Vomiting severe gas pains

What should I expect for recovery?

2024.05.19 05:03 MantysCape What should I expect for recovery?

I'm getting my procedure on Thursday and I'm the type of person who likes to know exactly what is going to happen before it happens. It calms my anxiety. I've even gone to the extent of watching the procedure be done to understand it all. What I've learned about the procedure though is that it is widely up to your doctor to determine how to handle it. For example, my doctor is administering no anti-anxiety measures(valium, gas, etc). Some doctors prefer scalpel vs no scalpel, etc. I've come to terms with not knowing what'll happen until the day of, but now I'm concerned about the recovery.
I've talked to several people in my life who have gotten it before and the majority state that their recovery just included very minor pain for the first 24 hours or so and then they were back to 99% after that. Here on the subreddit though, I see people saying they're going into their second week and still too sore to do much walking.
What should I expect? Are the people IRL just understating their experiences or are the people on the subreddit being a bit dramatic? Or is this just another scenario where it varies wildly and you won't know h til you are in recovery?
submitted by MantysCape to Vasectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:03 IssueOverall7738 Midjourney is demanding me to shutdown my 4 months old SaaS website, what should I do?

Back in January, I read a post from someone who claimed their Midjourney accounts were banned without any explanation. Several others mentioned they struggled with Midjourney’s Discord interface. This gave me the idea to build a product that offers API access and an image-generating playground.
I spent nearly a month building my website and getting it up and running. It took another month to attract my first paying customer. I was thrilled when I saw my first subscriber sign up—it was the first time I was making money through a SaaS application. Previously, I spent three years working on a product with friends, which ultimately failed. So, you can imagine my excitement.
In March and April, I continued to polish my site. However, due to Midjourney’s strict stance against using automated scripts, I lost around ten accounts, some of which were new subscriptions. It was disheartening to wake up one morning and see all my accounts banned by MJ. Despite this, I found a way to keep my site running and gradually grew my subscriber base to about 30. My AWS expenses is also quite high (around $500 USD per month due to the Elasticsearch service I used for queue system). But I thought If I continue to improve my site and grow, eventually I could break-even as I am resolve a pain issue for customers, I will succeed.
Unlike MJ, I treat my subscribers like royalty, helping them with any questions and offering refunds without question, even though my T&C has no refund policy.
Just when I thought I was on the right track, I received an email from Cooley, representing Midjourney Inc. They claimed my website violated Midjourney’s Terms of Use and infringed on their trademark. They demanded I cease and desist from using Midjourney’s services, discontinue my domain name, and provide transfer authorization keys to transfer my domains to Midjourney. They gave me five days to comply and warned that continuing to operate my website would result in legal action under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
As an indie developer, I’m unsure how to handle this situation. Despite seeing many similar sites still operating (if you Google "Midjourney API"), I am a very small player compared to them. Should I follow their demands, shut down my site, and transfer my domain to them? At the same time, I’ve noticed a similar website developer making $30k MRR with an almost identical business model, and he is still running.
I know I'll face a lot of criticism from the comments, but I really, really don't want to give up at this stage.
submitted by IssueOverall7738 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:02 jesscubby I’m so ashamed to be back, but glad to be here

I (42f) really thought I beat it this time. I’ve been fighting since I was 12, I’m just so tired. At least the voices were silenced for 4 years, but now I’m worse than ever and just losing hope. I’ve developed sibo and even when I bring myself to eat I have severe pain, if new pain med doesn’t work the dr is going to surgically place a feeding tube. I really might not win this fight.
TW: Relapse
submitted by jesscubby to AnorexiaNervosa [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 05:00 Ok-Board-3896 Help my father about his severe gout pain during night

I believe I had better consult a doc in person but my dad is a pain-in-the-neck who doesn't "believe in" visiting doc for counsel. In the circumstances, I am very worried since he has this severe pain attack especially during late evening that stays all night and he can't sleep. His two feet are swelled. No anagesics working. He has diabetes but he is against taking metaformin for reasons as he describes "they suck a person dry up from inside". He was normal a week ago. Hasn't eaten anything high purin. What to do? He does physical chores all day. He is 54, Indian
submitted by Ok-Board-3896 to gout [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:57 Vegetable_Location52 Let's Talk

So I'm kinda piggy backing off another post that was posted recently, so she knows she's not alone. I'm 16pp, and I only produce 11-15 oz per day, depending on how many PPD I can get in. Usually 4-6 pumps. Baby boy drinks 36oz a day. I'm not an exclusive pumper, but I pump for the majority of feeds, barring the night one and the first thing in the morning one, where I actually have enough milk to give bub due to longer sleep stretches. I went back to work at 5w3dpp out of need to provide for my family, and noticed a severe drop in supply after that.
I know I'm lucky that I can feed my baby over half of his daily needs in BM, and that there are other AMAZING, HARDWORKING mommas out there that can barely give baby a couple of ounces worth of BM per day, but I agree that it can be really discouraging to see all of these mommas who have an over supply, or are "just enoughers" complaining about their supply dipping, or having a small fluctuation. I cluster pump daily, I sit at my pump for the full 30 minutes, every pump, even when nothing has been coming out for 25 minutes, and I find myself crying, because I feel as though my body has failed, this is my third kid, and this is the longest my milk has ever held out, and I'm determined for it to last longer.
Now I don't think there's anything the mods can do, and this is not a shaming post for mommas with oversupply. I want to see more about those of us who have an under supply. I hate that your hurting, as I know the pain, but I'd love it if we weren't hurting alone. Only we can understand our struggle, truly, and it'd be great to hear stories from mommas going through the same thing as me. We need to speak up, set aside our shame, and talk to each other. So we know we are not alone.
submitted by Vegetable_Location52 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:54 sbudline How things change from when you are younger.

Turning 58 soon. Observations as age advances.
  1. Mind still stays like your in your 20s, but the body KNOWS you are older. Things tweak all the time, and you don't know why. Healing takes MUCH longer. Energy levels start tanking. Remember used to take 10 mile bike rides, now it's a pain in the ass DRIVING the same distance.
  2. Things that seemed important in the past, many become unimportant later. Priorities shift. You realize what is TRULY important.
  3. Driving changes. Having a lead foot stopped. What the fuck is the rush? Also, starting to dislike driving at night.
  4. Used to love being around people and going out. Now, much happier being home alone or just w wife. To much noise in the world. The more quiet time, the better.
  5. MUCH prefer music/movies/shows from past rathet than current day.
  6. Constantly comparing prices to years past. With absolute fucked up inflation the last several years, makes it sickening to drop $45 at a diner for burgers and drinks.
  7. Have learned to worry about shit only you can control. Why sweat things you have zero control over?
  8. Actually feel terrible for the younger generations (never had kids), as to how fucked they are with the price of housing, groceries, etc. And how fortunate we are to have what we have now, cause would never be able to afford it in this economic climate.
  9. Give less and less a fuck of what people think of me. Have zero issue speaking my mind when needed. Much less tolerance for people's bullshit.
  10. The older you get, the MUCH faster time and life has flied by. The last 20 years have seemingly gone so much faster than the 20 years before that. Aging REALLY fucks up time perspective. You think say a song came out ten years ago, look and find it came out 20 years ago.
submitted by sbudline to FuckImOld [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:53 Abject-Pomegranate13 Oops, I may not have fully cured my gel polish, itched my head, now it feels funny…

Oops, I may not have fully cured my gel polish, itched my head, now it feels funny…
Brand: Glaze semi-cured nail gel
I realize my mistake now, but here’s what happened: I applied these semi-cured gel nails, cured with my home LED light, and went about my day. I casually itched my head (as one does), and now, several hours later, I’m noticing a really particular itching sensation on the part of my scalp that I itched. I realized that the cut edges of some of my nails were actually still justtt baaaarely tacky, and I think that means they didn’t fully cure 🙈
Have you ever done anything like this? What would you do?
Side note - I’m not in any pain, there’s no redness or anything, but if that does happen I will defer to a medical provider and not Reddit, I promise :)
submitted by Abject-Pomegranate13 to RedditLaqueristas [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:53 intotheblued Unseated Colonoscopy Experience (NHS UK)

wanted to share my experience as a 28 year old, F, on the very thin side, anxious, and autistic.
had to have colonoscopy due to positive fit test and anaemia diagnosis, and 6 months of heavily bloody multi-daily bathroom trips. I was starting to get very concerned about cancer.
I opted for no sedation because I'm extremely anxious about feeling 'out of it' or not in control of my body/brain or feeling dizzy.
The thought of waking up and not knowing what my body went through was also making me squeamish.
I did a lot of research, I watched full, unseated colonoscopy videos on YouTube, this post from this subreddit was also incredible and explains it all better than I could. but here's my detailed experience of each step.
Prep: The prep was not bad at all, I had Citrafleet.
I prepared the mixture and took it at 6pm (the leaflet said 5pm, appointment at 11am) It had a nice lemon taste and was pleasant. after I drunk it, my medication anxiety/dread kicked in, I was like, oh god, what did I just do to my body. (i've never experienced laxatives before) I was expecting it to be like a movie and to immediately poop lol. I did not have a bowel movement for 3-4 hours. then it was just on and off bathroom trips. Funnily enough the only time it bothered me was I had to leave a competitive computer-game mid-match because I suddenly had to go so bad LOL.other than that, didn't feel too different to my normal symptoms honestly.
then I slept at 3-4am, at 3am I started to suddenly feel queasy and shaky and awful, stayed up too late I think, but it passed and I drunk water and went to sleep.
I woke up at 7am for the second packet of prep, it acted faster this time and then I stopped my 2-hours-before water drinking, was totally empty and went to the hospital.
Hospital: I got lucky, I got a very nice NHS hospital. I had a lovely nurse. They started talking about sedation and I said "I've decided to do no sedation" She said "Ah, gas and air. alright" I said nono, no sedation at all. She was a bit like "ermmm, we'll see about that" haha.
but ultimately everyone was very very respectful of my wishes! they just didn't think I would actually manage.
My heart rate was really high for ages in the waiting/prep room when they took my pulse and honestly I was so stressed they wouldn't do the procedure because my heart rate was high, so I had no time to be worried about what lay ahead because I was so fixated on trying to slow my heart rate. So my advice would be just keep your mind occupied before going in.
I got given huge green shorts, a cozy disposable gown, an iv/canula thing (they assured me it was routine, but I wouldn't get sedation). I had to pee a bunch before and then in the surgery room and had a little blanket put over me.
I had a pillow that was super comfortable and was instructed into the relevant position.
Procedure: The nurses were ALL surprised I wasn't having sedation, they asked if I was really sure I didn't want the gas and air because it can be painful and stopping halfway would be very detrimental.
They said "I know you want to do it without gas and air, some people say say they will and then can't handle it. The nurses also said it's rare someone asks to do it no sedation.
I was mentally preparing myself for the pain of the gas(for inflating the colon). I will say imagining it and feeling it are two very different experiences.
once the camera was in and they inflated with gas. It kept feeling like it was never going to stop inflating. I felt at my bodily physical limit of gas, but it kept inflating, awful awful awful. I can't deny. about 8/10 discomfort, maybe 6-7/10 pain. I had the worst urge to fart that I've ever had in my life. like "If I don't fart I'm going to explode from the inside" levels of bad, which was a slightly panic inducing feeling. The nurses said to pass gas if I needed to, but I couldn't fart. Either because of the position I was in (on side, knees up to chest), the obstruction from the camera, the fear, or because I felt like if I tensed, I'd pop like a balloon.
so "if i dont fart i'll explode & die, if i tense to fart i'll explode & die" was basically my experience with the gas.
Next they said "You might feel a period cramp" and I did. BOY DID I.
I said: "Oh yeah, just like a bad period cramp" And she said "Yeah we can't really help the boys by telling them that" and I somehow managed a "haha"
I think they said "We're going to do some water" but I didn't feel that.
It just felt like just trying to survive and get through it, I was just breathing, I knew I could survive it once I knew the pain I was dealing with. It just stayed consistently awful and painful and terrible. with occasional very bad cramps and awful sensations in 40-50 second bouts in various places in the middle section of my body.
There was so much different noise too from the machine.
The sensations ranged from: Intense gas cramps, horribly inflated feeling, a sucking on my intestines feeling, stomach caving in feeling, terrible period pain, terrible stomach pain, and rippling sensations.
I could barely look at the camera screen because I was just so focused on getting through it. frankly I didn't care LOL. I think I glanced once I just couldn't handle looking on top of what was happening to me. side note: I'm now put off giving birth if its anything like this hahaha.
I fluctuated between tensing from the discomfort and trying to relax. sometimes the discomfort was so freaky and bad my body tensed just to deal with it. If you've ever had a dream where a zombie was eating your stomach guts alive, it was reminiscent of that.
side note: I'm like a cat when I'm in pain, I don't like to show it, and I didn't want the sedation. So I was so badly trying to play it cool.
The literal best way I can describe all of this, it was like the worst food poisoning of your life, the worst trapped wind of your life, and the worst period cramp of your life, all at once, x2 or x3.
A few times my stomach rippled really unpleasantly and I keep remembering that sensation and cringing today
I can also liken some of the feelings to someone sticking a henry hoover into my ovaries.
It wasn't anything I haven't 'naturally' felt in my body before, if that makes sense, they were "familiar" sensations, just not to that degree. I didn't expect it to be such a worse variation of familiar pains.
I also didn't expect to feel all of this SO HIGH UP IN MY BODY?! like the majority of it was felt above and around my belly button.
I don't understand how people say they knew what part of the colon they were in, I couldn't. but they did point when we were about halfway and I was relieved.
For the last part, turn or bend, I think it took 3 attempts, the nurse had to push onto my tummy to flatten something out, honestly, that made me feel so much better, the pressure was really relieving. and I swear to you, it poked my rib when it went through! it felt like it anyway.
There was no pain after that. I knew it wouldn't hurt going out, so my relief was immeasurable, I knew I'd done it.
the only feeling then was just "aughuhguhguh my insides" feeling, and slight gas bloating still. I just focused on my breathing.
They said "We're going to take the biopsies now." I didn't feel that (thank goodness) but I was mega-cringing at the idea. for some reason I felt hot and slight burning in my insides mostly towards the entrance. I'm not sure how they took the biopsies but I heard a tiny drill type sound, and it freaked me out lol. i imagined them frying it off with a tiny saw.
they took, either 6 or 12 biopsies, I'm not sure. it was a strip biopsy, on my report card it has 6 things and says "x2" for each one, so idk.
When the camera went out I asked "is it over?" I didn't really feel the camera go out and was in disbelief because it was quicker than I anticipated and I couldn't believe that I had done it and was feeling proud of myself, and they were all hyping me up so much, telling me I should be crowned as queen and that the nurse could never do what I did. I felt so on top of the world. I couldn't stop smiling with relief.
The nurse called me brave and I said I was only brave because I was so scared of the sedation. Everyone is brave in different ways! You're not any less brave than me if you opt for sedation or Entonox. :)
Genuinely the entire thing felt 10 minutes long, it was like they did a speed-run of my guts, and it FELT like that too lol. just absolutely crashing around the entire mario kart racetrack that was my bowel. I'm just kidding, the doctor was great, it's a baffling procedure and I admire any doctor that does it.
I'd be so curious how long it actually was.. I was mentally prepared for 44 minutes, but idk. I don't want to get your hopes up that it will be short. maybe the shorter, the more painful?
I walked to the bus stop with my mum, I was kind of in disbelief that I did that.
I would do it again if I had to, un-sedated. It was worth it for me to avoid three types of sensations that make me panic (dizziness, sluggish or forgetful)
I'm also really happy that I was able to be there and experience what was happening to my body, personally, I feel like if I was sedated I would always be wondering what my body went through without me being present.
I liked being able to breathe, and follow any instructions.
I've spent the entirety of the following day cringing in reflection of what happened, feeling achy, and being embarrassed for doing it un-sedated (for some reason I feel like everyone thinks i'm crazy).
I hope this helps... someone.
My options of sedation were Entonox or Midazolam and Fentanyl through IV. Lots of people said those things made them so relaxed and the best relaxation they've ever felt. It made me remember the Lavender Liquid dispensed from SCP-294q-01, where they drank the perfect drink and afterwards said "I'm sorry, but at this point everything is just one big let-down"
My brain is immensely neurotic and always in 'go' mode, I was worried if I felt relaxation like that, I'd probably start chasing different drugs to recreate it lol.
submitted by intotheblued to colonoscopy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:52 Tatt30 “Rant”

I truly wouldn’t wish this on my own worst enemy and I don’t even have any enemies. My child is going to graduate HS next month and I can’t even bear to go, because I know my oder is going to be a distraction.(and that’s not including the immense anxiety I developed with this) I just know I’m breaking his heart and it’s breaking mines in return. I had to quit my job, because I literally had to hype myself up to get on public transportation. Then wasted money on cabs home. I’m in debt and on the verge of eviction, because I can’t get a wfh job to save my life even though I’m qualified. I’ve tried sports betting and I’m embarrassed to say how much money I’ve lost doing that.
My BB story is different than others on here. My situation did not start until about six years ago.I started getting extreme heartburn, and would vomit everyday after every meal no matter what I ate. I was in and out of different doctor’s offices everyday. After about four months I was diagnosed with H pylori and gerd, around this time I also found out I had an immuneefficiency disorder(which made sense because I’m always sick, even as a child) I was prescribed AMX, MET, multivitamins and iron to help with the immunity. The meds honestly did not feel like they were working. About two months after that I lost my mother(who had no life insurance, plz y’all get life insurance) abruptly and had to take on the responsibility of raising my little sister on top of being a single father to my own child. All of that put me in a downward spiral of anxiety and depression, so I turned to weed to help numb some of my pain. I then lost my job four months before the pandemic started. Thank goodness I had some money saved and unemployment was approved. A year later I found a job and stopped smoking, but I started to hear whispers around the office about me having bb 5 months in, I assumed it was because I still was experiencing GERD. At this point chewing a piece of gum every few hours was saving me. Three months after that I contracted three bacterial infections(from tacobell) and was on three different antibiotics to help cure that. I lost that job because I literally could not move out of bathroom. A few months later I was able to get another job at the start of the following year, but was already extremely paranoid about my bb. After nine months there I was finally told my breath does in fact smell from here to there, but not all the time. I took a short leave of absence to try and resolve the issue. I completely changed my diet to vegan and started taking apple cider gummies, also come to find out I’m allergic to something in the multivitamins. After my month was up I completely lost confidence in myself, because I knew I still had bb. I truly tried my best to work through it because I had mouths to feed. On New Year’s day 2023 I became sick with Covid for the first time. That’s when everything changed. My bb became room filling to the point where I could hear ppl coughing and sneezing, and see them covering their noses, because of this horrid smell emitting from my body. I was able to take another loa, because my boss over heard me tell my sister I was going to kms. I went to a IG and had an upper endoscopy done. “Everything was fine” and he could not smell anything. I want to a dentist(Dr. Fox) that claimed he specialized in bad breath disorders and could cure me after paying $3500 it failed. So here we are now a year later trying hundreds of different probiotics, anti fungal, toothpaste, mouthwashes, tongue scrapers. Just scraping by, broke, jobless and almost homeless. What a life!
submitted by Tatt30 to badbreath [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:50 Dangerous-Bell2634 Bruising around scratch/cut

Hi, 17F was at a concert with friends last night that got severely out of hand, i was in the pit and me along w my friends got lifted over the barricade by security to leave, while this happened i was scratched pretty severely (intentionally) on my calf, most likely either by fingernails or a key of some sort, it was dripping blood everywhere when i was getting out to the lobby and it was cleaned up by a security guard there, it isn’t a very deep cut but there’s definitely flesh that’s been taken out, today when i woke up it was severely bruised all over the surrounding area and the cut itself is blue instead of red in spots, its painful and still bleeding too, i’m concerned because i have no idea what exactly i was cut with what kind of bacteria could be in there so i wanted to know if it’s something that should get looked at professionally
submitted by Dangerous-Bell2634 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:49 Putrid_Cod_5458 AITAH for telling my husband it's obedient school or divorce?

My husband really wanted a dog, and I could tell it's something he needed in his life. I am not the biggest fan, due to how much work they take, but agreed he could get one as long as he cleaned up after it and trained it. I communicated that I don't have the energy, time, or patience. We ended up getting two, so that they had a friend and playmate. Before getting them, I reminded him of his agreement on training and cleaning up after them.
It has been over four months, and I still dread coming home from work every night because they jump all over me. They are still just puppies, but are already 60-70lbs each. I can't get a good night's sleep because they chew the walls at night. I can't have company because they just yip and bark the whole time. On top of that, the house is always completely filthy. I clean and clean, and they just drag more mud and dirt in. We can't have any mats down to prevent that, because one of them pees on them if we do. They know "sit" (because my cat showed them when my husband kept trying to teach them), but only do it when they feel like it. Even the vet suggested puppy school due to their lack of socialization.
I have to remind him to clean up the poo in the yard so I can mow the lawn each week. He always manages to miss half the piles, and I am sick of not being able to have the windows open without the house smelling like duke. I am sick of being jumped on and knocked around. I am sick of my house being tore up and a mess. I am sick of him being laid off and sitting in his office with the door closed playing video games instead of spending time with the animals he just HAD to have.
I am the one who got them their toys and like to use the little time I have to play with them since they are ignored half the day. I'm trying to work with them a little myself, but I have a full time job, spend a couple hours a day studying, and am tending several acres of property while growing our food. I had a couple surgeries recently and am chronically in pain and completely exhausted. He knows all this, and said he would take them to obedient school, but keeps making excuses now. I completely hate my life and don't want to be here. It's not even just about the dogs. I know they want to be good, they are nice pups. It's more about responsibility and upholding agreements. I have told him how much I am struggling and that he needs to just handle this one thing that he said he'd do, but he won't do it.
So am I the asshole for telling he he either needs to take them to school or I am leaving?
submitted by Putrid_Cod_5458 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:48 Smilesalot4114 Extreme symptoms after 4 days of BC pill, can anyone help me?

Hey all. Hoping the best & brightest that I know are here might be able to point me in the right direction of what's happening to me 🙏😭 I'm at my absolute wits end tonight mentally & just hoping to hear from anyone with suggestions on specialists or what factors might be at play.
More details below & about my LC in my post history (https://www.reddit.com/LongHaulersRecovery/s/e0qhGhz9vK) but started combo Birth Control (nylia) on 5/10 for an IVF cycle, last dose 5/14 & had extreme reaction.
About Me 36/F 5'5" 208lbs, PCOS, psoriasis, hypothyroid, reflux, Gastroparesis, dry eye, infertility and IDWA. On Nexium, synthroid, prenatal, CoQ10, D3, B12, omega 3s, and miralax 2x/day.
2021 infection after 3x moderna, tinnitus, pots, exertion intolerance, post viral Gastroparesis, dry eye, brain fog. 4 months post infection had GB removed, helped symptoms a lot. 2022 and 2023 boosters went totally fine, no issues. Modified diet, worked w/post covid clinic & by 2023 besides tinnitus & GP, felt great and was cleared by every specialist at age 35 to try for a baby.
2023 Conceived and lost 3 pregnacies in a row. First in Sept at 10w miscarriage, then had COVID 3 weeks later - took paxlovid and it helped tremendously, didn't feel like any symptoms worsened. Next was a chemical at 5 weeks Dec, and 3rd was at 8 weeks blighted ovum in Feb. D&c surgeries for 1 & 3. By the 2nd pregnancy I was severely iron deficient from my limited GP diet & pregnacy (ferritin 4, iron sat 21%, iron 30, abnormal mch/MCV) and I feel that contributed to the 2 later losses, first was random genetic. IV iron Infusions necessary bc didn't tolerate oral with GP, did 4 and just finished 4/30 - getting updated iron bloods Monday.
Now Stopped BC 4 days ago when it became unbearable & went to PCP, they're baffled as the extreme leg and vein stuff doesn't fit bc side effects. Sent me & no DVT on duplex US, told stop BC, wear compression socks, take magnesium, elevate, watch BP. I wake up at night with knee and below feeling hot, woke up shaking one night. BP and RhR 5 days out have started to stabilize 🙏 but even now I still experience side of neck tightening, yesterday and today had major sharp headaches when I never get headaches and one eye blurry - it went to my teeth and then my left eye felt a bit of pressure and now is slightly blurry despite my eye drops.
I'm suspecting CVI about the veins, and I was really just hoping that the worsened tinnitus, headache and temp issues are hormone related but a few hours is 6 days from stopping pills. I can't believe 4 fucking pills did this all to me.
Any help or suggestions of what to look into. extremely appreciated. 🙏
submitted by Smilesalot4114 to covidlonghaulers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:47 Koojoegoodie Seeking Advice and Information on Managing Gastrointestinal Enterocutaneous Fistula

Hello everyone,
I'm reaching out to this community for advice and information regarding my wife's ongoing medical condition. I hope I can explain this correctly – my wife has a gastrointestinal enterocutaneous fistula.
Here's a bit of background: In December 2023, my wife underwent surgery to correct a long-overdue hernia. During the procedure, the surgeon discovered part of her colon had died, necessitating its removal. An ostomy was installed, and she was fitted with a wound vac to aid in healing.
After her initial hospital stay, she was discharged with instructions to visit the wound care center twice a week. On our first visit, the nurses (at the wound care center) noticed a fistula forming and sent us back to the ER. We were re-admitted, and she stayed in the hospital for about 70 days. During that time, the wound care team found an appliance (Coloplast ref 14050) to manage the GI fluid from the fistula, which had formed a pseudo stoma. A J-Tube was placed through the fistula for feeding.
Additionally, it's worth noting that my wife had gastric bypass surgery between 15 to 20 years ago. The doctor informed us that this previous surgery has also contributed to the current issues with her stomach.
Several concerns have arisen since she was discharged:
  1. **Diet and Healing**: The surgeon mentioned the fistula wouldn’t heal on its own and would require surgery after a year due to inflammation. She was advised to resume a regular diet, but is this typical advice?
  2. **GI Fluid and Output**: There is a lot of bile coming from the fistula, and the ileostomy output is white and watery. Is this normal?
  3. **Pain Management**: My wife is in constant pain but was not prescribed any pain medication. Should she have been given pain relief?
  4. **J-Tube Issues**: The J-Tube frequently clogs, necessitating hospital visits to unclog it. Is this a common issue? Also, the bumper on the J-Tube, which prevents it from slipping into the fistula, was trimmed by the wound care nurses, causing jagged edges that have seemingly worsened the fistula. Any advice on managing this would be appreciated.
  5. **Energy and Infusions**: She has very low energy, is bedridden most of the time, and requires twice-weekly infusions and salt pills. Is there anything we can do to improve her energy levels and overall well-being?
  6. **Cost and Supplies**: The Coloplast ref 14050 pouches are quite expensive ($800-$1200 per box). Does anyone know where we might find them cheaper? Additionally, any tips on managing the other necessary supplies (barrier rings, paste, powder, etc.)?
It currently takes my daughters and me 2-4 hours to install the ostomy bag and the fistula pouch each time. Any advice on making this process more efficient would be greatly appreciated.
We are seeking any guidance, tips, or experiences that could help us manage this condition better and improve my wife's quality of life until she can have the corrective surgery.
submitted by Koojoegoodie to ostomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:46 Crazy_Firefighter24 For my wife

I am the one with the Reddit account and saw this group. This is our first kid and my wife is 8+2 she is now taking Zofran for Nausea she eats a decent amount of Fiber and drinks Gatorade when she can. She’s now started taking some OTC stool softener today but she is still feeling backed up and gas pain. Anyone got suggestions to help or relief that worked. Very appreciative thank you.
submitted by Crazy_Firefighter24 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:46 Realistic-Sir7878 Is this a vet emergency?!

Hi everyone, I have a male ferret (4) who I believe ate something he wasn’t supposed too. I suspect he got into my moms trail nuts. We’re super good at not leaving food around but of course the one time she accidentally forgot…
He’s vomiting up what looks like his food or a brown mushy looking thing. It’s not constantly but it’s happening every now and then. He’s not moving around a lot and just wants to sleep. He’s drinking water and trying to eat his food without moving too much. He just looks lethargic and it makes me so sad.
He was fine before hand until the trail nuts.
Im getting scared and nervous that he’s in pain or it’s getting worse. Unfortunately the vet I go too isn’t open Sunday’s. Would this be a vet emergency?
submitted by Realistic-Sir7878 to ferret [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:45 CollarVivid1722 Can someone reassure me that everything is going to be okay?

Recently broken up with, 31. I want marriage and kids. I'm in so much pain from the breakup, need to heal, need to date, need to find the right guy, need to stay together several years, and have kids. And I need to do all of that pretty soon, or else I will run out of time. I'm worried I won't find love again and that I will lose out on my chance of becoming a mother.
submitted by CollarVivid1722 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:40 EverStars Lost my soul cat in an extremely traumatic way. (CHF)

As the title states, she was so much more than a pet to me. She was my soul cat and her death has absolutely wrecked me. She was diagnosed with CHF last October and we’ve spent the last 6 months fighting it. Shes had a couple scares, namely a pretty severe sudden pleural effusion episode that left her hospitalized after a vet visit that freaked her out. But when she’s at home, you wouldn’t know she was sick. I know cats hide illness very well, but from my eyes, she was doing very well on her meds.
She was scheduled for a routine recheck with an echocardiogram, and she was given sedatives since her last experience went south. She took them well and seemed very relaxed and out of it in the car ride there. The vet tech took her upstairs while I spoke to another tech about how she’s been since her last visit. Then within minutes, the first tech comes sprinting back down the stairs telling me she’s being rushed to the emergency department next door. I follow her in a fog and get briefed rather quickly that she suffered a severe plural effusion almost as soon as she was taken from the carrier. I went back and forth with her specialist for 20 minutes before I was called back by the emergency cardiologist, telling me that she wasn’t looking good.
What I saw is hard to put into words. My baby was lying in an oxygen chamber, completely unable to lift her head, chest heaving with breath she couldn’t catch, eyes wide and utterly terrified. Without getting into too many details, it was decided that the most humane thing to do was to put her down right there in the bright emergency room after I was only able to hold her for a few seconds (I didn’t want her to suffer without the oxygen). She died in fear and pain, and I cannot forgive myself for that.
She deserved so much better than that. I’d planned for so much better than that. What I’m struggling with is my own naivety. I was told she would likely only get 6 months, but she seemed to be doing well so I went into complete denial. I also have a young toddler so distraction is at an all time high. I thought she would be the one to beat the odds. Looking back I can see how thin she’d gotten despite eating well, how I should have been checking her breath count more often, especially before I handed her off to the vet. If I had, maybe she could have passed peacefully in my arms, instead of gasping and drowning in her own fluid. Maybe I would have seen that she was stressed and not just loopy from the sedative as I thought. Maybe I should have demanded they let me take her to a private room with an oxygen tank in tow so she could have at least passed with me holding her instead of lying in a bright and scary place with me over her. Just so many what if’s that I fear will never leave me.
Her life was beautiful, she lived a happy 13 years, but the ending was so terrible that I can’t help but imagine what she must have thought in her final moments. The betrayal she must have felt for me being the one to bring her there.
I don’t know what to do with these thoughts and this pain. I want out of my own mind.
submitted by EverStars to Petloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:39 Double_Ad_5046 Please help. Desperate.

Please help: bladder pain/reoccurring UTI
Posted with my partners consent and enthusiasm for potential answers. Also created a new account to post this for privacy concerns. So my 32m girl friend 27f and I have been together for almost a year now. She has been struggling the last 10 months with repeating bladder pain, interstitial cystitis, yeast infections, and overall discomfort with her intimate areas. I Feel this is at this time we became intimate, but she denies it is because of me. So much so that she has made multiple emergency room visits (she’s a tough little lady) and countless appointments with urologists and main practitioner from pain. Her health is a major issue for herself, but it also pains me physically and emotionally to see her in so much discomfort, pain, and exhaustion from endless disappointing results. I am just a regular working guy so I really have no clue what to do other than to turn to others who are helpful, knowledgeable, and caring. Once again I’m listing these conditions and medications with consent and help from my partner. Per my partner after asking for complete symptoms. “The bladder problems started after I got the second UTI where I ended up in the hospital in August. This was also when I started getting yeast infections. The bladder problems became severe after they put me on Flagyl for Bacterial Vaginosis at the end of January. I stopped taking the birth control around the 12th of last month. I’m having pelvic discomfort, nausea, headaches, bladder spasms, recurring yeast infections, vaginal dermatitis (I think from the yeast infections), and bladder discomfort. I’m taking Wellbutrin, Buspar, and I started taking Urogesic Blue to help with the bladder pain, but I think it might be causing the nausea and headaches. I’m also on nitrofurantoin for the next five days for the UTI. I take quite a few supplements: fish oil, cranberry, Vitamin D, Folic acid, and probiotics” We have both noticed that each time she has an issue the determined prescription is antibiotics, but the antibiotics always cause yeast infections and bladder pain. We have both been checked for std and Sti near the beginning of our relationship when we both knew we were forever, and wanted to become intimate. So that is out of the question. We switched to wearing condoms when her discomforts started to arise and become consistent. I began to genuinely believe it was me causing the issues, and I still do. We have resorted to wearing sterile gloves when we want to become intimate with my hands during foreplay. I used to really love doing oral on her and have restrained myself for fear of injuring her long term with mouth bacteria(I don’t know, just trying here). She also cleans after each time we are passionate with each other. I love this woman with my entire heart and soul. I will marry this woman. I will care for her always. I want her to be healthy, happy, and not stressing over if she is going to have another episode. Please help with anything you can. She will take all things to her doctor for testing or insight. If you have made it this far, from the both of us, thank you.
submitted by Double_Ad_5046 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:36 EyeHaveAbung Mercur Cemetery the most active place I’ve ever visited.

Mercur Cemetery the most active place I’ve ever visited.
We did an investigation last night and we are going back to finish tonight.. Something followed me home and I have weird neck pains and sever headaches now. My stereo was on full blast when I got home. Here is the footage.
submitted by EyeHaveAbung to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:34 Koojoegoodie Seeking Advice and Information on Managing Gastrointestinal Enterocutaneous Fistula

Hello everyone,
I'm reaching out to this community for advice and information regarding my wife's ongoing medical condition. I hope I can explain this correctly – my wife has a gastrointestinal enterocutaneous fistula.
Here's a bit of background: In December 2023, my wife underwent surgery to correct a long-overdue hernia. During the procedure, the surgeon discovered part of her colon had died, necessitating its removal. An ostomy was installed, and she was fitted with a wound vac to aid in healing.
After her initial hospital stay, she was discharged with instructions to visit the wound care center twice a week. On our first visit, the nurses (at the wound care center) noticed a fistula forming and sent us back to the ER. We were re-admitted, and she stayed in the hospital for about 70 days. During that time, the wound care team found an appliance (Coloplast ref 14050) to manage the GI fluid from the fistula, which had formed a pseudo stoma. A J-Tube was placed through the fistula for feeding.
Additionally, it's worth noting that my wife had gastric bypass surgery between 15 to 20 years ago. The doctor informed us that this previous surgery has also contributed to the current issues with her stomach.
Several concerns have arisen since she was discharged:
  1. **Diet and Healing**: The surgeon mentioned the fistula wouldn’t heal on its own and would require surgery after a year due to inflammation. She was advised to resume a regular diet, but is this typical advice?
  2. **GI Fluid and Output**: There is a lot of bile coming from the fistula, and the ileostomy output is white and watery. Is this normal?
  3. **Pain Management**: My wife is in constant pain but was not prescribed any pain medication. Should she have been given pain relief?
  4. **J-Tube Issues**: The J-Tube frequently clogs, necessitating hospital visits to unclog it. Is this a common issue? Also, the bumper on the J-Tube, which prevents it from slipping into the fistula, was trimmed by the wound care nurses, causing jagged edges that have seemingly worsened the fistula. Any advice on managing this would be appreciated.
  5. **Energy and Infusions**: She has very low energy, is bedridden most of the time, and requires twice-weekly infusions and salt pills. Is there anything we can do to improve her energy levels and overall well-being?
  6. **Cost and Supplies**: The Coloplast ref 14050 pouches are quite expensive ($800-$1200 per box). Does anyone know where we might find them cheaper? Additionally, any tips on managing the other necessary supplies (barrier rings, paste, powder, etc.)?
It currently takes my daughters and me 2-4 hours to install the ostomy bag and the fistula pouch each time. Any advice on making this process more efficient would be greatly appreciated.
We are seeking any guidance, tips, or experiences that could help us manage this condition better and improve my wife's quality of life until she can have the corrective surgery.
submitted by Koojoegoodie to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:31 Koojoegoodie Seeking Advice and Information on Managing Gastrointestinal Enterocutaneous Fistula

Hello everyone,
I'm reaching out to this community for advice and information regarding my wife's ongoing medical condition. I hope I can explain this correctly – my wife has a gastrointestinal enterocutaneous fistula.
Here's a bit of background: In December 2023, my wife underwent surgery to correct a long-overdue hernia. During the procedure, the surgeon discovered part of her colon had died, necessitating its removal. An ostomy was installed, and she was fitted with a wound vac to aid in healing.
After her initial hospital stay, she was discharged with instructions to visit the wound care center twice a week. On our first visit, the nurses (at the wound care center) noticed a fistula forming and sent us back to the ER. We were re-admitted, and she stayed in the hospital for about 70 days. During that time, the wound care team found an appliance (Coloplast ref 14050) to manage the GI fluid from the fistula, which had formed a pseudo stoma. A J-Tube was placed through the fistula for feeding.
Additionally, it's worth noting that my wife had gastric bypass surgery between 15 to 20 years ago. The doctor informed us that this previous surgery has also contributed to the current issues with her stomach.
Several concerns have arisen since she was discharged:
  1. **Diet and Healing**: The surgeon mentioned the fistula wouldn’t heal on its own and would require surgery after a year due to inflammation. She was advised to resume a regular diet, but is this typical advice?
  2. **GI Fluid and Output**: There is a lot of bile coming from the fistula, and the ileostomy output is white and watery. Is this normal?
  3. **Pain Management**: My wife is in constant pain but was not prescribed any pain medication. Should she have been given pain relief?
  4. **J-Tube Issues**: The J-Tube frequently clogs, necessitating hospital visits to unclog it. Is this a common issue? Also, the bumper on the J-Tube, which prevents it from slipping into the fistula, was trimmed by the wound care nurses, causing jagged edges that have seemingly worsened the fistula. Any advice on managing this would be appreciated.
  5. **Energy and Infusions**: She has very low energy, is bedridden most of the time, and requires twice-weekly infusions and salt pills. Is there anything we can do to improve her energy levels and overall well-being?
  6. **Cost and Supplies**: The Coloplast ref 14050 pouches are quite expensive ($800-$1200 per box). Does anyone know where we might find them cheaper? Additionally, any tips on managing the other necessary supplies (barrier rings, paste, powder, etc.)?
It currently takes my daughters and me 2-4 hours to install the ostomy bag and the fistula pouch each time. Any advice on making this process more efficient would be greatly appreciated.
We are seeking any guidance, tips, or experiences that could help us manage this condition better and improve my wife's quality of life until she can have the corrective surgery.
submitted by Koojoegoodie to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 04:31 OddSprinkles4676 7 weeks po update!

hello again, i’m 20 and had a full robotic laparoscopic hysterectomy (kept ovaries) about 7 weeks ago due to endometrial cancer, i have to say recovery for me personally was not bad whatsoever (for some extra info im on the heavy side about 290) the first couple weeks it didn’t really hurt it felt like a tore a muscle in my stomach, i had bowel movements the second i got home (went home same day about 2 hours after surgery) the worst part was honestly peeing after the catheter (it hurts but i promise nothing to be too nervous about) it went away i would say about the 6th time using the bathroom. i also stopped spotting the day of surgery. at my 3 week post op my pelvic exam was great. and for everyone worried about sleeping positions DO NOT WORRY your body will tell you if it doesn’t like it, by day 4 i personally was able to sleep on my side and then able to lay on my stomach by the second week. i heavily suggest a squishmallow it was my favorite thing. gas pains i didn’t really have because i learned my surgeon (i don’t believe it’s the same for every surgeon this is just my experience) my surgeon drains majority of the gas out, i also took gas x for two days afterwards just to be safe. overall it’s been a very good experience and i would never change the decision i made. i hope everyone who has had a surgery is doing well and i hope to everyone who is getting one that it goes wonderfully (if you have any questions please feel free to ask)
submitted by OddSprinkles4676 to hysterectomy [link] [comments]
