Crossroads quotes from the bible

The Simpsons on Reddit! Woo-hoo!

2010.02.08 18:26 roger_ The Simpsons on Reddit! Woo-hoo!

Simpsons TV Show. The /TheSimpsons subreddit is fan base of redditors who love The Simpsons. The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield and parodies American culture, society and television.

2018.09.08 02:34 Duder963 The best quotes from the digital age

A community dedicated to showcasing the most powerful, inspiring, or otherwise impactful quotes from social media. Or any other modern media. We don't judge.

2017.09.06 20:16 doyouthinkimcute IceTSeentSomeShit

These are all ~~real~~ quotes from the show

2024.06.02 02:21 TheRefinedHellionPC [TOMT] Generic zombie movie with black detective and rookie and a crazy religious bald guy

The movie opens up with from what I remember being a crime scene with I think an ambulance where two guys are talking about someone contracting the black plague after getting cut on some bones, then the guy they were talking about gets up in his stretcher and it cuts to black after the two that were talking see the guy has turned into a zombie. Then I remember it following a black detective and his partner meeting up with a rookie as they're about to escort a prisoner who looks and kind of sounds like Nick from L4D2 with fuzzy hair who I think the rookie cop wants to let die once the zombies start showing up, and the black detectives' partner, who dies I think about 3/4's into the movie, was named Dragon. Then I remember there being a scene where there is a train that stops somehwere, for some reason a cop and I think a military guy get into a scuffle where they end up shooting a rail car containing green gas which releases it and causes an outbreak. There was also a bald guy in a bunch of scenes doing his own thing where I guess some nuns locked him up, he got out, and starts killing zombies starting with one of the nuns who becomes a zombie right in front of him while he's repeating bible quotes. There was also some focus on a zombie in a hazmat suit, and lastly there was a scene near the end of the movie where there was a bunch of zombies laying down on a flat area with I think an explanation that they had to lay in the sun to warm up because of being dead or something like that.
lol I remember basically everything about this movie but the title and it irritates me, so any help is appreciated.
submitted by TheRefinedHellionPC to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:05 The_Sunhunter The Mythology of the Eikons #9: Leviathan

Leviathan, the Eikon of Water concept art
Leviathan, the lost Eikon of Water, has finally been found! After months of waiting, the Rising Tide downloadable content (DLC) has been released and with it, I am once again rambling about the mythological, religious, and cultural inspirations behind the Eikons of Final Fantasy XVI. If you would like to check out any of my previous posts on the subject of Eikons, you can find them here:

1.) Phoenix

2.) Ifrit

3.) Shiva

4.) Ramuh

5.) Garuda

6.) Titan

7.) Bahamut

8.) Odin

As I’ve said in the past, if you feel that I may have said something wrong, or if you would like to add to what information I have provided; by all means please do so. I absolutely welcome the discussion.
The sea serpent Leviathan, like most of the Eikons, has been a staple of the Final Fantasy series since its introduction as one of the original summons#Summon_Magic) from 1990’s Final Fantasy III. While modern usage of the terms “leviathan” and “behemoth” are often used to denote something large and imposing, these words actually originate as the names of two creatures from the Tanakh (or Hebrew Bible). According to the verses 40:15-41:34 in the Book of Job, Leviathan and Behemoth are two gigantic and nigh indestructible animals born around the same time as the creation of the first two humans Adam and Eve, with Behemoth residing over the wilderness east of the Garden of Eden called Duidain and Leviathan bound to the watery Abyss) as stated in verses 60:7-10 in the apocryphal Book of Enoch. While the term abyss may bring to mind the idea of a bottomless hole or even an underworld such as the Greek Hades, Hebrew Sheol, or Christian Hell; the Septuagint, the earliest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, often uses the term abyss to instead refer to deep bodies of water. In fact, Abyss is the translated noun for the Hebrew Tehom, or the “deep” primordial waters from which the god Yahweh formed the world after the creation of light as stated by the verses 1:2-10 in the Book of Genesis; which is but one example of the cosmic ocean motif, whereby existence is conceptualized as originating from a watery void. I find it very interesting then that the Abyss is referenced several times in the Rising Tide DLC, such as in the name of Leviathan’s Eikonic ability Abyssal Tear; the Motes of Water adage “Know that even should you walk Abyss, our hands will guide you home” from the Minwu Arm Ring description; or the description of the Radiant Tidestrike weapon that says “Surge did the tide, the water rising as if it were some mighty whale stranding itself upon the shore. Behold, the Devourer of Worlds. The beast within whose foul belly our hopes are carried unto the Abyss. - Eikonomachy - Book of Currents 15:40-41”.
From the aforementioned verses of the diegetic Book of Currents, as well as one of the Active Time Lore Entries for Leviathan that states “Old writings clearly speak of Dominants past summoning great whale-like creatures capable of swallowing entire cities…”; we can possibly see a reference to Leviathan) swallowing the protagonist Firion and his allies on their way to the Mysidian Tower in Final Fantasy II. However, I would suggest that these quotes go further than mere references to past games and are actually an allusion to the parable of Jonah surviving in the belly of a whale from the eponymous Book of Jonah. For those unfamiliar with the story, the Hebrew prophet Jonah was tasked by God to preach on His behalf to the citizenry of Nineveh in the Neo-Assyrian Empire. Jonah instead refuses the call, and attempts to sail across the sea to Tarshish. On the journey, Jonah and the sailors he is accompanied by are caught in a huge storm, and believing that Jonah’s dismissal of God is the cause, the sailors thus throw him overboard. God then sends a whale to swallow Jonah, with the intention of preventing the Israelite from drowning. Miraculously surviving in the whale’s stomach for 3 days, Jonah vows to do God’s bidding and is thus safely returned to shore, whereby he travels to Nineveh and beseeches the citizens to renounce their wicked ways, lest they be visited by calamity. This story is meant to illustrate that Yahweh is a merciful god who allows for second chances, giving not only Jonah, but also the Ninevites the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and redirect their course of actions.
With this parable in mind, I would like to mention that in 1949, literary professor Joseph Campbell published “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”; a work of comparative mythology in which he proposed his idea of the Monomyth (later called the Hero’s Journey). Campbell’s theory of the Monomyth posits that while most narratives involving a heroic protagonist may have differing contents, these stories also typically follow a similar pattern; that being a three-act structure comprised of 17 subset stages. One such stage in Campbell’s model is the Belly of the Whale (sometimes also referred to as the Abyss), one of the literally or figuratively lowest points in the story for the protagonist in which the hero must engage in introspection and commence a process of self-transformation if they are to be equipped to finish their journey. This stage acts as a symbolic death and rebirth for the protagonist, with some Christians even interpreting Jonah’s story as actually being an allegory for Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection.
A prime example of this stage can be seen in Carlo Collodi’s 1883 novel “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, whereby the eponymous puppet Pinocchio and his creator Geppetto are swallowed by the Terrible Dogfish; with the typically irresponsible and selfish Pinocchio instead performing a self-sacrificial act in order to save his “father”, which he is thus rewarded for by being brought back to life as a human by the Fairy with Turquoise Hair. Viewing the Pinnochio narrative as an example of a more modern mythical epic, Thomas J. Morrissey and Richard Wunderlich state in “Death and Rebirth in Pinocchio”; “Gods can die and be reborn, or rise from the dead. Such mythological events probably imitate the annual cycle of vegetative birth, death, and renascence, and they often serve as paradigms for the frequent symbolic deaths and rebirths encountered in literature. Two such symbolic renderings are most prominent: re-emergence from a journey to hell and rebirth through metamorphosis. Journeys to the underworld [Katabasis] are a common feature of Eurasian literary epics: Gilgamesh, Odysseus, Aeneas, and Dante all benefit from the knowledge and power they put on after such descents. Rebirth through metamorphosis, on the other hand, is a motif generally consigned to fantasy or speculative literature… These two figurative manifestations of the death-rebirth trope are rarely combined; however, Carlo Collodi’s great fantasy-epic, The Adventures of Pinocchio, is a work in which a hero experiences symbolic death and rebirth through both infernal descent and metamorphosis”. We as the player also experience this Belly of the Whale stage in Final Fantasy XVI, when our heroes Clive Rosfield and Jill Warwick confront the Dominant of Darkness Barnabas Tharmr on the seafloor of the sundered Naldia Narrow, appropriately labeled as the Abyss, whereby Clive is soundly defeated by Barnabas for a second time. Fleeing their assailant, Clive and Jill consummate their love for one another on the shore of Ash, with Clive acquiring a portion of the Eikon Shiva’s powers from Jill so that he may finally triumph over Barnabas in a battle of physical prowess and ideals; proving to the false prophet and his God that compassion and the desire for freedom will always overcome any adversity.
With all this talk of whales, I should mention that from the descriptions as given in the Book of Job, Behemoth sounds to resemble that of a large ox or hippopotamus, while Leviathan is suggested as being similar to that of the tanninim) or “great whales” mentioned several times in the Hebrew Bible. In fact, Islamic folklore has its own variant of this terrestrial and aquatic duo, that being the large bull Kujata and the even larger whale Bahamut; as outlined by the medieval cosmographer Zakariya al-Qazwini in his seminal work “The Wonders of Creation”. Even though I am going to hazard a guess that the name of the Kuza Beast), a variant of the Behemoth enemy in several Final Fantasy games, is named after Kujata; it is quite obvious on the other hand that the draconic Eikon Bahamut borrows its name from the Islamic whale of the same name as well as the dragon god Bahamut) from the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. While the Book of Job describes Leviathan as being a whale or even a crocodile as suggested by a footnote in the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, verse 27:1 in the Book of Isaiah instead equates Leviathan to a sea serpent or dragon, with the Book of Job description also making it a point to mention Leviathan’s fearsome fiery breath. Given its status as a tutelary god for the Japanese-inspired nation of Wutai in Final Fantasy VII, it could be argued that Leviathan in the Final Fantasy series also shares similarities with Eastern dragons, such as the Chinese Lóng or Japanese Ryū; beneficent, serpentine deities of water and rain.
It is presumed that the figure and name of Leviathan actually originates from the older Canaanite sea monster Lôtān, whose name in the Ugaritic language meant “coiled” and was given the epithets “the fugitive serpent” or “the wriggling serpent”. In the first two tablets of the fragmentary Ugaritic Baal Cycle text, the storm god Baal (Lord) Hadad engages in a feud with the deification of the sea Yammu) to succeed their father El) as the ruler of the gods. At some point in this first chapter of the Baal Cycle, Hadad strikes down the seven-headed serpent Lôtān, who given the missing pieces of the text, could either be a servant of or another name for Yammu, with it also being believed that the monster was a zoomorphic representation of the Lebanese Litani River. Why I bring this up is to illustrate that Hadad’s defeat of Lôtān is but one example of the Chaoskampf mytheme, a pattern found in numerous Indo-European mythologies whereby a younger storm god or culture hero representing order and human civilization slays an ancient serpent or dragon associated with water that represents primordial chaos); perhaps a sentiment held by early agricultural riverine civilizations wishing to triumph over the constant and often devastating threat of floods.
One of the oldest examples of this mytheme is that of the Mesopotamian god Marduk’s dismemberment of Tiamat. According to the Babylonian Enūma Eliš, in the beginning there existed only Tiamat, the female personification of salt water; and Abzu, the male personification of fresh water. From the union of the two primeval waters sprang forth the first generation of gods called the Anunnaki. One such god, Enki (or Ea) would capture and kill Abzu after he plotted to kill his children due to the commotion they were causing. Enraged by Enki’s actions, Tiamat gave birth to eleven monstrous children to wage war against the gods along with her new consort Kingu, who possessed the Tablet of Destinies); the mark of divine rule. Marduk, the son of Enki, challenged Tiamat and her monsters, eventually slaying his opponents with lightning and storm winds. Defeated, Tiamat’s body was sliced in twain, with the two halves becoming the sky and earth. From an earlier promise made with the Anunnaki and the Igigi (lesser gods) as well as the acquisition of the Tablet of Destinies from the beaten Kingu, Marduk was made king of the gods; later mixing the blood of Kingu with clay to also become the creator of mankind.
Through the lens of the Chaoskampf mytheme, we can start to see connections between Tiamat’s dismemberment, the defeat of the multi-headed Lôtān, and Leviathan form. The non-canonical Book of Enoch actually specifies that the land-dwelling Behemoth is male, while the aquatic Leviathan is female; possibly creating an inadvertent association between Leviathan and the sea goddess and mother of monsters Tiamat. This may also be why Leviathan’s Chronolith Trial is named the Hand of Tethys. While still following the moons of Saturn naming convention, it is very fitting that the trial is also named after the Greek Tethys); wife of the world-encompassing river Oceanus and mother to the male river gods and female water nymphs called the Potamoi and Oceanids, respectively. Furthering the connections to Tiamat and Lôtān, several accounts in the Hebrew Bible describe Yawheh triumphing over the forces of the sea, such as in Isaiah 51:9-10 “Awake, awake, arm of the Lord, clothe yourself with strength! Awake, as in days gone by, as in generations of old. Was it not you who cut Rahab) to pieces, who pierced that monster through? Was it not you who dried up the sea, the waters of the great deep, who made a road in the depths of the sea so that the redeemed may cross over?” and Job 26:12-13 “By his power he churned up the sea; by his wisdom he cut Rahab to pieces. By his breath the skies became fair; his hand pierced the gliding serpent”. It is believed that Rahab, while occasionally used as a flowery term for Egypt or arrogance, was also a sea serpent either comparable to or synonymous with Leviathan. While Leviathan’s death at the hands of Yahweh in Isaiah 27:1 is viewed as a metaphor for the enemies of Israel who will submit to the Hebrew God, the Chaoskampf and the connection with the Canaanite Lôtān is further shown in verse 74:14 from the Book of Psalms, which says “Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness”; which is where the name of the trophy for beating Leviathan on Final Fantasy mode, Thou Brakest the Head, comes from.
Along with the account of Leviathan’s death in Psalms 74:12, several other Jewish sources, such as the Second Book of Esdras 6:47-52, the Apocalypse of Baruch 29:4, and the Bava Batra tractate in the Talmud state that Yahweh will slay Leviathan and Behemoth so that their flesh shall be given as food and shelter to the righteous during the End of Days and the Messianic Age. This may explain why the Behemoth King in FFXVI has several attacks referencing Christian eschatology from the Book of Revelation, such as the Four Horsemen; personifications of War, Conquest, Famine, and Death that herald the Last Judgment; and the Apocalypse, another term for a revelation which has since become synonymous with a cataclysmic end-time event, like the battle at Armageddon for instance. Leviathan and Behemoth’s statuses as eventual sacrifices is very similar to the role that Leviathan and its Dominant unfortunately play in Final Fantasy XVI.
Both DLCs, the Echoes of the Fallen and the Rising Tide, deal with themes of rectifying the sins of the past; whereby the Fallen and the Motes of Water engaged in questionable behavior in an attempt to create their own Mothercrystals to disastrous effect. The Motes of Water, a central focus of the Rising Tide, are a tribe originating from the southern coast of the continent of Ash and hosts to the Dominants of the Eikon Leviathan. After the loss of their Mothercrystal Drake’s Horn, the tribe migrated across the twin continent of Storm; where they were mercilessly persecuted by several groups, particularly the Greagorian faithful of the burgeoning Holy Empire of Sanbreque, causing the tribe and their Eikon to become “lost” to history. Due to their nomadic nature as well as Sanbreque’s similarities with the Roman and Holy Roman Empires, one could say that the Motes of Water mirror the Jewish Diaspora (exile) and transformation of the faith after the Roman Empire’s siege on Jerusalem) and the destruction of the Second Temple during the First Jewish-Roman War; or perhaps one could say the tribe is treated in a similar fashion to the oft demonized itinerant Romani people of eastern Europe. Either way, the Motes of Water are meant to represent the “Other”; ostracized outsiders to the customs of Storm who hid themselves away from the rest of the world to avoid further religious persecution.
After finding sanctuary in the northern territory of Mysidia, the Motes of Water tried to create for themselves a new Mothercrystal to replace the Northern Territories’ own shattered Mothercrystal called Drake’s Eye. The story of the Motes of Water is one of loss and a constant fight to carve out a place in the world to call their own, so it is no surprise then that they wished to regain something taken away from them so many years ago. However, the tribe would engage in a terrible act, enraging their Eikon Leviathan that laid dormant within the infant Dominant Waljas, and freeze both the baby and the Eikon in time to essentially act as an aether battery. Unsuccessful in turning Waljas into the heart of a Mothercrystal, all the tribe achieved was robbing the poor baby of its life and autonomy, imprisoning the Dominant and the tidal wave it summoned in that moment where the tribe’s greatest sin occurred for 80 years.
This frozen tsunami, dubbed the Surge, is not only a monument to the tribe’s greatest shame, but is also a constant looming threat over the tribe’s village of Haven; a reminder to never again engage in such a transgression, lest they be met with watery doom. This mirrors not only Jonah preaching to the Ninevites to change their ways, but also God’s warnings against individuals sacrificing children to Moloch in the Book of Leviticus 20:2-5. In fact, as ProfNoctis suggests in his video “Final Fantasy XVI Lecture Stream: The Mythos of Leviathan Part 2”; Leviathan and the Surge are symbols of human and divine regret, with Ultima, the creator of mankind and the Mothercrystals, referring to Leviathan as its “most profaned fragment”; due to the Eikon being rested from its creator’s control and the act of creating a man-made Mothercrystal being a repeat of the Fallen’s blasphemous attempts at attaining godhood during the War of the Magi and the Sins of Dzemekys, flagrant displays of mankind’s development of free will which is anathema to Ultima’s collective identity.
As a symbol of divine regret, the Surge could be seen as a parallel to the Flood from the Book of Genesis. Deluge or flood myths are motifs that can often be found amongst cultures residing near the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, and Persian Gulf such as Egypt, Greece, and Israel; with these stories usually recounting a tale in which a deity or deities summon a world-wide flood as a form of divine retribution. One of the earliest examples is the Mesopotamian Epic of Atra-Hasis, in which mankind was created by the gods to act as servants and laborers. However, due to overpopulation, the storm god Enlil seeks to reduce their numbers by bringing forth a great flood. Enki, seen as a benefactor of mankind, warns the human Atra-Hasis about the flood, telling him to build a boat to protect himself, his family, and his livestock from the deluge. After seven days, the waters recede and Enki and Enlil agree on other means of maintaining the human population. This story is also thought to have been later adapted in Tablet XI of the Epic of Gilgamesh, where the survivor of the flood is renamed Utnapishtim; though both the Atra-Hasis and Gilgamesh flood accounts seem to originate from an even older source called the Eridu Genesis. Similarly, the Greeks also had a deluge myth, as outlined in the Roman poet Ovid’s Metamorphoses, where Deucalion, the human son of the divine Prometheus, is warned by his father to build a chest for himself and his wife Pyrrha to escape a gigantic flood that the storm god Zeus plans to bring forth as a response to the insufficient offering given to him by Lycaon), the king of Arcadia); with the pair washing up on Mount Parnassus nine days after the storm.
There are several theories, such as the Black Sea Deluge Hypothesis, that propose that the ancient Middle East did indeed experience a large flood at some point in the very distant past. Given that flood myths are thus believed to have originated from Mesopotamia, it should come as no surprise that the Hebrew flood narrative bears similarities to the previously discussed deluge myths as well. According to chapters 6-9 in the Book of Genesis, God grows increasingly distraught over the wicked nature of the humans descended from Adam and Eve and their inadvertent creation of sin, and so decides to reset creation to a state of watery chaos. God warns one of the few moral men, the Antediluvian patriarch named Noah, about His plan to flood the world and instructs him to build an ark to house himself, his family, and two of each animal to be the first creatures to inhabit the new world. After the firmament breaks forth and floods the world for 40 days, Noah’s Ark washes up on Mount Ararat. Noah then builds an altar, with God forming a covenant with Noah whereby He declares to never again summon a flood to devastate the world. As Genesis 9:9-17 states, this promise between Noah and God is commemorated by the rainbow, a symbol of peace; which as ProfNoctis points out, also appears once Clive saves Waljas.
Through a certain perspective, the Flood could be seen as a sort of baptism, a spiritual cleansing of the world through physical water. Baptism is considered one of the 7 sacraments of the Christian Catholic denomination; a rite of initiation whereby the individual joining the faith is either submerged in or sprinkled with water three times, representing the purification of sin and the grace given by the Holy Trinity. This is not unlike the Rite of Immersion that the infant Waljas is granted at the conclusion of the Rising Tide DLC; a ceremony for all babies born into the Motes of Water in which the initiate is sprinkled with mountainous rain water from Maiden’s March, river water from Riversmeet, and sea water from Tailwind Bay. The water used in this rite is used as a metaphor for life’s journey, likened by the tribe to that of a river, with this revealing that the Motes of Water hold a very cyclical view of life in a similar fashion to the Buddhist beliefs in reincarnation or the Lifestream from Final Fantasy VII. As the descriptions for the 3 kinds of water used in the ceremony state; “The rain that falls upon the mountains of Mysidia emerges in the springs of Maiden’s March. Thus the water collected from said springs represents birth-the fountainhead from which the river of life begins”, “In the Riversmeet valley, several tributaries merge into a single stream, where clear currents and roiling eddies swim side by side. Its water represents life-a course complete with myriad meanderings, yet one that runs inexorably from source to sea”, and “The Mysidian river empties into the ocean amid the shallows of Tailwind Bay, and thus its water represents death-the stillness that lies beyond the end of the river of life, and from whence the raindrops are born anew”. In fact, the symbol for the village of Haven is meant to be the combination of Leviathan’s scales and the river called the Ceaseless Rill, “...the circle of life that has neither beginning nor end”, not unlike the serpentine symbol of the Ouroboros. I would thus argue that not only does Leviathan represent regret and retribution, but also the chaotic journey of life.
If it’s not already apparent, I find Leviathan to be very interesting. I want to thank you all for sticking around and reading the whole thing, as I know this was a lot. If you would like to check out some more information about Leviathan, I would recommend checking out the videos “Leviathan of Final Fantasy VS the Leviathan of the Bible - FF16 The Rising Tide” by Country Kratos and “A Brief History of Final Fantasy Summons Final Fantasy Lore” by Alleyway Jack.
With the conclusion of both DLCs, Clive and by extension the player, is granted one additional Eikonic power. As such, I am actually going to do one more essay, which I will post next week. I hope you look forward to it and thank you again for reading this. Have a fantastic day!

submitted by The_Sunhunter to FFXVI [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 00:04 YamWorth2734 Theory

I have a theory that the people who post tons of inspirational or self help or bible quotes struggle the most with mental health issues.
I recently unfollowed a yoga teacher whose classes I used to take. She has always posted the most ridiculous woowoo BS about “mental health,” nutrition, and loving your body. She’s admitted to having an eating disorder in the past. But when I was taking yoga from her, she always had a very toned but healthy body, a ton of muscle and a normal amount of fat. Her BS posts about ‘loving your body’ have increased as of late, along with a corresponding rapid decrease in her weight. And she now looks like LKS but with more muscle.
There are other people who post self help crap constantly and I swear they do it because they suffer from debilitating mental health issues and low self esteem. Do they think posting this stuff is going to magically cure them?
I think mentally stable people don’t post like this on Instagram. Thoughts?
submitted by YamWorth2734 to laurenkaysims_snark [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:19 ds-10- My testimony to the TRUTH of the World...

Hello my name is Damian.
All my life I have pondered on why the world is the way that it is. Why evil seems to prevail in this world. Why people are called 'Great' for being conquerors and killing people. Out of everyone in history there hasn't been anyone like Jesus Christ. In 3 years of ministry with no army, spreading love has left such a massive impact 2000 years later. To me this proves his divinity. I truly believe in my heart that Jesus is God and the Son of Man. I am willing to die for this message. I have had 6 encounters with God now. He has revealed the secrets of the universe to me and confirmed my already existing suspicions of this world. I do not want any glory for my self, all glory to the one and true God Jesus. I am just simply relaying the infinite wisdom he has given me - but all glory comes from him. I am a mere mortal Human like yourselves. After what I experienced and have been told and the love I experienced and that engulfed my spirit. I know for my self, I just want to spread this to as many people as possible. Because Jesus loves every single one of us, he really does. He told me. However, we do also have free will and that plays a massive part in life. If you choose to live your entire life apart of him and you don't even dedicate 1 second of your time to get to know him - how can then you turn around and say "Father you have forsaken me" when something bad happens in your life? Imagine you are a father and you are responsible for a child's life. Now lets say that child grows up and chooses to disregard you as a teacher and chooses to never listen to you. Now lets say your child gets him self in some trouble. Can that child now turn around to the Father and say "This is because of you" or should that child take accountability? He chose to live his life outside the teachings of his father and got himself in the mess he got himself into. Regardless the Father still loves the child and can't stop loving him despite the fact the child does not listen. That is us and God. He still loves you even when you are sinning but he hopes you find the light. Just as the father of the child prays to see the day his child does well and succeeds and becomes a full grown well taught and well behaved functional member of society and adult. That can look after him self and others around him. God is everywhere around us, he sees everything. My human mind cannot begin to comprehend and articulate the greatness of God. I could wake up and talk about it and go to sleep and wake up and repeat and to the day i get old and grey I still will have words to say, and i would never run out of words. God is the word of life. To quote the scriptures John 1:1 - In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. He really is the word of life and this elaborates on his infinite greatness. God wants you to find him and he hopes the best for you - he wants you to eat among him in the kingdom of Heaven. The question is are you willing to let him in? What is the number one persecuted religion in the world? Christianity. The one religion that gets openly mocked, everyone feels disheartened by but nothing is done about. This proves it is the truth to be a Christian means to follow God and the teachings of God. Accept Jesus as the Son of Man and let the truth set you free. Amen. No other religion gets so criticized as much as us by Hollywood, media and music industry etc. Street preachers will be attacked on streets for spreading the good news of the Gospel in a 'FREE COUNTRY'? Do we have freedom? or is freedom just an illusion and a tactic of Satan, he made us all think freedom is money when in reality freedom is God. Take a look at Lil Nas X, Sam Smith, these are humiliation rituals taking part and they are openly mocking us now... They worship Ba'al as mentioned in Romans 11:4, Numbers 25:3 and Judges 2:11. Why are they doing this? Let me explain. They want to reject the one true God because they want to be God's themselves, they see them selves as icons and idols. They want worship of the people and we are giving them that. All the glory they want is from the people. I have seen heavenly things now personally so no earthly things could make me reject Jesus Christ. They want you all to think we are more advanced than what we are - this is a hard truth pill to swallow i am aware. But Jesus said in Matthew 11:15 - "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." So those who are willing to accept the truth. Note, this will disrupt the whole fundamental belief you was told to believe in and your reality will be shook. We have been brainwashed since school since kids we was told we live on a sphere, most of us grew up in Christian countries and they never put any emphasis on the Bible they just dismissed the teachings of it and replaced it with science. Who you going to trust the almighty all knowing God or a human prone to error. They hide the truth away from you. The Flat Earthers are correct the world is Flat, not because they are wise and they figured it out and we are all stupid. Everyone knew the world is flat since existence the concept of a spheroid Earth is a relatively new idea. The bible confirms this is true there are only 3 dimensions, Heaven, Earth and Hell. Even the concept of 3D they stole of the bible and tried making it their own. The bible gives you answers about life, Science just creates more questions not answers. Lets further dive into this so you know i am speaking of the truth, lets talk moon landing. The great deceptions to fool many due to a space race with the USSR, USSR sent the first satellite into space 'apparently'. America caught winds of this and thought how can we top them up and assert our dominance, we send people to the moon. People that believe that we have been to the moon you are greatly lost and i hope you find Christ and welcome him. Notice how when the USSR dissolved and countries became independent and Russia wasn't seen as a great threat no more as the ideology of Capitalism won against Socialism, we haven't been so eager to get ourselves back there... I wonder why that enthusiasm has burnt away? After all, i thought space is the final frontier? With the technology we had back then do you guys think this is possible? According to their own science it contradicts everything they said that the vacuum of space has so much radiation, that i am struggling to believe that a normal not even specialized for the event camera was abled to take photos on the moon and return back home with clear images... The Earth is flat and the moon and Son is within the firmament. I know the first human emotion of someone reading this is going to be that is a big bombshell. Now lets look into the deeper reason why that is, you have been programed to be hostile to the idea of any other theory besides the one you have been taught in school and subscribed to without knowing. And your first instinct when you hear a view as such is to say to the person 'you are stupid' and laugh at them because you think they didn't listen in school or they are slow. In reality they are the ones who are wise because they seen what the Earth is with their own eyes and made their decision on that. Lets have a look what the famous band had to say in the song 'Califiornication' by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. "The sun may rise in the East, at least it settled in a final location, it understood that Hollywood sells Californication." Now lets really analyze what was the authors intended message of this song, as everything is ambiguous and open to interpretation by others, however, the author always has an intended message. What can the Sun be looked as. God. So if you replace Sun with God, God raises us and he understood that Hollywood sells Californication. Now what is Californication? That is the fairytale that came from Hollywood, California - the AI dream all you guys are eating up. "Space may be the final frontier, but it is made in a Hollywood basement." Now what is a final frontier? It is the final and most biggest achievement for humanity. This is just a illusion sold to you by the devil for your soul and money. You can try discredit this particular group as conspiracy theorist or maybe look to the possibility they got given everything they wanted the money and they still wasn't happy, they was around all the wealthiest and most powerful people in Hollywood, just as i trust the eye-witness testimony of the disciples. So do i trust the subliminal eye-witness account secretly contained in this song. I can imagine he saw a lot of shady stuff going on in Hollywood that really troubled his soul. You don't have to look far to know Hollywood is a dark and evil place. Think R Kelly, Drake and Diddy to name a few but i could go on more. It is evil. Do not wish to be a part of that table, as thy not know what they are wishing for. The is a reason so many celebrities are leaving that place... Lets talk about Michael Jackson, a gifted and talented individual who the world once loved. He spoke out about the dark side of Hollywood and they killed him. You would think they would stop there... No they made allegations of him being a pedophile despite the fact that he is dead and cannot defend himself. Whether you believe in God or not, ask your self is this just. Now whenever i mention him people mock his name, yet he is not here to defend himself. These people are evil. As said in Isaiah 5:20 - Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil." bless him father. Lets talk some more about Ba'al the false deity of the rich and powerful. Jeremiah 19:5 says "They have built the high places of Ba'al to burn thier children in the fire as offerings to Ba'al - something i did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind." Bohemian Grove is a great example to strengthen this point. Isn't it strange that the top 0.1% of the most elite bankers and politicians gather together and dress as druids and offer burnt sacrifices to an owl God. In form of 'Prop' children. Everyone disregarded this as pure non-sense and conspiracy. Then Alex Jones of InfoWars infiltrated this event taking place and publicized it to many millions. It was news for some time and people know vaguely about it but the world swiftly moved on. In a free country he has been completely silenced by the Government. Even the US constitution that can't be changed was changed for that man. As the freedom of speech is a right given to all Americans. Why silence him? Because he spoke great truths that is the thing. Athletes who are spotted drinking partying with girls get spoken more about than this happening with the 0.1%. It is very sad how ignorant we all are... We indulge of the distractions of life too much to realize the truth is in front of us. They are dropping us hints and we still obey them like sheep. Whilst we are distracted with football, cars, material things of this Earth. They are dressing up as druids and laughing at us and how easy it is to deceive the world. As the colosseums were built as a tactic to not lose power and control and distract people from the issues at hand, so are they doing with football stadiums around the world. Ryan Garcia speaks openly about God and Hollywood and they are not trying to portray to the masses he is having a mental breakdown. They are scared of you o' father Jesus. Now lets talk Baalenciaga, every materials girl and boy most favorite 'devil worshipping' brand. The 2022 ad campaign featuring children holding teddy bears dressed in "Bondage". If you were to look into this and see that this is a ritual they are doing, study the photos and look at the hints and symbolism of it all, you will see how twisted they are. Are we really going to let them defile our children like this and do nothing about it? We are really enabling and allowing these scumbags to do this to us and our children... God bless all those children affected o'Lord. In regards to this matter. It was news for a week now it has been forgotten about and everyone still wears the brand now. Whilst we are busy distracted there doing this to our own people, orchestrating their evil plans. You might have read now and you might be thinking to yourself, but why that is the purpose of all this deception. Money. Money is the root of all evil. They want you to worship money and in return they also take your soul. Nasa the biggest space program in the world with annual budgets of $25.4 billion in 2023 and $24billion in 2024. And international space program being worth 447 billion dollars in 2022. This explains the collective deception and the argument why so many would be in on it. Here you go. Money. As said in 1 Timothy 6:10 - "For the love of money is the root of evil.". If you were to ponder for a long time you will realize as all roads in Europe lead to Rome. Anything you can think of evil is money related. People will kill for money, betray one another, because of lack of money the demons will tempt you to steal and get from other to benefit yourself. Money is evil and is the root for all our problems. Lets stop worshipping a piece of paper, a note that is a ledger that tells you that Government has gave this note this much value and worshipping the one true God Jesus Christ, o' Father put glory on your name, amen. Paper will not defeat us as people. If we all raise we all have a chance. Enough is enough, the world was made for all of us not them. Lets take back what is ours from them. Draw Jesus in closer and he will draw in closer to you. There is a reason there was film made called 'Don't look up' because if you did you will see all the angels in their glory. The time has commeth, the son of man will be back soon amen. Lets have a further look into Nasa for the non-believers of my testimony. Nasa in Hebrew means 'Nasha' or 'Naw-saw' it means to lead astray or delude/deceive. What does being lead astray mean "to be lead away from the correct path or direction." This is hidden in plain sight, only those with a deep consciousness can see these things, those who don't see these things have been swallowed up by the Earth and material things of the Earth. They are mocking us. The founder of Nasa 'Werner Von Braun' 1912-1977, guess what he got made to be put on his gravestone... Psalm 19:1, now what does Psalm 19:1 tell us "The heavens declare glory of God; the skies proclaimed the work of his hands." Guilty conscious? Maybe he was mislead, only God will know. What I do know is even he knew the truth. Lets not let them win guys. God has personally told me he loves us all; however, we do have free will. He can't decide what you do with your life. What was written has to be fulfilled; if you like this idea or not. It is the reality Amen, i do not seek any glory of the people as the only glory i seek is from the one true God. I am just speaking of what i know and what God has educated me on. It is not too late to get good with God, he loves you. He will always be there for you. Are you going to stand on the side of Evil or the side of the Light with God. I know what path i am personally choosing. They can build bunkers, you can't run away from the wraith of God, as Jesus drank the cup that the father gave him. So shall a lot of you people too. As mentioned in Isiah 2:19. You are smart Satan, but I a meer mortal like my self figured out your entire plan before the father even confirmed this to be truth. Shame on you. You will never be like my almighty power God, Jesus Christ. Trust his plans guys. God is Good and God is Great. What has been written has to come true. I have nothing to gain from this personally but I just hope this reaches a lot of peoples hearts... I hope you guys let him in. He is a jealous God, he is like a father to you all, of course he is upset when he is seeing his children going astray and living a life of Sin. Even if i see one person in Heaven that has read this and believed in the one true God. I will be the happiest man alive. I am just a witness of that light. May we give Glory and peace to the one and only true son of Man, and lets all be eternally thankful and grateful for the amazing life he gave us. If you break everything down, when you are on your deathbed, money is the last thing that will be on your mind, it will be the experiences, friends and family you will be thinking off and all these experiences are only made possible through God. Heaven is real you will see your loved ones again, i promise you. Believe. This is my testimony. I have so much proof and further evidence. Check my Tik Tok d.0113 for videos proving God performing miracles that can't be explained by Science. And if any of you feel lost in this world - just know i felt that too. If anyone needs a friend to speak to i am always here to help, just as is God. God can help you will a lot than I, however, i will do my best. God bless you all brothers and sisters, I once hated you all, now i love you all because God loves you all. Amen.
submitted by ds-10- to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:30 ses1 Do Late Accounts and No Eyewitnesses Justify Doubting The Historical Authenticity of People & Events?

Is one justified in rejecting the historicity of the life of Jesus if there are no eyewitnesses to Him and His life, and the accounts are decades after He lived? Is this the standard that historians use? Or is it a double standard?
The Strange Case of Hieronymus of Cardia
Hieronymus [356–323 BC] is not a household name, but among historians he’s known for several things. He was an eyewitness to the campaigns of Alexander the Great, but he lived to the age of 104 — long enough to record the first battle between a Roman army and a Hellenistic kingdom. He was a friend and confidant of kings and commanders during the chaotic aftermath of Alexander the Great’s death. He was a military governor in Greece. Furthermore, he managed the asphalt industry on the Dead Sea.
Above all, he is regarded as a key source for many of the most of the history of the years 320–270 BCE. He’s also a prime authority for Plutarch’s famous biographies of Eumenes, Demetrius Poliorcetes, and Pyrrhus. In fact, he’s often cited as the first Greek to write about the rise of Rome.
On the other hand, Dionysius Halicarnassus — writing during the reign of Augustus — called him “a historian no one bothers to finish.” He’s everywhere without being personally a key historical figure.
The bit about him being 104 at the age of his death comes from another author whose work is also lost: Agatharcides of Cnidus who lived roughly sometime in the later 2d century BC — born probably three generations after Hieronymus’ death. We know he discussed Hieronymus because he, in turn, is quoted by Lucian of Samosata (~ 125–180 CE) — about 300 years after Agatharcides and over 400 from Hieronymus.
The oldest surviving work that refers to Hieronymus by name is that of “a certain person named Moschion” who probably would have lived a bit before Agatharcides, writing in Sicily — 750 miles or more from where Hieronymus lived and worked and maybe 75 years after his death. The only thing we know about Moschion is the handful of his pages quoted by Athenaeus, about 450 years after Hieronymus.
There’s no reference to Hieronymus in any Latin source, despite his reputation as an early reporter of Rome. The reference to him being the first Greek to write about Rome comes from Dionysius of Halicarnassus, writing about 250 years after Hieronymus’ death.
Key biographical details — his relationship with Eumenes, his work for the Antigonid dynasty, and his governorship — only show up in Plutarch, 350 years after Hieronymus’ day.
The history for which he is famous is lost; it exists only in paraphrases or name-checks by later writers. Although there are several facts attributed to him, there is no verbatim quote of anything the wrote. It’s a commonplace among historians that Hieronymus is the main source for much of what is interesting and detailed in the work of Diodorus of Sicily, who wrote 200 years or more after Hieronymus’ death.
Diodorus tends to be somewhat wordy and diffuse, but when he covers the age of Hieronymus he suddenly becomes more detail oriented, has interesting anecdotes, and provides reasonable numbers; this is all assumed to come from Hieronymus. However, although Diodorus does refer to Hieronymus (for example, he tells the story of Diodorus’ job in the asphalt bureau in book 19) he never explicitly quotes him. The common assumption is that big chunks of books 18–20 are basically plagiarized from Hieronymus — but naturally, Diodorus doesn’t tell us this himself.
He’s not quoted by Polybius, whose account overlapped with events he wrote about. His most industrious recyclers are Diodorus and Dionysius during the transition from Roman republic to Roman empire (~200 - 250 years), and then Appian and Plutarch in the second century CE (~ 350 - 400 years).
It’s worth pointing out that not only is he not attested very close to his own lifetime — neither are many of the sources which refer to him. Agatharcides for example has no contemporary mentions — he’s cited by Diodorus, and by early Roman-era writers but none closer to him than a couple of generations.
Diodorus, too, is not referred to by his contemporaries — we have to guess when he died from the contents of his book, which does not refer to any event later than around 32 BC. At least his book survives him — about a third of it, anyway. The last complete copy was destroyed during the Turkish sack of Constantinople. There is no evidence for him that does not come from his own writings, and the oldest explicit quotation from him is from Athenaeus in the latter half of the second century CE, over 200 years from his own time.
Of the people mentioned in this piece by name Plutarch, Appian, Athenaeus, and — of course — emperor Augustus are attested by contemporary sources and known by any other means than their own writings. Only Augustus and Plutarch are known from physical objects (the latter from a single inscription). There is an inscription from Diodorus’ hometown in the name of a Diodorus; we have no way of knowing if it’s the same Diodorus and it offers no clue to the date.
This is how a fairly famous person — a widely cited author, diplomat, and friend of kings — fares in the sources. Hieronymus of Cardia is a figure who is completely familiar to ancient historians; if anything they are often over-eager to spot traces of him — he is almost universally assumed to be the source of most of the interesting and detailed bits of Diodorus and Dionysius in the the era of Alexander’s successors. He routinely shows up in any discussion of the early historiography of Rome.
But he does not pass the contemporary mention test by a country mile.
The implication:
Therre are no eyewitness account for the life of Hieronymus of Cardia and no contemporary accounts of him either, yet historians have no doubt or minimal doubt that he existed.
But maybe is just an outlier, surely this is just an anomaly, an exception, an oddity....
What about other well known people from history, they certainly are much more documented than people from Bible, right?
Spartacus 103–71 BC
The story of a slave turned gladiator turned revolutionary has been told and retold many times in media. Although a well-known and much-admired historical figure, Spartacus does not actually have any surviving contemporary records of his life. His enduring fame is in part due to the heroic visage crafted by a priestess of Dionysus, who was also his lover.
The story is mentioned in Plutarch’s biography of Crassus, the wealthy Roman who ultimately put down the uprising led by Spartacus. Parallel Lives was a collection of 48 biographies of prominent historical figures written by the Greek historian in the second century AD. Another major source of information about Spartacus came from another Greek, Appian, writing around a century after the events.
Hannibal born in 247 B.C
Despite how well-known his great deeds as a general are, there are no surviving firsthand accounts of Hannibal - or indeed Carthage at all. The closest thing to a primary source for the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage is the account written by the Greek historian Polybius around a century later
The historian was alive for the third and final Punic conflict and spoke to survivors of the second war, but obviously did not meet Hannibal himself.
Another major ancient source, which drew on other works from the time that are now lost, was by the Roman historian Livy. The History of Rome was written in the first century AD, but only part of the 142-book collection remains. While not considered as objective as Polybius and far removed from the events, Livy’s work fills in a lot of the gaps.
Alexander the Great 356 - 323 BC
At its peak, his empire stretched from the Balkans to the Indus River. Countless pages have been written of his deeds, but almost all were done long after his was dead
Our only knowledge comes from the much later works that drew on those long-lost pages. Perhaps the most valuable of all was the tome written by his general Ptolemy, who would later found his own great empire. One of the very few written records that survive from Alexander’s time is an incredibly brief mention of his passing in a small clay tablet of Babylonian astronomical reports.
William Wallace 1270 - 1305 AD
The screenplay for the 1995 film Braveheart occasionally drew upon a poem written by a monk known as Blind Harry in the 15th century.
Because Harry's romanticized account was penned more than 150 years after the Scottish hero was tried and executed at the behest of Edward I, it’s not exactly going to be a reliable telling of the tale. One of the few contemporary records comes from a single English chronicle that doesn’t try to be objective: …a certain Scot, by name William Wallace, an outcast from pity, a robber, a sacrilegious man, an incendiary and a homicide, a man more cruel than the cruelty of Herod, and more insane than the fury of Nero…
The passage details an unflattering description of the Scottish defeat at Falkirk in 1298, where Wallace apparently fled the scene before being captured. The time between the loss and his later apprehension was spent in mainland Europe, attempting to raise support for his cause. We know this because one of only two surviving documents personally attached to Wallace is a letter written on his behalf by the King of France to the Pope
Attila the Hun (c. 406-453 AD) was one of late antiquity’s most notorious figures, a brutal conqueror who ransacked the weakened Roman Empire.
Little is actually known of the Huns, as they left little evidence behind, and the few contemporary accounts that remain are from sources not disposed to view them favorably. The surviving fragments of a history of Rome written by Ammianus Marcellinus depict a backward, savage people of unknown origin.
As for Attila himself, much of his early life is the subject of speculation from later authors. Jordanes, a 6th-century Eastern Roman historian, wrote a second hand account as he drew upon the work of Priscus, a fellow Eastern Roman who actually met Attila. Unfortunately, only a few scraps of Priscus’s work remain.
So it seems that historians have no problem in taking as historical, people and events are much less evidence than what the Bible contains.
If anyone uses the "The gospels are not eyewitness accounts" argument to dismiss the Gospels as history, commits the double standard logical fallacy
Objection A - But Jesus is said to be God and rose from the dead. That's a major difference between all these other historical figures
Reply: So, your real objection has to do with the metaphysical implications of saying the Jesus rose from the dead, not the hidtorical nature of the account. That is beyond the scope of this argument.
However, I invite you to read why Philosophical Naturalism [the idea that only the physical exists] is logically self-refuting and why there is evidence for God
Objection B - The eyewitness stuff is important with the Gospels because there is a massive difference between 'I lived with Jesus for a few weeks after he died' and 'I heard others lived with Jesus for a few weeks after he died.
Reply: But the "eyewitness stuff" is apparently not impoertant - see nthe above for how many people/events are considered historical sans eyewitness account. The take Luke, for example, said the he investigated everything from the beginning and wrote an orderly account. This sems to be in line with what other ancient historians did, like Herodotus, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, Lucian - There is overwhelming evidence for the existence of Jesus of the Bible in ancient non-Christian sources
EDIT: Thesis is my negative answer to the title.
submitted by ses1 to DebateAChristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 16:24 Comfortable-Oil1581 June 1, 2024

Lord, Salamat :)
Naglalakas ako ng loob ngayon ipaalala sa sarili na matuto tayong maniwala na darating din ang mga tamang opportunities, sa tamang panahon. Na sa mga bagong pagkataon, na maari natin mabigay ang pagpili maniwala sa buti ng bawat isa. Mga bagong leksyon, mga bagong mission. Pero ngayon, mas mananalig maniwala na hindi tayo nagiisa :)
Hindi ko alam bat naguguilty ako ngayon alam kong may bago na kong work. Hindi naman sa masyado akong tough sa sarili ko, pero gusto ko lang ipaalala sa sarili ko. Let’s fucking believe na deserve naten ang chance na itama ang buhay naten.
Gagalingan ko maging Tatay sa pamilya ko. Mabuting asawa, at may paninidigan na tapat na ama. I want to live this life truthfully and guided by the beliefs and values that I am really honest with myself
Quoting and singing this from K. Dot, PgLang, Kung Fu Kenny, Mr. Morale! Kendrick Llmar’s Bitch, Don’t Kill My Vibe)
I am a sinner who’s probably gonna sin again (Lord, forgive me) 🎶
Sorry can’t contain this feeling. Gusto ko lang maparamdam sa lahat ng mga taong naguguility or in any form of crossroads sa buhay. Laban tayo men and women. Sana kahit sa isang bagay, magkaisa tayo lahat,and yun yung maniwala na habang kaya pa, ilaban naten
Lets all choose to be good!
Magandang gabi sainyo lahat at thank you binasa mo ang LFG moment ng buhay ko
submitted by Comfortable-Oil1581 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:36 cookie_queen2002 Update on the Appanage and Patronages of the Danish Royal Family

This week the Danish Royal Family finalized two important things that would be important for King Frederik and Queen Mary, as well as the former monarch Margrethe. This include the funding they will receive as well as the patronages they will still hold. I will be including links directly to the danish news sites I got my information from as well as the danish royal families website.
On Thursday, the danish parliament adopted a new budget for the royal house.
The total appange for the entire family has now been increased from 121.4 million danish kroner to 143.8 million danish kroner.
The government also takes over the maintenance of internal portions of the castles which previously was maintained by the appanage of the monarch. Previously, the government only maintained the external portions of the castle. However, the government does not yet know how much this will cost.
Fred will receive 122.9 million Kroner a year. Margrethe will now receive 12 million Kroner a year.
Christian will start to receive 7 million kroner a year when he establishes his own household of which 3 million Kroner will come from the state and 4 million kroner will be taken from Frederik's appanage.
The appanage of Princess Benedikte and Prince Joachim stays the same. Princess Marie receives no separate income from the state.
Lastly, the government will give a one off sum of 30 million kroner to offset the deficits incurred by the royal family in the last few years. And Frederik will not pay inheritance tax on any of the private properties of the monarch.
Note: This is not mentioned in the articled but Mary is entitled to a portion of Fred's income as his wife. I am not sure the exact percentage.
A poll was conducted by on the issue which can be accessed below:
The number of patronages in the royal house reduced from 258 to 140.
The patronages are also now time limited and will run for 5 years after which the organizations can re-apply for a royal patron.
King Frederik will take over 14 patronages from Queen Margrethe and retains 8 of his previous patronages.
Quote from the article:
"These include the American-Scandinavian Foundation, the Bible Society, the Danish Sports Association, the House of Greenland, the Royal Danish Geographical Society, the Royal Danish Society of Sciences, the Nordic Association and the Association for the Education of Apprentices. Frederik also retains eight of his previous patronages, including Copenhagen Boys' Choir, State of Green and Red Cross."
Queen Mary will take over 3 patronages from Margrethe and has added 2 more patronages to her list. She also will maintain her 16 patronages.
Queen Margrethe will only maintain 20 out of her previous 81 patronages.
Princess Benedikte will maintain the same number of patronages she had before. Princess Marie gained 3 patronages.
Now according to a user from theroyalforums (archduchesszelia, not sourced from any of the articles below) who has been keeping track, this is a summary of what was changed:
QMII went from 72 to 20 patronages.
Frederik went from 32 to 27.
Mary went from 32 to 24.
Marie went from 15 to 18.
Joachim went from 41 to 23.
Link to the forum post:
submitted by cookie_queen2002 to RoyalsGossip [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 10:10 Everettluoma27 From here to Armageddon (continuation)

(Hatonn here describes in 1991 how it will be. I suggest ghat it dexcribes today how it is. Everything is marked including us.)
I have been asked time and again about the connections and if, in fact, there are connections regarding the 666 symbol and bas-codes.
I can assure you of one thing, the number 666 does not randomly appear any more often than does 222, 444, or say, 333. Nevertheless, it is quite obvious that WHERE the numbers appear is very definitely of great importance. The numbers 666 are rapidly becoming man's favorite number and keep popping up in strange places--even though a recognized symbol of pure Satanic code--it is appearing more frequently than any other "number" in the so-called Christian and other religious placements. It is worthy of the time to speak of this matter for I think you must become aware that this code is being placed on all of you. I think it worth the time to give a listing of some instances of use of this number which none of you should miss in noting.
* World Bank code number is "666".
* New credit cards in the U. S. are now being assigned the prefix 666.
* Australia's NATIONAL bank cards have the code 666.
* Central computers for Sears, Belks, Pennys, and Montgomery Wards around the world have all their transactions prefixed with 666.
* Shoes made in European Common Market Countries have stamped on inside label 666.
* Computers made by Lear Siegler have a seal on the side on which is stamped the number 666.
* Internal Revenue Service instructions for NON-PROFIT Corporation Emoloyee 1979, W-2 Form requires the prefix 666.
* Internal Revenue Service began to require the prefix of 666 on some forms; for example, W-2P, disability is 666.3; death is 666.4, etc. as early as 1977.
* Tanks built by Chrysler Corporation...have on their sides 666.
* South Central Bell's new Telco Credit Union Cards require the prefix 666, then the person's Social Security number.
*. ID tags on 1979 GM cars produced in Flint, Michigan, contain the number 666.
*. United States Selective Service Cards have on them 666.
* Overseas telephone operator number from Israel is 666.
* Arab-owned vehicles IN JERUSALEM have license plates prefixed Wirth 666.
*. Record album released by the rock group, Black Sabbath is named 666.
*. The films, Omen I and II concern themselves with a world dictator and the number 666.
* Some IBM Supermarket equipment is prefixed with the number 3.666.
* JC Penney began prefixing account numbers in August, 1980, with 666.
* Master Card began using on their August, 1980, statements--66.
* Formula for NCR Model 304 Supermarket Computer System is 6 60 6,666.
* The United Nations resolution #666 came during the Iraq War.
Precious ones, there are contests even, called "666". What is happening by total intent is to condition the world to accept the coding of 666 without question or note. There is coming a day when a world governmental system will demand that everyone in the world take a mark and the number 666 in order to work, buy or sell. This fact is clearly set forth and being followed diligently. If you think you can avoid the mark of the beast--think again--YOU ALREADY BEAR THE MARK; DON'T BE STUPID AND SET YURSELF UP TO DENY SAME. YOU ARE ALREADY MARKED AND THE INSTRUCTIONS TO REFUSE THE MARK IS NOT OF GOD'S GIVING. YOU STEP FORTH AND REFUSE WHEN Y0U ARE ALREADY WITHIN THE SYSTEM AND YOU ARE DEAD OR INCARCERATED AND USELESS UNTO GOD'S WORK. IT IS A SEPARATION ENTRAPMENT SET FORTH BY THE BEAST TO CATCH THE LIGHTED PEOPLE. YOU CAN STAY OUT OF THE SYSTEM TO THE FULL LIMIT ALLOWED BY THE LAW BUT YOU DO NO ONE A FAVOR BY GETTING YOURSELF KILLED--IT NEANS ONE LESS WORKER FOR GOD.
Let us look at that which is projected unto you and might be well worthy of note. Then number with which all the world will be commanded to work, buy and sell during the Great Tribulation is the number of man--and you find it on all bar-codes and Elite products. Number 6 as has been distorted for identification and easy reference has even taken as the number of imperfection; the human-given human number; the number of MAN as destitute of God--without God/Christ. At any rate, it is certain that man was created on the sixth day goes the accepted WORD, and thus he would be established under the number six--which would identify him and then, it goes on with several other non-coincidental accidents in numbering. For example, six days were appointed to man for his labor so it went, while one day is associated in sovereignty with the Lord God--as his day of rest. Then the infinite symbol of 8 represents infinity or immortality which is also of God. The serpent also, was created somehow on the sixth day, or so the Goods Book says--obviously God was most busy and yet totally restricted on the sixth day of His masterful creation. The sixth clause of the Lord's Prayer treats of sin. Six is the number stamped on all that is connected with human labor. You will see it stamped upon his measures which he uses in his labour and on the time during which he labors. And you see this from the very beginning.
Six, thew number of man, is one less than seven, the number which represents God and two less than the Creation. This indicates that man was created somehow in the likeness of God, but is not God, because God is perfect and sinless and one within and with Creation. The Sixth Commandment came as a result of Cain's sin of killing his brother, and the man who will ultimately claim the number 666 will be the greatest murderer the world has ever known. God put a mark upon Cain after the murder of Abel. Although Cain's mark was for the purpose of protecting him from those who would kill him, it also signified that before God, he was condemned. God forbade the children of Judea to mark their bodies--or did he? For the translation always read "Israel". The quoting then always continues with this looking forward to the time when the "Jews", as well as the rest of the world, would be called upon to take the mark of the Anti-Christ. Well, will the "Jews" take the mark? I guess so--they crested it!
But let us look a bit further into the book of Revelation. The Apocalypse: The 'mark' itself is at once a number and a name. The Apostle tells you what it is. As he gives it, it is made up of two Greek characters which stand for the name of Christ, with a third, the figure of a crooked serpent, put between them...Thjis horrid sign must everyone receive on one of the most conspicuous parts of the body, cut, stamped or branded in, there to abide indelibly. No one may either buy or sell without this mark, and all who do receive it take upon their bodies the token and seal of heir damnation!
Do you really.believe you have not already been branded? Let us consider that, for years--well over two decades--the laser beam has been branding steers and horses--and even salmon while they remain in the stream, swimming. It is instant and painless. The laser simply destroys skin pigment. In some thirty-BILLIONTHS of a second a technician can stitch a brand--or initials, or symbol. This type of branding of animals for ownership or research purposes has become common practice. Do you think it probable that everyone of you have been branded while standing, say, in a line to vote or register your car or, or, or--certainly if you have any kind of medical examination, dental care or hospitalization--especially immunizations.
This is the final laugh at the world citizenry. This is one of the world's greatest conspiracies and it is being quietly conducted in.the most sacred halls of secular secrecy, brothers. While its thrust is Economic, its reach is without limit. No System will escape its mastery, be it in Politics or religions, Social or otherwise. I told you long ago, dear ones, that the SDI program was not f defense but rather to place into space satellites which unite the entire world banking system--the beast to all other parts in instant connection--with all citizens registered, identified and located. You are all simply within the system. The point is to protect yourself from the system as much as possible and the only way to do so is to utilize the laws and rules utilized by your adversary for as long as you can do so.
The Prime Mover here is the most powerful Consortium of financial institutions, capitalists, and scientists ever leagued together. Their common purpose is to bring every person, place and thing under their total control and it is all but in place and already operational.
The applied strategy is by way of instant IDENTIFICATION. This means of ixentoification is by way of assignment of MARKS (or bars) for NUJMBERS read by machines. (Numbers people can read, Marks they can't--the name of this game is SECRECY.)
Phase I began in 1970 with a ncnscientious effort to "IDENTIFY EVERY ITEM" at the manufacturers level with a NUMBER "MARKED" on it. A group of Numbers designated by Marks, lines or bars, is called a Bar Code, (Code 39, etc.), and giant computer manufacturers are central to the phase.
Phase II began in 1973 with an effort to IDENTIFY each PERSON with a Number. The Social Security Numbers when blended with the Universal Numbering System will be converted to "Bars". Initially, the NUMBER will be "marked" on a Card; (a World_Wide Money-ID-Card). Subsequently, according to the old Bible Prophecy written ands directed by the very ones who would put it into place, it will be stamped upon the person it identifies. As the MARK OF IDENTITY on an ITEM is a Bar Code, so the MARK OF IDENTIY on a Card and later on a person, will be a Bar Code facsimile. The Government, Banks, and Card Companies are central to this phase.
Phase III is an effort to identify everything in the world, whether mobile or stationary; if mobile, then how to instantaneously locate it, as a piece of luggage, an expensive race horse, a family car, or a pet or person. Central to this is the Federal Government which has spent ten years In research on "Electronic Identification" at Los Alamos, the Airlines, and private inventors.
The symbol of 666 is absolutely instrumental to the Bar Code system. You are already in it, so let us be most careful how you handle it. Your best defense against it is to know truth about it--stop deluding yourself that you can somehow avoid the mark lest you get s special mark which sets you apart as a troublemaker and you will be among the first incarcerated or removed by other means.
submitted by Everettluoma27 to u/Everettluoma27 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 09:57 Informal_Patience821 Refuting the "Addressing the false claims of Dr. Exion" posts - Response to first post

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Peace be to you all.


In this post, I will be answering and refuting the individual who keeps writing posts about me and comments every second he gets trying to "refute" me and "expose" me. I am only doing this because some brothers and sisters have allowed themselves to be fooled by this dude.
I won't resort to personal attacks and baseless claims (much like he does), and I will jump straight ahead to answering his objections.

Response to the introduction:

He begins by discussing my translation of the word "ישוחח," which I interpret as "argue" or "put forth."
Firstly, in Biblical Hebrew, verb forms such as Qal and Piel (often referred to as Polel in some grammatical traditions) are distinguished by their specific diacritic markings (i.e., vowel points and consonantal diacritics). Since I believe that the Masoretes distorted the Old Testament by adding these diacritics to reach a deviant interpretation, I do not consider them at all. I read the Old Testament without any diacritics. This is something he has yet to understand, perhaps because he believes that the Old Testament was revealed with diacritic markings—I don't know.
He later argues that the ancient Christian manuscripts (such as the Codex Sinaiticus, Septuagint, etc.) must agree with my claims and not with the Masoretic renderings of the Hebrew text, a conclusion he bases on thin air. I ask: Why is that so? Can you give us one good reason for this conclusion? You can't! He says this only because he considers these Christian manuscripts as divinely revealed criteria and translations. In contrast, I (and many others) see them as ancient interpretations of the original Hebrew text, which are very erroneous. This is especially true considering that rabbis themselves claim these scholars and translators failed to understand every Hebrew idiom in the book. They took everything literally and thus deviated from the intended meaning throughout their translations. These are the translations he claims must agree with my understanding.
The Masoretes could even have been influenced by Christians and their manuscripts, leading them to render some verses erroneously, whether knowingly or unknowingly—we can't be certain. However, I believe it wasn't unknowingly, and I have very good reasons for holding this opinion.
His arguments in his objections are all flawed and fallacious.

The Original sin being denied in the OT:

Now, the word he is fixated on is "ישוחח." As he mentioned, I used a classical Hebrew dictionary to translate the word. I don't remember the exact dictionary I used, but here is a random one I will use today:
Root: שִׂיחַ (v)
1 - to put forth, mediate, muse, commune, speak, complain, ponder, sing
1 -(Qal)
1 - to complain
2 - to muse, meditate upon, study, ponder
3 - to talk, sing, speak
2 - (Polel) to meditate, consider, put forth thoughts
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub, Creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible
In other words, both Qal and Polel essentially mean the same thing.
This following excerpt is from my original post about this, the post he is "refuting":
Excerpt from the post in question:
Isaiah 53:8, traditional translation:
"From imprisonment and from judgment he is taken, and his generation who shall tell? For he was cut off from the land of the living; because of the transgression of my people, a plague befell them."
The original verse (without diacritics):
מעצר וממשפט לקח ואת־דורו מי ישוחח כי נגזר מארץ חיים מפשע עמי נגע למו:
My translation:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will argue that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
In this verse, God is explicitly denying the doctrine of the Original Sin, stating that those who argue, speak, put forth, or ponder that Jesus was killed for the sins of His (God's) people are cursed (or afflicted by a plague).
It is crystal clear! He is just in denial because it contradicts his Pauline doctrine. Thus, he has fixated on this specific word, insisting it is (without a shadow of a doubt) in the Polel form (because his Pauline forefathers said so), and claims that Exion has made a grave error. Incredible, indeed. What a rebuttal!
Let's see if the Polel form does anything to save him:
1. Meditate:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will meditate that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
The definition of "Meditate" is:
  1. To plan mentally; consider,
  2. To focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation.
I know it isn't the latter, because that is just ludicrous and silly. But guess what? They even tried to claim it is the latter, which is beyond amusing to me and any other sane person reading this.
2. Consider:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will consider that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
It still obliterates the doctrine of the Original sin completely.
3. Put forth thoughts:
"He was taken from arrest and trial, and as for his generation, who will put forth thoughts that he was cut off from the land of the living [i.e. killed] for the sin of my people, a plague befell them."
It still obliterates the doctrine of the Original sin completely.
This is what I have to deal with. He is correcting my interpretation by yet again confirming it and he doesn't even realize it. He refuses to accept that the Old Testament completely refutes this absurd Pauline doctrine that God sent His "son" to the earth to kill him and forgive mankind. He can't understand that the Old Testament aligns with the Quran, calling them cursed. I have explained this to him several times, but to no avail. According to him, the early Christians "meditated" about Jesus' "abode." He raises the same objection in every comment he makes on every future post I do, as if I haven't just refuted him using the Bible, dictionaries, and other sources. In one ear and out the other. The only reason I'm even writing this response is to make you guys realize how unknowledgeable this man really is about the Bible and the Hebrew language. But he is good at making it look like he knows a thing or two by using fancy words and elaborations that make no sense at all.
I believe (if I remember correctly) that he translates it as:
"By oppressive judgment he was taken away, Who could describe his abode?..."
This unusual rendering is achieved by mistranslating a word, done specifically to alter the actual meaning. Some Jewish translators render it the same way, but they at least have the decency to add a footnote saying:
"\Who could describe his abode?* Meaning of Heb. uncertain." (source:
As they usually do when they mistranslate stuff.
Who would describe Jesus abode? What?! With all due respect, but that makes no sense at all! It makes no sense contextually nor logically.
This is how another Jewish translation has it:
"From imprisonment and from judgment he is taken, and his generation who shall tell? For he was cut off from the land of the living; because of the transgression of my people, a plague befell them."
Does this look like a coherent sentence to you? Jesus is taken from imprisonment and judgement, and his generation who shall tell? Tell what? This is an incomplete sentence - just to change the actual intended message.
The original phrase is: "ואת־דורו מי ישוחח"
Let me break it down for you:
Word: ואת = "And his"
Word: ־דורו = "Generation"
Word: מי = "Who will"
Word: ישוחח = "Argue/Put forth/Talk/consideetc"
Crystal clear phrase. Even Google translates it accurately (which is very rare by the way):
"And his generation who will talk"
Take a look at some of the English translations of his Christian forefathers:
New Living Translation Unjustly condemned, he was led away. No one cared that he died without descendants...
New International Version By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested?...
King James Bible He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation?...
Some others got the first part accurate but still misinterpreted the last part of the verse, as it claims that they are cursed. God forbid, they are the ones who are cursed, for they consider Jesus to be the cursed one:
English Standard Version By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people?
They applied the "curse/plague" to Jesus (which they translate as "stricken," even though Biblically it is generally understood to be a plague/curse) instead of applying it to those "who considered" (i.e., the Pauline Christians). The Hebrew verse uses a plural word, indicating that it was intended for those people who would put forth this claim. They all refuse to accept the fact that God is explicitly and literally stating that they are affected by a plague for their erroneous claim about Jesus.
Let's quickly refute them too:

"Plague" (נגע):

Hebrew classical dictionary:
Heb: נֶגַע (n-m)
1 - stroke, plague, disease, mark, plague spot
stroke, wound
stroke (metaphorical of disease)
mark (of leprosy)
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub, Creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible

"To them" (לָֽמוֹ):

Hebrew classical dictionary:
1 - inflected pers. pron. meaning ‘to them’ (poetically).
2 - [Formed from לְ◌ with ◌מוֹ, a suff. used only in poetry.]
Source: מקור: Klein Dictionary, Creator: יוצר: Ezra Klein
A plague to whom? TO THEM! To the people who put forth this Pauline doctrine, the ones who argued, said, or considered this absurdity. Absolutely not to the one they believed to be cut off for the sin of God's people, namely Jesus, God's prophet, Messiah, His Word, and a spirit from Him.
But this is not surprising to anyone; it is expected, because their savior Paul also considered the blessed Messiah Jesus to be a curse:
"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree.'" (Galatians 3:13)
It bothers them that God Himself is confirming that they are the cursed ones, and He does it in the book they believe in. I am the one who exposed it, and all praise is due to God alone. It bothers this guy who is "eXpOsInG" me, and I won't mention his name because that is most likely what he wants.
He goes on to say that I quoted from a fictitious source, which is not true at all. I simply didn’t bother looking through my entire library to find a quote I mistakenly mis-referenced, mainly because the quote turned out to be quite irrelevant, and I don’t waste my time like that. Much of what he initiated his "rebuttal" with is equally misunderstood by him, and I have responded to each and every objection in my older posts (in the comment sections where he was "eXpOsInG" me). I picked the first thing and refuted it here for you just to show how ignorant he really is and how he is either living a lie or lying to others.
So, I will not bother to refute every single point of the old stuff that I’ve already conclusively answered. It's a waste of time. Let’s move on to his objections to my latest posts, because that is what this is all about in reality.

My answers to his objections to my latest posts:

Regarding the stone God mentions that was to be placed in the Temple of God, he says that it is saying
"Stone to a stone," or "upon a stone"
My answer:
"Stone to a stone" is not a Hebrew idiom, and neither is the word "upon" there in Hebrew. He doesn't know Hebrew, had he known Hebrew, he would never have "eXpOsEd" this because it just went to show that he doesn't know the language at all.
The Hebrew word "שום" (shum) in this context is derived from the root ש-ו-ם, which means "to place" or "to put." It appears here as an infinitive construct, which is often used to convey the act of doing something, similar to the English "-ing" form. In this sentence, "שום" is functioning as a gerund, which is a verbal noun. It translates to "placing" or "putting" in English. Therefore, "שום־אבן" means "placing a stone" or "putting a stone."
As for the next word, i.e. "stone" (אבן), in Hebrew, nouns have gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural). "אבן" is a feminine singular noun. When used in the phrase "שום־אבן" (placing a stone), "אבן" functions as the direct object of the action described by the infinitive construct "שום" (placing).
The next word is אל: This is taken as a preposition according to them, and it generally means "to" or "toward," and never "upon." It is used to indicate direction or movement towards something. While the following word is, again, a stone "אבן."
So if we're going with their interpretation, while being literal, as we should because it is not an idiom, it accurately translates to:
"Before placing a stone to a stone" or "before placing stone to stone"
Which makes very little sense, if any. Why wouldn't God say "Before placing stone upon stone" or "Stones upon stones" or "before placing a stone upon a stone"? Why did He use a singular word for "stone"? Because it is speaking about a one stone, the stone that God placed in Zion:
"So this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic." (Isaiah 28:16)
I have proven in countless posts that Zion is the ancient name for Mecca. Just look up Psalm 84, and you will see how it mentions doing the pilgrimage in Zion and also mentions "Bacca," another name for Mecca. I have proven how Harran is located in Mecca and that the oak of Bacca is located there as well, and we know according to Psalm 84 that Zion is located where Bacca is located. With this in mind, it’s easy to see what has been done to cover up this prophecy. They have misinterpreted the word "El" as "Upon" instead of "God." The definition of that word is not "Upon"; it means "To/toward" or "God."
Classical Hebrew dictionary:
Heb: אֵל (n-m)
god, god-like one, mighty one
mighty men, men of rank, mighty heroes
god, false god, (demons, imaginations)
God, the one true God, Jehovah
mighty things in nature
strength, power
Source: מקור: Open Scriptures on GitHub, creator: יוצר: Based on the work of Larry Pierce at the Online Bible
Heb: אֶל (prep.)
denoting motion toward or to, or direction toward, and meaning ‘to, unto, toward, into, at, by’.
[Shortened from אֱלֵי (which is preserved in poetry). cp. עֲלֵי, poetical form of עַל (= on), and עֲדֵי, poetical form of עַד (= as far as, until). Related to Arab. ’ilā (= to, toward, up to).]
Source: מקור: Klein Dictionary, Creator: יוצר: Ezra Klein
Let's see if any of these help him:
Before placing a stone to a stone?
Before placing a stone towards a stone?
Before placing a stone into a stone?
Before placing a stone unto a stone? (archaic term for "to")
Before placing a stone at a stone?
Before placing a stone by a stone?
Does any of this make any sense to you? I believe it certainly does not. Yet they have all chosen to ignore these valid definitions and instead opt for a definition that isn't there, namely: "a stone UPON a stone," just to claim that God was idiomatically saying "Before you build the temple." The temple was already built, as I will prove later below.
To get a more coherent translation, one that makes sense both contextually and linguistically, we need to consider "El" as "God":
ועתה - "And now"
שימו־נא - "consider, please"
לבבכם - "your heart"
מן־היום - "from this day"
הזה - "this"
ומעלה - "and onward"
מטרם - "before"
שום־אבן - "placing a stone"
אל־אבן - "God's stone/stone of God"
בהיכל - "in the Temple"
יהוה - "of YHWH" (YHWH)
Here, "אל־אבן" would translate to "God's stone" or "stone of God." Thus, the phrase "מטרם שום־אבן אל־אבן בהיכל יהוה" would be understood as "before placing a stone as God's stone in the temple of YHWH" or "before placing a stone, God's stone, in the temple of YHWH"
He is just in denial here as well. It is quite obvious that God is talking about placing a stone in the Temple of God, not about placing a stone towards a stone (whatever that means). Biblically, it is known that Jacob placed a stone in the House of God in Harran, which I have also proven to be located in the vicinity of Mecca, using 1st-century CE atlases by giants in geography such as Pomponius Mela, Pliny, and others.
He writes:
"More importantly, Exion ignored that “stone” in the Hebrew occurs twice. If we take אל to be God and take it as the construct state (the ‘s) then it would be “before setting stone’s God’s stone”. That doesn’t make sense hence why Exion dropped the first occurrence of אֶ֛בֶן in their translation."
Or you could simply not take "El" as a construct state. In Hebrew, a noun followed by another noun can indicate possession without needing a construct state (i.e. the equivalent of adding 's in English). This is often called "smikhut" or construct form, but it is not always necessary to explicitly form it.
In the phrase "שום־אבן אל־אבן" (placing a stone as God's stone), the context and the nouns' arrangement provide the possessive meaning without requiring additional grammatical changes. "אל־אבן" can be understood as "God's stone" even though it is not in the formal construct state. This is something he doesn't know because, well, who knows why. I have my speculations, but I will refrain from personal attacks.
He says:
"It makes perfect sense with the rest of the verse “in the temple of Yahweh.” It’s talking about before the building of the temple which involved setting stone upon stone."
Oh really? Is that why the 3rd verse literally talks about the Temple that already was in existence but was viewed as nothing in their eyes (i.e. insignificant):
"Who among you is left, who saw this house in its former glory? And as you see it now, is it not as nothing in your eyes?" (Haggai 2:3)
Explicitly contradicting your claim that it doesn't exist, but you didn't know that because you have probably never even read the entirety of the chapter to begin with. The Temple was already there. A stone was to be placed in it, God's stone, the black stone of the House of God, and not that it was to be built or built anew. This is why I even wrote the article, because the temple of God was already in existence. How you could have missed this, if you've read the chapter in it entirety, is very baffling to me.
This is why Jacob, upon waking from his prophetic dream, never built the House of God. (Yes, Jacob was a prophet, but Christian scholars throughout history didn't recognize this and thought he was merely a patriarch.) Instead, he only placed a stone as its cornerstone and named it "The House of God":
16. When Jacob woke up, he thought, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was unaware of it.” 17. And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven!” 18. Early the next morning, Jacob took the stone that he had placed under his head, and he set it up as a pillar. He poured oil on top of it."
Going back to Haggai 2, the 6th verse states:
"כי כה אמר יהוה צבאות עוד אחת מעט היא ואני מרעיש את־השמים ואת־הארץ ואת־הים ואת־החרבה:"
Which literally translates to:
"For thus says the Lord of Hosts: Once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land."
Which they have erroneously translated as:
"For so said the Lord of Hosts: [There will rise] another one, and I will shake up the heaven and the earth and the sea and the dry land [for] a little while." (source)
Lying and adding words to the Word of God to make it look like another House would be raised.
7th verse states:
Haggai 2:7
"והרעשתי את־כל־הגוים ובאו חמדת כל־הגוים ומלאתי את־הבית הזה כבוד אמר יהוה צבאות:"
"Ve-hir'ashti et kol ha-goyim u-va'u chemdat kol ha-goyim u-milati et ha-bayit ha-zeh kavod amar Adonai Tzva'ot."
Not only does it confirm that the House is already in existence, but it mentioned our prophet Ahmad coming to it by using the cognate of his name, "Chemdat," which they erroneously have translated as:
"and the treasures of all the nations will be brought to this Temple."
The preposition "the" is not there before "Chemdat," while it is before "Goyim" (heathens), which makes sense because "Chemdat of all the heathens (will come)" and doesn't translate to "The treasure of all the heathens (will come)," as they have it.
Let me break it down for you:
והרעשתִי (ve-hir'ashti) - "and I will shake"
את (et) - [direct object marker, not translated]
כל (kol) - "all"
הגוים (ha-goyim) - "the heathens"
ובאו (u-va'u) - "and they will come"
חמדת (Chemdat) - "Chemdat" (proper noun)
כל (kol) - "of all"
הגוים (ha-goyim) - "the heathens"
ומלאתי (u-milati) - "and I will fill"
את (et) - [direct object marker, not translated]
הבית (ha-bayit) - "the house"
הזה (ha-zeh) - "this"
כבוד (kavod) - "glory"
אמר (amar) - "says"
יהוה (Adonai) - "Lord"
צבאות (Tzva'ot) - "of Hosts"


"And I will shake all the heathens, and they will come, Chemdat of all the heathens, and I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of Hosts."


They have translated it as "the treasures of..." while the phrase "Chemdat" lacks a "The" (Ha), so it would more accurately be rendered as:
"And they will come, treasure of all the heathens, and..."
A very awkward sentence grammatically. And the dictionaries do not define חמדת (Chemdat) as "Treasure," but rather as "Desire" or "Precious." But translating this phrase in this way (if we consider it to mean "desire" or "precious"), we would make the verse even more awkward:
"And they will come, desire of all the heathens" or "And they will come, precious of all the heathens."
Because it is a singular phrase, and not plural, and as I mentioned earlier, lacks a definite preposition.
But if we consider "Chemdat" as a cognate of "Ahmad," as a proper noun referring to Ahmad the prophet (the only heathen prophet known today), it suddenly becomes a very coherent verse that makes much sense. The heathens will be shaken, and they will come. Then, He specifies by saying: Chemdat of all the heathens, and continues with the rest of the verse.
The phrase "הגוים" (ha-goyim) translates as "the heathens," which supports the interpretation that "Chemdat" is a proper noun referring to a significant heathen person anticipated to come. God is going to shake all the heathens, and they will come. Then He specifies who would come: "Chemdat of all the heathens (will come)." He then says He will fill this house, which they saw as nothing, with glory. The house already exists; Chemdat of all nations was just about to come, and God would fill this house with glory again. And, of course, the stone Jacob laid in Genesis 28—the same stone that Jesus referred to in Matthew 21:
  1. Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures: 'The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes?'
43. Therefore, I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit."
The Kingdom of God was intended to be taken away from the Christians and given to a people who would produce its fruits, and this is what happened when Islam came.
Going back to Haggai 2, the 18th verse also confirms that the Temple already was there:
"Consider, please, your heart from this day and onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, from the day that the temple of the Lord was founded, consider your heart."
Just because God considers the two Houses (the current one they saw as insignificant and the later one) as "different" does not mean that it does not already exist physically but will be a different House.
Nevertheless, he is right about one thing regarding this chapter: it does not mention the new moon to new moon and the end of the Sabbath—that was in Isaiah 66. My mistake. But the prophecy is still valid. The new moon to new moon would come, and yes, the second phrase can be interpreted as an end (if we interpret "Shabbat" as "End"), but it is Biblically and generally interpreted as "Sabbath." A literal translation of the phrase in the 23rd verse would be:
שבת (shabbat) - "Sabbath"
בשבתו (be-shabbato) - "His Sabbath"
יבוא (yavo) - "it will come"
Let's agree that it means what the traditional translations say it means, and I don't mean hypothetically, but let's actually agree on that. However, the prophecy about the new moons (Ramadan) is still there and valid because God has not canceled the Sabbath in the Quran; it is still ongoing:
The Quran states in 2:40-42:
Verse 40: "O Children of Israel, remember My favor which I have bestowed upon you and fulfill My covenant [upon you] that I will fulfill your covenant [from Me], and fear Me."
Verse 41: "And believe in what I have sent down confirming that which is [already] with you, and be not the first to disbelieve in it. And do not exchange My signs/verses for a small price, and fear Me."
Verse 42: "And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it]."
The new moon to a new moon is combined with the Sabbath to Sabbath. This is a fulfilled prophecy!
I don't see easter, halloween or Christmas being mentioned here. It's Ramadan and the Sabbath, the two Covenants God has given to his worshipers, the Covenant of the Children of Israel and the Covenant of Peace, unlike the Pauline Christians who literally took all of their holidays from pagan idolaters, which I won't go into because it's not very relevant to our discussion anyways.
This marks the end of my rebuttal to his "part 1."
Thank you for reading,
/Your bro Exion.
submitted by Informal_Patience821 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 07:01 lOWA_SUCKS Christian symbolism in The Mandalorian

I'm sure someone has already mentioned this or even posted it already, but I was surprised to see all of the parallels between Christianity and this show in its imagery and culture portrayed in the Mandalorian "children of the watch". It can't be a coincidence that in order to be brought back into his religion, the Mandalorian needs to be rebaptized in the "living waters" of the mines of Mandalore. Either by pouring or immersion, baptism is how they enter as full members of "the Way", which can also be found as a parallel to Christianity. In the book of Acts, the members of the early Christian church were called "followers of the way", as "Christian" was a name given to them a little while later. "and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And for an entire year they met with the church and taught considerable numbers; and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch." Acts 11:26. However, in quotes of Paul in Acts he repeatedly refers to them as those of "the way".
Also, Jesus refers to Himself as the way, "Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." John 14:6 and Isaiah 30:21 spells out the phrase in most English translations "Your ears will hear a word behind you, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever you turn to the right or to the left."
The children of the watch cult/sect obviously drew inspiration to religions/cults in our own galaxy, but I find it fascinating to see the imagery of a public baptism at the beginning and the end of Season 3 is such a direct comparison to Christianity that you wouldn't see in most modern fiction today. Not even The Lord of The Rings movies had such direct drawings from it (The closest I can think of is The Chronicles of Narnia). Though I suppose since the events of The Mandalorian all took place in a galaxy long ago, they came before Jesus' ministry! Below are some more Bible verses related to "The Way" and "Living waters"
submitted by lOWA_SUCKS to TheMandalorianTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:06 Medium_Cupcake7602 Kristy, we don’t despise you because you’re a Christian. We despise you because you’re a heinous bitch from hell.

Kristy, we don’t despise you because you’re a Christian. We despise you because you’re a heinous bitch from hell. submitted by Medium_Cupcake7602 to christiansnark [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 05:04 WolfyTKer01 Why are Christians more concerned about the end times, instead of getting other people saved for Jesus Christ?

I dunno how many times I've been to a church where people are more concerned about the end times. And less about getting people saved. Isn't the goal of a Christian to live for God, read the Bible, and get people saved. And also to show God to the world who is lost? I feel it's hiporcritacle that some Christians wanna get people saved, but then they are more concerned about getting to the end times instead. I've had a friend's mom show me and the friend a very scientific and mathematical video about the planets alinning. And Jesus Christ coming back years ago. And it never happened. This church I go to the pastor said that people need to stop believing the YouTube Prothets, stop concerning themselves and other over the end times. And go out and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ God. And get people saved.
It feels like some Christians have started away from that. And just want Jesus Christ to come back. And take them out of this world instead.
The Bible verse Matthew 24:36 states, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father". In this verse, Jesus is teaching that no one knows when he will return, but that people should stay ready and awake for his arrival. The verse is often quoted in Christian circles when discussing the end of the age or the return of the Lord.
[35] Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. [36] But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. [37] But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
submitted by WolfyTKer01 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:47 Slimesick The oldest manuscript has the Mark of the Beast being 616- not 666. Here is an interpretation I found online

"Rather than interpreting the mark of the beast found in Revelation 13:18 as either Greek or Aramaic, Rather than interpreting the mark of the beast found in Revelation 13:18 as either Greek or Aramaic, consider the possibility that the mark was passed down from an even more remote time in the form of Proto-Sinaitic script, the original Hebrew alphabet.
By interpreting these as ancient Hebrew letters [ie, not Greek] we discover a complete message that gives a clear and unmistakable warning.
Each letter in the ancient Hebrew Proto-Sinaitic alphabet had a distinctive meaning; they not only gave a phonic sound to construct words, but also contained a conceptual meaning found in the symbol itself.
This part of the text has traditionally been interpreted as “666”, but in the original text we see it says “616” in Greek letters.
In the Oxyrhynchus Papyrus the symbols are similar to our letters X, I, and C, and if interpreted as Greek letters they give an ambiguous number, leading to endless speculation.
We need to find out what the symbols X, I, and C mean.
In the ancient Hebrew these letters are Tav, Vav, and Lamed, written with the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet.
This ancient form of Hebrew is the oldest written language, and the origin of all alphabetic languages used in the world today.
Hebrew tradition says that this language was used before the tower of Babel, and was used all the way back to the time of Adam.
The oldest Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions found so far date to 1900 BC. Here is what the Proto-Sinaitic letters represent:
X – Tav: is a mark or sign, also written as a cross +
I – Vav: means to attach, like a peg or nail, or fixed into like a hook in a fish.
C – Lamed: means to direct, as in giving instructions, like the goad used to herd oxen. The verb form of Lamed means to prick or puncture as in using a sharp object to pierce the skin.
The question at this point is why would there be letters from the ancient Hebrew language embedded in a Greek text.
The following quotes found in the Bible and the ancient mystic book called the Zohar, provide the connection that associates the X and I symbols to the mark of Cain.
Remember X (Tav) means a mark or a sign in ancient Hebrew!
Remember the verb form of C “Lamed” means to puncture or pierce the skin!
This was not part of the mark per say, but the action taken to apply the mark.
Consider the possibility that the mark was passed down from an even more remote time in the form of Proto-Sinaitic script, the original Hebrew alphabet. By interpreting these as ancient Hebrew letters [ie, not Greek] we discover a complete message that gives a clear and unmistakable warning"
submitted by Slimesick to Bibleconspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:15 notwhoyouneedmetobe Shaw

My brother is far better read up than me. He's honestly amazing. I get jealous of all his little friends.
He's got a lot of them. He does a lot of work.
I'm so proud to call him my brother.
I've got quite a few siblings.
I don't really have friends.
I don't really do anything too terribly much.
I am pretty fairly content to zonk out, just sit in my head for long periods of time.
Like my brother, I am able to act. Those buggies will be put away, a stern, informative lecture given. The attentive ear that will challenge. That collapsed individual will find someone above them, directing others, and will find a loving face in those moments if the face can be there. If it can't, it will help keep away the crowd. It is without thought, without personal concern. It is a body in the fire to try to preserve what it can. On fire.
I assume this of him. I have learned this of me.
My son's father used to get so upset at me for trying to help. "He's no good at being uncomfortable so he can't stop staying exactly the same."
"Leave it alone, someone else will do it." We've got things to do.
Brother has a unit. They may not like his reign, they may not even like him, but I think that's part of who we are.
Unwilling to be liked.
I'm struggling at ambition. I don't seek it, by far. Fucking please, no. But I am stupid. I am a stupid, silly little woman, and I don't know my nose until I have to explain it again, and even then, give me a minute.
Within the last two years, I have learned to stop and the compulsion is so strong. My outward ticks would give me away, were they known.
Give me water, and I'll give it back. Give me your riches and I will cry, and not from happiness. Because, to me, that's a piece of you, and it needs to stay that way. Unless. Unless it is hurting others.
Then I'm choking down a desire
But I've gotten better. Had to turn that empathy down.
We have so much we're expected to do, and I learned a couple of years ago, though I was relatively aware already, that I'm no Martin Luther King Jr. My favorite bible verse and Samuel Clements informed me of better so long ago, as did the cruel words of my eldest sibling.
It's not modesty. It's shame.
It's shame. These aspects that could be used for such good are hampered by shame.
Leave my name out of your mouth, out of your mind at all.
Those only want approval with that brand logo. That only want validation when you do it in front of others.
Do not accept thanks, run away, learned I.
Do not look up to see who sees, learned I.
I hear the good quotes. I know a wise voice, and I defeat it by shame.
I knew ambition. And I know it now as shame.
Give me your backlash. Give me your struggle. Give me where it hurts, but don't give me your thanks.
How stupid am I
submitted by notwhoyouneedmetobe to u/notwhoyouneedmetobe [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 22:20 HaykakanTxa Daily News Report: 05/31/2024

Date: 05/31/2024

Reading time: 8 minutes, 1718 words

🪖 Military

Defense ministers of the CSTO countries signed documents

Council of Ministers of Defense of the CSTO met in Almaty on May 31. Meeting took place within the framework of Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the organization. Documents related to equipping the troops with advanced weapons and joint exercises were signed.
Armenpress, Armenia skips CSTO Defense Ministers' meeting in Almaty, Armenia does not participate in the session of the Council of Defense Ministers of the CSTO, Armenia will not take part in the CSTO Defence Ministers Council meeting, Armenia skips CSTO Defense Ministers meeting

🏛️ Politics & Government

Azerbaijan, which killed its own people, blames Armenians – “Geghard” SAF

“Geghard’ Scientific and Analytical Foundation issues statement addressing Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev’s recent statement that “Armenia should itself recognize the barbarities committed in Khojali and apologize to us” The statement reads as follows: “For the sake of internal political intrigues, Azerbaijanis did not hesitate to kill their own people.”

International partners show readiness to support Armenia following flood - Minister

The town of Alaverdi, significantly affected by the recent flood, welcomed more than 40 members of the diplomatic representations operating in the Republic of Armenia. They toured the damaged parts of the community to witness firsthand the efforts to eliminate the consequences of the disaster.
Armenpress, Gnel Sanosyan and Anahit Manasyan tour disaster zone, Armenia asks international partners for assistance to eliminate flooding consequences, Foreign diplomats visit flood-affected regions of Armenia

Anahit Manasyan meets with residents of disaster zone in Lori

Human Rights Defender of Armenia Anahit Manasyan met with the residents of the settlements affected by floods in Lori. HRD, accompanied by the staff, toured the places affected by the floods.
Armenpress, Gnel Sanosyan and Anahit Manasyan tour disaster zone, Armenia asks international partners for assistance to eliminate flooding consequences, Foreign diplomats visit flood-affected regions of Armenia

Kani reaffirms Iran's readiness to assist flood victims in Lori and Tavush

Acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani spoke with his Armenian counterpart Ararat Mirzoyan. The parties discussed the further development of Armenian-Iranian relations. The interlocutors emphasized that the neighborly ties between the two countries and peoples are deep and strong.

New tunnel to be built in Dilijan neighbourhood - deputy minister

Armenian government has decided to build a new tunnel in the neighbourhood of Dilijan city in Tavush region. Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Kristine Kalechyan said the situation is unsatisfactory in terms of safety. She noted that the start of construction is scheduled for early 2025.

Armenia has not appointed trade representatives to WTO and some countries

Armenia will not appoint representatives to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), as well as trade attaches in foreign countries, Economy Minister Gevorg Papoyan said on Friday. AMD 310.7 million was envisaged in Armenia's 2023 budget for maintenance of trade representatives in the WTO and some countries.

State Revenue Committee: Religious aspect should not be subject to tax

Transactions that are supposed to be of religious purpose should not be subject to tax, says State Revenue Committee Chairman Rustam Badasyan. The Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin claimed that it had abided by all taxpaying obligations. Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on 22 May that the government is going to introduce transparent taxation for the church.

Advance declaration reduced customs clearance time in Armenia to several hours - SRC

The period of customs clearance, starting from entering Armenia and ending with the release of goods, has been reduced to 2-3 hours. About 8,955 trucks were served through this procedure in 2023, compared to 2,284 trucks in 2022. Customs posts located on the border have been modernised.

"Russian Railways" commences reconstruction of Armenian railway following the flood

After the flood, the "Russian Railways" company has promptly begun to restore the railways of Armenia. Russia allocates money for their restoration, press secretary of Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk has announced.

U.S. Embassy in Yerevan Announces Second Professional Exchange Program for Journalists

The U.S.-Armenia Professional Partnership in Journalism (PPJ) Program will enable 54 Armenian journalists to visit the United States in a training program to improve their understanding of disinformation. The program combines World Learning’s expertise in international education and exchange with Poynter's expertise in the craft of journalism.

Armenia boosts exports to EEU market by 14 times - Mikhail Mishustin

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, announced that Armenia increased its exports to the EEU market 14 times, and the growth of the country's GDP exceeded 8.5 percent, said the head of the Russian government in an interview given to the Russia-24 TV channel on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of EEU.
Armenpress, Armenia’s exports to EAEU market increase 14 times, Russian PM says

Serzh Sargsyan about the struggle and demarcation of Saint Bagrat

Third president of RA, Serzh Sargsyan, and the Republican Party of Armenia support Bagrat Galstanyan's candidacy for the post of Prime Minister. He said that the constitution provides an opportunity to change by two-thirds the point that prohibits dual citizens from occupying the highest positions in Armenia. The European Union cannot lower or rise above its stated standards, he said.

Former President Sargsyan acquitted in embezzlement case

Two people were found guilty of embezzling millions of dollars from a government scheme. The scheme was set up by the government of Armenia in 2008. The case was brought to light by the president of the country's government.
CivilNet, Court acquits former Armenian President Sargsyan on embezzlement charges

The prosecutor's office demands from the former chairman of the SRC to confiscate 23 immovable properties and more than 5 billion drams

The General Prosecutor's Office demands the confiscation of 23 immovable properties, 9 means of transport, and funds from the former chairman of the SRC, Vardan Harutyunyan. According to the source, on May 20, 2024, the anti-corruption court accepted another lawsuit.
CivilNet, Armenia’s Prosecutor General seeks to confiscate AMD 20 bn worth of property from former Ecology Minister Ayvazyan

Russian Channel One resumes broadcast in Armenia

Russia's Channel One's broadcast was interrupted on 27 May due to a 2.5 million AMD debt to Armenia’s authorities. Channel One paid its debt in full the next day, so its broadcast was resumed in Armenia.

Armenian government refunded about AMD 363bn to taxpayers in 2023

Armenian government refunded about AMD 363 billion to taxpayers in 2023, which is AMD 100 billion more than in 2022. Value-added taxes refunded by 35% yoy to 75.4 billion drams. The volume of the ‘shadow’ economy significantly decreased over the past three years.

💵 Economy

Economy Ministry: Tourist flow from Russia greatly reduces, whole industry drops by 3%

The flow of tourists into Armenia reduced by 3.2% in Q1 2024 compared to the same period of 2023. The number of visitors from India, the Philippines, Iran and Georgia grew by 174%, 57%, 33% and 16%.

Armenian business entities made over 648 million transactions worth 12.2 trillion drams in 2023

Armenia's business entities made 648.7 million transactions worth 12.2 trillion drams in 2023. The number of transactions was up by 45 million compared to 2022. Receipts from the common Eurasian Economic Union’s budget increased by 32 per cent. The EEU countries accounted for 36.8 per cent of Armenia's total foreign trade turnover.

🧪 Science & Technology

VTB (Armenia) launches children's deposits

VTB (Armenia) retail customers from 1 June can open a deposit in national currency in the name of a child. The deposit is available from AMD 50 thousand to AMD 50 million for the term from 2 to 18 years. During the first 3 years of the deposit the interest rate will be 9% (annual yield - 8.99%)
ArkaAm, VTB-Armenia Bank launched a children's deposit

Efes Insurance launches two health insurance products in Armenia

Efes Insurance CJSC announced the launch of two new health insurance products in Armenia starting 1 July. A new product (Oncocare with Medical Second Opinion - MSO) was developed together with the international reinsurance company Swiss Re and the American company Mediguide. The product provides financial compensation in the event of a cancer diagnosis, and provides a second professional medical opinion on the prescribed treatment, diagnosis or examination results.
ArkaAm, "EFES" CJSC launches two new products in the field of health insurance in Armenia

‘CYBERGEN’ cyber security conference held in Armenia

For the third year in a row the Central Bank of Armenia has organised ‘CYBERGEN’ cyber security conference. The conference is to develop and improve the exchange of knowledge, skills and experience of young professionals in the field of cyber security.
ArkaAm, "CYBERGEN". Cyber security conference was held in Armenia (VIDEO)

🎭 Culture

“Crossroads of Cultures”: artists will hold master classes

Artists from Iran, Georgia, France, Italy and Switzerland will come to Armenia. They will hold master classes, roundtable discussion and meetings in several cities of Armenia. From May 31 to June 17, the project’s guests will be in Yerevan and regions.

⚽ Sport

Boxer Ani Hovsepyan is in the quarterfinals of the ranking tournament

Ani Hovsepyan, a member of the women's boxing team of Armenia, celebrated victory in the ranking tournament of the Paris Olympic Games held in Thailand. This time, the European bronze medalist defeated New Zealand's Sarah Varerau. Armenia has not yet won a ticket in boxing.

Donations to Armenia:

Armenian Wounded Heroes
submitted by HaykakanTxa to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:57 brod333 Addressing the false claims of Dr. Exion pt 5

This is my 5th post in rebutting Exion’s (u/Informal_Patience821) claims regarding his new translations/interpretations of the Hebrew Oly Testament. For previous parts see:
Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Pt 3:
Pt 4:
There isn’t a new post from him since my part 4. However, in his most recent post he linked another of his posts from a while back where he reaffirmed the info in that older post and offered it as support for part of his most recent post. That is why I’ll be addressing that older post he linked which is
Eng: "Who is so blind as My servant,So deaf as the messenger I send?Who is so blind as the chosen one ("Mosselam" or "Mushelam"),So blind as GOD’s servant?" (Isaiah 42:19, translation from Sefaria . com)
) Jewish scholars have added a comment (in the part that says "Moshelam") saying "chosen Meaning of Heb. uncertain." but it really isn't uncertain at all. They fully know what this word means.
There is a typo. His title for this section says Isaiah 52 but his specific citation is Isaiah 42:19. For anyone who wants to check it themselves the correct chapter is 42 not 52.
On a side note one of Exion’s response to me is saying I highlight his most minor errors and then exaggerate them. If the errors I’ve pointed out in my previous posts were like this typo that would be a viable response. A typo like this is easy to make, it’s a 1 character difference and the wrong character is right next to the right character on the keyboard. That is not at all like not realizing how Hebrew verses are numbered, copying the Hebrew verse number with the verse, not noticing the missing diacritical marks, removing the space between the verse number and first word, trying to translate the first word when it’s not a real Hebrew word, in an attempt to translate the not real word it results incorrectly spelling two Hebrew words, and then after acknowledging the mistake in your first post not fully correcting the mistake when copying the post to another subreddit. When he first blocked me that was the supposedly minor issue I kept bringing up that made him block me. That’s not a minor error, it’s a combination of several points of failure multiple of which would be hard to make, especially for someone who actually knows Hebrew. That’s nothing like the minor error in this case where he typed a 5 instead of a 4.
As for his point here the Hebrew word in question is כִּמְשֻׁלָּ֔ם. The כִּ is a preposition with מְשֻׁלָּ֔ם being the verb. The base form of the verb is שָׁלַם which means to be in a covenant of peace. This specifically is the Pual participle. Unlike the active participle I mentioned in pt 2 the Pual form is passive meaning the subject of the verb is what is being acted on by the verb. The BDB specifically lists Isaiah 42:19 as the Pual participle and cites it as meaning “one in covt. of peace”. Since it’s a passive particle the servant is the one in this covenant.
While the pronunciation sounds like the pronunciation of the word Muslim that doesn’t mean the coming prophet is being called a Muslim. Often completely different words from different languages will sound the same but it doesn’t mean they’re related. Even within the same language different words will sound the same. E.g. peace and piece sound the same but that doesn’t mean we import the meaning of piece into uses of the word peace. The word Muslim means one who submits which is a different word.
I will show you Biblical commentaries below that support this interpretation of the word.
Exion has already demonstrated he is unreliable with his citations. In pt 1 I noted his use of a fictional source, his citation of biblical verses out of context, and how in citing Haggai 2:23 he actually cited a completely different verse from a different chapter and different book. In pt 3 I noted his citation of the Septuagint didn’t match what it actually said. In pt 4 I showed how he was cherry picking translations favorable to his interpretation. There is also this discussion where 6 times in one response I had to point out how he misrepresented his sources, Given this track record any citations he gives need to be thoroughly fact checked. Unfortunately he hasn’t given any page numbers so tracking down exactly where the quotes are to validate them is difficult. Also honestly I’m exhausted in trying thanks validate all his sources and finding problems. He needs to put more effort into showing the sources are real and accurately represented.
"I will make a covenant of peace with them, it will be an everlasting covenant*. I will establish them and increase their numbers, and I will put my sanctuary among them forever."
(Ezekiel 37:26)
How people can read these verse and fully know that there's a major religion stemming from descendants of Abraham ﷺ and that this religion is called "Islam" (peace/submission), and still not pur two and two together and figure out that God has fulfilled His Divine promise, it leaves me in a state of profound astonishment.
Two problems here. First someone claiming to have a message from God and calling their new religion peace doesn’t mean it’s actually from God. It shouldn’t be surprising that non Muslims don’t take Islam as a fulfillment of this prophecy even if it was represented accurately (which I’ll show it’s not). Note I’m not arguing here Islam is false as this sub isn’t the appropriate place for such a debate. I’m just explaining why someone can read this verse and even believe it without thinking Islam is the fulfillment.
The second issue is when examined in context it’s clearly not about Islam. The whole section is from Ezekiel 37:15-28. It talks about the northern and southern nations that were split being brought back into one nation, all the Jews scattered across the nations brought back into Israel, being ruled by King David again, and ends by specifically saying God will sanctify Israel. The convent is clearly being made with Israel in the context of the prophecy. Even if you believe Mohammed brought a covenant of peace from God that’s clearly not what this prophecy is speaking about.
All ancient maps (and credible history books) show us and tell us that Haran was a city located in Arabia, precisely where Mecca is located today.
This needs some support. From what I can find it’s in modern day Turkey which is north of Israel while Arabia is south of Israel. The link he pasted doesn’t work for me. Though even if it did it’s a Reddit link not an academic source so it wouldn’t be a reliable source of info.
The final "Mem" at the end is there as a grammatically called "plural of majesty" or respect, much like the words "Elohim", " Malachim", "Adonim".
I already addressed the part of כִּמְשֻׁלָּ֔ם in Isaiah 42:19. As for Songs of Solomon 5:16 it’s important to understand exactly what Exion is claiming here so I’ll use English plural to make sure it’s clear. Take the name Mohammed. Suppose there were two people with the name being referred to. We’d add an s to make it plural when referring to both, e.g. both Mohammeds are coming to the party. The em ending in Hebrew indicates plural like the English s. Exion is claiming that adding the s in some cases isn’t done to indicate a plurality but rather to majesty. He gives 3 examples but only 1 is actually a name. In that one instance the em at the end isn’t the plural ending added to a name, rather it’s part of the name. It’s like the name Jesus. It’s not that the name is Jesu and the s is added to make it plural, rather the s is just part of the name. None of these parallel Exion’s claim of taking a name and adding a plural suffix to indicate majesty.
the word before “Muhammadim” is "vekullo", it consists of the conjunction "Vav" (and) and the word "kullo," where "khulo" is a masculine singular construct.
I’ve already pointed out to Exion that he confused the construct form with pronoun suffixes in this comment, Also as noted in pt 1 a bunch of people, including my, explained how pronoun suffixes work. I did call it possessive suffixes in that comment and pronoun suffixes in this comment. The reason is possessive suffixes are a type of pronoun suffix, specifically when the pronoun suffix is added to a noun. However, the suffix can be added to other things as well, not just nouns, and even for some nouns it’s a special case. This is one of those cases. Here is a screenshot from my Hebrew textbook explaining it, With a pronoun suffix the word means “all of {pronoun}” where the specific pronoun is indicated by the specific suffix added.
Note in Songs of Solomon 5:16 the noun is after the word col. The textbook says it often appears before the noun being referred too but it doesn’t say always so it’s not a problem for this verse where it’s after. We know this case the noun is the one after since col in this case is prefixed by the vav conjunction indicating a new part of the sentence. The book also gives examples where the col is first. It’s when adding emphasis that the other noun is placed first.
The masculine singular Exion mentions (really the third person masculine singular, he left out the third person part) is referring to the pronoun suffix not the noun. It’s indicating the pronoun is singular not the noun. I.E. it’s saying all of him rather than all of them. While there is a construct form between the two nouns the pronoun suffix is not the suffix for the construct form. As my textbook notes it’s the case where the pronoun suffix is being added to the construct form but the construct form with col doesn’t require the suffix. Furthermore nothing in the section in my picture indicates the plurality of the suffix needs to match the plurality of the following noun. Exion needs to provide some source for this.
"So I sent Eliezer, and Ariel, and Semeias, and Elnathan, and Jarib, and another Elnathan, and Nathan, and Zacharias, and Mosollam, chief men*: and Joiarib, and Elnathan, wise me."
( Ezra 8:16, Douay-Rheims Bible)
So often Exion takes ordinary Hebrew words and twists them to try and make them into a name. It’s funny that when we finally have a name he twists it to make it a noun. The verse is giving a list of names with names before and after the word in question. That tells us in that case it should be taken as a name within a list of names but Exion twists it to be a noun without justification. What’s also funny is one of the commentaries he cites to support his interpretation for Isaiah 42:19 specifically lists Ezra 8:16 as a case where the word is used as a proper name. Why should we trust his source for Isaiah 42:19 but not Ezra 8:16? No reason is given, rather Exion just picks and chooses what he wants to support his argument and ignores what doesn’t.
submitted by brod333 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:59 HashiramaXAshura Additional information to prison planet theory

I seen a Post on my Guy Wes someone did here some time ago back but I have to hand it to y’all in this sub. It’s hand in Glove guys. 97% of what he’s spoken in his Paper has happened or is currently happening now. The Transition into singularity is well under way & id argue the Multidimensional beings who govern this matrix are succeeding in their attempts at swaying us (the experiment) every day I look into this sub & it shows more & more he was spot on with a very majority of his takes I’ll leave this little quote for y’all
“One of the reasons I write these papers is because as a human being I understand how easy it is to fall for the indoctrination & manipulation even when we’re conscious & believe we Are not being indoctrinated & manipulated sometimes. The truth is staring right before our eyes & yet we don’t see it… then when we do we wonder why we didn’t get it from the beginning”
I don’t say what I said out ill intent but to raise the alarm in someone reading this & to past the information along. I know I’ll get the
“Who is he” “He’s a conspiracy theorist fringe nutjob” or the classic “what are you going on about” but for the folks who understand this 3rd dimension is on Lockdown I think it’s time we start saying the regime of this matrix by title (we don’t have a real name for these beings)
Prince Lucifer (better known as Ea Enki Quetzalcoatl Thoth & to tie in his Vedic presences Lord Vishnu or Krishna same being different avatar & title)
Lord Marduk Ra (formally known as Satan in bible Yahweh the jealous god also found in the Bible Utu Sham-ash & his Vedic Sanskrit title lord Shiva)
Princess/Queen Ereshkigal (also known as Lakshmi inanna’s twin or doppelgänger & better known as the Mother Goddess or what she thinks she is )
Guys look into it & you’ll see these 3 beings named above are the majority & we are vast! & I mean vast minority but there is a silver lining to all this as us folks in this are much more hip to this game then the average lulu (what they call us humans since we’re merely animals in their eyes) the truth is looking us dead in the face & constantly overlooked overshadowed & devalued for those who don’t get it wake up y’all how can praise someone who is both being your Savior & Demise in the same breath ?? Take my words as rambling if you want but if you’re a truth seeker such as myself all avenues of information can yield something if you look hard enough & use synchronism that’s how it all ties in.
submitted by HashiramaXAshura to EscapingPrisonPlanet [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 17:31 Psychics4U_net 605 ANGEL NUMBER MEANING: spiritual significance love and destiny of 605 (NUMEROLOGY)

605 angel number meaning is very powerful. It is assembled from the numbers 6, 0 and 5 and therefore has incredible meaning when it comes to love, spiritual and general significance of life. If you are seeing 605 angel number repeating or one of the other sequences than the divine is trying to send you signs.
For more angel number interpretations, check out our vibrant subreddit:

605 angel number meaning
Angel number 6: is a secret code for house and close band of people in your life like family and friends. It denotes one of the big values in your life which is tradition, safety and everything that is linked to family members. You are a home person, you like to spend most of the time with the people that you already know.
You might find it difficult to be comfortable around strangers or to meet new people. the angels wants you to know, that although there are some risk involved in meeting new people, you still should do it with the right caution. Start with small steps to expand the social circle. Some people might turn to be new best friends and other will not. This is how it goes in life – you win some and you loose some. But overall consider being more social and mingle with other people than those you are already know right now.
Angel number 0: has a deep spiritual meaning, it symbolizes the vibrations of the world. Not everyone can feel them, but if you will develop your sixth sense and start to be more spiritual and / or develop psychic abilities you might start to receive those energies and will be able to interpret the meaning of them. Angels, spirits and god don’t communicate only by sending numbers, they have other means of communication and vibrations are one of them. The angels encourage you to growth and be more open minded and receive signs in other forms as well because they have lots of things to tell.
Another 605 angel number meaning is that it is the right time to go on a spiritual enlightenment process. During this phase you will not only learn how to develop psychic reading skills, but you will have to make many decisions which will have long term influence. The consequences are likely to be positive as the angels are here to guide and provide more information and directions during the chosen path.
Angel number 5: is related to the whole meaning of 605 angel number and adds the need to make decisions. Decisions are major principle in life, if you got it right than most of the things will generate positive future outcomes as gifts from god. The angels in the skies would like to inform you to not fear of being decisive. Sometimes it is better to make a certain choice than not doing anything at all. We are being rewarded base on the actions we take and not by our thoughts alone. Although ideas, inspirations and intuition are very crucial, if it doesn’t has an end result in the physical world than it will disappear.
With 605 angel number, take one step further, don’t get stuck in endless thinking patterns. After you gained enough information go and take action. Do it as a controlled experiment, something small that doesn’t involve a big risk, just for the sake of doing something new. For example if you have a day of go for a job interview on other company, maybe it will open a door for a new career, go to a seminar or university to learn a new hobby or skill, visit new places and basically search for new opportunities.
605 angel number symbolism
605 angel number symbolism through history was mainly related to be generous. Angels and good spirits has always been associated with helping the human kind. So by giving to others you actually become a guardian angel yourself like Uriel and Zadkiel.
Also be happy with you have right now, it might be a lot and it might be not too much, but the angels wants to suggest to stop wanting and wanting things which will not convoy happiness. Be grateful for everything you achieved until this very moment and realize that you are fine and in fact you don’t really need to pursue new material possessions or extreme experiences.
Remember that life can take you to bad direction, you could encounter problems and obstacles which will make you miserable for years. So basically right now you are lucky because you don’t have too many worries in mind. It is also a good advice to not think about the past too much because it can’t be changed, we don’t have a time machine. It is much productive to vision the future and build it logically step by step.
The angels are sending you the number 605 because they want you to realize that you are unique person. So don’t compare yourself to others. It doesn’t matter what they are doing as long as you focus on personal goals and spiritual fulfilment. This will only create negative energies like jealousy and other bad emotions. Don’t waste effort of pretending, being fake and compete over mundane stuff like who has a bigger house, better profession or more friends. The important thing is that you are going in a direction that is good for your karma, live life as you want it to be.
Symbolism of angel number 605 includes stable substructure. Through many scribes, legends and folk stories 605 is an origin symbol of strength, the power to endure difficulties for a long time and than to overcome them a winner. Heroes have been fighting monsters, travelled in scary worlds and went to wars, only those who really wanted to come back safe, has made it. To survive on earth there is a need to be much stronger in the inside of the personality, not only physically.
Keep in mind that all the people in the world are so how connected to one another, so when they perceive you as someone who is stable and powerful they will like to be around, so if you will listen to the 605 angel number symbolism, you might discover that you are a natural leader. Hence, don’t be passive, get to be more active and in the end you might find yourself influencing on the human kind, at small or large scale.
605 angel number spiritual meaning
605 angel number spiritual meaning is endless energy and abundance. The basic explanation suggests you should not stop. If you have started some project than complete it, do it until there are substantial result, don’t quit. Quitting is for those who are too weak to endure the burden. They will never get to the point they want to be, always complaining and playing the victim. This is not a good road to walk, prove the world that you are build from a better material. Seeing 605 angel number is a definitive sign to complete a task until it’s completely done.
One example for endless energy or vibration is the concept of souls. Many people believe that after death the soul is transformed to another form or new places like heaven, hell and the sky. Moreover they believe in reincarnation, meaning that we can come back here to earth after death. The basic concept of this point of view is that the soul is an endless source of vibration.
In addition the spiritual meaning of flowing is also amplified with 605 angel number. When you flow it basically mean to understand that you can not control every tiny aspect. There are many other factors and reasons why certain events occur and usually we can not do anything about it as we are not the only players. Don’t strive to brutally enforce change on yourself or people around because it will only lead to undesired opposite outcomes.
The angels are sending you explicit instructions as quotes to stop seeking perfection and protection. Nothing is flawless and if we would wait for the perfect soulmate or twin flame or perfect job offer to come it might not come eventually. It is better to search for what is perfect for this current moment. If it is good enough for now than take it and work the way up with what is available near by.
The number zero is at the center of 605 angel number, so your main priority should be spiritual development in form of soul healing. Although you gained many experiences until now, nothing can really prepare you for a spiritual journey, there are new concept and wisdom to be learned. Always remember that life is about cycles, the beginning is also the end and vice versa. It means that you already know from inside what are the wishes and hopes, in fact in this sense life is very predictable and self awareness might reveal the future of the journey.
605 angel number in love
605 angel number in love signifies a romantic person. They take any relationship in a serious matter. They devote themselves to family and raising children. However in love there is no only romance and happiness because sometimes it is little difficult to be around them.
If you are seeing number 605 repeatedly than you tend to be a little tensed or irritated. In love and relationship it might be a major obstacle. If you will over react than sooner or later you might end up in a break up or a divorce. 605 is a sign from the divine to be more relax and flexible. Another suggestion is to be more traditional and do things in the old fashion way. You are someone who likes simple things and nostalgia, by creating this kind of environment the relationship might last for longer time.
If you have been burned out in previous relationship than it becomes more and more difficult for you to start a new one. The healing of the heart will take few months and even up to a year. As a serious person you also don’t enter too fast into romance or new connection, you take the time and deicide to do it only after you are sure for 100% that this is the right choice.
605 angel number in love means that soulmates or twin flames are very cardinal and they should be protected and loved at all cause. Hence sometime you might like to have the role of a hero or a saver or just help your spouse. Make sure not to force it on them, take into consideration that sometimes we can not help people if they are not willing to accept our guidance. Don’t take in too personally just let it go and wait till they will be more comfortable to open themselves.
In love 605 represents being a loyal partner because it contains the number 5. They will not waste their time on a person they don’t feel good around. This is also why they like to meet as much people as possible before deciding who will be their next lover. But once they made up their mind, they will not change it and live with him or her forever as they believe in unconditional love.
605 angel number twin flame
605 angel number twin flame is about computability. If you are keep getting this number than the angels are giving you a bold sign to know who you are compatible with because he or she might enter to your life very soon.
605 is a sign that you don’t want to live alone, in fact values like marriage, partnership and friendship are really predominant. A twin flame gives you confidence and security and this is why it is crucial you will find someone who is a perfect match. Being with the wrong person might have bigger negative impact. Stability is something very basic within your point of view, hence it must be taking care of completely.
Accordingly you are most compatible with people who have the following life path numbers: 2, 3, 4 and 9. If a person is somehow related to numbers 5, 6, 7 he or she are not the right twin flame. You will not be able to live with him or her, they are the complete opposite and it will become a nightmare. Number 1 and 8 can go either way it depends on how much work you and the partner want to put into the success of the love relationship.
What does 605 mean in angel number? another value that is important for you is idealism. It is crucial when we are talking about twin flames. You have a vision of the ideal relationship or what does it means to be a couple who both of them are in love. It is like a dream or a sweet wish that need to be fulfilled. If it will come true than great, but if it will be a shuttered dream it might cause you sorrow for a long time. Therefore 605 angel number encourages you to keep on dreaming and searching for a twin flame, but bare in mind that there will also be disappointments.
Significance of 605 angel number numerology
What is the Significance of 605 angel number in numerology? This is a bright indication of willpower. The angels want you to increase the willpower because you have a big mission to complete. Even if you don’t know it yet, something big is coming and you will have to play your cards right. Willpower is the key words of the angel sign in that case.
In order to build a great willpower there are few things that need to be done. First, don’t be overwhelmed by the destiny or path. Start small with tiny steps, complete small chores and be very alerted with all the little details even if they look unimportant or useless. The future is yet to be revealed, so don’t stop in the middle, there is much hard work ahead.
The significance of self-reliance is another personality trait and virtue that 605 angel number is all about. You should be more independent, don’t leave critical stuff to luck or randomness. In truth trust no one as every person on earth has his or her own motive. When someone is giving an advice, he or she usually talking more about what they wish to have or do, rather than actually about something that will fit perfectly for you. They don’t do it because they are bad or manipulative by definition, but because they see themselves first.
605 angel number means resourcefulness and creativity. There is a high chance that you have artistic skill or going to be an entrepreneur. When it comes to numerology number 605 indicates doing new things. You have the ability to think out of the box and find creative solution to problems.
This is the time to chase the dreams you always had, if you are on a mundane job which doesn’t brings you happiness as it was in the past, consider to seek another occupation, something fun and fresh. People who stay all their life with the same job or place don’t have enough challenges in life, in reality they are a sleep through all the time. The routine make their life really boring, they focus too much on monetary security and stability rather than enjoying life and do meaningful stuff, this is their trade of.
Everything in life can be seen as a lesson we learn. The things we know today are the experiences of the past. The significance of 605 angel number is reminding us to act upon the knowledge we gained. In numerology 605 number is related to number two which is a symbol of sensitivity and not only about logic and brain calculation. 6 + 0 + 5 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2. So if you want to be able to navigate through life there is a necessity to combine the mind and the emotion intelligence.
605 angel number and 606 607 609 611 numbers
The repeating pattern of 605 angel number might be revealed as other numbers again. It happens because they are closely similar in their meanings, however there are some variations:
606 angel number meaning: is to be more spiritual. Although you have accomplished many things and especially material object, there is something missing in your life. Buying more products or assets will not solve this emptiness. The soul need to be fed with spiritual elements as well. The angels giving a clue to cease the shopping madness, the answer is on the other direction.
Be more minimalistic, the fewer items we have, the more we feel free. It will open a space at every house or a room but also a space in our mind. You will start to notice that there are less negative thoughts, less stress and more time to do other things like walking in nature and be with friends.
607 angel number meaning: is more spiritual than 605 and 607, it is two steps further on psychic development journey. It indicates you already have passed trough the initial knowledge phase. Now is the perfect time to find someone who will teach you how to use these powers. It can be a guru, master and oracle or any kind of spiritual guide. It is also recommended to read books about this topic and search the internet for more information. You can also consult real psychics and go to one session to see how it is done.
609 angel number meaning: is that you are lost in some ways, it is usually with reference to work and career. If you are still young than you have to find out soon what are the strength points and weak points, by doing it the angel will reveal your career path. If you are older or already did significant things in recent years, consider to change the path to something more related to people, communities and assistance in general.
611 angel number meaning: this number is ending in 11 double digits so the angels are urging you to rearrange everything connected with relationships and domestic affairs. Make a decision whether you want to keep the current because you had some troubles in the past with soulmate or twin flame.
More examples of associated angel numbers in repeating sequences are: 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 111, 1111, 222 and 333.
Repeating 605 angel number sacred signs
There are many sacred signs in which angels are contacting us everyday and even at night when we are sleeping and dreaming. 605 angel number might be hidden everywhere, within codes and other combinations, here are few of the included interpretations:
5: number 5 denotes being interested in life’s secrets. Learning how to explorer things and know how they work, why do they exists and how to use them for the benefit of all human kind.
6: is stability, the foundation we build our life with. When it comes to love it indicates strong bond between twin flames and soulmates. If you are a parent than it signifies the importance of being with the kids and to share many activities together.
50: is a clear sacred sign from angels that freedom should be the ultimate goal in one’s life. More often than not we are not truly free to do the things we really want. This is the time to create a change and pursue freedom at al cost.
56: symbolize new opportunities, most of them will be positive and successful. However you will have to adapt to new situations as well. Don’t be fixated too much on ideals and philosophy principles.
60: is explained as perfection because it contains the number 12 multiplied by 5. You seek perfection and it might be very real in the next few weeks or months. It also denotes being lucky, so there is a possibility to win unexpected money and get stuff without too much effort.
65: is about justice and judgement. When you see something wrong or injustice, you try to fix it and show everyone the victory. You are a hero for those who can’t speak about their problems or for those who need help, a modern kind of warrior.
506: angel number code is encouraging a person to be friendlier. Life is about connection between people and there are many forms of these ties. If you will be more connected to your inner self, than it will attract people with same vibrations.
560: is about getting rid of fears and doubts. It is usually something that can be solved in spiritual manners. The angels are listening to the prayers, wishes and dreams at night. They received the message and now they are working on it. Hang on tight through rough times.
650: angel number suggests being more optimistic. Positive energies will do you good it terms of happiness, joy and even health. It is really easy to slip into negativity and see the world from pessimistic view, this should be avoided as much as possible.
Where have people seen 605 angel numbers? Some popular place are:
Expensive jewelry price tickets on earrings, ring, and pendants.
Objects like hoodie, rug, phone case, plate, poster, jumper, keychain, candles, and bracelet.
Your birthday date, date of birth, in horoscope dates and zodiac signs for example Taurus, Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn, astrology chart, oracle cards, tarot deck especially cards that named: the hierophant, the fool and the lovers.
On the internet at forums like reddit, usernames, hashtags, music song length 6:05.
In math and physics as equation, palindrome, calculator, decoder and random number generator.
Glossary dictionary, sheets, books and pdf page numbers and bible verse numbers.
Urban and country places, especially roads and area codes.
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2024.05.31 17:27 Psychics4U_net 2442 angel number meaning: twin flame love spiritual symbolism & more secrets!

2442 angel number meaning is very unique. It has lots of spiritual symbolism, interpretations and they are all connect somehow to love and twin flame. If you have been seen the number 2442 recently you might be getting messages from angels!
For more angel number interpretations, check out our vibrant subreddit:

2442 angel number meaning
2442 angel number is a combination of the numbers 2 and 4. But not only this, they appear twice in a special sequence, at the middle the fours and at the beginning and the end the twos. This is a strong message from the angels because the numbers are appearing twice. Maybe you didn’t paid enough attention to the previous signs you where getting. So this is your final chance to reveal the mystery behind it before it will go away and you will never see it again. There is a great opportunity that is waiting to be revealed.
Angel number 2: in numerology this number represents equilibrium in your life. You might have a quiet daily routine which is very good for you, there are no bad surprise or negative influences. However sometimes it might get boring to do the same old things everyday. The message of number two is telling you to have more fun, break the mundane course of life from time to time. For example go on vacation, travel in other destination and basically have new excitements to spice up your life.
However you should be very careful not to break the harmony. If you will go too wild you will be out of balance and it might have negative implications. You could end up in troubles that will change your life forever in a bad manner. Use your intuitions and brain to separate the good from the evil and you will be just fine. Don’t let the fear from the unknown to prevent you from achieving your life’s dreams, wishes and goals.
Angel number 4: is about working hard. Yes, if you want to be successful in your career you have to take it seriously. The road to success is usually very simply if you follow the basic principles:
First there is a need to determine the main goal, in most cases it is related to what kind of profession to choose. It is very crucial to make the right decision before you invest time and money in a certain life path. Also make sure you choose something that interesting you but also that is paying a nice amount of money. Remember angel number 2? You should balance those preferences if you want to be happy and wealthy as well.
The next step is to get formal education, gaining experience and climbing at the cooperate ladder. It usually takes lots of time and you will have to be very patience until results start to come. Number four symbolizes the hard times which are a head of you, don’t let it to discourage you.
2442 angel number is related to other goals as well not only career. It is a universal spiritual code for going after what you want whether in occupation, love, relationship and recreation, just say yes to new opportunities. There are not limits to what you can do in life, all options are in front of you. Any problem we might have is because we have fear, busy or because we don’t believe we can make it. Be a dreamer, see the possibilities and most likely you will manifest your desires.
2442 angel number symbolism
2442 angel number symbolism can be interpreted as a dialogue. It means a dialogue with yourself or with people.
Regarding inner reflection it is similar to thoughts or a little voice inside the head who is whispering you. The content of the self talking mechanism is actually the wishes you want to make true. In this manner it is important to have aspirations but more important to have positive thoughts and not negative ones. The angels are trying to tell you to stop bad self talk. In fact they are sending you good thoughts via 2442 angel number, so take is a symbol of your mission.
When it come to interactions between you and people around, wether they are closed to you like a lover, family and friends, or if they are just an acquaintances or co workers, you should have skills like a sales person or a leader. The angels reveals your place in relation to people, usually it indicates a place of power. So you are or going to be a big part of something. Maybe manager at work, head of team in sport or other recreation hobby. The angels are giving you the responsibility on others so you must be ready. Ready to understand their needs, to make sure nothing wrong will happen and more important – whatever you in charge of to continue to advance.
The symbolism of angel number 2442 is about motivation. Therefore define how much you want something to become real, what is the reward in the end of the assignment and will it be worth it? Old habits must be change if you want to win new opportunities, part of the journey is to invent yourself from the beginning. There is no need to change the entire personality or life, but little adaptations here and there are inevitable.
The spirits from the other world send you the number 2442 because they encourage you to focus on one main thing right now. Whatever you choose, be an expert on it. For example if you would like to know more about spirituality, do what it needs to learn about it, practice meditation, participate in workshop and consult gurus and masters. However, don’t neglect other areas in life, keep in mind that there are other important things in life other than chasing the dream.
Another symbolism of the specific angel number is a long way which you have to go. The numbers 2 and 4 are relatively small on the scale of 0 to 10. So the timing position is relatively in the beginning. Sometimes it might be overwhelming to realize how much challenges are in front of us. The secret to carry on is to the divide the grand mission into smaller chores and every time to complete one of them on a regular basis. In this way you will not loose valuable energy and won’t be too tired.
The angels are here to give support if needed, if you believe in the existence of messages from souls, than it will make you stronger and keep on motivated. You didn’t come here by a mistake and there is a reason why number 2442 keep on entering into your reality.
2442 angel number spiritual meaning
2442 angel number spiritual meaning is about the belief that there are no random coincidences. Every person on earth has a purpose, some godly mission he or she has to accomplish during the time. If we will manage to do it successfully, than we will be rewarded in this life but also in the afterlife.
Not everything yield instant gratification and in most cases we are not being aware of the reward. Furthermore the possibility of something good or positive to transpire is very high if you keep on the elevated vibration and an open mind. That said the angel want you to open your communication on another level. The spirit world is operated on energies and not on logic and analytics.
And yet there are many recommended exercises and techniques to help you to understand and be closer to the target. For example lucid dreaming, astrology, talking to psychics and reading books about divination and fortune telling. It doesn’t matter which psychic root you choose, and you don’t have to be the best mystical person in the world, just to be more connected from an energy perspective.
The angels sent you the number 2442 because they want to help you be more spiritual. One of the best ways is to be less depended on technology and material objects. Go back to simple life. If you have clothes or any other items that are no longer needed through them away or give them to charity. Avoid continue being friends with those who don’t spread good energy. Eat healthy food and spend more time at nature, it will make you less stress and tired. It is also a good exercise to do some gardening and other natural handcrafts as carpentry and sewing.
Volunteering is another way to increase your spirituality. Not only you will get the chance to do something meaningful and help to those who really need it, but it is the fastest way to generate good karma. By give aid of any source you are actually helping yourself. The good deeds will come back to you in one way or another. You will suddenly feel very lucky and will have good temper.
By helping others you become an angel and the cycle is closed. 2442 is a mirror number because it’s assembled from 24 at the start and 42 in the end. It gives us the clue that you are supposed to be a reflection of the angels` mission. So if you want to be or have something give it to others. It sounds counter intuitive and maybe confusion a little bit, but give it a chance, you have nothing to loose and the whole world to gain.
One more spiritual meaning of 2442 angel number is to build a believe system on a stable ground. Spiritual development is not a trend, on the contrary it has lots of philosophy, meaning and actual implications. Many people says that spiritual development doesn’t work, it happen to them because they didn’t understood or assimilated it correctly in their daily life.
2442 angel number in love
2442 angel number in love is very promising. The number two indicates a very sympathetic person. Someone who is really caring about his or her spouse. It can be boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife. If you or your partner is somehow connected to this number, than it reveals a tendency to be the perfect lover.
However there are some caveats with high emotional persons. They tend to be offended very quickly and sometimes without any warning, a sudden sad temper is coming and you don’t have too much what to do about it. They are also easy to manipulate because they are good individuals and trust everyone as second nature.
Number 2 denotes long term relationship, and to be more precise, the angels reveal through number 2422 that the relationship is going to become much deeper. As a sensitive person it is very difficult for you to be far away from the people you love including friends and family. You can not imagine your life far away from those people. The values of the family and tradition are very important in your opinion.
If you are currently in short term relationship or a single man or woman who is searching for love, you have to realize that 2442 angel number is a sign for a long term relationship. Therefore when you meet new candidate it is crucial to see if he or she is compatible. Couples who are the complete opposite from each other will not survive together, it always end up with break up, divorce, arguments and fighting.
If you are looking for a compatible partner than according to numerology you should look for a person who has the number 1 or 3 in their destiny. Number 7 is also a good match but only for love and not for friendship or as a business partner.
2442 angel number consist the number 4, in love and relationships is it less preferred and it might cause some confusion. So before we get into the consequences of having number 4, please keep in mind that you have to balance and find equilibrium between those numbers combination.
People who were born with number 4 in their spiritual path are holding secrets, they are not very opened and generally are not interested in short term relationships. Their mood is sway frequently and you will never know what is on their mind. Furthermore they will not follow rules as a default, they more concern about their needs rather than the others. In general they are takers and not givers. So if you want a mutual beneficial partnership you will not find it with them. It will be very difficult for you to build a valid love relationship.
Therefore 2442 angel number encourages you to decide as soon as possible what kind of love relationship you want to have. After you will make the final ruling, the angels will be able to work on making your wish come truth.
2442 angel number twin flame
2442 angel number twin flame is about good connections. The angels want you to remember that they are never wrong. If you met a twin flame than it is your fate, the universe is never wrong, it brings up people into our life because we have to be together. It is not only about us but there is a broader scope which is linked to more factors here on earth.
Therefore if you encounter some difficulties in a relationship or love, don’t hurry to break up or getting a divorce. Do everything which is required to save it. Don’t go back to the old days where you have searched endlessly for a soulmate. Now that you have found it the mission is to cherish it, when it comes to destiny there is no second chance.
Not every person in a relationship is a twin flame, so if you are getting angel number 2442 but you feel that something is missing, than the individual you are with is not your twin flame. So the interpretation is to leave him or her, don’t waste time and energy in the wrong correspondence and let them go, because sooner or later it will happen by itself.
If you are single and keep on seeing 2442 number than your twin flame is near by. You don’t have to take too much action at the current moment, don’t go every night on a date. Just relax and let the angels bring the special person to your circle. However you have to do one little thing if you truly want it to happen – be ready. Sometime we are too occupied with other things like job, money and family, that we forget there are more things on life other the daily duties.
So in the next few days or months, try to spot the opportunity, a twin flame can be someone new who is entering into your life, but it might also be someone you already know and share common interests with. In numerology repeating numbers like: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99 signifies a couple, mirror reflection, double message and twin flames. The more there is a repetition the closer is the manifestation. 2442 angel number has this characteristic, so the angels have already grabbed your attention, now you need to walk on the right path.
2442 angel number numerology significance
2442 angel number in numerology significance that you are not quick enough to make decisions. Wether it is a big decision or a small choice, you are scuffling to make up your mind and decide what will be the next step.
The angels want to make it easier for you to pick the best option because right now you are stacked. You have put specific issues or maybe all your life on hold until you will realize what you want to do. This blockage is preventing you from being fulfilled. There is an immediate urge to wake up, don’t procrastinate because in the end someone will make the choice and it will be better if it will come from your side. Be responsible for life don’t let others to dictate the future because it will surely be something which is not that suitable for you.
What does 2442 number meaning in numerology? It considered revealing sign of low self esteem. This is where the angels are stepping in, they want you to know that they are actually guarding angels and that they are watching you far from the sky. They want to bring you good fortune and success, but you have to be decisive. If you are on a crossword and doing nothing but sitting on the side than nothing will happen.
Yes bad things might occur, this is a part of life and you shouldn’t be afraid of it. A failure should be treated like a lesson we have to learn and nothing more. Many successful people, even famous ones, had so many failures in their careers but no one is even mentioning it. Hence don’t live in illusion that everything will be handed for you, there are still major steps to take.
A positive sign of angel number 2442 is the energy of the sun, it delivers happiness, optimism and positive thinking. These factors are important when you need to decide, don’t think only about the worst case scenario, dedicate some thought and ponder what good things might occur as well. Remember that one negative thought will generate another one and before you notice, your head is in a negative loop which is hard to break.
Instead think about good things like angel, because 2442 repeating number is actually related to archangel. Archangels are more important messengers because they are much closed to god or the higher spirit in the hierarchy.
Your lucky day is Monday, so according to numerology, if you have something important to do it will be better to do it on Mondays. This will ensure raised vibrations within the actions and might generate good outcomes.
2442 angel number and 4334 2525 2828 2444 2626 4141 numbers
2442 angel number is also related to these sequences of numbers: 4334, 2525, 2828, 2444, 2626 and 4141. They might come together or instead of 2442. here are the spiritual meaning:
4334 angel number meaning: a change need to be done. The way you live life is not optimal for your needs. Something just doesn’t fit together and you don’t have a sliest clue what it is? Try to do things differently and you might see an improvement in the near future. It also denotes a change in your house or living condition. Maybe the apartment is too small or too noisy, maybe you need to move into another neighbourhood, city or country. A quick fix can be found in the wisdom of Fang Shui.
2525 angel number meaning: is also about change as 2442 but it is more related to the past. Create the present without living the traumas of the past. Set yourself free from worries, because if something bad has happen to you in the past, let’s say 10 years ago or when you were a little kid, it doesn’t have to occur again. You have the control and you are in charge. The one thing that is holding you is the bad memory. With NLP, Neuro-linguistic programming you might be able to release those patterns of thinking and vision brighter future.
2828 angel number meaning: you should create a plan and follow every tiny detail until the end. This number is about success in money, work, business and career. If you want to be rich and you are seeing 2828, forget about scratch tickets, the angels are saying: “use your skills”. You are entering a phase which is not related to luck, randomness or coincidences. Be resourceful, because everything you need is close to you and will be a good use or a tool to prosperity.
2444 angel number meaning: is to be more connected to your energy. Like every human being you have weaknesses and they are producing a different kind of energy, you can feel and detect when it comes. Angels are writing a memorandum of transformation, instead of wasting efforts on controlling the negative vibes use these energies to create something productive.
2626 angel number meaning: is to take a break from the daily routine. There is too much grinding and it would do you good to rest. Try to cut the hours at work, spend some quality time with friends and family. Go dancing, to a night at the pub, concerts, watch movies, spa and any other activity which will uplift the spirit. However to make the biggest change, learn meditation which is the ultimate relaxation.
4141 angel number meaning: you are looking for guidance. There are some things you would like to do or achieve and you don’t really know how to get them and where to start. The angels will send you a guide or two that will aid in manifesting the goal. It can be someone very smart with lots of knowledge, wisdom and experience. But it might also be someone who is a free spirit and loose. Don’t judge them by the way they look, as the famous quote says: “don’t judge a book by its cover”. By contrast, listen and learn from what they have to say.
Repeating 2442 angel number sacred signs
2442 angel number don’t have to repeat itself exactly every time. In fact it usually represented or hidden inside different combinations of numbers. Here are more variations of 2442 angel number:
2: represent dichotomy between two strange ideas, good or bad or actual substance. This will force you to choose or to make a decision. In most cases you will not be able to solve a problem by combining it. You will have to take a side and let go of something. This is ok because the angels are there to assist you.
4: is about traditional values and being a serious person. It usually related to being an adult, and leaving the childhood phase. The angels are leading you to a new phase which will force you to be responsible.
22: also appeared is some way on 2442 angel number. It is a bridge between the past and the future because the number two appears on the beginning and the end of 2442. Experiences and good memories from the past are good and will transform your future to maximum results. But every person has also past grudges which needed to be put behind.
24: an artistic figure usually related to painting and creating wonderful music. Number 24 encourage you to explorer your creative and artistic side. It denotes a sense of aesthetics and beauty.
42: the wish has already granted. The angels know exactly what you want and will deliver it as soon as possible. Your task is to keep the faith, hope and believe in the universe or cosmos. Don’t ruin the chance by believing everything is lost. One more little effort and you are there.
44: get up in the morning and continue exactly with the endeavours but during that time maintain an open communication with the angels. They will unfold some illusions and false information that might be misleading.
224: don’t just dream find the road to make them true. Take the appropriate measurements to generate real assets in life according to the origin of your desire. For example if you would like to have your dream house than have a steady plan on how you are going to raise money for it.
242: meaning is to put yourself in the front line. No more hiding you can manage life from home or from the darkness. Let the world know what is your special talent or gift, interact with the cosmos and don’t be too passive.
422: is about choosing the right career path. It doest apply only to college students but also to those who are working at the same place or profession for too long years. Maybe you had enough and the current job is very boring, so seek something else.
424: a warning to be more economic. Wether its money or relationship don’t be mislead by keep on doing something you are not fully complete with. Go after the things you really want and not for those that someone else expects.
2244: denotes you have to wait. Things are not looking very positive so you have to wait, it will be cleared and the near future.
4422: the world will provide all the basic needs, you have been destined to develop spiritual awareness and psychic a abilities.
4242: something new is going to enter to your realm it is very close because the number repeating itself. The angels are also much closed to you, maybe you will be able to spot one of them.
4224: implies negative vibrations that should be taken out of your life. There is a demand to clear the air if you want to be more vital, healthy and happy.
2442 angel number in the bible means to wait. It also has an additional biblical interpretation which is similar to fishing. So it reveals that you need to put a certain effort and being patient till the result will come.
2442 angel number can be seen in many places, here are related searches for this number:
Countries like uk and usa - united state.
In Hebrew, English, Espanol, Chinese, Japanese, Korean books or dictionary index.
One zero eight nine verified phone number, car or bus license plate, color code, calculator, chart, random number generator, youtube video, zodiac sign lucky numbers like Virgo,
Urban streets: Ocean avenue, Broadway, stefi trail Oakville, ocean plaza, central ave, iowa avenue, rice street, kuhio ave, credit valley road, Quebec, queen road,
quail ridge dr, Queensway north bay, quetico crescent, quarter hill rd, qld postcode, qx 2442, qx2442usb, wright ct, w Mississippi ave, w Harrison, w arthington, w fillmore st, west lake of the isles parkway, w lasalle Springfield mo, w polk, wave way Skaneateles ny, w foster, eastridge loop, edgewood trace, edgar street, e pierson st, e 75th st, elden ave costa mesa, e Osborn rd, e 79th st, elderberry ct, elliot ave s.
rice street, ransom ave, rivermist ct Naperville, rim oak, rose arbor drive, raggio ave santa clara, rockhurst road salina ks, Rebecca drive racine wi, route 37 cherry hill, tusitala st, trailside lane Wauconda il, tom polk ave, tangier dr Kissimmee fl, trillium ridge road, tilghman street Allentown pa, Tremont place Denver co, tall timbers trail, topside dr auburn ca. and many more…..
submitted by Psychics4U_net to AngelNumbersMeanings [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 08:02 DylanSchreiner My 11 Mystic (?) Tenets

My 11 Mystic (?) Tenets
Graphix Slayer
  • 0. (self) Circulate
  • 1. (self) Center
  • 2. (self) Corral
  • 3. (self) Console
  • 4. (self) Clarify
  • 5. (self) Indulge
  • 6. (self) Delude
  • 7. (self) Amuse
  • 8. (self) Caricature
  • 9. (self) Evolve
  • 10. (self) Author
Quotes or Mottoes have yet to be wrested from the Aether.

Gunna Fire
Divine Statue of Time & Space
The more "Self-CONTROL" you are, the lower number Tenet you should focus on.
The more "EGO" you are, the midder the number Tenet you should focus on.
The more "EXPLODE" you are, the higher the number Tenet you should focus on.

More here: ARE HABITS FOR YOU: Are You a SELF-CONTROL or EXPLODE type? -- The Answer Might Surprise You!

from Magic: The Gathering, card game

Yes I have integrated Magic: The Gathering, the card game.

Breaking it down further:

  • 0 Circulate & 1 Center = Chinese Water/ Red Mana Fire
  • 2 Corral & 3 Console = Chinese Metal/ Black Mana Death
  • 4 Clarify & 6 Delude = Chinese Earth/ Blue Mana Water
  • 7 Amuse & 8 Caricature = Chinese Fire/ White Mana Light
Off - White
  • 9 Evolve & 10 Author = Chinese Plant/ Green Mana Nature
  • 5 Indulge = I will just call this Mystical Ego Self
Great Fortune
My Super Special Chinese Fortune Telling called BaZi => I am Yin Water
Look up your Super Special Chinese Fortune Telling based on birthday here:
Elite Genetics


Jungian Type Explained Correctly
Their catchy titles like Mystic, Analyst, Explorer etc are not Ironclad truth, just conventional.
Super Smart Stuff
Yes I incorporated Dungreed, the 2D korean dungeon crawling video game:
Ancient Earth, when no plant or animal larger than a flea . . existed.

(self) Circulate - My Favorite

There are [7 Layers, or GERMS] to (self) Circulate: __The first is "LOST IN THE SAUCE: The First Germ"
fucking GERMS

There are 13 sub-layers or DAYS to The First Germ, and they are attitudes or 'personality' down to how you use your body, where and how you hold tension, circulation, a lot of stuff.
In the Bible, Days are often written & interpreted as meaning Years. The sense of scale is big, understand?
Then again, we could be talking about fractions of a second. . . digesting and assimilating the smallest minutia, comprehending the hustle & flow of vibe & aura. . . the plot thickens
REAL -> Predigestiny -> Precline -> Recline -> Incline -> Disincline -> Decline -> Connections -> Creativity -> Curriculum -> Appraisal -> Commission -> GAME
Try walking with the following attitudes if you need a practical sense of each:
>First Day: REAL
>Second Day: Progestive Predigestiny is a clear bog of primordial soup. Impression & Finesse of generation, gesture, gestation & digestion. The mere impulse or itch to move or do something is quite significant. Structure formed & perceived here will go on to become significant. Motive force is extremely finessed minutia. Tissues & Glands commence "sublingually", a language yet fully formed. Embryonic.
>Third Day: Preclusive Preclination is a clear attitude of following one's preclinations (often termed inclinations & proclivities), and the preclinations offered by circumstance, matter, energy, whatever; adjusting and evolving into more reliable, nimble or better preclinations over time. Path of least resistance. Lost in the Sauce. Fundamental.
>Fourth Day: Reclusive Recline is a clear attitude of holding out or retracting from things, but not as independent from reality. Restraint where preclinations may scatter or fall into distraction. Developing easy patterns. Like leisure. Meditative. Circulating in place. Fundamental.
>Fifth Day: Inclusive Incline is a clear attitude of meandering towards something new or out of comfort and moving quickly through easier stuff. Includes more of reality. Dynamic. Vibrant. Fundamental.
>Sixth Day: Exclusive Disincline is a clear attitude of resisting trouble, reducing problems. Jackie Chan: I don't want any trouble.
>Seventh Day: Conclusive Decline is a clear attitude of removing problems and making valuable ways of doing things more clear. It's like pruning weeds from a garden. Jackie Chan: Caught stealing, sent to Shaolin temple for religious discipline.
>Eighth Day: Compounding Connections is a clear attitude of difficulty. Relying on good patterns, making sure they become even more reliable. Jackie Chan: Training-arc.
>Ninth Day: Copious Creativity is a clear attitude of friction & germination. Pattern vs pattern friction and spontaneous creativity. Jackie Chan: Ladder factory & Chair shop. Sparring.
>Tenth Day: Caricature's Curriculum is a clear attitude of mastery & expansion. Think of all the possibilities. Jackie Chan: Wooden men trial. Drunken monkey style fighting. Other: The Robot. The Cha-Cha.
>Eleventh Day: Appraiser's Appraisal is a clear attitude of evaluating and valuating one's own skills & efforts, and others' too. Moreso physically, there's the weight, rhythm, timing, measure, and big picture of one's efforts & skills or others'. Socially, there may be friction or opportunity for organization & influence. The development is in accurate or profound appraisal, especially whilst under-pressure or fatigued.
>Twelfth Day: Commissioner's Commission is a clear attitude of blessed 'miseration', blessed with some task, some mission. This is broadening of the Picture into a Bigger Picture, where one's actions may work for a larger and sophisticated structure and organization. It is also the focused creative or destructive task. The development is in remaining focused and powerfully diligent, while still in harmony with the significant motive.
>Thirteenth Day: GAME

Kamaro's Dance from Majora's Mask
Frog Punch by Aoki, from Hajime no Ippo
₪ 10 Shekel ₪

All applied to Oneself can be applied to others in Someway

Lebron shouts for Grinch & Dr. Seuss

ARCANE EXPLOSION -- (self) Author

Here is your (self) Author:
  1. Numeric (Exhaustion)
  2. Ideogram (Promotion)
  3. Logogram (Authority)
submitted by DylanSchreiner to TrainingToFight [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 07:17 Puzzled-Sign-1162 What do you guys think of this tattoo?

What do you guys think of this tattoo?
My good friend drew this up for me and I want to get it on my right forearm. Everyone I showed the picture to asked if I was also going to get the hands. I want them because this is a very personal tattoo that co-insides with my religion. It is a visual representation of my favorite quote from the Bible (1 Peter 5:7 “cast all your care upon him; for he careth for you”). The hands represent the hands of God. The cross is a special cross that I picked and matches a necklace that I wear all the time. The symbol is an anxiety symbol. I want it because it reminds to breathe and look towards God. I know this isn’t a religious subreddit but I want your guys thoughts on how to improve the tattoo or if I should get it as is.
submitted by Puzzled-Sign-1162 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 04:16 ming-ming618 Tired of empty Christian rhetoric

If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray...
I am so tired of hearing this from Christians and especially pastors who clearly don't believe it. There is a massive movement in American evangelicalism that is basically lifting political ideologies and a particular leader up as someone or something that is going to save America from everything they feel is wrong in our nation.
How can so many of our spiritual leaders in this country lack discernment to such an alarming degree? Both the problem and the solution are very clear and simple. The problem is still sin and the solution is still the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I guess I am just one of those rare idiots who actually believes what the Bible says is true. If God says when we see things absolutely falling apart that if we humble ourselves and pray He will respond, then maybe let's try that. It's not just that one verse either. There is another widely quoted, yet *rarely executed example of this in Joel 2. The doctrine of sincere, fervent praying can be seen in the life and teachings of Jesus as well as through out the epistles.
I'm sorry, but the way I see it, if you don't believe in the power of prayer to the extent that your belief results in actually doing it I don't see how you can call yourself a Christian. It's like the main weapon in our arsenal. We need to pray now guys, like for real. We are in an hour of spiritual crisis and we have got to get serious about getting a hold of God right now. God is the only one that can intervene and change the direction this nation is headed. He's done it before. I believe He would do it again...if only we would pray.
submitted by ming-ming618 to Christianity [link] [comments]