Allupurinol urine smell

Just moved into a new place and it smells like cat piss

2024.06.02 08:20 Electrical-Common253 Just moved into a new place and it smells like cat piss

So my family and I have been looking for a new place to live(rent). It has taken us months(renting in my area is almost obsolete)so we found a place knowing the last renters had 3 cats. Was told the house was going to be cleaned(it wasn't, or wasnt very well) but we moved in. It's been 12 hours now since we've moved in and I'm sitting in my living room and all I smell is cat urine. How do I get rid of that smell? There is no carpet, it's all linoleum. Looking for any kind of help!
submitted by Electrical-Common253 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:20 Bitter_Panic2873 Urgent need of help with vaginal issues!

I've had vaginal issues since December and can't even go into a walk in doctor until Monday and my real appointment is scheduled for June 20th, please help.
It started out with yeast infection symptoms (itching), then escalated to UTI symptoms (burning/ breaking when peeing), was on and off for months, sometimes more irritable than others but the irritation was still always there. Tried yeast infection medication, the first time it did nothing! Then I had unprotected sex in April and had SEVERE pain and itching inside my vagina and throughout my inner lips, treated myself for a yeast infection, and every symptom went. Until:
Day 3 of my period last month, I decided to skip the sugar pills and go straight to the regular pill. My period ended May 8th, and is still here on the 1st of June. Sometimes the blood is fresh and comes out in clots, the other times I'll find old blood in my underwear. At one point my vagina was so irritated it even felt like I had paper cuts inside.
Now for the past week, my vulva has been smelling like fish! Sometimes I have brown discharge, sometimes it's gray. I got an STI screening (only urine sample) and didn't get a call back with positive results. It's been internally itching and externally burning. I'm betting it's ureaplasma, bacterial vaginosis, or an STI of some sort. Does anyone have any idea what it is and is there anything I can do to ease area until I can get checked?
submitted by Bitter_Panic2873 to VaginalMicrobiome [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:48 Worried-Ship7373 NDA KE KISSE

It was 9.00 a.m. The morning was crisp and the atmosphere businesslike that July, on the platform of the Poona railway station. It had rained all night, and the station building appeared as though it had been washed clean, its exterior cleared of the accumulated cobwebs, soot and dust. Puddles of water had collected in a few places where leaks had sprung up in the roof.
Tea vendors jostled newspaper hawkers, toy sellers elbowed fruit vendors, and all around was a melee of human limbs. Snack-laden trolleys occupied centre stage, thronged by hungry voices clamouring for breakfast. A cacophony of confused voices, punctuated by the rumble of passing trains, assaulted the eardrums. Trains passed through the platforms, spewing out weary passengers even as fresh hordes of people jumped into them, enthusiastic and cheerful. Hours later they would emerge, tired and dishevelled, at their destination. The fetid air, thick with the smell of urine, stale food, cigarettes, perspiration, and dirt, circulated in the freshness of the morning.
Like a giant caterpillar, another train weaved its way on to the track, abutting on platform number one, and disgorged, along with other passengers, a load of about a dozen boys from its entrails – all of them gangly teenagers, about sixteen to seventeen years of age. Their eyes shining with enthusiasm, the stance upright, their restless limbs bursting with energy, these travellers were different. They were not like the tired, perspiring, and dishevelled lot of humanity who flitted around the platform. The youthful energy of the boys flooded the platform, purging the murky atmosphere around it.
I was one of them. I glanced at the motley collection of passengers spread around platform number one. Some of them were walking about, stretching their limbs; some brushing their teeth near the water taps, gargling and spitting loudly. A few were purchasing breakfast from the vendors, and eating them from the plates fashioned out of leaves. The tea stall did brisk business, as did the newspaper hawker. Nervously, I fingered the neatly folded letter lying in my pocket. We would be met at the station, it stated. Looking around, I spotted a kiosk marked ‘Reception Centre’, on one side of the platform, and made my way towards it.
My heart was suffused with pride as I saw the letters ‘NDA’ stamped on the banner above the counter. Smart-looking men uniformed in the three colours of army, air force, and navy, bustled around the stall. They were stationed there to help the newcomers, and direct them to the Academy. Cautiously, I looked around. A couple of other boys, weighed down by their signature black tin trunks, were moving uncertainly towards the counter. At the last count, there were about ten of us walking towards it.
Easy, chap, easy! I admonished my fast-beating heart,and strode decisively to the reception centre. My hands felt clammy with nervousness as I approached the reception committee. What do I tell them? I wondered. The opening line, stupid, think of a good and smart opening line! whispered my inner voice. Hi, I have been selected to join the NDA, I mumbled to myself. Not a good line. Should I begin with a greeting? Something like, Hi, I am Nikhil Dutta! The palms felt clammier. By now, my lungs were full of unexpelled air. I was hyperventilating.
I need not have bothered. The other boys had already lined up before the counter by now. No one paid attention as I joined the lot. A couple of girls passed by, throwing smiles our way, smiles that brightened my day. My nervousness dissipated a bit, and the cloud lifted from my mind. Too preoccupied to grin back at the girls, I smiled timidly at the boy standing next to me. The smirk he returned was equally uncertain, but a silent bond sprung up between the two of us, linking our predicament. More boys emerging from a multitude of trains joined us aftera while.
As soon as about twenty-five of us had gathered at the reception centre, we were led to a bus earmarked for our destination. The baggage, as instructed in the letter, was identical – a black metal trunk with our names painted on it, and a bedding-holder. The other items such as airbags and water bottles, were optional. These were loaded on an army truck. We headed for the National Defence Academy, Khadakvasala, about twenty kilometres away from the railway station..... continued in part 2
submitted by Worried-Ship7373 to DEFENCEtards [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:42 Zye12345 Where to get a very tall (15-20in) steel cat litter box?

Does anyone know where I can get a littler box thats extremely tall (15-20in) and made from steel? My cats pee outside of any litter box that's not 15+ inches; they start from a squatting position but eventually end in an upright position, causing the urine to go over the edge, and they've been doing this since birth (vets said nothings wrong)
Currently, I have a 17 inch plastic one that I constructed from a storage bin, but because its plastic it's starting to yellow and smell. So, I would like to get a stainless steel one. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
submitted by Zye12345 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:32 Careful_Target_6753 Advice for Upcoming Doctor’s Appointment

Are GI doctors are more receptive to the condition than others? I’ve seen many doctors who ignore my symptoms and say nothing is physically wrong with me. The last one told me that they wouldn’t diagnose me with TMAU based off of symptoms and referred me to a geneticist. I finally have an appointment with a geneticist and I want them to take me seriously. I know that I should ask to be tested for TMAU but what other possible conditions could I have? I want to make sure that I am prepared and seen knowledgeable so this doctor cannot dismiss me. It took months for me to get this appointment 😭 I’ve been being misdiagnosed for having BV because I’m a woman. So I was taking antibiotics for years for no reason. But everywhere I go people are complaining about my smell or looking at me like I am the dirtiest person ever. I’m tired of my concerns being made fun of or dismissed by doctors. People have been telling me that I stank since I was in elementary school. My aunt also nicknamed me garbage can at a certain age and I was like wtf. My urine and feces always smell like fish. I also can smell like a pungent fishy odor from my sweat in the mornings. Any advice would be helpful because I am experiencing hardships with jobs and recently got fired because of my odor. I’m only 25 and feel like my odor controls my life atp.
submitted by Careful_Target_6753 to TMAU [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:59 girlthatruns Tonsil stones after all?

I’m about to rant about being sick and not a single doctor having answers.
Maybe 4 years ago I went to Cancun and got a parasite that resulted in me not being able to eat correctly without throwing up or using the restroom immediately after eating. My stool was very sickly (let’s say that, sorry tmi) anyway, I lost maybe 25 pounds but I’m already lean. I had horrible smell in my mouth that I could not figure out for the LIFE of me. I went to 3 stomach doctors and a throat specialist. I had to get a colonoscopy and endoscopy to check if I had stomach cancer or if the parasites completely fkd my stomach/esophagus lining. Nothing!! I sent away my stool, blood, urine, and saliva for independent study at my final breaking point ($600) They couldn’t tell me what was wrong, I had 2 doctors tell me I was crazy and the bad taste and smell was in my head. This was not a faint smell.. I couldn’t eat because of the smell I was losing more weight to the point that my bones were showing.
Fast forward, parasites were all killed, I did clean up my lifestyle and eat healthier and the smell just kinda went away and I was sooooo happy.
Just 2 weeks ago that very familiar smell was back. I coughed up a tonsil stone. I just removed maybe 5 small ones from one side of my throat. HOW HOW HOW did I go 2 years and not one single doctor, or throat specialist…. Tell me… hey maybe you have tonsil stones because your body was under attack and you throw up everyday causing stones
HOW??????? I cried everyday for a year, didn’t go outside or speak to people, depressed. How are professionals so incompetent?
submitted by girlthatruns to tonsilstones [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:28 karma_is_a_cat_232 Help - 94 year old grandmothers duplex ruined by selfish granddaughter - Trigger Warning: Pictures are pretty gross...

Lawyers of Reddit. HELP!!! I am located in Western Pennsylvania, and yes, I have already spoken with a lawyer. Let me break this down quickly for you. I am going to change most identifying information, and change names. Lets call the grandmother Sandy, and the granddaughter Jane.
Around 2 months ago she stopped paying rent and ALL utilities. Sadly the utilities are in Sandy's name, because when Jane moved in, she owed the utility company so much money from her other home, that she wasn't able to put anything in her name, because she didn't want to have to pay her backed bill. So Sandy, wanting to help her granddaughter put it in her name. Fast forward 6 years, she is now stuck with the backed utility bills from the past 3 months, as well as rent that has not been paid because Jane felt that she needed to save the money to purchase a home more.
A quick background on Sandy, she's at her ripe old age and has onset dementia, so she now has her 3 out of 4 children (excluding Jane's dad) as power of attorneys, and they went to see a lawyer and they were advised to let this go, and let her get the new home, and then take her to court and they will place a lean on her new home, and maybe then she will pay the rent and utilities back.
Now this is when we find ourselves at the situation that we are in now. The power of attorneys have decided that it was time to no longer rent the home out, and had Jane and her boyfriend sign a paper, agreeing to vacate the property no later than a specified date. Leading up to this date, the power of attorneys have asked to do a walk through of the duplex. They were met with verbal threats from not only Jane, but her boyfriend as well. Not only were they verbally threatened, but they were provided a letter stating that if they stepped foot in "their" property (they were under the impression that Sandy's home was their property) that they would have their dog attack whom ever it was.
At this point, it was decided that they would wait until she moved out, and request a list of what damages were in the home was going to be sent to Jane, and they were given a simple list of a hole in the carpet, and a hole in the wall, claiming that it was there when they moved in from previous tenants. No other damage was reported.
Now, if you wouldn't mind taking a moment to view the pictures, and trust me when I say there are plenty more where they came from. What we are looking for is advice. Help, anything, something. Can she really get away with this? We are afraid that they are going to try to condemn the home with the amount of black mold that was left behind. The power of attorneys are going to have to hire a hazmat team to come in and clean this mess up. Can she be held responsible for this? How do you take two people that are unemployed to court and expect to get money from them? Does Sandy have any rights at this point or is she just out of luck at this point?
Any advise that you can help us with is greatly appreciated and if you need more information I am happy to provide it.
Hole in the wall leading to upstairs
Torn up carpet leading upstairs
Mold and dog feces/urine all soaked into the carpet
Black mold in the ceiling of the kitchen
Cat feces and mold in basement (cant even go into basement without smelling mold)
submitted by karma_is_a_cat_232 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:35 research-account2424 a little bit of a tmi, idk who to talk about this to

hey guys so i’m 19, F and i’m a virgin. my vagina has been bleeding and i’m unsure why
i had a uti earlier in may and i went to the ER for it cause i didn’t know what it was and i never had one before. they gave me antibiotics for a uti (cephalexin) and something for a yeast infection as well (fluconazole) (even though i was told you can’t check for yeast through urine) so i was a little confused. the bleeding stopped then after a week i had to take a different set of antibiotics (amoxicillin) for a few days for a different thing not vagina related (for a dog bite, i stopped taking them early cause i was having allergic reaction my doctor said) so maybe my gut is messed up?? idk.
at the end of may, i was bleeding again but not like a normal period but more like discharge / old blood. i made an appointment but i was too hesitant to get my vagina checked out by the doctor because i never done that before and i was too shy (i have sexual trauma) so i was very shaky when she mentioned it. so she just gave me a urine test and said there was no signs of UTI and probably just my period (unfortunately my periods are irregular) eventually the bleeding ended for maybe a day, but i’ve been having horrible stomach pains. and i went to wipe and maybe it was because my vagina was dry cause i opened myself up and checked inside to see if i was prolapsed (i have health anxiety and being prolapsed is my worst nightmare, i was constipated twice this month so) i don’t think i was but my vagina was definitely sore and uncomfortable afterwards. it felt like i had to push out to pee, and afterwards when i wiped there was light red/pink streaks of blood (the red looked like sweet and sour sauce but it wasn’t too much) and my vagina started kind of stinging/burning afterwards. everytime i pee i have the urge to pee again and not much pee comes out tbh, i don’t feel fulfilled when i pee lol
im just confused on what i should do, ill feel awkward making another appointment to get myself checked out when i denied it the first time. but im not so sure what it can be. i haven’t been having any discharge, nothing smells out of the ordinary, but i’ve been having lower abdominal pain. i thought it could be a kidney stone but i recently got all that checked out through CT scans and ultrasounds and everything seemed fine. no sign of infection as i was told from my last checkup. it’s super dry down there though.
advice? i’m scared it might be cancer or something. i don’t remember my last HPV shot if that makes anything any better. and cancer runs through my dads side. he has bone cancer and my cousin died of colon cancer.
more TMI: the only “sexual” stuff i’ve done is been eaten out, dry humped, fingered (kinda) and i gave my bf head, (i didn’t swallow anything) but i haven’t done anything in awhile cause i haven’t been feeling good lately nor have i been in the mood.
submitted by research-account2424 to GirlTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:12 gdubb13 New Home/Paint Fumes

I recently moved into a new place and noticed a strong, almost urine-like odor. I've spent days cleaning, thinking it was just a bad cleaning job, but the smell won't go away. When I first toured the place, it was right after the previous tenant had moved out. The landlord was hesitant to show it to me since it hadn't been cleaned, but I insisted. At that time, I didn't notice the terrible smell I'm experiencing now, but I might have overlooked it because I was so excited about the place. It's been a week, and I've cleaned so much that I'm feeling unwell. I'm a healthy 33-year-old who hasn't had a cold in years. I'm wondering if the cleaning has made me sick, or if the smell is actually from paint fumes that I've mistaken for urine or ammonia. I've had the windows open and industrial fans running for the past day to air it out before moving in my belongings. It's been less than 48 hours since I started airing it out, and while it has helped a little, the smell is still there. I live in South Louisiana, so it's challenging to get good airflow even with an industrial fan, but it's my only option. Has anyone else experienced this? What would you suggest I do?
submitted by gdubb13 to Housepainting101 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:10 gdubb13 Paint Fumes/ Ventilation

I recently moved into a new place and noticed a strong, almost urine-like odor. I've spent days cleaning, thinking it was just a bad cleaning job, but the smell won't go away. When I first toured the place, it was right after the previous tenant had moved out. The landlord was hesitant to show it to me since it hadn't been cleaned, but I insisted. At that time, I didn't notice the terrible smell I'm experiencing now, but I might have overlooked it because I was so excited about the place. It's been a week, and I've cleaned so much that I'm feeling unwell. I'm a healthy 35 year old who hasn't had a cold in years. I'm wondering if the cleaning has made me sick, or if the smell is actually from paint fumes that I've mistaken for urine or ammonia. I've had the windows open and industrial fans running for the past day to air it out before moving in my belongings. It's been less than 48 hours since I started airing it out, and while it has helped a little, the smell is still there. I live in South Louisiana, so it's challenging to get good airflow even with an industrial fan, but it's my only option.
Has anyone else experienced this? What would you suggest I do?
submitted by gdubb13 to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:03 gdubb13 New Place/ Paint Fumes

I recently moved into a new place and noticed a strong, almost urine-like odor. I've spent days cleaning, thinking it was just a bad cleaning job, but the smell won't go away. When I first toured the place, it was right after the previous tenant had moved out. The landlord was hesitant to show it to me since it hadn't been cleaned, but I insisted. At that time, I didn't notice the terrible smell I'm experiencing now, but I might have overlooked it because I was so excited about the place. It's been a week, and I've cleaned so much that I'm feeling unwell. I'm a healthy 35-year-old who hasn't had a cold in years. I'm wondering if the cleaning has made me sick, or if the smell is actually from paint fumes that I've mistaken for urine or ammonia. I've had the windows open and industrial fans running for the past day to air it out before moving in my belongings. It's been less than 48 hours since I started airing it out, and while it has helped a little, the smell is still there. I live in South Louisiana, so it's challenging to get good airflow even with an industrial fan, but it's my only option.
Has anyone else experienced this? What would you suggest I do?
submitted by gdubb13 to Housepainting101 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:28 gdubb13 New Place/ Paint Fumes

I recently moved into a new place and noticed a strong, almost urine-like odor. I've spent days cleaning, thinking it was just a bad cleaning job, but the smell won't go away. When I first toured the place, it was right after the previous tenant had moved out. The landlord was hesitant to show it to me since it hadn't been cleaned, but I insisted. At that time, I didn't notice the terrible smell I'm experiencing now, but I might have overlooked it because I was so excited about the place. It's been a week, and I've cleaned so much that I'm feeling unwell. I'm a healthy 35-year-old who hasn't had a cold in years. I'm wondering if the cleaning has made me sick, or if the smell is actually from paint fumes that I've mistaken for urine or ammonia. I've had the windows open and industrial fans running for the past day to air it out before moving in my belongings. It's been less than 48 hours since I started airing it out, and while it has helped a little, the smell is still there. I live in South Louisiana, so it's challenging to get good airflow even with an industrial fan and open windows, but it's my only option. Has anyone else experienced this? What would you suggest I do?
submitted by gdubb13 to ApartmentHacks [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:36 CroissantWhisperer My floor doesn’t stay clean!!

My floor doesn’t stay clean!!
I don’t know how to make my tile floor stay clean. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. These pictures were taken about 5 hours after mopping. I’ve tried mopping with: Water alone Water and bleach Water and vinegar Water and cleaning products (pine sol, fabuloso, etc)
One of my dogs is a 3 month puppy that is peeing everywhere. My trainer recommended to mop with a liquid called Natures Miracle Urine Remover. It smells awful and doesn’t help in the training, nor does it help with keeping the floor clean.
I use the O Cedar dual bucket mop. Today I mopped with a brand new mop head so the issue is not that the mop head is dirty.
submitted by CroissantWhisperer to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 23:02 Bitter_Panic2873 Vaginal issues

I've had vaginal issues since December and can't even go into a walk in doctor until Monday and my real appointment is scheduled for June 20th, please help.
It started out with yeast infection symptoms (itching), then escalated to UTI symptoms (burning/breaking when peeing), was on and off for months, sometimes more irritable than others but the irritation was still always there. Tried yeast infection medication, the first time it did nothing! Then I had unprotected sex in April and had SEVERE pain and itching inside my vagina and throughout my inner lips, treated myself for a yeast infection, and every symptom went. Until:
Day 3 of my period last month, I decided to skip the sugar pills and go straight to the regular pill. My period ended May 8th, and is still here on the 1st of June. Sometimes the blood is fresh and comes out in clots, the other times I'll find old blood in my underwear. At one point my vagina was so irritated it even felt like I had paper cuts inside.
Now for the past week, my vulva has been smelling like fish! Sometimes I have brown discharge, sometimes it's gray. I got an STI screening (only urine sample) and didn't get a call back with positive results. It's been internally itching and externally burning.
I'm betting it's ureaplasma, bacterial vaginosis, or an STI of some sort. Does anyone have any idea what it is and is there anything I can do to ease the area until I can get checked?
submitted by Bitter_Panic2873 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:55 Bitter_Panic2873 Vaginal issues

I've had vaginal issues since December and can't even go into a walk in doctor until Monday and my real appointment is scheduled for June 20th, please help.
It started out with yeast infection symptoms (itching), then escalated to UTI symptoms (burning/breaking when peeing), was on and off for months, sometimes more irritable than others but the irritation was still always there. Tried yeast infection medication, the first time it did nothing! Then I had unprotected sex in April and had SEVERE pain and itching inside my vagina and throughout my inner lips, treated myself for a yeast infection, and every symptom went. Until:
Day 3 of my period last month, I decided to skip the sugar pills and go straight to the regular pill. My period ended May 8th, and is still here on the 1st of June. Sometimes the blood is fresh and comes out in clots, the other times I'll find old blood in my underwear. At one point my vagina was so irritated it even felt like I had paper cuts inside.
Now for the past week, my vulva has been smelling like fish! Sometimes I have brown discharge, sometimes it's gray. I got an STI screening (only urine sample) and didn't get a call back with positive results. It's been internally itching and externally burning.
I'm betting it's ureaplasma, bacterial vaginosis, or an STI of some sort. Does anyone have any idea what it is and is there anything I can do to ease the area until I can get checked?
submitted by Bitter_Panic2873 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:40 PaleLaw2623 Uti symptoms with a negative culture test. i need help!??

So I’m a 16y/o (F) and i have had problems with frequent utis since i was 14, also turning 17 soon. But 40% of the time i don’t actually have a uti and i just have the symptoms, i’ve got told about a year ago that i have a ovarian cyst but I’m not sure if its still there or not. As of right now I’m having symptoms of a uti but negative test for it and i just got checked for any std/sti and still negative, they said i should get a urologist but i need to get a pediatric urologist since I’m a minor and there aren’t any near by and would take months to get one, these are my symptoms: Having to pee frequently but it burns/stings when i pee and after i pee, sometimes i cant pee at all even though i have the urge to as if i had a full bladder, i sometimes have cloudy urine as well and i cant tell if my urine has a off-smell, im itchy down there usually after i pee, but my discharge is yellowish and leaves a slight scent. I also feel uncomfortable after i pee for a while unless i take an AZO, i need help or recommendations?? Please this is so miserable. Idk what to do, im scared its a deeper problem like interstitial cystitis or something.
submitted by PaleLaw2623 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:40 DifficultEmu2417 Apartment neighbor is urinating out of his front door...

Tl;Dr neighbor is urinating in the breezeway and won't stop what can/do I do?
I've been renting here for the past 3 months and ever since I moved in there's been a been a streak down the wall from the second floor and a puddle, I moved in when it was still cold so I I couldn't smell it and just put it off to water runoff or something from the roof. As the temperature gets hotter I started to smell it and really started to take notice and pinned it down to an extremely inconsiderate neighbor. He's been confronted about it since by me and other neighbors and it has been reported but he still continues to do it. It wouldn't be much of an issue as I'm a guy too so whatever but the fact he's doing it in broad daylight while women and kids live here is completely unacceptable not to mention the huge sanitary issue it brings cause who knows what the guy has. What are my rights as a renter as of now because I am completely fed up with it?
submitted by DifficultEmu2417 to Renters [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:07 needhelpmyhealth540 Complex symptoms all over body for more than a year, doctors having trouble finding the cause

Because English is not my native language, I used AI to help organize my thoughts and correct grammar errors.
21, Male, 173cm, 52kg, living in Germany, non-smoker, non-alcoholic, no caffeine, no drug use, onychophagia.
Dear physicians and medical professionals,
I have had complex symptoms all over my body since last year. They improve when I travel and worsen when I spend more time in my apartment. After seeing different doctors here in Germany without success in finding the cause, I decided to post here asking for further help.

Initial Symptoms

The symptoms first appeared in April last year when I was outside and suddenly had heavy clear nasal discharge with blood. I returned home exhausted, cold, and light-headed (oral 35.8°C). During sleep, my breathing became irregular (short, sharp exhalation), followed by tingling in parts of my body, muscle twitching, involuntary movements, sometimes a feeling like incontinence. My testicles sometimes contracted suddenly. It feels like my brain wakes me when I'm about to fall asleep, and I can feel my strong heartbeat (normal/slow tempo). These sleep-related symptoms persist but are less severe.

Subsequent Symptoms

The next morning, I noticed I was out of breath, with very pale skin and dark veins. I felt cold with occasional chills and hot flashes despite normal body temperature. My blood pressure was slightly high.
Routine blood tests, urinalysis, EKG, SpO2, and thyroid tests taken days after showed slight deviations:
Low creatinine and erythrocytes in urine have been known to me since 2020, and an ultrasound scan of my kidneys in 2022 showed only slight enlargement of the right kidney (barely visible). My GP and I don't think these deviations explain my symptoms, so she sent me to other specialists, including a pulmonologist, ENT, and cardiologist. Unfortunately, all we found out was that I was allergic to alder, hazel, and birch. Anti-allergy meds helped the nasal symptoms, but others remained.

Additional Symptoms Over Time

Other Symptoms that only lasted no more than 1 month

Investigations and Observations

In July, I noticed the symptoms worsened the more time I spent at home. Reducing time at home and keeping windows open made symptoms manageable. Lived in friend's house for a week and moving to new city improved symptoms until my luggage arrived. After unpacking, I immediately felt eye pain and dryness, as well as irritation behind my nose and eyes (I sneezed few times). Within 30 minutes, muscle twitching and involuntary movements reappeared. Other symptoms returned within 24 hours. Three boxes contained clothes, desk items, kitchen supplies, and sex toys.
New GP ruled out rheumatic diseases (tested for systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren's syndrome, and rheumatoid factor) and referred me to an allergist. The first allergist/ENT thought the symptoms don't match an allergy since taking anti-allergy meds didn't help, but referred me to a more experienced colleague (allergist/dermatologist) for further examination and I'm currently waiting for an appointment.
In the past three months, the muscle twitching and involuntary movements have gradually worsened. I noticed symptoms improved when I travel.

Attempts to Mitigate Symptoms

Seeking Help

Thank you for reading this far. I understand doctors' work is already stressful and demanding, so I'm extremely grateful for your time in reading my post.
These symptoms make normal life almost impossible. What could be the potential causes of these symptoms? What else can I do? Before the symptoms appeared, I was in good health and working hard to gain weight and maintain exercise.
Videos/photos of my palms and feet:
submitted by needhelpmyhealth540 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:11 pizzaishawt My cat has a UTI (possibly stress related), but there are lots of things changing in her life. How can I help her?

Dear cat lovers,
Already been to a vet for the UTI, just need some advice on how to keep her happy and stress-free during a stressful time.
We've recently (around three months ago) adopted two cats (a five-year-old male and six-year-old female) from the same household. The problem/question is about the girl cat! Shortly after adopting them we had to move unexpectedly (four or five weeks after adoption). The new apartment is in the same building, so the layout and the view from the windows are nearly identical. The noises from outside too (same road, train track, etc). Because of the similarities I thought the change would be minimal and she was doing really well after we adopted her! She came out of hiding after only a couple of hours (both after adoption and the move), started to explore immediately and was playing, eating and drinking on the first day.
However, this week I noticed she was excessively grooming her belly; the entire lower half of her belly and the inside of her uppeinner back paws are almost completely bald. At night she peed in an empty box and during the day she would go to the litter box to only pee a couple of (very strong smelling) drops. Called the vet and had her checked out the same day. The vet could not find anything wrong with her physically that could have caused the UTI (they tested her urine and did a full body exam). She did suggest that we switch her to different food (she is overweight and sterilized) to prevent urinary issues in the future and help her lose some weight. The vet believes the UTI could either be completely random (a very unlikely best case), or caused by her diet (normal adult grain-free kibble) or caused by stress.
The situation at home is pretty chaotic and stressful. We moved all the cat stuff and put that in the place where it was suppposed to go before we let them explore and haven't moved that, but most other things are still changing. There are clothes and coats lying around, boxes still being unpacked, furniture moved, etc. So I can imagine that all of this is a bit too much for her.
I want to give her the best possible living space, routine and diet, but don't want the changes to possibly stress her out even more.
Basically, I need some tips and help with prioritizing what I can change and how quickly without stressing her out even more. I want to start the new diet ASAP, if the current food is a potential health risk. There will be new furniture arriving this week (so some things will need to be moved again), I want to finish unpacking boxes and put some art on the walls (will need to drill holes for that so very noisy, but not a priority). I am willing to switch my plans for unpacking, decorating and switching diets if that helps her! Changing everything within a couple of days seems like too big of a change, but drawing it out over a couple of weeks feels like I'm slowly pulling off a bandaid. How would you do this if you were in this situation?
Thanks in advance for any tips!
Other potentially relevant info (tips on this also welcome!):
My partner and I live together (no kids) and we do get visitors but not very often (they seem to like visitors). It's a two cat household, they aren't super bonded, but definitely tolerate/like each other. They play together (girl cat will clearly communicate when she is done playing and boy cat usually respects the boundaries), eat at the same time (next to each other), sleep very close to each other (nearly touching but never cuddling) and girl cat grooms boy cat (boy cat never grooms girl cat). I feel like he seeks her closeness and attention more than she does his, but it doesn't seem like she minds. There are two litter boxes (cleaned daily), 3 food bowls, 1 water fountain and 3 other water bowls scattered around the house. They have 4 cat beds (one attached to the window for good view and sun, two closed off basket type beds for isolation and one next to the couch), but they seem to prefer the bed, a stack of freshly folded laundry or an empty box. They have a cat tower (with scratching options), a scratching toy and other different toys for individual play. We play with them usually 2/3 times a day until they lose interest (happens pretty fast cause they lazy af). Feed them 3 times a day at the same time and give them some treats randomly throughout the week. Of course they also get lots of cuddles!
submitted by pizzaishawt to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:59 seventubas I have seen a lot of posts about inappropriate elimination lately and I may have a information that can help.

I wrote this to copy and paste for people when they asked but decided to make a post for this as well.
Here is a general write up that I use to help people with these issues. It hasn't been customized to your question specifically, so not everything will apply. I do try to make this as comprehensive as possible, so it is very long but it's all important information that you need to resolve these issues. I update this response as I learn new things, that may help people with this issue. My writing isn't great and I know that. I apologize. Know that I am always reading though this find errors and improve ease of readability. So while it is annoying, know that this is a known issue I am I am actively working on it.
First things to consider
If your cat isn't fixed you don't know if you have an issue and are very unlikely to resolve it until you get them fixed. Their hormones will send a message to their brain to say to urine mark or even fully pee to establish that they live there.
Is this cat declawed? If they are this is a different issue. You need work this out in your vet appointment I will mention in a minute.
Are they a hybrid breed? If so getting them fixed and following the steps below may help the issue but it is unlikely to resolve it. It's one of the added wild traits that get added when you create a hybrid from a wild and domestic cat. It's highly unlikely to resolve completely as you cannot fight instinct. I recommend talking with other people's with Hybrids or the breeder or the animal shelter you got the cat from for more indepth information as I am not super knowledgeable on hybrid cats.
It could be a medical problem.
Rule out a medical cause by going to the vet. If they need to be fixed, fix them. Have the vet give your cat a thorough exam and run tests to confirm or rule out a medical cause. If this cat is declawed have the vet examine the declawed paws. To confirm or rule out a physical issue where is the cat is avoiding the litter box because of sore paws.
Once that cat is fixed and and medical or physical cause is ruled out you can be reasonably sure this is a behavioral problem.
So what do we do?
Negative reinforcement doesnt work with cats (any animal, especially cats) cats would naturally live in colonies of other cats without a hierarchy of authority. Because they lack the concept of authority. Everything with cats needs to be mutually beneficial. Every time you ask something of your cat, know they are wanting to know what's in it for them. They aren't being rude. That's completely appropriate for a cat. If you ask something of them, make it benefit them.
This is a house hold wide problem If you have a home where you have a pet that your refer to a single persons pet. Put a stop to that. It's everyones pet, working together to solve this with the cat and not against the designated "owner" for them to fix it. Everyone needs to do their part.
If you think of cats as a 'low maintenance' pet it's time to reevaluate your thinking. There is no such thing. All pets have needs, When their needs go unaddressed, we run into problems with our pets.
Firstly, let's look at the litter box environment
Make sure you have 1 more litter box then you have cats in your home. Don't put them side by side in 'litter box station' spread then out through your home. Unless you can prove that your cat prefers to pee in one type litter and poop in a different type. If that is that case you need one more litter station then cats in your home.
Scoop your litter daily. This is very important.
Ensure your litter box is NOT hooded, automatic (eg. a litter robot) or tucked away in a DIY litter box cabnaint. We see far more litter box issues popup among cats that use a hooded, automatic litter boxes or in cabnaints. They are not worth it. BUT your simple litter box should be large. Placement is important, you want to place it where they won't feel like there is potential for a blind ambush, remember that yes cats are predators, but they are also prey and while your cat is in one of his most vulnerable positions they find themselves in, the litter box, you need to veiw them as prey. Make sure there nothing your cat may find scary in the room. You maybe need to get down to their level to look for threats. Remember that threats could be sounds, smells, pictures of cats even a hose as it may look like a snake. If you have a collar camera put it to use and see how your cat views the space. Additionally if there is a noticeable temperature change in the room with the litter move it as that could be discouraging your cat
Evaluate the type of type of litter.
Try different types of litter, avoid crystals litter or scented litter cats dont like those. there is a time and place for all other litter types including sand, try them and see if you can establish a preference. Prioritize clumping litters over non clumping litter in your trials. Remove any air fresheners from the room where there is a litter box. It may be best to keep at least one litter box containing your old litter and the second box a new litter. Until you know that your cat will use the new litter and if they like it.
Cats have litter depth preferences, expirment with different depths of litter. To establish their preference.
Remember your cat is doing to a huge favor by using an litter box. So do them a favor and make the experience as pleasant as possible.
Multi Cat Homes
Never assume you only have one cat peeing. As cats will add their pee, when they smell other cat urine as a way of saying I live here too, and to create or maintain group smell. Think of it as graffiti. So in multi cat homes , get all your cats checked by the vet you may think one cat is the problem when they are making graffiti and you have another cat with a medical issue causing them to eliminate inappropriately.
The Phantom Urinator
It's possible, though not highly likely, that your cat isn't the original perpetrator of the urinating... Your cat may be simply making graffiti and it could be that a cat who previously lived in your home (maybe before you even moved in). Was the inappropriate eliminator, and it was not properly clean up. Your cat is just adding their personal signature to the territory.
The Stress Induced Urinator.
If there is a pattern to your cat peeing it could be that they are trying to tell you something. If it's along an outside wall, keep an eye out in that part of the yard. It could be that there is another cat invading your yard . The pee is in this case a stress cats was of saying this is mine, mine, mine and you can't have it. You may have to put up deterrents to get the cats out of your yard. You may need to set up a camera in order to catch the intruder.
The I just missed my litterbox problem.
This cat that goes up to the litterbox but doesn't quite have the best aim and it lands on the floor. probably doesn't like their litterbox set up. Most likely the type of litter or size of litterbox. You need to spend extra attention to your cats litter box set up and make it just right for your cat.
The Work That Needs to be done,
Please note: its to be done by your entire household, as if this is a family pet it's everyone responsibility. It should only all fall on you if you live alone. And even then maybe invite a friend to help you out for some of these steps.
To start you need the following items
a UV black light flash light
Two colours of painters tape,
An enzymatic cleaner designed for cat urine.
Wand toys with many different things to hunt
Log book / calendar (physical or digital)
You will also need the following changes
Switch your cat to be a meal feed cat if you are currently a free feeder.
Spread your cats resources around your home to spread your cats scent, and feeling of belonging.
If you have any forbidden rooms for the cat. (I don't recommend forbidden spaces, but I also don't know your situation) Start letting them in there once a week with supervision to explore it.
Wait for your home to be dark.. close the curtains and blinds to make it darker and use your UV light to hunt for urine hunt through your entire house. If you have rooms that your cat isn't allowed in, check those rooms too as your cat may be a phantom Urinator scenario When you find some cleaning up with the enzymatic cleaner and use one colour of your painters tape. That colour indicates old urine that may not even be from your cat or any of your cats.
Remember you will know if the urine is old under the black light, as the brighter is shines the newer it is.
From here every time you find a new spot clean it up with the cleaner and mark it with the other colour of painters tape to indicate you know for sure this is at least one of your current cats. Over time you will get a lot of data points look for a pattern.
Every time it happens log it in your book with a date and time... The time it happens or the time it was found. But track if it was the time it happened or the time it was found..track every detail of what was going on in your house that day no matter how insignificant it seems.. also track the date of the litter was last cleaned at the time of the incident. Again look for patterns on your notes.
This will tell you a lot and you maybe be able to relate it back to one of the above scenarios.. The cat may also be indicating their preference for the type of litter type they may prefer, by peeing on certain types of objects. Look at everything as a potential clue.
When there is inappropriate elimination , there is a feeling of insecurity in your cat, the way to build confidence and security is the next part of the work.
Start meal feeding- if after 30- 60minutes after the meal was put down the dishes Should be emptied if not you are over feeding reduce portion size. Have frequent meal times I do 3. 3-5 probably best, but 2 works as well, if that's all you can do then great. The more frequently you are feeding the smaller the meals should be.
Prior to feed your cats play with them with wand toys using Jackson Galaxys 'boil and Simmer' method instructions can be found on his YouTube channel..if you have children get them to take turns doing this Kids are great at playing with cats and it's good to get them involved plus it burns up their energy.
For your cat this will help work through their prey drive, regulate their energy spike to time that work for your home and build your cats confidence as well improve their relationship with the territory.
submitted by seventubas to cats [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:47 FeyGreen Neutered boy smells

Neutered boy smells
Hi everyone, meet Otto. Otto was a year old in April. In early March at 11 months old he was neutered. He smells a quite strong and musky. I've washed every scrap of fabric in my house and washed the carpets. He doesn't spray and his urine isn't particularly strong smelling. He however smells a bit like a big dog. He's bathed occasionally (his choice he loves water and will claim my bath if I leave the door open and he gets there first). He's brushed a few times a week but still has quite a lot of fluffy kitten coat on his flanks.
My question: Does this incredibly strong BOY smell calm down?
submitted by FeyGreen to mainecoons [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:38 Sea_Pie_650 Blood work help

Blood work
36F 5’1 180lbs
5 pregnancies 4 living 1 abortion. I had a medical and a surgical for this one which is when I started noticing more of my symptoms.
Former addict - alcoholic (Been sober for years) Smoker quit on and off
Prescriptions currently prescribed are for bipolar and ADHD
I’ve been on lithium and lamactal since 2015
Lithium 450 Lamactal 200 Adderall Valium
A list of some of the symptoms I’ve been dealing with are the following.
Swollen legs that can be extremely painful. When climbing the stairs or walking it’s like there are weights strapped against around them.
Swollen feet
Numbness in hands and feet as well as tingling
Swollen arms and lymph nodes
Abnormal periods and severe clotting larger than quarter when on my period
Sometimes I bleed in between periods randomly or after sex
Extreme fatigue!!!!!
Loss of appetite
Painful red spots on scalp that bleed
Ammonia smell detected in urine at times
Abdominal pain
Pelvic pain
Bruising easily
Discoloration in skin
Right side often in pain as well as neck and shoulder
Eyesight is blurry at times
Confusion and loss of balance occurs
After a meal I immediately have to run to the bathroom
Body aches
Chills at times and pain thought out my body
This is where I need help.
I had blood work done on the 2nd of May. I’ve been extremely ill going doctor to doctor trying to figure out what’s going on with me. I found a new obgyn and she did some blood work based on a few things I’ve mentioned that are a concern.
Fast forward and I missed one call from them last Friday before Memorial Day. They finally reviewed my results and so I immediately called them back once I realized I had missed their call. Since then no one has returned my calls and I’ve called daily at least three times to follow up. I finally called today stating I’d prefer to see the blood test results through the portal since I can’t get a call back from the nurse. So they set me up in the portal, and now I see them, but I’m not really sure what I’m looking at. When I followed up this afternoon they stated the nurse hasn’t reviewed my blood work yet. So besides the obvious google search can someone help?
submitted by Sea_Pie_650 to asknurses [link] [comments]