Homemade grills water tank

Titanium pot for rehydrating

2024.05.19 01:17 Lumpy_Bumblebee1496 Titanium pot for rehydrating

Hi everyone, I'm still researching my first cooking kit and was wondering if titanium is good for rehydrating homemade dehydrated meals or things like 1min rice?
I know there's a big risk of the food sticking. How do people go about cooking up dehydrated meals that aren't store-bought, or trying to cook very simple things (with water)? In the pot with the flame on, or boiling the water first and letting things soak? Hope that makes sense!
Love the look of the msr and jetboil systems where people are cooking more involved things inside the pots, but wondering if there's a lighter way to do this.
submitted by Lumpy_Bumblebee1496 to UltralightAus [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:16 Savings_Succotash432 The neighbor below me is complaining about water leaking from their ceiling but it’s my toilet tank sweating

So the neighbor below me has complained about water leaking from ceiling in their bathroom and I completely understand what they’re because my toilet sweats from the tank ..ill take a dump in morning and come home to find dried up puddle of water under toilet …maintenance even replaced my toilet because of it but it still sweats and leave puddles …any suggestions on how I can stop my toilet tank from sweating so as not disturb my below neighbor
submitted by Savings_Succotash432 to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:13 This_Price_1783 One week in - I'm loving it!

One week in - I'm loving it!
First time having an aquarium and I can't take my eyes off it! Got this 10g-ish tank for £20 from FB marketplace on a whim. It came with the blue gravel, I mixed some black gravel in but I don't really like it all that much. Wish I'd got something a bit more natural looking but it's a bit late for that now, might add a bit more black gravel or just live with it, I dunno. Under the gravel is sand and under that mesh bags of a mixture of aqua soil and organic potting mix. No heater ATM so doing coldwatetemperate fish set up, but I will get a heater for winter to make sure it doesn't get too cold in there.
Doing a fish in cycle with 2 zebra danios (Mario and Luigi named by my kid), I kind of rushed into getting the fish, should have researched more but it is what it is now. I will add more danios soon, but maybe a different variety (they had golden danios) and maybe a couple other fish. Later I want some shrimp and snails. Think I have all the plants I need for now.
I had a small reading of nitrates yesterday but today they're gone. Is that because plants are using it up? Still got some ammonia and nitrites (around 0.25-0.50 so I did a 33% water change and will test again tomorrow).
Anyway I'm off to look at the tank again.
submitted by This_Price_1783 to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 01:02 CommunicationNo6562 Old John Deere 500gal tank pump leaking hydraulic fluid from breather hole.

Old John Deere 500gal tank pump leaking hydraulic fluid from breather hole.
I was watering about 100 or so trees using the tank, not too taxing. Was at about 1500 RPMs and wasn’t reefing down on the hydraulic lever to engage the pumps. It was running fine for a while until all of a sudden it was pouring oil out of the breather hole on the bottom of the pump.
Got out and checked everything out. Pump was not hot, other than typical hydraulic heat given off from running for a while. No damage to the pump case at least exterior. Don’t want to pull it apart if I don’t have to. The pump still works when engaged however pours fluid out of the bottom, leaks regardless of rpm. No noice out of the ordinary coming from the pump at least from what I can hear.
Thoughts on what it could be? I did a lil research and sounds like it could be as serious pump completely gone, or as simple as a clogged screen in the pump or air getting into the line. Just figured someone might have a better idea before I go pulling it apart.
submitted by CommunicationNo6562 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:51 BjornReborn Am I on the right thinking path for the next few months?

I had some bumps at work for 2023, but it was generally good. Made some missteps, took accountability. Moved forward. Most coworkers were cool with it, but one sr. team member has made a professional grudge against me. Later, I find out I would then be reporting to this person for all of this year upon our manager leave. We were moved to a new manager hierarchy. The relationship tanked immediately which is how I know it wasn't just me in my head. I was also told they asked that I not speak to the director at all; our manager.
The senior team member tried to push me out twice before. They began the process not even two weeks after our manager left. The annoying part is the senior member makes 10x more mistakes than me, but they have no one reviewing their work so they don't get punished. But I do. Because they can and they get off on it.
Going to the review...
I thought my performance review was good in the beginning... but I got a 12/21, just barely enough for a small 2% raise. I know it has nothing to do with my actual performance. Our old manager had business sense that the coworker was going to be present and gave me a low review to protect the sr. team member's ego and their relationship. The other intent was to also make the sr. team member not feel threatened by me to try to give space for my relationship with the sr. team member to grow...(unfortunately it was non-existent long before). Old manager made sure to list my accomplishments at least; so some of it is documented.
I was told all 2023 that I was doing well. This was also shared verbatim "We are blowing our roles out of the water." in front of our entire team (this makes me confused as to why I got a 12/21). I stayed late. I signed in extra early to support events. I took on and completed additional projects. I supported a function completely outside my role; and well. None of this was reflected in my score. It was just in notes in the unscored section. I chose to not fight it because I'm mentally over the team. I received only positive news for 2023 and then the issues came in like a flurry after our manager left and it's been hard on me mentally. How can I be blowing my role out of the water and get a 12/21??? I feel like a 17/21 would've been more accurate.
This brings brings me to my title. My performance review felt like a verbal warning. I did have to sign my performance review document. I have a copy. I looked over it a few times. I didn't sign anything that was punitive but the message verbally stressed was that they want me to perform better.... (the irony).
I do want to say I was thrown off by two requests to check in after our review. I'm sure the first will be in August. It's 90 days. Standard. The next would be 90 after (but could be 60). Though they gave no hard dates yet. I am confused that as the director was delivering the news, they asked me to consider moving over to another team as they don't want to lose me if I'm open to that. I know this was my sr. coworker's request. It has their name written all over it so to speak. I can't tell if the director was telling me silently to jump ship now and they're giving me room to leave peacefully or if they're feedback was genuine. I don't have a relationship with them because there's never been time.
Here's why I'm making this post:
I'm stressed I'm going to be terminated sooner than what I'm prepared for because I have my lease for just four more months and I have no savings. I'm still snowballing my debt and I'm almost out (next paycheck). I paid a month ahead by accident once (probably a smart thing now) so I have three months left on my lease. I have another windfall coming in July that will bring the renting months down to just two. I am planning on moving back in wit family for a little bit to recuperate savings before a big EOY move to a different state. I'm fed up with where I am living now.
I know when the verbal warning starts, the written one usually comes 90 days after, and then a final warning (depending on leniency), and then term. Should I let them term me? Would it affect my career to be fired from my first full-time job of almost two calendar years?
Most places nowadays only verify title and dates of employment. They don't even touch if you would rehire them or answer if the employee was fired.
Question 1: With a lower than expected score that is not reflective of my actual contributions, should I plan to receive a PIP in August?
Question 2: Should I force them to fire me or move me instead of leaving?
Question 3: Do I turn on my job search now and just find a short temp assignment to gain more experience and get out before my EOY move?
Question 4: Can I last at least for another five months? I feel like it doesn't matter how much I try to improve. It will never be enough for the Sr. Member that has made it their mission to push me out.
submitted by BjornReborn to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:51 ExplainsTurboSloth This is why you need to do your research outside of this subreddit.

This is why you need to do your research outside of this subreddit. submitted by ExplainsTurboSloth to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:50 OV00 Porposing/jack plate adjustment

Porposing/kite-ing/weird unstable issue help please.
Specs: I have a steel rivet 18/60 flat bottom with a Johnson 45 V4 2 stroke running a 13-1/4 x 17p prop and a wale tale. I just put a 4" jackplate on it to play with the adjustment. It has no weight in it besides the 2 6gal fuel tanks in the bilge. I hooked a timing light to it and at full throttle I'm getting 5300rpm and 41mph on gps with +1" up from bottomed out on the jack plate. The cavitation plate is roughly 1.5" above the water at full throttle. When the jack plate is bottomed out the the cavitation plate is level with the bottom of the boat, but it's more unstable at that height. The steering improves though.
What it's doing: when you go past roughly 35mph and 4500rpm the front of the boat lifts and slams down repeatedly without stop with the trim all the way down. It's insanely rough and unstable, the steering gets looser. Going up makes it worse. It cruises perfect between 23-27mph and around 33-3500rpm. The bow also digs coming off of full throttle.
Do I need more weight in the front or more adjustment in the rear? I know it's an overpowered flat bottom, but it's hit 45 before. Just insanely unstable. Thanks for reading.
submitted by OV00 to jonboats [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:48 Prestigious_Bird1587 Craving smothered steak and gravy!

My iron might be off again, but I'm craving smothered steak and gravy. I would pair it with mashed potatoes and either smothered cabbage, creamed spinach or homemade creamed corn.
I don't really cook steak that isn't grilled on a charcoal grill. What's the best way to get tender steak and achieve my desired meal? I love my Instant Pot and crockpot, but wonder if they will overcook the steak. I'm open to suggestions.
submitted by Prestigious_Bird1587 to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:41 Grumpybear159 Amazon sword roots

Amazon sword roots
A couple months ago I started my new tank (Tank was cycled before I added the plants.) I added several plants, all the plants are doing well, but the amazon sword started to grow runners and roots above the Substrate, is this normal for an amazon sword ? The sword gets four root tabs each month. Follow up: could this be caused by over feeding as it were.
Parameters Substrate and equipment: Tank 20GL High. Water is at 72°F PH 7.6 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 20-40ish I can never really with the API master test. Substrate is eco-complete capped with a mix of fluval bio Stratum and plant stratum. Substrate is about two to three inches deep.
Plants are given aquarium co-op root tabs and liquid fertilizer from Aquarium Co-op dosed twice a week. Light is a hygger HG999 which is on for eight hours at 50% with 30 min at 100% on Sat & Sun.
HOB is the Fluval C3
Tank only has 4 guppies and about seven CRS and two to three Ghost shrimp.
I'd appreciate any information on this would be really helpful. This is my first serious planted tank. My 10GL has floating guppy grass.
submitted by Grumpybear159 to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:34 RegisterEmergency541 While you wait for your NID results,have a look at resmarina: A fish tank integrated into a pogo stick with the purpose of transporting your favourite fishes while you commute with your pogo stick altogether!

While you wait for your NID results,have a look at resmarina: A fish tank integrated into a pogo stick with the purpose of transporting your favourite fishes while you commute with your pogo stick altogether! submitted by RegisterEmergency541 to uceedtakers [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:30 Master_Degree5730 Adding salinity

Hello! I have some baby and teenager sea monkies in my tank. My tank has been up for about a month but I didn’t start seeing babies until about 3 weeks. I got a small aerator to keep them going and was looking into products to eventually add salinity as I continue to top off evaporated water. What brands/products do you use? And at what point in their lifespan did you start adding more products (I.e. when do the starter packets “wear off”? ) thanks in advance!
submitted by Master_Degree5730 to SeaMonkeys [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:30 kilobits06 3 year update

3 year update
3 years in and the tanks pretty much full and I’m pretty happy with how low maintenance it is. I don’t dose anymore, I maybe test once a month, and do maybe 20g water change throughout the month. I let the inverts sift the sand and picked coral and fish that won’t give me much grief. If things grow too much I kill it back like you would for aptasia, Mostly just the zoa and gsp. Happy reefing
submitted by kilobits06 to ReefTank [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:24 harpschord Q Revo Docking station constant half red light

Hey all, I've been banging my head against this for a few days now. My docking station has a half red light on at all times. I know it's half red because when I remove the water tank it turns full red. I've checked the two water tanks, washed the bottom tray, and checked the vacuum bag. All seems ok. The app doesn't show any errors.
Has anyone experienced this?
submitted by harpschord to Roborock [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:21 MerrySeaMonster My self sustaining (almost) tank

My self sustaining (almost) tank
This 10 gallon tank I’ve had running for about 2 years now maintains a 0-10 ppm nitrate level with no water changes. All I do is top off the water and feed the fish. Is this a normal stage for a planted tank to reach?
submitted by MerrySeaMonster to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:18 cleanuponaisle4 Two black tank drain valve but only one gray.

I am on my first rv trip now. We have a 2024 Grand Design Transcend Xplor 321BH. It has 1 and a half baths. So towards the front outside, there are two drain valves marked gray and black. I know what to do with those (black first, then gray seems to be the recommended practice).
However, for the rear half bath, there is only a black drain with no visible corresponding gray drain. What is the best way to get the poopy water out of this hose if there is no gray drain back there?
I currently have two sewer hoses coming from the two drains, going into a wye, and a third hose at the end of the wye going into the sewer.
I am totally new to rving. Should I just drain the rear black and then fill the rear black with soapy water via the toilet, to sort of turn it into a mock gray tank to rinse that poopy hose out?
I don’t see anything in the manual, other than to drain black first, then gray. Or could I be missing a hidden gray valve somewhere?
submitted by cleanuponaisle4 to rvlife [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:01 Strongcow248 Is my betta breathing heavily?

My betta started laying down a lot more in the past few days and I noticed his breathing has been a bit weird. He will lay down for a while then shoot up to the top really fast, take a gulp of air, and then go lay back down. He was constipated a few days ago due to an overfeeding (oops) but he has since recovered and no longer has an protruding belly.
TLDR: Is my betta breathing heavily or am I overreacting?
Context:- 20 gallon, heated, temp is 80 F, I've had the tank for a year and I've had the betta for two years, 30% water changes occur every 2 weeks (sometimes 3 if the levels look ok), no tankmates, We feed Hikari betta pellets and occasional blood worms as a treat. There are two pothos plants, one small anubius petite, two small java ferns, and frog bit. There is are multiple hides including a floating betta log.
submitted by Strongcow248 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:47 911ChickenMan What are these water heater tank-esque things along the Boulder City, NV bike trails? Thought they might be standalone water fountains but I'm not so sure. Saw around 12 of them during a train ride.

What are these water heater tank-esque things along the Boulder City, NV bike trails? Thought they might be standalone water fountains but I'm not so sure. Saw around 12 of them during a train ride. submitted by 911ChickenMan to whatisthisthing [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:39 haydenallen8 Any Tips?

Any Tips?

Hi everyone! I got 3 mice today on a whim during a reptile expo that I originally went to for another leopard gecko. I’m a first time mouse owner and would like any tips or suggestions! I had a 15 gallon at home, got bedding (paper), and foliage (sunflower seeds, grass, dried fruit, flowers, sticks, etc.) today. Im using two toilet paper rolls for tunnels/hides and I ordered some saucer wheels as well. I just wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions as far as needing more cluttetank accessories/etc.

Without further a-do meet Domino(F), Ash(M), and Cheeto(M)! (Domino will be separated once my other watefood dish and wheel come in for her)
submitted by haydenallen8 to PetMice [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:35 lebronjames23-23 CO2

Can I leave the CO2 running at a very low rate constantly?
I would like to avoid having to turn it on and off everyday with the cycle, and at the moment I do not want to invest in a more expensive system.
I’m using the inexpensive fluval 95 replaceable canister system.
I have the rate about 1 drop for every 10 seconds.
The tank is 6.8 gallons and heavily planted. No filter. Just an air stone for water movement.
submitted by lebronjames23-23 to Aquascape [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:35 leeann7 What machine is this?

I bought this at an estate sale today for $25! I cannot find the model online. Does anyone know what machine this is? The reservoir for water is underneath. It looks to be missing like a steamer on the left-hand side, but I don't think it's important....I filled the tank up with water and put a pod in and it does not work, so I need to troubleshoot! Thanks
submitted by leeann7 to nespresso [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:35 Naive-Bear-8267 New baby

New baby
This is Daisy, my newest water baby. She has co-opted the shrimp tank I’ve been readying. Hope she’ll want roommates eventually lol.
Don’t worry—more plants to come and I sanded down the edges of her toys.
submitted by Naive-Bear-8267 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:33 Vee__El I have to soak him but he’s not used to being handled

I have a 3-4 month old BP who unfortunately had a prolapse about a week ago. The vet recommended that i soak him three times a week a week after i took him to make sure he stays hydrated. The issue is he isn’t used to being handled yet, as i wanted to let him acclimate to being in the enclosure first. Any tips on how I can take him out of his tank and into the water without stressing him out to much?
submitted by Vee__El to ballpython [link] [comments]
