Moving up elementary ideas

San José: The Capital of Silicon Valley

2009.11.04 06:38 livepunkdiefast San José: The Capital of Silicon Valley

A subreddit dedicated to San José, California, the heart of the Silicon Valley. /SanJose will be going dark between 12-14th June in protest against Reddit's API changes which will kill 3rd party apps like Apollo, Reddit is Fun, and BaconReader.

2012.12.05 17:13 Let's make a bowl game

This subreddit is dedicated to the planning and organization of funds, networking, and other such to create a brand new bowl game controlled by members of the reddit college football community.

2012.11.19 16:47 BecomeEthereal Aaaaand No Random Crits....PERFECT!

A place to discuss Team Fortress 2 weapon stats, game mechanics, and come up with ideas for new weapons.

2024.06.02 08:16 Various_Grass_2118 Found Out Husband Has Been Receiving Child Support And Has Been Using It For His Alcoholism Through A Secret Account

I 33(f) have been married to my husband 39(m) for 6 years. I will call him Eric. Eric had a child (Ted) from a previous relationship and we also share another. We have been together for 12 years.
When we met I was an extreme party girl (21) who loved liquor and Eric was a daily beer drinker at home long before I came along. I did not see it for what it really was at the time. I was happy to have a partner who was a great dad from what I could tell (like my step-dad) and who knew how to also have a good time. It is what made me notice him in the first place.
He had his son (Ted) 50% of the time. Because of me, Eric and I essentially lived a double life for the first 6 months we were together. When Ted was at his moms I would go to parties with my friends and bring Eric every weekend and sometimes once during the week. However, I was very attentive when we did have Ted and loved taking care of him.
6 months into our relationship I was in a dnd accident which was my fault. Through that process I found AA and met amazing people and tried to get Eric to come with me. After 2 times he didn't want to go anymore. Him not quitting with me caused a lot of arguements. Our relationship was getting more toxic so I broke things off 2.5 months after my dnd accident. A few weeks later my step-father suddenly passed away traumatically.
He was my anchor to this world and was my everything. He was the one parent who didn't abuse me and was ever present. I almost immediately reached out to Eric because I selfishly wanted to be what my step-dad was for me to Ted in my grief. They were all close. We got back together and moved in together because we were losing my family home.
After moving in together: Eric's drinking did not improve. 3 tallboys or a 6 pack or more a night. Nothing I did or said changed his response and defiance.
Over the next year, we had a newborn. I had an emergency c section and was going through some deep dark post partum depression. He drank and was disconnected but worked hard. It was so hard for me I wanted to end it all many nights but did not. A couple years later, Ted's mom had overdosed on heroin but was revived and sent away to rehab. We had him full time for 3 years.
I had grown up exponentially since I met Eric into a woman who I was proud to be. I changed my ways and was a diplomatic mother figure to Ted and mother to his sibling.
Shortly after Ted's mom was back in the picture (Eric and I were already married by this time) we found out that we were going to be stuck with a 44k debt of hers that Eric had co-signed on when they were still together. She told us we were fkd and was not going to get a penny out of her because she had no money. Our shared account was zeroed out on multiple occasions when we were pinching pennies to save up for a house. Eric somehow made it go away despite lawyers turning us down and Eric never gave me a real answer on what happened with it. Eventually we got a house. Our forever home.
Years later I am asked to sign documents to account for all income we receive as a couple. We were both to sign the documents. The document asked if we received child support, so I asked him knowing full well years ago he told me she stopped paying years before that. He reluctantly said yes and also reluctantly gave me the amount paid. Also saying the money almost immediately went to Ted's moms 44k debt. We were not in a position to talk deeply about it at that exact time. But noted it. I was asked to provide proof.
After a month of begging for the paperwork and offering simple solutions that were turned down. On the very last day we needed the paperwork I was given it. When I saw it, the math was not making sense. In asking probing questions and repeating them til I got a direct answer he accidentally let it slip that what money isn't going to the unpaid debt is going into his account he uses for his alcoholism and marijuana (legal in our state).
The only account I knew of was our shared account and the separate account I have in my name (that he knows of) to protect our savings from getting pulled in fear of our account getting zeroed out again due to the 44k unpaid debt. He then tried to backtrack but it was already done.
I went completely catatonic. I see money go out of our shared account from his drinking and cigarettes and pulling money for what I assume is for his Marijuana. It did cross my mind sometimes the money (which was a lot) still never seemed to add up to how much drinking and smoking I saw happen which was always a problem. Now it's an even larger problem.
What scares me the most is I feel nothing. I'm hurt but not in the intensity I should be. I know I should be angry, I know this is a HUGE act of betreyal. I'm even nice to him (because im not sure how I truly feel and because I dont want to scare the kids) and I found out only 24 hrs ago. I'm terrified for my future. I pity him.
He stopped drinking the day after Memorial Day because I gave him an ultimatum due to his drinking where he had weeks to prep. For many years he's been an absent father and I've handled all kid stuff. I've also gone to sleep alone almost every night for atleast 10 years because he'll pass out on the couch drinking. It has always been an issue and gets brought up by me almost nightly at times.
He says he's had the card and account for 3 years, I doubt it. I am having him write me a letter confessing everything, what I already know and what I don't know. I'm also having him write in it why he did it and why I should stay with him because I am at a loss.
Being disassoated from what's happening has never happened to me in my life. I've never gone catatonic before. I have always worn my heart on my sleeve. Being the only functioning adult in this relationship practically our whole relationship has already been so hard, but atleast I knew he would never cheat on me and I thought I knew I could trust him. I am questioning my entire life choices now but it still feels like I'm in a dream. That this isn't happening to me even though it is. He says he wants to go to AA with me by his side (I havent gone in many many years, havent needed it, I rarely drink because it reminds me of how much his drinking disgusts me), says he wants to get better, but I feel numb. I don't know what to do or think and hope I will find my answer when he confesses what he will in his letter. I have no idea if it will be enough. It feels like it's too little too late but my heart doesn't want to leave even though I know this empty feeling must mean it's broken. The thought of splitting up our family no longer feels like it's my choice. I'm afraid of losing my self respect if I don't, but I'm also afraid to leave, and leave Ted behind.
submitted by Various_Grass_2118 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:12 Alternative-Eagle-30 Our parents are forcing us to get married. Need ideas.

I (M26) and my gf(F26) of (4 years relationship) told our parents last year about the relationship. Now they want us to get married ASAP.
We are from Catholic background, I originally from Kochi, and my GF from Thrissur. I am now Mumbai settled and she is working in Kozhikode.
I don't really want to get married at this young age, but it's the only way I can stay together and spend time with her. I am very sure I want to spend my life with her, and she wants the same too.
But the problem is, I want to organize my own wedding, rather than a wedding organized by parents. Now I can barely coup up 5L to do the wedding. Please give me some ideas on how to do the wedding, or how to stay together without marriage.
PS: She has complete freedom, but she doesn't want to move in with me before marriage, as it will devastate her conservative parents.
submitted by Alternative-Eagle-30 to Kerala [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:09 KrispyKayak Reminder: This is /r/AskChicago! All questions about visiting, moving to, or living in Chicago are welcome here. Please only downvote questions if they break the rules.

Welcome to /AskChicago! This is a subreddit for asking and answering questions pertaining to the city of Chicago, Illinois, USA. This subreddit exists as an alternative to the Weekly Questions thread in /chicago, for those who want to ask questions outside of that thread’s comments section.
As /AskChicago has continued to see increased activity, I thought it would be helpful to reiterate our subreddit rules and purpose, as well as to provide some tips for asking a successful question in this subreddit.


We allow all kinds of questions related to Chicago, but we do have a few basic rules:
  1. All posts must be a question related to Chicago - Questions should be asked in good faith. This is not the place to post rants or opinions disguised as questions (e.g. “does anyone else think the mayor sucks?”, etc.) but to ask questions about visiting, moving to, or living in Chicago.
  2. Be civil - hate speech, unnecessarily hostile comments, spam, and troll posts are not allowed and may result in a ban.
  3. Don’t break the law - Do not post anything illegal (such as posts buying/selling illegal drugs, fake IDs, etc.). Posting this kind of content may result in a ban.
In addition to these rules,
  • Posts looking for roommates or housing should go in /ChicagoApartments or /ChicagoList. It’s OK to post questions about moving to Chicago in /AskChicago, and mentioning that you are looking for a roommate is OK, but questions like “Does anyone want to be my roommate?” are not allowed here.
  • Posts looking to buy or sell things should go in /ChicagoList. Questions like “does anyone here want to buy my concert tickets?” are not allowed in /AskChicago.
  • /Chicago is another great resource for finding out information about the city. Be sure to check out the /Chicago Wiki - it has a lot of great information about things to do in the city, neighborhood information, and other useful links. The Weekly Casual Conversation & Questions Thread, stickied at the top of /chicago, is another great place to ask questions about the city; it gets a lot of traffic as well.

Tips on asking questions in /AskChicago

Outside of the rules listed above, we do not have any enforced rules regarding question structure. However, there are some best practices that we encourage you to follow in order to ask an engaging question that gets lots of responses:
  • Use a descriptive title - Titles like “visiting Chicago” or “help!” are not descriptive. Instead, try to summarize your question in a brief phrase, such as “Visiting Chicago next month, is my itinerary for a five-day trip realistic?” or “Help understanding how to pay my toll fees”. We won’t remove questions that use vague titles, but you probably won’t get as many replies as a well-worded question would.
  • Provide details - For best results, include relevant details in your question. For example, if you are asking a question looking for things to do while visiting Chicago, include information like what your interests are, length of stay, food specifics, budget, and so on. This will help people to provide better answers to your question.
  • Google is your friend - A lot of general questions about life in Chicago have been answered elsewhere, including in this subreddit and in /chicago. We encourage you to search for the answer to your question yourself before asking here. If you have follow-up questions after searching, feel free to ask them here. (e.g. instead of asking “best pizza restaurants downtown”, consider asking “Gino’s East or Pizzeria Uno - which do you prefer, and why?”

A note on commenting and downvoting in /AskChicago

This subreddit gets a lot of posts covering a wide range of questions, from visitor questions about itineraries and recommendations to highly-specific ones that only residents would understand. But when responding to posts and comments in /AskChicago, please always remember the human. This subreddit’s primary purpose is to help others and share knowledge in a welcoming and friendly space. Please do not downvote questions that are asked in good faith and that abide by the rules. If these kinds of questions annoy or bother you, then /AskChicago may not be the right subreddit for you.
Any comments that are rude, vitriolic, bigoted or otherwise not civil will be removed, with repeat offenders being permanently banned from /AskChicago. Remember: If you can’t say anything nice (or answer the OP’s question), don’t say anything at all.
Thanks for reading, and feel free to let us know if you have ideas on ways to improve /AskChicago.
submitted by KrispyKayak to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:07 AND_PEGGY1 How to use the attack on torches?

I'm REALLY struggling here and I could use some advice. I'm trying to do the Chaos Trial of Heartbreak rn and it made me realize that I have no idea how to make the attack viable on any aspect. Up to this point I've been using the specials exclusively, and to be honest that's been going well; I've beaten Chronos multiple times just doing that.
The attack, however, is where any skills I might have get thrown out the window. If I don't completely miss (which I do, frequently), I do practically no damage. My attacks go through the enemies so aspect of Moros is practically useless for me since I gotta run to the ends of the earth for an explosion that the enemy has likely moved away from. I'm not in the habit of dashing into enemies or somehow perfectly directly away from them, so Eos is also useless.
And of course the Chaos trial. Already I knew I'd have a rough time since Aphro is melee-focused and the torches are definitely not. That, coupled with the zero death defiances, has led me to fail this trial multiple times with no end in sight.
TLDR, how can I make the aspect of Eos attacks work for me, or the torch attacks in general?
submitted by AND_PEGGY1 to HadesTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:07 FAOLAN131313 Best way to tackle my debt?

So I have $21k in credit card debt, only $2k no intrest the rest 22%-26%, except one 29% almost paid. $17k in a private student loan 5% interest and then ~$20k federal loans that have a $0 payment in the SAVE plan currently and going to attempt PSLF so I'm mostly focusing on the how to take credit cards. Probably going to have too much info but want it to be comprehensive to show why I feel so very stuck.
Already budgetting and don't have a lot of extra to takle them, keep getting told to stop paying the private loan but it is cosigned and I am not ruining their credit, but it is $430 a month due to a 5 year loan term. Also that bankruptcy may be the best solution but it messes up your credit for so long and I will need to move soon so I like the idea in theory but ramifications seem too high... but without it I feel like I'll be stuck forever.
Looked into consolidation loans with no offer lower than 28% so that's a nope. Can't get another balance transfer card either. Can't work more hours due to multiple disabilities and honesty struggling with this full time job I recently got, but am going to have to keep it to survive all this (and since part timers get no benefits). Also for those who look into my history I know I should, but I will not get rid of my dog. He is keeping me sane and alive even if he needs lifelong treatment and I am also afraid if I rehomed him the next people would not pay for his treatment which would end his life so prematurely.
submitted by FAOLAN131313 to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:07 EffectiveJudge5385 What should I do?

So I have been on and off with this girl for some time, we met last year, sadly we both went off to separate colleges, but we are home now. We both go to the same gym, she always tells me her whole week schedule in advance, I always assumed that it was because she wanted me to show up at the same time as her. This week, I finally decided to ask her to hangout, she said “maybe”, I asked again later that day and she told me she cant because she is talking to someone and its confusing but she cant hangout atm.
Her situation is very complicated, she’s in the talking stage with a muslim guy and they’re never going to end up dating or becoming anything, but apparently she cant just leave him (this is what she told me). She also told me that I can move on if I want but seeing me with someone else would make her “sad” which is what is currently killing me because she obviously has feelings for me.
Normally I would’ve moved on but we have been talking for so long and we have so much in common I find myself still wanting to be with her very bad. What should I do? I dont think starting a relationship with an ultimatum is a great idea, but I’m not sure what else to do and I’m NOT looking to move on.
submitted by EffectiveJudge5385 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:04 ReasonDear7255 Help I am completely lost - what do you think makes someone entitled?

I am not entirely sure how to write this so please excuse the word vomit that is about to happen. Thank you.
I am an 18 year old online college student and I've always had a bit of trouble making friends and being able to keep them. My anxious tendency's make it hard for me to fully understand why someone would truly want to be my friend. I'm in therapy trying to work this my issues and trying to find better ways of communication. While I've only been in therapy for a short while I, personally, feel like made a ton of progress. I have contacted old friends and have made a couple new ones. I wouldn't go as far to say that I don't struggle with responding but I eventually will.
A big part of my anxiety is that I might take up "too much space", that my behavior would be "too much", that I would be annoying, and ultimately that people would hate be and I'd be lonely. My anxiety sometimes blinds me and I can't tell who I can and can't trust. I see the word alone being used a lot when people use it to describe how they feel but I don't feel alone. The word alone in the dictionary reads "having no one present" and the work lonely in the dictionary reads "without companions; solitary; cut off from others". I believe that the word lonely fits the description of my feeling better than alone. I know that I enjoy my alone time - my space - but for a long time I couldn't tell the difference between the two.
The first time I ever really felt my anxiety was in middle school. My younger self was much more open and optimistic than I am now. I still had that child-like wonder and sense of safety; like nothing could ever go wrong. I wish that feeling never left. As it is for most people, middle school was horrible. I remember being eccentric, happy, and very talkative. This was a direct hit for those "mean girl clicks" everyone had encountered in middle school. At that time I never really understand how cruel the world could truly be. This was the moment I truly felt the anxiety click in, hearing people talk behind your back then be so loving and caring to your face.I won't say that I am a saint because I know that I have also had rude conversations behind peoples backs and I can say nothing eats me alive more then knowing how rude I was. I know that it is almost impossible to get people to not talk about you behind your back, it happens to everyone but this never stopped me from trying.
Those "mean girl clicks" used to talk about how I'm too loud, annoying, they hated my hair, the way I dressed, etc. And I can positively say this went on with me though my entire life. I started dressing in all black, I would speak unless spoken to, I would keep my opinion to myself unless cued otherwise; I did all of this and more just to try and keep the attention off of me. I would keep a book with me at all times so I didn't disrupt anyone so that wouldn't be annoying. I was so fearful of seeing self-centered, being too much to handle, annoying, egotistical, and entitled to how much damage I was doing to my self worth in the long run. I wanted to so anything to avoid being those words because I thought that it would earn me friends; I thought that it would finally make me worthy.
All of this is to say that this was of living followed me though my life. Anytime someone needed something I was the first to volunteer, I wanted to help everyone in every way I could, I wanted to be a natural friend of people. A neutral friend - someone who was like enough to keep around but not noticeable enough to be talked about behind their back. I did this with everyone I met at school, work, family, etc. With this my therapist has helped me open up more and I've gotten more comfortable with myself and the fact that it's okay for me to take up space. However, I am still very aware of how I am acting and how I might be perceived. I think three times about what I am going to say before I say it to make sure I don't say anything that can hurt someone. Does it still accidentally happen, yes, but I am always empathic about it and I always apologize.
I have been in a bit of a job switch recently and I am working with people much older than me and I have had a hard time with management. My most recent bosses and have rude, unforgiving, and disrespectful. Now I understand that not all jobs will be perfect and for the most part you just have to deal with it but as I've said above I take comments that are made to me seriously. I know this can be a bad thing to do but my anxiety had a tendency to pick it up and run with it. My employer makes the schedule on a monthly basis, I am a full-time employee, and for the past two months I have worked 20-25 days each month and now the new schedule (June) I am only scheduled to work for 11 days. With quick math working 11 days can't pay my car insurance let alone the car note. I was understandably, in my opinion, upset and I took it up with them the next day so that I was not speaking out of anger in the moment. When I brought it up to my employer the next morning they told me that 30% of my productivity can from them helping me and the other 70% came from me working alone. I was essentially told that my productivity level was too low and that if I wanted to work more then I need to "prove myself". This honestly stirred a lot of my past worried and anxieties about never be good enough and not being worthy. And while that's not what was explicitly said it is what my anxiety heard.
When I finally got home (I live with a relative) they asked me what was wrong and I had explained the situation with that and I that I felt like I was being productive and trying my hardest. They had brought up the idea that my productivity level might be the issue and when I asked further I was met with one of the more gut-wrenching comments I have ever had anyone say about me. They told me that I act entitled. I have been called many things but for be being called entitled, one of the very things I have tried so hard not to be, it completely broke me inside. I have entered a few inserts below about my "Being Entitled" search.
Entitled - Adjective - Google Definition
What does it mean to be entitled? -
How do entitled people behave? - Well Mind Article
Example of being entitled -
What does entitled mean as an insult?
With going though and finding all of these articles describing what an entitled person acts like I don't think that I fit into this category. I try so hard to make everyone happy to make sure that their days are going good. I have always shown gratitude when someone does something for me and I have a tendency to say that "I am sorry" even if it has nothing to do with me. They called me entitled on Monday the 27th of May and it is not June 2nd and I never received an apology. This evening I brought it up during a discussion and they asked if it was really still think about it. Part of me wanted to say no that it was just a joke, bottle it up, and move on but I didn't. Instead I said, yes I am, you never said sorry for being rude me, and all they said was that they were being honest. I told them I understand honesty but they could have brought it up in a nice more adult manner. They brushed me off and told be I was being a baby about it that I should take it for face value and "re-evaluate myself". They were never specific about any time I was acting "entitled". When I brought up why it was rude to me and that it was a main center point for my anxiety and that my therapist was helping me finally get through it; they told be that my therapist can't be the only person I talk to about my feelings. They told me that this is not what she is here for. That I needed to talk to my friends and family instead. But this is the problem, I thought that I was so safe with this relative (emotions wise) and now I have been proven wrong so I don't see any reason I would open up to them now. I also brought up the point that it is hard for me to make friends. They looked and me and said well I try and get you to go out to clubs and events but I just don't find it easy to make friends like that. I like quiet spaces where things are calm but even in settings like those it's so hard for me to make friends.
They still never apologized and I truly don't think that they will. I've been dwelling on their comment about me being entitled everyday. And everyday it makes me more and more anxious, I've noticed myself being more secluded to avoid stepping on anyones toes. I think what I am looking for here is opinions that aren't mine or theirs. I know that was a lot to read but if you did I would appreciate some feedback. Do I seem entitled? Do I deserve an apology? How do I deal with something like this because I am completely lost.
Thank you for reading my word-vomit <3
submitted by ReasonDear7255 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:03 Anj_Stinky Need help thinking of a gift for pride month (mahabang context)

My kuya is bisexual and came out to our parents this year. Hindi sya nagcelebrate nung birthday nya kahit binilhan namin sya ng cake and jollibee. He refused to take pictures that day because this year, they also forced him to break up with his girlfriend when they discovered she was trans.
Yesterday, June 1st, he spent the day locking himself up in his room. Kaninang umaga, nag-iiyakan kami kasi he thinks no matter what he does, he is never enough. He doesn't feel accepted by our parents for who he is regardless of his personal and academic achievements because, of course, they don't.
I want to get him something special this June to give him some semblance of hope. Kasi I won't get another cause for celebration until next year (his bday, his graduation, and we never celebrated any normal Christian holiday before). Even if walang ganap sometime in the next few months, I need a plan so I can start saving up. I could also just give him love and support but it can't make up for the disappointment of two parental figures. I will always be here for him, regardless. I want him to remember me, and that he is loved.
Here are some ideas: - dried flower bouquet - cake - big rainbow plush - spa day (mani + pedi + facial/hair) - fancy cafe date - clothing - makeup and skincare - ???
Conflicts: - if I get him gifts or food at home, we need to hide evidence because parents will notice every new thing we get; "saan galing yan?" "Saan nyo binili yan?" "Bakit di kayo nag-aya?" - can't hold an open celebration with the parents either sa bahay or someplace else without them knowing the reason for it. And it would make my brother upset with the fact that we are celebrating something they are openly against. - parents don't let us have days out with just the two of us, kasi (1) they feel left out and think we hate them, (2) they don't like us spending too much on shopping or "acting poor" going thrift shopping, and (3) they always assume we're drinking, rebelling, or doing something generally satanic. - i love my parents but holy shit do they make my brother's life so difficult. - i don't have much time left to spend with him. He is busy with his studies and when he gets his license, he is set to leave for work and study in Canada. I have 5 years tops, kasi nagmamadali syang makaalis and he's so smart I know he'll get his license right away. - i have to do this as soon as I can. He's been talking to me about some serious suicidal thoughts. I can't lose him.
I already tried asking my friends for advice. They have none, other than moving out as soon as possible.

Tldr,, i need help planning a gift or method of celebration meaningful and fancy enough for my brother, preferably within June or before he goes overseas.
submitted by Anj_Stinky to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:02 oracle_robin Just need a place to vent a little.

Hi hi. I hope you're all doing well. I know it's probably sort of silly to come to a subreddit like his to just talk, but I wanted a place to do so and this seemed like the best option.
I'm so... so sad. And I try not to think about it so much, but it gets hard sometimes. I'm tearing up heavily just writing this post. I'm 20M, and I'm out of school, in College, but I had to withdraw from my first two semesters because I just couldn't handle it.
I'm doing my best to put on a happy face for everyone around me, including those I love, but I don't know how much longer I can keep doing it, I keep having these breakthrough days where I just don't have the energy to even get up, much less help around the house or get out to do anything.
My one thought that I always come back to is that I just want to be little again. The world was so much brighter then. I would come home from my elementary school and sit in the family office watching my mother play Plants Vs Zombies. And I always got so scared of the Zombies but I wanted to stay in there and put on a brave face for her. And then I'd go play with my toys... my Thomas the Tank Engine toys... those were my favorites. We'd occasionally go to the store and get a new one to add to my little train collection.. And my stuffed animals. I thought they were so magical. My mom would write me letters from one of them, one of my favorites. I think a little part of me died the day I found out it was just her. But I still had that childlike wonder, the feeling that nothing could or would go wrong. As I got older, things just got grayer. I don't know why.
I don't know why I have all these thoughts. I'm on a cocktail of medicines that SHOULD be working. But when I have them in me, I just feel... numb to everything? The dog I had for the longest time died earlier in the year, and I just didn't feel anything. It's not like I'm avoiding taking them, but I feel like... it just dampens anything I do. I know that's probably silly.
My mom and dad are so supportive of me and I love them so much. But I know they're not always going to be there, and there's always that little thought in the back of my head that says, would I be better off if I went before them so I wouldn't have to bear losing them? I know it's not right, but I don't know if I could lose one of them and still be okay.
Everything moves so fast these days. I have to pay attention to so many things. When I was little, nothing seemed like it would ever move. I liked it that way. God, I even broke down when my family changed the wallpaper in the house I grew up in. I still have a little strip I keep of that wallpaper I have in a music box. I never want to lose it.
And I love my dad. I love him so much. I know he's not got the same thoughts that I do, he grew up in a different time. I know I'm neurodivergent. And he does his very best to accommodate me, but he still makes me sad sometimes, and then he feels like it's his fault, and then HE gets sad, and then I feel awful... it's not the best dynamic, but I do my best to roll with it.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to post so much, I just needed a place to write down my thoughts, I think. I have no plans of taking my life, or anything silly like harming myself, but I need something. I don't know what I need, though. I just need these thoughts to stop. I get so sad... and I know I have an okay life. So why do I feel this way? Thank you for listening to me, if indeed you still are, and I hope you have an excellent rest of your night.
submitted by oracle_robin to depression [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:01 Count-Daring243 Best Accordion Folders

Best Accordion Folders
Are you tired of dealing with bulky binders that take up too much space on your desk? Look no further than accordion folders, the sleek and space-saving solution to all your organization woes. In this roundup, we're bringing you the best accordion folders on the market, each one designed to help you keep your important documents neatly organized and easily accessible.

The Top 5 Best Accordion Folders

  1. Expandable File Organizer with 13 Pockets for Coupons, Cards, and More - Stay organized with LAKIBOLE's 2 Pack 13 Pockets Accordion File Organizer, featuring expandable and weather-resistant design for storing cards, receipts, and coupons.
  2. Expandable A4 Letter File Organizer with 13 Pockets - Organize your papers and documents with the Enday Accordion Folder with Pockets - a stylish and efficient solution for a neat mind and productive life.
  3. Expanding Accordion File Folder with 5 Pockets in Pink - Skydue's expanding pink A4/Letter file folder organizer, offering solid color design, high-quality non-toxic and PVC-free construction, and 5 expandable pockets, creates an efficient and stylish organizing solution for both personal and professional use.
  4. Expanding 7-Pocket Accordion File with Water-Resistant Plastic Construction - Staples' black 7-pocket expanding accordion file with clear tabbed dividers provides a water-resistant, tear-resistant, and versatile solution for organizing letter-size documents in your office or cubicle.
  5. Thick and Durable ThinkTex Accordion File Organizer with 26 Pockets and A-Z Tabs - Efficiently organize your papers with the ThinkTex 26 Pockets Accordion File Organizer, featuring an open-top design, A-Z multi-colored tabs, and full-size expansion for easy access to your letteA4-sized files.
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🔗Expandable File Organizer with 13 Pockets for Coupons, Cards, and More
I recently tried the Lakibole 2 Pack Accordion File Organizer. It's a compact and functional solution for organizing my miscellaneous papers, like receipts and coupons. The accordion-style design of the file organizer allowed me to easily add and remove items whenever needed. The durability of the Polypropylene material was impressive, as it withstood daily use without showing any wear and tear.
The front flap with its elastic string and button closure kept my papers secure and prevented them from falling out. As someone who frequently traveled for business, this feature was a game-changer. The organizer was small enough to fit in my bag, making it perfect for on-the-go essentials. However, I noticed that the file organizer did not include any labels for organization purposes, which would have been a helpful addition.
Overall, the Lakibole Accordion File Organizer is an excellent choice for those looking for a reliable and practical way to keep their papers organized. It offers a functional design without being too bulky and ensures that your items stay secure during storage or travel. Despite the lack of labels, this little organizer has made a big difference in my daily life.

🔗Expandable A4 Letter File Organizer with 13 Pockets
Incorporating the Enday Accordion Folder with Pockets into your daily routine feels like a dream come true. With its beautiful purple hue, this organizer instantly adds a splash of color to any workspace. I used it to hold all sorts of documents, from receipts and important papers to event tickets and name cards.
The accordion design made it easy to expand and contract as needed, while the 13 pockets provided ample space for everything, including 350 A4 letter-sized sheets! . I appreciate the transparent name card slot and the small label slots to help me categorize files efficiently.
Plus, the nifty compact design made it a breeze to transport, yet it remained sturdy and securely closed with its water-resistant lid and elastic band closure. I highly recommend adding this Enday Accordion Folder with Pockets to your cart to elevate your organization game! .

🔗Expanding Accordion File Folder with 5 Pockets in Pink
One sunny day, I decided to try out the Skydue letter A4 paper expanding file folder. As I opened it up, I was immediately struck by the vibrant pink color and the charmingly solid design. The expanding file folder has 5 expandable pockets, which made it easy to identify and access documents quickly.
Made from high-quality non-toxic and non-radioactive polypropylene material, this file folder is sturdy and lightweight. It's also waterproof, tear-resistant, and acid-free, perfect for long-lasting safe storage. I appreciate the button closure that provides added security, ensuring my files won't fall out when moving.
While the Skydue expanding file folder is ideal for various settings, like home, office, or school, the shooting light and screen settings on my computer occasionally led to slight color mismatches. Nonetheless, this didn't hinder the overall appeal and functionality of the file folder.
Overall, my experience using the Skydue letter A4 paper expanding file folder was delightful. It's a versatile and stylish organizer that makes managing documents a breeze.

🔗Expanding 7-Pocket Accordion File with Water-Resistant Plastic Construction
A few weeks ago, I was in search of a portable document storage solution for my home office, and this Staples black seven-pocket expanding accordion file was my answer. The accordion file features seven pockets that make it easy to sort paperwork, and the tabbed dividers help me stay organized by day of the week or subject.
The plastic construction of the file is sturdy, and it's even resistant to water, which is a bonus feature I didn't expect. My only complaint is that it's not as big as some other accordion files, but it still fits letter-size documents with ease.
Overall, this Staples black seven-pocket expanding accordion file is a great addition to any organizing space.

🔗Thick and Durable ThinkTex Accordion File Organizer with 26 Pockets and A-Z Tabs
The ThinkTex accordion file organizer has been my trusty sidekick in keeping my important documents in check. With 26 pockets, it provides ample space for all my files, and the full-size expansion feature allows it to adapt to growing stacks.
The open top and colorful A-Z tabs make coding my files a breeze, and the upright, free-standing design means it stays put in my drawer or cabinet. Made from sturdy polypropylene material, it's ready to serve as my daily partner for organizing. Just remember to balance the file organizer to avoid tipping when filling bulky files.
Overall, this accordion folder is a budget-friendly and practical solution for my filing needs.

Buyer's Guide

Accordion folders are a versatile and practical storage solution for various documents, files, and materials. These folders offer a unique design that allows users to easily access and organize their items while maximizing space. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the essential features to consider when purchasing an accordion folder and provide general advice to help you make an informed decision.

Important Features

1. Material
Accordion folders come in various materials, such as plastic, metal, and leather. The material you choose depends on your specific needs, budget, and the items you plan to store. For example, plastic folders are lightweight and inexpensive, but they may not be as durable or resistant to wear as metal or leather options.

2. Size

When considering the size of an accordion folder, think about the number and type of documents or items you want to store. Measure the items to ensure you choose a folder with enough capacity and width to accommodate them comfortably. Additionally, consider the folder's thickness, as thinner folders may be more suitable for flat documents, while thicker folders are better for holding three-ring binders.

3. Locking Mechanism

Some accordion folders come with a locking mechanism to keep your items secure. If you need to keep your documents or files confidential or want to prevent them from opening accidentally, a folder with a locking mechanism could be a good choice.

4. Adjustability

Some accordion folders offer adjustable settings, allowing you to customize the space between each section to accommodate documents of varying sizes. This can be especially useful if you plan to store a mix of paper sizes in your folder.

5. Durability

Accordion folders should be able to withstand daily use and occasional mishandling. Look for sturdy construction, reinforced hinges, and materials that are resistant to wear and tear.

General Advice

1. Determine your needs

Before purchasing an accordion folder, consider the specific items you need to store and the frequency with which you'll be accessing those items. This information can help you choose the right size, material, and locking mechanism for your needs.

2. Compare prices and features
Shop around for the best deals on accordion folders that meet your requirements. Compare the features, materials, and prices of various options to find the best value for your money.

3. Read reviews and ratings

Check online reviews and ratings from other users to get an idea of a folder's quality, performance, and durability. This can help you avoid purchasing a poorly designed or poorly constructed accordion folder.

4. Choose a reliable retailer

Make sure to purchase your accordion folder from a reputable retailer that offers a warranty or return policy in case of any issues with the product.

5. Consider the environment

Some accordion folders are made from recycled or eco-friendly materials. If you're environmentally conscious, consider selecting a folder that aligns with your values and reduces your environmental impact.
Accordion folders are versatile and practical storage solutions for various documents, files, and materials. By focusing on essential features and general advice, you can make informed decisions when selecting the perfect accordion folder for your needs and budget.


What are Accordion Folders?

Accordion Folders are a type of file folder that is designed to organize and store papers and documents in a compact, space-saving format. The name comes from the way it folds, resembling an accordion when closed, and offering easy access to files without taking up too much room.

What are the benefits of using Accordion Folders?

  • Space-saving design
  • Versatile storage for various document sizes
  • Easy access and organization
  • Durable construction for long-lasting use

What are the different materials Accordion Folders are made of?

  • PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
  • Polypropylene
  • Leather or faux leather

How do I choose the right size of Accordion Folder?

Choose an Accordion Folder based on the size of your papers and documents. Most folders come in standard sizes like A4, A5, or B4, but you can also find custom sizes to fit specific needs. Consider the volume of papers you need to store and the space available on your desk or in your office.

Are there any eco-friendly options of Accordion Folders available?

Yes, some eco-friendly Accordion Folders are made from recycled materials or sustainable and biodegradable materials such as bamboo and wheat straw. Look for folders with certifications like FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) or PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) to ensure they come from responsibly managed forests.

How do I clean and maintain an Accordion Folder?

Clean the exterior of the folder with a damp cloth or mild soap and water. Dry it thoroughly before use. Periodically check the hardware to ensure it is functioning correctly and tighten any loose screws. Avoid placing heavy objects on top of the folder, and store it in a dry area to prevent damage or mold growth.

Are there any waterproof Accordion Folders available?

Yes, some waterproof Accordion Folders are made from materials like PVC or polypropylene, which are resistant to water and moisture. Look for folders with certifications such as IP65 or IPX7 to ensure they provide adequate water resistance. These folders are ideal for outdoor use or areas prone to humidity.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:01 Sincerely-yourstruly [F4A] Looking for a long-term partner on Discord!

Hey everyone! I’m Madeline 19F, and I’m looking for a long-term, role-play partner! I’ve been role-playing for about five years and I’m interested in doing something drama and romance based. I write in the first (sometimes third) person with FxA. I don’t have many requirements for my partner, but here are my top four asks:
-Can write 2 or more paragraphs Detail is a must!
-Creativity. I love partners who think outside the box with all sorts of plot twists and make the story there’s as much as it is mine!
-Literacy. Pretty self-explanatory.
I would also love someone who communicates with me rather than ghosts me when something isn't to their liking. Communication is key and I would love the story to be yours just as it is mine. I love incorporating ideas from both parties. <3
Right now, I'm looking for a partner that’s interested in doing an imbalance power-dynamic role play.
My DMs are open, so if I piqued your interest at all, feel free to message me, and all I ask is that you put effort into what you’re saying to me.
Here’s my idea:
My brother and I were complete opposites. He was a ruthless mafia leader while I was…well me. I was fragile, sensitive, and just really weak to put it bluntly. Practically the complete opposite of what I was expected to be. That’s why he, Jacob, was so protective over me. He never put me in dangers way instead he took all the precautions when our parents died. He took me out of high school and trapped me in. I wasn’t allowed to leave, have access to the internet, or do anything that included other people knowing I existed. The only reason he did this was because he had tons of rivalry, The only reason he did this was because he had tons of rivalry, he knew if they knew about me they’d do about anything to hold me for ransom. It made sense. I questioned him the first few months but got used to it. You were his right hand and the only person he let around me. The both of you have known each other practically since elementary and built this whole empire together. Despite that I never actually spoke more than two sentences to you. Not because I hated you or anything but because you intimidate me and I tend to shy away from people like that, including my brother. He never spoke to me too much anyway so it wasn’t like it mattered either way. A couple months ago things actually took a turn for our relationship when I built up the confidence to have a conversation with you. I liked you for a while so I thought maybe I had a chance? Ever since then we surprisingly got closer behind my brothers back and that developed into a romantic relationship - My brother was downstairs in a meeting with a few other people talking about a possible drug trade and what-not. Despite being told to stay in my room I came downstairs with a small pout on my face, “Jacob,” I called out. In the midst of speaking he paused once he heard my voice from outside. He rubs his face and turns to you, “Do you mind helping me out with this one?” He asks, “Just take her back to her room and see what she wants.” He whispers, crossing his arms.
This is obviously very open-ended, there’s a lot of room for plot twists and drama.
(I’m open to brainstorming as well!)
submitted by Sincerely-yourstruly to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 08:00 chipchipcookie RAT!

To the little rat who keeps sending G screenshots of what D's chat Is saying... didn't anyone ever teach you not to be a tattle tale? Do you feel big and bad for tattling on people who are speaking the truth? Both D & G have said over and over how D & A hate each other, D moving in with G is a disaster waiting to happen and everyone knows it! Not only do D & A hate each other D & G can't stand each other 95% of the time either. Anyone who thinks it's a great idea for them to live together needs to get their head examined. So, little rat 🐀 sit down, shut up, and watch the shitshow get 10 times worse when D moves in with G. One thing I can't stand is a nark, you're pathetic!
submitted by chipchipcookie to scissorsistersdrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:57 ReasonDear7255 Help I am completely lost - Do you think I am entitled?

I am not entirely sure how to write this so please excuse the word vomit that is about to happen. Thank you.
I am an 18 year old online college student and I've always had a bit of trouble making friends and being able to keep them. My anxious tendency's make it hard for me to fully understand why someone would truly want to be my friend. I'm in therapy trying to work this my issues and trying to find better ways of communication. While I've only been in therapy for a short while I, personally, feel like made a ton of progress. I have contacted old friends and have made a couple new ones. I wouldn't go as far to say that I don't struggle with responding but I eventually will.
A big part of my anxiety is that I might take up "too much space", that my behavior would be "too much", that I would be annoying, and ultimately that people would hate be and I'd be lonely. My anxiety sometimes blinds me and I can't tell who I can and can't trust. I see the word alone being used a lot when people use it to describe how they feel but I don't feel alone. The word alone in the dictionary reads "having no one present" and the work lonely in the dictionary reads "without companions; solitary; cut off from others". I believe that the word lonely fits the description of my feeling better than alone. I know that I enjoy my alone time - my space - but for a long time I couldn't tell the difference between the two.
The first time I ever really felt my anxiety was in middle school. My younger self was much more open and optimistic than I am now. I still had that child-like wonder and sense of safety; like nothing could ever go wrong. I wish that feeling never left. As it is for most people, middle school was horrible. I remember being eccentric, happy, and very talkative. This was a direct hit for those "mean girl clicks" everyone had encountered in middle school. At that time I never really understand how cruel the world could truly be. This was the moment I truly felt the anxiety click in, hearing people talk behind your back then be so loving and caring to your face.I won't say that I am a saint because I know that I have also had rude conversations behind peoples backs and I can say nothing eats me alive more then knowing how rude I was. I know that it is almost impossible to get people to not talk about you behind your back, it happens to everyone but this never stopped me from trying.
Those "mean girl clicks" used to talk about how I'm too loud, annoying, they hated my hair, the way I dressed, etc. And I can positively say this went on with me though my entire life. I started dressing in all black, I would speak unless spoken to, I would keep my opinion to myself unless cued otherwise; I did all of this and more just to try and keep the attention off of me. I would keep a book with me at all times so I didn't disrupt anyone so that wouldn't be annoying. I was so fearful of seeing self-centered, being too much to handle, annoying, egotistical, and entitled to how much damage I was doing to my self worth in the long run. I wanted to so anything to avoid being those words because I thought that it would earn me friends; I thought that it would finally make me worthy.
All of this is to say that this was of living followed me though my life. Anytime someone needed something I was the first to volunteer, I wanted to help everyone in every way I could, I wanted to be a natural friend of people. A neutral friend - someone who was like enough to keep around but not noticeable enough to be talked about behind their back. I did this with everyone I met at school, work, family, etc. With this my therapist has helped me open up more and I've gotten more comfortable with myself and the fact that it's okay for me to take up space. However, I am still very aware of how I am acting and how I might be perceived. I think three times about what I am going to say before I say it to make sure I don't say anything that can hurt someone. Does it still accidentally happen, yes, but I am always empathic about it and I always apologize.
I have been in a bit of a job switch recently and I am working with people much older than me and I have had a hard time with management. My most recent bosses and have rude, unforgiving, and disrespectful. Now I understand that not all jobs will be perfect and for the most part you just have to deal with it but as I've said above I take comments that are made to me seriously. I know this can be a bad thing to do but my anxiety had a tendency to pick it up and run with it. My employer makes the schedule on a monthly basis, I am a full-time employee, and for the past two months I have worked 20-25 days each month and now the new schedule (June) I am only scheduled to work for 11 days. With quick math working 11 days can't pay my car insurance let alone the car note. I was understandably, in my opinion, upset and I took it up with them the next day so that I was not speaking out of anger in the moment. When I brought it up to my employer the next morning they told me that 30% of my productivity can from them helping me and the other 70% came from me working alone. I was essentially told that my productivity level was too low and that if I wanted to work more then I need to "prove myself". This honestly stirred a lot of my past worried and anxieties about never be good enough and not being worthy. And while that's not what was explicitly said it is what my anxiety heard.
When I finally got home (I live with a relative) they asked me what was wrong and I had explained the situation with that and I that I felt like I was being productive and trying my hardest. They had brought up the idea that my productivity level might be the issue and when I asked further I was met with one of the more gut-wrenching comments I have ever had anyone say about me. They told me that I act entitled. I have been called many things but for be being called entitled, one of the very things I have tried so hard not to be, it completely broke me inside. I have entered a few inserts below about my "Being Entitled" search.
Entitled - Adjective - Google Definition
What does it mean to be entitled? -
How do entitled people behave? - Well Mind Article
Example of being entitled -
What does entitled mean as an insult?
With going though and finding all of these articles describing what an entitled person acts like I don't think that I fit into this category. I try so hard to make everyone happy to make sure that their days are going good. I have always shown gratitude when someone does something for me and I have a tendency to say that "I am sorry" even if it has nothing to do with me. They called me entitled on Monday the 27th of May and it is not June 2nd and I never received an apology. This evening I brought it up during a discussion and they asked if it was really still think about it. Part of me wanted to say no that it was just a joke, bottle it up, and move on but I didn't. Instead I said, yes I am, you never said sorry for being rude me, and all they said was that they were being honest. I told them I understand honesty but they could have brought it up in a nice more adult manner. They brushed me off and told be I was being a baby about it that I should take it for face value and "re-evaluate myself". They were never specific about any time I was acting "entitled". When I brought up why it was rude to me and that it was a main center point for my anxiety and that my therapist was helping me finally get through it; they told be that my therapist can't be the only person I talk to about my feelings. They told me that this is not what she is here for. That I needed to talk to my friends and family instead. But this is the problem, I thought that I was so safe with this relative (emotions wise) and now I have been proven wrong so I don't see any reason I would open up to them now. I also brought up the point that it is hard for me to make friends. They looked and me and said well I try and get you to go out to clubs and events but I just don't find it easy to make friends like that. I like quiet spaces where things are calm but even in settings like those it's so hard for me to make friends.
They still never apologized and I truly don't think that they will. I've been dwelling on their comment about me being entitled everyday. And everyday it makes me more and more anxious, I've noticed myself being more secluded to avoid stepping on anyones toes. I think what I am looking for here is opinions that aren't mine or theirs. I know that was a lot to read but if you did I would appreciate some feedback. Do I seem entitled? Do I deserve an apology? How do I deal with something like this because I am completely lost.
Thank you for reading my word-vomit <3
submitted by ReasonDear7255 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:54 Embarrassed-Pear589 I'm working on a hunter x hunter themed ttrpg system and wondering what others think about it (super long)

So this originally started as an idea to use chat gpt to run a DND 5e campaign for me to use to test different character builds, then I started to wonder if I could incorporate hunter x hunter into the game. Using a really really long chat gpt prompt I wrote it actually ended up going really well so I decided to try to make it an entire system that you could kinda hopefully incorporate into any version of DND or other ttrpgs to have your own personalized hunter x hunter campaign. Now this whole thing is really messy but that's just because it's easier for my weird brain to work with. Anyway here's what I have so far 1. Primary Race: Human - The primary race is human, reflecting the "Hunter x Hunter" universe. However, players can customize their characters with unique physical traits or abilities, reflecting the diverse range of human appearances in the series.
  1. Alternative Race: Chimera Ant
    • As an alternative, players can choose to be a Chimera Ant, which allows for a mix of human and animal traits, offering unique physical and sensory abilities. This race would have its own set of strengths and vulnerabilities.
  2. Classes
    • Hunter: The main class, with sub-classes based on Hunter types (e.g., Beast Hunter, Treasure Hunter).
    • Assassin: Focused on stealth and precision, with techniques like those of the Zoldyck family. Sub-classes could be based on different assassination styles or tools.
    • Criminal: A class for those who operate outside the law, like the Phantom Troupe, with sub-classes based on criminal expertise (e.g., Thief, Bandit, Mercenary).

Nen System Integration

  1. Nen Types and Abilities
    • Each class develops Nen abilities based on their Nen type, with unique Hatsu abilities.
    • Assassins and Criminals might have Nen abilities that complement their class skills (e.g., a Thief might be a Transmuter, changing the properties of their aura to aid in stealth).
  2. Aura Points (AP)
    • This system replaces spell slots. Using Nen abilities consumes AP, which can be restored with rest.

Gameplay Mechanics

  1. Nen Training and Character Progression
    • Character leveling involves improving Nen control and developing Hatsu abilities.
  2. Combat and Nen Conflicts
    • Combat includes standard D&D mechanics and strategic use of Nen.
    • Nen-enhanced attacks and defenses: Characters can use AP to enhance physical attacks or bolster defense, adding an extra layer to combat strategy.
  3. Quests and Adventures
    • DMs craft campaigns within the "Hunter x Hunter" world, allowing exploration and interaction with familiar and new elements.

Balancing and Adaptation

  1. Balancing Races and Classes
    • Chimera Ants might have natural advantages (like enhanced senses) but also specific weaknesses (such as susceptibility to certain Nen types).
    • Each class and sub-class should offer unique advantages and playstyles without overshadowing others.
  2. Adapting Nen Abilities
    • Nen abilities must be balanced in power and utility, encouraging creative use without making them overpowered.
    • Regular player feedback and DM discretion will be essential for maintaining balance.
  3. Skill and Ability Checks
    • Incorporate Nen in skill checks, where appropriate, to allow creative problem-solving using Nen abilities.
This hybrid RPG would blend the detailed world and power system of "Hunter x Hunter" with the structured gameplay of D&D 5e, offering a rich and dynamic role-playing experience. Players can explore the complexities of Nen, engage in strategic combat, and embark on diverse quests, all while navigating the morally complex and vibrant world of "Hunter x Hunter."
Merging the power system and world of "Hunter x Hunter" with the fundamentals of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) 5th Edition could create a unique and exciting tabletop RPG experience. Here's a basic framework for how it could be done:

Character Creation

  1. Races and Backgrounds: Stick to D&D's system for races and backgrounds, as these provide rich lore and diversity. However, incorporate elements from the "Hunter x Hunter" world into the backgrounds, allowing players to come from specific regions or organizations within that universe.
  2. Classes: Replace D&D classes with "Hunter" as the primary class. Sub-classes could be based on the different types of Hunters in "Hunter x Hunter" (like Beast Hunter, Treasure Hunter, Blacklist Hunter, etc.), each with unique skills and quests.
  3. Ability Scores: Use the standard D&D ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma). These will influence the character's physical and mental capabilities as usual.

Nen System Integration

  1. Nen Types: During character creation, players determine their Nen type (Enhancer, Emitter, Manipulator, Transmuter, Conjurer, Specialist). This could be chosen or determined randomly, as in the series.
  2. Nen Abilities (Hatsu): Players develop their unique Hatsu abilities, guided by their Nen type. This replaces the magic/spellcasting system of traditional D&D. Balancing these abilities would be key to ensure gameplay remains challenging and engaging.
  3. Aura Points (AP): Similar to spell slots in D&D, characters have Aura Points. Using Nen abilities consumes AP, which can be restored with rest.

Gameplay Mechanics

  1. Nen Training and Challenges: Incorporate Nen training into the leveling-up process. As characters level up, they gain more control over their Nen, unlocking new capabilities or strengthening their Hatsu.
  2. Quests and Storytelling: The DM crafts adventures within the "Hunter x Hunter" universe, allowing players to explore familiar locales and encounter characters from the series, while also introducing original plots.
  3. Combat and Challenges: Integrate D&D's combat system, but with modifications to incorporate Nen abilities. This includes Aura defense, Nen-enhanced attacks, and strategic use of Hatsu abilities. A nen user may choose to enhance their Attack power, Speed, or defense, by covering their bodies or weapons with aura. Enhanced Attack- Choosing to put 1 or more AP into enhancing attack will grant +2 to damage for each point.
Enhanced Defense- Choosing to put 1 or more points into defense will subtract -2 points of damage taken for each point.
Enhanced Speed- Choosing to put 1 or more AP into speed will grant +5 movement speed, +1 to attack bonus, and +1 to AC for every two AP, because enhancing speed is much more difficult and usually only one who's ability allows for it can enhance their speed efficiently.
Enhancing such abilities uses AP but does not deplete it. tho prolonged use of aura will cause it to weaken over time. through training this can be overcome.
  1. Nen Conflicts: Introduce Nen battles, which are more about outsmarting opponents with clever use of Nen abilities than just overpowering them.

Balancing and Adaptation

This hybrid game would offer the depth and complexity of D&D's role-playing and combat systems with the unique and intriguing Nen system from "Hunter x Hunter," creating a fresh and engaging experience for players familiar with either or both worlds.
In "Hunter x Hunter," each Nen user has an affinity for one of six Nen types: Enhancer, Emitter, Manipulator, Transmuter, Conjurer, and Specialist. We can assign a key ability score to each Nen type for calculating Aura Points (AP) and other Nen-related mechanics. Here's a suggested assignment:
  1. Enhancer
    • Key Ability: Strength or Constitution
    • Rationale: Enhancers focus on reinforcing their natural physical abilities, making Strength or Constitution a natural fit.
  2. Emitter
    • Key Ability: Charisma
    • Rationale: Emitters project their aura away from their bodies, requiring force of personality, represented by Charisma.
  3. Manipulator
    • Key Ability: Intelligence
    • Rationale: Manipulation requires precision and understanding complex systems, aligning well with Intelligence.
  4. Transmuter
    • Key Ability: Dexterity
    • Rationale: Transmuters alter the properties of their aura, requiring finesse and control, which Dexterity represents.
  5. Conjurer
    • Key Ability: Wisdom
    • Rationale: Conjurers create objects out of their aura, requiring insight and strong mental discipline, qualities associated with Wisdom.
  6. Specialist
    • Key Ability: Wisdom or Charisma
    • Rationale: Specialists have unique and varied abilities that don't fit into other categories. Wisdom or Charisma can be chosen based on the nature of the Specialist's unique ability.

Aura Points (AP) Calculation

Using the Key Ability Score

This system ties the Nen type to specific D&D ability scores, enhancing the role-playing aspect by encouraging players to consider their characters' strengths and weaknesses when choosing their Nen type and developing their abilities.
Removing traditional spellcasting and replacing it with a Nen-based system is a significant change that can fully integrate the unique aspects of "Hunter x Hunter" into your D&D game. Here's how you can adapt the Aura Point (AP) system to completely replace spellcasting:

Revised Aura Point (AP) System for Nen Abilities

1. Aura Points as the Sole Power Source - All supernatural abilities, including those that would normally be spells in D&D, are now Nen abilities powered by AP. - Characters do not have spell slots but instead use AP to activate and sustain their Nen abilities.
2. Nen Ability Categories - Classify Nen abilities into tiers, similar to spell levels: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Master. - The AP cost for using an ability depends on its tier: Basic (1-2 AP), Intermediate (3-5 AP), Advanced (6-8 AP), Master (9-12 AP).
3. Learning and Developing Nen Abilities - Characters learn new Nen abilities as they level up. The number and tier of abilities they can learn and use are based on their level and key ability score. - Characters can also develop custom Nen abilities in consultation with the DM, tailored to their character's development and story.
4. Aura Point Recovery - AP is fully restored after a long rest. Half of the maximum AP is restored after a short rest. - Certain items or actions in-game could also restore AP.
5. Overexertion Risks - Using more AP than the maximum can lead to overexertion, causing fatigue, reduction in maximum hit points, or other penalties. - Severe overexertion could lead to more drastic consequences, like temporary loss of Nen abilities.
6. Nen Training and Advancement - Include quests or training sessions for characters to increase their AP maximum, reduce Nen ability costs, or learn new abilities. - This system allows for character growth and the pursuit of mastery over Nen.
7. Nen-Based Defense and Attacks - Allow characters to use AP to enhance physical attacks, defense, or to perform feats like enhanced jumps, bursts of speed, etc.
8. Balancing Nen Abilities - The DM should ensure Nen abilities are balanced within the game, avoiding overpowered combinations. - Regular feedback and adjustments may be necessary based on gameplay experience.
With this revised system, Nen becomes the central mechanic for all supernatural and extraordinary abilities in the game, deeply immersing players in the "Hunter x Hunter" universe while maintaining the strategic and role-playing elements of D&D. This approach requires careful planning and balance but offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience. for the HUNTER class, the features include
Creating detailed class features and proficiencies for each Hunter class and its subclasses in a D&D 5e format requires a comprehensive approach. I'll provide a basic outline for the "Hunter" class and one subclass, the "Beast Hunter," as an example. You can use this format as a template to develop other subclasses.

Hunter Class (General Features)

Hit Points - Hit Dice: 1d10 per Hunter level - Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier - Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Hunter level after 1st
Proficiencies - Armor: Light armor, medium armor - Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons - Tools: None - Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence - Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Survival, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth
Equipment - (a) a longbow and 20 arrows or (b) any simple weapon - (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack - Leather armor, a hunter's token, and a dagger
Let's define each feature of the Hunter class in the context of a "Hunter x Hunter" and D&D 5e hybrid game:

Level 1: Nen Sensitivity

Level 1: Hunter's Expertise

Level 2: Nen Training (Basic Techniques)

Level 3: Hunter Archetype

Level 3: Nen Ability (Hatsu)

Level 4: Ability Score Improvement

Level 5: Extra Attack

Level 6: Archetype Feature

Level 7: Nen Training (Advanced Techniques)

Level 8: Ability Score Improvement

Level 9: Indomitable (1 use)

Level 10: Archetype Feature

Level 11: Improved Nen Ability

Level 12: Ability Score Improvement

Level 13: Indomitable (2 uses)

Level 14: Archetype Feature

Level 15: Nen Mastery

Level 16: Ability Score Improvement

Level 17: Indomitable (3 uses)

Level 18: Archetype Feature

Level 19: Ability Score Improvement

Level 20: Hunter's Pinnacle

These features combine D&D 5e mechanics with "Hunter x Hunter" lore, offering a comprehensive and thematic progression for characters in this hybrid game.
Each subclass within the Hunter class would have similar structure, with unique abilities and features tailored to their specialization, such as Sea Hunter, Gourmet Hunter, etc. This approach keeps the balance and progression familiar to D&D 5e while integrating the unique elements of the "Hunter x Hunter" universe.

Beast Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Beast Tracking - Gain proficiency in Survival. If you already have it, double your proficiency bonus for Survival checks related to beasts. - Learn to track and identify creatures by their tracks, noises, and other signs.
Level 6: Primal Communication - Ability to communicate on a basic level with beasts and understand their intentions and emotions.
Level 10: Beast Companion - Bond with a beast you encounter, which becomes your faithful companion. - Use the Ranger's Companion feature from the Ranger class as a reference for rules and stats.
Level 14: Predator's Instinct - Gain advantage on initiative rolls in natural environments. - Can't be surprised by beast-type creatures.
Level 18: Master of Beasts - Gain the ability to temporarily control or influence the behavior of beasts through Nen.

Sea Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Aquatic Adaptation - Gain the ability to breathe underwater and a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. - Gain proficiency in Athletics. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus for Athletics checks related to swimming.
Level 6: Deep Sea Knowledge - Advantage on Nature and Survival checks related to aquatic environments. - Can identify aquatic creatures and plants and their uses or dangers.
Level 10: Pressure Resistance - Gain resistance to cold damage and ignore the effects of deep and cold water pressure.
Level 14: Master Navigator - Can never be lost at sea. Gain proficiency in Navigation tools. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus.
Level 18: Call of the Depths - Ability to summon and communicate with sea creatures, possibly enlisting their help or guidance.

Treasure Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Artifact Lore - Gain proficiency in History. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus for History checks related to artifacts and treasures. - Can identify and appraise artifacts and relics.
Level 6: Trap Sense - Gain advantage on saving throws against traps and spells that protect treasures. - Can detect the presence of traps within a 30-foot radius.
Level 10: Dungeon Delver - Move at normal speed while stealthily exploring ruins and dungeons. - Resistance to damage from traps.
Level 14: Ancient Secrets - Can decipher ancient languages and codes. Gain advantage on Intelligence checks related to ancient texts and puzzles.
Level 18: Treasure's Boon - Once per long rest, can locate a significant treasure, artifact, or hidden place within a 10-mile radius.

Music Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Harmonic Awareness - Gain proficiency in a musical instrument of your choice. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can detect mood and intentions of others through their tone and choice of words.
Level 6: Soothing Melody - Can use music to calm emotions, dispel fear, or inspire courage in others.
Level 10: Sonic Resonance - Gain resistance to thunder damage and charm effects. - Can use music to communicate simple ideas to creatures that don't speak any languages.
Level 14: Echolocation - Through focused listening, can sense the location of objects and creatures in complete darkness within a 60-foot radius.
Level 18: Symphony of Power - Once per long rest, can play a powerful melody that grants temporary hit points, cures one condition, or boosts one ability score for the duration of the performance.

Gourmet Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Culinary Expertise - Gain proficiency in Cooking tools. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can identify edible and medicinal plants and creatures, and the best ways to prepare them.
Level 6: Enhanced Taste - Can detect poisons and potions by taste. Gain advantage on saving throws against ingested poisons.
Level 10: Exotic Cuisine - Can prepare meals that grant temporary hit points or other minor benefits.
Level 14: Iron Stomach - Gain immunity to poison and disease from ingested sources.
Level 18: Culinary Masterpiece - Once per long rest, can create a meal that acts as a Greater Restoration spell or provides a significant buff to the party.

Blacklist Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Investigative Skills - Gain proficiency in Investigation. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can gather information and track targets in urban environments more efficiently.
Level 6: Interrogation Expert - Gain advantage on Insight and Intimidation checks when interrogating.
Level 10: Criminal Network - Can establish contacts and gather information from criminal sources. Gain advantage on Charisma checks when dealing with criminals.
Level 14: Expert Tracker - Gain the ability to track targets over long distances, even across different terrains.
Level 18: Master of Justice - Once per long rest, can discern the truth of any statement or determine the location of a person or object related to your investigation.

Medical Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Medical Knowledge - Gain proficiency in Medicine. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can stabilize a dying creature as a bonus action.
Level 6: Herbalist - Can identify and create medicinal herbs and potions. Gain proficiency in Herbalism Kit.
Level 10: Healer's Touch - Can use a pool of healing points to restore hit points equal to 5 times your Hunter level. As an action, can touch a creature to restore any number of these points.
Level 14: Disease Resistance - Gain immunity to disease and advantage on saving throws against effects that cause illness.
Level 18: Lifesaver - Once per long rest, can perform a healing action that acts as a Resurrection spell without needing material components.

Archaeological Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Ancient Lore - Gain proficiency in History. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can identify and interpret historical artifacts, ruins, and texts.
Level 6: Ruins Delver - Gain advantage on saving throws made to avoid or resist traps and natural hazards in ancient ruins and dungeons.
Level 10: Relic Hunter - Can sense the presence of significant historical artifacts within a 1-mile radius.
Level 14: Cryptographer - Gain the ability to decipher ancient codes and languages, and unlock magical inscriptions.
Level 18: Guardian's Favor - Once per long rest, can invoke ancient powers for protection or insight, granting advantage on a series of checks or resisting a powerful magical effect.

Information Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Network of Contacts - Gain proficiency in Persuasion. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can establish a network of informants to gather information more effectively.
Level 6: Codebreaker - Gain advantage on Intelligence checks to intercept and decipher secret messages and codes.
Level 10: Eavesdropper - Gain the ability to listen in on conversations or sounds from great distances or through barriers.
Level 14: Master of Disguise - Can create disguises that allow blending into almost any environment or society. Advantage on checks made to maintain a disguise.
Level 18: Omnipresent Knowledge - Once per long rest, can gain detailed knowledge about a person, place, or object that is not commonly known or easily accessible.

Lost Hunter Subclass

Level 3: Expert Tracker - Gain proficiency in Survival. If already proficient, double the proficiency bonus. - Can track creatures and people across various terrains, and can discern the passage of time since their passing.
Level 6: Urban Tracker - Adapted to tracking in urban environments, can navigate and gather information in cities efficiently.
Level 10: Sixth Sense - Gain a limited ability to sense the direction of a sought person or object within a 5-mile radius.
Level 14: Path Finder - Can create shortcuts or find the most efficient paths through natural and urban landscapes.
Level 18: Find the Lost - Once per long rest, can locate exactly a lost person or item, regardless of distance or barriers, as long as they are on the same plane of existence.
These subclass features provide specialized skills and abilities that align with the unique roles and expertise of each type of Hunter, allowing for a rich role-playing experience within the "Hunter x Hunter" and D&D 5e hybrid framework. Players can choose a path that best suits their interests and play style, diving deep into the diverse world of "Hunter x Hunter." . If anyone has any suggestions or questions please let me know. Also if you want the full chat gpt prompt you can DM me
submitted by Embarrassed-Pear589 to HatsuVault [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:46 ThrowawayOPcx Review of GAO SG and how this game brings out the worse in players

Throwaway account for obvious reasons.
Before reading on, if you do not like bad reviews of the mentioned event, its players and their behavior, I would advise to stop here.
Over the weekend, Grand Asia Open was held in singapore, on the 1st of June. More information can be found in this link.
The event was hosted by both Rowell TCG - a LCS and Maxsoft - Singapore's distributor.
The main tournament was supposed to run from 11am to about 10pm. Registrations began around 8am. The registrations were smooth, with the staff processing everything quickly, so I have nothing but praises for how they handled this. I had a slot, so I just queued, got my pass and proceeded into the venue.
However, for those that did not managed to get the first-come-first-serve slot, they would need to line up at the walk-in queue. I heard a few negative comments about how that was handled, like how they cut the queue, informing those that were cut that no more slots were available, but then it turned out that there was, over an hour later, and those who left the venue simply missed out. Anybody whom experienced this can share if this is true.
Main tournament ran smoothly, but because I admit I am not a very good player, I got 2 losses at the 4th round, and thus comes the end of my main tournament journey.
So I decided to join the gunslinger event, and oh boy, what a shitfest it was.
To give some background, the gunslinger event was stated to run from 2pm to 6pm. A little over 1pm, there was already a long queue for the event, which was not surprising considering how generous the prizes were. A gear 5 nika don was only 3 stamps, so I planned to get a few to complete my set.
The gunslinger started around 2pm, but this is where things already became sus. They only allowed 16 players in at a time into the gunslinger venue, and you will need to sit in the venue for 30 minutes to get 1 stamp, regardless of how many rounds you played. After which you have to go to the back od your queue and wait your turn.
Now with some simple math, at the end of the gunslinger, only 128 players will get to play and have a stamp. The gunslinger queue was estimated to contain around over 200 players. This does not make sense.
After the 2nd batch came out at 3pm, some players started to approach the staff and gave their feedback, on how this method means only a small group will have 1 stamp, and none will have more than 2 at best. Sadly, the staff just said they have heard it multiple times, and have given their feedback to the organizer as well, but they simply shrug them off, so they were just following instructions.
A little after 3pm, they gave news that they will now allow 30 players instead, and cut the "lock down time" from 30 minutes to 20 minutes. This increased the number of players getting the stamp to 270 by the end of this event. I got in around 3.30pm, and to my surprise, there were a few players whom already had 2 stamps, and were chopping their 3rd. This did not make sense, and the only way that is possible, is for them to cut the queue. Take note there was no queue management in this event. I gave my feedback to the judge after the round, and he said that they are just doing their job, so that was that. At this point, many players only had 1 or do not even have a stamp.
In the queue, I started to mingle around, and found out that everyone I spoke to, wanted the 6 point prize - Promotional pack Ex 1. And the main reason? Money. At this point onwards, I will use the local currency - Singapore Dollars (SGD) when refering to cash amounts. 1 SGD is about 0.75 USD for my overseas friends. A 6-point promo pack apparently fetches about $300 here, so everyone wants it to sell, or open it and hopefully hit Marco which is worth $500. No one was interested in any other prizes.
When money is involved, things become ugly. People were blatantly cutting queues withour hestitation or shame. Even when told off, they will retaliate with "I was here, I just went to the toilet, prove that I wasnt".
The front of the queue went from a duo file, to a 6 column queue, while the back was still queuing by 2. Obviously, the back line wasnt moving much, if at all.
Some other players tried to give feedback, but all of them were given the same response. Many of the players at this point felt like the organizer doesnt care.
About 4.30pm, there was news that they will allow point cards to be combined. So to redeem a 6 point pack, you can combine yours and your friends' cards to hit that mark. However, you can only start to combine near the end of the event around 5pm, which was fair I guess, since it is technically not possible for anyone to get more than 3 points by 6pm.
With this new rule, things really became ugly. You have people going up and down the queue, asking if anyone wants to sell their stamps. Many boasting about having 6 points or even 12 points already, and there was this really loud dude whom kept showing off to his friends how he bought multiple cards for chump change. Some telling their friends that this event was "easy money". You get the idea. And the front of the queue was still as packed as ever, with people exiting and requeuing at the front.
When I somehow got my 3rd stamp near 6pm, the organizer said that they will extend the gunslinger to 8pm, which I think was a kind gesture. But since I had plans, I wanted to just change for my Gear 5 Nika don and head off.
I guess many players have lost their patience, because at the redemption queue, there was a whole line of players complaining to the organizer who was there in person. Apparently because the gunslinger was extended to 8pm, they changed the combining rule to take place at 8pm instead. Many players said they have other plans, or that it was not fair to change their rules repeatedly. This was when the organizer informed the players that this combination rule was a privilege and he has the right to take it away at any time if the players do not appreciate it. I decided to back away from the queue until the thing blows over.
I was approached by another player, whom asked if I was interested in selling my 3 stamp card. Not wanting to be part of this any longer, I sold it for a price and left the event.
Sorry for the long post, and rant, but I felt that the whole gunslinger was organized by a person whom simply doesnt care about the playerbase, or at least that was my impression.
My guess was, they might have extended the gunslinger again till 9pm or 10pm. And another guess is that during the redemption, everyone redeemed the 6 point promotional pack and nothing else. I get that money is important but come on.
Thanks for hearing me out and once again, my apologies for long post
submitted by ThrowawayOPcx to OnePieceTCG [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:41 joeuser0123 New Gas cooktop lack of burner adjustment from Low to High

TL;DR: Just replaced cooktop. Had the natural gas version of it in our previous house. At this house we have a propane tank so did the LP conversion kit on the new one of the same model (changed the burner nozzles, turned the cap around in the regulator, and adjusted the adjustment screws in the gas valves on the burners in their stems per the instructions).
It's a Frigidaire.
Followed all the instructions for the LP conversion for making sure the fire doesn't get snuffed out turning the knob quickly from low to high and back again. A few of the burners needed adjustment.
The problem? I hardly have any adjustment of flame size between High/8 and 'Low'. That is: You can audibly hear the gas hissing less but the flame doesn't move at all from High all the way to about "2" on the 3 smaller burners (2 x 7.5K and a 5K). The bigger burners are better but still have the biggest swing in flame size between about 3-4 and Low. My wife's perception: It worked one way on natural gas and works another way on LP.
I checked the nozzles twice. Compared the printed instructions with online. Used the parts from the LP gas kit from the other stovetop (same mode, natgas in our old house).
Any ideas? I've swapped out the regulator from the old stovetop after comparing it to make sure it was the same " of WC as the new one to no luck. The only thing I can think of is that these are offered as conversions as a matter of convenience. But they are tested and certified on natural gas. Other than that, beyond reverting to the old cooktop I am at a loss. The only other thing on propane in this house is the hot water heater and it's a fixed pressure burner. I can't figure out if this is perception or there is a legitimate problem I should be calling up warranty for.
submitted by joeuser0123 to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:40 IcySatisfaction632 Advice for managing the transition of moving?

In a few weeks I’m moving for the first time in 4 years. This is the longest I’ve lived in one area my entire adult life. But my spouse and I are moving about 1.5hrs away from our current area to start my clinical residency for my PhD program.
I’m super excited for this next chapter of my life, but after picking up the keys to the new place today & planning out our exact move-in timeline, it’s feeling real and I’ve been in a meltdown all evening.
Transitions are hard for me. I actually used to like them a lot & therefore moved around a lot, but I think it was more a form of dissociation/escapism/running away from my problems. But over the past several years I’ve done a lot of therapy & inner work to overcome those tendencies, and also this state is the first place I’ve lived that I’ve absolutely loved & see myself staying indefinitely.
Now the idea of moving to a new area & new house feels so overwhelming. Thinking about getting used to a new house layout, having a new bedroom, having to find/get to know a new grocery store and a new gym, making a new routine for myself & my dogs, the list goes on. Heck, I was getting ready for bed a bit ago and just the thought of having to find a new spot for my bath towels made me break down.
And all of that isn’t even including having to adjust to living far away from my main friend group. My spouse & I already have another friend group near where we’re moving, but we barely get to see them because we live so far away rn, so I’ll also have to adjust to this being my new main friend group.
It feels like so much and I’m struggling a lot. Any advice & encouragement is welcome❤️
submitted by IcySatisfaction632 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:40 TheOneWithDoggo Let the Old Dreams Die Retold Concepts: Boys Night Out

Adam and D-Sides Boyfriend, or DS for short, were deep into a game of Super Mario Bros Wonder on the Nintendo Switch."Yeah, this game is pretty good!" Adam agreed, just as the doorbell rang. He paused the game and got up. "Hang on, I gotta see who's at the door." Boyfriend nodded, and Adam walked to the front door. Opening it, he found Owen and Oskar standing there. "I often forget you know where I live," Adam remarked. Oskar darted inside, eager to escape Owen’s company. "Hi," Owen said, following more slowly. Owen took one couch, and Oskar took another, each eyeing the other warily.

Adam broke the silence. "So, where are your girlfriends tonight?" "Busy," they both replied in unison. "Well, okay then," Adam said. "I’m playing Mario Wonder with Boyfriend. Want to join?"
"You have a boyfriend?" Oskar asked incredulously. "No, his name is Boyfriend," Adam clarified. "You’re joking," Owen said, skeptical. "Nope. Hey BF, come out here!" Adam called. DS stepped out and waved. "Beep!" "Huh, you’re right," Oskar admitted.

Just then, someone knocked on the side door. "Hold on," Adam said, heading over. He opened it to find Isaiah and Eleanor. "Hi, Adam!" Eleanor greeted cheerfully. "Hi, guys!" Adam responded. Isaiah walked in, stopping when he saw Owen and Oskar. "Oh...who are you guys?" Isaiah asked. "I’m Oskar," Oskar replied. "I’m Owen," Owen added. Eleanor followed Adam, who closed the door behind them. "So, since there are more people here than usual, any ideas on what to do tonight?" Adam asked. "Beep Bo Bap!" DS beeped. "Boys' Night Out?" Adam suggested. "Boys' Night Out?" Owen repeated, confused. "It’s basically when just the guys go out for the night and have fun!" Adam explained.

"So, basically anything?" Oskar asked. "Yeah, as long as it’s legal," Adam said. "Are you okay with it, Eleanor?" Isaiah asked. Eleanor smiled and nodded. "Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll be fine. Your sister is home, right, Adam?" "Yeah, but she was a bit snappy earlier. I wouldn’t bother her," Adam warned. "Where would we go, anyway?" Owen asked. "Beep bap!" DS suggested. "Yeah, we can go to Applebee's," Adam said. "I’m okay with that," Isaiah agreed. "Can we go to the casino afterward?" Owen asked. Everyone stared at him in confusion. "Dude, we’re all 12-14 except for BF," Adam said. "Oh right," Owen realized. "We can go to the arcade next," Isaiah suggested. "That works," Adam said. "What about after that?" Oskar asked. "We'll figure it out. Ready to go?" Adam asked. "Yeah, I’m ready," Isaiah said. Owen got up. "Let’s go." Adam, DS, and Oskar followed. "Bye, Eleanor! We'll be back in a bit!" Isaiah said. Eleanor waved as the boys left.
After a bit, they finally arrived at Applebee's. "Alright boys, welcome to Applebee's. You know what I love about this place? The culture. I usually have a burger, but sometimes I switch it up. First meal, you’re in Asia; next meal, you’re in Greece!" Adam said.

"Beep bap bo!" DS chimed in. "Exactly, I feel like I need a passport to eat here!" Adam laughed. "So what do you recommend?" Isaiah asked. "What do I recommend? Isaiah, this is Applebee's. I recommend all of it! Wait, you're from New York, right?" Adam asked. "Yeah. Why?" Isaiah asked. "Brooklyn or Queens?" Adam asked. "Manhattan," Isaiah said. "Did you not go to Applebee's before?" Adam asked. "No, not really," Isaiah said. "Well, that's fine. You’re gonna love it," Adam assured him.

After a bit, the waitress came over. Adam’s heart sank. It was Mary Lou Maloney, a familiar face to him but not to the others. "Hello, welcome to Applebee's. My name is Mary, and I'll be your server tonight," Mary Lou said.

"Beep!" DS said."Y-Yeah..." Adam stammered, clearly unsettled. Mary Lou focused on Adam. "How about we start with you, handsome?" she asked, getting close and rubbing his hair. "What would you like to drink?" "Uh, I would like a..." Adam began to say. "You want a lemonade, right?" Mary Lou suggested. "Y-Yeah, that works," Adam said, visibly uneasy. Oskar looked at Adam, puzzled by his behavior. "I’ll have water," Oskar said. "I’ll have a Pepsi," Isaiah added. "Beep bo bap!" DS said. "He said he’ll have a Coke," Adam translated. "I'll take a water too," Owen said.

Mary Lou smiled and walked away. Adam faced the ground, holding his head. "Adam, are you okay? You acted strange when the waitress came," Oskar observed. "No, no, I’m fine. Just a bit hungry, that’s all," Adam lied, unconvincingly. "Who was that? You acted like she was your mom. Oh my god, was that your mom?" Owen asked. "What? No, that's not my mom. Look at me," Adam said. "Beep bap bo, skidoo bap?" DS asked. "No, not my ex or girlfriend..." Adam said. "Then who is it?" Isaiah asked. "Well, she's... a friend of mine. Yeah, a friend. I forgot she worked here," Adam said.

Mary Lou returned with their drinks, still grinning. "I have your drinks, boys. Now, may I take your orders?" "Yeah, that would be nice," Isaiah said. Mary Lou turned towards Adam. "Hey!" she said. "...Yeah?" Adam replied. "You want a classic bacon burger, right? Well done, fries seasoned?" Mary Lou asked. Adam’s heart dropped. "Y-Yeah..." "I’ll have a chicken sandwich," Isaiah said. "How do you want that cooked?" Mary Lou asked. "Crispy," Isaiah replied. "I’m not hungry, thanks," Oskar said. "I’m not hungry either," Owen added. Owen and Oskar exchanged glances, both thinking, "What's your excuse?" "Beep bo bap do bop!" DS said. "Alright, I’ll be back in a bit!" Mary Lou said, leaving with a tune. "Not your girlfriend, eh?" DS teased. "Why are you speaking English now?" Isaiah asked.
Meanwhile, Eleanor knocked on Esther’s door, but there was no answer. "Hello?" Eleanor called, knocking again. "Go away, Adam, or I’ll stab you," Esther threatened from inside. "But... I’m not Adam," Eleanor said. Esther opened the door and looked up at Eleanor. "Who are you?" "My name is Eleanor. You’re Adam’s little sister, right?" Eleanor asked. Esther groaned and tried to close the door, but Eleanor held it open. "Hey, what are you—" Esther began to say, but Eleanor's grip was strong. The door cracked as Eleanor instinctively burst it open, then sprinted off. "What the fu—"

Back at Applebee's, Mary Lou brought the food over, still grinning. "Enjoy your food!" she said, passing it around before leaving. "Damn BF, those nachos look tasty," Adam said. BF nodded, taking a bite and giving a thumbs up. Owen and Oskar’s stomachs growled. "You sure you aren't hungry? It’s not too late to order something," Adam offered. "I'm fine," Oskar said. "Yeah, me too," Owen agreed.

After around 20 minutes of eating, the food was done. "Wow, that burger was delicious," Adam said. "Beep…." DS said. "Yeah, it was," Isaiah said. Mary Lou came back. "I hope you enjoyed your food, now who's paying?" Mary Lou asked. Everyone looked at each other. "Uh, can you give us a second?" Adam asked. She nodded and left.

"Alright, I'm fine with paying if I need to but are there any takers?" Adam asked.
"...This might work," Oskar said. He pulled out Swedish cash from his pocket. "...Oskar, that's Swedish currency. I don't think that's gonna work." Adam said. "Oh…" Oskar said. "Wait, Oskar, are you Swedish?" Isaiah asked. "Yeah, Eli too," Oskar said. "Huh, I mean I can kind of hear it in your voice," Adam said.

Mary Lou came back and leaned close behind Adam. "You know, if you can't pay, if you come in the back with me Handsome, I'll let you off free…." Mary Lou said. Adam turned red as everyone turned towards him, dazed, surprised, and confused. “Uh..Uh..” Adam begins to say, dazed and confused. “Think about it handsome. I'll be back in a bit..” Mary Lou said, kissing him on the cheek. She walked away, humming to herself. Everyone just stared at Adam. “Did…Did she just…?” Oskar began to say. “I think…?” Owen began to say. Isaiah just stared at the ground.
“Bro, I think the waitress just offered to let us go free if-” DS-Boyfriend began to say, but Adam cut him off. “Boyfriend for everyone's safety DON'T finish that sentence,” Adam said. “...Are…Are you going to say something about what just happened….?” Isaiah asked. “I would rather not…” Adam said. Everyone just stared at each other. “You know what? I'll pay. That way we can simply move on.” DS said. “Really?” Owen asked. “Dude, when a waitress offers to bang your best friend to get out of a restaurant without paying, that's when you know you gotta get the f**k out of dodge,” DS said. “Hey, nice reference,” Isaiah said. “Thanks,” replied. “How can you afford to pay?” Owen asked.

“My parents are CEOS of big companies, that's how,” DS-Boyfriend said.
“Hey Adam, can you get the waitress?” DS-Boyfriend asked. “...Why me?” Adam asked. DS-Boyfriend gave a sh*t-eating grin. “Oh you gotta be kidding me,” Adam said agitated. “Hey, don’t look at me, she’s the one into you,” DS said. Adam rolled his eyes and got up, but when he turned around, he bumped into Mary Lou, who was walking back to the table. “Oh hey! Taking my offer?” Mary Lou asked. Before anything could happen DS stepped in. “Actually he was going to get you so we can get the hell outta here,” DS said. Mary Lou looked down before nodding her head. “Alright, we can have some fun another time then.” Mary Lou suggested. Adam turned red again as DS got up from his seat and handed Adam the Money. “Here you go,” Adam said. Mary took it and smiled. “Alright, you can go! Have fun boys!” Mary Lou said with a creepy smile. The others got up from their chairs and quickly left through the door. But before Adam could Leave, Mary Lou grabbed his arm. “...This was nice. Can we do this again sometime?” She asked. Adam shrugged. “I guess so,” Adam said. Mary Lou smiled. She took off Adam’s hat and rubbed his hair. “... It's a date then, see you later…alligator.” Mary Lou said. “YO ADAM, WHAT’S THE HOLD-UP, COME ON!” DS yelled. Adam turned and left through the door.

Eleanor was sitting outside on the steps in the backyard, thinking to herself about what transpired. She didn’t know what came over herself, she didn’t even mean to get so aggressive. She was about to just get up and go take a walk down the road when she noticed a toy Rabbit sitting near the gate. It wasn’t there before. It was grey, and one of its eyelids was drooped down. It had a red vest and a blue bowtie and its eyes were purple. “Where did you come from?” Eleanor asked. The toy roared to life. “R-R-R-Ready to Rocket!” the toy belted. Eleanor gasped out of surprise and dropped the toy, causing it to stutter on one line. “Bon is here- Bon is here- Bon is here- Bon is here- Bon is-” But then the rabbit stopped, its eye slowly turning to look at something in front of it. “H-H-Hi Bon!” Eleanor looked up and saw him. A large 7 ft rabbit animatronic stood in front of the gate, but he looked…damaged. The rabbit had a white latex mask, with a cigar in his mouth and its eyes glowed a bit white as it stood there.He wore a red bowtie connected to a dickie. The torso had a large hole in it, and it was…slightly lined with blood. His vest was tattered and damaged. It had a bunch of holes in it. He had a name tag on his vest “HELLO! MY NAME IS BON.” But it was slightly ripped. His lower arms were exposed with an endoskeleton, but the fingers looked like claws. His lower legs were exposed with an endoskeleton as well. Bon wasn’t looking at her at first before his eyes slowly tilted towards her. The rabbit slowly moved its head, a creaking sound coming from it. The mouth opened, and at first, nothing came out, but then it spoke. “M-My. Name. Is. BON.” The rabbit went to walk towards Eleanor when Esther opened the side door. “Hey. Knew I’d find you out here.” Esther mentioned. Eleanor looked back, but Bon was gone. It was as were an illusion. She looked down and the toy rabbit was gone as well. “Oh, hey,” Eleanor said, trying to sound as normal as she could, albeit possibly hallucinating. Esther sat next to her. “Listen, I don’t know what that was back there, but I’m not going to lie, it was kind of cool,” Esther admitted. Eleanor smiled. “My name is Eleanor, what’s yours?” Eleanor asked. “Esther,” Esther replied. It seemed like she would continue the sentence, but she left it hanging. Eleanor smiled before she asked something, following up on something she heard earlier. “...Hey, can I ask you something?” Eleanor asked. Esther nodded. “...Why do you hate your brother?” Eleanor asked. Esther frowned a bit. “It’s…not that hate him. I’ve been in other homes before this one and most of the time my brothers were…assholes.” Esther explained. “And…is Adam one?” Eleanor asked. Esther sighed. “No...Not really, he’s been nothing but nice but..I just don’t believe it. Like how could someone just be so nice? I haven’t even seen him snap in anger yet. I know it's bound to happen eventually but still.” Esther admitted. Eleanor shrugged. “Guess I understand,” Eleanor whispered. Esther got up. “Well, it was nice meeting you, I’m going to go back into my room ok?” Esther asked. Eleanor gave a thumbs-up as Esther left.

“Right so, where is the arcade?” Oskar asked. DS looked at his phone. “Uh, somewhere around…Here!” DS shouted, pointing at a building. The Building was red, with white glowing neon lights. The arcade was called “THE NEON ARCADE!” “Dude this place looks awesome,” Adam stated. “Where did you find this place?” Owen asked. “I came here with my girlfriend once, gots a sick amount of arcade machines,” DS stated. “Well what are we waiting for, Let's go have some fun!” Isaiah shouted.

The gentlemen walked into the arcade, it was literally what you expected, mostly just an arcade, but there was a play zone, food court, and…a bowling rink! Yeah, that should be about it. “Dude this looks straight out of the 80s!” Oskar shouted. “How would you know? It’s not like you were FROM the 80s!” Adam replied jokingly. Oskar just stared at him, his face serious. “...Calm down! It was a joke!” Adam said, putting his hands up. Oskar made a sigh of relief. “Good, I thought I’d need to kill ya,” Oskar said, joking back. Owen stared at Oskar, his eyes wide with fear. Oskar looked at Owen, seeing the fear in his eyes. “...What?” Oskar asked. Owen didn’t respond, as if remembering…bad times. “Owen…Owen!” Adam shouted. Owen snapped out of his trance. “Oh, sorry...Just thinking of something.” Owen admitted. “Your girlfriend?” DS chuckled. "Something like that," Owen muttered, wanting to change the subject. Adam glanced at him, concerned but deciding to let it go."Alright, let's split up and see who can get the highest score on any game!" Adam suggested, trying to lighten the mood. "Winner gets bragging rights for the rest of the night." DS chuckled. “Bet I can get the highest score,” DS spoke cockily. “You sure about that?” Owen asked. DS looked up at Owen Smugly. “Wanna bet?” DS asked. “No, I just don’t wanna see you lose it.” Owen replied. “BET.” DS stated.

The boys went to different games as the hunt was On. Adam saw this cool game called “Death by AI”, while Oskar played a game called “Ring Out”, while DS and Isaiah played Air Hockey. Owen on the other hand, didn’t exactly know what he should play. Sure, there was Miss Pacman, but he didn’t feel like playing that without Abby. That’s when he noticed a game just..sitting there in the corner. It was an arcade game from King of the Jungle Cafe. But that closed a long time ago. How did it make its way here? The game was called “ZOO ESCAPE”. It was about King Louie and his animal friends being sent to a zoo and they needed to escape. Owen looked around. No one was watching him. Why not give the old game a go? Owen walked over and placed a token in. The game rocketed to life, the familiar jingle playing out. It put a smile on his face. And so, he began to play. Despite how old the game was, it was still fun to play. He was playing for a while when he sensed someone was watching him. He at first thought it was Adam, but he realized it wasn’t. It felt off. He paused the game and saw someone leaning against the arcade machine. It was a boy. He was wearing a black teeshirt with white stripes. It had the earth on it. He had a purple and blue bracelet on one of his arms. He wore tan pants with white shoes. His brown hair went slightly over his eyes. From his face, Owen could tell he had braces and freckles. “Enjoying the game, huh?” The boy asked. Owen nodded. “Yeah, it's fun, I used to play this all the time,” Owen admitted. The boy chuckled. “I used to love playing this thing.” The boy agreed. “..I’m Owen, what's your name?” Owen asked. “Ronny, nice to meet you. ..Though, I swear we met before.” Ronny pondered. “What do you mean?” Owen asked, tilting his head. Ronny shrugged. “Nevermind, it's nothing,” Ronny said. Owen wa about to respond when he heard Adam shouting from the other end of the room. “OWEN, WE’RE ABOUT TO HEAD OUT, YOU READY TO GO?” Adam cried. “Yeah, Coming!” Owen shouted back. Owen looked back, but Ronny was gone. He looked around, but couldn’t see any trace of him.

Adam and the others gathered near the entrance, their faces glowing with excitement from the night's activities. "So, who got the highest score?" Isaiah asked, smirking as he pointed at the air hockey table, where he had just narrowly defeated DS. “AI had nothing on me,” Adam replied. Oskar chuckled, shaking his head. "Ring Out was a blast. I reached level 15, but I think you might've beaten me, Adam." "Did anyone check the scores for Owen?" Isaiah asked, looking around.
Owen shrugged, a small smile on his face. "I was just playing an old favorite, 'Zoo Escape'. Didn't check my score." "Old games for old souls," DS joked, giving Owen a friendly nudge. Owen glared at him but shook it off. "Alright, boys, let's tally up and declare a winner."

The group walked to the main score screen near the entrance. After some friendly banter and a quick check, Adam emerged as the victor with his impressive score on "Death by AI". "Bragging rights secured," Adam announced, striking a triumphant pose. "Now, what's next on the agenda?" DS pulled out his phone to check the time. "It's getting late. Maybe we should start heading back." Adam yawned. “Yeah, I agree, come on gentlemen,” Adam commanded.

The group began their walk back to Adam's house. The air was cool and refreshing, a welcome change from the bustling, neon-lit arcade.
"So, what was up with that waitress at Applebee's?" Isaiah asked, breaking the silence. "She seemed...intense." Adam stopped walking and rubbed the back of his neck, clearly still embarrassed. "Yeah, Mary Lou's...interesting. I guess she likes to mess with me." "Mess with you? Dude, she was all over you," Oskar pointed out, raising an eyebrow. "You sure there's nothing more to that story?" Adam sighed. “Look, I don’t really know, I guess she’s just…like that. I have no idea what’s going on in her head. I guess she just has a unique way of interacting with people she likes.” Adam suggested. Owen looked around. “My house is nearby here, I’m gonna head out,” Owen said. “Right, see ya man.” DS waved. Owen waved goodbye as he separated from the group. “Actually, looking around now, I think my place is around here too. I’ll see you guys later ok?” Oskar said. “Alright, see you later man,” Isaiah replied. Oskar walked away, now it was just DS, Isaiah, and Adam here. “You know what? This was fun.” DS Remarked. “Yeah, it was,” Adam responded, a bit tired. “Just a question, why did you start speaking English out of nowhere?” Isaiah asked. “...Eh, I just felt like it.”

It took them a bit, but the trio got back to Adam’s house. “Welp, that was fun boys but I’m gonna head home, see yall later!” DS shouted. Adam waved goodbye as DS walked away. “Don’t know about you, but I’m tired,” Adam said. “Same, goodnight Adam!” Isaiah replied. Adam waved as they walked into the house, Adam walked into his room, as Isaiah walked downstairs.

Isaiah got back into the apartment downstairs and closed the door behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief. Unsure why he did that. “Isaiah.” A voice called “S**t!” Isaiah yelled out of fear. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” The voice responded. Isaiah focused his eyes and noticed two eyes staring at him from the darkness, but he recognized the voice. “It's ok Mom,” Isaiah replied. “Where did you go?” Naiomi asked. “I went with Adam and some of his friends on a boy's night out. Where’s Eleanor?” Isaiah asked. “In her room waiting for you,” Naiomi responded. “Thanks,” Isaiah replied. He was about to walk into the room when his mother stopped him. “...That Adam…is he any good?” Naiomi asked. “What do you mean?” Isaiah asked. “Is he treating you right?” Naiomi asked. “Yeah, if anything he’s like a brother,” Isaiah stated. Naiomi stared before nodding. “Alright, good. Goodnight Isaiah.” Naiomi said, with a deadpan voice. “Good Night Mom,” Isaiah responded. He entered the room as Naiomi looked at the door upstairs. But she decided against going up there, she’d need an invitation after all.
submitted by TheOneWithDoggo to LetTheRightOneIn [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 Scizmz Time travel is always portrayed wrong.

The idea is this, every depiction of time travel is completely wrong. Since the earth is moving through space, and even the solar system and galaxy are moving, if a person went back in time, they'd appear in empty space at the time they traveled to. Otherwise they'd have to transverse time AND space. The first person to go forwards a minute in time would wind up burning up in the atmosphere.
submitted by Scizmz to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:36 Makyanne Anyone else did quite well in school despite being kind of dumb?

I scored good grades for most of my time in sec schl and JC, and even managed to get into a highly competitive uni course. But lately I've had the realisation that I'm actually...kinda dumb?
I absolutely suck at games that involve strategic thinking/problem solving like chess or other similar board games. I simply can't seem to visualise the possible moves involved and just end up playing randomly which obviously gets me crushed like 100% of the time. And it's not just that tbh. Like whenever there's some sort of group project or group discussion where we need to chip in ideas and opinions I can't help but feel so inferior to everyone? Like my ideas are so much more flawed and shallow than other's and they almost always get shot down because other people realise it's simply not good enough. And then when other people speak I'm just like "that makes so much sense why couldn't I think of that?" :/
And so I've somewhat concluded that maybe I'm just not as smart as I used to think I am. I mean having been known and respected for being the mid that scores well and stuff perhaps I let my ego get to me for most of my life. But I have no reason to think I was ever smart. I guess I'm just someone who works hard and has good studying techniques.
submitted by Makyanne to SGExams [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:30 alexandrepigeot I want to understand Rokinon Full Frame Cine Lenses with Micro Four Third mounts

TLDR; It makes no sense to have a full frame lens on a M43 camera and my experience with one has been horrible. Please contribute your opinions on this.
So, for the story, I was a REAL video noob back when the Blackmagic Pocket CC 4K came out. But it looked so good on paper, I pre-ordered it as my first production camera when I opened my studio in 2018 (received it in 2019). As a BMPCC4K user, I struggled a lot because of lack of autofocus for the kind of work I'm doing but I've since learned to love this amazing camera and I'm still planning on using it moving forward.
When I made the purchase, I asked the supplier to kit me out with some cine lenses. Being the noob that I was, I didn't even flinch when he proposed cine lenses that didn't come from the same set, defeating the purpose of buying assorted cine lenses (so they don't look the same in color grading and they need additional work to swap lenses on a rig)
I didn't have the budget for a fourth lens back then so when I realized I was absolutely going to need a 25mm I got myself a cheap f2.8 Meike, which ended up becoming my workhorse for 4 years. It's clean and so sharp, and I agree it doesn't have a lot of flavors but that's what you need for commercial work anyways.
Throughout this period, I've experimented a LOT with the Rokinons at first because I was trying to rationalize my purchase and eventually it perplexed me that the lens didn't make any sense in their DESIGN.
So, in my experience, anything below T2.8 is absolutely unusable (which resolves to 5.6 on MFT and a cheap kit zoom lens would be giving me the same aperture. When I say "unusable" I don't mean that there's criticism on the specific characteristics of the lens, I mean that there's a weird blur that appears on the whole image. It becomes crazy soft in a way that is obviously not meant to be. The 35mm and the 135mm both do that. The 12mm less so, but it makes sense with what I'm going to say next.
My theory is that, because they are full frame lenses, there is a massive amount of light that's bouncing around the housing and reflecting into the sensor. The 35 and the 135 are full frame and the 12 is an APS-C frame.
I understand how this was designed though. The Full Frame lens cine lens was designed with the full frame sensors in mind AND THEN they thought about making a M43 option, and they simply swapped the lens mount and kept everything the same.
It makes no sense though. The M43 camera mount cannot possibly house a full frame sensor, this is not a possibility even in the future (if I'm not mistaken?). So the softness issues I'm having were always unavoidable.
Now either they knew this was a bad idea, and then the lens is just a plain deception on their part, or they didn't and they have no idea that the MFT variant of their lens is having this issue.
I confess I have not contacted Rokinon for comments on this. I came here first to educate myself if I'm wrong or maybe get a better context if some of you can enlighten me.
submitted by alexandrepigeot to cinematography [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 07:27 Beginning-Simple6235 Need help with being in a triggering environment

Hi everyone!
Late last year I had lost 12kg/26lbs due to concerns about my health and I was able to do it easily and sustainably without any real difficulty despite being in a home environment where everyone, besides my brother, partakes in unhealthy lifestyle choices (with them projecting their own insecurities by doubting my ability to lose the weight due to their own inability to, as well as constantly making negative comments about my body and what I eat).
However around January time this year was when I developed a BED probably due to the negative pressure from being in my home environment and I have found it extremely frustrating when I do relapse (as I feel like I’m almost proving my family’s doubts right). I am doing a lot better now however I still struggle. I find it hard to be in an environment where there’s the temptation of triggering snacks constantly around me as well as having a family with generally an unhealthy lifestyle. I’m not in an environment where I can tell my family about my BED (Asian family not open to admit/acknowledge mental health problems + confirmed with a recent occasion where my mum found out about my struggles with the disorder but completely disregarded it and failed to acknowledge it as a legitimate problem) so they can’t help me in that aspect, nor where I can seek therapy due to financial reasons (currently saving up for university). I’m unable to move out until late September of this year, where I know living by myself will make continuing recovery so much easier.
Any ideas on how to overcome this?
submitted by Beginning-Simple6235 to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]