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Do you have trouble choosing the right snowboard? Me too!

2024.06.02 09:50 _Make_It_Rein Do you have trouble choosing the right snowboard? Me too!

Hey, fellow snow addicts!
So, I've been snowboarding for 14 seasons, which sounds like an impressive amount of years until you realize that translates to about 56 days in total. That's right, I'm the snowboarding equivalent of a weekend warrior who only gets to swing their sword once a year. Picture a knight polishing his armor for 364 days, then tripping over his sword in front of a dragon for the one day he actually goes into battle. Yep, that's me.
Every year, like a kid on Christmas, I convince myself that THIS is the year I'm going to find the perfect snowboard to help me become a better rider. So, I watch all the YouTube videos, read all the reviews, and drool over the latest gear like a teenager over a new PlayStation console. I show up at the mountain looking like a snowboarding superhero, only to spend the next four to five days fighting with my board like it's an unruly toddler. By the time I get a handle on it (sort of), my week is up and I slink home, feeling unsatisfied, only to shove the board in the closet and start the whole cycle again next year.
I've tried talking to snowboard retail staff, but their advice is as standard as a hotel continental breakfast. They size me up, hand me a board that fits from floor to chin, and send me on my merry way. I tell them I think I want a shorter board, and they look at me like I've just declared that I want to snowboard on a cafeteria tray.
So here I am, the new season is just around the corner and I'm doing it all over again. This time, I'm looking at the RIDE Twinpig and thinking it might be my golden ticket. It's got a wider base for us heavier folks (I’ve got the build of a yeti after hibernation) and RIDE recommends going shorter in length when choosing a pig range board. But before I drop more cash on yet another board that might end up as an expensive cupboard decoration, I am turning to Reddit for help!
Has anyone else been stuck in this endless loop of snowboarding frustration? Any tips on finding a board that doesn’t make you feel like a penguin on roller skates? Share your wisdom, your stories, or even your favourite snowboarding fails. I need all the help I can get before I repeat history and become a sad, possible toasted/crispy knight once again.
Thanks in advance for the advice!
P.S. My riding style? Well, I like to charge down the mountain (not crazy fast, but fast enough to feel like I’m the star of my own action movie) while making big, dramatic turns. I do enjoy popping a lip whenever I spot one, but let’s be real—my airtime usually ends with me inspecting the snow up close and personal, pondering my life choices. I’ve dabbled in the park too, but after a few too many face-offs with jibs and boxes that left me looking more like a crash test dummy than a snowboarder, I now steer clear like they’re radioactive.
P.S.S. Also, before you suggest this, I don't get the opportunity to try out the demo days that stores offer as I am usually in the snow for only a week, and it is always a week that is outside of school holidays so the demo days are not as frequent. If I am honest, I have never seen any demo days when I have been out in the snow.
P.S.S.S. Here is a link to a video I made of when we were in Japan just before Covid lockdowns. You don't have to watch the whole movie, but for the first 30 seconds, you can see me riding (I am in the blue and white jacket with the green goggles). Hopefully this will give you some idea.
submitted by _Make_It_Rein to snowboarding [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:48 ddafternoontea I need to fall in love with my wife again

Hi there. I don't know how long ago but my Facebook reels started showing me narrated Reddit stories and I got addicted. I loved how people seemed to get actual help and advice for their issues so that's why I came to this forum.
I have been married for over 15 years. We met just out of high-school and moved rather quickly. We were married less than 18 months after meeting. Back then, I was 1000% sure this was the one to grow old and expire happy with. I know the flame eventually dies down but a while back, it damn near extinguished. We were both large people. The weren't skinny when we met and we only got bigger. At our peak, we were together half a ton (do the math yourself). At that size, I didn't find myself at all attractive and didn't find my wife hot either. We had our one child and couldn't get pregnant again (The excess weight was the cause of it- I'll explain why shortly). But sex had slowed down and when we did have it, it was pretty quick anyway. Being that out of shape, I had little to no stamina. We even got into a fight once where she asked me if I found her attractive anymore and I told her no. But things changed shortly after the pandemic. We had good jobs and insurance and were both able to get bariatric surgery. We've both lost a considerable amount of weight. I'm literally less than half the man I used to be and I think I'm smaller now than I was back even I'm high school. She's been doing great as well and lost almost as much as I have. We even were able to get pregnant and have a new baby.
But , with that weightloss came attention I wasn't ready for and I stepped out on my marriage. To be fair, even before that i had gotten onto apps to see what's out there. I would put on the profile that I was married and just looking to flirt. I wanted to kill time with the apps. Those would fill my attention bucket since it wasn't being filled at home. For the most part, the women on there could understand. One even said "you just wanna see if you can still hunt without actually making a kill?" And that was going okay for a while but then it got too serious. I had met someone and I even fell in love with another woman and tried to divorce my wife. I had moved out and gotten an apartment and everything ... I loved how that other person made me feel. You see, my job keeps me out late and traveling. Im a full time musician. So the wife stayed home. And since we were big, even when she could come out- she wouldn't want to. And on the even more extreme rare chance she did, i wouldnt be proud to show her off. And it seemed like she was only there to get out of the house and get drunk. It wasn't to support me, but to escape motherhood. She works hard and she does deserve a break, I knew that but it still felt bad to me. To have a wife be there, get f*ed up and seemingly not give a damn or pay attention to me. In my eyes, she stopped showing that she loved me. I felt like a roommate in my own home that occasionally she decided to sleep with. But this other person made me feel important. She was infatuated with me.
But I decided, no matter what, I couldn't break up my family like that. I tried to and thought I could do it. But I love my kids to much. I would be seeing them part time just to have her full time and I just couldn't do it. This other woman was/is an amazing woman. If things were different (like my wife had divorced me and was the one to break up the home) this person would have been perfect fit to my broken heart and home. But there's a difference in finding an amazing port in a terrible storm and causing a storm (I hope that makes sense)
So that brings me to now... I'm moved back into my house with my wife. I cut off all contact with the other person and blocked her on all social media. I removed apps that allowed me to do those bad things (Snapchat, WhatsApp, tinder, etc) and I wanna fall in love with my wife again but I don't know how to. I still feel alot of guilt. And , I hate to say it, I'm not that attracted to her atm. She's lost alot of weight but as a result, she has alot of excess skin. We are both working hard at saving money to pay for surgery to remove the skin and to do breast augmentation, but im worried that won't be enough. That I'll still feel like a roommate. I've decided no matter what, imma stay here. If I never fall in love again, so be it. Im going to do it for the kids. Her and I are a great pair as partners. We rarely fight, so it's not like staying just for the kids would be a terrible option. I don't think I'm going to F them up or be those parents who fight day and night and should have divorced ages ago. We've had plenty of conversations and I see now that she never stopped loving me. She was showing it in a way that I didn't see. Or in a way that I didn't receive love. Like our love languages changed and we drifted apart. Now when I'm on a trip for work and she'll call and tell me she misses me, she'll ask if I miss her. And I don't. Idk how to change that or how to make myself long for her. She deserves to be loved and cherished. Like how I used to love and cherish her... I do love her but im not IN love with her. I know that sounds stupid and cliché , but it's the best way I can describe it.
So what can I do to get that spark back?
What can I do to Snuff out the spark for that other person? I hate to admit it but I do miss her. I've never broken up with anyone so I have never had to walk away from someone and maybe that's it? Idk how to do that step?
I hope this didn't come off too scattered or rambling. Any advice would be helpful. Please don't hop on just to talk crap and put me down, I know I messed up. I am trying to fix it and be a better man and live up to the being the husband I used to be. The husband she deserves.
TL;DR advice needed to fall back in love with my wife after 15+yrs of marriage and coming back from infidelity
submitted by ddafternoontea to marriageadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:39 Zealousideal_Use_881 AITAH for distancing myself from my best friend?

Me and best friend have been in each other’s lives since we were 12 years old. We’re both 27 now. I’ve lived an hour and 20 mins away from her since I’ve been 13 years old. There’s always been that distance but no matter what we always kept in contact. I’ve always made the drive to see her and spend time with her. Fast forward to 2023, she becomes pregnant. I’m so happy for her. Excited and buying stuff for the baby already. She gives birth in June and I’ve never been so happy and proud of her. Legit cried when i saw him. It’s October now. She’s invited me to her baby’s baptism. There were 2 times stated on the invitation, one for the church and one for the venue. So the week of I reached out to find out if we’re meeting at her house or the church. She tells me to just go to the venue instead. I get there with my boyfriend. You know when you feel a certain vibe? Like an uncomfortable/ awkward vibe? I felt it in my stomach but I ignored it and start to say hi to her and her whole family. We sit at our designated table. I start to hear conversation from her friends about how the church was. I look at my boyfriend confused because I assumed it was only family. That made me questioned why were these people there? Friends that I was just introduced to 2 months ago, but I wasn’t? I’ve been feeling very weird with our relationship. As if we’re outgrowing each other. So i posted to my finsta just expressing how I felt. She saw it and she called me. She said what is this about? I said “ it’s just been how I’ve been feeling about us. i find out that everyone was at the church, but me? “ she said “ well where were you during my pregnancy? I barely saw you.” Now at this moment I’m thinking of all the times I’ve seen her thought out the year which was normal amount of times we seen each other. So i said “you never called or texted me about anything during your pregnancy. Never said anything that you needed me.” She said “i shouldn’t have to. You stopped prioritizing me. I thought it would be different when i gave birth but no.” (A little background on me. I have a full time job working overnights in a hospital. Started going back to school full-time in September of 2023 for nursing school. I have my own relationship and dog-ter. My own apartment which went up 50% this year too. A lot has been going on with me as well) I told her I just started school again, and the times i have off i spend it studying or relaxing at home. She said “well you could’ve made at effort, we couldn’t deal with him as a newborn.” I said “well again you never said anything” she said “you didn’t think my instagram posts meant anything ?” To be honest, saying stuff on instagram is completely different from actually reaching out to people. I told her “i figured you wanted to be alone since you’re figuring out how to be new parents” she said “how dare you make decisions for me. Do you know how it was not to make you a Godmother?” I start to bawl my eyes out. The way you get when you’re trying to catch your breath type of cry. Because we’ve always talked about that since we were kids. Making each other the Godmother to each other’s kid. I said “yes that hurt me” through my sobs. Trying to hold it together so i can speak. She said since i wasn’t there for her that I deserve that title. I’ve always been there for her for anything. She calls and I come. No matter what. I make arrangements. I’ll try to be there. She said that I couldn’t even make it to her baby shower. Which she’s right i couldn’t. Back in May of 2023, she was telling me when she was planning the baby shower. I told her that weekend is my little brother’s graduation in the of Florida. So i wouldn’t even be in NY. I begged her to make it for the following weekend so I can attend because i really wanted to be there. I was buying stuff every week till the baby shower to make her a baby shower basket. With diapers of every size. Wipes. Even hair clips for her too. So she knew i wouldn’t be there and still chose to plan it that day anyways. So i didn’t push anymore it’s her day, but i made sure my boyfriend was there. He helped set up and get the cake. He bought the gifts i bought them even the high chair. Now back to our conversation, i told her it was my little brother’s high school graduation. You knew this. She said okay? You could’ve came for a little bit and left that night. I said no. I was with my family. That’s why i asked for the following weekend. She said “well no why would i change it for ONE person?” I said “okay so why are you mad ?” I’m sorry but i wasn’t not missing my only little brother’s high school graduation. So she didn’t make me a godmother meanwhile her child has 5 Godmothers. I wasn’t 1. There’s other situations that have happened as well throughout the years. But this was the icing on the cake. Something I cannot forgive in my heart. It hurts so much. She’s MY ONLY best friend. She has an army behind her. I would’ve done anything for her. I’ve always showed up for her when she called me. I’ve always made her a priority. But now that I’m trying to better myself and the one time I’m finally thinking of me. I’m the fucked up friend ? So Am I the asshole?
submitted by Zealousideal_Use_881 to women [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:38 Zealousideal_Use_881 AITAH for distancing myself from my best friend?

Me and best friend have been in each other’s lives since we were 12 years old. We’re both 27 now. I’ve lived an hour and 20 mins away from her since I’ve been 13 years old. There’s always been that distance but no matter what we always kept in contact. I’ve always made the drive to see her and spend time with her. Fast forward to 2023, she becomes pregnant. I’m so happy for her. Excited and buying stuff for the baby already. She gives birth in June and I’ve never been so happy and proud of her. Legit cried when i saw him. It’s October now. She’s invited me to her baby’s baptism. There were 2 times stated on the invitation, one for the church and one for the venue. So the week of I reached out to find out if we’re meeting at her house or the church. She tells me to just go to the venue instead. I get there with my boyfriend. You know when you feel a certain vibe? Like an uncomfortable/ awkward vibe? I felt it in my stomach but I ignored it and start to say hi to her and her whole family. We sit at our designated table. I start to hear conversation from her friends about how the church was. I look at my boyfriend confused because I assumed it was only family. That made me questioned why were these people there? Friends that I was just introduced to 2 months ago, but I wasn’t? I’ve been feeling very weird with our relationship. As if we’re outgrowing each other. So i posted to my finsta just expressing how I felt. She saw it and she called me. She said what is this about? I said “ it’s just been how I’ve been feeling about us. i find out that everyone was at the church, but me? “ she said “ well where were you during my pregnancy? I barely saw you.” Now at this moment I’m thinking of all the times I’ve seen her thought out the year which was normal amount of times we seen each other. So i said “you never called or texted me about anything during your pregnancy. Never said anything that you needed me.” She said “i shouldn’t have to. You stopped prioritizing me. I thought it would be different when i gave birth but no.” (A little background on me. I have a full time job working overnights in a hospital. Started going back to school full-time in September of 2023 for nursing school. I have my own relationship and dog-ter. My own apartment which went up 50% this year too. A lot has been going on with me as well) I told her I just started school again, and the times i have off i spend it studying or relaxing at home. She said “well you could’ve made at effort, we couldn’t deal with him as a newborn.” I said “well again you never said anything” she said “you didn’t think my instagram posts meant anything ?” To be honest, saying stuff on instagram is completely different from actually reaching out to people. I told her “i figured you wanted to be alone since you’re figuring out how to be new parents” she said “how dare you make decisions for me. Do you know how it was not to make you a Godmother?” I start to bawl my eyes out. The way you get when you’re trying to catch your breath type of cry. Because we’ve always talked about that since we were kids. Making each other the Godmother to each other’s kid. I said “yes that hurt me” through my sobs. Trying to hold it together so i can speak. She said since i wasn’t there for her that I deserve that title. I’ve always been there for her for anything. She calls and I come. No matter what. I make arrangements. I’ll try to be there. She said that I couldn’t even make it to her baby shower. Which she’s right i couldn’t. Back in May of 2023, she was telling me when she was planning the baby shower. I told her that weekend is my little brother’s graduation in the of Florida. So i wouldn’t even be in NY. I begged her to make it for the following weekend so I can attend because i really wanted to be there. I was buying stuff every week till the baby shower to make her a baby shower basket. With diapers of every size. Wipes. Even hair clips for her too. So she knew i wouldn’t be there and still chose to plan it that day anyways. So i didn’t push anymore it’s her day, but i made sure my boyfriend was there. He helped set up and get the cake. He bought the gifts i bought them even the high chair. Now back to our conversation, i told her it was my little brother’s high school graduation. You knew this. She said okay? You could’ve came for a little bit and left that night. I said no. I was with my family. That’s why i asked for the following weekend. She said “well no why would i change it for ONE person?” I said “okay so why are you mad ?” I’m sorry but i wasn’t not missing my only little brother’s high school graduation. So she didn’t make me a godmother meanwhile her child has 5 Godmothers. I wasn’t 1. There’s other situations that have happened as well throughout the years. But this was the icing on the cake. Something I cannot forgive in my heart. It hurts so much. She’s MY ONLY best friend. She has an army behind her. I would’ve done anything for her. I’ve always showed up for her when she called me. I’ve always made her a priority. But now that I’m trying to better myself and the one time I’m finally thinking of me. I’m the fucked up friend ? So Am I the asshole?
submitted by Zealousideal_Use_881 to woman_ [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:30 RequiringThoughts AITAH for taking a friend’s phone and fighting him over a video?

For some background, I’m 17[M] and a junior in highschool. Me and 4 others were in a building alone on school property vibing during lunch. It was then that me and another (I’ll call him Monty) got into a little back and forth, calling each other fat and saying all the things one would say when trying to insult the other whilst not crossing the line. We do this all the time, and we both do it because it’s funny. But then it went a bit too far, and he began seriously berating me along with another (will call him Tony). To provide a little more context, me, Monty, and Tony are all linemen for the football team, so it’s natural to call each other fat. But they were straight-up berating me for subjects far beyond simple fat-shaming. Monty got up and started joking about throwing a chair, and I—still trying to keep things a joke—said to try it and see what happens. Mind you, I never actually believed he would throw a chair in a building that’s not his. He promptly threw it right past me, barely missing as it hit the printer behind me. Monty then grabbed a bean bag and also threatened to hit me with it, even though there were a monitor in front of me. After I reminded him of this fact, he sat down and continued his banter. Knowing I was the strongest guy in the room, I got up and started attacking him—playfully—after a few remarks that I found ironic. This was the point where another guy (we’ll call him King) was taking video. This is not the first time he’s taken a video of me in a position anyone would want themselves seen, nor is it the first time I’ve asked him to delete video. This one was bad in specific because I asked Monty to call me his daddy. For obvious reasons, I didn’t want this seen anywhere outside of our little group. When I confront him about it, he refuses to delete it, and instead laughs it off, so I jump on him and restrict his movement as I forced it out of his hands. Mind you, we were all laughing and nobody was taking anything too serious. It was at this point that I’d imagined he would’ve deleted it, considering I had his phone, but he instead continued to disagree and not delete it, no matter how much I pleaded he does. This has occurred a number of times, like when he’s sent a video I didn’t like to a separate friend group or when he took two other videos of me attacking Monty and sent them to a different group. After we’d talked all throughout lunch, the period was over, and it was time to exit. It was at this point that agitation was present in his demeanor, and he began to be forceful in his approach. He came onto me and first tried to grab it out of my hands, before Monty and Tony grabbed my phone as if to back him up. I was pretty frustrated at this point, and I reiterated to delete the video. He refused again, and I swore to him I wasn’t giving his phone back until he deleted it, at which King said he wasn’t ever deleting it. We were both standing up, and there was a significant increase in his force as he pushed and grabbed at my shirt, gashing me at my chest and bruising my arm as I pushed him away. I was furious at this point, saying ‘so you want to fight’ as we’d both stood our ground. This time, I went towards him as he’d continued gnawing at my shirt, prying me to use much more force than I’d used before. Although I very much wanted to, I made sure that I didn’t do any real damage, pulling him to the ground through his shirt instead of hitting him with full force. I was twice his size, so it was fairly clear that he was outmatched in regards to physicality alone. Between Tony and Monty asking I was being so weird and King insulting me, they just walked off as I stayed in the room, eventually going back home with no motivation to complete the day. While he was walking off, King threatened to talk to the office as he made no effort to retrieve the phone. I’m now here, wondering if I should’ve approached things differently.
As a quick note, I will add that I do not think I was in the wrong in regards to fighting back. While I’m aware that the constitution protects your right to videotape in a public space, he’d been performing of mix of gathering defaming audios of me and condescending me through rather rude nicknames for upwards of two years now. It was either I be complicit in his demeaning behavior or I defend myself now.
submitted by RequiringThoughts to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:30 PapaAverage Finish of Week 12

Hello all,
I've just realised that I never updated since I finished week 12. My last update was at the end of week 8 which was my first month on 5mg.
I made the decision to continue on 5mg as I had few side effects but was losing weight. I have not had any really problematic side effects - slight need to use the bathroom more than usual and sulphur burps that start about the middle of the day after my jab but don't really last.
I did find slight discomfort in eating an evening meal between week 8 and 10 but in my first few weeks of MJ when I was fasting for Lent I would feel very feint and lethargic so I know that I have to make sure I have some calories to keep me going. I made use of Huel shakes if I was really struggling to make sure I kept my intake up.
I also found around week 10 a slight weakness and a feeling of growing pains in my legs but I have since started to use rehydration supplements whenever this feeling comes on and it solves it by the very next morning.
I have lost in the last month 9lbs which is down quite a lot from my first couple of months but is still really good. In the last couple of weeks I have not seen much of a drop at all and, given that the side effects have become less and less, I have decided this month to step up to 7.5mg before going on to the 10mg dose.
In total I am now down circa 40lbs or 18kg. This is incredible progress for me and much more than I ever thought I would actually be able to lose in this amount of time.
A few little anecdotes from this time:
I went for a meal with colleagues at lunchtime to nandos and ordered the rice bowl with the plant based strips. Comes in at around 700cals. Loved it. Forgot how good broccoli can taste! Nobody questioned it but I forgot how much people can pressure you into eating! The table decided they wanted starters to share and I said I hadn't wanted any. They ordered them and said "it's OK, you can just have some of them if you change your mind" I told them that I wouldn't. They then kept saying "are you not going to have any?" I don't know how many times I had to tell them I was fine! They're lovely people and I don't think they realised what they were doing, they just wanted to make sure I was happy but it can be hard work sometimes!
I also went to a theatre to see a friend in a musical. I know that this theatre has tight seats even for normal sized people so I usually dread the idea of having to perch at the end of the seat but you know, I was always wondering why it doesn't look like I've lost much weight considering the scales say I've lost 40lbs... I think I figured out why. It appears to be around my hips and bum. I sat in the chair, not comfortably, but I was definitely actually in the chair this time! Small wins.
Had a day where I was craving pizza so I decided to make some instead. Used real tomato's and sparing amounts of mozzarella (it reminded me of the pizza I had in Italy where actually, less is often more). Tasted great, got rid of my cravings and it wasn't huge in calories either considering pizza used to be my big vice.
Fruit is incredible. Pears in particular.
Anyway. That's enough for this month. Let's hope the 7.5mg works out for me and I successfully continue this journey.
submitted by PapaAverage to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:29 throwaway_nts Help Identifying Odd Behaviors and Dreams as a Kid

Hello, to preface this post, I am not very familiar with Reddit and am using a throwaway account as to keep this anonymous. I will likely try posting this in other subreddits to try and hear thoughts from a wider range of users. I apologize in advance if this post doesn't match exactly to how people normally use this forum.
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about some experiences I had during my life from my childhood until now (I am 20). I never really questioned most of this stuff and just assumed that the things I would experience were common and ones that everyone else around me could relate to. It wasn't until more recently when most friends I spoke to about any of this stuff thought this was somewhat abnormal or they couldn't exactly understand what I was trying to describe. So, under this paragraph, I am going to outline some mental phenomena I used to (or still do) experience. If anyone can relate to or have some better understanding for what these things are, I would really appreciate a response.
I regularly experienced vivid night terrors as a young child, some that I still remember well to this day. I would sometimes wake up screaming in my sleep or roll off my bed. I would often sleep walk throughout my home in the night, and would also have nights where I would experience a half-asleep half-awake state of consciousness in which I would pace around in circles in my bedroom or living room while imagining that my dreams were connected to real life. As an example: The night after watching the movie Gravity in theaters (I was 9 years old), I sleep walked into the living room. I then woke into this trance-like state where I paced around in circles with anxiety for what felt like hours and hours as I was convinced that I was being sent to space and that I would die. Just to note- I also experienced sleep paralysis a couple times in which I would awake with a completely numb body, unable to move, with a shadowy figure standing in my doorway. These night terrors eventually went away, and they stopped around middle school. Around that time, I began experiencing very common and easy to achieve lucid dreams, both on purpose and accident.
Very often, after looking at an object for long enough, I would begin to feel that the object was either much smaller than it really was, or that it was a large object further away than it really was. By this, I don't mean that objects were literally larger or smaller in my vision. Rather that they were distorting in size while also distorting in distance from my eyes in order to maintain the same amount of space in my field of view. This would often happen in school while staring at boards, papers, or teachers. It was often very disorientating and dizzying. I could only usually make my perception return to normal after closing my eyes for long enough. Otherwise, my vision would distort more, and everything would feel strangely far away. This is something that I experienced more as a kid, but still occasionally feel even today.
In a similar vein to these visual distortions, I also occasionally experienced mild time distortions. (This is difficult to describe, so bear with me.) Also as a kid, hearing and focusing in on a particular tempo visually and auditorily (like tapping my finger at a constant interval) would cause time to feel as if it was moving significantly faster. It feels like the tapping is happening really slowly while the world around me moved faster, making me feel really anxious. This didn't happen very often, and would usually correlate to the night terrors I would have (feeling much longer than they actually were). This is something I do not experience anymore and haven't since middle school.
I also experienced a couple rare episodes of dissociation growing up. They felt pretty severe to me, feeling like I wasn't in control of my body or mind, like I was watching from far away, and everything felt cloudy and fuzzy. One in particular was very intense, and just lasted for one day- ending with me becoming severely ill and throwing up all over the place.
Nowadays I don't experience much of these things. The only real mental struggles I feel now are high social anxiety, often avoiding places and people so that I don't have to interact. College friends regularly mention to me that they walk past me and that I see them but never say hi, and I almost never realize that I had stared straight at people I know. I often feel like I walk around everyday without recognizing or even seeing people's faces, even ones close to me.
There are a couple other habits I had as a kid that might warrant looking into, but they are things I didn't want to really get into here. If anyone has any insight or shares these experiences, please comment, I'd love to hear! Looking back at all this stuff is strange and a little worrying at times, so any thoughts are appreciated! Thank you for reading this. :)
submitted by throwaway_nts to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:27 whitieiii How do you wear your jeans?

I have short legs normally and bought jeans 2 inches longer to create a stacked look but it really doesn't work for slim boot cut jeans very well i think it just gives me the bucket affect... Should I have gone for my actual size for slim boot cut jeans? Not many places have my actual size and i have to get them shortened normally.. return them or get them shortened? How do you wear your jeans? I think the legs on these are between straight and skinny imho... What do you go for?
submitted by whitieiii to cowboyboots [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:27 throwaway_nts Questioning and Reflecting on Childhood Dreams/Mental Health

Hello, to preface this post, I am not very familiar with Reddit and am using a throwaway account as to keep this anonymous. I will likely try posting this in other subreddits to try and hear thoughts from a wider range of users. I apologize in advance if this post doesn't match exactly to how people normally use this forum.
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about some experiences I had during my life from my childhood until now (I am 20). I never really questioned most of this stuff and just assumed that the things I would experience were common and ones that everyone else around me could relate to. It wasn't until more recently when most friends I spoke to about any of this stuff thought this was somewhat abnormal or they couldn't exactly understand what I was trying to describe. So, under this paragraph, I am going to outline some mental phenomena I used to (or still do) experience. If anyone can relate to or have some better understanding for what these things are, I would really appreciate a response.
I regularly experienced vivid night terrors as a young child, some that I still remember well to this day. I would sometimes wake up screaming in my sleep or roll off my bed. I would often sleep walk throughout my home in the night, and would also have nights where I would experience a half-asleep half-awake state of consciousness in which I would pace around in circles in my bedroom or living room while imagining that my dreams were connected to real life. As an example: The night after watching the movie Gravity in theaters (I was 9 years old), I sleep walked into the living room. I then woke into this trance-like state where I paced around in circles with anxiety for what felt like hours and hours as I was convinced that I was being sent to space and that I would die. Just to note- I also experienced sleep paralysis a couple times in which I would awake with a completely numb body, unable to move, with a shadowy figure standing in my doorway. These night terrors eventually went away, and they stopped around middle school. Around that time, I began experiencing very common and easy to achieve lucid dreams, both on purpose and accident.
Very often, after looking at an object for long enough, I would begin to feel that the object was either much smaller than it really was, or that it was a large object further away than it really was. By this, I don't mean that objects were literally larger or smaller in my vision. Rather that they were distorting in size while also distorting in distance from my eyes in order to maintain the same amount of space in my field of view. This would often happen in school while staring at boards, papers, or teachers. It was often very disorientating and dizzying. I could only usually make my perception return to normal after closing my eyes for long enough. Otherwise, my vision would distort more, and everything would feel strangely far away. This is something that I experienced more as a kid, but still occasionally feel even today.
In a similar vein to these visual distortions, I also occasionally experienced mild time distortions. (This is difficult to describe, so bear with me.) Also as a kid, hearing and focusing in on a particular tempo visually and auditorily (like tapping my finger at a constant interval) would cause time to feel as if it was moving significantly faster. It feels like the tapping is happening really slowly while the world around me moved faster, making me feel really anxious. This didn't happen very often, and would usually correlate to the night terrors I would have (feeling much longer than they actually were). This is something I do not experience anymore and haven't since middle school.
I also experienced a couple rare episodes of dissociation growing up. They felt pretty severe to me, feeling like I wasn't in control of my body or mind, like I was watching from far away, and everything felt cloudy and fuzzy. One in particular was very intense, and just lasted for one day- ending with me becoming severely ill and throwing up all over the place.
Nowadays I don't experience much of these things. The only real mental struggles I feel now are high social anxiety, often avoiding places and people so that I don't have to interact. College friends regularly mention to me that they walk past me and that I see them but never say hi, and I almost never realize that I had stared straight at people I know. I often feel like I walk around everyday without recognizing or even seeing people's faces, even ones close to me.
There are a couple other habits I had as a kid that might warrant looking into, but they are things I didn't want to really get into here. If anyone has any insight or shares these experiences, please comment, I'd love to hear! Looking back at all this stuff is strange and a little worrying at times, so any thoughts are appreciated! Thank you for reading this. :)
submitted by throwaway_nts to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:25 throwaway_nts Reflecting on and Questioning Childhood Dreams/Mental State

Hello, to preface this post, I am not very familiar with Reddit and am using a throwaway account as to keep this anonymous. I will likely try posting this in other subreddits to try and hear thoughts from a wider range of users. I apologize in advance if this post doesn't match exactly to how people normally use this forum.
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about some experiences I had during my life from my childhood until now (I am 20). I never really questioned most of this stuff and just assumed that the things I would experience were common and ones that everyone else around me could relate to. It wasn't until more recently when most friends I spoke to about any of this stuff thought this was somewhat abnormal or they couldn't exactly understand what I was trying to describe. So, under this paragraph, I am going to outline some mental phenomena I used to (or still do) experience. If anyone can relate to or have some better understanding for what these things are, I would really appreciate a response.
I regularly experienced vivid night terrors as a young child, some that I still remember well to this day. I would sometimes wake up screaming in my sleep or roll off my bed. I would often sleep walk throughout my home in the night, and would also have nights where I would experience a half-asleep half-awake state of consciousness in which I would pace around in circles in my bedroom or living room while imagining that my dreams were connected to real life. As an example: The night after watching the movie Gravity in theaters (I was 9 years old), I sleep walked into the living room. I then woke into this trance-like state where I paced around in circles with anxiety for what felt like hours and hours as I was convinced that I was being sent to space and that I would die. Just to note- I also experienced sleep paralysis a couple times in which I would awake with a completely numb body, unable to move, with a shadowy figure standing in my doorway. These night terrors eventually went away, and they stopped around middle school. Around that time, I began experiencing very common and easy to achieve lucid dreams, both on purpose and accident.
Very often, after looking at an object for long enough, I would begin to feel that the object was either much smaller than it really was, or that it was a large object further away than it really was. By this, I don't mean that objects were literally larger or smaller in my vision. Rather that they were distorting in size while also distorting in distance from my eyes in order to maintain the same amount of space in my field of view. This would often happen in school while staring at boards, papers, or teachers. It was often very disorientating and dizzying. I could only usually make my perception return to normal after closing my eyes for long enough. Otherwise, my vision would distort more, and everything would feel strangely far away. This is something that I experienced more as a kid, but still occasionally feel even today.
In a similar vein to these visual distortions, I also occasionally experienced mild time distortions. (This is difficult to describe, so bear with me.) Also as a kid, hearing and focusing in on a particular tempo visually and auditorily (like tapping my finger at a constant interval) would cause time to feel as if it was moving significantly faster. It feels like the tapping is happening really slowly while the world around me moved faster, making me feel really anxious. This didn't happen very often, and would usually correlate to the night terrors I would have (feeling much longer than they actually were). This is something I do not experience anymore and haven't since middle school.
I also experienced a couple rare episodes of dissociation growing up. They felt pretty severe to me, feeling like I wasn't in control of my body or mind, like I was watching from far away, and everything felt cloudy and fuzzy. One in particular was very intense, and just lasted for one day- ending with me becoming severely ill and throwing up all over the place.
Nowadays I don't experience much of these things. The only real mental struggles I feel now are high social anxiety, often avoiding places and people so that I don't have to interact. College friends regularly mention to me that they walk past me and that I see them but never say hi, and I almost never realize that I had stared straight at people I know. I often feel like I walk around everyday without recognizing or even seeing people's faces, even ones close to me.
There are a couple other habits I had as a kid that might warrant looking into, but they are things I didn't want to really get into here. If anyone has any insight or shares these experiences, please comment, I'd love to hear! Looking back at all this stuff is strange and a little worrying at times, so any thoughts are appreciated! Thank you for reading this. :)
submitted by throwaway_nts to Dissociation [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:24 throwaway_nts Reflecting on and Questioning Childhood Dreams/Mental Health

Hello, to preface this post, I am not very familiar with Reddit and am using a throwaway account as to keep this anonymous. I will likely try posting this in other subreddits to try and hear thoughts from a wider range of users. I apologize in advance if this post doesn't match exactly to how people normally use this forum.
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about some experiences I had during my life from my childhood until now (I am 20). I never really questioned most of this stuff and just assumed that the things I would experience were common and ones that everyone else around me could relate to. It wasn't until more recently when most friends I spoke to about any of this stuff thought this was somewhat abnormal or they couldn't exactly understand what I was trying to describe. So, under this paragraph, I am going to outline some mental phenomena I used to (or still do) experience. If anyone can relate to or have some better understanding for what these things are, I would really appreciate a response.
I regularly experienced vivid night terrors as a young child, some that I still remember well to this day. I would sometimes wake up screaming in my sleep or roll off my bed. I would often sleep walk throughout my home in the night, and would also have nights where I would experience a half-asleep half-awake state of consciousness in which I would pace around in circles in my bedroom or living room while imagining that my dreams were connected to real life. As an example: The night after watching the movie Gravity in theaters (I was 9 years old), I sleep walked into the living room. I then woke into this trance-like state where I paced around in circles with anxiety for what felt like hours and hours as I was convinced that I was being sent to space and that I would die. Just to note- I also experienced sleep paralysis a couple times in which I would awake with a completely numb body, unable to move, with a shadowy figure standing in my doorway. These night terrors eventually went away, and they stopped around middle school. Around that time, I began experiencing very common and easy to achieve lucid dreams, both on purpose and accident.
Very often, after looking at an object for long enough, I would begin to feel that the object was either much smaller than it really was, or that it was a large object further away than it really was. By this, I don't mean that objects were literally larger or smaller in my vision. Rather that they were distorting in size while also distorting in distance from my eyes in order to maintain the same amount of space in my field of view. This would often happen in school while staring at boards, papers, or teachers. It was often very disorientating and dizzying. I could only usually make my perception return to normal after closing my eyes for long enough. Otherwise, my vision would distort more, and everything would feel strangely far away. This is something that I experienced more as a kid, but still occasionally feel even today.
In a similar vein to these visual distortions, I also occasionally experienced mild time distortions. (This is difficult to describe, so bear with me.) Also as a kid, hearing and focusing in on a particular tempo visually and auditorily (like tapping my finger at a constant interval) would cause time to feel as if it was moving significantly faster. It feels like the tapping is happening really slowly while the world around me moved faster, making me feel really anxious. This didn't happen very often, and would usually correlate to the night terrors I would have (feeling much longer than they actually were). This is something I do not experience anymore and haven't since middle school.
I also experienced a couple rare episodes of dissociation growing up. They felt pretty severe to me, feeling like I wasn't in control of my body or mind, like I was watching from far away, and everything felt cloudy and fuzzy. One in particular was very intense, and just lasted for one day- ending with me becoming severely ill and throwing up all over the place.
Nowadays I don't experience much of these things. The only real mental struggles I feel now are high social anxiety, often avoiding places and people so that I don't have to interact. College friends regularly mention to me that they walk past me and that I see them but never say hi, and I almost never realize that I had stared straight at people I know. I often feel like I walk around everyday without recognizing or even seeing people's faces, even ones close to me.
There are a couple other habits I had as a kid that might warrant looking into, but they are things I didn't want to really get into here. If anyone has any insight or shares these experiences, please comment, I'd love to hear! Looking back at all this stuff is strange and a little worrying at times, so any thoughts are appreciated! Thank you for reading this. :)
submitted by throwaway_nts to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:20 BroMandi [Amazon] 12-Count gimMe Sharing Size Organic Roasted Seaweed Sheets (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) $9.60 w/ S&S + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+ [Deal: $9.60, Actual: $20.99]

[Amazon] 12-Count gimMe Sharing Size Organic Roasted Seaweed Sheets (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) $9.60 w/ S&S + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+ [Deal: $9.60, Actual: $20.99] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:10 GuiltlessMaple Best Agile Gun Safe

Best Agile Gun Safe
Welcome to our roundup of the best Agile Gun Safes on the market! Whether you're a seasoned gun owner or a newcomer to the sport, we've got you covered with our top picks for the most secure, reliable, and user-friendly gun safes out there. So sit back, relax, and let us help you find the perfect Agile Gun Safe for your needs.

The Top 5 Best Agile Gun Safe

  1. Snapsafe Super Titan Modular Gun Safe: Fire-Resistant, Durable, and Easy to Assemble - Secure your valuables with the Snapsafe 75011 Super Titan Modular Gun Safe, featuring a quick-assemble design, a secure 3/16" solid steel door, and a one-hour fire rating for ultimate safety.
  2. Secure 3 Rifle Gun Cabinet with Digital Lock - VEVOR's 3 Rifle Safe offers top-notch security, craftsmanship, and quick access for firearm owners, ensuring your valuable weapons are safely stored and protected.
  3. Ultralight, Heavy-Duty Mil Spec Gun Safe with CradleGrid Technology - Experience the ultimate in security and convenience with the SecureIT Tactical Answer Ultralight Gun Safe Model 12, featuring CradleGrid Technology for adaptable storage and flexible floor security options.
  4. Military-Grade Secure It Fast Box Gun Safe - The Secure It Fast Box Model 47 Gun Safe combines military-grade storage with a silent, fast-access push-button lock, offering home defense solutions in a sleek, versatile design.
  5. Reliable and Adaptable Ultralight Gun Safe for Secure Storage - The SecureIT Model 52 Ultralight Gun Safe offers a premium, heavy-duty 14-gauge storage solution with patented KnockDown technology, efficient transportation, and adaptable CradleGrid Technology for organized firearm storage.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗Snapsafe Super Titan Modular Gun Safe: Fire-Resistant, Durable, and Easy to Assemble
I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Snapsafe 75011 Super Titan Modular Gun Safe, and let me tell you, it left quite an impression. This bad boy assembles in minutes without needing any additional tools, thanks to its convenient modular assembly system. The sledgehammer and pry bar-resistant 3/16" solid steel door gives me peace of mind, knowing that my valuables are well protected.
One thing that stood out to me was the 9 gauge steel exterior walls, which provide a sturdy and reliable barrier. And with a UL Listed 1-hour fire rating, my mind is put at ease knowing that my fireproof gun safe can withstand some serious heat.
However, there were a few things that didn't quite live up to my expectations. The lock mechanism felt a bit cheap and had some slop to it, which wasn't exactly reassuring. Additionally, the bolts used for assembly were not the strongest, and a couple of them actually sheared during the process. It's worth mentioning that some users have also reported gaps between the side and front panels, which could potentially compromise the overall functionality of the safe.
All in all, the Snapsafe 75011 Super Titan Modular Gun Safe has its moments, but it's not flawless. If you're in the market for a fireproof gun safe with some extra features and the convenience of a modular design, this might be the one for you. Just be prepared for some minor hiccups along the way.

🔗Secure 3 Rifle Gun Cabinet with Digital Lock
Nestled within the realm of personal security, the VEVOR 3 Rifles Gun Safe has been an invaluable ally in safeguarding my collection of firearms. Its digital keypad and robust construction create an aura of safety, providing me with peace of mind. The quick access feature has proven incredibly useful, especially during those moments when every second counts.
It's hard not to rave about its craftsmanship, a crucial aspect that never ceases to impress. The removable shelf, ammo storage box, and pistol rack make organization a hassle-free affair. However, one minor drawback - the locking mechanism could benefit from a more secure two-way system for enhanced security. Despite this, it's a reliable storage solution that ensures my loved ones remain protected from accidental access.

🔗Ultralight, Heavy-Duty Mil Spec Gun Safe with CradleGrid Technology
As a gun owner who constantly needs to find a secure and efficient solution for my firearms, I recently tried the SecureIT Tactical Answer Ultralight Model 12. This gun safe offers an incredible balance of portability and heavy-duty security features, making it suitable for any gun owner.
What truly stands out is its ultralight design, which cuts hundreds of pounds off the weight of older gun vaults. This means you can easily reposition the safe without compromising its security, a convenience that's hard to find elsewhere.
One of the highlights, the CradleGrid Technology, enables organized and adaptable storage. For someone like me who likes to keep track of my firearms, this feature is a game-changer. Additionally, the fact that it's fully welded and can be secured to the floor adds an extra layer of security.
However, no product is without its drawbacks. One potential downside is the relatively low gun capacity of 12 long guns. While it's sufficient for most people, I can see how some might appreciate a larger capacity.
Overall, the SecureIT Tactical Answer Ultralight Model 12 has been a reliable and practical solution in my daily life. Its innovative features coupled with its portable design make it an excellent investment for any gun owner.

🔗Military-Grade Secure It Fast Box Gun Safe
In my quest for ensuring the safety of my home and family, I recently came across the SecureIt Fast Box Model 47 Gun Safe. This sleek and compact gun safe was surprisingly easy to install and use. Within minutes of opening the package, I had it securely mounted under my bed, ready to protect my firearms.
The gun safe's silhouette is perfect for blending in with the surroundings, and its locking system is a breeze to use with a push-button mechanism. It's incredibly satisfying to know my firearms are securely locked away, yet readily accessible when needed.
While I appreciate the versatility of the safe, with optional mountings for horizontal or vertical storage, I must admit that the lack of specific mounting hardware for these positions was a little frustrating. Nonetheless, I managed to find a suitable solution.
What stood out the most to me was the durable construction of the safe, with a 14-gauge all-welded steel finish that exudes quality. The weight of the safe also contributed to my reassurance that it's a robust and reliable product.
With the SecureIt Fast Box Model 47 Gun Safe, I feel confident that my family and I are safe from any potential dangers. Though there are minor drawbacks, the pros clearly outweigh the cons, making this an excellent investment for anyone seeking to secure their firearms.

🔗Reliable and Adaptable Ultralight Gun Safe for Secure Storage
A few weeks ago, I found myself in need of a secure firearm storage solution. I came across the SecureIT Model 52 Gun Cabinet and decided to give it a try. This 14-gauge firearm storage device, claimed by the manufacturer to be an ultralight gun safe, was surprisingly easy to handle despite its heavy-duty construction. Assembling it was a breeze, all thanks to the internal assembly system and the KnockDown technology that allows it to be taken apart quickly for easier transportation.
What really stood out for me was the CradleGrid Technology. It made the Model 52 stand out from other safes because of its adaptable and organized storage capabilities for six long firearms. The adjustable grid system allowed me to easily customize the setup according to my needs, much like playing Tetris or building with Legos. The compatibility with other Cradle Grid accessories is a plus, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a modular and customizable firearm storage solution.
While the SecureIT Model 52 Gun Cabinet has many great features, there are a few drawbacks. The pricing might seem high to some, but considering the premium materials and features, it seems justifiable. I also found that the rear-wall louvers could be more secure, as they are quite open to potential fire or water damage from the outside world.
Overall, the SecureIT Model 52 Gun Cabinet was a solid purchase for me, offering convenience, ease of use, and a customizable approach to firearm storage. It might not be perfect, but the pros certainly outweigh the cons, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone in the market for a reliable, high-quality gun safe.

Buyer's Guide

When it comes to purchasing an Agile gun safe, there are several factors to consider in order to select the best one for your needs. Here is a comprehensive buyer's guide to help you make the right decision.

Size and Capacity

The size and capacity of the Agile gun safe play a crucial role in determining which one to buy. Consider the number of firearms you own and plan to store, as well as the dimensions of your gun safe. Make sure the safe is large enough to accommodate all your firearms while also providing enough room for other valuables.

Security Features

Security should be your top priority when purchasing an Agile gun safe. Look for models with reinforced locking mechanisms, heavy-duty construction, and other security features like an internal locking system and pry-resistant doors. A fire-resistant outer shell is another important security feature to consider, especially if you live in an area with frequent fires.

Ease of Use and Access

A good Agile gun safe should be easy to use and access. Look for models with user-friendly features such as quick-access locking mechanisms, biometric fingerprint scanners, or digital keypads. Additionally, consider the height and width of the safe, as well as the angle of the shelving, to ensure ease of access to your firearms and other valuables.

Material and Construction

The material and construction of the safe are essential factors to consider. A high-quality Agile gun safe should be made of solid steel, with a thicker gauge used in areas where extra security is needed. Additionally, consider the overall build quality and construction of the safe, including the welds, hinges, and mounting hardware.

External Finish and Appearance

Although the external finish and appearance of the Agile gun safe are not as important as security and functionality, they can still influence your decision. Look for a safe with an attractive and durable finish that complements your interior décor. Some models also come with customizable exterior designs or logos for added personalization.

Warranty and Customer Support

Lastly, consider the warranty and customer support provided by the manufacturer. A reputable company should offer a comprehensive warranty, as well as reliable customer support to address any issues or concerns you may have with your Agile gun safe.
By taking these factors into consideration, you can ensure that you choose the right Agile gun safe for your needs and budget.


What is an Agile Gun Safe?

An Agile Gun Safe is a type of gun safe that offers quick access, high-quality security features, and versatility. It is designed to provide fast and convenient access to firearms while keeping them safely stored away from children and unauthorized individuals.

What security features does an Agile Gun Safe have?

Agile gun safes typically come equipped with several high-security features, including: * Digital or mechanical keypad lock access for quick entry
  • Solid steel construction for maximum protection
  • Four-way locking system for added protection
  • Customizable internal shelves and racks to optimize storage
  • Lightweight and portable, allowing easy transportation

How easy is it to access the firearms in an Agile Gun Safe?

Access to an Agile gun safe is typically fast and convenient, thanks to its digital or mechanical keypad lock. This allows the user to quickly enter their unique access code, providing access to their firearms in as little as 3 seconds.

Can I trust an Agile Gun Safe for the safekeeping of my firearms?

Yes, you can trust an Agile gun safe to protect your firearms. The safes are made from heavy-duty steel materials and boast secure locking systems, ensuring your firearms are well-guarded and secure.

What is the ideal location to place an Agile Gun Safe?

For maximum protection, an Agile gun safe should be placed in a secure location that is not easily accessible to intruders. This could include a locked room, a storage closet, a basement, or a dedicated gun safe room.

Is it expensive to maintain an Agile Gun Safe?

The cost of maintaining an Agile gun safe is relatively low. Depending on the brand and specific model, the yearly maintenance cost may range from $25 to $50, which typically covers routine service, parts, or warranty support.

What are some optional features that can be added to an Agile Gun Safe?

You can customize your Agile gun safe with additional features like a built-in dehumidifier to protect your firearms from rust, a vented interior for proper air circulation, battery backup kits, and more.

What is the typical warranty period for an Agile Gun Safe?

The warranty period for an Agile gun safe varies depending on the brand and specific model. However, most manufacturers offer a warranty ranging from 1 year to 5 years, with some even offering lifetime warranties for certain parts or components.

Can I easily move or relocate my Agile Gun Safe?

Yes, an Agile gun safe is designed with portability in mind. It is lightweight and compact, making it easy to move or relocate as needed. This feature also allows for temporary storage or transportation of the safe.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
submitted by GuiltlessMaple to u/GuiltlessMaple [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 09:05 AutoModerator /r/NintendoSwitch's Daily Question Thread (06/02/2024)

/NintendoSwitch's Daily Question Thread

The purpose of this thread is to more accurately connect users seeking help with users who want to provide that help. Our regular "Helpful Users" certainly have earned their flairs!

Before asking your question...

Helpful Links

Wiki Resources

Wiki Accessory Information

  • Accessories - Starter information about controllers, chargers, cables, screen protectors, cases, headsets, LAN adapters, and more.
  • MicroSD cards - Some more in-depth information about MicroSD cards including what size you should get and which brands are recommended.
  • Carrying Cases - An expanded list of common carrying cases available for the Switch.

Helpful Reddit Posts

Third Party Links


  • We have a volunteer run #switch-help channel in our Discord server.
  • Instructions and links to information about homebrew and hacking are against our rules and should take place in their relevant subreddits.
  • Please be patient. Not all questions get immediate answers. If you have an urgent question about something that's gone wrong, consider other resources like Nintendo's error code lookup or help documents on the Switch.
  • Make sure to follow Rule #1 of this subreddit: Remember the human, and be polite when you ask or answer questions.
submitted by AutoModerator to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:57 WatchfulHeaven1 Deck Dilemma: Azorius... Control? I'm pretty sure it counts as a control deck.

So I've been playing Magic as most do: on and off throughout the years. I got myself back into it due to a cousin who's a state away. I have more recently gotten some of my friends into it. According to Steam and adding the app, I have roughly 85 hours in it over the past... year (I know, cut me some slack). 30 of those hours have been in this week and I've been experimenting with my decks and favorite playstyles.
And I think I've found it: Being Annoying. Annoying to the point where not even I'm having fun and am just there to see my opponent suffer, whether that be a deck that mills every card my opponent has or a deck that can get my health into the high hundreds with crash-inducing multiplying tokens on the board.
Most recently, however, I've found one I like the most. My lovingly named Azorius deck: COUNTER-SPELL. I'll give you three guesses about what it's about and the first two don't count.
Here's the deck and my main problem with it below. The cards in brackets are cards my ADHD brain added while I was typing this and looking through my collection and therefore are not part of the current win condition, but I thought they would just help the deck based off their descriptions with zero testing, sorry.
Creature Spells: (12[15])
Non-Creature Spells: (68[71])
Land:(40){I just had basic Lands originally}
Yes yes, I know, and have been told multiple times by my friends. I am a bad person. So this deck is a stall deck more or less. Have all the enchantments lock down the opponent while building up land and usually the namesakes of the deck - Counterspells. You get your big Creatures, hopefully the Terrors, Brinefangs, or the Mindbreaker and keep them alive from any shutdown spells with the counters. Extra points if you get the Ceratops for the double strike. So it's either the opponent just losing to damage, or losing the battle of attrition which Terisian Mindbreaker speeds up.
It has obvious counters with faster starting/rush decks... and Phrexians, usually involving incubation, but that's just because I'm too stupid to make the best use of my exiles and nothing else. I feel like it's a solid deck.
There's just one tiny problem, at least when I play it. I never get any land, the idea is great, but when put into practice it never seems to work. It's not even a 'not enough land for the 8 mana spell' it's just a 'it's my 11th turn and I have 3 land on the field'. If it was less frequent I wouldn't even be making this post. This is my first real reddit post and it's over this. If it was less frequent I'd understand, everyone has bad draws, but it's a third of my deck, and it consistently doesn't give me any. It doesn't give me any excess land, no no no, it's either have some land and get it at a slow but consistent enough rate that you're almost dead when you can actually play stuff or it's a barren wasteland with no water and the sun has been blotted out for decades.
Like I said before, I feel like its a solid deck, or at least it can be if I fixed it, but I have no idea where the problem is. Whether it's the bloated deck size, not enough lands, or if I'm simply not bribing the Arena Shufflemy luck has just been horrendous with this deck.
I think I just made this mainly to vent but I'm not at the point in my Magic skills to figure out what to do sans scrapping the entire deck, y'know? I'd appreciate some advice about it, because it just has me stumped.
I'll restate that this is my first serious post and first MagicArena post so I don't know if this counts as a Deck or a Question Flair. and I'll edit this out once I'm sure of which one it is. and double check spelling uh... tomorrow, soon to be later today.
TLDR: OP has a massive skill issue.
submitted by WatchfulHeaven1 to MagicArena [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:41 Apprehensive_Pie_786 Delivered my baby boy at 39 weeks 6 days!!!

FTM had my baby boy at 39 weeks and 6 days! The first sign was period like cramps throughout the night. Woke up and felt super constipated. It wasn’t super obvious that I was feeling contractions and not constipation at first. Took me about an hour to realize it was labor as the contractions got worse. Went into labor around 730 am and had him at 11pm the same day. No epidural but used the nitrous oxide. The contractions were painful but honestly more uncomfortable than anything. It is so hard to find a position to get through them easily but for me, the nitrous oxide REALLY helped and I didn’t feel I needed an epidural at all.
I had my husband and mom with me and we hung out in the hospital room from 10am until delivery was over. The day surprisingly went by SO FAST. It was nice to be able to get up and move around freely and we ordered room service a few times and it was actually pretty good! All the nurses were amazing and so super friendly.
Okay but here’s the thing - the pushing. My labor is broken up into two parts in my head- the contractions and then the PUSHING. In hindsight, I realize I was completely unprepared for what I was about to go through. I pushed for two hours, which apparently isn’t even that long for a first time mom. And let me tell you - I did not expect it to hurt as much as it did. I gave birth four days ago and I’m still in shock at the experience. I know everyone says how painful it is….but that was something else. If you are a FTM planning to do no epidural, spend some time preparing your pain tolerance however you can. I wish I had squeezed more ice cubes or done whatever other things the internet says will help. It was such a crazy experience there were points I thought I really truly couldn’t do it (obviously at that point you have no choice 😂) but I really felt like I was going to pass out from the pain. I can’t put into words what I was feeling to give it justice. Just try to prepare yourself. My mother, who has had three kids with epidurals, told me she couldn’t feel any of the things I was describing. And those things were the most painful parts. I don’t say this to encourage people to get an epidural - I say it so you can be more prepared than me. I feel like I was blind sided even though everyone says how painful it is.
Something else I wasn’t prepared for - the blood. It is a lot. Today I stood up from the toilet and a blood clot the size of a baseball fell out of me. (I called my OB, not of concern due to no bleeding following). They say clots the size of a ping pong ball or smaller are to be expected. It’s crazy. They just fall right out. I’m filling adult diapers with more blood than I expected and my vagina is currently unrecognizable. At the hospital they constantly checked my uterus by pressing down and clots of blood just flew out. Something no one ever told me beforehand.
That all being said - I would do it again in a heartbeat. I type this out as my beautiful baby is skin to skin with me sleeping on my chest. Child birth was an amazing experience even if parts of it were extremely difficult. The most difficult thing I have done in my life. The recovery is more than I anticipated, and I am so grateful to have my husband helping. It really is amazing what our bodies are capable of.
Our baby is happy and healthy now, but we did have some unexpected hiccups along the way. Our second night at the hospital was not easy and I thank God my baby is okay. There is some trauma I am still processing as a newly postpartum mom and I look back on my experience in awe that this happens every day thousands of times a day. Women have their own birth stories of challenges and feats along the way that they live with forever, and it is just seen as something so normal or ordinary for a woman to do. I have found such a new respect for all moms out there. This has been a crazy experience already and I am just in shock trying to process at how much love I feel for this tiny human I brought into the world. So surreal. Being a mom really is the best feeling I’ve ever had.
submitted by Apprehensive_Pie_786 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:10 the_half_swiss Trying to buy a training ball

I am trying to buy a training ball on Amazon. Like this one.
Here is what happened:
The description clearly states the correct size and weight: 52mm 132g.
Does this ball actually exists for snooker? Any recommendations?
submitted by the_half_swiss to snooker [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:09 Quite_Likes_Hormuz I'm just super overwhelmed and I have no clue where to start

I've been putting off voice training for a while and I thought I finally had the motivation to start. I saw L's guide and thought it was straight forward enough and it made a lot of sense. But it was also pretty old so I thought there might be a newer version and I came across a bunch of people saying the guide was outdated and not recommended. People said to listen to the Selene clips.
So I did and I understand what she was saying about size and weight and how you need a proper weight for the vocal size to sound right. And I understand the difference between a small and a large size, and a heavy and a light weight. But how do I actually do any of that? "Make your voice smaller" Thank you, very helpful. What am I supposed to actually do? So I figure, alright maybe this is just a bit more advanced and I look at the transvoicelessons youtube channel instead and I go to the "ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS" video. And less than 5 minutes in as the first exercise she wants me to mimic her pitch which I don't even know the first thing about... I don't do music so I have no clue what pitch she is at let alone how to mimic it with my voice. (I've always hated the sound of my voice so I don't sing or do anything besides speak "normally")
So now I just feel like I'm in way over my head and I don't understand where I'm supposed to even begin. Even the most basic beginner stuff seems too complicated for me and I don't know what to do
submitted by Quite_Likes_Hormuz to transvoice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:09 saikrishnav LG C1 48 to LG C4 42 or something else?

Some context.
I bought lg c1 48 when it was released because there wasn’t a 42 inch at the time. It was too big to use as monitor for me but I couldn’t part with it.
Now we have 42 inch monitors and tvs thankfully.
Is LG c4 42 inch a downgrade from Lg c1 48 inch because I heard it’s a woled panel? Not sure if c1 48 is woled or actual oled - hence the question.
I prefer the 42 inch for my height among other things. So asking to see what’s a good oled option at this size without feeling like a downgrade from lg c1 48.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by saikrishnav to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:01 wordedship Help with Dynamic Array and Deletion

I'm still learning, dynamic memory isn't the focus of the assignment we actually focused on dynamic memory allocation a while back but I wasn't super confident about my understanding of it and want to make sure that at least THIS small part of my assignment is correct before I go crazy...Thank you.
The part of the assignment for my college class is:
"Create a class template that contains two private data members: T * array and int size. The class uses a constructor to allocate the array based on the size entered."
Is this what my Professor is looking for?:
TLArray(int usersize) { size = usersize; array = new T\[size\]; } 
~TLArray() {
delete \[\]array; 
Obviously its not the whole code, my focus is just that I allocated and deleted the array properly...
submitted by wordedship to Cplusplus [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:00 AfraidInspection2894 Skewed Popularity of Kpop Groups

I have been paying attention to the Western pop scene, and recently, several aritist are finding that they aren't as popular as they thought. Pop artists think that since Beyonce and Taylor Swift could sell to massive stadiums, so can they. They also look at going viral on TikTok and being popular on streaming and think that means they have a massive fanbase who will buy tickets only to find out that isn't true. I have noticed this with a couple of Kpop groups not selling out their venues or struggling to fill a venue. For example, when ITZY has their concert in Seoul in February, there are a lot of empty seats, same with LSF's fanmeet in May. I feel like we will start to see this happening more often as more groups hold shows and go on tour. Streaming and bulk album buying have really skewed how popular groups seem , and as more groups go on tour, I think it will be clearer.
ETA: I used ITZY and LSF as my example not to diminish their popularity specifically but because I attended both concerts and their was a noticeable number of empty seats and LSF actually roped off sections and changed people's seats because they had a lot of empty of seats that didnt sell. While both groups are obviously popular and not hurting for money with how many albums and streams they have, my point is that despite that, they struggled to sell out concerts in their home country.
My point is that if you look at both groups streams and sales, they should have had no problem selling out but they weren't able to showing that TikTok/streaming/bulk buying has led to artists/mangament/fans having a skewed view of a group's popularity and what size venues they should use and what price they should charge.
submitted by AfraidInspection2894 to kpop_uncensored [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:56 Little-Tenko Conditional Probability and Pool Sizes in Gachas

  1. Shiny UP! Gacha:
  1. Egg Move UP! Gacha:
  1. Legendary UP! Gacha:
Shiny UP! Gacha: The pool size is 700 because you are pulling from the total number of Pokémon available. Since you are looking for a shiny version of any Pokémon, the pool remains 700.
Egg Move UP! Gacha:The pool size is significantly larger at 2800 because each Pokémon can have 4 egg moves. The weighted odds mean you are more likely to get a common egg move than a rare one.
Legendary UP! Gacha: When pulling for a legendary, the effective pool size of desired outcomes is 50. This makes it easier to get a specific legendary compared to getting a specific egg move, but harder compared to getting any shiny Pokémon.
Shiny UP! Gacha: Has a smaller pool size (700), making it relatively easier to get a shiny version of any Pokémon.
Egg Move UP! Gacha: Has the largest pool size (2800), making it harder to get a specific rare egg move.
Legendary UP! Gacha: Has the smallest pool size for the desired outcome (50), but you are aiming for a specific legendary, which makes it more challenging due to the daily rotation.
Why Shiny UP! Gacha is the Most Valuable:
Legendary UP! Gacha: You only benefit if you use the legendary. If you don't, it's just sitting in your PC.
Egg Move UP! Gacha: You only benefit if you use the egg move on the specific Pokémon. If you don't, it's wasted.
Shinies offer a consistent, passive benefit just by being in your party. This makes your runs easier and more efficient. The ability to choose your strategy and path is a core strength of this game, and I hope this information helps you enjoy it even more.
Conditional Probability:
Conditional probability applies here because each gacha has its own odds and pool sizes. For instance:
Shiny UP! Gacha: You have a 1/64 chance to get a shiny from a pool of 700.
Egg Move UP! Gacha: You have a doubled chance to get a rare egg move, but the pool size is 2800.
Legendary UP! Gacha: The effective pool size is 50, focusing on legendaries.
TLDR: Conditional probability helps us understand that while you might have a chance to get a desired outcome, the actual pool size and specific conditions (like daily rotations) significantly affect your true odds. This is why understanding these mechanics is crucial for making informed decisions in the game.
I hope this helps clarify the value of different gachas. If you find this information useful, great! If not, I apologize, but thank you for reading. There are many smarter people who can correct me if I'm wrong, but I hope this provides a good starting point for understanding these mechanics.
Edit: Shout out to huge-shelter-2015 for pointing out another reason why the Shiny gacha is valuable. You get candies for catching or hatching Shinies: 5 candies for a common Shiny, 10 for a rare Shiny, and 20 for an epic Shiny. This adds even more value to the Shiny gacha.
submitted by Little-Tenko to pokerogue [link] [comments]