.
So, first things first, none of the video camera apps will make your videos gorgeous by itself. Filming a video, much like a taking a photo, is all about framing your shot. Keep in mind that Cinema Pro is meant for static shots and short pans due to lack of auto ISO adjustments. If your shot is poorly framed not even a Burano can save your butt. Frame your shot properly before you even touch record button. But before you even do that here are few things you should read first to get yourself familiar with Cinema Pro.

Here is what Cinema Pro offers and can do that other Xperia camera apps can’t.
This probably was not your first thought I was gonna bring up, right? Unlike Video Pro which does not save any advanced metadata in video clips Cinema Pro does and it does it quite good.
When you go to Cinema Library and play any clip inside your project (not final video) you can tap on ellipsis at upper right corner and choose Details. Brown window will pop up with following metadata such as ~resolution~ and ~FPS~ but besides that we also get ~Look~ we picked, ~Lens~, ~Stabilization~, ~WB~, ~ISO~, ~Shutter~ speed, ~Focus~ and ~Audio~ level. If we import the clip in desktop software we also get ~bit depth~, ~color space~, ~EOTF~, ~format~, etc.
Why is this important? If you are really making a video project there is a great chance that you imported those clips on your desktop OS and that you are editing or retouching them inside some desktop software. Desktop software has power of utilizing metadata for your convenience when manipulating and exporting the video, matching shots, doing color correction or just doing offline editing.
This will make your life a lot easier. As you will see in my sample footage below, I’ve actually automated the burn-in with the Cinema Pro clip metadata (Looks, WB, Shutter, etc.) to make each clip display the metadata on-screen without me having to punch it in manually.
If you don’t have Metering bar enabled in your UI you are doing it wrong. Go to yellow hamburger menu to the right and tap Customize DISP and make sure you have Metering Manual set to ON.
Again, what is this important? Because of two things. Cinema Pro dims the display all the time when it’s running for some reason (presumably to better show HLG result on screen) so if you have Xperia 1, 1II, 1III, PRO-I you will be struggling to see anything while being outdoors. Situation is not any better on 1IV and 1V but it’s more usable. Do not trust your display when it comes to exposure. Instead trust your Metering bar and always shoot around 0 if possible, you will thank me for this once you view your clip on a HDR UHD TV. If it’s too bright outside you can try lowering the shutter speed to level the exposure just make sure do not have fast moving subjects in frame such as cars because it will look choppy.
Second, we’ve already established that Cinema Pro is meant for static shots or gentle panning but if you have to do something “wild” such as POV or going from one lighting condition to other (and sometimes that means just a simple camera tilt from ground up to the sky) you will need Metering to try to find the middle value. Do a test run without recording first and pay attention at the meter to see how many stops is the spread between one frame to another. Lets say you adjusted ISO/Shutter for the 0 at the beginning of your camera movement and once your done with the move metering is showing +2. In that case you will need to set your beginning value at -1 in order to get to +1 in the end to contain both highlights and shadows. Just keep in mind that most of the time your aggressive tilts will be ranging from 0 to well above or under -/+2 and in that case, you will have to rethink what you want to do. That’s right Cinema Pro is a slow burn and unnecessary methodical because it applies cine camera philosophy to crappy mobile sensors.
WDR with Stabilization
Here is another one that is not available inside BASIC or Video Pro unless you have 5V or 1VI device. WDR or Wide Dynamic Range option is made for Cinema Pro period. Cinema Pro was pretty much useless until WDR options popped up in PRO-I. So, what does it do? It records three frames at once and then stack them together to make one frame. Camera is recording at 120fps and then outputs 30/25/24 fps as final result hence why it’s not available at 60fps in any app. Using WDR in Cinema Pro you contain the highlights which is impossible to do in SDR mode unless you are in some dimmed environment.
General rule is to always have the WDR on but if you can do it without do it. There is no false color option in Cinema Pro but if you toggle between WDR and SDR you will see blown out highlights in SDR as some mushy color on display. It’s quite easy to spot the difference. Unlike in Video Pro in Cinema Pro WDR does not introduce purple cast in dark/black areas when shooting in low(er)-light conditions. Cinema Pro has a bigger threshold when shooting in low-light before introduces purple cast in blacks compared to Video Pro as long as you do not shoot in N/A Look (you shouldn’t be shooting in N/A like ever but more on that later). Video Pro utilizes WDR quite poorly, in daylight scenes it drops the gain making dark areas even darker which boosts the contrast to a point where you get that Pixel zombie decomposition like human faces. Cinema Pro does NOT do that, instead it only affects the highlights mostly.
Drawback of WDR in both Cinema Pro and Video Pro requires separate paragraph because it’s a big issue. Whenever you have high frequency texture in your shot such as tiny rubble road (asphalt) or stone mosaic wall you will get texture floating effect like texture is rearranging itself. It’s super trippy. That issue persists because development team didn’t master the frame stacking while filming. Those three frames that get to be one do not alight properly with the next stacked frame when it comes to big areas with tiny patterns.
But one good thing that also requires its own paragraph is video stabilization with HLG WDR option turned on. As previously mentioned, that combo is not possible in Video Pro or BASIC modes but it is in Cinema Pro. How? Well Cinema Pro crops top and bottom of 16:9 footage to 21:9 so it has some wiggle room to give as some basic stabilization. Stabilization is nothing spectacular but it doesn’t crop in the image in order to enable stabilization like Video Pro does. In other words, it doesn’t take Video Pro stabilized cropped in frame to enable stabilization. It shoots native UHD which is really important to preserve the quality unlike both Video Pro and BASIC that crop in UHD frame to turn on stabilization and then upscale the frame back to UHD. Cinema Pro does not do that.
Video sample: WATCH 4K wobbly texture issue in WDR, pay attention to black carpet
Cinema Pro does really good night shots due to its flexibility to adjust Looks and auto white balance which I think is superior to Video Pro/BASIC. Funny things is that all of the exposure environment shortcomings during the daytime are not such a big deal during the night time because streets are evenly lit by light poles. So you have more freedom to pan, tilt and walk around while filming in Cinema Pro at night time then during the day. Here is a winning combo to make the night shot as good as possible: ~SDR + VENICE CS + AUTO WB unlocked~. Pretty straight forward. I find VENICE CS greatest strength to be default Look for nighttime as it’s easy on ISO, doesn’t boost contrast and has the least noise compared to some other looks. That doesn’t mean you can’t play around with the Looks during the night, if street lighting is annoyingly yellow you can use Cool/Blue60 +A to introduce some cool gray into the mix. And with the mention of other color profiles this brings us to the most important and the biggest feature of Cinema Pro, the Looks section.
LOOKS + TEMPERATURE + A/B + G/M Adjustments
This alone is the biggest deal in Cinema Pro app and this alone is what most of the users have no idea how to tweak and manipulate. If you thought rack focus is the number one feature in Cinema Pro, well I can assure you it’s number two right after this super flexible image manipulation output. Before we start discussing looks you have to keep in mind there is one factor in equation here and that’s Whitebalance. Most of the users stick with VENICE CS and don’t use any other look because by default all the looks are in your face when left in Auto whitebalance mode. Even less users who default to VENICE CS fiddle with whitebalance to unlock the full potential of image looks manipulation. Before you start playing with the looks you have to go to yellow hamburger menu and ~change WB MODE to TEMPERATURE~ instead of Preset.
With Temperature mode turned on you now have the option to set desired temperature in kelvins as well as to play with A/B and G/M sliders. What those sliders do? AB slider stands for Amber and Blue but names are inverted on axis so B will be to the left and A to the right. You can actually go quite wild with AB as our eyes are a lot less sensitive to warm and cold adjustments. GM slider stands for Green and Magenta and axis works just as the letters, green to the left and magenta to the right. GB sliders requires quite slight nudges in both directions because our eyes perceive color tilt very aggressively. You might want to use GB slider to adjust for human skin or just go artistic on a certain look.
You might ask yourself what the difference between setting up temperature and pushing AB sliders and I could tell you the order it needs to be done to make a proper impact on the picked Look.
1. You always adjust Temperature first. Between 4700K and 5500K is considered daylight in Cinema Pro (forget 6500K as you will crush it with amber). That’s at least how my eyes perceive it. If you pick lets say Strong/Blue100 look you will want to go to 7000K to neutralize it and then add some of A to make it shift from cold to warm look. Oh yeah it’s possible, so suddenly you just changed the bluest of the blue looks into yellow look.
2. Now you fiddle with AB/GM sliders for finer adjustments. AB will have more of an impact if you stick between 4700K-5500K but if you go below or over those Kelvins AB slider will get weaker. GM slider on the other hand will stay powerful and affect any highlight there is in an image.
3. Combine these two to completely alter any Look you pick.
*In order to follow the Looks description and how you could manipulate them, I will provide the links with video samples down below so you could watch them while reading the rest of the post.
WATCH 4K separate clips in order as described
WATCH 4K all the clips combined into one movie file following the order of description
(all files are in Rec2020 + eotf gamma 2.4 for better color representation but stripped of HDR)
Shot setup consists of warm neutral headphones, white coffee cup, glass of water to see highlights behavior and ugly yellow table and green trees. It's a shame I forgot to put red pack of cigarettes or something as reds are crazy different depending on the look you choose.
Soft/Yellow40 gain req: high contrast: lowest texture: softest grade: non-unifying offset: medium hdr: bright
This is the very interesting one and when combined with the right scene it can look marvelous. Soft look is your Orange & Teal go to look pretty much. It’s not very obvious but it’s not subtle either. One of the major traits of this look is really the softer image, not as sharp as let’s say Bright but because of that it mitigates artifacts quite nicely. Keep in mind that this look requires quite a gain so you will be boosting ISO until you reach the 0 in almost every situation. But because this looks require lots of additional stops it’s very grateful for bright environments. It has medium contrast but it can propel highlights quite high, things like neon signs look like glowing neon signs so it has a strong HDR effect which can clip easy. It doesn’t have unifying image trait, so if you are into color graded look this one will not offer that. That’s kind of a given considering it’s balancing out between orange and teal. If you want to unify it then your best bet is to shift it toward cool temperature or push A slider all the way to the left while introducing some magenta with M slider to the right. Soft/Yellow60 can’t completely switch from all blue to all yellow so it’s altering offset limit is medium.
Auto WB look for Soft/Yellow40 is quite decent but if you have some yellow patches, they will pick up some green tint. To remedy that just add some M like 1.x and add splash of Amber like 1.5 to 3 to be sure. If you want to cool down the image just drop Kelvins down or go crazy with B slider. On the other hand if you want to neutralize to get as close to white as possible you will need to add M1.5 or more together with cooler Kelvins. If you are shooting neutrals with this Look make sure you kill green cause it will overtake the whole image.
Where this Look kicks some major but is in a scene where you have brown wood veneer and blue/teal walls or panels. You will get an awesome O&T look out of it.

Opaque/Blue20/Yellow60 gain req: medium contrast: medium texture: sharp grade: unifying offset: medium hdr: medium
Another one that gets overlooked due to poor AUTO WB looks. When set to default WB it looks muddy and sepia like so most of us don’t know what to do with it. You will be shocked now if I tell you this should be your 2nd go to Look right after Bright. Yup, VENICE CS is not even in top two and I will elaborate why when we get to it. One thing to know in order to use this look you need to modify it from the get go. You need to kill that yellow and boost ISO for a stop or stop and half compared to Bright.
Opaque is great for skintones as they are easily adjusted with AB/GM sliders. Image is very creamy despite having enough clarity and medium contrast. If you underexpose you get some deeper contrast without ruining the creamy image. It’s great for shooting outdoor people gatherings, landscapes on a mute and cloudy day or any outdoor activity. Indoor is kind of tricky due to tungsten lighting but manageable although its not as appetizing as outdoor shots. Keep in mind when shooting at golden hour you will need deeper adjustments to get that sepia out and get the gold in. On any other condition it’s super easy to neutralize the image, you don’t have to push temperature nor sliders too far to get it just right. HDR effect is subtle and not over the top, proper medium and saturation is quite clever despite being a sepia preset. Colors are not muted by any means unless they have some brown in them. If you are a fan of grading I could assure you Opaque has quite unifying image effect no matter if you shoot warm, neutral or cold which is great. Transforming the look to complete cold or warm is tricky as it always keep that mud/sepia yellow in highlights.
To neutralize the look at daytime all you have to do is drop the temp around 4000K or push B slider to your liking. You can always do cold temperature to kill sepia and bring back some heat by pushing A slider. If you want to shoot gold tones then keep it around 5000K and adjust A to your liking while balancing GM.
This look produces super deep and rich reds, amazing reds. And if you combine that red with something beige or sand color like you will get a match made in heaven. Filming bars with brown furnishing packed with people is a treat as well. Shooting at night time in street lights is also a treat for this look.

Cool/Blue60 gain req: med to hi contrast: medium texture: sharp grade: very unifying offset: low hdr: medium
In a nutshell this is a faux bleach bypass or silver look if adjusted right. Together with Soft this has to be the most creative usage look offered. Unlike Soft this one is very easy to setup and results are sharp. At the first glance users might be confused what’s the difference between this one and Strong/BU100 as both look quite similar in Auto WB mode. But once you go out of auto look and start adjusting it soon you figure out that Cool/BU60 look has no vibrance and that’s what makes all the difference compared to all other looks. Gain adjustment to get to 0 is only like 1 stop compared to Bright or VENICE CS. Clarity is right on the par with others and contrast at proper sweet spot. HDR effect is tad bit mute but not by much and it works. And now if you ever wanted a look that makes the whole image like its graded as a whole, look no further (pun intended) than this one.
If you pay close attention, you can tell from the get go that this has silver look to it but it just needs to be released. Those familiar with bleach bypass look will know exactly what to expect from this one. If left in Auto WB you will get nothing but as soon as you dial A slider in more than a half you are waking it up slowly. If you want to get rid of the major blue cast you want to push temperature to 7000K and adjust sliders to your liking. If you drop the exposure, you will get that dramatic film look. Again, this look is quite easy to work with but it’s not flexible, don’t expect major transformations on the other end. It’s a one trick pony and it does that very well.
The best-case scenario for Cool is street photography with lots of metal on it. Cars, machines and silver or gray stuff blend in while human skin remain distinguishable. Interior shots are also great if you have to render a cold, clinical environment like office or a hospital or police station. It’s also your go to look if you want to make anticipation in the video.

Strong/Blue100 gain req: high contrast: low texture: soft grade: very unifying offset: highest hdr: bright
Turn day into a night and night into dusk. This is the most flexible look as it can get from one spectrum to the other without much casting. It’s not called strong for nothing; it really grades the whole image with a single hue. Despite being in your face it actually keeps the contrast on lower side which is very good as you can always dial it in with drop of exposure. Clipping in highlights can occur because of the nature it unifies the picture.
Because this look can go from cool to fire it can get neutral, although neutralizing it is not that simple affair as it’s with Opaque. Best way to get there is to adjust temperature. If hanging around neutral you will get image with blue cast over it. The way I see it this one is supposed to be opposite of Opaque while hitting harder. You might find some creative usage for this one if you want to go abstract and saturated. Similar to Soft look if you film contrast scene that has both cold and warm hues in it you will get that cross axis between the two and nothing in between.

Bright/Blue20/Yellow60 gain req: low contrast: highest texture: sharpest grade: non-unifying offset: low hdr: brightest
Your first go to profile when filming with Cinema Pro. It’s the closest one to Video Pro and closest one that looks like regular picture profile. If you are not looking for a creative look or any look in general this is it. It requires little to no gain adjustment which means it will not suffer from gain artifacts, it has the highest contrast and sharpest details for that mainstream image look (I do not count N/A as picture profile). But right now, there is a huge flaw that has to be addressed with this profile; it can’t capture pure reds no matter what. All reds are burgundy or violet unfortunately. But it nails down blues and teals like a pro.
On the other side it is super easy to balance out the image, its super easy to shift it to warm, cold, green or magenta. There is a quite big of a spread in temperature before image gets painted blue or yellow. It requires small nudges and results are visible right away. It plays well with the skin tones, no issues there. Where it excels is the HDR highlights. This profile kills it when there is shimmer in the view, metallics and all kinds of crazy and contrast stuff. HDR effect is exaggerated and it looks so oomph on a TV. Bright also nails down auto wb from the box so you can set it to auto and forget about it. Overall, it’s easiest to work with and sunny outdoors are a treat for the eyes. Usage of this profile equals that of Video Pro so you can use it anywhere you like. Video Pro is the direct competitor to this Look and while Video Pro can do saturated reds Bright/BU20/YE60 has a tad bit more organic feel despite being quite similar.
This is general purpose Look and being like that it doesn’t offer color grading effect nor it has any offset abilities of color transformation (unless you go completely blue 3200K or completely yellow 7500K).

VENICE CS gain req: low contrast: high texture: sharp grade: non-unifying offset: low hdr: bright
Default look and the one that’s most talked about and the one that most people use. First of all the look itself is fine but it is rather limited. It has nothing to do with Venice color science but it doesn’t have to honestly. It emulates log like image but without any flexibility of the log. It has very low ISO requirements and it’s the brightest look out of them all. Like mentioned above that makes it a go to look for low light shots. All other aspects of this look are almost on par with Bright look so I think these two go hand in hand when you want to lay off saturation and dial down blacks. In other words, don’t try to bring in VENICE CS footage into post to try to bring back vividness. It doesn’t work but that’s why there is Bright look for stuff like that. Unlike Bright look VENICE CS can capture red colors properly.
If you want to shoot haze, mist and other soft scenes VENICE CS is a dream. If you generally want to shoot relaxing stuff VENICE CS is the one to go for. Just don’t treat it as a log footage but rather as a looks footage. HDR is bright enough and it contains highlights really good. When it comes to exposure its quite flexible so margin of error is low.

Warm/Yellow80 gain req: medium contrast: high texture: sharp grade: most-unifying offset: lowest hdr: medium
This is supposed to be opposite of Cool, at least in theory. In reality we have a huge cast of orange and brown all over the screen. It’s really strong color cast and you can only manipulate it do a certain degree. It doesn’t require high ISO, it has deep contrast, good clarity and it contains highlights in HDR. On the artistic department there is vey little you can do with this. Cast is like three times stronger sepia of Opaque look. The only use case I found is when you want to turn something into golden look. Just like how Cool is silver look Warm is supposed to be gold look. But again, to my eyes it aligns more to Opaque deeper side than actual warm/gold. Shooting some neutral-colored scenery and cooling down the temperature below 4000K might give some artistic effect. This is a very limited look to play with.
There is nothing to say about N/A and Soft Monochrome except that you should never shoot in N/A it’s just horrible and if you want BW video you at least have an option.

So conclusion, Cinema Pro besides all of its shortcomings and some are pretty serious, has few features of brilliance that were never ever seen in any camera app third-party or OEM before and most likely we will never see those features again. Sony’s biggest sin with Cinema Pro is not omission of features but rather NOT improving up on what’s already in there. They just let it rot. I guess at one moment at it’s inception Cinema Pro had a great roadmap where it should go but then new management came in and shifted focus from cinema video to photography and v-logging.
Cinema Pro is dead, long live Cinema Pro. Go ahead and make some projects with it.
submitted by super_hot_juice to SonyXperia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:49 2old4ZisShit ISLE OF THE DEAD from 1993 is a game very few people talk about and most of them in a bad way, i just loved watching the incredibly violent and disgusting cartoony death animations in it.

ISLE OF THE DEAD from 1993 is a game very few people talk about and most of them in a bad way, i just loved watching the incredibly violent and disgusting cartoony death animations in it. submitted by 2old4ZisShit to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:03 FancyInvestment397 Cafe Casino – Expert Review 2024

Cafe Casino – Expert Review 2024
Café Casino was established in 2016 and is a great site for slot and table game enthusiasts. It does not offer a sportsbook or poker room, but there are plenty of options to keep gamblers entertained, including a live dealer platform. Deposit methods include cryptocurrency, credit cards, Match Pay, and wire transfers. One of the great things about Café Casino is the fast crypto payouts. I love that you can have your winnings within 15 minutes.
Cafe Casino
  • A large assortment of games
  • Fast payout speeds
  • Great bonuses and promotions
  • No sports betting or poker room options
  • 40x playthrough requirement on all deposit bonuses

Cafe Casino Key Details

Country Available: USA
Device Compatibility: Android, Apple, Windows & BlackBerry
Available Games: Blackjack, Slots, Craps, Baccarat, Roulette, Video Poker…
Casino: Yes
Sportsbook: No
License: Curacoa
Online Since: 2016
Min. Deposit: $10
Payout Speed: 1 Hour – 7 Days
>>> Get Welcome Bonus 250% up to $1,500
There are two welcome bonuses for new players. Crypto bankers can claim a 350% Match Bitcoin Welcome Bonus of up to $2,500. If you use a credit card for your first deposit, you can claim a 250% Match Credit Card Welcome Bonus of up to $1,500.
Café Casino stands out for its selection of Hot Drop Jackpots, progressive slots, bingo, and poker games. I also like the practice mode it offers for every game – except the live dealer games. The $1,000 fun money balance is an excellent way to familiarize yourself with a game before wagering.

Cafe Casino User Interface

My first impression of Café Casino is it’s a simple online casino without much fluff. Everything the site has to offer is viewable on the main page.
Café Casino has a clean, well-organized user interface. There’s not a discernible theme – but everything is easy to find. A search feature is at the top left of every page, and the live chat bubble is at the bottom right. Join and Login buttons are in the top fold, along with a drop-down menu with casino games, promotions, and banking methods.
There’s a slider menu with the casino’s promotions. Below that, there’s another menu with the casino’s game categories. A final menu resides at the bottom of the page with a Help Center and various technical things like terms and conditions. In between the menus are vibrant displays of casino games just waiting for you to play.
Notifications are found in your user profile under messages. You can also deposit or withdraw, see your transactions, and view your rewards in this area.

Games at Cafe Casino

There are 170+ casino games to play, with new titles added frequently. The largest concentration of games is slots, but there’s also a selection of blackjack, table games, video poker, specialty games, jackpot games – including Hot Drop titles, and a live dealer casino. Café Casino uses reputable software providers Rival and RealTime Gaming.
I found these popular titles:
  • American Jet Set
  • Tiki Tower
  • Reels of Fortune
  • A Night With Cleo
  • Golden Buffalo
  • 777 Deluxe
One of the things I think Café Casino does well is the free demo mode. Every game – except the live dealer casino – has a practice play feature with a fun money balance of $1,000. I personally love this feature for trying new games.
The games have a full description, including rules, how to play, a pay table, and customizable settings like volume control. Although you can’t mark games as favorites, it does keep track of the ones you play.
I am a huge fan of jackpot games, so I was happy to see at least 35 titles. I especially like that it’s not just slot jackpots but also has three poker titles and three bingo titles.


There are 130+ slot titles at Café Casino with fun features like free spins, scatters, wilds, and bonus rounds. I counted 29 progressive jackpots and seven Hot Drop Jackpot titles. Hot Drops are fun to play because the payouts are huge – I’m talking life-changing jackpots of over 100K.
Slot variations I found include:
  • 3-Reel
  • 5-Reel
  • Video Slots
  • 3D Slots
  • Progressive Jackpots
  • Hot Drop Jackpots


There are eight blackjack variations. No worries if you’re unsure how to play this classic 21-card game. Café Casino provides an overview with instructions, rules, and an explanation of what the various buttons do.
I sampled the following titles during my Café Casino review:

Table Games

There are 20 table games to play at Café Casino. This is where the poker games reside – there are seven titles. In addition to poker, you also have a choice of the following:
  • Baccarat
  • Roulette
  • Craps
  • Teen Patti
  • Andar Bahar
  • Lucky Wheel
  • Roll the Dice
All the games in the table category provide details on how to play, rules, how to win, and practice mode with a fun money balance of $1,000.
If you want a casino with a more comprehensive poker selection, including a designated poker room with bonuses and tournaments, BetOnline is a good choice.

Video Poker

I found eight video poker titles with instructions, rules, and a pay table. I used the practice mode feature on these six titles:

Specialty Games

I felt the specialty game category was worth mentioning for its bingo games. If bingo’s your thing, there are seven titles to entertain you, including three progressive titles. Fun features include turbo mode, bonus games, and the option to purchase additional numbers.
In addition to bingo, there’s one Keno game and an arcade game. If you’re looking for online scratch cards, Wild Casino has 14 in its specialty games collection.

Live Dealer

Café Casino’s Live Dealer streams live video and audio with a real-life dealer, so you feel like you’re in a retail casino. There’s also a live chat feature to communicate with the dealer.
The platform is open 24/7. All you need to do is take a seat at the table and make a wager. Table limits range from a $1 minimum to a $10,000 maximum bet. I appreciate the large betting range – whether your bankroll is small or large, anyone can play.
There are 40+ tables with the following games:
  • Roulette: American & European
  • Blackjack: Early Payout
  • Baccarat: Super 6

Bonuses & Promotions at Café Casino

The bonuses and promotions at Café Casino are decent. Overall, I give this area of the casino 4 out of 5 stars.
Here’s what I found:
  • Two welcome bonuses – one exclusively for bitcoin users
  • Mystery Reload Bonus – delivered to your account every Thursday, terms and conditions apply
  • Referral bonus
  • Café Casino rewards program with cashback on weekly losses
  • Exclusive perks for crypto players
The wager requirements for both welcome bonuses are 40x and all minimum deposits for bonuses are $20.
Here’s what you need to know:
  • Bonuses cannot be used toward Gold Rush Gus, Live Dealer games, Super Diamond Mine, ThunderCrash arcade game, and all Hot Drop Jackpots
  • Craps does not count toward wager requirements

Café Casino Welcome Bonuses

There are two Café Casino welcome bonuses, and they both provide a substantial boost to your bankroll.
  • 350% Match Bitcoin Welcome Bonus up to $2,500
  • 250% Match Credit Card Welcome Bonus up to $1,500

Café Casino does not require bonus codes.

$100 Referrals

Café Casino’s referral bonus nets you $100 in bonus cash for every friend who signs up and makes a deposit. If the referred friend makes their first deposit using Bitcoin, you receive an additional $25 for a total of $125 in bonus cash.
The great thing about this bonus is the unlimited referrals, which means you could build a substantial bankroll if your friends like playing online casino games. In order to use this bonus, you must make at least one deposit of $20.
Here’s how it works:
  • Log into your account, click on your profile button and select $100 Referrals from the menu
  • Copy the URL Café Casino provides and email it to your friends
  • After your friend joins and makes a minimum deposit of $20, $100 is added to your account
In order to withdraw the bonus funds, a 50x playthrough is required.

Cafe Casino Rewards

I was happy to see Cafe Casino automatically enrolls you in the Café Casino Perks rewards program when you activate your account. One less step toward earning a bankroll boost is a big plus in my opinion. Perk points are earned for each dollar wagered based on the chosen game type.
Let’s look at a few examples of how you can earn points:
  • Slots: 5 perk points per $1
  • Video Poker: 1 perk point per $1
  • Table Games: 1 perk point per $1
  • Specialty Games: 15 perk points per $1
I was thrilled to see the program includes additional weekly bonuses and exclusive promotional offers. You can also receive cashback on weekly losses. You can claim points as you play and accrue points just for playing your favorite games.
There’s also a Crypto Exclusive Perks program that rewards players who bank solely with crypto. In addition to the Café Casino Rewards, players receive additional benefits like weekly free spins and 15,000 perk points on weekly deposits.

Café Casino’s Banking Options

Café Casino banking methods include cryptocurrency, credit cards, Match Pay, player transfers, Check by Courier, and bank wire. Cryptocurrency offers the best value for both deposits and withdrawals. There are zero fees and payout times for most crypto methods are within an hour!
Match Pay is also great if you’re depositing and withdrawing less than $1,000. The payout time is instant – which is unusual in the online casino market. Match Pay options at Café Casino consist of PayPal, Zelle, and Venmo.
The charts below include everything you need to know about banking at Café Casino.

*Bank transfer fees were not available at the time of my review.

Café Casino Customer Support

Café Casino has three contact methods for customer support. I have to say, I was disappointed with the live chat feature. I asked a question about depositing with Litecoin and was directed to the Café Community because no agents were available to help me. Unfortunately, I did not find the answer I needed there either.
There is a Help Center with commonly asked questions and a video tutorial library if you need immediate assistance.
Live Chat: The live chat feature is found in the bottom right corner of the screen and appears as a purple conversation bubble.
Phone: Customer service is available 24/7 at 1-888-364-1850
Email: Email support is available through a contact form in the help section. Posted response times are 72 hours. In order to access this feature, you must select No at the end of a FAQ response. A prompt with an option to email then appears.

Safety & Security

Café Casino uses 256-bit encryption and SSL certification to keep your account and personal information safe and secure. It holds its license with Curacao eGaming and has been in business since 2016.
Casino games are provided by reputable software providers Rival and RealTime Gaming.

Mobile Experience

Café Casino is mobile-friendly and compatible with Android and iOS. There is no app to download. Instead, you simply type the URL into your phone or tablet’s browser, and the casino appears just as it does on a desktop.
Everything is exactly the same regardless of which device you are using. Café Casino is compatible with iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows.

Café Casino Final Verdict 4.5/5

I recommend Café Casino to anyone who enjoys playing online slots and table games. I love the variety of Hot Drop Jackpots and progressive jackpot games. I also enjoyed the casino game practice feature. Each game comes with a $1,000 play money balance. It’s a great way to test new games or give yourself a refresher on old favorites before wagering real money.
The best bonus is the 350% Match Bitcoin Welcome Bonus up to $2,500. Café Casino stands out for its instant payout options and unique offering of progressive bingo games.
The response time of the live chat customer service feature needs improvement, but overall Café Casino gets my stamp of approval.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to bestcasinosusa [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 14:13 ChopperRCRG 5 Years Ago Today, Katy Perry Released the Single Never Really Over

Cover Art to the Single \"Never Really Over\"
5 years ago on May 31st 2019 Katy Perry released the single “Never Really Over”. Aside from her Christmas song “Cozy Little Christmas”, “Never Really Over” was her first solo single since the Witness era. While marketed as a stand alone single, it would later serve as the opening track for the album “Smile”. The song debuted and peaked at a respectable 15th position on the Billboard Charts becoming her 19th song to reach the top 20. For reference, Swish Swish debuted and peaked at 46th.
The song uses Dangy’s “Love You Like That” as a blueprint and sample and gives the original writers credit, although the writers never met up in person with Perry. Writers on the song include Katy Perry, Gino Barletta, and Hayley Warner and producers Leah Haywood, Daniel James, and Zedd (Yes the track includes the Zedd signature clock ticking). I’m not great with defining pop, but would place this in the category of dance/synth pop.
The song received good reception from our ‘beloved’ Pitchfork recognizing it as a promising direction for Perry considering her best single since “Walking on Air”. Perry as well as her writers and producers received praise from other publications such as Variety, The Rolling Stone, The New York Times, and The Independent. The Lyricism and Vocals seem to me a common theme in critics praise.
Discussion Questions:
  1. If “Never Really Over” was released today as the lead single to KP6 what would the popheads comment section look like?
  2. Do you think “Smile” would have performed better had this been the official lead single?
  3. Does Never Really Over land on your top 5 Katy Perry Songs?
  4. What did you think of the video?
submitted by ChopperRCRG to popheads [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:04 FancyInvestment397 Bovada Review [Updated 2024]

Bovada Review [Updated 2024]
Bovada is one of the most popular gambling sites worldwide. It has entertained online gamblers in the US since 2011, and is best known for its casino and sportsbook betting. It also has a robust casino offering with one of the largest online live dealer lobbies around.
Bovada Review
  • Tiered Loyalty Rewards Program Redeemable for Cash Bonuses
  • Great Mobile Live Betting Interface
  • Excellent Prop Builder
  • Lack of Bonuses & Promotions for Returning Players
  • Free Withdrawals Only Available Every 90 Days
  • Demo Mode Not Available on all Games

Bovada Key Details

Country Available: USA
Device Compatibility: Android, Apple & Windows
Available Games: Blackjack, Video Poker, Slots, Roulette, Live Dealer, Craps…
Casino: Yes
Sportsbook: Yes
License: Curaçao
Online Since: 2011
Min. Deposit: $10
Payout Speed: 1 hour – 15 Business Days
>>> Get Welcome Bonus 125% up to $3,750
Overall, Bovada has a lot going for it, but one of the things I love most is it has a welcome bonus for all the main attractions hence, no matter which part of the site you use, a bonus awaits. For example, the Welcome Bonus can be used anywhere — in the sportsbook, racebook, or the casino. And, it’s an enticing offer for the casual gambler, it features a 50% match up to $250 with low wager requirements of 5x Sports, 5x Horses, and 30x Casino.
One of the many things that makes Bovada stand out is its Zone Poker feature. It makes the best use of your time by automatically placing you in another game after you fold instead of waiting for the next hand. Now that’s what I call poker efficiency!

Bovada User Interface

Bovada has an easy-to-use interface with a modern sports theme. My first impression vof Bovada is that the organization of the site is well done. For instance, the five main categories — Sports, Casino, Live Dealer, Poker, and Horses are displayed prominently at the top of the screen. Additionally, the navigation menus are across the top of the home page, in a drop-down menu on the right, and in the footer. Search features are readily available for each casino and sportsbook category.
Bovada Interface
TIP: You can be in the sportsbook and play mini-casino games while you wager on your favorite teams. A pop-up box allows you to play casino titles while remaining in the sportsbook.
The help section provides lots of information, but support methods like email and live chat are hard to find. For instance, after clicking on a help topic, a prompt asking if you found what you need appears. If you select NO, a box appears with email and live chat contacts. The user experience would be better if Bovada made the support options easier to find. Another user feature Bovada lacks is the ability to store or mark favorite games for the casino and a place to store live bets.

Bovada Sportsbook

Bovada has live betting, and you can also bet on all the major sports and sporting events, plus an array of niche sports like darts, cycling, and virtual sports. The sportsbook also has political, entertainment, e-sports, and motorsports betting options.
Bovada Sportsbook
There are dozens of sports to choose from, and the popularity of a given sport depends on the time of the year. The most popular sports during their respective regular seasons are baseball, basketball, and American football.
The prop builder and bet slip help you keep tabs on your wagers. You can also customize the calendar feature to see what is currently live, what is available in the next three or six hours, and what is available tomorrow. There were no contests available at the time of my review. However, there are two sportsbook bonuses. You can use them exclusively for sports or combine them with the casino or racebook.
Right now at the Bovada sportsbook, you can play their free Football Runner Game. Players get points by collecting as many crypto coins as they can while running and jumping over obstacles. The more points you score, the higher you progress up the leaderboard. You can win free crypto, free spins, free bets, and the first-place winner each week will receive an $800 Prezzee gift voucher. Entering is free, you simply need to sign up and make at least one deposit. Leaderboards are refreshed each week, so get in on the action during NFL season!

Available Sports to Bet on at Bovada

Bovada has a large selection of sports betting options. As a matter of fact, the site is excellent for a variety of sports, and it has competitive odds. For instance, these betting markets include:

Bovada Betting Types

I found the following bets and limits at Bovada. The betting types are typical of other online sportsbooks like BetUS and BetOnline. Here is a comprehensive overview of what is currently available.
Limits can double for elite games
5 innings for MLB

Live Betting Options at Bovada

Bovada also features live betting options for those who like to make decisions during the game. All the current events, the scenarios you can bet on, and the odds display on the screen in real-time.
Live betting odds change in real-time, so if you see something you want to bet on, click it and place your wager quickly. Odds can change in a few seconds.
You can add single bets or multiples to the bet slip before confirming. It is a neat feature and allows you to place exotic/multiples. If combining bets to make a parlay, you can get much bigger payouts, but your chances of winning decrease dramatically. You can also place multiple wagers as single bets.
Bovada does not have the option to watch live games at this time.

Bovada Casino

Bovada has 150+ casino games. You can play slots, Hot Drop Jackpots, blackjack, roulette, baccarat, poker, video poker, bingo, craps, and there is a live dealer platform. Popular game titles at Bovada include:
  • Classic Blackjack
  • Golden Buffalo
  • Reels and Wheels XL
  • Golden Buffalo Hot Drop Jackpots
  • 777 Deluxe
  • Blackjack Early Payout
  • 10 Times Vegas
  • Blackjack
  • American Roulette
  • Year of the Rabbit
  • Mythic Wolf
  • A Night With Cleo
Hot Drop Jackpots are progressive jackpot slot games with huge payouts. They are rare – not every online casino offers them, and they have hourly, daily, and super jackpots with a $300,000 payout. One of the great features of Hot Drops titles is the handy countdown timer that tells you when the next jackpot will drop.
The casino uses well-known software providers Rival Gaming, RealTime Gaming, and Revolver Gaming. A brief overview of the game, how to play, rules, wagers, and also pay tables are viewable by clicking on the game. I like that it keeps track of games you play, but a favorites’ marker would be even better.
Bovada has a few unique titles that can be hard to find at other online casinos. During my review, I found the following games:
  • Andar Bahar
  • Teen Patti
  • Pai Gow


There are 130+ slot titles from software provider Rival Gaming. Many games have free spins, scatter symbols, wilds, and also jackpots. Variations include:
  • Three-reel
  • Five-reel
  • I-slots
  • Progressive jackpots
  • 3D slots
777 Deluxe is a jackpot slot with five reels and three pay lines. One of the features I like about this title is it has a bonus game. To access the bonus game, you need three bonus symbols. Bonus games are fun because they give you an extra chance to pad your bankroll.
One of the other slot titles I tried is 10 Times Vegas. The design is a classic slot game with three reels and three pay lines. I chose it because the idea of winning a large jackpot is exciting. However, I found the gameplay and graphics to be bland. If you like the classic look, then you may enjoy it. But if you’re looking for something more engaging, I suggest trying something like Golden Buffalo Hot Drop Jackpots. It has six reels and four pay lines and features more opportunities to win with multipliers and bonus symbols that can trigger up to 100 free spins.

Table Games

The table game selection at Bovada is impressive compared to other online casinos. I especially like that both welcome bonuses include all the table games except craps. Incidentally, craps are hard to find at online casinos, so Bovada gets extra points for having the title available.
Surprisingly I found 19 table game variations with instructional guides. Bovada has a great selection of table games compared to other online casinos. In addition to classic table games like roulette, baccarat, craps, and poker titles, Bovada also has the following:


I found seven blackjack titles during my Bovada review. There were no specific blackjack bonuses, but there is a comprehensive guide for each title with details on how to play, rules, pay tables, and a glossary. Blackjack is extremely popular among players, accounting for nearly a third of the casino’s total handle.
I tried these popular blackjack games during my review. I especially like the layout Bovada uses. For instance, everything is easily accessible, and the buttons and features are well organized.
  • Classic Blackjack
  • Zappit Blackjack
  • European Blackjack
  • Perfect Pairs

Video Poker

You can choose between four casino welcome bonuses to play the eight video poker games. Each game features instructions, rules, and also pay tables. If you’re new to video poker, the instructional guides are a tremendous help for learning how to play.
I sampled the following 1-hand and 10-hand games:
  • Bonus Deuces Wild 1 Hand
  • Double Double Bonus Poker 1 Hand
  • Jacks or Better 1 Hand
  • Joker Poker 10 Hand

Live Dealer

If you are craving social interaction, Bovada does that too. The casino has a live dealer lobby that is open 24/7 with table limits ranging between $1-$3,000 — so there is literally a budget for every type of player. At the time of my review, there were no eligible bonuses for the live dealer platform. However, Bovada has one of the largest live dealer platforms I have seen when conducting online reviews. There are 40+ tables where you can take a seat!
Here is an overview of what the live dealer platform offers:
  • 32 Blackjack Tables – Table Limits Range Between $5 – $10,000
  • Five American and European RouletteTables – Table Limits Range Between $1-$3,000
  • Two Baccarat Tables – Table Limits Range Between $5-$2,500
  • Two Super 6 Tables – Table Limits Range Between $5-$2,500
There are dozens of live dealer tables to choose from, but Bovada members love their blackjack tables the most. It is the most popular live dealer game among players at this casino.

Bovada Poker Room

One of the things Bovada is known for is its poker room. There are six poker tournament options, a poker welcome bonus for new players, and also stakes to fit all sizes of bankrolls. What is more, you can even download poker for Mac and Windows.
The poker room is compatible with iOS and Android. In fact all you need to do is use the mobile browser on your smart device, and you are ready to play mobile poker.

Above all, Bovada has some excellent tools to help keep your poker game at optimal levels. I found these special features during my review:
  • Chat feature with emojis
  • All-in percentage feature
  • Select your card design
  • Customize your table theme
  • Change seat positions
  • View hole cards from previous hands
  • Instant Heads-Up Rematch
  • Single session player notes
  • Rabbit Cam
  • Hand history re-player

Types of Poker Games

Texas Hold ‘Em, Omaha, and Omaha Hi/Lo are available in the poker room and have the following betting structures:
  • No-Limit
  • Pot-Limit
  • Fixed Limit
Tip: Select Quick Seat Poker after choosing your poker game to be seated at the next available cash game table.

Poker Tournaments

There are six poker tournament categories at Bovada with hundreds of options for tournament play, including a 150K Guaranteed Poker Tournament and a 100K Guaranteed High Roller Tournament every Sunday.

In summary, here is a sample of the many poker tournaments available:

Zone Poker

After you fold, you automatically move to another table with new hole cards. It allows you to play twice as many hands in the same time. Bovada allows two Zone Poker tables to be in play simultaneously.

Jackpot Sit & Go

The Jackpot Sit & Go tournament is ideal for poker players who are short on time and have a low overall buy-in limit. The format is three-player Texas Hold ‘Em, and buy-ins range from $2-$100.
Each player starts with 300 chips. The tournament is available 24/7, and you can play up to four games.

Knockout Tournaments

When you eliminate someone from a Knockout Tournament, their purse credits to your account. Additionally, there are three types of Knockout Tournaments at Bovada:
  • $5 Knockout Tournaments
  • Knockout Sit & Go Tournaments
  • Progressive Knockout Tournaments

Bovada Bonuses and Promotions

Bovada has a great selection of bonuses and promotions, catering to sportsbook, casino and also poker players. Additionally, there is special bonuses for crypto users. One of the things I especially love are the low rollover requirements for the bonuses. Hence this means you have a chance at cashing in at Bovada, even as a casual player or someone with a limited bankroll.

Bovada Sportsbook and Casino Welcome Bonuses

Sportsbook bonuses at Bovada include the choice between two welcome bonuses. Both options apply to the sportsbook, racebook, and casino.

50% up to $250 Sports Welcome Bonus

When you deposit a minimum of $20, you can claim 50% up to $250 of your initial sportsbook deposit. This bonus has just a 5x rollover—one of the lowest on the market. Hence, this is perfect if you are a casual player hoping to get in on the bonus action. Bovada is also offering players a bonus offer of up to $1,000 if they use the promo code BV1000.

75% up to $750 Bitcoin Sports Bonus

If you are a sports fan who likes to use crypto, this bonus is for you. With this offer, you can claim up to 75% of your first Bitcoin deposit up to $750. It also has a 5x rollover—making it easy to cash in.

100% up to $3,000 Casino Deposit Bonus

Casino players can claim 100% up to $1,000 on their first three deposits! To reach the $3,000 total, you must first match a 25x rollover for each deposit. At any rate, this rollover is higher than the sportsbook, but is lower than most competitors for casino bonuses.
To claim on your first deposit, use bonus code: CAWELCOME100. Then, to claim on the following two deposits, use bonus code: BV2NDCWB.

125% up to $3,750 Casino Bitcoin Welcome Bonus

Once again, if you like crypto, Bovada has an even higher offer. You can claim 125% up to $1,250 for each of your first three Bitcoin casino deposits for a grand total of $3,750. However, there is a 25x rollover to claim this as well. Use BTCCWB1250 to activate your first deposit, and then use BTC2NDCWB for the second and third deposits.

100% up to $500 Poker Welcome Bonus

Card sharks can cash in on a 100% up to $500 welcome bonus for the Bovada poker room. To claim this bonus, make a $20 minimum deposit and enter this bonus code: PWB500. The welcome bonus then releases in $5 increments for every 150 poker reward points you earn.

Refer a Friend Promotion

If you refer a friend to Bovada, and they make a deposit, you can earn a 200% match bonus of up to $200. Rollover requirements are as follows for the promotions:
  • 5x Sports
  • 5x Horses
  • 30x Casino
  • 30x Poker
To redeem, the referral must have a successful deposit of at least $20. If the referred person uses cryptocurrency to make their first deposit, you are eligible for an additional $75. However, the crypto rollovers are slightly less for the poker room and casino.
  • 5x Sports
  • 5x Horses
  • 25x Casino
  • 25x Poker

Bovada Loyalty Program

The Bovada Loyalty program assigns points for making sports bets, participating in poker games and tournaments, racebook betting, and playing casino games. The tiered loyalty club points are redeemable for cash bonuses and range from 1–60 points for every dollar spent. Of course, point assignments differ according to the game played, or the wager made.

Mobile Gaming at Bovada

Bovada is compatible with both iOS and Android devices. But a download is not required. Instead, a reliable internet connection is all you need, and you can access the site directly through the browser on your phone.

When I tested Bovada on my smartphone, the pages loaded quickly, and the game selection and sportsbook features were exactly as the desktop version. I especially like the way the live betting section of the sportsbook looked on my phone. Everything was easy to digest even though it’s on a smaller screen. I was also thrilled to see that all of the casino games and the live dealer casino were available for mobile.
Additionally, I was pleasantly surprised to learn all of Bovada’s poker features are available on mobile. You have full access to all of Bovada’s cash poker games, and you can also access the Zone Poker feature—which means you can play games like Texas Hold’Em and Omaha Hi/Lo on your phone. However, I think the thing I like the most about Bovada’s mobile version is you can play poker tournaments. These include the one-table and multi-table tournaments and the series tournaments like Jackpot Sit & Go’s and the Super Millions Poker Open.

How to Download the Bovada App

If you’re looking for instructions on how to download the Bovada online app, we’ve got you covered. As you’ll see in a moment, it’s very simple to get started.
Unlike some other online casinos, the Bovada app doesn’t actually require a download. Instead, it’s all web-based. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry if you’ve got enough space on your smartphone or tablet for the software.
To begin using the Bovada app, simply visit the main Bovada website on your web browser. Once there, you’ll be able to open an account and make your initial deposit. Once those steps are done, you’ll be ready to start betting on sports and online casino games from the palm of your hand using a tablet or smartphone. One of the other perks of the Bovada online app not requiring a download is it makes it practically universal across device brands and types. No matter if you’re using the Bovada iPhone app or the Bovada Android app, you should be able to enjoy everything Bovada has to offer as long as your device isn’t more than a few years old.

Bovada Banking Options

Banking methods at Bovada include credit cards, cryptocurrency, digital wallets, player transfers, vouchers, Check by Courier, Match Pay, bank wire, and Zelle. Accordingly, the deposit and withdrawal fees vary. For instance, the first credit card deposit is free, but subsequent fees are 15.9% or more, depending on the card. Vouchers, cryptocurrency, and player transfers are the only banking methods with zero fees.
Cryptocurrency banking is free and fast. Deposits are available almost instantly, and withdrawals are available within 1-24 hours. Bitcoin is the most popular crypto option, with over 90% of crypto members choosing it as their payment method.
Payout times also vary greatly depending on the method you use. Times can range from 1 hour up to 15 days. For example, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, Ethereum, USD Tether, and Litecoin payouts are in your account within one hour after approval. In contrast, check by courier and wire transfer payouts take 10-15 business days. If you use a voucher, there is a 24-hour processing time before you receive your code.

Bovada Customer Support

Bovada has a live chat feature, email, and a help center. The help center is a great tool for finding quick answers, but if you cannot find what you are looking for or need more details—the fastest method is live chat. Email responses take up to 48 hours.
I used the chat feature to ask a question about the live dealer platform and then received a prompt reply. But the chat and email support options are not easy to find. They are in the help center. To access it, select a topic and scroll to the bottom of the page. Finally, you will see a prompt that says, did you find what you were looking for? Then, if you select No, email and live chat support appear.
  • Live chat is the quickest way to contact Bovada. To use the chat feature, you must visit the help center, select any question, and scroll to the bottom. Reply No to “Did you find what you were looking for?” A contact box appears with a chat and email instructions.
  • Emails can be sent to and are answered within 48 hours.
  • The help center features many topics. It also has how-to videos and a Bovada Community where you can share feedback and interact with fellow Bovada users.

Safety & Security at Bovada

Bovada is a safe and secure site. It has been online since 2011 and has reputable software providers with years of casino gaming experience.
  • Bovada uses SSL encryption to protect sensitive data.
  • Its license is with the Curacao Gaming Authority.
  • It uses Know Your Customer policies (KYC) to verify account information.
The KYC practice ensures account validity and helps prevent others from accessing your account and banking credentials. The process requires you to answer security questions and receive a confirmation email.

Final Verdict

Bovada is a diverse site with something for every type of gambler. I love the poker room tournament options, the casinos progressive jackpot selection, and the live betting in the sportsbook. Above all, Bovada has hard-to-find titles like Teen Patti and Craps.
The Sports Welcome Bonus is excellent for people that like variety without over-extending their bankroll. Its a 50% match up to $250 and is also available in the sportsbook, on the horses, or in the casino.
Bonuses for returning players and the navigation for customer support need to be improved, but overall, Bovada is a great entertainment platform.
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