Jackie guerrido cooking


2022.12.09 06:31 Throwaway989Acc JackieGuerrido_


2024.05.29 13:28 Shyndoni Because we all start somewhere, here's some advices :

Heyo ! I'm Shyndoni (Shyndonisbaguett in game), I started ER in january 2021, and I'm your ER nerd since then ! I am NOT a pro player, I'mm that random normal player who play for fun, no try hard, just fun. Recently, we have a wave of new players, and it became a REAL issue that people don't know how to start ER. BUT FEAR NOT I'm here to explain everything to you !So here is all you need to know about ER to get that gold rank and a cadet skin to flex to your friends !
*disclaimer, I'm not perfect in english, neither in ER, I'm here for fun, and I'm just writing this because I want to help, my DM's are open for that reason, and the comments are here in case I forgot something or if you want to ask something that could be interesting for the others*
1 : the purple items
It's a general statement : END YOUR BUILD, unlike lol, you can't fight without all your items. And the quicker, the better. Try to get your items done before the night. How to end your build quickly ? You have what we call "cluster" of boxes, where all the item of the area are. It's a group of box where you can find that pesky piano wire you missed for 3 minutes now. The quicker you get out of the 1st area, the easier it'll be to end your build. Here's a link for the map of Lumia with all spots, clusters, and objectives : https://www.erbsmap.com/en
DO NOT FEAR THE COMMAND, sometimes, you can't find that piano wire... Go to the top right of your screen, right click on it, and you'll have it for 30 credits."But I need credits for my vf blood sample to get strong weapon !" We'll get to that. But just remember : you'll loose more credits by dying than commanding that piano wire you miss for your arm piece.
2 : foodje
Food is important, and easy. Make it when you finished your purple items. You have 2 way to get food, crafting it, picking it up in a box or someone who crafted it. What I do, I keep the bread, and try to pick up a second. Once I finished my build, I go to a campfire, cook them, pick up 4 meat, and poof ! 8 breakfast sandwich !
3 : gold build
Here we are ! You can now play the funny game ! Having fun ? "No I'm getting stomped by pro player full gold and I can't do anything !"1st advice : don't rush the blood sample. I don't know WHY but so much begginers do that... The blood sample give you a really good weapon, but if you do the math, you only gain 20 adaptivity, 7% armor pene, and a passive. If you build a gold weapon for 300/250 credits LESS, you gain 10 adaptivity and a passive. The blood is NOT worth 500. Get a blood ONLY if you are already full gold, or you know what to do (like Katja, who can use heavy shell, but it's not even THAT good for 500).2nd advice : passive items are busted. If you can use then, go for it. Building radar (force core) instead of fallen pegasus (meteorite) will always be worth more. Keep your credits for those items. And if you pick up an objective, use it as quickly as possible. So you won't loose it when you die. Or give it to your teamates !3rd advice : stop farming until your death. That's why you fall behind, go fight for the tree, the meteorite, the battle zone, the mythrile, the force core ! Farming and ignoring objective is only good for Nadine, if you are behind, or if all the objectives are already done.
4 : stats and build
To all lol players : I will speak in ER, so AP isn't the spell damage.
In ER, 4 type of builds exist :
skill based build, crit build, AP/PENE build, tank build.
The skill based build : they turn around "skill amplification", your AA (Auto Attack) will deal as much damage a child without arms will punch you. But your skill (QWER and D) will deal a lot, BE CAREFUL, this stat is useless on some characters (like Jackie, Isaac etc... check in the collection>select the character>view stat, if you see skill amp, it's a skill based characteweapon.
The crit based build : your AA will have *percentage*% chance to deal more damage. Your spell will deal as much damage as a angry baby can deal to you. The crit is useless on some characters (like Emma, Johann, Haze etc... check in the collection>select the character>view stat, if you see "basic attack amplification" then you can play crit, but it son't be always usefull (Isaac isn't good with crit, but have "basic attack amplification" in his scaling)
AP/pene build : attack power will boost your spells and your AA, pene is a short for "armor penetration", you will ignore x defense (x is the number of pene you have), it's different of the "% armor penetration", who will ignore a % of defense. Same as crit, if skill amp is in the scaling, useless on the character.
Tank build : It depend of the character, but some have HP and/or defense as a damage multiplicator on their spells (like Alonso), you can't really see that with the same way as previously mentionned, but you can see it in the practice tool, because NN refuse to let us see that when we aren't in game... Dunno why... Just check the recommanded build if you want to see how the character is normally played.
Keep that in mind when you make your build, too : a good build, is a quick build. The quicker you are ready, the quicker you are usefull.
The TAC (tactical skill), blink isn't the only one tac in the world. It is strong, but you don't NEED IT on every characters. Only those who lack mobility, or can't use the others.
Augments is a pretty hard part, because it entierly depend on you... Just... Read... I know you can do it ! You do it just now ! But as a summary : red = damage, blue = tank, green = support, purple = damage for skill character but work also on non skill characters sometimes...
5 : solo tag
Worst experience you can have, but also one of the best. Hear me out. You can meet awesome people. But you also meet aweful people. Or just mute people. When it come to toxicity, I only have one advice : mute them. You don't need their opinion on anything let them rage in their corner, they aren't worth it. We all start somewhere, and norms are not for tryharder. For the behavior in game, try to meet up with one of your teamate after day 1, for the objectives. Ping (don't spam, it's useless and people will mute you), emote... You don't need to be perfect, just communicate, it'll be a lot, and help for the ambiance in the team. That's also how you make friends sometimes. A little "hi" at the start, a "gg" in the end isn't a lot, but it's always nice to have someone polite.
My next monologue will be about cobalt, and I will make a guide for all characters. And now I hope this is readable because I know that reddit love stacking the text like a brick...
submitted by Shyndoni to eternalreturn [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 12:06 Pemulis_DMZ Sopranos cinematic universe. Another fucking fucking money machine.

Think about it. It can span movies, series, even reality tv.
Lotta money in this shit.
submitted by Pemulis_DMZ to thesopranos [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 18:02 kidjoey22 That's their guy

That's their guy submitted by kidjoey22 to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 20:29 pig_water "Cooked" [OC]

Clockwise, from bottom-left: Robert DeNiro from Jackie Brown, Michael Jordan, Joe Biden, Bart Simpson doing the Peeing Calvin, Vince Mahon, Joaquin Phoenix's Joker, George Lucas pointing at the camera from a Getty Images set, the text "Cooked" but in the GTA V "Wasted" font and color.
Center (lower): Ethan Hawke from First Reformed Center (upper): Ludwig Wittgenstein staring listlessly into middle distance.
Mostly pencil and some micron pen/colored pencil in my sketchbook.
submitted by pig_water to drawing [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 18:58 Informer_Snow664 Aaron Smith-Levin is a fraud

Link to earlier post
Note: This post is a long one, so buckle up. Almost every person mentioned here is a former member and victim of the Church of Scientology. Nothing being said here denies that fact. Scientology is the real target and basis for our fight. This petty war being fought by SPTV Inc and begun by its founder, Aaron Smith-Levin, needs to come to an end. Since Aaron won't come clean and continually accuses everyone else of what he himself keeps doing, I'm writing these posts to get the truth out there that he won't tell.
I think it's time that a well-known (but rarely acknowledged) fact about Aaron Smith-Levin get some attention. While he claims to be the voice of the ex-Scientology movement, Aaron has said and done things that demonstrate he not only isn't that voice, but he is barely qualified to speak on any part of it, beyond his own personal experiences, of course. Is it any wonder he can't help himself to resort to personal attacks against everyone else who is, in fact, more knowledgeable and experienced with Scientology than he is? Is there really any question why he has to constantly belittle and even threaten Scientology activists, truth tellers or whistle blowers? It's only by cutting down others that he appears to have any legitimacy at all.
By his own admission, Aaron never bought into Scientology in the first place. He barely received any Scientology auditing and was never Clear or OT. He was trained in how to operate an E-Meter and probably did practice auditing when he trained at the Flag Service Org before he was recruited to the Sea Organisation. So if he didn't get much auditing and he didn't get much training and he didn't "buy into it" in the first place, who is he to talk about the experience of it?
We also know that when he was in the Sea Org, he was a rough and tumble Sea Org member who had frequent violent outbursts, provoked physical fights with others, was verbally abusive to his juniors if he paid them any attention at all. One of his former juniors said he didn't even know she was his junior for the longest time. In other words, there is no difference between Aaron the Sea Organisation member and Aaron the head of SPTV Inc. They are the same person doing the same things in the same way. He never stopped being the Scientologist he was raised to be.
He is a "former Scientologist and Sea Org member", but an expert in the Sea Org and Scientology he is not. What qualifications has he ever had for a position of trust and responsibility as head of a non-profit for ex-cult members? Look what he did when he was the VP of the Aftermath. He has self-owned so many times, but his audience refuses to see him for the monster he is, even when he recently threatened his non-profit's target audience with exposure if they don't come crawling to him to expose their "crimes" on his channel. Talk about someone desperate for video content. Yet isn't it interesting how he and his crew are the first to challenge the knowledge and lived experiences of veteran Scientologists and Sea Org members who don't go along with the Big Brother SPTV overlords? One begins to see in Aaron's constant attacks a vicious jealousy, an ego the size of a peanut that has to repeatedly cut other people down just so he can feel good about himself. In other words, he's a fraud. He also probably knows that about himself.
Let's face it: Aaron has a list of accomplishments about as long as his pinky when it comes to actually doing anything effective against the Church of Scientology. Other than being an obnoxious source of constant insults towards others, there is almost nothing Aaron or SPTV contribute to the fight against Scientology.
Aaron likes to pretend (as malignant narcissists do), that he and his crew are the first to do anything in the world of Scientology. Yet that's pretty easy to claim when he breezily dismisses the important work done before him, or takes credit for it himself when he wasn't even there. He and his crew must continue this narrative, otherwise how would they continue to cash in on it?
Aaron declared war on the ex-Scientology world and said that anyone who wasn't coming forward was going to become a "star" of SPTV. Yet his wife and his own mother remain carefully protected. His mother who is an independent Scientology auditor, meaning she continues to hurt people with Scientology that she charges for. His twists of reality are quickly coming back to bite him in the butt. I'm not the only one exposing his secrets. They are all over Reddit now and leaking out into other social media sites.
And what of Jenna Miscavige, now looking like a sister-wife? Has the niece of David Miscavige ever admitted to what she did, knew about or covered up as a Sea Org member? When does the SPTV Inquisition knock on her door? If only a full overt write-up will get you in the good graces of SPTV, I guess everyone had better get out their pads of paper. Or does this only apply to the people Aaron names and SPTV then goes after like a mob? The entire concept of holding people guilt for what they did while in a cult is utterly mad, from the very beginning and only a mad man would even conceive that witch hunts of this kind are ever a good idea. I'm merely trying to point out the ridiculousness of this entire situation, not make it worse.
Hey Jenna, your mother was the chief punisher of OSA before Rathbun was on the case. She destroyed countless lives for Scientology. Does her name come up in those OSA files? Since everyone in OSA knows everything about what everyone else ever did, where's your reckoning for what she did and you covered up? Have you really come clean Jenna on all the things you knew and know now?
But worse of all, what about Ronnie Miscavige, Jr. (David's older brothera and Jenna's father) who was sexually abusive to Mike Brown's mother countless times? It's agreed by everyone that this was horribly abusive. No one denies that fact. Yet how is Rinder to blame for allegedly overhearing a conversation about this when he walked through the room while Jenna's own father is ignored? He was the perpetrator committing the sexual abuse! Are we really doing this?
These people truly are sick.
Attack anyone, say anything, to get the attention off of you and those you associate with. And all this for money?
So let's talk about the even bigger elephant in the room than Aaron's hatred of anyone who actually gets the work done. It's fine to focus attention on the bad, but only if we also look at the good for contrast and so we don't sink into only attack-attack-attack to the point of distraction. Let's remember that Aaron is a tiny, insignificant little man who only has meaning and relevancy because he rides on the wake of those who came before him, trying to pretend he's the one leading the bridge. He's not even on the boat.
There were many before him before him who did the work, often alone, with no on-line support, and without a lucrative outlet from which to profit. Everyone on this list bravely highlighted every possible crime committed by Scientology, the organisation and of Scientologists, making important headlines in media such as The New York Times and The Washington Post plus TV like CNN or FOX and the like. Where are the headlines that Aaron has gotten? I couldn't find too many of those.
This is the work.
What do the thumbnails and headlines of SPTV look like? Constant attacks against Rinder, Remini, the Headleys, Ortega. I hear more about the people fighting Scientology than I do the actual criminals in Scientology. Mirriam Francis, for example, has gone on a press tour to attack Rinder and honestly, I don’t know the name of her actual alleged abuser, her Scientology father. I had to google it. Chris and Kerrie Francis (nee Elliott) are apparently their names. And I had to sift through many attacks from Mirriam on Rinder to see a 2020 headline from The Sun to get the story. And this story was based on what Mirriam told RindeRemini from Mirriam's appearance on the Aftermath show. Google Francis's name and all you will find are MANY videos from Mirriam Francis attacking Rinder and not her actual alleged abusers. Is this the work? Does this bring Mirriam justice against her abusers? Her father? Her mother? Scientology? These are the actual perpetrators of criminal actions against Mirriam.
Somehow this has been twisted into Rinder somehow being the ringleader and chief perpetrator against every single person in SPTV. That is the kind of thinking that goes on within Bedlam. It just doesn't make sense, yet it's been picked up by other Aftermath beneficiaries, such as Mike Brown. The absurdity of this group is mind blowing. So how about some focus on those who deserve a great deal of gratitude for doing the work?
Also reporting on this for years is and still is Tony Ortega, whom this group is also attacking. Why attack him? Because that's where Aaron gets so much of his content, so he has to invalidate his sources so only Aaron's name gets the spotlight. It's so obvious what a slime Aaron really is.
This is not a complete list, just those I could find easily. Aaron and his crew could look these people up and support them, help them or at least not attack them. But that would mean doing real work, something they are allergic to. Unfortunately, there are so many good people and work represented in this list, Reddit wouldn't let me post all the links to all the articles and videos showing their work, so you'll just have to Google them if you are curious. You'll find articles in USA Today, New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, NPR, Newsweek, Rolling Stone and so many more.
This matters. If you think it doesn't, call these places and try to get a story about Scientology written and see how far you get.
I marked an * by names to show who Aaron and his unhinged crew have attacked and are attacking. I've put them in alphabetical order so there's no implication of favouritism.
*Alex Barnes-Ross
*Amy Scobee
Andre Tabayoyan
Arnie Lerma
Astra & Lawrence Woodcraft
Bonny Elliot
Brendan Tighe
Bruce Hines
Chantel Dodson
Chris Guider
*Chris Shelton
*Christie Colbran-Rinder
Chuck Beaty
*Claire Headley
Cyril Vosper
David Mayo
*Debbie Cook
Dede Reisdorf
Dennis Erlich
Don Jason
Don Larsen
Eric Knutson
Gale Reisdorf-Irwin
Gary “Jackson” Moorehead
Gerry Armstrong
Guy White
Hannah Whitfield
Hayden James
Hy Levy
Jackie Wolff
Janela Webster
Janis Gilham Grady
Jeff Hawkins
Jenna Miscavige
Jesse Prince
Jim Dincalci
Jim Logan
John “JB” Brousseau
*Jon Atack
Ken Urquhart
Karen DeLacarrier
Karen Schless Presley
Kate Bornstein
Larry (Denise) Brennan
Laurel Sulliven
Lawrence Wollersheim
Lois and Gary Reisdorf
*Marc Headley
Mareka James
Marie Billheimer
Marilyn Brewer
Mark Fisher
*Mat Pesch
*Melissa Paris
Mike & Kima Douglas
*Mike Rinder
Nancy Many
Nori Matsumaru
Ramina and Richard Nunnellee
Robin Scott
Ron Miscavige Snr.
Russ Williams
Sharon Ollins
Shelly Corrias Britt
Sinar Parman
*Sunny Periera
Spanky Taylor
Stacy Brookes
Steve Hall
Steve Marlowe
Steve “Sarge” Pfauth
Tanja and Stefan Castle
Tom Devocht
Tory Christman
Valerie Haney
*Valeska Paris
Vicki Aznaran
William 'Bill' Franks
Most of these people were high-ranking Sea Organisation members - the kind of people Aaron was calling out for not speaking up. Many were Registrars, Ethics Officers, MAAs, Ethics Officers, OSA, Recruiters and tech staff.
They spoke out. They did the work. Without making money, without social media and to great costs to their own safety and their family's safety. Some were driven insane by Scientology’s Fair Game and took their own lives. Some did the work until the very end of their lives. Some were beaten down by Scientology’s Fair Game tactics and were successfully silenced. Some continue to do the work as they have done for decades.
No one in SPTV has to withstand what most of these people did from Scientology. Instead, SPTV has become its own little OSA, doing the Church's work for it by attacking these whistle blowers. How has this become the new reality of Scientology activism? Join the cult you're fighting to take down anyone who you don't like in hateful Fair Game campaigns? In essence, that's every SPTV creator now.
In contrast, the people doing the real work are harassed and stalked every day by Scientology operatives. Is Aaron Smith-Levin? No. He’s sitting pretty in one of his two houses, being completely ignored by Scientology. If he's such an effective crusader, how come they have done nothing but ignore him for years? Even after he started hooking up with Jenna Miscavige, no one in OSA cares. The obvious reason is because Aaron is doing their work for them, so why get in his way? It seems to me the Church of Scientology loves Aaron Smith-Levin. That thing about becoming the monster you fight? That's SPTV and that's why OSA leaves them alone.
This is why I almost didn't include Alex Barnes-Ross in this list, since he has decided that SPTV is his "chosen family," going against the principles he has been vocalising on his channel for months in some misguided effort to "make peace" with SPTV cultists. Who turns their back on their friends and chooses unhinged attackers as their "family"? Apparently Alex does. His hypocrisy has cost him a lot of credibility and it's doubtful if he's ever going to get it back.
The only people on the SPTV side of the equation who have been getting serious attention from Scientology are Danny Masterson's victims, and that is the subject of a couple of lawsuits now. As I mentioned in an earlier post, these women are true victims of Scientology's Fair Gaming harassment and they have never deserved to have that done to them. At the same time, though, no one in the ex-Scientology world deserves to be stalked or harassed by them either.
Please let me know if Aaron Smith-Levin and his Aaron-Nites have been asked to meet with law enforcement agencies on a regular basis to help them into any investigations into Scientology and or Scientologists. Oh that's right. They have gone out of their way to make enemies out of law enforcement just so Aaron could make some money for bail (which he didn't need and never paid back) and engage in performative demonstration against Scientology that went absolutely nowhere.
No, they didn't expose the LAPD was working for Scientology. That was done by Leah and Tony Ortega a long time ago.
Since SPTV is big on asking questions, I have a few questions of my own:
How many of the Aaron-Tologists have been asked to write affidavits for the courts, like most of the people doing the work have?
How many meetings has Aaron Smith-Levin and his motley crew had with the DOJ, FBI, and other law enforcement agencies on behalf of victims of Scientology like those on this list have?
How many calls do Aaron & The Pussycats take a day from lawyers needing help with their clients? And return those calls whenever they are needed?
How many hours a day do Aaron & Friends sit and sifting through thousands of Scientology policies to help law enforcement and government agencies in pursuit of investigations into Scientology and Scientologists?
How much money has Aaron & The OSAs spent on finding Shelly Miscavige? Like Leah Remini has?
How many of them filed missing persons reports? Not just on Shelly, but any Sea Organisation member that has been missing for almost two decades?
How many hours a day are devoted to counselling and helping former members, just to be there for them?
How many hours a week do the unhinged spend helping people? Not making videos that make them money, but time away from their money making to actually help people - as those they don’t acknowledge and now attack, have?
How much money was taken out of their own pockets to help Sea Org members? Personally taken into their homes, housed them, clothed them, fed them, got them jobs, got them their driver’s licenses? That's what the Headleys and the Rinders and Scobee/Pesch and many others have been doing for years.
How many hours in a day do Aaron and The Rolling Stones spend volunteering to help victims of Scientology? Not how many hours do they spend making videos that make them money? Or hours they spend promoting their brand and social media handles?
I think most of us know the answers to these questions already.
Cut the shit, Aaron. Those that came before fought hard. They made headlines, they spoke about EVERY possible crime of Scientology. Nothing was left un-turned by these heroes of the ex-community.
The common theme here is they all supported each other's work, whether they liked each other or not, or whether they agreed with each other or not. They never said a bad word about any former member doing the work. Even if they could, they knew what was important.
This group has had minimal headlines in the world of Scientology, but have made headlines for their erratic antics. I've read independent media articles talking about the SPTV battles and none of them are favourable.
They can’t a hold a candle to the class acts before them. I suspect they know it.
More to come.
submitted by Informer_Snow664 to SPTV_Unvarnished [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 20:37 bjkman @fter Midnight Scheduled Comedians (Week of 06/03 - 06/06)

We are off this week but that means we get to play another game of Off-Ter Midnight starting on Monday!
We'll see you the week of June 3rd for...


Panelist Apps Wins Elims
Alex Edelman 1 0 1
Jack McBrayer 1 1 0
Jackie Tohn


Panelist Apps Wins Elims
Timothy Simons 3 2 0
Franchesca Ramsey


Panelist Apps Wins Elims
Sasheer Zamata 1/1 0/1 0/0
Joe Lo Truglio


Panelist Apps Wins Elims
Brian Simpson
Kelsey Cook 1 0 1
Blair Socci 1 0 0
 After Midnight Appearances BOLDED / All other appearances are for @midnight 
submitted by bjkman to AfterMidnight [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:55 CP4-Throwaway My span for the transition between the Modern 1960's & Classic 1970's (Part I: Winter 1969 to Fall 1970)

This post is long overdue as I just kept procrastinating to do this for the longest, but finally, it's here.
The start is kind of tricky to figure out but the end is very easy. The start is most likely going to be with Richard Nixon's inauguration on January 20, 1969 and the end will be the Paris Peace Accords on January 27, 1973. I know early-mid 1969 does kind of seem like a stretch to include the transition (although some are even willing to start the 1970s in 1968, so maybe not a stretch after all), unlike late 1969-1972/early 1973ish, as that period still screamed "60s" in many ways with Woodstock, the Moon Landing, and such, but I think even that period had enough "70s" things to exclude it out of the "core '60s" territory, especially by the time you hit the summer of '69.
I know most will disagree with the timespan but this is just my opinion. This is gonna be much longer so this will probably be done in two or three parts, one again.
Let's begin.


The inauguration of Richard Nixon - January 20, 1969

After the chaotic year that was 1968, with the incumbent president Lyndon B. Johnson not running for a second time, Richard M. Nixon had narrowly defeated Hubert Humphrey, the incumbent vice president, in the presidential election. Nixon became the first non-incumbent vice president to be inaugurated as president, something that would not happen again until Joe Biden in 2021. I'd say this is appropriate to begin the transition into the tumultuous decade that was the 1970s.


Sly and the Family Stone's 'Stand' album releases - April 1969

In the spring of '69, soul/funk band Sly and the Family Stone released their fourth album Stand. Written and produced by lead singer and multi-instrumentalist Sly Stone, Stand! is considered an artistic high-point of the band's career. Released by Epic Records, just before the group's celebrated performance at the Woodstock festival, it became the band's most commercially successful album to date. This album was another sign of the 70s era that was beginning to emerge with its soul and funk rock sound.


Lew Alcindor becomes the #1 pick for the NBA Draft - April 7, 1969

The 1969 NBA draft was the 23rd annual draft of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The draft was held on April 7 and May 7, 1969, before the 1969–70 season. The first overall draft pick this year would be none other than Lew Alcindor (or later, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, as we all know him as) from UCLA for the Milwaukee Bucks organization. This would be the changing of the guard for the National Basketball Association as the veteran Boston Celtics dynasty were about to come to an end while a new dynasty has officially been born.


The Boston Celtics win the 1969 NBA Championship - May 5, 1969

After defeating the highly-favored Los Angeles Lakers team of Elgin Baylor, Wilt Chamberlain, and Jerry West, the aging Bill Russell-led Boston Celtics team win the 1969 NBA World Championship Series to end off the 1968-1969 NBA season, acquiring win their 11th championship as an organization. This was a significant Finals series as this marked the end of the Bill Russell Celtics dynasty that began in 1956. This would be their final championship as a team as Russell would retire shortly after this playoff series.


Star Trek ends with the "Turnabout Intruder" episode - June 3, 1969

"Turnabout Intruder" is the twenty-fourth and final episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. Written by Arthur H. Singer (based on a story by Gene Roddenberry) and directed by Herb Wallerstein, it was first broadcast on June 3, 1969. In the episode, a woman switches bodies with Captain Kirk and then tries to take over command of the Enterprise. This was the last original episode of Star Trek to air on NBC.
"Turnabout Intruder" not only marked the final appearance of all main and supporting cast members of the show but also the last appearance of regular background actors David L. Ross (Lieutenant Galloway), William Blackburn (Lieutenant Hadley and DeForest Kelley's stand-in), and Roger Holloway (Lieutenant Lemli and James Doohan's stand-in). The episode drew Nielsen ratings of only 8.8, in contrast to rival shows Lancer on CBS and The Mod Squad on ABC, which gained ratings of 14.7 and 15.2 respectively, a drop of over fifty percent since the show premiered. Cultural theorist Cassandra Amesley states that this episode is "agreed to be one of the worst Star Trek episodes ever shown" by Star Trek fans.
The original Star Trek series ending would be another shedding off of 60s culture.


Brian Jones dies - July 3, 1969

Rolling Stones star Brian Jones passes away at the age of 27 in the summer of 1969 after reportedly drowning in his swimming pool. Long story short, a lot of theories would surface surrounding his death years later saying that he was killed. And more importantly, this would be the beginning of the "27 Club" deaths that would occur with 60s musical acts between 1969 and 1971.


The Apollo 11 spaceflight to the moon - July 20, 1969

Apollo 11 (July 16–24, 1969) was the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC, and Armstrong became the first person to step onto the Moon's surface six hours and 39 minutes later, on July 21 at 02:56 UTC. Aldrin joined him 19 minutes later, and they spent about two and a quarter hours together exploring the site they had named Tranquility Base upon landing.
Humans walking on the Moon and returning safely to Earth accomplished Kennedy's goal set eight years earlier. In Mission Control during the Apollo 11 landing, Kennedy's speech flashed on the screen, followed by the words "TASK ACCOMPLISHED, July 1969". The success of Apollo 11 demonstrated the United States' technological superiority; and with the success of Apollo 11, America had won the Space Race.


The Manson Family murders - August 8 to 10, 1969

The Tate–LaBianca murders were a series of murders perpetrated by members of the Manson Family during August 9–10, 1969, in Los Angeles, California, United States, under the direction of Tex Watson and Charles Manson. The perpetrators killed five people on the night of August 8–9: pregnant actress Sharon Tate and her companions Jay Sebring, Abigail Folger, and Wojciech Frykowski, along with Steven Parent. The following evening, the Family also murdered supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, Rosemary, at their home in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles.
On the night of August 8–9, four members of the Manson Family – Watson, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Linda Kasabian – drove from Spahn Ranch to 10050 Cielo Drive in Benedict Canyon, the home of Sharon Tate and her husband, film director Roman Polanski. The group murdered Tate (who was 8½ months pregnant), and guests Jay Sebring, a celebrity hairdresser; Abigail Folger, heiress to Folgers Coffee; her boyfriend Wojciech Frykowski, an aspiring screenwriter; and Steven Parent, an 18-year-old visiting the guest house caretaker. Roman Polanski was not home as he was working on a film in Europe. Manson was a cult leader and aspiring musician who had tried to get a contract with record producer Terry Melcher, who had previously rented the house.
The following night, those four people, in addition to Manson, Leslie Van Houten and Steve "Clem" Grogan, committed two more murders. Manson had allegedly said he would "show them how to do it". Linda Kasabian drove the group to 3301 Waverly Drive. Manson left with Atkins, Grogan, and Kasabian in the car and told the others to hitchhike back to the ranch. Watson, Krenwinkel, and Van Houten killed the couple in the early morning hours of August 10.
The Tate–LaBianca murders "profoundly shook America's perception of itself" and "effectively sounded the death knell of '60s counterculture". Additionally, the ritualistic nature of the murders laid a foundation for the rise of the Satanic panic.


The Woodstock festival - August 15 to 18, 1969

Woodstock Music and Art Fair, commonly referred to as Woodstock, was a music festival held from August 15 to 18, 1969, on Max Yasgur's dairy farm in Bethel, New York, 40 miles (65 km) southwest of the town of Woodstock. Billed as "an Aquarian Exposition: 3 Days of Peace & Music" and alternatively referred to as the Woodstock Rock Festival, it attracted more than 460,000 attendees. Thirty-two acts performed outdoors despite overcast and sporadic rain. It was one of the largest music festivals in history and became synonymous with the counterculture of the 1960s.
The festival has become widely regarded as a pivotal moment in popular music history, as well as a defining event for the Silent and Baby Boomer generations. The event's significance was reinforced by a 1970 documentary film, an accompanying soundtrack album, and a song written by Joni Mitchell that became a major hit for both Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and Matthews Southern Comfort.


Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! premieres on CBS - September 13, 1969

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is an American animated comedy television series created by Joe Ruby and Ken Spears and produced by Hanna-Barbera for CBS. The series premiered as part of the network's Saturday morning cartoon schedule on September 13, 1969, and aired for two seasons until October 31, 1970. Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is the first incarnation of a long-running media franchise primarily consisting of animated series, several films, and related merchandise. This show played a huge impact on Generation X "70s kid" culture (although the original 1969-1970 series has a 60s vibe to it as well).


The Brady Bunch premieres on ABC - September 26, 1969

The Brady Bunch was a new series that premiered on ABC for the 1969-70 fall season. It starts with the episode "The Honeymoon", which gives this description on Fandom:
"Michael Brady, an architect and widower with three sons (Greg, Peter and Bobby) marries Carol Ann Martin, a mother with three daughters (Marcia, Jan and Cindy). Mike and Carol have a chaotic backyard wedding, in which the boys' dog, Tiger, chases the girls' cat, Fluffy. Mike and Carol admonish their children, yelling at them to go catch their pets. The newlywed couple goes on a honeymoon later that day, while the children sit at home thinking that their parents hate them. While on their honeymoon, Mike and Carol realize that they were too hard on their children, and they decide to bring them along on the honeymoon. They also bring along Alice (the housekeeper), Tiger and Fluffy."
This show would give another huge sign to 70s culture as a whole.


Sesame Street debuts - November 10, 1969

In the fall of 1969, “Sesame Street,” a pioneering TV show that would teach generations of young children the alphabet and how to count, makes its broadcast debut. “Sesame Street,” with its memorable theme song (“Can you tell me how to get/How to get to Sesame Street”), went on to become the most widely viewed children’s program in the world. It has aired in more than 120 countries.
The show was the brainchild of Joan Ganz Cooney, a former documentary producer for public television. Cooney’s goal was to create programming for preschoolers that was both entertaining and educational. She also wanted to use TV as a way to help underprivileged 3- to 5- year-olds prepare for kindergarten. “Sesame Street” was set in a fictional New York neighborhood and included ethnically diverse characters and positive social messages.
Taking a cue from “Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In,” a popular 1960s variety show, “Sesame Street” was built around short, often funny segments featuring puppets, animation and live actors. This format was hugely successful, although over the years some critics have blamed the show and its use of brief segments for shrinking children’s attention spans.
From the show’s inception, one of its most-loved aspects has been a family of puppets known as Muppets. Joan Ganz Cooney hired puppeteer Jim Henson (1936-1990) to create a cast of characters that became Sesame Street institutions, including Bert and Ernie, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Grover and Big Bird.


The 'David Bowie' album releases - November 14, 1969

Originally released in the UK, David Bowie's self-titled album would be his second studio album released, which would be titled under the genres of folk rock and psychedelic rock. Space rock was another genre that this album experimented with due to its only released single "Space Oddity", which came out in July 1969 to capitalize on the Apollo 11 Moon landing, received critical praise, and was used by the BBC as background music during its coverage of the event. That song is considered to be one of the most musically complex songs he had written up to that point, it represented a change from the music hall-influenced sound of his debut to a sound akin to psychedelic folk and inspired by the Bee Gees.
David Bowie has received mixed reviews in later decades, with many finding a lack of cohesiveness. Bowie himself later stated that it lacked musical direction. Debate continues as to whether it should stand as Bowie's first "proper" album.


The Altamont Free Concert takes place - December 6, 1969

The Altamont Speedway Free Festival was a counterculture rock concert in the United States, held on Saturday, December 6, 1969, at the Altamont Speedway outside of Tracy, California. Approximately 300,000 attended the concert, with some anticipating that it would be a "Woodstock West". The Woodstock festival had taken place in Bethel, New York, in mid-August, almost four months earlier.
The event is remembered for its use of Hells Angels as security and its significant violence, including the stabbing death of Meredith Hunter and three accidental deaths: two from a hit-and-run car accident, and one from a drowning incident in an irrigation canal. Scores were injured, numerous cars were stolen (and subsequently abandoned), and there was extensive property damage.
The concert featured performances (in order of appearance) by Santana, Jefferson Airplane, the Flying Burrito Brothers, and Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (CSNY), with the Rolling Stones taking the stage as the final act. The Grateful Dead were also scheduled to perform after CSNY, but shortly before their scheduled appearance, they chose not to due to the increasing violence at the venue. "That's the way things went at Altamont—so badly that the Grateful Dead, the prime organizers and movers of the festival, didn't even get to play," wrote staff at Rolling Stone magazine in a detailed narrative on the event, terming it, in an additional follow-up piece, "rock and roll's all-time worst day, December 6th, a day when everything went perfectly wrong."
Many people would mark this event to be the end of the cultural 60s.

The 'Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5' album releases - December 12, 1969

Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5 is the debut studio album from Gary, Indiana-based soul family band the Jackson 5, released on the Motown label on December 12, 1969. The Jackson 5's lead singer, a preadolescent Michael Jackson and his four older brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, and Marlon, became pop successes within months of this album's release. Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5's only single, "I Want You Back", became a number-one hit on the US Billboard Hot 100 within weeks of the album's release. The album reached number 5 on the US Pop Albums chart, and spent nine weeks at No. 1 on the US R&B/Black Albums charts. To date, the Jackson 5's debut album has sold estimated 5 million copies worldwide.
If none of the events that described previously had transitioned us into the 70s to any of you, then this certainly did.


MAS*H releases in theaters - January 25, 1970

M*A*S*H (stylized on-screen as MASH) is a 1970 American dark war comedy film directed by Robert Altman and written by Ring Lardner Jr., based on Richard Hooker's 1968 novel MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors. The picture is the only theatrically released feature film in the M*A*S*H franchise.
The film depicts a unit of medical personnel stationed at a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) during the Korean War. It stars Donald Sutherland, Tom Skerritt, and Elliott Gould, with Sally Kellerman, Robert Duvall, René Auberjonois, Gary Burghoff, Roger Bowen, Michael Murphy, and in his film debut, professional football player Fred Williamson. Although the Korean War is the film's storyline setting, the subtext is the Vietnam War – a current event at the time the film was made. Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau, who saw the film in college, said M*A*S*H was "perfect for the times, the cacophony of American culture was brilliantly reproduced onscreen".
M*A*S*H became one of the biggest films of the early 1970s for 20th Century-Fox and is now considered one of the greatest films ever made and also won the Grand Prix du Festival International du Film, later named the Palme d'Or, at the 1970 Cannes Film Festival.
This film was a another huge sign of 70s culture as it inspired the television series M*A*S*H, which ran from 1972 to 1983. Gary Burghoff, who played Radar O'Reilly, was the only actor playing a major character who appeared in both the movie and the TV series. Altman despised the TV series, calling it "the antithesis of what we were trying to do" with the movie.


Paul McCartney announces his break from the Beatles - April 10, 1970

On April 10, 1970, when promoting the release of his forthcoming solo album, Paul McCartney announces that he is taking a break from the Beatles, the legendary rock band he had been a part of for a decade. It wasn't that much of a surprise. The Beatles spent the better part of three years breaking up in the late 1960s—and even longer than that hashing out who did what and why. By the spring of 1970, there was little more than a tangled set of business relationships keeping the group together. Each of the Beatles was pursuing his musical interests outside of the band, and there were no plans in place to record together as a group. But as far as the public knew, this was just a temporary state of affairs. No one had yet gone on the record with a definitive break-up statement. Paul, for his part, hedged his bets.
By year’s end, Paul would file suit to dissolve the Beatles’ business partnership, a formal process that would eventually make official the unofficial breakup he announced on this day in 1970.


The Kent State Massacre - May 4, 1970

In the spring of 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shootings was dramatic. The event triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close. H. R. Haldeman, a top aide to President Richard Nixon, suggests the shootings had a direct impact on national politics.
In The Ends of Power, Haldeman (1978) states that the shootings at Kent State began the slide into Watergate, eventually destroying the Nixon administration. Beyond the direct effects of the May 4, the shootings have certainly come to symbolize the deep political and social divisions that so sharply divided the country during the Vietnam War era.


Jimi Hendrix passes away - September 18, 1970

On September 18, 1970, American musician Jimi Hendrix died in London at the age of 27. One of the 1960s' most influential guitarists, he was described by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as "arguably the greatest instrumentalist in the history of rock music."
Hendrix's death was reportedly due to him aspirating on his own vomit, later dying of asphyxia, while intoxicated with barbiturates. At the inquest, the coroner, finding no evidence of suicide, and lacking sufficient evidence of the circumstances, recorded an open verdict. Dannemann stated that Hendrix had taken nine of her prescribed Vesparax sleeping tablets, 18 times the recommended dosage.
Jimi Hendrix's death was another huge blow to 60s culture and he would be another number added to the new "27 Club" list of celebrities that would continue with none other than.....


Janis Joplin passes away - October 4, 1970

On Sunday evening, October 4, 1970, Joplin was found dead on the floor of her room at the Landmark Motor Hotel by her road manager and close friend John Byrne Cooke. Alcohol was present in the room. Newspapers reported that no other drugs or paraphernalia were present.
According to a 1983 book authored by Joseph DiMona and Los Angeles County coroner Thomas Noguchi, evidence of narcotics was removed from the scene by a friend of Joplin and later put back after the person realized that an autopsy was going to reveal that narcotics were in her system. The book adds that prior to Joplin's death, Noguchi had investigated other fatal drug overdoses in Los Angeles where friends believed they were doing favors for decedents by removing evidence of narcotics, then they "thought things over" and returned to put back the evidence.
Noguchi performed an autopsy on Joplin and determined the cause of death to be a heroin overdose, possibly compounded by alcohol.
Joplin's death, just like Hendrix's, was a huge blow to the more optimistic culture of the 1960s, and the 27 Club list of celebrity deaths are continuing.

Other events that also had an impact that happened around this time period (give/take) that I could not fit on this list:

And this will conclude the first part of this transition. Stay tuned for the second part to this.
I hope you enjoyed it and I would appreciate it if you would comment on these.
submitted by CP4-Throwaway to decadeology [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 19:30 Its-May-Yo Wow I love getting online raided! (Pt.2)

Soooooo remember yesterday how I said a got onlined by a group but they never got my pixel bunker? Well today when I log in someone blew into my boat dock. I think nothing of it because they didn't reach a single box just my boat even though they used a lot of boom for it... lol.. 🤣 I didn't know, but it had happened about 5 minute prior to me logging on and I fix it quick af. I'm solo so I gotta be on top of repairs. So 2 hours goes by and I have been cooking and farming and I go out on my first adventure of the day, a raid on a trio that has been countering my every time I take oil solo. I finish the raid and with all of it combined between what I have left over and what I got from them I have 8 c4 and 89 rockets, and a couple stacks of explo... insane... I rush everything to my pixel gaps in my base, several grids away. Took like 6 ish trips.. on the very last trip.... the last one... I see 3 shadowy figures on my base from far away. Keep in mind my base is 7 stories tall built connected to the side of those steep ocean cliffs. So I ditch my boat and swim, no flippers, inventory full of ak's hmlmg's and my remaining boom that I haven't stashed and pray they aren't in my core yet, my bed on 5th floor is missing when I look at the map. I make it inside. Here proceeds 30 minutes of constant explo drilling and me slowing them down, but that's really all I'm doing. I spawn in my bag in core for an absolute all or nothing play i open the door prefiring for all its worth. There is 3 stacks behind the door, I have no chance. I spawn in my bag under the base (between the rock and my core) and i hear 3 jackies in unison hitting a foundation that it wouldnt let my upgrade when i was building, it leads straight to my pixel gaps.... gg's. 🤣 was so much fun. They said they would seal it up properly for me and leave me some guns and equipment so I unlocked the remaining doors for them. Let's see if they stick to their word.
submitted by Its-May-Yo to RustConsole [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 13:30 readingrachelx Housewife highlights/Daily shit talk - May 20th, 2024

Links to this week's episode discussion posts:
submitted by readingrachelx to RHDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 12:37 Glittering-Ad5648 UPDATE: Tier list rankings!

UPDATE: I'll be ranking the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductees by tiers, for this I'll be giving the artists who were inducted as performers a tier letter based on influence, innovation, impact & originality.
Tier list:
S = Immortals, Icons & Legends A = All Time Greats & No Brainers B = Solid & Proven Performers C = Average/Borderline D = Marginal/Not Important
Chuck Berry: S James Brown: S Ray Charles: S Sam Cooke: S Fats Domino: S The Everly Brothers: S Buddy Holly: S Jerry Lee Lewis: S Little Richard: S Elvis Presley: S
The Coasters: A Eddie Cochran: A Bo Diddley: S Aretha Franklin: S Marvin Gaye: S Bill Haley: A BB King: S Clyde McPhatter: B Ricky Nelson: A Roy Orbison: S Carl Perkins: A Smokey Robinson: S Big Joe Turner: A Muddy Waters: S Jackie Wilson: A
The Beach Boys: S The Beatles: S The Drifters: S Bob Dylan: S The Supremes: S
Dion: B Otis Redding: S The Rolling Stones: S The Temptations: S Stevie Wonder: S
Hank Ballard: B Bobby Darin: D The Four Seasons: B The Four Tops: S The Kinks: S The Platters: A Simon & Garfunkel: S The Who: S
Lavern Baker: C The Byrds: S John Lee Hooker: B The Impressions: B Wilson Pickett: A Jimmy Reed: B Ike & Tina Turner: A
Bobby "Blue" Bland: B Booker T. & The M.G's: B Johnny Cash: S The Isley Brothers: A The Jimi Hendrix Experience: S Sam & Dave: B The Yardbirds: A
Ruth Brown: A Cream: A Creedence Clearwater Revival: A The Doors: S Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers: C Etta James: A Van Morrison: S Sly & The Family Stone: S
The Animals: A The Band: S Duane Eddy: C Grateful Dead: S Elton John: S John Lennon: S Bob Marley: S Rod Stewart: A
The Allman Brothers Band: A Al Green: A Janis Joplin: S Led Zeppelin: S Martha & The Vandellas: B Neil Young: S Frank Zappa: A
David Bowie: S Gladys Knight & The Pips: B Jefferson Airplane: A Little Willie John: B Pink Floyd: S The Shirelles: A The Velvet Underground: S
The Bee Gees: A Buffalo Springfield: C Crosby, Stills & Nash: B The Jackson 5: A Joni Mitchell: S Parliament - Funkadelic: S The (Young) Rascals: C
Eagles: A Fleetwood Mac: A The Mamas & Papas: C Lloyd Price: D Santana: A Gene Vincent: A
Billy Joel: A Curtis Mayfield: A Paul McCartney: A Del Shannon: D Dusty Springfield: A Bruce Springsteen: S The Staple Singers: B
Eric Clapton: A Earth, Wind & Fire: A Lovin' Spoonful: D The Moonglows: B Bonnie Raitt: B James Taylor: A
Aerosmith: A Solomon Burke: B The Flamingos: C Michael Jackson: S Queen: S Paul Simon: A Steely Dan: A Ritchie Valens: C
Isaac Hayes: B Brenda Lee: C Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers: A Gene Pitney: C Ramones: S Talking Heads: S
AC/DC: A The Clash: S Elvis Costello & The Attractions: A The Police: A Righteous Brothers: C
Jackson Browne: B The Dells: C George Harrison: A Prince: S Bob Seger: B Traffic: B ZZ Top: B
Buddy Guy: B The O'Jays: B The Pretenders: B Percy Sledge: D U2: S
Black Sabbath: S Blondie: A Miles Davis: S Lynyrd Skynyrd: A Sex Pistols: S
Grandmaster Flash & Furious Five: A R.E.M: S The Ronettes: B Patti Smith: A Van Halen: A
The Dave Clark Five: C Leonard Cohen: A Madonna: S John Mellencamp: B The Ventures: B
Jeff Beck: B Little Anthony & The Impreials: B Metallica: S Run - DMC: S Bobby Womack: B
ABBA: A Jimmy Cliff: C Genesis: B The Hollies: D The Stooges: S
Alice Cooper: B Neil Diamond: B Dr. John: C Darlene Love: D Tom Waits: A
Beastie Boys: S Donovan: B GNR: A Laura Nyro: D RHCP: A The Small Faces/Faces: B
Heart: C Albert King: A Randy Newman: B Public Enemy: S Rush: A Donna Summer: A
Peter Gabriel: A Hall & Oates: B Kiss: B Nirvana: S Linda Ronstadt: B Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam: C
The Paul Butterfield Blues Band: D Green Day: A Joan Jett & The Blackhearts: C Lou Reed: A SRV & Double Trouble: B Bill Withers: C
Cheap Trick: B Chicago: C Deep Purple: A N.W.A: A Steve Miller: D
Joan Baez: B ELO: C Journey: D Pearl Jam: A Tupac: S Yes: B
Bon Jovi: D The Cars: B Dire Straits: C The Moody Blues: C Nina Simone: A
The Cure: A Def Leppard: C Janet Jackson: A Stevie Nicks: D Radiohead: S Roxy Music: A The Zombies: C
Depeche Mode: A The Doobie Brothers: C Whitney Houston: A Nine Inch Nails: A The Notorious B.I.G: A T. Rex: B
Foo Fighters: B The Go - Go's: B Jay - Z: S Carole King: C Todd Rundgren: C Tina Turner: A
Pat Benatar: C Duran Duran: B Eminem: S Eurythmics: B Dolly Parton: A Lionel Richie: C Carly Simon: C
Kate Bush: A Sheryl Crow: C Missy Elliott: A George Michael: C Willie Nelson: A RATM: B The Spinners: B
Mary J. Blige: A Cher: B Dave Matthews Band: B Foreigner: C Peter Frampton: C Kool & The Gang: B Ozzy Osbourne: B A Tribe Called Quest: A
submitted by Glittering-Ad5648 to rockhall [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 03:44 IosueYu What is the point of inviting your output home?

Just invited River to Japantown. So what to do? Shooting pleasantries of the same dialogue options.
Guitar? Locked. Radio? Can't play the romantic Royal Blue Station. Can't turn on the TV to discuss the downed Kang Tao AV. Can't have Mr. Wands cook his favourite Mexican meal. Can't even play the Rocker music near your stash. Can't sit down and drink Whisky or smoke a cig and spill shit about Arasaka.
Yes we get a shower scene he just comes in but I'm a straight male I'd prefer looking at V instead of River. And then you sleep together.
But then when you wake up, you don't even get the buff of extra XP.
What kind of a lame date is it? I feel the older romance was a bit more fun because you actually have an extra safehouse to sleep in and get a nicer buff (I did that with Judy way before, like 3 years ago). Now when you visit River, he stands there without a dialogue option, and Joss isn't home. And you can't use the bed.
I am all for adding new interactions. But this is downright a downgrade, unless I have done something wrong.
I also prefer romantic relationships that you can actually share your minds with your output. Like maybe we shouldn't talk about how Arasaka has put a price on my head but you know, at least we should talk about how the Parade is so packing of people, or how the new pistol shoots nicely. Even just random shit like Mizusani feels great or something like actual organic food tastes good.
I get it is difficult to record new lines. But maybe do that over text messages or something. Take him out a spin with your Quadra or something. Dine out and play a bit of eating animation. Use Jackie's animation when he eats noodles will already be an improvement.
I hope we can send a text message to split up. That's not the kind of date my Corpo V is looking for. Lol.
submitted by IosueYu to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 10:36 Glittering-Ad5648 RRHOF rankings UPDATE!

Ranking most to less important inductees year by year!
I'll like to do something interesting regarding the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame & it's gonna be ranking the most to less important inductees year by year. I'll be doing this based on influence, innovation, cultural impact, critical acclaim etc. Note: I'm gonna be focusing on the performers so others in Musical Influence & Excellence would not be included. So here's the rankings.
  1. Chuck Berry
  2. Elvis Presley
  3. James Brown
  4. Little Richard
  5. Ray Charles
  6. Sam Cooke
  7. Buddy Holly
  8. Fats Domino
  9. The Everly Brothers
  10. Jerry Lee Lewis
  1. Aretha Franklin
  2. Muddy Waters
  3. Marvin Gaye
  4. Bo Diddley
  5. Smokey Robinson
  6. BB King
  7. Roy Orbison
  8. Carl Perkins
  9. Jackie Wilson
  10. Bill Haley
  11. Ricky Nelson
  12. Eddie Cochran
  13. Big Joe Turner
  14. The Coasters
  15. Clyde McPhatter
  1. The Beatles
  2. Bob Dylan
  3. The Beach Boys
  4. The Supremes
  5. The Drifters
  1. The Rolling Stones
  2. Stevie Wonder
  3. The Temptations
  4. Otis Redding
  5. Dion
  1. The Who
  2. The Kinks
  3. Simon & Garfunkel
  4. The Four Tops
  5. The Platters
  6. Hank Ballard
  7. The Four Seasons
  8. Bobby Darin
  1. The Byrds
  2. Ike & Tina Turner
  3. Wilson Pickett
  4. John Lee Hooker
  5. The Impressions
  6. Jimmy Reed
  7. Lavern Baker
  1. The Jimi Hendrix Experience
  2. Johnny Cash
  3. The Yardbirds
  4. The Isley Brothers
  5. Booker T. & The M.G.'s
  6. Sam & Dave
  7. Bobby "Blue" Bland
  1. Sly & The Family Stone
  2. The Doors
  3. Van Morrison
  4. Cream
  5. Etta James
  6. Creedence Clearwater Revival
  7. Ruth Brown
  8. Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers
  1. Bob Marley
  2. John Lennon
  3. Elton John
  4. The Band
  5. The Grateful Dead
  6. Rod Stewart
  7. The Animals
  8. Duane Eddy
  1. Led Zeppelin
  2. Neil Young
  3. Frank Zappa
  4. Janis Joplin
  5. Al Green
  6. The Allman Brothers Band
  7. Martha & The Vandellas
  1. The Velvet Underground
  2. Pink Floyd
  3. David Bowie
  4. The Shirelles
  5. Jefferson Airplane
  6. Gladys Knight & The Pips
  7. Little Willie John
  1. Joni Mitchell
  2. Parliament - Funkadelic
  3. The Bee Gees
  4. The Jackson 5
  5. Crosby, Stills & Nash
  6. Buffalo Springfield
  7. The (Young) Rascals
  1. Eagles
  2. Fleetwood Mac
  3. Santana
  4. Gene Vincent
  5. The Mamas & The Papas
  6. Lloyd Price
  1. Bruce Springsteen
  2. Curtis Mayfield
  3. Billy Joel
  4. Dusty Springfield
  5. Paul McCartney
  6. The Staple Singers
  7. Del Shannon
  1. Eric Clapton
  2. James Taylor
  3. Earth, Wind & Fire
  4. Bonnie Raitt
  5. The Moonglows
  6. The 'Lovin Spoonful
  1. Michael Jackson
  2. Queen
  3. Aerosmith
  4. Steely Dan
  5. Paul Simon
  6. Solomon Burke
  7. The Flamingos
  8. Ritchie Valens
  1. Ramones
  2. Talking Heads
  3. Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
  4. Isaac Hayes
  5. Brenda Lee
  6. Gene Pitney
  1. The Clash
  2. The Police
  3. AC/DC
  4. Elvis Costello & The Attractions
  5. Righteous Brothers
  1. Prince
  2. George Harrison
  3. ZZ Top
  4. Traffic
  5. Bob Seger
  6. Jackson Browne
  7. The Dells
  1. U2
  2. Buddy Guy
  3. The Pretenders
  4. The O'Jays
  5. Percy Sledge
  1. Miles Davis
  2. Black Sabbath
  3. Sex Pistols
  4. Lynyrd Skynyrd
  5. Blondie
  1. R.E.M
  2. Patti Smith
  3. Van Halen
  4. Grandmaster Flash & Furious Five
  5. The Ronettes
  1. Madonna
  2. Leonard Cohen
  3. John Mellencamp
  4. The Ventures
  5. DC5
  1. Run - DMC
  2. Metallica
  3. Bobby Womack
  4. Little Anthony & The Imperials
  5. Jeff Beck
  1. The Stooges
  2. ABBA
  3. Genesis
  4. Jimmy Cliff
  5. The Hollies
  1. Tom Waits
  2. Alice Cooper
  3. Neil Diamond
  4. Dr. John
  5. Darlene Love
  1. Beastie Boys
  2. Guns N' Roses
  3. RHCP
  4. Donovan
  5. Small Faces/Faces
  6. Laura Nyro
  1. Public Enemy
  2. Donna Summer
  3. Albert King
  4. Rush
  5. Randy Newman
  6. Heart
  1. Nirvana
  2. Peter Gabriel
  3. Hall & Oates
  4. Linda Ronstadt
  5. Kiss
  6. Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam
  1. Green Day
  2. Lou Reed
  3. SRV & Double Trouble
  4. Bill Withers
  5. Joan Jett & The Blackhearts
  6. The Paul Butterfield Blues Band
  1. N.W.A
  2. Deep Purple
  3. Cheap Trick
  4. Chicago
  5. Steve Miller
  1. Tupac Shakur
  2. Pearl Jam
  3. Joan Baez
  4. Yes
  5. ELO
  6. Journey
  1. Nina Simone
  2. The Cars
  3. Dire Straits
  4. The Moody Blues
  5. Bon Jovi
  1. Radiohead
  2. Janet Jackson
  3. The Cure
  4. Roxy Music
  5. Def Leppard
  6. The Zombies
  7. Stevie Nicks
  1. Whitney Houston
  2. Nine Inch Nails
  3. The Notorious B.I.G
  4. Depeche Mode
  5. T. Rex
  6. The Doobie Brothers
  1. Jay - Z
  2. Tina Turner
  3. Foo Fighters
  4. The Go - Go's
  5. Todd Rundgren
  6. Carole King
  1. Eminem
  2. Dolly Parton
  3. Eurythmics
  4. Duran Duran
  5. Pat Benatar
  6. Lionel Richie
  7. Carly Simon
  1. Willie Nelson
  2. Kate Bush
  3. Missy Elliott
  4. The Spinners
  5. RATM
  6. George Michael
  7. Sheryl Crow
  1. A Tribe Called Quest
  2. Mary J. Blige
  3. Ozzy Osbourne
  4. Kool & The Gang
  5. Cher
  6. Dave Matthews Band
  7. Peter Frampton
  8. Foreigner
submitted by Glittering-Ad5648 to rockhall [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:33 Carnivore-Club What an absolute cuntrag of the HIGHEST order. Vegan logic....

What an absolute cuntrag of the HIGHEST order. Vegan logic.... submitted by Carnivore-Club to Carnivore_Club [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 22:32 Carnivore-Club What an absolute cuntrag of the HIGHEST order

What an absolute cuntrag of the HIGHEST order
Not sure why a vegan is following a carnivore themed page anyway other than to start propagating their theological rubbish.
Vegan logic...
submitted by Carnivore-Club to AntiVegan [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 12:02 Visual-Ostrich-4108 Sorry for the leaving y'all wondering about thr other two. Here's the favorite innocent bundle of anxiety, Jackson Kayuri!

Jack had a decent time as a newborn compared to his aunt, uncle, and father. Being born during the 2000's of course. He was a hybrid of an infected human, rhat being Felix, and Gwendolyn. Luckily for him, it made most of his teetg, except for the molars, sharp. That, and his incredible stamina and weather resistance.
The first four mounths of his life came to horrible turn as his mother, Gwendolyn Kayuri, was killed. Luckily for him, she was able to hide him before Felix arrived.
The next 14 years of his life was hiding. Mostly in basements or hiden rooms, never to see another person than his father. But that's all he needed in life. His father provided a surprisingly good education for Jackson, however not babying him too much.
Now at 14 (1st image) Jack had found it strange that he wasn't allowed outside. Felix didn't have the heart to snap at his son, the poor boy's innocent eyes eating away at him. Felix then told Jack to pack up what little he owned, and for the first time in his life, he saw the outside.
Only for a brief moment however, his poor eyes were adjusted to the dark. His eyes slowly adjusted, mostly thanks to a pair of sunglasses, and laid his eyes upon his worst fear... People. He noted how ghostly pale his skin was. How they looked so "normal" compared to him.
Felix drove him out into the woods, it was far more beautiful than the movies and games he's seen. Than after some rough terrain, he saw an impossible sight... A fort made of logs, and within a town. His father explained that they had made their own community to fight a corrupt government.
Jack was terrified at the prospect of living with hundreds of other people. And all within a single town... It took him weeks to adjust to breathing the same air with other people. That's when one day, he noticed an elderly lady in some black and white robs was struggling into a church.
Being the innocent respectful boy he was, he lended her a hand. As she invited him in. He felt a strange calmness as his cowardice fade. He realized he was in a catholic church, for him it was calming. He felt welcomed there, and soon became a catholic.
2 years pass as Jack was 16 (Image 2). He had a small group of friends. One of which being Maria, who was quite the explorer in the woods. Jack had a feeling he never quite understood... It wasn't a bad one, but a pleasent one. One he only felt around Maria.
Jack finally confessed these feelings to her, revealing she felt the same. Than it hit Jackson in the head, his heart thumping out of his chest. He was in love. But at that moment...
He noticed a commotion outside. Going to one of the fort walls, he watched as a bloody fight ensue between his father, a large muscular woman,a short, pale man with strange fleshy tentacles, and an older man who bared a resemblence to Felix.
He ran outside, quickly stopping Felix from the 4 killing each other. He spoke from his heart, finally setting his foot down. The fight finally de-esculated. However, the older man fell, clutching his chest. Muttering out an apology to Felix and the others. Than Jack finally pieced it together... They were his family, and the old man was his grandfather.
Before he could say anything, Morgan went limp. Jack saw someone take their final breath for the first time. He was in deep shock as Felix walked back inside, not caring about his father's death. However, he saw Felicia and Télios bawling out for their dead father. Rather than leaving the two out there, he led them inside.
The two were overjoyed on meeting their nephew. Jack had opened up a bit more to them, showing them around and showing them to Maria and his friends. Felix however, wss displeased. Thinking the two were using his son to gain intel. Felix quickly kicked the two out, but not with Jack giving them his phone number.
A few hears pass as Jack was 19 (Still image 2, just imagine him a bit more matured). He was enjoying his day until one of Felix's right hand came up to him. Felix was killed, thus leaving Jack the leader of the rebellion.
Before Jack could even mourn, a fire in the surrounding woods broke out. That, and a full-scale FBI and CIA raid was upon them. Jack, with no idea how to lead, panicked. He had no clue on what to do, luckily, most of the rebels knew their positions from drills.
But it wasn't enough, the fire was bad enough but all the enemy units surrounding them? All hope seemed lost until a shout of pure rage and agony was heard. Out of the flames came the scorched corpse of Felix. Jack instanly knew it was his dad, bursting into tears.
Felix was now back at the helm, ordering his men around as they pushed the enemg back. Felix had taken so much gunfire, it was a surprise he was still even standing... Suddenly, Maria was shot. Jack's heart was pumping with adrenaline as he ran for her. He carried her, surprising for his slimmer stature, and ran to safety. Luckily the bullet only hit her leg, but the agent who shit her followed.
Jack noticed, and grabbed a gun. He had the shot but... He couldn't take a life... One of the other rebels shot the agent down as the war finally began to die down. They repelled the enemy and saved the fort from burning! However... Felix collpased, he wasn't immortal, just damn hard to kill.
Jack held him in his arms as he realized there was no saving his father... Not wanting him to suffer, Jack put a gun to Felix's head. Jack muttered a prayer through hesrt-wrenching tears as Felix finally confessed how proud he was. And with a loud bang... His father was free from torment.
The blood on his hands and face... Yes it was the right thing but... It didn't feel like it... He passed the role of leader to Felix's right hand before leaving the rebel life with Maria.
Jack was now im his 20's (3rd image), he was living happily with Maria in (generic city #4). He had been volunteering at any time he could, helping aid the agony of the world. Maria worked at a resteraunt, bringing the two left-over meals. But that's not how they paid rent...
He went over with Felicia and Télios when he could. Spending time at the fight club made hin sick, seeing people laugh at such violence... However, Felicia had made a fortune out of it. She was a bit stingy, seeing that she wanted to save for a mansion, but gave Jack rent money.
However, after a few months of this, Jack was disgusted about his actions... He looked in the mirror, he wasn't a innocent boy. He was a young man, a young man who took a life and now lives with blood money...
He made a plastic mask, fitting snuck on his face. And at long last... He saw that boy again. But the eyes... The eyes don't lie...
submitted by Visual-Ostrich-4108 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:44 No_Zookeepergame5296 Did anyone catch…

That Claudia and Jackie went on and on about how a woman should be a homemaker just for Claudia to admit she will never cook and that it’s okay cuz Ben is the chef.
submitted by No_Zookeepergame5296 to TheMorningToastSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:12 kittehgoesmeow What A Day: Cohen Down Swinging by Crooked Media (05/14/24)

"I have very little evidence... But that hasn't stopped me before." - Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld, asserting that Democrats may be preparing “electoral dirty tricks,” before admitting he has no basis to think so.

Criss-Cross Cohen Sauce

Trump’s attorneys spent the day bashing Trump’s former-fixer-turned-nemesis, Michael Cohen, on the witness stand. It wasn’t pretty.
Trump’s appeal to end the gag order was denied Tuesday morning, just as his MAGA faithful were mustering outside the courthouse to talk big into microphones on his behalf. But that, surely, was one big coincidence.

Look No Further Than Crooked Media

You already know the stakes of the 2024 election. If you want to get involved, but don't know where to start - join Vote Save America 2024 Organize or Else. All you have to do is sign up, be assigned a team, and get matched with opportunities tailored to you and the causes you care about. Vote Save America will track how many calls you’ve made, texts you’ve sent, doors you’ve knocked, and shifts you’ve filled, as your team pursues the biggest prize of all: The continuation of American democracy. Head to https://votesaveamerica.com/2024 now, and get ready to organize…or else.
This message has been paid for by Vote Save America. You can learn more at https://votesaveamerica.com and this ad has not been authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Under The Radar

So… should we panic about the nerve-wracking New York Times poll data showing Trump leading President Joe Biden in five key battleground states? We’d be lying if we said we’re NOT breathing into a paper bag. But panic is not the order of the day, according to Pod Save America co-host, Dan Pfeiffer (who also hosts the Friends of the Pod exclusive, Pollercoaster). “The picture is not super pretty,” Pfeiffer said on today’s episode of the What a Day podcast. But, he continued, “no, you should not be running around like a chicken with your head cut off.”
First of all, this election cycle is still in its early days. Second, Biden doesn't need to carry all six battleground states to win the election. If Biden wins just Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, he’ll prevail, Pfeiffer pointed out. And in those three states, even this poll shows Biden within the margin of error among “likely voters” (rather than all registered voters, with whom Biden's numbers are worse).
Still, the president clearly has work to do. He’s not just behind Trump. He trails Democratic Senate candidates. Biden won Nevada by two points in 2020, but now lags Trump by a staggering 12 points among registered voters there. By contrast, Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV) leads her Republican challenger by two points in the Silver State. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) is five points ahead of his Republican opponent in Pennsylvania, where Trump leads Biden by three points.
Curiously, the NYT poll also found that 17 percent of registered voters actually blame BIDEN for the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, despite the fact that Trump appointed the justices who did this and then went around taking credit. Never mind, I think maybe we should panic again!

What Else?

The Biden administration told Congress it plans to move forward on a shipment of more than $1 billion in new weapons for Israel, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday, citing unnamed officials. The latest shipment includes over $700 million in tank ammunition and $500 million in tactical vehicles. The Biden administration has stressed its opposition to an Israeli assault on the southern Gaza city of Rafah over fears of a humanitarian catastrophe, but has so far only withheld a single shipment of 2,000-pound bombs.
Gov. Tate Reeves (R-MS) signed a new anti-trans bill Monday that bans transgender people from using bathrooms, locker rooms, or dormitories that do not correspond to their sex assigned at birth, or risk being sued. Reeves has already banned trans athletes from competing in women’s sports and banned gender-affirming care for minors.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken got on stage during a surprise visit to Kyiv and played guitar for a cover of Neal Young’s “Rockin’ in the Free World.” The idea, seemingly, was to reassure Ukrainian leaders that the U.S. still supports their war against Russia, a few weeks after Congress approved a delayed $60 billion aid package. Is this what they teach in the School of Foreign Service?
Meanwhile, President Biden signed a bipartisan bill Monday that bans Russian imports of enriched uranium, the main fuel used by nuclear power plants. Russia accounts for more than a fifth of U.S. nuclear fuel, but Biden is looking to cut financial ties with the Kremlin. The bill, which allocates $2.7 billion for domestic uranium, was held up for months by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) while he threw a tantrum about some of his provisions getting nixed in the defense bill. Shocker. Don’t hurt yourself working so hard for America, Ted!
The Arizona Supreme Court agreed to delay enforcing the state’s 1864 near-total abortion ban until late September, which could bump the law from ever going into effect. Gov. Katie Hobbs (D-AZ) signed a repeal earlier this month, but it won’t go into force before a stay on the ban is lifted, which would have potentially left a small window of time for Republicans to get doctors thrown in jail for performing abortions. Sorry, fellas, we know you really wanted to!
House Democrats opened an investigation into Trump’s disgraceful meeting with oil executives, in which he reportedly begged for $1 billion in campaign donations in exchange for axing dozens of Biden’s environmental policies.
Rudy Giuliani has been ducking his indictment by an Arizona grand jury last month for allegedly trying to overturn Trump’s loss in the state, and has yet to be served. Prosecutors reportedly made multiple attempts to hand the former U.S. attorney his summons, but have been unable to reach him in person or by phone. Maybe they should try summoning him from the underworld.

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Light At The End Of The Email

Popular children’s YouTube/TikTok star Ms. Rachel joined forces with Cameo to raise money for the Save the Children’s Emergency Fund, donating all proceeds towards children in Gaza, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Ukraine.
A Georgia high school senior was accepted into 231 colleges and awarded $14.7 million in scholarships. Eighteen-year-old Madison Crowell is headed to High Point University on a full ride where she will major in exercise science with hopes to become a physical therapist. Wow… 231 colleges? Never mind tuition, just think of the application fees!


Crowsa Luxemburg on Twitter: "me when i send an email with one (1) typo"
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:19 SenlanZWH FNC vs TL Hupu Rating and Comments

I'm going to try to translate those top comment from Hupu for MSI, I might skip some of them as they are Chinese internet memes that I've no idea how to translate, and those comment related to Honor of Kings, a popular league like mobile game made by Tencent.
The rating is user poll generated, you can give a rating between 2 and 10, and average is used. A total of 14k people participated in this series' rating.
Hupu rating is an in APP feature so it doesn't really have a link, but here is the post match thread for the match, and on the top there is an link you can click on that get you to that page. link


Player Rating Top Comment
Oscarinin Zac 2.3 You played against the Zac king from G2 for so long, haven't you learned anything?
Razork Xin Zhao 2.9 Is this the same Xin that played against Samsung 2 games?
Humanoid Orianna 6.7 The one tried hardest this game out of the five.
Noah Kalista 2.4 Felt like Peyz should have went against him head on, just pick Aphelios and you can't lose.
Jun Renata Glasc 6.6 That R Flash was sexy
Nightshare 3.2 After watching the last few days, I learned one thing, if you want to win, ban K'Sante.
Team Liquid
Player Rating Top Comment
Impact K'sante 9.5 체력 4700 방어력 329 마 저201 인챔피언이 저지불가, 쉴드, 벽 넘 기는 거 있고요. 에어본 있고, 심지어 쿨타임은 데 초밖에 안되고 마나는 15들고 w는 심지어 변신 하면 쿨 초기화에다가 패시브는 고정피해가 들 어가며 그 다음에 방마저 올리면 올릴수록 스킬 가속이 생기고! q에 스킬가속이 생기고 스킬 속도가 빨라지고 그다음에 공격력 계 수가 있어가지고 W가 그 이익-으아아아악!!!
UmTi Sejuani 9.4 FNC: Felt like we could've beat TES. TL:?????
APA Taliyah 7.6 First glance, I thought cadiaN was playing.
Yeon Lucian 9.2 In a way, this really just shows how good TES bot laners are.
CoreJJ Nami 9.6 This Nami is actually pretty good.
Spawn 8.6 Did you got the draft from Old Dude Cup scrim? (Reference Old Dude Cup - A streamer cup in China right now, Tabe was VOD reviewing the scrims yesterday).


Player Rating Top Comment
Oscarinin Poppy 9.5 EU at least have stand out Poppy, NA got parasite by LCK retirees and now is doomed.
Razork Xin Zhao 8.8 Xin has blue and red buffs, ints two kills doesn't matter. /s
Humanoid Azir 9.0 Deduct 1 star for that hilarious shuffle at baron.
Noah Lucian 6.5 Teddy Guan said Azir killed Lucian on cast, xd.
Jun Nami 6.7 Looks like Jacky.
Nightshare 7.6 EU > NA
Team Liquid
Player Rating Top Comment
Impact K'sante 3.0 Well, there goes the 12 game win streak.
UmTi Lee Sin 4.1 Can't hit champion sure, but can't hit minions???
APA Ahri 8.5 Tried your best, a bit too innocent. (Common joke in China regarding Ahri with no e.)
Yeon Varus 4.0 Tabi for lane, tribute to legendary AD Ruler.
CoreJJ Rell 3.6 AFK? Don't felt like playing so training to be observer?
Spawn 5.9 Yo, swipe to unlock? (The pic of Spawn on Hupu is the one him holding his phone and in a swiping motion.


Player Rating Top Comment
Oscarinin Zac 2.8 Yesterday's Zac is better.
Razork Wukong 2.8 I'll lead my team to finish this game.
Humanoid Hwei 2.7 A joke reference a Chinese streamer and his exwife, not sure how to translate.
Noah Kalista 2.9 Your support died clearing Baron vision, why did you go near red buff, did you want to ult in his corpse since he is about to respawn?
Jun Rumble 4.9 Help to secure baron, respect.
Nightshare 2.9 CPU is fried after this game.
Team Liquid
Player Rating Top Comment
Impact K'sante 9.2 Your purpose is to not let Fnatic take K'Sante, and don't need to ban it.
UmTi Poppy 9.0 No issue, you played perfectly.
APA Aurelion Sol 9.7 Wow, you just become a fully fledged dragon after building "Tome of the Eternal Flow".
Yeon Varus 9.5 How did Fnatic win a game from TES?
CoreJJ Ashe 9.4 Teddy Guan: Nice Arrow!
Spawn 8.3 Its not surprising that the Universe Team can't beat Liquid right now. (Reference to CS team.)


Player Rating Top Comment
Oscarinin K'Sante 3.1 Wait what, I thought a fed Jinx tickles K'Sante, why don't I feel tanky.
Razork Viego 2.4 Korean Forces United States > EU (Referencing United States Forces Korea).
Humanoid Orianna 2.9 Retire after Leblanc is banned, truly a Leblanc one trick.
Noah Ashe 2.6 2 Korean lost to 4, make sense.
Jun Varus 4.0 Honstly, you should probably get the least blame, without your ult, this game is a ff15.
Nightshare 3.8 Aki: BP cooking too much.
Team Liquid
Player Rating Top Comment
Impact Ornn 6.8 Huh, the Ornn pick, did you coach know you haven't play this champion before?
UmTi Sejuani 9.4 Not sure what to say, here is 5 star.
APA Tristana 9.6 Bad new: you are playing with disrespect like you are playing on your smurf account. Good news: Looks like you are playing on your smurf.
Yeon Lucian 9.6 Why build Lord Dominik, are you trying to ruin EU?
CoreJJ Nami 9.3 Wow, not only you flashed away in that fight in the river, you clutch healed Ornn, impressive.
Spawn 8.4 TL: Everyone misunderstood us, you thought we were laughing because we thought we could beat TES, but we were looking much farther into the future.
submitted by SenlanZWH to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 23:48 -TheLoveGiver- Jackie ref (my silly boi)

Jackie ref (my silly boi) submitted by -TheLoveGiver- to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 02:20 thisisso____ Wait is this for real??

Wait is this for real??
No fucking way anyone would buy this. Olivia and Ben are only ones who cook???
submitted by thisisso____ to TheMorningToastSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 16:22 equityorasset Is the Ralphie cooking Pasta Scene legit?

Talking about the scene where Ralphie is cooking pasta then give sJackie JR the gun. He tells Jackie Jr the key is putting a little buttah, sauce and salt in the pasta water? I tried it and i feel like it did make the pasta better but not sure if it was placebo, can any culinary masters confirm or deny?
submitted by equityorasset to thesopranos [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:28 PersonaRoyale New Season 4 Updates from the dev stream

Hello, everyone. This is the summary for Season 4 dev steam in more detail since the stream didn't have English subtitles.
edit - Correction on Estelle's R ability

Weather system & Plants

4 main weather types: Clear, Cloudy, Rainy, and Sandstorm 4 sub weather types: Windless, Foggy, Strong Winds, and Lightning
Main Weather: Clear - Bonus vision range and bonus healing on cooked food items (Xiukai's food buff stacks with this), some bushes throughout the map are gone, better chance of catching salmon and harvesting sweet potatos Cloudy - default Rainy - More bushes, Sound ques are harder to hear (footsteps), Wild animals deal decreased damage, Sandstorm - Decreased vision range, slight reduction in healing (doesn't stack with other types of healing reduction) spawn tornados throughout the map, when hit, it knocks up the character but makes it untargetable, after a few seconds, right click on any direction to fly towards the cursor.
Sub Weather: Windless - default Foggy - no sound pings on the minimap. Location of supply drops also doesn't show up in the minimap unless the cctv is activated at said location or there's vision in the area Strong winds - Movement speed slightly increased. Some location of the map is affected by high winds, significantly increasing movement when going in a certain direction, going the opposite direction of the winds doesn't slow down your movement speed from normal. Lightning - Lightning strikes randomly throughout the map, dealing damage to players when hit.
Plants: Healing plant - heals everyone's health over time in the plant's surrounding area. spawns more during clear weather. Vision plant - Grants vision in a cone at a targeted area, spawns more during rainy weather. Sand Mushroom - Spreads sand around the plant, acts like the bushes. Spawns near bushes, and more during sandstorms Sky Lily (direct translation) - Knocks back players, the range is about mutated boar's knockback, can go through walls Bomb berry - Deals damage in a cone based on the location of the character. Usually spawns nearby a group of mutated animals, and doesn't deal friendly damage

Augment Rework

Minor Augments now separated to two sections. with 3 minor augments to choose from each section.
Havoc tree rework: Havoc tree now focuses more towards auto attack characters.
Major Augment
Minor Augment
New Augment tree "Chaos" Focused towards Skill damage based characters
Major Augment
Minor Augment
Minor rework on Fortification and Support tree:

New items and item skills

Changes in Weapon skill

Guitar No longer charms, but slow players by 99% for 1 second and recover over time. The projectile now goes through enemies
Nun Chuck Nun chuck weapon skill now has a reduced charge time to 0.8 seconds, upon full charge, enemies hit by the nun chucks are stunned

Character balancing/rework


Final Zone changes

Key things to note:

Other changes

Edit - Formatting, spelling and grammar
submitted by PersonaRoyale to eternalreturn [link] [comments]
