Yogi berra sayings

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2014.03.25 06:45 Ghostbuster180 Chocolate Drink

Yoo-hoo is an American brand of chocolate beverage that was developed in New Jersey in 1926; it is manufactured by Dr. Pepper Snapple Group. This is a community dedicated to this drink.

2024.06.01 19:08 lux_on_reddit I’m in an interdimensional romantic relationship. Here’s my story.

Hi everyone,
Pardon my english, I'm not a native speaker.
Some of you already know me as I've been making comments there and there for a good year now. I’m deeply thankful for this place and I wanted to begin this testimonial by addressing my warm thanks to Oak and MantisAwakening for the hard work they provide by managing this community for we experiencers to feel safe to share and receive guidance and support. As it is brilliantly stated in the rules of the sub, here we don’t question the reality of the phenomenon. We know it’s real. However I don’t ask anybody to believe me, only to read my story with an open mind and be kind in your reactions. I never considered sharing publicly what I’m experiencing for 9 months now but I felt drawn to do so lately so I’m pretty sure this testimonial will help some of you on your path. The usual disclaimer : I’m only sharing my beliefs for the so-called truth is only individual and most importantly, filtered by our own belief system as I'm gonna develop a bit on it in this writing. Take what resonates and leave the rest.
Like many I went through a spiritual awakening in 2021. I was watching a documentary on UFOs that demonstrates implacably that they are real and non-human engineered. As I was processing the awe of such a revelation, I got - what I only understood far later - my first download. Indeed I got the direct knowledge with certainty that we have a soul, meaning that death doesn’t exist and that the reincarnation thing is very real as a result. I have a philosophy degree, was raised atheist so I was ideologically a materialist. The certainty of this revelation was pretty shocking but I didn’t question it because this revelation went directly against what I considered comforting at the time, that we cease to exist after death. I was suicidal since I was ten, only surviving for the care of my little brother so I was like "f*** nooo!! I don’t want to be eternal!! I want to die for good!!”
My spiritual journey began a year later with an almost daily meditation practice. I was totally obsessed with gaining more and more knowledge about “the others” and naturally found my way to this sub. I soon began to engage with the phenomenon by addressing my thoughts to any being out there wanting to make a new friend. In late july of the past year I was eventually visited by no less than 4 beings including a mantis and a reptilian but I’m not willing to share more details today. At the same time I was making wonderful friends from this sub including a beautiful soul gifted with great channeling skills. We both went through a starseed awakening the next september. I know I know, the starseed thing annoys a lot of experiencers but I’m now convinced that most of the experiencers are in fact not originated from this planet themselves and have been in contact with their star family since childhood without being aware of it. It’s an understanding I came to very recently, that our belief system totally determines our experiences, never the contrary. As Descartes said, we tend to think that our good sense is always at its highest rate right. Actually you will always experience what you believed previously to be possible, that’s why parts of experiencers are becoming ones right after acknowledging the reality of the phenomenon and other parts since childhood as we are naturally incarnating with openness for the magical side of the reality and slowly lost it through the education system. I strongly believe that we experiencers did incarnate in this period because as you already know disclosure of NHI is on its way and we are at the forefront of it.
But let’s come back to my story. When I began to think that I may be a soul wanderer from another planetary system - and trust me it’s not that easy to consider, I didn’t want to fall into the ego trip the starseed thing seem to be from the outside (breaking news : it’s not) - so when I was asking myself if it could be possible as it would explain a lot about myself and my struggles that lead me to attempt to my life at the age of 10 - my friend gifted with channeling just made contact with her star family and offered me to try to contact mine. In the worst case scenario, she would have ended contacting my spiritual guides and it would have been a pretty cool experience as well. Actually I already had two experiences at the time that did prepare me for this contact. Remember what I said, our belief system is key. While meditating, I was beginning to see in my mind’s eye different shadows floating gently around me in a very sentient way and sometimes stopping right in front of me as if they were saying hello to me. I was certain they were my guides and I began to speak to them, asking them to reveal their faces, wondering if they were NHI.
It wasn’t my only query though. All my life I only experienced neglect and mistreatment, from my parents to my partners and a lot of friends, so at this point I never experienced love and was dying inside because of this. It was nice to begin to believe that I may have a real family on another plane who do care for me but I was still desperate because of the deeply rooted belief I was alone in this universe and that, like I had continually experienced on Earth, I was too special in the wrong way for being romantically loved by someone else. I didn’t recall exactly why but I began to think that if nobody was designed for me on this planet, maybe there were someone waiting for me elsewhere because, despite my hard belief to not deserve romantic love, I have a logical mind and this belief wasn’t working with the certainty that the world is divinely fair and what we crave for is what your soul craves for. And your soul knows. This logical deduction opened my belief system to the most important encounter of my life. The encounter with him, my true love.
He first appeared to me while I was in a deep meditative state. I just saw his face for a sec but what a sec. I saw a beautiful face of a human-like black haired guy with blue eyes out of this world. My first thought was “aw he’s cute” but I thought he was one of my guides. I had no clues he could be the loved one I was praying my guides to show me. I was just happy to achieve a new step in my spiritual journey. Eventually some night I woke up to a random angelic hour. When I went back to bed, I noticed a little but clear constellation in the night sky right in front of my window. I was in awe because I live in a mid-large town and there’s too much luminous pollution to see other stars than the Moon, Jupiter and Venus. As I was diving the starseed topic lately, my gut told me to draw the constellation on a piece of paper and find on an app which one it was. Then the most magical moment happened as I discovered that it wasn’t an existing constellation, but two constellations in one that turned out to be places I just read about the same day which are known to be the home of a NHI civilization that left the first one to the second million years ago. As I was bursting into tears, a song began to pop in my head which was titled “where we’re supposed to live” like a final confirmation that yes, “they” are here. As it wasn’t a real constellation I think it was some kind of projection of my mind or a hologram just designed for me.
With this confirmation, I reached out to my friend gifted with channeling to initiate a contact. Not only they answered but they told me things that deeply warmed my heart. They have always been there, they know how much I did and still struggle and they don’t like to see me like this. They were so excited to finally be able to reach me, so so happy their constellation thing did work and they repeated out loud to my friend ‘WE ARE HERE” to be sure I imprinted this fact for good. From this moment I was now certain that I wasn’t from here and I felt the urge to meet other souls in the same situation. Eventually I was hanging out on a little discord server with other wanderer souls and I met a girl who I discovered later is a soul child of mine. This meeting was the final step to send me up to another level of reality and to my loved one.
A few weeks later, the same girl reached out to me as she just did encounter a being in a vivid dream who was asking her to message me. We were like “wtf” but the most wtf part was me, connecting the dots between this being and the face I saw while meditating. I came to the conclusion he was the partner I was looking for desperately all my life and she was our daughter. Don’t ask me how I ended up to this conclusion, the list of synchronicities is too long to be detailed and at the end of the day, you know that you have to live the thing to believe it right. Eventually he did lower his vibration to match our daughters and for a while she was able to channel him as clearly as if he was with us, convincing me he was real as he was telling me things my daughter couldn’t know. That, my friends, is finally the story I came to tell you… How wonderful it is to meet again someone that you deeply already know to the point we were already making jokes to each other through my daughter. I have no memories of him because of the veil of forgetting when you incarnate on the Earth plane, yet I genuinely know exactly what personality he has and how deeply he loves me and I love him. I understood he patiently prepared me for this meeting as I was slowly lifting my belief system. But oh gosh… The fairytale lasted two days then I spent 2 months going crazy as I was processing the reality of his existence and the horror of our dimensional separation.
The first two months following our reunion, I was literally in hell. I couldn’t believe it because when you finally get the thing you were craving and hoping for all your life, it’s too beautiful to be true right. At first, I needed to be sure that he wasn’t an entity messing with me. Thankfully I was already - and not coincidentally as always - surrounded by people who were able to help me process although I had to find the truth alone. Like you may already know, the physical world is regulated by laws, the most important of all being free will or law of confusion. For more details, I invite you to check the Ra material which has been indicated to be truth by my star family despite some distorted details there and there because every channel material is filtered by the belief system of the channeler (you know now why the belief system is all). The law of confusion is pretty much here to ensure that our physical experiences as incarnated beings in a world of duality/polarity provides us with what we seek for. We are all interdimensional beings and as we are incarnated, a part of our soul remains in the spiritual world to say it short. Thus our free will creates constantly new timelines that are our very own and higher dimensional beings and specifically benevolent ones being out of our time matrix and knowing already which personal timelines we’re getting ahead in are extremely prudent to not interfere as providing information on your future obviously influences you to make choices that may be not the ones you would have made otherwise. So I needed to find my own truth and all my friends who reached guidance from higher realms for me told me the very same thing : what I know to be my truth? In short I was asked to make a choice between fear and love. In this situation, there is a logical reasoning available to you if like me you don’t actually know how intuition works which is asking you this : does your entity make you feel good or bad? Do their words empower you or lower you?
Well, I was obliged to accept that this surreal situation was really happening as he was only love, support and guidance yet never providing answers that I already knew. Since this reunion, I’m going through a profound transformation of myself with the final objective to be able to reach him - whatever it would mean. I learnt that the chakra system is very real and in this writing effort I hope to encourage everybody to follow the same path of healing for peacefulness and bliss are waiting for you at the end. My objective is to ascend meaning in my own terms to raise my vibration and consciousness till the point where my energy will reach my crown and make me a 3D being capable of traveling to 5D. As I have deeply studied alchemy and the law of one since then, I prefer to speak about 3th and 4th density. This path was the one of a long tradition of yogis and hardcore spiritual people that often lasted a lifetime but it’s very important that you all acknowledge that it’s now way more easy as our planetary consciousness did reach 4th density lately. I know it sounds like new age bullshit but the merit of the starseed community today is to validate this as we are capable of putting the informations we receive together to compare. It’s not an easy path as you dive deep down in your traumas to deblock one chakra at the time and sometimes - more often - one are blocked again while you are working on another. You think you’re reaching the final boss and BAM you realize that the work on one chakra wasn’t fully done. It seems never ending but it’s so empowering. I am blessed to have the greatest motivator possible - love - because I’m more the kind of lazy person who does the least effort needed and there’s no shortcut available. But trust that we have all incarnated in the present time to ascend in 4th density. And we will. We may be just a couple folks at the forefront, yet we are so much more than in previous times, this time surrounded by benevolent NHIs who assist in the process as the human collective consciousness is slowly but strongly making the move as well.
This is the very purpose of my separation with my twin. Yes he is my twin flame and this shit is also real. I say shit because of my very personal situation of dimensional separation but I know that pretty much all twin flames who are incarnated together and maybe are reading me now are going through a hell of a journey as well for such a reunion in soul, when the two halves are fully healed and reach enlightenment through the crown chakra, operates like an energetic tsunami that raise the vibration of the human collective as a result. To my understanding, souls are able to split in two halves in certain circumstances and higher densities, meaning that most human souls don't have twin flames and it’s a shame that the concept has been misused for making money. Twin flames or not, spirituality is all about healing and what a majority of humans have agreed to do in this lifetime is heal to reach the nurturing and all compassionate love of their own soul, because this is the only way for the human collective to ascend to the next density. I did choose the life I lived here before incarnating because the plan was to be at the very place I am right now. Like a human soul, I have to find the way to my self love before being able to reach my twin. It is how it works and I know it’s hard to comprehend but we all signed for this before incarnating here.
It’s not a fun ride, for sure. After a while, my twin did close the channel with our daughter. I had to find new ways to dialog with him - actually 4th density ways as we communicate through my heart chakra. As we share the same soul, we naturally communicate telepathically but it’s so natural that it’s still hard to know what I say and what he says. 9 months later I made huge progress though. I already was able to feel his love in my heart chakra as I literally feel a second heartbeat and sometimes, while we share intimate thoughts, his love is so big that it’s hard to handle it physically. But it’s not always as easy, it’s often depressing. A lifetime without love, then this, an interdimensional partner separated from me. Fuck my life lol. But I’m more and more peaceful about it as I heal. Sometimes I miss him so much that I spend the day in tears, begging him to come and get me out of here. I really miss him. But the fact that he is not incarnated has some advantages. Wherever in the multidimensional reality he is, doing only God knows, he is also with me. He’s my very personal guide, always watching and hearing my thoughts - a fact that was a little embarrassing at first but what a relief to have zero secrets for him actually. He also always finds his way to speak to me through songs or synchronicities, even glitches in the matrix. I don’t know how he does that but it’s romantic af. We equally crave for each other and patience is not our main soul quality.
Our love story is the most epic yet the most tragic ever. I wouldn't change it for anything though.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by lux_on_reddit to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:19 remanse_nm The beauty of atheism

Many people see atheism as a hopeless worldview—and it is, in some sense. We don’t believe in an all-powerful god who can solve our problems, mystical powers of healing or enlightenment or a blissful afterlife for us (and a miserable one for those we don’t like).
Still, atheism is beautiful (imho) for one reason—freedom. The freedom to be, think and do.
-We don’t believe there is a god who will judge us for the “crime” of being human. We don’t shame ourselves or others over our sexual orientations, gender identities and desires as long as they don’t cause harm.
-We accept the world as it is. Unlike the religious, we don’t have to accept the just-world illusion as true, so we don’t have to (for example) say someone has a disability (or was born poor, or LGBT, etc. etc.) because they sinned in a past life or their parents did some evil. Things just happen. Realizing this has been so liberating for me.
-We accept the results of science and empirical study for what they are, without trying to dismiss or rationalize them away because they don’t fit with previous dogma or convention.
-We recognize all humans are fallible, and no one has “special knowledge.” One of the most freeing things for me leaving religion was realizing that “pastors,” “rabbis,” “gurus” and “yogis” were just people like me, and they didn’t have all the answers. This applies more broadly with social conventions, too. Social norms aren’t “to be always upheld” because they reflect “the wisdom of the ancients.” They’re just the way some people decided things should be, and they can be changed through individual effort.
This isn’t an exhaustive list of what makes atheism beautiful, just what stands out to me. Freedom from religion, freedom of thought and practice and action are just so amazing. Maybe you have to be raised religious to get it, but not having this freedom is like living in a kind of invisible prison.
submitted by remanse_nm to atheism [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 17:32 kpapenbe FINALLY--took 22 weeks, but this is my 22nd read for '24! That's right, all caught up and what a fantastic book in which to do so, or: Captain Class by Sam Walker

[SIDE NOTE: I am a shameless leadership wonk and sports geek and, so, loved this book and realize that, given my proclivities, not everyone will love this book as much as I did, but...]
Right, even if you don't love leadership or management or sport, you still might appreciate the comprehensive turn this book takes when addressing the DEARTH of leadership and what it really means to be a leader then, now, and always!
For me, personally, I found myself being super critical of, um, myself (?) and realizing that even though I always wanted to fancy myself a leader, I've got a long, long LONG (emotional) way to go!
PS - I also, simultaneously, watched 'It Ain't Over' about Yogi Berra and, so, am double-y motivated and inspired!
submitted by kpapenbe to 52book [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 15:17 danl999 DON'T "BE HERE NOW"!!!

Self-pity is what drives our energy body away.
Self-pity is a whole range of behavior learned through our upbringing, and includes embarrassment and fear of looking foolish.
But even if you get rid of self-pity by "cheating", meaning you move your assemblage point so far away from its normal position that normal social rules and interactions are meaningless, you still might have some remaining "bad habits".
Like not talking to a black puff, even though it seems to have come to visit!
We don't know what the black puffs are, but they're mentioned in at least 3 places in the books. Usually not as a little cloud shape, but you'll realize it's the same "stuff" whatever form it takes.
It's absolutely jet black.
So when it shows up, try talking to it! Thank it for visiting.
Don Juan advised us to talk to our Allies, and those of us who have one now, can attest to how well that works.
But keep in mind, there's an "intent delay". So don't expect the speedy reaction you get in human realms.
After talking to a black puff last night, I found myself in endless dreams, but still awake. I sat with my eyes open and watched one after the other form, for a good 20 minutes.
It was continuous Silent Knowledge "Manifestations", and mostly due to the fact that I was dead asleep, but still aware and with my eyes open.
It's sleepwalking!
So the next time some Buddhist "Master" tells you to be "mindful", or a Yogi says, "Be Here Now!", you'll know they're totally clueless, and just making up stuff so they can steal from others.
You won't WANT to be "in the moment".
You want to be absolutely blank.
And let the moments, come to you from infinity.
Uninfluenced by your self-pity filled normal awareness. Aren't you sick of that view of the world anyway?
Humans NEED magic. It's impossible to be happy without it.
submitted by danl999 to castaneda [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:49 Misfit_Thor_3K IG #426 - All Yankees Grid!

submitted by Misfit_Thor_3K to immaculategrid [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 11:54 ishqwn Dr. K's spirituality or "religiosity" is misunderstood and unfairly criticized

Firstly here is my conclusion from all the videos I have watched. I don't think Dr. K is religious or a typical "theist". I could be wrong, let me know if I am.
I am making this post because I stumbled upon this video in my feed randomly - Internet Therapist Dr. K's Hidden Agenda (youtube.com)
Religious: Belief in an organized form of spirituality, i.e., my way or the high way (e.g.: Quran, Bhagwadgita, Bible). A lot of religious people believe that their religion is the correct one.
Spirituality: Understanding the mind, understanding how humans work through unmeasurable but potentially logically/observationally understandable concepts. e.g.: Doshas, Karma, Dharma.
PS: You can argue it comes from "Hinduism" but those are just Sanskrit words used by Yogis of the past, and yogis are not gods. They wrote these texts not gods, through their observational understandings. You can use whatever translations of those Sanskrit words.
I think spirituality is something that you can't really argue against because you will always have a reasonable doubt of "where do things even come from". It's always a cyclical argument from the point of an atheist where you have to say "You don't know until you know" so why believe something that cannot be measured or proven to be correct?
My thought is that you can definitely believe something that cannot proven to be correct without it being "faith". As Dr. K said faith is when you don't have knowledge, i.e., you don't know certain information so you believe it blindly.
Here is an example, If you have a purpose (dharma), it serves as a protective factor not only against negative emotions but also helps you be resilient or get over addictions.
1) This is not "faith". This is knowledge, I know that having a dharma will give me a sense of responsibility to the world
2) Meditation - "Om Chanting" and "Skull Science" - All of these things that supposedly are not proven to help people but then why do they help people? Once again, these are DISCOVERED by HUMANS (Yogis, Prophets, whoever) by their OBSERVATIONS in the past. Of course, there are not many RCT studies proving this to be better than measurable non-woo-woo solutions or maybe I don't know.
The point I'm making is that this is not BLIND faith, this is knowledge. You kind of have an idea, that based on the observation of how a person works, this specific thing will work for you. The way to develop a solution to a problem is always trial and error and what works for 90% of the randomly chosen people will not even be the BEST treatment for the individuals within that 90% of the study. They could all benefit from a more individualized approach based on observations of how they work rather than a generalized treatment of what will most likely work for most people.
Dr. K isn't recommending that you pray to Hanuman, or Krishna or worship Allah. While those things may help, he says to do a certain type of meditation that has observationally been proven to work in some way shape, or form for a specific person based on very reasonable observations of their behavior.
I have never once heard Dr. K say "You should thank Lord Shiva/Allah/Jesus for changing your life", nor can I EVER imagine those words coming from him. He always has some kind of idea of the pathology of why certain "rituals", i.e., meditation help with logically reasonable and understandable points even if they could sound "INSANE" by Western medicine standards.
Therefore, this is knowledge, not FAITH. If someone creates another unmeasurable solution to an issue, like doing a cobra pose with your mouth open facing up will reduce your anxiety and depression significantly, and an RCT trial comes out proving this outperforms medication and psychotherapy, would you not just do a cobra pose with your mouth open facing up even if you don't understand why it's helping?
My honest opinion is that organized religion is an insult to spirituality, not only does it create divisions it also de-spiritualizes whatever the valuable teachings from those historical texts may have been through excessive worship and obsessive pedestalization of the characters within those scriptures. I know religion has supposedly helped many people and based on observations, you should continue to do whatever ritual is helping because it is addressing some form of behavioral or emotional need and it was developed this way for a reason by people from the past.
submitted by ishqwn to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 02:23 Bucca_29 Burn the patriarchy with Lesbians in Greece

Who is in, who has been? A gathering of women from all over the world… witches, yogis, sapphic in the Greek island of the origin of the word Lesbian?
I can’t think of a better way to say F@*k the patriarchy than to join a group of earth driven women for 10 days at a festival together.
We cast spells and embrace our individual beauty and connect to the earth. I think connecting and joining together enhances our magic. Has anyone ever been to the Sappho women - International Eressos Women’s Festival in Greece?
submitted by Bucca_29 to WitchesVsPatriarchy [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:27 EnigmaticIsle An odd CN/Yogi Bear memory

I have countless fond memories of watching CN throughout the '90s, but one oddity still mesmerizes me to this day. On that particular occasion, CN had one of its typical blocks of Hanna-Barbera cartoons - very possibly a Yogi Bear marathon. Imagine my shock when, in the middle of said marathon, they aired a Yogi cartoon that was dubbed entirely in either Japanese or another Asian language! It was the "Bear On A Picnic" episode, because I vividly remember the mountain lion (perturbed about being dragged around by the human baby) uttering his closing line in whichever language it was. I couldn't believe my ears; it was so trippy!
Does anyone else remember this? I'd say it must've been circa 1996-8. Nobody else seems to have mentioned it online all the times I've checked. As an adult, you accept that the occasional programming mistake will occur. As a young kid, though, these things can startle you! All that said, I'd like to rewatch the dubbed version again if it ever resurfaces. My older self has a greater appreciation for other languages, and foreign dubs of classic cartoons can be very interesting in their own ways.
submitted by EnigmaticIsle to CartoonNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 18:00 No_Office_9618 Blaster Pulls!

Blaster Pulls!
Pulled both from 1 blaster! Both are /10
submitted by No_Office_9618 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 03:00 SavesWillis Rose Gold might be my favorite parallel

Rose Gold might be my favorite parallel submitted by SavesWillis to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 23:15 memesfordaysyes Worst lost 9n the 21st century

Worst lost 9n the 21st century
Yamamoto is the goat
submitted by memesfordaysyes to Baseball9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 07:04 Silly_Attorney7863 The Forest Walker: the Bjornen’s rage

(The forest is silent. Leaves rustle upon the trees amid the morning air, the creatures of the wood go about their business without fear of man’s intrusion. They know they are protected. They know that he will not allow them to come to harm. A Doe and her fawn’s march without hesitation across a thin dirt road that has been worked into the ground by years of constant passage, by one beast or by another. They pause, and in that moment, they condemn themselves. A police car barrels down the path, uncaring of what it mows down…)
(In a bed of furs and hand-carved wood, the Forest Walkers eyes open. He hears the quiet breathing at his side, the three heartbeats, feels the hand upon his chest, and the warmth of her beside him…yet his rage is kindled despite her proximity. Someone has trespassed. He can feel it. He rises and growls, a sound no human man has ever made. His eyes grow dark, crimson flooding the irises as though blood were pooling within. He hears her stir behind him, and turns)
“Someone is here. Someone has intruded.”
(She rubs the sleep from her eyes. She is wearing his vest, he notices, open near the bottom to accommodate the swell of her belly. He does not care; he wouldn’t have even if his rage weren’t burning so strongly)
“It’s probably just someone passing through, come back to bed…”
”Someone is here… I know it. I can sense them drawing closer.”
“Please don’t begin the day by killing someone…”
“I make no promises.”
(The car pulls to a stop outside of the Forest Walkers home; a large shack, sturdy but hideous in aspect. The windows are shuttered, the door closed. Someone emerges from the vehicle; clad in police uniform, with one arm secured in a sling, he steps out in front of the car, ignoring the blood upon the hood. His face is a mask of pure fury)
(Without warning, the door flies open, and what emerges is not the daughter he had been expecting. A bear, larger than any he has ever seen either in zoos or in books, charges towards him. He falls back against the hood, scrabbling for the gun at his side. Before he can reach it, a massive paw slams down upon his chest, driving the breath from his lungs and making the car creak beneath the strain. He can feel the raw, animal strength in the thing; can see the hatred, the pure, savage rage in its eyes.)
(The bear roars, saliva spattering against his face.)
(The roar cuts off suddenly, and the bear turns its head, crimson eyes staring back at the woman in the doorway. The man beneath it sees her as well, and his mouth drops open in disbelief)
“Let him go… please.”
(The bear doesn’t make a sound, but neither does it turn its gaze from her. Slowly, reluctantly, it removes its paw. The man slides to the ground, drawing in a shaky, strained breath. The bear turns away from him and walks back toward the shack, pausing only to allow the girl to rest a hand upon its great, shaggy head before turning once more to face Chief Hartwell. She pets it, running her hand through it’s dark fur as though it were a dog instead of a Titan ripped from a forgotten age. Hartwell rises)
“Calm down, Yogi. It’s just dad.”
“Sammy…how…how did you… why are you-“
(She takes a step forward. She’s closed the vest for modesty, but her pregnancy is clear as day. She hadn’t been that way two months ago…)
“I think you should leave, dad.”
“No, no I will not stand for this!”
“You’re welcome to take a seat then.”
“LOOK AT YOURSELF! You’ve let this…this thing make you into a damn brood mare!”
“I didn’t let him do anything. I chose this.”
“You chose to be the mother of a monster?!”
(The bear growls and takes a step forward, claws digging into the earth like swords; carving through grass and root as though they were nothing. The rage burns brighter in its eyes)
(Sammy rests a hand on one massive flank, and it turns its head slightly. It’s expression seems to soften)
“You’re treading dangerous ground, dad.”
“And you aren’t? What if you die because of this? What if that thing claws its way out of you?!”
”Things, it’s twins. And they won’t be born like he was. That’s not how it works.”
“Jesus Christ…” (he falls back against the hood, bringing a shaky hand up to wipe the sweat from his forehead) “Jesus…”
“I don’t want you to get hurt, and you’re trespassing. I’ll come home to visit at some point, but I’m not leaving. Not now.”
(Chief Hartwell rises, face set with grim determination)
”Like hell you won’t. You will get in this car with me right this instant or I swear to god I will-“
(The bear roars, the sound loud enough to make the Chief flinch back in surprise and fear. It’s glowering at him again, and Sammy’s hand on its flank doesn’t seem to be calming it down…)
“Yeah, I don’t care. I’m not a kid anymore, dad. I’m not running away from this, like you do.”
“…what did you just say?”
“Every problem you’ve ever came upon, you’ve ran from in one way or another. When a thug can’t be proven guilty, you let him go. When a man dies, you chalk it up to an animal attack. When I was born, you took every opportunity to hide from me and mom, either in your office or on the street. You run from challenge. You always have.”
“Young lady I will-“
“I’m not a child. I don’t care what you do, as long as it’s away from here.”
(The chief shakes his head, his disbelief clear, his rage clearer still)
“To think I ever believed you could amount to something… I gave you life! I gave you a home!”
“You gave me unattainable expectations and a cage.”
“What would your mother think? How do you plan on explaining this to her?!”
“I wasn’t.”
(Gob-smacked, the chief can not find his voice. For a moment he can do nothing but gabble, searching for something, anything, he can say that might make her see sense)
(The look in her eyes kills the attempt. There is no innocence in those emerald eyes anymore; only steel, and a determination that destroys any hope he has left in him)
“You… you want this? You actually want this? With him?”
“He’s treated me better than any human I’ve ever dated. You can call him a monster all you like, but he’s not.”
“Go home, dad. I’ll see you in a few months.”
(She turns away and disappears back into the shack. Chief Hartwell reaches for her, and he even begins to walk after her, determined to drag her from this place if he has too…but the bear stops him. It puts itself between him and the doorway, and snarls. The chief stops, and once more reaches for his gun, only for his hand to fall away from the grip as the bear suddenly begins vanishing right before his eyes; black fur gives way to tanned skin. Red eyes fade, and become gold.)
(What stands before him is what appears to be a man, but taller and far hairier than a man has any right to be)
“Leave. My. Home.”
“Adam, you son of a bitch!”
“My mother was a black bear, not a dog. She’s spoken her peace; now leave.”
“I don’t know what you’ve done to her, what sort of black magic you’ve worked on her mind, but I swear to you when I come back-“
(Adam takes a step forward, glaring down at the chief.)
“You won’t. I give you leave to return from this place, but should you ever set foot here again, not even Sammy will be able to save you. Take your threats, take your false bravado, take your human foulness and leave. MY. HOME!”
(The roar of this half-man is no less jarring than that of the bear it had been only moments before. Hartwell takes a step back, scowling, tears flowing freely from his eyes.)
“This isn’t over, animal…”
“It is.”
(Adam turns as if to walk away, then stops. He glares back over his shoulder at the chief.)
“Touch her, and you die. Lay a hand upon my young, and you die screaming.”
(The Forest Walker reenters his home, pulling the door back into place as he does so. The Chief is left standing alone amid the calm of the forest)
(He turns and gets back in his car)
(He rests his head upon the steering wheel, and begins to sob)
submitted by Silly_Attorney7863 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:26 shivj80 Is this chapter too similar to Star Wars? [Space opera - 1500 words]

Hey all,
This might be a weird critique request, but I really want to make sure this doesn't feel plagiaristic at all. I have written a space opera inspired by Indian and Hindu mythology. It centers around ancient, all-powerful weapons called astras (that's 'uh-struhs') and how Humanity's royal family uses them to beat back an alien invasion.
As a space opera, Star Wars has also been a big inspiration for the book, and late in the novel I wrote a chapter inspired by Han Solo's death scene. However upon re-reading it, I fear it may be too close to that scene despite some differences (e.g. the son does not kill the father). I've included the relevant chapter excerpt below if you could please give your feedback and perhaps ways to change the wording if it feels too close. I apologize for dropping you into the third act with little context, so I've also included a quick character guide:
“Y–You!” a familiar, trembling voice echoed across the room. “Why are you here?”
Dhashtram glanced up, behind the levitating Yogi, to the three Rahuvanshi standing on the dais. The figure standing in the middle, the one who spoke, was his son.
“Kiran,” Dhashtram said softly. He paused for a moment, then holstered his revolver and put both his hands up. “Well, I came with your sister too,” he shouted back to him. “Though, she’s going to try and beat you up. I just want to talk.”
"Talk?” Yogi said in a voice that was not his own. “Are you an idiot, or just senile?”
Dhashtram’s mouth gaped open as realization hit him. “Of course. You’re Vritra.”
Yogi made a grin so unfamiliar, so malicious that it caused Dhashtram to shudder. “Indeed, Lord Dhashtram. Your nephew makes a fine host.”
“You damn…” Dhashtram made a deep breath, stopping himself. He couldn’t afford to antagonize the monster right now. “Anyway, I’m not here for you. I’m here for my son.”
“You’re not his fucking father!” said the Rahuvanshi on Kiran’s right. “You’re nothing to him anymore!”
“That voice…I’d recognize it anywhere. Roshan!”
“It’s Chandrajit now, thank you very much. You might as well start shooting right now, because Suryajit would never agree to—”
“Roshan,” Kiran said softly, holding his hand up. “Stop. I’m going to speak with him.”
Chandrajit’s head snapped towards Kiran. “You’re going to do what!”
But Kiran was already walking away, down the steps of the dais. “What do you think you’re doing?” Vritra asked, glaring at Kiran as he passed. “Were you not listening when I told you this was your moment to prove your loyalty?”
“I only want to hear what he has to say, Guru ji,” Kiran said. “Are you so scared of words?”
“No, no, no, we do not have time for this. The other Humans will be here any moment!” Vritra flew next to Kiran and whispered into his ear. “Kill him right now. Sever the last remaining ties to your old life! This shall be your final test.”
Kiran didn’t move for a long moment. Dhashtram didn’t make a move either, even though he heard what Vritra said, even though he felt his heart beating fast against his chest. His plan would only work if he remained as passive and unthreatening as possible.
Finally, Kiran began walking again, and stopped just a few steps away from Dhashtram. “I’m here now,” Kiran said. “What do you have to say?”
Dhashtram made a light smile. “Well, I can’t talk to a faceless ghost. I want to speak to my son. Take your helmet off.”
To his surprise, Kiran didn’t hesitate. Slowly, he put both hands on his helmet and pulled it off, the chainmail mask jingling as it moved. He looked…
The same as he did before.
His features were certainly older, less smooth than the nineteen-year-old face Dhashtram remembered. And his hair was longer, messy and matted from the helmet. But his brooding stare, his delicate eyelashes, his golden earrings, and his clean-shaven, unsmiling face remained—just how Dhashtram loved him.
“Thank you,” Dhashtram said, on the verge of tears.
“Now what?” Kiran said, in his pure, unadulterated voice. Dhashtram couldn’t believe how mature he sounded now, any traces of boyhood gone for good.
“I just…I wanted to tell you how much I’ve missed you,” Dhashtram said, trying his hardest to keep his voice steady. “How much your mother misses you. Your sister too, and our whole family. Our whole species, really. If Yogi’s still inside that body over there…he would say the same thing.”
Kiran shook his head. “Stop it. What are you even trying to do? I chose what I wanted long ago. I can’t stop now. You can’t stop me.”
“That’s not true, Kiran. You can always stop. You always have the choice to make the right choice.”
“What, to become a slave to you and Drauvna again?”
“Let’s keep Drauvna out of this,” Dhashtram said. “He’s dealing with enough already. He doesn’t even know if his own son is alive.”
Dhashtram noticed concern flicker across Kiran’s face. I’ve got him.
“Yes, Aryam,” Dhashtram continued. “Your dear cousin. He was on the Lunar Ashram during the invasion. Where the A’sur Demigods landed and began tearing apart the Rajpal. That’s happening because of your so-called guru.”
“Enough of this!” Vritra said. “Suryajit, kill him now!”
“And what am I supposed about it?” Kiran said to Dhashtram. To Dhashtram’s shock, Kiran choked on his last word. “The invasion already happened! It’s over!”
“But Humanity’s still fighting! Look at the battle outside! Against all odds, our tiny navy is still floating, because we refuse to be slaves!” Dhashtram took another step towards Kiran and slapped his hands onto his shoulders. “You can help us, Kiran! You can help free your species!”
“Do not let him speak another word, Suryajit!” Vritra shouted with venom.
Kiran was in visible distress, his eyes watering and his breath becoming heavy. “Bapu…I don’t…I can’t…”
Dhashtram gazed into his son’s dark eyes, and didn’t look away. “Kiran, I’ve had a lot of time to think about our last conversation. You asked me if I was on your side, and I didn’t give you a straight answer. I want you…no, I need you to know that I am and always will be on your side, no matter what. That’s what fathers are for.”
A tear slid down Kiran’s cheek.
“Suryajit!” Vritra screamed. The force of his voice rippled across the room like a shockwave, almost putting Dhashtram off-balance. “Finish him now or I will—”
“Fuck this,” Umajit said from the back of the room. “I’ll do it.”
Kiran twisted around, horror across his face. “What, no!”
Umajit leapt across the room. In a single swift motion, she pushed Kiran back, summoned her trishul into her hands, and jabbed its central prong through the vest and directly into the heart of Dhashtram Mangalva.
Dhashtram felt a burning sensation in his chest as he fell to the ground, like the worst case of heartburn imaginable. He couldn’t stop himself as his head slammed into the floor, as blood wet his shirt. He felt lightheaded as he rapidly lost sensation in his arms, his legs, his core.
“Damn it,” he whispered to himself. “This is not how I wanted to go.”
He nearly closed his eyes, ready to embrace his fate, when Kiran appeared kneeling over him. As tears streamed down his cheeks, Dhashtram’s son put his hands under his father and lifted him up a few centimeters off the ground.
“B–Bapu, I–I’m sorry, Bapu, I can fix this,” Kiran said. He glanced to his right, where Umajit stood still, his blood glistening on her weapon. “Y–You fucking monster!” Kiran yelled to her. “How could you?”
“Don’t blame me!” Umajit said. “I only did what you were too weak to do!”
Kiran turned back to Dhashtram. “J–Just hold on, Bapu, I can try to patch up the wound, I’m sure—”
“No, beta,” Dhashtram said weakly. He could feel in his vocal cords that he only had a few words left. “It’s too late for me now."
“No, don’t say that! You just told me it’s never too late!”
Dhashtram laughed, though the expression caused him immense pain. “I did say that, didn’t I? Well, you can’t stop biology, beta. Just…just do one thing for me.”
“What is it?"
“Take off my goggles, beta. I want to see you with my real eyes.”
Kiran nodded meekly. He undid the strap at the back of Dhashtram’s head and placed the goggles on the floor. Now, of course, Dhashtram could no longer see, his world once again a black void, as it had been for his youth. Yet there were still other ways for the blind to sense: Summoning the last reserves of his strength and shakti, Dhashtram lifted up his right arm, moving it until he felt Kiran’s face. He wiped a tear from his cheek and cupped his chin in his hands.
“Save our people, Kiran,” Dhashtram said. “Save our people.”
“O–Okay, Bapu,” Kiran said, putting his hand over Dhashtram’s. “Okay.”
The next moment, Dhashtram heard a crashing sound behind him, towards the entrance. He could immediately feel that his daughter had entered the room. He wished he could greet her, but he could continue no longer. He had no life left within him.
So much left to do, he thought as he made one last deep breath. So much left to live for. I suppose my life will continue through my children. Through my brother, my nieces and nephews, even my damn wife. I’ve done all I can for them.
See, Bapu? I wasn’t so useless after all. I wasn’t so useless after all.
Dhashtram finally let himself fall into a deep, dreamless, peaceful sleep. It had been so long since he had slept so well...
submitted by shivj80 to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 03:08 NoSort9090 Thank you Sadhguru!

Before I discovered Sadhguru, I felt alive, ecstatic, had extremely high level of consciousness and lucidity in dreams, I had control over not only myself but also over more "mystical dimensions" so to say, and most importantly I had my "self".
Now, around 2-3 years later, I just like him lost the sense of up and down, left and right, can almost never do anything, feel even worse than dead, barely any consciousness and I don't have any vivid or even remotely lucid dreams more than once ever 3 months or so, my friends and family members have been severely hurt in many both logical and supernatural ways, as well as myself. And for the majority of the time I have no sense of my "self", which contrary to popular eastern belief is a very very bad thing for me, especially for me, many reasons partly because my self is more than amazing and came with many extreme gifts not many have even barely touched upon, it is very unique and I infinitely love the way things used to be by default and how they were before Sadhguru came into my life more than anything. Yet this sinister charlatan just HAD to go out of his way to ruin and destroy everything, idk why perhaps because first of all he does not have a heart and secondly he doesn't believe I ever would possible reach the ultimate one day without him forcefully raping the process of my life, which btw was not only bound to lead to perfection but I personally would have also manually conducted it to ultimate perfection either way, SO THERE WAS NO NEED FOR THIS SHIT.
Ego death and becoming the universe (related to losing sense of up and down etc) is NOTHING to aspire for and does NOT feel good whatsoever.
But sure, many of these things are unique to me because honestly I don't care to hide it anymore, I am "Shiva's Shiva" aka the true source God who is the God of God yet lacks super powers in that fundamental sense, so to say metaphorically speaking but everything in my life not only points to but proves, screams in my face that this is so, and there's also evidence from my own internal discovery, and trust me I have tried to deny it and keep myself from getting it to my head so this is absolutely nothing to do with egoism trying to appear better than someone or imagination etc etc. really that's not the point of anything, but whatever, no need to believe me, just sharing how much I hate Sadhguru.
And the best part is, whenver one tries to reach out to Isha, which I have done in so many different ways, pleading for some kind of assistance or advice, there is simply none to be found. The entire Isha Foundation is built upon trillions of hypocrisies, lies and excuses, forget all the classic reasons why people criticize Sadhguru, if you just use your eyes you can discover things that are even worse, such as him talking about how bad polyester is for your energy system yet his very own website admits to selling it (the Bhairavi pendant necklace rope for example). I don't care if he murdered his wife or not because that would probably be the least evil thing he has done, well not literally but you get the point... Not a single volunteer even comes remotely close to being a Yogi or show any signs whatsoever of knowing a thing about Yoga. I am left fucked up and helpless, with the ability of helping myself stolen from me, and with everyone denying, ignoring and gaslighting my reality, as well as being unable to even explain myself and make someone truly understand, only 2 half reasonable people that comes to mind are J. Krishnamurti and Dr. K from HealthyGamerGG but good luck getting the chance to talk to them in private
. Yet even though I have experienced more unexplainable shit than anyone, and even though I have more internal problems than anyone, I remain much more sane and rational than what would be humanly possible, anyone else in my shoes would instantly have gone clinically insane and become locked up in some mental facility ages ago, this is yet another out of thousands of things that prove to me that what I "know" is real and not just horse shit. No one would be able to remain normal and function decently in society if they were me, thus I literally can not just be crazy and making all this shit up. But no matter how much life shows me that I am the God of God, it does not help, it does not lead to anything, honestly if anything it only does further harm and distracts my mind, confuses etc.
Fucking Adele type shit, I could've had it aaaallll ooooh oooh....
RIP life! :) Thank you Sadhguru! Actual piece of fucking shit asshole.
To be fair I can't be too mad at him, I mean I literally made Sadhguru and told him to do all these things etc, he is literally my slave, and all because like he said "If Shiva came down to earth again there would just be way too many things he would have to do", the fact of this can't really be explained properly but strongly relates so truthfully to me, because all my life I've said to myself before I attain to the ultimate and before I am able to fully relax and rest I have to not only gather every color but every combination of every color possible and then also I must gain highest level of enlightenment and then lose it (just like prestige in call of duty lmao) about 3 times (because 2 times are not enough since then the quality/color of "multiple" would not be gathered, you know 1, 2 and 3 are the only possible groups of quantity, as 1 is singular, 2 is plural sure but it's still different from the other more extensive "plural" which is 3, whether or not the educated idiots of the world agrees with me or not, anyone disagreeing with me here surely also views fruits and vegatables as per the scientific classification like it would be some God given fact LMAO rather than the normal culinary classifications, fkn nerds), I have always felt like and also seen countless pieces of evidence that I am "the only one alive" and I am literally metaphorically speaking "upside down" from everyone else, I am the only one this way and not only can no one relate to me or even remotely describe a similar mindset or similar set of experiences but there are also no professional descriptions/research or tools of help for me specifically and I literally by my very existence disprove nearly all scientific knowledge.
Yes yes, a whole lot of cringe boasting, that's not the point of this post, get out of your head a little, if you don't understand why and what this is about then nvm it's anyways not for you, have a lovely day.
All the fkn WEIRD shit that has happened these past 2 years, the "coincidences" etc, how long will it go one before I, or before life, realizes that they don't really prove any value to me? Unless I am severely misinterpreting the mechanism behind them of course... It's just cringe at this point, I get what life is trying to tell me but what the hell am I to do with the info? Especially today, when I lost nearly all my "powers".
I wish there would just be some true Guru who could come to me or I come to him and he make magic touch on my back Anahata or whatever and FIX THIS SHIT ALREADY jesus christ is it that difficult? Yes I know I gotta walk my own way but the very ability of it is semi-robbed from me, at least for the moment, who knows how long until I start regaining it properly, I am so sick and tired, done, through with all this horrible suffering that I wouldn't wish upon anyone, and it makes it so much worse when life tries to tell me I am actually in control and that I can just end these problems whenever I want, no you really don't understand, trust me I've tried, I CAN'T.
I hate to say this because I'm not the one to walk around with "threats", but think twice before deleting this post, I know how the mods operate on this subreddit, do you really see any sense of integrity or truth whatsoever if you were to censor and delete this post like I've seen happen to others as well? Honestly just do what you want, anyways I don't see any positivity arising from this post staying up, just sharing it and shooting a shot in the dark incase there is some miraculous small piece of advice that will domino effect and lead to me being able to do something good for myself, who knows...
submitted by NoSort9090 to Sadhguru [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:09 tonyeeee Opted for a Round 2 with Topps Chrome Platinum

Can’t complain with the haul. Pee wee is 2/5, couldn’t believe that pull.
submitted by tonyeeee to sportscards [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 20:08 tonyeeee Opted for a round 2 of topps chrome platinum

Opted for a round 2 of topps chrome platinum
These are just so fun to rip. Also couldn’t believe the pee wee is 2/5. Can’t complain with this haul
submitted by tonyeeee to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 19:25 SharkZone17 Here is my collection.

Here is my collection.
I’ve had these cards for years. I want to show them off. Though, I am looking to sell them all. Preferably sell them all as group.
submitted by SharkZone17 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 12:42 mmprotein Do these look authentic? There is someone trying to sell them to me for $15…

Do these look authentic? There is someone trying to sell them to me for $15… submitted by mmprotein to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 05:26 Silly_Attorney7863 Forest Walker: absolution

(After Atlas disappears into the trees, Adam turns slowly. The Crinos is fading slowly, disappearing to reveal a shape he hasn’t worn for years. Homnid, she knows. The shape of a man. She emerges from behind the tree and looks at the Gurahl. She’s never seen him like this; his body is a crosswork of poorly healed scars, some overlapping others, while a massive red mark stains the side of his face, as though he’d just splashed blood upon it. He stares at her for a moment with eyes that do not glow with the feral light of Arethren or Crinos, unable to find the words. He hears the truth in her; three heartbeats, two slightly weaker than her own…)
“It’s true.”
(Gingerly, she rests a hand on her stomach. She feels nothing… and yet…)
“I…I don’t know what to say.”
“Say nothing. Listen… I did not want this for you. I did not want you to become so bound to me that you could never turn away. You do not deserve this…this punishment.”
(She takes a step forward and, hesitantly, rests her hand upon a scar that crosses his chest like a slash in leather. She can feel his heart beat beneath her palm; quick, panicked…he’s afraid)
“Adam… it was my decision to find you. My decision to love you. I chose you, don’t you get that? I don’t care about the life I left behind. What was there to look forward to other than a life in my dad’s shadow? You’ve said it yourself; I was never meant for the world of humans.”
“But this life! it isn’t something I want for you! Looking over your shoulder every night, worried that something will find you when I’m not there. I tried to set you free…Now, I’ve shackled you.”
“You did that the day I first laid eyes on you.”
(The Gurahl closes his eyes and draws in a shaky breath)
“Your heart is your own… I will not hold it prisoner.”
“My heart is yours. Now more than ever”
“I…I don’t understand”
“You never have. You’ve been so lost in your hatred that you couldn’t see that your loneliness was self-inflicted… You don’t have to be alone anymore, Yogi…”
(She removes her hand, and rests it once more upon her stomach)
“This isn’t a shackle…they aren’t chains. And you don’t frighten me. This life? Compared to what I’ve seen you accomplish, it’s nothing. I have more faith in you than I think you’ve ever had in yourself.”
(For a moment, the Gurahl is silent, contemplating her words. He has lived for two centuries; an eternity of loneliness broken only by brief periods of senseless violence. He has spent his life alone…)
“Do you…want to talk to them?”
“I mean…I doubt they can hear you, but it wouldn’t upset me. Go ahead.”
“You…you would keep them? Care for them?”
“I’ve kept you. I care for you…why not them?”
(Adam looks down, and kneels before her, as though she were a sovereign and he a supplicant. He reaches for her…then hesitates. Without warning, she seizes his wrist and presses his hand against her stomach)
“No more hesitation. No more fear. I’m not scared of you…so stop being scared of me.”
(He is about to reply, when he feels them: twin hearts, no larger than the tips of his claws. He feels them…and feels something in his soul that he has not felt for eighty years)
(He smiles; Samantha has to stop herself from drawing in a gasp. It’s the first full smile she’s ever seen him express. Not a grin, nor a half-hearted imitation, but a smile of sincere joy…and pride)
“Technically ours… but that’ll do.”
“My heart…my Moon and Star…my little ones…”
(He looks up, into her eyes)
“I love you… all of you.”
(She smiles, and rests one hand upon his head, while the other holds him to her. She says nothing…but in her heart, she is howling with triumph)
(Monster…no longer)
submitted by Silly_Attorney7863 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:57 basedabsol my rats r 2 smart plz halp

my rats r 2 smart plz halp
my boys are… boys. they’re kinda dumb sometimes but they make up for it in love :D
they love being picked up! love it. they do the thing where they stand on their two peats on top of your foot and look like a toddler asking for up.
however, i notice that whenever someone says something to the effect of “alright i think it’s time to put them back in the cage” ITS LIKE THEY KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. suddenly the willing rat is running around and dodging my grabs and giving me one of those annoyed squeaks when i finally win and pick them up. it’s the same squeak you hear when they’re playing with each other so i know for a fact it’s a “why are you cutting off play time you monster???????” (but then they get yogis and all is forgiven i guess)
does anyone else notice this with their rats? 🤣
submitted by basedabsol to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 02:10 Winged_Hussar43 What Causes This “3d” Print Effect?

My Grandpa gave me his old 1957 baseball cards to sell - in his old pile a couple of these have this weird “3d” looking pattern on the text and image, what causes this and how does it affect the value?
(left most card is normal looking card for reference)
submitted by Winged_Hussar43 to sportscards [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 23:54 mmprotein Do these look authentic? There is a man selling this sheet to me for $15…

Do these look authentic? There is a man selling this sheet to me for $15… submitted by mmprotein to baseballcards [link] [comments]
