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2024.05.19 07:06 Phantomdog50 To my ex

I’d like to start off by saying I don’t expect a response, but I want to take full responsibility for my many wrongs throughout our relationship and offer the clarity and apology I failed to give you during our breakup. I’ve had time to think about our relationship and realize I at least owe you this.
During our relationship, I was lazy, emotionally unavailable, and failed to give you the support you deserved. I was so selfishly wrapped up in my own life, I didn’t truly acknowledge how little I was putting in and how much it was affecting you. When I should’ve been happy for you hanging out with friends, I made hurtful jokes due to my own insecurities, which put you through completely unnecessary stress and anxiety. When you needed my affection most I couldn’t even display it which must’ve made you feel horrible and so under appreciated. When you actually needed me most, I should’ve been there helping you progress as a person, but instead, I dragged you down, despite you showing me so much affection and support. You deserved so much more than how I treated you, and I should’ve never put you through that much pain and suffering.
No one should ever go through the heartbreak and disrespect I caused you. I’m so sorry for betraying your trust in the many ways that I did. After you trusted me so much to even be your first, I betrayed you because of my stupidly corrupt mind. Even if I didn’t plan on taking further steps, the fact I interacted with her in the first place was a complete betrayal of your trust and betrayal to our relationship. I’ve thought about some things that I believe led me down that path of not only betraying you but my own morals and have completely removed them from my life.
I often was too self-absorbed to even text you when all you were asking was the bare minimum, for me to check in with you throughout the day or text you back while with friends, and it made me realize how much I need to work on myself as a person. Not only work on how I need to treat others, but how I recognize and receive the affection and appreciation others give me so I never make someone feel as undervalued as I made you feel.
I’m writing this to take responsibility and to show the immense shame I feel for myself and my actions. If there was any doubt at all, I want to make it clear that everything was completely my fault. Because of my past experiences, my lack of respect for my time to heal, and my failure to acknowledge my unhealthy habits, I ended up hurting you. When I look back at our relationship, I reminisce about the amazing moments we had, but I am disgusted by the person I became towards the end, and can’t blame you for seeing me the same. I see now I was ignoring all the signs telling me I was doing things wrong out of my own foolishness, thinking that I was at peace.
You were the first person to ever show me unconditional love, and although I didn’t know it until it was too late, it showed me to appreciate everyone in my life while they’re in it as much as possible, because it can change in an instant. When you said, “I know you never said it, but I loved you since before we started dating,” it showed me how broken I really was. You gave me your all, and I couldn’t even recognize that.
After talking to my therapist, I’ve come to find out that I have a really hard time acknowledging and accepting affection because I’ve had a hard time giving it to myself. You treated me like nobody has before, and all I could give back was a half hearted job, broken trust, and had you questioning the reality of our relationship. I’m truly sorry. I wish I had correctly expressed myself during our time together so you knew how much you really meant to me.
The things I said in those messages weren’t my true thoughts or plans about our relationship. In the desperation to escape the situation I created, I said anything I thought might deescalate it. I’m sorry. I hope you didn’t think for a second I wanted to give you up so easily as I did, but I knew after what I did, I was in no position to ask for anything and wasn’t worth going back to as the person I was that day. I know I broke your heart, but if you ever give me the chance, I would spend every day for the rest of my life putting it back together. If you ever feel open to allowing me to show you the person I've been working to become, I think you’d be proud of the progress I’ve made and what’s to come as I don’t plan to stop. Regardless I would be deeply grateful for the opportunity to show you and to listen to your perspective whatever it may be.
I’m currently 45 days free from porn as I partially blame my addiction for my decision making and all drugs so I can be true to myself at all times. I’ve been working day to day to improve myself as a person, from my everyday life to my personal relationships with the ones in my life, with help from a therapist, because I’m serious about my change.
I hope this letter finds you well, if you take anything from this please understand that I’m truly ashamed and sorry for my actions and all the pain I’ve caused you, I’ve genuinely been working my hardest to change as a person, and if not for me, you are worth changing every bit of myself for.
Regardless of what the future holds for us thank you for all the love, support, and happy memories you gave me, and with my most sincere apologies, I’m sorry it ended the way it did and for all the way’s I’ve wronged you.

submitted by Phantomdog50 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:06 99DSMGSX Scoundrel's Kiss bad interactions.

Dear Blizzard,
Thanks for the ring, i love the idea but:
I1. Since PTR, Casting Rapid Fire against a Chilling Wind Elite will make the arrows explode upon contact (with the chilling wall) making them even harder to deal with than a suppressor Elite. Without Scoundrel's, Chilling Wind will only slow the projectiles, but we are still able to do dmg from far.
  1. I dont mind the slower speed on Rapid Fire, but its almost impossible to deal with mobs surrounding you. Make It work as against Chilling Wall, if the mob is at cerrtain cast distance, make the arrows explode. This is the way you deal with body to body combat. Repeating will make the arrows ricochet and i dont mind the ricochet doesnt seem to explode, im fin with it.. but when you have 3 elites surroudning you, even if you dash out, they just get close again and you are tryuing to figure out were the mouse pointer needs to be in order to at least deal some dmg or cc with Rapid Fire.
  2. Giant Mobs, why would the arrows go through them and deal damage upon hitting the floor? this applies to point number 2. When fighting against Final Bosses, the arrows do dmg once they hit the floor, them being so big their hit box should also be on par with the body mass. Its almost impossible to activate the tricks of trade legendary node with shadow step then rapid fire the boss, its almost like a wasted Legendary Node cause 90% of the arrows hit outside the Boss's Hit Box.
I know sonmeof us want/know that if they made it projectiles instead of lobs we wouldnt be dissapointed. Lobs make it eassier to deal with packs (way way better than projectiles) but the interation with close targets kills it, i know i can shoot the lobs on my feet, but it feeles like there are 4 pixels in the screeen from millions of them to make it happen.
Does anyone have anything else to add?
submitted by 99DSMGSX to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:05 lexa246 Scared lexapro will make me bipolar.

Not diagnosed bipolar and have never had a manic or hypomanic episode in my life. Was on lexapro before for 3 years highest dose 15MG.
Started lexapro again and my anxiety is fired up and I’m obsessing about me turning manic/hypomanic, and obviously now hypervigilant of everything in myself because of the amount of people talking about on Reddit antidepressants caused there bipolar. And I can’t find any justification that because I was on antidepressants before and never had any episodes in my 26M years of life that I’m most likely clear of bipolar. Please help.
submitted by lexa246 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:04 ThreeMonthsTooLate [Marvel Comics] Nightcrawler is the Winding Way - Revised

So, I posted this theory a while back but it seems that most people didn’t read through it due to it being too long. So here I am back again with my best to briefly summarize the theory with the major points of evidence from the comics that I have found. It’s still going to be a lot but, hopefully, this will help get the broad idea across. Then if you have any specific points you can hopefully find them answered in the sections beneath it.
For context, you only need to read the Basic Premise section to get the basic gist of the theory, all the remaining sections are where I outline the evidence to support it.
~Basic Premise~
Nightcrawler is the Winding Way is basically the idea that X-Men’s Nightcrawler got his soul ripped in half when he was a child by his adopted mother – Margali Szardos – who used the magical half of Kurt’s soul to form the source of her power, the Winding Way.
Nightcrawler would have inherited this magical power from Azazel, who he is still technically biologically related to, as well as potentially the combination of genes from Mystique, Destiny, and Baron Wagner.
Amanda Sefton – after seeing Margali use Illyana’s Soul-Sword to obtain power in the Winding Way, took over Limbo to study it before fusing it with Kurt’s soul in the hopes of being able to use the Soul-Sword to undo her mother’s work and restore Kurt to being whole again.
Ultimately, Destiny gave the baby Kurt to Margali knowing full well she would do this to him to hide his true power from Enigma (the Nathaniel Essex that became a Dominion), who she had Kurt concieved in order to defeat.
Additionally, she told Margali of a prophecy about a Soul-Sword falling into Margali’s hands knowing that Margali would attempt to steal Belasco’s Soul-Sword, that Belasco would turn his attention to Nightcrawler to steal that magical power for herself which would result in Illyana being kidnapped by Belasco after he gave up trying to steal the power from Kurt and thus create said Soul-Sword as well as – eventually – the Hope-sword.
~Part 1 – Margali Szardos is the Worst Adoptive Mother of All Time~
Margali Szardos is a powerful witch in Marvel comics who has shown being particularly hungry for magical power – doing everything from manipulating her daughter, Amanda Sefton, into getting her Illyana’s Soul-Sword so that she could use it in a killing spree to obtain magical power from her victims (Excalibur #85), to attempting to steal the power of a demon living under London nearly destroying it in the process (Excalibur #100), to forcibly mind-swapping with her daughter to save herself leaving Amanda to be tortured by Belasco (revealed X-Men: Unlimited #19), opening a magical rift to the World Beyond to obtain its power which forced her daughter to sacrifice herself to close it (4th Nightcrawler series #1-4), to finally selling Nightcrawler out to ORCHIS to obtain the Hope-sword that was lodged in Kurt’s chest (Legion of X #7-10).
All of these villainous actions raise an important question – why did Margali adopt Nightcrawler? After all, it’s not like Margali went around adopting children – only Nightcrawler. In fact, outside of Kurt, the only other child that Margali has ever displayed an interest in obtaining was a young Scarlet Witch (Mystic Arcanum: Scarlet Witch) which is concerning given just how magically powerful Scarlet Witch is.
This all points to the idea that Margali only took Kurt in because she got something out of it – very likely magical power. This wouldn’t be nearly so concerning if Margali Szardos wasn’t also the Sorceress Supreme of one of the most mysterious and unexplained magical systems in all of Marvel.
~Part 2 – The Winding Way is WIERD~
So, I’m just going to come out and say it - the Winding Way makes no sense in the current understanding of magic in Marvel Comics. Even characters like Dr. Strange – one of Marvel’s masters of magic – has basically no idea how the Winding Way actually operates. There is a data page in Legion of X #9 that outlines the basics of what the Winding Way is and how it operates.
According to the data page, the Winding Way is an exocentric magic system – that is to say a form of magic that is powered by an external source to the user – which its various wielders experience cycles of power and powerlessness. As far as characters like Strange are aware, it remains unclear if there is a physical “Way” or if that is simply metaphor.
The strange thing about the Winding Way is that there is no other magical system in Marvel where this cycle of users having powers and being powerless is even a thing. Whenever an exocentrically powered sorcerer loses their powers, it is always a form of punishment. This is true with Dr. Strange when he lost 99% of his powers back during the War of the Seven Spheres story. This is true with Juggernaut who loses his powers whenever he and Cyttorak – the entity that powers the crimson gem that Juggernaut uses for his powers. It’s even true for someone like Thor and his hammer. No where else in Marvel is there a system of magic where cycles of power is a thing.
All of this raises the question of whether the fluctuating cycles of power the Winding Way are actually a natural part of the Winding Way or whether they due to something else – like, say the power source of the Winding Way trying to continuously punish the various practitioners but being unable to due to their attention being split up.
Ultimately, the only truth that we can glean about the Winding Way is that nobody but the practitioners of the Winding Way ultimately know how it works and even then, characters like Margali and Amanda have proven time and again that their word cannot be trusted.
~Part 3 – the Szardos Family, Cthon, & Wundagore Mountain~
Interestingly, a different Sorcerer Supreme Sgt. Sebastian Szardos – the Sorcerer Supreme of World War II – has his own insights about the Winding Way, though they are rather vague. Firstly, in the 8th series of Avengers #50, Sebastian claims that the Winding Way has ties with Mt. Wundagore – which was famously the tomb of Cthon before Scarlet Witch absorbed him. This seems to suggest that the Winding Way originates either via Cthon or his creation – the Darkhold.
What is more interesting is that the Winding Way doesn’t seem to be practiced during the time of the Second World War as Sgt. Szardos states that only his great grandmother on his mothers side even knew about the Winding Way – Sebastian himself clearly wasn’t a practicing member. This is peculiar as Margali Szardos demonstrates an unusual amount of familiarity with the position of Sorcerer Supreme in Uncanny X-Men Annual #4 when she stole the Eye of Agamotto off of Dr. Strange with a mere gesture. Given that Sebastian and Margali share the last name and Sebastian was a known former Sorcerer Supreme while Margali – as far as I can tell – has never been, this would seem to suggest that there is some sort of familial connection between Margali and Sebastian. This in turn seems to suggest that the Winding Way experienced some sort of revival with Margali.
My theory is that the Winding Way started out as a sort of ritual that originated with the Darkhold and was initially practiced by the Szardos family over the centuries to siphon power off of Cthon to keep him in check and imprisoned - hence why there are other Szardos clan members such as Theodosia as shown in that run of Avengers. This would mean that if my theory of Nightcrawler being the Winding Way is true, then it would mean that he is only the current source of the Winding Way.
~Part 4 – Nightcrawler is still related to Azazel (and Azazel is a demon)~
Now a major aspect in this is that Nightcrawler is where exactly would Nightcrawler’s magical powers come from? After all, he’s the son of Mystique and Destiny – two mutants with no sort of magical capabilities, right? Well, that’s… complicated.
Firstly, it’s important to note that the X-Men Origins: Blue retcon is… frankly, not very well thought out. There are a bunch of things that it just gets plain wrong and contradict a bunch of previously established X-Men lore – everything from the fact that Destiny would have been too old to give birth to Nightcrawler, to Rogue’s age being way too young (she was adopted by D&M when she was 13 not 5), to the fact that Mystique canonically cannot mimic mutant x-genes - meaning Nightcrawler shouldn’t have teleportation with this retcon, and much, much more. On top of all that, the fact that the only evidence supporting the idea that it ever even happened is from Mystique and Destiny – two of Marvel’s most notorious liars – and you got yourself an extremely messy and rather dubious retcon.
Putting all that aside, going based on what the retcon has established there are a few ways in which Kurt might have inherited some sort of magical power.
Primarily, Kurt is still technically related to Azazel – yes, Mystique “mimicked” Azazel’s DNA in Kurt’s conception but given that in genetics it is the sequence of DNA that matters and not the source of that sequence, Mystique’s “Mimicked” DNA is still ostensibly Azazel’s DNA. Azazel is an established master of dark magic – specifically soul magic – and used to rule over a legit Hell Dimension during the time of Kurt’s birth – making him a legit hell lord similar to Mephisto or Dormammu. Given that Hell Lords are also considered the Sorcerer Supremes (as in the strongest) of their respective dimension, this would suggest that Azazel once held some major power, regardless of if he’s a demon or not. And as it has been established, magic is inheritable as shown with Clea (the daughter of Umar), Daimon Hellstrom (son of Marduk Kurios), and at least half the cast of Strange Academy, it would stand to reason that Nightcrawler could also inherit magical power from him.
Now, I know what you are saying – “But, Azazel isn’t a demon! Chuck Austen said so!” And while, yes, Chuck Austen has clearly gone on record to say that Azazel is only a demonic looking mutant instead of an actual demon, it’s been kind of invalidated by the thing that every other writer for Azazel – including the likes of Chris Claremont – have referred to Azazel as a demon at least once either on-panel or in interviews. And frankly, there’s nothing in the lore that says that Azazel cannot be both a demon and a mutant – after all, Magik is both a demon and a mutant at the same time. And let’s be real here, Chuck Austen doesn’t deserve nice things when it comes to the X-Men.
However, Azazel is not the only DNA that Mystique apparently mimicked – Baron Christian Wagner was also added onto that list for some reason. This is odd as why would Destiny and Mystique feel the need to include Baron Wagner at all in the genetic makeup of Nightcrawler unless there was something special about the Baron. However, the only uniquely genetic thing we learn about him is that he’s seemingly infertile – which may suggest that there is some sort of genetic anomaly going on with him, such as maybe a repressed X-gene.
~Part 5 – Amanda Sefton/Jimaine Szardos history in Marvel Comics~
Another aspect of this theory is that – if it is true – it suddenly explains a lot of what Kurt’s ex, Amanda Sefton has been doing in comics since she was first introduced in 1976. You see, Amanda Sefton followed Kurt back from Germany and began dating him under a different name – which Kurt was not aware of. She only reveals the truth after the events of Uncanny X-Men Annual #4. This unfortunately supports Kurt’s accusation in Uncanny X-Men #206 that Amanda used a spell to make Kurt fall in love with her to begin with – an accusation which Amanda has never confirmed nor denied.
Amanda’s peculiar behavior continued into Excalibur where she was manipulated by Margali into obtaining Illyana’s Soul-Sword from Kitty Pryde – who had previously given the Soul-Sword to Dr. Doom and then Darkoth, with it returning to her both times. Upon obtaining the Soul-Sword, Margali then used it to go on a killing spree against the other members of the Winding Way to obtain their power for herself. Following this, Margali’s failed attempt to steal the power of a demon beneath London, and Kurt and Margali rescuing Amanda from Belasco after Margali body-swapped with her daughter to save her own skin – Amanda ended up taking over Limbo, supposedly in the name of protecting earth.
However, then we have the smoking gun of Amanda’s meddling – during the 3rd Nightcrawler solo series, it is revealed that Amanda fused the Soul-Sword with Nightcrawler without telling him. Her reason for doing so? “To protect the Soul-Sword from falling into the wrong hands.” This lie is so glaringly bad that not even Nightcrawler buys it and he calls Amanda out for not being honest with him.
~Part 6 – Amanda’s Bad Lie and What it Means~
And frankly why would anyone believe Amanda’s claim? Amanda is a sorceress – which means that she is infinitely more qualified than Nightcrawler to keep the Soul-Sword safe than he is. Even if she couldn’t do so, why didn’t she take the Soul-Sword to someone like Dr. Strange?
On top of that, Amanda took the Soul-Sword away from Kitty Pryde claiming that Kitty wasn’t qualified to keep the Soul-Sword safe due to her not being a trained sorceress. Well, guess who’s also not trained in sorcery and thus – by Amanda’s own logic - would not be able to keep the Soul-Sword safe? Nightcrawler.
Except, Kitty technically was able to keep the Soul-Sword out of the wrong hands – back during Excalibur #37 she phased the Soul-Sword into a rock which even Rachel Summers channeling the power of the Phoenix Force was not able to remove it from – it wasn’t removed until Doom came knocking and got Kitty to willingly remove it for him. So why couldn’t Amanda do something similar? Why fuse it with Kurt and endanger him?
And to top it all off, Amanda still needed the Soul-Sword. She was ruling over Limbo – a dangerous hell dimension full of power-hungry demons. Her magical powers are of the Winding Way – meaning that they wax and wane. So quite literally, Amanda needs the Soul-Sword – a weapon which every demon in Limbo fears – to keep herself in power; something which was proven in New X-Men #37 when Belasco walked back into Limbo and ousted her.
~Part 7 – Amanda took over Limbo to learn about the Soul-Sword~
So, what was Amanda really up to? Well, to understand Amanda’s actions in the 3rd Nightcrawler series, we first need to go back to Amanda’s actions in previous series. What’s interesting is that Amanda’s interest in the Soul-Sword was first manifest through Margali – who reveals in Excalibur: Minus One that there is a prophecy that the Soul-Sword would pass first into Margali’s hands and then into Amanda’s hands but would result in both of their dooms.
However, Amanda doesn’t really demonstrate any sort of interest in the Soul-Sword until after Margali used it to obtain power in the Winding Way during Excalibur. While she didn’t get the opportunity to act after the events of Margali’s failed London project due to her mother mind-swapping with her, Amanda’s actions in taking over Limbo after X-Men: Unlimited #19 was more likely due to Amanda wanting to obtain and learn more about the Soul-Sword than about her trying to protect earth.
You see, as Limbo was in no position to even threaten earth until Belasco had obtained the Soul-Sword following Margali ending up there – meaning that if Amanda had simply obtained the Soul-Sword and left Limbo, Limbo would not have been able to endanger Earth. Instead, Amanda stayed. Why? Because if there was anywhere in the universe where you wanted to learn about a Soul-Sword and how it works, Limbo is the dimension to do so.
~Part 8 – Nightcrawler and Magik are… Soulmates?~
So, why did Amanda fuse the Soul-Sword with Nightcrawler? Well, ultimately because a major function of the Soul-Sword is that it can be used as a countercharm which can undo other spells – potentially meaning that Amanda could use it to undo the Winding Way and restore the two halves of Kurt’s soul back together again.
However, another aspect of the Soul-Sword is that it is dangerous to magical creatures and Kurt’s magical soul would already be weakened after years of being separated. Amanda must have figured that if she bonded the non-magical half of Kurt’s soul to the Soul-Sword would allow for her to bypass the more dangerous aspects of the Soul-Sword and allow her to restore Kurt.
And as a result of Amanda’s meddling, when a demonically possessed Pixie ripped the Soul-Sword out of Nightcrawler during X-Infernus, it left behind a void in Kurt’s Soul as established in Legion of X #10, which allowed for the Hopesword to later form. This also seemingly gave Illyana’s Soul-Sword a new ability to damage Techno-Organic beings which it did not possess before. This also means that Nightcrawler and Magik are… soul-mates(?) for the lack of a better term, as they are both bound together through the Soul-Sword after Amanda undid Illyana’s bond with Kitty, though this fact has never been established or confirmed in the comics.
~Part 9 – Destiny caused Magik to be kidnapped by Belasco~
Now, I noted in an earlier section that Margali’s fascination with the Soul-Sword was as a result of a prophecy – one that has at least partially come true. The prophecy as laid out during a flashback in Exalibur: Minus One was that the Soul-Sword would pass from into Margali’s hands and then Amanda’s but would result in both of their dooms. Illyana’s Soul-Sword was indeed obtained by Margali back in Excalibur #85 before she lost it to Belasco after falling to Limbo and the Soul-Sword was obtained again by Amanda after taking Limbo over in X-Men: Unlimited #19.
Now, this whole situation is peculiar as Margali herself is not a precog – outside of this one time, we never even hear her do anything similar ever again. However, we know that Destiny is a precog and we also know that she was the one who gave Kurt to Margali, as per the X-Men Origins: Blue retcon, meaning that this prophecy more than likely originates with Destiny. And really, this shouldn’t be a surprise – Mystique hinted at having some sort of a connection with Margali as far back as UXM #142 when she first met Nightcrawler, it was just never clarified what that connection was.
However, this prophecy would have been given to Margali before the Soul-Sword was ever made and before Illyana was even born, which means that either Destiny could predict Illyana being kidnapped by Belasco and creating the Soul-Sword as a result… or she caused Belasco to kidnap Illyana and create the Soul-Sword as a result.
Now, you may question how that’s even possible? After all, how could Destiny cause someone like Belasco to do something when the two haven’t even canonically met?
Well, for this, I would like to point out the unexplained animosity going on between Margali Szardos and Belasco. This is a rivalry that has been mentioned quite a few times – such as back in Excalibur: Minus One, X-Men: Unlimited #19, and the 3rd Nightcrawler series. For some unexplained reason, Margali Szardos and Belasco have a lot of enmity for one another.
So, what’s the cause of this rivalry? Well, during the Dark Web event, Mary Jane Watson and Black Cat were captured by Belasco and sent to retrieve his Soul-Sword – which, as it is explained in the story is something that Belasco could not potentially use up until the events of Dark Web.
So here’s an idea – what if Destiny didn’t specify which Soul-Sword would end up in Margali’s hands, causing Margali to immediately assume that she was talking about Belasco’s (as that would have been the only one in existence at that point) and try to steal it from him.
This then drew Belasco’s attention and caused him to realize that Nightcrawler was somehow the source of Margali’s powers. This would be why Belasco even had his eyes on the X-Men to begin with and why there was a soulless Nightcrawler back in the original Magik series – Kurt was Belasco’s original target. However, the soulless Nightcrawler and Belasco’s obvious shift in attention to Illyana clearly points to the idea that whatever experiments Belasco tried to use to obtain that magical power from Kurt, it only ended in disaster – causing him to turn to Illyana as a replacement.
~Part 10 – the Big Picture… stopping Enigma~
So, if Destiny was ultimately the cause behind all of this – from orchestrating Kurt’s birth, to handing him off to Margali, to telling Margali the prophecy about the Soul-Sword, what is it all ultimately for?
Well, what it is almost certainly not for is the given answer of defeating Azazel. Simply put, Azazel has never been so major of a threat that creating a super special prophecy child was needed. Heck, he was killed in Dark X-Men by the demonic version of Nightcrawler, so how difficult would it have been for Mystique and Destiny to do it? No, Azazel’s defeat was a bonus that Irene used to justify Kurt’s birth to Raven, not the focus.
Ultimately, there’s only one answer as to who Kurt was conceived to stop – Enigma. The original Nathaniel Essex who transcended space and time and who Irene knew to be an existential threat to all Mutantkind.
This answer even explains some of Irene’s other past actions, such as why she was involved with the Black Womb project – yes, she was keeping an eye on Sinister, but she was also learning as much about the mutant x-gene in preparation for Kurt’s birth.
It also explains why she handed Kurt over to Margali at all – the Winding Way is described in the datapages of Legion of X as being something akin to a No-Place – something that Enigma and other Dominions famously have trouble seeing into. Thus, by hiding Kurt’s magical half in the No-place until the time was right and creating the means by which to release him from that prison, Destiny ensures Enigma’s defeat.
Or does she? Because as far as the current X-Men comics have been going, there is nowhere near the development needed to have my theory take place. At this point, only the Hopesword is established which begs the question of whether the Winding Way is meant to be the thing to stop Enigma or if the Hopesword is. As of this point in X-Men Forever (2024) #4, the Hopesword is what was needed to stop Enigma… for some reason. So far, all that the sword has accomplished is being handed off from Kurt to Exodus to Hope… who was then killed by the Phoenix and sent the Hopesword back to Kurt. We’ll have to wait and see if anything else comes of it.
Personally though, I kind of like the idea that everything Destiny did in orchestrating the creation of the Hopesword and/or the Winding Way was kind of a pointless thing in the end. It’s kind of poignant for Destiny’s character – being the same woman who thought that killing Senator Kelly would prevent the Days of Future’s Past Timeline when she was in fact going to cause that very timeline to happen – to have all her manipulations and schemes to create this weapon against the existential threat that Enigma presented… only to have that threat be dealt with in some other way, leaving Irene to deal with the consequences of her own actions and question whether it was worth putting Kurt through all of that. Maybe that’s just me though.
So yeah, that’s most of the evidence supporting this theory. There are a few other things – such as Margali potentially being the reason why Kurt was killed during Second Coming and potentially causing his mental break down during the Extraordinary X-Men story, but those are more auxiliary to these major points.
But yeah, let me know what you guys think down below. Do you think this theory is onto something or is it way off base?
submitted by ThreeMonthsTooLate to FanTheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:04 omfg_itsnotbutter An overly long question about resetting my period.

33f 145lbs 5'3 depression-ADHD - wellbutrin/Adderall - birth control (none) - was tri-lo Estaryella in January for one month. Hated it and stopped mid cycle. Prior to this periods were on a very consistent 28 day cycle, very mild, no cramps and lasted 5 days each time.
Tldr - I messed up my menstrual cycle and I'm trying to determine when to fix it.
I've got an interesting circumstance to figure out. In January my body rejected a copper iud after 2 weeks of it being in (i got RSV and literally coughed so violently that my body rejected the iud).
I went on tri lo estaryella for basically a month and went off it because it made me feel sick as hell. Since February, I haven't had a period. I've taken three pregnancy tests two weeks apart each and all are negative. Also my husband hasn't been able to be intimate due to his neck injury so there's not a whole lot of chances anyways for pregnancy over the past few months so I'm not too concerned. I know my issue is because I screwed with my hormones with the oral contraceptive.
I'm trying to determine when to treat this. In June I have a vacation that's really special to me that I'm going on. I don't want my period to finally arrive and ruin my time (it's a camping trip... 🐻). I'm assuming the treatment will be a progesterone pill. The trip is June 19th to the 24th.
My questions are....
If I treat this now, will I have some horrible period that last for weeks until the trip? Will it be like 3 months worth of crazy mood swings and an angry uterus?
If I wait until after the trip, am I putting my body through more issues vs if I were to get my periods to a regular cycle?
Could this lack of periods be why I'm so bloated lately? And why I've been so blah moodwise... some days I have a shorter temper but still nothing bad... will treating it now cause my temperament to be affected hormonally come my trip in June?
In your professional opinions, is it better to treat now or can i wait until July to finally reset my very confused hormones?
Thank you :)
submitted by omfg_itsnotbutter to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:04 Ok_Start1379 Do you think therapy can help me (27F) and my (ex)fiancé (28M) repair our relationship?

My (ex)fiancé and I had been together for almost 6.5 years, engaged for almost 2.5. Over the last several months, my (ex)fiancé has sat me down to talk about our relationship about once a month. Before these conversations, he would shut down and barely speak to me for several days even when I would ask what was wrong. Then he would finally tell me he was ready to have a conversation and would express his frustrations with the relationship. By the time of our conversations, I would already be on the defensive from his recent behavior. I also generally do not receive feedback well. When he would try to tell me that he was unhappy in our relationship because I didn't compliment him enough, flirt with him enough, or tell him I loved him enough, I would shut down. I was not able to hear what he was really trying to tell me. Instead, I put up a wall and told him to love me for who I am. I basically asked him "If I'm happy in our relationship despite my frustrations, why can't you be?" I now realize that is not an appropriate or healthy response when your partner is trying to communicate with you.
I did try to hear him. I gifted him some lingerie for the first time and let him take a boudoir photo shoot of me wearing it. I started sending a few more cute messages. I tried to make more time to cuddle with him when he would ask. I tried to give him more hugs. I tried to thank him more for picking up around the house. I wrote him a cute letter and surprised him with a few gifts for Easter. However, about a month ago, we had another one of those conversations. Except this time the first things he brought up were 'wondering what else is out there' and talking about how other girls are always complimenting him. Again came the walls and extra defensiveness. I ended up writing him a letter talking about how I didn't know if I could ever be what he wanted me to be and that maybe he should think about calling things off. This was obviously a defense mechanism to try to beat him to the punch line and talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy. Three weeks later he would sit me down and tell me he wanted to know what else was out there again and that he didn't know if he could go through with marrying me. My efforts did not feel like enough for him and I understand why. I was having a hard time connecting my emotions with my actions which made my actions seem reactionary and not genuine or provoked by love.
I have been through a lot more trauma in my life than I realized. My dad was in the Navy while I was growing up. We had to move every three years. A very pivotal point in my life was when we moved when I was in the 6th grade. I lived right next door to my best friend. I was finding my love for math and theater. I also played soccer and was a Girl Scout. When we moved, I became very depressed, though I didn't understand that's what it was at the time. I stopped all of my extracurricular activities. I stopped getting too close to people because I knew I would have to move or they would have to move eventually. I mostly stayed in my room and kept to myself, even from my family. I also have struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember. Then, in my senior year of high school, I got my first-ever boyfriend. We were in a relationship for over 4 years. In that relationship, I would always be the one to try to talk about our problems. I would be the one who would always want longer hugs and more cuddles. But it was not a healthy relationship. We broke up and got back together many times. I found several illicit texts to other girls on multiple occasions and he would always gaslight me by saying his younger brother stole his phone or I misinterpreted the messages. I think this caused me not to want to show my emotions because it wasn't reciprocated and resulted in heartache. Then, three years ago my younger brother died in a tragic car accident at the age of 17.
When I realized I could lose the love of my life, I realized that he was right about me not being affectionate enough. I had built up walls to protect myself. I thought I had made progress on my anxiety and depression, but I realized I was wrong. I also realized that I have issues with communication, trust, and vulnerability. I was a great partner in other ways and I did express my love in other ways. I moved across the country, coast to coast, with him to a state where I didn't know anyone so that he could attend his dream school. I take care of the household. I get the majority of the groceries. I do all of the cooking. I do all of the maintenance cleaning. I take care of our 2 cats and 1 dog. I say all of those in the present tense because we currently still live together but are sleeping in separate rooms. I also financially supported him by lending him money and letting him pay less of the rent because I made more money. I accept all of him including that he has terrible time management skills, he can have a hard time controlling his emotions at times, and he is disorganized and messy. I also accepted that I would have to wait for marriage and children because of his school and accepted that he did not have a lot of free time between school, work, and his hobbies. I supported his love for his hobbies by accepting his purchasing of expensive equipment even when he owed me money, traveling to watch several events that were important to him, and traveling to see him win an award from his job. I would write heartfelt cards for every holiday. I also bought him dozens of children's books about love that I wanted us to read to our children one day.
When I realized I could lose him, I felt something change inside me. It was like I could feel a hole being blown in the wall I had built up. I felt all my love for him overwhelm me. I couldn't hug him, kiss him, or tell him I love him enough. I tried to talk to him to apologize for my behavior and how badly I'd hurt him. I tried to explain how I felt like a different person and how I really wanted to work hard on improving myself as a partner to make our relationship work. I tried to prove my words with actions. I wrote a list of things I needed to work on including communication and being more affectionate. I also wrote out a list of ways to work on those things and actually started doing the things on the list. Some of the items I had already begun to do like hug and kiss him more and tell him I love him more. I also tried to ask more questions about his interests/hobbies/day. I was more vulnerable and talked with him about my feelings more. I even initiated intimacy, something I had really only done once in a blue moon when I was intoxicated.
Despite all of my efforts, over the next two weeks, he continued to say he did not know if he could be with me and wanted to know what else was out there. He was very wavering and said multiple times "I don't know what the right decision is." He said he could not trust that my changes would last and that it was probably too late. I begged him to try couples therapy, but he refused and said "Therapy takes too long" and basically said it wasn't worth the time. He finally broke up with me after 2 weeks of going back and forth and I was devastated. He later talked to a mutual friend of ours and changed his mind about therapy. I was so happy to hear that he had changed his mind. However, now I feel like I can't even trust him anymore. He's turning into a person I don't recognize and I don't know what he's capable of anymore. I don't know if the man I love still exists. When he told me he was now agreeable to try therapy he said "We're still broken up, but I won't talk to any other girls." and then promptly said "And it will give me more time to find a place to live if things don't work out." He deleted several Instagram posts that had photos of me after he agreed to try therapy which makes me think he's not actually that open to healing our relationship. He complained to me about how he might have to take out student loans after I told him he needed to pay me for half of the rent while we're broken up and not decreased rate he had been paying me. He also "checked on me" on the night of the 3rd year anniversary of my brother's death when he heard me crying. Then he just sat on the end of the bed scrolling his phone while I cried as if he was checking on me because he felt like he had to and not because he wanted to. When I asked him if he had some sort of deadline in mind for the therapy, because he had previously mentioned that it takes too long, he said July or August and I have a suspicion that is because a girl he likes is leaving for summer break but will be back at the end of August for the next semester.
I just feel like the way he has been acting is not how you act towards someone you were in a relationship with for almost 6.5 years. Especially after saying you still love them and have no negative feelings towards them. That means even though you don't think you are a good relationship match, you should still want to treat them with respect. You should care that they are hurting during this time. You should want to comfort them in their grief of a separate event. You should mean it if you say you want to try therapy.
TL; DR : Do you think therapy will help?
submitted by Ok_Start1379 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:04 SubtiltyCypress Cannot use point vouchers for drinks or food without supervisor approval

So I went to Great Adventure today and used my points over the years to get a free large drink. But as usual in the beginning of the season, the new workers have no clue how to redeem them. I don't get upset or annoyed at that and try to explain. Its like they have no clue that exists. I'm at Granny's Kitchen and even the supervisor doesn't know, so his boss comes and gives them. It stays unredeemed on my card but I get my drink, one on my account and redeem one for my wife.
Well, I try to use another redeemed voucher at Mama Flora's to not give the staff here another headache, and they just outright refuse a supervisor and say they won't take it and they dont serve large drinks anymore! So I go to Customer Service and they get annoyed at me too, telling me to call a supervisor anytime I want to use it, telling me I can only use it once a year even if I redeem 2+ of them (that is a scam and makes no sense lol), wont say why the staff has no clue by answering "I cannot say why", and after getting annoyed saying "Im trying to redeem a coupon I already used" I redeemed another one and the worker got angry and told me to go to the Funnel Cake place and ended it there. They did it asap no issues.
I don't get it. I wasn't being aggressive either, but being called almost a scammer or stealing by redeeming it twice and trying to keep me away from using my points is just wrong. I hope staff sees this or changes policy. And a warning to others.
submitted by SubtiltyCypress to sixflags [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:03 Chacles Quadeca is secretly lil nas x

Both Quadeca and Lil Nas X emerged from the internet, gaining initial fame through online platforms. Quadeca, known for his YouTube presence and rap battles, and Lil Nas X, who first gained massive attention with his viral hit "Old Town Road," share a deep understanding of leveraging social media. Lil Nas X is renowned for his bold, often provocative visuals and themes, particularly with his music videos and public persona. Quadeca has been increasingly ambitious with his music videos and concepts, suggesting a potential crossover in creative vision. The stark differences in their visual presentations could be an intentional strategy to maintain distinct Both artists have access to advanced production techniques. It's conceivable that Quadeca, a talented producer and musician, could manipulate his voice and style to create the distinct sound associated with Lil Nas X. This would explain the ability of both artists to consistently release high-quality music that resonates with a wide audience. Public Appearances and Timing Careful planning of public appearances and releases could support this theory. Quadeca and Lil Nas X rarely appear in the same place at the same time. Coordinated schedules could allow Quadeca to maintain two separate public personas. Moreover, the use of different teams and collaborators for each project would help sustain the illusion.Collaboration and Secrecy In a hypothetical scenario, those close to both artists, such as managers and producers, might be in on the secret, ensuring that the dual identity remains concealed. The music industry’s collaborative nature means that many insiders could be part of maintaining this elaborate ruse. Finally, such a theory underscores the marketing genius behind it. Creating two distinct but highly successful personas allows for cross-promotion and tapping into different market segments, ultimately leading to a broader fanbase and increased influence in the music world. While purely speculative and lacking concrete evidence, this theory serves as an interesting exploration of the complexities and possibilities within the music industry, where image and identity can be as fluid and crafted as the music itself.
submitted by Chacles to Quadeca [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:02 raratty_ negative energy at our house

I feel weird whenever I get home. These past few days I always get a headache when I step at our house. Is it possible that those negative energy is what causing my frequent headaches?
During quarantine, my family went nuts and my parents got separated. It's a roller coaster ride but all I got to say is it ruined my mental and physical health (not eating that much, went from 43kg to 34kg, I just turned 18 yrs old).
I also have a background of always getting migraines since I was a kid, but idk I just want to know if such thing can happen? I really feel weak these days (bedrotting and sleeping all the time), but when I step outside I am full of energy.
....... or am i just depressed and needed a professional help?
submitted by raratty_ to Psychic [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:02 kkkan2020 how long do you think scotty lived in the 24th century or beyond ?

so we know scotty is born 2222 ( or at least according to the wiki)
he served in starfleet beginning in 2244
retired 2293
disappeared on his way to norpin 5 in 2294
reappeared in 2369 crash landed on a dyson sphere rescued by the enterprise-D so keep in mind scotty is 72 years old here.
As of 2382 Captain Scott was in command of the USS Challenger) which had become a personal engineering project for him. He commanded the ship during an investigation of the derelict NX-class Intrepid) where he and his crew also discovered evidence of a new type of propulsion technology called Trans-slipstream. Scott was severely injured during an attempt to recover the Intrepid after it was stolen by Mission Specialist Berlinghoff Rasmussen and his partner, the Ferengi Bok. The Challenger was able to rescue the crew of the Intrepid; however, the ship was unable to be recovered and was lost. Due to his injuries, Doctor Alyssa Ogawa informed Scotty that he would no longer be able to command the Challenger as he did not meet the minimum health requirements for starship command. Before he could be removed he retired from his position and recommended that Geordi La Forge replace him as the Captain of the Challenger. age 85
As of 2383, Scotty was still aboard the Challenger as a civilian mission specialist working in Engineering. Scotty was aboard the ship when it was assigned to investigate the recently discovered Trans-slipstream wake. After the Challenger was pulled into the galaxy NGC 4414, Scotty was severely injured and was unable to continue his 48 hour required cellular regeneration treatments due to the damage to the Challenger. When the USS Hera) was discovered, Scotty agreed to lead the away team to the vessel to ascertain its status and to protect his Captain from the emotional consequences of such a mission. During this Scotty became more and more frail due to the damage caused to his heart by being suspended in the transporter system of the Jenolen for so long - which was the reason behind his regenerative treatments. Upon the away team's recovery it was already too late for the Captain to resume treatment. Knowing he did not have long to survive, Scotty returned to the Challenger in order to seal the rift preventing the Challenger crew and the IRW Tomalak's Fist from returning to the Alpha Quadrant. Using the Challenger to seal the rift, Scotty disabled the drive systems of the ship and opened the doorway for the other vessel to return home. He was last seen on the bridge of the Challenger as the vessel was crushed inside the closing rift. A memorial service was held in his honor aboard the USS Enterprise-E. (TNG novel: Indistinguishable from Magic)
in star trek 2009 spock mentioned that scotty created the transwarp beaming formula and spock by the time he left to back to 2258 was 2387 in his time. scotty would be 90 years old in 2387
In the year 2422, the Montgomery Scott Engineering Sciences Building opened on the grounds of Starfleet Academy on the date of Scotty's 200th birthday. Scotty himself was present, and cut the ribbon. (ST novel: Engines of Destiny) aged 125?
so this is all i can find alpha/beta cannon but how long do you think scotty lived until ?
submitted by kkkan2020 to startrek [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:02 Swiftsession Fear of wounds getting worse

I have some form hemophobia. I do not fear blood from things like nosebleeds, in fact until recently, the only thing that disgusted me was bleeding from the fingers, for some reason. But now bloody wounds in general in other areas of the body make me feel light headed, and I’m not just talking irl but pictures of them, I’m in a job where first aid is important and I felt vaguely sick doing the online course after a while. Seeing a picture of just one wound I’m fine with but one after the other, as well all the talk of insertion wounds and blood gushes seriously made me feel light headed but I got through the course. A few weeks later I went to a practical in person first aid course, the trainer bought up a list of the sorts of wounds she was going show us, she said that we could excuse ourselves if we wanted, I did not do this because I thought my Hemophobia was mild, plus it would be embarrassing, the first would was around the eye, it was pretty gross but I’ve seen worse pictures, but then I thought of all the other wounds she was going to show us, and I begun to feel extremely light headed and nauseous, I told myself that nobody was going to force me to look at the rest of the pictures I could just look at the desk, but that did not make me feel better I just kept feeling worse until it felt like I was falling asleep, everything was black and didn’t know where I was, suddenly it felt like I was falling backwards extremely fast and and being dragged trough rubble, when ‘woke up’ I was on the floor extremely confused and distressed, with my eye hurting like hell, and everyone telling me that I had, had a seizure (I had never had one before) I had gone tense and unresponsive, my eyes rolled back, then I started spasming, my eye hit the edge of the desk on the way down, thankfully I wasn’t seriously injured and just had a black eye. At the hospital the doctor told me my bloods and brain scan didn’t suggest that suggest that I had, had a seizure and that I may have just fainted, I looked it up online and apparently occasionally fainting can cause involuntary movement and be mistaken for a seizure, but even if it actually was a seizure, funnily enough before wounds we did a section on seizures at the first aid course, so I know seizures can be caused by stress and anxiety, and I was anxious about the prospect of seeing more wounds as well and being anxious about how other people in the room would perceive me if they saw me reacting strangely to just some picture. Now I’m very worried that seeing wounds on courses and irl will make me faint, vomit, or even have a seizure.
To those who have suffered from blood/wound phobias any tips on how to overcome it?
And to those who have any kind of phobia in general, are there any of you who at first had a mild phobia but then it suddenly got a lot worse for unknown reasons?
submitted by Swiftsession to Phobia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:01 ventingawayaccount I’m “graduating” high school soon and I’m going to cry

I was diagnosed with an invisible disability in grade 6. Before that people assumed I was a whiny kid. I got injured at school and that’s how my diagnosis journey started. Now I’m in grade 12. I haven’t gone to school in months but I’m still enrolled in classes just in case one day I magically get better. I wish I wasn’t in grade 12, maybe younger? Just so I could go do the fun graduation activities like pride week, volunteering, do sports? I’m so jealous of my “friends” (do they even still consider me a friend? Idk at this point no one texts me anyone) my cousins, and my neighbors that are my age.
I use to do sports before everything went bad. My cousins are super athletic and every time i hear about them it’s all about sports. I can’t help it but every time I hear about them I leave the room and cry. I’m starting to hate them too but it’s not their fault and I feel so guilty.
I heard my neighbor is getting on honour roll and because if that they are getting a special extra rope for their grad gown. When I was able to go to school it was fun for me and I did good. If I wasn’t sick that could have been me.
I had a boyfriend- he was a childhood friend so he knew everything but he broke up with me in a week later cause he couldn’t handle me being disabled. All my friends have been in multiple relationships and Ive only have a short lived one and we didn’t even go on a date.
Yes I have talked to a therapist and I’m on meds. I probably should ask for a higher dose but I’m already on so many different ones I’m getting bad side effects of them too.
My parents cry when I talk about it. I’m an only child so they put all their eggs in my defective basket and I wish they had another child that could’ve been not sick. My parents are getting older and not as well. I wish I could help out and take care of them more but I can’t even take care of myself.
I don’t have enough credits (completed classes) to officially graduate high school so yea I’m doing the fancy walk to get an empty diploma thing literally this week. I used “being delusional is the solution” until I couldn’t be delusional anymore. Getting the gown and an outfit for it, plus learning where and how the walk works is horrible. Also hearing about what my friends and family are planning to do after grad is bad too. I’ve deleted most of my social media but somehow I still know about their lives.
I basically gave up all my hopes and aspirations for my future and idk what I’m going to do now. Bum off my parents for the rest of my life? I know people have it worse than me and it makes me feel bad about crying over this.
The only good thing I have is my parents and my cat. And I guess no one I know has a cat so I have that going for me. Idk I just wanted to put this out there. If I talk to my parents about it they cry and I know they both have a depression diagnosis so I don’t want to make it worse for them but as I’m typing this I’m crying and I have to say good night to them soon they they’ll know. Cat is making me feel better. She’s not smart so if I die she’ll think I abandoned her and I can’t have her thinking that so I’m here for her and my parents. Idk where this is going now. Thanks for reading I guess.
submitted by ventingawayaccount to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - May 19, 2024

Welcome to the Reverse: 1999 Daily Questions Megathread!

Please use this thread to ask any general inquiries about Reverse: 1999. Also, kindly search keywords under this thread as your questions may have already been answered by other Timekeepers.
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Q1. Should I re-roll?
Q2. Why is my answer incorrect in for the trail puzzle?
Q3. When is the daily reset?
Q4. Does pity transfer over to the next banner?
Q5. How should I build my team?
Q6. Can I re-watch the cut-scenes/story?
Q7. Are multiple copies of a certain character necessary?
Q8. When should I stop leveling characters?
Q9. What should I purchase in the Psychube Shop (Thought Elements/Thoughts in Eternity)?
  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
Q10. What should I prioritize in the Oneric Shop (Oneric Fluid)?
  1. Monthy Brief Cacophony
  2. Crystal Casket
  3. Permanent Brief Cacophony (or Moment of Dissonance to craft Brief Cacophony if needed)
  4. Sonorous Knell
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submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 AutoModerator ProDentim is unlike anything you’ve ever tried or experienced in your life before.

In the ever-evolving landscape of dental care, one name has been making waves – ProDentim. This revolutionary approach to oral health has left many in awe, challenging the norms and setting new standards. Let's delve into what makes ProDentim stand out and why it's causing a stir in the dental industry!

Unraveling the Innovation

ProDentim's uniqueness lies in its innovative approach to dental care. Unlike conventional methods, it adopts a holistic perspective, considering not only the teeth but the overall well-being of the individual. The integration of cutting-edge technology and a comprehensive understanding of oral health sets ProDentim apart. It's not just a dental solution; it's a lifestyle shift towards complete oral wellness!

Breaking the Mold

Traditional dental practices often focus on reactive measures, addressing issues as they arise. ProDentim, on the other hand, emphasizes preventive strategies. By encouraging regular check-ups, personalized dental plans, and a commitment to education, ProDentim challenges the status quo. It's not merely a quick fix; it's a paradigm shift towards long-term oral health.

Community-Centric Care

One of the striking aspects of ProDentim is its community-centric approach. In a world where healthcare can feel impersonal, this innovative dental solution brings back the human touch. From educational workshops to local outreach programs, ProDentim is not just about treating individuals; it's about fostering a community committed to better oral health.

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In a world saturated with dental options, ProDentim emerges as a refreshing departure from the norm. It's not about reinventing the wheel but rather about redefining our relationship with oral health. The future of dental care is here, and its name is ProDentim – an experience unlike anything you've ever encountered in your life before!
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submitted by AutoModerator to Puravive_review [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 Key_Music_6720 I should be happy she left so why

I guess after 3 months of no contact I finally got a message from her about her “ self reflection” before you guys say don’t replay it’s too late and what’s done is done. Her messages goes along the way saying that I’ve held a special place in her heart for 4 years never though that our happily ever after will come to an end weather it’s the right person wrong time I think the universe has already decided what we are intended to be after the month of November I’ve decided that I was ready to move in to the next steps of our relationship (which was moving out of ldr I live in Oregon she lived in New York) until I realize you weren’t going to be ready to move (all I asked was to wait for one more year so I can spend my last year with my family before I can see them again in a while) it broke her down little by little realizing that to her it’s not going to work trying to come in terms that 4 years of her life she realize she has a bf then saying she can no longer hold onto the past and is going to leave it in the past she tried holding on knowing it was going to tear us apart then saying her farewell
I’ve done everything I can for her I flew miles away to see her I spend so much time and effort just to see her I sat in the rain waiting her play a sport as I cheered on for her went to dances call off work so many times for her mental health cause I wanted to be there for her I guess that’s what happens when you try to do everything you can for a person who doesn’t appreciate the things you’ve done for them I guess that’s why I’m hurting so much
submitted by Key_Music_6720 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 blowcj7 Seeking guidance on PCB Layout & Schematic Review in Altium Designer

Seeking guidance on PCB Layout & Schematic Review in Altium Designer
Hey everyone,
Mechanical Engineer here trying to spread my knowledge base. I've been learning Altium Designer and PCB design for the past month, and I'm encountering some challenges. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on my schematic, connections, and PCB layout. This project means a lot to me, and any help would be invaluable.
Project Overview:
  • PCB Type: 4-layer PCB
  • Key Components:
  • nrf52840 Microcontroller
  • nPM1100 Battery Charging IC & Power Management
  • MAX77816 -Voltage regulator
  • AO4882 MOSFET,
  • TFT LCD display,
  • BMP390 pressure sensor,
  • USB-C charging.
Areas Where I Need Guidance:PCB Layout Optimization:
  • Best practices for component placement and routing, especially for high current paths (up to 4.7A).
  • General Layout help
  • Effective use of power and ground planes for different voltage levels (3.3V, 5V, etc.).
  • Managing thermal dissipation for components like voltage regulators and MOSFETs.
  1. Schematic Review:
    • Overall feedback on the schematic design.
    • Ensuring proper decoupling and power integrity.
    • Suggestions for improving signal integrity and reducing noise.
Specific Issues:
I'm encountering design rule errors on nearly all of my passive components within their footprints. I tried checking the box that says "ignore clearances between the same footprint," but that didn't resolve the issue.
I discovered that the clearance constraint causing the issue is related to the copper to SMD pad clearance, which I had set to 0.09mm. I'm seeing copper in the middle of these footprints and am unsure why it's there or how to fix it.
  • What could be causing this copper to appear in the middle of my SMD footprints?
  • How can I resolve these clearance issues effectively?
I'm a beginner and still learning the ropes, so any assistance would be amazing. I'm even willing to pay someone to help me get this designed. Thank you so much for your time and help!
submitted by blowcj7 to PCB [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:00 Moochi_The_Mad_Cat Discussion about breaking system......and seeking opinion about putting 2 brake calipers 1 disc?

Prologue :
So let's talk about breaks today. I'm a member of an Indian FS team and we failed the break test in our last competition. There are a few factors we considered why that happened:
but the thing was during our testing before event, in our college campus, the breaks were locking consistently but those test were on wet tyres and it slipped our mind the dry tyres will obviously behave differently.
Further Investigation :
so after all this i came to a conclusion that we cannot trust our tyres. Doing the calculations after taking highest recommended values for tractive force/contact friction b/w tyres and track (rolling frictional coeffi. of 1.5-6) just to make sure that in any track condition our theory won't fail because of unpredictable tyre behavior.
The domino effect :
with this new assumption we found out that our front wheels will never lock with the current setup of our break system. Now the new problem was to find new calipers that can fulfill our needs. We have been using Vespa KBX break calipers for both front and rear, the specs of these calipers are very similar to the willwoods GP200 calipers at a fraction of the cost. But now we had to look for 4 piston calipers for front (Vespa didn't cause any problem at the rear) and the only options i could find for 10" rims were 4 piston calipers by AP racing and ISR brakes. Both of them had excellent results in calculation but the price tag of both of them were way out of our budget.
and a month back our vehicle had an accident when our driver decided to perform break test, the speed was a little higher than expected, the rear locked successfully but the front didn't and the driver lost control causing the car to spin out and hit a tree.
Yup now it's a critical failure.
A radical idea :
I want to put 2 calipers on each of the front disc and i need as many fresh opinions i can get. If i use 2 Vespa calipers on each front wheel the i get almost same performance i would have gotten from 4 piston ISR or AP calipers, again at a fraction of the cost.
Nothing major will change during the design process i think, and i can't confirm it but i think placing 2 calipers diagonally will lead to even distribution of stresses as compared to using 4 piston but it might have a completely opposite effect cuz in case of 4 piston the disc will have "some" time to cool off before coming in contact with pads and in 2 caliper configuration that'll not be the case. would love to hear your thoughts on this.
some vehicles do use dual caliper configuration but the purpose differs, some manufacturers use 2nd caliper as parking breaks but a few use them for active breaking.
I accept that the brake line might became a mess but that shouldn't cause any issues in the functioning of the brakes.
This seem like the best possible solution given the constraints we have but my team seniors don't support the idea and they can't argue with my logic and that has made me even more confused.
Help me please! I might be missing something and i want your opinion on this. please share your thoughts and lets discuss it.
Front wheels not locking, current 2 piston caliper won't work for the front, 4 piston calipers needed but way over budget, using two of 2 piston calipers give same results as the 4 piston calipers, please share your opinions on why the heck will this not work.
submitted by Moochi_The_Mad_Cat to FSAE [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:59 Fluid-Educator-7766 Break up or is my relationship fixable?

Hi Reddit,
I can’t believe I’m writing this post, but this has been on my mind for the past few months and I really need some external input. I need help to figure out if I’m in a toxic relationship, if there’s something I can do to fix it, if I’m over sensitive, or is it time for me to end this?
Context: I (M26) and my girlfriend (F25) have been together for 2.5 years, and known each other for 8 years. We both live in the U.S. but I’m from Europe and she’s from Central America, met in college. Issues started 2 years ago but when things are good she’s amazing (funny/beautiful/caring/makes me feel unconditionally loved/etc) and I always thought the issues were friction we could iron out together. With time I have grown increasingly skeptical of that. This is my first relationship (longer than 3 months) so at the same time I’m worried that maybe I am overly skeptical, that I only see my perspective and fail to see hers. I want to be fair to her, because I love her and care deeply for her as a person, I am just starting to resent the relationship.
History of issues: To me the issues are all centered in my girlfriends anxiety. Frequently, rather than being vulnerable, she projects her anxiety on me and accusing me of all kinds of things. I have both tried to shake off those moments, to recognize that this isn’t her but her anxiety talking, but it still affects me deeply. Not only when it occurs, but when I am doing something and she seems fine I still worry that maybe I will do something wrong and she will snap and this moment will turn to a life or death situation. I have also obviously communicated my concern over this behavior repeatedly, and every time after she takes things too far she apologizes and takes ownership and we come up with a strategy to avoid the issue from repeating. This all sounds very healthy, I think, but the problem is that we’ve had these issues and conversations 25+ times and here we still are. Some things have gotten better for sure but it still feels unbearable to me. Let me provide three examples to illustrate our issues (from my perspective).
Example 1 - 1.5 years ago: My best friend and I were victims of attempted robbery from people affiliated with organized crime, the event went to court, and after the trial we wanted to get away from everything. My girlfriend and I had planned to go to a Caribbean island shortly after, so I invited my friend to come a week before my girlfriend and leave the day she arrived. We were both pretty shaken up and just wanted to talk things out and enjoy a tropical paradise. The first night my friend and I arrive (girlfriend still in the US) she starts texting fervently that my friend and I shouldn’t see any of the sights so she and I can see them together for the first time. I get where she’s coming from but this is also a challenging time for me and my best friend so I am not willing to completely sacrifice his week with me to appease my girlfriend. Things escalate and she demands my attention all the time. When my friend and I is out she is calling me 50+ times in a row, texting me that if I love her I would respond and that I am ruing hers and mine vacation and though I’m trying to deescalate I don’t see how to. I end up turning off my phone, although she begs me not to, but I’m still in my head unable to enjoy the night. When I turn my phone back on next day there’s a picture of herself with a cut (very shallow but still) saying I made her do this. This event is the low point of our relationship, and I told her if she ever hurts herself or threatens to hurt herself I’m out, and to be fair to her she has not once since hurt herself. Nonetheless, the calls continue after this (50+ a day) and I spent 3-4h a day on the phone with her and neglecting the trip with my best friend. Damn writing this out really makes me ashamed for not standing my ground back then. Anyways, this really colored the trip with my childhood friend and I think I still resent myself and her for making that happen.
Example 2 - 0.5 years ago: I visited a close childhood friend in South America for 2.5 weeks. Because of the events that transpired in example 1, my girlfriend was nervous for my trip. She expressed worry that she would act out in the same way as my last trip. I really appreciated this self-awareness. We therefore talked extensively about how to avoid issues. The first few days were alright, with her being anxious but being vulnerable about it and we managed well, calling once a day and texting 15-20 messages a day (more than I’d want, but that’s a compromise I’m okay with). At this point I make a mistake, but her reactions to it is (in my head at least) not proportional. I told her I was going out with my friend and his friend that weekend, and she expressed that this would make her anxious that I would cheat on her. So I asked what can I do, and we decided I’d send her a text once I left the pre-game, once I left the club, and call her once I got back to my friends place. A little bit much I thought, but I love her so a fair compromise for now. Unfortunately, I got caught up in the moment at the pre-game, and forgot to text my girlfriend. I realized as I was walking home from the club with 25+ missed calls and a bunch of emotional messages about how I forgot because I was around beautiful women and how I don’t love her. Here I understand her pain. She was vulnerable, I agreed to a compromise and I didn’t fulfill my end. 25+ calls is never productive but hey I had some blame here. The following day I call her for 1.5 hours apologizing and we talk things out, and it feels like though she is feeling anxious that she accepts my apology and we have now managed to resolve my mistake. The same night my friend and his friends are going to someone else’s house for a BBQ (which I told my girlfriend about days before). An hour before we are about to leave my girlfriend starts telling me to talk to her on the phone, because I hurt her so bad and when I say I can’t because we are 10 people having a beer before we head out she says she doesn’t care and that I hurt her and now she “wants to make my life miserable”. I tell her “hey I understand you’re upset but I never want to hear those words from the person I love. I know I hurt you but never intentionally”. She says she doesn’t care and keeps calling me non-stop for 40 minutes and I’m worried that if I don’t pick up she will start to call my friend. I try to deescalate and beg her to take a step back and that she is pushing me away by doing this. The whole thing culminates by me getting out of the Uber towards the barbecue and telling my friends that I think my girlfriend and I are breaking up and I need to deal with it. I am crying as I say this and feel so damn embarrassed. Even writing it now I can’t believe this actually happened. Damn. Anyways, as soon as I tell her that I am no longer going to the bbq and I left my friends car she becomes a different person (the person I love) and tells me she is so sorry and realize she took it too far and begs me to order an Uber to the BBQ. She says she’ll pay for it and begs me to go. At that point I’m just so embarrassed at the whole thing and tell her something along the lines of “why the fuck did you push me this far then. I told you you are pushing me away”. I head home, and wonder how someone who loves me so much can intentionally cause me so much harm and I seriously begin to doubt if her and I will ever work. I tell her I don’t think I want to be in the relationship, but that I recognize I’m emotional so I need 7 days without contact to process my thoughts. I won’t block her, but if she reaches out I will. She does reach out (albeit with a nice message) but I still block her.
I probably should have left the relationship here, but damn I love her, we live together, and at this point she was depending on me for her visa to stay in the country. I don’t want to rip all that apart from her. So I say I don’t know if we’ll ever feel okay, but I’m willing to give this one last chance.
To her defense, she take a lot of new steps at this point. She tells her mom and sister everything that happened (including her trust issues and jealousy), she starts with anxiety medication and starts being more vulnerable with her therapist. I am still skeptical that things will actually be okay, but I recognize the effort she puts in and I really appreciate it. The frequency of our arguments decrease, and more disputes now end before they become arguments.
Example 3 - Yesterday: My GF flew to Vegas with three of her girlfriends (I know two of them very well) and I know it’s a high risk trip for someone in a relationship but I honestly have complete trust in my GF. I decided to do a dinner with 3 of my friends (who my GF knows equally well, we’re all in a group chat together and do things regularly together) and they invited a 4th person who was part of our sports team (my girlfriend met her 2-3 times, just like me).
She texts me from Vegas asking who’s coming to the dinner and once she finds out this 4th person is coming she asks nicely if we cannot be in someone else’s apartment. When I say hey I’m sorry but I already said we could be at my place she asks at least don’t smoke weed together (my friends are stoners so 100% chance they’ll bring weed), and I say “I’m sorry but I won’t tell them not to and I’ll join In too if they bring it but you have nothing to worry about. I love you and I’ll call you as soon as they leave?” My girlfriend then goes into panic mode and calls me nonstop throughout dinner. I go to the bathroom and begs her to stop, tells her she is ruining this for me, and ask her to trust me. She still calls nonstop until they leave. I try to keep a brave face but again it really ruins the dinner for me.
At this point I have told her how actions like these makes me feel uneasy and prevents me from enjoying life. I told her I need her to trust me. I told her that I won’t have it anymore. And if anything the idea that she doesn’t trust me around 3 people she knows well with a 4th stranger while she’s at a pool party in bikini in Vegas just seems so hypocritical it makes me ever more frustrated.
In her defense: - Her dad cheated multiple times while she was growing up. I understand this makes it excruciatingly difficult to trust a partner. - She started seeing a therapist ~8 months ago. - She now takes medication for her anxiety. - She now has told her mom and sister about her trust issues for the first time in her life. - She began attending codependency meetings regularly. - She says she doesn’t want me to limit my life just for me to communicate better what I’m doing (I think it’s really possible that I’m bad at communicating, because to me this request feels like it comes from a lack of trust).
She is putting in immense effort, but I just feel like I can’t do this anymore. Even when things are good I’m worried that she’s going to explode and that prevents me from enjoying the good times too. I love her and she’s amazing in many ways, but I don’t like feeling responsible for her suffering. I know that by trying to end things she’s going to suffer so much and she’ll beg me to give her another chance. I don’t want to but in those moments I feel like she’s the rational version of herself and that maybe she’ll never explode again. Can I solve my relationship with her? Is it time to leave? Is it fair to leave when she is putting in so much effort? How do I find the courage to go through with it?
Thanks so much in advance, and I’m sorry for such a lengthy post.
TL;DR: I’m I overly sensitive, can this relationship be fixed, or is it time to breakup? Is it fair to breakup if the other person is putting so much effort in?
submitted by Fluid-Educator-7766 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:59 Frequent-Roll4837 Advice needed - bad business partner

I need some serious advice.
About 3 years ago, I made friends with an older guy who seemed like a really successful multi-business owner. I was 25 years old and eager to quit my well-paying tech job and start my own business.
I bounced my ideas off of him for a couple of months until one day he proposed starting a business together. He claimed that he had a lot of construction experience from renovating his own homes and he thought I'd be a good fit as a partner to complement his construction skillset with my project management capabilities. I made it clear to him I knew nothing about construction.
Long story short, we started getting a lot of full-home remodel work on high-end homes and the business seemed to be taking off quickly ($500K to $2M contracts).
For many reasons, it became a nightmare working with this guy. Over time, I found out that his construction experience was definitely not what he claimed it to be.
The reason I'm posting here is that I found out that he'd do unpermitted electrical work with guys who weren't licensed.
Examples of work he did include: adding a recessed can here or there; swapping all of the chandeliers/light fixtures out for new ones; adding/deleting/moving a handful of outlets, replacing light switches; removed fireplaces and I don't know if the gas lines were capped correctly.
I don't have much knowledge of electrical, but I know enough to know that a small mistake with these tasks can have devastating consequences.
Fast forward to today, I am in complete disarray up over what could potentially happen in the years to come. Out of panic I've tried figuring out everything that could go wrong, and it's freaking me out big time. What if something causes a fire and burns the house down, someone gets shocked, or worse?
I don't actually know if any of the work was done wrong, it could all be fine. There are around 3-4 properties I'm worried about, and they've all been occupied with no issues to my knowledge for the last 1-2 years.
I no longer work with this guy and now I have been out of the job market for so long running a business I learned very little in. I can't bring myself to even start figuring out what's next because of all the potential liability hanging over my head now.
What do I do here? Do I approach these homeowners and explain the situation and offer to have everything inspected and fixed if needed for them out of my own pocket? I need serious advice because this is all really really bothering me.
submitted by Frequent-Roll4837 to Homebuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:59 AdInteresting2401 Don't let that bougie doctor get you down mama bear!💪 "Candida / SIFO"

"As a gastroenterologist, I frequently meet with patients who are adamant that a Candida infection is the cause of their ailments. Patients experiencing a range of symptoms, including digestive problems, sometimes believe they have an overgrowth of Candida in their gastrointestinal (GI) tract and want to know what to do about it. Their insistence is perhaps not surprising, given how many many websites and social media ‘gurus’ share lists of symptoms supposedly tied to Candida infections. Even cookbooks exist with recipes specifically tailored to “cure” someone of Candida infection through dietary changes. Some articles aim to counter the hype – for example, an article titled “Is gut Candida overgrowth actually real, and do Candida diets work?” Yet patients are too often confused about the evidence on Candida and other fungi in the GI tract. In a 2021 ISAPP presentation on the gut mycobiome, I provided a clinical perspective on fungal infections and the related evidence base.
Fungal infections do occur
Much of the misinformation I encounter on Candida infections focuses on selling a story that encourages people to blame Candida overgrowth as the cause of their symptoms and undertake expensive or complicated dietary and supplement regimens to “cure” the infection. This is not to say that fungal infections do not take place in the body. Fungal infections, from Candida or other fungi, frequently occur on the nails or skin. Patients taking oral or inhaled steroids may develop Candida infections in the oropharynx and esophagus. Immunocompromised patients also face a greater risk of Candidiasis and Candidemia—these include HIV patients; patients undergoing chemotherapy; transplant patients; and patients suffering from malnutrition.
Fungal infections are rare in the GI tract
Regardless, instances of documented Candida infection in the GI tract remain few in number. One study published in the 90s reported 10 patients hospitalized with severe diarrhea1. These patients suffered from chronic illness, underwent intense antimicrobial treatment or chemotherapy, and faced severe outcomes such as dehydration—and clinicians consistently identified the growth of Candida albicans in the patient fecal samples. Other studies on the matter lack the clinical evidence to conclude that fungal infections drive GI disease. A study examining small intestinal fungal overgrowth identified instances of fungal overgrowth among 150 patients with unexplained symptoms2. However, the lack of documentation of response to an antifungal treatment protocol makes it difficult to attribute the observed symptoms to the presence of fungal organisms."
"According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, the concept of Candida overgrowth syndrome should be regarded as “speculative and unproven” unless supported by competent research.
And from the current evidence, there is no proof that – if it is a real condition – it is directly responsible for other health issues or disease.
It makes sense then that no specific candida diet or antifungal medicine can help treat it. In fact, no treatment has been shown to consistently eliminate symptoms, which makes me even more skeptical.
If you’ve experienced long-term symptoms associated with Candida overgrowth, talk to your doctor first. There are many potential causes of such symptoms, and more serious issues must be ruled out."
submitted by AdInteresting2401 to MCAS_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:57 Frequent-Roll4837 Advice needed - bad business partner

I need some serious advice.
About 3 years ago, I made friends with an older guy who seemed like a really successful multi-business owner. I was 25 years old and eager to quit my well-paying tech job and start my own business.
I bounced my ideas off of him for a couple of months until one day he proposed starting a business together. He claimed that he had a lot of construction experience from renovating his own homes and he thought I'd be a good fit as a partner to complement his construction skillset with my project management capabilities. I made it clear to him I knew nothing about construction.
Long story short, we started getting a lot of full-home remodel work on high-end homes and the business seemed to be taking off quickly ($500K to $2M contracts).
For many reasons, it became a nightmare working with this guy. Over time, I found out that his construction experience was definitely not what he claimed it to be.
The reason I'm posting here is that I found out that he'd do unpermitted electrical work with guys who weren't licensed.
Examples of work he did include: adding a recessed can here or there; swapping all of the chandeliers/light fixtures out for new ones; adding/deleting/moving a handful of outlets, replacing light switches; removed fireplaces and I don't know if the gas lines were capped correctly.
I don't have much knowledge of electrical, but I know enough to know that a small mistake with these tasks can have devastating consequences.
Fast forward to today, I am in complete disarray up over what could potentially happen in the years to come. Out of panic I've tried figuring out everything that could go wrong, and it's freaking me out big time. What if something causes a fire and burns the house down, someone gets shocked, or worse?
I don't actually know if any of the work was done wrong, it could all be fine. There are around 3-4 properties I'm worried about, and they've all been occupied with no issues to my knowledge for the last 1-2 years.
I no longer work with this guy and now I have been out of the job market for so long running a business I learned very little in. I can't bring myself to even start figuring out what's next because of all the potential liability hanging over my head now.
What do I do here? Do I approach these homeowners and explain the situation and offer to have everything inspected and fixed if needed for them out of my own pocket? I need serious advice because this is all really really bothering me.
submitted by Frequent-Roll4837 to GeneralContractor [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 06:57 roraliii Ghosting my NF

I have been in the process of looking for a new NF for a few weeks now, as my last MB quit her job and no longer needed child care. I signed up for an agency and they have been wonderful when it comes to finding opportunities for me. I am truly so grateful for their help, but the last family I met is starting to scare me.
I met DB on Thursday via phone call. The call lasted 6 minutes and he asked maybe 3 questions before deciding he wanted to meet in person the very next day. I’m an anxious girl and I’ve never had someone want to meet so soon, but I agreed although I wasn’t completely comfortable with the idea.
To make a very long story short, the family and I were not a good match at all. That night, I sent DB a long text essentially saying “Thank you for the opportunity, but I don’t think this will be a great fit.”
The NF called me as soon as they read it, and left a voicemail urgently asking me to call them back. Then, the next morning, MB called my agency, which caused my agent to tell me to call the family back. I felt like a child being told on. I responded to my agent saying I had already told them I cannot take the position and would not be calling the family back. My agent still hasn’t responded yet, which is causing me to worry that my agency is upset with my decision to turn down a job.
I feel SO guilty and mean. I feel like I upset so many people. I know this decision impacts the family and the kids, but I have no idea what I can even say to them anymore. If I call them, I worry they will try to bully me into taking the job. The rate they were trying to pay me is way under what I was asking (especially for two kids), and there were other things during the visit that stressed me out so bad I cried the entire way home, and I was only there for 5 hours. I obviously can’t work the job, but I feel like there is no way for me to say that without it sounding like a personal attack towards their family. I feel like I have already said everything they need to know, and my mom insists I should not call back, saying they are acting strange.
What should I do? Is feeling this level of guilt normal when turning down a job?
submitted by roraliii to Nanny [link] [comments]