Recommendation letter for a high school principal

r/Highschool - A Place To Discuss Anything Related To Highschool. Clubs, Classes, Advice, Anything!

2009.10.04 05:08 r/Highschool - A Place To Discuss Anything Related To Highschool. Clubs, Classes, Advice, Anything!

The highschool subreddit is a dynamic online community where students connect, share experiences, and seek advice. It's filled with engaging discussions on academics, extracurriculars, college prep, and social life. Find valuable tips, resources, relatable moments, and unforgettable high school moments in this vibrant hub of students all over the world. Share ideas, ask for advice and interact with your demographic here at highschool.

2013.05.27 07:14 SUMMON OPPAI!!!

This is for the DxD Light Novel series not High School or your High School experience.

2014.01.30 03:01 OneBag - The Art of Minimalist Travel

onebag is an 'urban' travel community devoted to the idea of helping people lug around less crap; onebag travel. Fewer items, packed into a single bag for ease of transport to make traveling simpler with more focus on the experience than the logistics.

2024.05.18 22:38 Spirited_Courage8548 Need a DJ

Evening all on this page, I'm not very familiar with reddit as it's my first post but here goes.
I'm looking for a EDM/electronic beat/DJ that makes music that would be interested in a good opportunity for both parties. I've been creating a mobile game that needs a soundtrack and a chill EDM would be the genre I'm looking for.
Now I cannot offer payment, but having the opportunity to promote your music in a game for free could be the start that you need to get your music out there. Almost all the games I know, not just mobile, have a good soundtrack. This results in players finding their music on YouTube and Soundcloud etc. Your music would be labelled and promoted on the game with links to your pages. If you're serious about wanting to go far with your music, there's nothing to lose by doing this.
This was going to be something I was going to try to do myself (making the beats and music), yet the only music experience I've had was when I used to put my head on the desk in music class in high school, so I think I best try find an expert haha.
If this interests anyone then feel free to get in touch. Reply to this post or send me a message if you can do that on reddit.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by Spirited_Courage8548 to electronicdancemusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:37 Kitchen1168 I'm 25 and tired

I'd just like to let my story somehwere off my chest. It's not a special story, just somebody's boring life story. But as a 25 year old girl, it all makes me feel really tired. Other than eberything written below, I'm normally happy.
As already said, I'm a 25 year old female, living with mom and sister. Dad passed away when I was very little, so my mom raised me and my sister alone. I managed to complete high school, BA and MA (soon) studies and get a job 3 years ago. In that sense, everything sounds good. Anyway, through certain life circumstances, for the past year, I've been the only one working in the house. I'm okay with being helpful to my mother as a way of saying thank you for everything you did for me, but it seems like the life is passing by me while I try to be as thankful as possible. It's hard for me to do anything for myself in any way. My mom and I don't share opinions in relation to anything, so I'd like to move out to try to organize my life the way I want. But it would be almost impossible for me to pay the rent and bills for myself, and provide for mom and sister at the same time. I'd like to buy a car for myself, but it's really hard to save some money for myself when my mom constantly has new plans and wishes. Those plans and wishes are, as she says, for me and my sister. But the truth is I don't care about for instance new furniture in the house. It's not something I want. I want to go and live my life just a little bit, the way I want, without being controlled all the time. Sound like a paradox - being grown up, educated and completely financially independent girl at 25, but at the same time spending youth in the house, because in the end I'm not independent. Man, I don't ever go to vacations. Ever. Mom didn't develop a habit for us to do so, maybe couldn't afford it. Now I could afford it, but first I'm not used to it. Second, I'll give my everything to mom, to fulfill her wishes. Third, 'take your sister too'. The truth is, I wanna rest from them. Yes, there's my sister who's 2 years younger than me, dropped out of studies, and is not confident enough to work. She's completely healthy. I have no idea why she's been just sitting in the house for the past year. She just has issues with her confidence. I really have no time to think about that problem as well, since I travel to another city for work, study and think of million other things.
I'm not trying to make myself look huge. I don't think I am. Those are normal things in life. I'm just sometimes too tired, and no person that has any interaction with me in my life is aware of how hard I try to keep everything in order and how tired I am.
I don't even care if I get banned, judged or ignored here. I don't even care if I sound frustrated, because I am a bit. I understand I should fight for myself, but it's hard to find a line between fighting for yourself and being rude, disrespectful and unthankful. I'm just leaving this post and this sentence here as a wish for myself, as a wish sent to the universe to help me become a better person, stronger, and push me to live my life with full lungs, the way I want and enjoy the life for at least a small portion of time.
submitted by Kitchen1168 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:36 Get_Drivers_Ed Increase Your Odds Of Passing With Get Drivers Ed

Increase Your Odds Of Passing With Get Drivers Ed

Increasing Your Chances of Passing the Driving Test: Insights from Get Drivers Ed

One of the most common questions we hear at Get Drivers Ed is, "How likely am I to pass my driving test on the first try?" It's a valid concern, as the driving test is a significant milestone in acquiring a driver’s license. The likelihood of passing depends on a variety of factors, including the quality of your preparation. In this blog, we’ll explore how taking a comprehensive Drivers Ed course, such as those offered at Get Drivers Ed, can significantly increase your chances of success.

Understanding the Driving Test

The driving test is designed to evaluate your ability to operate a vehicle safely and effectively in everyday traffic conditions. It generally consists of two parts:
The Written Test: This assesses your knowledge of road signs, traffic laws, and driving safety information. Passing this test is crucial as it demonstrates your understanding of essential driving rules and regulations.
The Road Test: This is a practical, behind-the-wheel test where you must demonstrate your driving skills, including vehicle control and adherence to traffic laws. This part of the test evaluates your real-world driving capabilities and your ability to respond to various traffic situations.
Factors That Influence Test Outcomes
Several factors can influence your likelihood of passing the driving test:
Quality of Education: Students who enroll in comprehensive Drivers Ed courses, like those offered by Get Drivers Ed, typically perform better. Our courses are structured to cover all the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge needed to pass both parts of the test.
Practice: Regular and varied driving practice is crucial. At Get Drivers Ed, we ensure that our students get ample time behind the wheel under the supervision of experienced instructors. Practicing in different driving conditions and environments helps build a well-rounded skill set.
Confidence: Understanding and following all the traffic rules can boost your confidence. Our instructors focus on building your confidence by providing feedback and strategies for improving your driving skills. Confidence plays a critical role in your ability to perform well during the test.
Test Anxiety: Nervousness can significantly affect your performance. Managing anxiety is essential to ensure you can demonstrate your driving abilities effectively. Our instructors at Get Drivers Ed specialize in strategies to help you stay calm and focused during the test.
How Get Drivers Ed Prepares You for Success
At Get Drivers Ed, our approach to driver education is holistic and personalized:
Comprehensive Curriculum: We cover every topic that you’ll find on the written test and every skill you’ll need for the road test. Our curriculum is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of all aspects of driving.
Experienced Instructors: Our instructors are not only experienced drivers but are also skilled educators who know how to communicate effectively and make learning enjoyable. They tailor their teaching methods to suit your learning style and needs.
Simulated Tests: We provide practice tests that simulate the actual driving test environment, which can help reduce anxiety and improve performance. These mock tests familiarize you with the test format and procedures, making you more comfortable on test day.
Personalized Feedback: Our instructors give personalized feedback, helping you understand your strengths and areas for improvement. This targeted feedback ensures you are well-prepared and confident.
Tips for Passing the Driving Test
Based on years of teaching experience, we at Get Drivers Ed recommend the following tips to maximize your chances of passing the driving test:
Study Thoroughly: Utilize the materials provided during your course at Get Drivers Ed. Make sure you understand the rules of the road and traffic laws.
Practice Regularly: Gain experience by driving in various conditions and times of the day. The more you practice, the more comfortable and skilled you become.
Listen to Feedback: Take constructive feedback from your instructors seriously and work on improving your weaknesses. Regular practice sessions with an instructor can significantly enhance your skills.
Relax: On the day of the test, remember to stay calm and focused. Deep breathing exercises and positive visualization can help manage test anxiety.
Success Stories
Many of our students have passed their driving tests with flying colors on their first attempt, thanks to the robust training provided at Get Drivers Ed. For instance, John, a recent graduate, passed his driving test last month after completing our comprehensive Drivers Ed course. He initially struggled with parallel parking and highway merging but overcame these challenges through targeted practice sessions and personalized feedback. His success, like that of many others, is a testament to the effectiveness of our teaching methods and curriculum.
Similarly, Emily, a nervous driver who had failed her first attempt elsewhere, came to Get Drivers Ed with little hope. Through our supportive environment and systematic training approach, she not only passed her test on the second attempt but also became a confident and careful driver.
Why Choose Get Drivers Ed?
Choosing the right driving school is crucial for your success. At Get Drivers Ed, our commitment to excellence and student success sets us apart:
State-of-the-Art Teaching Methods: We use the latest educational techniques and materials to provide high-quality, engaging instruction. Our innovative approach keeps learning interesting and effective.
Experienced Instructors: Our team of certified instructors is passionate about teaching and dedicated to student success. They bring years of experience and a wealth of knowledge to each lesson.
Flexible Scheduling: We offer flexible course schedules to fit your busy life. Whether you need evening classes, weekend sessions, or online courses, we can accommodate your needs.
Comprehensive Support: From your first lesson to the day of your driving test, we provide ongoing support and guidance. Our instructors are always available to answer questions, provide feedback, and offer encouragement.
The likelihood of passing your driving test increases significantly with the right preparation and mindset. At Get Drivers Ed, we provide all the tools and training you need to succeed, not just in your driving test, but on the road. Our comprehensive curriculum, experienced instructors, and flexible scheduling ensure that you are well-prepared and confident when test day arrives.
Join us today and turn your driving aspirations into reality. Enroll now and be the next success story! With Get Drivers Ed, you can look forward to a lifetime of safe and confident driving. Let us help you unlock your full potential behind the wheel.
submitted by Get_Drivers_Ed to u/Get_Drivers_Ed [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:36 MS001812 Trying to lose weight when my mom is the one cooking :(

I am desperately trying to lose weight and frankly it feels impossible because of how much stress I have put on my body these past few years. I have always been petite and skinny, and I definitely took my fast metabolism for granted and it is not so fast anymore. To add to this, I was a disordered eater from elementary school to high school and I would not eat breakfast or lunch, I would only eat snacks and dinner. I am 23 now, about to head to med school, and the stress of all of this and my bad eating habits in the past have caught up to me. I have a huge appetite and I am always eating something. I am still a small person, but I do have a tummy now and I weigh a normal amount on the scale (117 lbs and I am 5'1).
I am controlling my eating habits now, but since I live with my parents, I don't cook very much at all. I am on a vegetarian diet because my mom is vegetarian, and I only cook occasionally when I want to eat meat. The problem is, when I tell my mom "I'm done" or "I'm full", she does not let me stop eating. Because of the poor eater I was in my past, she thinks that I'm going back to those bad habits, even though I am eating a normal amount calorically. My mom does not let me cook on my own because she thinks I am trying to starve myself. I will be cooking on my own in a few months in med school, but I want to start eating healthier and losing the fat now. Any advice for someone that has a similar background or eats what their parents cook for them? Please share I'm desperate
submitted by MS001812 to 1200isplenty [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:35 Electrical-Archer397 Struggling (Woman)

CW: references to homosexual acts and pornography
I made a new account for these posts.
I’m a 31-year-old woman. I’m married to a wonderful man, who I’ve been with for over 8 years. We are unable to have children.
Looking back, I recognize that I was experiencing SSA even in childhood, before I knew what was happening or that it was atypical. I played sports and can remember really wanting to be around certain other girls and when I got older I realized these were crushes.
Around high school I started feeling attracted to men, too, and I thought maybe it had just been a phase or that I was mildly bisexual. I was a little lost during my college years for a multitude of reasons and was intimate with many partners of all genders, but mostly men.
When I was 22 I met my husband and knew that he was life partner material. We are truly best friends. He is aware of my SSA and past and has been very supportive. We have an adequate amount of intimacy.
The past few years I’ve really been struggling with feeling very confused and like something is missing. It was like suddenly I was way less attracted to men and even my awareness of other women shifted. I realized that I was probably way more bisexual than I’d thought. It felt so overwhelming and like I was dealing with it in secret, so I “came out” (even to my family) to try and take the power away from the secret.
I felt a huge sense of relief, but I think it also led to new struggles in that I was no longer “hiding” and the mask fell away or something. It’s like I was living in a dimly lit room where I didn’t fully see female homosexuality around me, and the lights came on. Now it’s like I can’t even go grocery shopping without sensing queerness in other women (and them me; I recognize the looks of recognition I get and sometimes I even get flirted with). I take classes and there is a woman in one of my classes who is very obviously a lesbian. We were talking about the work we had to do as we were packing up after class one night and she said something about “when we’re dealing with straight people” and part of me felt panic because she saw me and the other part of me wanted to cry tears of relief because she saw me.
Since I’ve come out it’s also like all of the algorithms on every app I use know that I have SSA, too. I can’t open TikTok or Instagram without seeing lesbian content and I find myself feeling jealous or wistful that they get to experience it fully and I don’t, so that has in turn influenced other content choices. I’ve always struggled with watching pornography, too, but lately it’s been intense. It’s like I desperately crave intimacy with another woman, and I can’t have it, so I watch lesbian porn, and when I’m done there is some relief, and then sometimes I cry because I know I can’t have that, but then I’m okay for another day or two.
I want to nurture the relationship with I have, with my husband. I think realistically I am probably 90% SSA and 10% opposite-sex-attracted, and I feel like I should be able to work with that, and I don’t know what’s wrong with me or why the SSA voice inside is so much louder. I don’t want my marriage to fail, but it’s like I’m in a vicious cycle where I’m fixated on what I can’t have. How do I reprogram my brain?
submitted by Electrical-Archer397 to Exhomosexual [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:35 Lost-Improvement-816 GW Finance to USC Marshall Transfer

hi everyone! i got into george washington's school of business for finance as a first year for fall 2024. while i am super excited for this upcoming year, i hope to transfer out and attend the university of southern california's marshall school of business for my sophomore, junior, and senior years. does anyone have a general idea of what specific classes i should take as a first year in order to earn a minimum of 30 credits freshman year? i know this is such a strange question, but i couldn't find any mock schedules online and i have no idea how anything works. my high school gpa is a 4.14 and my extracurriculars have been a bit bland so if you have any advice at all on how to become a strong candidate for usc marshall, that would be very appreciated!!!
submitted by Lost-Improvement-816 to TransferStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:35 utpian LZTR1-related schwannamotosis and suspected MNF1: Asking some questions

Hi everyone. I've been lurking for a long time, for as long as I've suspected I've had some condition under the umbrella of neurofibromatosis. I've read so many posts from all of you over this time and I feel like I should introduce myself, and also ask a few questions of you all.
I've always been into genetics as a hobby. My grandmother had an incredibly rare condition that took many years for her to be diagnosed with, and every day of her life she was at risk of sudden death as a result (and has absolutely nothing and no relation to any form of NF). When I started in school and learned about genetics even being a thing, I was convinced that her condition was likely a component of it. As it turns out, it is. I couldn't become a geneticist: school was so challenging to afford to begin with, even with really fantastic grades, and I was a high school dropout, so my career became something else (software engineering), but I was always interested in the subject.
Many years ago, I got several consumer-level DNA tests. One of the tests had a mutation in NF1, and I checked to see if it was a miscall. It appeared not to be. I had gotten a new job with fantastic insurance and wanted to see if I could get it checked out.
I see the geneticist. No mutations in NF1 detected, but a mutation in LZTR1 was present, along with a Variant of Uncertain Significance that had not been recorded and studies at the time (now, it's published). So I went about my life as of a few years ago knowing that was a possibility. Saw a neurologist, got an MRI, they said I looked good, life moved on.
A few years before this happened, I had a child (who does not have any of my pathogenic mutations.. I've checked). So this whole time, I started getting some symptoms of issues with my eye over the years: a symptom where i had sudden extreme pain that felt like my eye was out of the socket almost, happened twice, eye doctors had no idea what was going on. Then, a retinal hole, so I had surgery to repair it. My vision just has never been as strong there.
As of the last few months especially, I've had other symptoms on the same side as my eye: tinnitus, a feeling that my ear felt dislocated until I put it back in place, slight aching, a little bit of dizziness, and in hindsight I think my hearing was already being impacted. Less than two weeks ago, I had a moment where everything hit hard: all of the sudden, it hurt more on the same side with my eye, the vertigo got worse, I could definitely tell I had lost hearing, double vision when seeing up close. I knew in that moment that something more than just some sort of ache was going on, that this seemed worse. Also keep in mind, I actively avoid getting COVID-19 by masking, air purification, vaccines, etc. So as of now, I have never had it, and thankfully have also barely been sick at all in the past few years beyond these other unusual symptoms.
I saw my neurologist immediately after realizing what was going on. I told him what I thought this was: an acoustic neuroma, and maybe something else additional with my eye or something similar to it. The appointment ended up being really disappointing, dismissive and not at all in the direction I had hoped, and I'm going to find care elsewhere after I get my MRI because I know I deserve better than someone who does not care to drop his ego. But I did convince him to get me an MRI (it's been two years), which happens tomorrow morning. And I did also find out that my optic nerve is tortuous, especially the left side (and I doubt he reviewed it himself back in the day, beyond the written report). And I pointed out to him again about the mutation I had in NF1, and how I also have cafe au laits and freckles in patches throughout my body, that are just harder to see because I'm multiracial and they're very close to my own skin tone. And he confirmed my conductive hearing loss. And examined my ears and ruled out an ear infection. So... what else could it be in someone who has LZTR1-related neurofibromatosis diagnosis from a geneticist?
So I have, what I believe, is mosaic neurofibromatosis type 1. I think the first DNA test I saw that in was legitimate. I also think the LZTR1-related schwannomatosis is kicking in, but that I knew about. I think I have even a spot on my spine, as I've had pain there with pressure for almost my entire life (at least as long as I can remember).
And I am hoping someone can take me seriously at another place of care once my MRI comes back. Whatever is happening is large enough to impact my hearing and vision and face. And it's the weirdest experience knowing part of this in advance of it before I had symptoms I noticed. It's like every step of the way, I've had to convince someone else of what I thought was going on. But I am super lucky to know enough in advance to find the care I need. WIsh that was the case for everyone.
TL;DR: Inadvertently found out I have LZTR1-related schwannomatosis and I suspect mosaic neurofibromatosis type one. Might have acoustic neuroma based on symptoms, some optic nerve involvement based on symptoms, MRI tomorrow.
I have some questions just to generally ask. I try to search the subreddit, but sometimes it's just easier to ask in the way I need to, and I want to add a bit more detail to some of the questions to help clarify what I'm asking about.
  • Is there anyone else here who has Mosaic Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and LZTR1-schwannomatosis? Or anyone that has any form of mosaic NF1 and schwannomatosis?
  • For those of you with acoustic neuromas / vestibular schwannoma, is there anything you would want to know or tell anyone who goes through any treatment for it?
    • I know a ton about the general facts and procedures for the moment. I mean anything that you would have found helpful to keep in mind, or something that helped you during the treatment and in recovery?
  • For those of you with anything around the optic nerve including optic nerve glioma, is there anything you would want to know or tell anyone who goes through any treatment for it?
    • I know roughly about this, but looking more for anything that you would have found helpful to keep in mind, with treatment, recovery?
  • For absolutely anyone in the umbrella, what helped you cope with finding out this news?
    • I usually deal by digging deep into a subject and educating myself, which I've done ad nauseam already. But I am really struggling with what's going on, the juxaposition between how I feel just god awful physically on the daily, and also coping with this news, and how I have been treated by my neurologist and others. I imagine some of this will probably be helped by actually seeing and knowing the details after tomorrow. I know I'm pretty resilient because I've been through so much real shit in my life, and I know I am in no degree perfect, and I'm going to try to persevere as much as I can. I just try to be a good person, and life just hits me with the hardest situations. And now I have a kid that I want to do absolutely everything in the world for and that's jeopardized. And I am the only person I know like me.
I know that was a massive post. Thank you for reading. Thank you if you give any answers. And thanks for being a part of this community, I wish none of us had to face this, but I am glad there are places where we can know we're not alone in our experiences.
submitted by utpian to neurofibromatosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:34 tway0558 26M, I've already "self improved" and it still doesn't feel like enough

So much of the advice given to men my age is go to the gym, focus on your career, etc. I've been working out most of my life at this point, have a pretty good physique, can deadlift 3x my bodyweight. Even then, it's been months at this point where I've felt a genuine motivation to go the gym. I just go because it's routine at this point. I have a well paying job in the field I've always wanted to be in, recently moved away from home to a new city (and my first time living in a city) for a good bump in pay.
From an outsiders perspective I'm sure it feels like I have it all but I feel completely hollow on the inside and that my life feels empty. I was always a shy kid but at some point I just developed seemingly insurmountable self esteem issues that ruin my ability to find happiness. I was self conscious about my looks basically all throughout my life.. I don't even feel particularly bad about my appearance at this point, I know I'm not ugly, but it's not like 23 years of believing so didn't have an effect on my social skills and self esteem.
I don't think I have social anxiety, atleast not severe to the point that it hinders my ability to work and function day to day, I'm also decent enough at holding conversations if someone starts it.. but I legit don't think I've ever in my life just walked up to a stranger and made conversation. I have great friendships back home, but all of my close friends are friendships that started at child hood or high school.. I don't think I've made a new genuine friend since. Not a single friendship made in 4 years of college.
Obviously this makes dating a nightmare. My one relationship, that lasted over 4 years, was more or less the result of a girl whose family was friends of mine who kept pursuing me.. and I stayed in that relationship much longer than I should have because I didnt want to be alone. I've been single 3.5 years now and I cant even pretend at this point that I don't want a relationship. I've had a handful of dates through OLD but nothing long term, and OLD is a shit experience anyways.. but meeting someone doesn't feel possible else wise right now.
Logically, I know I just need to forget dating for the moment and focus on solving out whatever mental issues I have, because they're not just gonna go away, they didn't when I was in a relationship before. But at the same time, I genuinely miss having a partner, someone I could share my day to day life with, the feeling of being desirable and wanted by another person, and I don't know how much longer I can take being single.
I have zero motivation to do anything I find enjoyable like reading a new book, listening to new music, playing the bass. Every couple of months ill get the urge to game and that atleast distracts my mind for a few weeks. Every weekend I sit around on my phone just stewing away in my thoughts. Even now as I type this, I drove 5 hours to visit home last night, and all I've done is sit on the couch with the family dog lmao.
Sorry for the long rant but yeah. As much as I wished becoming objectively swole and being financially successfull gave me some genuine meaning to life, I cant say it is right now lmao
submitted by tway0558 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:34 Visual_Moose My nephew wants to make a starship troopers ad for a high school campaign, can anyone photoshop him with Mobile Infantry armor(background if possible but not needed)? Much appreciated.

My nephew wants to make a starship troopers ad for a high school campaign, can anyone photoshop him with Mobile Infantry armor(background if possible but not needed)? Much appreciated. submitted by Visual_Moose to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:34 Creative_Hunter1849 A Different Type of Mean Girl

I'm gonna give a little ⚠️content warning⚠️ here as this experience involves violence that resulted in deep rooted trauma for me.
Hi! I'm new to the reddit community but definitely not new to Charlotte's channel. As soon as I heard her mention this subreddit I RAN🏃🏻‍♀️ to download the app because I love sharing the wild sh*t that has happened in my life! Let's start with an oldie but a goodie because I got an invite to my 10 year high school reunion recently.
I grew up and attended high school in the Appalachian mountain area. There was still, of course, cliques like there are in any public school. I never really claimed to be part of a specific "clique" though. My style was "dress as punk as my Christian mother will allow me to" whereas the most popular style was Justin boots and Carhartt jackets at the time. Anyway, we would sometimes get out of our last class early if there was an "in-school" basketball game scheduled. My best friend at the time met up with me after class so we could sit at one of these basketball games together. We were sharing earbuds, listening to her iPod, when I was tapped on my shoulder by a girl standing behind me. I recognized her because we had classes together in the past but we were never close. We'll call her Becka I guess.
Becka proceeds to ask me why I was "talkin' sht" about her? I tell her that I had no reason to do that because I barely knew her, which was the truth. She walks away from me and my friend and goes back down the bleachers to talk with her group of friends. While it is a small town, I didn't even know this girl's friends well enough to be "talkin' sht" to them about her. Becka approaches me a second time to say "I KNOW for a fact now that you've been talkin' sh*t about me so why are you lyin'?" At this point I was annoyed, so I rolled my eyes and gave her the same response. Before she could say anything else I put my headphone back in to ignore her. I then watch her buzz all around the bleachers talking to everyone and not so subtly gesturing toward me.
BECKA APPROACHES ME A THIRD TIME. She sits one step above me in the bleachers to lean down and smack my foot that was propped in the seat in order to get my attention. I take out the headphone once more to ask what the f*ck she wanted, because at this point I didn't think she would escelate the situation any further. "My friends literally told me that they heard you talkin' shit so why even still lie about it?!" she asked. As soon as I turned my body away from her, she saw her chance and she took it like a cheap shot at the local pub. She pulled my head back by my hair and started hitting my face repeatedly. I had never been in a fight before in my life, so I was stunned to say the least. We later found out that not only were my glasses broken, but my nose was fractured and my tooth was chipped. My mother, infuriated, dealt with the matter legally as we didn't have the extra money to fix these things ourselves.
For those wondering where my "best friend" was during all of this, she was right there equally as stunned. I don't blame her for not jumping in to help me, but I blame every single student in that gymnasium who witnessed a girl being attacked by another girl, and chose to pull out their cell phones to video the incident rather than getting an adult involved. LITERALLY. ANY. ADULT. The whole student body and faculty were there. I made it all the way out of the gym into the commons area before a teacher seen my bleeding face and followed me to the bathroom to demand I explain what happened. I held it together until I got into the bathroom so no one would see me crying out of pure embarrassment and anger. I appreciate that this teacher was doing her job to the best of her ability by taking me to the front office to speak with the principal, but that only resulted in Becka getting suspended for a few days.
As soon as she was back in the hallways, she had convinced her whole group of friends to bark the word "snitch" at me every time they saw me. THAT is bullying. Being violently attacked is FAR WORSE than bullying. I say this because I saw a post in our 10yr Reunion event page that made me absolutely cackle. It reads:
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m aware there are people with mixed feelings about having our high school reunion. I’m fully aware some don’t want to show up because they don’t want to face people that bullied them in high school. I understand that completely. That is your choice you’re allowed to make. However, with that being said we are all grown adults now. Each and every one of us was also bullied in our own way. No it’s not okay. No it’s not acceptable. We all regret things in life when it’s too late. This is a chance to possibly get that apology you’ve always wanted. This is a chance to really get to know the adult version of our high school self. We’ve all changed in so many ways!! I’m proud of each and every one of you guys!"
I didn't expect anyone to acknowledge my specific situation in that post. Honestly, no one may even remember it because it wasn't them being traumatized in that moment. Anyway, I'm choosing not to attend because I've thought of every possible conversation I could have at this event, and none of them sound appealing to me in the slightest. If anyone wanted to befriend me after high school or see what I'm doing with my life, they could easily do that through their phone screen as I'm very present on most social media.
To conclude, I'm not sure if you'd classify this as petty revenge or just life taking a horrible turn, but I was told that Becka now enjoys doing dr*gs in her free time (meth to be exact)! I'm going to refrain from saying anything else about that because I personally feel yucky joking about addiction as I have two family members struggling with it themselves. Anyway, thanks for letting me dump my tea here!☕
submitted by Creative_Hunter1849 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:33 SEspider Is this a poison?

Is this a poison?
I've not been in Boy Scouts since I was in elementary school. So my plant identification skills are near extinct at this point. I've seen this plant before and feel as though it's poisonous to touch. Although I'm not allergic to poison ivy or oak and have not broken out since touching these months ago, I am worried for my family.
It didn't occur to me it might be poisonous until I accidently pumped into the pods and decided to take a closer look. The vine is sprouting from under a abandoned mobile home in front of us. And it has absolutely enveloped the tree at the end of the trailer, and into our yard. In April, the vines were filled with the purple flowers, to which have not caused any issues. The ground vines are a different story. They have quickly creeped into the yard and started to wrap around whatever they touch. I cut them off of course but they grow so quickly that it's being more difficult. I don't want to poison the blant in fear of damaging/killing the tree.
Identification and recommendations would be greatly appreciated. TIA
submitted by SEspider to PlantIdentification [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:32 JasmineGlisten_ How could I make myself eligible for engineering?

How could I make myself qualified for engineering as an international student?
How could I make myself a qualified engineer without being well prepared?
I’m not sure if this is the best tag, but I’m genuinely curious about how could I make myself more confident with engineering work.
My bg is that I’m international student from China and my whole family support my study in us. Currently I’m a sophomore studying in UWMadison and majoring in CompE and DS. I have a GPA of 3.7, and I was trying to transfer to a higher rank uni.
I had a bad start because I started studying STEM in high school and my bg was not as good as my peers. I was lucky enough to land an IT internship this summer but was rejected almost every school I applied for transfer (Umich etc and I don’t feel like I’m good enough to get into USC and UTAustin).
So my experience in college is that I feel it’s hard to study engineering and I’m almost paying all my energy into studying to just barely have a 3.7. I did have a few Bs and BCs and the only thing I did in college is work as a technician in school department. I took a few IT related certifications and the only advantage I have is probably over 90 credits now…
I’m wondering if anyone could give me some advice abt how to improve myself cause my goal is to stay here and get a job. I’m not waiting for a 100k job, I just want to support me and my family and have a better life. However I feel exhausted studying and working in college; I don’t have trouble forcing myself work or study but I feel I’m lacking of energy and the only thing that supports me is the far-away dream of having a good paying job.
To be more specific I don’t know how to start. I don’t know the competitions my friends engaged in high school, and I don’t know the stuff that my friends already learnt before attending college. The first year here is still a nightmare for me that I slept only 3-4 hours per day to catch up. I self-studied AP physics but realized that after began to studying for engineering classes I had 0 advantages both in language aspects and studying aspects. Also I met a few bad teammates which brought me those B/BC in my grade…
I feel like I’m too late to learn engineering and I am afraid I’m not eligible for being a successful engineer in the future. How could I compete with others in the job market with such late start and 0 connections? I even don’t know how to make connections. This made me have very bad depression and anxiety and I began to take high dose medication. With medication I’m able to act normally but I feel like I’m just different from normal people. I’m also worried that since I don’t have much experiences and money, I have 0 chances to start over. I love studying engineering but I never feel like I should enter this field.
Pls help me, I’m open to all suggestions. I don’t want to give up. Thanks for all the suggestions in advance.
submitted by JasmineGlisten_ to EngineeringStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:31 Chariots487 How are the Four Kings divided among the students?

I feel like the anime has some translation issues going on, since both the sub and the dub said that there was "one for each grade", but aren't there only three grades in a Japanese high school?
submitted by Chariots487 to WindBreakerManga [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:31 Cccp9 Separation of foods

Good afternoon all
My daughter is graduating from high school and wants her friend, who is Muslim, to come to her party. My family and I are not Muslim so there will be food around that is Haram and most won't be strictly halal, so we just want to know how separated the Haram food needs to be from food that we will ensure is halal (we will take the extra steps to make sure the meat is halal and cooked appropriately) to keep it from being unclean. I know that some Jews are OK with meats and dairy being separated by another food dish or table decoration to maintain kosher, but we want to make sure before making assumptions.
My daughter is going to ask him directly, but he may say not to worry about it, he won't eat. For us it's a simple thing to do just in case so on the chance he does want to eat, he can enjoy the foods like everyone else. .
Thank you all for any advice!
submitted by Cccp9 to islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:30 Federal_Apricot_8365 Is UF PaCE a good program?

Hey, everyone. I was just looking for some insight and advice about PaCE.
I have a few questions below, and I would appreciate some answers!
Do you think pace is a good program? Even for extroverts who like face-to-face instruction?
Is it still easy to learn online?
Is it easy to stay connected to the UF community while in PaCE? (especially if living in an off-campus apartment near UF)
What are the best off-campus apartments near UF that are also cost-friendly?
Does PaCE have to be fully online? For example, if a class consistently has many open seats, is it really problematic to go sit in those classes sometimes instead of watching the online class?
Is it a good idea to take transient coursework face-to-face at an institution like Santa Fe college?
For a student taking general business and wanting to transfer to finance later ( a non-pace major), is that likely given similar courses and high grades?
Is the general business degree through pace (bachelors of arts in business administration) a good start for people looking into jobs like consultancy, law, investment banking, etc.? Especially if going on to have an MBA, masters in finance, law school, things like that
How is pre-law and pre-health tracks with general business?
What are the pros and cons of a business BA (bachelors of arts) and a business BS (bachelors of science)
These are a lot of questions, but thank you!
submitted by Federal_Apricot_8365 to ufl [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:28 Spirited_Courage8548 Looking for a DJ

Evening all on this page, I'm not very familiar with reddit as it's my first post but here goes.
I'm looking for a EDM/electronic beat/DJ that makes music that would be interested in a good opportunity for both parties. I've been creating a mobile game that needs a soundtrack and a chill EDM would be the genre I'm looking for.
Now I cannot offer payment, but having the opportunity to promote your music in a game for free could be the start that you need to get your music out there. Almost all the games I know, not just mobile, have a good soundtrack. This results in players finding their music on YouTube and Soundcloud etc. Your music would be labelled and promoted on the game with links to your pages. If you're serious about wanting to go far with your music, there's nothing to lose by doing this.
This was going to be something I was going to try to do myself (making the beats and music), yet the only music experience I've had was when I used to put my head on the desk in music class in high school, so I think I best try find an expert haha.
If this interests anyone then feel free to get in touch. Reply to this post or send me a message if you can do that on reddit.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by Spirited_Courage8548 to Music [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:28 -Bombaye- 25 [M4F] New York/Anywhere Looking for Genuine, Sweet, Nerdy Connections

Hey there folks! I'm looking to make some sweet, lasting connections after some of the ones in my past fizzled out. I'm pretty experienced with online (for starters at least) communication and have made some lovely connections over the years of varying levels of, I don't know, "seriousness" I suppose, be it romantic or friendship. And that is certainly true for on Reddit as well.
A little about me: I'm figuring out my shit! I'm someone whose really interested in exploring in life, but it's also left me feeling a little behind others my age. Not very relationship experienced but I do love connecting with others, and been coming out of my shell socially of late. Essentially, I used to think I was an introvert, but I'm possibly more like an ambivert.
Career-wise I've finally, after a while of searching, gotten into a program that will at least allow me to have some decent income while gaining great experience. I want to continue schooling (I have a bachelor's degree in English), but really don't know in what field! All I know is, I love to write. Always dreamed of becoming an author, but I won't rant about the book industry right now (unless you want me to).
In general, I'm a nerdy guy. I have varied interests but gaming has always held my heart, as well as art and animation. So, naturally, manga/comics/anime and all that jazz is up my alley. I'm kinda a critic, though. Yet this does not stop me from consuming utter trash. I tend to watch shows and catch up to series like these right before bed, so I don't stimulate myself too much and stay up. Now that's just smart ... well, not as smart as when I used to read books before bed. Let's give a cheer for societal brain-rot!
As for games, I enjoy mostly single-player stuff. Roguelikes and indie games will always be something I love, but I generally love RPGs! Hades II currently holds all my attention, and if there are any Balatro players out there, I'll marry ya.
As for other interests, I love making fancy cocktails strangely enough. Big whiskey fan, and wine, but I try to save it for one day a week. I'm also highly interested in learning languages, though I'm still essentially just fluent in English. But I have learned to read some Japanese and have decent Italian skill.
I consume a good deal of media, including on YouTube through copious, endless video essays on topics I'd normally not care about. I also enjoy reading; typically fantasy, but historical stuff as well.
I love animals and probably would've been a marine biologist in another life, but instead I'm ... nondescript freelance writer.
Let's see what else ... I'm kinda interested in spirituality to an extent? I'm a hard-sell on all things supernatural, but it has not stopped me from attempting to learn astrology and tarot cards and chaos magick. I'm at least interested in these concepts for sure!
Appearance wise certainly don't mind exchanging selfies, even if down the line. I'm a bigger guy working on health and who enjoys a good workout. Blue-green eyes, curly light brown hair, 5'7".
Not sure what to tag this as considering the two extremes in this silly tag system. I guess NSFW lends itself to the idea of potential flirtiness? Which I am all for, so ultimately I'm down for anything organically!
Anyway, this was absolutely a ramble. But if my particular brand of insanity appeals to you, by all means reach out. Down for anything really. I find I've clammed up in the past and like to take things slow, but I'm an open book and am really just looking for a nice vibe.
No time limit to respond!
submitted by -Bombaye- to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:28 PMaxlm Profile review - junior profile

Hi,I have been thinking about doing an MBA in two years once I reach a senior-level position. I am currently 25 years old and completed a double degree undergrad program, split between France and the US, finishing with a 3.5 GPA. I’m confident that I can achieve a decent GRE score, but I am still training for my first attempt.
I want to pursue an MBA because I aim to move to the US long term, a goal I have had for a long time, which is why I also completed part of my undergraduate studies in the US.
Currently, I am an auditor at a Big 4 firm in Luxembourg with a net salary of 3,000 euros, which is good for a junior position in Europe. As I am still a junior, I am looking to apply to an MBA program in two years once I reach senior level. What would you recommend I do to strengthen my profile? Also, am I being unrealistic in thinking that I can get into a T15 school with only three years of experience? I appreciate all comments.
submitted by PMaxlm to MBA [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:28 lawrencedun2002 Here's how a makeup artist from Springfield collaborated with Gypsy Rose Blanchard in LA

Here's how a makeup artist from Springfield collaborated with Gypsy Rose Blanchard in LA
Alexis Oakley has done makeup for Emma Stone, Paris Hilton, Demi Lovato, and Kris Jenner, but her work has never garnered as much attention as when she "glammed" Gypsy Rose Blanchard two weeks ago.
Oakley, a Springfield native, met with the newfound celebrity May 1, when Blanchard was in Los Angeles for a red carpet event promoting her new Lifetime docuseries, "Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up." Oakley met Blanchard in her hotel room, where she did her makeup and the two created social media content together.
Oakley and Blanchard had about two hours to do hair and makeup and one hour to create social media photos and videos. They also stopped in a nearby Sephora for about an hour to shop together. Oakley has posted more than nine videos on her TikTok and Instagram from the collaboration, which have garnered more than 70 million impressions, she said. She also gained more than 250,000 followers on TikTok, almost overnight. As of Wednesday, Oakley has more than 490,600 followers on TikTok.
"I've never gained so many followers from anyone before," Oakley told the News-Leader on Wednesday. "Obviously, I've worked with traditional celebrities ... and a tag can help my career, for sure, but the Gypsy Rose Effect is unlike anything."
Connecting with Gypsy
The collaboration began back in December 2023, a few days after Blanchard was released from the Chillicothe Correctional Center, where she served an eight-year sentence for conspiring to kill her mother Clauddine "Dee Dee" Blanchard" with her then-boyfriend Nick Godejohn in 2015.
Blanchard was released from prison Dec. 28 and on Dec. 30, Oakley posted a TikTok video of her setting up her makeup kit with the caption, "Clearing my schedule in case Gypsy Rose wants glam." The video was a part of a trend where TikTokers made videos of them "clearing their schedules" to do specific activities with Blanchard. As of Wednesday, Oakley's video had more than 454,200 views.
Though the video garnered more engagement than her other content, Oakley said she didn't think much of it. However, she was genuinely interested in doing Blanchard's makeup.
"After that, I saw that she was doing press in New York and getting her hair and makeup done and I was like, 'Okay, she's about to start being a glam girl, how can I get my name in there?'" Oakley recalled. "I DMed (direct messaged) her a million times (on Instagram), but obviously she wasn't seeing anything because I think she got 12 million followers overnight."
Oakley decided to take it a step further and began sifting through the list of accounts Blanchard followed on Instagram, which at the time was about 100.
"I was just looking for someone who was maybe a manager, publicist or friend," Oakley continued. "I ended up finding a few girls who worked on the Lifetime team and DMed them and said, 'Oh my gosh, I saw Gypsy is doing press. How can I glam her? Can you connect me? Who should I reach out to?' and they were like, 'Oh my gosh, we actually saw your TikTok.'" In January, Lifetime aired a six-episode docuseries called "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard," which chronicled the history of Blanchard's case and some of her life in prison.
After connecting with members of Lifetime, it was about four months before Oakley heard from them again, which she said is typical when working with celebrities. Then out of nowhere Oakley received the call: Are you available? Gypsy is coming to Los Angeles.
Four hours and a lasting friendship
According to Oakley, Blanchard was only in Los Angeles for about 24 hours. Ahead of the Lifetime red carpet event, Blanchard visited Santa Monica Pier — it was her first time seeing the ocean — and did some staple California activities, like trying In-N-Out Burger. Then, Blanchard and Oakley met up for hair and makeup in Blanchard's hotel room.
"We just connected right away," Oakley said of Blanchard. "I filmed the entire process, which I typically try to do with my clients ... She was so sweet, such an easy client and just so excited to learn about makeup and just asking questions the entire time: 'What's this product? How do you apply this? Why are you putting it there? What does this do? Have I been doing this wrong?' (She) was very, very eager to learn, which is so fun for me."
During hair and makeup, Oakley learned that Blanchard had never been to a Sephora, so she asked Blanchard's team if they would have enough time to run by a nearby mall. Fortunately, they were able to work it into her schedule.
The two bought an array of makeup products, including moisturizer, foundation and concealer, blush, mascara, eyebrow pencils and lip liner.
"It was just so sweet and it honestly made me so emotional taking her as she'd never been before, she's 32 years old and doesn't really know how to do her makeup," Oakley said. "Watching her light up when I would tell her about certain products ... was just really, really cool."
Since Blanchard's visit to Los Angeles, Oakley said the two have been texting back and forth daily. And while nothing is confirmed, Oakley said Blanchard told her that she would like for her to do her makeup for her wedding, when that day comes.
Getting started and what's next
Oakley got her start doing prom and bridal makeup in her parent's basement in high school, but she knew she was interested in more sophisticated work.
A few weeks after graduating from New Covenant Academy in 2016, Oakley moved to Los Angeles at the age of 18. Upon arriving, she enrolled at Make-Up Designory, a five-month professional make-up training program.
"Two days before I graduated Make-Up Designory, I landed a job as an assistant for a really huge celebrity makeup artist. That was kind of that moment for me where I was like, 'Okay, I think this is supposed to be what I do." The makeup artist was Rachel Goodwin, who has worked with Emma Stone, Laura Dern, Jennifer Lawrence, Zendaya and countless other A-list celebrities.
Oakley said she spent about four years working as an assistant for various celebrity makeup artists before establishing herself independently. The first two celebrities she worked with on her own were Paris Hilton and Jessica Alba, both in the same week.
More recently, Oakley has enjoyed collaborating with social media content creators including Tanya Mongeau, Trisha Paytas and Brianna LaPaglia.
When it comes to Oakley's relationship with Blanchard, she said she hopes to stay in contact and do her makeup anytime she's in Los Angeles.
As for future clients, Oakley said her dream celebrity that she would like to work with is Hailey Bieber. She also hopes to host more in-person events like meet-and-greets and masterclasses.
submitted by lawrencedun2002 to thegrbcase [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:27 Head-Scarcity-2236 What should I do if I have $3000 and I am 18 years old?

I’m 18 years old and I have $3000 saved up. I'm looking for advice on the best way to use this money. Here are a few details about me:
I'm interested in investments, especially in stocks and cryptocurrencies.
I have a basic understanding of economics and finance.
I'm planning to start a business in the future.
I'm currently ending high school and not working.
What would you recommend I do with this money to make the most out of it? Should I invest it, save it, or use it in some other way? Any tips or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Head-Scarcity-2236 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:27 Ihatemyselfbutatleas My schools band will be in the 2nd

I play bass in my schools band and we have to record a song for the 2nd game. Idk why they chose a high school band for this but thats cool i guess
submitted by Ihatemyselfbutatleas to amandatheadventurer [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:25 PrimoScarab Do you think I’m a loser?

I’m 23 [M] and feel like a complete loser. I feel so bad that I seriously consider suicide.
Why I feel bad:
•I have autism and therefore have trouble talking to people
•I don’t have a lot of friends
•Never had a girlfriend
• Still live with my parents
•Have a useless college degree that can’t get me a single job
What I feel good about:
• Have at least three friends
• graduated high school
• graduated college although useless
• A drivers license
How I’m trying to improve:
• hit the gym 3-4 times a week
• go to therapy
• study old highschool courses to apply for a new college
• work some weekends at a nightclub to make some extra cash
submitted by PrimoScarab to selfimprovement [link] [comments]