Can you tell if someone is on ritalin

Off My Chest Philippines

2019.11.20 09:10 Off My Chest Philippines

A Filipino community where we work to make it a safe space in which you can unload your burdens, as well as celebrate your wins and milestones. This š’‚š’Šš’Žš’” to be a non-judgmental space where you can vent things you want off your chest and find support in each other. May posting here bring relief to you.

2009.04.20 19:43 A safe, welcoming community for all pregnant people!

A safer space for all pregnant people.

2008.01.25 18:37 design


2024.06.02 08:57 Main_Engineering_261 How do you transition mtf while having deep feelings for your hetero cis male best friend?

So... I'm 29... And I have had gender dysphoria since I was a kid, truly convinced and upset that my P did not grow inward into a V as I grew as a kid. I was deeply upset that I didn't have breast development as a teenager. I didn't have anyone to talk about this, as my attraction to men is what led to shame and such from family. I recall looking at self castration videos and could go through with it, and just gave up. I mast****** with the idea my P was inward, frustrated at the form I had.
I didn't understand these feelings and buried them deep deep inside. I gave up on being a woman because I had no one to talk to and gave up. As time went on, I very much took on the role of a man, not all the aspects, but several. That grief went to the side until I grew older and understood what the trans experience was like. I ended up becoming a mental health professional and working with countless folks within communities I never had been connected to growing up, while put in the role as a helper. A role to perform in, as I had as a man. Hell, I sure have a lot of skill, but I feel trapped into these patterns of presenting masculine in my role as a helper and my limited close close connections.
As I've gotten older, these feelings have not mitigated, and I have even gone to the gym to build/shape this body some (if I'm stuck in it). Almost like a list "hoo-rah" of trying to be and feel what it's like as a man. I'm still not happy with how I am, even as I see my body shaping up. I've considered HRT, and find myself a little scared. I wish I had some fake chests to have on and see how that feels. I start feeling worried. I noticed this week, that I am afraid of the alignment of my gender due to the way women are treated.
Growing up, I've had close friends suddenly move, not talk to me, or just not be there in my life. I didn't have a true true friend from 3rd grade until 9th grade. My best friend, let's say "Guy", was the first person I met who had presence with me to some degree. We play fought, played games, walked and talked, so many things. At some point he had kids and his wife left him over some time. We've been close all this time, and it seems that I finally have someone in my life who holds space for me in a large way. He shared what he values about women this evening and it made my heart just melt. I felt that there are good men out there for women, and I felt hope.
Being in my friend for 14+ year's, I find myself afraid of transitioning due to the fear of being rejected by my friend. And yet his conversation helped me feel hope that a man would love me as a woman. How do I hold this? I can provide some more info on the way and welcome questions. Thank you
submitted by Main_Engineering_261 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:57 Umitsbooboo Got the job - Success story!

Successor : u/tragerkrager
Hey everyone. Iā€™ve been lurking on this page like for a year or so, having been into law of assumption and attraction for a few years. I've just recently had a massive success so I feel like I have to put my two cents in. Bear with me as this is a bit of a long story.
Summary: In November 2023 I quit my job. Went from living in the UK (not where Iā€™m from but where I want to spend the rest of my life), good paying job in the industry (very, very, niche industry and I was at one of the best companies) to being unemployed, living with my parents in my home country. My job was located in a town (not London) I absolutely hated, but the job made it worth it.
Fun side note, before I got the job I wanted to be in London (where Iā€™ve lived before and know I love) but kept telling people I was fine with anywhere in the country, so guess what turned up - dream job in a different part of the UK, far away from London. Anyway, I quit my job with the belief I was going to get THE job in London within like a month or so. This did not happen. Instead I spent 5 months unemployed, running up my credit cards, living with my parents in my home country. After 5 months things changed and within two more weeks I had my dream job, at my dream company, at a specific location in London Iā€™ve been dreaming of working at for years, with a salary higher than anyone I know. All thanks to Neville.
Details: In October I affirmed for a week I was worthy of the career I wanted - and I ended up quitting my job out of nowhere, but I had a strong sense that this move was the right one. I happily put my furniture into storage and moved back with my parents (Iā€™m in my mid/late twenties). I told people Iā€™d rather waitress in London than work and live where I was. I went months unemployed, hating life and doubting Neville so much. It got to the point where I thought I was delusional and you were all wrong haha.
I also had an immigration deadline of 6 months, I could not be out of the UK for more than that without losing my immigration status. Hindsight shouldā€™ve just uncreated this. So the months go by and I have very few interviews but I do get one interview I really like. Itā€™s at a massive bank although Iā€™m not in finance I thought it could really suit me and with a yearly salary of 15,000 pounds more than I previously had. I donā€™t get it because I got too scared and mentally spooked it away. Essentially this job was exactly what I wanted, in the same finance district Iā€™ve always wanted to work. The rejection really threw me off not getting it and I didnā€™t understand why.
So I thought, f* them, Iā€™ll get a job at an even better bank (referred to as bank X now) with a salary of 20,000 more than I had before (which would mean a massive salary I actually could live really good on and get a decent flat with). No one I know whoā€™s 2 years out of grad school earns that kind of money. Itā€™s more money than both my parents earn. I got pissed and felt like if Iā€™m creating my life I might as well throw in a massive salary.
Techniques: Anyway, months go by and I see my deadline (early May) approaching, throughout this time Iā€™ve changed my mindset. I went from reading articles to reading Neville and implementing it (like you all say). I also read The Power of your subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy.
Within two weeks of moving back to London I had a job offer at bank X, with the exact F* you salary I aimed for, the exact role, everything. And sure I was super happy when they called, but it felt so natural I almost didnā€™t call anyone to let them know. The last two weeks since I got it I havenā€™t been overjoyed and walked on clouds, no itā€™s just natural. But guess whose start date isnā€™t until 4-6 weeks so I have to waitress to get by until then. Everything does come true, even the bad stuff.
I hope this story makes some sense and can give someone hope and trust. I read basically every story on here throughout my unemployed months and I wanted to give back. Let me know if you have any questions or comments!! Iā€™ll probably post something in the future about further thoughts and techniques as this experience taught me a lot. But for now I just wanted to share that I got the job!!
submitted by Umitsbooboo to LOASuccessStory [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:55 AbsentbebniM Found in a pile (not even upright) of house contents in front of a neighborā€™s house.

Found in a pile (not even upright) of house contents in front of a neighborā€™s house.
Came back from a 2-week vacation and saw a pile of furniture, household goods, and this NBA JAM cabinet in the front ditch of a neighboring house (itā€™s a rental property). After driving by a few times, I determined it was simply waiting for me to bring it homeā€¦ if even just to salvage parts for resale. The back label indicates itā€™s the model that came with the stool (I looked around the pile, but didnā€™t find one), so someone paid a good chunk for it originally. As near as I can tell, the PCB is dead (Iā€™ve never owned one of these before, but Iā€™d assume itā€™s fairly straightforward to make such a determination), but everything else appears to be ok. Only real damage is to the right side panel of the riserā€¦ it is somewhat swollen from water exposure.
Iā€™ve already acquired the LCD Display Controller board and know the screen works fine. Really the next step is determining what I want this cabinet to be. Iā€™m not an NBA JAM guy, so the control panel will need to be replaced (Iā€™ll gladly sell the current one if anyone is interested). And Iā€™m still undecided on the theming I want for the graphicsā€¦ but Iā€™ll get there. I wasnā€™t looking for a project, but one found me :)
submitted by AbsentbebniM to Arcade1Up [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:53 One-Difference-5177 Can someone help me Understand this !?

People of reddit Iā€™m having some trouble understanding the intentions of this person.
I currently (24M) met a (22F). I met her when I was 21 and she was 19. We known each other for 2 years since and were once neighbors we mutually had feelings for each other but nothing was mentioned by both of us. We parted ways and ended up in different countries. We stayed in touch since then and one day she told me that she really liked me and wished I made a move while we were in the same country. We talked for a while and she vaguely discussed about Marriage.
 Five months later after said discussion, She requested that I marry her out of the blue to which I told her I need to think about it. I told her Marriage is a huge commitment and since you randomly brought this up I will need some time to run the Proā€™s and Cons ( i didnā€™t say Iā€™ll run the Proā€™s and Cons but I told her to give me time). Five days later she tells me not to worry about it and apologizes for putting pressure on me to make a decision. Three months later she gets engaged and Married to someone else (Congrats to her). However she still calls me and asks how Iā€™m Doing with life and things like that but does not answer when I ask her how things are with her. This Women is now married why on earth is she still even talking to me ? I have no idea who her husband is either all I know is that sheā€™s married and she never once wanted to introduce me to her Husband which I think is a little Sus. Sometimes it feels like she is talking to me in secret because every time I hear someone in the background she hangs up and calls me when nobody is around. What are her intentions ? This is making me go a little crazy can you guys help me understand this ? Oh yeah and she also asks about my Romantic status all the time. 
submitted by One-Difference-5177 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:51 PerishShit C4 Charlie ReAnalyzed

C4 Charlie ReAnalyzed
This a reanalysis of C4 Charlie since I was wrong on a few stats, and ill will include different set ups and the situation in which one will be better than the other.
[Discoveries] Iā€™m honestly glad I decided to retested him because I made a few new discoveries. Apparently C4 Charlie does not get the damage buff from plasma goggles, he only gets the 20% speed buff. Also Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s something wrong with the Blazing Feet trinket, it gives an 8% speed buff which he does get at lower speeds, but at higher speeds he doesnā€™t get the buff from it, Iā€™m not sure if this is just for C4 Charlie or other characters as well. Also Iā€™ve tested it and C4 Charlieā€™s MOAB Assassin ability does get buffed by Jamesā€™ Lucky Coin so he has a 5% chance of dealing 16k damage with it! Oh yeah his ability also gets the GGMMM buff but thatā€™s not as cool or impressive. I already said this in another post but Iā€™ll include the two best instruments for the character, and Iā€™ll probably leave a comment for the stats of what I believe are the best two, Golden Viola and Fire Guitar. Why only two well itā€™s because I believe that without a doubt you should have Tuxedo Jake and Jake in your team, because Marceline is mid ok I said it. Also when I replace The Lover with Fire Guitar while using Charlieā€™s original setup his attack speed went from 6.67 to 7.5? Donā€™t ask me how I have no clue how a the Fire Guitarā€™s 7% speed buff gave him a 12.45% increase. Also Iā€™m going to go over a bunch of setups and tell you which has his highest potential and which is best for his being afk.
[Best instruments] Golden Viola & Fire Guitar
[Powers & Buffs Used] Party Time, Trail Mix, Beautiful Melody, Regal Presence, GGMMM, Lute Suit, Tree Trunkā€™s Apple Knife, Turn it up, Allegro Tempo, Monkey Stim
{MOAB Mauler Path} This path is good if you want to be interactive in game with abilities, itā€™s good if your defense is in the middle of the map, it can help chip away BADā€™s health from far away, also causes the least amount of lag.
[Best Setup] Range: 59 Bakerā€™s Shard, Cosmic Gauntlets, Doom Gauntlets, Engineers Blueprints, Heart Gauntlets, Black Bow Tie, Medallion of Brogend, Dagger of Chilled Glass, Baby Tooth, Jamesā€™ Lucky Coin
[Base Bomb Attack] Base Bomb Damage: 70 Fragment Damage: 54 Total Base Attack Damage: 124 Jamesā€™ Lucky Coin: 124 * 1.05 = 130.2 Attack Speed: 7.5 DPS: 130.2 * 7.5 = 976.5
[Burny Stuff] Damage: 4 Jamesā€™ Lucky Coin: 4 * 1.05 = 4.2 Attack Speed 2 DPS: 8.4
[MOAB Assassin] Damage 8k With Jamesā€™ Lucky Coin: 8,000 * 1.05 = 8,400 Cooldown 21.6 DPS: 8,400 / 21.6 = 388.89
[Final Total DPS] 1,373.79
{Double Bombs Path} Good for speed running if you decided to bring Charlie. Good damage but causeā€™s a little more lag than the MOAB path, and is a little less reliable, fine choice for an afk run.
[Best Setup] Range: 68 Glasses of Nerdicon, Bakerā€™s Shard, Cosmic Gauntlets, Doom Gauntlets, Engineers Blueprints, Heart Gauntlets, Black Bow Tie, Medallion of Brogend, Dagger of Chilled Glass, Jamesā€™ Lucky Coin
[Base Bomb Attack] Base Bomb Damage: 10 Fragment Damage: 54 Total Base Attack Damage: 64 Jamesā€™ Lucky Coin: 64 * 1.05 = 67.2 Bouncy and Double Bomb Bonus: 67.2 * 3 = 201.6 Attack Speed: 7.5 DPS: 1,512
[Burny Stuff] DPS: 8.4
[Final Total DPS] 1,520.4
{Carl The Gem and Missile Setup} Range 59 This has the highest damage output, but be cautious it will cause some lag in the later waves with more characters. Also missile is not a good choice for speed running or placing near the spawn because the missiles only target after the MOABs have reached a certain point, Im not sure if itā€™s time base or if the hit box has to reach past a certain point in the map. I recommend using the Double Bomb path with this setup because well why not, more damage.
[Double Bombs] Damage: 192 Attack Speed: 7.5 DPS: 1,440
[Carl the Gem] Damage: 9 Attack Speed: 53.17 DPS: 478.53
[Missile] Damage: 33 Attack Speed: 30 DPS 990
[Final Total DPS] 2,908.53
[Conclusion] Yeah C4 Charlie is still pretty mediocre, I still recommend just using him for eco in the adventure mode. His best afk set up is Carl the Gem and Missile, but with too many missiles and carls your game will lag in late waves in the Martian Games. So you should make the most out of each characterā€™s base damage and only apply missile and other trinkets to those who can use it more effectively than others or supports who need that extra damage. Yeah but selling and replacing for the MOAB Assassin has the highest damage potential of Charlie so if you decide to do that just the Jamesā€™ Lucky Coin and some cost reduction trinkets.
submitted by PerishShit to battd [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:50 Normal_History_5111 i surrender! you win!

iā€™m not sure how long itā€™s been since the breakup, but itā€™s still fresh out from a few days to a week. iā€™m 21F, been in countless relationships to situationships & everything in between. i will admit what iā€™m about to say is so corny, but they were all pretty forgettable. however i know i will remember this one for a long long time.
she (21F) knows my reddit, & sheā€™s also on this sub (to my knowledge), but at this point does it really make a difference whether she sees this or not? iā€™m going to try to make this short & sweet; iā€™m dumpee, sheā€™s the dumper. also want to preface this by saying that i am not the victim here, ive done certain things that were the cause of why our relationship ended. to be brief, ive struggled with addiction for a while & i recently relapsed and tried to hide it from her & lie about it. we were talking about going no contact. again, after being in relationship after relationship, no contact is the most painless option to move on from your ex. personally, it would hurt me more (& this is not my exā€™s fault at all lol) to stay friends, have to talk to her as just my friend, & potentially (or should i say eventually) see her with someone else, going on dates, etc. i like to stay friends with my exes, so i normally navigate breakups by immediately going no contact for a few months-year & reconnecting from there.
iā€™ve always sort of struggled with knowing whether my ex really cared or valued the relationship as much as i did. best way i can describe it is, ā€œdoes she love me because she loves me or does she love me because of the way i love her?ā€ this post is in no way a direct reflection of how she felt about me; i just wanted to provide some context for why i feel so crushed by this.
i told her that id like to go no contact once i go to rehab. she asked if i want no contact forever or once i finish rehab. im trying to be cool about it (boygenius) so i say that whatever she wants is fine. keep in mind, she hasnā€™t expressed any preferences for no contact, limited contact, friends, etc. so i already felt like she didnā€™t really care about what happens to us. she says she will let me know when the time comes then follows up with ā€œunless you contact me iā€™ll assume weā€™re going no contact moving forward.ā€ as in she will assume that we wonā€™t talk again except if i reach out first.
you can look through my post & comment history so youā€™ll understand what i mean when i say that iā€™ve been numbing myself since things ended. iā€™ve processed it. iā€™ve accepted that it is what it is. but i canā€™t say that it is what i wanted or that i wasnā€™t surprised that it ended when it did & how it did. i have no clue if sheā€™s looked through my reddit. i guess the main takeaway is that im the one who doesnā€™t care about the breakup, because im talking about hook-ups, one night stands, meaningless sex, radical acceptance, hyper independence, etc. honestly i wrote on those (& this post) for me to somehow grasp the situation, and force myself to move on & keep moving forward. because why would i try to keep lighting a flame that she already blew out? & thatā€™s completely okay. i guess i figured that because she dumped me, sheā€™s waiting for me to move on & stop making her feel bad, so she can be relieved, so i tried to convince myself that ā€œthatā€™s it, whatā€™s done is done, onto the next!ā€ i only have the utmost love & respect for her and im so grateful i got the chance to be in her life for a short time, but ill speak for myself when i say that i have never felt so close to and so intimate with another human being. when things ended, i was angry. not at her, but at myself & at the circumstances. and now? the second i read that text about her not having a preference for whether we stay in contact or never speak again.. the tears finally came out. i havenā€™t cried once since the breakup. felt like i was invincible. as immature & silly as it is, i wanted to make it seem like i care less because out of my own insecurities, i felt like an inconvenience that prevented her from moving on with her life. but L, you really got me with that one. i surrender, you win. not gonna lie, reading that text stung. it really fucking hurt. just a few weeks ago, i could have never pictured my future without her in it. we were inseparable. we used to laugh about how absurd it would be if we actually broke up one day, and how we were so sure that weā€™d find our way back to each other someday, regardless of what was happening in our lives.
but guess what? thatā€™s life. sometimes your actions have consequences. and what goes around does actually come right back around. i can attest to that now. i didnā€™t treat my disease, so of course it grew more & more until i actually picked up drugs again. i chose my addiction over the person i once thought was the love of my life. i cannot blame or hate her in any way at all for potentially never wanting to speak to me again. i cannot begin to imagine the pain ive caused her because i neglected caring for myself. there is no apology that will do it justice, whatā€™s done is done, and now i must sit with the discomfort & pain from my own doing as a result. all i can do now is go to rehab, and more importantly, go to rehab for myself. because i donā€™t ever want to lose such meaningful relationships that i will never find again in my life, all due to my substance abuse & the person i become when im a slave to a drug.
L, i know this is corny as shit. and i know that you know how sorry i am for how things played out, & how i ruined everything. i am so grateful to have crossed paths with you, and you have no idea what you have done to me & my life. the world needs more people like you. i will spend the rest of my life missing you, and i highly doubt that there will ever come a day where the thought of you doesnā€™t cross my mind. if i could give you the moon, i would give you the moon (phoebe bridgers). and for the record, i do care. i care so so much. i remember everything. i want you to know that i will always care & if there ever comes a time you need me, you know where to find me. thank you for everything. & thank you for being you.
submitted by Normal_History_5111 to BreakUp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:50 TheHellAmIDoin [FULL CODE LIST] Updated list of currently working Tacticus gift codes for 600+ Blackstone and Requisitions +New Player Advice šŸŒŸ

Updated list as of 2. June 2024
šŸ”„New codes includedšŸ”„
First, enter the settings (the gear in the top right on the home screen), then go to "Refer a friend", and input:
For 100 free blackstone!
This is a one time use code!
Next, go back to the previous screen and input:
Sp really had fun with these last 3 lol
Enjoy your free stuff and lmk if you pulled something good! Should any of the codes not work anymore tell me so I can update the list
Have some helpful info as well since we're already at it. It always pays off to try and unlock as much of a campaign as possible. The higher level of upgrade farming node unlocked means less energy used meaning faster roster progression.
The following are some of the strongest choices for each campaign:
Indomitus - Bellator, Isabella, Calgar
Indo mirror - Aleph-null, Anuphet
Octarius - Gibba, Snot
Oct mirror - Burchard, Godswyl
FoC - Angrax, Rotbone, Abraxas
FoC mirror - Thaddeus, Kut, Yarrick
Saim-hann - Calandis, Eldryon, Maugan Ra
Saim-hann mirror - Abraxas, Archimatos
I recommend focusing on Bellator aiming to get him to gold gear rank.
Many new players make the mistake of trying to upgrade lots of different chars at once. In this game it pays to focus on one at a time.
The reason Bellator is the best char to upgrade at the start is because his active will not only carry you through 3 different campaigns(Indom, FoCM, OctM) but also its very useful in every other content in the game.
A good Indom elite team would be: G1 Bellator (active 36+) S2 Certus S2 Varro
I recommend the last two members should be imperials from another campaign, will give you a headstart when it comes to doing there's. Since elite might still be a bit out of reach tho its not a priority yet. Feel free to ask me if you need anything else!
submitted by TheHellAmIDoin to Tacticus_Codes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:48 Any_Flamingo7349 I canā€™t get over how he treated me when times were tough for him.

hi, so I (20f) have been with my boyfriend (20m) for the past 2 years and in a LDR since September 2023. We were always on the same page before October, but then stuff went downhill for him and he became bitter. He would get angry, cut my call if I told him I was upset, and at a point I was literally begging him to talk to me- he didnā€™t. He would leave me crying. I hated him. I stayed thinking it will get better. It did. Stuff became fine again and he became kind again. But I still hate him. I donā€™t ā€œhateā€ hate him, but I just canā€™t love him right now. No matter what he says or does, my mind canā€™t get over how betrayed I felt by my partner. He has started to get irritated that I am always complaining and keep bringing up the past even if we have talked about it over and over again. In those couple of months, I changed completely. I stoped telling him about my day and started to be more conserved. I now find myself thinking that I need a break from him. I am scared that when things get hard again, which they often do, he will do the same thing again. He promises that this wonā€™t happen and those were special circumstances, but I just canā€™t trust him to be my person. He is doing everything right at this moment. I just canā€™t get over the past.
I have loved this guy for the most of these 2 years :ā€™)
I just need some outside and realistic perspective on what to do.
P.S, I would appreciate if you are comfortable, could share your age when you answer. It gives a bit of insight on the advice too.
submitted by Any_Flamingo7349 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:48 Zhencion0717 I had a dream

Dearest Amore,
So I became convinced that you might be on here. There were a couple people that I've seen on this subreddit that their words, their descriptions fit close enough to you that I had hope. They all spoke of wanting to reconnect but stated they felt like it was up to their person.
So last night as I went to bed I prayed to God and asked for a dream to tell me if I should try and reach out to you. I said if it is a dream of you needing me, or wanting to be with me then I will take that as the sign. But if it is just a dream of us hanging out then I will take that as a sign that I need to stop hoping for romantic reconnection. I pray to the judeo Christian God and I prayed to Morpheus God of sleep and dreams.
Funny enough I did have a dream. In that dream you called me up crying saying "I need you. I need you to stay on the line with me. I need to know you're there." You then proceeded to call a crisis line talking about how you feel like you're a failure, that you feel like your kids hate you, that nothing has been going right for you. All things you have told me you were worried about.
In my dream I'm rushing around looking for my car keys, I finally find them I grab them shove them in my pocket and I'm running out the door. And that is when I wake up I am halfway to standing up from my bed to run out my door for you. Because you needed me, and there was nothing that was going to stop me from being there for you.
I took that as my sign. I reached out to you today to try and talk, I didn't say it was important I don't want to use that as an aspect to "force" you to talk to me. You said okay that you would see about coming over after work, and you let me know that you were tired and running out of mental spoons so there was a chance you wouldn't be able to. I had only hoped that if that were the case you would have messaged me to let me know.
I spent an hour and a half sitting downstairs waiting for you to pull up. Then I spent 30 minutes waiting to see if I got a text, my answer was silence.
I don't know if you felt you had to say yes because if you didn't I might cause a scene. I hope you know that's never the way I would be. I love you immensely and I try to respect every request you've made. But it's been a month since you said I don't want to talk about it. I guess I was hoping that enough time had passed to allow some small conversation.
I can hope that I might receive a message from you going "oh shoot I'm sorry I'm really tired I forgot to let you know I was going home would it be okay if we talk later?" I also hope nothing is wrong with the kids but that you just needed to get home to them. I hope I still mean something to you, and that I'm worth more than just a stranger.
I do still love you, that's never going to go away, I want to wait for you to be ready. I want the future we dreamed about laying/cuddling in bed talking about what we wanted to do how we wanted to spend our life together.
I love you with everything I am.
submitted by Zhencion0717 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:48 Vahlanna [Online] [5e] [Sunday 6:00PM PDT] Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak - Adventure with the Company of Ebony and Ivory! [Level 1 ā€“ 20]

Howdy! This D&D campaign that has been successfully running for 2 years now is looking to secure an additional party member before the halfway point has been met, in which it would be too late to introduce another character with opportunity to fully flush out their backstory.
While you can apply with any character concept you'd like, the group has a preference for one that does not have overlapping skillsets (i.e. Persuasion, Stealth, Perception) and can fulfill the role of a mid/high-tier Tank, low/mid-tier Buffer, front-liner, or a combination of those during combat. Please use the template below to submit an application and I will get back to you in a timely manner.

Campaign Information

This is a professionally-run game based on the popular modules Lost Mines of Phandelver and Beyond the Dragon of Icespire Peak with a few amendments intended to enhance the story beats, avoid meta-gaming, and allow player flexibility in character development. This campaign is ideal for those looking for a longer-running game and the opportunity to showcase character plots and arcs, starting from Level 1 to Level 20. Everyone is welcome to apply, from new players to the forever-DMs.

Current Party Makeup [Lvl. 9]

Honorary Party Members

Game Session Details

Time: 6:00PM PST/PDT every Sunday Duration: Sessions run 3-4 hours that includes a 10-15 minute break System: D&D 5e Payment: $5 per session via PayPal. Note that the first session for any player is free. Combat-Roleplay-Exploration Ratio: 50:35:15 (this can be adjusted depending on the party, but typically this is how my campaigns usually turn out) Level Progression: Milestone
We will use the following for this campaign: + Roll20 for VTT + Discord for audio communication (no video) + Push-To-Talk enabled to eliminate background noise + as a supplementary tool for character sheets (with all sourcebooks for players). + beyond20 extension to connect Roll20 and dndbeyond + Critical Notes for Note Taking and Session Recaps

Character Creation Rules

Why Pay-to-Play?

Player Expectation

A Group Environment D&D is a collaborative effort and not an opportunity to play-out a main character fantasy. Please behave the way you would wish other players would behave and help encourage the shy among us to participate more fully.
Respect for all at the Table This cannot be stressed enough: Playing with a group of random strangers can be a tricky situation. Harassment or bullying towards anyone of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or any other kind of behavior meant to bring people down. Violators will be booted from the game, the discord, and WILL NOT be entitled a refund for any paid sessions. When others are trying to speak, please try not to interrupt them. Encourage others at the table to share their voice as well.
Player Enjoyment Your character is your character. While players may make suggestions if asked, please refrain from constantly telling people how to play their character. Some players may be new to their respective class or even the game, and everyone should extend some patience to them as we have all been there at one point. With that said, please be considerate of other playerā€™s time, for example please put in the same effort in understanding your character as the other players to not hold up the Turn Order.

About the Dungeon Master

When I am not DMing or joining a game as a player, I work tangential to the world of finance. I have been playing weekly in multiple campaigns for the past few years now and have a good foundation on the mechanics and a decent grasp of the lore provided by WOTC. I enjoy taking time to customize storylines and subplots that arenā€™t in the published material to enhance the experience for everyone at the table. But above all, I love seeing a group of folks from many walks of life finding joy and bonds with each other, and seeing the amazing creativity of people is always appreciated (and more importantly rewarded).
Jeremy Crawford, Wizard of the Coast's rule master, encourages people to play D&D with RAF (Rules As Fun) in mind. There are some situations where I will place RAF over RAW (Rules As Written), but it must be within reason. Creativity is always appreciated and rewarded. Role-playing is encouraged, but isn't required. Beginners are able to apply, and will be welcomed into our gaming family with open arms.
I am fully aware that my role is to ensure that everyone has not only a fun experience, but also a safe one. I take that responsibility very seriously, so please do not hesitate to let me know if there are certain topics or scenes that are uncomfortable.
If you have any questions, feel free to message me over Private Message!
submitted by Vahlanna to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:47 Flower__Fairy 25 [F4M] North America/Europe * looking for the mayo to my ketchup with homemade fries

Looking for someone who is kind and funny. I mean we gotta be cracking it up. Crack aā€™ lackin sort of laughing. Nothing hotter than a man with goals and healthy ambitions.
As for myself, I am currently working on some projects. You can probably catch me looking at plants or small animals. I would probably make you stay up all night with me in the woods trying to capture a rare owl. We will also probably have to do some tornadoes hunting. Like letā€™s enjoy the wonders of nature.
I do hope one day to own a home with a large garden to grow tons of flowers and avocados. Trust you want the plant expert in your apocalypse team.
:) if u think we can vibe then slide in
submitted by Flower__Fairy to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:47 Zhencion0717 I had a dream

Dearest Amore,
So I became convinced that you might be on here. There were a couple people that I've seen on this subreddit that their words, their descriptions fit close enough to you that I had hope. They all spoke of wanting to reconnect but stated they felt like it was up to their person.
So last night as I went to bed I prayed to God and asked for a dream to tell me if I should try and reach out to you. I said if it is a dream of you needing me, or wanting to be with me then I will take that as the sign. But if it is just a dream of us hanging out then I will take that as a sign that I need to stop hoping for romantic reconnection. I pray to the judeo Christian God and I prayed to Morpheus God of sleep and dreams.
Funny enough I did have a dream. In that dream you called me up crying saying "I need you. I need you to stay on the line with me. I need to know you're there." You then proceeded to call a crisis line talking about how you feel like you're a failure, that you feel like your kids hate you, that nothing has been going right for you. All things you have told me you were worried about.
In my dream I'm rushing around looking for my car keys, I finally find them I grab them shove them in my pocket and I'm running out the door. And that is when I wake up I am halfway to standing up from my bed to run out my door for you. Because you needed me, and there was nothing that was going to stop me from being there for you.
I took that as my sign. I reached out to you today to try and talk, I didn't say it was important I don't want to use that as an aspect to "force" you to talk to me. You said okay that you would see about coming over after work, and you let me know that you were tired and running out of mental spoons so there was a chance you wouldn't be able to. I had only hoped that if that were the case you would have messaged me to let me know.
I spent an hour and a half sitting downstairs waiting for you to pull up. Then I spent 30 minutes waiting to see if I got a text, my answer was silence.
I don't know if you felt you had to say yes because if you didn't I might cause a scene. I hope you know that's never the way I would be. I love you immensely and I try to respect every request you've made. But it's been a month since you said I don't want to talk about it. I guess I was hoping that enough time had passed to allow some small conversation.
I can hope that I might receive a message from you going "oh shoot I'm sorry I'm really tired I forgot to let you know I was going home would it be okay if we talk later?" I also hope nothing is wrong with the kids but that you just needed to get home to them. I hope I still mean something to you, and that I'm worth more than just a stranger.
I do still love you, that's never going to go away, I want to wait for you to be ready. I want the future we dreamed about laying/cuddling in bed talking about what we wanted to do how we wanted to spend our life together.
I love you with everything I am.
submitted by Zhencion0717 to letters [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:46 strugglingmm If u have time, advice would be nice

Hey yall so for context I got married a couple years back and moved states to my husbands hometown. It was extremely difficult moving at such a young age and not knowing anyone here and i really struggled in many aspects of my life the first year or two. This isnā€™t capturing the severity of it but I was rlly depressed lol. Not to mention we briefly lived with his parents (abt 8months) before literally escaping (and yes I use the word escape) and moving out. I am no contact with my husbands immediate family except occasionally seeing them at holidays and bigger family events and life is better and less stressful that way for all of us. I can get into the reasons why but I promise you itā€™s completely valid and itā€™s either no contact or I called the police and cps so Iā€™ll leave it at that. That being said, I am extremely close to my husbands extended family. Especially his three cousins. Their mom is like a second mother to me and we live down the street from each other because of how close we all are. Or so I thought. One of his cousins (all my age or younger) decided to completely cut me off. And It was immediately noticeable because we all usually hang out regularly. Every weekend if not multiple times a week. We grab food sometimes or go out to the mall or school events or we just hang out at their house talking till late at night and having so much fun. I genuinely love these girls and felt like I finally had close friends for the first time in my life. We talk about our innermost thoughts, vent to each other, and just behave as a usual girl group of friends do and I absolutely loved it. Theyā€™re pretty much the only friends I have here despite having moved over three years ago and I never felt like I needed to find others because my new relatives provided me with such a great friendship. One of the girls (Iā€™d say I was actually closest to her) decided to cut me off. And I noticed right away because no texts came weeks after she decided to stay silent at my bday dinner. The entire. Evening. . When Iā€™d drop by the house like I always do sheā€™d never come out her room. I heard her mom at one point yelling at her to come greet me at least and she refused. I ignored it but it really started to hurt me. Especially when their parents started asking why I havenā€™t been around like we usually hang out. I asked the other siblings and they brushed it off saying how weird we were being and we should just talk if something is bothering us or whatever. But I noticed they stopped reaching out as well. A few days ago it was her graduation ceremony. And despite us making plans for over a year about the bouquet she wanted me to make, decorating her huge grad party, all these things, I was not invited or even made aware of the event until they posted it. That was the ultimate slap since her mom had asked me weeks before to make her a grad cake for the party (over 100people attending). After her ceremony she texted me asking to speak to me in a very hostile message, mentioning how it will be in private as ā€œitā€™s no oneā€™s businessā€. I agreed and went over after my shift and she called me to her room and sat down and proceeded to say the most hurtful things Iā€™ve ever heard. She preyed on every insecurity she could think of and started to say how since the day I moved here sheā€™s never felt comfortable around me and she shouldnā€™t have to put herself thru this tension and stress to be around me and how every conversation weā€˜be ever had has added no benefit to her life. She said she feels uneasy whenever I come over and that she just decided she doesnā€™t want to fake having to like me anymore and I canā€™t do anything to change that. And she said this all smirking and smiling as I had tears pouring down my face. Itā€™s been three years of slumber parties shopping birthdays holidays family events weekends pool days everything u could think of weā€™ve experienced it together and those are some of my happiest times. All for her to say it was all fake? I kept asking her how she could say such hurtful things when I see her truly as a younger sister and one of my closest friends and after Iā€™ve opened up to them so much over the years. I swear I even told them how grateful I am for their friendship and how I struggle to make friends because I feel like others judge me or make me feel bad for my personality. But I never in all these years felt that with them. Not to mention that I am literally married to their cousin. Iā€™m the closest thing to a sister in law. How could she throw all that away? And she just shrugged and said none of that matters and I donā€™t get to decide who she speaks to. I asked if she really means she doesnā€™t want to speak to me anymore and she just chuckled and said ya. ā€œItā€™s better I donā€™t see you or that you donā€™t come around here and make me uncomfortable.ā€ A lot more was said but for the sake of reading Iā€™ll leave it out. I left her room sobbing and she slammed her door shut behind me. Her sister was in the room next door and did not say anything. the rest of the family was asleep or in bed. I cried all night and literally feel Ike Iā€™m going thru a breakup or something. My poor husband is so confused and mad but we have no idea what to do. Itā€™s more deep rooted since Iā€™ve literally bonded so much with this family I love them all truly and now Ifeel crazy like I imagined these three years of friendship. i keep thinking back and doubting every second I spent there. I have so many pictures in my apartment of all of us and thousands on my phone of us just hanging out and I keep looking at them and doubting if she hated me all those times we talked.
Her mother called me the next morning saying how her husband told her what he heard of the convo and how they were both so so sorry for what she said. She said her daughter has done this before with her own brother and didnā€™t speak to him for weeks but I told her this is different. She could very well go the rest of our lives not speaking and there goes my future of comfort in my only family here. She said she will talk to her and get her to apologize but I donā€™t want to even hear that. I can never bring myself to see these people again and I will not beg for a friendship with someone who doesnā€™t want me around. I have that much self respect at least. Iā€™ve done so much for these girls I bake every bday cake I buy them great bday presents I celebrate every happy moment with them and support them when they feel low. Iā€™ve given them the most kind and genuine friendshipā€¦ the kind I hoped to receive in turn. I honestly cannot believe that chapter of my life is over and now I feel so alone. I spoke to one of the other cousins when she jokingly asked why I left crying (she lives with them too) and I broke down and told her everything said and how hurt I was. This girl just shrugs and says ā€œya thatā€™s how she is we canā€™t change thatā€ like are u kidding me??? I mean absolutely nothing to these people. They all went out and posted it and Iā€™m here crying all day. How do I get over this pain and how do I handle the rest of my life with these people. I still care about their parents Iā€™m just so hurt and offended and shocked at how shitty this one person made me feel. Sorry if this is all confusing Iā€™ll probably delete this in an hour. I just have no one to talk to.
submitted by strugglingmm to inlaws [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:46 PercMastaFTW ULPT: How to help access a neighborā€™s locked mailbox

Your friend, Bryan, is away on a vacation and asks you to please pick up his $1000 paycheck in $100 bills that will arrive next Wednesday at his shared apartment mailbox. He asks you to hold it and keep it safe, but you do not have a key to open the mailbox.
He tells you to figure it out and that if you do, you can keep his mail as a reward.
So, send your targetā€™s address multiple letters addressed to you on Friday through USPS. Send more on Monday.
Your first set of letters will be delivered on Tuesday/Wednesday, which are busier working days than the weekend. Using a tracking number service thrown in there could help.
Your second set of mail will arrive Wednesday/Thursday. Again, a tracking number will help you know where the driver is.
All you need to do is track down the postal worker either during or alittle after they drop off the mail. Tell them you lost your key and need help and that you live together with your brother (doing some research on your friendā€™s gender and other personal information will help).
Bonus points for wearing a military or ligma survivor hat.
They will be more than happy to assist.
Show them your ID. You already have letters in the mailbox addressed to you (or maybe they were already picked up by the friend the day before if they werenā€™t on vacation or werenā€™t ever in contact with you).
If thereā€™s nothing in the mailbox, you should still be awaiting your new letters addressed to you, as well as any other packages your friend was going to receive, which should be in hand with the mail driver.
You now have your friendā€™s mail and can keep it because you helped him out.
Congratulations on helping your friend out by not committing a felony at all because he gave you explicit permission to do so.
submitted by PercMastaFTW to UnethicalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:46 Dense-Artist6345 My [27M] broke up with me[25F] and came back. Should I leave?

I always read helpful comments by the wonderful Reddit community and so I come here seeking advice.
I[25F] and my S/o Met in high school. dated immediately after that and have been on and off ever since. When we first started dating, we were happy. I was swooned with our relationship and would take pictures of us, and he, at every turn. I cherished the small details, holding his hand, watching him sleep... I probably loved him more than I loved my self. He seemed happy also, but over time I noticed he would not express his emotions as clearly and I often found myself questioning his feelings for me 24/7.
The first time we broke up was 2 years into our relationship. He was struggling with balancing his toxic home life, ambitious pursuits, a passionate yet, tumultuous relationship with me, and a deep connection with his best friend [27M] who I can say with confidence never liked me. This best friend was a big issue in our relationship and was a big reason we broke up again a few years later. There was no infidelity as they are both straight, but I often felt that my partner had an intimate connection with this person that he did not share with me. No matter what I did to try to connect, during that time in our relationship, I felt alone. We were really happy for the first couple of years after we got back together but after the 5th year, I felt like I was living with a roommate who did not desire to be with me. I often had to go out on my own and realize I had to rely on myself.
Our 2nd break up felt like a divorce as we broke our lease and he moved out. I was devastated to say the least, and I take full responsibility for my part in our downfall. He was a gentlemen all the way through the ending of our contractual relationship. Things were cordial, but he made it known leaving was the best thing for him and maybe in the future there was a space for us. Communicate became shitty if any.
I was heartbroken, but had gone through it before and so I made arrangements to move on. I focused on myself and my well being and changed my situation around. I was going out, meeting new people and making friends, I was dating. I decided to move after a great job offer and then of course.
He comes back.
& this time heā€™s dead set on staying. Our 2nd break up was in 2022 and we havenā€™t gotten back together, but he hasnā€™t really left me. We talk constantly and I know this time that he is 100% committed, but now I am the one that doesnā€™t feel 100% in this. How do I separate someone who is a nice caring and overall great person, from all of the hurt theyā€™ve given me. Iā€™m not as into things as I once was. I donā€™t yearn for his touch and if Iā€™m not in the mood his touch bothers me. I donā€™t mind his company, but Iā€™m always thinking there could be someone else better suited for me. I di love him, but I donā€™t know if I like him right now.
What would you do in this situation?
submitted by Dense-Artist6345 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 Throwaway-74754 AITAH for not trying harder to save my friendship?

Other disclaimer: This is a post I made on a website a month ago but no one responded unfortunately. So when you read stuff like ā€œa week agoā€ and see the dates donā€™t correlate to now, thatā€™s why.
Background information: I had two friends, one a guy and the other a girl. We were all online friends for years, me and the guy were friends since I was in elementary school.
Starting with the guy who from here on Iā€™ll call Blake (not his real name of course) me and Blake were the best of buds, we played the game basically every day, and regardless of our different lives and us only being online friends, I actually liked Blake a lot (as a friend). But Blake had a tendency of bullying me, which didn't bother me too much when I was younger, but as I got older, I did. For example, I told Blake one time that I failed/got held back in first grade, and he would bring that fact up whenever anything intelligence-wise come up or just bring it up out the blue. ā€œN word, you failed the first gradeā€ or ā€œokā€¦flunkyā€ and other variations. He would say all thatā€¦even though first grade was a million years ago (Iā€™m a senior about to graduate high school, and I havenā€™t gotten held back or struggled with grades since.) (Iā€™ve graduated high school now!). Like I'm about to graduate and he would still make fun of me with that fact, saying stuff like "you would've graduated soon if you didn't fail the first grade" and if I tried to rebuttal saying how I do well in school, he would say "well you did the first grade twice so of course you'd do better. you've done it twice".
He would constantly compare his life to mine, making fun of how Iā€™m a virgin who never done anything with a girl, my social anxiety, me being a loner, how I donā€™t have as much money as him, how my parents are not as laid-back as his, how I didnā€™t have as much money as him, make fun of the type of girls I like, my music taste, and more.
He was controlling while we played games. He would always decide what games we played, and he would bitch and moan when I wouldnā€™t get onto a game he wanted to play with me despite valid reasons like it being too expensive. He would always be on his phone or just be otherwise distracted for long periods of time when we're playing, and then he would expect me to wait for him. He was especially very controlling when we play a game like R6s, he would be in my ear after he died ordering me around and telling me what to do and where to go, expecting me to get kills when Iā€™m completely trash at the game, then he would complain heavily when I would of course die. Note: he was a frequent rage quitter and frequently switched games, which was very annoying
There is way more things he would do but if I typed them all out, I would be typing all damn day, so Iā€™ll stop here.
Next is the girl, who Iā€™ll refer to as Amber.
Amber was not so bad, she was annoying at times, and she would sometimes mimic the things Blake did but overall, she was alright. But she did contribute to the situation Iā€™m in as well as Blake did overall.
For the last year, It got to the point where I would be so fed up with them, mostly with Blake, that I would ghost them, not talk or play with them for a few days to basically recover before interacting with the two again. I would even groan in annoyance when either one of them would call me. I would either ignore their calls or make up a lie of me being busy with other things so i wouldnā€™t have to play with them.
Now I know what you guys are thinking, "why didn't you tell them how you felt about their treatment of you???", well, I tried, but I would just be met with being called a "pussy" or "soft" and the behavior wouldn't change.
Now: Now letā€™s go back about three weeks ago, April 1st, my 19th birthday, Amber called me up and told me to hop on the game, I was in the ignoring them phase, but I decided to hop on because they wouldnā€™t be mean to me, right? Wrong, they told me to install rocket league, a game Iā€™ve never played in my entire life and when I was able to join their game and we got into a match, I was obviously performing very very poorly, but that didnā€™t stop them very berating me and telling me how trash I amā€¦even though they been playing longer than me.
Then we got on Roblox, and I was having technical difficulties because I was using the Microsoft store version of Roblox as I didnā€™t know that there was an actual Roblox client and launcher. when the two found out that I was using the Microsoft store version, they proceeded to berate me and belittle me some more, calling me stupid and dumb and questioning how in the world did I not know about the Roblox launcher and just basically making it feel like I just committed a cardinal sin. Then we play some Roblox, and somehow someway I kept on doing things wrong and games were playing because I kept on getting berated and belittled. Eventually, I got off.
I didnā€™t talk to them on the second, but I did talk to them and play with them on the third. We ended up playing Roblox again and just like last time I was getting berated and belittled because I would do things that they didnā€™t like. And after a couple hours, we eventually stopped playing Roblox and it suddenly goes into Blake diss tracking me. He would find random rap instrumentals on YouTube and then he would rap over them dissing me. He then told me to diss him back but I didnā€™t want to cause I was already in a bad mood, and Iā€™m not good with words so I would make a fool of myself. And despite me saying multiple times that I didnā€™t want to rap, they both kept saying that I had to rap, eventually I just unplugged my mic and said that my mic was broken, which caused Blake to be like ā€œif you donā€™t want to rap just say that dude, you donā€™t have to do all thatā€, like, bruh, I said I didnā€™t want to rap multiple timesā€¦
Eventually, I left a discord call and went to sleep because I had school in the morning, and when I woke up in the morning and checked my Discord, I saw that I had a message from Blake and the message said ā€œpussyā€. After that, I ignored them again until the 6th. When I took my phone off chill mode (do not disturb which I have specifically to hide text and calls from Blake and Amber) I noticed that Blake unfollowed me on Instagram and that he kicked me out of the discord server (it was of course his server as he liked being in control of everything). I was like "damn", but I just went on about my day, Amber was still following me though.
Now today, the 25th of April, I realized that Amber unfollowed me on Instagram as well, and that they both blocked me on Steam. So, I thought our friendship was over, so decide to unfollow both of them on Instagram, Discord, Steam, and delete both of their contacts from my phone.
I wasn't perfect in the friendship either, but I never berate or belittle either of them, bully and make fun of either of them constantly for their struggles in life or interest, and I never made either of them feel inferior. Never...
Part of me feel relief that I no longer have to deal with them anymore, but another part of me feels sad as they were both my only friends. I don't really know how to feel or if I should try to reach out to them somehow and apologize for ghosting them.
As Iā€™m sure a lot of you can gather, Iā€™m not a very confident person nor Iā€™m I one that does conflict. But I feel like if I tried harder to preserve our friendship, maybe weā€™d still be friends? Like, maybe if I was more adamant and forceful about them stopping with their behavior? I just feel like I should have tried harder to preserve the friendship like reaching out to them both instead of just blocking themā€¦
Am I The Asshole? For not trying harder?
submitted by Throwaway-74754 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 Thai544 My positive experience after I came back 7 months ago, it's fine to be behind!

A bit of context for me. I am a returning player. I am pretty semi-hardcore, currently have 3.3k hour and I returned like 7 months ago. I didn't keep a calendar to see when I took a break and came back so keep the date as approximations.
I don't interact with this sub, I used to read it sometime but I'm mostly detached. I felt a bit bored today so I went through it and I keep seeing such doomposting and complaint and all so I just want to share my experience.
I never started lost ark on time. I first joined this game when Argos was out by the recommendation of my cousin who started earlier. I brought a friend in and we had fun all 3 of us. We used to play quite a lot, we grinded, did raids and did horizontal content.
Having one character to do only 3 endgame content was boring so I started making alts. I started spending a lot more time to do content and took my hours learning raids and stuff. At some point, I just got bored and burnt out so I stopped around brelshaza hard release, back when brel had 6 gates. I was never an end game player, at that time I just finished progging and learning brel normal g4 and started learning g5-g6. Similarly, the friend I dragged also took a break but my cousin still played. He wasn't so much doing the highest content but he was still doing some horizontal or making friend. I believe I ended up with a roster lvl ~140 or something.
Fast forward to 7 months ago, he asked me to rejoin with my friend. This time instead of us 3 alone he made some friends who just joined. They are literally fresh mokoko. I remember they had the mokoko symbol for at least 1-2 month after I started playing with them. For fun, he had them learn from the start argos, valtan, vykas and clown. I only started helping around clown but apparently he managed to make learning parties without using discord for all previous raids.
They put the hours. Similarly another cousin joined too, he quit at Argos and was a close to a first day player. I literally saw him come back at a <100 roster lvl with ilvl 1435. Seeing the increase of people we came back and played together.
We helped the others and progged ourself because we were a bit ahead. 6 months ago we did brel g4 normal(old g6) for the first time us original 3. A few weeks after, we taught the 2 new people from the group and my other cousin brelshaza normal. We always had this cycle of us learning first and then teaching them until they just caught up to us and we all learnt together by the time we did akkan which happened 3 months ago.
We learnt kayangel normal. We learnt brel hard, then kayangel hard, then akkan normal. Literally 3 weeks ago we learnt ivory tower normal. We also learnt the guardians together. For fun we even did ivory tower blind!
I've still never touched brel g4 hard, akkan hard, ivory hard or theamine normal. I have no rush. The group has grown. Now we have discord and what started as 3 of us with additional 3 people is now 10 people. We don't always run together but it's always a blast whenever we join together for akkan or brel hard.
I'm still literally months behind and it's fine. My cousin reached out and now we have 10 people who just enjoy it. Each week I do some raid with them but because of schedule I just pug most of my raid with a single friend. I do almost 18 raids per week but I don't care if I don't. Just last month we helped 2 people learn kayangel normal for a few hours and helped a ivory tower prog group and cleared it after 3h.
My roster consist of 1610, 1600, 1585, 1583, 1540 and 1540. I made my 6th character with the recent jump event(I didnt have a full roster before that) and I hit roster 200 last month.
The point is, you can enjoy the game even if you are not part of the first week clearer. It's perfectly fine to play catch up. Get some friends, don't play solo. If you pug at least pug with someone or just make your own party. I'm not saying the game is perfect but it's seems everyone is doom and gloom and most people think it's impossible to play if you are new, returner or something.
In our group I literally saw new player who did all raids for hours to learn them and another returner who did the same. Now they often pug with other from the group and with randos with the party finder. The only difference is that they had people to help them. Reach out, get some people, put the hours to learn the raids, enjoy the game.
This was just my piece for this reddit. Hope you guys enjoy the game for what it is. It's fine to take a break! It's fine to not have caught up! Don't let the FOMO or the gatekeeping stop you if you enjoy the game!
submitted by Thai544 to lostarkgame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 Zhencion0717 I had a dream

Dearest Amore,
So I became convinced that you might be on here. There were a couple people that I've seen on this subreddit that their words, their descriptions fit close enough to you that I had hope. They all spoke of wanting to reconnect but stated they felt like it was up to their person.
So last night as I went to bed I prayed to God and asked for a dream to tell me if I should try and reach out to you. I said if it is a dream of you needing me, or wanting to be with me then I will take that as the sign. But if it is just a dream of us hanging out then I will take that as a sign that I need to stop hoping for romantic reconnection. I pray to the judeo Christian God and I prayed to Morpheus God of sleep and dreams.
Funny enough I did have a dream. In that dream you called me up crying saying "I need you. I need you to stay on the line with me. I need to know you're there." You then proceeded to call a crisis line talking about how you feel like you're a failure, that you feel like your kids hate you, that nothing has been going right for you. All things you have told me you were worried about.
In my dream I'm rushing around looking for my car keys, I finally find them I grab them shove them in my pocket and I'm running out the door. And that is when I wake up I am halfway to standing up from my bed to run out my door for you. Because you needed me, and there was nothing that was going to stop me from being there for you.
I took that as my sign. I reached out to you today to try and talk, I didn't say it was important I don't want to use that as an aspect to "force" you to talk to me. You said okay that you would see about coming over after work, and you let me know that you were tired and running out of mental spoons so there was a chance you wouldn't be able to. I had only hoped that if that were the case you would have messaged me to let me know.
I spent an hour and a half sitting downstairs waiting for you to pull up. Then I spent 30 minutes waiting to see if I got a text, my answer was silence.
I don't know if you felt you had to say yes because if you didn't I might cause a scene. I hope you know that's never the way I would be. I love you immensely and I try to respect every request you've made. But it's been a month since you said I don't want to talk about it. I guess I was hoping that enough time had passed to allow some small conversation.
I can hope that I might receive a message from you going "oh shoot I'm sorry I'm really tired I forgot to let you know I was going home would it be okay if we talk later?" I also hope nothing is wrong with the kids but that you just needed to get home to them. I hope I still mean something to you, and that I'm worth more than just a stranger.
I do still love you, that's never going to go away, I want to wait for you to be ready. I want the future we dreamed about laying/cuddling in bed talking about what we wanted to do how we wanted to spend our life together.
I love you with everything I am.
submitted by Zhencion0717 to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:45 Jeomamama2016 Ford

In 1903, Henry Ford spends twenty-eight thousand dollars to create a company that today we know as a multi-million dollar auto corporation quote from Education: Teaching "Any man can learn anything he will but no man can teach except to those who want to learn." Ford's first vehicle was the "Quadricycle," selling for only about two hundred dollars. Now the company creates a multitude of vehicles and has for over a century. Through many different branding strategies such as their motto, logo, worldwide advertising and partnerships with different people and organizations, Ford has maintained success through the years
Ford values are to be on top of trending vehicles, electric power vehicles or gas eco boost motors; Ford offers customers safety at economic prices for example Ford Maverick. Ford's mission statement is "to help build a better world where every person is free to move around. pursue their dreams. Ford Motor Compan. Motto is "Built Ford tough". Its iconic Ford logo is white and blue and is used in all their advertisements. Ford also provides more detailed information and wants to influence by customers making cars available to more middle-class American consumers than ever before." As quoted by Eli Whitney
Ford company has expanded to all states with three thousand dealerships across the U.S which also helps the economy by providing one hundred and seventy thousand Jobs. Five billion US dollars was invested in 2023 as advertising worldwide. "Don't tell me how good you make it; tell me how good it makes me when I use it"- Leo Burnett. Ford loves to support Television, radio, online/ social media, plus magazines are the five ways to grab the people's attention. "You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements." -Norman Douglas
Ford company supports Disabled American Veterans and children who have cancer to show kindness to
everyone. Ford sponsors NASCAR, Golf, and other major sports they love to sponsor their company "every time you make a purchase of Proud to Honor merchandise, 100% of Ford profits will be donated to DAV-Ford. This is the meaning of the quote if anyone was to donate their money funds by sending it to events like the DAV (Disabled American Veterans). Ford joined other partnerships, they are "FIRST" a robotics community that prepares youth for the future, has been supported by Ford, also STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), final one local state track (Meaning people who are athletic at running.) Disabled American Veterans and children who have cancer, ford gives an 88% of money funds
Ford has some Appearance with other ways, and I have some video names: "Ford Galaxie 500 Commercial (1972)" then "72 Ford Gran Torino Commercial (1971) Fords famous packaging is basically giving the customer their vehicle all clean. "Washing away the dirt. Sparkling like new." -John. Fords Stores can everywhere in America in local areas like towns and cities around the blocks where they can make a bestselling vehicle. All of it is about Product packaging experience.
Conclusion, Ford values its human kindness, the quality of the product, mission statement and motto, logo, and color palette. Ford company wants more money from customers who want to support car branding. If looking at this quote "Making cars available to more middle-class American consumers than
ever before." Eli Whitney. Meaning anyone can be middle-class to see something for the future.
submitted by Jeomamama2016 to u/Jeomamama2016 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:44 Throw-away8445 AITAH for wanting to abandon my "wife" and "daughter"?

I am 37m and my wife is 39f. We had been married for 10 years and we have a daughter who is 11f and going to be 12 soon. Me and my wife had a fight, and in the heat of the moment she essentially blurted out something about my daughter not being mine. I kept a straight face upon hearing that, but after she realized what she said she left and went to bed. I never would have thought my daughter wasnt actually mine had she not said anything, but I had to know if she really was or wasn't. Long story short I got a paternity test and I wasn't her father šŸ˜. I honestly didnt know how to feel or react to that confirmation. It's a sick joke, this vile woman actually had the gall to lie to my face for the last 12 years and trick me into raising another mans baby. It's like I acquired a new perspective on how low other human beings could go. I loved this woman, she was one of the few people in my life that I dared to trust and yet THIS is was the result.
Anyway, I showed the results to my wife who of with zero shame, begged and pleaded with me not to get a divorce, but I told her that I was. I told my some friends what happened and they said I should cut them out of my life including my daughter. I don't want to raise a child that's not mine nor do I wanna pay for her either. My wife keeps calling me telling me not to make her and our child homeless, but I don't care if she is homeless or not she shouldn't have cheated. I just don't care, If people this close to me can betray me in such a way, then what is even the value of these close relationships? Why should I care about anyone but myself when I live In a world filled with scum such as this? When I live in a world filled with animals, why should I continue to care about others?
Also for the people wondering where her real dad is, he's dead, he died a few years ago.
I feel kinda silly for even doing this post, It's honestly more of a rant if anything. But what do you randoms think?
submitted by Throw-away8445 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:43 sigma_male_steve Instinct Dating App Review - Is Instinct Legit Or A TOTAL SCAM?

Instinct Dating App Review - Is Instinct Legit Or A TOTAL SCAM?
Welcome to the Instinct dating app, where you're supposed to find love or a casual fling but might end up swiping your patience away instead.
Let's delve into why Instinct might leave you feeling more frustrated than fulfilled. In this scam dating site guide, we're going to explore why Instinct might not be your best bet for finding meaningful connections or even a quick hookup.
For those who don't want to read the entire guide, a much better alternative to Instinct is Ashley Madison. Unlike Instinct, Ashley Madison actually has millions of members and doesn't use shady tactics to scam you. Check it out here.

Scam 1: Unreliable and Glitchy

One of the biggest complaints about Instinct is its unreliability. Users report that the app frequently crashes, logs out unexpectedly, and has various bugs that make it frustrating to use. Imagine trying to connect with someone only for the app to close on you mid-conversation. These technical issues are not just occasional but seem to be a regular occurrence for many usersā€‹.

Scam 2: Fake Reviews and Bots

A significant number of users suspect that many of the positive reviews on Instinct are fake. The presence of overly simplistic and vague five-star reviews raises red flags. Additionally, there are concerns about bots on the platform, which can make it hard to distinguish between real users and automated profiles. This undermines the authenticity of interactions and can waste your timeā€‹.

Scam 3: Limited Free Features

While Instinct is advertised as free, the reality is that the free version is extremely limited. You're restricted in the number of swipes you can perform, and many key features require a premium subscription. This paywall can be frustrating, especially when the basic functionalities of the app are already glitchy and unreliableā€‹.

Scam 4: High Subscription Costs

Instinct's premium membership is costly, and given the app's other shortcomings, it feels like a poor investment. Users have to pay for basic functionalities, such as seeing who liked them or boosting their profile, which should arguably be part of the basic package given the app's performance issues. The high price tag of $29.99 per month is hard to justify when the app does not deliver a smooth and reliable experienceā€‹.

Scam 5: Poor Match Quality

Even if you do manage to get through the glitches and pay for a premium subscription, you might find that the quality of matches is lacking. Users often complain about a low number of active users and the distance of potential matches being inaccurately represented. This can lead to wasted time and effort as you sift through profiles that do not meet your criteria or are too far away to be practicalā€‹.

Scam 6: Privacy Concerns

Instinct collects a significant amount of user data, and there are concerns about how this data is used and protected. While the app claims to prioritize privacy, the extent of data collection, including sensitive information, raises questions about user security. This is especially concerning in the context of a dating app where personal information is regularly sharedā€‹.

Scam 7: Filled with Scammers

Many users report that the app is filled with scammers. These scammers often pose as real users but are looking to con people out of their money. The typical scam involves luring users to off-app platforms and then requesting money for fake reasons like travel expenses or hotel costs. This pervasive problem makes it difficult to trust interactions on Instinctā€‹.

Scam 8: Inaccurate Distance Representation

Another issue users face is the inaccurate representation of the distance of potential matches. The app often shows matches that are far beyond the specified distance range, which is frustrating for users looking for local connections. This lack of precision can lead to wasted time and effort.

Overall Verdict and Recommendation

Instinct might not be a scam in the traditional sense, but it certainly has its drawbacks. The unreliability, fake reviews, limited free features, high costs, poor match quality, privacy concerns, prevalence of scammers, and inaccurate distance representation make it a less-than-ideal choice for most users. If you're looking for a legit hookup app, try Ashley Madison.
Ashley Madison has millions of real members, no shady bot tactics, and an upfront and clear cost of membership. People have been using it for years for hookups. You can get a free trial for Ashley Madison using the link on this page.
Good luck, and may your swipes lead to something more than just frustration!
submitted by sigma_male_steve to OnlyTheCoolest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:43 ManavAhuja1 Do you guys mix as you produce or only once youā€™re done?

I know there are no rules but I assume there is a standard way most people go about it. Iā€™ve seen most people mix as they produce and record.
For example, usually, when some kind of recording BTS is shown of like the vocals being recorded everything sounds mixed and the singer has a bunch of effects on their voice as well. On the other hand, some people say you shouldnā€™t touch anything until youā€™re all done and only then start to balance levels, EQ and compress when necessary and then use effects like Delay and Reverb.
The thing I really struggle with is that Iā€™m not good at mixing, but I can write and produce, I usually get someone else to mix and master, however, with everything out of place I really canā€™t envision the track sounding good once it is mixed, although, that has happened before.
I just feel pretty uncertain about the final result, like I donā€™t know if what I have is any good until I get the mix back from someone and then what if itā€™s just shit.
I know that the unmixed track should also sound good but certain things like my vocals sound significantly better once the mix engineer has worked on them and until then I donā€™t know if what I recorded was any good.
submitted by ManavAhuja1 to musicproduction [link] [comments]