Pleasure bon bon

Bon Appétit

2018.07.09 22:30 Tibbox Bon Appétit

Subreddit for the Bon Appetit Brand, Bon Appetit Personnel, current and former, News, and Fan Contributions.

2012.02.12 10:11 Bon Jovi Music

A sub to discuss the famous rock band Bon Jovi!

2017.02.24 16:11 NobleGlasss Bon Appetit


2024.05.19 00:10 cuadrantelocal Bon Appétit por Limbonada #playlistcuadrantelocal

Bon Appétit por Limbonada #playlistcuadrantelocal submitted by cuadrantelocal to indiemusica [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:05 Comfortable_Sir7165 Qual filme de animação vcs lembram de assistir no Telecine Fun na época dos anos 2010?

Tem vários filmes que passavam no canal como Shrek, A Era do Gelo, Madagascar, Meu Malvado Favorito, Detona Ralph (eu assistia esse filme várias vezes no Megapix em 2016 a 2017), O Mundo dos Pequeninos da Studio Ghibli (que estreava em março de 2013 no canal), Megamente, Shrek Para Sempre, Como Treinar o Seu Dragão, e tantos filmes naquela época.
Saudades com os bons tempos com a Telecine Fun antigamente.
submitted by Comfortable_Sir7165 to conversas [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:58 Placide_tonitrus Como vocês se sentem ao errar uma receita culinária?

Estou super chateado por ter errado duas receitas hoje, um bolo de arroz que não ficou tão fofo como deveria, e 49 bolachinhas todas personalizadas e de mesmo peso que se tornaram dois bolos tão duros como pé-de-moleque kkkkkkkk
No momento estou pensativo, o que errei? Será que não sou tão bom quanto elogiam? Tô totalmente lamentoso.
Como vocês lidam ao errar uma receita, principalmente quando são considerados "bons de panela"?
submitted by Placide_tonitrus to conversas [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:48 Yahoo_gank_team Thần Thánh Của Những Nguyện Cầu
submitted by Yahoo_gank_team to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:47 Arkvoodle42 What's Your Song?

What's Your Song? submitted by Arkvoodle42 to 80s [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:41 boxesintheattic Victoriaville, Arthabaska et Centre-du-Québec

Bon, en plus du festival de cocktail, ce weekend c’est aussi le 40e anniversaire du FIMAV, le grand rendez-vous kéb des mélomanes des musiques actuelles.
Avez-vous des coups de coeuincoutournables bouffe + boisson pour la ville de Victo, la MRC d’Arthabaska ou encore le Centre-du-Québec à partager pour faire du musi-agro-tourisme?
Basés sur des visites, recheches ou dégustations précédentes, mes incontournables sont: - Le Café Lewis (Victo) - L’Hermite (Victo) - Jackalhop (Plessisville) - La Grange Pardue (Ham Nord) - Fromagerie du presbytère (Saint-Élizabeth-de-Warwick) - Le Roy Jucep (Drummondville) - Aubier (Drummondville) - Très-Précieux-Sang (Bécancour, pas certain que ça se visite) - Le Rachel (Drummondville, Rip)
Est-ce qui semble manquer quelque chose pour un épicurien, genre un nouveau resto à Drummond qui remplace Le Rachel?
submitted by boxesintheattic to MTLFoodLovers [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:37 dpforest ULPT request: noises to play from backpack as I wander through a privileged white rave in the woods?

So yeah I’m at Trail Days in Damascus, Virginia (US) and we had a blast last night. Me and my mom? I’m 34 and she’s 58 so go ahead and try to make some good jokes about that please thank you. It was her first foggy fuckin fence post forest rave in goddamn Bon Iver Techno Remix shadow forest Virginia and wow what a night.
Anyway, tonight I would like to play random noises from my backpack to try and fuck a short hiker king after I ditch ol Dede. I’ve already got bird noises and creaky stairs. What else would be acceptable? I don’t want to scare anybody per se but I wanna have fun.
Okay thank you.
submitted by dpforest to popheadscirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:37 EndSlicesOfBread Moved to Finland recently: my biggest culture shock so far are the Bon Gelati Ice Cream Cones that don't have a cone around the ice cream. How do you eat these?

Moved to Finland recently: my biggest culture shock so far are the Bon Gelati Ice Cream Cones that don't have a cone around the ice cream. How do you eat these? submitted by EndSlicesOfBread to Finland [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:33 MyraidOak Bon Kurei (Mr. 2) of Baroque Works (OC)

Bon Kurei (Mr. 2) of Baroque Works (OC) submitted by MyraidOak to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:20 dogtrakker Bon Appetit

Bon Appetit submitted by dogtrakker to synthetichorror [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:13 daummmy Completed my favorite set of all time today

Completed my favorite set of all time today
Generations: Radiant Collection (XY era)
submitted by daummmy to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:04 Ok_Signature_3587 Vêtements Japonais, recherche

Salut tout le monde. Je cherche des vêtements japonais de qualité sans prendre des produits de luxe. En cherchant un peu sur internet, j'ai trouvé un bon nombre de sites louches avec des avis, au moins mitigés... Alors si certains parmi vous connaissent des marques de vêtements japonais ou des sites revendeurs, je suis preneur. Merci pour votre temps et bonne soirée !
submitted by Ok_Signature_3587 to japonFR [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:59 crincersgneeth [NS] The Bon Frres!

[NS] The Bon Frres! submitted by crincersgneeth to NotAnotherDnDPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:57 Odd_Staff8266 What is this flavor combo?

What is this flavor combo?
We know the girl loves a cup of sugar. But, s’mores, coconut, and strawberry? 🤢
submitted by Odd_Staff8266 to bashinthebiehles [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:52 lakewood13 This new album will be a game changer for Bon Jovi

2020 was to me kinda a fan album like Burning Bridges (top 10 album though), so This House Is Not For Sale is gonna be my ground zero here.
Limitless was the new Rollercoaster, which is one of my favorite post Richie songs. Living Proof is just as good to me (minus the lack of solo) as It's My Life, HAND, and pretty much is like a super cut version of The Circle, which is among my favorite albums. There's a sense of direction with this song, and so far overall the album. I'm not necessarily excited for Kiss the Bride, but if it's overall as fun as I Got The Girl, then we shall be fine.
Bon Jovi to me is an S tier band, who has been putting out less than S tier music for a while now, post What About Now, although that's like a C tier album. THINFS had its moments where I said "THIS is Bon Jovi" but mostly not.
I think this album, if we get more tracks like Limitless and Living Proof, then I see us getting a solid B tier album, at the very least!
submitted by lakewood13 to BonJovi [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:50 Sleepy_moongirl Funtime souls!

Funtime souls!
  1. All together
  2. Beth
  3. Lana
  4. Ron
  5. Jacob
  6. Lisa
7-14. Random skits/images of the group
submitted by Sleepy_moongirl to GachaFnaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:48 zerotosixty3_5 Spring Branch / Spring Valley Storm Damage

Spring Branch / Spring Valley Storm Damage submitted by zerotosixty3_5 to houston [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:46 djwcm Global Beats Party: The Ultimate Mixtape From Pop Icons to Reggaeton Hits

Global Beats Party: The Ultimate Mixtape From Pop Icons to Reggaeton Hits
🎉 Drop everything and tune in! ‘Timeless Beats Fusion: From Bon Jovi to AJR Ultimate Party Mix 2024’ is out now! 🔥 Hit play and take a musical journey from the classics to today’s hits. 🎶 Watch here: #TimelessBeats #PartyMix2024
submitted by djwcm to YouTubePromoter [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:41 Belsambar59 List of Resources to Learn French: content consumed by a native

Bonjour tout le monde, I’m a French guy who likes learning foreign languages. And I thought it could be useful to share what French content I like, so that you could use it to learn the language :)
(Note : some of the shows are originally on twitch, but only available on demand if you subscribe ; while accessible for free on youtube).
[Comedy sketch]
(Here are some of the best french comedians, generally with full/part of shows on youtube)
TV Shows
*Access* :

Comics (BD)

submitted by Belsambar59 to French [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:40 MoopyMorkyfeet Hannyabal! Go Down to Impel Down

Hannyabal! Go Down to Impel Down
Hannyabal rogue deck -
The deck is capable of insane ramp and flooding your board out with combos making character losses less punishing.
The trickiest part of piloting is having good judgement of when to return a character to hand and which one, even pulling back and re-playing higher cost characters like 5c Magellan is a viable play that can keep opponents from playing their top end.
The deck really took off once Blast Breath was added, as it synergizes so well with leader ability. Coupled with Gum Gum Rain youre capable of shrugging off some huge attacks.
The Jailer Beast package became much stronger with the addition of the Minochihuaha, which enables our ramp without missing swings.
Finally the real MVP is 6c Inazuma which gives insane card advantage, making sure we’re drawing into more combos and searchers, as well as our removal.
If you decide to try this leader next off meta night you really wont regret it. Its become a new favorite
submitted by MoopyMorkyfeet to OnePieceTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:24 nicofromthewasteland Bon Jovi Through The Years - Documentary

Bon Jovi Through The Years - Documentary submitted by nicofromthewasteland to BonJovi [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:22 Junior_Wasabi_3833 Decidi fazer tbm :D

Decidi fazer tbm :D
submitted by Junior_Wasabi_3833 to StardewValleyBR [link] [comments]