Can i get high of bathroom salt

Fishing memes

2019.01.16 18:27 Kowalski-FishingTV Fishing memes

A meme community dedicated to most amazing sport in the world: FISHING!

2013.02.02 14:35 AtomicTacoCanada Penises showing up mildly in public.

A subreddit dedicated to items that unintentionally have some sort of phallic nature.

2014.12.17 08:35 BlackStallion54 justfuckmyshitup

This subreddit is dedicated to jacked up haircuts from all walks of life.

2024.05.17 18:45 ffffsauce Self cleaning litter boxes for urine odor?

Hello Reddit. I have two cats, and two litter boxes, and use clay litter. I’ve tried crystals and corn and the cats seem to prefer the clay. The wife and I are debating getting one of those auto scooping cat boxes to help with some urine odor issues we’ve been having. I scoop the cat boxes daily or at WORST every other day and do a total dump of the litter weekly. The poos are not an issue. The issue lies with my older cat who had a urinary surgery 10 years ago (had a blocked urethra) and since then he holds his pee until he absolutely can’t take it. We have had him checked for crystals and he’s good on that front, no bacteria detected in his urine, blood, no straining or vocalizing. He just seems to take a mega piss instead of little ones frequently. This has been going on for years. Yes he is on a UR vet diet of wet food. When he takes one of his mega pisses it shoots all over the back of the litter boxes ( has to have a cover or he will piss down the side) and will get trapped in the seal between the lid and base. Every time I scoop it I have to remove the lid and wipe the pee that gets trapped with some Lysol wipes. And it absolutely reeks. We finally have space for one of those self cleaning /scooping cat boxes but since the issue isn’t the frequency of scooping but the pee trapped on the sides, I am wondering if that would even be a good solution. Thanks!
submitted by ffffsauce to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:23 aj123098 Egfr 66 down from 89 in 18 months - 27 years old

Hi all, I went to the doctors 3 months ago due to some swelling in my elbow, the doctor ran some tests to rule out any infection and we came to the conclusion that I am a chronic leaner (i’m a software engineer so always at my desk).
Anyhow, my bloods did flag some unusual kidney results. My creatinine was 113, and my egfr 77. My doctor looked at previous bloods from December 2022 and my egfr was 89 and creatinine 103. She decided that I needed to get tested again in 4 weeks as she was interested, but figured it was just a blip and would go back up. So I did, and those results came back, and my egfr was 70, and creatinine 120. She was unsure so said to get tested again in 4 weeks. Only this time I was told to completely restrict protein (60g a day), absolutely no exercise for the entire month, and to stay hydrated. Yesterday I got my results back and my egfr is 66 and creatinine 127. So, again, a drop. 3 months in a row.
It’s worth noting during these tests I had an ultrasound which came back fine, and my ACR was fine too (no protein in urine). This is of course a positive, but the consistent decline in egfr is not.
I’m a healthy individual, rarely drink and don’t smoke. I am not overweight, and in good shape. Although not overly muscular which can apparently cause abnormal results. I’m not a diabetic, and my blood pressure is as expected for my age. Overall, I’m pretty damn healthy. May also be worth noting I’m caucasian.
I was curious if anyone else had had a similar situation? It seems as though mine is rare enough that my doctor is quite baffled.
I am in the process of getting an appointment for a specialist but unsure as to when that will be. And obviously the constant decline is egfr has me in a state of panic because it does not seem to be slowing down
submitted by aj123098 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:13 TheMeatyWaffle Telehealth place that can prescribe Vyvanse in Tx?

I'm tired of not having the energy or focus to do anything consistently. It feels like my anxiety and depression just feed off of my ADHD and I want to get on meds for it. I don't have insurance or a primary care doctor or anything.. Been wanting to do this for years, didn't think they could prescribe "controlled substances" but apparently they can. Really hoping this could be a turning point in my life
submitted by TheMeatyWaffle to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:59 Emilyjs36 First day

Are the opening ceremonies usually a very busy time? It’s my first EDC and wondering if they’re worth braving the heat and possibly the rush of people to get to see them!! Also HAPPY EDC DAY BABES, can’t wait to see all the outfits and pretty faces today
The vibes are high and the excitement is taking over
submitted by Emilyjs36 to electricdaisycarnival [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:54 Character-Dig2135 Does this sound like it could be colon cancer?

Sorry for any typos as I’m typing this out in a state of bad anxiety
When I was a kid I had terrible stomach issues always stomach pains and constipation, I believe it was due from all the stress and anxiety I had as a kid from going through kidney cancer recovering from that and living in fear of it returning plus other traumatic experiences. But once I was around 10 I was having normal bowel movements but did have a hemorrhoid that would make me bleed like crazy for a year then that stop and I was totally fine after. Sometimes from nerves I would get diarrhea once in awhile but then go back to normal. I’m 24 now and i noticed last year I was becoming more constipated and then vertigo hit me which lead to me having the feeling to always poop but once getting to the toilet I couldn’t. Of course I had a lot of anxiety due to the vertigo so maybe it messed with my bathroom habits I don’t know but anyway this was on going where I would maybe have normal bowel movement here and there then go right back into being constipated or even sometimes diarrhea… small episodes right before my period or out of nowhere but nothing too bad… Until January, I was feeling better with the vertigo but still wasn’t really having normal bowel movements and then one weekend I got fast food stomach felt off into the week which lead me to having diarrhea but by the next day I was fine also was very stressed out didn’t know what to think of it but put it to the side and felt fine til the following weekend I woke up so nauseous everything I ate made me sick and I felt my stomach turning more and more then horrible diarrhea started with lower abdominal pain and crazy pressure on my lower stomach and behind, lasted for 2 days then after I barley could eat would still go to the bathroom weird between watery diarrhea to mushy then greenish then very constipated and also was having crazy burping episodes that I still experience til this dayespecially if I feel anxious or eat something wrong. After watching what I eat and taking certain things to help me I started being able to kinda eat more and started having more normal bowel movements more often but still was that back and forth between one day going normal next day constipated and those abdominal pains starting up. Also I see if I get very anxious or stressed out it all starts up again. It’s still kinda like a rollercoaster once I think I’m doing better and back to normal my gut starts to act up again! I’m not (sorry for the tmi) just having those normal bowel movements regularly or like as of now, once again been going constipated I notice mucus which has also been an on going thing here and there seeing think mucus mainly in the hard stools not so much when I go regular. Other symptoms like the side of my anal sometimes feels like pressure or like having something right there by my anal something maybe like a hemorrhoid I do bleed sometimes but also recently after my last bowel movement that was mostly normal but pretty light in color after last Sunday two days later I went very hard and had thick mucus/dark blood in the poop I thought I had my period at first very weird strongly blood while wiping myself besides the thick red blood in poop and fresh blood as well on the wipe after that I’ve had no blood but still been going constipated with small clumps of mucus today I went to look and don’t know if I see light pink in it or if it’s just me but overall is like yellowish brown mucus. Lastly the last few months I’ve been on Zyrtec and Clonazepam
I get scared it’s colon cancer because of the changes in bowel movement and shape, mucus, abdominal pain sometimes, burping like crazy at times, the blood in stool I had few days ago. I’m only 24 don’t drink don’t smoke a little overweight but try to be active and try to eat healthy
submitted by Character-Dig2135 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 17:35 Reality_Thief2000 Advent's Amazing Advice: Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk, A Campaign Fully Prepped and ready to go! (Part 1 Cragmaw Hideout)

Welcome back to Advent's Amazing Advice! The series where I take popular One-Shots, Adventures, Campaigns, etc. and fully prep them for both New and Busy DMs. This prep includes fully fleshed-out notes, music, ambiance, encounter sheets, handouts, battle maps, tweaks, and more so you can run the best sessions possible with the least stress possible!
Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk stems from The Lost Mine of Phandelver a classic and beloved starter set that many new DMs run. Even with this being the most recent release it still has an issue, the same as with many doesn't describe the best way to transform the book's contents into an actual session. The Book-to-session conversion can be difficult between figuring out when things should happen, understanding motivations, and even organizing encounters.
Well, fortunately for you, 99% of that work is done! Only a few things are really left:
Advent's Notes: I was surprised with how few changes were made in the book considering how long this adventure has been around and all the wonderful things the community has come up with, I was even more surprised when they started adding more monsters to Cragmaw Cave. It's already pretty rough in there and with the additional creatures, it's almost assured there's going to be a TPK. I've kept most of the fights the way they were with only a few minor adjustments, the most important changes are just subtle nods to the Psi Goblins that will be encountered later on.
Without further ado:
Included in The AAA Collection are:
Over 5 dozen other Fully Prepped One-Shots, Adventures, and Campaigns: Click Here
As always, if you see something you think I can improve, add, change, etc. please let me know. I want this to be an amazing resource for all DMs and plan to keep it constantly updated! If you'd like to support me, shape future releases, and get content early feel free to check out my Patreon!
Cheers, Advent
submitted by Reality_Thief2000 to DungeonMasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:58 Adhamh_31 Opening paragraphs feedback

Hey all! This is my first ever Reddit post, so thank you for looking at this. I've been trying and failing to write a novel since my teens, but always gave up but I'm determined this time ADHD be dammed.
Here are a few paragraphs of my first draft opening paragraphs and I would love some feedback from anyone who has time. I'm specifically looking to see if it's not enough detail or if it's too fast paced. Thank you! ♥️
Edit: possible trigger waning for dececed parent.
{ Ash Keeling woke with a start. That feeling, like she was landing from a 10 foot drop, slammed her back to reality. She had that dream again, the one she had been having that dream for months. It had started out fractured, bits and pieces, but this time she could have sworn she heard her mother say her name. Brushing the curls from her face, the lingering tendrils of the dream of her late mother dissipated like smoke in the morning breeze. She bolted upright, heart pounding with the weight of unshed tears, realising she was late for work... again. 
This was the second time that week. Owning a plant and apothecary shop comes with some perks. Free home made lotions, bars of soap, teas, lots of teas, and all the plants you could want. The down side was you had to make them all, and when you make them yourself it isn't technically free, but being late definitely was not a perk.
Ash leaped out of bed, grabbing what she hoped were clean clothes from the floor, she meant to put on a wash two days ago, but the thought of it always seemed too much and she could find the time. She had to make seven new batches of Perk-Up Tea the night before because the Ginseng root she used in the last batch went bad and she hadn 't noticed.
Throwing them on she bounded down the stairs, forgetting that the last step was broken, she wabbled, narrowly avoiding a precarious stack of books, which had a nasty habit of always somehow being in the way. Picking them up she placed them on the coffee table and continued into the kitchen.
That was the trouble with being a witch, things tended to be effected the magic used around them. Taking on personalities of their own, and moving around when you weren't looking. Like that time she tried to levitate her couch, to get her keys that had fallen under it, she had gotten will to intent ratio wrong for the spell. Since then, the couch floats a few centimetres off the ground. It varies now and then, just enough, so she can never quite gague it properly, and ends up awkwardly bumping down on it. She has taken to using one of the armchairs instead.
Hurriedly she threw a slice of bread into the toaster, and poored herself a cup of yesterday's coffee. Or was it two yesterdays old? Ash didn't have time to care, she nuked the coffee on the microwave, and when it dinged she took a gulp. Hopping from foot to foot, she tried to dance her way through the pain of scorching coffee burning her mouth. The toast jumped up, she slapped on some jam and popped it in her mouth. Realising too late that, as the smell hit her nose, jam isn't usually green. Mint sauce on toast didn't taste at all as bad as it sounded though, she thought.
“Why didn't you wake me?“ She snapped as she tied up her hair, half eaten slice of toast still in her mouth.
The black bird purched on her back of a soft coloured arm chair in the living room, clearly also having a mistrust for the semi floating couch, let out a strained caw in response to the sudden hostility shot it's way. Like the break of a voice when it's used for the first time in the morning.
“Yeah Sabel, I know it's raining, but you can do things other than sulk when it rains yano!“ She called back.
Sable was a tall black raven with young blue eyes. He had been found as an egg one winter a few years ago, by Ash out in the woods behind her cabin. She had brought it home where she cared for it, placing it in a small basket covered with a blanket near the open fire place of her cottage. He had stayed like that for a week or more before hatching, and certainly not because Ash forgot all about it and was awoken one morning to the sound of a very loud, very hungry chick.
She fed him ground up worms and grubs. Kept him warm, taught him to fly, and one spring morning, when he was ready, she released him back into the woods. Feeling a sense of accomplishment, having successfully rearing a chick.
Sable didn't last long in the wild, he found it to be a cold, wet, harsh environment, and longed for the warmth of the cottage. Ash was surprised as she came down stairs, the next morning, to see there was a damp adolescent bird snored next to the fire. A slight breeze had caught her attention, coming from the sitting room window, which was open, dispite it being locked shut the night before. She had never met a bird that could unlock a window before but, then again, she had never met a bird before.
A bird, who cawed angrily everytime it rained. Would build makeshift nests out of crumpled pieces of paper and cloth, and shook his head, immiting a deep coo and clicking sound, when he senced someone approaching the cottage, as if to warn them off. And ohh yeah, snored.}
submitted by Adhamh_31 to writingcritiques [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:55 ConfidenceNearby2534 Car accident with restitution claim

My 16 year old was involved in a car accident in MN. He was at fault for going through a red light. We have court on Monday for his traffic ticket and the other party involved is seeking restitution for expenses after insurance. The only attachment is the other party's purchase agreement for the car, which was purchased in 2021. The insurance company claims she was paid fair market value for her car and also reimbursed her deductible, but can't help me beyond that. The only thing I can come up with, based on filing, is that she is trying to get the full purchase price of the vehicle. Is there anything I can do to prepare for court?
submitted by ConfidenceNearby2534 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:35 Routine-Building6551 Getting into business field and starting at 17?

I’m currently 17 right now and I want to have multiple sources of income and be financially stage by my 20’s inshallah. My main career goal is to become a CFA and I will be perusing finance degree in university. Can anyone let me know what type of careers I can get into while doing uni degree. I’m interested in buisness mangement, marketing and beauty industry.
submitted by Routine-Building6551 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:20 1RoyaLiv What to know about your tooth extraction

What to know about your tooth extraction
I spent what feels like hours trying to find information on my tooth extraction and the experience I was having. NOTHING was explaining it good enough and I kept coming up with millions of questions.
I got a broken tooth removed NOT my wisdom teeth, I’m 23 and NEVER developed a blood clot from the moment I took the gauze off the site it never filled with blood. The dentist said I must not have been bleeding that day??
DAYS 1-3 I did not eat anything but blended up soups which on day 3 I had a mental break down because I’m a religious weed smoker, haven’t smoked or eaten solids in days. I said fuck it and went to get some French fries I swallowed the whole after two three chews on the other side of my mouth. But the teeth around my extraction site EXTREMELY SORE so it hurt to chew. I got fruit pouches, apple sauce, protein powder, yogurts, cream of wheat,lots of mac and cheese, eggs but I only ate the big parts that wouldn’t get stuck and I swallowed them whole.
DAY FOUR I felt so good in the morning and I’m not sure if it was the noddle from the mac that got stuck in my tooth but somewhere during that time I must’ve got an infection because the pain sky rocketed all to my cheek bone jaw and front teeth. I called the doctor and they packed my mouth with clove oil on what looked and felt like a bandaid.. idk. It felt uncomfortable and I went back the next day to get it removed (they also put me on antibiotics) she said I had cry socket and shocker,. An infection. I had to leave work because the pain was bad.
DAY FIVE-EIGHT (present time) the teeth around my extraction site are so sore to the touch and I still can’t sleep on that side of my face. But my dry socket pain only lasted 2-4 days and today I can see my hole closing pushing some of the brown dry socket paste they put in there at my second visit back when they removed the bandaid like gauze from the socket. Overall I think things are getting better.
For anyone going through this I want you to know having a support system is what got me though it.
TIP AND EXTRA INFO if you have to smoke… I smoke through a bubbler out of my nose I took baby hits, it was better than nothing. I’m telling you if you have a dry sockets you can smoke… put gauze over it and accept that it’s going to throb in pain after and hurt for a little while after but then it goes away. I personally regretted each time I smoked weed orally so I stopped completely and after 3 days of that I felt like the healing process was much faster. Idk if that’s true but it’s my experience. I got some distillate too but make sure IT DOESNT GO IN YOUR EXTRACTION SITE that would be hell and I was very cautious of that. I never smoked joints so maybe that would work better but I did the bong and it was to much for my mouth to handle, it hurt more than relieved the pain.
If you have any questions lmk I’ll try to subside your anxiety bc i know I had ALOT. Just because you get dry socket or am infection it’s not the end of the world and we can get through it just remember that 🤍 this is going to make you so much stronger
I added a photo of my dry socket filled with paste, I forgot to take photos of it naked but if you have a dry socket you will know… it’s a hole in your mouth that hurts LOL
submitted by 1RoyaLiv to WisdomToothRecovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 16:08 PapaRave_ Blender to UE workflow keymap suggestions? Previous Maya user.

Good morning, all! I am currently in the process of learning the ins and outs of Blender and Unreal Engine after spending the last four years in college working in Maya. From what I've gathered from other posts here as well as some Blender tutorials, it is highly recommended to use the standard keymaps in Blender, as opposed to the "industry-compatible" set. However, Unreal Engine's default keyset in terms of navigating around the 3D space and making transformations to objects seems more identical to Maya. I'm sure over time, this might start getting confusing as I learn more about both programs, if I stay with Blender's default keyset. BlendeUE users, have you been through this before and have any suggestions?
submitted by PapaRave_ to blender [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 15:49 Skyraven02 Can’t get anywhere

I keep trying to stop but I can’t seem to get anywhere. If my husband is going to the store and asks if I want anything I say yes. Once I finish it I will ask him to go to the store and buy more. If there is anything in the house I will drink it. I’ve been keeping track of when I drink and write down what I’m drinking and how much.
submitted by Skyraven02 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 15:47 GrapefruitDirect8888 Need SHEIN clicks

I can do your codes if you do mine
A great chance for both of us to get up to $300💵!! Accept my invitation by searching this code in the SHEIN APP : 0b1zfcp5
submitted by GrapefruitDirect8888 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 15:47 MentalWealth2 Penny stocks with 10-bagger potential

Every week I post some DD on promising penny stocks that I have been watching and have interest in accumulating. I mainly do this because some people tend to find these posts useful, including me since I have discovered some solid companies from commenters suggestions, so ty. ( JAGX was actually recommended under my last post. So as always feel free to share some tickers you would like me to check out!
Jaguar Health, Inc. $JAGX
Market Cap: 80M
Company Overview:
Jaguar Health, Inc. specializes in developing and commercializing plant-based, sustainably-derived prescription medicines for gastrointestinal conditions in both humans and animals.
Investment Highlights:
Clinical Pipeline: Jaguar Health's lead product, Mytesi, is already FDA-approved and on the market, providing a reliable revenue stream. Beyond Mytesi, the company is advancing crofelemer in Phase 3 trials for several indications, including chemotherapy-induced diarrhea and rare gastrointestinal disorders. This broad clinical pipeline targets significant unmet medical needs, potentially leading to substantial market opportunities.
Strategic Subsidiaries Improving Reach and R&D: Jaguar Health is expanding its geographic reach and diversifying its research into additional therapeutic areas through its subsidiaries, Napo Pharmaceuticals and Napo Therapeutics. Napo Therapeutics is focused on European market penetration, particularly for orphan and rare diseases, which often benefit from favourable regulatory incentives.
Technology: The company’s use of plant-based compounds for gastrointestinal treatments sets it apart in the pharmaceutical industry. This niche focus on natural and sustainable sources could cater to a growing consumer preference for "greener" medical solutions.
Potential for Market Expansion: The company identifies a significant market potential for Mytesi in the U.S., estimated at approximately $50 million annually. Additionally, expanded indications for crofelemer could open further revenue streams in both human and animal health markets.
Goodness Growth Holdings, Inc. $GDNSF $GDNS.CN
Market Cap: 92M
Company Overview:
Goodness Growth Holdings, Inc., is a cannabis company in the United States. It cultivates, manufactures, processes, and distributes medical and adult-use cannabis products. It operates a network of retail dispensaries under the Green Goods and other Goodness Growth brands in Maryland, Minnesota, and New York.
Investment Highlights:
Solid Revenue Growth: In Q1 2024, Goodness Growth reported a 44.5% year-over-year revenue increase, excluding discontinued operations and the New York market. This significant growth was driven by strong performance in Maryland and steady results in Minnesota.
Strategic Divestiture and Focused Expansion: The company is in the process of divesting its New York operations, a move expected to be completed by June 30, 2024. This strategic divestiture aims to streamline operations and focus resources on more profitable markets, enhancing overall financial stability.
Product Innovation and Market Penetration: Goodness Growth recently launched Hi*AF and Boundary Waters branded cannabis beverages in Minnesota. These products are expected to establish a brand presence ahead of the anticipated start of adult-use sales in the state in 2025, positioning the company for future market growth.
Operational Efficiency: The company reported a 28.6% increase in gross profit and a substantial improvement in operating income, which rose from $0.4 million in Q1 2023 to $4.8 million in Q1 2024.
Expansion in Key Markets: Maryland, a key market for Goodness Growth, began adult-use cannabis sales on July 1, 2023. The company's performance in Maryland has been strong, with revenue from this state increasing by 191% year over year. Additionally, consulting, licensing, and wholesale agreements with other dispensaries are expected to improve market penetration.
Promino Nutritional Sciences Inc. $MUSLF, $MUSL.CN
Market Cap: $11M
Company Overview:
Promino Nutritional Sciences Inc., based in Burlington, Canada, is a nutraceutical company that develops and markets nutritional products. Founded in 2015, Promino focuses on science-based formulations to address muscle health through its flagship products, Rejuvenate and PROMINO.
Investment Highlights:
Strong Product Efficacy and Scientific Backing: Promino’s flagship product, PROMINO, is built on over 20 years of research and 25 clinical trials conducted at the University of Arkansas. The patented formula has been proven to be twice as effective as traditional whey protein in building muscle, offering a significant competitive advantage in the market.
High-Profile Brand Ambassadors: The company has secured endorsements from well-known athletes such as NHL player Jack Eichel, MLB legend José Bautista, and NHL legend Kirk McLean. These endorsements enhance brand credibility and broaden Promino’s products' appeal to a larger audience, including professional athletes.
Expanding Market Presence: Promino is expanding its distribution network, with plans to onboard products in thousands of new retail doors and the top seven e-commerce marketplaces. This broad distribution strategy aims to increase product availability and market penetration significantly.
Product Line: The company's product line includes Rejuvenate Muscle, a daily muscle health beverage clinically proven to assist in muscle rebuilding and prevent age-related muscle loss, and PROMINO, an elite performance supplement for athletes. These products are designed to cater to a wide demographic, from performance athletes to aging individuals seeking to maintain muscle health.
Experienced Leadership Team: Promino is led by CEO Vito Sanzone, who brings over 25 years of experience in the health, wellness, and fitness industries. Sanzone has a successful track record in high-stakes mergers and acquisitions totalling $1 billion and is known for successful product launches and company turnarounds. This experienced leadership is key to driving the company's growth and strategic initiatives.
Medical Applications: Promino is expanding into the medical sector with pre-clinical studies focused on the efficacy of its patented amino acid formula in mitigating muscle loss in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. This initiative targets a significant unmet need, as muscle loss during cancer treatment can severely impact patient outcomes and quality of life.
submitted by MentalWealth2 to PennyStockWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 15:14 GrapefruitDirect8888 Need SHEIN clicks

I can do yours if you do mine !
A great chance for both of us to get up to $300💵!! Accept my invitation by searching this code in the SHEIN APP : 0b1zfcp5
submitted by GrapefruitDirect8888 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:40 ConsiderationFirm608 Imported contacts- can they see me?

Connected works email to my phone and google imported all works contacts. Deleted works email off my phone, the contacts still show in whats app when I search for them.
1) Can these contacts fine me + my phone number if I don't contact them?
2) How do I get rid of them?
submitted by ConsiderationFirm608 to whatsapp [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:39 nirvanawen WUT IF...

Today, I've decided to start a discussion titled "WUT IF..." because I've noticed many folks forecasting prices based on numerous "if" scenarios. So, I've let my imagination run wild with various scenarios and I'm excited to share them with the cute cat community. Plus, I'm eager to hear your scenarios too!
Let's kick things off with WUT IF SOLANA REACHES $500... Picture this: Solana hitting $500 would place its market cap at around $287B. Now, what if $WEN grabs 10% of that? That's $28B (175x from here)! Could we see $0.04 per token? Currently, Solana sits at $146 with a $82B market cap, while $WEN's market cap is a mere $160M, representing 0.195% of Solana's market cap... That's tiny! Just imagine our potential...
Now, WUT IF SOLANA REACHES $1000? Well, we double everything from the previous scenario. If $WEN snags 10%, we're looking at a $56B market cap, translating to $0.08 per token... Seems insignificant, doesn't it?
Remember the previous cycle: DOGE hit a $90B market cap, SHIBA soared to around $45B... So yeah I'm bullish AF!
I think we are about to enter a Meme Super Cycle, we have Hedge Funds already jumping into Meme coins Bloomberg article
Projects like $WEN and $BONK have serious potential this time around; they're more than just meme coins. Plus, from my chat with the team yesterday, I know there's a slew of launches, major partnerships, listings, and appearances at significant events in the pipeline... So, brace yourselves!
Use this tool to project potential gains: You can see the possible gains if we were to reach the all-time high (ATH) or current price of certain coins. It's funny to see that if we were to hit SHIBA's ATH, we'd make a whopping 460x... That's a 46000% increase! Just imagine!
Now it's your turn to comment: WUT IF...
submitted by nirvanawen to wenwencoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:36 ViFlowers Good morning starshine

Bwahahahaha of course I didn't know 🤣🤣 I knew blue man group did. That gave me a good - well needed - laugh too. At myself? With? Little of both.
What I mean by that is, I wouldn't know most celebrities if I was talking right to them!! Music especially. All my favs don't really show up on mainstream.
TBH kinda like it that way though. There's a beauty to appreciating talent without having to know or like the person. I'm good with not breaking the spell sometimes ✨️
Still kinda feels like somebody's watching me or should they be "somebodys"
Anybody else find they can get "turned off" by celebrities, or people, once you find out their an asshole? I mean no matter how physically attractive or whatever you are, soon as you're a jerk I'm turned off... all the way off...
Don't get me started if someone can't carry a conversation. A real one!! But I'll save that for another post....
submitted by ViFlowers to u/ViFlowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:34 Front_Ad_8752 Nmom willing to get me arrested because of the fights FOR my nex

This is a very complicated and complex situation and idk what to do. Key word: For. She’s willing to put me behind bars for this 20 year old fucking boy to get his fucking satisfaction. My Nmom has always chosen men over her family so there’s def some sort of daddy issues going on and im not suprised to see her teaming up with my nex to our me behind bars. I don’t even know why she would HELP him. My own mother. Assisting a man who’s abused me for the last 5 decades of my life, after knowing all of the things he’s said and done to me, after seeing me cry in pain from the pain HE caused me. He basically painted a picture of me being the bad guy claiming he “fears for his life.” And coming to my Nmom for “help.” When all he wants to do is to ruin my life, thats what he was always after. Theyre both narcissists I automatically loose. I don’t have a real mother. I was just born to a narcissist who pretends to be a mother and will throw me under the bus if she doesn’t get what she wants, attention. My nex is giving my Nmom attention and supply, she doesn’t care who gives it but he’s giving it and which is why she defends HIM over me. She’s chooses his side over me.
She’s willing to work with my abusive nex into bringing me down. My nex has always spited me, he was always jealous of me. My Nmom has only treated me as such if it meant she got what she wanted or didn’t. I’m their target. The worst thing about this is despite my exs covert abuse my Nmom can’t see it. She don’t even see abuse as abuse, she most likely believes I deserved the abuse from my ex in some way because I “did something wrong” because that’s how she sees her abuse towards me. Its absolutely fucked it. Here’s the terrible thing, my nex is a womanizer, plays around with dozens of women and has sex with hundreds. He doesn’t care who it is but he will persue it and i’m sure he would try to mingle with my Nmom in some type of way to hurt me or because of his own selfish nasty desire. And my Nmom being the cold hearted selfish person she is, I wouldn’t find it a shock for her to mingle with my nex too despite them being 30 years apart. My Nmom and nex would rub in my face that they “mingled.” In an effort to hurt me. She would shamelessly flirt with my nex instead of rejecting his effort because my Nmom is selfish and lonely. My Nmom type of mother to hook up with their daughters boyfriend and I wouldn’t be suprised if she was sexting with him.
Now that we got that out of the way here’s some context, i was in this long winded situationship with this guy who was toxic and abusive to me, in turn I became suffered from reactive abuse. I’ve said some mean things and didn’t hold back. I’m a person who wishes death to those who’s wronged me. I ofc stupidly made my wishes and desires very clear to my ex during a fight. I don’t necessarily beleive wishing a person death is abuse/a threat if they were the one who treated you wrong in the first place? But it’s still wrong nontheless and I essentially lost control of my emotions, let too much slip out. Safe to say I lost my ever loving mind and I will say 50% of it is pain from the pain my nparents had caused me. Based on my knowledge of knowing how they operate he wasn’t anything different compared to them. I’ve had entire fantasies of my ex dying…I told him (alll of it.) 😅🤦‍♀️ I was filled with so much anger and sadness and dispair because of him. I believed nothing would’ve been better but him off this planet yk?
I feel like wishing the demises of your abuser is somewhat/ or quite normal because these people did the most inhumane thing to us which we don’t deserve. I see narcissists as the scum from the bottom of my shoe so i beleive they should be treated as such. It’s as simple as that, also due to the fact that narcissists are most likely a product of their environment I said some things about their family as well as they were racist to me. I fucking hate racists. I had a lot to say to sum it up. His family and himself were disgusting people and yes I’ll be going to therapy. Anywho, he bullied me for years and I’ll admit it’s immature on my part to blow up. If anything he was trying to get me to react and create a “case” against me. I wanted the absolute worst for him, no crazy painful insane death, just death to him and his family. I was hurting, I was in pain and the only way I could react was by telling the very person who hurt me that I wish they where dead and I’d do it myself. NOT WISE AT ALL. I OBVIOUSLY I wasn’t going to actually commit a crime but I still said it regardless. sigh. I will be going to therapy because of this. In short, my nex threatened he will use what I said against me to get me arrested and he wants nothing to do with me because i’m crazy. He’s even admitted to me he knows what he’s doing and knows he’s toxic but doesn’t intend to changed he knows he mistreats me yet acts shocked when I want him byebye. I’m honesty scared of this man. He was able to manipulate the situation and come out as victim just for my Nmom to take his side, believe him and form alliances. If I was the mother I would’ve saw the signs and knew my daughter was reacting from the action. She takes whatever side benefits her.
I have nothing to benefit me legally because my nex has all the proof. His abuse is very covert and hidden , you’d have to read between the lines and know what to look for. He’s very crafty about how he abuses me to not leave a trail so i’m loosing at this one. My nex told me he wasn’t actually going to call the cops but he is advised to do it, he only did it to scare me. I’m not sure but i’m guessing into submission? I wish he didn’t get my Nmom into it cuz she’s having a hay day with the potential of getting rid of me simply because she’s not getting her way within the family. She never wanted what was best for me, she wasn’t the mother who was happy to see me walk across that stage for graduation, she was the mother who secretly wished her children to experience the worst things.
I honestly think going byebye myself is the better alternative.
submitted by Front_Ad_8752 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 14:05 Training_Fan_6714 Earn 20$ ❗️❗️ INSTANTLY

Earn 20$ ❗️❗️ INSTANTLY
Earn easiest 20$ of your life
Sidenote: spend the 10$ on something you was already going to buy. Your basically getting 20$ for nothing easiest money I’ve ever made plus you get a refferal link & can get your family members to do the same for you . ENJOY HAPPY EARNINGS
submitted by Training_Fan_6714 to DiscountCodeShare [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:47 purerootsherbals Shield Your Skin: Finding the Best Sunblock for Hands

Shield Your Skin: Finding the Best Sunblock for Hands
Do your hands get enough protection from the sun? Our hands are usually neglected, but they are the ones that suffer the most from UV damage. Hence, they age prematurely and even get skin cancer. But fear not! The search for the best rated sunblock for your hands is not that difficult. Let's begin our journey and find out what characteristics make a sunblock great and which ones are the best.
What are the reasons why sunblock for hands is important?
We put sunscreen on our faces but usually overlook our hands. But think about it: Your hands are always exposed, whether you are driving, typing on your keyboard, or just having a good time out. UV rays are able to penetrate the skin, which results in the accumulation of damage that occurs over a long period.
What are the characteristics of a good sunblock?
  • Broad Spectrum Protection: Seek best rated sunblock that provides wide-spectrum protection, which is the one that can protect against both UVA and UVB rays.
  • SPF Rating: Go for a sunblock with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) rating. SPF 30 or above is the recommended level for sufficient protection.
  • Water Resistance: As we usually wash our hands several times a day, a water-resistant formula guarantees the protection to be longer.
Top Sunblocks for Hands
  • Lightweight Lotions: These sunblocks are ideal for daily use. They are absorbed fast and will not make your hands greasy.
  • Mineral Sunscreens: The formulation of mineral sunscreens consists of ingredients such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which, when applied on the skin, form a barrier against UV rays.
  • Sprays: Sprays are easy to use because they can be applied to the difficult places on your hands that are difficult to reach.
Application Tips
Applying sunblock to your hands is easy, but here are a few tips to ensure proper coverage:
  • Use Enough: Don't skimp on the sunblock. Apply a generous amount to ensure all areas are covered.
  • Reapply Often: Especially if you're washing your hands frequently or spending extended time outdoors, reapply sunblock every two hours.
  • Don't Forget the Tops: Remember to apply sunblock to the tops of your hands, including your fingers and nails.
The Final Words
Finding the best sunblock for hands doesn't have to be complicated. By choosing a broad-spectrum formula with a high SPF and water resistance, you can protect your hands from the sun's harmful rays. Whether you prefer lightweight lotions, mineral sunscreens, or convenient sprays, there's a sunblock out there that's perfect for you. So, shield your skin and enjoy the sun safely!
submitted by purerootsherbals to u/purerootsherbals [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 13:39 Remi8732 As a player that never finished the campaign this game feels great now

My highest level character was a lvl 41 sorc. I skipped the campaign, made necro this season and I'm already level 45 thanks to helltides. Useful gear is dropping, i can actually start building towards the builds I see streamers making and best of all most of my friends are back online with me.
I hope the game continues in this direction because I'm finally enjoying myself to the point I started a session that didn't end for almost 5 hours and I feel I can actually get to max level on a toon this time around.
submitted by Remi8732 to diablo4 [link] [comments]