Ekg rhythm quizzes


2013.08.19 14:09 AmbitionOfPhilipJFry EKGs

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2017.05.22 20:39 Eklektikos Medical School Anki

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2024.06.01 01:23 RaspberryPlayful9897 Can someone explain to me what’s happening.

Me: 6’3 male, 250, non drinker or smoker, exercise regularly jogging and calisthenics. I had an episode where it felt like my chest got punched and I couldn’t breathe. Followed by a feeling of my heart beating erratically all over the place, just felt out of rhythm. That lasted about 10-15 seconds, felt like I was going to pass out. I’ve had that type of feeling before but what happened next my pulse/heart started pounding, not sure if it was a panic attack or what.
But my pulse was banging out of my neck and chest. As I was driving to the ER my heart rate climbed down and I told them my symptoms, were a little breathless, fast pulse, chest discomfort/cramp feeling and dizzy. These symptoms started about 20 minutes after I finished my workout. They took me back and took my BP which was normal but a little high, my pulse was back in normal range and my EKG/continuous monitoring was fine. I saw some pvc alerts come up and a brief moment of AFIB warning but the doc said it was fine on his monitoring and was probably electrical interference. My troponin levels were normal and so was everything else. The doc said I was probably have a one off SVT episode, and it probably wasn’t anything serious. He said I had some PVCs show up but other than that I was normal and nothing serious was going on. I’m seeing a cardiologist on June 6th. I have been using Kardia mobile and my sinus rhythm is normal. I was wondering if someone could give me some advice on how to navigate this. I had a mini episode today but was able to hold my breath and get my pulse down rather quickly so it was probably anxiety. I have a copy of my ekg if anyone wants to read it.
submitted by RaspberryPlayful9897 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 23:59 wantingfutility Qaly and Samsung and Kardia and Lead I vs Lead II

This morning I got a "sinus rhythm with wide qrs" on my Kardia app (6 lead mode). I had a free clinician review so had it reviewed and the report said nothig found-sinus rhythm,
Not willing to take that one expert opinion (I am an idiot) I signed up for the Qaly free trial and been going to town with it (unlimited reads!). Been sending it EKGs from my samsung watch and Kardia.
All samsung ekg's come back as fine or sinus arthythmia (single lead)
All single lead Kardia ekg's come back fine or sinus arthymia.
All 6 lead Kardia ekg's come back with First degree AV block (high PR interval) (reader mentions they are using lead II or lead III).
So is the 6 lead Kardia that much more exact than the single leads or is there just a lot of variation in reading these? Thanks for any insight!
submitted by wantingfutility to ReadMyECG [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 19:19 i_have_a_gub Chest Strain, Shortness of Breath

38M, 180lbs, don't drink or smoke, and no medications. A strained feeling in chest with shortness of breath.
First things first, I was in the ER a few months ago over this and was cleared to go home. Blood, EKG, and chest x-rays all looked fine.
It started in January when I had a bit of a stomach bug while in Mexico City. The stomach issues only lasted a few days. Afterwards, I had a strange feeling in my chest and my heart felt off. I thought it was palpitations from lack of electrolytes. I figured it would pass after getting home, but it hasn't. I've had issues with arrhythmia in the past (Wolff-Parkinson White), but I very rarely have episodes anymore. I was starting to get concerned something similar, or worse (Afib), was going on even though it didn't really feel similar to me.
It didn't bother me consistently and I was able to exercise normally for the most part. I ran 7 miles the day I got home from Mexico and 10 miles a few days later. But it seemed to get slightly worse and I began to panic. I got a blood pressure cuff and a Kardia EKG. My BP and heart rate were both elevated, but heart rhythm was fine. One Saturday, I finally ended up going to the ER. Everything seemed fine. I asked the ER doc if could just be stress or anxiety, and he said it was quite possible. He sent me home with a Pepcid prescription, which I never filled.
A few months later, and it's still going on. I have often described it as a similar feeling as a sore throat, but in my chest. I get short of breath easily and generally just feel off. Outside of anxiety, is there something else that could be going on? Could I have gotten a parasite in Mexico?
submitted by i_have_a_gub to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 12:11 brusbrews “Low amplitude” PVCs?

“Low amplitude” PVCs?
“Low amplitude” PVC?
I’ve had episodes of PVCs/PACs for the last 4 or so years. Had a complete cardiac work up in 2022- holter, echo, multiple EKGs, patch monitor for 3 weeks- burden wasn’t concerning and everything else came back fine. My pvcs seem to come in waves, I’ll go months without having one and then bam I feel the thud. I’ve been having PVCs off and on this week and I caught two on my Apple Watch ECG recording (not the most reliable I know)
However, this morning I caught a PVC that looks like it’s a lower amplitude then what mine normally look like? The lower amplitude on the rhythm strip makes sense because I wasn’t feeling the big THUD I get normally but I’ve never experienced this before? There’s still a T wave present but it doesn’t look like a typical pvc to me. Photo 1 is the “low amplitude” one I had and photo 2 is what they normally look like for me. Anyone ever experience this? Or a PVC they feel but just not as strongly as normal?
submitted by brusbrews to ReadMyECG [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 11:51 brusbrews “Low amplitude” PVC?

I’ve had episodes of PVCs/PACs for the last 4 or so years. Had a complete cardiac work up in 2022- holter, echo, multiple EKGs, patch monitor for 3 weeks- burden wasn’t concerning and everything else came back fine. My pvcs seem to come in waves, I’ll go months without having one and then bam I feel the thud. I’ve been having PVCs off and on this week and I caught two on my Apple Watch ECG recording (not the most reliable I know)
However, this morning I caught a PVC that looks like it’s a lower amplitude then what mine normally look like? The lower amplitude on the rhythm strip makes sense because I wasn’t feeling the big THUD I get normally but I’ve never experienced this before? There’s still a T wave present but it doesn’t look like a typical pvc to me. Photo 1 is the “low amplitude” one I had and photo 2 is what they normally look like for me. Anyone ever experience this? Or a PVC they feel but just not as strongly as normal?
submitted by brusbrews to PVCs [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 01:00 DatSynthTho I've had multiple tests run, still having shortness of breath & light-headedness with physical exertions (29m)

As the title states: I've got issues. This started a couple of weeks ago where I noticed I couldn't catch my breath after very mild exertions, despite the fact that I work out 4-5 times a week with intensity and am in the best shape of my life.
I started having shortness of breath when I'd go up stairs or lift things, and then it progressed to where I'd start losing consciousness with heavy exertion. Benching, curls, running stairs, it got to the point where I could feel the blood leaving my vision and I'd tunnel vision into darkness, and the only thing that helped was laying down.
I went to my PCP who diagnosed me with marfans syndrome. We proceeded to run blood work (perfect), EKG (normal), got a CT (no clots, normal lung function), holter monitor (multiple PVCs and PACs, but normal sinus rhythm otherwise) and just got an echo.
Echo says there is trace regurgitation visible in mitral and tricuspid valve, EF of 50-55%, RV FAC right at 35%, but everything else looks "normal".
I'm still experiencing a persistent shortness of breath that gets worse with physical exercise, extreme lightheadedness (think of getting up too quickly where you begin to lose consciousness) and a general malaise.
Any ideas of what more I could be testing for or what it could be?
submitted by DatSynthTho to askCardiology [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:42 Humble-Efficiency983 left anterior fascicular block?

EKG question
Male 50/ white male
Does this ekg look abnormal? He went to the ER a few weeks ago and had an ekg done. He was never notified of anything being wrong but saw this in his MyChart. He had an appointment today with an NP who said “there’s some type of blockage”. I am not sure if this is the machine read or was it verified by an MD.
“Sinus rhythm with sinus arrhythmia pattern consistent with pulmonary disease left anterior fascicular block”
EKG strip in comments. Thank you
submitted by Humble-Efficiency983 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 02:43 CrowMagnuS Sudden painful swelling of both feet randomly throughout day.

39yr old male, 5'-8" 190lbs (smoker)
Suddenly I've been experiencing swelling that starts about 6 inches above my ankles down through my entire foot on both sides. Sometimes it's painful to even walk, the soles of my feet balloon so much it makes my toes crooked and feels like I'm walking on rocks. Sometimes it's tingly, sometimes they're hot. But not every time. The build up around my ankles do seem to be tender. It happens when laying prone, sitting, standing, legs elevated.
(Recent changes): Stopped taking olanzapine 10mg cold turkey 2 weeks ago, after 5+ years, it was prescribed for sleep. The swelling started after this.
(Other things that could possibly be related): when starting Olanzapine, I quickly went from 150lbs to a hair below 200lbs in about 6-8 weeks. I'm nowhere near as active as I used to be, I'm either standing in place or sitting down the majority of the day. I get winded easily, walking up stairs has me huffing and puffing. I always assumed from the weight gain and lack of activity. I recently had my heart checked due to a bad reaction from a no stimulant ADHD medication, 200bpm and high blood pressure. Once everything settled down, everything checked out great, EKG perfect.
I have noticed no changes in heart rate or rhythm, no pain or tightness or palpitations that I have noticed at all.
I'm here because I'm between jobs and my insurance won't kick in until I start my next job in 3 weeks. Googling these symptoms appear to only bring up heart failure. I admit it's a possibility, I would just expect another logical reason could be the cause. I don't know if I should worry or not...
submitted by CrowMagnuS to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:49 Sad-Eggplant-3963 Diagnosed with dysautonomia ( OH + POTs) but tachycardia 130+ at rest?

I’ve been dealing with some wild symptoms. My heart rate doesn’t really drop below 120. It sometimes shoots up to 160+ when standing. I am a 27 yo female. But I keep getting the presynope even when sitting. My heart flutters , I get dizzy , nauseous, hot , I lose the ability to form sentences, shortness of breath, chest tightness and pain, muscle weakness & so much more. These episodes happen multiple times a day. I was diagnosed with pots and orthostatic hypotension through a tilt table test. I recently went to the er because of an episode and they blamed a uti and sent me home. I just received the ekg results in my patient portal. It says “Electrocardiogram. Result: -SINUS TACHYCARDIA WITH SHORT PR INTERVAL-POSSIBLE RIGHT VENTRICULAR CONDUCTION DELAY [RSR (QR) IN V1/N2]-ABNORMAL RHYTHM ECG--UNCONFIRMED”. Could this possibly lead to answers to what is actually going on? I was perfectly fine a year ago and I now rely on mobility aids to get around. I’m so sick of not having answers and I just want my life back …
submitted by Sad-Eggplant-3963 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 17:35 ElanVitals 24M Heart Beating in a Weird Pattern?

I'm a 24M who has had high blood pressure issues for a long time and right now, my heart is beating in this weird pattern. It's 2-4 times in a regular rhythm, and then it will beat 2-3 times in this very quick rhythm before beating regularly again. There is no pain in my chest or any bouts of dizziness. This has been happening for about a month now? I've scheduled to see my primary care physician and a cardiologist, but those are about a week and a month away respectively. I just wanted to know how bad things are and if it's worth going to the emergency room.
For a little more context, in early March, I want to the emergency room because I had this weird episode where my heart was beating really hard (normal rhythm) that felt like it was shaking my body. My EKG, chest x-ray, and bloodwork came back normal and within a week, it stopped beating that hard.
In the meantime, my primary care physician started me up on Losartan 100MG, but I stopped taking it because that gave my heart a weirdly full feeling that I wasn't comfortable worth. I had been taking Losartan 25MG prior.
submitted by ElanVitals to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 15:25 aurora511 Medical frustration

I have always had the occasional PCV. A variety of things affected it. But I was fine - regular joggerunner, healthy. Three years ago, I went for a physical and was told my resting heart rate was very low. I was sent for a cardio work up - starting with a EKG and stress test. That showed a blip or two, and so I was sent for everything - the whole package - Holter Monitor (two weeks), Echocardiogram, cardiac CT and Calcium scoring. All came back with, basically, I have a low resting heart rate and a few extra beats here and there. Normal for me.
Fast forward three years - dealing with some joint pain that will need surgery. I went to my PCP to get clearance, and was told that the EKG caught a few extra beats, and I should get an "emergent" visit to cardiology. I reminded them that we did this three years ago - but the PCP (same guy) kept stressing urgency, as though something else was going on. Meanwhile, no surgery clearance. I was seriously upset - in pain, worried that things were going sideways all of the sudden. Amazing how things can trip you up so quickly.
Went to cardio - EKG showed a few extra sinus rhythms, but the doctor said I was fine, low risk. However...(isn't there always one?)...because primary care stressed emergent and somewhere along the way indicated "chest pain" (which I have NEVER had), they had to also do a stress test. Due to joint pain, I had to go nuclear (frightening process). Results show everything in normal range. Just a few extra beats.
The thing is...all this delay has caused delay in surgery for a very painful issue. I have a feeling that cardio will decide to go the same route as last time - and so I will keep waiting. And....the underlying initial panic caused by the doctor himself is still spinning in my head.
I want to thank you all here for putting your info out there - because I honestly feel like I am not just going crazy. Its incredibly frustrating.
submitted by aurora511 to PVCs [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 01:55 kalliopeia9 L'Arc~en~Ciel ARENA TOUR 2024 UNDERGROUND - 4/13 and 4/14, Yokohama Arena

L'Arc~en~Ciel ARENA TOUR 2024 UNDERGROUND - 4/13 and 4/14, Yokohama Arena
Continuation of the previous report on the Saitama shows.

4/13/24, Yokohama Arena

Day 1 of the final weekend of the tour. Only members of Le Ciel and Digital Le Ciel (yearly membership) could enter the lottery to win tickets for these shows, but there was also a live stream of the concerts in movie theaters throughout Japan. (You also needed to be a fanclub member to attend the live viewing, but Digital Le Ciel monthly members were also able to buy tickets.)
Everyone had high hopes that the setlist for the fanclub-only shows would be different, but it was again the same Day 1 and Day 2 setlist on both days. Tetsu said in his radio show that there was a proposal to add one new song, but another member vetoed that idea.
Even though the setlist was the same one that I was seeing again for the 5th time at this point, I’m still glad I went! Every time you attend this show, it’s a slightly different experience because of where your seat is, and the little changes they make to the show. Today my seat was towards the top of the arena, but it felt closer than the 200 level stands in Saitama! What really surprised me today was that I could see the entire stage really well! They changed the location of the catwalks so that they were in an x shape radiating from each out of the four columns. Previously, the catwalks were in a + shape. This meant that your view was often blocked by the columns. But with the new layout, you could clearly see anywhere! In the previous 4 shows I could barely see Yuki most of the time, but now I could finally see him clearly. Later Tetsu commented on the change in the stage layout in the MC, saying he hopes that everyone can see better now. I was really impressed that they were still improving the production, even in the final two shows.
Today my seat was on the east side of the arena, so the band was facing me for the first few songs (All Dead through A Silent Letter). Finally, I got to see the show from all four directions! Also, thinking about it, it’s quite poetic that the show starts facing the east, and ends facing the west.
Performance notes:
  • Hyde sounded great again today! I was so impressed that he sounded really good in 5 out of the 6 shows I saw.
  • When Vivid Colors ended, only a few seconds passed before Flower started. Hyde walked over to where Tetsu was standing and started playing the harmonica, and Tetsu put his arm around Hyde’s shoulder. But then the lights went out! I was like, “Why are you turning off the lights now??” When the lights came back on, Tetsu wasn’t holding Hyde’s shoulder anymore. 😢
  • The second part was so fun!! Hyde and Ken came out wearing the same shirt – Ken’s tank top with his face on it (you can buy it as merch on Ken’s website). Everyone was going crazy seeing that, and Hyde actually stopped singing for it a bit and just made gestures at his shirt with the camera in front of him (fanart of that scene here). Ken later said on Twitter that he didn’t know Hyde was wearing the same shirt until he saw it on stage! Here’s a photo of Hyde wearing the shirt.
  • Hyde let the crowd sing the chorus during Good Luck My Way! This was the first for this tour.
  • Something cute with Ken and Hyde happened during Killing Me, as usual. What tends to happen is that Ken runs away from Hyde and then Hyde catches him and sings with him. I can't remember exactly what happened on 4/13 though, because my memories have been overwritten by the extreme cuteness overload of what happened the next day (see the section on 4/14 below).
  • During the part in Link when everyone claps their hands, Hyde went over to Tetsu and clapped him on the shoulders, and then his head! It was so cute!
  • In the other shows, Hyde always addressed the audience with the name of the city. But in this one, instead of shouting “Yokohama!” he called the audience “Le Ciel!”
  • Hyde mentioned that the concert was being live streamed in movie theaters around Japan. He asked if people in the theaters were cheering/singing, and said that he hopes the fans can cheer while not being a disturbance to the other people in the theater (in other screens). He asked, “Are they sitting or standing? They’re standing?” Tetsu then quipped, “Standing? Don’t say such perverted things!” Hyde didn’t respond to that and just made a blank/annoyed face at the camera for a long time. 😂 (Fanart) Something similar happened in the February Tokyo shows -- Tetsu tried to make a dirty joke out of something Hyde said, and Hyde just ignored him.
  • Hyde thanked the fans for coming to see the show multiple times, even though they played the same setlist every day. He said he noticed the same faces in the crowd and thought, “That person is here again??” He asked the crowd how many shows they’ve seen by asking, “First time? Second? Third? Fourth? Fifth? Sixth? Seventh??” There were only a few cheers for “First time”, but the cheers grew louder the higher he counted. Then he asked, “20th?? There haven’t been that many. It must have cost a lot of money to come so many times, thank you!”
  • In the last MC, Hyde commented on how people of all ages were at the show – three generations of a family, or even four! He thanked everyone for still loving L’Arc.
  • Today the L’Arcquiz was presented by the Le Ciel mascot character! It was on the stage asking all the quiz questions.
  • Q: Who is Yukihiro's favorite wizard?
    • A: Frieren
  • Q: What didn't Ken eat in Fukuoka?
    • A: Motsunabe
  • Q: When L’Arc was first formed, which station was closest to the studio where they rehearsed?
    • A: Nishinomiya Kitaguchi Station
  • Q: What part-time job has Hyde never done?
    • A: Karaoke booth
Q&A time:
  • This was a special segment for the Yokohama shows that took place before Bye Bye. Fanclub members could submit questions ahead of time for each member or the band as a whole, and Le Ciel would select questions to ask during the Q&C segment.
  • After Le Ciel came out to join the band on stage, it asked Ken, “You have two faces, which one is the real one? The one down below?” Ken replied saying the real face is the shaggy elephant further down below. 😂 Le Ciel said that it’s shaggy too, and Ken said he seems like he and Le Ciel will get along! None of the other members make dirty jokes due to compliance reasons, so he’s all alone.
  • Question for Hyde: The fan letter said they were glad to be able to see Hyde play saxophone in Ophelia on this tour, and asked Hyde, is there another instrument you want to play?
    • Hyde said he doesn’t really want to play sax, but he does want to play guitar more. Le Ciel said, “But the fans want to see it!” And then Hyde replied, “I know, but the fans could also say they want to see Tetchan’s tap dancing!” and Tetsu replied, “I’ve never done tap dancing! You actually played the sax!” 😂
    • Hyde also said he wants to play piano/keyboard, but if he has free time, he ends up doing other things. Then Le Ciel asked, “Something perverted? Or not perverted?” Le Ciel asked the audience to shout which one they wanted Hyde to answer, and of course the shouts were loudest for “perverted”.
  • Question for Tetsu: The fan letter said can’t forget Tetsu’s smile at the start of the show on the third day of Yoyogi 2/11. (This was in reference to how The Black Rose was the first song instead of All Dead, but the intro was the same.) And then the fan asked, which song did you practice the most for this tour?
    • Tetsu said he was aiming for that kind of reaction, using the same intro piano for both All Dead and The Black Rose and surprising the fans. He was surprised that the person could see him smile, since the curtain was down for the whole song.
    • Tetsu didn’t answer which song he practiced the most for the tour, but talked about how in general he practiced the most. Before the tour started, there were some days where different members were sick, so Tetsu was practicing by himself in the studio. He was worried they wouldn’t be ready in time for the tour to start.
  • Question for Ken: Is there anything you messed up recently?
    • Ken’s first answer was about how he tried to eat tamago kake gohan (rice with raw egg on top), but it’s hard to get the egg out of the package. He dropped it on the floor, and then ate the part that wasn’t touching the floor!
    • His second answer was about a mistake that wasn’t recent. He tripped and fell while holding his guitar, and tried to protect the guitar so he fell really hard on his shoulder. His manager was there and was laughing really hard. Later on, he forgot that he fell and was wondering why his shoulder hurt. His manager reminded him of the fall. His shoulder actually hurt for a year! Le Ciel said it was cool that he fell while protecting his guitar.
  • Questions for Yuki: Le Ciel asked two questions where Yuki could answer with signs for yes (o) or no (x) or gestures. But the last question he had to answer with words! I was glad to hear Yuki talk after 5 shows, even though it was just two words!
    • Question 1: Is it difficult to play on a revolving stage?
      • Answer: Yes (o sign)
    • Question 2: I want to see you twirl your drumsticks!
      • Answer: Yuki twirls the sticks
    • Question 3: What food do you want to eat as a reward after the tour is over?
      • Answer in real words: Ice cream
  • Question for L’Arc~en~Ciel, answered by the AI: Come up with a catchphrase for each L’Arc member?
    • The answer was long as usual, but the catchphrases it came up with were really funny! It explained why it gave each member that catchphrase.
    • Hyde: Angelic voice
    • Ken: Six Strings Magician
    • Tetsu: Bassline Genius
    • Yuki: Master of the Drum Kit
At the very end of the show, Ken and Yukihiro left the stage right away as usual, but Hyde and Tetsu stayed making the rounds waving to all sides of the arena. When they crossed paths with each other, Hyde tried to give Tetsu a high five, but Tetsu had his arms out like he wanted to hug. In the end, they did high five, but Tetsu also pulled Hyde in for a hug. It’s the first time they hugged since the first fanclub-only show on 2/8 (which I didn’t see), so I’m glad I saw it this time. 🤗
Thanks to the Q&A section being quite long, the whole concert lasted almost 3 hours. It was a wonderful 3 hours though! I was sad that this was my last time seeing them live on this tour (and maybe for a long time), but there was still the live stream for the final the next day.

4/14/24, Yokohama Arena (movie theater live viewing)

This was my first time attending a movie theater live viewing, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. It was great, though! My theater was full, and lots of fans brought the L’Light sticks.
In the arena, there’s so much stuff going on in every direction, it’s hard to know where you should look. But in the theater, you can only look at what’s being shown to you on the one screen. So I could appreciate more details like their facial expressions and the details of their outfits and instruments. There were a lot of really cool camera angles! I didn’t realize until today that Tetsu had a camera attached to his bass during Taste of Love, and that’s how we got the close-up angles of his bass from below.
Performance notes:
  • During The Nepenthes, Hyde was holding his crotch for a large portion of the song. This didn’t happen in the other shows I saw. 😂
  • Flower was incredible!! It started off with Hyde hugging Tetsu and singing with him cheek-to-cheek, which was of course a lovely start. But what was really amazing was the sheer emotion that each member put into the song. Even though it was my 6th time seeing this performed on this tour, I was blown away. It’s probably the best I’ve ever heard Hyde sing. The line “Miageta boku wo tsutsunda” was so good, and when he sang “like a flower” for the last time, he held the note so long! The camera was showing Hyde from up above, bent down on his knees looking upwards, while the animations on the catwalk below him were flowers. It was so beautiful! (Fanart)
  • Blame was also really great! Ken was seriously rocking out through the whole song. It was the most engaged he’s been while performing it thatI’ve seen.
  • During Cureless, when Hyde and Tetsu alternated singing, Hyde gestured to Tetsu each time when it was his turn. This was new! At least, I’d never seen it before. It was a nice touch :)
    • On his radio show, Tetsu talked about how Hyde asked Tetsu to sing those lines during Cureless, but Tetsu initially refused, thinking it’d be too hard to sing and play bass at the same time. So then Hyde suggested that they let the audience sing those lines, but Tetsu thought that wasn’t right, so he decided to sing after all.
  • During the second part, Ken came out wearing his face tank top again, but also Hyde’s blue Switchblade jacket (that’s sold as tour merch!)
  • Killing Me has had many cute member interactions throughout the tour, but today was the best!! Ken approached Hyde from behind, and tried to run away when Hyde noticed. But Hyde caught him by holding on to his jacket. Tetsu was on a catwalk on the opposite side of the stage, but ran over at the speed of light to join Hyde and Ken. Hyde was in between the two of them, and was poking their chests while singing, “Mune no kazaana wa mou hodokoshiyou mo nai” (The hole in my chest can’t be covered anymore). Towards the end, Hyde went over to Yuki, and you could see all four members in the same shot! Yuki gave a big smile. Everything was so adorable, all the fans were killed by the cuteness overload! 😭 (Fanart)
  • During Link, Hyde clapped Yukihiro on the shoulder and he looked really happy! He also sang the last chorus together with Tetsu, hugging his shoulder!
  • I really hope the footage from this show is released in some format in the future! It would be criminal for the footage to be stashed away somewhere, never to see the light of day again. A week later, fans were still talking on Twitter about how amazing Flower and Killing Me were, and drawing fanarts of it. I just submitted my survey to Le Ciel asking them to release the footage someday, as many other fans did. I hope they listen!!
    • Note: The footage from the two fanclub-only concerts will be shown at the L’Arcafe in July! Still hoping for a DVD/blu-ray release later!
First MC
  • In the first MC, Hyde mentioned the live viewing in theaters, and that he was mistaken yesterday – apparently people watch it sitting down, but it seems that they’re able to cheer and have fun. He greeted the Le Ciel viewers in the movie theaters, and said that it’s being streamed in theaters nationwide, in his rural hometown, Yukihiro’s rural hometown, and Tetsu’s rural hometown. Tetsu said there’s no movie theater in his hometown! Then Hyde asked Ken, who confirmed that there’s no movie theater. But they’re streaming it on a projector in the community center!
Again, the questions today were presented by the Le Ciel character.
  • Q: The first movie Yukihiro saw was a double feature of Space Battleship Yamato and which other movie?
    • A: Lupin the Third
  • Q: When Ken catches a cold, what does he imagine to fight the cold?
    • A small version of himself
  • Q: What was Tetsuya doing 30 minutes before the start of the second day of MMXX Osaka?
    • A: Draining the water from ramen
  • Q: What was the scariest experience Hyde had while in Las Vegas filming the music video for Driver's High?
    • A: Bungee jumping
  • Q. When speaking of a new member of his staff, how did Yukihiro refer to Hyde?
    • A. The standard of beauty
  • Q: What didn't Ken eat in Nagoya?
    • A: Bean paste and butter toast
  • Q: What was the song that Tetsuya performed with Hyde in the studio for the first time?
    • A: Aku no Hana (BUCK-TICK)
  • Q: Which song in this setlist made Hyde the most nervous?
    • A: Ophelia
Second MC and Q&A section (after Nexus 4)
  • Hyde said: “Good evening! I’m the standard of beauty. I’m the angelic voice. Are you having fun?” Then he commented on how only one group was left standing at the end of the quiz. But the last question was easy! They might not perform Ophelia anymore, but the fans should be proud that they saw it here!
  • During the quiz, the camera showed a foreign couple on screen that seemed to propose, showing off a ring. Hyde asked if the proposal was real, and congratulated the couple. He said they’ll ask the staff to send them a video of the proposal.
  • Next, Hyde said, “It doesn’t matter what Ken ate, but is that true about Aku no Hana? I don’t remember.”
    • Tetsu: Eh, you don’t remember?? (in a really loud, surprised voice, many times louder than usual!)
    • Hyde: I completely forgot.
    • Tetsu: You don’t remember? (in a softer tone, but clearly in shock/disbelief)
    • Hyde: I didn’t remember.
    • Tetsu: It was the first song we performed together in the studio.
    • Hyde: Is that so? “Asobi wa koko de, owari ni shiyou ze~”
    • There were huge cheers after Hyde sang the first line from Aku no Hana, and Tetsu looked really happy. I found this exchange to be so funny, it’s clearly an important memory for Tetsu – he talked about it on his radio show back in November, shortly after Sakurai Atsushi passed away. But Hyde completely forgot...
  • Next, Le Ciel came on stage to start the Q&A corner.
  • Question for Hyde: When is the moment when you feel the happiest?
    • Answer: “When everyone sings for me. I think, what a happy thing I’m doing. When I see everyone singing while smiling, I think, what a nice job that I have.”
    • Le Ciel asked if the fans make Hyde happy, and Hyde said, “Yes, thank you.”
    • Then Le Ciel said, “It makes Le Ciel happy too. By the way, when Le Ciel felt happy was when Hyde-san gave birth to me. Thank you, papa!”
    • The audience burst into laughter and Le Ciel called Hyde papa again. 😂
  • Question for Tetsuya: Tetsuya-san is managing a rather large ship. As the leader, is there anything in particular you’re careful about or aiming for? Also, do you have a role model as a leader?
    • Answer: Tetsu said his role model is Tokugawa Ieyasu. He said rather than doing music, he often feels like he’s doing politics because he has to win over various daimyo (feudal lords) to achieve his goals.
    • Le Ciel asked, not Oda Nobunaga? And Tetsu said that it was Oda Nobunage when he was younger, like “Rarrrrr!” (battle cry) But now it’s Ieyasu.
    • Le Ciel asked if they should do a daimyo procession, and Tetsu said they could do it as the opening of the next tour. Le Ciel said that feels very Japanese, like it’ll be “Japanese rock”. Tetsu said it should be understood worldwide and that he’d like to do it as part of a world tour!! Then he adds, “That is, if the other members have interest in doing a world tour…” Le Ciel told everyone to look forward to it!
  • Question for Ken: If you could be the opposite sex for one day? What would you do?
    • Answer: Ken said he’d want to be in a girl’s band! Le Ciel asks if he’d still be the guitarist, and Ken said yes. Le Ciel asked how many people would be in the band, and Ken said 10, because if someone gets sick they’ll have backups.
    • Le Ciel said they thought the answer would be a dirty joke, so they were surprised Ken answered seriously!
  • Questions for Yukihiro: Again, Le Ciel asked questions that could be answered with yes (o) or no (x) signs.
    • Question: Do you get nervous on the center stage?
      • Answer: Yes (o)
      • Le Ciel asks, do you feel people’s gazes on your back? Yuki holds up both the o and x signs and Le Ciel asks him to be clear with his answer
    • Question: Your outfit always looks nice! Can you please stand up so we can see your whole body?
      • Le Ciel said the audience wants to see Yuki’s lower half. Yuki stands up, and the whole audience starts screaming like crazy. Le Ciel said, “Wow! Everyone was so excited just from seeing Yuki’s whole body! It seems like we can have world peace like this! Now let’s make the world even more peaceful!” 😂
    • Question: What kind of sushi do you like?
      • Answer: Yuki spoke and said, “Kappa maki”. Le Ciel asked, “Do you like cucumber?” and Yuki answered, “Yes.”
      • The audience was of course cheering and Le Ciel thanked Yuki for saying two words. Hyde imitated Yuki saying “Kappa maki and Le Ciel said, “Don’t be jealous, papa!”
  • The next question was for the AI, to come up with a catchphrase for each member. Same question as yesterday, but today it gave different answers.
    • Answer:
      • Hyde: Timeless Voice
      • Ken: Architect of melody
      • Tetsu: Sculptor of groove
      • Yukihiro: Composer of rhythm
    • Tetsu said he wants something similar to Hyde’s nickname “angelic voice” from yesterday, and Hyde firmly said in response, “I won’t give you angelic voice!!” 😂
  • Second question for the AI: What kind of new technology should L’Arc use in their 35th anniversary concert?
    • The answer was quite long and mentioned things like AR, holograms, past footage, 3D sound system, and smart devices.
    • Hyde said it sounds like it’ll cost a lot of money!
  • Le Ciel left the stage, and then Ken asked, “Papa, should we go to the next song?” Hyde said it’s complicated now that he has multiple nicknames. The audience was calling out “Papa!” “Angelic voice!” and “Yukki!!” Then Hyde said, “I’m kappa maki. The next song is Bye Bye!”
  • Hyde’s last MC before My Heart Draws a Dream was quite long. Key points:
    • He talked about how they walk through the passageways underneath the catwalks to get to the stage, and he’s happy to hear the cheers of the audience even before the show starts. It makes him really happy and think, “This is it!”
    • He also thinks it’s really impressive how the center stage can be built in just half a day. He feels deep emotion thinking that today is the last day he’ll walk with his shoulders hunched through those passageways.
    • The audience’s lights from the L’Lights look like stars, which is linked with the song lyrics. He thinks it’s cute and that he feels like he’s not alone, everyone is there with the band!
    • He asked if everyone enjoyed hearing rare songs on this tour, and thanked the audience for their opinions, because otherwise this interesting tour might not have happened. He also said, “Tetsuya-san was working to improve the production every day, which I thought was really great!” Tetsu looked really happy at this comment, and the audience cheered a lot!
    • Yokohama Arena is a special place for the band because the MMXX tour was canceled four years ago during covid. But then the fans did “Air MMXX” (on Twitter), and he’ll never forget that. It’s great to have your dreams come true, but even if they don’t, the process of getting there is wonderful too, and that is the band’s source of motivation. All the feelings of wanting to perform here today and meet everyone led to this day.
    • “Thank you to everyone for coming!!”
Ken and Yuki left the stage shortly after the last song as usual, but Tetsu and Hyde stayed and circled the stage and the catwalks. Tetsu was holding up a black towel with the old L’Arc~en~Ciel logo, and when he crossed paths with Hyde, they hugged each other! (It was a natural hug today, not like the previous day) Then they linked hands and raised them together in the “Banzai” gesture! At the end they high-fived, and Hyde left the stage.
Then Tetsu went around by himself, asking the audience if they had fun and if they’re feeling lonely now. He said he’s feeling lonely too! He raised the towel over his head and said, “We’ll meet again! Matta ne! Thank you!!”
The arena went dark, and then a digest video of the Underground tour started playing. At the very end, the screen showed:
209,095 people SOLD OUT Attendance THANX!!
Then commercials about the 30th L’Anniversary Blu-ray and July WOWOW broadcast played. Afterwards, the screen showed footage of a recording studio and the text: “New song in the making…”
The audience screamed, and Tetsu appeared again under a big spotlight. He shouted, “Matta ne!! Thank you for loving L’Arc!!!”
And that was the end of the tour!

Final thoughts

I’m so glad I was able to attend this tour! I was already impressed with the February shows at the very start of the tour, but it was great to be able to see how it evolved towards the end as well. I’ll never forget the experience of seeing the band right at the arena barrier on Saitama Day 2!
Although I’ve been a fan for 20+ years, I hadn’t followed L’Arc much since I saw them on the 2012 World Tour. They’re better now than they were back then, and compared to 20 years ago! Watching the concerts from 20 years ago and how rough Hyde could sound then, I never would have thought that Hyde could still sing in the year 2024, and sing so much better now! The performance skills and sound from all four members is amazing – I’ve never heard such clear sound from all four parts in a rock concert before. It’s not just the music, but all aspects of the show were awesome – the staging, lights, special effects, entertainment with the quizzes and MCs, member interactions, etc. The MCs felt like a comedy show sometimes, and the member interactions were so cute and adorable! (It’s really hard to believe that behind the scenes, they barely talk to each other!)
Like Tetsu and Hyde said in the media recently, “L’Arc is the coolest right now.” After seeing this tour, I really believe it! After all these years of not seeing them (or even listening to their music much), this tour reminded me of why they’re so special and unique. There really is no other band like L’Arc.
Tetsu said on his radio show he’s already thinking ahead to the next thing, and the 35th anniversary. I’m looking forward to whatever they do next!
If you made it all the way to the end of these reports, thanks for reading! I’d love to hear your comments. :)
submitted by kalliopeia9 to LArcenCiel [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 10:44 BonkNickeltoon What does a "Nonischemic EKG" mean?

26M, Anxiety, Autism, GAD. Hi! I went to the ER tonight after having a massive panic attack (originally thought it was a heart attack), and every test came back normal. Normal Bloodwork, tropnin levels, ekg, the whole works. Was even given fluids and Ativan.
One thing that is bothering me is not knowing what a "Nonischemic EKG" is, and with my anxiety on chase, I don't know if this means its a good thing or a bad thing?
The results were: ECG Interpretation: Normal sinus rhythm, rate 65. No acute ST–T wave changes. Nonischemic EKG
Lemme know if I'm just freaking out, or what your opinions are on this?
submitted by BonkNickeltoon to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:14 enhanced1970 Probable left atrial enlargement?

Probable left atrial enlargement?
Had this ecg done on Tuesday and can't get a hold of my Dr. I'm stressed by this report any thoughts
submitted by enhanced1970 to ReadMyECG [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:05 Puzzled-Anxiety-8507 Apple Watch EKG?

On Sunday my heart started racing at my in-laws house. We had been swimming and I had drank very little water and 2 coffees that day. It sent me into a spiral. I initiated an EKG on my Apple Watch and it said I was in AFib once. Then a bunch of times it said inconclusive, and then mostly it said it was normal rhythm with a high rate. Should I be concerned about the AFib reading? Paramedics came and said I was definitely not in AFib. It only lasted a couple of minutes.
submitted by Puzzled-Anxiety-8507 to Cardiophobias [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 15:54 Ok_Orchid_4700 Chest pain while exercising and heart palpitations

Hi all, I want to preface this question by saying I have an appointment scheduled with a cardiologist in a few weeks. That being said, I (42f) am experiencing frequent heart palpitations at rest and have noticed that I get a tight chest feeling and pain that radiates down my left arm when exercising (just walking my dogs in the neighborhood). Is it safe to continue to exercise if I am getting these pains? I don’t want to just sit on the couch all day, but also don’t know how serious this is.
ETA: I did just see my primary care physician and they ran blood work and a rhythm EKG, all of which came back normal.
submitted by Ok_Orchid_4700 to askCardiology [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:30 Small-Platypus-190 ECG help understanding

I’m really worried about my EKGS
I had one say recently
Value Sinus rhythm ST elev, probable normal early repol pattern
And one said
Possible left atrial enlargement
Anyone else say this ?
And doctors say this is normal … I’m 34 …
They keep saying it’s anxiety idk if I believe them
submitted by Small-Platypus-190 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 00:04 PersonalityKey8104 Low Creatine and abnormal EKG

Low Creatine and abnormal EKG
Will I be able to have my tummy tuck with these results? I’m nervous now.
submitted by PersonalityKey8104 to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:19 jakemgnss 29 (M) AFib Journey. Tips. Also looking for some answers and some stories!

Hey everybody, nice to meet y'all and glad this is a place to share our experiences cause AFib sucks hahaha.
So bout me, my 1st episode of AFib I was DJing, (was 27 years old weighed about 189 and 6'1/gym 3-4 times a week mostly weights), and had a white claw (sletzer) & redbull and had no idea what was happening in my chest. After 3 hours went to the ER and I was in AFib, HR was 176 for 16 hours. 2nd time was a year afterwards (July 2023), I was leaving the gym and was having a panic attack I guess, super dehydrated, and went into Afib/HR was 176 (same weight) but it was only for 30 minutes.
Having it happen the second time has definitely changed my life. It was a dramatic thing, an ambulance had to take me to the hosptial. Was very... nerve wracking lmfao. I work professionally in music and at the second time I had AFib, my girl was going through kidney failure, my job was beyond stressful, so I was in fight or flight mode for about 5 months while caring for my girlfriend and working hard to provide for us. In between I did mixed martial arts and the whole sauna thing, but I guess the taco bell and my lifestyle was not right and led to getting AFib a second time.
As of today, I'm on 25mg of metoprolol succinate daily. I recently just did an Echo, Stress test (HR got to 172 on a treadmill/no Afib), and EKG and it all came back normal. Since that second episode I haven't had any alcohol, caffeine, I also cut to 165-167. I only ate 10 bites for 2 months to drastically cut weight (at the advice of my doctor, I wanted to lose weight fast and get my BP down. I do not recommend that without first talking to your doctor first). The reasoning for me wanting to lose weight being the first few months after the second time I went into AFib I completely lost my mind, so I totally get it seeing your guys stories. Feels like you have a ticking time bomb in your chest, i was praying i would wake up in the morning (two of my friends have had AFib, one got a stroke, they're okay, but both still drink) so that was scary. My doctor prescribed me Lexapro (even thought he didn't' want too) but I didn't take it. I wanted to do it naturally (which is not for everybody, but the least amount of thing in my blood, the better). But here are some tips I've learned through trial and error, a good physician, and 2 cardiologists via UCLA & Providence.
YOUR OWN EXPERIENCES: If you're still with me, I did have some questions of my own.
Thank you guys for reading! Hope this helped those who needed it.
submitted by jakemgnss to AFIB [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 17:52 Pephatbat Dog collapsing episodes with unknown etiology - Advice?

15-year old, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Neutered male, 60 pounds
History: Splenectomy January 2024 for spleen rupture with internal bleeding, suspected hemangiosarcoma but diagnostics, including biopsy, were negative. Recovered well from surgery with no complications. Has been on Apoquel for skin allergies when needed for several years.
Clinical Signs: Batman has been having episodes where he appears to struggle to breath and makes loud honking like sounds (sounds similar to dogs on videos I have watched that have tracheal collapse) which leads him to eventually collapse and his joints seem stiff. He kind-of splays out his legs when falling and will often roll a tiny bit but otherwise does not move his body much. He seems dazed but he has not lost consciousness at this point, but has urinated two times during the episodes and his gums gets mildly pale. These episodes are brief, maybe 10-30 seconds and he recovers quickly. Initially, he only had these episodes when outside in the heat and was on a walk or excited, but has since had them even when laying on his bed in the air conditioned house. Some days he does not have any, the most he has had has been 2 in a day. On the days he has no episodes he is a normal and happy dog, although we have restricted his exercise and take strides to prevent excitement. On days where he has episodes, he seems a bit more lethargic but is still fairly normal acting, normal appetite etc.
His blood pressure and blood work have been normal. He had an echo which showed degenerative valve disease but the vet did not think that was the cause of the clinical signs he has been presenting with. He wore a Holter monitor for 24-hours, in which he had no collapse episodes, and results were:
• Sinus rhythm with sinus arrhythmia. average max heart rate = 195 bpm, average min heart rate = 59 bpm. The minimum rate for 3 beats was 37 bpm. • Average heart rate: 97 beats per minute • There were 776 multifocal ventricular ectopic beats, a few in a bigeminal and trigeminal pattern, with 3 couplets (fastest coupling interval noted ~147 bpm), 0 triplets, 0 episodes of IVAIVR, and 0 episodes of ventricular tachycardia. • 0.58% total beats • There were no supraventricular ectopic beats. • Longest pause was 2.1 seconds. Two symptoms reported of panting (sinus arrhythmia for first episode, two isolated intermittent premature ventricular contractions for the second episode)
His current clinical diagnosis is:
Degenerative valve disease (mitral and tricuspid)- ACVIM Stage B1 Ventricular ectopy (predominantly isolated, rare couplets) Collapsing episodes- open etiology
The cardiologist said he is not a candidate for medication or other intervention at this point and to have him rechecked in 6-months, unless the collapse continues, then we should take him in sooner and possibly do another Holter monitor session for a longer period. Primary care vet is not offering any solutions other than referrals.
I purchased a KardiaMobile (personal EKG) on advice from the vet so I can try to record when he is having an episode, and I am trying to catch an episode on video but have not been able to at this point. I am at a loss of what to do and scared of sudden death. I just wanted to see if there are any other opinions on what could be going on or other things I could get checked that may not seem as obvious. Thanks so much in advance for reading this.
submitted by Pephatbat to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 06:13 TwoAppropriate3964 Feeling lots of palpitations :(

Feeling lots of palpitations :(
PVCs, my full Kardia report was 66 in 5 minutes averaging about 6/7 every 30 seconds. Does that seem like a high burden? I get episodes like this at least once a day that I can feel that'll last up to about 30 minutes non stop.
submitted by TwoAppropriate3964 to ReadMyECG [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:13 JadedCitizen2022 I still have questions and am in a lot of pain nearly a month after the death of my cat - long

I adopted Pumpkin in the Winter of 2012-2013 after someone abandoned him in the town where we used to live. I took him to his very first vet appt several months later and his age was estimated to be 3 or 4 at that time.
Pumpkin was a runner for who knows how long before I adopted him, so getting him to be accustomed to becoming an indoor kitty was very hard. He tried a number of times over the years to escape but the few times he did, Pumpkin didn't get very far.
After adopting him, Pumpkin developed chronic constipation, probably because he was living a much more sedentary lifestyle He was put on Laxatone only at first but when that stopped working he was put on Lactulose too, which he hated.
To make a long story short, he eventually got put on Miralax, in addition to his Laxatone. Pepcid a/c was added when he developed upper tummy issues.
Fast-forward to February 2023. During one of his routine checkups, Pumpkin's vet told me she detected a heart arrhythmia. She urged me to take him for an EKG and echo, but I needed time to save money. It took several months to do that and get approval for the wheelchair bus I needed to take him out of town.
Pumpkin had an echo, which was normal, but the EKG was not and it confirmed his heart rhythm problem. This was late October 2023. His vet and I discussed putting him on a heart medication but I decided it wasn't worth the risk because he was very difficult to medicate. I was worried that something would happen if he went on it temporarily and then refused to keep taking it. Potential side effects were another reason.
In January of this year and mid-March, Pumpkin had what appeared to be transient stress episodes where he'd collapse on the floor, pant and act like he was dying. The first episode lasted about a half hour and it was on a weekend when no vets except for the online one was available. This happened right after I had to give him some medicine. I snuck up to him to put it on his paws - something I did many times previously w/o any problems. Right after this first episode I had a consult with an online emergency vet who was the one who told me it was probably a transient stress episode. I consulted with his regular vet soon thereafter and she agreed In mid-March he had another one that lasted longer, at least 45 minutes.
It was around this time he had a checkup with a different branch of his vet's office and a different vet, who said he was ok except for the heart rhythm problem. He had his rabies booster at that time too.
On April 23, two days before Pumpkin died, he had a massive bowel movement. I expected him to bounce back as usual but this time he didn't. Two days after that (the two day wait was so I could reserve a wheelchair bus - they require two days notice) I took him to the vet and after she examined my baby, his vet said he sounded like he had fluid in/near his lungs. Xrays and an ultrasound confirmed this, in addition to fluid in his abdomen. Even with treatment, the prognosis was poor and I made the difficult decision to have him put down.
To this day I question whether or not I could have done more to save him. If only money wasn't an issue and the heart tests weren't delayed....if only I gave him the heart medicine he probably would have eventually refused....if only I got the wheelchair bus approved sooner (the one where I took him out of town for the heart tests). And if only I didn't choose to let him have his rabies booster. I had it done a couple of months before it was due to save time since we were already at the vet's. I didn't anticipate any more problems.
Both his vet and the one who did his heart tests said there was nothing I could do to have prevented his from happening. His next to last vet appt (with that rabies booster) was about 5 weeks before he died. Pumpkin seemed ok then per the vet. The sudden accumulation of fluid around his lungs and abdomen happened after that.
Both vets said it can happen that fast. Cats are really good at hiding how sick they are.
I've been going over what few medical records I have on hand....posts on a cat owner message board to construct a timeline of his health issues, etc, all to figure out if I missed anything. The one thing I stayed on top of without fail was keeping him pooping, which, after Pumpkin died, probably extended his life so said his regular vet.
Btw, Pumpkin's weight on his next to last vet appt was about nine pounds or so. In the five weeks or so from that day to his death he gained about one pound, which is a huge amount in such a short period of time for a cat. It was most likely his heart.
Pumpkin was a short haired male cat, neutered and declawed by his previous owner.
I should have asked for a necropsy but it's too late now. One thought occurred to me - maybe I should ask for a copy of his medical records? I don't want to be a pita to his vet. She bent over backwards to help me and him, esp. on his last day on Earth. I discussed the possibility of fostering a cat and his vet said she would be a reference for me.
I keep blaming myself. What should I do now? I am gutted.
I have no idea how this happened. His age was estimated to be around 14-15.
Please help me. Thank you.
submitted by JadedCitizen2022 to AskVet [link] [comments]
